Daniel Wong

30 Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Find Motivation to Do Homework

Updated on June 6, 2023 By Daniel Wong 44 Comments


To stop procrastinating on homework, you need to find motivation to do the homework in the first place.

But first, you have to overcome feeling too overwhelmed to even start.

You know what it feels like when everything hits you at once, right?

You have three tests to study for and a math assignment due tomorrow.

And you’ve got a history report due the day after.

You tell yourself to get down to work. But with so much to do, you feel overwhelmed.

So you procrastinate.

You check your social media feed, watch a few videos, and get yourself a drink. But you know that none of this is bringing you closer to getting the work done.

Does this sound familiar?

Don’t worry – you are not alone. Procrastination is a problem that everyone faces, but there are ways around it.

By following the tips in this article, you’ll be able to overcome procrastination and consistently find the motivation to do the homework .

So read on to discover 30 powerful tips to help you stop procrastinating on your homework.

Enter your email below to download a PDF summary of this article. The PDF contains all the tips found here, plus  3 exclusive bonus tips that you’ll only find in the PDF.

How to stop procrastinating and motivate yourself to do your homework.

Procrastination when it comes to homework isn’t just an issue of laziness or a lack of motivation .

The following tips will help you to first address the root cause of your procrastination and then implement strategies to keep your motivation levels high.

1. Take a quiz to see how much you procrastinate.

The first step to changing your behavior is to become more self-aware.

How often do you procrastinate? What kinds of tasks do you tend to put off? Is procrastination a small or big problem for you?

To answer these questions, I suggest that you take this online quiz designed by Psychology Today .

2. Figure out why you’re procrastinating.

Procrastination is a complex issue that involves multiple factors.

Stop thinking of excuses for not doing your homework , and figure out what’s keeping you from getting started.

Are you procrastinating because:

  • You’re not sure you’ll be able to solve all the homework problems?
  • You’re subconsciously rebelling against your teachers or parents?
  • You’re not interested in the subject or topic?
  • You’re physically or mentally tired?
  • You’re waiting for the perfect time to start?
  • You don’t know where to start?

Once you’ve identified exactly why you’re procrastinating, you can pick out the tips in this article that will get to the root of the problem.

3. Write down what you’re procrastinating on.

Students tend to procrastinate when they’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

But you might be surprised to discover that simply by writing down the specific tasks you’re putting off, the situation will feel more manageable.

It’s a quick solution, and it makes a real difference.

Give it a try and you’ll be less likely to procrastinate.

4. Put your homework on your desk.


Here’s an even simpler idea.

Many times, the hardest part of getting your homework done is getting started.

It doesn’t require a lot of willpower to take out your homework and put it on your desk.

But once it’s sitting there in front of you, you’ll be much closer to actually getting down to work.

5. Break down the task into smaller steps.

This one trick will make any task seem more manageable.

For example, if you have a history report to write, you could break it down into the following steps:

  • Read the history textbook
  • Do online research
  • Organize the information
  • Create an outline
  • Write the introduction
  • Write the body paragraphs
  • Write the conclusion
  • Edit and proofread the report

Focus on just one step at a time. This way, you won’t need to motivate yourself to write the whole report at one go.

This is an important technique to use if you want to study smart and get more done .

6. Create a detailed timeline with specific deadlines.

As a follow-up to Point #5, you can further combat procrastination by creating a timeline with specific deadlines.

Using the same example above, I’ve added deadlines to each of the steps:

  • Jan 30 th : Read the history textbook
  • Feb 2 nd : Do online research
  • Feb 3 rd : Organize the information
  • Feb 5 th : Create an outline
  • Feb 8 th : Write the introduction
  • Feb 12 th : Write the body paragraphs
  • Feb 14 th : Write the conclusion
  • Feb 16 th : Edit and proofread the report

Assigning specific dates creates a sense of urgency, which makes it more likely that you’ll keep to the deadlines.

7. Spend time with people who are focused and hardworking.

Jim Rohn famously said that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

If you hang out with people who are motivated and hardworking, you’ll become more like them.

Likewise, if you hang out with people who continually procrastinate, you’ll become more like them too.

Motivation to do homework naturally increases when you surround yourself with the right people.

So choose your friends wisely. Find homework buddies who will influence you positively to become a straight-A student who leads a balanced life.

That doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun! It just means that you and your friends know when it’s time to get down to work and when it’s time to enjoy yourselves.

8. Tell at least two or three people about the tasks you plan to complete.

Group of students

When you tell others about the tasks you intend to finish, you’ll be more likely to follow through with your plans.

This is called “accountability,” and it kicks in because you want to be seen as someone who keeps your word.

So if you know about this principle, why not use it to your advantage?

You could even ask a friend to be your accountability buddy. At the beginning of each day, you could text each other what you plan to work on that day.

Then at the end of the day, you could check in with each other to see if things went according to plan.

9. Change your environment .

Maybe it’s your environment that’s making you feel sluggish.

When you’re doing your homework, is your super-comfortable bed just two steps away? Or is your distracting computer within easy reach?

If your environment is part of your procrastination problem, then change it.

Sometimes all you need is a simple change of scenery. Bring your work to the dining room table and get it done there. Or head to a nearby café to complete your report.

10. Talk to people who have overcome their procrastination problem.

If you have friends who consistently win the battle with procrastination, learn from their experience.

What was the turning point for them? What tips and strategies do they use? What keeps them motivated?

Find all this out, and then apply the information to your own situation.

11. Decide on a reward to give yourself after you complete your task.

“Planned” rewards are a great way to motivate yourself to do your homework.

The reward doesn’t have to be something huge.

For instance, you might decide that after you finish 10 questions of your math homework, you get to watch your favorite TV show.

Or you might decide that after reading one chapter of your history textbook, you get to spend 10 minutes on Facebook.

By giving yourself a reward, you’ll feel more motivated to get through the task at hand.

12. Decide on a consequence you’ll impose on yourself if you don’t meet the deadline.


It’s important that you decide on what the consequence will be before you start working toward your goal.

As an example, you could tell your younger brother that you’ll give him $1 for every deadline you don’t meet (see Point #6).

Or you could decide that you’ll delete one game from your phone for every late homework submission.

Those consequences would probably be painful enough to help you get down to work, right?

13. Visualize success.

Take 30 seconds and imagine how you’ll feel when you finish your work.

What positive emotions will you experience?

Will you feel a sense of satisfaction from getting all your work done?

Will you relish the extra time on your hands when you get your homework done fast and ahead of time?

This simple exercise of visualizing success may be enough to inspire you to start doing your assignment.

14. Visualize the process it will take to achieve that success.

Even more important than visualizing the outcome is visualizing the process it will take to achieve that outcome.

Research shows that focusing on the process is critical to success. If you’re procrastinating on a task, take a few moments to think about what you’ll need to do to complete it.

Visualize the following:

  • What resources you’ll need
  • Who you can turn to for help
  • How long the task will take
  • Where you’ll work on the task
  • The joy you’ll experience as you make progress

This kind of visualization is like practice for your mind.

Once you understand what’s necessary to achieve your goal, you’ll find that it’s much easier to get down to work with real focus. This is key to doing well in school .

15. Write down why you want to complete the task.


You’ll be more motivated when you’re clear about why you want to accomplish something.

To motivate yourself to do your homework, think about all the ways in which it’s a meaningful task.

So take a couple of minutes to write down the reasons. Here are some possible ones:

  • Learn useful information
  • Master the topic
  • Enjoy a sense of accomplishment when you’ve completed the task
  • Become a more focused student
  • Learn to embrace challenges
  • Fulfill your responsibility as a student
  • Get a good grade on the assignment

16. Write down the negative feelings you’ll have if you don’t complete the task.

If you don’t complete the assignment, you might feel disappointed or discouraged. You might even feel as if you’ve let your parents or your teacher – or even yourself – down.

It isn’t wise to dwell on these negative emotions for too long. But by imagining how you’ll feel if you don’t finish the task, you’ll realize how important it is that you get to work.

17. Do the hardest task first.

Most students will choose to do the easiest task first, rather than the hardest one. But this approach isn’t effective because it leaves the worst for last.

It’s more difficult to find motivation to do homework in less enjoyable subjects.

As Brian Tracy says , “Eat that frog!” By this, he means that you should always get your most difficult task out of the way at the beginning of the day.

If math is your least favorite subject, force yourself to complete your math homework first.

After doing so, you’ll feel a surge of motivation from knowing it’s finished. And you won’t procrastinate on your other homework because it will seem easier in comparison.

(On a separate note, check out these tips on how to get better at math if you’re struggling.)

18. Set a timer when doing your homework.

I recommend that you use a stopwatch for every homework session. (If you prefer, you could also use this online stopwatch or the Tomato Timer .)

Start the timer at the beginning of the session, and work in 30- to 45-minute blocks.

Using a timer creates a sense of urgency, which will help you fight off your urge to procrastinate.

When you know you only have to work for a short session, it will be easier to find motivation to complete your homework.

Tell yourself that you need to work hard until the timer goes off, and then you can take a break. (And then be sure to take that break!)

19. Eliminate distractions.

Here are some suggestions on how you can do this:

  • Delete all the games and social media apps on your phone
  • Turn off all notifications on your phone
  • Mute your group chats
  • Archive your inactive chats
  • Turn off your phone, or put it on airplane mode
  • Put your phone at least 10 feet away from you
  • Turn off the Internet access on your computer
  • Use an app like Freedom to restrict your Internet usage
  • Put any other distractions (like food, magazines and books unrelated to your homework) at the other end of the room
  • Unplug the TV
  • Use earplugs if your surroundings are noisy

20. At the start of each day, write down the two to three Most Important Tasks (MITs) you want to accomplish.

Writing a list

This will enable you to prioritize your tasks. As Josh Kaufman explains , a Most Important Task (MIT) is a critical task that will help you to get significant results down the road.

Not all tasks are equally important. That’s why it’s vital that you identify your MITs, so that you can complete those as early in the day as possible.

What do you most need to get done today? That’s an MIT.

Get to work on it, then feel the satisfaction that comes from knowing it’s out of the way.

21. Focus on progress instead of perfection.

Perfectionism can destroy your motivation to do homework and keep you from starting important assignments.

Some students procrastinate because they’re waiting for the perfect time to start.

Others do so because they want to get their homework done perfectly. But they know this isn’t really possible – so they put off even getting started.

What’s the solution?

To focus on progress instead of perfection.

There’s never a perfect time for anything. Nor will you ever be able to complete your homework perfectly. But you can do your best, and that’s enough.

So concentrate on learning and improving, and turn this into a habit that you implement whenever you study .

22. Get organized.

Procrastination is common among students who are disorganized.

When you can’t remember which assignment is due when or which tests you have coming up, you’ll naturally feel confused. You’ll experience school- and test-related stress .

This, in turn, will lead to procrastination.

That’s why it’s crucial that you get organized. Here are some tips for doing this:

  • Don’t rely on your memory ; write everything down
  • Keep a to-do list
  • Use a student planner
  • Use a calendar and take note of important dates like exams, project due dates, school holidays , birthdays, and family events
  • At the end of each day, plan for the following day
  • Use one binder or folder for each subject or course
  • Do weekly filing of your loose papers, notes, and old homework
  • Throw away all the papers and notes you no longer need

23. Stop saying “I have to” and start saying “I choose to.”

When you say things like “I have to write my essay” or “I have to finish my science assignment,” you’ll probably feel annoyed. You might be tempted to complain about your teachers or your school .

What’s the alternative?

To use the phrase “I choose to.”

The truth is, you don’t “have” to do anything.

You can choose not to write your essay; you’ll just run the risk of failing the class.

You can choose not to do your science assignment; you’ll just need to deal with your angry teacher.

When you say “I choose to do my homework,” you’ll feel empowered. This means you’ll be more motivated to study and to do what you ought to.

24. Clear your desk once a week.

Organized desk

Clutter can be demotivating. It also causes stress , which is often at the root of procrastination.

Hard to believe? Give it a try and see for yourself.

By clearing your desk, you’ll reduce stress and make your workspace more organized.

So set a recurring appointment to organize your workspace once a week for just 10 minutes. You’ll receive huge benefits in the long run!

25. If a task takes two minutes or less to complete, do it now.

This is a principle from David Allen’s bestselling book, Getting Things Done .

You may notice that you tend to procrastinate when many tasks pile up. The way to prevent this from happening is to take care of the small but important tasks as soon as you have time.

Here are some examples of small two-minute tasks that you should do once you have a chance:

  • Replying to your project group member’s email
  • Picking up anything on the floor that doesn’t belong there
  • Asking your parents to sign a consent form
  • Filing a graded assignment
  • Making a quick phone call
  • Writing a checklist
  • Sending a text to schedule a meeting
  • Making an online purchase that doesn’t require further research

26. Finish one task before starting on the next.

You aren’t being productive when you switch between working on your literature essay, social studies report, and physics problem set – while also intermittently checking your phone.

Research shows that multitasking is less effective than doing one thing at a time. Multitasking may even damage your brain !

When it comes to overcoming procrastination, it’s better to stick with one task all the way through before starting on the next one.

You’ll get a sense of accomplishment when you finish the first assignment, which will give you a boost of inspiration as you move on to the next one.

27. Build your focus gradually.

You can’t win the battle against procrastination overnight; it takes time. This means that you need to build your focus progressively.

If you can only focus for 10 minutes at once, that’s fine. Start with three sessions of 10 minutes a day. After a week, increase it to three sessions of 15 minutes a day, and so on.

As the weeks go by, you’ll become far more focused than when you first started. And you’ll soon see how great that makes you feel.

28. Before you start work, write down three things you’re thankful for.


Gratitude improves your psychological health and increases your mental strength .

These factors are linked to motivation. The more you practice gratitude, the easier it will be to find motivation to do your homework. As such, it’s less likely that you’ll be a serial procrastinator.

Before you get down to work for the day, write down three things you’re thankful for. These could be simple things like good health, fine weather, or a loving family.

You could even do this in a “gratitude journal,” which you can then look back on whenever you need a shot of fresh appreciation for the good things in your life.

Either way, this short exercise will get you in the right mindset to be productive.

29. Get enough sleep.

For most people, this means getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. And teenagers need 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night to function optimally.

What does sleep have to do with procrastination?

More than you might realize.

It’s almost impossible to feel motivated when you’re tired. And when you’re low on energy, your willpower is depleted too.

That’s why you give in to the temptation of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube videos more easily when you’re sleep-deprived.

Here are ways to get more sleep , and sleep better too:

  • Create a bedtime routine
  • Go to sleep at around the same time every night
  • Set a daily alarm as a reminder to go to bed
  • Exercise regularly (but not within a few hours of bedtime)
  • Make your bedroom as dark as possible
  • Remove or switch off all electronic devices before bedtime
  • Avoid caffeine at least six hours before bedtime
  • Use an eye mask and earplugs

30. Schedule appointments with yourself to complete your homework.

These appointments are specific blocks of time reserved for working on a report, assignment, or project. Scheduling appointments is effective because it makes the task more “official,” so you’re more likely to keep the appointment.

For example, you could schedule appointments such as:

  • Jan 25 th , 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm: Math assignment
  • Jan 27 th , 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Online research for social studies project
  • Jan 28 th , 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Write introduction for English essay

Transform homework procrastination into homework motivation

Procrastination is a problem we all face.

But given that you’ve read all the way to here, I know you’re committed to overcoming this problem.

And now that you’re armed with these tips, you have all the tools you need to become more disciplined and focused .

By the way, please don’t feel as if you need to implement all the tips at once, because that would be too overwhelming.

Instead, I recommend that you focus on just a couple of tips a week, and make gradual progress. No rush!

Over time, you’ll realize that your habit of procrastination has been replaced by the habit of getting things done.

Now’s the time to get started on that process of transformation. 🙂

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Images: Student and books , Homework , Group of students , Consequences , Why , Writing a list , Organized desk , Gratitude

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January 19, 2016 at 11:53 am

Ur tips are rlly helpful. Thnkyou ! 🙂

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January 19, 2016 at 1:43 pm

You’re welcome 🙂

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August 29, 2018 at 11:21 am

Thanks very much

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February 19, 2019 at 1:38 pm

The funny thing is while I was reading the first few steps of this article I was procrastinating on my homework….

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November 12, 2019 at 12:44 pm

same here! but now I actually want to get my stuff done… huh

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December 4, 2022 at 11:35 pm

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May 30, 2023 at 6:26 am

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October 25, 2023 at 11:35 am

fr tho i totally was but now I’m actually going to get started haha

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June 6, 2020 at 6:04 am

I love your articles

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January 21, 2016 at 7:07 pm

Thanks soo much. It’s almost like you could read my mind- when I felt so overwhelmed with the workload heap I had created for myself by procrastination, I know feel very motivated to tackle it out completely and replace that bad habit with the wonderful tips mentioned here! 🙂

January 21, 2016 at 8:04 pm

I’m glad to help 🙂

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January 25, 2016 at 3:09 pm

You have shared great tips here. I especially like the point “Write down why you want to complete the task” because it is helpful to make us more motivated when we are clear about our goals

January 25, 2016 at 4:51 pm

Glad that you found the tips useful, John!

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January 29, 2016 at 1:22 am

Thank you very much for your wonderful tips!!! ☺☺☺

January 29, 2016 at 10:41 am

It’s my joy to help, Kabir 🙂

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February 3, 2016 at 12:57 pm

Always love your articles. Keep them up 🙂

February 3, 2016 at 1:21 pm

Thanks, Matthew 🙂

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February 4, 2016 at 1:40 pm

There are quite a lot of things that you need to do in order to come out with flying colors while studying in a university away from your homeland. Procrastinating on homework is one of the major mistakes committed by students and these tips will help you to avoid them all and make yourself more efficient during your student life.

February 4, 2016 at 1:58 pm

Completely agreed, Leong Siew.

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October 5, 2018 at 12:52 am

Wow! thank you very much, I love it .

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November 2, 2018 at 10:45 am

You are helping me a lot.. thank you very much….😊

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November 6, 2018 at 5:19 pm

I’m procrastinating by reading this

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November 29, 2018 at 10:21 am

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January 8, 2021 at 3:38 am

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March 3, 2019 at 9:12 am

Daniel, your amazing information and advice, has been very useful! Please keep up your excellent work!

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April 12, 2019 at 11:12 am

We should stop procrastinating.

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September 28, 2019 at 5:19 pm

Thank you so much for the tips:) i’ve been procrastinating since i started high schools and my grades were really bad “F” but the tips have made me a straight A student again.

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January 23, 2020 at 7:43 pm

Thanks for the tips, Daniel! They’re really useful! 😁

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April 10, 2020 at 2:15 pm

I have always stood first in my class. But procrastination has always been a very bad habit of mine which is why I lost marks for late submission .As an excuse for finding motivation for studying I would spend hours on the phone and I would eventually procrastinate. So I tried your tips and tricks today and they really worked.i am so glad and thankful for your help. 🇮🇳Love from India🇮🇳

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April 15, 2020 at 11:16 am

Well I’m gonna give this a shot it looks and sounds very helpful thank you guys I really needed this

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April 16, 2020 at 9:48 pm

Daniel, your amazing information and advice, has been very useful! keep up your excellent work! May you give more useful content to us.

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May 6, 2020 at 5:03 pm

nice article thanks for your sharing.

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May 20, 2020 at 4:49 am

Thank you so much this helped me so much but I was wondering about like what if you just like being lazy and stuff and don’t feel like doing anything and you don’t want to tell anyone because you might annoy them and you just don’t want to add your problems and put another burden on theirs

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July 12, 2020 at 1:55 am

I’ve read many short procrastination tip articles and always thought they were stupid or overlooking the actual problem. ‘do this and this’ or that and that, and I sit there thinking I CAN’T. This article had some nice original tips that I actually followed and really did make me feel a bit better. Cheers, diving into what will probably be a 3 hour case study.

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August 22, 2020 at 10:14 pm

Nicely explain each tips and those are practical thanks for sharing. Dr.Achyut More

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November 11, 2020 at 12:34 pm

Thanks a lot! It was very helpful!

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November 15, 2020 at 9:11 am

I keep catching myself procrastinating today. I started reading this yesterday, but then I realized I was procrastinating, so I stopped to finish it today. Thank you for all the great tips.

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November 30, 2020 at 5:15 pm

Woow this is so great. Thanks so much Daniel

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December 3, 2020 at 3:13 am

These tips were very helpful!

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December 18, 2020 at 11:54 am

Procrastination is a major problem of mine, and this, this is very helpful. It is very motivational, now I think I can complete my work.

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December 28, 2020 at 2:44 pm

Daniel Wong: When you’re doing your homework, is your super-comfortable bed just two steps away? Me: Nope, my super-comfortable bed is one step away. (But I seriously can’t study anywhere else. If I go to the dining table, my mum would be right in front of me talking loudly on the phone with colleagues and other rooms is an absolute no. My mum doesn’t allow me to go outside. Please give me some suggestions. )

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September 19, 2022 at 12:14 pm

I would try and find some noise cancelling headphones to play some classical music or get some earbuds to ignore you mum lol

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March 1, 2021 at 5:46 pm

Thank you very much. I highly appreciate it.

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May 12, 2023 at 3:38 am

This is great advice. My little niece is now six years old and I like to use those nice cheap child friendly workbooks with her. This is done in order to help her to learn things completely on her own. I however prefer to test her on her own knowledge however. After a rather quick demonstration in the lesson I then tend to give her two simple questions to start off with. And it works a treat. Seriously. I love it. She loves it. The exam questions are for her to answer on her own on a notepad. If she can, she will receive a gold medal and a box of sweets. If not she only gets a plastic toy. We do this all the time to help her understand. Once a week we spend up to thirty minutes in a math lesson on this technique for recalling the basic facts. I have had a lot of great success with this new age technique. So I’m going to carry on with it for now.

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I keep leaving important work to the last minute. How can I stop procrastinating?

Procrastination isn’t a personal flaw, writes Guardian Australia’s advice columnist, and the more you treat it like one the worse it becomes

I am in high school and always find myself leaving assignments (especially important ones) to the last minute by procrastinating a lot and, as a result, not getting a great mark.

What can I do to ensure I get my work done earlier and motivate myself to get it done instead of procrastinating?

Eleanor says: A lot of people who procrastinate think they’re just failing, when actually they have a treatable mental health condition. It’s worth asking a professional about your experience. If you’re experiencing garden variety procrastination, I can tell you what’s helped mine. I’m an Olympic level procrastinator. I’ll take the toaster apart and shine its parts and put it back together before I open my emails for the day. I’ll read the footnotes to the footnotes on a Wikipedia page about the bolts they use on Boeings. I’ve seen listicles you people wouldn’t believe.

Here’s what I know.

We procrastinate because we’re trying to avoid the way that working makes us feel. It’s not because we’re lazy. If your parents or your teachers act as though you’re lazy, you can act as though they’re wrong. We do it because working makes us feel bad, bone-deep. Working out exactly which flavour of “bad” your work makes you feel will help, but the basic structure is we’re running away from a feeling by running away from work.

The things we run to have a pattern that’s well worth learning. If you can spot it – like the stripes on a poisonous snake – you’ll be able to avoid mistakes that some of your friends will spend years making. The pattern is: we run to things that promise one feeling while in fact undermining it. In procrastination, the feeling is fun. (In drinking it might be freedom; in gambling, being carefree).

We want fun instead of work, and procrastinating offers it.But the trick is, we don’t ever really get a fun day off, Ferris Bueller style. We just do endless non-work things within plausible leash-range of the computer. Then, when we surface from the bliss of self-erasure we find we have way too little time left for either work or fun.

Procrastinating accordion-crunches your time; it robs you of the hours you need to do what it actually feels fun to do.

You asked what you could do about it. There are too many wonderful resources and systems to describe in full here, but here are two basic ideas.

The first is habit. Start as small as you can. Don’t wrestle directly with big resolutions like “I’ll do all my homework every day”. Just promise yourself something small to start with: I’ll do one homework question first thing when I get home. Just one. Practice being happy with yourself for meeting that habit. A swimming coach I once knew liked to say: you’re faster than the people who didn’t turn up.

The second basic idea is calm. When work goes badly – and it sometimes will – practice responding to that matter-of-factly. So you got a bad mark, you put off something important. It happens.

We avoid things when we find them intolerable, so if you find your mistakes intolerable, you’ll avoid them, which means you’ll avoid fixing them. That can get messy. I know someone who moved country to avoid a procrastinated task. But the more you can tolerate, the less you’ll avoid. So practice tolerating the fact that you procrastinated. Say “I’ll own up to it and try again”. This might involve resisting an adult’s meanness or panic. That’s okay. You can tell them that it’s more helpful to point out what’s still fixable than to dwell on what you can’t change. And you can tell them I said to ask if they were ever late on their tax.

Try not to beat yourself up for the urge to run away from things that feel bad. You’re designed to have it – it keeps you safe. But try to have habits that keep you from running – and if you’re going to run, at least make it towards real fun.

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This article was amended on 11 November 2021 to include an opening sentence advising the letter-writer to discuss their concerns with a doctor.

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How to Do Your Homework on Time if You're a Procrastinator

Last Updated: May 10, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Katie Styzek . Katie Styzek is a Professional School Counselor for Chicago Public Schools. Katie earned a BS in Elementary Education with a Concentration in Mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She served as a middle school mathematics, science, and social studies teacher for three years prior to becoming a counselor. She holds a Master of Education (M.Ed.) in School Counseling from DePaul University and an MA in Educational Leadership from Northeastern Illinois University. Katie holds an Illinois School Counselor Endorsement License (Type 73 Service Personnel), an Illinois Principal License (formerly Type 75), and an Illinois Elementary Education Teaching License (Type 03, K – 9). She is also Nationally Board Certified in School Counseling from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 553,101 times.

Procrastinating on your homework assignments can make school more stressful and can hurt your grade if you're always finishing homework at the last minute. Once you learn a few techniques to beat procrastination can make homework much easier for you! By keeping organized, setting specific goals, and asking for help, you can transform yourself into an academic star who still has time to watch TV and catch up with friends on Facebook.

Getting Organized

Step 1 Organize your notes and files into categories.

Establishing a Routine

Step 1 Set up a regular workspace.

  • Set an alarm on your phone to remind you when to get back to work!

Setting Goals

Step 1 Set a goal of getting one assignment done before the due date.

  • Very few people can actually work effectively with music playing. If you like to listen to music while you work but find you aren't getting anything done, try going without it for an hour to see if your concentration improves.

Step 4 Reward yourself for meeting your goals.

Asking for Help

Step 1 Ask a classmate to do homework with you.

  • This doesn't work for everybody. If you find another person distracting, quit working with them.

Step 2 Ask a friend to hold you accountable.

How Can I Stop Procrastinating?

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  • Good health can improve your study habits and can help you retain what you learn. Exercise, eat well, get plenty of sleep, and skip the alcohol and caffeine. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Ask your parents or a friend to keep your smartphone so you don't get distracted. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Try to set an alarm or a task reminder in your phone. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • Even the best students know that they can't work all of the time. Allow some relaxation time for yourself, particularly on the weekends. Good study habits make you work smarter, not harder. Thanks Helpful 120 Not Helpful 9

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Do Homework

  • ↑ Katie Styzek. Professional School Counselor. Expert Interview. 26 March 2021.
  • ↑ https://www.grammarly.com/blog/how-to-stop-procrastinating/
  • ↑ https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/focused.html
  • ↑ https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/homework.html
  • ↑ https://childmind.org/article/strategies-to-make-homework-go-more-smoothly/
  • ↑ https://learningcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/take-charge-of-distractions/
  • ↑ Ted Coopersmith, MBA. Academic Tutor. Expert Interview. 10 July 2020.
  • ↑ https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/school-help-teens.html
  • ↑ https://blogs.iu.edu/dbauman/2018/12/18/homework-writing-tips-for-college-students/

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3 Reasons Students Procrastinate—and How to Help Them Stop

Psychologists have uncovered reasons why students put off important work. But there are a few simple things teachers can do to keep students on track.

An illustration of procrastination concept

Leonardo da Vinci spent nearly 16 years painting the Mona Lisa —and never completed it . The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy author Douglas Adams famously wrote , “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” And Frank Lloyd Wright spent a mere two hours designing Fallingwater —after delaying for nine months.

“Procrastination is extremely prevalent,” Piers Steel, a business professor at the University of Calgary, noted in a 2007 study . “Estimates indicate that 80 to 95 percent of college students engage in procrastination, approximately 75 percent consider themselves procrastinators, and almost 50 percent procrastinate consistently and problematically.”

If you’re a middle or high school teacher, it’s likely that you have procrastinators in your class—students who consistently wait until the last minute to turn in their assignments, or put off studying until the night before a test. This delaying has a cost: A 2015 study found that the longer business school students waited to turn in an assignment, the worse their grades were, with last-minute hand-ins costing them five percentage points on average, or half a grade. And a 2015 meta-analysis confirmed this result, finding that procrastination was associated with lower grades across 33 studies that included over 38,000 students (most of whom were in college). Even worse, medical research has linked procrastination to higher levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

It’s a common perception that students who procrastinate do so because they don’t care about the assignment—and that’s usually wrong, argued Devon Price, a social psychology professor at Loyola University, in 2018. More often than not, the underlying reasons for procrastination fall under two categories: fear of failure or confusion about the first steps of an assignment.

“Procrastination is more likely when the task is meaningful and the individual cares about doing it well,” Price explained. Procrastinators can stare at a screen or book for hours, paralyzed by fear. At that point, the best solution is to take a short break and engage in a relaxing activity.

Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology at DePaul University and leading expert on procrastination, has performed several studies on why students put off important work. In a groundbreaking 1989 study , Ferrari found that college students often procrastinated because of indecision: They spent too much time worrying about whether they were doing an assignment correctly, prolonging the time they spent on even simple tasks. For these students, procrastination was a coping mechanism to avoid stressful experiences.

“It is very helpful and useful to gather information to make an informed decision, but when one simply continues to gather beyond the point of adequate resources, then they are being indecisive and the waiting is counterproductive,” Ferrari told an interviewer in 2010 .

In a follow-up study , Ferrari found another reason why some students procrastinate: fear of criticism. He discovered that many college students engaged in self-sabotage because they could then blame low grades on the deadlines rather than their own abilities. These students preferred to “choose situations in which their public image would not be damaged by poor performance.” Once again, procrastination was a coping mechanism—in this case, to protect the students’ self-esteem and perceptions of their identity.

Ferrari discovered yet another, very different, motive for procrastination in a 1992 study . Some college students delayed starting on an assignment because they enjoyed the perceived thrill of working against a deadline. Putting assignments off until the last minute was a way of “adding drama to life,” giving these students a rush of adrenaline.

Indecisiveness, avoidance, and thrill-seeking are thus more likely explanations for procrastination than laziness or lack of motivation. So what can teachers do? Here are some suggestions.

5 Ways to Encourage Students Not to Procrastinate

1. Spread deadlines out. Researchers have investigated the impact of three types of deadlines for a series of tasks: evenly spaced, self-imposed, or a single, final deadline. In the first experiment, students were assigned three papers and were asked to either turn one in at the end of each month, choose their own deadlines, or submit all three papers by the end of the course. In the second experiment, students were given a task—to proofread three passages—and submitted their assignments weekly, at their own self-chosen pace, or all at once. In both experiments, evenly spaced deadlines not only yielded better student work but also decreased the chances that students would miss their deadlines.

The takeaway for teachers? Instead of giving students a big project with a single deadline, break it into smaller tasks with evenly spaced out deadlines. Ask for multiple drafts of a paper, for example. In a project-based learning unit, have students present their progress at specified checkpoints. This can be especially helpful for students who are paralyzed by large projects—by making each part more manageable, you can reduce the anxiety associated with intimidating deadlines.

2. Provide supportive feedback. Students with low self-esteem may be reluctant to put forth their best work if they’re worried about criticism or afraid of failing. Avoid giving highly critical or negative feedback, which may have the unintended consequence of making students feel nervous or self-conscious. Students may also respond poorly to feedback that feels controlling, so avoid being too explicit about what needs to be corrected. Finally, be cautious about giving feedback to students in front of their peers—they may feel uncomfortable and become disengaged.

3. Teach time management and study skills. A 2017 study found that many students lack the metacognitive skills they need to be able to study effectively, such as the ability to schedule ample time for studying or knowing when to ask for help. Many study participants were surprised when their initial scores were lower than they had expected—they did not have an accurate sense of how well prepared they were. They were then encouraged to plan ahead for an upcoming test, and were shown examples of how they could prepare. The results were significant: Compared to their peers, the students who participated in the metacognitive activities scored a third of a letter grade higher, on average.

4. Be mindful of workload. According to a 2015 study , the likelihood that students will turn in late work increases when deadlines for different projects coincide—something that can easily happen in middle and high school, when students have multiple teachers. Students also experience higher stress levels if they can’t manage multiple assignments that are due at the same time. Consider coordinating with other teachers to spread out major deadlines.

And when students face adversity that impacts their ability to finish assignments on time, such as taking care of a family member or having to financially support their family, being flexible about deadlines can help them stay on track.

5. Have clear instructions and examples. Students are more likely to put off a project if they don’t understand how to start. Ensure that all students know your expectations and the requirements of the assignment—it’s best to put instructions in writing so that students can refer to them as needed. You can also use exemplars , such as examples of past student work, to help them better understand what the assignment is.

Elizabeth Lombardo Ph.D.


11 ways to overcome procrastination, easy tips to stop putting things off..

Posted March 7, 2017 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

  • What Is Procrastination?
  • Find a therapist near me
  • Procrastination is not a time management problem; rather, it's likely due to difficulty managing negative feelings like boredom or anxiety.
  • But avoiding negative emotions—and important tasks—tends to lead to much worse outcomes in the long run, including more stress and regret.
  • Changing your mindset, rewarding yourself for progress, and letting go of perfectionism can all help you overcome procrastinating tendencies.

Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

Everyone has put off a task at some point in their life. (Take, for example, this article that I had planned on posting yesterday...) But have you ever wondered why you—or others—procrastinate? While some view it (in themselves or other people) as laziness, there might be something else at play.

In psychology, it has long been believed that people who procrastinate have a faulty sense of time—that they think they will have more time to get something done than they actually do. While that may be true for some, more recent research suggests procrastination is linked to difficulty managing distress. Specifically, it seems that task aversion is to blame—that is, when people view a task in an unpleasant manner (“It will be tough, boring, painful...”), they are more likely to put it off.

While procrastinators may be trying to avoid distress, this approach can ironically cause more distress in the long run. Procrastination can lead to increased stress, health problems, and poorer performance. Procrastinators tend to have more sleep issues and experience greater stressful regret than non-procrastinators. What’s more, procrastination can also hinder your self-esteem with the guilt , shame , or self-critical thoughts that can result from putting off tasks.

If you struggle with putting things off, try any of these tips to get you on track:

1. Get rid of catastrophizing .

One of the biggest reasons people procrastinate is because they catastrophize, or make a huge deal out of something. It may be related to how tough, how boring, or how painful it will be to complete the task; whatever the case, the underlying theme is that doing the task will be “unbearable.”

In reality, challenges, boredom , and hard work will not kill you—or even make you sick. Procrastination, on the other hand, is associated with stress—think of the stress you feel when you avoid making a phone call you know you need to make. So keep things in perspective: “Sure, this is not my favorite task, but I can get through it.”

2. Focus on your “why.”

Procrastinators focus more on short-term gains (avoiding the distress associated with the task), as opposed to long-term results (the stress of not doing it, as well as the consequences of avoiding this task). Instead, try focusing on why you are doing this task: What are the benefits of completing it?

If you've been putting off cleaning out a closet, imagine walking into the closet when it is decluttered and how good that will feel. And consider how much money you will make by selling the items on eBay, or how those in need will feel when they receive these items as donations.

If it is an exercise program you have been avoiding, focus on how exercising will help you have more positive energy, give you a boost of self-esteem, and serve as a great role model for your children.

3. Get out your calendar.

Projects that will get done "when I have time” (as in “I will do it when I have time”) tend not to get done very often, if ever. You need to schedule when you are going to work on a project and block out that time, just as you would an important meeting.

And when it is time to do your work, set a timer so you can be focused for the entire allotted time.

4. Be realistic.

As you establish your schedule, set yourself up for success. Projects often take much longer than expected, so bake in some extra time. And look for ways to make it easier on yourself: If, for example, you are not a morning person, don’t expect yourself to get up an hour early to start the exercise program you have put off for months. It might be better to schedule that activity during lunch or before dinner.

5. Chunk it.

When a task seems overbearing, procrastination often follows. So how can you break that task into smaller, more manageable parts? For example, if you want to write a book, you may choose to make an outline, identify each chapter, figure out the sections in the chapters, and then commit to writing one segment at a time. Chunking it down like this will help you feel less overwhelmed and more empowered.

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6. Excuses be gone.

Do any of these sound familiar? “I need to be in the mood.” “I will wait until I have time.” “I work better under pressure.” “I need X to happen before I can start.”

Be honest with yourself: These are excuses. Sure, it might be nice to ”be in the mood,” but waiting for that to happen can mean you never start your project.

7. Get a partner.

Establish specific deadlines for completing a task. Then find someone who will help you be accountable. It could be a promise to your boss or client that you will complete the job by a certain date. Or it may be a coach who helps you stay on track. Or simply find an accountability partner. In this relationship, you connect with someone (on the phone, for example) at certain time intervals (such as once per week) and commit to what you will do before your next meeting. Not wanting to go back on your word, this can be a great way to squash procrastination. (Note: In an effort to save your relationship with your significant other, I recommend this person not be your partner. You don’t want a lack of follow-through to cause tension between you.)

8. Optimize your environment.

Your environment can help or hinder your productivity . Beware especially of technology, such as your email or messenger that keeps pinging to let you know someone has reached out. Social media , internet “research” that leads you far off track, and phone calls can lead to procrastination.

So try this: During your scheduled block of time for working on a particular task, close your email and IM, turn off your phone (or at least set it on “Do Not Disturb” and put it out of sight), and don’t let yourself get on the web until you have completed the task, or hold off any necessary internet searches until the end.

9. Reward good behavior.

Establish a reward if—and only if—you do what you set out to do. Do not let yourself binge that new Netflix show, check your social media, or get lunch until you complete what you've scheduled. So instead of using these tasks and distractions to procrastinate, make them contingent on you actually finishing what you schedule yourself to do.

10. Forgive yourself.

Stop beating yourself up about the past. Thoughts such as “I should have started earlier” or “I always procrastinate; I am such a loser” will only make matters worse. Research shows that forgiving yourself for past procrastination will help you stop putting off working on a task.

You can try to use past procrastination to your advantage as well. How? Determine what went into your avoidance— fear , stress, not having a good understanding of how to progress, lack of accountability, etc. Then address those obstacles in the present and future. If, for example, it was fear that contributed to your procrastination, what steps can you take to feel more empowered and less fearful next time around?

11. Drop the perfectionism.

Perfectionism is an all-or-nothing mentality: Something is either perfect, or it is a failure. People with perfectionistic tendencies tend to wait until things are perfect in order to proceed—so, if it's not perfect, you cannot be finished. Or if it is not the perfect time, you believe you can't start. This all-or-nothing mentality can hold you back from starting or completing tasks.

Instead, focus on being better than perfect. This means to still strive for excellence, creating excellence, or setting yourself up with excellent conditions, but at the same time, you focus on getting the job done. Done is better than perfect.

Make “some day” today. Follow these steps to get started on your project, and be proud of every bit of progress you make.

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Elizabeth Lombardo Ph.D.

Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D . is a Licensed Practicing Psychologist with an MS in physical therapy who combines research findings, real-life stories, and humor to provide actionable tips for individuals.

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How to Stop Procrastinating

Overcoming the habit of delaying important tasks.

By the Mind Tools Content Team

Key Takeaways:

  • Procrastination means delaying or postponing something that needs to be done – usually because it's unpleasant or dull.
  • Procrastination is a trap that many of us fall into. Research suggests that 95 percent of us procrastinate to some degree.
  • By procrastinating you can damage your performance, harm your reputation, and cause yourself unnecessary anxiety.

In this article and video, we look at why procrastination happens, and we explore strategies for managing and prioritizing your workload more effectively.

Is Procrastination the Same as Being Lazy?

Procrastination is often confused with laziness, but they are very different.

Procrastination is an active process – you choose to do something else instead of the task that you know you should be doing. In contrast, laziness suggests apathy, inactivity and an unwillingness to act.

Procrastination usually involves ignoring an unpleasant, but likely more important task, in favor of one that is more enjoyable or easier.

But giving in to this impulse can have serious consequences. For example, even minor episodes of procrastination can make us feel guilty or ashamed. It can lead to reduced productivity and cause us to miss out on achieving our goals.

If we procrastinate over a long period of time, we can become demotivated and disillusioned with our work, which can lead to depression and even job loss, in extreme cases.

Top 5 Tips to Stop Procrastination

1. Start small . Break large tasks into smaller chunks, and pick one that you can do now – so that you’re underway almost without realizing it!

2. Make a plan. Put times or dates on the key tasks on your list, so that you know what to concentrate on and when.

3. Finish things. When you spot a task that’s nearly done, put extra effort into getting it over the line. Don’t be tempted to leave lots of jobs almost finished: enjoy the satisfaction of ticking them off your list!

4. Deal with distractions. What can you change about your environment to improve your focus? What needs to be put out of reach until this task is done?

5. Be kind to yourself. No one ever gets to the end of their to-do list! Do your best to meet your deadlines, and celebrate your successes. But be realistic: you’ll always have more to do than there are hours in the day.

How to Overcome Procrastination

As with most habits , it is possible to overcome procrastination. Follow the steps below to help you to deal with and prevent procrastination:

Step 1: Recognize That You're Procrastinating

You might be putting off a task because you've had to re-prioritize your workload. If you're briefly delaying an important task for a genuinely good reason, then you aren't necessarily procrastinating. However, if you start to put things off indefinitely, or switch focus because you want to avoid doing something, then you probably are.

You may also be procrastinating if you:

  • Fill your day with low-priority tasks.
  • Leave an item on your to-do list for a long time, even though it's important.
  • Read emails several times over without making a decision on what to do with them.
  • Start a high-priority task and then go off to make a coffee.
  • Fill your time with unimportant tasks that other people ask you to do, instead of getting on with the important tasks already on your list.
  • Wait to be in "right mood," or wait for the "right time" to tackle a task.

Take our self-test quiz, Are You a Procrastinator? to identify how much you procrastinate

Step 2: Know the Top Reasons for Procrastinating

You need to understand the reasons why you are procrastinating before you can begin to tackle it.

For instance, are you avoiding a particular task because you find it boring or unpleasant? If so, take steps to get it out of the way quickly, so that you can focus on the aspects of your job that you find more enjoyable.

Poor organization can lead to procrastination. Organized people successfully overcome it because they use prioritized to-do lists and create effective schedules . These tools help you to organize your tasks by priority and deadline.

Even if you're organized, you can still feel overwhelmed by a task. Perhaps you have doubts about your ability and are worried about failing , so you put it off and seek comfort in doing work that you know that you're capable of completing.

Some people fear success as much as failure. They think that success will lead to them being swamped with requests to take on more tasks.

Surprisingly, perfectionists are often procrastinators. Often, they'd rather avoid doing a task that they don't feel they have the skills to do, than do it imperfectly.

Another major cause of procrastination is poor decision-making. If you can't decide what to do, you'll likely put off taking action in case you do the wrong thing.

For some people, procrastination is more than a bad habit; it's a sign of a serious underlying health issue. For example, ADHD , OCD, anxiety, and depression are associated with procrastination.

Also, research suggests that procrastination can be a cause of serious stress and illness. So, if you suffer from chronic or debilitating procrastination, one of these conditions could be to blame, and you should seek the advice of a trained professional.

Step 3: Use Strategies to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is a habit – a deeply ingrained pattern of behavior. This means that you probably can't break it overnight. Habits only stop being habits when you avoid practicing them, so try as many of the strategies, below, as possible to give yourself the best possible chance of succeeding.

  • Forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past. Studies show that self-forgiveness can help you to feel more positive about yourself and reduce the likelihood of procrastination in the future.
  • Commit to the task. Focus on doing , not avoiding . Write down the tasks that you need to complete, and specify a time for doing them. This will help you to proactively tackle your work.
  • Promise yourself a reward. If you complete a difficult task on time, reward yourself with a treat, such as a slice of cake or a coffee from your favorite coffee shop. And make sure you notice how good it feels to finish things!
  • Ask someone to check up on you. Peer pressure works! This is the principle behind self-help groups. If you don't have anyone to ask, an online tool such as Procraster can help you to self-monitor.
  • Act as you go. Tackle tasks as soon as they arise, rather than letting them build up over another day.
  • Rephrase your internal dialog. The phrases "need to" and "have to," for example, imply that you have no choice in what you do. This can make you feel disempowered and might even result in self-sabotage . However, saying, "I choose to," implies that you own a project, and can make you feel more in control of your workload.
  • Minimize distractions . Turn off your email and social media, and avoid sitting anywhere near a television while you work!
  • Aim to "eat an elephant beetle" first thing, every day! Get those tasks that you find least pleasant out of the way early. This will give you the rest of the day to concentrate on work that you find more enjoyable.

An alternative approach is to embrace "the art of delay." Research shows that "active procrastination" – that is, deliberately delaying getting started on something so you can focus on other urgent tasks – can make you feel more challenged and motivated to get things done. This strategy can work particularly well if you are someone who thrives under pressure.

However, if you do decide to actively procrastinate, be sure to avoid putting your co-workers under any unnecessary, unpleasant and unwanted pressure!

If you're procrastinating because you find a task unpleasant, try to focus on the "long game." Research shows that impulsive people are more likely to procrastinate because they are focused on short-term gain. Combat this by identifying the long-term benefits of completing the task. For instance, could it affect your annual performance review or end-of-year bonus?

Another way to make a task more enjoyable is to identify the unpleasant consequences of avoiding it. For instance, what will happen if you don't complete the work? How might it affect your personal, team or organizational goals?

At the same time, it can be useful to reframe the task by looking at its meaning and relevance . This will increase its value to you and make your work more worthwhile. It's also important to acknowledge that we can often overestimate the unpleasantness of a task. So give it a try! You may find that it's not as bad as you thought, after all!

If you procrastinate because you're disorganized, here are six strategies to help you get organized:

  • Keep a to-do list. This will prevent you from "conveniently" forgetting about those unpleasant or overwhelming tasks.
  • Prioritize your to-do list using Eisenhower's Urgent/Important Principle . This will enable you to quickly identify the activities that you should focus on, as well as the ones you can ignore.
  • Become a master of scheduling and project planning . If you have a big project or multiple projects on the go and you don't know where to start, these tools can help you to plan your time effectively, and reduce your stress levels.
  • Tackle the hardest tasks at your peak times . Do you work better in the morning or the afternoon? Identify when you're most effective, and do the tasks that you find most difficult at these times.
  • Set yourself time-bound goals . Setting yourself specific deadlines to complete tasks will keep you on track to achieve your goals, and will mean that you have no time for procrastination!
  • Use task- and time-management apps. There are numerous apps designed to help you to be more organized, such as Trello and Toggl , for example.

If you're prone to delaying projects because you find them overwhelming, try breaking them down into more manageable chunks. Organize your projects into smaller tasks and focus on starting them, rather than on finishing them.

In his 2011 book, " The Procrastination Cure ," Jeffery Combs suggests tackling tasks in 15-minute bursts of activity. Alternatively, you can create an Action Plan to organize your project. Start with quick and small tasks first. These "small wins" will give you a sense of achievement, and will make you feel more positive and less overwhelmed by the larger project or goal that you are working towards.

Finally, if you think that you are putting something off because you can't decide what action to take or you find it hard to make decisions, take a look at our range of decision-making tools to help you to develop your decision-making skills.

Tools to Help You Stop Procrastinating

Here are three of our favorite tools for putting an end to procrastination – now!

Self-Determination Theory . Understand what helps and what harms your motivation levels, so that you can boost your commitment to getting even the most unappealing jobs done.

Personal Mission Statements . Add some extra passion and purpose to your plans, and you'll be more keen than ever to get on with them!

Cognitive Restructuring . Focus on the thoughts and feelings that are making you procrastinate – then reframe them into something much more positive.

Frequently Asked Questions About Procrastination

1. what is procrastination.

Procrastination means unnecessarily putting off a task because it seems too difficult, unpleasant or boring – despite knowing that delaying will only make the situation worse.

2. What Is the "70 Percent Rule"?

The 70 Percent Rule is about not waiting to know everything about a task before you tackle it. Instead, you make a start when you have around 70 percent of the information. In the words of Amazon Executive Chairman Jeff Bezos, "Most decisions should probably be made with somewhere around 70 percent of the information you wish you had. If you wait for 90 percent, in most cases, you’re probably being slow."

3. What Is the "Two Minute Rule"?

The Two Minute Rule was popularized by David Allen in his book "Getting Things Done." In a nutshell, if you can complete a task in two minutes or less, do it now .

  • Procrastination is the habit of unnecessarily delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead.
  • Procrastination can restrict your potential and undermine your career, disrupt teamwork, reduce morale, and even lead to depression and job loss.
  • The first step to overcoming procrastination is to recognize that you're doing it.
  • Then, identify the reasons behind your behavior and use appropriate strategies to manage and overcome it.

How to Stop Procrastinating Infographic

For tips on how to nip your procrastination habit in the bud, see our illustrated infographic: How to Stop Procrastinating – Right Now!

procrastinating assignments reddit

Chu, A. and Choi, J. (2005). 'Rethinking Procrastination: Positive Effects of "Active" Procrastination Behavior on Attitudes and Performance,' Journal of Social Psychology , 145(3), 245-264. Available here .

Combs, J. (2012). ' The Procrastination Cure ,' Pompton Plains: Career Press.

Steel, P. (2007). 'The Nature of Procrastination: A Meta-Analytic and Theoretical Review of Quintessential Self-Regulatory Failure,' Psychological Bulletin , 133(1), 65-94. Available here .

Steel, P. (2014). ' The Procrastination Equation ,' Harlow: Pearson Education.

Wohl, M., Pychyl, T. and Bennett, S. (2010). 'I Forgive Myself, Now I Can Study: How Self-Forgiveness for Procrastinating can Reduce Future Procrastination,' Personality and Individual Differences , 48(7), 803-808. Available here .

Inc. (2020). All Companies Should Live by the Jeff Bezos 70 Percent Rule [online]. Available here . [Accessed August 30, 2023.]

Allen, D. (2015). ' Getting Things Done ,' London: Piatkus

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Comments (30)

Matthew Gordon

I'm here to share a brief testimony of how I won the lottery any times I tried so hard to win the lottery but I failed, until a friend of mine told me about Dr Benjamin who had helped her strike a jackpot, when I first contacted him I was so skeptical about it but after he assured me that he will help me win, my hope came alive. The follow day he undergone me through some processes which I did with utmost trust and diligence, he gave me some lottery numbers and instructed me to purchase a lottery ticket, later that same day I purchased $50 ticket for the 500X The Cash scratch-off game and hit on one of its 160 prizes of $1 million. The Lottery said he chose to receive his winnings as a one-time, lump-sum payment of $820,000 and bought the ticket from  Riverwalk BP at 1304 Prudential Drive and I won the sum of $1,000,000. All thanks to Dr Benjamin for making my dream come through, he can help too contact him today at [email protected] You can visit his website for more info https://dr-benjamin.com

Luna Luna Brian

FAST EFFECTIVE WAY TO GET CURED FROM HERPES VIRUS I am writing this testimonial with immense gratitude and a renewed sense of hope in my heart. For years, I battled with the physical and emotional torment caused by the herpes virus. It felt like an unending struggle, until I discovered a remarkable solution that changed my life forever. Like many others, I had tried countless remedies, medications and therapies in search of a cure. I had lost hope, resigned to the belief that herpes was something I would have to live with indefinitely. However, fate intervened and led me to a breakthrough that altered the course of my life. Upon stumbling upon a revolutionary treatment option, my skepticism slowly transformed into a flicker of hope. The treatment was a natural remedy from Dr Awase [ HERBS ] Over time, as I followed the treatment diligently, I started noticing positive changes and I experienced a boost in my overall well-being. I am ecstatic to share that I am now herpes-free confirmed by my Dr after a test was done. The treatment I received was nothing short of miraculous and I couldn't be more grateful. I have regained my self-confidence and the burden that once weighed heavily upon me has been lifted. I was cured of my herpes virus through natural medication. If you, like me, have been struggling with herpes and searching for a way out, please know that hope exists. May my story inspire hope in the hearts of those who need it. He also specializes in getting rid of HPV, OVARIAN CYST, ALZHEIMER, PCOS, HEPATITIS and a lot more. Contact on WhatsApp +2349074997110 Email:- dr.awaseherbalhome@gmail. com

Krystal McKay

I WON A LOTTERY: My name is Krystal McKay and I am here to share my testimony of how I became Manitoba’s first lottery millionaire winner of the year after receiving winning numbers from the great spell caster, Doctor CHUDO. He was very welcoming and patient with me. My life changed totally and I just want to thank him again for helping me win $5 million. If you want to win the lottery or your want any spell, you can contact him like I did via Email: [email protected], WhatsApp: +1 765 400 1410, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drchulospelltemplee/

Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Professor Isaac online who made my dreams come through and made me win $400 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour's drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Professor Isaac gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail, after I did all he asked me to do. Professor Isaac is a powerful Professor Isaac that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people's lives and i have confirmed that by winning $400 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Professor Isaac and that's what I'm doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Professor Isaac he is tested and trusted Email: [email protected], WhatsApp +27606307392 or Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RealWhiteMagicSpell. he will help you.

christopher gonzalez

After enduring a broken marriage for five years, my life has been restored. Following my wife's departure with our children, I experienced profound emotional distress, leading me to contemplate suicide. Fortunately, I encountered Dr. Eze Odogwu, an adept spell caster, online during a fortuitous browsing session. Numerous testimonials extolled his abilities, from reuniting individuals with their ex-partners to preventing divorces and even restoring fertility. Notably, a woman named Jenni shared her experience of having her former lover return within a mere four days, concluding her account by disclosing Dr. Eze Odogwu's contact information. Intrigued by these accounts, I decided to reach out to him via email, detailing my predicament. Remarkably, within just 96 hours, my wife returned to me, and together we resolved our conflicts. Our relationship now thrives more than ever, thanks to the remarkable skills of Dr. Eze Odogwu. I am compelled to continue sharing my testimony about his exceptional talents, as his prowess is truly remarkable. For those seeking an authentic and effective spell caster to address their challenges, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Eze Odogwu via the provided email address: ezeodogwuspellhome @ gmail . com

Hello everyone my name is Kiara Hahn from California US. I’m here to testify of a great and powerful spell caster called Dr Jakuta. I was so confused and devastated when my fiance left me without a word, I've spent the last month crying and feeling guilty. I wasn't talking to anybody, so one day I search online on love tips because I needed him back desperately and I loved him so much, until I found Dr Jakuta who has solved so many relationship problems then I contacted him and he promised that in less than 72hrs he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my fiance who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, if you have any relationship problem you can contact him Below are his contact details: Email him at doctorjakutaspellcaster24@gmail. com WhatsApp +2349161779461

emily keeton

I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according .to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: [email protected] or Whatsapp +2348120513902

Anna Waston

Anna is my name and I am here to tell of the reconnection with my ex boyfriend who happened to break up with me for another lady some months ago. I was devastated as I missed him around me. I couldn’t bring myself to not have him in my life. I was going through a forum where I saw someone who Dr Hamu helped in bringing back his ex-girlfriend. I decided to try my luck by contacting him on his what app line. To my surprise I got my boyfriend back to me less than 3days after contacting the spell caster Dr Hamu. For more information visit his webpage: https://drhamu.carrd.co/#

Darien Mitchel

I want the world to know a great man that is well known as Dr Kala, he has the perfect solution to relationship issues and marriage problems and i am over joyed right now because my love is back to me with the help of Dr Kala.I want to appreciate Dr Kala for bringing back my husband who left me and the kids. I tried everything i could to get him back but he refused to come back to me and he told me its over between us and i strongly believe that he is under a love charm by the woman who took him away from me. I went online to get some tips i could use in getting him back and I saw a comment about Dr Kala and how he has helped alot of people to get there ex lover back and i quickly contact him and explain my problem to him and after following all instructions given to me by Dr Kala, my husband came back begging for forgiveness within the space of 48hours. He return back to me with so much love and affection. Thanks dr your spell is really great. Dr Kala reunite me and my husband with love and he release my husband from the evil spell the woman used on him and return him back to me. For those of you who have marriage/relationship issues should contacct Dr Kala for help via email: [email protected] or WhatsApp him on +2347051705853

Thank you so much Professor Isaac for the opportunity for me to be among the winner of the ongoing lottery in my country i saw so many amazing testimonies about you on the internet and I put it upon myself to give it a try and today I’m grateful I did because I’m 45, 000,000 million dollars richer now all because of Professor Isaac thanks for giving me that lottery number that change my life for good. You also can be a winner by contacting Professor today Via email: [email protected] or WhatsApp: +27606307392

Hetal Patel

I never knew lottery spells existed until I was referred to Dr Emmanuel by my neighbor. I have been playing lottery games for the past 7 years and I have never won above $2,000 but after I came in contact with Dr Emmanuel, I told him my past experience about playing lottery of which I have never won big amount and Dr Emmanuel told me what will be done by praying and preparing a lottery spell for me. He did that and gave me some numbers to play the lottery game. At first I took everything as a joke until I was emailed a week after that I had won the sum of $110.9 million. I was shocked and surprised at that very moment because my long awaited prayers had finally been answered and I thank Dr Emmanuel for helping me out for my financial status to change and that of my generations. If you want to win a huge amount on your next lottery game, contact him [email protected]. or whats-app him +1(332)253-4306 now and I assure you that your bold step will be your change of level.

Olivia Noah

Good day everyone on the internet. Dr Ughulu is a powerful and wonderful man on this earth. I lost my father one months ago and we were ready to celebrate his funeral so he can rest in peace. So I and my siblings were making a preparation for the burial ceremony, but at that moment I was broke and I have no funds on me for the funeral, so i decided to go online for a lottery search and when I was doing that i saw a comment on Facebook about how someone testified Dr. Ughulu for helping him win a Mage Million and he became a millionaire. So I cried to dr and explained my problem to him and he promised to help me win the Mega Millions lottery game which he did and send me the six winning numbers. I played the winning numbers and I was the first winner to get a text. Can you imagine Dr Ughulu made me win $335 Million Dollars. Everything happened in 24 hours after he finished casting the lottery spell for me. Help me thank Dr Ughulu for his good work well done in my life and family. I paid all the bills for my late father's funeral. Call/Text number: +1(252) 409-1841 or email: [email protected] or website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu

Do you have issues with your health like HSV/HPV, HIV, asthma, diabetes, cancer, etc??? You can go for Chilean natural remedies. Your problem will be solved completely. Check out their website. https://purelifeherbalsolution.com

Michael Eric

My name is Michael Eric, I want to thank Dr Ughulu for making me the happiest man on this earth. I have been playing a lottery jackpot for over 2 years all I have won is 5000 thousand dollars ever since I still keep playing it and I haven't win again I was wondering what was happening, until the day I was looking for how to win online I saw a comment how someone testifies Dr. Ughulu it was very interesting and I also message him to help, and I explained everything to him, so he did everything for me and gave me six Powerball winning numbers. I played it and I won, when the winning numbers came out I was among the people and my winning price was $196 Million Dollars,what else can I say? Thank you so much Dr. Ughulu. I really appreciate what you did for me. Contact his website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu or Text/Call:+1 (252) 409-1841 or via email: [email protected]

Shanice Bell

Hello my name is Kallya from USA i want to tell the world about the great and mighty spell caster called Priest Ade my husband was cheating on me and no longer committed to me and our kids when i asked him what the problem was he told me he has fell out of love for me and wanted a divorce i was so heart broken i cried all day and night but he left home i was looking for something online when i saw an article how the great and powerful Priest Ade have helped so many in similar situation like mine he email address was there so i sent him an email telling him about my problem he told me he shall return back to me within 24hrs i did everything he asked me to do the nest day to my greatest surprise my husband came back home and was crying and begging for me to forgive and accept him back he can also help you contact  [email protected] Website ancientspellcast.wordpress.com WhatsApp: +2349016487557

Are you interested in winning the lottery? I urge you to contact Dr Kumar for your winning numbers and I promise you he will send you the winning numbers and make you a winner just like me. I won the Mega Millions with the lottery numbers Dr Kumar sent to me. You can contact Dr Kumar on email: [email protected] or WhatsApp +2347051705853 to get your winning numbers

Amelia Jonathan

My name is Amelia Jonathan from the United States, Using this opportunity to thank Dr. Ughulu is a grateful thing to me, for over years I have been sick with Hepatitis B disease, I have done a lot of things to get cured of my diseases and nothing has worked out. I have taken different types of medication for it , but it still doesn't work for me. I still keep going for a check up so that the doctor will tell me my disease has gone, because i'm taking my medicine with no result nothing has been cured, I have spent a lot of money just to get cure of Hepatitis B. until my old time friend came to my place and saw what am going through, and then direct me to contact Dr. Ughulu who is a very powerful man, which I did explain my problem to Dr. Ughulu and send me a herbal remedy bottle and explain to me how I should drink it. So I started to drink the herbal tea in one week that I drink the herbal tea. I went for a check up to check if I’m cured from Hepatitis B disease, then the nurse told me nothing is wrong with me anymore and said I'm fine. I am the happiest person right now. I promise Dr Ughulu I will testify about his good work on the internet. Reach out to Dr. Ughulu Via: [email protected] Thank you so much sir for what you did for me you're the best of all. TEXT OR CALL: +1(252) 409-1841 or website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu

about 1 month

Paul Little

Many thanks to Dr. Chulo who helped me win the mega million lottery with his powerful spell and to my friend who told me about the great spell caster. I’m very excited these days after winning $3,000,000 at the Massachusetts State Lottery headquarters in Dorchester so I want to use this medium to share my joy with the world. You too can contact him via +1 765 400 1410 or email him at [email protected]


i just want to say a big thanks to Dr Oniha for what he has done for me, i contacted him at the point of my needs and he came through for me, he said he was gonna help me and he did, I played lottery for 20 years and couldn’t win a dime, at a point I was disappointed and almost gave up, but then another thought came to my mind why don’t I try a lotto spell since I have already heard about people doing it, and then i decided that i will give it a try, but there was a lot of spell casters online this got me confused that i didn’t know which to pick, I decided to follow my instinct and i picked Dr Oniha i sent him an email and waited for couple of hours no reply, at this point I was already anxious and eager to get a reply from him and then i sent him a test on his WhatsApp and immediately he responded i told him what I wanted and he gave me assurance that i must win after his spell, i did what was asked of me, behold i hit the jackpot. i am so so happy to share this here because i have never seen a miracle like this before, thank you so much Dr Oniha you are a life saver. Anyone out there can also talk to him if you need his assistance too, that is why I'm testifying about his good work so people in need can reach out to him. Call/Whatsapp number: +16692213962 Website: http://onihaspells.com EMAIL: [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/Onihaspell?mibextid=ZbWKwL

about 2 months

rachel kelvin

In the enchanting land of Benin Kingdom, lives a remarkable man named Oguname. Descended from the great deity Osun, he possessed extraordinary powers and the ability to see into the spiritual realm. #BeninKingdom #Oguname #DeityDescendant #SpiritualRealm Born in the heart of Edo, Oguname embodied the strength of iron and the depths of the river and ocean. Destined to serve the goddess of the seas, he formed alliances to pass judgement on the wicked. #Edo #IronStrength #SeasOfBenin #DivineJustice For over 48 years, Oguname honed his skills as a magical specialist. His herbal healing, spell casting, and fortune telling were unmatched. His voodoo charms, crafted from potent herbs and plants, created wealth and fortune. #MagicalSpecialist #VoodooCharms #PotentHerbs #WealthAndFame Oguname's expertise in matters of the heart was unparalleled. His love potion reunited lost lovers, making them beg for forgiveness. A psychic and palm reader, he resolved countless problems with remarkable speed. #LovePotion #PsychicPowers #PalmReading #ProblemSolver Oguname's reputation as a healer grew far and wide. With his fertility potion, he resolved over 169 cases of infertility and marital issues. His wisdom and knowledge were passed down from his priestess mother. #Healer #FertilityPotion #MaritalIssues #WisdomAndKnowledge Contact Oguname at [email protected] to experience his ancestral powers. His formal demeanor and elegance shine through in his correspondence. #AncestralPowers #FormalDemeanor #SpiritualLeader Oguname, descendant of Osun, touched countless lives with his divine purpose. His insight and magical prowess were a beacon of hope for all. #DivinePurpose #InsightfulVision #BeaconOfHope <<https://priestoguname.webnode.com>>

“Deity of love and justice gone viral” I am Rachel and I am here to testify of a spell caster that helped reunite me and my boyfriend. About eighteen months ago I had a minor issue with my boyfriend that led to our breakup though I wasn’t ready for it, I had no choice since my boy friend said he needed some space and was alway accusing me wrongly. I thought he would come back as usual cos in most cases he was alway like going and coming back. Some times he would say I am bugging him and just needed some space but this time it took a whole lot of time and he didn’t call or even write to check up on me. I was actually not comfortable with his behaviour until I decided to contact Priest Oguname “Deity of love and justice” on WhatsApp (+2348068904880) and he told me what I needed to do to enable him bring him bring my boyfriend back permanently and really I did what he asked me two weeks ago and yesterday my boy friend came back and apologise to me, he gave me an engagement ring made of pure gold and asked me to marry him. I can’t believe this is happening, I so love him and I can’t resist him. Please if you are missing out you don’t need to have anxiety and depression just follow the link <https://priestoguname,webnode.com> or EMAIL: [email protected] or WhatsApp or call his line. He is alway ready to help so kind and considerate! (not like those spell casters that exhausted my money and yet no result to show for it)

Breaking up or Divorce is not a solution here is one of the best Astrology and Psychic love spell caster in the universe who can help you to reunite with your man or woman i am a living testimony i was help by Dr Iyayi to help me bring back my lover within 24 hours contact him today and be the most happy person you have always be also click on his Facebook page at web.facebook.com/Driyayi48hourslovespell or WhatsApp +1 424 738 1393

"This is a great article on procrastination! I appreciate the insights it offers. If you're interested, I also have an article on the topic with some fresh insights. Feel free to check it out for a different perspective."


Derek Place

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What Is Procrastination?

Putting off tasks we don't enjoy is common, despite the consequences

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Why Do You Procrastinate?

Types of procrastination.

  • The Negative Impact
  • Strategies to Stop

Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their deadline. Some researchers define procrastination as a "form of self-regulation failure characterized by the irrational delay of tasks despite potentially negative consequences."

According to Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology at DePaul University in Chicago and author of "Still Procrastinating: The No Regret Guide to Getting It Done," around 20% of U.S. adults are chronic procrastinators.

No matter how well-organized and committed you are, chances are that you have found yourself frittering away hours on trivial pursuits (watching TV, updating your Facebook status, shopping online) when you should have been spending that time on work or school-related projects.

Whether you're putting off finishing a project for work, avoiding homework assignments, or ignoring household chores, procrastination can have a major impact on your job, your grades, and your life.

In most cases, procrastination is not a sign of a serious problem. It's a common tendency that most people give in to at some point or another.

Remember that time that you thought you had a week left to finish a project that was really due the next day? How about the time you decided not to clean up your apartment because you "didn't feel like doing it right now?"

We often assume that projects won't take as long to finish as they really will, which can lead to a false sense of security when we believe that we still have plenty of time to complete these tasks.

One of the biggest factors contributing to procrastination is the notion that we have to feel inspired or motivated to work on a task at a particular moment.

The reality is that if you wait until you're in the right frame of mind to do certain tasks (especially undesirable ones), you will probably find that the right time simply never comes along and the task never gets completed.

The following are a few other factors that cause procrastination.

Researchers suggest that procrastination can be particularly pronounced among students. A 2007 meta analysis published in the Psychological Bulletin found that a whopping 80% to 95% of college students procrastinated on a regular basis, particularly when it came to completing assignments and coursework.  

According to researchers, there are some major cognitive distortions that lead to academic procrastination.   Students tend to:

  • Overestimate how much time they have left to perform tasks
  • Overestimate how motivated they will be in the future
  • Underestimate how long certain activities will take to complete
  • Mistakenly assume that they need to be in the right frame of mind to work on a project

Present Bias

The present bias is a phenomenon observed in human behavior that may result in procrastination. The present bias means that we tend to be motivated more by immediate gratification or rewards than we are by long-term rewards. This is why it feels good in the moment to procrastinate.

For example, the immediate reward of staying in bed and watching TV is more appealing than the long-term reward of publishing a blog post, which would take much longer to accomplish.

Procrastination can also be a result of depression . Feelings of hopelessness , helplessness, and a lack of energy can make it difficult to start (and finish) the simplest task. Depression can also lead to self-doubt . When you can't figure out how to tackle a project or feel insecure about your abilities, you might find it easier to put it off.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Procrastination is also pretty common in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder . One reason is that OCD is often linked with maladaptive perfectionism, which causes fears about making new mistakes, doubts about whether you are doing something correctly, and worry over others' expectations of you.

People with OCD also often have a propensity toward indecision, causing them to procrastinate rather than make a decision.

Many adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) struggle with procrastination. When you're so distracted by outside stimuli, as well as internal thoughts, it can be hard to get started on a task, especially if that task is difficult or not interesting to you.

Is Procrastination a Mental Illness?

Procrastination itself is not a mental illness. But in some cases, it may be symptomatic of an underlying mental health condition such as depression, OCD, or ADHD.

We often come up with a number of excuses or rationalizations to justify our behavior. According to researchers, there are 15 key reasons why people say they procrastinate:

  • Not knowing what needs to be done
  • Not knowing how to do something
  • Not wanting to do something
  • Not caring if it gets done or not
  • Not caring when something gets done
  • Not feeling in the mood to do it
  • Being in the habit of waiting until the last minute
  • Believing that you work better under pressure
  • Thinking that you can finish it at the last minute
  • Lacking the initiative to get started
  • Blaming sickness or poor health
  • Waiting for the right moment
  • Needing time to think about the task
  • Delaying one task in favor of working on another

Press Play for Advice On Completing Tasks

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares how to get tasks done with a science-backed trick known as 'temptation bundling.' Click below to listen now.

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Some researchers classify two types of procrastinators: passive and active procrastinators.

  • Passive procrastinators : Delay the task because they have trouble making decisions and acting on them
  • Active procrastinators : Delay the task purposefully because working under pressure allows them to "feel challenged and motivated"

Others define the types of procrastinators based on different behavioral styles of procrastination, including:

  • Perfectionist : Puts off tasks out of the fear of not being able to complete a task perfectly
  • Dreamer : Puts off tasks because they are not good at paying attention to detail
  • Defier : Doesn't believe someone should dictate their time schedule
  • Worrier : Puts off tasks out of fear of change or leaving the comfort of "the known"
  • Crisis-maker : Puts off tasks because they like working under pressure
  • Overdoer : Takes on too much and struggles with finding time to start and complete task

Procrastinators vs. Non-Procrastinators

"Non-procrastinators focus on the task that needs to be done. They have a stronger personal identity and are less concerned about what psychologists call 'social esteem'—how others like us—as opposed to self-esteem which is how we feel about ourselves," explained Dr. Ferrari in an interview with the American Psychological Association (APA).  

According to psychologist Piers Steel, people who don't procrastinate tend to be high in the personality trait known as conscientiousness , one of the broad dispositions identified by the Big Five theory of personality. People who are high in conscientiousness also tend to be high in other areas including self-discipline, persistence, and personal responsibility.

The Negative Impact of Procrastination

It is only in cases where procrastination becomes chronic and begins to have a serious impact on a person's daily life that it becomes a more serious issue. In such instances, it's not just a matter of having poor time management skills, it's a major part of their lifestyle.

Perhaps they pay their bills late, don't start work on big projects until the night before the deadline, delay gift shopping until the day before a birthday, and even file their income tax returns late.

Unfortunately, this procrastination can have a serious impact on a number of life areas, including a person's mental health and social, professional, and financial well-being:

  • Higher levels of stress and illness
  • Increased burden placed on social relationships
  • Resentment from friends, family, co-workers, and fellow students
  • Consequences of delinquent bills and income tax returns

How to Overcome Procrastination

You might find yourself wondering, How can I stop procrastinating?

Fortunately, there are a number of different things you can do to fight procrastination and start getting things done on time. Consider these your procrastination exercises:

  • Make a to-do list : To help keep you on track, consider placing a due date next to each item.
  • Take baby steps : Break down the items on your list into small, manageable steps so that your tasks don’t seem so overwhelming.
  • Recognize the warning signs : Pay attention to any thoughts of procrastination and do your best to resist the urge. If you begin to think about procrastinating, force yourself to spend a few minutes working on your task.
  • Eliminate distraction : Ask yourself what pulls your attention away the most—whether it's Instagram, Facebook updates, or the local news—and turn off those sources of distraction.
  • Pat yourself on the back : When you finish an item on your to-do list on time, congratulate yourself and reward yourself by indulging in something you find fun.    

Prem R, Scheel TE, Weigelt O, Hoffmann K, Korunka C. Procrastination in daily working life: A diary study on within-person processes that link work characteristics to workplace procrastination . Front Psychol . 2018;9:1087. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01087

American Psychological Association. The Psychology of Procrastination: Why People Put Off Important Tasks Until the Last Minute . 2010.

Bisin A, Hyndman K. Present-bias, procrastination and deadlines in a field experiment . Games and Economic Behavior. 2020;119:339-357. doi:10.1016/j.geb.2019.11.010

Steel P. The nature of procrastination: A meta-analytic and theoretical review of quintessential self-regulatory failure . Psychol Bull . 2007;133(1):65-94. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.133.1.65 

Ferrari, Joseph & Johnson, Judith & McCown, William. (1995). Procrastination and Task Avoidance - Theory, Research and Treatment . doi: 10.1007/978-1-4899-0227-6

Beutel ME, Klein EM, Aufenanger S, et al. Procrastination, distress and life satisfaction across the age range - A German representative community study .  PLoS One . 2016;11(2):e0148054. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148054

Limburg K, Watson HJ, Hagger MS, Egan SJ.  The relationship between perfectionism and psychopathology: A meta-analysis .  J Clin Psychol.  2017;73(10):1301-1326. doi:10.1002/jclp.22435

Altgassen M, Scheres A, Edel MA.  Prospective memory (partially) mediates the link between ADHD symptoms and procrastination .  Atten Defic Hyperact Disord . 2019;11(1):59-71. doi:10.1007/s12402-018-0273-x

Tuckman BW, Abry DA, Smith DR. (2008). Learning and Motivation Strategies: Your Guide to Success (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Zohar AH, Shimone LP, Hen M. Active and passive procrastination in terms of temperament and character .  PeerJ . 2019;7:e6988. doi:10.7717/peerj.6988

American Psychological Association. The first step to overcoming procrastination: Know thyself .

Svartdal F, Nemtcan E. Past negative consequences of unnecessary delay as a marker of procrastination . Front Psychol. 2022;13. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.787337

Schrager S, Sadowski E. Getting more done: Strategies to increase scholarly productivity .  J Grad Med Educ . 2016;8(1):10-13. doi:10.4300/JGME-D-15-00165.1

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

Solving Procrastination

procrastinating assignments reddit

Homework Procrastination: Why You Procrastinate on Homework and How to Stop

Homework procrastination involves unnecessarily postponing working on homework assignments. For example, if a student delays starting a homework assignment until right before its deadline for no good reason, even though it would have been better for them to start earlier, that student is engaging in homework procrastination.

Homework procrastination can take various forms, from wasting hours trying to bring yourself to start writing an essay, to putting off an important project until the end of the semester. This is a problem not only because it can harm your performance at school, and therefore cause you to receive lower grades , but also because it can cause you to suffer from various other issues , such as frustration, anxiety, and stress .

If you often procrastinate when it comes to doing homework, know that you’re not alone. Procrastination is a common problem among students ; in terms of statistics, studies show that approximately 80%–95% of college students engage in procrastination to some degree, approximately 75% consider themselves to be procrastinators, and approximately 50% say that they procrastinate in a consistent and problematic manner.

Fortunately, however, there are some things that you can do to solve this problem, as you will see in the following article. Specifically, you will first see an explanation about why students procrastinate on their homework, so you can understand your own behavior better. Then, you will see what you can do in order to stop procrastinating on your homework, so you can start getting them done on time.

Why you procrastinate on homework

You procrastinate on homework because issues such as exhaustion and anxiety outweigh your self-control and motivation. These issues include personal factors, like fear and perfectionism, and situational factors, like distractions and unclear instructions.

Specifically, when you need to get homework done, you rely primarily on your self-control in order to get yourself to do it. Furthermore, your self-control is sometimes supported by your motivation, which helps you complete your homework on time.

However, in some cases, you suffer from issues that interfere with or oppose your self-control and motivation, such as exhaustion and anxiety . When these issues are stronger than your self-control and motivation, you end up procrastinating, until you reach a point where the balance between them shifts in your favor, or until it’s too late.

This explains why you might end up procrastinating on your homework even when you have the necessary motivation and you truly wish that you could just get started. This also explains why you might end up procrastinating on your homework until right before deadlines , when the increased motivation, often in the form of stressful pressure, finally pushes you to get to work.

Accordingly, common reasons for procrastinating on homework include the following :

  • Abstract goals , in terms of being vague about how and when you intend to do the homework.
  • Feeling overwhelmed , often while being unsure of how to complete the homework.
  • Perfectionism , in the form of refusing to create work that has any flaws.
  • Fear of failure , often because of concerns over how such failure might reflect on you.
  • Anxiety , often in light of potential negative feedback.
  • Task aversion , especially in cases where you find the homework boring or unpleasant.
  • Lack of motivation , often as a result of feeling disconnected from your future self or having rewards that are far in the future.
  • Physical or mental exhaustion , often due to a combination of reasons, such as a high academic workload and associated stress .
  • Resentment , generally toward the homework, toward its source, or toward something related, such as a parent pushing you to do well in a subject that you’re not interested in.
  • Sensation seeking , generally in the form of enjoying working on things right before the deadline, when there’s intense time pressure.
  • Problematic work environment , generally as a result of having many distractions or temptations around.
  • Lack of sufficient communication from instructors, for example when it comes to not having clear directions and due dates for a certain class project.

In addition, other issues can also make you more likely to procrastinate on your homework. For example:

  • Problematic behaviors like self-handicapping , which involves procrastinating so that if you fail you can blame your failure on procrastination rather than your abilities, and self-sabotaging , which involves procrastinating as a result of a tendency to sabotage your progress.
  • Personality traits like distractibility and impulsivity .
  • Underlying issues like lack of sleep , ADHD , and depression .

Finally, note that some of these issues can lead to problematic procrastination cycles . For example, this can happen if you’re anxious about your homework, so you procrastinate on it, which makes you even more anxious about your homework due to the added negative emotions that you now associate with it (e.g., guilt and shame), which in turn makes you more likely to keep procrastinating on your homework in the future.

Understanding why you procrastinate on your homework can help you learn how to overcome your procrastination. However, while understanding why you procrastinate can be helpful, in many cases you can reduce your procrastination even without figuring this out. As such, if you find that you’re struggling with this step, don’t worry, and don’t get stuck; simply move on to the next step, which involves trying out various anti-procrastination techniques, until you find the ones that work best for you.

How to stop procrastinating on homework

To stop procrastinating on your homework right now , you should identify the smallest possible thing you can do to make progress on it, and then modify your environment to make it as likely as possible that you will do it.

For example, if you need to write a paper for a university course, the smallest possible step that you can take toward finishing it might be opening the relevant document on your computer, and writing just a single opening line, even if it’s poorly phrased initially. Once you realize that this is all you need to do, you can start modifying your work environment to help yourself achieve that, for example by going to a room with no distractions, leaving your phone outside, and turning on airplane mode on your laptop to disable your access to online distractions .

There are many other anti-procrastination techniques that can help you stop procrastinating on your homework. You don’t need to use all of these techniques, since some won’t be relevant in your case, and since you will generally need only a few of them in order to make significant progress toward overcoming your procrastination. As such, try skimming through this list, and finding the techniques that you think will work best for you.

Improve your planning:

  • Set concrete goals for yourself. For example, instead of a vague goal, such as “finish my psychology paper over the weekend”, set a concrete goal, such as “start writing an outline for the psychology paper on Thursday at 5 pm in the library, right after I finish the last class for the week”).
  • Break your homework into small and manageable steps. For example, if you need to write a research paper, you can start with steps such as “(1) brainstorm three potential topics, (2) figure out which topic I like best, and (3) find five relevant sources”. If the project that you’re dealing with is large and will therefore require a large number of steps, don’t worry about outlining the whole thing from the start; simply identify the first few steps that you need to take, and add new ones as you go along, to avoid feeling overwhelmed or getting stuck.
  • Set a series of milestones and deadlines for yourself. This will help you be accountable and plan ahead, and can also motivate you and give you a rewarding feeling of continuous progress.
  • Identify your productivity cycles. Different people are more productive at different times, based on factors such as whether it’s morning, noon, or evening. To reduce procrastination, you should take your personal productivity patterns into account, and schedule your homework for times when you’re most likely to be able to actually work on it.

Improve your environment:

  • Change your environment to make it easier for you to focus. For example, if you know that you work best when there are no distracting noises, go somewhere quiet, or put on some noise-blocking headphones.
  • Change your environment to make it easier for yourself to get started. For example, if you know that you will need to write an essay tomorrow after you wake up, then leave the document open on your computer before you go to bed.
  • Change your environment to make it harder for yourself to procrastinate. For example, if you tend to procrastinate by browsing apps on your phone , leave your phone outside the room where you plan to work.

Change your approach:

  • Start with a tiny step. For example, if you need to write an essay, help yourself get started by committing to only write a single sentence at first. This can help you push yourself to get started on homework, and often, once you do so, you’ll find it easy to keep going.
  • Start with the best or worst part first. Some people find that starting with the most enjoyable or easiest part of an assignment helps them get going, while others find that getting the worst part out of the way first helps them avoid procrastinating over time. Use either approach if you feel that it works for you.
  • Add a time delay before you procrastinate. If you can’t avoid procrastinating entirely, try committing to having a time delay before you indulge your impulse to do so. For example, this can involve counting to 10 before you’re allowed to open a new tab on the social media website that you usually use to procrastinate.
  • Use the Pomodoro technique. This involves alternating between scheduled periods of work and rest. For example, you can work on your homework for 25-minute long stretches, with 5-minute breaks in between, and a longer 30-minute break after every 4 work sets that you complete.

Increase your motivation:

  • Make doing the homework feel more rewarding. For example, you can gamify your work, by marking down streaks of days on which you’ve managed to make sufficient progress on your assignments, and potentially also give yourself some reward once you reach a sufficiently long streak.
  • Make doing the homework feel more enjoyable. For example, you can do your homework in a pleasant location, while listening to energizing music.
  • Visualize your future self. For example, you can visualize yourself being able to relax after you finish working, visualize yourself being rewarded for getting a good grade in a course, or visualize yourself having to handle the issues associated with not finishing your homework on time.
  • Focus on your goals instead of your assignments. Instead of focusing on the fact that you have an aversion to your homework, for whatever reason, try focusing on your end goals for completing the homework, such as getting a good grade in an important class so you can have a better application for grad school.

Change your mindset:

  • Give yourself permission to make mistakes, and accept the fact that your work won’t be perfect, especially at first. This can be helpful, for example, when it comes to assignments that involve writing, where you can give yourself permission to write a bad first draft, and then edit it afterward.
  • Address your fears. If you’re procrastinating because you’re afraid of something, try to identify your fears and resolve them. For example, if you’re afraid that your writing won’t be good enough, you can say to yourself that your goal is to just start by getting something written down, and that you can always improve it later.
  • Develop self-compassion.   Self-compassion can help reduce your procrastination, as well as various issues that are associated with it, such as stress. It consists of three components that you should develop: self-kindness , which involves being nice to yourself, common humanity , which involves recognizing that everyone experiences challenges, and mindfulness , which involves accepting your emotions in a non-judgmental manner.
  • Develop self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief in your ability to carry out the actions that you need to achieve your goals, and it can help you reduce your procrastination. To develop self-efficacy, try to identify the various strategies that you can use to finish your homework, and think about your ability to execute those strategies successfully.

When deciding which approach to use in order to overcome your procrastination , keep in mind that anti-procrastination techniques are especially effective when they’re tailored to the specific causes of your procrastination. For example, if you procrastinate because you set abstract goals for yourself, you should focus on setting concrete goals instead. Similarly, if you procrastinate because of available distractions, you should remove those distractions from your study environment, or go work somewhere else instead.

In addition, note that if you suffer from an underlying issue that leads to procrastination, such as lack of sleep , depression , or ADHD , you will likely need to resolve that issue, using professional help if necessary, if you want to successfully overcome your procrastination.

Finally, keep in mind that most people need more than one technique in order to overcome their procrastination , and that different techniques work better for different people in different circumstances. Accordingly, don’t expect a single technique to solve all your problems, and don’t feel that if some technique works well for others then it will necessarily also work well for you. Instead, try out the various techniques that are available to you, until you figure out which ones work best for you, in your particular situation.


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  1. Use this guide to stop procrastinating : r/productivity

    How to stop procrastinating. This is not complicated. It can be slightly difficult at first, but it's well within your ability to do this. We need to set up two things. First, a schedule-structure that will keep you on track, and second is to establish that you HAVE TO stick with the schedule. I'll show you how.

  2. I keep procrastinating for my final year for 2 years and now I ...

    Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets ... from motivation and procrastination, to social skills and fitness, and everything in between. It is also a subreddit to share your helpful and civil ideas, tips, and advice on ...

  3. Procrastination only goes away with internal fear for me : r ...

    Hey folks, I could really use some advice on a little struggle I've been having lately. You know that feeling when you're trying to focus on one…

  4. How to stop procrastination? : r/selfimprovement

    Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets ... from motivation and procrastination, to social skills and fitness, and everything in between. It is also a subreddit to share your helpful and civil ideas, tips, and advice on ...

  5. You're Not Lazy; You're Scared: How To Finally Stop Procrastinating

    Like Ferrari, Pychyl agrees that procrastination isn't a time management problem. "It's about really dealing with our feelings. Emotional regulation, to me, is the real story around ...

  6. 30 Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Find Motivation to Do Homework

    Do weekly filing of your loose papers, notes, and old homework. Throw away all the papers and notes you no longer need. 23. Stop saying "I have to" and start saying "I choose to.". When you say things like "I have to write my essay" or "I have to finish my science assignment," you'll probably feel annoyed.

  7. I keep leaving important work to the last minute. How can I stop

    Procrastination isn't a personal flaw, writes Guardian Australia's advice columnist, and the more you treat it like one the worse it becomes Eleanor Gordon-Smith Wed 10 Nov 2021 11.30 EST Last ...

  8. 9 Reasons You Procrastinate (and 9 Ways to Stop)

    Source: Stock image purchased by Pam Garcy from Deposit Photos. You toss self-compassion to the wind. In the journal Self and Identity, researchers reported that individuals who demonstrated less ...

  9. Procrastination: Then and Now : r/modelmakers

    In high school and college I would intentionally (and more so, unintentionally) wait till the very last second to finish my assignments. Years later, and that hasn't changed. There's a modeling show in town today, and I had ZERO builds that were finished, and 5 WIPs.

  10. 5 Ways to Do Your Homework on Time if You're a Procrastinator

    1. Organize your notes and files into categories. Procrastinating is easy if your notes are such a mess that you can't find anything you need! Take the time to organize your notes and files. [1] Keep one binder or file folder for each class, and put your notes and assignments in chronological order. [2] 2.

  11. 6 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety-Related Procrastination

    Here's how to understand each one—and start overcoming them. 1. Procrastination due to your working memory being overwhelmed. For example, you get overwhelmed by all the notices that your child ...

  12. How to Stop Procrastinating in College: 7 Tips

    The seven tips below teach you how to stop procrastinating once and for all. 1. Keep Track of Deadlines. Knowing your deadlines can help you create a healthy habit of planning ahead. It will also help you avoid putting off coursework until the last minute. Let's say you have a paper due in two weeks.

  13. 3 Reasons Students Procrastinate—and How to Help Them Stop

    Ferrari discovered yet another, very different, motive for procrastination in a 1992 study. Some college students delayed starting on an assignment because they enjoyed the perceived thrill of working against a deadline. Putting assignments off until the last minute was a way of "adding drama to life," giving these students a rush of ...

  14. 11 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

    Be honest with yourself: These are excuses. Sure, it might be nice to "be in the mood," but waiting for that to happen can mean you never start your project. 7. Get a partner. Establish ...

  15. A step-by-step guide to help you overcome procrastination

    Top 5 Tips to Stop Procrastination. 1. Start small. Break large tasks into smaller chunks, and pick one that you can do now - so that you're underway almost without realizing it! 2. Make a plan. Put times or dates on the key tasks on your list, so that you know what to concentrate on and when. 3.

  16. Procrastination: Why It Happens and How to Overcome It

    According to researchers, there are 15 key reasons why people say they procrastinate: Not knowing what needs to be done. Not knowing how to do something. Not wanting to do something. Not caring if it gets done or not. Not caring when something gets done. Not feeling in the mood to do it.

  17. Homework Procrastination: Why You Procrastinate on Homework and How to

    Homework procrastination involves unnecessarily postponing working on homework assignments. For example, if a student delays starting a homework assignment until right before its deadline for no good reason, even though it would have been better for them to start earlier, that student is engaging in homework procrastination.. Homework procrastination can take various forms, from wasting hours ...

  18. Effects of Procrastination: Pros and Cons

    1. Links with other health problems. Research from 2022 shows people who chronically procrastinate have higher levels of stress and are more likely to experience acute health problems, such as ...