Addressing Challenges: A Guide to Problem and Solution Essay Topics


Table of contents

  • 1.1 Environmental Issues Problem-Solution Essay Topics
  • 1.2 Social Problems Problem And Solution Essay Ideas
  • 1.3 Healthcare Challenges: Problem-Solving Essay Ideas
  • 1.4 Technological Advancements Ideas for a Problem Solution Essay
  • 1.5 Educational Concerns Problem Solution Paper Topics
  • 1.6 Economic Problems to Write About
  • 1.7 Global Challenges Topics for Problem Solution Essays
  • 1.8 Political and Governance Problem Solution Essay Topics
  • 1.9 Transportation Problem Solution Topics
  • 1.10 Cultural and Ethical Dilemmas
  • 2 Easy Problem Solution Topics For an Essay
  • 3 Closing Note

Navigating the complexities of real-world issues through the lens of academic inquiry, problem-and-solution essays serve as a dynamic educational tool. Which topic is specific enough for a good problem-and-solution essay? Problem and solution essays are crucial to academic writing, offering students an invaluable opportunity to analyze various situations and articulate effective solutions critically. These essays sharpen critical thinking and problem-solving skills and encourage a deep exploration of a multitude of contemporary issues. By tackling these essays, students gain the ability to approach problems from multiple perspectives and develop insights into potential remedies.

This article promises to dive into an extensive array of topics for problem and solution essays, encompassing diverse areas and problems to write about, such as environmental issues, social challenges, healthcare dilemmas, and more.

120 Problem Solution Essay Topics List

With such a rich palette of issues, the next step in crafting an impactful essay becomes crucially important. Selecting an appropriate topic is key when tasked with writing a problem-solving essay. It’s essential to choose a subject that is not only relevant and engaging but also provides ample scope for in-depth research and thorough analysis. This careful selection allows for a detailed exploration of the issue and the formulation of effective solutions. To aid in this process, we have compiled an extensive list of 120 thought-provoking topics for problem-solution essays.

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Environmental Issues Problem-Solution Essay Topics

  • Combating Climate Change: Strategies for Global Cooperation.
  • Addressing Ocean Pollution: Cleaning Our Seas.
  • Deforestation: Reforestation and Sustainable Practices.
  • Urban Air Pollution: Cleaner Cities.
  • Endangered Species: Conservation Efforts.
  • Plastic Waste Management: Innovative Solutions.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Feeding the World Responsibly.
  • Renewable Energy: Transition from Fossil Fuels.
  • Water Scarcity: Effective Water Management.
  • Eco-friendly Transportation: Reducing Carbon Footprint.

Social Problems Problem And Solution Essay Ideas

  • Homelessness: Creating Sustainable Housing Solutions.
  • Gender Inequality: Bridging the Gap in the Workplace.
  • Racial Discrimination: Fostering Inclusivity.
  • Bullying in Schools: Prevention Strategies.
  • Elderly Care: Improving Senior Living.
  • Child Abuse: Strengthening Child Protection Services.
  • Poverty Alleviation: Economic Empowerment Programs.
  • Substance Abuse: Effective Rehabilitation Approaches.
  • Unemployment: Job Creation Strategies.
  • Digital Divide: Bridging the Technological Gap.

Healthcare Challenges: Problem-Solving Essay Ideas

  • Mental Health Stigma: Promoting Awareness and Acceptance.
  • Obesity Epidemic: Lifestyle and Dietary Changes.
  • Healthcare Accessibility: Universal Health Coverage.
  • Pandemic Preparedness: Lessons from COVID-19.
  • Antibiotic Resistance: Developing New Treatments.
  • Chronic Diseases: Prevention and Management.
  • Mental Health in the Workplace: Supporting Employees.
  • Telemedicine: Bridging the Healthcare Gap.
  • Health Education: Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
  • Drug Affordability: Policies for Cheaper Medications.

Technological Advancements Ideas for a Problem Solution Essay

  • Cybersecurity: Safeguarding Digital Information.
  • AI Ethics: Balancing Innovation and Privacy.
  • Social Media Addiction: Finding Digital Balance.
  • Technological Unemployment: Reskilling the Workforce.
  • Online Privacy: Protecting Personal Data.
  • E-waste Management: Sustainable Recycling Practices.
  • Digital Literacy: Educating the Next Generation.
  • Internet Censorship: Balancing Freedom and Security.
  • Tech in Education: Enhancing Learning Experiences.
  • Future of Work: Adapting to Technological Changes.

Educational Concerns Problem Solution Paper Topics

  • Student Loan Debt: Financial Aid and Repayment Options.
  • Academic Pressure: Promoting a Balanced Education.
  • Dropout Rates: Improving Student Engagement.
  • Quality Education in Rural Areas: Bridging the Gap.
  • Gender Disparity in STEM: Encouraging Female Participation.
  • Teacher Burnout: Strategies for Support and Retention.
  • Digital Divide in Education: Accessible Learning for All.
  • Standardized Testing: Alternatives for Student Assessment.
  • Special Needs Education: Inclusive Teaching Strategies.
  • Lifelong Learning: Promoting Continuous Education.

Economic Problems to Write About

  • Income Inequality: Fair Wage Policies.
  • Global Trade: Promoting Ethical Practices.
  • Sustainable Economic Growth: Eco-friendly Business Models.
  • Financial Literacy: Educating the Public.
  • Unemployment: Innovative Job Creation Strategies.
  • Cryptocurrency: Regulation and Security.
  • Global Poverty: Effective Aid Strategies.
  • Economic Crises: Preventive Measures and Solutions.
  • Gig Economy: Ensuring Worker Rights.
  • Consumer Debt: Promoting Responsible Spending.

Global Challenges Topics for Problem Solution Essays

  • International Conflict Resolution: Peacekeeping Strategies.
  • Refugee Crisis: Humanitarian Aid and Integration.
  • Global Hunger: Sustainable Solutions.
  • Climate Change Migration: International Policies.
  • Cultural Preservation: Protecting Heritage in a Globalized World.
  • Human Trafficking: Global Efforts to Combat.
  • Global Health: Eradicating Communicable Diseases.
  • Water Crisis: International Cooperation for Water Security.
  • Wildlife Trafficking: International Laws and Enforcement.
  • Global Education: Ensuring Access for All.

Political and Governance Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • Corruption: Transparency and Accountability Measures.
  • Election Integrity: Ensuring Fair Democratic Processes.
  • Political Polarization: Fostering Civil Discourse.
  • Human Rights: Protecting Individual Freedoms.
  • Press Freedom: Combating Censorship.
  • Public Trust in Government: Building Confidence through Transparency.
  • Policy Making: Involving Public Participation.
  • International Relations: Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution.
  • Government Surveillance: Balancing Security and Privacy.
  • Political Activism: Encouraging Civic Engagement.

Transportation Problem Solution Topics

  • Urban Traffic Congestion: Efficient Public Transport Solutions.
  • Road Safety: Reducing Accidents and Fatalities.
  • Sustainable Aviation: Eco-Friendly Air Travel.
  • Maritime Pollution: Cleaner Shipping Practices.
  • Electric Vehicles: Infrastructure and Adoption.
  • Public Transportation Accessibility: Inclusive Design.
  • Bicycle-Friendly Cities: Promoting Cycling Infrastructure.
  • Autonomous Vehicles: Ethical and Practical Considerations.
  • Urban Planning: Integrating Efficient Transportation Systems.
  • Transportation in Rural Areas: Improving Connectivity.

Cultural and Ethical Dilemmas

  • Cultural Appropriation: Promoting Cultural Sensitivity.
  • Ethical Consumerism: Making Informed Choices.
  • Media Bias: Promoting Objective Reporting.
  • Animal Rights: Ethical Treatment and Welfare.
  • Online Censorship: Balancing Free Speech and Regulations.
  • Genetic Engineering: Ethical Implications and Regulations.
  • Work-Life Balance: Corporate Policies for Better Harmony.
  • Privacy in the Digital Age: Ethical Considerations.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Addressing Ethical Concerns.
  • Cultural Preservation: Respecting and Protecting Heritage.

Easy Problem Solution Topics For an Essay

Selecting an easy topic for a problem-solving essay is a strategic process that can significantly streamline your writing phase. Which topic is specific enough for a good problem-and-solution essay? To identify such a topic, begin by reflecting on common challenges faced in everyday life, whether they pertain to personal, community, or global issues. An easy topic often lies in an area where you have personal experience or interest, as this familiarity can provide a wealth of insights and ready solutions. Additionally, consider issues with widespread impact yet are manageable in scope, ensuring that your essay can propose realistic and achievable solutions. Researching current events and trends can also unveil relevant and engaging topics, yet not overly complex, making them ideal candidates for a concise and focused essay. Here are 20 easy problem and solution topics:

  • Reducing Stress in College: Time Management Strategies.
  • Healthy Eating on a Budget: Accessible Nutrition.
  • Overcoming Procrastination: Effective Techniques.
  • Managing Social Media Use: Finding a Healthy Balance.
  • Improving Sleep Quality: Strategies for Better Rest.
  • Balancing School and Work: Time Management Tips.
  • Reducing Screen Time: Encouraging Outdoor Activities.
  • Dealing with Bullying in Schools: Prevention and Intervention.
  • Encouraging Physical Activity: Community Fitness Programs.
  • Improving Reading Habits: Encouraging Literary Engagement.
  • Enhancing Community Safety: Neighborhood Watch Programs.
  • Reducing Littering: Effective Waste Management.
  • Coping with Anxiety: Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques.
  • Promoting Environmental Awareness: Educational Campaigns.
  • Addressing Teen Smoking: Prevention and Education.
  • Encouraging Volunteerism: Community Involvement Programs.
  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: Sustainable Lifestyle Changes.
  • Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking: Confidence Building.
  • Enhancing Road Safety: Awareness and Enforcement.
  • Promoting Cultural Understanding: Exchange Programs.

By aligning your selection with areas of personal insight or concern, you ease the research and writing process and infuse your essay with authenticity and enthusiasm.

Closing Note

In conclusion, problems and solutions examples offer a platform to address a plethora of issues, ranging from personal challenges to global concerns. The problem-solution paper topics listed in this article provide diverse issues to explore, offering opportunities for critical thinking and solution-focused writing. Whether you choose a complex global issue or a simpler, more relatable topic, the key is to present a well-researched problem and propose feasible and effective solutions. It is a problem-solving solution essay topic guide for college students guide. Thus, young people develop their writing skills through these essays and contribute their voices to ongoing discussions about important matters. Remember, every problem has a solution, and your essay could be the first step toward finding it.

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problems and solutions topics for essays

A List of 339 Problem Solution Essay Topics & Questions

A problem solution essay is a type of persuasive essay. It’s a piece of writing that presents a particular problem and provides different options for solving it. It is commonly used for subject exams or IELTS writing tasks.

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In this article, we’ll take a look at how to write this type of essay. We will also provide ideas of good problem and solution essay topics to ease students’ writing process. But first: check out our custom writing service in case you need academic assistance!

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics

✅ How to Write a Problem Solution Essay

⭐ top 10 problem and solution essay topics for 2024.

  • 🧑🤝🧑 Topics about Society
  • 🏫 Topics on Education
  • 💵 Business & Finance Topics
  • 🍎 Health & Psychology Topics
  • 🌎 Environment Topics
  • 🐶 Topics about Animals
  • 🔬 Science & Technology Topics
  • 🏠 Local Problem Solution Topics
  • 😄 Funny & Easy Topics
  • 🤔 Other Problem Solution Topics

🔍 References

🔝 top 10 problem solution essay topics.

  • The best way to improve logistics
  • How to prevent drunk driving
  • How can we prevent stroke?
  • Ways to promote independent music
  • How to prevent teen pregnancy
  • Can schools help with childhood obesity?
  • Ways to teach children financial literacy
  • What can we do to stop human trafficking?
  • Can teaching self-defense reduce violence?
  • Building dams to fight the flooding problem

When starting to write an essay, think about a problem in the community that needs to be resolved. Sometimes, you will get a ready topic, like at an IELTS exam.

The topics might vary, but the outline of an essay will remain the same. First, write a list of actions that can help to solve the problem. Then, pick the three that you like best and evaluate them.

Once you get your solutions, start writing.

Any essay, whether it’s for high school or college, should be well-structured. Problem solution essays consist of two paragraphs: problem description and solution . The first section is generally divided into several parts:

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  • Introduction. Provide the definition of the problem, some general background, and thesis statement with possible solutions.
  • Situation. Give clear examples on the issue so that readers can understand it better.
  • Problem. Describe the issue and its effect on people.

In the solution section, you need to identify several potential solutions and evaluate their effectiveness. It should include:

  • Two or more possible solutions .
  • Evaluation and critical assessment of the solutions.
  • Conclusion with a summary of the main points of the text.

Now, you have a general idea about the writing process. To help facilitate your writing, take a look at the topic ideas below.

  • Is group therapy effective against BPD?
  • Can smart fridges prevent binge eating?
  • Can having remote workers decrease costs?
  • Sustainable homes as a way to save energy
  • How nature reserves prevent wildlife extinction
  • Reducing education costs with online education
  • Is gun control a way to stop mass shootings?
  • Can class discussions help fight youth violence?
  • One-child policy as a way to stop overpopulation
  • Is car sharing effective for decreasing CO2 emissions?

🧑🤝🧑 Problem and Solution Topics about Society

Social issues are problems of every level that influence the members of our society. They may refer to various factors, such as racial inequality or bullying, that affect the well-being of people or the community as a whole. Here are some problem-solving topics that will help you start writing.

  • A part of the world’s population lives in conditions that don’t meet their basic needs. What are the ways to alleviate or prevent poverty ?
  • There were several instances when social media websites were accused of gathering people’s private information. What are the ways to ensure privacy in the digital age?
  • A vast number of girls get pregnant and give birth before the age of 20. What are some ways to reduce the teenage pregnancy rate in your country?
  • Body shaming is one of the biggest problems of today’s society. What are the ways to solve this issue?
  • Despite an increase in public awareness about the adverse effects of racism, the issue persists. How can we eliminate it?
  • Unemployment negatively affects the living conditions of many people. It also facilitates such issues as domestic violence and depression. How can unemployment rates be improved in your country?

John Dewey quote.

  • Education is a fundamental human right, yet many people in some developing countries remain illiterate. How can we solve this issue?
  • Habits such as smoking and overeating negatively affect people’s health. How can we better promote healthy lifestyles ?
  • Victims of domestic violence often develop physical disabilities, chronic health problems, and stress. In what ways can we reduce domestic violence in our society?
  • Inequality in payment, sexual harassment, and difficulty getting promoted are some of the issues women face at workplaces. What can our society do to increase equality?
  • Celebrities often appear to look flawless, which affects people’s body image . How can we promote healthier beauty standards ?
  • When children observe violent behaviors , they become more aggressive. In what ways can we prevent them from witnessing violence?
  • Health care is a major social issue, as many people don’t have access to high-quality services. How can we improve this situation?
  • The ownership of guns increases the chances of unintentional shootings, which can result in casualties. How can gun control policies be improved?
  • The consumption of illegal drugs often leads to overdosing. In what ways can people be persuaded not to do drugs?
  • Drunk driving is the leading cause of vehicle accidents. What is the best way to restrict people from doing it?
  • Human trafficking is a grave problem that affects countries all over the world. How can it be prevented?
  • Women often report being sexually assaulted while in college. What can we do to reduce this problem?
  • Homeless people are more likely to engage in abuse or violent behavior. What can be done to solve the issue?
  • Parental divorce is a traumatic experience for a child. How can its adverse effects be eliminated?

🏫 Problem Solution Essay Topics on Education

The educational system is riddled with issues. You can think of numerous drawbacks that need to be addressed to make education better. Below are several examples of problem solution essay topics that will inspire you to write.

  • In the pandemic environment, many students had to resort to online education , often with questionable quality. What are the ways to make e-learning effective?
  • Many schools fail to provide adequate sex education programs. How can we reduce the stigma around this topic?
  • Numerous students get bad grades due to reasons other than laziness. How can we help struggling learners?
  • For many students, a strict schedule remains a big issue. Should students be offered the possibility of flexibility?
  • Many private and public schools require a strict uniform . Are there ways to express one’s individuality without violating the dress code?
  • A majority of students in schools and colleges admit to cheating . What are the ways to put an end to this behavior?
  • Technology usage in education can be beneficial, as it might improve engagement and individual learning. How can schools become more adaptable to digitalization?
  • Learning a foreign language can help students develop additional mental abilities. Should it be mandatory in all schools?
  • Students often find themselves delaying or postponing tasks. It leads to lower grades and health issues, such as headaches or insomnia . How can we reduce the levels of student procrastination ?
  • Obesity is associated with the leading causes of death in the US. Should the educational system include more physical education classes to build a fitter community?
  • Students with learning disorders may have a feeling of frustration when mastering a subject. In what ways can colleges adapt to their needs?
  • There are many subjects in school, and not all of them are equally useful for everyone. How can we make sure that students are learning what is best for them?
  • Schools often put more funding into science, mathematics, and humanities. Should they also fund physical education (PE)?
  • Gifted education allows talented students to learn more and move ahead at their pace. At the same time, it creates inequality. How can these programs be improved?
  • Disruptive children usually prevent themselves and other students in class from working. What are the ways to deal with these students to make the work effective?
  • The core curriculum for all schools allows all children to be taught all subjects but can be a bit strict. Should all schools have the same curriculum?
  • Students are often provided with college preparation classes that don’t prepare them for work. Should schools focus more on getting students job-ready?
  • Bullying and violence are the major issues at school that affect mental and physical health. What can teachers do to prevent these behaviors at school?
  • The majority of students don’t perform equally well in all subjects. Instead, they excel in certain ones and fail in others. Should learners be allowed to choose their courses?
  • Printed books are not easy to update, as new editions are often costly. Should schools move to digital textbooks ?

💵 Business & Finance Problem Solutions Topics

A significant number of issues can arise while managing a business or creating a startup. It can be related to anything from cybersecurity to marketing strategies. If you are into entrepreneurship, consider choosing a problem solutions topic from the list below.

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  • Raising minimum wages might result in the loss of jobs. What are the alternatives?
  • Job dissatisfaction often stems from issues related to wages, career progression, and leadership approach. How can we increase job satisfaction?
  • The high unemployment rate brings an economic loss to the government, as well as causes individual sufferings. What are the possible methods to reduce it?

Suggesting solutions.

  • A large number of startups fail in the first year of functioning. How can governments ensure their sustainability?
  • Low employee productivity can create serious setbacks for businesses. What are the ways to increase productivity?
  • Bad customer service damages the company’s reputation and leads to the loss of clients. What are the steps to fix this issue?
  • The lack of teamwork might result in efficiency and productivity drop. How can we improve team cooperation in the company?
  • Inflation negatively affects people with fixed wages and large amounts of cash savings. How can it be avoided?
  • Carrying a student loan debt and failure to repay one may result in serious financial troubles. How can we solve the problems associated with student credit?
  • The lack of performance monitoring might lead to unintended behaviors within the organization. How can we persuade people to start using a set of performance indicators?
  • A significantly high number of people live from payday to payday, failing to accumulate savings. What is the best way to save money monthly?
  • Bad investments rarely bring any profit. How can people avoid poor investments?
  • Financial crisis can lead to mass job losses and businesses shutting down. How can we overcome recessions effectively?
  • The biggest challenge for small businesses during a pandemic is staying open and making a profit. How can governments support small businesses in case of another epidemic?
  • Poor marketing might result in financial problems and low customer volumes. How can you improve an average marketing strategy ?
  • Imagine a company whose cash flow is adequate, yet there aren’t enough financial resources for it to grow. What are the ways to manage a strapped budget?
  • Employee turnover has immediate consequences for a company. How can we reduce it?
  • Business competition can harm small businesses through price factors and labor costs. How can they handle the competition?
  • Poor workflow directly affects the revenue of the company. How can companies manage it effectively?
  • Unsatisfied customers might spread the word about the ineffectiveness of the company. How can organizations increase customer satisfaction?

🍎 Health & Psychology Problem Solving Topics

Problems related to health and mental well-being are common in the modern world. It’s not surprising, considering the influence of consumerist culture and environmental factors. You can address any issue you’re particularly concerned about. The following problem solution essay topics will give you an idea of where to start.

  • There are several reasons for poor mental health among older people in the US. What are the ways to improve it?
  • Substance addiction affects individuals because of the stigma associated with it. In what ways can we help people in recovery?
  • A significant number of people suffer from eating disorders , which affects their mental and physical states. How can society prevent it?
  • Depression is a common disorder among teenagers. How can teachers and parents help them manage it?
  • Birth order can impact the way parents treat their children and children’s behavior. Can we, as a society, raise more awareness about the effects of birth order ?
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder is experienced by people who suffered from trauma. How can society help those who have it?
  • Peer pressure forces people to do things that they might not want to do. How can we reduce its influence?
  • Romantic relationships often fail due to misunderstandings. How do we raise awareness about the possible difference in love styles?
  • Schizophrenia is a complicated mental illness that has a severe impact on one’s life. How can society help people seek treatment for this disorder?
  • Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) might isolate themselves from peers. How can teachers and parents help kids with social skills impairments?
  • Alzheimer’s disease affects intellectual and physical abilities, memory, and personality. How can people prevent its development?
  • Somatization disorder is a tendency to feel psychological pain in the form of physical. What is the best treatment for its symptoms?
  • Prolonged use of defense mechanisms makes people feel as if they aren’t in control of their own emotions. How can we help people overcome these feelings?
  • A significant percentage of children have ADHD . How can we help children with this disorder?
  • Nowadays, many people have sleep disorders. How can insomnia be prevented?
  • The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 caused many children to feel lonely and detached. What can parents do to help their kids in case of another pandemic?
  • Suicide is a growing problem among people of all ages. What can we do to prevent it?
  • Constant stress negatively affects sleep quality. What techniques can help improve it?
  • It’s natural for parents to help their children as much as possible. But because of this, they often put them under too much pressure. How can we help parents find the right balance?
  • Constant stress increases the chances of stroke . What are the ways to reduce the risk?

🌎 Problem Solving Topic Ideas about Environment

Today’s most significant environmental issue is climate change, but it’s not the only one. There are more global problems that need to be resolved. If you’re concerned about the environment, here are some problem-cause-solution topics for you.

  • Drinking water has become an uncommon thing in many countries due to pollution. What can people do to help with this problem?
  • Climate change has numerous adverse effects, such as shifting seasons and new sicknesses. How can this issue be effectively addressed?
  • Vehicles release a significant amount of greenhouse gases , which contributes to global warming. Should there be a rule about reducing car usage to facilitate the solution to the environmental problem?
  • Woodlands produce oxygen and help regulate the temperature. Unfortunately, a vast amount of wooded areas is lost due to deforestation. What are the possible ways to solve this problem?
  • Marine life is suffering because of the amount of carbon in the water. How can people protect it?
  • Air pollution poses a serious danger to people’s health . How can we reduce its adverse effects?
  • Overpopulation results in a deficiency of assets like water, food, and fuel. How can we control it?
  • Ozone depletion leads to an increase in the amount of ultraviolet. It results in cancer and other skin diseases. How can we solve this problem?
  • Due to overpopulation, people use natural resources faster than nature can replenish them. How can we prevent its depletion?
  • Leftover food is a massive problem, as it wastes water and farmland. How can we reduce it?
  • Pesticides used to grow fruits and vegetables might cause health problems. How can we promote organic farming?

Modal verbs.

  • Polluted soil contains chemicals dangerous to humans, animals, and plants. Is there something that can help to avoid soil pollution ?
  • Using bicycles reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. How can governments promote the usage of bicycles to reduce air pollution ?
  • Natural disasters result from Earth’s processes and negatively affect people’s lives. What can we do to prepare for natural hazards?
  • Fluorinated gases used in refrigerators and hair sprays significantly contribute to climate change. How can we minimize their impact on the environment?
  • Oil spills harm wildlife and marine life, as well as contribute to climate change. How can major companies prevent that from happening?
  • Marine life is drowning in plastic, which creates major environmental issues. How can we stop plastic pollution in the ocean?
  • The rapid loss of biodiversity threatens our health and economic stability. What can we, as consumers, do to solve this issue?
  • A significant amount of money is spent on cleaning garbage. Still, it’s not enough to get rid of it completely. What are the solutions to the problem of littering ?
  • Noise pollution creates discomfort and lowers the quality of people’s lives. What are the practical ways to reduce it?

🐶 Problem Solution Essay Topics about Animals

Animals have existed on our planet way before the emergence of humans. As time went by, many species vanished or became endangered due to people’s activities. Factory farms, fur industry, poaching— all of these issues require a solution. If you’re passionate about this topic, try exploring one of the following prompts.

  • Circus animals are often violently forced to jump through rings of fire, ride bicycles, and do other activities. How can we stop the use of wild animals in circuses?
  • Experiments on animals lead to reduced quality of their life and are often ineffective. How can we help stop this practice?
  • Hunting causes pain and suffering to animals and disrupts the patterns created in the animal communities, such as wolf packs. How can people reduce hunting?
  • The animals in zoos are deprived of natural habitat and are forced to be near people. How can we make zoos as comfortable as possible for them?
  • The fur industry takes millions of animals’ lives away. How can people stop it?
  • One of the issues animal shelters face is the lack of public awareness. What are the strategies to improve their work?
  • Many animals live in abusive environments, where they’re neglected or physically hurt. What are the solutions to this problem?
  • Dog Hunters Association argues for the right to use dogs in hunting. How can we change their attitude towards animals?
  • Dogs from puppy mills are often poorly treated and suffer from a variety of diseases. How can this practice be stopped?
  • Due to human activities, many animals are on the brink of extinction. How can we protect endangered species?
  • Dog meat is still used for human consumption in some parts of Asia. What are the ways to stop the inhumane trade?
  • Some animal species are sold, either alive or dead, to various countries. What are the ways to stop the wildlife trade and keep animals safe in their natural environment?
  • One of the primary reasons for animal extinction is poaching. What are the solutions to this issue?
  • After adopting animals, some people decide that they no longer want them and send them to shelters. How can we prevent this from happening?
  • Killing horses for meat is inhumane, and horse meat consumption is dangerous. How can we stop these practices?
  • With more forests being cleared for farming and building, wild animals lose their natural habitats. How can people make safer environments for them?
  • Ring fighting leaves animals with severe wounds that might lead to death. What can we do to stop it?
  • Some countries continue to kill whales for commercial purposes, which threatens their existence. How can we stop whaling?
  • The continuation of the ivory trade results in thousands of elephants being killed annually. What actions should be taken to stop it?
  • Factory farms work to maximize profit, which is why animals are kept in inhumane conditions. What are the ways to reduce this cruelty?

🔬 Science & Technology Problem Solutions Topics

Scientific and technological processes are complicated and riddled with issues. Advances in these fields increase as well as worsen the quality of human life. In case you’re interested in science or technology, have a look at these problem solution essay topics.

  • With the widespread use of technology, students can find everything online, which affects their critical thinking . What are the most effective ways to preserve this ability?
  • There’s a price we have to pay for living in a digital age . It includes the loss of online data privacy. What is the best way to maintain it?
  • To run research, scientists need large amounts of money, which often becomes an issue. How can they get more funding?
  • A significant percentage of research papers contain wrong results due to poor study design. What is the best way to improve it?
  • Scientists rarely want to replicate existing research. The results might turn out insignificant, and some studies are too hard to replicate. How can scientists be encouraged to do it nevertheless?
  • Peer review is meant to prevent poor-quality works from being published. Yet, it doesn’t always work. How can the peer review system be fixed?
  • Often, not everyone can access a published study due to journals being expensive. How can we make knowledge more accessible?
  • Many people are unaware of scientific research in crucial areas such as nutrition. What is the best way to communicate scientific facts to a larger population?
  • Cyber attacks are a significant threat to many businesses, as they involve the theft of large amounts of information. What are the ways to prevent them from happening?
  • Artificial intelligence implementation creates new challenges, such as the risk of unemployment. How can we solve emerging technological problems?
  • Technological advances allowed some countries to transition to cashless societies . While it has many advantages, it also creates some security concerns. What is the best solution for these issues?
  • With technology advancing at a quicker pace, it is harder to find talented personnel to work with it. How can you help the employees to adapt to new technologies?
  • While many researchers have ideas for studies, only a few get financial support for them. How can the government support scientists more effectively?

Albert Einstein quote.

  • Mobile apps, social media, and games distract people from the real world. How can we stop smartphone addiction ?
  • Many graduating Ph.D. students have limited training for jobs outside of academic research. What can universities do to change the situation for the better?
  • Wearable computers, such as Apple Watch , have become very convenient. Yet, they create additional privacy and security issues. How can we overcome the challenges of body-borne computers?
  • Cyberbullying victims might experience psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety, and social exclusion. What is the best way to prevent it?
  • Environmental issues, such as air and water pollution , negatively affect the quality of life. How can technology help us save the environment?
  • Scientists are often obligated to publish research only with statistically significant results. How can bias towards certain studies be eliminated?
  • The constant stress and underpayment cause talented people to quit their careers in science. How can they be encouraged to continue working in their field?

🏠 Local Problem Solution Essay Topics

Another excellent idea for your essay is to write about the problems in your community. Think about the issues that need to be resolved, and start your writing. These topics will facilitate your creativity.

Get an originally-written paper according to your instructions!

  • A significant number of people view affordability of healthcare as a pressing problem, as it is quite expensive. How can healthcare costs be reduced in your community?
  • Children may be exposed to hazardous labor, which can harm their health. What can be done to stop child labor in your country?
  • Youth violence increases the possibility of future behavior and mental health problems. How can people stop this type of violent behavior in your community?
  • The rise in rent prices makes housing hard to afford. How can housing in your country be improved?
  • People who leave school or college often feel unprepared for work. This makes them feel anxious about getting a job. How can school leavers in your country be helped to get employed?
  • When they get older, many young adults struggle to manage their finances. What is the best way to improve financial literacy in your community?
  • A good internet connection has become a necessity for many people. This also made access to high-speed internet a major issue. How can you solve this problem in your local community?
  • Drug addiction is a public health problem that affects many people, especially youth. What are the solutions to the drug abuse problem in your country?
  • Traffic congestion causes environmental issues, as well as vehicle breakdowns. What is the best way to stop this in your country?
  • Poverty leads to a lack of education, malnutrition, social exclusion, and limited access to other essential services. How can this problem be solved in your country?
  • Crime can cause short-term problems, like an injury, and long-term ones, such as depression or PTSD . How can illegal behavior be reduced in your community?
  • After graduating from college, many students face difficulties in finding a job. How can educational institutions in your country help graduates get employed?
  • Public transportation can be frustrating with its inflexibility and delays. How can it be improved in your country?
  • Lack of car parking areas is a common problem in urban areas. How can people solve this issue in your city?
  • Junk food advertisements target children, which later leads to an increase in childhood obesity. How can we protect young people in your country from being affected by these advertisements?
  • Hate crime affects the security of individuals and societies as a whole. How can such crimes be prevented in your community?
  • Corruption is a global issue that negatively affects the economic and political systems of the country. What are the measures to resolve this issue in your state?
  • Low fertility rates reduce the population size of a country. If your country has low birth rates, how can it be improved?
  • Media propaganda has the potential of promoting violent behavior and reducing trust in the government. How should this problem be dealt with in your country?
  • The number of acts of domestic violence against women, men, and children continues to grow drastically in many societies. How should these cases be handled in your country?

😄 Funny & Easy Problem Solution Essay Topics

Problems are not always serious and yet require a solution. Whether it’s a choice of cereal or a friend zone, it’s an issue that has to be dealt with. Take a look at the funny problem solution essay topics list, and choose the one you like the most.

  • We often buy items that we never use afterward. How can we prevent ourselves from buying unnecessary stuff ?
  • Your favorite soccer team keeps losing, and it’s affecting your mood. What’s the best way to cope with this continuous disappointment?
  • You’ve invented a cool, new nickname for yourself. How do you get people to use it?
  • You love playing League of Legends with your friend. They’re the worst support, but they insist on having this role. What should you do about it?
  • Santa Claus is a beloved figure for many children. But they can’t believe in him forever. How should parents tell their kids that Santa isn’t real?
  • Water is crucial to human survival. Still, some people don’t like its bland taste. How can you stay hydrated without resorting to unhealthy, sugary drinks?
  • Happiness matters, as it makes people feel at ease. What can you do to make your community happier?
  • Your partner loves jazz while you prefer death metal. How do you overcome this musical discrepancy?

The two main types of problems.

  • A sturdy case can ruin the appearance even of the most beautiful phone. How can one compromise effectively on this issue?
  • House parties are fun, but your neighbors probably disagree. How can you throw a noisy party without upsetting those who live close by?
  • It’s hard to keep up the spark in long-distance relationships. Conversations via Zoom quickly get boring. What are fun things a couple can do together on the internet?
  • Many people believe that legalizing marijuana will reduce its consumption levels and solve social and economic issues. What are the other solutions to cannabis use?
  • Taking a perfect selfie requires much patience. How can you make creating a fantastic picture of yourself easier?
  • Pizza is great, but it’s not particularly healthy. How can you upgrade your favorite junk food to make it more nourishing?
  • Studies have shown that growing houseplants is good for the mood. But what do you do if you simply don’t have a green thumb?
  • Exercising is important, but it’s not fun for everyone. What can unathletic people do to stay fit without suffering?
  • Being the funny one among friends often prevents people from taking you seriously. What can change people’s attitude towards you?
  • Some people face the issue of “having a lot of clothes, but nothing to wear.” How can we fix this problem?
  • Your friends want to go on a trip soon, but you’re broke. What are the best strategies for students to save $100 in four weeks?

🤔 Other Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • What can we do about the problem of smoking in teenagers?
  • Obesity as a global problem of modern society
  • Reading problems and how to help students with reading disabilities
  • The solutions to environmental effects of e-waste
  • Potential solutions to noise pollution
  • The migration issue and how to solve it
  • The discussion and solution of COVID-19 ethical dilemma
  • The problem of lack of parking in big cities and how to help it
  • Nursing shortage as a national healthcare issue
  • Agriculture in Honduras: existing challenges and possible solutions
  • The issue of patient safety
  • The problem of safety and efficiency amidst staff deficiency
  • The problem of substance abuse and mental health issues within the homeless African American community
  • The issue of medically assisted suicide
  • The problem of obesity in India
  • Medicare challenges and issues facing America
  • The problem of institutional racism: effects and possible solutions
  • Contemporary issues in health care delivery
  • Solution of every-day problems: scientific method
  • The issue of genetically modified crops
  • Librarian management consultancy: challenges and solutions
  • The software patent issues in China
  • The solution to compassion fatigue and related issues in nursing
  • Is e-cigarettes smoking a solution?
  • Problems in a contemporary health environment and how to overcome them
  • American government contemporary issues
  • Can obesity problem be solved by proper nutrition and exercise?
  • Diversity and cross-cultural issues in the global workplace
  • Ethical issues and dilemmas in business
  • Finding solutions for ethical dilemma
  • Translating Emirati proverbs: problems and solutions
  • How to solve traffic congestion in my school district
  • The Rock Blocks company’s recruiting issues and solutions
  • Staffing problem solution: HR metrics and workforce analytics
  • Solving the health problems of the United States
  • Possible solutions to health disparities
  • Problems of sitting for long and their solutions
  • Will banning plastic bags not solve pollution problem?
  • Problem of predicting fluid responsiveness and its solution
  • Escalating drug prices: the ways to avoid the problem
  • The best way to address obesity in the United States
  • Solution to the world poverty problem
  • Gun violence: the ways to overcome the issue
  • Design solutions for improving website quality and effectiveness
  • Is simplification the best way to express ideas?
  • Fairtrade: better solution to underdevelopment
  • The problem of drug addiction in America and the solutions to it
  • Can charging children as adults solve juvenile criminal problems?
  • Stress in law: reasons and solutions
  • The ways to solve the increasing incidence of criminals reverting
  • Communication solutions for atmospheric scientist
  • Are financial rewards the best way to increase work motivation?
  • The environmental effects of the deforestation problem and how to solve it
  • Recycling: finding the solution
  • The use of the Internet to solve crimes
  • The solution to social inequality and discrimination
  • Encryption as a corporate security technological solution
  • Principal threats to a building efficiency research and ways to overcome them
  • Lack of social tolerance as the cause of discriminatory behavior problem and its solutions
  • Environmental problems and their potential solutions
  • Why technostress is harmful to psychological well-being and ways to reduce it
  • Infant’s health: growth problems and solutions
  • Community policing: the alternative solution to youth crime
  • Strategies to overcome the organization’s problem due to community losses
  • Metropolitan police service: identity management solution
  • The problem of sexual harassment in the army and the ways to eliminate it
  • Reasons of anti-Asian crimes and ways to deal with the problem
  • Green logistics: implementation issues and solutions
  • Technological solutions for effective communication
  • Ways to defend against cyber terrorism
  • Workplace conflict problem and its solutions
  • Doha negotiations: possible solutions and outcomes
  • Handling difficult conversations and ways to avoid conflict escalation
  • Healthcare in Canada: problems and solutions
  • Problem of verbal orders in medicine and how to overcome it
  • Law contracts and ways to break the contract
  • Cinemark USA, Inc.: problems and solutions
  • Air pollution solutions: how to improve air quality
  • The problem of homelessness in Los Angeles and the ways to reduce it
  • Jamaica’s economy: problems and solutions
  • Solutions to poverty in urban areas
  • Australian economy: economic problems and ways of its solving
  • Decrease the disparity between rich and poor solution
  • Lebanon’s environmental problems and solutions
  • Ways of treating obesity in older patients
  • The global water crisis: issues and the ways to avoid them
  • The Bauer school’s parking problem and solution
  • Ways of reducing human trafficking of children
  • Heartland payment system data breach problem solution
  • Immigration policy in US. problem and how to solve it
  • The ways to overcome the investment problem
  • The problem of dysfunctional companies and its solution
  • Du Bois vs. Washington: racist problem solution
  • Fad diets’ impact on human health: problem solution
  • Environmental challenges for NAFTA and how to solve them
  • Three solutions to the problem of pollution externalities
  • Buying things to solve personal problems
  • Remington Peckinpah Davis Inc.’s problem solution
  • Problem solution: best snacks INC.
  • Solutions to the problem of steroids in sports and athletics
  • Problem solution: global communications
  • The problem of global warming and ways of its solution
  • Cyber-bullying and ways to solve the problem
  • Losses of personal data: problem and solution
  • Obamacare: the solution to the healthcare problem
  • The problem of Palestinian-Israeli conflict and viable solution
  • The problem of coral reef depletion and how to address it
  • Social security long-term solvency problems
  • Economic crisis: bailout plan as solution
  • The problem of anterior spacing in dentistry female patients and possible solutions
  • Rising sea levels: how to reduce the global concern
  • Organ trafficking problem and policy solution
  • Cultural issues and their solutions in project management
  • Transforming the Texas plant: possible solutions to the problems
  • Nursing understaffing and evidence-based solution
  • Critical thinking to solve hard problems
  • Healthcare disparities and the ways to overcome them
  • Pressure injury prevention: evidence-based solution
  • Nursing stress solutions: benefits and support
  • The problem of violence in nursing and its solutions
  • What is the best way to stimulate economic growth?
  • Decision making process in management: problem solving
  • Pressure ulcers issue and defense of solution
  • Land pollution and ways to minimize pollution in the US
  • Vancouver’s housing crisis and solution
  • The problem of stress and solutions for working students
  • Seven ways to find help in starting a business
  • Courtelaney Pass police department: potential problem solutions
  • The problem of plagiarism, its reasons and solutions
  • Ways of managing conflict
  • Political corruption and how to address it
  • Low wages and inequality problem and its solutions in the USA
  • Child abuse and ways for its elimination
  • The problem of infant mortality issue in India: possible solutions
  • Domestic violence problem and the ways to overcome them
  • Ways of avoiding cross-cultural miscommunication
  • Risk incidence solution to the problem of substance use disorder
  • Is assisted suicide a humane solution?
  • Successful ways of preventing crime by Blundell
  • Iron seeding oceans: global warming solution

Thank you for reading this article! Hopefully, these topics will help you write your problem-solution essay. Also, don’t forget to send this article to your friends, who might find it useful!

Further reading:

  • 182 Free Ideas for Argumentative or Persuasive Essay Topics
  • 200 Creative Topics for Opinion Essays
  • 180 Excellent Evaluation Essay Topics
  • 140 Classification Essay Topics and Ideas
  • 150+ Excellent Narrative Essay Topics
  • 260 Good Descriptive Essay Topics and Writing Tips
  • 135 Creative Definition Essay Topics and Writing Tips
  • Prewriting for Problem Solution Essays: Thoughtful Learning
  • Structuring Your Essay: Solent University
  • Analyzing Community Problems and Solutions: The University of Kansas
  • 10 Major Challenges Facing Public Schools: Public School Review
  • Major Issues in Education: 20 Hot Topics: Trade Schools
  • The 10 Biggest Challenges Businesses Face Today (and Need Consultants for): Hiscox UK
  • How to Overcome Financial Stress and Improve Finances: Bank of America
  • The Most Important Health Problems (and Why They Matter): Harvard
  • 5 Health Problems You’re Actually Not Too Young For: John Hopkins Medicine
  • 10 Health Problems Related to Stress that You Can Actually Fix: WebMD
  • Top 25 Environmental Concerns: Conserve Energy Future
  • All Our Fights: The Humane Society of the United States
  • The 7 Biggest Problems Facing Science, According to 270 Scientists: Vox
  • Problems that Face Urban, Suburban, and Rural Communities in America: Pew Research Center
  • 14 Major Tech Issues & What Can Solve Them: Built In
  • Five of the World′s Biggest Environmental Problems:
  • Top 10 Most Common Health Issues: University of Rochester
  • Against the Environment. Problems in Society/Nature Relations: Frontiers
  • Business Financing Problems:
  • Social Issues and Community Interactions: The National Academies Press
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  • Share to LinkedIn
  • Share to email

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130 best problem solution essay topics.

problem solution essay topics

It is quite ironic that the first problem you encounter in problem solution essays is choosing the best problem solution essay topics!

However, it doesn’t have to be that difficult. All you have to do is look for problem solution essay topics with viable solutions, and you should genuinely care about the problem. If you still have trouble finding good problem and solution topics, you can look for examples of problem and solution essay topics.

We have provided more than enough examples for you with over 100 problem solution essay topics contained in this article. Ready to find a solution to your problem solution essay topics? Let’s get started!

Problem Solution Essay Topics for College Students

Problem solution essay topics for middle school, problem solution essay topics about animals, environment problem solution essay topics, health problem solution essay topics, political problem solution essay topics, problem solution gun control topics, funny problem solution essay topics, more problem solution essay topics.

Problem solution essays are one of the most common essays for college students. Students in college face a unique set of problems from other students. It is essential to write topics for problem solution essay on issues that you can relate to or have experienced.

Therefore, problem solution essays written by college students are quite different from all others. These essays deal with issues common among college students.

Still at a loss as to the problem solution topics to choose as a college student? Here are some examples that would point you in the right direction. Note that you don’t have to use them verbatim. These can serve as samples or inspiration.

  • How can college students effectively balance out personal needs and academics? Is it possible to still have a social life?
  • Large lecture halls can make it more challenging to learn and hear lecturers. How can campuses work on solving this problem?
  • Most students have to work and study to pay for their education. However, work often takes away the time for learning. How can a student find a solution to this problem?
  • Going away from home can be pretty hard, and many students battle with homesickness for a time. Proffer solutions to this problem.
  • How can a student cut costs on decorating a dorm room or apartment?
  • Lots of colleges match students as roommates. This practice often causes some problems between people with different personalities and interests. What can be done to make the adjustment period more comfortable for each roommate?
  • Every student knows that the cafeteria is rarely the best place to get the best food. How can students help change this situation, though?
  • How can parents help their children and wards without intruding on their privacy and taking away their independence?
  • What should colleges do to have a more diverse number of students in their schools?
  • How can colleges help their students relieve stress?
  • Do parents need to know the grades of their children in college?
  • How can colleges encourage students to participate more actively in sports and politics?
  • How do college students decide on their major?
  • What happens to a long-distance relationship when you are in college?
  • How can a college student persuade his parents to allow him to be independent?
  • What is the best way to handle issues with roommates?
  • How can a college student stop procrastination?
  • What degrees are the most marketable for college students?
  • How do college students handle noisy or dirty roommates or neighbors?
  • What can you do if you find out that your friend is suicidal?

These problems are issues that college students frequently encounter. Therefore, you only have to seek actionable solutions to the question, outline them and have a good problem solution paper.

These sample topics can also be converted into problem solution speech topics. If you were to give a speech, all these questions would make a good thesis for problem solution speech topics college students would love. You have the advantage of capturing your audience’s attention right from the onset as they can relate to the problems.

Not everyone is in college, though. For instance, if you are in middle school, the type of problem solution essay that would appeal to your audience and find interesting is quite different. Therefore, we have highlighted more problem solution paper topics to help everyone in different situations.

Middle School is often a challenging time for most people. It is a time when teenagers feel like adults yet are still children in the real sense. This problem, coupled with many other issues, makes for a quite impressive problem solution essay topics list.

  • What can a school do to help children who have behavior issues that stem from their home?
  • How can society help and encourage children with autism and other developmental disorders instead of blaming their parents?
  • What can parents and teachers do to help young female teenagers who are unrealistically trying to fit into the images they see on social media?
  • Should middle school students look for a job before they gain admission into college?
  • How can parents teach middle school students financial management before they get to college?
  • How can parents and teachers combat the adverse effects of cell phones and other electronic devices on students?
  • How can therapy dogs be controlled in a classroom such that it does not become a distraction?
  • How can students do tests without experience undue stress and anxiety?
  • How can society help children who are talented but have no means to further their education?
  • How can school fit more creative subjects into pupils’ schedules to help them broaden their mental capacities?

Beyond school topics for problem solution essays, there are also other general topics that anyone who wants to write problem solution persuasive speech topics can use. We have highlighted these topics under the different sections below.

If you love animals, then you would care about what happens to them. A problem solution essay can help you affect the changes that you want to see concerning animals. Here are a few interesting topics that you might want to try your hands on first.

  • What is the solution to the animals that are overpopulating particular habitats because human activity has chased their natural predators?
  • How can we prevent people from disturbing the natural habitat of endangered animals living in parks?
  • How can we solve the problem of plastics destroying the natural ecosystem in the ocean?
  • What can people do to combat the global climate change issues that would affect several animals’ habitats?
  • How do we deter people who adopt pets on a whim and decide they don’t want these animals anymore?
  • How we protect endangered species like snakes, which might live on people’s properties, without causing problems for the people or the animals?
  • How can we prevent poaching with the rise in demand for animal flesh and parts worldwide?
  • How do we protect migratory birds from obstacles like tall buildings and wind turbines?
  • How can we deal with irresponsible dog breeders who run dog mills?
  • How can farmers provide free-range eggs at a more affordable price?

You might have thought of some of these issues at one point or the other if you love animals in any capacity. Therefore, it would be relatively easy for you to write a problem solution paper on any of these topics if necessary.

Anything that affects the environment affects everyone in it. Therefore, problem solution essay topics environment-related are a common one for people. You can try your hands on any one of them. Who knows? Your solution might be what the world needs.

Some sample environment problem solution essays that you attempt are:

  • How can we encourage more countries to work on climate change and take it more seriously?
  • What can everyday people do to help cleanse the waterways from pollution?
  • How can we encourage farming communities to convert to wind or solar farming?
  • What can we do the stop the extinction of monarch butterflies?
  • How can we reduce air pollution in major world cities?
  • What steps should members of societies take to stop the rising acidity of the oceans?
  • What can be done about the increasing world population as it affects the environment?
  • GMOs lead to more food production but could cause biodiversity challenges. What could be done to solve the problem?
  • How can we reduce food wastage, especially in larger cities?
  • How can we reduce deforestation and encourage tree planting?

Find more environmental science topics on our blog.

One significant aspect of life that people face challenges is in their health. This fact makes this aspect a good source for problem solution essay topics. Some of the health problem questions that these essays seek solutions to include:

  • How can we encourage parents to vaccinate their children at an early age to prevent dangerous illnesses?
  • How can people develop the habit of regular exercise?
  • What can parents do to help their obese children?
  • How can we get more people to sign up for a health insurance plan in the United States?
  • How can the stigma surrounding mental health issues be reduced in our societies?
  • How can we combat increasing health challenges like asthma caused by air pollution?
  • How can we strongly encourage people to stop taking tobacco?
  • How do we reduce death rates caused by accidental gun discharge?
  • What can we do to encourage people to eat fresher, more balanced meals?
  • How do we ensure people seek primary health care when they fall ill? How do we make primary health care accessible to all?

Politics is an issue that concerns everyone, whether we like it or not. One way or the other, your actions and inactions would determine the state of your society and country.

There are no doubts that there are several problems in the political system all over the world today. These problems serve as the basis of political problem cause solution speech topics.

These examples that we have provided below will help you write on any of these political problem solution essay topics.

  • How do we encourage people to vote more?
  • Should the age limit of voting reduce as more children mature at younger ages?
  • How do we enforce laws that would help our societies?
  • Is there a way that we can eradicate racism, nepotism, and tribalism from the society
  • Is there a way to increase the number of literate people in society?
  • How do we balance the free speech right with the right not to insult or abuse?
  • How can we solve the problem of terrorism?
  • How can mass job creation reach everyone and reduce the poverty rate?
  • Should politicians have some form of control over social media? How can we create a free and fair media space without any political interference?
  • How should we deal with illegal immigration issues?

Gun control has been a big issue for years. Different people have their opinions on the solution to the problems that guns cause in society. Here are a few on the topic:

  • How can we help victims of gun violence?
  • Is there any way to reduce the rate of gun violence?
  • Do we prosecute the sellers or buyers of illegal guns?
  • Should civilians be allowed to carry guns? What justifiable reasons can a civilian give for owning a gun?
  • How can we make our communities safer without guns?

These problem solution gun control topics can help you explore the issues surrounding gun use control.

Whether you want to or not, some problems would make you laugh. We have highlighted a few funny problem solution essay topics for you.

  • Funny cat videos reduce stress during finals.
  • Programmable electric locks might help you stop eating at night.
  • Photoshop solves Instagram users’ low self-esteem issues.
  • Would 3D Printing solve the dorm cooking problems?
  • Lecturers can serve free coffee to keep students awake during class.
  • Could recorders be used to solve the problem of sleeping in class?
  • Can autocorrect solve the problem of texting language in essays?
  • Glowing pillows could solve issues in long-distance relationships
  • iPads as a replacement for textbooks would make the class more fun and engaging
  • Alarm clocks should run from student’s reach before they turn them off to prevent oversleeping.

These topics contain funny solutions to real-life issues. While you can write a paper on these funny topics to entertain yourself, you might need more problem solution essay topics.

  • How can we stop social media bullying?
  • How can you help a depressed person?
  • What can we do to domineering and manipulating people?
  • How do you leave a bad relationship?
  • How can we stop or limit steroid use in sports?
  • Should student-athletes get paid?
  • How can you learn a sport that you have never played before?
  • How can you boost attendance at a sporting event?
  • Should parents or teachers push children to engage in sports?
  • How do homeschooled children prepare for college?
  • Should schools offer more technical courses to prepare children for the changing world?
  • What should parents or guardians do when a student gets pregnant?
  • How can we encourage more people to adopt children?
  • How can parents teach the value of honesty?
  • What is the best way to discipline a child?
  • How can we prevent traffic violations?
  • How do we prevent drunk driving?
  • Is there a way to increase driver education in the country?
  • What is the best way to find a new location you have never visited?
  • What can traffic law changes make driving easier?
  • How can we make people use more public transport?
  • What is the best way to train a student as a driver?
  • How can we combat driving and texting?
  • Should parents impose their religious beliefs on their children?
  • How can we help families who have someone with mental health challenges?
  • How can parents help their children have a confident body image?
  • How should parents help with homework?
  • In what way should technology be used in the classroom?
  • Should teachers or students be allowed to carry licensed guns into the school premises?
  • What should be the standard for dress codes in schools?
  • Should students who prefer online studies in high school be allowed to use that medium?
  • How can schools retain their outstanding teachers?
  • Should schools promote more physical education?
  • Should there be a general core curriculum for all schools?
  • Is it ideal to give every child an iPad or laptop in school?
  • Has digital technology caused challenges for the education sector?
  • Should foreign language be made compulsory for every student?
  • How should teachers treat cheaters when caught?
  • Would a nationalized test prove the standard of schools?
  • How can we help children flunking class?
  • What can make gifted and talented programs more effective?
  • How much should sports players earn?
  • Should women ask men out on dates?
  • How can you move out of a friend zone?
  • What makes for a healthy relationship?

You can change these topics into local problem solution essay topics by specifying a state or location. If you are looking for easy problem solution essay topics or problem solution proposal essay topics, these topics will meet your needs. All you have to do is choose appropriate problem solution essay topics or contact a paper writer and get more help.

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120 Problem Solution Essay Topics for College Students

Selecting a topic for a problem solution essay:.


Problem Solution Health Essay Topics:

  • The rising obesity epidemic: Implementing effective strategies for promoting healthy eating and physical activity
  • Access to healthcare in rural areas: Improving healthcare infrastructure and telemedicine services
  • Mental health stigma: Raising awareness and promoting acceptance to reduce discrimination
  • Substance abuse among teenagers: Enhancing prevention programs and providing accessible treatment options
  • Lack of sex education in schools: Implementing comprehensive and evidence-based sexual education curriculum
  • The impact of air pollution on respiratory health: Implementing stricter regulations on industrial emissions
  • Insufficient access to clean drinking water: Developing sustainable solutions for water purification and distribution
  • The rise of antibiotic resistance: Promoting responsible use of antibiotics and investing in alternative treatments
  • Inadequate support for caregivers of elderly individuals: Establishing support programs and respite care services
  • The impact of social media on mental health: Promoting digital well-being and responsible online behavior
  • Food insecurity and malnutrition: Implementing policies to ensure access to nutritious food for all
  • Lack of physical activity among children: Enhancing physical education programs and creating safe recreational spaces
  • The impact of sleep deprivation on overall health: Promoting healthy sleep habits and raising awareness about its importance
  • Limited access to affordable healthcare for low-income individuals: Expanding Medicaid and increasing funding for community health centers
  • The stigma surrounding mental health in minority communities: Promoting culturally sensitive mental health services and education

Problem Solution Education Essay Topics:

  • Addressing the achievement gap: Strategies to bridge the educational disparities among students from different socioeconomic backgrounds
  • Enhancing teacher training programs: Improving the quality of education by providing teachers with effective professional development opportunities
  • Reducing school dropout rates: Implementing interventions to prevent students from leaving school prematurely
  • Promoting inclusive education: Strategies to ensure equal access to education for students with disabilities
  • Combating bullying in schools: Implementing comprehensive anti-bullying programs to create a safe and supportive learning environment
  • Improving digital literacy: Enhancing students’ skills to effectively navigate and utilize technology for educational purposes
  • Enhancing parental involvement: Strategies to encourage parents to actively participate in their children’s education
  • Addressing the shortage of qualified teachers: Implementing initiatives to attract and retain highly qualified educators
  • Reducing the emphasis on standardized testing: Exploring alternative assessment methods to promote a more holistic approach to education
  • Promoting cultural diversity in schools: Strategies to create inclusive learning environments that celebrate and respect different cultures
  • Addressing the lack of resources in underfunded schools: Implementing measures to provide adequate funding and resources for schools in disadvantaged areas
  • Preventing academic cheating: Implementing integrity programs to promote academic honesty among students
  • Enhancing career guidance programs: Providing students with comprehensive career guidance to help them make informed decisions about their future
  • Addressing the mental health crisis in schools: Implementing mental health support services to address the increasing prevalence of mental health issues among students
  • Promoting critical thinking skills: Incorporating critical thinking into the curriculum to foster independent and analytical thinking among students

Problem Solution Psychology Essay Topics:

  • The impact of social media on mental health: Addressing cyberbullying and online addiction
  • Reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness: Promoting understanding and empathy in society
  • Enhancing psychological support in schools: Strategies to improve student well-being and academic performance
  • Overcoming the challenges of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Effective therapeutic interventions and support systems
  • Addressing the rise of anxiety disorders in young adults: Identifying causes and implementing preventive measures
  • Combating the negative effects of body image dissatisfaction: Promoting self-acceptance and positive body image
  • Reducing the prevalence of eating disorders: Implementing comprehensive prevention and treatment programs
  • Enhancing mental health services in rural areas: Overcoming barriers to access and improving outreach efforts
  • Addressing the psychological impact of unemployment: Strategies for coping and reintegration into the workforce
  • Promoting positive parenting techniques: Reducing the risk of child abuse and fostering healthy child development
  • Overcoming the challenges of addiction: Effective treatment approaches and relapse prevention strategies
  • Addressing the psychological impact of discrimination: Promoting equality and inclusivity in society
  • Enhancing mental health support for veterans: Addressing the unique challenges faced by military personnel
  • Reducing the prevalence of self-harm and suicide: Implementing early intervention and support programs
  • Overcoming the psychological impact of natural disasters: Building resilience and providing post-disaster mental health support

Problem Solution Environment Essay Topics:

  • Deforestation: Implementing sustainable logging practices to protect forests
  • Air pollution: Promoting the use of electric vehicles to reduce emissions
  • Plastic pollution: Encouraging the adoption of reusable alternatives to single-use plastics
  • Water scarcity: Implementing efficient irrigation systems to conserve water in agriculture
  • Climate change: Promoting renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Loss of biodiversity: Establishing protected areas and wildlife corridors to preserve ecosystems
  • Soil erosion: Promoting sustainable farming practices to prevent soil degradation
  • Overfishing: Implementing stricter regulations and sustainable fishing practices
  • Urbanization: Designing green cities with more parks and green spaces to improve air quality
  • Waste management: Encouraging recycling and composting programs to reduce landfill waste
  • Deficient waste disposal: Implementing proper waste disposal systems in developing countries
  • Acid rain: Reducing industrial emissions and promoting cleaner energy production
  • Ozone depletion: Phasing out the use of ozone-depleting substances in manufacturing
  • Noise pollution: Implementing noise reduction measures in urban areas to improve quality of life
  • Industrial pollution: Enforcing stricter regulations and penalties for polluting industries

Problem Solution Technology Essay Topics:

  • Cyberbullying: Implementing stricter regulations and educational programs to combat online harassment
  • Digital divide: Bridging the gap between individuals with limited access to technology and those with advanced technological resources
  • Online privacy: Developing effective measures to protect personal information and prevent data breaches
  • Fake news: Promoting media literacy and critical thinking skills to combat the spread of misinformation
  • E-waste management: Implementing recycling programs and encouraging responsible disposal of electronic devices
  • Internet addiction: Raising awareness and providing resources for individuals struggling with excessive internet usage
  • Online security: Enhancing cybersecurity measures to protect against hacking and identity theft
  • Digital literacy: Promoting education and training programs to ensure individuals have the necessary skills to navigate the digital world
  • Online harassment: Implementing stricter laws and policies to address and prevent online harassment and cyberstalking
  • Technology addiction in children: Educating parents and caregivers on healthy technology usage for children and promoting alternative activities
  • Data privacy in social media: Strengthening regulations and user control over personal data shared on social media platforms
  • Digital piracy: Developing effective strategies to combat copyright infringement and protect intellectual property rights
  • Technological unemployment: Implementing retraining programs and promoting entrepreneurship to address job displacement caused by automation
  • Online scams: Raising awareness and providing resources to prevent individuals from falling victim to online scams and fraud
  • Digital divide in education: Providing equal access to technology and internet resources for students in underserved communities

Problem Solution Philosophy Essay Topics:

  • The problem of free will and determinism: Finding a solution to the debate between human agency and predestination
  • The problem of evil: Exploring philosophical solutions to the existence of evil in a world created by a benevolent God
  • The problem of personal identity: Examining philosophical theories that address the question of what constitutes personal identity over time
  • The problem of skepticism: Proposing philosophical solutions to the challenge of skepticism and the possibility of knowledge
  • The problem of moral relativism: Analyzing philosophical approaches to resolving the conflict between moral relativism and moral objectivity
  • The problem of consciousness: Investigating philosophical theories that offer solutions to the mind-body problem and the nature of consciousness
  • The problem of induction: Evaluating philosophical responses to the problem of induction and the reliability of empirical knowledge
  • The problem of universals: Discussing philosophical solutions to the debate over the existence and nature of universals
  • The problem of personal responsibility: Examining philosophical perspectives on the concept of personal responsibility and its implications for moral accountability
  • The problem of theodicy: Exploring philosophical responses to the problem of reconciling the existence of God with the presence of evil and suffering
  • The problem of identity politics: Analyzing philosophical approaches to addressing the challenges and controversies surrounding identity politics
  • The problem of moral luck: Investigating philosophical theories that attempt to reconcile the role of luck in moral judgments and moral responsibility
  • The problem of the self: Discussing philosophical solutions to the question of the self and its relationship to consciousness and personal identity
  • The problem of relativism in ethics: Evaluating philosophical responses to the challenges posed by ethical relativism and the possibility of moral objectivity
  • The problem of the nature of reality: Examining philosophical theories that offer solutions to the question of the nature of reality and the limits of human perception

Problem Solution History Essay Topics:

  • The impact of colonization on indigenous cultures: Strategies for cultural preservation and revitalization
  • The causes and consequences of the Great Depression: Implementing economic reforms to prevent future economic crises
  • The rise of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century: Strategies for promoting democracy and safeguarding human rights
  • The causes and consequences of the Cold War: Finding diplomatic solutions to reduce tensions and promote global cooperation
  • The challenges faced by women suffragettes in the fight for voting rights: Strategies for achieving gender equality in politics
  • The effects of the Industrial Revolution on working conditions: Implementing labor reforms to protect workers’ rights
  • The causes and consequences of the Civil Rights Movement: Strategies for combating racial discrimination and promoting equality
  • The impact of imperialism on African nations: Strategies for decolonization and nation-building
  • The causes and consequences of the French Revolution: Implementing political reforms to address social inequality and promote democracy
  • The challenges faced by Native American tribes during westward expansion: Strategies for preserving tribal sovereignty and cultural heritage
  • The causes and consequences of the Holocaust: Strategies for preventing genocide and promoting tolerance
  • The impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis on the Cold War: Strategies for nuclear disarmament and peaceful coexistence
  • The challenges faced by African Americans during the Jim Crow era: Strategies for achieving racial integration and equal rights
  • The causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution: Implementing economic reforms to address social inequality and promote stability
  • The impact of the Vietnam War on American society: Strategies for healing and reconciliation after a divisive conflict

Problem Solution Sociology Essay Topics:

  • The impact of income inequality on social mobility: Exploring solutions for a more equitable society
  • Addressing racial discrimination in the criminal justice system: Strategies for promoting fairness and equality
  • Combating gender inequality in the workplace: Implementing policies to ensure equal opportunities and pay
  • Tackling the rise of hate crimes: Promoting tolerance and understanding in diverse communities
  • Overcoming the challenges of urban poverty: Developing comprehensive strategies for poverty alleviation
  • Addressing the digital divide: Bridging the gap in access to technology and internet connectivity
  • Promoting mental health awareness and support: Strategies for reducing stigma and improving access to mental health services
  • Combating the opioid crisis: Implementing effective prevention and treatment programs
  • Addressing the challenges of aging population: Developing policies to support the elderly and ensure their well-being
  • Promoting inclusive education: Strategies for providing equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities
  • Tackling food insecurity: Implementing sustainable solutions to ensure access to nutritious food for all
  • Addressing the challenges of immigration: Developing comprehensive policies for integration and inclusion
  • Combating domestic violence: Implementing effective prevention programs and support services for victims
  • Promoting environmental sustainability: Strategies for reducing pollution and mitigating the effects of climate change
  • Addressing the challenges of substance abuse: Developing comprehensive prevention and treatment programs

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Are you seeking captivating problem solution essay topics and brilliant suggestions for your paper? If so, you have come to the right place. Every student in school or higher learning institutions can discover enticing subjects and problem solution essay ideas that help prepare an excellent assignment. The first step in creating an essay that will capture readers' attention is choosing a topic. You can find great subjects using this article's exemplary problem solution topics and propositions as inspiration. These themes are categorized in a way that helps you quickly identify problem-solution essay subjects that interest you. This blog post will discuss how to choose excellent topics and ways of streamlining writing processes for students. Don’t have time for writing? Order an essay at StudyCrumb and forget about looking for problem and solution examples for years. Everything is simple – just share details and get a perfect piece matching your instructions.

What Are Problem Solution Essay Topics?

Problems and solutions essay topics offer specific, substantial but manageable issues that can be properly researched and analyzed. They focus on locating existing problems and offering workable remedies. In other words, a problem solution topic allows students to explore the issue at hand and suggest potential solutions. In addition to being very instructive, problem and solution topics are also comprehensive. Working with such papers can be challenging, but anything is possible with appropriate methods and extensive resources. Moreover, there is a truly wide variety of topics, and learners can select from the ones they feel most comfortable tackling. For instance, social, economic, cultural, and technological topics give students insight into different problems to write about.

Characteristics of Good Problem Solution Essay Topics

First things first, there should be enough information to research a good topic for a problem solution essay . Next, it is crucial to select for analysis good problem and solution topics that you are familiar with. Below is a list of things to consider for your problem solution paper topics.

  • The subject should have a well-defined issue.
  • It is advisable to employ unique vocabulary to engage your target audience.
  • The topic itself must be clear and simple to understand.
  • Its scope should be narrow enough.
  • Lastly, the topic should contain a main idea.

How to Choose a Problem and Solution Essay Topic?

Thinking small is the key to designing good problem and solution essay topics. Choose a particular issue that will result in formulating attainable and unambiguous goals. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to choose a problem solution paper topic.

  • Consider the audience: What requirements and interests do they have? Do they currently have any problems that they may be dealing with?
  • Take into account the scope of the topic: It can be challenging to conduct an in-depth study on a too broad topic. On the contrary, the audience might not find the issue fascinating or pertinent if it is too narrow.
  • Assess available resources: Do you have access to enough information? Are the sources trustworthy and current? Understanding the materials available might assist in deciding whether the subject is appropriate for a problem solution essay.
  • If you still find it hard to decide on a subject, ask your professor for help.

Problem Solution Essay Topics List

The best problem solution essay topics adequately present the argument and provide a comprehensive solution. Here are examples of ten best problems and solutions topics you can explore.

  • Ways of imparting financial education among youngsters.
  • Can the practice of self-defense lessen violent action?
  • How do managers handle external and internal disputes in organizations?
  • In universities, sexual assaults against women are frequently reported. What can we do to mitigate this issue?
  • The best method for companies to alleviate logistics issues.
  • Does enforcing gun laws prevent mass shootings?
  • Ways of stopping drunk driving.
  • How do we motivate individuals to adopt kids in the real world?
  • How protected areas save species from becoming extinct.
  • Using e-learning to cut education expenses.

Good Problem Solution Essay Topics

Good topics for a problem and solution essay should have a workable solution or a strong implementation plan. The most engaging and intriguing articles should focus on specific issues because such an approach will provide well-articulated answers. Here is a short list of good ideas for a problem solution essay you can draw inspiration from.

  • What steps can you take to dispel myths about feminist campaigns?
  • How can the negative lifestyle impact of video games on children be reduced?
  • What measures can be taken to stop COVID-19 from spreading?
  • How might families help in promoting a positive body image among kids?
  • What are some ways in which blogging can be improved?
  • How issues may be solved at work effectively.
  • Is it possible for a middle-aged person to change their job path? What can they do to achieve this?
  • How do I assist an individual who is depressed?
  • What steps should be taken to solve the texting-while-driving issue?
  • Is it appropriate to hold parents accountable for their child's bad lifestyle? What steps may be taken to avoid this issue?
  • Which strategies work best in lessening deception in real estate transactions?
  • How to handle your spouse's unreasonable expectations.
  • What steps may be taken to reduce or stop poverty?
  • Addressing flooding problems through erecting dams in high-risk areas.
  • How can we encourage more healthy standards of beauty?

Easy Problem Solution Essay Topics

Proposing a solution essay topics is a difficult task in general. However, if you want to concentrate on easy problem and solution essay topics, the following propositions will work wonders for you.

  • How do you deal with an envious partner?
  • What steps may be taken to stop child labor?
  • How confirmation bias affects the ability to solve problems effectively.
  • The impact of video games on an individual's capacity for problem-solving.
  • Steps that may be taken to boost participation at your preferred athletic event.
  • How do you maintain a successful marriage?
  • What modifications to the traffic regulations could be made to improve driving?
  • What is the best method of handling manipulative and overbearing individuals?
  • How can you improve the quality of life in your neighborhood?
  • What alternative approaches are there to marijuana use besides making it legal?
  • How can you simplify the process of creating a great image of yourself?
  • What are some healthy weight-loss options?
  • How can you maintain hydration without indulging in calorie-dense, sugary beverages?
  • What is the best way of eradicating poverty through wealth redistribution?
  • How should parents explain to their children that Santa Claus is a myth?

Interesting Problem and Solution Essay Topics

An interesting problem solving essay topics may spark discussions that last an hour or longer and provokes everyone around to participate in them. Furthermore, readers are more motivated to read writings on such engaging themes. Below is a list of interesting problem/solution essay topics you can choose from.

  • How can parents approach their kids' use of social networking sites?
  • How should a nation handle the problem of unauthorized immigration?
  • Can we stop rise of bigotry and prejudice?
  • How can society support marriage while preserving people's right to choose their sexuality freely?
  • How might parents stop their children from abusing drugs?
  • Ways in which young-age marriage can be used to combat social issues like adolescent pregnancies.
  • Addressing the problem of sexual abuse in colleges and universities.
  • What should be done to reduce gambling tendencies among students?
  • How do married couples improve their relationship?
  • Prevalence of domestic violence against both genders.
  • The risk posed by global warming is considerably more present today.
  • Why are teenagers abandoning their studies in great numbers?
  • How do teaching styles influence students' ability to solve problems?
  • Absenteeism issue might be resolved using Holmes' method.
  • How do organizations utilize digital platforms in advertising their products and services?

Funny Problem Solution Essay Topics

An incredible method of engaging readers in your problem solution topics is making them sound amusing. Here are a few insightful and fun problem solution essay topics you might focus on.

  • What benefit does having your phone robbed have?
  • Why does your partner whine so much? How could it be improved?
  • What enjoyable online activities can a couple engage in together?
  • How should your preferred junk food be made more nutritious?
  • What exercise options are there for folks who are not athletic?
  • Which methods will help learners save $100 in a month?
  • What is it that can alter how individuals feel about you?
  • How can you host a loud party without offending residents?
  • Ways of helping people who struggle with low self-esteem.
  • How can you encourage folks to use your pseudonym?
  • How do we stop ourselves from making impulse purchases?
  • Why is it that whenever I start giggling, I cannot stop?
  • How do you inform your partner that their cooking is terrible without offending them?
  • Ways in which 3D printing could fix the cooking issues in dormitories.
  • Having the best sense of humor among your pals frequently keeps them from treating you seriously. What can alter how others perceive you?

Local Problem Solution Essay Topics

Writing about existing issues in your area is a fantastic addition to your problem solution research paper topics. Some of such problems facing your locality may include drug abuse, pollution, or crime. Here are problems and solutions essay topics that you can select.

  • How to stop police violence.
  • Techniques for managing customer debt.
  • How can long-term joblessness be eliminated?
  • Debt management strategies for student loans.
  • What should your community do to lower medical costs?
  • How graduates may be assisted in finding employment.
  • What is the most effective strategy to halt traffic congestion?
  • How can the birth rate be raised if it is low?
  • Issues brought on by partisanship.
  • How can the problem of inadequate car parking spaces be resolved?
  • Ways in which youths should be prevented from illegal advertisements?
  • Strategies used by governments to prevent fraud in politics.
  • What steps can be taken to lessen the gender pay gap?
  • Ways of increasing state surveillance.
  • What should your municipality do to stop hate crimes?

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Problem Solution Essay Ideas for Students

The main priority of every learner when composing a problem solution essay is to choose interesting problem solution ideas after thorough consideration. Find a concept that you are passionate about. Select one of the many good subjects with a workable answer or a strong action plan. Although it may seem simple, a majority of students of various academic levels encounter difficulties when making this decision. The creative problem and solution essay ideas presented in this paper are meant to pique your curiosity. They will also motivate you to conduct further research and produce an outstanding essay.

Problem/Solution Essay Topics for Middle School

For many individuals, middle school is a particularly difficult time. Adolescents at this age feel like adults but are actually still youngsters. This issue and several other challenges contribute to an excellent collection of problem and solution essay topics for middle school. You are welcome to conduct your own study or choose one of the suggested ideas for problem solving topics.

  • How can we get youngsters to use bike helmets?
  • Methods of improving student performance in school.
  • Strategies that can be used in combating oceans' rising acidity.
  • Creative approaches used in delivering boring afternoon classes.
  • How to get teenagers to appreciate learning in general and academics in particular.
  • What are some ways to reduce the effects of greenhouse emissions caused by transportation?
  • Guidelines for caring for your pet without violating its rights.
  • How to create comics that aid students in understanding complex ideas.
  • Methods for lowering industrial noise pollution.
  • What additional creative courses can be added to the curriculum at middle school to help students' minds grow?
  • How can school settings be made less isolating?
  • Should learners have unlimited discretion in choosing courses they take?
  • How might society support and assist those who have autism?
  • How should parents prepare their middle schoolers for financial responsibility before they enter college?
  • What can educators do to support female adolescents clinging to the idealized pictures they see on media platforms?

Problem Solution Essay Topics for High School

High school students face a unique set of issues compared to middle school students, such as social life nuances. They may use these problems to prepare topics for a problem solution essay. Below is a list of problem and solution ideas that will streamline your essay writing process.

  • How can instructors stop negative consequences of physical punishment?
  • Why do high school students use drugs? What should be done about this?
  • What are the best ways for students to successfully cover their educational costs?
  • What should instructors do to ensure that learners gain the required knowledge?
  • Many academic institutions have rigid uniform policies. Is it possible to be unique without going against dress codes?
  • What can help learners who experience behavioral issues because of challenging home situations?
  • Practical approaches to issues of cell phone use in class.
  • Ways of stopping high school kids from procrastinating .
  • The cost of attending college is continually rising. What is the most effective way to reduce costs?
  • Secure methods that students can use to locate academic material on digital platforms.
  • Techniques for managing societal pressure in schools.
  • What strategies may students use in maintaining academic achievement while dealing with parental separation?
  • Practical strategies for eradicating stereotypes from society.
  • The issue of persistent student absenteeism and methods of dealing with it.
  • How should teenage pregnancy rate be minimized?

Problem Solution Essay Topics for College Students

College students deal with issues different from those of high school and middle school learners. You should write problem solution essay topics for college on subjects that exhibit your capacity for information processing and data synthesis. Think large and demonstrate your ability to tackle prevalent college problems. You can select from a wide range of college problem solution essay topics below.

  • How to address racism in universities.
  • What is the best method for evaluating learners' performance?
  • How to assist first-year students in selecting the appropriate college courses.
  • What can be done to encourage more students to enroll in colleges?
  • Ways of stopping college students from participating in violent riots and demonstrations.
  • In what ways can college students begin making money?
  • Learning and hearing lectures can be more difficult in big lecture halls. What steps can colleges take to address this issue?
  • How can academics change the unfavorable perceptions that undergraduates have of them?
  • How to stop college students from participating in violent protests and riots.
  • What can be done to promote the mental well-being of students?
  • Ways in which academics change unfavorable perceptions that undergraduates have of them?
  • What is the most effective strategy for handling bullies in colleges?
  • How to bridge the gap between affluent and low socioeconomic students.
  • Methods of maximizing web-based learning during a lockdown.
  • What should be done to stop college students from pursuing romantic relationships?

Problems and Solutions Topics by Subject

You can explore many unique problem solution topics. When approaching a solution essay, you will be barely able to exhaust these ideas. Several more subjects, like technology and science, may be investigated in addition to the ones already mentioned. These unique suggestions will grab your curiosity and motivate you to research an outstanding problem solution paper topic. Problem-solving essays pose an issue and challenge you to come up with the best answer. This section gives an insight into different problems and solutions topics by subject.

Problem Solution Essay Topics on Science

There are many problem solution research papers in the field of science since scientific processes are convoluted and plagued with problems. The quality of an individual's life can improve or deteriorate due to advancements in this discipline. If scientific subjects interest you, look at the following ideas for problem solution essay.

  • How can researchers obtain more financing for research?
  • What is the most effective technique to spread scientific knowledge to a broader audience?
  • How can scholars be motivated to conduct experimental studies?
  • Ways in which people can be inspired to stay employed in scientific fields.
  • How can prejudice against studies be removed?
  • Methods of improving research paper outcomes.
  • What remedies are available to stop the ozone layer from thinning?
  • How might the use of genetic engineering help food supply?
  • What changes can be made to the peer review process to make it more effective?
  • How stem cells can be used to cure disease.
  • Reducing global waste through the use of nanotechnologies.
  • What technological advancements are necessary to lessen the likelihood of overpopulation on Earth?
  • How might the placement of microchips in a person's brain assist those who are paralyzed?
  • Using science to address the issue of alcohol addiction.
  • Scientific breakthroughs that could prevent a global environmental crisis.
Read more: Science Research Topics  

Psychology Problem Solution Essay Topics

Issues related to psychology are widespread in modern society. The field has a ton of excellent options for developing problem-solution essay topics. Use one of the following ideas for problem solution essays regarding human thoughts, emotions, behavior, and mind.

  • How can customers develop their critical thinking skills?
  • How can people use apps to cope with anxiety and psychological illness?
  • How parents and educators assist students in managing depression.
  • Suicide is becoming a big issue for youths. What mitigating steps can we take regarding this?
  • How can one determine whether a memory is accurate?
  • Many adolescents still experience bullying online, despite multiple efforts. What assistance can society offer?
  • How can we provide elders with social interaction opportunities they may require?
  • What would be a decent method aimed at preventing parents from pressuring their kids to succeed in school?
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder is prevalent among people who undergo trauma. How can this condition be addressed?
  • Addiction deprives people of their ability to make constructive contributions to society.
  • America's psychological health is in poor shape. How can we improve it?
  • Ways in which mental trauma associated with anorexia can be managed.
  • How do educators assist young people who struggle with social skills?
  • What actions may parents take aimed at assisting their children in case of a new epidemic?
  • Continuous stress affects sleep quality. What methods can make it better?
View more: Psychology Research Paper Topics  

Cultural Problem Solution Essay Topics

A group of individuals who share certain knowledge, habits, and beliefs is said to have the same culture. You would likely concur that it is a crucial aspect of mankind. That is why instructors frequently provide cultural ideas for a problem solution essay to research. Here are a few problem solution paper ideas that you can adopt.

  • How can individuals gain an appreciation for diverse cultures?
  • What are the cultural management issues that arise with a multicultural staff?
  • Best approaches to promote cross-cultural interaction.
  • What potential remedies are there for consumerism?
  • Strategies that can be used in advancing cultural diversity in businesses.
  • Healthcare disparities based on race and culture.
  • What methods can be used to lessen or stop cultural appropriation?
  • Steps that may be taken to lessen societal effects on the media's idealized body image.
  • Remedies that exist to address ageism.
  • Development of cultural relativism and a decline in ethnocentrism.
  • Ways of dealing with media propaganda.
  • Culture wars are a significant source of conflict.
  • Globalization's potential effects on a country's culture.
  • Actions that could be taken to lessen adverse effects of the fast fashion sector on consumerism.
  • Media and other outside cultural influences destroy national cultures.

Political Problem Solution Essay Topics

Politics is a topic that all people are concerned about. Your acts and inactions will, in one way or another, affect the state of your nation. There is no denying several issues plagues today's politics. If you are searching for topics to write a problem solution essay on politics, look no further. Here is a selection of exciting problem topics for an essay.

  • How can human trafficking be stopped legally?
  • How can more people be encouraged to cast ballots during elections?
  • Ways of avoiding political confrontations.
  • What steps should be taken by governments to reduce post-election violence?
  • What should governments do to increase the availability of fresh, nutritious meals?
  • Actions that the government should take in addressing assimilation problems for immigrants.
  • Ways in which legislation restricts sources of funding used by democratic figures.
  • What can states do to enhance the lives of disabled people?
  • Techniques for preventing piracy.
  • Sexism in international politics.
  • What kind of situation has the biggest impact on voting behavior?
  • Is limiting immigration an honest approach to boosting wages?
  • Ways in which diplomacy can be used in lessening military aggression worldwide.
  • How can laws and regulations improve the sustainability of the food sector?
  • What methods may sub-Saharan nations use to run their economies independently of international aid?

>> View topics: Topics in Political Science

Problem Solution Essay Topics for Business

When running a company, many problems can arise - for instance, marketing tactics or cybersecurity. If you are interested in business, you can pick numerous topics for problem solution essays. Below is a list of problem ideas for your essay that focuses on solving problems.

  • What can we do to improve job satisfaction?
  • How can innovation be achieved without raising prices?
  • Ways of stopping shoplifting in a mall.
  • Individuals with fixed incomes and sizable cash reserves are negatively impacted by inflation. How is it to be prevented?
  • Many businesses collapse during the first year of operation. How can governments guarantee their longevity?
  • Low consumer volume and financial difficulties could be the outcome of poor marketing. What may be done to enhance a standard marketing plan?
  • How can you distribute limited resources most effectively?
  • Coping mechanism for stress in workplaces.
  • How do you establish a competitive advantage in a crowded market?
  • Methods of boosting productivity in organizations.
  • How can individuals prevent themselves from making bad investments?
  • A financial crisis may result in widespread job losses. How can downturns be avoided?
  • How companies should convince individuals to utilize performance metrics.
  • Staff turnover has a direct impact on corporations. How do we minimize it?
  • What should policymakers do to help small businesses in the event of another pandemic?
View more: Business Research Paper Topics  

Problem and Solution Essay Topics on Education

Several problems with the school system need fixing to improve the overall quality of education. You will find some topics for problem solution essay in the list below. These problem cause solution topics are clear and straightforward.

  • Many educational institutions do not offer sufficient sex education programs. How might the stigma associated with this issue be reduced?
  • Measures that should be taken to deal with unruly and disobedient students.
  • When studying a subject, people with learning disabilities could feel frustrated. What adjustments can schools make to meet their needs?
  • How can academic institutions effectively support students with special needs?
  • What techniques can be used to lessen cheating?
  • What actions can the education system take to encourage diversity in schools?
  • What are the shortcomings of the American educational system as it stands today, and how can they be addressed?
  • How can learners be made interested in monotonous subjects?
  • Approaches that schools may adopt to encourage teamwork.
  • Ways in which students can use communication skills to handle bullying.
  • How can educational institutions devote more resources to extracurricular activities?
  • What ethical problems do universities face, and how can they be tackled?
  • What should be done to make education more widely available?
  • Ways in which educational establishments should protect students from minority groups.
  • Steps that schools can take to minimize the rate of dropouts.
Read more: Research Paper Topics in Education  

Health Problems and Solutions Essay Topics

People frequently have trouble with their health, which is a crucial component of existence. As a result, this field serves as a solid source of problem solution paper topics. Below are health-related topics for a problem and solution essay.

  • How do we motivate individuals to take part in clinical studies?
  • The best way to look after cancer patients receiving treatment.
  • What should be done to increase the number of Americans who enroll in health insurance?
  • How can we assist those who are recovering from drug addiction?
  • Actions we may take to prevent obesity among children.
  • How can medical care be made affordable for everyone?
  • Measures for reducing prevalence of cardiovascular disease in the community.
  • Steps to address the growing health issues, including asthma, brought on by air pollution .
  • Management strategies for speech disorders.
  • How to provide enough oxygen for hypoxemia patients.
  • Ways of preventing flu during winter.
  • How people can be motivated to have regular health checkups.
  • How do we make sure those who are sick seek out primary care? How can primary healthcare be made available to everyone?
  • Schizophrenia is a challenging mental condition that significantly affects a person's life. What should society do to encourage people to get this condition treated?
  • What steps may be taken to stop Alzheimer's disease development?

>> View more: Public Helth Research Topics

Problem Solution Essay Topics About Animals

Before people came into existence, animals already inhabited our world. Many species disappeared or went extinct over time because of human activity. Factory farming, the fur trade, and poaching are all problems that need to be fixed. If you are interested in this subject, consider investigating one of the following problem solution research topics. These animal problem solution essay ideas are clear and easy to implement.

  • How can we save birds from hazards like high structures and wind farms?
  • What could be done to curb animal hunting?
  • How can we lessen water contamination, so that marine life is preserved?
  • What steps can be taken aimed at ending the dog meat trade?
  • How can the cost of veterinary care be reduced for all people?
  • Do animals need more rights? How can this be put into practice?
  • How will logging affect our environment? How can authorities stop this?
  • Ways of preventing commercial initiatives that use animal testing.
  • What steps must be taken to end the ivory trade?
  • Initiatives that may be taken to make wild animals' habitats safer.
  • How do we stop horse meat intake?
  • How can we prevent wild animals from being used in circuses?
  • The fur trade claims the lives of millions of animals. What should be done to stop this practice?
  • Many animals are raised in cruel conditions where they are physically harmed or mistreated. What are the options for resolving this issue?
  • Strategies that can be used to minimize poaching.

Environmental Problem Solution Essay Topics

Climate change is currently the most important environmental problem; however, it is not the only one. Yet more worldwide issues require attention, and students can use them for their solution essay topics. The following are problem essay topics for those who care about the environment.

  • What actions are necessary to secure renewable energy sources?
  • Natural catastrophes are caused by Earth's processes and negatively impact people's lives. How can we get ready for natural disasters?
  • What initiatives can be made to avert a shortage of energy resources?
  • An increase in UV radiation is caused by ozone loss. Along with other skin conditions, it causes cancer. How are we going to fix this issue?
  • Food waste is a major environmental issue because it uses cropland and water. How do we minimize it?
  • GMOs increase food output but may threaten biodiversity. What actions could be taken to address the issue?
  • How can oil spills in water bodies be cleaned up more quickly?
  • Home-based trash management techniques.
  • How can governments encourage organic farming?
  • Approaches used in preventing a rise in global temperatures.
  • Ways of stopping ice caps from melting.
  • What causes a global shortage of food resources? How can this issue be addressed?
  • How to minimize consequences of inappropriate zoning and biodiversity?
  • Using fluorinated gasses in freezers and hair care products significantly affects global warming. How may their negative effects on surroundings be reduced?
  • Cleaning up trash costs a large sum of money. How can the littering issue be resolved and entirely eliminated?
More ideas: Environmental Science Topics

Problem Solution Essay Topics on Technology

Technology involves intricate and problematic processes. Just like in science, these issues can either enhance or worsen modern life quality, so problem solution research essay topics in technology are of current importance and investigating them can make one feel like being on the cutting edge of human knowledge. Besides, technology has a lot of various aspects and subfields, allowing for a truly extensive selection of research problems. Below are insightful ideas that you can consider for your problem solution essay topic.

  • What should be done to minimize overdependence on technology?
  • What precautions are available to stop cheating during online exams?
  • Ways in which companies can protect users' confidentiality on social media.
  • How can food technology be used to eradicate global starvation?
  • Ways in which technological innovations can address drug dependency issues.
  • What precautions can you take to keep your kid from developing a smartphone addiction?
  • Given how swiftly technology develops, what remedies are available for annoying bugs?
  • Ways in which assistive devices may be used to help kids with visual impairment.
  • How can backup issues be resolved in companies?
  • Ways in which intelligence officers can use social media profiles to arrest criminals.
  • How can people coexist with robots at work without losing their jobs?
  • How to make technology infrastructure in smart cities better.
  • What are possible solutions for cybersecurity issues in cashless societies?
  • Wearable technologies raise new privacy concerns. How should problems of body-borne computers be solved?
  • What steps can be taken to prevent the loss of online data?

Browse through our blog for more essay topic ideas. Whether you need topics for an explanatory essay or cause and effect essay topics , we’ve got you covered. 

Bottom Line on Problem Solution Essay Topics

A topic for a problem solution essay can be a fantastic method to investigate a wide range of problems and develop original answers. Students can create a thorough plan to deal with the issue by examining it, figuring out its cause, and coming up with remedies. Problem and solution essay topic ideas can also aid pupils in honing their critical-thinking abilities and improving their comprehension of the world. Researching the best topics for a problem solution essay can be a terrific approach to changing the world if chosen with attention and consideration.


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Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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Problem solution essay

492 Problem and Solution Essay Topics: Lists & Ideas

  • 18 January 2024
  • 27 min read

Writing a problem and solution essay topic allows students to utilize their analytical and research skills. Basically, the main goal is to highlight a problem, its underlying cause(s), and possible solution(s). In this case, the best approach in writing this type of essay is to address some features that define a topic of a problem and solution essay. Also, these features include specific problems, a thesis statement, a highlight of several possible solutions, evidence, and analysis. Hence, this article on problem and solution essay topics covers many examples and guidelines to follow with possible themes to use.

General Guidelines

When writing essays, students use different strategies to make their writing impactful. Basically, one of the strategies most useful in writing a problem and solution essay is persuasion. For example, the goal of these essays is to persuade readers that there is a problem that requires a resolution. As such, a thesis statement captures a covered problem, its causes, and a final solution. Moreover, the most challenging part of problem and solution essay topics is constructing its themes. In essence, writers must capture several elements: a problem that requires a solution, a thesis statement, a highlight of several possible solutions, evidence, and analysis. Also, these elements define a skeleton of a problem and solution essay topic. Unlike standard essays, where a theme is also a paper’s title, a topic in a problem and solution essay is laid out in the introduction section.

Good Problem and Solution Essay Topics

  • Reducing Plastic Waste in the Ocean: An Innovative Approach
  • The Obesity Epidemic: Simple Lifestyle Changes for Better Health
  • Improving Literacy Rates: The Power of Early Childhood Education
  • Tackling Youth Unemployment: The Role of Vocational Training
  • Overcoming Social Anxiety: The Importance of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Enhancing Mental Health: Accessible Community Resources as a Solution
  • Mitigating Air Pollution: Incentivizing the Use of Electric Vehicles
  • Preventing Cyberbullying: How Effective Online Monitoring Can Help?
  • Diminishing Food Wastage: Strategies for Sustainable Consumption
  • Promoting Financial Literacy: The Role of Schools in Money Management Education
  • Tackling Traffic Congestion: The Power of Public Transport Encouragement
  • Boosting School Attendance: The Influence of Parental Involvement
  • Encouraging Healthy Eating: The Role of School Lunch Programs
  • Alleviating Chronic Pain: The Impact of Regular Physical Therapy
  • Managing Diabetes: Healthy Lifestyle Modifications for Disease Control
  • Combating Childhood Obesity: The Benefits of Outdoor Play
  • Reducing Noise Pollution: The Necessity of Urban Planning Regulations
  • Curbing Deforestation: The Potential of Reforestation Programs
  • Nurturing Plant Growth: How Effective Watering Techniques Can Help?
  • Improving Public Safety: The Influence of Neighborhood Watch Groups

Easy Problem and Solution Essay Topics

  • Fostering Work-Life Balance: The Role of Flexible Work Schedules
  • Preventing Soil Erosion: The Effectiveness of Landscaping Techniques
  • Diminishing Water Pollution: The Importance of Waste Management Systems
  • Battling Sedentary Lifestyle: The Power of Regular Exercise
  • Lowering High Blood Pressure: The Potential of Dietary Changes
  • Enhancing Team Productivity: The Impact of Positive Workplace Culture
  • Reducing Household Energy Consumption: The Role of Energy-Efficient Appliances
  • Addressing Online Privacy Concerns: The Necessity of Data Encryption
  • Strengthening Community Ties: The Influence of Local Events
  • Increasing Recycling Rates: The Importance of Public Awareness Campaigns
  • Dealing With Procrastination: Time Management Techniques that Work
  • Improving Air Quality: The Power of Indoor Plants
  • Managing Stress Effectively: The Potential of Mindfulness Techniques
  • Eradicating Polio: The Impact of Vaccination Programs
  • Promoting Gender Equality: The Role of Education in Challenging Stereotypes
  • Building Sustainable Cities: Urban Planning and Green Infrastructure
  • Managing Waste in Cities: The Role of Efficient Disposal Systems
  • Combating the Spread of Fake News: The Impact of Media Literacy Education
  • Tackling the Decline of Bees: The Importance of Habitat Conservation
  • Nurturing Emotional Intelligence: The Role of Social and Emotional Learning in Schools
  • Encouraging Sustainable Tourism: The Power of Eco-Friendly Practices

Problem and solution essay topics

Interesting Problem and Solution Essay Topics

  • Supporting Elderly Care: The Potential of Home Care Services
  • Improving Posture: The Influence of Ergonomic Furniture
  • Mitigating Climate Change: The Role of Renewable Energy
  • Reducing E-Waste: The Power of Electronic Recycling Programs
  • Reducing Procrastination Among College Students: Techniques and Approaches
  • Tackling Obesity in Adolescents: Healthy Eating and Exercise Solutions
  • Preventing Cyberbullying: Effective Digital Education and Monitoring
  • Fostering Inclusivity in the Classroom: Instructional Strategies for Educators
  • Curbing Plastic Pollution: Innovative Recycling Programs and Alternatives
  • Promoting Financial Literacy: The Role of Personal Finance Education
  • Enhancing Mental Health: The Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Combating Deforestation: Reforestation and Sustainable Practices
  • Achieving Academic Success: Time Management Strategies for Students
  • Alleviating Traffic Congestion: Potential Impact of Carpooling and Public Transport
  • Improving Air Quality in Cities: Implementing Green Spaces and Pollution Controls
  • Controlling Pesticide Use: Organic Farming and Eco-Friendly Techniques
  • Increasing Voter Turnout: The Impact of Simplified Registration Processes
  • Addressing Food Waste: Community-Based Composting and Recycling Programs
  • Nurturing Creativity in Children: The Influence of Arts in Education
  • Resolving Conflict at Work: The Importance of Effective Communication
  • Reducing Animal Cruelty: Implementing Stricter Laws and Regulations
  • Diminishing Digital Divide: Bridging the Gap With Affordable Technology

Fun Problem and Solution Essay Topics

  • Banishing Bad Hair Days: The Foolproof Guide to Shampoo and Hat Use
  • Dealing With Chatty Co-workers: The Noise-Canceling Headphones Solution
  • Tackling the Messy Room Quandary: Can Robots Really Clean Our Spaces?
  • Maneuvering Through Slow Internet: The Magic of Old-School Board Games
  • Navigating the Nightmare of Lost TV Remotes: The Promise of Voice Control
  • Conquering the Epic Battle Against Unmatched Socks: A Lesson in Organized Laundry
  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypses: Preparations in the Comfort of Your Home
  • Resolving the Mystery of the Disappearing Pen: Digital Notetaking to the Rescue
  • Making Peace with Awkward Silences: The Power of Mime Artistry
  • Ending the Madness of Morning Traffic: The Benefits of Teleportation
  • Thwarting the Dilemma of Overcooked Pasta: The Beauty of Ramen Noodles
  • Escaping from Misplaced Glasses: An Argument for Telekinesis
  • Combatting Awful Dad Jokes: A Case for Comedy Classes
  • Crushing the Crisis of Candy Shortages: Lessons From Willy Wonka
  • Outsmarting the Holiday Gift Exchange: The Art of Regifting With Style
  • Alleviating the Struggle of Forgetting Passwords: The Rise of Brain-Computer Interfaces
  • Rescuing the Planet From Alien Invasion: Laughter as a Universal Language
  • Dismantling the Fear of Insects: The Importance of Pet Spiders
  • Defeating the Challenge of Overpopulation: Lessons Learned From Ant Colonies
  • Deciphering the Enigma of Kids’ Art: The Guide to Abstract Interpretation

Society Problem and Solution Essay Topics

  • Addressing Youth Unemployment: Creative Solutions for the Next Generation
  • The Rise of Cyberbullying: Strategies for Mitigation and Prevention
  • Hunger in Developed Nations: Implementing Sustainable Food Distribution Systems
  • Elderly Isolation: Promoting Community Engagement and Social Inclusion
  • Income Inequality: Effective Policies for Economic Redistribution
  • The Opioid Crisis: An In-Depth Study of Prevention and Treatment Options
  • Plastic Pollution: Innovative Approaches Toward Sustainable Alternatives
  • Education Disparity: Leveraging Technology to Bridge the Gap
  • Overpopulation in Urban Areas: The Role of Sustainable City Planning
  • Climate Change: Adopting Green Technologies for a Sustainable Future
  • Gender Discrimination at Workplace: Strategies for Ensuring Equality
  • The Digital Divide: Integrating Information and Communication Technology in Rural Areas
  • Refugee Crisis: International Cooperation for Effective Resettlement
  • Racism and Xenophobia: Fostering Understanding Through Education
  • Mental Health Stigma: Campaigns for Awareness and Acceptance
  • Water Scarcity: Harnessing Technology for Water Conservation
  • Homelessness: Community-Driven Solutions for Affordable Housing
  • Animal Cruelty: Enforcement of Animal Rights and Welfare Laws
  • Corruption in Politics: Advancing Transparency and Accountability in Governance

Business Problem and Solution Essay Topics

  • Overcoming Global Supply Chain Disruptions: Solutions for International Businesses
  • Mitigating Cybersecurity Threats: A Comprehensive Guide for Small Businesses
  • Effective Strategies for Retaining Top Talent in the Tech Industry
  • Reviving Struggling Retail Businesses in the Age of E-Commerce
  • Transforming Traditional Brick-and-Mortar Stores Through Digital Innovation
  • Maintaining Business Integrity Amidst Rapid Technological Advancements
  • Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in Multinational Corporations: Policies and Procedures
  • Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Improved Customer Experience
  • Strategies for Sustainable Business Practices: Balancing Profitability and Environmental Responsibility
  • Managing Workplace Diversity: Ensuring Inclusivity and Equality in the Corporate World
  • Addressing the Problem of Gender Wage Gap in Start-Ups
  • Financial Risk Management: Techniques for Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Enhancing Employee Productivity Through Effective Leadership Styles
  • Exploring Solutions for Unconscious Bias in Corporate Recruitment
  • Business Growth Challenges: Strategies for Scaling Up Successfully
  • Marketing in a Digital Age: Overcoming Challenges in Social Media Strategies
  • Evaluating and Mitigating the Impact of Political Uncertainties on International Businesses
  • Designing a Business Continuity Plan for Disaster Risk Management
  • Addressing Intellectual Property Rights Issues in the Digital Era
  • Navigating Regulatory Compliance Challenges in the Financial Services Sector

Finance and Banking Problem and Solution Essay Topics

  • Addressing the Challenges of High-Interest Rates: A Comprehensive Solution
  • Combating Cybersecurity Threats in the Digital Banking Era
  • Balancing Profitability and Social Responsibility in Microfinancing Institutions
  • Promoting Financial Inclusion: Innovations and Opportunities in Developing Economies
  • Tackling the Issue of Low Financial Literacy Rates: A New Educational Approach
  • Blockchain Technologies: A Potential Remedy for Banking Frauds
  • Mitigating Systemic Risks in Global Banking Systems: A Regulatory Perspective
  • Solutions to Reduce the High Non-Performing Loan Ratios in Banks
  • Exploring Sustainable Solutions to Overcome the Gender Gap in Access to Finance
  • Enhancing Risk Management in Investment Banking: A Proactive Approach
  • Customer Privacy Protection in Banking: Issues and Opportunities
  • Financial Regulations: Striking a Balance Between Control and Innovation
  • Addressing Income Inequality: The Role of Progressive Tax Policies
  • Resolving the Liquidity Crises in Banks: Measures and Mechanisms
  • Shadow Banking Systems: Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions
  • Strategies to Boost Credit Availability for Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Navigating the Effects of Monetary Policies on Banking Profitability
  • Fintech Disruptions: Challenges and Opportunities for Traditional Banks
  • Addressing Ethical Dilemmas in Finance: Guidelines for a Moral Compass

Psychology Problem and Solution Essay Topics

  • Addressing the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health: Solutions for the Digital Age
  • Alleviating Depression: An Investigation into Various Treatment Methods
  • Resolving Childhood Trauma: The Role of Psychotherapy and Support Systems
  • Mitigating Stress in the Workplace: Proactive Strategies for Employee Well-Being
  • Dealing With Anxiety Disorders: A Closer Look at Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Health: Societal and Individual Approaches
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: Effective Methods for Improved Social Interaction
  • Combating Eating Disorders: The Role of Body Image Education in Schools
  • Substance Abuse Recovery: Evaluating the Efficiency of Rehabilitation Centers
  • Countering Insomnia: The Impact of Lifestyle Modifications on Sleep Quality
  • Confronting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Importance of Trauma-Informed Care
  • Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Comparing Medication and Behavioral Therapy
  • Exploring Solutions to Schizophrenia: Potential Paths for Better Patient Outcomes
  • Aging and Mental Health: Providing Support for Dementia Patients
  • Balancing Work and Personal Life: Coping Strategies for Burnout
  • Diffusing Aggression in Children: The Efficacy of Anger Management Programs
  • Supporting Adolescents: A Holistic Approach to Teenage Depression
  • Reducing Self-Harm Incidents: Analyzing the Role of School-Based Interventions
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Unraveling Treatment Techniques for a Distorted Self-Image
  • Managing Postpartum Depression: The Significance of a Strong Support Network

Environment Problem and Solution Essay Topics

  • Evaluating the Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life: Innovative Solutions
  • Climate Change and Its Effect on Global Agriculture: A Proposal for Sustainable Farming Practices
  • Deforestation in the Amazon: Strategic Replanting and Conservation Efforts
  • Overpopulation and Strain on Natural Resources: Implementing Effective Population Control Policies
  • Industrial Pollution: Enforcing Stricter Regulations for Waste Management
  • Air Quality Degradation in Urban Areas: The Case for Green Transportation
  • Melting Polar Ice Caps: Evaluating the Potential of Geoengineering
  • Implications of Pesticide Use in Farming: Promoting Organic and Bio-Dynamic Agriculture
  • Waste Management in Urban Areas: Benefits of Recycling and Composting
  • Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment: Encouraging Sustainable Consumption
  • Acid Rain: Integrating Clean Energy Sources to Reduce Airborne Pollutants
  • Dwindling Bee Populations: Importance of Biodiversity and Pollinator-Friendly Practices
  • Coral Reef Destruction: Advancements in Marine Conservation Techniques
  • Soil Erosion: Benefits of Permaculture and Agroforestry
  • Noise Pollution in Cities: Role of Urban Planning in Reducing Environmental Noise
  • Electronic Waste: Implementing Proper E-Waste Recycling Programs
  • Habitat Destruction: Strategies for Wildlife Conservation and Habitat Restoration
  • Ocean Acidification: The Necessity of Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions
  • Light Pollution: Evaluating the Effects and Solutions for Wildlife and Human Health

Problem and Solution Essay Topics About Animals

  • Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reefs and Proposing Sustainable Solutions
  • Addressing Overpopulation in Domestic Cats: Innovative Solutions
  • Challenges of Wildlife Trafficking: Global and Local Responses
  • Invasive Species: Effective Measures to Control Their Spread
  • Identifying the Causes of Bee Population Decline and Possible Countermeasures
  • Mitigating the Detrimental Effects of Plastic Waste on Marine Life
  • Preventing Animal Abuse: Strategies for Effective Enforcement of Animal Rights
  • Diminishing Bird Habitats: Urban Development’s Role and Potential Mitigations
  • Tackling the Issue of Dog Overbreeding and Its Associated Problems
  • Resolving the Dilemma of Endangered Species: The Need for Conservation and Rehabilitation
  • Overcoming Challenges in Exotic Pet Ownership and Animal Welfare
  • Recognizing the Impact of Deforestation on Wildlife and Suggesting Protective Measures
  • Combatting the Detrimental Effects of Pesticides on Non-Target Species
  • Improving Animal Welfare in Factory Farming: Innovative and Ethical Practices
  • Exploring the Problem of Animal Testing in Pharmaceuticals and Potential Alternatives
  • Implementing Effective Strategies for Human-Wildlife Conflict Management
  • Highlighting the Threats to Oceanic Sharks and Strategies for Their Conservation
  • Examining the Role of Zoos in Animal Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Addressing the Ill Effects of Noise Pollution on Aquatic Animals
  • Unpacking the Impact of Illegal Hunting on Wildlife Populations and Proposing Regulatory Solutions

Problem and Solution Essay Topics in Science & Technology

  • Analyzing the Impacts of Climate Change: Solutions for Global Warming Mitigation
  • Ethical Questions in Genetic Engineering: Balancing Advancements and Risk Factors
  • Cybersecurity Threats in the Digital Era: Strategies for Protecting Sensitive Data
  • Challenges in Space Exploration: Overcoming Obstacles for Interstellar Journeys
  • Addressing E-waste: Innovative Recycling Techniques for Electronic Devices
  • Antibiotic Resistance: Designing New Generation Drugs for Future Challenges
  • The Energy Crisis: Evaluating Renewable Resources for Sustainable Alternatives
  • Depletion of Biodiversity: Effective Conservation Strategies for Endangered Species
  • Dissemination of Fake News in Social Media: Algorithms for Reliable Information Filtering
  • Water Scarcity: Utilizing Desalination and Rainwater Harvesting Techniques
  • Aging Infrastructure: Applying Smart Technologies for Modernization
  • Food Security Concerns: Genetic Modification to Improve Crop Yield
  • Plastic Pollution: Biodegradable Materials as Potential Substitutes
  • Overpopulation: Leveraging Technology to Enhance Resource Management
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment: Skill Upgradation as a Solution
  • Diminishing Bee Populations: Technological Interventions for Pollination
  • Nuclear Energy: Safety Measures to Minimize Radioactive Waste
  • Digital Divide: Ensuring Internet Access for Rural and Underserved Communities
  • Medical Errors: Utilizing Machine Learning for Improved Diagnosis

Local Problem and Solution Essay Topics

  • Combating Homelessness Through Affordable Housing Initiatives
  • Tackling Childhood Obesity via Local Healthy Eating Programs
  • Addressing Littering Through Comprehensive Recycling Programs
  • Reducing Air Pollution by Encouraging the Use of Electric Vehicles
  • Encouraging Local Business Growth Through Economic Development Initiatives
  • Mitigating Gang Violence via Mentorship and Outreach Programs
  • Dealing With Aging Infrastructure Through Public Works Projects
  • Solving Traffic Congestion via Public Transportation Improvement
  • Managing Urban Sprawl Through Effective Zoning Policies
  • Improving Local Education by Enhancing Teacher Training Programs
  • Overcoming Youth Unemployment Through Apprenticeship Schemes
  • Preventing Substance Abuse by Implementing School-Based Drug Education Programs
  • Alleviating Water Shortage Through Rainwater Harvesting Methods
  • Fostering Community Cohesion Through Neighborhood Social Events
  • Protecting Local Biodiversity via Conservation Programs
  • Mitigating the Risk of Floods Through Effective Drainage Systems
  • Reducing Noise Pollution by Implementing Strict Local Ordinances
  • Enhancing Public Safety via Neighborhood Watch Groups
  • Combating Food Insecurity Through Community Gardening Projects
  • Promoting Mental Health Awareness Through Local Wellness Initiatives

Problem and Solution Essay Topics About Family & Relations

  • Addressing Communication Barriers within the Family
  • Coping With Loss: Effective Strategies for Family Grief Management
  • Strategies for Handling Differences in Parenting Styles
  • Navigating the Challenges of Long-Distance Family Relationships
  • Mitigating Financial Stress and Its Impact on Family Dynamics
  • Parent-Child Relations: Overcoming the Struggle of Generational Gap
  • Developing Healthy Boundaries in Family Relationships
  • Managing Sibling Rivalry: Methods and Approaches
  • Promoting Mental Health Awareness in the Family Setting
  • Harmonizing Work-Life Balance: Impact on Family Relations
  • Tackling Substance Abuse: The Family’s Role in Recovery
  • Enhancing Family Relationships Through Shared Activities
  • Facilitating Effective Family Meetings: Fostering Open Dialogue
  • Overcoming Trust Issues in a Family: Steps Toward Healing
  • Addressing the Impact of Divorce on Children: Strategies for Parents
  • Nurturing Resilience in Children During a Family Crisis
  • Managing Elderly Care: Balancing Responsibilities Within the Family
  • Encouraging Constructive Conflict Resolution in Family Disputes
  • Understanding and Navigating Family Roles: Strategies for Healthy Dynamics

Problem and Solution Essay Topics for Government & Politics

  • Implementing Cybersecurity Measures to Counter Foreign Hacking Threats
  • Addressing Corruption Within Government Bodies Through Legislative Reforms
  • Strengthening Immigration Policies to Handle the Refugee Crisis
  • Improving Transparency in Campaign Financing for Fair Elections
  • Reconciling Economic Growth and Environmental Regulations for Sustainable Development
  • Developing Effective Diplomatic Strategies to Resolve International Conflicts
  • Adapting Public Health Policies for Better Pandemic Preparedness
  • Optimizing Tax Systems to Reduce Income Inequality
  • Enhancing Gun Control Legislation to Curb Violent Crimes
  • Bridging the Partisan Divide Through Political Education Initiatives
  • Streamlining Bureaucracy to Improve Public Service Efficiency
  • Redefining Federal-State Relationships to Enhance Local Governance
  • Shaping Media Policies for a Balanced Representation of Political Views
  • Reinforcing Civil Rights Legislation to Address Systemic Racism
  • Expanding Social Security Measures for the Aging Population
  • Proposing Reforms for the Electoral College to Reflect Popular Votes
  • Balancing National Security Concerns With Citizen Privacy Rights
  • Innovating Urban Planning Policies to Accommodate Population Growth
  • Addressing the School-to-Prison Pipeline Through Educational Reforms
  • Modifying Foreign Aid Policies to Boost Global Stability

Higher Education Problem and Solution Ideas

  • Higher Education as a Path Toward Economic and Social Mobility
  • The Pros and Cons of a University Education
  • Does the Lack of a College Degree Reduce One’s Economic Prospects?
  • Higher Education in the Era of Multiculturalism
  • The Case for Virtual Learning in Higher Education
  • Enhancing Accessibility: Solutions to Overcome Economic Barriers in Higher Education
  • Combatting Mental Health Issues: Implementing Comprehensive Counseling in Universities
  • Promoting Digital Literacy: Addressing the Technological Gap in College Students
  • Strengthening Student Engagement: Encouraging Active Participation in Online Learning
  • Modernizing Curricula: Aligning Course Content With Emerging Industry Trends
  • Enhancing Diversity: Implementing Strategies for Inclusive Admissions
  • Mitigating Student Debt: Proposing Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs
  • Expanding Global Perspectives: Incorporating Study Abroad Opportunities in Curriculum
  • Balancing Practical Skills: Ensuring Equilibrium Between Theory and Practice in Higher Education
  • Streamlining University Administration: Solutions for Improved Management Efficiency
  • Do Student Loans Lead to High College Enrolment?
  • The Importance of Student Loans
  • The Importance of College Fraternities for International College Students
  • The Value of a College Degree
  • Higher Education and the Labor Market

Mental Health Problem and Solution Prompts

  • The Reality of Anxiety and Depression in American Youth
  • Factors Responsible for Mental Disorders
  • The Strength and Weaknesses of the US Mental Health Care System
  • Mental Health and US Veterans
  • Exploring the Implications of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health
  • Optimizing Therapy Strategies for Depressed Adolescents
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
  • Cultivating Emotional Resilience: A Long-Term Solution to Mental Health Issues
  • Comparing Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Dissecting the Impact of Chronic Stress on Mental Well-Being
  • Strategies for Building Mental Health Literacy in Schools
  • Intervention Techniques for Preventing Self-Harm Among Youth
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Holistic Approaches to Battling Depression
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Substance Abuse and Mental Illness
  • Addressing the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health in the Workplace
  • Advancements in Teletherapy: Revolutionizing Mental Health Care Delivery
  • Understanding the Influence of Parental Mental Health on Children’s Development
  • The Importance of Family in the Fight Against Severe Depression
  • Mental Health and the Race Factor
  • The Evolution of Mental Health Disorders
  • Effective Interventions Against Mental Health Disorders
  • The Importance of Psychiatric Institutions
  • Social Workers and Community Mental Health Care

Problem and Solution Essay Topics on Environmental Pollution

  • Air Pollution and Public Health
  • What Leads to Water Pollution?
  • The Politics of Global Warming
  • Implementing Green Energy to Mitigate Air Pollution: Potential Approaches and Solutions
  • Tackling Plastic Waste: A Comprehensive Review of Biodegradable Alternatives
  • Water Contamination Challenges: Innovative Purification Methods as Effective Solutions
  • Noise Pollution in Urban Areas: The Role of Green Spaces in Sound Reduction
  • Combatting Deforestation: Exploring the Power of Reforestation and Sustainable Forestry
  • Confronting E-Waste: Encouraging Responsible Electronics Recycling and Disposal
  • Mitigating Agricultural Pollution: How Organic Farming Practices Could Be the Answer?
  • Oil Spills and Their Ecological Impacts: Exploring Advanced Cleanup Strategies
  • Acid Rain: Evaluating the Efficacy of Stricter Emission Regulations
  • Reducing Light Pollution: Effective Strategies for Dark Sky Preservation
  • Dealing With Overpopulation: The Connection to Environmental Stress and Potential Solutions
  • The Human Element in Environmental Pollution
  • Industries as Lead Agents in Air, Land, and Water Pollution
  • The Case for Environmental Protection and Conservation
  • The Economic and Social Benefits of Conserving the Environment
  • The Health Costs of Environmental Pollution
  • Youth and the Environment
  • The Danger of Particulate Matter

Social Media Problem and Solution Prompts

  • The Challenges of Evolving Social Networks
  • Negative Impacts of Social Media on Socialization
  • How Facebook and Twitter Have Redefined Communication?
  • Social Media and Social Activism
  • Addressing Cyberbullying: Prevention Strategies for Social Media Platforms
  • Eradicating Fake News: Implementing Fact-Checking Systems on Social Networks
  • Protecting Privacy: Establishing Effective Security Measures on Social Media
  • Tackling Addiction: Proposing Techniques to Limit Social Media Usage
  • Reducing Hate Speech: Role of AI in Moderating Content on Social Networks
  • Combating Body Image Issues: The Influence of Social Media on Self-perception
  • Empowering User Control: Building Customizable Privacy Settings for Social Media Platforms
  • Bridging the Digital Divide: Increasing Social Media Access for Underprivileged Communities
  • Ensuring Data Security: Enforcing Stronger Regulations on Personal Information on Social Networks
  • Fostering Healthy Conversations: Moderation Tools for Toxicity Reduction on Social Media
  • Social Media in Education
  • Effects of Social Media on Individuality
  • The Necessity of Parental Guidance in Teens’ Use of Social Media
  • The Future of Social Media Networks
  • How Social Media Affects the Home Environment?

Problem and Solution Essay Themes on Substance Use and Abuse

  • The Benefits of Group Therapy for Drug Addicts
  • What Leads to Drug Addiction?
  • The Social Environment and the Drug Problem
  • Effectiveness of Government Policies in the Fight Against Opioid Abuse
  • The Essence Group Therapy as Substance Use and Abuse Intervention
  • Examining the Role of Family Intervention in Battling Alcoholism
  • Exploring Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Drug Addiction Recovery
  • Preventive Measures for Adolescent Substance Abuse in Schools
  • Establishing Substance Abuse Programs in Professional Sports Leagues
  • Technological Advances in Treating Substance Abuse Disorders
  • Optimizing Community Resources for Addressing the Opioid Epidemic
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Rehabilitative Programs in Prisons
  • Proposing Strategies for Reducing Prescription Drug Misuse
  • The Potential of Holistic Therapies in Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Combatting Substance Abuse: The Importance of Mental Health Awareness
  • Role of Public Policy in Curbing the Rising E-Cigarette Use Among Teens
  • Therapeutic Communities: An Underutilized Solution for Long-term Addiction Recovery
  • Addressing Substance Abuse Through Workplace Policies and Programs
  • The Health Implications of Substance Use and Abuse
  • Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
  • The Case for Medical Marijuana
  • The Case for Recreational Marijuana
  • Causes of Substance Use Disorders

Problem and Solution Essay Topics on Endangered Species

  • The Importance of Conserving Endangered Species
  • The Value of the Natural Ecosystem in Protecting Endangered Species
  • The Protection of Endangered Species: The Role of the Government
  • Overcoming the Deforestation Crisis: Solutions for Endangered Amazon Rainforest Species
  • Illegal Wildlife Trade: Law Enforcement Measures to Protect Endangered Species
  • Reversing Habitat Loss: Innovative Techniques to Safeguard Endangered Aquatic Species
  • Addressing Climate Change: Mitigation Strategies to Protect Polar Species
  • Combatting Poaching: Implementing Advanced Tracking Technologies for Endangered Species
  • Advancing Captive Breeding Programs: An Effective Approach to Save Critically Endangered Species
  • Reducing Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Solutions for Preserving Endangered Large Mammals
  • Promoting Eco-Tourism: Its Role in Enhancing Endangered Species Conservation
  • Improving Legislative Frameworks: The Impact on Endangered Species Protection
  • Strengthening International Cooperation: Joint Efforts for Endangered Species Survival
  • Utilizing Genomic Technology: Implications for Endangered Species Recovery
  • The Protection of Endangered Species: The Importance of Game Reserves and National Game Parks
  • Endangered Species and Global Tourism
  • Endangered Species and Climate Change
  • Human Encroachment as a Threat to Endangered Species
  • The Importance of Raising Awareness About Endangered Species
  • The Protection of Endangered Species: The Role of the Community
  • Endangered Species: Policy Failure or Natural Phenomenon?

Obesity Problem and Solution Assignment

  • The Health Effects of Obesity
  • Causes of Childhood Obesity
  • Obesity and the Food Culture
  • Evaluating the Impact of Fast Food Consumption on Obesity Rates
  • Exercise Programs as a Strategy for Managing Obesity
  • Analyzing Governmental Policies for Obesity Control
  • Role of Schools in Fostering Healthy Eating Habits to Combat Obesity
  • Examining Genetic Factors Contributing to Obesity
  • Obesity and the Fast-Food Craze
  • The Efficiency of Bariatric Surgery in Treating Morbid Obesity
  • Technology’s Influence on Sedentary Lifestyles Leading to Obesity
  • Promoting Active Lifestyles: Reducing Obesity in Children
  • Obesity and Self-Esteem
  • Socioeconomic Status as a Determinant of Obesity Risk
  • The Stigma Attached to Obesity: Psychological Implications
  • Nutritional Education’s Contribution to Obesity Prevention
  • Obesity and Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Obesity and the Social Environment
  • The Problem of Obesity in America
  • Obesity and Parenting
  • Implementing Workplace Wellness Programs to Address Obesity
  • Urban Planning and Its Role in Encouraging Physical Activity
  • Obesity in Adolescence

Problem and Solution Essay Topics on Criminal Justice Systems

  • The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Criminal Justice System
  • Is the US Criminal Justice System Fair?
  • Racial Disparity in the US Prison System
  • The Problem of Prison Overpopulation in the US
  • The Role of the Criminal Justice System in Addressing Runaway Crime
  • The Burden of the Criminal Justice System on the Government
  • Is the Role of the Criminal Justice System to Rehabilitate or Punish?
  • Is Incarceration the Solution to Juvenile Delinquency?
  • The Case for Diversionary Programs as an Alternative to Incarceration
  • Recidivism: Causes and Solutions

Examples of Problem and Solution Themes on Homelessness

  • The Problem of Homelessness in Major World Cities
  • Homelessness as a Problem of the Government
  • Implementing Housing First Initiatives to Alleviate Chronic Homelessness
  • Tackling Substance Abuse Issues Among the Homeless Through Rehabilitation Programs
  • Strengthening Mental Health Services to Aid the Homeless Population
  • Easing Access to Employment Opportunities for Homeless Individuals
  • Homelessness as a Problem in the Community
  • Providing Financial Education for Sustaining Independent Living Among the Formerly Homeless
  • Increasing Availability of Affordable Housing to Reduce Homelessness Rates
  • Offering Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions for the Homeless
  • Enabling Education and Skills Training to Improve Employability Among the Homeless
  • Enhancing Social Services to Protect Homeless Children and Youth
  • Strengthening Legal Support for Homeless Individuals Facing Discrimination
  • Developing Community-Based Solutions to Combat Veteran Homelessness
  • Homelessness and Poor Government Policies
  • Homelessness as Evidence of Economic Inequality
  • The Link Between Homelessness and Mental Health
  • Factors Underlying the Increasing Number of Homeless People in America
  • The Solution to the Homelessness Problem
  • Is Homelessness a Result of Policy Failure or Inadequate Houses?
  • Is Affordable Housing the Solution to the Problem of Homelessness?

Problem and Solution Ideas on Globalization

  • Is Globalization to Blame for Increased Cases of Corporate Fraud?
  • Globalization and Growth of Multinational Corporations
  • Balancing Global Integration With Cultural Identity: Approaches to Preserve Traditional Values
  • Harnessing Globalization for Sustainable Development: Mitigating Environmental Impact
  • Globalization and Inequality: Policies to Bridge the Economic Gap
  • Cybersecurity in a Globalized World: Tackling International Cybercrime
  • Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Market: Solving Cross-Border Legal Issues
  • Streamlining Global Supply Chains: Ensuring Efficiency and Reliability
  • Adapting Education for Globalization: Preparing Students for an Interconnected World
  • Fair Trade: Solutions for Equal Opportunities in a Global Economy
  • Globalization and Employment: Strategies to Overcome Job Insecurity
  • Privacy in a Connected World: Protecting Personal Information Globally
  • Controlling Global Disease Spread: Public Health Strategies for a Globalized Society
  • Globalization and International Trade
  • Is There a Link Between Globalization and Child Labor?
  • The Pros and Cons of Globalization
  • Should Governments Worry About Borderless Trade?
  • The Case for Internationalizing a Business Enterprise
  • Globalization and Foreign Policy
  • Is Globalization to Blame for Today’s Consumerism Culture?
  • What Is the Economic Benefit of Globalization for the Developing Countries?

Types of Problem and Solution Essays

The goal of a problem-solution essay topic is to identify a problem, its underlying cause(s), and the final solution(s). For example, these three features define the basic characteristics of problem and solution papers, which come in three different types. Basically, the first type involves essays that outline a problem and solution topic, meaning they analyze issues about this problem and its causes and recommend a solution. Then, the second type concerns essays that describe the cause of a problem and its solution. Also, they do not focus on a problem but on its causes. Further on, the third type relates to essays that address a solution only. In turn, after outlining a problem in the introduction part, the main text focuses on analyzing the answer to this issue. 

Constructing Problem and Solution Essay Topics: Step-by-Step Guide

In academic writing , students follow an essay structure when organizing different aspects of texts, including the introduction, body, and conclusion sections. For example, it is standard for students to use a thesis statement in the introduction part to provide the main argument of their texts. When constructing a problem and solution essay topic, students create topics that guide the focus of their writing. Unlike in other articles, topics in problem and solution papers are properly constructed in the introduction section. In other words, while students may use a short topic as the title of their text, the full construction of the theme is in the introduction part. As noted in the previous section on examples of problem and solution essay topics, authors clarify the purpose of their writing in the introduction section.

Skeleton of Problem and Solution Essay Topics

In a problem and solution paper, students analyze a problem and propose a solution. Basically, problems that they choose to analyze should indicate some challenges, but such issues should be possible to resolve. In turn, a skeleton of a problem and solution essay topic has the following characteristics:

  • A description of a problem that requires a solution.
  • A thesis statement that defines a problem and offers a real solution
  • Identification of several possible solutions.
  • Evidence in a form of specific facts, details, examples, and reasons in favor of a particular solution.
  • An analytical tone.

Altering Problem and Solution Essay Topics for Different Purposes

By considering a skeleton of a problem and solution essay topic, students must emphasize the basic characteristics in the introduction part of their essays. In essence, authors address three issues when constructing a topic in a problem and solution paper. For example, these elements are a problem, a cause, and a solution. In this case, everything else that scholars write, including the thesis, evidence, and analysis, revolves around these three issues. Therefore, when writing different problem and solution works, all students need to do is alter the approach that they take in constructing a topic. Concerning a problem, they have to look at real issues and situations about what they intend to write. Regarding a cause, writers have to look at real reasons for a problem, and, about a solution, they have to look at what has been done or has not been done to address this problem.

Template for a Problem and Solution Essay Topic

Like all standard types of essays , a problem and solution paper has a template or structure. Basically, the key features of this template are five sections that enable writers to address each element of a skeleton highlighted above. For example, these sections include the introduction, problem, solution, and conclusion parts. Thus, a simple essay outline for problem and solution essay topics should appear as follows:

Content in Each of the Sections

As indicated, all sections of a problem and solution essay give writers a structure that addresses the skeleton’s key features. In summary, the introduction part outlines the writer’s objective captured in the thesis statement. Then, the problem part describes the problem that authors address in their texts. As indicated, students discuss issues and situations about what they intend to write. Here, scholars can use paragraphs to outline some causes of a problem. Further on, the solution part describes what authors perceive to be a solution to a problem. Also, they can use different paragraphs to argue for different solutions. In turn, the conclusion part must cover a summary of a problem and a solution outlined in the introduction section and discussed in body paragraphs.

I. Introduction Paragraph

Like a standard essay, the introduction of a problem and solution essay should give readers an idea about the writer’s mission. As indicated previously, students can not capture all the topic’s skeleton features in the paper’s title. As such, the introduction part is where authors address important aspects, concluding with the thesis statement. In turn, thesis statements must identify problems, their causes, and valid solutions.

II. Problem Section

As part of the main text (body), a problem section is where students delve into a problem and its cause(s). Here, writers use an analytical tone to highlight researched issues that pertain to this problem. Also, a common approach for authors is to offer background information or context of a problem. In turn, such an approach enables scholars to go into detail about situations, such as failures of government policies, which underpin the existence of an issue.

III. Solution Part

The solution section is part of the main text. Here, students overview the main problem to provide a context for the actual solution. In essence, the overview involves reiterating the critical message of the thesis statement. After that, authors highlight what they see as the solution to the problem. Also, if several issues underpin the problem’s existence, writers need to use different paragraphs to recommend appropriate solutions.

IV. Conclusion Paragraph

The conclusion section is the part of an academic text that enables students to conclude their writing. Here, authors restate the thesis statement. In turn, this action involves highlighting the key features of the skeleton of the problem and solution essay topic. Besides restating the thesis, writers offer their personal concluding thoughts about the problem, its cause(s), and recommended solution(s). As a result, such opinions may include advocating for policy reform, legislation, or research.

Summing Up on Problem and Solution Essay Topics

Writing problem and solution essay topics is an academic exercise that allows students to use research and analytical skills. Basically, the main goal of such an article is to highlight a problem and how to resolve it. In this case, writers need to use an analytical tone in addressing this issue. Here, students research a specific problem to discover its causes, and, then, relying on research findings, they propose a real solution. In essence, these activities underscore the importance of constructing problem and solution essay topics. Hence, students need to master the following tips:

  • highlight a problem that needs a resolution;
  • construct a thesis statement to define a problem, its causes, and a solution;
  • identify several possible solutions if a problem has several underlying causes;
  • use evidence in a form of specific facts, details, examples, and reasons to recommend a particular solution.
  • follow an analytical tone to investigate a problem and its causes and recommend a solution.

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List of 111 Problem and Solution Essay Topics Has Got You Covered

problem and solution essay topics

If you are struggling to pick your problem and solution essay topic , you are welcome to proceed reading this article, which will not only clarify everything you need to know about this type of essays, but will also provide a categorized list of 111 attention-grabbing and creative topics.

What Is a Problem and Solution Essay?

Writing a problem and solution essay might seem challenging at first, but once you’ve got your topic, you’re golden. The reason is that there are basically only two major things you will need to write about in your problem and solution essay, which makes it so much easier to research information and structure the paper. Problem and solution essay structure and format are quite specific and they are useful to know before you start writing. Let us cover the concepts of problem and solution at first.

Problem is a question that requires solution. Anything that demands settling is a problem, which means you have a whole lot of issues to choose from.

Solution is a process or action that settles the problem. Problem and solution go together like peas and carrots.

  Questions that contain topics for problem and solution essays usually start with “how?”

Problem and Solution Essays Topics List

In this article you will find 10 major categories of topics, which will make it quick and easy for you to decide what type of problem and solution you would like to focus on in your essay. Here is a list of these topic categories:

  • Social issues
  • Crime issues
  • Economic issues
  • Cultural issues
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Political issues
  • Health issues
  • Environment issues
  • For college students

  Below you will find 111 topics for each category that are truly topical and interesting at the moment.

Social Issues

social issues topics

  • How to improve privacy in digital society?
  • How to create a fair and ethical immigration system?
  • How can the issue of racial discrimination be solved in our society?
  • What are the ways of reducing gender pay gap?
  • How can the problem of cyberbullying be solved?
  • How can body shaming issue be solved?
  • What can our society do to reduce the impact of gender roles?
  • How can body positivity movement be prevented from going too far?
  • How to encourage people to adopt children?
  • How can domestic violence be reduced in our society?
  • What are the ways of eliminating domestic violence against elderly?
  • How is it possible to control and regulate teenage pregnancy issue?

Crime Issues

  • How can the issue of gangs be brought under control?
  • How can the increasing problem of mass shootings be solved?
  • What are the solutions to gun violence problem?
  • What are the ways to prevent white collar crime?
  • How can police brutality be eliminated?
  • How is it possible to eliminate the association between poverty and crime?
  • What are the ways to prevent large corporations from polluting the environment?
  • What are the most effective ways of reducing driving under influence (DUI) rates?
  • What are the ways to reduce racial violence?
  • How can the issue of cyber crime be solved?
  • What are the ways to solve real estate fraud problem?
  • How can wrongful imprisonment cases be minimized?

Economic Issues

economic issues topics

  • How can the problem of unemployment be settled in the long run?
  • How can monopolies be brought under control?
  • How can SMEs be promoted by the government and society?
  • How can technologies be used to reduce waste?
  • How can domestic economy be stimulated without limiting imports?
  • How can different types of unemployment be solved?
  • How can the issue of consumer debt be reduced?
  • How can domestic goods and services remain compatible in global markets?
  • What are the ways to control inflation?
  • How can tourism rate be increased?

Cultural Issues

  • How can cultural appropriation be reduced or eliminated?
  • How can cultural diversity be promoted in organizations?
  • How is it possible to increase the number of films that pass Bechdel test?
  • What are possible solutions to consumerism?
  • How can detrimental impact of fast fashion industry on consumerism be reduced?
  • How can the culture of throw-away society be eliminated?
  • How can people learn respect for other cultures?
  • How can the issue of ageism be solved in our culture?
  • What are the ways of encouraging cultural exchange?
  • What are the ways of reducing cultural impact of the ideal body image promoted in the media
  • What are the solutions to cultural issues in managing culturally diverse workforce?

Interpersonal Relationships

  • How can a person go out of abusive relationships?
  • How can trust between children and parents be built?
  • How can people fight racial discrimination on the level of interpersonal relationships in everyday life?
  • How to develop confidence?
  • How can negative effects of social media be reduced in face-to-face communication?
  • How can we as individuals increase technical literacy across all ages?
  • How can we as individuals support the elderly?
  • What are the ways to solve the issue of marital rape?
  • How can the issue of overprotective parents be solved?

Political Issues

political issues topics

  • How can piracy be stopped?
  • How can military threats in the world be reduced through diplomacy?
  • How can the government make education more affordable?
  • How can the government improve the quality of life for the disabled?
  • What are the ways of eliminating child labor?
  • What are legal ways to stop human trafficking?
  • What steps should the government take to solve the issue of immigrant assimilation?
  • How is is possible to increase the number of voters during elections?
  • How can legislation limit the sources of campaign financing for political candidates?

Health Issues

health issues topics

  • How can the issue of obesity be solved?
  • What are the ways of reducing child obesity?
  • How can people be educated about healthy food?
  • How can overconsumption of sugar be reduced?
  • What are the ways to promote physical activity and sports?
  • How can open discussion of mental health issues be encouraged in our society?
  • What are the ways of regulating the risks of increasing rates of cosmetic plastic surgery?
  • What are the ways of solving stress-related health issues?
  • How can the problem of substance abuse be solved?
  • How is it possible to minimize the issue of STDs?
  • What are the ways of reducing the number of tobacco consumption?

Environment Issues

environment issues topics

  • How can green cars solve the issue of air pollution?
  • How can the problem of greenwashing be solved?
  • What are the ways to reduce plastic pollution?
  • What are the ways we can recycle as individuals?
  • How can fracking be brought under control?
  • How can deforestation be reduced?
  • What are the ways of waste management we need to implement as a society?
  • How can reducing biodiversity be improved?
  • What are the ways of reducing population density in urban areas?
  • What are possible solutions to the issue of overpopulation and resource depletion?
  • What are the ways of transferring to alternative energy sources?
  • How can production process externalities be minimized?
  • What are the ways to solve the issue of landfills?
  • How can lack of clean drinking water be solved?
  • What are the ways of solving the issue of disruptive students?
  • How can schools improve social programs, such as art?
  • How can schools improve school security systems to ensure safety of students and teachers?
  • How can schools promote tolerance?
  • How is it possible to eliminate bullying in schools?
  • How can schools contribute to solving the issue of gender discrimination?
  • How can schools contribute to solving the issue of racial discrimination?
  • How can schools contribute to the solution of the issue of suicide?
  • What are the ways of reducing cheating?
  • How can schools encourage students to be lifelong learners?
  • How can schools adjust their education programs to the requirements of modern society (e.g. technical literacy)?

For College Students

topics for college students

  • How can the issue of student loans be solved?
  • How to increase efficiency of studying in college?
  • What are the ways college student can choose their major?
  • How to avoid procrastination in college?
  • What are the ways of avoiding cheating?
  • How to control the level of stress in college?
  • What are the ways to maintain healthy diet while studying in college?
  • How can colleges adjust their programs to the requirements of current labor market?
  • What are the ways the government can support college education?
  • How can college students avoid substance abuse?
  • How can college students avoid alcohol abuse?
  • What are the ways to make college education more affordable?

Problem and Solution Essay Structure

Now that you have selected your topic, you may proceed to learning the problem and solution essay format and structure. As soon as you read these structural elements, you will know how to write a problem and solution text:

  • Introduction of the problem

This part of the essay will uncover the issue you write about and its causes. Make sure to explain why this issue is topical and requires settlement. Also, you can review current situation with this problem and evaluate past steps made to solve it. For instance, use OECD and Greenpeace websites to research about environmental issues and World Bank resource to find out about demographics.

  • Discussion of possible solutions of the problem

  Research and discuss all possibilities available to settle the problem. This part of the essay should fully answer to the question “how to solve the problem?” and provide evidence. To research ways of problem solution, you can turn to news agency websites, such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and good old Wikipedia.

Summarize your essay here and restate your thesis. Evaluate the ways of problem solution you have found.

Problem and Solution Speech

Problem and solution speech

The problem and solution topics listed above will also make great topics for your problem and solution speech.

While preparing your problem and solution speech, you will find these tips useful:

  • Form your topic as a question that will help you communicate and engage with the audience
  • Include 4 major structural elements in your speech : introduction of the problem and its causes, discussion of solution, visuals, and conclusion.
  • Make sure to prepare visual aid that will support your speech
  • Avoid reading whole passages from your speech – pick the most essential information and present it to your audience
  • Choose a problem that you personally care about – this is how you will enjoy writing problem and solution essay and perform better too!
  • Research the causes of the problem you write about to have better understanding of it
  • Any problem has multiple aspects to it and make sure to cover them all
  • Focus on the ways to reduce or eliminate the problem.  If you feel like a problem you focus on, can’t be eliminated completely, it doesn’t mean nothing can be done.

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Best 50 problem solution essay topics on web.

August 14, 2019

Problem Solution Essay Topics

The problem and solution essay topics you find online have been used over and over again by most students. Every problem solution essay topics list has been downloaded tens of thousands of times. Chances are, your classmates will pick some of these topics as well. Do you want your research paper to have the same topic as the essays of three of your classmates? Probably not! We have a solution: our list of the best 50 problem solution essay topics in 2022. They’re updated frequently, and you can use them for free!

Don’t Know How To Write A Problem Solution Essay?

But before we get to the problem solution essay topics for college students, let’s discuss this type of assignment. In most cases, students don’t know how to write a problem solution essay. As its name suggests, the problems solution essay is a writing assignment where you need to find a problem relevant to modern society and then figure out ways to solve it. You need to use your critical thinking to find the best solutions and then explain academically why your solutions are the best. Remember, you need to be very accurate in your writing and support your statements with references. You may be able to write about just one solution if it is complex enough. However, for most issues, we recommend three solutions because this number works best with our proposed problem solution essay structure.

The Simple Problem Solution Essay Structure

The simple way to organize your problem solution essay ideas is by using the five-paragraph essay structure. Here is how it looks like:

  • You start your problem solution essay with a captivating introduction that presents the problem (or the situation).
  • Then, you write three body paragraphs, each discussing a single solution.
  • You wrap everything up with a strong conclusion that reiterates the solutions and emphasizes why they are the best.

Now you see why we’ve advised you to find not just one solution to the problem, but three. If you have a more complex topic, like a breathing problem solution, you can write more than three body paragraphs. After all, there are at least five effective solutions to this problem that we can think of. And remember, always start your writing with a problem solution essay outline. You can create it in just 10 minutes by doing some research, and it will most surely prove to be invaluable. It will keep you organized and on topic – that’s guaranteed. Now that you know how to write a problem solution essay, it’s time to talk about topics.

Why Do You Need Our Problem Solution Essay Topics?

We know you’ve received a lot of different advice about writing problem solution essays. We agree, reading at least one good problem solution essay example is very important. It shows you how to organize your writing, how to present your problem and your solutions, and how to support your statements. However, we feel that good problem solution essay topics are even more important. Think of it this way: no matter how well you write, if the topic is boring, your audience will eventually get bored. It’s just a matter of time. But when you come up with amazing, captivating, and breathtaking topics for problem solution essay, your writing instantly becomes much more interesting.

Most people, including your professor, want to learn new things. They’re not interested in solutions for a simple cold problem. But they most surely are interested in solutions to the greenhouse effect – or in solutions to the obesity issue. And rest assured – there are plenty of topics even more interesting than these. Bottom line, if you want to impress from the moment you read the introduction and the thesis statement, your problem needs to pique the interest of your professor instantly. And you will get bonus points as a reward – guaranteed!

Get Free Problem And Solution Essay Topics Right Here

Remember that for each problem, you need to find at least three solutions and discuss them. You can discuss more than three if the problem is complex. However, you should avoid presenting just one solution. In most cases, this will make your professor think that you didn’t care to spend much time writing the essay. You may get penalized for this, so be aware.

And now, here are the 50 problem and solution essay topics 2022 you have been waiting for:

Problem Solution Speech Topics

  • How to tackle police brutality in America.
  • The best solutions that prevent suicides (the permanent solution to a temporary problem).
  • How can we stop mass shootings?
  • The solution to the illegal immigration problem.
  • Here is how we can stop sexual abuse in schools.
  • The policies that can stop child labor.

Problem Solution Essay Topics For College

  • How can we solve the student loans problem?
  • The best ways to control stress in college.
  • College education can be affordable. Here is how!
  • Substance abuse can be prevented on college campuses.
  • How teachers can prevent students from cheating on exams.
  • The best way to become a more efficient student.

Education Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • Schools have the means to prevent suicides.
  • The effective methods that prevent cheating in school.
  • How can schools keep up with technology?
  • Schools can eliminate bullying. Here is how!
  • The solution to racial discrimination in the US education system.
  • The solution to gender discrimination in the US education system.

Best Relationship Topics

  • Here is how you can become confident in just three steps!
  • The easy solutions to an abusive relationship.
  • How can we solve the problem with overprotective parents?
  • How can we stop sexting in high school?
  • The best ways to move out of the “friend zone.”
  • Helping a depressed friend may be easier than you think.

Social Problems Topics

  • How can we eliminate racism in the modern world?
  • Ways to deal with illegal immigrants on the border line.
  • We can improve literacy in the United States.
  • The simple solutions to the huge human trafficking problem.
  • Divorce can be prevented. Here is how!
  • Solutions to the homeless people problem in the US.

College Life Topics

  • Here is how you decide on your major quickly.
  • Do you have problems with your roommate? You can solve them!
  • Here is how you instantly become an A+ student.
  • Colleges can be safer: Real solutions.
  • Why is college so expensive? Any solutions?

Crime Issues

  • How can we solve the domestic violence issue?
  • Cyberbullying can be prevented by making it a crime.
  • The solution to out-of-control gangs in the United States.
  • We can prevent racial violence. Here is how!
  • Here is how we stop people from polluting the rivers.

Economic Problem Solution Topics

  • Unemployment is not difficult to solve, actually.
  • Ways to increase the tourism rate in California.
  • The simple solutions to our waste problems.
  • The simple way to reduce consumer debt in America

Health Issues

  • Here is how you stop overeating sugar.
  • Ways to prevent substance abuse in teenagers.
  • How parents can easily promote sports to their children.
  • Child obesity is a major problem, but it has a simple solution.
  • The best alternatives to plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes.

Use Our Great Topics Today

The problem solution essay topics you choose for your academic papers are very important. You will write essays faster if you choose smart topics. You will get bonus points if the topics are interesting. You will not have to do extensive research if you pick a topic you know something about. Pick any topic on our problem solution essay topics list and use it for free . We are just happy to help!

It’s time to nail your grades! Get your 20% discount on the problem solution writing assignment with promo “ ewriting20 ” – and enjoy your college life!

Qualitative Research Topics

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100 Good Problem Solution Essay Topics for Firm Writing

The problem-solution essay is a popular academic assignment. It is a form of persuasive writing where you have to explain the problem to your readers, convince them that the problem is significant and worth solving, present your solution, and refute any possible counterarguments that you can foresee.

A good problem and solution essay suggests an actionable and efficient solution. It doesn't have to be easy, but it must be realistic and possible to implement. Keep that in mind while brainstorming problem solution essay topics.

The composition depends on your essay's volume. However, there are some necessary elements.

  • Introduction to the problem

In your essay's introduction, lay the problem out before your readers. If the word count allows it, you can add some background information, such as the cause of the problem, contributing issues, and its effects on a community. Include a short solution proposal as a thesis statement – just outline it in one or two sentences.

  • Explain the significance of the problem

In the body of your essay, explore the problem and the solution you propose in detail. Present relevant research data to reinforce the importance of the issues at hand. Why should it be solved? Why should your audience care? How will the solution benefit everyone? Depending on the nature of the problem you've chosen, you can build your arguments on logic and statistical data or appeal to your audience's emotions by sharing a relatable human-interest story.

  • Detail the solution you propose

Depending on the problem and word limit, you can propose several solutions. If that's the case, make sure you explore each answer in a different paragraph. Alternatively, if you have chosen to examine one solution, give each reason why this specific solution is good in a separate section.

  • Be practical

Your solution doesn't have to be a step-by-step business plan with every little thing provided for, but a healthy dose of pragmatism never hurts. If your solution requires funding, think of where the funds can be procured. What non-profit organizations can you involve in your project? What is the approximate timeline of the project? And so on.

  • Be persuasive

Don't forget that your goal is to persuade the audience that the problem is worth solving and that your solution is the most efficient. Appeal to any successful implementations of the solution if it was carried out before. If this is a new and original proposition, you may have to build your case on logical arguments. Cite any relevant data, expert opinion, studies, statistics, etc., as evidence. Explain why you are convinced your solution will be effective.

  • End on a strong note

In your concluding paragraph, reiterate the gravity of the problem and reaffirm your solution's importance by putting it into a broader context. Recap your most significant arguments for the answer you've proposed and outline the steps that should be taken immediately. End with a call to action or with a thought-provoking rhetorical question that will make your audience agree with you. For example, "Wouldn't we all benefit from living in a fairer society?" or "Isn't human life the most important value we should strive to protect?"

As you can see, writing a problem and solution essay is not rocket science. If you have basic essay-writing skills and have ever dealt with research and persuasive writing, you will do just fine.

However, for your essay to be a success, you must choose the appropriate topic you can handle. Here is where we can help. Below you will find 100 topics for problem solution essays grouped by discipline. Some of them are interdisciplinary, so if you don't find what you need in a corresponding section, look in others. You may find something suitable there. The scale skews on the larger side, so feel free to narrow the topic down if you need something less ambitious.

Note that some of the suggestions below are linked to full samples from our free database – check them out! Already written essays are illustrative, which can be more instructive than guides. However, if the topic you like isn't linked, or you have your original idea you wish to see explored, turn to our essay writing service . We will prepare a customized sample for your following all the instructions – from word count to the tone of voice.

Problem Solution Topic Suggestions on Economics and Business

This subject area is one of the most popular for problem solution essay topics: from hands-on decisions on staff and marketing to global issues of financial markets. Start exploring the field with these topics:

  • Gaining Strategic Advantage Through Customer Value
  • Problems in the acquisition of the CRM
  • Employee Attraction and Retention
  • The Fiscal Cliff Crisis and the Solution
  • Organizational Development and Change
  • Staff Communication Problem
  • Wastage and Embezzlement of Funds in an Organization
  • Ways of Gaining a Competitive Edge in Overcrowded Markets
  • Addressing Problematic Links in Your Supply Chain and Taking Social and Environmental Responsibility
  • Reputation Management in the Age of Social Media Influencers and Instant Feedback

Sociology Problem Solution Speech Topics

Strive to eradicate inequality? Dream of improving life for your local community? Hone your problem-solving skills on these sociology topics.

  • Income Inequality
  • Burglary in Your Neighborhood
  • Child Abuse
  • Crime in the Community
  • Keeping Kids Safe From Violence in Schools
  • Consumption and Food Safety
  • Sexual Assault on Campuses
  • Accumulated National Student Debt
  • Incel Subculture and Mass Shootings
  • Bringing Down Unemployment Rates in Your Area

Technology Problem Solution Essay Topics for College Students

Problem-solving in technology requires you to stay one step ahead of the curve – often foreseeing the problem even before it arises. Prepare your analytic skills for the future with these topics.

  • Linear and Integer Programming Modeling
  • Design Problem Solutions via Singleton Pattern
  • Problem Solving Using Microsoft Excel
  • A Solution to Water Cooling System Issues in the Office
  • Intelligent Lighting Condition to Solve Rising Energy Expenses
  • Improvement of Dynamic Image Recognition for Self-Driving Vehicles
  • Increasing Dexterity for Robotic Manpower
  • Cloud Storage Crunch and Cleanup
  • Technical Solutions for Organ Transplantation
  • Distributed Manufacturing for Production Decentralization

Law and Criminal Justice Problem Solutions Topics

This area is ripe with the most challenging problems and ethical dilemmas rooted in politics, social issues, and psychology. Can you propose a fair solution to these often controversial problems?

  • Felon Disenfranchisement in America
  • Reducing the Growing Rate of Black on Black Crime in Baltimore City
  • Effective Police Supervision
  • Rehabilitation vs. Incarceration for Juvenile Offenders
  • Action Plan For Addressing Political Issues
  • Racial and Gender Discrimination in Drug Courts
  • Racial Profiling and Police Brutality
  • Ways to Counteract Human Trafficking and Forced Labor
  • Inmate Abuse by Correction Officers
  • Reducing Violence Against Homeless People

Environment Problem and Solution Essay Topics

Preserving our beautiful planet in a state fit to be a home to humanity for generations to come is one of the most pressing issues today. Try your best with these topics. Who knows, maybe your ideas will save the world?

  • Reducing Waste by Upcycling
  • Air Pollution from Cars and its Impact on Global Warming
  • Climate Change as a Man-Made Problem, and its Solutions
  • Grape Phylloxera, Daktulosphaira Vitifoliae
  • Deforestation
  • How to Make Our Buildings Green
  • Overconsumption in Fashion and Textile Waste
  • Fracking, Its Effects on the Environment, and the Alternatives
  • Wildlife Endangered by Farming and Development
  • Light Pollution and Its Effects on Wildlife

Media and Communications Problem Solution Essay Topics List

We live in a watershed moment in the history of media and communications. As exciting as they are, these times always come with a host of challenges that usually accompany paradigm shifts of such a tectonic scale. You are the generation destined to grapple with problems that didn't even exist some ten years ago. Are you up to it? Try your ingenuity with these topics!

  • Newspapers as a Dying Media
  • Usage of Mobile Phones While Driving: Its Effects and Solutions
  • The Problem of Anonymous Speech Online
  • Managing Information Overload
  • Cybersecurity of Personal Information
  • Modern Problem of the Historical Context for a Right to Bear Arms
  • Online Predators and Minors on Popular Apps
  • Echo Chamber Effect of Social Media Algorithms
  • Effects of Online Dating: Consumerism Mentality in Relationships
  • Social Media Role in Terrorist Organizations

Problem Solution Essay Ideas for Nursing and Health Care

Health care has progressed far in recent years, prolonging life and improving its quality. However, the sky is the limit for such a noble endeavor. We urge you to think about these problems and push the boundaries of what is possible.

  • The Problem of Obesity Across the Globe
  • Problems of Healthcare in America
  • Reducing the Nurse Turnover and Improving Nursing Satisfaction
  • The Issues with Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) Procedure and Possible Improvements
  • Ways to Reduce Catheter Association Urinary Tract Infections (CA-UTI)
  • The ER that Became the Emergency
  • Food Additives and Unhealthiness
  • Lack of Universal Quality Healthcare
  • Ways to Reduce Consumption of Tabaco and Its Substitutes by Teenagers
  • Adverse Effects of Added Sugar in the Diet and Ways to Reduce the Consumption

Psychology Problem-Solving Essay Topics

The human mind is one of the greatest mysteries of creation. We have only begun to understand how it works and what it is capable of. Care to explore the frontiers of gnosis? Start with these topics.

  • Stress in the Mid-West Region of the United States
  • Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Couple's Therapy
  • Critique of Conflict Management Styles
  • Reducing Early Readmission Rates in Mentally Ill Patients By Implementing Multi-Component Transition Care Plan
  • The Contribution of a Strength-Based Approach to Counselling
  • Teenage Suicide and Possible Prevention Measures
  • Work-Life Balance and Emotional Burnout
  • Mental Health Effects of LGBTQ Youth Discrimination
  • Influence of Screen Time and Interactivity on Early Cognitive Development
  • Adverse Effects of Noise Pollution on Mental Health and Ways to Alleviate the Problem

Topics for Problem Solution Essay on Politics and International Relations

Politics is one of the trickiest subjects to handle. Polarizing and controversial, it encompasses every aspect of our existence – from money to moral values. Every solution to a political problem has wide ramifications that are sometimes impossible to foresee. Choosing the one that will satisfy everyone and will have primarily positive outcomes in the future is as tricky as treading on the edge of the sword. Care to try?

  • The Solution to Syrian Conflict
  • How Ordinary Men Became Genocidal Killers in the Holocaust
  • Solution for the Problem of Undocumented Immigration
  • European Business and Politics Are Too Close Are Often in Closed and Corrupt Relationships
  • How Critical Theory Improves The Study Of International Politics
  • Non-State Factors in Global Politics
  • Globalization and Violent Radicalization
  • Sustainable Development of Global Systems
  • Viable Theory of International Democracy
  • Peace-Making in Destabilized Regions

Problem Solution Paper Topics on Education

Solving one problem in education prevents a myriad of new issues from ever arising. This is a genuinely worthwhile endeavor, don't you think? Try solving one of these and put a stone into the edifice of a better future.

  • Implementing Multicultural Education
  • Description And Feasibility Of Solution To In The Inheritors
  • Elementary School Quality Physical Education
  • China's Problem With Graduate Unemployment
  • Promotion of Art Education in Saudi Arabia by New Curriculum development
  • Drawbacks of Fixed Mindset and Ways of Encouraging Growth Mindset in Older Students
  • Persisting Stereotypes and Gender Bias in the Classroom
  • Increasing Flexibility of Education Budgets for Sustainability and Innovation
  • Updating and Personalizing Professional Development
  • Developing Best Practices to Select and Evaluate Educational Digital Content

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart came to WOWESSAYS™ with a mission to put together and then slice and dice our vast practical experience in crafting all kinds of academic papers. Jana is an aspired blogger with rich expertise in psychology, digital learning tools, and creative writing. In this blog, she willingly shares tricks of pencraft and mind-altering ideas about academic writing any student will find utterly beneficial.

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20 Easy and Interesting Problem-Solution Essay Topic Ideas

A problem-solution essay is an argumentative essay where an individual presents a problem and argues for a solution. With 20 easy and interesting topic ideas, Penlighten wants to play a small role in helping you find an essay topic that tickles your fancy.

20 Easy and Interesting Problem-Solution Essay Topic Ideas

“I am not more gifted than anybody else. I am just more curious than the average person and I will not give up a problem until I have found the proper solution .” ― Albert Einstein

Writing an essay, regardless of the topic, is tough and requires an individual to scour through the Internet, library, and other academic database to get reliable information. Researching a topic, any topic, is mandatory because without the facts and evidence, your essay will be weak.

Now when you have to write a problem-solution essay, the process can be slightly different. Even though the structure of a problem-solution essay is quite clear by its name, when it comes down to researching, constructing, and finally writing the essay, there can be some confusion. So, before you get down to finalizing a topic that interests you, here are some guidelines you need to keep in mind.

Problem-solution Essay Format

As you go through the different topics, this format will come in handy while you brainstorm the ideas and structure of the essay.

Problem-solution Essay Structure

Basically, your task is to …

  • describe, in detail, what the problem is.
  • provide more than one possible solutions.
  • pick one of the more practical and feasible solutions.
  • explain why this solution will work.

Examples of Problem and Solution Essay Topics


More and more teens are dropping out of school.

◆ Providing one-to-one mentoring that builds a support network for the teen. ◆ Informing family members to actively engage in the situation for a direct and positive effect. ◆ Focusing on alternative schooling programs that cater to the teen’s academic requirements.


How can we encourage people to take public transportation in order to reduce air and noise pollution?

◆ Increasing number of buses/trains every hour to advocate efficiency. ◆ Using public transportation means saving money on gas and parking. ◆ Providing a discount ticket deal with offers on daily and annual tickets.

Social Media

How should parents handle their child’s social media usage?

◆ Educating their kids about the risks involved and understanding Internet safety. ◆ Having an open conversation about the issue and trusting that they will make the right decisions. ◆ Installing a tracking app to monitor the child’s Internet usage.

How can society promote marriage while allowing individuals the freedom to choose their sexual orientation?

◆ Accepting that marriage is between two people in love; letting them choose a life partner for and by themselves. ◆ Providing support for the constitution of marriage without shaming an individual’s personal choices. ◆ Helping to eliminate hatred among people who cannot or will not perceive ideas beyond their understanding.

How can a country deal with the issue of illegal immigration?

◆ Deciding between enforcing a harsher policy of deportation or providing asylum for illegal aliens already living in the country. ◆ Making them pay taxes to reduce economic burden off tax paying citizens. ◆ Restricting organizations to hire illegal immigrants in order to reduce their own expenses.

Increasing number of homeless people.

◆ Putting in measures where people can earn an income and provide support for themselves and their family members. ◆ Providing emergency shelters and programs for people who need to get by in a time of crisis. ◆ Developing a range of housing options for homeless people.

Can we prevent prejudice and racism from spreading?

◆ Speak up if you see other people passing racial comments at you or someone else; don’t take the abuse. ◆ Host an anti-racism meeting in your community where people of different races can come and meet everyone and understand each other’s cultures. ◆ Discuss the issue with your family members, friends, neighbors, and colleagues, and ask them to do the same; spread the message.

The threat posed due to the change in climate is much more real today.

◆ Enforcing laws that make businesses and the general mass to pursue fuel alternatives like green technology. ◆ The government should push a variety of trade policies in order to address the issue. ◆ Along with the U.S., countries with higher population need to work together, rather than partake in the blame game.

Losing weight and keeping it off forever.

◆ Stop preaching others and get right down to it yourself. ◆ Finding a support system or group that understands and guides you to your goal. ◆ Making some lifestyle changes; what you eat, where you eat, people you eat with, etc.

Drunk driver

Is it possible to prevent drinking and driving?

◆ Publishing an article with pictures of drunk drivers; public humiliation can be quite persuasive. ◆ Enforcing stricter laws to punish offenders. ◆ Placing sobriety checkpoints throughout the year; and not just during the holidays.

Educational program

Dearth educational programs for gifted and talented students.

◆ Organizing classes, groups, and programs by teaming up with administrators and teachers who can make a change. ◆ Raising awareness in schools, colleges, and communities about the advantages of providing proper opportunities to these students. ◆ Pushing the ‘new’ study approach with not just the gifted and talented students, but with everyone who can benefit from the program.

Physical abuse

Existence of domestic abuse―physical, sexual, emotional―against men and women.

◆ Getting yourself and your community involved in educating everyone about its impact and how to intervene safely. ◆ If you see or hear anything, call 911 immediately. ◆ Along with the national Domestic Violence shelter helpline and/or the local police, have an intervention plan in motion.

How can parents prevent teen drug abuse?

◆ Discussing the values of your family, explaining them about your opinions on drugs, and letting them know your boundaries regarding the same. ◆ Getting involved in the child’s life, providing support in academics and extracurricular activities, and showing support in his/her hobbies. ◆ Helping your child understand the reason and necessity to choose a positive social group.

Playing video game

Playing video games and violence can be interconnected.

◆ Organizing a support group for parents whose kids play video games and possess aggressive and angry feelings. ◆ Educating kids about the positives of playing video games; channeling their interests to become a professional gamer, improved cognitive skills, etc. ◆ Offering programs to develop their skills in such a way that it can be put to their advantages for the future.

Couple watching romantic movie

Couples, married or dating, failing to sustain their relationships.

◆ Partaking in objective listening. ◆ Watching romantic movies together in order to save their relationship. ◆ Letting go of the relationship and finding someone else to love.

The involvement of money in politics and how it can change the face of our country.

◆ Government needs to step in and regular the amount of money a candidate spends on his/her campaign. ◆ The constitution should be improved in order to address the issue. ◆ A law should be passed which clearly defines the amount of money donated to the candidates.

Roommate drama? How to deal with a difficult roommate.

◆ Find someone else to live with. Move out yourself or throw your roommate out. ◆ Be honest about the issues you’re facing and finding a common ground. ◆ Have your roommate sign an agreement like Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter do in The Big Bang Theory.

Why should universities and NCAA make millions of dollars each year when the athletes get nothing?

◆ Including the athletes, the general student body should host a series of rallies and events in order to get the administration’s attention. ◆ More concentration should be given to academics than athletics. ◆ Instead of monetary compensation for the games, yearly tuition should be waived off.

The NSA spying scandal – Should Americans be worried?

◆ Enforcement of stricter laws that protect privacy rights of every American citizen against government surveillance. ◆ Divulging information to the public so that everyone knows what the intelligence community is up to. ◆ A more proactive approach from the government is required to monitor the intelligence community instead of harassing the general mass.

Preventing the issue of sexual assault on college campuses.

◆ Creating policies where the school should provide heightened security in and around campuses or initiate the buddy system. ◆ Encouraging female students to participate in self-defense classes. ◆ Raising awareness around the campus, sharing resources, and providing counseling for survivors.

While writing the essay, remember to back your argument for the solution with strong evidence. Trust your instincts and research, draw strength from your own experiences and observations, and justify the solution in a manner you think will be appropriate and satisfactory for the audience.

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Home — Essay Types — Problem Solution Essay

Problem Solution Essay Examples

Choosing the right problem solution essay topics can make a significant difference in the quality of your work and your overall success.

The choice of your problem solution essay topics for college students is crucial because it sets the tone for your entire essay. A well-chosen topic not only makes your essay more engaging but also facilitates the research and writing process. It allows you to explore a subject you're passionate about while demonstrating your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Choosing a Problem Solution Essay Topic

Before we delve into the problem solution essay topics list, let's discuss some essential factors to consider when making your selection:

  • Relevance: Choose a topic that is relevant to your course or field of study. It should align with your academic goals and interests.
  • Feasibility: Ensure that your chosen problem has a realistic solution. Avoid topics with overly complex or unsolvable issues.
  • Significance: Select a topic that addresses a real-world problem or issue. It should be something that matters to your audience and society as a whole.
  • Personal Interest: Opt for a topic that genuinely interests you. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing and make the essay more enjoyable for both you and your readers.
  • Availability of Information: Check if there is enough research material available on your chosen topic. Having access to credible sources is essential for building a strong argument.

15 Unique Problem Solution Topics for Essay

Now that we've covered the importance of choosing the right topic, let's explore 15 unique topics for problem solution essay that you can consider for your next assignment:

  • Combating Cyberbullying in Schools
  • Reducing Food Waste: A Sustainable Solution
  • Promoting Mental Health Awareness Among Teens
  • The Opioid Epidemic: Finding a Path to Recovery
  • Problems and Solutions of Procrastination Regarding Time Management
  • Tackling Air Pollution in Urban Areas
  • Overcoming the Digital Divide in Education
  • Addressing Youth Unemployment
  • Social Media is The Reason for Many of The World’s Problems and Solutions
  • Combating Gender Inequality in the Workplace
  • Bullying in Schools: A Comprehensive Approach
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Feeding the Future
  • The Aging Population: Meeting Healthcare Needs
  • Curbing Plastic Pollution: A Global Responsibility
  • Effective Parenting in the Digital Age

10 Problem Solution Persuasive Speech Topics

These problem solution persuasive speech topics are aimed at persuading the audience to consider and support specific solutions to pressing issues:

  • Combating Online Harassment
  • Addressing the Mental Health Crisis
  • Tackling Childhood Obesity
  • Ensuring Affordable Healthcare for All
  • Solving the Student Loan Crisis
  • Curbing Youth Unemployment: Job Opportunities
  • Reversing Climate Change: Renewable Energy
  • Implementing Sensible Gun Control Measures
  • Supporting Food Security Initiatives
  • Promoting Gender Equality in the Workplace

Selecting the right problem solution essay topic is the first step towards crafting a compelling and impactful essay. Remember to consider relevance, feasibility, significance, personal interest, and the availability of information when making your choice. Once you've chosen a topic from our list or been inspired to come up with your own, you're well on your way to crafting a thought-provoking essay that offers solutions to real-world problems.

A problem solution essay is an analytical piece of writing that describes a problem or issue and proposes well-researched, viable solutions. Students are often tasked with writing these essays, as they require critical thinking to develop a thorough understanding of the problem and present solutions supported by evidence. This guide will outline the key steps for writing an excellent problem solution essay, using a problem solution essay example and relevant analysis to illustrate the process. For more impactful guidance, explore analytical essay titles with a punch to spark creativity and precision in your writing approach.

Introduction to the Problem Solution Essay 

A problem solution essay identifies an issue or problem and aims to persuade readers that solutions exist to resolve it. The essay should outline the problem in the introduction, analyze its causes and effects, propose realistic solutions backed by research, recommend the best solution, and issue a call to action to implement the solution. Transitions should connect each section seamlessly. A strong conclusion reiterates the solutions and urges change.

Problem solution essays tackle current social, political, economic, or environmental issues facing society rather than personal problems. The writer’s aim is to bring awareness and understanding to the problem while convincing readers of the feasibility and necessity of the solution. If you’re looking for practical guidance, you can find problem and solution essay examples to further illustrate these concepts and improve your own writing.

Selecting a Topics for a Problem Solution Essay

Choosing an engaging topic is crucial to writing an interesting problem solution essay. The topic should be focused, address a current issue, and offer realistic solutions. Here are some productive categories to consider:

  • Political, Social, or Environmental Issues

Examples include poverty, gender inequality, pollution, global warming, public health, etc. Provide well-researched data and expert analysis of the origins and development of the issue.

  • Everyday Problems 

Topics like traffic congestion, lack of recycling, childhood obesity, high cost of college, boredom and stress in school, etc. connect with readers’ daily lives. Support causes and effects with surveys and statistics.

  • Hypothetical Situations

Speculative topics imagine an unfavorable scenario like all energy sources disappearing or aliens attacking Earth. Explore imaginative preventative solutions supported by logic and reason.

Avoid overly broad or vague topics without clear solutions. Select issues that really spark your interest as your enthusiasm will show in your writing.

Components of a Problem Solution Essay

  • Engaging Introduction. Open with a thought-provoking statistic, question, anecdote, or fact about the problem. Foreshadow the solutions and briefly state the call to action.
  • Background on the Problem. Provide detailed facts, data, history, and context. Analyze the causes, effects, and current status through research. Use sources like academic studies, news articles, and surveys.
  • Solutions Section. Brainstorm 2-3 attainable solutions. Logically analyze the pros and cons of each solution. Cite evidence on the feasibility or past successes of these approaches.
  • Recommended Solution with Rationale. Choose one robust solution and argue convincingly why it is the best option based on your research in the previous section. Address opposing viewpoints.
  • Persuasive Call to Action. Inspire readers to implement this solution through collective action. Describe specific steps readers can take. Share resources.
  • Smooth Transitions. Use transition words like “First”, “However”, “Consequently”, “Therefore”, “On the other hand”, “For example”, “In conclusion” between ideas and sections.
  • Impactful Conclusion. Restate the problem and solutions. Summarize your argument advocating for the best solution. End with a memorable final statement to motivate readers.

How to Write a Conclusion For problem Solution Essay 

Writing a conclusion for a problem solution essay involves summarizing the key points and providing a clear and compelling resolution to the problem discussed. Here are the three most important points to include in your conclusion:

How to Write a Conclusion for Problem Solution Essay

Problem Solution Short Essay Example Analysis 

Here is an excerpt of a problem solution essay responding to the prompt : “Obesity is becoming an increasingly difficult problem across the globe. How can we combat this issue?”

> Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with rates doubling since 1980. A 2018 CDC study found that 40% of American adults are obese, causing chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer (Smith, 2019). We must take collective action to reverse this preventable health crisis through measures like sugar taxes, nutrition education, and access to healthy affordable foods.

> Implementing a sugar tax on sodas and junk food is an effective solution evidenced by results in countries like Mexico and Hungary where obesity rates declined after introducing taxes…[analysis of research studies]

This introduction hooks readers by stating a surprising fact about escalating obesity rates while foreshadowing solutions like a sugar tax. The background provides well-cited statistics demonstrating the scope of the problem through authoritative sources. The writer recommends the tax as the best solution based on concrete evidence. The sample essay follows the standard problem-solution structure and addresses the prompt appropriately.  

Problem Solution Essay Example

In this compilation, we present a selection of problem-solution essay examples . These essays offer practical insights into addressing various issues through persuasive arguments and proposed solutions. Explore these examples of problem-solution essays to grasp effective problem-solving techniques, innovative approaches, and persuasive writing strategies. If you’re looking for further inspiration, consider delving into i nsights into argumentative essay examples for additional guidance and strategies in crafting compelling arguments.

Problem Solution Essay: Additional Tips for Students

To summarize, here are some key tips for students writing problem solution essays:

✅ Select a focused, current issue for your topic with achievable solutions 

✅ Research extensively to understand the problem’s origins, effects, key stakeholders etc.

✅ Brainstorm innovative but realistic solutions supported by facts, statistics, expert data and case studies

✅ Recommend one solution using convincing evidence and address opposing viewpoints

✅ Persuade readers to take action through clear steps in your call to action

✅ Use transitions, precise language, and an organized structure

✅ Proofread carefully and check formatting requirements

By following these guidelines, students can produce compelling problem solution essays on topics that really resonate with their interests. The professional structure and tips provided above will help tackle these academically challenging essays effectively.

Homelessness Problem Solution

Homelessness is a critical issue that affects millions of people around the world. According to the United Nations, an estimated 150 million people are homeless worldwide, and this number is expected to rise if effective solutions are not implemented. In this essay, we will explore…

The Global Epidemic of Obesity: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Introduction In recent years, the issue of obesity has become a global epidemic. Obesity is a condition where a person has an excessive amount of fat, which can lead to numerous health problems. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity has tripled worldwide since…

The Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Vandalism

Vandalism is a growing problem that affects communities worldwide. It is an act of deliberate destruction or damage to property, including public and private structures, buildings, and vehicles. Vandalism is not only a financial burden but also a public safety concern. The problem has increased…

Taming the Traffic Beast: A Solution to Traffic Jams

Traffic jams are the bane of urban existence, causing frustration, wasted time, and environmental damage. As cities continue to grow, the problem of traffic congestion becomes increasingly dire. This essay explores the causes and consequences of traffic jams and proposes effective solutions to alleviate this…

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Navigating the Challenges of Urbanization: Exploring Solutions for Cities

Cities are home to a diverse mix of people and cultures, bustling with activity and opportunity. However, with the ever-increasing population and urbanization, cities also face a range of complex problems. Traffic congestion, pollution, homelessness, and crime are just a few of the challenges that…

Practical Solutions for Financial, Health, and Social Issues

Introduction Life can be a challenging journey to navigate, full of ups and downs. At times, we may find ourselves facing various problems that seem insurmountable. From financial struggles to health challenges and social issues, life can throw a lot at us. As a college…

Challenges and Solutions in the Health Care System

Introduction Health care is a crucial aspect of any society, and access to quality health care services is a fundamental right for every citizen. The importance of healthcare cannot be overstated, as it not only ensures that individuals can lead healthy lives but also contributes…

Mental Health Crisis Among College Students

Introduction In today’s society, one of the most pressing social problems is the increasing rate of mental health disorders among college students. According to a study conducted by the American Psychological Association, nearly one in three college students experience significant symptoms of depression, anxiety, or…

Problem and Solution of Teenage Pregnancy

Introduction Teenage pregnancy is a complex issue that affects millions of young people around the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 16 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 give birth each year, with the majority of them living in…

Student Loan Debt: The Problem and Solution

Student loan debt is a growing problem in the United States. As of 2021, the total student loan debt in the country exceeded $1.7 trillion, and the average student loan borrower owes over $30,000. This debt burden not only affects individual borrowers’ financial health but…

What is a problem solution essay?

An essay that identifies the problem or an issue, providing several ways to resolve it. A typical problem solution essay example is river pollution or youth gang problems. Include a description of a problem with statistical data or references. As a rule, a solution is offered with due analysis. All problems and solutions examples must include strong argumentation and references.

How to write a problem solution essay?

An introduction part must provide information about the issue and explain why it matters. Provide a list of solutions or mention a methodology. Good problem solution essay topics analyze the strengths and weaknesses of existing solutions by coming to a conclusion and a list of recommendations. Remember about references and backing up your argumentation with evaluation in the Conclusion part.

How do I choose a good topic for a problem solution essay?

Focus on a current issue that interests you and has viable solutions. Avoid topics that are too broad or have no clear remedies. Select locally relevant problems or hypothetical scenarios.

What makes a good thesis statement for a problem solution essay?

Your thesis should identify the problem and the solution(s) you will argue for in the essay. Keep it concise, focused, and clear.

What types of evidence should I use to support my solutions?

Reference studies, statistics, expert opinions, case studies, logical reasoning, analogies, and anecdotes that build a strong case for your solution

The most popular topics for Problem Solution Essay

  • Gun Control
  • Drug Addiction
  • Women's Rights
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Gun Violence
  • Teenage Pregnancy
  • Consumerism
  • Human Trafficking
  • Domestic Violence

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problems and solutions topics for essays

Problem-Solution Essay Topics: Effective Strategies to Tackle Modern Challenges

Writing is one of the most important skills a student can develop, as it is essential in many academic and professional situations. However, sometimes choosing a problem solution paper topic can be difficult. Notably, many students face a creative block when writing research papers.

The text provides valuable easy problem-solution essay topics by listing essay topics with problems to write about. It shows how to structure an essay consistently and propose solution essay topics. A clear understanding of current challenges and potential solutions will prepare students to produce high-quality, relevant, and outstanding writing problem and solution essays in various situations.

How to choose a good problem solution essay topic?

Choosing the right topic to write an essay on can be difficult because you need to be creative and have a basis for discussing the issue. One way is to look for topics that present problem and solution essays that allow a deeper analysis of the topic under discussion.

To select ideas for problem-solution essays, it is essential to consider their topicality and social relevance and conduct preliminary research to identify the main arguments and opinions on the topic. Also, choosing essay topics you know and are motivated to write about is important. This makes text creation more fluid and consistent.

Finally, achieving good results requires thinking about ideas for a problem solution essay, pros and cons, and researching and presenting possible solutions to the identified problems.

Economic issues

Economics is a vast and complex science. It’s about producing, consuming, and distributing goods and services. However, the problems and challenges affecting the economy are many, and it is essential to focus on some of the most critical problem and solution essay topics:

Problem: Economic inequality around the world:

  • Solution #1: What steps must we take to implement a progressive tax system that taxes the richest?
  • Solution #2: What are the best solutions to increase the minimum wage, and how can we get there
  • Solution #3: What kind of government programs can be developed to encourage the generation of quality jobs?

Problem: Unemployment and its impact on well-being in big cities

  • Solution #1:  What kind of state professional training programs can impact the unemployment rates the most?
  • Solution #2:  How can the government incentivize companies to create local jobs?
  • Solution #3:  How can the education system be expanded to incorporate more skilled professionals?

Problem: Climate changes and environmental ethics:

  • Solution #1:  How can countries invest in clean energy and green technology?
  • Solution #2:  How can governmental institutions enforce stricter regulations for polluting companies?
  • Solution #3:  In what ways can we encourage the use of renewable energy with government programs?

Problem: Public debt in First and Third World countries

  • Solution #1: How can countries adopt fiscal austerity measures to reduce debt?
  • Solution #2: Can sovereign wealth funds be created for better financial management?
  • Solution #3: Is the possibility of increasing taxes to reduce the debt burden the best way to reduce public debt?

Problem: Market Concentration and how it compromises small businesses

  • Solution #1: How can the government implement stricter antitrust Laws?
  • Solution #2: How can the cities encourage new companies to enter the market?
  • Solution #3: How can local media outlets increase the variety of media properties and gives small businesses a broader voice?

Political challenges

The political system is the basis of the social organization of a country. However, many issues and challenges affect the political system and, by extension, society. It is important to highlight some of the most solution topics and suggest creative solutions to address them.

Problem: Corruption and its long-lasting effects on politics

  • Solution #1: Is it possible to have stronger enforcement actions against governments and corporations?
  • Solution #2: How can we Improve fiscal transparency and accountability of political leaders?
  • Solution #3: In which ways can we educate the public on the importance of an ethical political practice?

Problem: Inequality and pay gaps in big cities:

  • Solution #1: How can governmental institutions invest in education programs that address social and economic inequalities?
  • Solution #2: Is it possible to gradually increase the tax burden of the richest?
  • Solution #3: How can congresses pass laws guaranteeing equality of gender, race, and sexual orientation?

Problem: Crime and lack of safety worldwide:

  • Solution #1: How can big cities invest in crime prevention social programs?
  • Solution #2: Which measures can society take to increase the punishment of criminal leaders and reduce the proliferation of illegal weapons?
  • Solution #3: Is the creation of local employment connected to lower crime rates?

Problem: The representation of minorities in political contexts:

  • Solution #1: How can we change the electoral reform to guarantee proportional representation?
  • Solution #2: What measures can we take to ensure increased diversity of political representation?
  • Solution #3: What immediate changes can we make to the referendum and the referendum system?

Problem: The decrease in civic engagement:

  • Solution #1: How can different institutions invest in programs that promote education and civic engagement?
  • Solution #2: What is the best way to establish communication channels between the government and the public for feedback and suggestions?
  • Solution #3: How can we eliminate barriers to access to voting, including through the introduction of electronic and online voting?

Education system

Educational institutions are the foundation of any society, giving children and young people access to knowledge and opportunities that can influence their decisions and careers.

Check some solution topics:

Problem: Lack of Funds and how to deal with it:

  • Solution #1: What are some ways to increase the education budget?
  • Solution #2: How the creation of public-private partnerships can improve investments in schools
  • Solution #3: How can the government provide resources for scholarship programs and other financial incentives?

Problem: Inequalities in access to educational opportunities

  • Solution #1: How can institutions invest in educational integration programs to reduce inequalities?
  • Solution #2: In what ways can society ensure access to quality education for all?
  • Solution #3: How can companies encourage the development of new technologies and educational models that allow greater access?

Problem: The lack of Quality in Teacher Training

  • Solution #1: How schools and universities can invest in teacher education and training through training and professional development programs?
  • Solution #2: Should schools create mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the quality of teacher education?
  • Solution #3: In what ways can public schools increase teaching incentives with competitive wages and benefits?

Problem: The rapid growth of curriculum gaps

  • Solution #1: Should companies continue to review the school curriculum to ensure it meets current needs?
  • Solution #2: In what ways can schools expand the range of complementary and extracurricular disciplines to fit the corporate market?
  • Solution #3: How the government can encourage the development of new teaching methods.

Problem: The low involvement of parents in children’s education:

Solution #1: In what ways can the interaction between schools and parents through communication channels be stimulated?

Solution #2: How can schools provide parents with educational resources to help support their children’s school activities?

Solution #3: Should schools launch an awareness campaign on the importance of parental involvement in education?

Social problems

Social problems affect many worldwide and pose significant challenges for governments and society, including social inequalities, violence, and public health.

Problem: The outstanding growth of social differences nowadays

  • Solution #1: How can political entities invest in public policies that promote income distribution and access to basic services?
  • Solution #2: Should schools promote education and training programs that allow citizens to improve their economic situation?
  • Solution #3: How can the government promote the creation of employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for the most vulnerable people in society?

Problem: The correlation between urban violence and traffic congestion

  • Solution #1:  Would implementing violence prevention measures work in bigger centers?
  • Solution #2:  How can law enforcement improve the creation of well-trained and equipped security forces?
  • Solution #3:  How can society start promoting dialogue and the peaceful resolution of disputes?

Problem: Public health and its lack of investment

  • Solution #1:  How can public entities prioritize the investment in hospital infrastructure and training of medical professionals?
  • Solution #2:  Would the incentive to research and development of vaccines and medicines impact the spread of some diseases?
  • Solution #3:  Should we develop media campaigns encouraging healthy habits to prevent infections?

Problem: The urgency of environmental issues

  • Solution #1: Should the government enact stricter laws to protect the environmental problems?
  • Solution #2: How can companies invest in clean and renewable energy sources?
  • Solution #3: How can the media encourage sustainable practices in businesses and homes?

Problem: The hurtful impacts of racism on everyday life:

  • Solution #1: In what ways can schools promote anti-racism education aimed at reducing stereotypes and prejudices?
  • Solution #2: How can companies establish positive policies for minority groups that guarantee equal opportunities?
  • Solution #3: Should political parties increase black representation in leadership and politics?

Environmental issues

The environment is a major concern today, as human behavior directly affects its conservation and climate change . Check topics for a problem solution essays:

Problem: Excessive deforestation as an environmental issue

  • Solution #1 : What kind of businesses can invest in reforestation and conservation of the remaining green spaces?
  • Solution #2:  Should the government grant landowners who protect vegetation tax incentives?
  • Solution #3 : In what ways can different companies promote the use of clean technology to avoid the emission of pollutants?

Problem: Water pollution and its consequences on public health:

  • Solution #1:  How can the government introduce wastewater treatment and proper waste disposal in cities?
  • Solutions #2:  Should law enforcement invest in monitoring and penalizing companies that dump chemical and toxic waste into bodies of water?
  • Solution #3:  How can the media stimulate the population’s awareness to avoid improper garbage disposal?

Problem: The urgency of global warming awareness:

  • Solution #1: How can implementing public policies to promote renewable energy sources help?
  • Solution #2: Should companies seek alternatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
  • Solution #3: Can universities invest in research that seeks solutions for the adaptation of species to climate change?

Problem: The growing threat of ground contamination

  • Solution #1: How can new regulations limit the use of pesticides and other chemicals that harm soil health?
  • Solution #2: How can local governments start promoting sustainable agricultural practices, such as crop rotation and agroforestry systems?
  • Solution #3: Should the implementation of rehabilitation programs in areas degraded by mining and other business activities be made?

Problem: The danger of extinction of protected animal species

  • Solution #1: How can companies conserve habitats of endangered species and create protected areas?
  • Solution #2: Should law enforcement regulate the trade in endangered species and fight the trade in wild animals?
  • Solution #3: How can universities ask for investments in research and programs for animal reproduction?

Youth-related issues

Young people face many challenges and problems in life, both socially and emotionally. These problems can negatively affect personal growth and quality of life.

Problem: The growth of bullying and violence in schools

  • Solution #1: How can the media promote prevention campaigns and awareness of the consequences of bullying?
  • Solution #2: How can schools establish preventive measures such as the installation of cameras and increased inspection?
  • Solution #3: Should schools offer psychological and emotional support to students who are victims of bullying?

Problem: The increase in depression and anxiety among young people

  • Solution #1: How can schools develop awareness activities about mental disorders?
  • Solution #2: Should non-profit organizations invest in public mental health policies?
  • Solution #3: How can universities help create an initiative to promote youth entrepreneurship?

Problem: The high number of families facing financial difficulties

  • Solution #1: Should schools promote financial education to help young people better manage their finances?
  • Solution #2: How can companies offer professional training and internship programs to facilitate entry into the job market?
  • Solution #3: How can universities help in the creation of an initiative to promote youth entrepreneurship?

Problem: Facing the difficulties in social integration after the pandemic

  • Solution #1: How can schools promote social integration activities such as Sports, Culture, and Volunteer Programs?
  • Solution #2: Should schools promote networking between young people from different areas?
  • Solution #3: How can implementing actions that enable dialogue between young people and their families help?

Problem: Social pressure and self-esteem difficulties during young years

  • Solution #1: How can students increase self-esteem and confidence by participating in activities encouraging decision-making and autonomy?
  • Solution #2: How can schools establish self-help groups and group therapy?
  • Solution #3: How can families promote school socio-emotional education to train socio-emotional skills?

Urbanization problems

Urbanization is the urban growth and development process with some challenges and problems. The main problems include urban sprawl, inadequate infrastructure, and social imbalance. Check the essay ideas and problem topics:

Problem: The lack of basic sanitation

  • Solution #1: How can the cities invest in construction projects for sewage treatment and basic sanitation systems?
  • Solution #2: Should Congress create public policies that promote planned and sustainable urbanization?
  • Solution #3: In what ways can different businesses conduct awareness campaigns on the importance of basic sanitation?

Problem: The lack of urban mobility in big cities

  • Solution #1: How can governments invest in quality public transport?
  • Solution #2: How can universities conduct research that encourages the creation of cycle paths?
  • Solution #3: Should businesses create policies to promote car sharing?

Problem: Housing access problems for low-income families

  • Solution #1: Should the government create a policy for access to public housing?
  • Solution #2: How can the media promote the formation of cooperatives and community associations of housing autonomy?
  • Solution #3: In what ways can companies develop partnerships with the private sector to finance housing developments?

Problem: Pollution and its everlasting effects on health and the environment

  • Solution #1: How can companies invest in renewable and clean energy sources?
  • Solution #2: Should governments invest in implementing measures to control the emission of pollutants from vehicles and industry?
  • Solution #3: How can education centers promote waste recycling in general?

Problem: The  precarious health systems in developing countries

  • Solution #1: How can investment in public policies increase the supply of health services in urban areas?
  • Solution #2: Should the media promote disease prevention and vaccination campaigns?
  • Solution #3: How can non-profit organizations encourage the formation of agreements with private bodies to meet the needs of health services?

Problem Solution Essay Topics For Elementary School

In elementary school, students must develop their writing skills and understand the importance of discussing essential essay ideas. Writing problem solution essay topics

This is a great way to build these skills and allow students to solve complex problems and find practical solutions.

Below are 10 good problem-solution essay topics for elementary school students:

  • How Can We Reduce Bullying in Schools?
  • How to Improve Healthy Eating in Schools?
  • How to Combat a Sedentary Lifestyle?
  • How Can We Reduce Pollution?
  • How Can We Encourage Children to Read?
  • How to Improve the Inclusion of Children With Disabilities in Education?
  • How to Reduce Social Inequalities Among Children?
  • How to Improve Gender Equality – Can We Move Forward?
  • How to Reduce Domestic Violence?
  • What Can Be Done to Address Homelessness?

Problem Solution Essay Topics For Middle School

School is a critical phase in a student’s life, during which skills must be developed to prepare them for the academic and professional future.

Below are 10 topics for problem solution essays for school students:

  • The Impacts of Positive Body Image on Teenagers’ Lives
  • How to Improve Sex Education in The Educational System?
  • How to Reduce Drug Use Among Young People?
  • How to Encourage Physical Activity Among Young People?
  • How to Reduce Social Media Platforms Addiction?
  • Combating Sexual Assaults at School
  • How to Promote Youth Entrepreneurship
  • How to Improve the Quality of Public Transport in Cities?
  • What Can Be Done to Reduce Health Problems?
  • What Can Be Done to Reduce Students’ Anxiety and Stress?

Problem Solution Essays Topics For High School and College Students

High school is a crucial time in a young person’s life. By learning new skills, students are better prepared for the challenges and opportunities in their future careers and academic world.

Check some problem-solution essay topics for college students and high school students:

  • How Do You Promote Diversity Among College Students?
  • Reducing Plastic Pollution in the Seas and Oceans
  • How Can We Increase the Economic Empowerment?
  • How Can Artificial Intelligence Transform Education?
  • How to Solve the Problem of Inaccessibility in Cities?
  • How to Encourage Young People to Participate in Politics?
  • How Can We Create a More Sustainable World?
  • How Do We Address the Rise in Childhood Obesity?
  • How Can Effective Anti-corruption Measures Be Implemented?
  • How Can Technology Help Preserve Indigenous Cultures?

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problems and solutions topics for essays

Problem Solution Essay

Nova A.

Problem-Solution Essay - Writing Guide, Topics, & Examples!

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Problem-Solution Essay

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Feeling stuck when it comes to writing a solid problem-solution essay?

You're not alone—many students find it challenging. This essay type requires careful consideration and skillful execution, which isn’t always easy.

But fret not! This guide is your go-to solution. We've got all the crucial steps, structures, and examples to make essay writing a breeze for you.

So, keep reading!

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is a Problem-Solution Essay?
  • 2. Problem Solution Essay Structure
  • 3. How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay?
  • 4. Problem-Solution Essay Example 
  • 5. Problem Solution Essay Topics
  • 6. Problem Solution Essay Checklist

What is a Problem-Solution Essay?

A problem-solution essay is a form of persuasive writing that delves into a specific issue, providing a detailed examination of the problem and proposing effective solutions. 

Unlike other essay types, it places a strong emphasis on presenting practical remedies to real-world problems. 

The main aim is not just to explain the problem but to get readers interested in practical solutions. This makes it a unique and impactful type of academic writing.

Why Write a Problem Solution Essay 

There are significant reasons to write a problem solution essay. First and foremost, this type of writing encourages the practical application of knowledge . You are required to address real-world issues and propose practical solutions. This helps develop a deeper sense of the problems around you.

Additionally, this process refines analytical skills , encourages you to approach problems with a solution-oriented mindset.

Also, working on a problem-solution essay helps you become better at communicating . You have to explain complicated problems and solutions in a way that's clear and easy to understand.

Writing problem solution essays is more than just an academic essay exercise. It serves as a platform for intellectual growth, developing a practical and impactful approach to societal challenges.

Problem Solution Essay Structure

In crafting a problem-solution essay, the structure plays a pivotal role in presenting ideas coherently and persuasively. 

Two commonly used structures for this type of essay are the block structure and the chain structure. Each has its unique approach to organizing information, offering writers flexibility in presenting their analysis and proposed solutions.

Block Structure

The block structure, also known as the whole-to-whole or one-side-at-a-time structure, is a straightforward organizational method. 

In this type of structure, the writer dedicates separate blocks of text to first presenting the problem comprehensively. The solutions to the problems are presented in the next sections subsequently. 

This structure allows for a clear separation between the problem and solution sections, providing a systematic and easy-to-follow presentation.

Here is an outline for block structure problem-solution essay:

Chain Structure

Contrasting the block structure, the chain structure takes an interconnected approach. 

In this format, the essay addresses a specific problem and promptly proposes a solution. 

The pattern repeats as each problem is introduced, followed immediately by its corresponding solution. This structure aims to maintain a continuous and engaging flow, presenting a transition between problems and solutions. 

Here is a chain structure template:

How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay?

A problem solution essay requires taking a systematic approach. Here are the basic steps for writing this type of essay:

Step 1 - Topic Selection

Choosing the right topic is the first crucial step in writing a problem-solution essay. Pick a real-world issue that genuinely interests you. 

Consider problems that have personal significance or affect your community. The goal is to engage with a problem that allows for meaningful discussion and exploration.

Step 2 - Understanding the Problem

Before diving into solutions, take the time to fully grasp the intricacies of the problem at hand. 

Research the issue thoroughly, aiming to comprehend its various aspects and implications. This step is essential for presenting a well-informed analysis in your essay, ensuring a solid foundation for proposing solutions.

Step 3 - Explore Viable Solutions

Once you've identified and understood the problem, brainstorm possible solutions. 

Think about practical, achievable, and effective ways to address the issue. Consider different angles and perspectives, aiming for solutions that are not only feasible but also have the potential to make a positive impact in real-world scenarios.

Step 4 - Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts and structure your essay by creating a clear outline. 

Allocate specific sections for introducing the problem, proposing solutions, and crafting a conclusion. A well-organized outline serves as a roadmap, guiding you through each step of the writing process.

Step 5 - Write the Introduction

Begin your essay with a captivating introduction . Start with an attention-grabbing hook that draws your reader in. 

Clearly state the problem, emphasizing its significance. Conclude the introduction with a concise thesis statement that outlines the solutions you will explore in the essay.

Step 6 - Craft Body Paragraph

Dedicate individual paragraphs to each problem and its corresponding solution. Elaborate on the details of the problem and present practical solutions. 

Support your ideas with examples, evidence, or real-life scenarios. This section forms the core of your essay, providing a comprehensive exploration of the issues at hand.

Step 7 - Address Possible Objections

Acknowledge and address potential counterarguments to your proposed solutions. 

Anticipating objections adds depth to your essay, showcasing a thorough consideration of alternative viewpoints. By addressing possible objections, you strengthen the overall persuasiveness of your solutions.

Step 8 - Conclude The Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points without introducing new information. Reinforce the importance of the proposed solutions and leave a lasting impression. 

Consider ending with a call to action or a thought-provoking statement that resonates with your reader. The conclusion should provide a sense of closure to your essay.

Problem-Solution Essay Example 

We know that writing this kind of essay could be a challenge. Here are some problem solution essay samples:

Problem Solution Essay Sample PDF

Financial Problem Solution Essay

Garbage Problem Solution Essay

Problem Solution Essay IELTS

Problem Solution Essay Topics

When picking a topic for your problem-solution essay, think about a few important things. 

Choose something that matters to your audience and is important in society right now. Pick issues that really affect people or communities and need attention. 

Make sure the problem can be realistically solved with practical solutions. Here is a list of problem solution essay topics you can use:

  • Tobacco should be banned to control lung cancer. Discuss.
  • Obesity is caused by genetically modified and processed food. Discuss the solution.
  • Movie scripts should be censored to control violence in youth. Discuss.
  • How to tackle the lack of resources in urban homeless shelters?
  • Government should propose some policies to deal with illegal immigration. Discuss.
  • How can we use social media to improve awareness?
  • Propose some ways to keep your friends and family safe.
  • College students in the United States are overburdened with homework.
  • How to improve the quality of education in high school?
  • Providing equal opportunities to under-privileged children is important. Discuss.

These are some good problem-solution topics that you can tweak to use as your own. 

Problem Solution Essay Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your problem solution essay is well-crafted and effective:

So, wrapping up, with this guide and checklist, you can now write a problem-solution essay that fulfills its purpose. Just remember to be clear, practical, and interesting. 

But if you still feel unsure or want extra help, our professional essay writing service is here for you. 

Our experts know how to handle any type of essay, making sure it's top-notch. If you need that extra boost, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're here to make sure your essay shines and gets the job done.

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problem solution essay ielts

Problem and Solution IELTS Essay Topics: A List of Common Essay Topics to Guide You for the Exam

IELTS writing discusses a number of essay topics. From the topics that contend with your own views and one where you discuss different social problems. This is the only segment where you can compose your thoughts and views in an ordered way. Unnecessary to mention, this segment is evaluated very minutely and you need to be completely concentrated in order to score well.

One section that is very recurring in the writing section is the problem-solution style essay in IELTS. Here, you are offered a disturbing situation and are asked to recommend appropriate solutions to a particular situation.

Problem Solution Essay IELTS

Problem-solution essays are among the most important IELTS Writing Task 2 topics on the academic paper. While being so common, a lot of students are not doing well on these topics. This article will focus on some of the more common errors and then take you stepwise to answer certain questions.

Common Mistakes in Problem Solution Essay

  • The most common error in problem-solving essays is not to build on your thoughts, but simply to describe a lot of problems and solutions. The interviewer does not require a list of all the issues and ideas that you might think of. Alternatively, the examiner wants you to select one or two problems and solutions and then elaborate on them with details and suggestions if you check into how the exam is graded.
  • Writing regarding concerns and solutions that are not specifically related to the issue is another typical error. When addressing the question, you should be like a hunter and just offer very clear suggestions, instead of ideas that simply speak about the overall problem. In the questions that we will look at below, this has a lot to do with how you define keywords and micro-keywords.

Avoid these Mistakes

  • Many people conceive of interesting ideas for problems and yet struggle to relate their solutions to these problems. The problem must have a solution that is specifically related to it or, in other words, it should fix the real problem.
  • At the end of the day, many candidates dream of pretty interesting questions and ideas that answer the issue correctly and then extend their responses with explanations and examples, but they speak too commonly. Alternatively, you should ask about concrete cases and interpretations.⠀

Also Read: IELTS Writing Task Evaluation with Sample Answer: A Guide To Better Band Score


Analyse the Question: Problem Solution Essay

This is one of the most critical aspects of addressing any written question from IELTS. If you don’t have the opportunity to think thoroughly about what the interviewer is expecting you to do, it is very hard to interpret the question accurately.

We evaluate the problem by worrying about 3 factors:

  • Micro-keywords
  • Action words

Keywords are the terms that tell us what the basic theme is.

Micro-keywords define which aspect of the general theme the interviewer needs you to address. They also offer an opinion, qualify an argument, or speak about a subcategory of a broader general topic.

The words of action teach us what the investigator needs us to do.

Problem Solution Sample Essay: Problem and Solution IELTS Essay Topics

Problem and Solution IELTS Essay Topics: Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates.

What are the problems involved with this and what are some potential solutions?

Part One: Problem Solution Essay IELTS

If we look at the problem, we see that the terms are ‘global warming.’ This is our core concept. We’re trying to talk about this, but we can’t write about any issues associated with global warming. When we do this, we haven’t answered the issue properly. Consequently, we need to focus on micro-keywords.

The micro keywords are ‘humans’ and ‘a rising sea level.’ But rather than only writing about the big issue of global warming and any issues associated with it (such as intensified hurricanes, extinction of many species, soil erosion), we need to worry about how especially rising sea levels could impact humans. Although, for example , we were concerned about issues involving the ‘earth’ or ‘animals’ or the ‘atmosphere,’ we may not have addressed the issue.

Also Read: Describe a Person Who is Very Open: IELTS Speaking Cue Card Sample Answers

Part Two: Problem Solution Essay IELTS

Words in action are problems and solutions. Therefore, our job is to write about it and that alone. It does not challenge our viewpoint or the drawbacks and advantages or the reasons, but the challenges and solutions. If we wanted to ask about the causes of rising sea levels, we would not be addressing the issue.

Rather than brainstorming or brainstorming ideas, in my view, take too much time and contribute to useless ideas-you can just imagine that you’re in a coffee shop with a friend, and they’ve just asked you a simple query. In this scenario, it will be “What are the challenges and approaches associated with the rise of the sea level on humans? ”

Part Three: Problem Solution Essay IELTS

If you were speaking to a friend about this, I’m sure you’d have no trouble thinking of at least 2 or 3 issues and solutions. This approach gets you out of the exam scenario and places your mind in a more comfortable environment. You’ve got a lot of ideas now, but now you’ve got to consider which ones to use.

Also Read: 10 Must-Follow IELTS Reading Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Band Score

Relationship Topics: Problem and Solution IELTS Essay Topics

  • How can social media bullying be prevented?
  • What is the best way to help someone who is depressed?
  • What’s the best way to deal with manipulative and domineering people?
  • How can you help a friend or roommate who is making poor life choices?
  • How can you get out of a bad relationship?
  • How can you move out of the “friend zone”?
  • What is the best way for a woman to show a man she is interested? Should she ask him out?
  • How has texting affected face-to-face relationships?

Social Problems: Problem and Solution IELTS Essay Topics

  • How can we help homeless people in our community?
  • How can we prevent people from dropping out of high school?
  • What is the best way to prevent teen pregnancy?
  • How can kids be persuaded not to experiment with illegal drugs?
  • What is the best way to prevent deaths from drunk driving?
  • How can teenagers be convinced to drive more safely?
  • What can be done to prevent divorce?
  • How can kids with divorced parents be helped to do well in school, have strong relationships, and build successful lives and marriages?

Athletes and Sports: IELTS Problems

  • How can steroid use be limited in all sports (or one in particular)?
  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • How can colleges better handle the combination of education, athletics, and business?
  • Do kids train too hard in athletics at young ages?
  • What is the best way for a young athlete to learn a sport? (You might want to talk about a particular sport you know well).
  • How can coaches best encourage their athletes to do their best?
  • Think about your local sports team. What can be done to make that team more effective? How can the fans be made to support the team more?
  • Pick your favourite sport. How can someone best prepare themselves to be excellent at that sport?

Also Read: 6 Tips for IELTS Writing Skill Enhancement: Get Your Desired Band Score

Education: IELTS Problems

  • How can parents make virtual learning effective?
  • How can we make education better for kids who have trouble in school?
  • How can schools help the problem of childhood obesity?
  • How can schools best serve special education students?
  • How can schools allocate more money and resources for sports, fine arts, and other special programs?
  • What should be done about misbehaving and disruptive students?
  • What should be done to make gifted and talented education programs effective?
  • How can we help kids who are in failing schools?

Family Life: IELTS Preparation

  • How can parents best handle homework?
  • How can parents handle their child’s cell phone and social media use appropriately?
  • Should parents be held responsible for the obesity of their children? What should be done to help families with obese children?
  • How can parents help their children have a positive body image and avoid eating disorders?
  • What can be done about parents who push too hard for their children to achieve in sports, academics, fine arts, or another area?
  • What can be done to increase the number of children who are adopted?
  • How can we prevent young people from ageing out of the child welfare system without ever finding a family?
  • What is the best way to help families who have a child with a mental illness?

We hope that this article will be a helping hand for your next IELTS exam. This section can be a tough one to tackle but if you keep your head calm and think wisely, you might easily crack this exam with a good band score. Don’t forget to try out the topics mentioned in this article. Practice 4-5 topics daily to become an expert in IELTS preparations. Always give mock tests before the exam to know your speed and time management

Best of luck!

Also Read: Describe Something You Enjoy doing with a Group of People: IELTS Exam Cue Card Topic


These are some pretty common topics, and thank you for guiding us on how to write an essay.

problems and solutions topics for essays

This was such an informative article. It helped me a lot to learn more about IELTS as an individual. Keep writing such blogs as they are a great help to people like us.

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This article has so much information that is very helpful and important, can you also help with tips for other section?

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Problem and Solution Topics/Questions 2024

The list of Task 2 Problem and Solution topics that were added by IELTS student in 2024 . These Problem and Solution questions could be repeated from previous months. Keep in mind that the provided Problem and Solution questions are not predictions. The collection of Problem and Solution questions is updated every hour. Choose one of the topics and start practicing answering this type of question to prepare for the IELTS exam and to get a good grade.

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  • Topic ideas generator Get topic-specific ideas to enhance your writing.
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Watch CBS News

Teens come up with trigonometry proof for Pythagorean Theorem, a problem that stumped math world for centuries

By Bill Whitaker

May 5, 2024 / 7:00 PM EDT / CBS News

As the school year ends, many students will be only too happy to see math classes in their rearview mirrors. It may seem to some of us non-mathematicians that geometry and trigonometry were created by the Greeks as a form of torture, so imagine our amazement when we heard two high school seniors had proved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years. 

We met Calcea Johnson and Ne'Kiya Jackson at their all-girls Catholic high school in New Orleans. We expected to find two mathematical prodigies.

Instead, we found at St. Mary's Academy , all students are told their possibilities are boundless.

Come Mardi Gras season, New Orleans is alive with colorful parades, replete with floats, and beads, and high school marching bands.

In a city where uniqueness is celebrated, St. Mary's stands out – with young African American women playing trombones and tubas, twirling batons and dancing - doing it all, which defines St. Mary's, students told us.

Junior Christina Blazio says the school instills in them they have the ability to accomplish anything. 

Christina Blazio: That is kinda a standard here. So we aim very high - like, our aim is excellence for all students. 

The private Catholic elementary and high school sits behind the Sisters of the Holy Family Convent in New Orleans East. The academy was started by an African American nun for young Black women just after the Civil War. The church still supports the school with the help of alumni.

In December 2022, seniors Ne'Kiya Jackson and Calcea Johnson were working on a school-wide math contest that came with a cash prize.

Ne'Kiya Jackson and Calcea Johnson

Ne'Kiya Jackson: I was motivated because there was a monetary incentive.

Calcea Johnson: 'Cause I was like, "$500 is a lot of money. So I-- I would like to at least try."

Both were staring down the thorny bonus question.

Bill Whitaker: So tell me, what was this bonus question?

Calcea Johnson: It was to create a new proof of the Pythagorean Theorem. And it kind of gave you a few guidelines on how would you start a proof.

The seniors were familiar with the Pythagorean Theorem, a fundamental principle of geometry. You may remember it from high school: a² + b² = c². In plain English, when you know the length of two sides of a right triangle, you can figure out the length of the third.

Both had studied geometry and some trigonometry, and both told us math was not easy. What no one told  them  was there had been more than 300 documented proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem using algebra and geometry, but for 2,000 years a proof using trigonometry was thought to be impossible, … and that was the bonus question facing them.

Bill Whitaker: When you looked at the question did you think, "Boy, this is hard"?

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Yeah. 

Bill Whitaker: What motivated you to say, "Well, I'm going to try this"?

Calcea Johnson: I think I was like, "I started something. I need to finish it." 

Bill Whitaker: So you just kept on going.

Calcea Johnson: Yeah.

For two months that winter, they spent almost all their free time working on the proof.

CeCe Johnson: She was like, "Mom, this is a little bit too much."

CeCe and Cal Johnson are Calcea's parents.

CeCe Johnson:   So then I started looking at what she really was doing. And it was pages and pages and pages of, like, over 20 or 30 pages for this one problem.

Cal Johnson: Yeah, the garbage can was full of papers, which she would, you know, work out the problems and-- if that didn't work she would ball it up, throw it in the trash. 

Bill Whitaker: Did you look at the problem? 

Neliska Jackson is Ne'Kiya's mother.

Neliska Jackson: Personally I did not. 'Cause most of the time I don't understand what she's doing (laughter).

Michelle Blouin Williams: What if we did this, what if I write this? Does this help? ax² plus ….

Their math teacher, Michelle Blouin Williams, initiated the math contest.

Michelle Blouin Williams

Bill Whitaker: And did you think anyone would solve it?

Michelle Blouin Williams: Well, I wasn't necessarily looking for a solve. So, no, I didn't—

Bill Whitaker: What were you looking for?

Michelle Blouin Williams: I was just looking for some ingenuity, you know—

Calcea and Ne'Kiya delivered on that! They tried to explain their groundbreaking work to 60 Minutes. Calcea's proof is appropriately titled the Waffle Cone.

Calcea Johnson: So to start the proof, we start with just a regular right triangle where the angle in the corner is 90°. And the two angles are alpha and beta.

Bill Whitaker: Uh-huh

Calcea Johnson: So then what we do next is we draw a second congruent, which means they're equal in size. But then we start creating similar but smaller right triangles going in a pattern like this. And then it continues for infinity. And eventually it creates this larger waffle cone shape.

Calcea Johnson: Am I going a little too—

Bill Whitaker: You've been beyond me since the beginning. (laughter) 

Bill Whitaker: So how did you figure out the proof?

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Okay. So you have a right triangle, 90° angle, alpha and beta.

Bill Whitaker: Then what did you do?

Bill Whitaker with Calcea Johnson and Ne'Kiya Jackson

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Okay, I have a right triangle inside of the circle. And I have a perpendicular bisector at OP to divide the triangle to make that small right triangle. And that's basically what I used for the proof. That's the proof.

Bill Whitaker: That's what I call amazing.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Well, thank you.

There had been one other documented proof of the theorem using trigonometry by mathematician Jason Zimba in 2009 – one in 2,000 years. Now it seems Ne'Kiya and Calcea have joined perhaps the most exclusive club in mathematics. 

Bill Whitaker: So you both independently came up with proof that only used trigonometry.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Yes.

Bill Whitaker: So are you math geniuses?

Calcea Johnson: I think that's a stretch. 

Bill Whitaker: If not genius, you're really smart at math.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Not at all. (laugh) 

To document Calcea and Ne'Kiya's work, math teachers at St. Mary's submitted their proofs to an American Mathematical Society conference in Atlanta in March 2023.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Well, our teacher approached us and was like, "Hey, you might be able to actually present this," I was like, "Are you joking?" But she wasn't. So we went. I got up there. We presented and it went well, and it blew up.

Bill Whitaker: It blew up.

Calcea Johnson: Yeah. 

Ne'Kiya Jackson: It blew up.

Bill Whitaker: Yeah. What was the blowup like?

Calcea Johnson: Insane, unexpected, crazy, honestly.

It took millenia to prove, but just a minute for word of their accomplishment to go around the world. They got a write-up in South Korea and a shout-out from former first lady Michelle Obama, a commendation from the governor and keys to the city of New Orleans. 

Bill Whitaker: Why do you think so many people found what you did to be so impressive?

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Probably because we're African American, one. And we're also women. So I think-- oh, and our age. Of course our ages probably played a big part.

Bill Whitaker: So you think people were surprised that young African American women, could do such a thing?

Calcea Johnson: Yeah, definitely.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: I'd like to actually be celebrated for what it is. Like, it's a great mathematical achievement.

Achievement, that's a word you hear often around St. Mary's academy. Calcea and Ne'Kiya follow a long line of barrier-breaking graduates. 

The late queen of Creole cooking, Leah Chase , was an alum. so was the first African-American female New Orleans police chief, Michelle Woodfork …

And judge for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Dana Douglas. Math teacher Michelle Blouin Williams told us Calcea and Ne'Kiya are typical St. Mary's students.  

Bill Whitaker: They're not unicorns.

Michelle Blouin Williams: Oh, no no. If they are unicorns, then every single lady that has matriculated through this school is a beautiful, Black unicorn.

Pamela Rogers: You're good?

Pamela Rogers, St. Mary's president and interim principal, told us the students hear that message from the moment they walk in the door.

St. Mary's Academy president and interim principal Pamela Rogers

Pamela Rogers: We believe all students can succeed, all students can learn. It does not matter the environment that you live in. 

Bill Whitaker: So when word went out that two of your students had solved this almost impossible math problem, were they universally applauded?

Pamela Rogers: In this community, they were greatly applauded. Across the country, there were many naysayers.

Bill Whitaker: What were they saying?

Pamela Rogers: They were saying, "Oh, they could not have done it. African Americans don't have the brains to do it." Of course, we sheltered our girls from that. But we absolutely did not expect it to come in the volume that it came.  

Bill Whitaker: And after such a wonderful achievement.

Pamela Rogers: People-- have a vision of who can be successful. And-- to some people, it is not always an African American female. And to us, it's always an African American female.

Gloria Ladson-Billings: What we know is when teachers lay out some expectations that say, "You can do this," kids will work as hard as they can to do it.

Gloria Ladson-Billings, professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, has studied how best to teach African American students. She told us an encouraging teacher can change a life.

Bill Whitaker: And what's the difference, say, between having a teacher like that and a whole school dedicated to the excellence of these students?

Gloria Ladson-Billings: So a whole school is almost like being in Heaven. 

Bill Whitaker: What do you mean by that?

Bill Whitaker and Gloria Ladson-Billings

Gloria Ladson-Billings: Many of our young people have their ceilings lowered, that somewhere around fourth or fifth grade, their thoughts are, "I'm not going to be anything special." What I think is probably happening at St. Mary's is young women come in as, perhaps, ninth graders and are told, "Here's what we expect to happen. And here's how we're going to help you get there."

At St. Mary's, half the students get scholarships, subsidized by fundraising to defray the $8,000 a year tuition. Here, there's no test to get in, but expectations are high and rules are strict: no cellphones, modest skirts, hair must be its natural color.

Students Rayah Siddiq, Summer Forde, Carissa Washington, Tatum Williams and Christina Blazio told us they appreciate the rules and rigor.

Rayah Siddiq: Especially the standards that they set for us. They're very high. And I don't think that's ever going to change.

Bill Whitaker: So is there a heart, a philosophy, an essence to St. Mary's?

Summer Forde: The sisterhood—

Carissa Washington: Sisterhood.

Tatum Williams: Sisterhood.

Bill Whitaker: The sisterhood?

Voices: Yes.

Bill Whitaker: And you don't mean the nuns. You mean-- (laughter)

Christina Blazio: I mean, yeah. The community—

Bill Whitaker: So when you're here, there's just no question that you're going to go on to college.

Rayah Siddiq: College is all they talk about. (laughter) 

Pamela Rogers: … and Arizona State University (Cheering)

Principal Rogers announces to her 615 students the colleges where every senior has been accepted.

Bill Whitaker: So for 17 years, you've had a 100% graduation rate—

Pamela Rogers: Yes.

Bill Whitaker: --and a 100% college acceptance rate?

Pamela Rogers: That's correct.

Last year when Ne'Kiya and Calcea graduated, all their classmates went to college and got scholarships. Ne'Kiya got a full ride to the pharmacy school at Xavier University in New Orleans. Calcea, the class valedictorian, is studying environmental engineering at Louisiana State University.

Bill Whitaker: So wait a minute. Neither one of you is going to pursue a career in math?

Both: No. (laugh)

Calcea Johnson: I may take up a minor in math. But I don't want that to be my job job.

Ne'Kiya Jackson: Yeah. People might expect too much out of me if (laugh) I become a mathematician. (laugh)

But math is not completely in their rear-view mirrors. This spring they submitted their high school proofs for final peer review and publication … and are still working on further proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem. Since their first two …

Calcea Johnson: We found five. And then we found a general format that could potentially produce at least five additional proofs.

Bill Whitaker: And you're not math geniuses?

Bill Whitaker: I'm not buying it. (laughs)

Produced by Sara Kuzmarov. Associate producer, Mariah B. Campbell. Edited by Daniel J. Glucksman.

Bill Whitaker

Bill Whitaker is an award-winning journalist and 60 Minutes correspondent who has covered major news stories, domestically and across the globe, for more than four decades with CBS News.

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Book News & Features

Ai is contentious among authors. so why are some feeding it their own writing.

Chloe Veltman headshot

Chloe Veltman

A robot author.

The vast majority of authors don't use artificial intelligence as part of their creative process — or at least won't admit to it.

Yet according to a recent poll from the writers' advocacy nonprofit The Authors Guild, 13% said they do use AI, for activities like brainstorming character ideas and creating outlines.

The technology is a vexed topic in the literary world. Many authors are concerned about the use of their copyrighted material in generative AI models. At the same time, some are actively using these technologies — even attempting to train AI models on their own works.

These experiments, though limited, are teaching their authors new things about creativity.

Best known as the author of technology and business-oriented non-fiction books like The Long Tail, lately Chris Anderson has been trying his hand at fiction. Anderson is working on his second novel, about drone warfare.

He says he wants to put generative AI technology to the test.

"I wanted to see whether in fact AI can do more than just help me organize my thoughts, but actually start injecting new thoughts," Anderson says.

Anderson says he fed parts of his first novel into an AI writing platform to help him write this new one. The system surprised him by moving his opening scene from a corporate meeting room to a karaoke bar.

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"And I was like, you know? That could work!" Anderson says. "I ended up writing the scene myself. But the idea was the AI's."

Anderson says he didn't use a single actual word the AI platform generated. The sentences were grammatically correct, he says, but fell way short in terms of replicating his writing style. Although he admits to being disappointed, Anderson says ultimately he's OK with having to do some of the heavy lifting himself: "Maybe that's just the universe telling me that writing actually involves the act of writing."

Training an AI model to imitate style

It's very hard for off-the-shelf AI models like GPT and Claude to emulate contemporary literary authors' styles.

The authors NPR talked with say that's because these models are predominantly trained on content scraped from the Internet like news articles, Wikipedia entries and how-to manuals — standard, non-literary prose.

But some authors, like Sasha Stiles , say they have been able to make these systems suit their stylistic needs.

"There are moments where I do ask my machine collaborator to write something and then I use what's come out verbatim," Stiles says.

The poet and AI researcher says she wanted to make the off-the-shelf AI models she'd been experimenting with for years more responsive to her own poetic voice.

So she started customizing them by inputting her finished poems, drafts, and research notes.

"All with the intention to sort of mentor a bespoke poetic alter ego," Stiles says.

She has collaborated with this bespoke poetic alter ego on a variety of projects, including Technelegy (2021), a volume of poetry published by Black Spring Press; and " Repetae: Again, Again ," a multimedia poem created last year for luxury fashion brand Gucci.

Stiles says working with her AI persona has led her to ask questions about whether what she's doing is in fact poetic, and where the line falls between the human and the machine.

read it again… — Sasha Stiles | AI alter ego Technelegy ✍️🤖 (@sashastiles) November 28, 2023

"It's been really a provocative thing to be able to use these tools to create poetry," she says.

Potential issues come with these experiments

These types of experiments are also provocative in another way. Authors Guild CEO Mary Rasenberger says she's not opposed to authors training AI models on their own writing.

"If you're using AI to create derivative works of your own work, that is completely acceptable," Rasenberger says.

Thousands of authors urge AI companies to stop using work without permission

Thousands of authors urge AI companies to stop using work without permission

But building an AI system that responds fluently to user prompts requires vast amounts of training data. So the foundational AI models that underpin most of these investigations in literary style may contain copyrighted works.

Rasenberger pointed to the recent wave of lawsuits brought by authors alleging AI companies trained their models on unauthorized copies of articles and books.

"If the output does in fact contain other people's works, that creates real ethical concerns," she says. "Because that you should be getting permission for."

Circumventing ethical problems while being creative

Award-winning speculative fiction writer Ken Liu says he wanted to circumvent these ethical problems, while at the same time creating new aesthetic possibilities using AI.

So the former software engineer and lawyer attempted to train an AI model solely on his own output. He says he fed all of his short stories and novels into the system — and nothing else.

Liu says he knew this approach was doomed to fail.

That's because the entire life's work of any single writer simply doesn't contain enough words to produce a viable so-called large language model.

"I don't care how prolific you are," Liu says. "It's just not going to work."

Liu's AI system built only on his own writing produced predictable results.

"It barely generated any phrases, even," Liu says. "A lot of it was just gibberish."

Yet for Liu, that was the point. He put this gibberish to work in a short story. 50 Things Every AI Working With Humans Should Know , published in Uncanny Magazine in 2020, is a meditation on what it means to be human from the perspective of a machine.

"Dinoted concentration crusch the dead gods," is an example of one line in Liu's story generated by his custom-built AI model. "A man reached the torch for something darker perified it seemed the billboding," is another.

Liu continues to experiment with AI. He says the technology shows promise, but is still very limited. If anything, he says, his experiments have reaffirmed why human art matters.

"So what is the point of experimenting with AIs?" Liu says. "The point for me really is about pushing the boundaries of what is art."

Audio and digital stories edited by Meghan Collins Sullivan .

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  • Crypto Has a Trust Problem, and Illinois Tech Professor Has a Solution

Associate Professor of Finance Benjamin Van Vliet

Fraud, terrorist financing, money laundering. All too often, when cryptocurrency is in the headlines, the news isn’t good.

“Finance depends on trustworthy institutions, and the problem with the cryptocurrency industry is who do you trust,” says Benjamin Van Vliet , associate professor of finance at Illinois Institute of Technology’s Stuart School of Business. Van Vliet’s research and teaching focuses on fintech, high-frequency trading, and ethics and strategic innovation in financial markets.

In his research paper titled “ A Model of Decentralized Oversight for the Digital Asset Industry with an Example Anti-Money Laundering/Know-Your Customer Standard ,” recently published in the Journal of Payments Strategy and Systems, Van Vliet proposes that the cryptocurrency industry adopts decentralized oversight through globally recognized standards in order to address the trust issue, reduce the potential for bad actors, and mitigate problems that can reflect poorly on the industry as a whole.

The traditional way for financial institutions to establish trust, he explains, is by complying with rules-based regulations in their countries, where the national government has centralized authority over the currency and financial markets. However, cryptocurrency presents a new paradigm of global, decentralized finance.

“Bitcoin is global, and maybe having 150 different countries’ regulatory regimes isn’t the best way of establishing trust,” says Van Vliet. “Instead of requiring individual investors to understand and navigate the mess of all these regulatory structures, it would be a lot easier, and I think more effective, to have decentralized oversight through industry-defined management and ethical standards that are global, not local.”

Such a model for decentralized oversight already exists and has been used for decades in many industries, though not in finance, he notes. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) management standards are industry-specific and spell out industry norms that companies must follow in order to be certified.

“More than a million companies worldwide adhere to ISO management standards in the chemical, medical, oil, and aerospace industries, as well as others,” Van Vliet says. “They adhere to ISO standards because it facilitates global trade and the establishment of trust across borders. It’s how I can know whether to trust that a supplier I use is not a scammer. If they are ISO certified it gives me some confidence.”

In addition to making the case in his paper for developing new management standards for the digital asset industry within the global ISO audit structure, Van Vliet also presents a model for verifying compliance with standards for anti-money laundering and know-your-customer processes for decentralized finance using a public blockchain.

Van Vliet is hoping his paper will gain traction and spur discussion within the finance industry and among government regulators. “The Journal of Payments Strategy and Systems is an industry-oriented journal that is subscribed to by more than 100 central banks around the world,” he says, “so the audience is going to be people in regulatory decision-making roles.”

“One of the main issues is combating the use of cryptocurrency to finance terrorism. That’s an urgent problem that needs to be addressed, and here’s a standard that might help address that problem today. So let’s see if we can get that standard up and running and see if it works.”

  • Business and Entrepreneurship

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Thomas L. Friedman

Why the Campus Protests Are So Troubling

An outdoor space between low hedges on a college campus is filled with small tents of different colors.

By Thomas L. Friedman

Opinion Columnist

Readers have been asking me, and I have been asking myself of late, how I feel about the campus demonstrations to stop the war in Gaza. Anyone reading this column since Oct. 7 knows that my focus has been on events on the ground in the Middle East, but this phenomenon has become too big to ignore. In short: I find the whole thing very troubling, because the dominant messages from the loudest voices and many placards reject important truths about how this latest Gaza war started and what will be required to bring it to a fair and sustainable conclusion.

My problem is not that the protests in general are “antisemitic” — I would not use that word to describe them, and indeed, I am deeply uncomfortable as a Jew with how the charge of antisemitism is thrown about on the Israel-Palestine issue. My problem is that I am a hardheaded pragmatist who lived in Beirut and Jerusalem, cares about people on all sides and knows one thing above all from my decades in the region: The only just and workable solution to this issue is two nation-states for two indigenous peoples.

If you are for that, whatever your religion, nationality or politics, you’re part of the solution. If you are not for that, you’re part of the problem.

And from everything I have read and watched, too many of these protests have become part of the problem — for three key reasons.

First, they are virtually all about stopping Israel’s shameful behavior in killing so many Palestinian civilians in its pursuit of Hamas fighters, while giving a free pass to Hamas’s shameful breaking of the cease-fire that existed on Oct. 7. On that morning, Hamas launched an invasion in which it murdered Israeli parents in front of their children, children in front of their parents — documenting it on GoPro cameras — raped Israeli women and kidnapped or killed everyone they could get their hands on, from little kids to sick grandparents.

Again, you can be — and should be — appalled at Israel’s response: bombing everything in its path in Gaza so disproportionately that thousands of children have been killed, maimed and orphaned . But if you refuse to acknowledge what Hamas did to trigger this — not to justify what Israel has done, but to explain how the Jewish state could inflict so much suffering on Palestinian men, women and children in reverse — you’re just another partisan throwing another partisan log on the fire. By giving Hamas a pass, the protests have put the onus on Israel to such a degree that its very existence is a target for some students, while Hamas’s murderous behavior is passed off as a praiseworthy adventure in decolonization .

Second, when people chant slogans like “liberate Palestine” and “from the river to the sea,” they are essentially calling for the erasure of the state of Israel, not a two-state solution. They are arguing that the Jewish people have no right to self-determination or self-defense. I don’t believe that about Jews, and I don’t believe that about Palestinians. I believe in a two-state solution in which Israel, in return for security guarantees, withdraws from the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Arab areas of East Jerusalem, and a demilitarized Palestinian state that accepts the principle of two states for two peoples is established in those territories occupied in 1967.

I believe in that so strongly that the thing I am most proud of in my 45-year career is my interview in February 2002 with the Saudi crown prince, Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, in which he, for the first time, called on the entire Arab League to offer full peace and normalization of relations with Israel in exchange for full withdrawal to the 1967 lines — a call that led the Arab League to hold a peace conference the next month, on March 27 and 28, in Beirut to do just that. It was called the Arab Peace Initiative .

And do you know what Hamas’s response was to that first pan-Arab peace initiative for a two-state solution? I’ll let CNN tell you . Here’s its report from Israel on the evening of March 27, 2002, right after the Arab League peace summit opened:

NETANYA, Israel — A suicide bomber killed at least 19 people and injured 172 at a popular seaside hotel Wednesday, the start of the Jewish religious holiday of Passover. At least 48 of the injured were described as “severely wounded.” The bombing occurred in a crowded dining room at the Park Hotel, a coastal resort, during the traditional meal marking the start of Passover. … The Palestinian group Hamas, an Islamic fundamentalist group labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department, claimed responsibility for the attack.

Yes, that was Hamas’s response to the Arab peace initiative of two nation-states for two peoples: blowing up a Passover Seder in Israel.

Hey, Friedman, but what about all the violence that Israeli settlers perpetrated against Palestinians and how Bibi Netanyahu deliberately built up Hamas and undermined the Palestinian Authority, which embraced Oslo?

Answer: That violence and those Netanyahu actions are awful and harmful to a two-state solution as well. That is why I am intensely both anti-Hamas and anti-Netanyahu. And if you oppose just one and not also the other, you should reflect a little more on what you are shouting at your protest or your anti-protest. Because no one has done more to harm the prospects of a two-state solution than the codependent Hamas and Netanyahu factions.

Hamas is not against the post-1967 occupation. It is against the existence of a Jewish state and believes there should be an Islamic state between the river and the sea. When protests on college campuses ignore that, they are part of the problem. Just as much as Israel supporters who ignore the fact that the far-right members in Netanyahu’s own coalition government are for a Jewish state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. How do I know? Because Netanyahu wrote it into the coalition agreemen t between himself and his far-right partners.

The third reason that these protests have become part of the problem is that they ignore the view of many Palestinians in Gaza who detest Hamas’s autocracy. These Palestinians are enraged by precisely what these student demonstrations ignore: Hamas launched this war without permission from the Gazan population and without preparation for Gazans to protect themselves when Hamas knew that a brutal Israeli response would follow. In fact, a Hamas official said at the start of the war that its tunnels were for only its fighters, not civilians.

That is not to excuse Israel in the least for its excesses, but, again, it is also not to give Hamas a pass for inviting them.

My view: Hamas was ready to sacrifice thousands of Gazan civilians to win the support of the next global generation on TikTok. And it worked. But one reason it worked was a lack of critical thinking by too many in that generation — the result of a campus culture that has become way too much about what to think and not how to think.

I highly recommend a few different articles about how angry Gazans are at Hamas for starting this war without any goal in mind other than the fruitless task of trying to destroy Israel so Hamas’s leader, Yahya Sinwar, could get his personal revenge.

I was particularly struck by a piece in The National, a newspaper in Abu Dhabi, by Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, a Palestinian American raised in Gaza. The headline is: “Israel’s War Has Killed 31 Members of My Family, Yet It’s Vital to Speak Out Against Hamas.” Alkhatib placed Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack in the context of the rising protests against its inept and autocrat rule that have broken out periodically in Gaza since 2019, under the banner of “We Want to Live.”

Wrote Alkhatib, a political analyst who is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council: “Having grown up in Gaza, I experienced Hamas’s rise to power and their gradual grip over the Strip and Palestinian politics and society, hiding behind a resistance narrative and using extremist politics to sabotage prospects for a peaceful resolution to the conflict with Israel. Months before Oct. 7, tens of thousands of Gazans protested in the streets in defiance of Hamas, just as they had in 2019 and 2017.”

Alkhatib added that the “‘We Want to Live’ protest movement decried living conditions and unemployment in Gaza, as well as the lack of a political horizon for meaningful change in the territory’s realities and opportunities. Hamas’s regime consisted of a criminal and despotic enterprise that used Gaza as a haven for the group’s members and affiliates and turned Palestinians there into aid-dependent subjects reliant on the international community” and turned Gaza into “a ‘resistance citadel’ that was part of a nefarious regional alliance with Iran.”

A campus with critical thinkers might have had a teach-in on the central lawn on that subject, not just on the violence of Israeli settlers.

Against this backdrop, we are seeing college presidents at places like Rutgers and Northwestern agree to some of the demands by students to end their protests. As NPR summarized them, the “demands vary by school, though they generally call for an end to the Israel-Hamas war, disclosures of institutional investments and divestment from companies with ties to Israel or that otherwise profit from its military operation in Gaza.”

What Palestinians and Israelis need most now are not performative gestures of disinvestment but real gestures of impactful investment, not the threat of a deeper war in Rafah but a way to build more partners for peace. Invest in groups that promote Arab-Jewish understanding, like the Abraham Initiatives or the New Israel Fund. Invest in management skills capacity-building for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, like the wonderful Education for Employment network or Anera, that will help a new generation to take over the Palestinian Authority and build strong, noncorrupt institutions to run a Palestinian state.

This is not a time for exclusionary thinking. It is a time for complexity thinking and pragmatic thinking: How do we get to two nation-states for two indigenous peoples? If you want to make a difference and not just make a point, stand for that, work for that, reject anyone who rejects it and give a hug to anyone who embraces it.

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Thomas L. Friedman is the foreign affairs Opinion columnist. He joined the paper in 1981 and has won three Pulitzer Prizes. He is the author of seven books, including “From Beirut to Jerusalem,” which won the National Book Award. @ tomfriedman • Facebook

Why RAG won’t solve generative AI’s hallucination problem

documents, title, startup, venture capital

Hallucinations — the lies generative AI models tell, basically — are a big problem for businesses looking to integrate the technology into their operations.

Because models have no real intelligence and are simply predicting words, images, speech, music and other data according to a private schema , they sometimes get it wrong. Very wrong. In a recent piece in The Wall Street Journal, a source recounts an instance where Microsoft’s generative AI invented meeting attendees and implied that conference calls were about subjects that weren’t actually discussed on the call.

As I wrote a while ago, hallucinations may be an unsolvable problem with today’s transformer-based model architectures. But a number of generative AI vendors suggest that they can be done away with, more or less, through a technical approach called retrieval augmented generation, or RAG.

Here’s how one vendor, Squirro, pitches it :

At the core of the offering is the concept of Retrieval Augmented LLMs or Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) embedded in the solution … [our generative AI] is unique in its promise of zero hallucinations. Every piece of information it generates is traceable to a source, ensuring credibility.

Here’s a similar pitch from SiftHub:

Using RAG technology and fine-tuned large language models with industry-specific knowledge training, SiftHub allows companies to generate personalized responses with zero hallucinations. This guarantees increased transparency and reduced risk and inspires absolute trust to use AI for all their needs.

RAG was pioneered by data scientist Patrick Lewis, researcher at Meta and University College London, and lead author of the 2020 paper that coined the term. Applied to a model, RAG retrieves documents possibly relevant to a question — for example, a Wikipedia page about the Super Bowl — using what’s essentially a keyword search and then asks the model to generate answers given this additional context.

“When you’re interacting with a generative AI model like ChatGPT or Llama and you ask a question, the default is for the model to answer from its ‘parametric memory’ — i.e., from the knowledge that’s stored in its parameters as a result of training on massive data from the web,” David Wadden, a research scientist at AI2, the AI-focused research division of the nonprofit Allen Institute, explained. “But, just like you’re likely to give more accurate answers if you have a reference [like a book or a file] in front of you, the same is true in some cases for models.”

RAG is undeniably useful — it allows one to attribute things a model generates to retrieved documents to verify their factuality (and, as an added benefit, avoid potentially copyright-infringing regurgitation ). RAG also lets enterprises that don’t want their documents used to train a model — say, companies in highly regulated industries like healthcare and law — to allow models to draw on those documents in a more secure and temporary way.

But RAG certainly  can’t stop a model from hallucinating. And it has limitations that many vendors gloss over.

Wadden says that RAG is most effective in “knowledge-intensive” scenarios where a user wants to use a model to address an “information need” — for example, to find out who won the Super Bowl last year. In these scenarios, the document that answers the question is likely to contain many of the same keywords as the question (e.g., “Super Bowl,” “last year”), making it relatively easy to find via keyword search.

Things get trickier with “reasoning-intensive” tasks such as coding and math, where it’s harder to specify in a keyword-based search query the concepts needed to answer a request — much less identify which documents might be relevant.

Even with basic questions, models can get “distracted” by irrelevant content in documents, particularly in long documents where the answer isn’t obvious. Or they can — for reasons as yet unknown — simply ignore the contents of retrieved documents, opting instead to rely on their parametric memory.

RAG is also expensive in terms of the hardware needed to apply it at scale.

That’s because retrieved documents, whether from the web, an internal database or somewhere else, have to be stored in memory — at least temporarily — so that the model can refer back to them. Another expenditure is compute for the increased context a model has to process before generating its response. For a technology already notorious for the amount of compute and electricity it requires even for basic operations, this amounts to a serious consideration.

That’s not to suggest RAG can’t be improved. Wadden noted many ongoing efforts to train models to make better use of RAG-retrieved documents.

Some of these efforts involve models that can “decide” when to make use of the documents, or models that can choose not to perform retrieval in the first place if they deem it unnecessary. Others focus on ways to more efficiently index massive datasets of documents, and on improving search through better representations of documents — representations that go beyond keywords.

“We’re pretty good at retrieving documents based on keywords, but not so good at retrieving documents based on more abstract concepts, like a proof technique needed to solve a math problem,” Wadden said. “Research is needed to build document representations and search techniques that can identify relevant documents for more abstract generation tasks. I think this is mostly an open question at this point.”

So RAG can help reduce a model’s hallucinations — but it’s not the answer to all of AI’s hallucinatory problems. Beware of any vendor that tries to claim otherwise.

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Biden team’s tightrope: Reining in rogue Obamacare agents without slowing enrollment

  • Julie Appleby, KFF Health News

President Joe Biden counts among his accomplishments the record-high number of people, more than 21 million, who enrolled in Obamacare plans this year. Behind the scenes, however, federal regulators are contending with a problem that affects people’s coverage: rogue brokers who have signed people up for Affordable Care Act plans, or switched them into new ones, without their permission.

Fighting the problem presents tension for the administration: how to thwart the bad actors without affecting ACA sign-ups.

Complaints about these unauthorized changes — which can cause affected policyholders to lose access to medical care, pay higher deductibles, or even incur surprise tax bills — rose sharply in recent months, according to brokers who contacted KFF Health News and federal workers who asked not to be identified.

Ronnell Nolan, president and CEO of the trade association Health Agents for America, said her group has suggested to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that it add two-factor authentication to or send text alerts to consumers if an agent tries to access their accounts. But the agency told her it doesn’t always have up-to-date contact information.

“We’ve given them a whole host of ideas,” she said. “They say, ‘Be careful what you wish for.’ But we don’t mind going an extra step if you can stop this fraud and abuse, because clients are being hurt.”

Some consumers are pursued when they respond to misleading social media marketing ads promising government subsidies, but most have no idea how they fell victim to plan-switching. Problems seem concentrated in the 32 states using the federal exchange.

Federal regulators have declined to say how many complaints about unauthorized sign-ups or plan switches they’ve received, or how many insurance agents they’ve sanctioned as a result. But the problem is big enough that CMS says it’s working on technological and regulatory solutions. Affected consumers and agents have filed a civil lawsuit in federal district court in Florida against private-sector firms allegedly involved in unauthorized switching schemes.

Biden has pushed hard to make permanent the enhanced subsidies first put in place during the covid pandemic that, along with other steps including increased federal funding for outreach, helped fuel the strong enrollment growth. Biden contrasts his support for the ACA with the stance of former President Donald Trump, who supported attempts to repeal most of the law and presided over funding cuts and declining enrollment.

Most proposed solutions to the rogue-agent problem involve making it more difficult for agents to access policyholder information or requiring wider use of identity questions tied to enrollees’ credit history. The latter could be stumbling blocks for low-income people or those with limited financial records, said Sabrina Corlette, co-director of the Center on Health Insurance Reforms at Georgetown University.

“That is the knife edge the administration has to walk,” said Corlette, “protecting consumers from fraudulent behavior while at the same time making sure there aren’t too many barriers.”

Jeff Wu, acting director of the Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight, said in a statement that the agency is evaluating options on such factors as how effective they would be, their impact on consumers’ ability to enroll, and how fast they could be implemented.

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The agency is also working closely, he wrote, with insurance companies, state insurance departments, and law enforcement “so that agents violating CMS rules or committing fraud face consequences.” And it is reaching out to states that run their own ACA markets for ideas.

That’s because Washington, D.C., and the 18 states that run their own ACA marketplaces have reported far fewer complaints about unauthorized enrollment and plan-switching. Most include layers of security in addition to those the federal marketplace has in place — some use two-factor authentication — before agents can access policyholder information.

California, for example, allows consumers to designate an agent and to “log in and add or remove an agent at will,” said Robert Kingston, interim director of outreach and sales for Covered California, the state’s ACA marketplace. The state can also send consumers a one-time passcode to share with an agent of their choice. Consumers in Colorado and Pennsylvania can similarly designate specific agents to access their accounts.

By contrast, agents can more easily access policyholder information when using private-sector websites that link them to the federal ACA market — all they need is a person’s name, date of birth, and state of residence — to enroll them or switch their coverage.

CMS has approved dozens of such “enhanced direct enrollment” websites run by private companies, which are designed to make it easier and faster for agents certified to offer insurance through .

Rules went into effect last June requiring agents to get written or recorded consent from clients before enrolling them or changing their coverage, but brokers say they’re rarely asked to produce the documentation. If CMS makes changes to — such as adding passcodes, as California has — it would need to require all alternative-enrollment partners to do the same.

The largest is San Francisco-based HealthSherpa, which assisted 52% of active enrollments nationally for this year, said CEO George Kalogeropoulos.

The company has a 10-person fraud investigation team, he said, which has seen “a significant spike in concerns about unauthorized switching.” They report problems to state insurance departments, insurance carriers, and federal regulators “and refer consumers to advocates on our team to make sure their plans are corrected.”

Solutions must be “targeted,” he said. “The issue with some of the solutions proposed is it negatively impacts the ability of all consumers to get enrolled.”

Most people who sign up for ACA plans are aided by agents or platforms like HealthSherpa, rather than doing it themselves or seeking help from nonprofit organizations. Brokers don’t charge consumers; instead, they receive commissions from insurers participating in state and federal marketplaces for each person they enroll in a plan.

While California officials say their additional layers of authentication have not noticeably affected enrollment numbers, the state’s recent enrollment growth has been slower than in states served by .

Still, Covered California’s Kingston pointed to a decreased number of uninsured people in the state. In 2014, when much of the ACA was implemented, 12.5% of Californians were uninsured, falling to 6.5% in 2022 , according to data compiled by KFF. That year, the share of people uninsured nationwide was 8%.

Corlette said insurers have a role to play, as do states and CMS.

“Are there algorithms that can say, ‘This is a broker with outlier behavior’?” Insurance companies could then withhold commissions “until they can figure it out,” she said.

Kelley Schultz, vice president of commercial policy at AHIP, the trade association for large insurance companies, said sharing more information from the government marketplace about which policies are being switched could help insurers spot patterns.

CMS could also set limits on plan switches, as there is generally no legitimate need for multiple changes in a given month, Schultz said.

This article was produced by KFF Health News , formerly known as Kaiser Health News, a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs at KFF — an independent source of health policy research, polling and journalism.


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