The Future World of Work

How Long Should A Cover Letter Be? Can It Be Two Pages?

Christina J Colclough

By Christina Colclough

Last updated: April 25, 2024

Attaching a cover letter to your resume is the quickest way to draw the hiring manager’s attention. However, there has been a dispute over how long it should be. Some suggest keeping it short and simple, with only 3-4 sentences. Others pack their letters with as much detail as possible, which can stretch for pages.

How Long Should A Cover Letter Be

Where should yours fit into that spectrum? Let me share some of my tips regarding the ideal cover letter length, drawn from my own experiences as both a job seeker and a hiring manager.

In this article:

How long does a cover letter have to be .

Your cover letter should be concise and to the point, aiming for a length between half a page and a full page (translated roughly to 250-400 words ).

Less than half a page (250 words) might not provide enough information for the prospective employer to understand your qualifications and compatibility for the role. Worse, you might come across as uninspired or lacking genuine interest in the position .

A rambling letter (more than 400 words) is not a good idea, either. 

Example of a Cover Letter

We all know hiring managers and recruiters are busy people; your long letter might be skimmed or not read entirely, and the most important information will get buried in unnecessary details. The team not only misses out on all your key qualifications but also has a bad impression with the clear lack of focus in your writing style. 

Good news: there are still some exceptions. In some technical fields, your experience or qualifications might be complex and require more explanation. 

Hence, a slightly longer letter (up to 1.5 pages) could be justified if it provides crucial details relevant to the position. Ensure the extra content adds significant value, and be careful not to go longer than 2 pages; that would be excessive. 

How To Keep Your Effective Cover Letter In One Page

1. be concise with your cover letter introduction.

You should aim for 2 to 4 sentences with your opening. Start with a short yet powerful statement demonstrating your interest in the position; you can mention how you came across the opportunity or what excites you about the company.

Next, briefly mention a specific aspect of the job posting or the company that resonates with your relevant skills and experience level. If relevant, consider including a quantifiable achievement from your previous role that can back up this value proposition.

And that’s it. Now, conclude your opening and transition smoothly into the body of your letter. Do not let the introduction overstay its welcome. 

2. Cut Out What Your Resume Has Already Covered

A perfect cover letter and an amazing-looking resume are two parts of a powerful package, but they serve different purposes. The resume is a detailed list of your skills and experience level. Your cover letter, however, should focus on how those skills and experience benefit the potential employer .

Hence, do not just restate all your skills from your resume . The cover letter should connect the dots between your relevant experience (mentioned in your resume) and the specific job requirements you’re applying for. If there’s a stellar achievement mentioned in the resume that could be elaborated further with more details, do so in your cover letter. 

3. Cut Out The Fluff

A well-organized, concise cover letter should showcase your communication skills. Fluff only dilutes the impact of your message with unnecessary words or phrases and barely adds any value to your proposition.

Here are three simple yet powerful tips I have used for my own cover letters in earlier days: 

  • Never use unsubstantiated claims like “I’m a highly motivated individual with excellent skills.”
  • Replace phrases like “in order to” or “due to the fact that” with simpler alternatives like “to” or “because.”
  • Stay away from generic descriptive sentences of your skills. Instead, use specific examples to showcase them in action.

Let’s take a look at some cover letter examples:

Fluff: “I am a highly motivated individual with excellent communication and interpersonal skills during everyday tasks.”

Clearer: “My proven communication skills enabled me to…” (Demonstrates skill with an example)

Fluff: “In my previous role, I was responsible for managing social media campaigns and successfully increased brand awareness.”

Clearer: “ I spearheaded social media campaigns that increased brand awareness by 20%.” (Focuses on achievement with a quantifiable result)

3. No More Than One Adjective Or Adverb For Each Sentence

Adjectives and adverbs might add some nuance to your letter writing, but overuse makes your entire cover letter feel bloated and difficult to read. My advice is to rely less on them and gravitate more towards verbs and nouns: 

  • Use action verbs that showcase your skills and achievements in action. These verbs can convey meaning effectively on their own without additional adverbs.
  • Choose specific nouns that paint the whole picture and eliminate the need for descriptive adjectives.
  • Write in an active voice for clear and concise sentences. (e.g., “I increased sales by 15%” is stronger than “Sales were increased by 15%” ).

Some stellar cover letter templates:

Original: “I am a highly motivated and results-oriented individual with a strong work ethic.” (2 adverbs, 2 adjectives)

Revised: “I consistently achieve results through my dedication and strong work ethic.” (1 adverb, 1 adjective)

Original: “I successfully managed a team of ten very talented and creative designers in a fast-paced environment.” (3 adverbs, 2 adjectives)

Revised: “I led a ten-person design team and delivered creative projects on time despite the time pressure.” (1 adverb, 1 adjective)

4. Be Selective; No More Than Two Examples

Hiring managers prefer in-depth details about 1-2 impactful achievements than a long list of generic examples that lack depth.

You should carefully read the job description and identify the key skills and experiences they are looking for. Then, from your list of accomplishments on the resume, choose the ones that best demonstrate the skills highlighted in that description. 

Two golden strategies to keep in mind:

  • Choose examples from more recent positions that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for, as they showcase your current skills and knowledge.
  • Consider examples that demonstrate the scope and complexity of your work. The manager would be impressed with how you handled challenging tasks and contributed to the company’s vision.

Extra Tips For A Well-Written Cover Letter

Write A Cover Letter

Aligning your tone builds a bridge between you and the company culture and makes you seem like a great fit.

From my experience, a company website is your goldmine. The “About Us” section typically outlines the company’s mission, values, and what it stands for. It would help if you also looked for employee testimonials or “Company Culture” pages to get a closer look at the team dynamics . 

Social media is another option, especially popular platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn.

Most importantly, observe the writing style of the posts: 

  • Suppose the company culture leans formal; mirror that in your own writing. Use complete sentences with proper grammar and avoid slang or informal language.
  • For a more casual company culture, you can inject a bit more personality into your letter without losing professionalism. However, overly casual language is still out of the question.

Do You Need A Cover Letter If The Job Description Says It’s Not Required? 

In most cases, submitting a cover letter is still a good idea, even if the job description says it’s not required. 

A compelling cover letter can set you apart from the rest of the candidate pool (especially if many choose not to submit one), allowing you to showcase your communication skills and genuine interest in the job. 

Plus, as I said earlier, the paper cover letter acts like a bridge that connects the dots between your basic qualifications (mentioned in the resume) and the company’s needs.

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Keep your professional cover letter to one page, maybe stretching to one and a half at most (the letter word count: 250 to over 400). Going over two pages might hurt your chances rather than increase them! Write to me if you need more advice on the contents of the cover letter.

Christina J. Colclough

Dr Christina J. Colclough is an expert on The Future World of Work and the politics of digital technology advocating globally for the importance of the workers’ voice. She has extensive regional and global labour movement experience, is a sought-after keynote speaker, coach, and strategist advising progressive governments and worker organisations.

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Can a Cover Letter Be Two Pages?

Learn recruiter-backed tips on the perfect cover letter length. Learn when to keep it brief and when more detail is beneficial for your career growth.

7 months ago   •   3 min read

We’ve all been there. Staring at the screen. Wondering whether our cover letter is too long. Or too short. Or just right. Crafting the perfect cover letter is a balancing act between thoroughness and brevity. We want to impress potential employers without overwhelming them. But how much information is too much? It’s a question that’s especially important in the competitive, fast-paced job market of 2024, where every word counts.

Here’s the short answer: A cover letter should generally be no longer than one page. Aim for a cover letter that fills up at least half a page. This length gives you enough space to articulate your value proposition without overwhelming the reader.

Let’s face it: Employers and managers are swamped. They don’t have time to mine through mountains of applications and meticulously review each one. Your cover letter is your first (and perhaps only) chance to grab their attention. So, a crisp, clear, and compelling cover letter can make all the difference.

Of course, like every rule, there are exceptions.

In this article, we’ll share some guidance that’ll help you choose the right length of your cover letter. By the end, you’ll know when a one-page cover letter is sufficient and when a longer letter is more appropriate.

Key advice from a recruiter to keep in mind when deciding how long your cover letter should be

Why the one-page maximum?

The one-page maximum isn’t just a random guideline; it’s about being direct and focused, ensuring your most important qualifications shine without getting buried within pages of text. The idea is simple: Your cover letter should be a teaser, a compelling snapshot of your professional story.

Think of it as your elevator pitch in written form. For instance, if you’re applying for a marketing position, start strong. Open with a statement about a particularly successful campaign you spearheaded. Highlight your role and the outcomes succinctly. This approach shows your capability without veering into verbosity.

Recruiters and hiring managers often view shorter cover letters favorably. They see conciseness as a sign of effective and efficient communication skills—a critical asset in any professional setting.

Focuses on specifics

A brief cover letter forces you to focus on the most relevant aspects of your experience. If your cover letter is longer than 1 page, you likely aren’t tailoring your message to the job’s specific requirements. If you’re eyeing a graphic design role, mention projects that align closely with the skills the employer is seeking. This alignment shows that you’re qualified and attentive to the job’s nuances.

Not diluting key messages

A succinct cover letter ensures that your key points are noticed immediately. When a cover letter extends beyond one page, it risks burying the most crucial information under a pile of irrelevant details. It’s better to share a concise, impactful story about a key professional achievement rather than listing every project or role you’ve been involved in.

Keeping the reader’s attention

The longer your cover letter, the higher the risk of losing the reader’s interest, particularly if it includes irrelevant details. Stay on point by ensuring your anecdotes and examples directly relate to the job requirements. For example, omit personal hobbies or unrelated work experiences that don’t contribute to your specific role candidacy.

A concise cover letter conveys your qualifications and demonstrates your respect for the reader’s time and ability to prioritize and organize information effectively. A well-structured, brief cover letter often leaves a stronger, more positive impression than a lengthy, rambling one.

When it’s ok to use a longer cover letter

In certain circumstances, a two-page cover letter might not only be acceptable but also advantageous.

Senior-level positions

A longer cover letter may be appropriate for roles requiring extensive experience, such as C-level positions. This extra space allows you to detail significant strategic initiatives and leadership experiences. For instance, a candidate with over 15 years of experience might use the additional page to elaborate on the major projects and innovations they led.

Career changes

Transitioning between industries or roles can be complex. You can use extra space in your cover letter to effectively articulate transferable skills and experiences. For example, a professional switching from teaching to corporate training might need extra space to explain how their educational expertise is applicable and valuable in a corporate context.

Complex projects or achievements

Detailed descriptions of specific, relevant projects or significant achievements can justify a longer cover letter. A research scientist, for instance, might expand on their role in a major publication or a groundbreaking project, which requires more than a single page.

Creative fields

In creative fields, a two-page cover letter can offer you the space to showcase your storytelling skills or writing ability. A candidate for a content writing position might use this space to craft a compelling narrative about their writing journey and experiences.

  • Career Advice

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Can a Cover Letter Be Longer Than a Page? [3 Examples]

Imagine you're applying for your dream job, and the application requests a cover letter. You have a wealth of experience and skills to share, but you've heard that cover letters should only be one page. Should you stick to this rule, or can a cover letter be longer than one page? Understanding when and how to write a longer cover letter can help job seekers make a stronger impression on potential employers.

In this article, we will explore the debate surrounding cover letter length, the importance of considering industry norms and specific job requirements, and the consequences of an overly long or poorly written cover letter. We will also delve into tips, tricks, and best practices for writing a compelling longer cover letter that will help you stand out in a competitive job market. Let's begin!

Why One Page is the Standard

One-page cover letters are preferred because they are concise, focused, and respect the hiring manager's time. Research indicates that hiring managers have limited time and attention spans, making it crucial for candidates to get to the point quickly and effectively. According to a Forbes article , clear and concise communication is essential for success in any professional environment.

By keeping a cover letter to one page, candidates can ensure that their key points stand out and that they demonstrate respect for the reader's time. A longer cover letter runs the risk of losing the reader's interest and diluting the impact of the candidate's most important qualifications.

When a Longer Cover Letter may be Acceptable

There are certain situations where a longer cover letter might be warranted, depending on the job requirements and the candidate's qualifications. Some possible scenarios include:

  • Highly specialized or technical roles : Candidates applying for positions that require specific expertise may need more space to explain their qualifications and experiences.
  • Extensive relevant experience : If a candidate has a long and impressive history of relevant accomplishments, they may need more than one page to adequately showcase their achievements.
  • Multiple accomplishments to showcase : Similar to those with extensive experience, candidates with numerous accomplishments that are directly related to the job may require additional space to demonstrate their value.
  • Addressing specific job requirements in detail : If the job description asks for detailed explanations of certain qualifications or experiences, a longer cover letter may be necessary to address these requirements thoroughly.
  • Tailoring the cover letter to the employer's preferences : In some cases, the employer may request a more comprehensive cover letter, making it appropriate to exceed the one-page standard.

How to Decide if a Longer Cover Letter is Warranted

Before deciding to write a longer cover letter, job seekers should carefully assess their qualifications and the job requirements. This process may include:

  • Analyzing the job description : Determine which qualifications and experiences are most important to the employer and consider how your background aligns with these requirements.
  • Identifying key qualifications and accomplishments : Make a list of your most significant achievements and qualifications that are relevant to the job, and decide which ones are essential to include in your cover letter.
  • Weighing the relevance of each point : Consider how important each qualification or accomplishment is to the job at hand, and whether it is worth extending your cover letter to include it.
  • Considering the employer's preferences : If the employer has provided specific instructions or preferences regarding cover letter length, be sure to take these into account when deciding whether to go beyond one page.
  • Balancing the need for detail with the risk of losing the reader's interest : Ultimately, you will need to weigh the benefits of providing additional detail against the potential drawbacks of a longer cover letter, such as losing the reader's interest or appearing unfocused.

Real-Life Examples of Successful Longer Cover Letters

Some job seekers have successfully used longer cover letters to stand out and secure interviews, but their success often depends on the quality of the content. Here are three real-life examples:

  • Example 1: A candidate for a highly specialized role : This candidate was applying for a position that required in-depth knowledge of a specific technology. In their two-page cover letter, they provided a detailed explanation of their experience with this technology, including the projects they had worked on and the results they achieved. This level of detail demonstrated their expertise and helped them stand out from other applicants.
"In my previous role as a Senior Software Engineer at XYZ Company, I led the development of a cutting-edge machine learning algorithm that improved the efficiency of our data processing pipeline by 35%. This project required a deep understanding of the underlying technology, as well as the ability to coordinate with cross-functional teams and manage tight deadlines. My success in this project showcases my ability to excel in the specialized role for which I am applying, and I am confident that my unique skill set will make me a valuable asset to your organization."
  • Example 2: A candidate with extensive experience and accomplishments : This candidate had a long and impressive career in their industry, with many relevant accomplishments that made them a strong fit for the position. In their two-page cover letter, they highlighted their most significant achievements, along with the skills and expertise they had developed over the years.
"Over the past 15 years, I have held various leadership roles within the marketing industry, consistently driving growth and innovation for the organizations I have served. I spearheaded a successful rebranding campaign for a major consumer goods company, which resulted in a 20% increase in sales and a 15% increase in brand recognition. Additionally, I played a pivotal role in the development and execution of a multi-channel marketing strategy that led to a 25% increase in customer engagement for a leading eCommerce retailer. These accomplishments, along with my extensive experience in the field, make me a strong candidate for the Director of Marketing position at your organization."
  • Example 3: A candidate who addressed specific job requirements in detail : The job description for this position required candidates to explain in detail how they met certain qualifications. The candidate used their two-page cover letter to address these requirements, providing specific examples and explanations to demonstrate their fit for the role.
"As requested in the job description, I would like to provide detailed information on my experience with project management and team leadership. In my most recent role as a Project Manager at ABC Company, I successfully managed a team of 12 professionals to complete a complex software development project on time and within budget. I was responsible for overseeing all aspects of the project, including setting timelines, allocating resources, and ensuring effective communication among team members. Throughout the project, I consistently demonstrated my ability to manage competing priorities and deliver results under pressure. I am confident that my track record of success in this area makes me a strong candidate for the position at your organization."

The importance of high-quality content in longer cover letters cannot be overstated. In each of these examples, the candidates provided relevant, detailed information that showcased their qualifications and made them stand out from other applicants. When considering whether to write a longer cover letter, remember that the success of these examples was largely due to the quality and relevance of their content.

Following Instructions in the Job Description

It's crucial for job seekers to follow any instructions related to cover letter length provided in the job description. Adhering to employer preferences demonstrates attention to detail and a willingness to customize your application for each position. According to a ResumeEdge article , some companies use Applicant Tracking Software to exclude unsuitable cover letters and resumes before they reach hiring managers and recruiters.

Ignoring the employer's instructions can have negative consequences, such as being disqualified from the selection process or giving the impression that you're not a good fit for the company culture. By customizing your cover letter for each application and following any specific instructions provided, you show the employer that you're a serious candidate who is willing to go the extra mile to meet their expectations.

While the one-page cover letter is the standard, there are situations where a longer cover letter might be acceptable, provided that it is well-written and relevant to the job requirements. When deciding whether to write a longer cover letter, carefully assess the job requirements and your qualifications, and consider the importance of high-quality content in making your case.

In all cases, it's essential to follow any instructions provided in the job description regarding cover letter length to demonstrate your attention to detail and commitment to meeting the employer's expectations. By creating a tailored and effective cover letter that addresses the specific needs of the position, you increase your chances of standing out from the competition and securing that coveted interview.

What’s the Ideal Length for a Cover Letter? —Plus Tips to Get Yours There

person sitting at a window table in a cafe typing on laptop, with two plants on the table and more in the background

When you have a task to complete, it helps to know what the end product should look like. It's especially true when you’re doing something you might find difficult—like writing a cover letter . How long should it be? What information do you need to include?

Hiring managers and recruiters are busy people, so you don’t want to disqualify yourself by writing a cover letter that’s too long. But you do want to make sure your cover letter is effective. “The cover letter should serve as an introduction to your resume, highlighting why you’re interested in the position, what you’re looking for in your next role, and how you can potentially add value to the position or company,” says Muse career coach Yolanda Owens , who has over 20 years of recruiting experience. 

So how much space do you have to do all that? And how can you make the best use of that space?

How long should a cover letter be?

The ideal cover letter length is:

  • Less than one page
  • Three to five paragraphs
  • Less than 400 words

At least that’s the approximate consensus we came to based on research and input from a few experts who have worked as hiring managers, recruiters, or both.

If this feels short, “Keep in mind that the cover letter is not a tell-all of everything you've done,” says Muse coach Emily Liou , a recruiter and HR professional. “You just want enough to position yourself as a fit and to pique the curiosity of the reader.” You don’t need pages and pages to do that.

In a survey of 205 HR professionals, ResumeLab found that 42% of respondents preferred cover letters between half and one page and 40% preferred cover letters that were less than half a page. Only 18% said they preferred cover letters longer than one page. Muse coach Steven Davis , a technical recruiter, advocates for a cover letter that “can be comfortably read in less than a minute.”

How do you write a cover letter that's just the right length?

Here are a few tips that'll get your cover letter to the ideal length:

1. Pay attention to your structure.

You may remember the five-paragraph essay from school: introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and conclusion paragraph. Cover letters are structured similarly.

Basically, you should lay out your cover letter like this:

  • Introduction (one paragraph): Your cover letter opening should be original and creative to draw your reader in. It should show your connections to the employer and your interest and excitement for the position, Liou says. You might also use this paragraph to explain that you’re making a career pivot or re-entering the workforce after an employment gap .
  • Body (one to three paragraphs): Your body paragraphs should focus on the ways you can help the organization or team, Owens says. Talk about what skills and experience you bring to the company, and back up what you’re saying with past examples—but keep them concise.
  • Conclusion (one paragraph): Your conclusion should be “a final paragraph thanking the reader for their time and reiterating your interest,” Owens says.

2. Figure out what matters to the employer.

“This is a great time to dissect what is most important to this position,” Liou says, so you can focus your cover letter on what your prospective employer cares about most. Go back to the job description and read it thoroughly. What’s listed first and what’s repeated? From there, Davis says, you should be able to identify the top skills and experiences they’re looking for.

Then, think about what in your background most exemplifies these qualifications—with an emphasis on situations where you’ve made an impact for your past employers, Liou says. These are the experiences you should recount in your cover letter.

3. Use concise examples to pique your readers’ interest.

Davis suggests using the “the STAR format without any details to create curiosity and motivate the interviewer to review the resume.” If you’re unfamiliar, the STAR method is a way of telling stories in an interview where you make sure that you hit on the situation, task, action, and result of the experience you’re recounting. Using a compact version of the STAR method in your cover letter will help show the impact you’ve had in past roles and how without adding too much length. So you might write something like:

“When my last company redesigned their website, I took the lead on layout, and by working as a constant liaison between our product team and our users, I helped produce a website that our users found 50% more intuitive and drew 33% more repeat users.”

4. Go beyond your resume—without regurgitating it.

“The cover letter should be a supplemental piece to your resume, not a summary,” Owens says. So don’t waste space regurgitating other parts of your application. “Use the cover letter to tell the employer what you want them to know about you that’s not on your resume,” or anywhere else, Owens says.

Focus your precious page or less on highlighting your relevant achievements and explicitly connecting your resume to the position. Don’t worry about including all of the context and details about your past jobs. For anything you talk about in a cover letter, your resume can “continue your narrative—filling in the remaining details of the where, when, and what of your work experiences and history,” Owens says.

5. Consider using bullet points.

And we don’t mean repeating your resume bullet points . We mean using a few bullet points to concisely relay a few key pieces of information that aren’t on your resume, but contribute to your qualifications as a candidate, without taking up too much space.

For example, Owens says you might create a “What I bring to the table” section with three to four bullet points (one or two sentences each). In a section like this, you can touch on a few more disparate topics such as your management or leadership style, pain points you can help your next employer with, or work environments you have experience thriving in, Owens says.

6. Use standard formatting.

Did you ever make your font size a bit larger or choose a slightly wider font to hit a page count on an essay for school? What about widening those margins? Did you ever do the opposite to slip in under a page maximum without having to do another editing pass at 3 a.m.? (Guilty!)

These tactics won’t fly for your cover letter (or your resume for that matter). Instead, stick to standard, easy-to-read formatting. Generally this means:

  • Common fonts like Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman
  • Font sizes between 10 and 12 point
  • Margin sizes of about one inch on the top, bottom, and sides
  • Lines that are single spaced (1.15 max) with an additional space between paragraphs if you'd like.

Don’t make your cover letter harder to read by cramming as much onto a page as possible. Also keep in mind that your cover letter often passes through the same applicant tracking system (ATS) that your resume does—so any flashy formatting could trip up the software that parses your application materials.

7. Trim the excess.

If your cover letter is still too long, take another look and trim out anything extra that doesn’t need to be there. Some things to cut include:

  • Content about how much you’d enjoy doing the work, Davis says—beyond what you need to express enthusiasm.
  • Mentions of years of experience: While the job description may call for three years of experience with a CRM (customer relationship management) program, you don’t need to use your cover letter to write a word problem where your six months experience from one internship, three months each from two classes, and two years at your last job equals three years.
  • Extra details in your examples, especially those that are found on your resume or don’t contribute to your strength as a candidate
  • Filtering language: This includes phrases like “I think” and “I feel.” You don’t “believe you can help” a company solve a problem, you can help a company solve a problem.
  • Overused or cliché phrases
  • Anything about what the job would do for you : Focus on what you can do for them.

Read More: How to Cut Your Cover Letter Down to One Page (Because Any Longer and No One's Reading)

8. Follow any instructions in the job description.

Finally, all of the above are just guidelines. The best indicator of what an employer is looking for in a cover letter—length-wise or otherwise—is the employer itself.

So if a job posting tells you that a cover letter should be a different length than we’ve indicated, default to the job description. If a job posting tells you that a cover letter should include different things than we’ve indicated, default to the job description. If a job posting tells you that you shouldn’t include a cover letter at all, default to the job description.

are cover letter two pages

are cover letter two pages

Can a Cover Letter Be Two Pages?

  • POSTED ON July 28, 2024
  • by Marcjean Yutuc

A cover letter gives you an opportunity to highlight your career development journey. It’s your ad campaign, marketing your skills and experiences to your potential employers. Most recruiters want to see how you can impact their company through your letter.

Choosing the ideal page count can make or break your application process. Some companies may appreciate thorough information, while others might not have the time.

Corporate job openings attract around 250 applicants . Therefore, your cover letter should include details directly related to the role to boost your hiring chances.

But is it necessary to submit a two-page cover letter? It depends on your background experience concerning the role and company requirements. Go over these points below to see your ideal cover letter length.

Can a Cover Letter be Two Pages?

Most corporate jobs require a one-page cover letter. A survey says 83% of recruiters agree that an effective cover letter can increase your hiring chances even if your resume isn’t good enough. However, some say it’s optional, but it’s better to be ready.

Ensure readability. Your cover letter shouldn’t bore your employers, so avoid filler words. Write simple words instead of using technical industry terms.

A padded letter won’t impress any employer because some details are unnecessary. There are programs like Hemingway and Grammarly to check clarity.

Boost your job applications with Notion , a versatile productivity tool that integrates note-taking, task management, and project planning. Effortlessly create standout resumes and cover letters, highlighting your skills with clarity and precision.

What is the Ideal Cover Letter Length?

The ideal cover letter length mustn’t exceed 250 words , so keep it candidly clear. Only include the reasons how you can add value to the company. You don’t need to rewrite your entire resume.

Writing an outstanding cover letter is a balancing act. Writing Tips Institute can agree that it shouldn’t be too little and that it doesn’t have enough information. Nor it shouldn’t be too stuffed with a lot of data.

When to Submit a Two-Page Cover Letter

Recruiters sift through hundreds of applications per job listing. They may not have enough time to read your lengthy application. Still, some instances may require you to submit a two-page cover letter.

Legal and government responsibilities have enormous selection criteria. They have strict guidelines before accepting the right candidate. So submitting a two-page cover letter detailing your credibility is appropriate in these sectors.

You can submit a two-page cover letter if you fit the following criteria:

  • Company requirements. You can use a two-page document if your employer requires you to include testimonials from former bosses. They want to conduct a background check to see if your application letter reflects their feedback.
  • Numerous skills and advancements. Senior applicants with diverse background experiences typically submit a two-page cover letter. They want to emphasize how their capabilities can help the company succeed.
  • Detailed job description. When a job instructs you to address several requirements, use a two-page cover letter to explain effectively. Call the HR department and ask for key elements on how to outline your letter . These factors may include formatting spaces, fonts, footers, and headings.

When to Submit a One-Page Cover Letter

Some employers have strict directions for a cover letter. They may ask for a word limit, a reflection on a given topic, or answer a question. You don’t have to hit the exact word count but focus on the content.

Present a one-page cover letter if you meet the measures below:

  • Industry standards. The standard page length of cover letters can fit on a single page. If white spaces worry you, embrace them. Most hiring managers will find it easier to read through your letter over a wall of worthless text.
  • Limited job description. Delivering relevant skills that match the job description on one page can save your employer’s time. Include impactful stories using the STAR method , which stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This strategy gives a clear example of your skill’s effectiveness.
  • Ability to express achievements on one page. Some applicants can explain their achievements and how they can enhance the company on a single page. Their paragraphs include strong, simple descriptions to prove their qualifications.

woman typing cover letter

How to Write a One-Page Cover Letter

Your cover letter outlines the position you’re applying for and information highlighting why you fit the job. The first part should include the date and contact person’s name, title, company, and address. Choose professional terms to address your contact person in the salutation section—for example, Dear, Mr., or Ms.

Unless you don’t have the contact name, you can simply address the letter as “ Dear, Hiring Manager, or Prospective Employer.” Avoid overly formal words like “To whom it may concern” because they’re outdated.

But remember to always research the company before applying for a job. It shows the commitment and willingness to go the extra mile to gather exact information about your recruiter.

Start your cover letter with an attention-grabbing first paragraph. Then, add strong selling points that stand out from the rest of the applicants. Be explicit and straightforward with your intention from the get-go.

The second paragraph gives a summary of your critical and persuasive skills. Try not to restate your resume. Instead, add professional drama around a central idea. State at least 2-3 key accomplishments that tie back to the role that shaped your career.

Finally, the closing statement. To write an unforgettable cover letter , draw the reader to a call-to-action, summarizing why they should consider you for the role.

Avoid submitting a cover letter without giving it your full attention. You might miss out on bits of unnoticeable errors, so make sure to proofread.

1. Keep your opening brief and concise

Typically, a cover letter should encompass half a page to a full page length. Express your strengths in 3-4 sections that are readable in less than 20 seconds. So be specific. Write your crucial motivation that foreshadows what you’ll do for the company.

2. Do not write a summary of your resume

HR managers spend roughly 30 seconds to a minute reviewing resumes. So make sure to write a banging cover letter that mirrors your resume. Keep fonts in all documents consistent and cohesive to show professionalism.

Apply appropriate text formatting with readable text styles. The best cover letter should have a 12pt font size and use font types like Calibri, Garamond, and Times New Roman.

3. Identify and cut the fluff

Your cover letter shouldn’t have irrelevant fillers that don’t talk about how you can help the company. State precise, impactful information about your skills and professional history. Steer clear from corporate jargon. Use simple, understandable words in place of technical expressions.

4. Avoid using too many adjectives and adverbs

Another way to shorten your cover letter is to minimize your adverbs and adjectives. Though they add color to your letter, using too many is not the best way to persuade your employer. Instead, make an effort to write distinct descriptions without getting out of topic in place of broad terms.

Here’s an example:

  • I am an excellent and dedicated employee with a long, impressive work history in this industry.
  • I have certifications in SEO content marketing and six years of experience in social media management.

Which of these sentences are likely to convince a recruiter? They both are informative, but the first sentence is too vague, while the second one uses concrete examples.

5. Give two examples to explain your point

You want to market your best traits and abilities that are helpful. So embody confidence. Don’t undersell yourself with words like “I’m probably not the best candidate, but if you give me a chance, I can prove myself to you.”

They don’t know that you don’t have extensive experience in certain skills. But what you can do is emphasize your strengths. Site at least 2 case scenarios wherein you came up with the best possible outcome to an issue.

6. Do not share your entire life story

The cover letter isn’t about the benefits the company can offer you. It’s about what you can put to the table that they can leverage.

Employers don’t want to read about your epiphanies and irrelevant background details. Generally, the first thing they want to see is applicable working experiences. They want to know that you’re capable of working professionally and can handle constructive criticism.

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Example of a One-Page Cover Letter: Web Developer

June 28, 2022

Mr. Andrew Cole xxx Company Address Company City, State xxxx +111-111-1111 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Cole,

I’m writing this letter to express my interest in the Web Developer position. I’m a progress-focused Web Developer with 9 years of working experience at [Former Company]. While working for the company, I enhanced their web security applications. I also designed an adaptive and user-friendly website capable of mobile and desktop use. Additionally, I trained over 30 staff members regarding internal web functions. 

Throughout my time with [Former Company], I minimized hacker attacks from 3.2% down to 0.03% and redesigned the company website. As a result, I increased visitor clicks by 44% and consumer purchases by 23%.

I wish to work for [Company Name] as I would like to extend my experiences and ideas to help your company reach and surpass its objectives. With a good track record of initiative and dependability, I boosted [Former Company]’s sales and revenue to 39%. What would 39% do for your sales goals? I would train dozens of employees concerning web functions to streamline the process if hired.

I’m looking forward to discussing my qualifications in detail with you soon. Feel free to contact me at +222-222-2222 or email me at [email protected].

Example of a One-Page Cover Letter: Marketing Manager

Ms. Liz Claire xxx Company Address Company City, State xxxx +111-111-1111 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Claire,

I’m pleased that [Company Name] has a Marketing Manager job vacancy. I always see your clever ad campaigns and would love to bring my enthusiasm to the team. After working in marketing and advertising for 6 years, I’ve enhanced my marketing strategies and methodical communication approach. 

Being goal-driven and results-oriented, I’ve launched 1,000+ successful online ad campaigns

during my professional career at [Former Company]. With my extensive field-specific skills, I would make a substantial asset to your company.

Here’s an overview of my responsibilities and top accomplishments:

  • Wrote and optimized 58 blogs for [Former Company] and ranked 42 articles on the first page of the search engine.
  • Launch campaigns that led to an increase in organic engagement and lead generation by more than 110%.
  • Planned, monitored, and coordinated the company’s overall marketing and public relations activities.
  • Prepared and managed the annual budget for marketing.

Because of my background in sales and marketing, I honed my knowledge in marketing analysis, conducting surveys, and implementing techniques that drive the best outcome. I’m sure that my extensive experience would be valuable for [Company Name].

I’m excited to deliver the same, if not better, marketing results at your esteemed firm. I’m looking forward to meeting you at your most convenient time. You may contact me at +111-111-1111 or email me at [email protected].

Kind Regards,

Danica Fitzpatrick

Example of a One-Page Cover Letter: Accountant

Accounting Hiring Manager xxx Company Address Company City, State xxxx +111-111-1111

Dear Accounting Hiring Manager,

I’m writing to show interest in the Accounting Specialist position at [Company Name]. I recently graduated in accountancy at [Name of School], where I completed a BBA in accounting with competency in business administration.

After graduation, I immediately started an internship at a local accounting firm focusing on small business accounting at [Former Company]. Over the past three years of my internship experience, I honed my skills with accounting software. In addition, I became proficient in tax planning, financial statement preparation, and credit control.

Because of my academic and professional development, I’ve consistently performed at an outstanding level. I intend to bring the same drive and commitment to bringing excellent results to your firm.

Kindly contact me to discuss my qualifications so I can personally explain how I hope to contribute to your business. You may contact me at +000-000-0000 or email me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Johnn Clements

What Experts Say About Two-Page Cover Letters

“A two-page cover letter is perfectly acceptable in certain cases, such as when an applicant has a lot of experience to discuss or is applying for a senior-level position. In other cases, it might be best to stick to a single page. Ultimately, the decision comes down to what will make the strongest impression on the reader and convince them to give the applicant a chance. If in doubt, err on the side of brevity.

Lengthy cover letters may end up being skimmed or even ignored, so it’s important to make sure that every word counts. If an applicant can succinctly and effectively communicate everything they need to on one page, there’s no need to take up extra space. Conversely, if a two-page letter will allow for a more complete and convincing argument, then it may be worth the extra effort.”

Linda Shaffer Chief People Officer, Checkr

“It’s fine to have a two-page cover letter if you feel it is necessary, but you must understand that you only have so much time in front of an employer before they quickly make a decision, and possibly move on. Many employers treat cover letters/resumes like scrolling through social media channels. They will take a quick look, decide if there’s a possible fit, and make a decision based on the next steps.”

Joana Zambas Career Expert, Career Addict

“As a former recruiter (20 years in the staffing industry), I do not think there are any circumstances that reasonably warrant a two-page cover letter. In most cases, cover letters are barely, quickly skimmed by the recruiter, if that. Recruiting is an extremely fast-paced environment. Recruiters and hiring managers are screening hundreds of candidates weekly, and they simply don’t have time realistically to read 2-page cover letters. In my experience, most cover letters barely get read at all. I strongly recommend keeping your cover letter to one page, preferably just 2-3 concise paragraphs.”

Andrea Clement Owner, Career Collateral and Clemco LLC

“An applicant should always avoid writing a two-page cover letter for the majority of companies. Instead, write a one-page cover letter (between 250–400 words) and try directly targeting your cover letter to the company by mentioning the exact criteria they mention in their job posting. Being intentional about your previous work experience, skills, and other qualifications you include in your cover letter tells employers you’ve paid attention to their job requirements and provided a clear purpose for why you want them to read it.”

Eva Chan Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Career Coach, Resume Genius

Recommended Courses

1. cover letter mastery to get the job you want.

Woman sitting on couch with laptop wondering if a cover letter can be two pages

“Cover Letter Mastery To Get The Job You Want” is a detailed course on crafting effective cover letters, taught by a seasoned business communication professor. It covers everything from deconstructing job ads to writing compelling conclusions.

What makes this course unique is its practical approach, addressing common mistakes and offering detailed lessons on engaging with job requirements and including impactful success stories. The step-by-step process ensures your cover letter stands out.

I found the focus on real-world examples particularly helpful. The breakdown of actual job cover letters provided clear insights into what employers look for and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Who is this course for?

This course is perfect for job applicants, writers, and anyone looking to enhance their cover letter skills. If you’re struggling to get interviews or want to improve your application, this course is a valuable resource.

2. How To Write The Perfect Cover Letter

Smiling man with a cup of coffee after writing a two page cover letter

“How To Write The Perfect Cover Letter” is an essential course designed to help job seekers write standout cover letters. It focuses on the basics and guidelines needed to make your job application compelling and increase your chances of getting interviews.

What sets this course apart is its focus on practical guidelines that cater to both fresh graduates and experienced professionals. It addresses common mistakes and emphasizes the importance of a well-crafted cover letter in the job application process.

I found the course extremely useful because it breaks down the components of a perfect cover letter in a clear and concise manner. The emphasis on real-world application and the step-by-step instructions made it easy to follow and implement.

This course is perfect for job applicants, job seekers, fresh graduates, and anyone looking to improve their chances of getting noticed by recruiters. If you want to make a strong first impression and boost your job prospects, this course is a valuable resource.

2. Create A Winning Resume, CV And Cover Letter

Image showing resume writing process with focus on cover letter length

“Create A Winning Resume, CV, And Cover Letter” is an insightful course designed to help job seekers craft exceptional job application documents. Led by a seasoned HR Specialist and founder of TopResumess, the course offers proven strategies and top-tier templates tailored to various industries and roles.

What sets this course apart is the access to Top 1% templates and hundreds of examples, combined with step-by-step guidance and practical exercises. The course uniquely leverages real-life examples and practical exercises to empower learners to create standout applications.

I found the course particularly valuable due to its comprehensive approach. The focus on both the visual appeal and content quality of resumes and CVs, along with the bonus lesson on utilizing AI technology, made it exceptionally practical and relevant.

This course is ideal for job seekers, professionals looking to enhance their application materials, and anyone aiming to secure their dream job. If you want to elevate your job search and create compelling applications that impress employers, this course is a must-enroll.

Key Takeaways

To recap, writing a cover letter can be overwhelming, especially for novice professionals. However, learning how to write a cover letter is essential for career development .

Certain companies do accept a two-page cover letter depending on the position. Make sure to research the company before submitting. You want to include the correct details like company culture, names of HR managers, and key players of the organization.

Subscribe to Skill Success All Access Pass and gain access to a comprehensive library of courses designed to elevate your career. Master cover letter writing, ace interviews, enhance your networking skills, and build a strong professional brand.

Good luck with your new venture!

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in November 2023. It has been updated for freshness and accuracy.

Marcjean Yutuc

Marcjean Yutuc

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

The Ultimate Cover Letter Writing Guide

The complete guide to writing an effective cover letter.

Greg Faherty

Any of these sound familiar? The simple answer is yes, having an effective cover letter is completely necessary and highly recommended and we’ll tell you  why you need a cover letter as well as a resume!

When you’re applying for a job, whether it be for an  entry-level  position after graduating or for a high-level executive vacancy with a  professional resume , a  cover letter is essential to make your application stand out .

Without this extra introductory letter, a resume alone could easily be discarded by a hiring manager. CareerBuilder  estimates you’re  10% more likely to miss out on an opening  if you don’t include a cover letter.

Writing a good cover letter  it’s not a skill many many people master, but that doesn’t mean it’s an impossible feat!

With our complete  cover letter guide , you’ll learn  how to write a cover letter  that will attract the hiring manager and convince them to read your winning resume.

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is an extension to your job application.  It is not obligatory but including a well-written cover letter is  strongly advised by all human resource experts . By definition, a cover letter is an accompanying, explanatory letter.

All  jobseekers need a sales pitch  of sorts, they need to hook the reader and demonstrate to the hiring manager why they are the right person for the vacancy on offer. This style of  self-marketing for a job application  must come in the form of a  winning resume and cover letter combination  that complement one another.

A simple cover letter is an introduction to the candidate  behind the qualifications and experience. The aim is to show a prospective employer how you can take on the role and  what you can offer the company  in question.

Cover letters generally  follow a basic structure  and can be in either hard or digital format, that is to say, either printed and sent via regular mail or as a document scanned and attached to send digitally, or written directly in an  email cover letter .

Why include a cover letter on a job application?

If you want to stand any chance at all of  catching the eye of a potential employer , it is  imperative to include a cover letter  with your job application.

Simple – even if you  create an effective, outstanding resume , using all the right keywords and qualifications etc. it’s possible there are candidates more qualified than you or with more experience so it’s necessary to  add a cover letter to back up your resume  and allow the hiring manager to see more of your personal side that is relevant to the vacancy.

  • The cover letter demonstrates your communication skills.
  • The cover letter serves as an introduction to the resume.
  • The cover letter can be used to emphasize certain skills, or mention skills that you couldn’t fit on the resume (it serves as an addendum).
  • The cover letter is what you customize for each position, to show why you are the right person for “That” role, as opposed to the resume which stays pretty much the same for all applications.

A cover letter is the added value  that you need in a job application to ensure the call-back you’ve been waiting for.

To  create a unique, tailor-made job application , each candidate should use a cover letter to highlight their strengths and  elaborate on relevant achievements  that demonstrate their ability to take on the new responsibilities.

Is it practically always sensible and  appropriate to write a cover letter to accompany a resume for a job application  that should be customized for the role you’re applying to including any explanations of information that might be missing from the resume, such as employment gaps, traveling, periods of study etc.

The only time it is acceptable to not include a cover letter in your job application is if the job listing specifically requests that you do not.

Advantages of Writing a Cover Letter

A cover letter directly adds to the likelihood that you are called in for an interview and  gives you a better chance of being hired .

If you’re successful in  writing an effective cover letter , it will offer you the following advantages:

  • Hiring managers will see your added effort
  • Demonstrates you put in the time to learn about the company
  • It will add a personal touch to your application
  • It shows your enthusiasm for the opening
  • Hiring managers will become acquainted with your best qualities

Knowing exactly what is in a cover letter will ensure that it gives you a  major advantage  over the other applicants.

What are the 3 Types of Cover Letters?

Adding a cover letter is almost always essential, but  choosing the appropriate letter  will also be key. Depending on the job post you are applying for, you will need to select the best type of letter to send along with your resume.

There are  3 types of cover letters  that you can send to a hiring manager. The 3 types are:

  • Application cover letters
  • Letters of Interest
  • Email Cover letters

The letter you write is influenced by  whether you are going to apply for a job directly , citing a referral, or asking about vacancies that are not advertised.

Whatever the case may be, ensure that the cover letter is  specific to the job vacancy . It’s always important to avoid making a generic cover letter for every single job you apply for.

So, what are the 3 types of cover letters you should consider sending to a job recruiter?

Application Cover Letter

This is your  classic cover letter  that you send to a hiring manager when you spot a company advertising a job opening. When you want to directly apply for a position, it is mandatory to send this, unless you are specifically asked not to.

Using this letter, you can mention why you want to work for a specific company and why you are the perfect candidate for the position.

Letter of Interest

Say you notice a company that you would really like to work for. It fits your sector, and you know it offers great benefits and good pay. However, you  can’t find any openings  that match your skill set.

If that’s the case, you don’t need to sit around and wait for the company to have a job vacancy. You can take action with a letter of interest. This type of cover letter  states your interest in being employed  by a company that isn’t currently advertising any vacancies.

This type of letter goes by a couple of other names, such as:

  • Letter of intent
  • Statement of interest

Of course, since there is no vacancy there is no role you can specifically mention, which is the major difference between a letter of intent and a traditional cover letter. Your objective will be to  advertise yourself well enough  that an employer will just have to interview you.

Email Cover Letters

Over the years, the job application process has shifted to a nearly  100% online hiring process . Due to this, it may be necessary to send your cover letter  in an email  as part of your job application.

While applying, there may not be an option to upload your cover letter. Or maybe you would just like to send it in the  body of your email along with your resume . You can send it in one of two ways, in the body of your email or as an attachment (in PDF).

How to write a cover letter

A cover letter, although  short in length  generally, can take time to elaborate as it is important to get it right. Sometimes, due to the scarce space for writing, candidates find it difficult to know  what to include in a cover letter  and  what to leave out .

However, knowing  how to do a cover letter  can make all the difference to your job application and be the just the thing to capture the attention of a hiring manager.

A  professional cover letter  should be well-formatted, following a structure with a header, an opening paragraph, a second main paragraph, a final closing paragraph and a closing with signature/electronic signature.

To  begin writing a cover letter for a job application , candidates should analyze their skills, qualifications, accomplishments and experience to  decide which are the most fundamental aspects to include  in their personalized cover letter.

Next, each jobseeker will have to  select the most job-relevant  of these elements to include by  comparing them with the required or desired qualifications and experience  in the job description.

Finally, the applicant should choose some  memorable examples which demonstrate evidence  of each element included in their cover letter, aiming to  tell a story  which shows their aptitude concerning each skill or qualification.

Jobseekers should also ensure to explore  how to make a cover letter  for their specific role or industry because, similarly to resumes, each cover letter should be  tailored for the vacancy  and company to which it will be sent.

It is vital for candidates to  consider several factors when it comes to writing their professional cover letter . A jobseeker must review their  resume work history section  as well as any skills and honors included to find the  most pertinent experiences  that can be explored further. Detailing examples of when a candidate demonstrated certain abilities or expertise is how a candidate can convince a hiring.

One way to create a winning cover letter is to use an  online cover letter creator  or take advantage of cover letter templates as a stepping stone as well as checking out cover letter examples that can serve as a great source of inspiration for you to make your own  unique cover letter .

Our  cover letter builder  forms part of our resume builder and allows jobseekers to create a more complete job application. Users can write their cover letter with pro tips and design help thanks to our pre-designed templates. Read our  cover letter writing guide  to get to grips with  cover letter writing techniques  and tips before using our online cover letter builder!

How to Structure a Cover Letter

The  structure and layout of a cover letter  is essential to make sure the letter displays each point that you wish to get across  clearly and concisely . This means it’s necessary, in general, to follow a commonly-accepted format for an effective cover letter.

Similarly to a  resume format , designing and  writing a cover letter has certain rules  which should be adhered to in order to convey the necessary information in a brief and to the point introductory letter.

Check out some of the  cover letter best practices  as advised by human resources experts below:

  • It’s imperative to  begin a cover letter with a header , including the candidate’s name and contact information as well as the date. This  primary cover letter section  can also include the job title, website and other relevant personal information.

Following this, the  letter should include the details of the company  and person to whom you are writing, with the full name, job title or team, company name and address.

  • The main body of a cover letter should be divided into  three sections : an introduction, a bullet list of accomplishments followed by a paragraph highlighting skills, and a closing paragraph inviting the hiring manager to contact you. By using bullet points when detailing your achievements and capabilities, you can make sure that recruiters will be able to quickly pick out key information. This is especially important as studies have found that recruiters spend very little time reading each individual application.
  • Finally, the letter should be electronically or physically signed with your full name in a formal manner.

The universally-accepted  cover letter length  is no longer than one letter page, which in total has about  250-300 words  for the main body of text.

Don’t  repeat information  or be too detailed because hiring managers simply do not have the time to read it all and will simply skip to the next one.  Resumes that run over 600 words  get rejected 43% faster and cover letters can easily fall into this trap too.

Keep your cover letter short and sweet and to the point!

Get more  cover letter formatting advice  in our guide on  how to format a cover letter  with tips and information about all aspects of a good cover letter structure.

Cover letter advice

The  importance of including a cover letter  with your job application is often overlooked by jobseekers of all categories, however this can seriously reduce your possibilities of getting an interview with a prospective employer.

Therefore you need not ask yourself  when to write a cover letter  because the answer is just that simple – it is  always appropriate to include a cover letter in your job application , unless the listing explicitly requests that you do not.

Check out the following  expert cover letter tips  to create a winning cover letter that will convince the hiring manager to give you a call:

  • We may be quite repetitive with this one but the sheer quantity of resumes and cover letters that are disregarded simply for forgetting this  vital and basic rule  is incredible:  USE A PROFESSIONAL EMAIL ADDRESS  for your contact details and that does not include your current work email but a personal, suitable email address.
  • It is essential to remember to  maintain your focus on the needs of the company  you’re applying to and the requirements and desired abilities of the ideal candidate for the role.  Do not focus on how you can benefit  by becoming a member of their team, but on how the team can make the most of your experience and knowledge.
  • Remember to  highlight your transferable skills , especially in cases where you may not meet all the required qualities in the job description such as in student resumes and cover letters.
  • Each  cover letter for a job application, cover letters for internships , for further study or even volunteer experience should be  tailored to their specific organization  and position with the pertinent keywords.
  • Use specific examples to demonstrate the candidate’s individual capacity to take on the role and  tell a story with your cover letter  to convey more of your personality and passion towards the sector or profession.
  • Towards the  end of a cover letter , each candidate should write a convincing finish to entice the hiring manager and in sales terminology “ seal the deal ”.
  • Finally when you have completed your polished cover letter, potentially  one of the most important steps  in the process is to  PROOFREAD . Candidates should request that a friend, mentor, teacher or peer takes a look at their cover letter for not only  grammatical and spelling errors  but also any  unwanted repetition or unrelated information .

Some jobseekers doubt  whether a cover letter is necessary or not , but as most human resource professionals agree without a well-written cover letter, candidates lose the  possibility to demonstrate different aspects of their profile  from those included in their resumes which could easily be the deciding factor in your application!

An easy and fast way to write an effective cover letter for a job application is to employ an  online cover letter creator  that will offer advice on  how to complete a cover letter with examples  and HR-approved templates.

Cover Letter FAQs

What do employers look for in a cover letter, can a cover letter be two pages, what is the difference between a cover letter and a resume, should you put a photo on a cover letter.

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  • Sep 27, 2023

Can My Cover Letter be 2 Pages?

Revision Resume commonly hears questions like this one. Job seekers often wonder if they can make their cover letter 2 pages, especially since it is currently acceptable to submit a 2-page resume. The quick answer is: no. Although resumes are no longer required to be condensed into only 1 page, the cover letter is still expected to be kept concise. Let's answer a few detailed questions relating to the length of the cover letter.

I have 30 years of work experience. Can't I have a 2-page cover letter as a result?

No, the length of your career does not have any bearing on the length of your cover letter. The 1-page rule is the same for both a recent college graduate and a job seeker at the end of their career. Remember, your cover letter is only intended to highlight why you are a good fit for the job opening. It is not meant to summarize your entire work history. So, focus on the aspects of your work experience and qualifications that align with this particular job opening and remove any content that is not directly related.

What is the negative of submitting a 2-page cover letter?

If your cover letter exceeds 1 page, it reduces the chances that it will be read by the hiring manager or recruiter. They may be put off by the length and decide not to invest their time reading it. Then, none of the information you provide in the cover letter will be seen or evaluated. That is a significant negative! Increase your chances of having your cover letter reviewed by condensing the content to 1 page.

How can I reduce my cover letter content to 1 page?

Person editing a cover letter

It can be challenging to remove content from your cover letter. Often, job seekers see everything they included as vital. However, there are a few approaches you can take to pare it down.

Review your resume. Are there areas in which the information is redundant? If so, take the redundancies out of the cover letter. The cover letter should provide different information than the resume.

Review the job posting. Have you included information within the cover letter that isn't really vital for this job opening? Maybe it was important in past roles you have held, but isn't as important for this future opportunity.

Find your focus. Closely read the entire cover letter. Highlight the aspects that are most important. Then look at the remaining, non-highlighted sections and consider if any of the information is not necessary for the cover letter. Would you be able to address it during an interview instead?

Final Thoughts

Although it may feel like a challenge to remove content from your cover letter, it is worth the effort. Submitting a 1-page cover letter shows you understand current hiring standards and are willing to follow directions . It also has the benefit of making it much more likely that your cover letter will be read by a hiring manager or recruiter.

If you are struggling with writing or editing your cover letter, don't hesitate to reach out to Revision Resume . We offer cover letter creation and cover letter critique services and would be happy to help you determine how to reduce the content in your cover letter to an acceptable length.

Related Reading:

Four Reasons to Submit a Cover Letter

Make Sure You Have What it Takes to Compete

Avoid These 8 Common Cover Letter Mistakes

Additional cover letter information can be found here .

  • Cover Letter

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How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2024? (+Examples)

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Do you want to know what the perfect length of a cover letter is? What is the ideal number of words that a cover letter should have? And how many paragraphs should you include?  If you are looking for answers to these and more cover letter questions, you are in the right place.

The quick answer is that a cover letter should never be longer than a page, 400 words, or six paragraphs.

However, if you want to dive deeper into the cover letter nuances and become a real expert, you are in the right place. So, if you want to learn in detail how to write the perfect cover letter of a perfect length, just keep reading.

For more general information about cover letters , go and have a look at the first article from our series Cover Letter Guide: What is the Cover Letter. There, you will find a definition of what a cover letter is, what makes it different from a letter of motivation, and a short guide on how to write a great cover letter.

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What is the ideal cover letter length for 2024?

When it comes to cover letters,  the longer, the better  does not apply.  Even if you have years of expertise and you worked extremely hard on gathering professional skills and experiences  — and now you want to show it off all in detail on four pages — don’t.

Sometimes, less is more. This is the case for a good cover letter. It is crucial to highlight the experiences that are truly relevant to the advertised position. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of time to talk about your skills and achievements in more detail once you get the interview.

Rather, think of a cover letter as a tasteful, comprehensive, short advertisement. You want to catch the attention of a hiring manager and make it clear that you are a highly experienced professional fit for the role. Yet, at the same time, you don’t want to bore and overwhelm the person who is making the selection in the first round of the hiring process.

It is important to realize that in large companies, the hiring manager and the HR department have a very short time to go through your application.  On average, per one vacancy, there  are  up to 250 applicants. This means you must make your cover letter stand out from the crowd – but also be easy to read.

What follows are the tips on how to do it!

Read the instructions

Always make sure you read the employers’ instructions properly.  In many vacancy announcements, there is a clear list of what is required from an applicant. Often, these also indicate the expected length and form of a cover letter.

If specific regulations are not included, don’t worry. In this case, you can go for the standardized version of a cover letter.

Junior vs Senior

If you are at the start of your career  and are applying for a junior position   where it is expected to have a lack of practical experience, writing around 200 words is perfectly acceptable. A cover letter for an internship can be equally long. If you don’t have prior experience, you can focus on your inner motivation, education, and extra-curricular activities.

For an experienced candidate , the word count can be doubled. However, it really shouldn’t exceed 400 words in any scenario – unless specifically requested. At the same time,  a cover letter should never exceed 1 page.  If you do so, you completely disobey all the rules of this genre, and it won't work to your advantage.

While this length may sound too short, and you may feel tempted to write more about many of your professional accomplishments, it may eliminate you from the selection process. Being selective and cutting straight to the point makes you a better candidate as opposed to one who writes their whole life story.

How long should a cover letter be by Kickresume

Career vs Academic cover letter

The rules listed in the previous paragraph are almost universally true when we speak of a career cover letter.

However, an academic cover letter is conventionally longer. If you are wondering how long an academic cover letter should be, know that  the standard length is one page and a half . On the other hand, it is never longer than two pages.

Cover letter heading length

The same cover letter rules apply here, too. A short, simple, and catchy heading will get you far.

Do not exceed two sentences; one is advisable. Either use your full name or a catchphrase, such as: “ Why am I the best for the role of XY ”. However, do this only when you are sure that the company and the position that you are interested in aren't too formal.

How long should the first paragraph be

This paragraph is to capture the attention of the reader.  It does not have to be longer than two or three sentences.  State who you are, where and how you found the opportunity, and why you are interested in it. Do this in a catchy way, though! If you heard about the position from a person in common, do not hesitate to mention their name.

Remember, the first paragraph is short – do not waste words. Make yourself an attractive candidate right from the beginning, and mention your biggest assets right here – such as the length of experience or quality of your education.

How long should the second paragraph be

Arguably the most important part of your cover letter. Therefore,  you should make the second paragraph the most extensive and longest part of your cover letter.  Write about your accomplishments and past work experiences in detail. Explain why you are the best candidate for the role and what your skills are that no one else has.

On the other hand, remember —  you still must write at least one more paragraph in the body of the cover letter, as well as the closing paragraph. Therefore, don’t go overboard with the length.

The best thing to do is to initially write freely and more. Then, you can cut the number of words down later during later stages of editing. This way, you won’t limit your creativity from the start by being too focused on the correct word count.

How many words/paragraphs should a cover letter be

  • As we've already stressed, your cover letter shouldn’t be too long. Keep it under one page. However, sometimes only half a page may not be long enough. Find the right balance.
  • When it comes to the number of words, never exceed 400 words. 250-300 words are the ideal length of an average cover letter.
  • The perfect number of paragraphs in a cover letter ranges from three to four.  The maximum number of paragraphs that are acceptable is six.

Cover letter examples by length

If you want to see the instructions applied in real life, have a look at the cover letter examples of various lengths examples below. All three of these people managed to land the job by using the kickresume cover letter template ! 

Cover letter example 1: Short version: Half a page

Cover Letter Example short by Kickresume

Cover letter example 2: Medium version: Between half a page and a page

Cover Letter Example medium by Kickresume

Cover letter example 3: Long version: A page

Cover leter example long by Kickresume

If you liked these  cover letter samples  and you want your cover letter to look the same, use  one of our  cover letter templates!  You can go for the free or the premium version. It is super easy to use, so you’re just a click away from the cover letter of your dreams!

Cover letter formatting

Not only length but also the way you format the cover letter matters. Your goal is to  make it very easy to read.  You will achieve this by keeping your cover letter structured, nicely designed, and well-formatted. Here are the tips on how to achieve this:

  • When it comes to the font of a cover letter,  try to imagine being a busy hiring manager. You want to make their job as easy as possible – so go for a font that is easy to read. At the same time, you want to create a professional impression. In other words, the best font for your cover letter would be the classic  Times New Roman, Arial , or  Calibri . However, if you are confident enough to experiment and you want to make your cover letter stand out from the crowd with a more eye-catching design, go for it. But forget to ensure that the text should be easy to navigate and read – that is the priority. 
  • The letter size  matters, too. Anything between 10.5 and 12 is good. You don’t want to make the letters too small, so they would be hard to read, or too large, so you don’t exceed one page.
  • The margins  of a cover letter are conventionally 1.5 or 1.
  • A cover letter should never be   double-spaced. You want to fit all the information on one page — with double spacing, you wouldn’t be able to.

How long should an email cover letter be? 

Today, unless specifically instructed to do otherwise, the cover letter is conventionally sent as an email attachment.

Just like with the cover letter itself, sending a short and precise email is better than a long and overly complicated one.

In your email you must include:

  • a relevant subject:  if the subject title is not included in the vacancy instructions, use the name of the position for which you are applying;
  • a polite greeting:  address the person by their full name/if not available, Dear Sir/Madam will do
  • refer to your attached cover letter and resume;
  • express hopes for the future , consider attaching a phone number where they can reach you;
  • close with best regards/best wishes and your full name and surname;

Email cover letter length examples

Email cover letter example 1.

are cover letter two pages

Email cover letter example 2

Email cover letter example 2

Email cover letter example 3

Email cover letter example 3

And that’s about it. There is no need to make it too elaborate – all the important information is in the attachment.

Now hit that send sign and wait for the response. After listening to all the advice, we have no doubts you will receive positive news. The Kickresume team wishes you the best of luck!

Now, when you have that cover letter in your pocket, we are sure you also want an amazing-looking resume. The good news is that you are just a click away from our Kickresume CV templates!  You can even easily  turn your LinkedIn profile into a great resume .

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be FAQ

What is the ideal word length of a cover letter.

Your cover letter should be between 250 to 400 words long.

A cover letter isn't required – should I still send it?

Yes, this is your chance to stand out from the crowd of applicants and make it clear that you’re willing to put in the effort.

Is a 1000-word cover letter too long?

Yes, it is. It's never advised to exceed 400, max. 500 words.

Is it ok to have a cover letter that is two pages long?

No, you should always limit your cover letter to only one page. Recruiters don't have time to read long essays. They also like familiarity and known formats.

Can bullet points be used to shorten a cover letter?

Yes, using bullet points can help make your cover letter concise and highlight key achievements without reducing its effectiveness. Bullet points should be used to emphasize specific accomplishments, break up large blocks of text, and quickly convey important information.

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Kaja Jurčišinová

Kaja Jurcisinova is a fresh graduate and a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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Click here to directly go to the complete cover letter sample.

How long should my cover letter be?

If you are a job seeker, you must have come across this question in your mind. But, what does length have to do with a cover letter?

Well, majorly everything. A very pressing question in the recruitment circles is: how long should a cover letter be for a job?

Quite literally, it asks, how far you should go in order to impress your employer?

So how long should cover letters be? The immediate answer is 1/2 of an A4 page.

Read on to find how and why this rule is applicable. Always customize it according to your target recruiter. In this blog, we will answer some of your questions:

How long should your cover letter be?

  • How to correctly make your cover letter length right?
  • How to structure a cover letter for optimum length?
  • What should be the cover letter font size?

How many words should a cover letter be of?

How long should a cover letter be.

Let's look at the length of the following example:

Senior Financial Analyst Cover Letter example

The length of the cover letter varies with what your cover letter needs to do.

Now a quick review of what your cover letter should do:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Reassure your knowledge about the company and the position
  • Demonstrate 2 - 3 examples of how your skills and experience match the recruiters' requirements
  • Share your enthusiasm for working for the company/institution
  • Imply an insight into your personality

And you need to do all of it in less than half a page!

Also Read: How to write a cover letter?

You shall be surprised to find that most cover letters are 2 pages in length. Professionally speaking, this is wrong. Most hiring managers do not read long cover letters.

The longer your cover letter, the lesser are your chances of getting shortlisted. Let's look at some examples of how should a cover letter look:

Customer Service Professional Cover Letter Example

How long are Cover Letters?

The 2019 edition of cover letter length saw a rapid elaboration and justification of one's skills and interests. This was followed by explanatory interviews and resulted in wasting a longer time before hiring the most relevant candidate.

The 2022 edition of cover letter length has been made concise and to the point. This allows recruiters to find the exact candidate they need for shortlisting more relevant candidates.

Trends suggest that the 2022 edition of cover letter length will not necessarily compromise on space but shall highly prioritize the simplicity of language and directness of impact.

This shall enable recruiters to:

  • spend lesser time before contacting the right applicant
  • apply quicker filters to find the necessary candidate
  • spend lesser time writing fluff and adding information
  • highlight key points you want the recruiters to see

How long does a cover letter have to be?

Your cover letter should be less than one page .

Only highlight:

  • your most relevant skills for the job
  • what you have to offer the employer
  • Awards/recognition across your career
  • certifications that prove your merit

In fact, a recent survey found out that, almost 70% of employers want a cover letter of less than 1 page, and about 25% responded that a shorter cover letter is better.

The usual preferences around the question - how long should a cover letters be:

Ensuring Readability - Cover Letter Length

Here are the few things to consider for the ideal cover letter length:

Cover Letter Formatting

The second most important thing after the length of cover letter is the format.

You must choose a legible font. Resume experts at Hiration suggests Calibri or Open Sans.

Ensure a readable font size of about 12 points.

Your margins should be about 1 inch all around, with the text left aligned or justified.

To ensure maximum readability, add spaces between:

  • salutation and text
  • text and signature
Also Read: Key Tips for writing a cover letter

Do not Waste Key Blank Space

This brings us the very next rule: do not waste the space you are supposed to cover with useless information.

  • over-explaining your contributions
  • apologizing for skills you don’t have
Examples of wasteful sentences are: “Despite my limited experience with marketing…”, etc.

How long does a cover letter need to be?

There is no specific word count you should aim for when writing a cover letter (unless the employer gives you a specific word count).

Instead of focusing on the number of words, focus on making your cover letter one page or less, with a readable font and font size, and enough white space between paragraphs and in the margins.

In order to get a second opinion on your cover letter before posting it or sending it somewhere, give a print out of it to your family member or friend and ask if it looks too cluttered.

Highlight the Right Experiences

Not sure what skills and experiences you should be featuring? Drop the text of the job description into a word cloud tool like Wordle, and see what stands out. The words with higher frequencies are what the recruiter is looking for.

Email Subject Line

When emailing your cover letter, it is even more important to be concise.

Most readers pay attention to the first paragraph when reading an email. Most will ignore the rest of the message. 2 paragraphs of which the first one consisting an introduction and second describing why you are eligible for the job is enough with a closing paragraph at the end.

You can also make your email cover letter stand out with a clear, concise email subject line.

Typically, you want to include the title of the position that you are applying for and your name. For example, Editorial Assistant - John Smith.

If possible, try to keep the meat of your subject line (specifically, the job title and your name) under 30 characters . This is about as much as people can see on their mobile devices, which is often how people check their email.

How to make cover letter length right

To understand how long can a cover letter be, imagine you need to buy a car.

Do you ever read the long literature or spend hours listening to a salesman describe the functionalities of a particular car?

You only listen to the necessary specifications matching your needs.

The same goes for a cover letter. Check out the following length of a cover letter example:

Collection Manager Credit Analyst Expert Cover Letter Example

This example shows how long a cover letter first paragraph should be, and why.

Here's another:

Product Life Cycle management Leader Cover Letter Example

Structuring your Cover Letter

First, enter your name as the largest text. Then enter your contact information:

  • Phone number
  • Email Address

After the header, start your actual cover letter.

Let us break the above example into the following steps to understand exactly how to optimize the paragraphs to make it most effective.

Also Read: How to start a cover letter?

Cover Letter Length: Salutation

The following example portrays how to write the salutation in your cover letter.

Dan Wilkins HR Manager Bro Code Limited

Cover Letter Length: 1st paragraph

Let's look at the corresponding example:

CCP & TTL1 Certified Collection Manager & Credit Analyst with a prolific 16-year track record of overseeing collection management and credit control for Fortune 500 companies. Adept at conceptualizing and implementing initiatives to drive continuous process improvement within the control and compliance framework to achieve operational excellence, I am extremely interested in the profile of Collection Manager & Credit Analysis Expert at Bro Code.

How long is a cover letter first paragraph?

It has all the elements of the first paragraph of an ideally long cover letter:

  • It starts with the certificate name
  • It displays your profile title(s)
  • It shows your years of experience
  • It substantiates your most pressing contributions
  • It then exemplifies why you are such a great fit for your target position

It's 2 sentences long with 64 words.

There is no generic element in it. It displays your genuine interest and proposes why you think you are the best candidate for the job.

And it is based on your experience. That's how you write a job-winning cover letter.

Cover Letter Length: 2nd paragraph

In my present tenure as the Assistant Manager at Accenture, I have been independently managing 11 accounts while incubating and managing a team of 15 to supervise collections from Expedia on behalf of Marriott. As the Lead at IBM UK across London, Manchester & Liverpool, I spearheaded the Cash & Collections Application team to steer process development and deliver stellar levels of customer service. In my previous role as the Process Developer at Miss Effective, I effectively executed the Green Belt project (US/London) while steering process migration for USA Business Credit Services.

How long is a cover letter second paragraph?

The second paragraph of the cover letter is slightly longer, about 93 words long.

It does not pound its chest and claims "I'm the best". Instead, it simply showcases the right numbers. Again, not a generic cover letter.

But, how do you do it?

First, read the job description very carefully. Secondly, go down memory lane and brainstorm about the times you delivered what the target job is exactly looking for.

Cover Letter Length: 3rd paragraph

I was declared a recipient of the Top Collector Award & Maintenance Award while demonstrating the capability to achieve 99% accuracy and productively managing a portfolio of USD 1.5 M per month.

How long is a cover letter third paragraph?

The hiring manager should have not stopped skimming and started reading your cover letter.

Here's why it worked:

  • It did not just say, "I like the company."
  • It proved the same, based on numbers
  • It showed your exact skills

Read their mission statement and "about us" page. Read news articles about them. Find out their philosophy on training and staff development.

In short, state the reasons why that particular organization is the dream company for you.

Cover Letter Length: 4th/5th paragraph

Let's look at the following example:

It is difficult to come away un-awed by the passion for excellence that Bro Code has displayed in its meteoric rise to become a stalwart in this domain. Despite a presence in 9 countries, it values its employees & ensures a continuous learning environment. Hence, I consider Bro Code to be my most preferred employer. Enclosed for your consideration is my resume. I’d appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my suitability and qualifications with you on call or in person.

How long is a cover letter fourth paragraph?

The fourth paragraph always entertains the nature of the organization and your reason for wanting to attend to the same. You should:

  • Read about the company before writing the concluding paragraph
  • Show eagerness for the company and the recruiter

Cover Letter Length: Signature

Always end on a sincere note as does the following example.

Sincerely, Sussane Stephens Enclosure: Resume

Ensure a sustainable gap between the text and the signature.

Still not clear about how long should a cover letter be? You may read our guide on the same.

The following is a concise guide for the same thing.

Cover Letter Infographic

Academic Cover Letter Length

An academic cover letter could run up to 2 pages.

The question - how long should a cover letter be for an academic position - enables us to rethink the scope of an academic cover letter length.

Basically, it incorporates evidence, enthusiasm, and rationale.

On a larger scale, the academic cover letter covers highlights the following:

  • Current Position
  • Research Interests/Affiliations
  • Scholarly Publications
  • Selected Awards & Honors
  • Conference Presentations/Papers
  • Invited Talks
  • Additional Publications
  • Teaching Experiences

Further, if asked, it may also encompass a "Statement Of Purpose". The SOP relates to the readers the motivation/inspiration of the candidate behind opting for the particular position he/she is seeking.

This may easily run from 750 - 1000 words.

Also Read: How to write a cover letter enclosure?

Cover Letter FAQs

How long does a cover letter need to be? Here are the common questions.

Should a cover letter be of 2 pages?

No, a cover letter should not be of 2 pages.

A cover letter that is of 2 pages violates both the definition and the parameters - a short summary of why you're the best bet for the job.

In fact, a resume can extend to 2 pages only if you possess 10+ years of experience.

Should a cover letter be of 1 page?

The best cover letter length is less than 1 page. Smart and short cover letters allow a detailed eye-time with the manager.

In fact, a long cover letter often sends the message that you are unsure about your capabilities.

Is my cover letter too lengthy?

If your cover letter is of 1 full page or longer, then it will be considered lengthy.

A 2 - 3 page length of cover letter is a waste of paper.

A cover letter consists of 3 paragraphs explaining why you're the perfect candidate for the profile you're applying for.

What should be the font size for my cover letter?

The font you use for your cover letter should be of the same font size as that of your resume.

This said, the ideal font size for both is 12 pts.

Cover letter should be 250 - 300 words long.

This is because that's the number of words that take up a little more space than half a page with 12-pt. size.

How long should a digital cover letter be?

The length of a digital cover letter should be the same as that of a paper cover letter. Mainly

  • <1 full page
  • 250-300 words
  • 3 paragraphs

The difference in an electronic cover letter would be in the address section in the starting and the subject line.

Should there be double spacing in a cover letter?

There should not be double space in a cover letter.

The line spacing of your cover letter should effectively be between 1 - 1.5.

Also, after ending each paragraph, give space of one blank line to clearly distinguish between the paragraphs.

How long should a cover letter be for an internship?

Your resume for cover should not be more than 1 page, and ideally withing 400-500 words.

The basic principle of a cover letter for an internship and a cover letter for a job is the same. The only differene is that, in internship cover letter, you need to focus more on your academics and extracarricular activities.

What length should an academic cover letter be?

Usually, an academic cover letter is called an SOP or a "Statement Of Purpose".

This can be 2 pages long - which is enough to demonstrate your:

  • research work
  • accomplishments
  • relevant accolades
  • departmental service

In general, an academic cover letter length is usually 1.5 - 2 pages long. This is about 5 - 8 paragraphs.

Does the length of a cover letter matter?

The right length of a cover letter signifies that you are able to justify your profile and highlight the most relevant experiences.

The number of interviews that you'll get very much depends on the length of your cover letter. So the question now is, how to make the cover letter of the right length?

How long does it take to write a Cover Letter?

Well, you should ideally spend 30 minutes writing a cover letter and 10 minutes proofreading it.

The examples on the page shall help you answer how long should a cover letter be.

Follow the ideal cover letter length for the most number of responses from your hiring manager.

You may also get it reviewed by industry-specific professionals at Hiration.

Key Takeaways

Here are the most important points to practice while reducing your cover letter length:

  • Limit your cover letter to half a page
  • Structure your cover letter in 3 paragraphs
  • Research about the company to ensure that the cover letter is tailored to the job listing
  • Sell Yourself Subtly
  • Be Concise to ensure that the recruiter is presented with a quick snapshot of your achievements
  • Customize the cover letter as per the profile you're targeting
  • Proofread to make sure there are no errors and mistakes
  • Limit your contact information to Phone number, Email Address & location

Go to Hiration career platform which has 24/7 chat support and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries. You can also write to us at [email protected] and we will make sure to reach out to you as soon as possible.

are cover letter two pages

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are cover letter two pages

Ideal Cover Letter Length: How Long Should A Cover Letter Be?

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In This Guide:

How long should a cover letter be, example of one-page cover letter, how to achieve the ideal cover letter length, how to make the most of your cover letter word length and arrangement.

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At last, you found the job of your dreams!

The hours of scrolling through websites before bed has finally paid off.

It’s right there on the screen of your phone, just one cover letter away.

You immediately start thinking about all the things you can list in your letter.

Past job experiences, internships, soft and hard skills…

At one point, you notice the short cover letter has turned into a 3-page novel.

Is it too much?

How long is a cover letter?

And how long is too long when you’re writing about yourself and your achievements?

Can a cover letter be too short, resulting in everyone collectively laughing at your lack of imagination and experience?

Stop. Take a moment to breathe.

If you’re researching how long should a cover letter be, you’re already on the right path.

We will answer all your questions and more so that you can create a memorable cover letter that will impress the recruiters and land you the job of your dreams.

And if you need some inspiration, take a look at some cover letter examples .

Be a first-hand witness to how people just like you have found the balance between length and structure to build a cover letter that becomes the center of attention.

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Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

The average length of a cover letter is half a page. The content should contain no more than 4 paragraphs . The first one being an introduction about yourself and how you found the position; the second (or second and third) – more about your experience, why you’re a suitable candidate; and the last one an ending with a summary of the info and a call to action.

Here is an example of a successful one-page cover letter with 4 paragraphs.

Enhancv Ideal Cover Letter Length: How Long Should A Cover Letter Be?

Now that you know what your end goal should be regarding the length of your cover letter let’s dive into the logistics of reaching that goal.

This includes the structure, the recommended information that should be in it, and some writing and editing tips.

By the end of this article, you will know how to construct a successful cover letter that will increase your chances of getting to your dream position.

And if you’re still wondering why you need one, check out our article on  the purpose of a cover letter in an application.

Enhancv Ideal Cover Letter Length: How Long Should A Cover Letter Be?

Focus on your relevant skills and achievements

We know you are probably a very skilled individual with a long list of accomplishments.

However, most companies only care about the ones relevant to the job.

Job recruiters go through so many applications a day that the moment they see pieces of information that are not related to what they are searching for, your resume and cover letter are headed to the bin.

If you’re applying for a chef in a restaurant, there is no need to explain how you won a science fair in high school with a DIY solar system.

Listing unnecessary information shows that you did not care enough to do the proper research about the type of employee this business needs.

Include four or fewer paragraphs in your cover letter body

We already mentioned briefly what those paragraphs should contain, so let’s go a bit more detailed.

Paragraph 1 – Introduction

Undoubtedly the most important part – the one you will use to win the recruiters over and invite them to learn more about you.

Start by introducing yourself and how you found out about the position, followed by what motivated you to apply for it. Use this part to showcase your knowledge about the company.

You know exactly what they are looking for and, big surprise, you’re the one that can give it all. If there are any specific things you really like about this business, now is the time to list them.

Paragraph 2 and 3 – Body

Now, this is your time to truly shine. Use this part to list all your achievements, skills, and qualifications that are directly related to the job position.

Use specific examples. “I have many years of experience working with wild cats.” is good, but it can be even more precise. “I have worked as a wild cats rehabilitator in the Oregon Zoo in Portland for 6 years.”

If you’re applying for an HR specialist, pay special attention to your organizational abilities and soft skills. If it’s a more technical and precise position, give examples.

“By transforming business goals into measurable indicators with conversion rate optimization in mind, I can help clients gather and analyze user interactions in a visually appealing way that they can access anytime, anywhere.“

Show the recruiters everything they will gain by hiring you. Cover letters are usually all about how the business will benefit from you, not the other way around.

In case you don’t have enough experience in the field you’re aiming for, highlight your motivations, extra courses you’ve taken, and how you want to develop in the future.

Paragraph 4 – Ending

And now it’s time for the big finale. Thank the hiring managers for their time and undivided attention, provide them with extra contact information and finish up with a call to action.

Let them know when you’re available for a callback, what is the best way to reach you, and that if they have any further questions, you will be at their disposal every day.

You can include one last sentence about how excited you are applying for this position, without sounding too needy, of course.

Write short and direct sentences

The way you express yourself is important. Prolonged and heavy sentences will put anyone off from what they’re reading.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should write the whole cover letter in simple sentences, as they can sound quite robotic.

But there needs to be a pleasant flow to your writing. The reader should not struggle with understanding your cover letter.

So here are a few tips that will help you write short, concise sentences that are straight to the point and don’t sound like they’ve been written by a bot.

  • No “fluff words” – These include words such as “really”, “actually”, “totally”, etc. The main rule is – If you can remove it and the sentence doesn’t lose its meaning, then remove it.
  • Use active voice – The usage of passive voice prolongs the sentence with unnecessary clunky words that bear no meaning.
  • Get rid of redundant words – “In order to” can be just “to”, “in close proximity” can be “close”. No need to overcomplicate your sentences just to appear smarter.

Here is an example of transforming a long sentence into a short one.

“I truly believe that all of my skills will be of great use to your company should you decide to hire me.”

“If I am hired, my skills will prove to be useful for your company.“

Leave some information to be revealed later at the interview

Outline the most important info but don’t go into too much detail. You want to intrigue the recruiters enough that they invite you for an interview.

You don’t want to leave the impression that they’ve learned everything about you in the span of two short paragraphs, right?

Use a professional cover letter format

The content of your cover letter is the second thing HR managers will see. The first ones are the layout and design.

Our years of experience have shown that candidates that use a professional format for their cover letters have a better success rate when applying for interviews.

Use a readable and plain font, for example, Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, or Calibri. The size should be no more than 13 point and no less than 11 point. Make it too small, and it’s illegible, make it too big and it looks like you’re trying to fill up space.

Except for the three paragraphs we already talked about, every cover letter should contain the following elements – a heading, a greeting , and a signature at the end.

Leave space between the paragraphs to make the text easy to read and scan, and align the text to the left.

Make sure it doesn’t look cluttered and messy.

Before you start writing, check if there are any specific requirements posted by the recruiters regarding your cover letter. Some companies will tell you exactly what they want for length and content.

Don’t tell too many stories. Giving examples is great but don’t go overboard.

Can my cover letter be 2 pages?

If you’re wondering about a 2-page resume, ask yourself, why do you need it to be so long?  Most of the information should be on your resume, the cover letter is just an add-on.

You’re not telling your life story, you’re simply listing all the relevant experience and skills you have so you can get invited to an interview. You will have more chances to market yourself once you get there.

Unless it’s for a pretty high-end position, such as a heart surgeon, professor ina university, or a science researcher, you should be able to fit everything in half a page.

How many words should a cover letter be?

Since we already established that the average length for a cover letter is two-thirds of a page, maximum, how many words is that?

Well, if you don’t have any specific instructions from the employer, keep it between 250 and 400, ideally 300. If you’re using a 12 point font and you’ve written your 3 paragraphs, that’s the usual word count at the end.

In any case, the average word count should be a guideline, not your main focus.

What about academic cover letter length?

The cover letter for an academic position is one of those rare cases where you can exceed the one-page maximum. In

It usually needs to include all sorts of important information such as teaching, research, departmental service, published papers, relevant accolades, and anything else that might be required for the position.

How long should my intern cover letter be?

A cover letter for an internship  should follow the same guidelines as the typical cover letter. Between 200 and 400 words is ideal.

It could be shorter, as well. If you’re applying for an internship, chances are you don’t have a lot of experience resulting in fewer things you can include in your cover letter.

  • Focus less on how long does a cover letter need to be and more on what is required from the company you’re applying to;
  • Always research for specific instructions from the hiring managers regarding cover letter length and other requirements;
  • Unless you’re applying for an academic position or another one that demands a longer letter, don’t go over one page;
  • The format of the cover letter should be professional and clean. The goal is to make your text easy to scan and understand. You can use Enhancv’s Content Analyzer  to check everything.
  • Write simply and use short sentences;
  • Tailor your letter to the position you’re applying for. Make it personal and show that you care.

What are your experiences with writing cover letters? Have you ever written a cover letter longer than one page?

Tell us in the comments below and if you found this article useful, make sure to share it with anyone who might need it.

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The Do’s of Writing a Spectacular Cover Letter

The old saying, "You only have one chance to make a first impression," is definitely true when meeting someone in person, and it is just as important when you are writing to someone regarding a potential job opportunity. Yes, some say that employers may not look at cover letters or that Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) may not pick up cover letters, but don't take the chance of being disqualified for not including one. Below are some ideas to consider when writing a cover letter so you can set yourself apart from other applicants:

  • Do Be Specific: When possible, address the cover letter to a specific person rather than "To Whom it May Concern." Do your best to research the person responsible for hiring. If it is not listed in the job description, call Human Resources or the Department and find out to whom it should be addressed.
  • Do Sell Yourself while Displaying Personality: A cover letter is not meant to repeat what is on your resume or CV. It is a chance to show some insight into your character, sell your expertise, and display your interest (and hopefully passion) for the position for and institution at which you are applying. The key is to maintain professionalism while showing personality. For example, "Having grown up in Amherst, I understand how Amherst College has earned their reputation as a leading liberal arts school. I would love the opportunity to be a member of this community in the role of academic advisor."
  • Do Send as a PDF: Virtually everyone can open a PDF file without conversion. If you send in another format and force the person to convert the file, they may not take the time and move on to the next applicant. Plus, it can't be tampered with and you have control of how it appears on someone else's screen.
  • Do Be Concise: Cover letters should be one page long and divided into three to four paragraphs.
  • The first paragraph should indicate the reason you are writing and how you heard about the position. Include attention grabbing, yet professional, information. For example, "I am an experienced faculty member and industry expert with over 10 years of teaching undergraduate and graduate level biology courses in the classroom and online. After finding your position posting on HigherEdJobs , I knew I was the perfect fit for Smith University, which I hope you will agree."
  • The second paragraph should be used to explain your qualifications and highlight with specific examples how your skills, experience or research match what the employer is seeking. For example, saying "I am an effective fund raiser " doesn't convey anything to the reader. Instead, try saying "Over the past year, I have increased donations by more than 150% bringing in over $3 million." Employers love proof that supports what you are saying.
  • The third paragraph should be used as a closing paragraph to thank the reader for their consideration and to request an opportunity to meet to discuss the position further. You should also provide your contact information (phone number/email) so the employer knows the best way to reach you. Another option is to be more proactive and state a follow-up action on your part. For example, "I will contact you within the next several days to set up a time to talk." Then, make sure you actually do what you said you were going to do!
  • Do Customize: Although you may be sending out cover letters and resumes to multiple institutions, do not let the companies know this by creating a generic template letter! For example, instead of writing, "I am very interested in working for your university," customize it by replacing "your university" with the actual school name. Additionally, make sure you address the institution's specific needs with your talents. Employers can tell when you are using a "one size fits all" type cover letter and they don't like it! By taking a few extra minutes to state the college or university's name and addressing how you can benefit them, you could set yourself apart from a generic cover letter. Also, don't ever start off the cover letter by saying "My name is ____." The person already knows your name and you'll sound inexperienced.
  • Do Proofread: It's an obvious do, but so important! If you have grammatical errors or misspellings (or type the wrong company name), this can immediately disqualify you from being considered for a position. Employers often view this as being careless and an inability to write effectively. Always proofread and, when possible, have a friend proofread it as well.

The goal of the cover letter is to grab the reader's attention by convincing them you are a great candidate, make them want to read your resume and profile, and, of course, call you in for an interview so you can brilliantly sell yourself in person just like you did on paper. Good luck!

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Two-Page Cover Letter Addressing the Statement of Duties

  • Post author: theresumewriters
  • Post published: January 12, 2019
  • Post category: Australian Public Service / Cover Letters / Selection Criteria
  • Post comments: 2 Comments

Two-page cover letter addressing the statement of duties/selection criteria

The format which has all but wholly replaced traditional selection criteria.

By Jacquie Liversidge

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How to write a 2-page cover letter that addresses government requirements.

More and more, there are content length limitations placed on selection criteria responses, and the majority of the time, these are two pages, or roughly 1500 words. 

This has been implemented by the Commonwealth and most state governments in response to enormous selection criteria responses being submitted for government roles, jam packed with empty content which doesn’t demonstrate an applicant’s capabilities.

When applicants write their selection criteria, there is a tendency to fill the selection criteria with ‘padding’, or useless material, to increase the length with the idea that more is better.

Length certainly isn’t everything. When it comes to selection criteria, you want to get your material out quickly and efficiently with the most impact and the lowest word count.

You want to use your audience’s limited time well.

And this is where directions for a two-page cover letter come in to play.

How to spot it when it applies

Either on the applicant guide or the initial link to the prospective role, there will be a section titled ‘How to Apply’. 

Read this section carefully and make sure you are aware of what the directions are.

How to interpret the position description

Click on the position description and look over what is listed therein.

On the position description for most government applications, you will usually find the following sections titled exactly like this, or very similarly:

  • Position Objective
  • Role context
  • Responsibility
  • Knowledge, Skills and Experience (Selection Criteria – in relation to the major duties)

Selection criteria can also be called Essential Requirements, Role Specific Requirements, Success Criteria. Nonetheless, the easiest way to spot these questions are by looking for dot-pointed content that looks a bit like this:

eg. – Demonstrated ability to provide consumer-centred care

– Exceptional communication skills and conflict resolution skills.

– Proven report writing capabilities.

Once we have a good idea of the important background, context, and scope,  and we’ve found the selection criteria we need to respond to, we can start on our content. Here’s a bunch of over ten detailed selection criteria examples to get you started.

Here’s an example of a two-page cover letter addressing the required sections Queensland Government.  Increasingly, these questions are values based, as they were below :

Two-page statement example

The structure, introduction: why you’re applying, what you’re offering, and why you’d be a great fit, the selection criteria question restated which is entirely optional. it’s also appropriate to skip this part, and move on to the next., our response, with the topic sentence (first sentence) repeating the question. (do this for all questions), a call to action (cta) statement ending the cover letter, professional sign-off, tips, tricks, and other information to note:.

If it’s a two-page cover letter for a government role, and it says nothing about addressing the requirements of the role, but there is selection criteria present,  you do still need to address the selection criteria.

Traditionally, where the position description/advertisement asks for responses to the selection criteria, you would develop your questions and title them with the question. This approach is exactly the same, but incorporates the cover letter element of an introduction statement, and it simply does not contain the selection criteria within the documents as headings.

The point of the exercise is  demonstrate  your capability to perform in the role via  examples of your ability to do that prior. The only part of the story which demonstrates  your capability, are the actions that you took.

Focus on the inner content

Save your space for the real content that will get you selected by keeping your introduction short and to the point, and your call-to-action statement at the end within 2 sentences.

Introduction example:  

I wish to submit my application for the position of Communications Officer as listed on the Tasmanian Government jobs website. I am confident I would be an ideal candidate for the position given my extensive experience within the corporate communications environment, my proven successes in a variety of roles and my strong interest in supporting strategic objectives through strong external communication.

Call-to-Action example:  

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application for the role of Communications Officer. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the details contained herein for further information or to arrange an interview.

Keep your content focused on the selection criteria. Keep it concise and make every word count.

And that’s all folks. 

Happy hunting!

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Writing a cover letter is more of an art than a science: there’s not always a strict formula to follow, but there are guiding principles for writing a compelling one.

Why Bother with a Cover Letter? 

Because some employers will eliminate you automatically if you don’t have one! Cover letters are an opportunity to connect the dots between your liberal arts education, your skills, interests, and experience, and the requirements of the job. They’re also a chance for you to demonstrate the written communication skills and flexibility you picked up as a liberal arts student. Employers will assess you based on the writing and the message you send – so make sure both of them are strong and error-free.

Tips for Writing an Effective Cover Letter

Mention referrals .

If someone has referred you to the position or organization, e.g. an alumni contact, family friend or parent, mention this at the beginning. Be sure you have their permission to include their name!

Target/customize Your Letter to Match Each Particular Position  

Make every effort to tailor each letter or email to show the connection between your qualifications and the employer’s specific requirements. Highlight key aspects of the role and the company that you are excited about, and outline how the company’s values line up with your own.

Focus on How You Can Add Value to the Company

Not how they can make you better.

Keep Your Cover Letter Short

A good target is 250-300 words in no more than three concise paragraphs.

Match your cover letter font to your resume font, and keep a consistent personal brand in all your documents.

Edit Your Cover Letter Carefully

Is it interesting and persuasive? Does it tell a compelling story of your college experience, your pertinent qualifications and skills, and a bit of your personality? Re-read it from the employer's perspective. Does it answer the question: "Why should I hire you?”

Close Your Cover Letter with a Clear Call to Action

State what you will do next, such as calling to see if an interview can be arranged at the employer’s convenience. Thank them for their consideration.

Proofread Your Letter by Reading it Out Loud

Then have several people proofread your letter for persuasiveness, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typographical errors. Your letter must be neat and absolutely error-free. Realize the reader will view the cover letter as an example of your written communication skills.

Sending Your Cover Letter

Decide whether it is best to send your cover letter in the body of your email or whether you're going to attach it as a separate document. Including your cover letter in the body of your email is generally more convenient and preferred for hiring managers, but if formatting is highly important to you or the employer, attaching a PDF is also acceptable.

If a cover letter is optional, submit one! Employers want to see that you’re serious about the position—writing a cover letter can do just that. 

CVC Cover Letter Outline PDF cover

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Cover letter length (2 pages too long?)

I am a bit conflicted. I am going to submit my resume and cover letter soon. I am only applying to one place. I am not looking for another job, the only reason I am even applying is because I am extremely passionate about this job and getting to work with someone I admire. There are ~20 people working there. I wrote a completely custom letter outlining my experience and previous jobs, what they taught me, and applicable situations to the job. It also includes some insights as to who I am and what I've learned. I am very similar to the CEO... I do not know if he will read it. But since he is similar to me, I do believe he may micromanage (that's why there are only 20 people there). It's a relatively big company but, I believe, he'd rather hire a highly skilled set of a few than 40 people who are okay. Almost everyone has advised me to submit a shorter cover letter. My gut tells me to submit it as it is. I was thinking as a plan B to paraphrase the cover letter and submit the real one to him through an email.

What are your thoughts and recommendations?

Thank you very much

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White House lawyers who advised Reagan, Bush endorse Harris over Trump in 2024 showdown

Trump 'remains unfit, dangerous and detached from reality,' say the former gop white house lawyers.

Paul Steinhauser

Kamala Harris promises to be a president for all Americans

Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks at the 2024 Democratic National Convention after formally accepting the nomination for president. 

FIRST ON FOX: A dozen Republican White House lawyers who served in the administrations of then-Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush are endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris in her race against GOP nominee former President Donald Trump.

"We endorse Kamala Harris and support her election as President because we believe that returning former President Trump to office would threaten American democracy and undermine the rule of law in our country," the lawyers wrote in a letter that the signatories shared first with Fox News Digital.

The letter was released on Friday, the day after Harris delivered her nomination acceptance speech in the culminating moment of the Democratic National Convention, which was held in Chicago.


Kamala Harris speaks on Day 4 of the Democratic National Convention

Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris takes the stage on Day 4 of the Democratic National Convention at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois, on August 22, 2024.  (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

The signatories added that "we urge all patriotic Republicans, former Republicans, conservative and center-right citizens, and independent voters to place love of country above party and ideology and join us in supporting Kamala Harris."

The list includes Michael Luttig, the prominent right-of-center legal scholar and retired federal appeals court judge who previously served as assistant counsel to the president in the Reagan White House. Luttig made headlines at the start of the week by endorsing Harris as the Democrats' convention kicked off.


The letter notes, "Donald Trump’s own Vice President and multiple members of his Administration and White House Staff at the most senior levels – as well as former Republican nominees for President and Vice President – have already declined to endorse his reelection."

Those signing the letter pointed to what they called "the profound risks presented by his [Trump's] potential return to public office. Indeed, Trump’s own Attorney General and National Security Adviser have said unequivocally that Donald Trump is unfit for office, dangerous, and detached from reality."

Donald Trump pointing at rally

Former President and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump points after speaking about national security during a campaign rally in Asheboro, North Carolina, August 21, 2024. (Photo by PETER ZAY/AFP via Getty Images)

And pointing to the then-president's attempts to reverse the results of his 2020 election loss to President Biden, the Republican lawyers argued that "Trump’s attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after losing the election proved beyond any reasonable doubt his willingness to place his personal interests above the law and values of our constitutional democracy."

"We cannot go along with other former Republican officials who have condemned Trump with these devastating judgments but are still not willing to vote for Harris," they added. "We believe this election presents a binary choice, and Trump is utterly disqualified."

And they charged that Trump "was guilty of grave wrongdoing to our Constitution, democracy, and rule of law, and who remains unfit, dangerous, and detached from reality."

Trump's numerous indictments in four different legal cases dating back to the spring fueled support for him among Republicans as he fended off over a dozen challengers for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

His fundraising skyrocketed this spring after he was found guilty of all 34 felony counts in the first criminal trial of a former or current president in the nation's history.


While Trump easily captured the Republican nomination as he cruised through the GOP's primaries and caucuses, his final rival – former ambassador and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley – continued to win up to 20% of the vote in Republican contests long after she dropped out of the race.

President Biden's campaign – which transformed into the Harris campaign after the president's blockbuster announcement last month that he was ending his re-election bid – has made efforts for months to court Republican voters disaffected with Trump.

The Harris campaign during the four-day convention in Chicago this week showcased Republicans who are supporting the vice president.

Among them were former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan and former Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.

The Harris campaign makes a pitch to attract Republican voters who don't support Trump

Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois speaks at the Democratic National Convention, on Aug. 22, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.  (Paul Steinhauser - Fox News )

Trump has dramatically transformed the Republican Party since he first won the GOP nomination and the White House in 2016, turning it from a conservative-dominated party to one where the populist wing of MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters and followers dominate. 

The list of signatories to the letter, besides Luttig, includes (in alphabetical order) John B. Bellinger III, Senior Associate Counsel to the President and Legal Adviser to the NSC under George W. Bush, Phillip D. Brady, Deputy Counsel to the President under Reagan, Benedict S. Cohen, Associate Counsel to the President under Reagan, Peter D. Keisler, Associate Counsel to the President under Reagan, and Robert M. Kruger, Associate Counsel to the President under Reagan.

Also included are John M. Mitnick, Associate Counsel to the President and Deputy Counsel, White House Homeland Security Council under George W. Bush, Alan Charles Raul, Associate Counsel to the President under Reagan and General Counsel, OMB under Reagan and George H.W. Bush, Nicholas Rostow, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Legal Adviser to the NSC under Reagan and George H.W. Bush, Peter J. Rusthoven, Associate Counsel to the President under Reagan, David B. Waller, Senior Associate Counsel to the President under Reagan, and Wendell L. Willkie II, Associate Counsel to the President under Reagan.

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Number of Items 1

About this item

  • Create, Digitize, Erase, Re-Create: Capture ideas with the included Pilot Frixion Pen, digitize effortlessly using the Rocketbook app, store in your preferred cloud service. When done, simply wipe the pages clean with a damp cloth and start fresh.
  • App-Enabled for Digital Organization: The Rocketbook app allows you to scan and upload your visual work directly to cloud platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneNote, etc. The app-connection ensures your creativity is accessible from anywhere.
  • High-Quality & Durable Materials: Crafted from reusable, premium dotted paper, the Rocketbook Core features a spiral binding and waterproof cover. The grid layout offers flexibility for everything from bullet journaling to geometric sketches.
  • Portable and Versatile Sizes: Available in two sizes—Letter (8.5 x 11 inches) and Executive (6 x 8.8 inches)—the Rocketbook Core is compact enough to fit into backpacks, purses, or briefcases. This notebook offers portability and versatility.
  • Eco-Friendly Reusability: Designed with sustainability in mind, Rocketbook notebooks help reduce paper waste with a reusable alternative. Enjoy a paper-like notebook that can be used repeatedly, allowing you to save work and erase everything else.

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Rocketbook, Rocketbook everlast, resuable notebook, erasable notebook, wirebound notebook, notebooks

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Thoughts On The RocketBook Core From A New User

Relatively Rich Life

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Review of Rocketbook Core Reusable Smart Notebook

🔆 Carmiña 🔆

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Customer Review: Now We Are Talking....

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6 Years Later - How Does Rocketbook Hold Up?

Suzanna Kaye

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The thing I love most about this rocketbook notebook

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An honest review! Time to take some notes!

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Unboxing Rocketbook Core Reusable Smart Notebook #gifted

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Customer Review: Easy electronic records!

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Review of Rocketbook Smart Reusable Notebook Scan and Erase

Looking for specific info, what's in the box.

  • Everlast Notebook
  • Pilot FriXion Pen

Product information

Technical details.

Manufacturer ‎Rocket Innovations, Inc
Brand ‎Rocketbook
Item Weight ‎8.6 ounces
Product Dimensions ‎11 x 8.5 x 0.5 inches
Item model number ‎EVR-L-K-A
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‎No
Color ‎Black
Cover Material ‎Hard cover
Material Type ‎Paper
Number of Items ‎1
Size ‎Letter
Ruling ‎Dotted
Sheet Size ‎8.5 x 11 inches
Brightness Rating ‎0.01
Paper Finish ‎Specially Coated
Manufacturer Part Number ‎EVR-L-R

Additional Information

Customer Reviews
4.5 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank #1,205 in Office Products ( )
#16 in
Date First Available May 21, 2017

Warranty & Support Return Policy: You can return many items you have purchased within 30 days following delivery of the item to you. Our Voluntary 30-Day Return Guarantee does not affect your legal right of withdrawal in any way. You can find out more about the exceptions and conditions .

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Product Description

Unlock your creativity and enhance your productivity with the Rocketbook Core Dotted Notebook, the perfect companion for drawing, sketching, and more. Ideal for college students, working professionals, teachers, and anyone who values organized note-taking, this notebook combines traditional design with modern technology for a superior writing experience. This versatile notebook features a durable, waterproof cover and thick, reusable pages. The side spiral design allows the notebook to lay flat, making it a perfect canvas everything from bullet journaling and creating layouts to graphing equations, artistic sketches, and visualizing diagrams. Its dotted pages are ideal for precise geometry, shapes, and grid views, allowing for flexible, flowing ideas and artistic expression. The Rocketbook Core Dotted Notebook is app-connected, so you can easily save, organize, and share your notes and visual representations. Use it to sketch out concepts, brainstorm thinking ideas, or engineer detailed plans. The included Pilot Frixion pen lets you erase and switch between projects with ease, enhancing your productivity and providing the freedom to adapt your notebook to any task. This flexible process supports ideation and enhances productivity, making it ideal for artists, engineers, and creators alike. It’s a thoughtful gift for back-to-school, professional settings, or any occasion where creativity and organization are key.

From the Manufacturer

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Customer reviews

  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star 70% 15% 8% 3% 4% 70%
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  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 2 star 70% 15% 8% 3% 4% 3%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 1 star 70% 15% 8% 3% 4% 4%

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the performance, ease of use, and notes of the blank book. For example, they mention it's functional, easy to use, simple, and perfect for meeting notes. That said, opinions are mixed on ease of cleaning, readability, and value.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers like the performance of the book. They say it's very functional, useful, and easy to use. They also appreciate the frixion pens and OCR feature. Customers also mention that the dot grid is surprisingly functional and practical. Overall, customers say it would make a great gift for a student.

"...Writing on them takes an adjustment, but the Frixion pens work amazing . It takes about 15-20 seconds for the ink to fry on the paper which is fine...." Read more

"...So I do recommend this product. It is easy to use. It is very innovative . I'm 65 years old and did not have any problem figuring it all out...." Read more

"...But it works out pretty well with the Frixion pens, and it wipes clean just like it’s supposed to, ready for another round of notes or ideas or..." Read more

"...This book is literal magic . It's easy to write on: doesn't necessarily FEEL like paper (but then again it isn't, so why feel that way?)..." Read more

Customers find the book easy to use and say it's less of a struggle to study with all of their notes stored. They also say the Rocketbook app is simple and easy to operate, making numerous tasks simpler. Customers also appreciate the convenience of going digital and the fact that it saves time and effort when revisiting old notes or sharing.

"...- App is super easy to use and runs smoothlyCons:-Cover is easily scratched-Pens run out of ink quickly..." Read more

"...class so having them uploaded to the app makes it easy and convenient to look at them when I need them.***..." Read more

"...So I do recommend this product. It is easy to use . It is very innovative. I'm 65 years old and did not have any problem figuring it all out...." Read more

"... It feels great ! Now that I'm used to the feel of the Rocketbook, I'll have to give the 05 another try...." Read more

Customers find the product a great way to take notes without wasting a ton of paper. They say it's a good solution for digital notes, convenient, and perfect for meeting notes. They also appreciate the grid dots that help them easily structure their notes in bullet points. Customers also say the book is easy to find and makes it easy to upload to other apps. Overall, they say it provides an eco-friendly, efficient, and well-organized note-taking experience that's hard to match.

"... -Access to all of my notes quickly and easily on Google Drive or on the Rocketbook app..." Read more

"...a folder called Rocketbook Files to upload to and it makes it easy to find your notes . You get one Frixion pen - a black 0.7mm...." Read more

"...3. Holy cow I can easily find any of my notes ?!?..." Read more

"...lapdesk with a 10" Fire tablet to watch news videos and it is convenient to take notes ...." Read more

Customers like the reusability of the pages. They say it's a physical yet infinitely reusable notebook that can replace all the wasted paper of regular notebooks. Customers also appreciate the erasable pages and the efficient method of eradicating them.

"...The eraser is a nice bonus , but it's not a necessity for me, especially when I can use the cloth to erase...." Read more

", and I appreciate how the RocketBook is a physical yet infinitely reusable notebook ...." Read more

"Loving this reusable notebook with devisers . It’s an upgrade from my previous notebook. Pages stay bright even after repeated use...." Read more

"...value since pages can be erased by water and a wipe, and materials are recyclable . BIC bought the company in 2020...." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the ease of cleaning the pages. Some mention that the pens work fine and the pages clean off very easily, while others say that the pen doesn't always perfectly erase, leaving the page with a gray tint. Additionally, some say that cleaning the page is tedious work and using erasable pens is required.

"...They work just like the core paper does. Easy clean up too. I highly recommend these for anyone who likes to make flash cards...." Read more

"...The pages are dull in appearance ...." Read more

"...4. It wipes clean… for those in the back: IT. WIPES. CLEAN !..." Read more

Customers are mixed about the readability of the blank book. Some mention that the paper is not bad to write on at all, and the polyester blend provides a fluid writing experience. However, some customers say that the pen that came with the book didn't write very well, and it struggled to transcribe their handwriting. They also mention that it's hard for them to write comfortably at the couch without a flat surface, and that OCR with handwriting is hit or miss.

"... Writing in it was a quick adjustment because it feels much smoother than paper, but it still feels nice to write on...." Read more

"...Initially, the pages feel a little weird . It’s not paper, feels like plastic. Writing on them takes an adjustment, but the Frixion pens work amazing...." Read more

"...That is the only negative.The handwriting "erases" easily . A small medium gray micro-fiber cloth is provided...." Read more

"...And as others have said, the pages do not feel like paper . The page is totally smooth...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the value of the notebook. Some mention it's affordable and worth every penny, while others say it'll save them money on buying new notebooks.

"...I highly recommend this brand and the Pilot Frixion pens. It’s well worth your money !" Read more

"...However, the steep price tag made me reconsider...." Read more

" exactly what I wanted, and was hoping for, AND at an excellent price point ...." Read more

"...The recommended FriXion gel pens are relatively inexpensive . The ink takes 15-20 seconds to dry...." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the smudge resistance of the blank book. They mention that the ink smudges easily, and the pen stains the pages.

"...While the dots do help me write straight, sometimes my writing just doesn't line up right , so having lined pages would definitely make my notes look..." Read more

"...My only complaint is that the pink pen stains the pages a little , thus erasing it is a little more difficult...." Read more

"...but the frixion pens kept smudging . So I took scotch tape and stuck that on the key in front, THEN I used permanent markers to label them...." Read more

"...Cons:-- While the OCR is *good*, it's a little glitchy if you write in cursive ...." Read more

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This product is literal magic.

This product is literal magic.

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How to get ChatGPT to write your cover letter: step-by-step guide with exact prompts

  • When applying for jobs, ChatGPT-4 can make the cover-letter writing process more manageable.
  • An AI consultant shares tips for writing an effective cover letter using ChatGPT.
  • Here's a step-by-step guide, including writing prompts and navigating ChatGPT's limitations. 

Insider Today

Generative AI can be an effective tool for time-consuming tasks like writing cover letters, but only if you know how to use it effectively.

As an AI consultant , marketing and design companies come to me when they need help learning to use AI tools like ChatGPT. I also help companies review potential employees for AI-specific roles by evaluating their understanding of current tools and trends.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get AI to write you a great cover letter that doesn't sound AI-generated. 

Learn the basics

ChatGPT works best with specific directions, so learn what makes a good cover letter before directing ChatGPT to write one. 

Isimemen Aladejobi, a career strategist, outlines three components of an effective cover letter. 

  •  A strong introduction that demonstrates company or industry knowledge. Highlight something in the news that's relevant to your prospective department. Use this topical event to segue into why you're interested in this specific position.  Aladejobi recommends always referring to the job title and company by name.
  • The body of the cover letter should convey why your skills and experience make you a perfect fit. Highlight what you brought to the table at your last job and connect it to the requirements of the role you're applying for. Even suggest initiatives you could start at the company.
  • The sign-off should be simple. Aladejobi suggests, "I'm excited and looking forward to hearing from you," which she says demonstrates enthusiasm without being too wordy. 

With this in mind, you can now start prompting ChatGPT with confidence. 

Writing your cover letter in ChatGPT-4

Be aware of the token limit.

The token limit is ChatGPT's limit on recall and comprehension during a single session. ChatGPT has a token limit of 4,096, and according to OpenAI , 100 tokens are about 75 words.

If ChatGPT starts responding to prompts illogically, you've probably hit the limit. This message to help ChatGPT refocus:

" Please search this chat for the word strawberry and reread that message and provide me a summary of what you think we need to do. We're at step [#] of that message. Tell me if you want a recap of the previous steps, and I'll provide a summary. "

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Having this marker will keep ChatGPT on task and ensure an accurate end product. 

Step 1: Onboard ChatGPT to the task

ChatGPT needs very explicit instructions to complete tasks successfully. Below is the exact prompt to copy and paste into the chatbot. 

To apply for a job within your industry use this prompt: 

"Hi ChatGPT. You're now the best cover letter writer on earth. You and I will write a cover letter together for [job title] at [company]. I have [#] years of experience. Here's what we're going to do:

  •  You will ask me at least 15 questions about my work history and vision for the role. Make at least one of the questions "What initiatives would you implement in this role?"
  • I'm going to give you sections of the job description to read and you're going to generate a strategic plan for the cover letter based on my answers from step one and the job description for me to approve.
  • I'm going to give you a news item about the company. Read it and tell me how you plan to connect it to my cover letter application.
  • Use this format to write the cover letter:
  • Begin with the news item based on my approval of your strategy. Conclude paragraph one: "When I came across this role, I knew it was the role for me. Let me tell you why."
  • The next two to three paragraphs should be my career history with clear connections to the position requirements and desired skills. Make sure to say somewhere, "As your [position title], I'll," and include some of the initiatives.
  • Wrap up with the following sentence, "I'm excited and looking forward to hearing from you."

If we exceed your token limit, let's use "strawberry" as our focus word so you can get reoriented. 

Please begin by summarizing what you think I want you to do."

If you're making a pivot in your career, remove this line from the prompt: " I have [#] years of experience ," and replace it with " I'm making a career transition from [industry] to [industry] so the cover letter needs to heavily showcase how my previous experience is an asset to [Company]. "

And add this to the first task: "Make another question about how I think my previous experience is an asset to this new industry."

Step 2: Check for understanding

ChatGPT should create a summary of this plan. Check that the summary is accurate. If it is, reply with " next step " or " yes ."

Ashley Couto

If ChatGPT gets confused, open a new chat and repaste the prompt.

Step 3: Answer the career questions and have ChatGPT generate a career summary

The bot should provide you with the 15 career questions. Each answer should be two or three sentences long. You can go over for one or two questions, but be wary of potentially hitting the token limit. 

Once you've answered all the questions, add this sentence and press enter:

" Please create a detailed summary of my responses that I can paste into ChatGPT so I don't have to answer all these questions again if I need to generate another cover letter. "

Copy and paste the summary into another document to use for other applications. 

Step 4: Input no more than 2,500 characters of the job description

Copy and paste only the pertinent details from the description into ChatGPT and delete the fluff. Keep skills and competencies, responsibilities, the role overview, and a little about the company if you think it would be helpful.

Step 5: Paste in a company press release or industry-specific news story

Once ChatGPT gives you its plan, decide whether you agree with its intent. If you do, indicate that you want to move forward and press return or make a change. 

With any AI tool, you must be an editor and strategic advisor. Do not assume that what it's generated is the right path. Exercise critical judgment and get ChatGPT to refine.

For example, after I provided the article, ChatGPT presented me with a summary that didn't highlight key issues on how Canadian media companies think about content. I gave it instructions to refine it.

Step 6: Generate the cover letter and revise it with ChatGPT

Once you've approved its strategic approach, ChatGPT will generate the cover letter. 

It will generate a first draft but probably won't be ready for use yet. It's your job now to go back in and revise using specific instructions.

For example, I felt that the third paragraph ChatGPT generated was weak.

Direct it with specific changes to adjust particular paragraphs and go back and forth for a few rounds until you're happy.

And it generated a much stronger attempt.

Step 7: Put it into a text editor

ChatGPT has a suboptimal understanding of grammar and syntax. Once you're happy with the content, put your text through Grammarly to help tighten up the language and avoid problems like using the passive voice.

Step 8: Rinse and repeat with modifications

You can use the same root prompt for future cover letters, but replace step one with this:

"I'm going to paste in a summary of my work experience. Please write me a three-sentence summary of what type of work I do and what you see as my top accomplishment so I can check for understanding."

Based on the previously generated summary, you'll double-check that ChatGPT has a good idea of what you do. If it's missing a few key details, fill it in on those or tell it which summary you want it to prioritize before you move through the rest of the prompt.

Watch: The 3 key words to use on your résumé to land the interview

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Free Alphabet Dot Worksheets | Printable Letter Pages

Language Arts | 0 comments

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If you’re looking for a fun and effective way to help young children develop fine motor skills and letter recognition, these free Alphabet Dot Worksheets are a perfect addition to your lesson plans.

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or homeschooler, these dot printables are designed to make learning the letters of the alphabet engaging and enjoyable for kindergarten age students.

Free alphabet dot worksheets for preschool, prek, and kindergarten kids to practice capital and lowercase letters.

What Are Alphabet Dot Worksheets?

Have you ever done an alphabet dot worksheet with the kids? If not, you may be wondering what they even are. Let me fill you in…

Alphabet Dot Worksheets are printable pages that feature letters of the alphabet with dots that children can cover using various materials like bingo daubers, paint markers, or even pom poms.

These worksheets are a great way to provide extra practice in recognizing both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Plus, they offer a hands-on activity that strengthens fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination, essential for young learners.

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Why Use Alphabet Dot Worksheets?

1. fine motor skills development:  .

The act of dotting the letters with bingo markers or other tools helps children develop the small muscles in their hands, which are crucial for writing. It’s a fun way to practice fine motor skills while also working on letter recognition.

2. Letter Recognition:  

These worksheets are an easy way to reinforce letter recognition in both uppercase and lowercase letters. Kids can dot each letter, helping them learn the shape and form of each letter of the alphabet.

3. Engaging Learning:  

With dot marker printables, children can enjoy learning. The interactive nature of dotting makes the alphabet come to life, transforming what could be seen as a mundane task into a fun activity.

4. Low Prep and High Impact:  

These printable worksheets are low prep, making them a perfect addition to your literacy centers or for independent work. Simply print, provide the tools, and watch as children engage in this enjoyable dot activity.

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Different Ways to Use Alphabet Dot Worksheets

These worksheets are versatile and can be used in several ways:

  • Bingo Daubers and Markers:  Using bingo daubers or dot markers is the most common method. They provide a satisfying “stamp” effect that kids love.
  • Q-Tip Painting:  Another fine motor skill practice is to have children use Q-tips dipped in paint to dot each letter. This is a great way to introduce different textures and techniques.
  • Pom Poms and Tweezers:  For a more tactile experience, use pom poms and tweezers. This method adds an extra challenge, further developing hand-eye coordination.
  • Hole Punch:  For a unique twist, children can use a hole punch to dot the letters, which is great for strengthening hand muscles.

Grab Your Free Alphabet Dot Worksheets!

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If you don’t want to enter your email to get your free printables, you can purchase them HERE or on TPT .

Free alphabet dot worksheets for preschool, prek, and kindergarten kids to practice capital and lowercase letters.

Two Popular Alphabet Dot Worksheets

Alphabet Dot worksheets are incredibly versatile tools for early childhood education, offering a wide range of applications to enhance letter recognition, fine motor skills, and more.

Let’s take a closer look at how the Free Alphabet Dot Worksheets and the Alphabet Superstars Practice Worksheets can be incorporated into various educational settings.

1. FREE Alphabet Dot Worksheets: Q-Tip Painting

This printable pack includes a variety of dot pages that are perfect for young learners.

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Here’s how you can use these worksheets across different classroom activities:

  • Morning Work:  Start the day with a calm and focused activity by letting students use Q-tips dipped in paint or bingo daubers to dot their letters. This sets a positive tone for the day while reinforcing letter recognition.
  • Alphabet Centers:  Set up an alphabet center where children can independently choose a worksheet and practice dotting letters. You can rotate tools like bingo markers, pom poms, or Q-tips to keep the activity fresh and engaging.
  • Early Finisher Tasks:  For students who finish their work early, these dot worksheets are an excellent way to keep them productively occupied. They can choose from different letters or even spell out simple words using the dot pages.
  • ELA Stations:  Incorporate these dot worksheets into your English Language Arts (ELA) stations. Children can work on letter recognition while also practicing fine motor skills. This is particularly beneficial when focusing on a specific letter of the week.
  • Fine Motor Activities:  The act of dotting each letter helps develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills , making it a valuable activity for occupational therapy sessions or as part of a fine motor skills curriculum.
  • Homework:  Send these worksheets home as part of a weekly homework packet. It’s a low-prep, high-impact way for parents to engage with their child’s learning at home.
  • Tutoring:  If you’re working one-on-one with a child who needs extra practice, these dot worksheets offer a fun and interactive way to reinforce letter recognition.


2. Alphabet Superstars

The Alphabet Superstars are perfect for providing additional practice in recognizing lowercase alphabet letters and beginning sounds.

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Here’s how these worksheets can be integrated into various educational activities:

  • Morning Work:  Use these worksheets as a quiet morning activity to help students settle in and start the day by reviewing letters and beginning sounds.
  • ELA Stations:  These worksheets are a great addition to ELA stations where students can focus on identifying lowercase letters and matching them with their beginning sounds. This can be done independently or with a partner.
  • Independent Work:  Since these worksheets are straightforward and easy to follow, they make an excellent resource for independent work time. Students can complete them on their own, giving teachers time to work with other students.
  • Homework:  Assign these worksheets as homework to reinforce what’s being taught in class. This provides additional practice in a fun, low-pressure format.

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  • Alphabet Centers:  Create an alphabet center where students can practice lowercase letter recognition and beginning sounds using these worksheets. You can pair them with letter tiles or flashcards for an interactive experience.
  • Tutoring:  These worksheets are ideal for tutoring sessions, especially for young children who are just beginning to learn the alphabet . They offer structured, focused practice that helps solidify early literacy skills.
  • Fine Motor Activities:  While the primary focus is on letter recognition and beginning sounds, the act of tracing and dotting letters also supports the development of fine motor skills, making these worksheets a multi-purpose tool.
  • Small Group Instruction:  Use these worksheets during small group sessions to provide targeted instruction on lowercase letters and beginning sounds. They can serve as a quick assessment tool to gauge students’ understanding.

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These Superstar alphabet worksheets can be a valuable part of a letter-of-the-week program or used in literacy centers for small group instruction.

The printable PDF format makes it easy to distribute and use in distance learning or in-class settings.

With the addition of free alphabet dot worksheets, you’ll be offering young learners a fun and effective way to master the letters of the alphabet.

Alphabet Dot Worksheets are more than just a coloring page; they are an interactive and enjoyable method for children to develop crucial skills like fine motor skills and letter recognition.

Whether you’re using them with bingo dauber markers, pom poms, or Q-tips, these printable worksheets are a perfect addition to any early childhood education program.

For more fun ways to teach the alphabet and to download free printable sets, check out the links at the bottom of the post.

You’ll find a variety of resources that cater to different learning styles and needs, ensuring that your little learners are well on their way to mastering the alphabet.

And don’t forget to review the terms of use for each printable pack before sharing with others.

Before you go, here are more posts you’ll enjoy:

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Free alphabet dot worksheets for preschool, prek, and kindergarten kids to practice capital and lowercase letters.

Alphabet dot worksheets

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Zuckerberg admits biden admin pressured facebook to censor covid content, says it was wrong to suppress the post’s hunter laptop coverage.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted Monday that the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor COVID-19 content and acknowledged it was wrong to stifle The Post’s coverage of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop.

In an explosive letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Zuckerberg wrote that “senior Biden administration officials, including the White House, repeatedly pressured” Meta to “censor” content related to the coronavirus pandemic in 2021. 

The content the Biden administration requested that Meta take down included “humor and satire,” according to the Facebook founder, and he said he regrets complying with certain demands.  

Mark Zuckerberg admitted Monday that the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor COVID-19 content and acknowledged it was wrong to stifle The Post's coverage of Hunter Biden's infamous laptop.

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” he wrote. “I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.”

Zuckerberg, 40, vowed that things will be different in future should the government make similar requests.

“Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction — and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again,” he wrote.

Zuckerberg separately added that suppressing The Post’s exclusive report on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop ahead of the 2020 election was a mistake. 

He explained to the House Judiciary Committee, which has been probing Facebook’s content moderation standards, that prior to the decision to limit sharing of the bombshell October 2020 story, the FBI had “warned” Meta about “a potential Russian disinformation operation” related to the Biden family and Ukrainian energy giant Burisma, where Hunter sat on the board of directors. 

Biden speaks during an address to the nation about his decision to not seek reelection, in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, DC, on July 24, 2024.

“That fall, when we saw a New York Post story reporting on corruption allegations involving then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s family, we sent that story to fact-checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply,” Zuckerberg wrote . 

“It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story,” he acknowledged. 

Zuckerberg assured Jordan that Meta has put policies in place to ensure that similar censorship of stories “doesn’t happen again.” 

New York Post cover for Thursday, October 15, 2020.

“We’ve changed our policies and processes to make sure this doesn’t happen again — for instance, we no longer temporarily demote things in the US while waiting for fact-checkers,” the billionaire tech entrepreneur claimed. 

Zuckerberg’s letter to Jordan is a far stronger admission that mistakes were made in the way his company handled The Post’s laptop exposé than the tech titan’s 2022 concession on Joe Rogan’s podcast , where he said “it sucks” that the story was suppressed when it was not in fact Russian disinformation.

“It turned out after the fact, the fact-checkers looked into it, no one was able to say it was false … I think it sucks, though, in the same way that probably having to go through a criminal trial but being proven innocent in the end sucks,” the Meta CEO told Rogan.  

New York Post cover for Monday, December 5, 2022.

“I think the process was pretty reasonable,” he added, still defending the censorship effort. “A lot of people were still able to share it. We got a lot of complaints that that was the case.”

The Post’s report on Hunter’s abandoned laptop revealed the existence of tens of thousands of emails between the president’s son and business associates, which showed how the first son leveraged his political access in his overseas business dealings.

Zuckerberg also said he doesn’t plan on spending another $400 million-plus to help finance local elections  this cycle after the so-called “Zuckerbucks” initiative was roundly criticized by Republicans as an attempt to influence the 2020 vote.

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“They were designed to be nonpartisan — spread across urban, rural, and suburban communities,” he said of his motives. “Still, despite the analyses I’ve seen showing otherwise, I know that some people believe this work benefited one party over the other.”

“My goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another — or to even appear to be playing a role. So I don’t plan on making a similar contribution this cycle.”

Mark Zuckerberg admitted Monday that the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor COVID-19 content and acknowledged it was wrong to stifle The Post's coverage of Hunter Biden's infamous laptop.



  1. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in 2021 (12+ Examples)

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  2. Cover Letter Examples for 40+ Jobs [Updated for 2022]

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  4. Cover Letter Format: A Step by Step Guide for 2024

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  5. Get 2 Page Cover Letter Examples Image

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  6. Proper Cover Letter Format Spacing

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  1. Can a Cover Letter Be Two Pages? An Overview

    A two-page cover letter is a communication that introduces your qualifications for a position in two sheets and supports additional documents in a job application, such as the resume. Essentially, this communication should inspire the hiring manager to read your supporting documents. While a one-page letter is the norm in most industries, there ...

  2. How Long Should A Cover Letter Be? Can It Be Two Pages?

    Keep your professional cover letter to one page, maybe stretching to one and a half at most (the letter word count: 250 to over 400). Going over two pages might hurt your chances rather than increase them! Write to me if you need more advice on the contents of the cover letter. Christina J. Colclough.

  3. Can a Cover Letter Be Two Pages?

    No, a cover letter can't be two pages. A two page cover letter is too long, and is likely to lose the hiring manager's attention. Additionally, keeping your cover letter to one page ensures you focus on your key accomplishments. A focused one page cover letter is more likely to impress employers than one which includes irrelevant information.

  4. Can a Cover Letter Be Two Pages?

    In creative fields, a two-page cover letter can offer you the space to showcase your storytelling skills or writing ability. A candidate for a content writing position might use this space to craft a compelling narrative about their writing journey and experiences. Tags: Career Advice. Spread the word.

  5. Can a Cover Letter Be Longer Than a Page? [3 Examples]

    Here are three real-life examples: Example 1: A candidate for a highly specialized role: This candidate was applying for a position that required in-depth knowledge of a specific technology. In their two-page cover letter, they provided a detailed explanation of their experience with this technology, including the projects they had worked on ...

  6. Can Cover Letters Be Two Pages Long? [Explained]

    The employer explicitly asks for a two-page cover letter —If the employer prefers the two-page format or has listed a word count you need to hit, you should respect that. The rule of thumb is to always place specific requests above the standard requirements. The requested format contains two columns —If you should write the cover letter in ...

  7. Q&A: What's the Ideal Cover Letter Length?

    Break up your text by adding a blank line between paragraphs, setting 1-inch margins on each side. With lots of white space, your cover letter will look like an enjoyable read rather than a wall of text. 4. Limit your cover letter to four paragraphs. Generally, your cover letter should be between half a page and one full page in length.

  8. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? Length & Word Count

    As featured in *. Typically, a cover letter should be 250-400 words or three to four concise paragraphs. The ideal cover letter length is a half-page to one page long. This cover letter length gives you enough space to communicate your experience and convey your interest in applying while also respecting the hiring manager's time.

  9. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? Ideal Length in 2024

    A cover letter for an academic position should be no longer than two pages, but long enough to show off your accomplishments. Research, teaching, departmental service, and relevant accolades. The typical academic cover letter is usually one and a half to two pages long (or about five to eight paragraphs.)

  10. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2022?

    You don't need pages and pages to do that. In a survey of 205 HR professionals, ResumeLab found that 42% of respondents preferred cover letters between half and one page and 40% preferred cover letters that were less than half a page. Only 18% said they preferred cover letters longer than one page.

  11. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? (With Tips)

    The ideal cover letter should typically be between 250 and 400 words. This way, you can keep the letter brief and informative at the same time. However, employers have different requirements, so it's difficult to recommend a standard word count for cover letters. Before you write your cover letter, check to see if the company in question ...

  12. Can a Cover Letter Be Two Pages?

    "A two-page cover letter is perfectly acceptable in certain cases, such as when an applicant has a lot of experience to discuss or is applying for a senior-level position. In other cases, it might be best to stick to a single page. Ultimately, the decision comes down to what will make the strongest impression on the reader and convince them ...

  13. The Ultimate Cover Letter Writing Guide

    The simple answer to this is, no. A cover letter cannot be two pages. It is always important to keep your cover letter at the ideal length, and two pages is just one page too many. Making it that long creates a huge risk that the hiring manager runs out of interest. It's always a good idea to keep the letter more straightforward, instead of ...

  14. Can My Cover Letter be 2 Pages?

    Job seekers often wonder if they can make their cover letter 2 pages, especially since it is currently acceptable to submit a 2-page resume. The quick answer is no. Although resumes are no longer required to be condensed into only 1 page, the cover letter is still expected to be kept concise. Let's answer a few detailed questions relating to the length of the cover letter.

  15. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2024? (+Examples)

    The quick answer is that a cover letter should never be longer than a page, 400 words, or six paragraphs. However, if you want to dive deeper into the cover letter nuances and become a real expert, you are in the right place. So, if you want to learn in detail how to write the perfect cover letter of a perfect length, just keep reading.

  16. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Cover letter format. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Jenn shares her advice on how and why to write a cover letter.

  17. How Long Should A Cover Letter Be? 2022 Cover Letter Length Guide

    The length of a digital cover letter should be the same as that of a paper cover letter. Mainly. <1 full page. 250-300 words. 3 paragraphs. The difference in an electronic cover letter would be in the address section in the starting and the subject line.

  18. Ideal Cover Letter Length: How Long Should A Cover Letter Be?

    The average length of a cover letter is half a page. The content should contain no more than 4 paragraphs.The first one being an introduction about yourself and how you found the position; the second (or second and third) - more about your experience, why you're a suitable candidate; and the last one an ending with a summary of the info and a call to action.

  19. The Do's of Writing a Spectacular Cover Letter

    Do Be Concise: Cover letters should be one page long and divided into three to four paragraphs. The first paragraph should indicate the reason you are writing and how you heard about the position. Include attention grabbing, yet professional, information. For example, "I am an experienced faculty member and industry expert with over 10 years of ...

  20. Two-Page Cover Letter Addressing the Statement of Duties

    How to write a 2-page cover letter that addresses government requirements. More and more, there are content length limitations placed on selection criteria responses, and the majority of the time, these are two pages, or roughly 1500 words. This has been implemented by the Commonwealth and most state governments in response to enormous ...

  21. Q&A: When Can a Resume Be Two Pages?

    Here are some reasons why you would submit a two-page resume: You're a mid- to senior-level employee. You have at least 10 years of relevant experience. You're applying for a job that requires a large amount of experience. You can't reduce the length without making your qualifications unclear.

  22. Cover Letter Tips and Outline

    Proofread Your Letter by Reading it Out Loud. Then have several people proofread your letter for persuasiveness, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typographical errors. Your letter must be neat and absolutely error-free. Realize the reader will view the cover letter as an example of your written communication skills. Sending Your Cover Letter

  23. Cover letter length (2 pages too long?) : r/jobs

    Submit one page or less. Waaay fkn too long, cover letter max about 1/2 a page. They read this once, don't make them read it 0 times (and bin your application). It sounds like you are in the 10+ year experience range, in this range your resume can go above one page, probably maxing at around 2 pages.

  24. White House lawyers who advised Reagan, Bush endorse Harris over Trump

    A dozen Republican White House lawyers who served in the Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush administrations are endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Trump.

  25. Rocketbook Core Reusable Spiral Notebook, Letter Size 8

    Rocketbook Core Reusable Spiral Notebook, Letter Size 8.5x11, Black - Dotted Pages, App-Connected, Erasable, Durable Cover, Ideal for School, Work, and Creative Projects . Visit the Rocketbook Store. 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 78,441 ratings | Search this page . 1K+ bought in past month.

  26. How to Get ChatGPT to Write You a Cover Letter; Step by Step Guide

    To apply for a job within your industry use this prompt: "Hi ChatGPT. You're now the best cover letter writer on earth. You and I will write a cover letter together for [job title] at [company].

  27. Free Alphabet Dot Worksheets

    Alphabet Dot Worksheets are printable pages that feature letters of the alphabet with dots that children can cover using various materials like bingo daubers, paint markers, or even pom poms. These worksheets are a great way to provide extra practice in recognizing both uppercase and lowercase letters.

  28. Zuckerberg admits Biden admin pressured Facebook to censor COVID

    New York Post front cover for Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020. ... Zuckerberg's letter to Jordan is a far stronger admission that mistakes were made in the way his company handled The Post's laptop ...

  29. How To Write A Resume For College Applications (With Tips)

    Related: Action Verbs List for Resumes and Cover Letters 7. Add awards, achievements and additional information Consider any additional information that may improve your application and show the admissions professionals that you are well-suited for the programme. This can include awards, achievements or work experience if it applies to the area ...

  30. 'She bullies and berates': University of Florida faculty evaluations of

    <html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><title>'She bullies and berates': University of Florida ...