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Master of Science Program in Computational Science and Engineering

The master’s degree in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), previously the Computation for Design and Optimization (CDO) SM program, is an interdisciplinary program designed to prepare tomorrow’s engineers and scientists in advanced computational methods and applications. The program provides a strong foundation in computational approaches to the design and operation of complex engineered and scientific systems.

As an interdisciplinary academic program, the CSE SM is housed in the Center for Computational Science & Engineering but students have the opportunity to work with faculty from across the Institute.  Through hands-on projects and a master’s thesis, students develop and apply advanced computational methods to a diverse range of applications, from aerospace to nanotechnology, from Internet protocols to telecommunications system design. Career opportunities for CSE SM graduates include companies and research centers where systems modeling, numerical simulation, design and optimization play a critical role.

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Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE)

The collection's logo

Established in 2008 and incorporated into the Schwarzman College of Computing as one of its core academic units in January 2020, the MIT Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) is an interdisciplinary research and education center focused on innovative methods and applications of computation. CCSE involves faculty, researchers, and students from MIT’s Schools of Engineering, Science, Architecture and Planning, and Management, as well as other units of the Schwarzman College of Computing. Our educational programs seek to train future generations of computational scientists and engineers to both develop and use sophisticated computational methods for a wide variety of applications.

CCSE offers two graduate programs (SM & PhD) in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE). The CSE master’s degree program is interdisciplinary, providing students with a strong foundation in computational methods for the simulation, design, and analysis of complex engineered and scientific systems; it emphasizes educational breadth through introductory core courses in numerical analysis, simulation, and optimization, and depth though an elective component that focuses on particular applications as well as a thesis. Students in the CSE PhD program undertake advanced specialization in a computation-related field of their choice through focused coursework and a doctoral thesis in this field. The CSE PhD degree is awarded by one of the following eight departments: Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear Science and Engineering; the specialization in computational science and engineering is highlighted by specially crafted thesis fields.

  • CSE SM Theses

CSE PhD Theses

Sub-communities within this community, computation for design and optimization (cdo) master of science program [renamed in 2020], collections in this community, recent submissions.


Leveraging the Linear Response Theory in Sensitivity Analysis of Chaotic Dynamical Systems and Turbulent Flows 


Modeling Feedback Effects of Transient Nuclear Systems Using Monte Carlo 


Learning Mixed Multinomial Logit Models 

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3 Questions: A new PhD program from the Center for Computational Science and Engineering

mit phd computational science and engineering

Co-directors Youssef Marzouk and Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou describe how the standalone degree aims to train students in cross-cutting aspects of computational science and engineering.

This fall, the Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE), an academic unit in the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, is introducing a new standalone PhD degree program that will enable students to pursue research in cross-cutting methodological aspects of computational science and engineering. The launch follows approval of the center’s degree program proposal at the May 2023 Institute faculty meeting.

Doctoral-level graduate study in computational science and engineering (CSE) at MIT has, for the past decade, been offered through an interdisciplinary program in which CSE students are admitted to one of eight participating academic departments in the School of Engineering or School of Science. While this model adds a strong disciplinary component to students’ education, the rapid growth of the CSE field and the establishment of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing have prompted an exciting expansion of MIT’s graduate-level offerings in computation.

The new degree, offered by the college, will run alongside MIT’s existing interdisciplinary offerings in CSE, complementing these doctoral training programs and preparing students to contribute to the leading edge of the field. Here, CCSE co-directors Youssef Marzouk and Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou discuss the standalone program and how they expect it to elevate the visibility and impact of CSE research and education at MIT.

Q: What is computational science and engineering?

Marzouk: Computational science and engineering focuses on the development and analysis of state-of-the-art methods for computation and their innovative application to problems of science and engineering interest. It has intellectual foundations in applied mathematics, statistics, and computer science, and touches the full range of science and engineering disciplines. Yet, it synthesizes these foundations into a discipline of its own — one that links the digital and physical worlds. It’s an exciting and evolving multidisciplinary field.

Hadjiconstantinou: Examples of CSE research happening at MIT include modeling and simulation techniques, the underlying computational mathematics, and data-driven modeling of physical systems. Computational statistics and scientific machine learning have become prominent threads within CSE, joining high-performance computing, mathematically-oriented programming languages, and their broader links to algorithms and software. Application domains include energy, environment and climate, materials, health, transportation, autonomy, and aerospace, among others. Some of our researchers focus on general and widely applicable methodology, while others choose to focus on methods and algorithms motivated by a specific domain of application.

Q: What was the motivation behind creating a standalone PhD program?

Marzouk: The new degree focuses on a particular class of students whose background and interests are primarily in CSE methodology, in a manner that cuts across the disciplinary research structure represented by our current “with-departments” degree program. There is a strong research demand for such methodologically-focused students among CCSE faculty and MIT faculty in general. Our objective is to create a targeted, coherent degree program in this field that, alongside our other thriving CSE offerings, will create the leading environment for top CSE students worldwide.

Hadjiconstantinou: One of CCSE’s most important functions is to recruit exceptional students who are trained in and want to work in computational science and engineering. Experience with our CSE master’s program suggests that students with a strong background and interests in the discipline prefer to apply to a pure CSE program for their graduate studies. The standalone degree aims to bring these students to MIT and make them available to faculty across the Institute.

Q: How will this impact computing education and research at MIT?  

Hadjiconstantinou: We believe that offering a standalone PhD program in CSE alongside the existing “with-departments” programs will significantly strengthen MIT’s graduate programs in computing. In particular, it will strengthen the methodological core of CSE research and education at MIT, while continuing to support the disciplinary-flavored CSE work taking place in our participating departments, which include Aeronautics and Astronautics; Chemical Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Nuclear Science and Engineering; Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences; and Mathematics. Together, these programs will create a stronger CSE student cohort and facilitate deeper exchanges between the college and other units at MIT.

Marzouk: In a broader sense, the new program is designed to help realize one of the key opportunities presented by the college, which is to create a richer variety of graduate degrees in computation and to involve as many faculty and units in these educational endeavors as possible. The standalone CSE PhD will join other distinguished doctoral programs of the college — such as the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science PhD; the Operations Research Center PhD; and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Statistics and the Social and Engineering Systems PhD within the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society — and grow in a way that is informed by them. The confluence of these academic programs, and natural synergies among them, will make MIT quite unique.

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Graduate students in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT are central to our educational mission.

The degrees offered are:

  • Master of Engineering (MEng) , including a new 9 month MEng degree in Data Science for Engineering Systems
  • The Master of Science (SM) & Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Interdepartmental Program in Transportation (SM and PhD)

Joint and dual degrees, master of engineering (meng), the master of science (sm) & doctor of philosophy (phd).

The Master of Engineering (MEng) degree program is our professional-oriented graduate program. The MEng program consists of high level, fast paced coursework and significant engagement with real world engineering projects, preparing our graduates for a professional career path, or further graduate studies at MIT or elsewhere. This 9 month program, with opportunities for individualized tracks in CEE – prepares our graduates for addressing significant challenges in the domains of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

For current MIT students, the program is a natural extension of the Institute’s 4 year Bachelor of Science degree for students to gain practical experiences and prepare for emerging fields in today’s job market. The MEng program is self-funded. Admitted students are responsible for paying tuition and cost-of-living expenses or securing external fellowships. MIT’s Office of Graduate Education maintains a helpful database of such fellowships on their website.

Summary of Requirements The Master of Engineering degree is awarded to students who have satisfactorily completed a structured program of at least 90 units, consisting of 66 units graduate level subjects, and a 24 unit thesis approved by the department. In one academic year, the students are required to take:

  • Four graduate subjects offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, totaling at least 48 units
  • Two elective subjects, possibly offered by other MIT departments, totaling at least 18 units
  • MEng Thesis, equivalent to 24 units

What do students do with their degree? Graduates of the MEng Program go on to careers as leaders in industry, government, consulting, and some pursue further graduate education.

MEng Track Descriptions and Requirements

Climate, environment, and sustainability (ces) track.

Within the Climate, Environment and Sustainability (CES) track of the MEng degree program, students take coursework to develop their understanding of CES and pursue research on CES topics across the breadth of civil and environmental engineering (e.g. ecological systems, air pollution, food, energy). Read our article to learn more about this track.

Coursework: Within the Climate, Environment, and Sustainability track, students must select 3 of the following subjects:

  • 1.771 Global Change Science
  • 1.837 Resilience of Living Systems to Environmental Change
  • 1.855 Air Pollution and Atmospheric Chemistry
  • 1.65 Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows and Wind Energy
  • 1.811[J] Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics: Pollution Prevention and Control
  • 1.845 Introduction to the terrestrial carbon cycle and ecosystem ecology
  • 1.670 Energy Systems for Climate Change Mitigation
  • 1.C51 Machine Learning for Sustainable Systems

Data Science for Engineering Systems (DSES) track

Within the Data Science for Engineering Systems (DSES) track of the MEng degree program, students gain expertise in data science and computational modeling tools for improving the sustainability and resilience of next generation societal-scale infrastructure systems. Students pursue curriculum, research and specialized training that prepare them for careers in sustainable and resilient design of energy systems, materials and structures, supply chains, and urban systems. Learn more, download our information sheet.

In the Data Science for Engineering Systems track, there are two focus areas of concentration for students to choose based on their interests: Computational Modeling and Design for Sustainability or Resilient Infrastructure Systems and Services.

Coursework: Within the DSES track, students must take 48 units in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering including: 6 units of project studio. Project studio class combines work in the lab with MIT faculty and seminars conducted by industry partners. Students will also receive guidance on data acquisition, analysis and computational modeling tools.

18 units of CEE-centric data science from the following subjects:

  •  1.275 Business and Operations Analytics
  • IDS.131 Statistics, Computation, Analytics
  • 6.C51 Modeling with Machine Learning: from Algorithms to Applications + 1.C51 Machine Learning for Sustainable Systems (must be taken and completed simultaneously)
  • 1.121 Advancing Mechanics and Materials via Machine Learning
  • 1.125 Architecting and Engineering Software Systems

24 units of CEE offered subjects in Computational Modeling and Design for Sustainability:

  •  1.545 Atomistic Modeling and Simulation of Materials and Structures
  • 1.579 Materials in Agriculture, Food Security, and Food Safety
  • 1.61 Transport Processes in the Environment
  •  1.147 Startup Sustainable Tech
  • 1.723 Computational Methods for Environmental Flows
  • 1.631 Fluids and Diseases

24 units of CEE offered subjects in Resilient Infrastructure Systems and Services:

  • 1.208 Resilient Networks
  • 1.260 Logistics Systems
  • 1.303 Infrastructure Design for Climate Change
  • 1.581 Structural Dynamics
  • 1.583 Topology Optimization of Structures
  • 1.200 Transportation: Foundations and Methods
  • 1.202 Demand Modeling
  • 1.266 Supply Chain and Demand Analytics
  • 1.263 Urban Last-Mile Logistics

Structural Mechanics and Design (SMD) Track

Within the Structural Mechanics and Design track of the MEng degree program, students pursue curriculum and research in areas including structural engineering mechanics, computational design and optimization, and collaborative workflows at the interface of engineering and architecture. Take a peek inside the SMD track by watching a three minute video .

Coursework: Within the Structural Mechanics and Design track, two of the four CEE subjects must include 1.562 Structural Design Project I (Fall) and 1.563 Structural Design Project II (Spring)

The Master of Science (SM) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) are the research focused graduate degrees in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE). Each SM and PhD graduate student in our department is matched with one of our faculty members to work together on the research component of the graduate degree.

Connecting graduate students through research interests with faculty and offering the opportunity for advanced course work is a combination that produces highly successful graduates that emerge as leaders in their fields.

With broad areas of study, we offer students the opportunity to pursue educational goals – through research and course work that is exciting and motivating to you.

The Areas of Study Include:

  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Hydrology and Hydroclimatology
  • Systems Engineering including Networks and Transportation
  • Materials, Structures and Geomechanics

Degree Requirements

Master of Science The Master of Science degree is awarded to students who have satisfactorily completed a program of study of at least 66 units of graduate level subjects, approved by the department in which s/he is enrolled, and a 24 unit thesis approved by the department.

Summary of Requirements

  • 66 units of graduate level subjects, of which 34 units are offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy The Doctor of Philosophy degree is awarded to students who have satisfactorily completed a doctoral program in CEE consisting of 96 units of graduate level coursework, including a 3-Subject Core and one breadth subject. The 3-Subject Core reflects core knowledge in the student’s chosen field. The remainder of the doctoral program consists of graduate subjects that complement the Core.

  • 96 units of graduate level subjects, including a three Subject Core and one breadth subject
  • Successful completion of the general exam at the end of academic year 2
  • Successful completion of the PhD proposal

What do students do with their research degree? Graduates from our SM and PhD degree tracks go on to top jobs as engineers, faculty members at eminent universities, engineering consultants, leaders for NGOs, and entrepreneurs.

Master of Science in Transportation The interdepartmental Master of Science in Transportation (MST) degree program emphasizes the complexity of transportation and its dependence on the interaction of technology, operations, planning, management and policy-making. For this reason, the Master of Science in Transportation program is interdepartmental. Faculty members and research staff from several centers, departments and divisions within MIT are affiliated with the program and serve as research advisors and mentors to MST students.

Summary of Requirements:

  • 1.200 Transportation: foundations and methods (12 units)
  • One of the following: (12 units)
  • 1.202 Demand Modeling, or
  • 1.208 Resilient Networks or
  • 1.260 Logistics Systems or
  • 11.478 Behavior and Policy : Connections in Transportation
  • 11.S953  Frontier of Transportation Research (3 units)
  • IDS.131 Statistics, Computation and Applications or
  • 6.862 Applied Machine Learning
  • Equivalent subject or higher [petition to Transportation Education Committee]
  • Policy and Technology: select subject in consultation with advisor (9-12 units)
  • Individually designed program from MST program areas (15-18 units)
  • MST Thesis, equivalent to 24 units

Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Transportation The interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Transportation provides a structured and direct follow-on doctoral program for students enrolled in the MST program or other transportation-related master degree programs at MIT or elsewhere. The interdepartmental structure of the program allows students greater flexibility in developing individual programs of study that cross both disciplinary and departmental lines. The program is administered by the transportation faculty through the Transportation Education Committee (TEC), who are responsible for admissions, establishment and oversight of program requirements, and conduct of the general examination and thesis defense.

  • 120 units of graduate level subjects, including a doctoral core program, consisting of two subject areas as selected by the student
  • Successful completion of the general exam by the end of academic year 2
  • PhD Thesis, equivalent to 24 units

Both the interdepartmental Master of Science in Transportation and the interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Transportation are administered through the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

The joint and dual degrees listed below stemmed from a formal arrangement between an MIT department and another program affiliated with MIT. CEE participates in four such degree programs.

WHOI: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Through MIT’s agreement with the WHOI the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering we have several outstanding students who participate in this joint program, often times splitting their time between MIT’s and WHOI’s campuses.

Please visit the  MIT-WHOI joint program website  to learn more about the fields of study.

CSE: PhD Program in Computational Science and Engineering

The PhD Program in Computational Science and Engineering ( CSE ) is a collaboration of CEE and the  Center for Computational Engineering . The CSE Doctoral Program allows CEE students to specialize in a computation-related field of their choice through focused coursework and a Doctoral Thesis, and to participate in a multi-departmental program by satisfying a set of computation-specific requirements.

LGO: Leaders for Global Operations

Leaders for Global Operations (LGO) is a collaboration of MIT’s School of Engineering and Sloan School of Management. Students earn both an MBA and SM in two years. Please visit the  LGO in Civil and Environmental Engineering website  to learn about the different CEE tracks.

Learn more about the LGO application process. 


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Research Areas


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Yaocheng Sparrow Tian


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Kento Abeywardane


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Jose del Aguila Ferrandis

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d'Arbeloff Career Development Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

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Zeyad Al Awwad

AeroAstro-CSE PhD

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Meshal Alharbi

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Abdullah Almaatouq

Douglas Drane Career Development Professor in Information Technology

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Saurabh Amin

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Anuradha Annaswamy

Senior Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering; Director of Active-Adaptive Control Lab

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Brian Anthony

Principal Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering

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Constantine Athanitis


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Abdulaziz Aziz Alhassan


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Navid Azizan

Edgerton Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Data, Systems, and Society

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Emilio Baglietto

Associate Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering

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George Barbastathis

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

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Paul Barton

Lammot du Pont Professor of Chemical Engineering

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Professor of Biological Engineering

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Klaus-Jürgen Bathe

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Martin Bazant

E. G. Roos (1944) Professor of Chemical Engineering; Professor of Mathematics

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Abigail Bodner

Assistant Professor, Departments of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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Marcos Botto Tornielli

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Richard Braatz

Edwin R. Gilliland Professor of Chemical Engineering

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Markus J. Buehler

Jerry McAfee (1940) Professor in Engineering; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Jackson Burns

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Oral Buyukozturk

George Macomber Professor in Construction Management; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

mit phd computational science and engineering

Pengfei Cai

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W. Craig Carter

POSCO Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

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Bianca Champenois

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Connor Coley

Henri Slezynger (1957) Career Development Assistant Professor

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Josefina Correa

CSE-SM, PhD candidate in Neuroscience and Statistics

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Luca Daniel

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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David Darmofal

Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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Olivier de Weck

Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems

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Laurent Demanet

Professor of Applied Mathematics; Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

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Isabel Diersen

Vaibhav dixit.

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Manan Doshi

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Terry J. Kohler Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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Xiaochen Du

mit phd computational science and engineering

Alan Edelman

Professor of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science & AI Laboratories, Julia Lab Group Leader

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Raffaele Ferrari

Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Oceanography

mit phd computational science and engineering

Katharine Fisher

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Benoit Forget

Korea Electric Power Professor of Nuclear Engineering

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Rodrigo Freitas

AMAX Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

mit phd computational science and engineering

Robert Freund

Theresa Seley Professor in Management Science, Sloan School of Management

mit phd computational science and engineering

James Gabbard

mit phd computational science and engineering

Ahmed F. Ghoniem

Ronald C. Crane (1972) Professor; Director, Center for Energy and Propulsion Research; Director, Reacting Gas Dynamics Laboratory

mit phd computational science and engineering

Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli

Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering; Jeffrey Cheah Career Development Chair

mit phd computational science and engineering

William H. Green

Hoyt Hottel Professor in Chemical Engineering, Postdoctoral Officer

mit phd computational science and engineering

Kevin Greenman

mit phd computational science and engineering

Sarah Greer

Math-CSE PhD

mit phd computational science and engineering

Jeffrey C. Grossman

Morton and Claire Goulder and Family Professor in Environmental Systems; Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

mit phd computational science and engineering

Nicolas G. Hadjiconstantinou

Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Co-Director, Center for Computational Science and Engineering

mit phd computational science and engineering

Robert Haimes

Principal Research Engineer, Aeronautics and Astronautics

mit phd computational science and engineering

Giulianna Hashemi-Asasi

mit phd computational science and engineering

Colette L. Heald

The Germeshausen Professor; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

mit phd computational science and engineering

Ian Hutchinson

Professor of Nuclear Science & Engineering

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Vineet Jagadeesan Nair

mit phd computational science and engineering

Steven G. Johnson

Professor of Applied Mathematics and Physics

mit phd computational science and engineering

Ruben Juanes

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

mit phd computational science and engineering

Xin Kai Lee


mit phd computational science and engineering

Kenneth Kamrin

mit phd computational science and engineering

Dimitris Konomis

mit phd computational science and engineering

Heather J. Kulik

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering

mit phd computational science and engineering

Adriana Ladera

mit phd computational science and engineering

Pierre Lermusiaux

Nam Pyo Suh Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Associate Department Head for Operations

mit phd computational science and engineering

Battelle Energy Alliance Professor in Nuclear Engineering; Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

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Class of 1947 Career Development Professor, Associate Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering

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Nuno Loureiro

Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering; Professor of Physics

mit phd computational science and engineering

Adrián Lozano-Durán

Draper Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics

mit phd computational science and engineering

Julien Luzzatto

mit phd computational science and engineering

John Marshall

Professor of Oceanography

mit phd computational science and engineering

Youssef M. Marzouk

Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Co-director, Center for Computational Science and Engineering

mit phd computational science and engineering

Evan Massaro

mit phd computational science and engineering

Aimee Maurais

mit phd computational science and engineering

Dennis B. McLaughlin

H.M. King Bhumibol Professor, Post-Tenure

mit phd computational science and engineering

Caitlin Mueller

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Associate Professor of Architecture

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Kate Nelson

CCSE Academic Administrator

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N Cuong Nguyen

Principal Research Scientist, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Center for Computational Engineering

Subeen Pang

mit phd computational science and engineering

Pablo A. Parrilo

Joseph F. & Nancy P. Keithley Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

mit phd computational science and engineering

Anthony T. Patera

mit phd computational science and engineering

Alex “Sandy” Pentland

Toshiba Professor of Media, Arts, and Sciences

mit phd computational science and engineering

Jaime Peraire

H.N. Slater Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics

mit phd computational science and engineering

Simone Peter

mit phd computational science and engineering

Raúl A. Radovitzky

Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor in Aeronautics and Astronautics; Associate Director, MIT Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies

mit phd computational science and engineering

Aaditya Rau

mit phd computational science and engineering

Principal Research Scientist, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS)

mit phd computational science and engineering

Rashmi Ravishankar

mit phd computational science and engineering

Danyal Rehman

mit phd computational science and engineering

Gavin Ridley


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Study reveals why AI models that analyze medical images can be biased

These models, which can predict a patient’s race, gender, and age, seem to use those traits as shortcuts when making medical diagnoses.

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Computational Science and Engineering SM

Computational Science and Engineering SM

77 Massachusetts Avenue Building 35-434B Cambridge MA, 02139

617-253-3725 [email protected]

Website: Computational Science and Engineering SM

Note: To focus resources on the new  CSE PhD program ,   external admissions for the CSE SM program are currently paused. Applicants interested in Computer Science must apply to the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science program.

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Fall Term (September)

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Scientists use computational modeling to guide a difficult chemical synthesis

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A glowing penicillin molecule

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A glowing penicillin molecule.

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Researchers from MIT and the University of Michigan have discovered a new way to drive chemical reactions that could generate a wide variety of compounds with desirable pharmaceutical properties.

These compounds, known as azetidines, are characterized by four-membered rings that include nitrogen. Azetidines have traditionally been much more difficult to synthesize than five-membered nitrogen-containing rings, which are found in many FDA-approved drugs.

The reaction that the researchers used to create azetidines is driven by a photocatalyst that excites the molecules from their ground energy state. Using computational models that they developed, the researchers were able to predict compounds that can react with each other to form azetidines using this kind of catalysis.

“Going forward, rather than using a trial-and-error process, people can prescreen compounds and know beforehand which substrates will work and which ones won't,” says Heather Kulik, an associate professor of chemistry and chemical engineering at MIT.

Kulik and Corinna Schindler, a professor of chemistry at the University of Michigan, are the senior authors of the study, which appears today in Science . Emily Wearing, recently a graduate student at the University of Michigan, is the lead author of the paper. Other authors include University of Michigan postdoc Yu-Cheng Yeh, MIT graduate student Gianmarco Terrones, University of Michigan graduate student Seren Parikh, and MIT postdoc Ilia Kevlishvili.

Light-driven synthesis

Many naturally occurring molecules, including vitamins, nucleic acids, enzymes and hormones, contain five-membered nitrogen-containing rings, also known as nitrogen heterocycles. These rings are also found in more than half of all FDA-approved small-molecule drugs, including many antibiotics and cancer drugs.

Four-membered nitrogen heterocycles, which are rarely found in nature, also hold potential as drug compounds. However, only a handful of existing drugs, including penicillin, contain four-membered heterocycles, in part because these four-membered rings are much more difficult to synthesize than five-membered heterocycles.

In recent years, Schindler’s lab has been working on synthesizing azetidines using light to drive a reaction that combines two precursors, an alkene and an oxime. These reactions require a photocatalyst, which absorbs light and passes the energy to the reactants, making it possible for them to react with each other.

“The catalyst can transfer that energy to another molecule, which moves the molecules into excited states and makes them more reactive. This is a tool that people are starting to use to make it possible to make certain reactions occur that wouldn't normally occur,” Kulik says.

Schindler’s lab found that while this reaction sometimes worked well, other times it did not, depending on which reactants were used. They enlisted Kulik, an expert in developing computational approaches to modeling chemical reactions, to help them figure out how to predict when these reactions will occur.

The two labs hypothesized that whether a particular alkene and oxime will react together in a photocatalyzed reaction depends on a property known as the frontier orbital energy match. Electrons that surround the nucleus of an atom exist in orbitals, and quantum mechanics can be used to predict the shape and energies of these orbitals. For chemical reactions, the most important electrons are those in the outermost, highest energy (“frontier”) orbitals, which are available to react with other molecules.

Kulik and her students used density functional theory, which uses the Schrödinger equation to predict where electrons could be and how much energy they have, to calculate the orbital energy of these outermost electrons.

These energy levels are also affected by other groups of atoms attached to the molecule, which can change the properties of the electrons in the outermost orbitals.

Once those energy levels are calculated, the researchers can identify reactants that have similar energy levels when the photocatalyst boosts them into an excited state. When the excited states of an alkene and an oxime are closely matched, less energy is required to boost the reaction to its transition state — the point at which the reaction has enough energy to go forward to form products.

Accurate predictions

After calculating the frontier orbital energies for 16 different alkenes and nine oximes, the researchers used their computational model to predict whether 18 different alkene-oxime pairs would react together to form an azetidine. With the calculations in hand, these predictions can be made in a matter of seconds.

The researchers also modeled a factor that influences the overall yield of the reaction: a measure of how available the carbon atoms in the oxime are to participate in chemical reactions.

The model’s predictions suggested that some of these 18 reactions won’t occur or won’t give a high enough yield. However, the study also showed that a significant number of reactions are correctly predicted to work.

“Based on our model, there's a much wider range of substrates for this azetidine synthesis than people thought before. People didn't really think that all of this was accessible,” Kulik says.

Of the 27 combinations that they studied computationally, the researchers tested 18 reactions experimentally, and they found that most of their predictions were accurate. Among the compounds they synthesized were derivatives of two drug compounds that are currently FDA-approved: amoxapine, an antidepressant, and indomethacin, a pain reliever used to treat arthritis.

This computational approach could help pharmaceutical companies predict molecules that will react together to form potentially useful compounds, before spending a lot of money to develop a synthesis that might not work, Kulik says. She and Schindler are continuing to work together on other kinds of novel syntheses, including the formation of compounds with three-membered rings.

“Using photocatalysts to excite substrates is a very active and hot area of development, because people have exhausted what you can do on the ground state or with radical chemistry,” Kulik says. “I think this approach is going to have a lot more applications to make molecules that are normally thought of as really challenging to make.”

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"A glowing penicillin molecule."

Caption:A new way to drive chemical reactions could generate a wide variety of drugs containing azetidines, like Penicillin does.

Image: Jose-Luis Olivares, MIT; iStock

Scientists use computational modeling to guide a difficult chemical synthesis

Using this new approach, researchers could develop drug compounds with unique pharmaceutical properties.

Researchers from MIT and the University of Michigan have discovered a new way to drive chemical reactions that could generate a wide variety of compounds with desirable pharmaceutical properties.

These compounds, known as azetidines, are characterized by four-membered rings that include nitrogen. Azetidines have traditionally been much more difficult to synthesize than five-membered nitrogen-containing rings, which are found in many FDA-approved drugs.

The reaction that the researchers used to create azetidines is driven by a photocatalyst that excites the molecules from their ground energy state. Using computational models that they developed, the researchers were able to predict compounds that can react with each other to form azetidines using this kind of catalysis.

“Going forward, rather than using a trial-and-error process, people can prescreen compounds and know beforehand which substrates will work and which ones won’t,” says Heather Kulik , an associate professor of chemistry and chemical engineering at MIT.

Kulik and Corinna Schindler, a professor of chemistry at the University of Michigan, are the senior authors of the study, which appears today in Science . Emily Wearing, recently a graduate student at the University of Michigan, is the lead author of the paper. Other authors include University of Michigan postdoc Yu-Cheng Yeh, MIT graduate student Gianmarco Terrones, University of Michigan graduate student Seren Parikh, and MIT postdoc Ilia Kevlishvili.

Light-driven synthesis

Many naturally occurring molecules, including vitamins, nucleic acids, enzymes and hormones, contain five-membered nitrogen-containing rings, also known as nitrogen heterocycles. These rings are also found in more than half of all FDA-approved small-molecule drugs, including many antibiotics and cancer drugs.

Four-membered nitrogen heterocycles, which are rarely found in nature, also hold potential as drug compounds. However, only a handful of existing drugs, including penicillin, contain four-membered heterocycles, in part because these four-membered rings are much more difficult to synthesize than five-membered heterocycles.

In recent years, Schindler’s lab has been working on synthesizing azetidines using light to drive a reaction that combines two precursors, an alkene and an oxime. These reactions require a photocatalyst, which absorbs light and passes the energy to the reactants, making it possible for them to react with each other.

“The catalyst can transfer that energy to another molecule, which moves the molecules into excited states and makes them more reactive. This is a tool that people are starting to use to make it possible to make certain reactions occur that wouldn’t normally occur,” Kulik says.

Schindler’s lab found that while this reaction sometimes worked well, other times it did not, depending on which reactants were used. They enlisted Kulik, an expert in developing computational approaches to modeling chemical reactions, to help them figure out how to predict when these reactions will occur.

The two labs hypothesized that whether a particular alkene and oxime will react together in a photocatalyzed reaction depends on a property known as the frontier orbital energy match. Electrons that surround the nucleus of an atom exist in orbitals, and quantum mechanics can be used to predict the shape and energies of these orbitals. For chemical reactions, the most important electrons are those in the outermost, highest energy (“frontier”) orbitals, which are available to react with other molecules.

Kulik and her students used density functional theory, which uses the Schrödinger equation to predict where electrons could be and how much energy they have, to calculate the orbital energy of these outermost electrons.

These energy levels are also affected by other groups of atoms attached to the molecule, which can change the properties of the electrons in the outermost orbitals.

Once those energy levels are calculated, the researchers can identify reactants that have similar energy levels when the photocatalyst boosts them into an excited state. When the excited states of an alkene and an oxime are closely matched, less energy is required to boost the reaction to its transition state — the point at which the reaction has enough energy to go forward to form products.

Accurate predictions

After calculating the frontier orbital energies for 16 different alkenes and nine oximes, the researchers used their computational model to predict whether 18 different alkene-oxime pairs would react together to form an azetidine. With the calculations in hand, these predictions can be made in a matter of seconds.

The researchers also modeled a factor that influences the overall yield of the reaction: a measure of how available the carbon atoms in the oxime are to participate in chemical reactions.

The model’s predictions suggested that some of these 18 reactions won’t occur or won’t give a high enough yield. However, the study also showed that a significant number of reactions are correctly predicted to work.

“Based on our model, there’s a much wider range of substrates for this azetidine synthesis than people thought before. People didn’t really think that all of this was accessible,” Kulik says.

Of the 27 combinations that they studied computationally, the researchers tested 18 reactions experimentally, and they found that most of their predictions were accurate. Among the compounds they synthesized were derivatives of two drug compounds that are currently FDA-approved: amoxapine, an antidepressant, and indomethacin, a pain reliever used to treat arthritis.

This computational approach could help pharmaceutical companies predict molecules that will react together to form potentially useful compounds, before spending a lot of money to develop a synthesis that might not work, Kulik says. She and Schindler are continuing to work together on other kinds of novel syntheses, including the formation of compounds with three-membered rings.

“Using photocatalysts to excite substrates is a very active and hot area of development, because people have exhausted what you can do on the ground state or with radical chemistry,” Kulik says. “I think this approach is going to have a lot more applications to make molecules that are normally thought of as really challenging to make.”

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Scientists use computational modeling to guide a difficult chemical synthesis

Using this new approach, researchers could develop drug compounds with unique pharmaceutical properties.

Researchers from MIT and the University of Michigan have discovered a new way to drive chemical reactions that could generate a wide variety of compounds with desirable pharmaceutical properties.

These compounds, known as azetidines, are characterized by four-membered rings that include nitrogen. Azetidines have traditionally been much more difficult to synthesize than five-membered nitrogen-containing rings, which are found in many FDA-approved drugs.

The reaction that the researchers used to create azetidines is driven by a photocatalyst that excites the molecules from their ground energy state. Using computational models that they developed, the researchers were able to predict compounds that can react with each other to form azetidines using this kind of catalysis.

"Going forward, rather than using a trial-and-error process, people can prescreen compounds and know beforehand which substrates will work and which ones won't," says Heather Kulik, an associate professor of chemistry and chemical engineering at MIT.

Kulik and Corinna Schindler, a professor of chemistry at the University of Michigan, are the senior authors of the study, which appears today in Science . Emily Wearing, recently a graduate student at the University of Michigan, is the lead author of the paper. Other authors include University of Michigan postdoc Yu-Cheng Yeh, MIT graduate student Gianmarco Terrones, University of Michigan graduate student Seren Parikh, and MIT postdoc Ilia Kevlishvili.

Light-driven synthesis

Many naturally occurring molecules, including vitamins, nucleic acids, enzymes and hormones, contain five-membered nitrogen-containing rings, also known as nitrogen heterocycles. These rings are also found in more than half of all FDA-approved small-molecule drugs, including many antibiotics and cancer drugs.

Four-membered nitrogen heterocycles, which are rarely found in nature, also hold potential as drug compounds. However, only a handful of existing drugs, including penicillin, contain four-membered heterocycles, in part because these four-membered rings are much more difficult to synthesize than five-membered heterocycles.

In recent years, Schindler's lab has been working on synthesizing azetidines using light to drive a reaction that combines two precursors, an alkene and an oxime. These reactions require a photocatalyst, which absorbs light and passes the energy to the reactants, making it possible for them to react with each other.

"The catalyst can transfer that energy to another molecule, which moves the molecules into excited states and makes them more reactive. This is a tool that people are starting to use to make it possible to make certain reactions occur that wouldn't normally occur," Kulik says.

Schindler's lab found that while this reaction sometimes worked well, other times it did not, depending on which reactants were used. They enlisted Kulik, an expert in developing computational approaches to modeling chemical reactions, to help them figure out how to predict when these reactions will occur.

The two labs hypothesized that whether a particular alkene and oxime will react together in a photocatalyzed reaction depends on a property known as the frontier orbital energy match. Electrons that surround the nucleus of an atom exist in orbitals, and quantum mechanics can be used to predict the shape and energies of these orbitals. For chemical reactions, the most important electrons are those in the outermost, highest energy ("frontier") orbitals, which are available to react with other molecules.

Kulik and her students used density functional theory, which uses the Schrödinger equation to predict where electrons could be and how much energy they have, to calculate the orbital energy of these outermost electrons.

These energy levels are also affected by other groups of atoms attached to the molecule, which can change the properties of the electrons in the outermost orbitals.

Once those energy levels are calculated, the researchers can identify reactants that have similar energy levels when the photocatalyst boosts them into an excited state. When the excited states of an alkene and an oxime are closely matched, less energy is required to boost the reaction to its transition state -- the point at which the reaction has enough energy to go forward to form products.

Accurate predictions

After calculating the frontier orbital energies for 16 different alkenes and nine oximes, the researchers used their computational model to predict whether 18 different alkene-oxime pairs would react together to form an azetidine. With the calculations in hand, these predictions can be made in a matter of seconds.

The researchers also modeled a factor that influences the overall yield of the reaction: a measure of how available the carbon atoms in the oxime are to participate in chemical reactions.

The model's predictions suggested that some of these 18 reactions won't occur or won't give a high enough yield. However, the study also showed that a significant number of reactions are correctly predicted to work.

"Based on our model, there's a much wider range of substrates for this azetidine synthesis than people thought before. People didn't really think that all of this was accessible," Kulik says.

Of the 27 combinations that they studied computationally, the researchers tested 18 reactions experimentally, and they found that most of their predictions were accurate. Among the compounds they synthesized were derivatives of two drug compounds that are currently FDA-approved: amoxapine, an antidepressant, and indomethacin, a pain reliever used to treat arthritis.

This computational approach could help pharmaceutical companies predict molecules that will react together to form potentially useful compounds, before spending a lot of money to develop a synthesis that might not work, Kulik says. She and Schindler are continuing to work together on other kinds of novel syntheses, including the formation of compounds with three-membered rings.

"Using photocatalysts to excite substrates is a very active and hot area of development, because people have exhausted what you can do on the ground state or with radical chemistry," Kulik says. "I think this approach is going to have a lot more applications to make molecules that are normally thought of as really challenging to make."

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  • Pharmaceuticals
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  • Organic Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Energy Technology
  • Tropospheric ozone
  • Periodic table
  • Autocatalysis
  • Pharmaceutical company

Story Source:

Materials provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology . Original written by Anne Trafton. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Emily R. Wearing, Yu-Cheng Yeh, Gianmarco G. Terrones, Seren G. Parikh, Ilia Kevlishvili, Heather J. Kulik, Corinna S. Schindler. Visible light–mediated aza Paternò–Büchi reaction of acyclic oximes and alkenes to azetidines . Science , 2024; 384 (6703): 1468 DOI: 10.1126/science.adj6771

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Scientists use computational modeling to guide a difficult chemical synthesis

by Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Scientists use computational modeling to guide a difficult chemical synthesis

Researchers from MIT and the University of Michigan have discovered a new way to drive chemical reactions that could generate a wide variety of compounds with desirable pharmaceutical properties.

These compounds, known as azetidines, are characterized by four-membered rings that include nitrogen. Azetidines have traditionally been much more difficult to synthesize than five-membered nitrogen-containing rings, which are found in many FDA-approved drugs.

The reaction that the researchers used to create azetidines is driven by a photocatalyst that excites the molecules from their ground energy state. Using computational models that they developed, the researchers were able to predict compounds that can react with each other to form azetidines using this kind of catalysis.

"Going forward, rather than using a trial-and-error process, people can prescreen compounds and know beforehand which substrates will work and which ones won't," says Heather Kulik, an associate professor of chemistry and chemical engineering at MIT.

Kulik and Corinna Schindler, a professor of chemistry at the University of Michigan, are the senior authors of the study, which appears today in Science . Emily Wearing, recently a graduate student at the University of Michigan, is the lead author of the paper. Other authors include University of Michigan postdoc Yu-Cheng Yeh, MIT graduate student Gianmarco Terrones, University of Michigan graduate student Seren Parikh, and MIT postdoc Ilia Kevlishvili.

Light-driven synthesis

Many naturally occurring molecules, including vitamins, nucleic acids, enzymes and hormones, contain five-membered nitrogen-containing rings, also known as nitrogen heterocycles. These rings are also found in more than half of all FDA-approved small-molecule drugs, including many antibiotics and cancer drugs.

Four-membered nitrogen heterocycles, which are rarely found in nature, also hold potential as drug compounds. However, only a handful of existing drugs, including penicillin, contain four-membered heterocycles, in part because these four-membered rings are much more difficult to synthesize than five-membered heterocycles.

In recent years, Schindler's lab has been working on synthesizing azetidines using light to drive a reaction that combines two precursors, an alkene and an oxime. These reactions require a photocatalyst, which absorbs light and passes the energy to the reactants, making it possible for them to react with each other.

"The catalyst can transfer that energy to another molecule, which moves the molecules into excited states and makes them more reactive. This is a tool that people are starting to use to make it possible to make certain reactions occur that wouldn't normally occur," Kulik says.

Schindler's lab found that while this reaction sometimes worked well, other times it did not, depending on which reactants were used. They enlisted Kulik, an expert in developing computational approaches to modeling chemical reactions, to help them figure out how to predict when these reactions will occur.

The two labs hypothesized that whether a particular alkene and oxime will react together in a photocatalyzed reaction depends on a property known as the frontier orbital energy match. Electrons that surround the nucleus of an atom exist in orbitals, and quantum mechanics can be used to predict the shape and energies of these orbitals. For chemical reactions, the most important electrons are those in the outermost, highest energy ("frontier") orbitals, which are available to react with other molecules.

Kulik and her students used density functional theory, which uses the Schrödinger equation to predict where electrons could be and how much energy they have, to calculate the orbital energy of these outermost electrons.

These energy levels are also affected by other groups of atoms attached to the molecule, which can change the properties of the electrons in the outermost orbitals.

Once those energy levels are calculated, the researchers can identify reactants that have similar energy levels when the photocatalyst boosts them into an excited state. When the excited states of an alkene and an oxime are closely matched, less energy is required to boost the reaction to its transition state—the point at which the reaction has enough energy to go forward to form products.

Accurate predictions

After calculating the frontier orbital energies for 16 different alkenes and nine oximes, the researchers used their computational model to predict whether 18 different alkene-oxime pairs would react together to form an azetidine. With the calculations in hand, these predictions can be made in a matter of seconds.

The researchers also modeled a factor that influences the overall yield of the reaction: a measure of how available the carbon atoms in the oxime are to participate in chemical reactions .

The model's predictions suggested that some of these 18 reactions won't occur or won't give a high enough yield. However, the study also showed that a significant number of reactions are correctly predicted to work.

"Based on our model, there's a much wider range of substrates for this azetidine synthesis than people thought before. People didn't really think that all of this was accessible," Kulik says.

Of the 27 combinations that they studied computationally, the researchers tested 18 reactions experimentally, and they found that most of their predictions were accurate. Among the compounds they synthesized were derivatives of two drug compounds that are currently FDA-approved: amoxapine, an antidepressant, and indomethacin, a pain reliever used to treat arthritis.

This computational approach could help pharmaceutical companies predict molecules that will react together to form potentially useful compounds, before spending a lot of money to develop a synthesis that might not work, Kulik says. She and Schindler are continuing to work together on other kinds of novel syntheses, including the formation of compounds with three-membered rings.

"Using photocatalysts to excite substrates is a very active and hot area of development, because people have exhausted what you can do on the ground state or with radical chemistry," Kulik says. "I think this approach is going to have a lot more applications to make molecules that are normally thought of as really challenging to make."

Journal information: Science

Provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Computational Science and Engineering

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Master of Science in Computational Science and Engineering

Core Subjects36
Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
Optimization Methods
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Introduction to Numerical Methods
Restricted Electives 24
Choose 24 units of coursework from the list below.
Unrestricted Elective 12
Choose any graduate-level subject.
Graduate Thesis36
Total Units108

Restricted Electives

Architecting and Engineering Software Systems12
Atomistic Modeling and Simulation of Materials and Structures12
Topology Optimization of Structures12
Computational Methods for Flow in Porous Media12
Introduction to Finite Element Methods12
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Engineering Design12
Learning Machines12
Numerical Fluid Mechanics12
Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials12
Computational Structural Design and Optimization
Creative Machine Learning for Design12
Introduction to Mathematical Programming12
Nonlinear Optimization12
Algebraic Techniques and Semidefinite Optimization12
Optimization for Machine Learning12
Introduction to Modeling and Simulation12
Algorithms for Inference12
Bayesian Modeling and Inference12
Machine Learning12
Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning 12
Advances in Computer Vision12
Shape Analysis12
Modeling with Machine Learning: from Algorithms to Applications 6
Statistical Learning Theory and Applications12
Computational Cognitive Science12
Systems Engineering 9
Modern Control Design 9
Process Data Analytics12
Mixed-integer and Nonconvex Optimization12
Computational Chemistry12
Data and Models12
Computational Geophysical Modeling12
Classical Mechanics: A Computational Approach12
Computational Data Analysis12
Data Analysis in Physical Oceanography12
Computational Ocean Modeling12
Discrete Probability and Stochastic Processes12
Statistical Machine Learning and Data Science 12
Integer Optimization 12
Optimization Methods12
The Theory of Operations Management12
Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics12
Computational Mechanics of Materials12
Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making12
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization12
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations12
Advanced Topics in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations12
Numerical Methods for Stochastic Modeling and Inference12
Introduction to Numerical Methods12
Fast Methods for Partial Differential and Integral Equations12
Parallel Computing and Scientific Machine Learning12
Eigenvalues of Random Matrices12
Mathematical Methods in Nanophotonics12
Quantum Computation12
Essential Numerical Methods6
Nuclear Reactor Analysis II12
Nuclear Reactor Physics III12
Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer12
Experiential Learning in Computational Science and Engineering
Statistics, Computation and Applications12
for more information.

MIT Academic Bulletin

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  1. 3 Questions: A new PhD program from the Center for Computational

    mit phd computational science and engineering

  2. New nuclear science and engineering faculty drive curriculum expansion

    mit phd computational science and engineering

  3. Navigating The Path To Excellence: MIT PhD Programs In Computational

    mit phd computational science and engineering

  4. Computational Science and Engineering PhD

    mit phd computational science and engineering

  5. Accelerating the pace of engineering

    mit phd computational science and engineering

  6. MIT adds computational Earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences to

    mit phd computational science and engineering


  1. Evan Gildernew, PhD Computational Science: Engineering

  2. Shiva Amiri


  4. Computational Science & Engineering

  5. Lec 26

  6. Lec 14


  1. MIT Doctoral Programs in Computational Science and Engineering

    The standalone CSE PhD program is intended for students who intend to pursue research in cross-cutting methodological aspects of computational science. The resulting doctoral degree in Computational Science and Engineering is awarded by CCSE via the the Schwarzman College of Computing. In contrast, the interdisciplinary CSE PhD program is ...

  2. MIT Doctoral Program in Computational Science and Engineering

    The standalone doctoral program in Computational Science and Engineering ( PhD in CSE) enables students to specialize at the doctoral level in fundamental, methodological aspects of computational science via focused coursework and a thesis. The emphasis of thesis research activities is the development and analysis of broadly applicable ...

  3. Doctoral Programs in Computational Science and Engineering < MIT

    279-399. 1. A program of study comprising subjects in the selected core areas and the computational concentration must be developed in consultation with the student's doctoral thesis committee and approved by the CCSE graduate officer. Programs Offered by CCSE in Conjunction with Select Departments in the Schools of Engineering and Science.

  4. CSE PhD

    The standalone CSE PhD program is intended for students who plan to pursue research in cross-cutting methodological aspects of computational science. The resulting doctoral degree in Computational Science and Engineering is awarded by CCSE via the the Schwarzman College of Computing. In contrast, the interdisciplinary Dept-CSE PhD program is ...


    MIT CCSE is proud to launch a standalone Computational Science and Engineering doctoral program (CSE PhD) The new CSE PhD will enable students to pursue research in cross-cutting methodological aspects of computational science and engineering. CCSE co-directors Youssef Marzouk and Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou discuss the standalone program and how ...

  6. MIT Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Computational Science and

    The interdisciplinary doctoral program in Computational Science and Engineering ( CSE PhD + Engineering or Science) at MIT allows enrolled students to specialize at the doctoral level in a computation-related field of their choice through focused coursework and a doctoral thesis. This program is offered through a number of participating ...

  7. Computational Science and Engineering PhD

    Computational Science and Engineering PhD. 77 Massachusetts Avenue. Building 35-434B. Cambridge MA, 02139. 617-253-3725. [email protected]. Website: Computational Science and Engineering PhD. Apply here.

  8. Admissions

    Thank you for considering the academic programs of the MIT Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) as part of your graduate education options. ... MIT Graduate Admissions Statement March 26, 2020. In response to the challenges of teaching, learning, and assessing academic performance during the global COVID-19 pandemic, MIT has ...

  9. PDF Doctoral Programs in Computational Science and Engineering

    The interdisciplinary doctoral program in Computational Science and Engineering (PhD in CSE + Engineering or Science (p. 3)) o ers students the opportunity to specialize at the doctoral level in a computation-related eld of their choice via computationally-oriented coursework and a doctoral thesis with a disciplinary focus related to one of ...

  10. Graduate Programs

    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MEng*, SM*, and PhD. Master of Engineering program (Course 6-P) provides the depth of knowledge and the skills needed for advanced graduate study and for professional work, as well as the breadth and perspective essential for engineering leadership. Master of Science program emphasizes one or more of ...

  11. PDF Computational Science and Engineering

    The Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) ( o ers a master's degree and two doctoral programs in computational science and engineering (CSE) —one leading to a standalone PhD degree in CSE o ered entirely by CCSE and the other to an interdisciplinary PhD degree o ered jointly with participating ...

  12. 3 Questions: A new PhD program from the Center for Computational

    This fall, the Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE), an academic unit in the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, is introducing a new standalone PhD degree program that will enable students to pursue research in cross-cutting methodological aspects of computational science and engineering. The launch follows approval of the center's degree program proposal at the May 2023 ...

  13. Master of Science Program in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE

    The master's degree in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), previously the Computation for Design and Optimization (CDO) SM program, is an interdisciplinary program designed to prepare tomorrow's engineers and scientists in advanced computational methods and applications. The program provides a strong foundation in computational ...

  14. Computational Science and Engineering PhD

    Special Note: Applicants interest in Computer Science must apply through the EECS application.

  15. Graduate

    The PhD Program in Computational Science and Engineering is a collaboration of CEE and the Center for Computational Engineering. The CSE Doctoral Program allows CEE students to specialize in a computation-related field of their choice through focused coursework and a Doctoral Thesis, and to participate in a multi-departmental program by ...

  16. Computational Science and Engineering < MIT

    The Master of Science in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE SM) is an interdisciplinary, research-oriented master's program that provides students with a strong foundation in computational methods for the study, design, and operation of complex engineered and natural systems. The curriculum trains students in the formulation, analysis ...

  17. Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE)

    Established in 2008 and incorporated into the Schwarzman College of Computing as one of its core academic units in January 2020, the MIT Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) is an interdisciplinary research and education center focused on innovative methods and applications of computation. CCSE involves faculty, researchers ...

  18. Center for Computational Science and Engineering < MIT

    The Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) is an interdisciplinary academic unit of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing that offers graduate-level education in computational science and engineering (CSE).The CSE field centers on the development and analysis of state-of-the-art methods for computation, and their innovative application to problems of science and engineering ...

  19. 3 Questions: A new PhD program from the Center for Computational

    This fall, the Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE), an academic unit in the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, is introducing a new standalone PhD degree program that will enable students to pursue research in cross-cutting methodological aspects of computational science and engineering. The launch follows approval of the center's degree program proposal at […]

  20. Graduate Degrees

    The PhD Program in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) is a collaboration of CEE and the Center for Computational Engineering. The CSE Doctoral Program allows CEE students to specialize in a computation-related field of their choice through focused coursework and a Doctoral Thesis, and to participate in a multi-departmental program by ...

  21. People

    MIT Doctoral Programs in Computational Science and Engineering. CSE PhD Overview; Dept-CSE PhD Overview; CSE Doctoral Theses; MIT Master of Science Program in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE SM) Program Overview and Curriculum; SM Theses; For New CCSE Students; MathWorks Research Prizes. Terms of Reference; Admissions. Apply for CSE PhD

  22. Institute for Medical Engineering and Science

    Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineers design systems that sense, process, and transmit energy and information. We leverage computational, theoretical, and experimental tools to develop groundbreaking sensors and energy transducers, new physical substrates for computation, and the systems that address the shared challenges facing humanity.

  23. Computational Science and Engineering SM

    77 Massachusetts Avenue. Building 35-434B. Cambridge MA, 02139. 617-253-3725. [email protected]. Website: Computational Science and Engineering SM. Note: To focus resources on the new CSE PhD program, external admissions for the CSE SM program are currently paused.

  24. Scientists use computational modeling to guide a difficult ...

    Using computational models that they developed, the researchers were able to predict compounds that can react with each other to form azetidines using this kind of catalysis. ... an associate professor of chemistry and chemical engineering at MIT. ... are the senior authors of the study, which appears today in Science. Emily Wearing, recently a ...

  25. Scientists use computational modeling to guide a difficult chemical

    Using computational models that they developed, the researchers were able to predict compounds that can react with each other to form azetidines using this kind of catalysis. ... an associate professor of chemistry and chemical engineering at MIT. ... are the senior authors of the study, which appears today in Science. Emily Wearing, recently a ...

  26. Scientists use computational modeling to guide a ...

    Researchers from MIT and the University of Michigan have discovered a new way to drive chemical reactions that could generate a wide variety of compounds with desirable pharmaceutical properties.

  27. Scientists use computational modeling to guide a difficult chemical

    Researchers from MIT and the University of Michigan have discovered a new way to drive chemical reactions that could generate a wide variety of compounds with desirable pharmaceutical properties.

  28. Master of Science in Computational Science and Engineering < MIT

    CSE.999. Experiential Learning in Computational Science and Engineering. IDS.131 [J] Statistics, Computation and Applications. 12. 1. Restricted elective credit can only be given for one of 6.7900, 15.077, or IDS.147. 2. Students cannot receive credit without simultaneous completion of a 6-unit Common Ground disciplinary module.