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15 Ways to Develop Better YouTube Presentation Skills

15 Ways To Develop Better YouTube Presentation Skills

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In this article I’ll show you how to can improve your YouTube presentation skills.

In fact, I’m sharing 15 tips that have helped over 580 of my real-world clients and thousands of my online students. Enabling them to speak with confidence and clarity when previously they thought, “ I can’t speak on camera “.

Almost all these tips will cost you nothing. But when you apply them, they will bring you actual results.

So, let’s get started.

The most common reason for people not making videos is that they are nervous about turning the camera on themselves. It’s a frequent problem. And it’s easy to convince yourself that you can’t speak on camera.

That’s why I have 15 strategies to calm your anxiety in front of the lens to improve your YouTube presentation skills. At the end of the article, I also have a video that features many of the video presentation tips I will be talking about.

In a Hurry? Click on any of the items in the following list to go directly to that tip.

  • Be prepared and know your subject .
  • Use a teleprompter .
  • Keep things as normal and familiar as possible.
  • Slow down. Don’t rush to try to get to the end quickly.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise immediately before filming.
  • Do one or two stretches and warm-up exercises to loosen up your shoulder and neck muscles.
  • Don’t worry about being judged. Ignore haters and embrace your fans.
  • Imagine that you are speaking to a friend who is behind the camera.
  • Use the chocolate bar method of filming. Record one chunk at a time and you’ll soon finish it all .
  • Practice and familiarize yourself with the script before recording.
  • Don’t try to be a TV presenter, just be yourself.
  • Make changes to the script to make it your own.
  • Comfortable clothing will help make you feel less awkward.
  • Get a friend to join you in front of the camera.
  • Accept that you don’t need to be perfect.  

Table of Contents

1. Be prepared and know your subject

15 Ways To Develop Better YouTube Presentation Skills - Practice, practice, practice. This is an important thing to do if you want to develop great Youtube presentation skills

The first and the most important tip of all is to know your stuff.

If it is your area of expertise, you may not need to do as much preparation. But if the topic is less familiar to you, make sure you brush up on the subject so that you can speak confidently and not worry that you can’t speak on camera.

Whether you are an expert in the field or a relative novice, always prepare a bullet list of what you want to say.

It does not always have to be a written list; it could just be a mental note to yourself. But I prefer to work with a physical list placed close to the camera lens.

Opens in a new tab.

The bullet list is a kind of security blanket, allowing you to calm your presentation nerves. You will know that you will cover all the necessary points and in the correct order.

The list assures you that the structure of the video is as you intended rather than in the order you remembered the points.

Knowing that you are on top of your subject matter and properly prepared will give you confidence in front of the camera.

If instead, you are unprepared and you know you are going to have to fill your video with fluff and repetition, subconsciously that will make you feel uncomfortable and nervous.

So, prepare, know your stuff, and give your viewer value with the quality of your content. Adopting that approach will help calm your nerves in front of the camera. This really will help you with your YouTube presentation skills

2. Use a teleprompter

A written script is a step up from a bullet list. It is a huge help if you find it difficult to speak unprompted or if you need to use precise technical words or phrases.

It can be stressful trying to remember your lines, but a teleprompter makes the process a lot easier.

You could go down the route of getting a professional teleprompter with a beam splitter, but it really isn’t necessary.

Provided you have at least 6.5ft (2m) between you and the camera, you can use a teleprompter app on an iPad.

Place the iPad next to or above the camera lens and at 6ft or more. At that distance, no one will notice you’re not looking directly into the lens.

Download a teleprompter app that is either voice-activated or has a remote control. This will ensure you will be less stressed.

With this kind of teleprompter, you won’t have to worry about keeping up or running out of words.

If you feel you can’t speak on camera, getting a teleprompter will go a long way to change your mind.

3. Keep things as normal as possible

Making videos may be a whole new world to you. But if you can keep things as normal as possible, you’ll find it a whole lot less stressful.

In other words, rather than stepping into an alien world of video production, try and bring video into your world.

Shoot your video in your office or lounge.

If possible, avoid lots of fancy lights that can be distracting and off-putting.

Choose clothing and makeup that you would normally wear. It will help normalize the situation.

Little things can make you feel a lot more comfortable. So, take time to incorporate them into your preparation for the shoot if you want to up your YouTube presentation skills.

4. Slow down

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One huge giveaway that you’re nervous is speaking quickly, or at least quicker than normal.

Behind the break-neck pace is the thought that the quicker you go, the sooner you’ll be finished.

The faster you got, the more likely you will stumble over your own words.

So don’t do it.

Keeping the pace relaxed will make it easier for you to get the script right. Plus, your audience will also find it easier to follow what you’re saying.

So, before you start, close your eyes, and take a couple of deep breaths. Now open your eyes and look up into the lens of the camera. You’ll be more relaxed and can start speaking calmly and at a measured pace.

5. Don’t overexert yourself before filming

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If you’re still worried that you can’t speak on camera, my fourth tip is not to overexert yourself just before filming.

Your pulse rate, respiration, and perspiration will be elevated after strenuous exercise. None of which will help you relax.

You’ll be conscious of heavy breathing, being flushed and perspiring and you won’t be able to appear calm in front of the camera.

If you are in that state take a few minutes to relax, cool down, and get yourself looking good.

Only then should you roll the camera.

6. Do a few warm-up exercises

Strenuous exercise is out of the question, but you can do some light warm-up exercises.

A few stretches will help you relax.

Rotate your shoulders and neck to loosen up.

Then try some breathing exercises. Close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly, concentrating on the rise and fall. Don’t try rapid breathing, you’re not trying to hyperventilate.

7. Don’t worry about being judged

You may be getting anxious because you think your viewers will judge you. I would like to say that they won’t, but they will.

The way you look, sound and dress will be noticed. It’s going to happen whatever you do, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So, if you can’t do anything to prevent it, don’t even worry about it. Just try and get over it.

Most of your viewers are not going to be judgemental. They’re watching because they want to hear what you have to say, whether it’s to learn from you or be entertained by you.

So, if someone makes a negative comment, don’t get anxious.

You’re never going to please everyone.

Develop a thick skin and accept that some people will hate you. Then embrace the viewers who love you because they WILL want to hear from you.

You will never please everyone, so don’t try. If you do, try to please everyone you’ll become bland and boring. You’ll no longer be the remarkable voice that you are.

So, chill. Relax. Be yourself. Your fans will love you for it.

8. Imagine you’re speaking to a friend

I’ll admit it. When I first had to speak at a seminar it was a little bit daunting.

So, I can understand that the thought of speaking to a large video audience can be scary.

Instead of thinking that you’re talking to a huge video audience, imagine you’re speaking to an individual behind the camera.

Better still. Imagine the individual is a friend, and you’re explaining something.

That’s a much less stressful situation than imagining you are talking to a huge crowd. After all, you have conversations every day without getting stressed. So, you CAN do it in front of a camera.

The truth is that it’s easier than real-world conversations. If you make a mistake in front of the camera you can stop and start again.

9. Use the chocolate bar method of filming

The more complicated you make the video shoot the more worried you will become.

So keep it super simple.

For instance, don’t give yourself too much to remember, whether that be what you have to say or do.

This especially applies to your first few videos where you are just learning how to do the basics.

Your video is likely to be at least a minute or two long. That can seem like forever and intimidate you into not starting.

But what if your video was just 10sec long?

I bet you could manage to record something as short as 10sec.

Now, if you can do a 10sec video, you can do a minute, five-minute, or ten-minute video. Moreover, it wouldn’t be any more stressful than doing a short 10sec video.

I know. You’re thinking, how’s that possible ?

It’s quite simple and relies on the fact that viewers, unlike traditional video professionals, don’t care about jump cuts. That’s where you seem to shift position between lines.

So, break up your script into short 5 or 10sec sections, that’s about 12 – 25 words respectively. Then record your video one section at a time or one chunk at a time.

You’ll feel a lot less anxious knowing there are just one or two lines to record at a time. That removes the pressure of thinking you must get to the end of a long script and be word perfect.

Record your script as short paragraphs or even phrases.

I call it the Chocolate Bar method of filmmaking.

You bite off one chunk at a time and you’ll get it all finished in no time.

When you come to edit your footage just cut the sections together.

Sure, there will be small jumps in your position, but your audience won’t care. It’s your amazing content they want, not Hollywood production values.

Record in short chunks and relax. It’s just like eating chocolate.

10. Practice and familiarize yourself with the script

We worry if the future is uncertain but feel happy and relaxed if we know what’s coming next. It’s the same when you’re presenting your videos.

Because you’re unsure of what’s coming up that gets you anxious. The greater your anxiety the more likely you’ll make a mistake and convince yourself that you can’t present your YouTube video.

The obvious answer is to read your script in advance.

Don’t read it in your head, read it aloud. You’ll understand where you need to slow down, where to add emphasis and what you need to stress.

You’re not trying to learn your lines; you just need to know what to anticipate. Consequently, you will feel more relaxed and present the script, so it sounds more natural.

Having had a practice, you will feel much more confident when the camera starts to roll.

11. Just be yourself

You’re not a TV presenter, so don’t try and be a fake one.

Some of your audience may even know you and think it’s weird if you put on a completely different persona.

Pretending to be someone you are not takes acting skill. Unless you’re an actor make it as easy for yourself as possible.

Just be yourself.

You know how to do that, so you’ll find presenting is much easier and you’ll be less awkward in front of the camera.

12. Mark up the script and make it your own

Make the script your own, especially if someone else has written it for you.

This is a YouTube presentation skill that’s about reading someone else’s words making them your own.

Adjust the words and phrasing so it sounds natural to you.

Speaking in ‘your own voice’ will seem easier and be more comfortable while presenting to camera.

Don’t include words that you wouldn’t normally use. It won’t sound like you and you’ll feel awkward and uncomfortable speaking that way.

So, make slight changes to the script to keep your performance natural and real.

13. Comfortable clothing with make you feel less awkward

This is one of those YouTube presentation skills that’s about making sure you feel comfortable.

Choose clothing that you feel comfortable in. Clothing that makes you feel good and confident.

If you feel awkward wearing a jacket collar and tie, that will show through, and you’ll appear awkward on-screen.

So, wear what you feel comfortable in to help dispel your anxiety.

14. Get a friend to help boost your YouTube presentation skills

You’ve probably heard the saying, ‘there’s strength in numbers’. Well, it can apply to your performance in front of the camera.

If feeling nervous about filming is a problem, remember that a problem shared is a problem halved.

What’s that?

Invite a friend to join you in the video. Do the video with a co-presenter or even as an interview.

If you decide to work with a co-presenter, it’s easy to get out of situations when you feel yourself drying up. If you feel stuck for what to say next, hand over to your partner. Do it in a natural way rather than just stopping though .

You could ask them for their opinion about what you just said or ask them if they have anything to add. There are many ways of handing over to your co-presenter. You could even ask them what’s coming up next.

Just like a script or cue cards are a safety net for you, having a co-presenter can work in the same way. If necessary, they ca n pick up the narrative while you get a chance to consider what to say next.

With a co-presenter, you don’t have to work to a fixed script.

The video could be recorded as a kind of conversation between the two of you. Each of you contributing your opinions on the topic you’re covering.

Or you could get your friend to interview you. Whether it’s a conversation or interview it will be easy to talk or answer questions because you know your subject.

Another advantage of working with someone else is that if either of you starts to ramble, the other is there to bring the conversation back to the topic of the piece and drive the video forward.

You will also potentially come up with more ideas for videos and how to do them if you work with another presenter. You can bounce ideas off each other and constructively criticize each other. It’s a fast track to boosting those YouTube presentation skills.

15. Accept that you’re not perfect

Finally, my fifteenth tip to improve your YouTube presentations skills is to allow yourself to be imperfect. Allow yourself to make mistakes.

By accepting that you don’t have to be perfect, you will make fewer mistakes. It may sound strange, but the acceptance of imperfection lifts a huge burden from your shoulders. You can then get on with presenting the video without it turning into a terrifying experience.

If you insist on getting everything right, you will keep stopping and become frustrated by every tiny mistake. In the past I even found myself stopping mid-sentence because in my head I thought I was about to make a mistake.

Incidentally, what you think is a mistake will often go unnoticed by your audience. As creators, we care about every detail. But the audience is not as critical as us. Furthermore, they aren’t looking for your mistakes. What they really want is your content, that’s what matters to them.

So just do your best, ignore any stumbles, and keep going. Knowing you can carry on will keep you calm, relaxed, and more productive. Being natural and real will be easier for you and your viewers will appreciate it.

Watch my video to help with YouTube presentation skills

As I mentioned at the start of the article, I’ve also recorded a video about improving your YouTube presentation skills and calming your presentation nerves.

good presentation video youtube

Tosh Lubek runs an audio and video production business in the UK and has been using the Canon EOS R since it was released in the Autumn of 2018 and the Canon EOS R6 in 2020. He has used both cameras to shoot TV commercials broadcast on Sky TV, promotional business videos, videos of events and functions, and YouTube creator content. He has also won several international awards for his advertising and promotional work. You can meet him by visiting his “video booth” at HashTag Business Events across the country.

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From ideas to screen: How to make presentation videos that shine

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What type of content do you primarily create?

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Visuals can mean the difference between a killer presentation and a lost opportunity.

For salespeople, it’s difficult to close a deal without business presentations to back up your pitches. For marketers and business owners, video presentations help communicate ideas and share results from projects to ensure future success. 

Customers also love high-quality visuals, like branded explainer videos and product tours. They’re the fuel that drives eight in 10 people to make online purchases. 

But what makes a good presentation? And how can you engage viewers throughout your video? This guide covers what you need to know about creating video presentations, no matter the purpose.

What is a video presentation ?

A video presentation refers to a sequence of visuals combined with audio to convey information, arguments, ideas, or narratives. It can be about a product, service, internal business reports, or even a topic of interest.

Video presentations can range from simple slideshow-style videos with voiceovers to more complex productions involving animations, live-action footage, music, sound effects , and more.

A good video presentation provides information clearly and concisely. But the best video presentations engage your target audience with professional video quality: a good camera and mic, skilled editing, and a confident presenter. 

There are a ton of different types of video presentation formats you can choose from, including:

  • Animated explainer videos
  • Employee onboarding videos
  • Screen recordings
  • Training videos
  • Product demos
  • Microsoft PowerPoint presentations with a talking head
  • Sales presentations
  • Awards presentations

Benefits of a video presentation 

These are great reasons to put in the effort to produce this type of video content.

Enhanced engagement

Video recordings—whether on social media or hosted on your website—are great for engagement and getting your audience’s attention. Wyzowl found that 95% of marketers have said video marketing has helped them increase brand awareness, 90% say it has helped generate leads, and 87% said it has helped them increase sales.

Visual clarity

There's a reason many people suggest something like "If you can learn it, you'll find it on YouTube." The presentation video format is unique in its ability to teach and demonstrate, similar to the in-person experience you'd get with a tutor or salesperson. 

The same Wyzowl report found that 96% of marketers say videos have helped increase user understanding of products and services. In short: video helps customers retain your information.

Global reach and accessibility

Video presentations are a great way to reach a global audience. More than half of people say they’re more likely to share a video with others than any other type of content. 

A video presentation is also better for accessibility than other content types. With video editing software , you can:

  • Easily add subtitles and annotations to your video footage for those with hearing loss.
  • Add an audio description voiceover for those with sight loss.
  • Change the color filters for those with color blindness.

Personal connection

Building a personal connection with your audience is critical for overall brand engagement. A video presentation, especially one with a person in the video, helps you do that. Research shows that students have positive feelings for videos presented by an instructor, for example.

How to create a video presentation

Step 1. plan and prepare.

Proper planning and preparation can help the rest of your presentation creation process run smoothly. 

Think about what you’ll say, and use a storyboard to build out a visual plan of your presentation ideas. Storyboarding your presentation, instead of making it on the fly, will help you stay focused when you fire up your presentation software. (You don’t need to be an artist; just set out the scenes in a way that makes sense to you.)

At this point, start writing the video script for your presentation. You’ll know what to say and when to say it, and won’t fill your presentation up with filler words like “um” and pauses when trying to think about what to say next. 

Step 2. Gather resources

After you’ve completed your paper storyboard and script, it’s time to go digital. With Descript, you can build your slideshows into the video editor just like any slideshow tool . 

To create a presentation video in Descript:

  • Hit New project .
  • Import any media (images, infographics, short video clips, GIFs, or sounds) you want to include in your presentation.
  • Drop your visuals into the script and edit them into a sequence, or work scene by scene by adding a / at the beginning of each slide.
  • Add the background of your presentation, then your script in the left panel.
  • Add captions to your presentation by hitting the T icon at the top and choosing Captions.

When you've set up all your slides, you can get fancier and add transitions, extra media, and special effects later.

But maybe you’d prefer to create the presentation using more familiar software, like Prezi, PowerPoint slides, or Google Slides. In that case, you can import the presentation into Descript later or use its screen recording functionality. (If you upgrade your Descript plan, you can create your own video presentation templates to use over and over again, if that’s your style.)

Step 3. Record your presentation video

With your slides all set up, it’s time to turn them into a video. This step is pretty straightforward if you’ve used Descript to make the presentation slides. All you’ll need to do is go to the beginning of the presentation and hit the Record button at the top of the screen:

 If, like in the image example above, you’ve written your script into the scenes, change the default setting Record into script to Record new layer . This preserves your script so you can read from it whil recording your presentation video. 

Decide if you want to record a voiceover only (leaving the record option as Audio only ), or add a floating head video with your webcam to show yourself as the speaker by clicking the Screen option. Either way, go through your script as the slides move along. 

If you created your presentation in another software like Google Slides, there may be no built-in option to record your presentation over the slides. In that case, use Descript’s screen recorder to film your screen with audio. The video file will be ready and waiting for you in the video editor when you finish recording.

Step 4. Edit and enhance

At this point, you’ve got the basic presentation down. It’s time to bring out your inner filmmaker and turn the slideshow into something special. 

With Descript’s free video editor, you can:

  • Add title screens to introduce your presentation.
  • Choose from a library of background music.
  • Change the fonts of your captions and any other text layer.
  • Add cool slide transitions.
  • Improve audio quality with Studio Sound .

Descript’s video editing is different (and easy) since you can edit the video using the script instead of a traditional timeline editor. This makes the process super efficient since you can quickly identify what needs cutting. Simply delete the part of the script you don’t want, and the accompanying video will disappear.

Step 5. Review and fine-tune your video

What makes Descript extra special is the ability to edit your audio by taking out filler words you might have accidentally recorded. Remove “ums,” “uhs,” and awkward pauses in a single click with filler word removal . 

If, like me, you also have a habit of forgetting to say something important, you can use Descript's Overdub feature to add those few missed words without re-recording the whole scene. The software will create an AI clone of your voice to fix audio mistakes. 

With your video presentation fine-tuned, you’re ready to save and share it with the world. Click the Publish button in the top right corner and download the MP4 file, or export it directly to a platform like YouTube or Wistia.

6 key elements for crafting a great video presentation

Now you know the practical how-tos of making a presentation video, let’s look at some key elements that turn a good video presentation into a great one. 

Clear and engaging content

Visual appeal, narration and voice quality, engagement techniques, structure and flow.

  • Audience-centric approach 

No one likes feeling confused. If your presentation isn’t clear, you’ll end up frustrating your audience. A nice trick for clarity is to imagine you’re explaining your presentation to a child; don’t use big words to sound smart. Presentations that are clear from the start are naturally more engaging.

Gone are the days of 360p Nokia footage. Even if you don’t have a professional camera setup, you can still record a video on a PC, phone, or webcam with high quality. But don’t forget about the images and text overlays. No one wants to try deciphering pixelated visuals—use the highest quality video resolution you can.

Even the best-quality video presentation can be ruined by bad audio. Poor-quality narration is hugely frustrating to viewers. Prioritize your audio quality, especially for information-rich videos like presentations, and use Studio Sound to remove distracting background noise from your presentation video.

When it comes to video presentations, you should think like a salesperson. You can't expect your audience to believe the information you give them if they don't trust you. Engage your audience by telling a personal story, describing relatable scenes, or emphasizing important points throughout your video.

Treat your presentation like a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Information should flow nicely from one point to the next. Do a test run through your slides before you start recording to ensure any questions don't crop up prematurely because the viewer thinks you haven't covered it (when you do a few slides later). 

Learn: Narrative structure: How to compose the best story for your footage

Audience-centric approach

It's pretty much always to the audience's benefit when you make a presentation video, so you shouldn't focus too much on yourself. Address your audience's needs and go above and beyond to answer any questions they may have. Otherwise, why would they listen to you?

5 tips to help you craft remarkable video presentations

Now we know what makes a great presentation video, here are five bonus presentation tips to create yours. 

1. Practice and rehearse

You won’t always get it right the first time, and that’s okay. But the more you practice before hitting record, the better your presentation video will be—and the less legwork you’ll need to do throughout the video editing process.

2. Invest in good equipment

Top-notch equipment makes your life easier throughout the video creation process. Replace your webcam with your iPhone to improve picture quality, and invest in editing tools that allow you to record and edit in the same dashboard.

3. Optimize lighting

Another area where you can improve the quality of your video is the lighting technique . If you have the budget, you can use a simple ring light, but if you don’t have the cash to invest in video equipment, use natural light (such as a window) behind your camera.

4. Engage with eye contact

If someone was talking to you and they weren’t looking at you, you’d probably be a little confused or uncomfortable, right? It’s the same with video. Look into the camera when making video presentations to simulate real eye contact with your audience. If you forget, use Descript’s Eye Contact AI effect to fix it.

5. Keep it concise

If you waffle on with unnecessary information or get sidetracked on a story, you’ll lose your audience’s attention, and they’ll click away or switch off. Stick to your video script and keep your presentation concise.

Elevate your video presentations with Descript

Creating an informative and engaging video presentation isn’t the easiest task in the world. You’ve got to know your audience and what they want, present the information confidently, and do it with visually appealing content.

With Descript, you can take your presentation video to the next level with an editing experience that allows you to:

  • Record your screen on a Mac or Windows device
  • Create and record slides (with voiceover) in one dashboard
  • Remove filler words with a single click
  • Use Studio Sound to remove background noise from your presentation
  • Turn your presentation into a YouTube video, or download it as an MP4 file

Take a free tour of Descript and see why thousands of creators love its video editing platform.

How to make presentation videos FAQ

How do i make a presentation video for free.

  • Choose a slideshow software like Descript
  • Create your slides
  • Add transitions 
  • Record your voiceover
  • Edit your presentation
  • Share your video 

How do I video myself when presenting a PowerPoint?

Use PowerPoint’s built-in recording feature and choose the “Cameo” option to record yourself when presenting. Or, use Descript’s screen recording feature and have the presentation ready for editing when you finish recording. 

How do I make an audio-video presentation?

If you don’t want to record yourself on video, use a screen recorder to film your presentation slides. Video presentation makers like Descript allow you to record a voiceover.

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How to make a good presentation great: 8 pro tips.

A smiling woman engaging in a conversation in a bright office environment, highlighted in a Biteable video maker presentation.

  • 10 Jun 2019

It’s 2am.

You’ve got a huge presentation tomorrow, but you’re afraid to go to bed for fear of having an on-the-stage-in-my-skivvies level nightmare about the big day. We’ve all been there. Learning how to make a presentation (without breaking out into a cold sweat) takes practice.

In our experience, a serious case of the jitters is best fixed by a serious injection of expert wisdom.

We’ve gathered the best advice from experts like Tony Robbins, Steve Jobs, and Guy Kawasaki on how to make a good presentation great, along with insider knowledge on both designing and delivering a presentation.

Plus, as a bonus, we included our best practices for adding video to your next presentation. We also threw in a few of our favorite video presentation templates from Biteable. With Biteable’s online video making software, creating a video presentation is as simple as making a PowerPoint (and far more effective).

Content & Design

How to make a good presentation.

Making a good presentation starts with crafting the content. No matter how compelling your message is, if you don’t get it out of your brain and on to the screen in a simple way, you’ll be met with a sea of blank faces. So, where to begin?

1. Create an easy-to-follow structure

When it comes to what you have to say, break it down into three simple sections: your presentation needs an introduction, body, and conclusion.

A compelling introduction . Your introduction needs to briefly sum up what you’re going to talk about and why it’s useful or relevant to your audience.

Offer a body of evidence . The body of your presentation is where you hit ’em with the facts, quotes, and evidence to back up your main points.

Sum up with key takeaways . The conclusion is where you loop back to your original statement and give the audience some key takeaways on how they can put into practice what they’ve learned.

  • No more than 10 slides in total . Who wants to sit through pages and pages of slides? No one, that’s who. By keeping your slide deck to 10 slides, even if your presentation is 30 minutes long, you’ll give the audience a chance to digest the on-screen messages in line with your talk. Using  concept maps  before structuring your slides can help keep to the point.

Man smiling with a quote about how to make a good presentation by Guy Kawasaki.

2. Limit the amount of copy on each slide

Less really is more, especially when it comes to making a good presentation. Too much text and the audience will just be reading the screen instead of looking at you and feeling the emotional impact of your message.

No more than six words per slide . Marketing king Seth Godin says we should have just six words per slide – that’s not a lot of copy. Choose your words carefully and rewrite until you’ve got it just right.

  • Think ‘bite-size’ information . We called ourselves Biteable a reason: studies show information is retained better when it’s broken down into bite-sized chunks. Video is a great way to do this, and research suggests it’s  95% more compelling than text.  Consider adding video to your presentation strategy. But regardless, break your information up into smaller, palatable pieces.

Marketing advice on how to make a good presentation with slides.

3. Be savvy with design details

A well-thought-out design can make all the difference between a good presentation and one that falls flat. Consider these design standards as you make your presentation.

Use color sparingly . Bright colors can dazzle, but too many can be off-putting. Use the colors most relevant to your message. We’d recommend sticking with one or two (not counting black and white) for your palette so it has a consistent look and feel.

Be consistent with your font . Consistent design makes you look more professional. Don’t switch between caps and lower case, Times New Roman and Comic Sans, or 8 and 30 point text size. Stick with one font and one size throughout. You can vary the emphasis with your words later, but keep your on-screen text uniform for a more cohesive message.

  • Format for perfection . A wonky line on a slide or a badly pixelated graphic will put some people off, as it will look like you haven’t tried very hard (or worse, that you just aren’t very good). Make sure your text is aligned and neat like in the example below.

Comparative examples of how to make a good presentation, highlighting good and bad text formatting techniques.

4. Polish several times

Just like a pair of well-worn shoes, a good presentation often needs a few rounds of dusting before it’s shiny and sparkly.

Start Messy . Don’t be afraid to start messy. Using a non-linear writing tool like  Milanote  allows you to explore and outline your initial ideas in a flexible way before you even open up PowerPoint or Keynote. Arrange your ideas side-by-side and discover new connections that you didn’t see before.

Edit ruthlessly . At first you might have a huge amount of information and will wonder how you’re ever going get it down to six words per slide. That’s OK. Keep editing ruthlessly until you’ve pared your message down to the bare essentials.

  • Get someone else to look at it . A fresh pair of eyes can work miracles when it comes to refining your presentation. Get a trusted mentor or colleague to review your work. If you don’t know anyone who can help, an online writing assistant like  ProWritingAid  or  Grammarly  can help you weed out a lot of problems.

Inspirational quote by Steve Jobs on how to make a good presentation, embracing and moving past mistakes, set against a blue background with a portrait of Jobs himself.

How to give a good presentation

How you deliver your slides is as important as their content and design. Here are some quick pointers to help you get your message across with impact.

Inspirational quote from a motivational speaker on presentation skills on a purple background with a portrait smiling to the side.

5. Have a strong opening

How you start and finish your presentation is extremely important. Audiences usually make up their minds about someone in the first seven seconds, so make those first moments count.

Be different . You’re doing a presentation about saving tree frogs in Costa Rica. You open with an amusing story about one that escaped on a  bunch of bananas  to the UK. A story like this is different and unexpected for your audience, so they’ll sit up and take notice.

Ask a question . Rhetorical questions are a great way to frame a topic and introduce ideas. Martin Luther King Jr. said: “There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, ‘When will you be satisfied?’”

  • Tailor it to your audience . How much do you know about your audience? The more you know, the better. Especially if you know their likes and dislikes. Inserting a relevant metaphor or popular culture reference. Oprah Winfrey’s Stanford commencement address spoke to the graduates about her lessons learned and how they were entering ‘the classroom of life.’

6. Be genuine

Oscar Wilde said “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” A lack of authenticity will be spotted a mile away. Whatever you’re saying, speak from the heart and don’t try to impress – there’s no need to prove yourself, just to get the point across as you see it. After all, that’s why you’re there, and you can’t do more than that.

Use humor . Humor can be great for giving a presentation, but cut it out if it feels like a stretch. Telling a humorous story can break down any barriers, make you more likeable, and make your message more memorable (and people are surprisingly generous with laughter) but the faintest whiff of desperation will kill a funny vibe.

Don’t be afraid to mess up . The fear of making a mistake can make you inordinately nervous. Relax, even the best speakers mess up or have bad luck. Theresa May, ex-Prime Minister of England, once stumbled and  coughed her way through a presentation , with someone even handing her a resignation letter. She battled through like a pro, though, and simply acknowledged it and moved on. No big deal.

  • Open up and be vulnerable . Brené Brown,  a researcher whose presentations  have amassed over ten million views, says that “Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up.” This means speaking your truth and daring to feel a little uncomfortable as you share a meaningful story. It will connect your audience to you like never before.

7. Have a plan for a smooth delivery

With all the prep you’re doing on the content and design of your presentation, it can be easy to overlook other variables that are within your control for a stress-free delivery.

Have a practice run-through . There’s nothing like reading it out loud to ensure your message makes sense before you actually deliver it. Try recording your presentation on video — this way you’ll be able to review with an accurate eye and notice whether your speech matches up with your slides. It’ll also help you sort out your run time.

Use a remote . A clicker or remote will help you face the audience and not have to keep turning back to your laptop. Sought-after public speaker Garr Reynolds says a remote is essential in order to pause and advance your presentation so you have time to be spontaneous and control the flow of your delivery.

Have backup material . Not everything you say is going to resonate with your audience. It’s best to be flexible enough to change the game as and when needed. Steve Jobs had standby anecdotes prepared to fill time when the technology he was using to give the presentation failed. Preparing for every eventuality will help soothe your nerves and allow you to feel more in control.

  • Use a timer . When you get into the flow of your message, it’s easy to go off on a tangent or even spend too long on audience questions. Put your phone on airplane mode and set the stopwatch just as you begin speaking. A quick glance down at the table during a pause will allow you to make sure you’re not going overtime.

Man with folded arms next to the text:

8. To conclude, focus on audience value

You’re coming to the end of your presentation. How do you wrap it up in a way that will be everlasting in their memories? The experts recommend you focus on the feeling you want the audience to take home.

Leave your audience with an emotional impression .”They might forget what you said, but they’ll never forget the way they made you feel” said the poet Maya Angelou. By leaving them with an emotional impression, from a piece of video with moving music to a line from a song or poem, you’ll strike that resonant chord and end on a high.

Use a pause for key takeaways . Want the audience to remember something specific? Say it slowly and leave a pause at the end. The silence will emphasize what you said and make it meaningful.

  • Make your core message sing . A call-to-action is the best way to wrap up your presentation with strength and impact. What do you want your audience to do next? Tony Robbins tells a great story, moving his audience emotionally towards change.

Motivational quote by Tony Robbins on how to make a good presentation, emphasizing the importance of emotion in retaining information, displayed next to his black and white portrait with a yellow background.

Make your next presentation shine with one of these video templates

You’ve learned from the pros and you feel much more confident about how to make a presentation that stands out. But to really make your presentation one to remember, consider adding video into the mix.

Create a nice change of pace by  embedding a video in your PowerPoint presentation  or go out on a limb and turn your entire presentation into an engaging, thoughtful video.

Either way, make it great with one of the professionally designed video presentation templates available in Biteable.

good presentation video youtube

Make a video presentation with Biteable

With Biteable, making a video presentation has never been easier.

Biteable’s  online video making software  gives you access to hundreds of brandable templates and video scenes, plus over 24 million stock clips, images, and animations all in an easy-to-use platform.

Add text to your video, include a voice over, and even record your screen without ever leaving the app. Once you’re done making video presentation magic, automatically apply your company colors and logo to your entire video with Biteable’s innovative  brand builder  feature.

Anyone can make an impactful video with Biteable. Are you ready to try?

Make stunning videos with ease.

Take the struggle out of team communication.

Try Biteable now.

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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

good presentation video youtube

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

good presentation video youtube

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

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How to Make an Eye-catching Video Presentation in Minutes | InVideo

  • video presentation

good presentation video youtube

Video is now the undisputed king of mediums in business communication. HubSpot reports that 85% of companies use videos in their marketing efforts. From webinars to demos, from sales presentations to investor pitches, and from welcome videos to online tutorials, videos are the go-to channel. Clearly, video marketing  is on the surge.

And video presentations are among the most widely used formats for video marketing. But how exactly can you create winning video presentations, to begin with?

Simply by signing up to InVideo for business where you get tailor-made template and video editing services on demand so you can spend your time running your business. Sign up for a free demo here. 

Video Presentations Q&A

Before we get into the meat of our guide, let’s quickly answer a few commonly asked questions.

1. What is a Video Presentation?

A video presentation is a form of communicating with an audience with the aid of a video or completely using a video. The video could be made of PowerPoint slides , still images, animation, or actual video footage.

2. Why Should I use Video Presentations?

Common reasons for using videos as presentation aids include:

- Overcoming space/time limitations - Using video as a visual aide to drive your point home - Video enables you to compress a lot of information into a digestible size

3. How do I make a Video Presentation?

Thanks to the advancements in technology, making video presentations has become very easy. It has also become more affordable than it was a couple of years ago. While different video makers have different steps to take when making a video , here are the basic steps to follow:

- Come up with a concept for your presentation. - Craft an engaging script . - Decide on the visual assets (and format) you’ll use. - Use a professional video editing app to bring it all together. - Promote the video.

Pro tip: To make things even easier, you could sign up to InVideo for business and get presentations made for your brand using the editing-on-demand services.  Sign up for a free demo here . 

4. How do you begin a Presentation?

You can open your presentation in 7 ways:

1. Share an anecdote or short personal story. 2. Kick-off with a provocative statement. 3. Present a startling statistic or data. 4. Tell a good clean joke that suits the audience. 5. Ask a loaded rhetorical question. 6. Show the audience a compelling visual. 7. Hook people with a fascinating quotation.

5. How do you Make a Video Presentation with PowerPoint?

Turning a PowerPoint presentation into a video is easy. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: On the File  menu, select Save  to make sure you have saved all your recent work in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx).

Step 2: On the File  menu, select Save As .

Step 3: Select the folder location where you want to store your PowerPoint Show file.

Step 4: In the Save as type  box, choose PowerPoint Show (*.ppsx) .

PowerPoint Show Save as Options

Step 5: Select Save . That’s it.

Now that we’ve answered a few basic questions, let’s dig deeper into why videos are so powerful.

What Makes Video Presentations so Effective?

Why do they increase the impact of your message?

Well, it’s simple, really – people are visual creatures. This means we take in more information by watching than by reading. Remember the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”? Besides that, here are 4 other reasons video is so effective:

1. Conveys emotions better

No other communication channel conveys emotions better than video. That’s because video caters to the brain’s visual and auditory systems, helping the viewer pick up on cues like body language, facial expressions, imagery, and music.

2. Cements information better

According to research , people remember 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read. However, they remember a staggering 80% of what they experienced. In short, visuals are easier to remember than text or audio because they help your audience “experience” your message. It makes video an essential part of creating presentations your audience will remember for a long time.

3. Makes it easier to digest information

Especially when explaining complicated concepts, video is a great way to present information in an easy-to-understand way. Not only is the format easy to take in, but it also makes breaking down concepts easier.

4. Builds relationships fast

I’m sure you know the marketing mantra: people buy from people they know, like, and trust. Nothing beats video in making prospects or your audience know, like, and trust you…   fast. Video is an instant relationship builder. It’s the next best thing to live face-to-face communication.

A video is a great tool that has made it easier to communicate thoughts and ideas with people – not just in a room, but even across the globe.

6 Types of Video Presentations You Need to Know

Video presentations come in different flavors, depending on their purpose.

types of video presentations

1. Educational Presentations

These are mainly used in teaching and learning sets online or in a classroom setting. These make it easier for the teacher to convey information and the students to grasp the concepts.

Use this template

2. Sales Presentations

The field of sales has evolved tremendously in the past decade. With customers being savvier, sales reps must play the game well if they’re to bag sales. One way they can do that is by creating story-based sales video presentations.

Sell more with pro video presentations

Use 5000+ InVideo templates to get started

Sell more with pro video presentations

3. Investor Pitches

Need to woo an investor? One of the best ways to do that is by using a video pitch. This will help you present your business plan in a visually appealing way so they can easily grasp your business concept.

4. Promotional Videos

Whether you’re promoting an existing product or a new one, video is your best bet for getting eyeballs on your product (or cause). People relate better to what they can see, making video the best medium for presenting your promotions (like product reviews, for example).

5. Employee Training and Onboarding

Video presentations are great for conducting employee training and onboarding. One of the main reasons for this is that video helps reduce the resources spent on these 2 important aspects of employee relationship management.

6. Informational Videos

As the name suggests, the informational/how-to type of presentation serves to pass on important information. Why video in this case? Because it’s more engaging and can pack a lot of information in a short clip.

Pro tip: You can get tailor-made templates to create any kind of presentation for your brand or business using InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

How to create killer Video Presentations – 4 Tips

Now you know why video presentations are important and which scenarios to use them in. Now to the fun part – tips on creating killer video presentations. Let’s get to it, shall we?

Tip #1 - Know your Audience

how to create a killer video presentations - know your audience

The most important aspect of creating a stellar presentation is to know and understand your audience. Even if you use the best video presentation maker , if you don’t target a specific, clearly defined audience, your presentation will flop. Understanding your audience will help you:

A. Communicate effectively

Effective communication involves knowing the language and examples that resonate with your audience.

B. Choose the right visuals

Certain visuals are more impactful when used on a particular audience. Study those that your audience will easily understand and relate to.

C. Connect on an emotional level

No matter the type of presentation, it’s crucial to connect with your audience on an emotional level. And to do that, you need to understand the emotional triggers to push in your video presentation.

Invest in adequate audience research. While it may be time-consuming (and a bit costly), it will pay off in the end.

Idea #2 - Brainstorm video content ideas

Create Killer Video Presentations - Brainstorm Video Content Ideas

Now that you have gathered enough audience data, it’s time to brainstorm some content ideas. Whether you’re creating your talk solo or as a team, 3 crucial questions will lay the foundation of your brainstorming session:

1. What do you want the video to achieve? 2. Which emotions do you want the video to evoke? 3. What will visual elements help your video achieve its goal?

The answers to these questions will help guide your ideas. They are key to creating a killer video that your audience will love.

Tip #3 - Craft engaging scripts

Craft Engaging Scripts

Audience research? Check.

Great idea? Check.

Now we get to another interesting stage of creating great video presentations  – crafting an engaging script. Whether it’s a live presentation, a webinar, or even a product review, you’ll need a great script to ensure you keep your audience engaged.

Even if you love creating impromptu videos, having a script for your video presentations is important. And no, you need not be Quentin Tarantino to produce a great video script (although it won’t hurt to learn how to become a good copywriter). Here are 3 reasons a good video script is a must:

1) Helps structure your video

To ensure your video has a smooth and progressive flow, you’ll need a good script.

2) Eliminates “dead spots”

Dead spots, or moments of inactivity, are a great turn-off in a video. They reek of unprofessionalism and can lead to your audience disengaging. The best way to eliminate dead spots is to craft a solid video script .

3) Keeps you on track

It’s very easy to get sidetracked when creating a video . However, with a script, you minimize the instances of going off-topic.

Creating scripts for your videos is a best practice that shouldn’t be overlooked. If anything, invest more in your script than the visuals as a good script can save a video with poor visuals.

Pro-tip: Once you’re confident about your script, it is time to make things even more clear. A  storyboard will allow you to break down your video visually, scene by scene, describing what is happening in it.

Tip #4 - Invest in the Right Tools

video presentations right tools - InVideo

With video, one thing you should never skimp on is the tools you use, particularly your video editing software. While there is a gazillion free video editing software on the market, it’s highly recommended that you use a professional video editor . And that means going the paid route.

Why should you spend on a video editor when there are countless free options available? Here’s why:

A. Get more (professional) features

Creating professional-looking videos requires a lot of resources and features. Most free video editors lack the features that will enable you to create professional videos.

B. Avoid branding and ads

With video editing software, free is never free. That’s because you pay through being forced to include the video editors brand in your work. In other words, you pay by advertising for them. Besides branding, some free video editors may subject you to irritating in-app ads.

If there’s one thing that’s inevitable when it comes to software, it’s that one time or another you’ll encounter glitches. This is where paid video editors have a great advantage over their free counterparts – you’ll have access to customer support.

From hardware (like cameras) to software (like video editing software), the tools you use will determine the quality of your videos. Invest in professional tools, and your presentations will sweep your audience off their feet because they’ll be more polished.

Pro tip: If you don't have the time or bandwidth to find your way around an editing tool, simply sign up to InVideo for business and get presentations created using tailor-made templates and on-demand editing services. Sign up for a free demo here . 

Tip #5 - Adopt Video Presentation Best Practices

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when creating presentations . Most winning video presentations are based on common fundamental principles that work. Here are some you need to know:

1) Create impactful intros (and outros)

Your intro is the most important part of your presentation as it sets the tone for the rest of the talk. If you can’t engage your audience with your intro, you probably won’t get another chance to engage them.

2) Keep it short, sharp, and sweet

No matter how engaging your video is, always remember it’s not a movie. The point is to keep your audience engaged enough to pass on your information, no more no less.

3) Be professional

Don’t throw out your professional etiquette just because you’re on (or using) video. Maintain professionalism in your video presentations by, for example, using clean language and maintaining a good posture.

4) Use quality sound

Sound plays an integral part in presentations. Whether it’s music or speech, make sure it’s crisp, clear, and audible.

By following these (and other) video presentation best practices, success is inevitable. Remember, the presentation is not about you; it’s about your audience. So, ensure that your presentations provide a good user experience for your audience.

Make video presentations in minutes

With customizable InVideo templates

Make video presentations in minutes

Looking for a great Video Presentation Template? Here’s what you should consider

video presentation templates in InVideo

Templates are lifesavers. They help you create a decent presentation in a snap, even if you are a newbie.

Here are 3 simple questions to help you determine if a template is good:

1) Is it editable? – Are you able to change things like playback speed, effects, or text, so you produce something you like? Stay away from rigid templates that don’t give you the freedom to create with ease.

2) Is it customizable? – Can you design brand-specific clips using your company’s colors, fonts, and styling? Good templates give you wiggle room to include your brand’s specific needs.

3) Is it campaign-specific? – Different videos fit different scenarios. Ideally, you want templates tailored to your current campaign.  That way, you have less tweaking to do because the templates are close to what you want.

Pro Tip: Get more tailor-made templates for your video presentations by signing up to InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

5 Awesome Video Presentation ideas to bring The House Down

Presentation is both an art and science. Get the balance right, and you have the audience eating out of the palm of your hand. Here are some ideas to help you do just that.

Idea #1 - Tickle them with humor

Humor is a powerful learning tool.

According to studies by Physiology Org humor leads to learning because of it:

- Attracts and sustains attention. - Relieves tension and produces a relaxed atmosphere. - Enhances participation. - Increases retention and motivation. - Bonds the student and the teacher.

However, to reap all these benefits, the humor must be appropriate and on-topic. So spice up your presentation with a joke or two. The result? Your audience will laugh and learn.

Idea #2 - Use Relevant Examples

Effective presenters use timely, powerful illustrations.

The word illustration comes from the Latin term ‘illustration,’ which means illumination. So practical examples are like windows of your presentation. They let light in. They help people see or understand the material better.

Here are 5 questions to ask about your illustrations:

1. Are they relevant to the topic? 2. Are they suited to the audience? 3. Are they suited to the time limit? 4. Are they enlightening? 5. Are they well told?

Grab compelling examples from books, movies, TV shows, history, children, current events, and captivating real-life incidents. Use good illustrations ram your points home.

Idea #3 - Wield Questions like a Ninja

Questions are an integral part of learning.

Sharp questions aid learning. Plus, they keep listeners highly engaged.

Ask questions:

- At the beginning of your presentation to draw your audience in. - In the middle of the presentation to revive waning audience interest. - At the end of the talk, so the audience reflects on the material.

Also, allow the audience to ask questions. When your audience asks questions, they switch from passive spectators to active participants.

Idea #4 - Be Minimal

Have you ever sat through a presentation and felt:

- Dazed? - Confused? - Strained?

More than likely, the reason is the presenter drowned you in a blaze of inessential stuff. There was too much going on you couldn’t cope with.

Minimalism is removing all unnecessary material, leaving only the bare minimum needed to put your points across. It means using just enough text, visuals, scenes, or slides to make the point and no more. A minimal presentation is clean and uncluttered.

Simple yet intriguing. Plain but profound. Basic but punchy.

Most importantly, it makes learning easy and enjoyable.

Idea #5 - Connect emotionally with a story

Stories are speakers’ most powerful weapons. That’s because stories play a dual purpose –

- Engage intellectually - Connect Emotionally

And an emotional connection is key to bringing the house down with your presentation. Why?

An emotional connection:

- Endears you to your audience - Makes your presentation memorable - Inspires your audience to take action

By using a relevant story in your video presentation, you’ll ensure that your audience walks the entire journey with you from intro to outro.

6 PowerPoint Presentation tips to wow your audience

powerpoint presentation tips

No business video guide is complete without PowerPoint, the staple software for business presentations.

Here are 6 golden rules to help you nail your next PowerPoint presentation and leave your audience crying for more:

1. Keep Things Simple

Legendary artist Leonardo da Vinci once said something profound:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".

With the plethora of apps and templates at your disposal, you will be tempted to complicate things. Don’t. Keep things simple.

Simple design. Simple colors. Simple story.

People get swamped and confused by complicated stuff but easily absorb and appreciate straightforward material.

2. Good visual contrast

What use is your blockbuster presentation if the audience can’t see it?

You want people to enjoy your presentation, not endure it. If you use dark fonts on dark backgrounds or light fonts on light backgrounds, you’ll strain your audience’s eyes. They’ll struggle to see your lovely slides.

Classic black-on-white color contrast does just fine. You can use colors like red, blue, or yellow for headings and images. If you don’t like black and white, you can use other colors you prefer as long as the contrast of your combination is bold and strong.

3. Use a few words and animations

It’s easy to go overboard with fancy animations and a gushing stream of words. Only use as many words as it takes to get your point across and no more.

Too many words cause the audience to read rather than listen. Remember, your slides are there to compliment your talk, not substitute it. Also, a lot of words will fill up many slides that wear your audience down.

Ruthlessly cut out senseless animations that don’t add value to your talk.

4. Use excellent images

Images are to a presentation, what water is to fish. Without them, your presentation becomes bland. It lacks the needed fizz to keep your audience hooked. But only include relevant images.

Not only that. Above all, make sure all pictures are of high quality. Amateur-looking clip art causes the audience not to take you seriously.

Pro-tip: Get access to millions of stock assets and tailor-made templates with InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

5. Smooth and fast transitions

While PowerPoint transitions can make your presentation engaging, don’t overdo them, especially the advanced ones. Not only do they quickly drain power on weaker machines, but they also distract the audience. Stick to simpler and faster transitions like wipe or slide.

6. Avoid overloading your slides

In presentations, less is more.

Having a lot going on your screen confuses and overwhelms listeners.

Cramming too much info into your slides is a big no-no. Clutter is your enemy. Strip your slides down to essential words and images. Your audience will love you for it and leave you with many takeaways.

Pro looking Video Presentations – No longer an option

With Industry 4.0 fast coming into its own, going digital is no longer an option for businesses and speakers.

And one of the most important communication mediums in the digital age is video. That’s why you can’t afford to ignore video any more. Whether you’re speaking before a live audience or seeking to disseminate information to a global audience, video presentations are the way to go.

Need a great tool to create stunning video presentations? Then make sure to schedule a demo and see just how much you can do with InVideo for business. 

Let’s create superb videos

Home Blog Presentation Ideas Video Presentations: A Guide for Engaging Content

Video Presentations: A Guide for Engaging Content

Video Presentations: A Guide for Engaging Content

In a time when the Millennials’ attention span can be measured as little as 12 seconds, how can we create genuinely engaging presentations? Is continuously changing slides the answer these days?

A skilled presenter has to master different techniques; therefore, we will examine the potential for video presentations. Join us to discover what video presentations are, the reasons why you should use them amongst your presentation tools, and exciting tips on how to drive engagement from them. 

Table of Contents

What video presentations are

Video presentation stats to consider, different types of video presentations, why should you use video presentations, what are the components of a winning video presentation, the role of accessibility: advanced research on video presentations, 5 tips on how to make your video presentations engaging.

  • How to create a video presentation

Do you need special software to create video presentations?

Closing thoughts.

Presentations are a crucial part of business and academic environments. Thousands of presentations are delivered each day in different environments; still, many are doomed to fail. Although we can blame this on a lack of proper presentation skills , reality tells us there’s a change in how people prefer to see the content.

As a general rule, consider 10 minutes the Goldilocks Zone for traditional presentations in what comes to audience engagement . Inspirational presentations like the ones we see on TEDx don’t follow this rule, as the objective here is to share a compelling story as detailed as possible so the audience can relate. In some cases, academic presentations of the thesis defense style remain loyal to a specific format. Still, trends are also changing, and video presentations have much to offer in terms of exposing complex concepts more plainly.

A video presentation can be represented in multiple formats: as a compendium of animated slides in video format, video files and audio sources packed on a single video file, a video recording made in interview format, a video documentary, etc. Although this definition may sound redundant, the concept behind a video presentation is that they don’t require a presenter to change between slides or windows to browse different assets . Hence, the importance to create a story behind the video presentation, so the various elements don’t feel segregated without logic.

We can say people use the video format to convey information in courses, job training, edutainment, conferences, and any kind of message-sharing purpose that requires connecting with the audience for engagement.

Before dwelling on the specifics of building a video presentation, here we share some video presentation stats that speak about the importance of video presentations these days from a marketing perspective.

  • Online search continues to be the most common way (45%) for users to find instructional and informational video content. ( source )
  • The most commonly-created types of videos are explainer videos (72%) , presentation videos (49%), testimonial videos (48%), sales videos (42%), and video ads (42%). ( source )
  • 57% of consumers said that product videos make them more confident in a purchase and less likely to return an item ( source )
  • Millennials’ attention span can be measured as little as 12 seconds ( source )
  • A minute of video is worth 1.8 million words in terms of information retention ( source )

As you can see, the effort of building a video presentation is well-paid in terms of consumption and content information retention from the audience.

Depending on the requirements of the presentation itself, we can classify video presentations as follows:

In-Company Video Presentations

These video presentations belong to the business and corporate world, but their purpose is to distribute information among coworkers or to coach the personnel for a specific requirement. In-company video presentations are used in workspace training, as part of internal recruitment processes, or other kinds of internal presentations.

In-company video presentations usually carry the company branding; they have restricted access for people outside the organization, so their distribution methods happen in meeting rooms dedicated to these purposes. 

Business Video Presentations

Business video presentations are used for a variety of business purposes: business pitches, workspace training, advertisement, product releases, recruitment, and more. Business video presentations also include the ones dedicated to  B2B or B2C relationships. 

Like In-Company Video Presentations, they carry branding to identify the video presentation’s author quickly. They are shared through official mediums for the company (like a brand’s social media channels and website), during corporate meetings with investors or potential business partners, and through 3rd. party channels.

Example of Product Launch Video Presentation by Xiaomi

Examples of these kinds of videos are product launch sessions, much like what tech giants like Xiaomi do.

Another kind of business video presentation is the explainer video. Explainer videos can be defined as short online marketing videos that are used to explain the company’s product or service. Explainer videos are commonly used for sales, marketing, and training purposes. Here is a real example of a 1-minute video presentation introducing

Another application of business video presentations is when sponsorship deals are involved, as brands can present their value to influencers through short reels.

Resume Video Presentations

This is a relatively recent but incredible turn of resume presentations. In resume video presentations , the candidate offers a detailed introduction of their capabilities, skills, interests, and potential value to the employer in a visually engaging format.

Unlike traditional CV presentations, the video format gives little room for anxiety, answering most of the interviewer’s questions or even driving admiration for the effort and dedication to this job-hunting adventure. 

We recommend the usage of resume presentation templates for this purpose, as they save tons of time in crafting a high-quality resume video presentation. 

Educational Video Presentations

This category can be divided into three different sub-categories:

Academic Video Presentations

Intended for University-level presentations or post-Doctorate work, these presentations follow strict format guidelines. They are mainly designed to distribute data comprehensively, with proper documentation backup. Animations usually don’t take part in these video presentations.

Despite being commonly associated with business events, conferences also belong to the academic video presentations category, as the live sessions are recorded to spread the message about important research discoveries. 

Teaching & Training Video Presentations

Teachers introduce the presentations to their students on various topics to understand abstract issues better. Chemistry, Physics, and Geography are typical examples of subjects that use video presentations. However, subjects like History and Philosophy can save countless hours of whiteboard sessions by using educational video presentations. 

Webinars fall under this category, either being released to the public or in-company webinars, as they share common aspects in their structure. Do keep in mind that educational content recorded as video presentations is not the same as a webinar, as the latter requires the presence of a live audience, a moderator, and usually a Q&A session at the end of it. If we talk about educational content being recorded and released as a course platform, then we can say it is a workshop.

According to recent studies, visualizations through video presentations and video-based learning can enhance understanding. It is demonstrated that students who watched learning videos on Statistics, influenced engagement and motivation positively .

Student Video Presentations

Finally, students also make video presentations as requested by their teachers to present a lesson or project exhibition. These presentations vary as the students grow older, becoming less dependent on animated effects, setting the bases for future work or academic presentation formats.

Informal Video Presentations

If you remember seeing videos in situations like 50th birthday parties, baptisms, wedding anniversaries, etc., then you have already experienced informal video presentations. 

These informal presentations are free from any format restriction. As the term implies, they are used for any kind of meetup, making it simpler to share a story rather than to tell a lengthy story.

Inspirational & Motivational Video Presentations

The final category belongs to the video presentations with a strong emotional component. They are built to connect, to empathize with the audience in specific situations or problems. Examples of this are TEDx , Evan Carmichael, or similar influencing platforms.

In general lines, motivational video presentations are recordings of live events shared with the purpose of getting the message to the biggest audience possible (internet consumers). Another possible format for these presentations is recorded interviews or testimonials intended to speak about a person’s contributions to society. An example of this, from an organization’s point of view, are the videos produced by the UK’s NHS to highlight and thank their medical personnel for their efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Inspirational video presentations share common aspects with motivational speeches. A list of requirements for these video presentations would be:

  • Have a clear purpose
  • Make it personal
  • Get the message tailored for the target audience
  • A strong conclusion

Compared with traditional presentation methods, such as presentation slides or speaking in front of an audience, video presentations can offer a series of advantages. 

For starters, as you write the “ story ,” you are also rehearsing the points to be covered. In that way, anxiety or shyness won’t trigger you to forget about essential points or lose track of time. The length of the presentation can be predetermined, depending on the external requirements of the organization party, or how comprehensive or concise you need it to be. 

In the case of people struggling with camera shyness , an animated video presentation with voiceover is the answer to deliver quality work. Since psychologists and doctors agree the common point on fear of public speaking is the delivery of the presentation itself, video presentations shall reduce work-induced anxiety to a great degree. Since psychologists and doctors agree the common point on fear of public speaking is the delivery of the presentation itself, video presentations shall reduce work-induced anxiety to a great degree. You can also convert images to video online using video editor platforms to easily create video from images and voiceover on video.

Video presentations can be persuasive thanks to the usage of graphics and audio. It is far easier to convey emotions through video presentations than to put them in the presentation design. Also, research by Dr. James McQuivey proved that a minute of video is worth 1.8 million words in terms of information retention.

Regarding engagement, the popularity that both TikTok and YouTube gained among the younger generations reflects the behavioral changes in content consumption . It has come to the point that even professionals use TikTok to demystify health hoaxes and help users worldwide. Therefore, using video format for presentations can help to boost your presentation performance, making it attractive for your audience and less effort-demanding. 

The most significant factor in delivering a successful video presentation is keeping the audience engaged. To ensure this, make sure the presentation doesn’t feel robotic-like but that it conveys a personal message. Don’t get this point wrong if we talk strictly about business or academic scenarios; making video presentations to deliver your personal touch can become as simple as selecting the proper color combination to enforce your message . Other solutions come from watching your voice tone not to make it too monotonous. 

Structure your presentation accordingly. In business or academic video presentations is a good idea to introduce a slide in the fashion of a table of contents . It is an extra touch that brings the audience closer to the topics due to be discussed. 

Consider the audience’s perspective as a vital element in video presentations. Check relevant examples of the topic discussed on platforms such as YouTube or DailyMotion. Compare their approach to yours and assert if you would watch your presentation as a spectator or not. This simple test gives insights into which aspects you should work on.

Winning video presentations never miss the usage of CTAs. It’s a good method to direct the audience’s interest to a specific goal.

Video presentations can become an incredible tool for driving engagement, yet there is a problem that not so many presenters address: accessibility. Think about how many times a presenter ends a phrase like “over here,” assuming the audience is watching the item being shown. But what if members of the target audience have visual impairments?

Much like we consider the importance of adding Closed Captioning (CC) to our videos, accessibility in terms of the narrative is a must. On this behalf, we want to introduce an interesting research that led to the production of a tool named Slidecho . Using state-of-the-art technology like video scene detection, AI, and OCR, Slideshow follows these very steps:

  • Step 1: Extract slide frames
  • Step 2: Selecting slide elements
  • Step 3: Detecting described elements from the slide elements
  • Step 4: Aligning slides with the speech

Therefore, Slidecho uses an algorithmic methodology to extract the visual elements from the slides, converting them to an audio reading format whilst aligning it with the original speaker’s narration. Moreover, its interface instantiates new interactions that augment the plain video interface with synchronized slide information and audio notifications to alert users to undescribed elements.

This technological advance helps the audience better understand what is being presented, regardless of the context of the presentation. Imagine an award ceremony where many references apply to visual cues. People with visual impairments get half of the message, with luck, when presenters fall into colloquial language usage, not understanding the context or having to ask for clarification. If instead, the synced narration is available, we then talk about making presentations available for everyone. This is an accurate definition of enriching an event experience.

If we talk about attending to the needs of people with hearing impairments, we have to consider the social factor as a motivator in presentations. It is a common mistake to leave slides filled with text and voiceover narration in the background providing detailed information. A study made by Stanford University speaks about the value of having the presenter’s face available through these slides, as it delivers both social cues plus helps users through lip reading. The human factor also reduces distractions since the audience must check the presenter’s input on written slides.

Example of video instruction with lecture slides in the back - Effects on information retention, visual attention and affect.

Tip #1 – Be mindful of the presentation topic

It’s not the same to create a presentation for a business audience as an inspirational presentation. The category of the presentation shall determine items like

  • Background music
  • Color theme
  • Visual hierarchy
  • Videos to include

Tip #2 – Limit the number of words to include

The whole idea behind the video presentation is to make a dynamic presentation, not having to pause every 5 seconds to allow the spectator to read.

Instead, use words to transmit powerful messages, such as quotes relevant to the presented topic, key information, or CTAs. Use the 7×7 rule: no slide should have more than 7 lines of text, and no sentence should have more than 7 words. 

Tip #3 – Voiceovers can become your best friends

The whole point behind a video presentation is not to create a boring one-person video speaking in front of the camera. Use voiceovers effectively to introduce charts, data feedback, etc., with your voice connecting the points of the entire presentation.

Be mindful of the tone. A monotonous or flat tone can divert attention and induce people to ignore your work. Your voice skills should articulate the importance of the point being discussed as well as your interest in it.

Tip #4 – The power of transitions

Adding suitable transitions and animations makes the presentation more engaging . However, this isn’t equal to adding countless effects. Less is more.

Ask a professional for guidance if you don’t have experience with animation effects. The transition can be part of the conversation, being subtle if the presentation is flowing between data sets or similar topics, or contrasting and powerful to deliver a persuasive message. You may also want to insert a transition when you’ve used a video cutter to remove an unwanted part to smooth out the video flow. Don’t abuse any of the two extremes, or the audience may find it uncomfortable.

Tip #5 – Make video presentations accessible

As we mentioned before, quite often presenters assume the audience can understand every part of a video presentation. Reality tells us to attend to the needs of people with visual and auditory impairments by making audio and video media accessible .

Subtitles or translator screen-over using sign language is a perfect opportunity to help people with auditory impairments feel part of the presentation, making the message available to them as well. 

For people with visual impairments, be mindful about how you create the narrative for your presentation, in particular, avoiding visual cues like: “over here,” “this,” and “there” and gesticulating over an object or person, assuming everyone can get the same reference information. Instead, opt to be descriptive in your speech; software solutions can help a great deal, but you can also use native PowerPoint or Google Slides tools such as voiceovers .

How to create a video presentation & recommended video presentation templates

You can create your own video presentations as easily as using Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynotes, or Google Slides.

Check these links for relevant information on how to create a video presentation:

  • How to Convert a Google Slides Presentation to a Video
  • How to Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to a Video
  • How to Embed a YouTube Video in PowerPoint

In case you feel stuck about which content to input or how to make your video presentation outstanding, a brainstorming technique can do wonders for interactive presentations and creative thinking. It is known as the SCAMPER technique .

Since video presentation templates make our life easier, we also recommend you check the following product categories to access extremely visually appealing designs created by professionals to help you deliver your message in style:

  • Animated PowerPoint Templates
  • Animated Text Banner Templates
  • Academic PowerPoint Templates
  • Business PowerPoint Templates
  • Marketing PowerPoint Templates

Additionally, here you can preview some of our presentation templates that you can use to create a video presentation in PowerPoint.

1. Animated PowerPoint Charts Collection Template

Business Charts Template Slide

Present data in a visually appealing format by using this collection of animated charts in PowerPoint. Fully customizable, this template brings ease to speak about data-driven presentations; hence becoming a vital asset for any presenter in the corporate world.

Use This Template

2. Animated Network Diagram PowerPoint Template

good presentation video youtube

Simplify the different streams that take part in your project or product release with the help of this animated template design. This Animated Network Diagram template can help you expose the processes that, with integrated effort, evolve into a successful outcome. It has animations applied to the objects, plus transitions to make the presentation more fluid.

Fully editable with any version of PowerPoint.

3. Free Animated Editable Professional Infographics PowerPoint Template

good presentation video youtube

Infographics are a powerful tool that every presenter must consider for their work. This Free Animated Infographics template allows presenters to communicate complex data pieces, build marketing strategies, or prepare professional-looking reports. 

You can find a broad variety of charts and graphs. These are fully editable by using the chart filter option to edit on a spreadsheet.

4. Free Animated Editable Infographic PowerPoint Slides

3D Circular Stack Diagram PPT

If you intend to present financial data or KPIs for your marketing projects, look no further: this Free Animated Editable Infographic Template for PowerPoint has it all. 

Arranged in an 8-slide deck, we find a compendium of graphic elements to represent complex data in a visually compelling manner. Fully editable in all versions of PowerPoint

5. Free Animated Business PowerPoint Template

good presentation video youtube

This versatile free presentation template for PowerPoint makes the perfect tool for more than business presentations: it works perfectly for educational video presentations and even inspirational video presentations.

With 9 fully editable slides, you can build your video presentation by using a unique combination of graphic elements, animations, and transitions. The graphics elements on this template are oriented to highlight leadership concepts.

6. Free Animated Business Infographics PowerPoint Template

good presentation video youtube

Use this free template to create powerful statements backed by data in your video presentations. With a broad selection of graphs, diagrams, and charts, this fully editable template can help presenters to discuss topics ranging from demographics, economy, marketing indicators, or other relevant research results in an easy-to-understand format.

Compatible with all versions of PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote.

You also need to consider the output format of your video presentations. For maximum compatibility, you can use  MP4 or MOV. Other alternatives include:

  • MKV : The native format of most 4K videos due to being able to store multiple audio tracks. Ideal for presentations with different voiceover languages that presenters can pick from.
  • WMV : It’s a quality format for rendering videos to be shared via e-mail, although not compatible with some devices. Installing codecs is advised. 
  • WebM : This format is one of the preferred choices for online video libraries or live streaming services, but it can present compatibility issues. 

The answer to this question entirely depends on your aim for creating video presentations. For most presenters, PowerPoint and Google Slides will do a good job, allowing them to use features such as voiceovers, transitions, animations, and high-quality graphics.

If instead, you desire to make advanced effects, screen recordings, or toon-like animations with voiceovers, then you should check the following list of solutions:

  • Camtasia (Techsmith) : It is a professional video editing software, much lighter and easier to use than Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas. You can create professional transition or animation effects, work with layers to add multiple sounds or video sources and create screen recordings.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro : The industry-leading software in video editing. This often intimidating software by Adobe has all the requirements for professional video editing, plus full integration with third-party plugins or other software from the Adobe suite to enhance the video result.
  • Sony Vegas Pro : It is considered a direct competitor to Adobe Premiere Pro, less demanding in hardware requirements, and somewhat more user-friendly.
  • Final Cut Pro : For Mac users, this is the option to consider if we talk about video editing. Powerful and tailored for the hardware the Mac device has.

As we have seen in this article, video presentations are far from obsolete. It is a truly engaging method to divulge our ideas, especially if we target a younger audience. 

Take your time to write a compelling story to tell rather than spilling animations and transitions along the way. Professional-made video presentations always care about details and the takeaway message for the spectator. 

good presentation video youtube

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Blog Beginner Guides How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

Written by: Krystle Wong Jul 20, 2023

How to make a good presentation

A top-notch presentation possesses the power to drive action. From winning stakeholders over and conveying a powerful message to securing funding — your secret weapon lies within the realm of creating an effective presentation .  

Being an excellent presenter isn’t confined to the boardroom. Whether you’re delivering a presentation at work, pursuing an academic career, involved in a non-profit organization or even a student, nailing the presentation game is a game-changer.

In this article, I’ll cover the top qualities of compelling presentations and walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to give a good presentation. Here’s a little tip to kick things off: for a headstart, check out Venngage’s collection of free presentation templates . They are fully customizable, and the best part is you don’t need professional design skills to make them shine!

These valuable presentation tips cater to individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, encompassing business professionals, sales and marketing teams, educators, trainers, students, researchers, non-profit organizations, public speakers and presenters. 

No matter your field or role, these tips for presenting will equip you with the skills to deliver effective presentations that leave a lasting impression on any audience.

Click to jump ahead:

What are the 10 qualities of a good presentation?

Step-by-step guide on how to prepare an effective presentation, 9 effective techniques to deliver a memorable presentation, faqs on making a good presentation, how to create a presentation with venngage in 5 steps.

When it comes to giving an engaging presentation that leaves a lasting impression, it’s not just about the content — it’s also about how you deliver it. Wondering what makes a good presentation? Well, the best presentations I’ve seen consistently exhibit these 10 qualities:

1. Clear structure

No one likes to get lost in a maze of information. Organize your thoughts into a logical flow, complete with an introduction, main points and a solid conclusion. A structured presentation helps your audience follow along effortlessly, leaving them with a sense of satisfaction at the end.

Regardless of your presentation style , a quality presentation starts with a clear roadmap. Browse through Venngage’s template library and select a presentation template that aligns with your content and presentation goals. Here’s a good presentation example template with a logical layout that includes sections for the introduction, main points, supporting information and a conclusion: 

good presentation video youtube

2. Engaging opening

Hook your audience right from the start with an attention-grabbing statement, a fascinating question or maybe even a captivating anecdote. Set the stage for a killer presentation!

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

3. Relevant content

Make sure your content aligns with their interests and needs. Your audience is there for a reason, and that’s to get valuable insights. Avoid fluff and get straight to the point, your audience will be genuinely excited.

4. Effective visual aids

Picture this: a slide with walls of text and tiny charts, yawn! Visual aids should be just that—aiding your presentation. Opt for clear and visually appealing slides, engaging images and informative charts that add value and help reinforce your message.

With Venngage, visualizing data takes no effort at all. You can import data from CSV or Google Sheets seamlessly and create stunning charts, graphs and icon stories effortlessly to showcase your data in a captivating and impactful way.

good presentation video youtube

5. Clear and concise communication

Keep your language simple, and avoid jargon or complicated terms. Communicate your ideas clearly, so your audience can easily grasp and retain the information being conveyed. This can prevent confusion and enhance the overall effectiveness of the message. 

6. Engaging delivery

Spice up your presentation with a sprinkle of enthusiasm! Maintain eye contact, use expressive gestures and vary your tone of voice to keep your audience glued to the edge of their seats. A touch of charisma goes a long way!

7. Interaction and audience engagement

Turn your presentation into an interactive experience — encourage questions, foster discussions and maybe even throw in a fun activity. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember and embrace your message.

Transform your slides into an interactive presentation with Venngage’s dynamic features like pop-ups, clickable icons and animated elements. Engage your audience with interactive content that lets them explore and interact with your presentation for a truly immersive experience.

good presentation video youtube

8. Effective storytelling

Who doesn’t love a good story? Weaving relevant anecdotes, case studies or even a personal story into your presentation can captivate your audience and create a lasting impact. Stories build connections and make your message memorable.

A great presentation background is also essential as it sets the tone, creates visual interest and reinforces your message. Enhance the overall aesthetics of your presentation with these 15 presentation background examples and captivate your audience’s attention.

9. Well-timed pacing

Pace your presentation thoughtfully with well-designed presentation slides, neither rushing through nor dragging it out. Respect your audience’s time and ensure you cover all the essential points without losing their interest.

10. Strong conclusion

Last impressions linger! Summarize your main points and leave your audience with a clear takeaway. End your presentation with a bang , a call to action or an inspiring thought that resonates long after the conclusion.

In-person presentations aside, acing a virtual presentation is of paramount importance in today’s digital world. Check out this guide to learn how you can adapt your in-person presentations into virtual presentations . 

Peloton Pitch Deck - Conclusion

Preparing an effective presentation starts with laying a strong foundation that goes beyond just creating slides and notes. One of the quickest and best ways to make a presentation would be with the help of a good presentation software . 

Otherwise, let me walk you to how to prepare for a presentation step by step and unlock the secrets of crafting a professional presentation that sets you apart.

1. Understand the audience and their needs

Before you dive into preparing your masterpiece, take a moment to get to know your target audience. Tailor your presentation to meet their needs and expectations , and you’ll have them hooked from the start!

2. Conduct thorough research on the topic

Time to hit the books (or the internet)! Don’t skimp on the research with your presentation materials — dive deep into the subject matter and gather valuable insights . The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in delivering your presentation.

3. Organize the content with a clear structure

No one wants to stumble through a chaotic mess of information. Outline your presentation with a clear and logical flow. Start with a captivating introduction, follow up with main points that build on each other and wrap it up with a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Delivering an effective business presentation hinges on captivating your audience, and Venngage’s professionally designed business presentation templates are tailor-made for this purpose. With thoughtfully structured layouts, these templates enhance your message’s clarity and coherence, ensuring a memorable and engaging experience for your audience members.

Don’t want to build your presentation layout from scratch? pick from these 5 foolproof presentation layout ideas that won’t go wrong. 

good presentation video youtube

4. Develop visually appealing and supportive visual aids

Spice up your presentation with eye-catching visuals! Create slides that complement your message, not overshadow it. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, but that doesn’t mean you need to overload your slides with text.

Well-chosen designs create a cohesive and professional look, capturing your audience’s attention and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your message. Here’s a list of carefully curated PowerPoint presentation templates and great background graphics that will significantly influence the visual appeal and engagement of your presentation.

5. Practice, practice and practice

Practice makes perfect — rehearse your presentation and arrive early to your presentation to help overcome stage fright. Familiarity with your material will boost your presentation skills and help you handle curveballs with ease.

6. Seek feedback and make necessary adjustments

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek feedback from friends and colleagues. Constructive criticism can help you identify blind spots and fine-tune your presentation to perfection.

With Venngage’s real-time collaboration feature , receiving feedback and editing your presentation is a seamless process. Group members can access and work on the presentation simultaneously and edit content side by side in real-time. Changes will be reflected immediately to the entire team, promoting seamless teamwork.

Venngage Real Time Collaboration

7. Prepare for potential technical or logistical issues

Prepare for the unexpected by checking your equipment, internet connection and any other potential hiccups. If you’re worried that you’ll miss out on any important points, you could always have note cards prepared. Remember to remain focused and rehearse potential answers to anticipated questions.

8. Fine-tune and polish your presentation

As the big day approaches, give your presentation one last shine. Review your talking points, practice how to present a presentation and make any final tweaks. Deep breaths — you’re on the brink of delivering a successful presentation!

In competitive environments, persuasive presentations set individuals and organizations apart. To brush up on your presentation skills, read these guides on how to make a persuasive presentation and tips to presenting effectively . 

good presentation video youtube

Whether you’re an experienced presenter or a novice, the right techniques will let your presentation skills soar to new heights!

From public speaking hacks to interactive elements and storytelling prowess, these 9 effective presentation techniques will empower you to leave a lasting impression on your audience and make your presentations unforgettable.

1. Confidence and positive body language

Positive body language instantly captivates your audience, making them believe in your message as much as you do. Strengthen your stage presence and own that stage like it’s your second home! Stand tall, shoulders back and exude confidence. 

2. Eye contact with the audience

Break down that invisible barrier and connect with your audience through their eyes. Maintaining eye contact when giving a presentation builds trust and shows that you’re present and engaged with them.

3. Effective use of hand gestures and movement

A little movement goes a long way! Emphasize key points with purposeful gestures and don’t be afraid to walk around the stage. Your energy will be contagious!

4. Utilize storytelling techniques

Weave the magic of storytelling into your presentation. Share relatable anecdotes, inspiring success stories or even personal experiences that tug at the heartstrings of your audience. Adjust your pitch, pace and volume to match the emotions and intensity of the story. Varying your speaking voice adds depth and enhances your stage presence.

good presentation video youtube

5. Incorporate multimedia elements

Spice up your presentation with a dash of visual pizzazz! Use slides, images and video clips to add depth and clarity to your message. Just remember, less is more—don’t overwhelm them with information overload. 

Turn your presentations into an interactive party! Involve your audience with questions, polls or group activities. When they actively participate, they become invested in your presentation’s success. Bring your design to life with animated elements. Venngage allows you to apply animations to icons, images and text to create dynamic and engaging visual content.

6. Utilize humor strategically

Laughter is the best medicine—and a fantastic presentation enhancer! A well-placed joke or lighthearted moment can break the ice and create a warm atmosphere , making your audience more receptive to your message.

7. Practice active listening and respond to feedback

Be attentive to your audience’s reactions and feedback. If they have questions or concerns, address them with genuine interest and respect. Your responsiveness builds rapport and shows that you genuinely care about their experience.

good presentation video youtube

8. Apply the 10-20-30 rule

Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it!

9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule

Simplicity is key. Limit each slide to five bullet points, with only five words per bullet point and allow each slide to remain visible for about five seconds. This rule keeps your presentation concise and prevents information overload.

Simple presentations are more engaging because they are easier to follow. Summarize your presentations and keep them simple with Venngage’s gallery of simple presentation templates and ensure that your message is delivered effectively across your audience.

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1. How to start a presentation?

To kick off your presentation effectively, begin with an attention-grabbing statement or a powerful quote. Introduce yourself, establish credibility and clearly state the purpose and relevance of your presentation.

2. How to end a presentation?

For a strong conclusion, summarize your talking points and key takeaways. End with a compelling call to action or a thought-provoking question and remember to thank your audience and invite any final questions or interactions.

3. How to make a presentation interactive?

To make your presentation interactive, encourage questions and discussion throughout your talk. Utilize multimedia elements like videos or images and consider including polls, quizzes or group activities to actively involve your audience.

In need of inspiration for your next presentation? I’ve got your back! Pick from these 120+ presentation ideas, topics and examples to get started. 

Creating a stunning presentation with Venngage is a breeze with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor and professionally designed templates for all your communication needs. 

Here’s how to make a presentation in just 5 simple steps with the help of Venngage:

Step 1: Sign up for Venngage for free using your email, Gmail or Facebook account or simply log in to access your account. 

Step 2: Pick a design from our selection of free presentation templates (they’re all created by our expert in-house designers).

Step 3: Make the template your own by customizing it to fit your content and branding. With Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can easily modify text, change colors and adjust the layout to create a unique and eye-catching design.

Step 4: Elevate your presentation by incorporating captivating visuals. You can upload your images or choose from Venngage’s vast library of high-quality photos, icons and illustrations. 

Step 5: Upgrade to a premium or business account to export your presentation in PDF and print it for in-person presentations or share it digitally for free!

By following these five simple steps, you’ll have a professionally designed and visually engaging presentation ready in no time. With Venngage’s user-friendly platform, your presentation is sure to make a lasting impression. So, let your creativity flow and get ready to shine in your next presentation!

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How-To Geek

How to add a youtube video to google slides.

If a picture speaks a thousand words, a video speaks a million words!

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Embed a youtube video in a google slides presentation.

Want to spice up your Google Slides presentation by including a YouTube video in it? If so, use Slides' built-in feature to embed your YouTube videos with customizable options. We'll show you how to do just that.

When you embed a YouTube video, you can make the video play from the beginning or at a specified time . You also get to choose the time when your video ends. Additionally, if you don't want the video's sound, you can mute your video, as we'll explain below.

Related: How to Add Screen Recordings to Google Slides

To embed a YouTube video in Google Slides, you'll have to first get your video's URL (web link). You can get this URL by accessing your video's page on YouTube, then copying the link that appears in your web browser's address bar. The link should look something like this:

Once you have the video link ready, start the video embed process by first opening a web browser on your computer and launching Google Slides . On the site, select the presentation in which you want to add a video.

When your presentation opens, in the left sidebar, click the slide in which you want to embed the video. Then, from Google Slides' menu bar, select Insert > Video.

An "Insert Video" window will open. Here, at the top, click the "By URL" tab to embed a video using its web link. The other way to add a video is to use the "Search" tab where you can find and select your YouTube video.

We'll go with the "By URL" method in this guide.

In the "By URL" tab, click the "Paste YouTube URL Here" field and paste your YouTube video's link. You can use the Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac) shortcut to paste the link.

As soon as you paste the link, you'll see your video's preview. Confirm this is the video you want to embed, then at the bottom of the window, click "Select."

In your selected slide, you now have your YouTube video embedded. To change the video's size on the slide, drag the handlers available around the border of the video.

To customize how your video plays, use the "Format Options" sidebar on the right. In this sidebar, you'll mainly use the "Video Playback" section to control the playback of your embedded video.

The options you can customize in this section are:

  • Play (On Click) : To make your video play only when you click, select this option.
  • Play (Automatically) : To make your video play automatically when the slide comes, use this option.
  • Play (Manual) : If you'd only like the video to play when you manually play it, select this option.
  • Start At : If you want your video to play at a specified time , enter that time here. For example, enter "02:00" to make your video begin at 2 minutes.
  • End At : With this option, you can choose the timestamp where your video stops playing.
  • Mute Audio : If you don't want your video's sound in your presentation, enable this option.

Feel free to change the options available in other sections, like "Size & Rotation," "Position," and "Drop Shadow."

Google Slides saves your changes automatically, so you don't have to do anything to ensure your video sticks in the presentation.

And that's how you make your presentations more engaging by including multimedia content in them. Enjoy!

Did you know you can add some music as well to Google Slides?

Related: How to Add Music to Google Slides

good presentation video youtube

  • Video Marketing
  • Case Studies
  • Create a video

Youtube video ideas for beginners

100 Youtube video ideas for beginners!

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Joe Sundar Kishore - May 12, 2021 - Leave your thoughts. 26 min read

new youtube video ideas , top youtube ideas , top youtube video ideas , video ideas , youtube ideas , youtube ideas 2021 , youtube ideas for beginners , Youtube video ideas , youtube video ideas for 2021 , youtube video ideas for beginners

With 37 million YouTube channels uploading 500 hours of video every minute, even being visible is a hard task today. In such chaos, finding the right ideas for YouTube videos is as good as finding a needle in a haystack, especially for a beginner YouTuber.

Searching for inspiration for new ideas, 

Being a beginner YouTuber means facing a lot of challenges in video making, starting from inadequate technical skills, lack of experience, lack of quality editing tools, and so on. Considering all these challenges, we have come up with a list of 100 YouTube video ideas that require minimal resources, with the promise of higher views. Yes, a list of YouTube video ideas specifically meant for beginners!

  • Self-inspired video ideas.
  • Compilation video ideas.
  • Popular video ideas.
  • Tutorial video ideas.
  • Lifestyle video ideas.
  • Gaming video ideas.
  • Review ideas.
  • Music video ideas.

Before getting into an idea spree we want to share something with you. When we started our Youtube channel we faced a lot of challenges in gaining views.  We know how hard it is to gain even a few hundred views as a new channel. That is why we decided to share our learnings and the strategies we used in the form of a video. Hope this is of help to you!

Self-inspired video ideas:

As a starter, it is better if your first YouTube video is something based on yourself. Involving fewer stakes is the best way to make things happen.

1.) A self-introduction video can be your first YouTube video. Just talk to your audience, tell them who you are, how you feel about starting a channel, and what you are planning to do with the channel. A simple self-intro video is an excellent way to get things fired up.

2.) Vlogs are one of the most popular types of YouTube videos and very good for individuals in terms of converting your channel into a profitable one. But the critical thing is to find your uniqueness. It can be the way you present yourself before the camera, how you talk to your audience, how you tell your story, something that’s very unique to your channel. That’s the only way you can stand out from the ocean of vlogging crowds. Looking for some help on starting your Vlog journey? Here is a super cool article on how to start a Vlog .

3.) Share your perspective on things starting from politics, religion, legal rights issues like gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, or maybe even talk about black holes, and time travel if you know some physics.

4.) A day in your life: Show what you do on a day and make them live your life. These videos are a step to get closer to your audience and build a relationship with them through your content.

5.) Talk about your path to success. Set goals and show the progress you make to achieve them. People are looking out for some real-life inspirations. It may be a fitness goal like losing body weight or learning a new skill, like a musical instrument, or something cool like doing a backflip and so on.

6.) Record your reaction to different incidents that your viewers will be interested in. It doesn't necessarily have to be Your reaction video. It can be of your friends’, neighbor’s, or your cute little cousin’s.                                                                                     

The following is one such reaction video posted by the YouTube channel ‘React’ , which makes reaction videos on everything that is trending. If you doubt the potential of reaction videos, then check out this channels’ subscriber count ;)

7.) Share your music playlist. Talk about why you like them, how you got to know them first and share your music taste with your audience.

8.) Showcase your morning routine.  Show people how you start your day, what are the things you do, how it helps in your life, and so on. Meredith is a YouTuber with a growing channel. You would be amazed to see the response from people to one of her Morning routine videos.

9.) Create a list of your favorites , starting from your favorite books, movies, tv shows, other YouTube channels you like, and so on. These videos not only bring in views, but you also get an opportunity to share your taste and create a relationship with your audience. 

10.) Trying things for the first time. Film yourself or your friends or family trying out things for the first time in life. For example, trying to speak after inhaling helium gas, trying different cuisines, or going bungee jumping, or a gazillion other fun things.

Is trying Mcdonald’s for the first time a big thing?! Yes! This kid, Merrick Hanna , makes it look like so!

11.) Completing the bucket list videos:  These types of videos get more interesting with the types of wishes you have. You can start with your smallest of wishes and make a series of videos as you move towards the biggest of them.

12.) Reacting to my first video. This one is not for the first YouTube video. But you can celebrate your 100K subscriber count with a reaction video to your first ever video.

Compilation video ideas:

Compilation videos are one of the most popular and highly viewed video types that require almost zero video production work. All you have to do is find the right content and present it enjoyably.

13.) Like a boss compilation videos:  Compile all the cool things that people do and present them in an interesting way. You won’t believe your eyes once you notice the view count and the subscriber count of the channel that posted it. These videos have so much organic value that the videos can go viral even when you don’t have a big following.

14.) Meme video compilations. While a single meme can make a person die of laughter, think about what a compilation of meme videos can do!

MemerMan is one such channel that built its audience by posting meme video compilations.

15.) Movie clips compilation videos:  Make a compilation of your favorite movie scenes. After all, every one of us is a fan of some movie.  Gaining views is hard. But getting interaction from viewers in the form of comments is harder. The following video shows how a ‘movie compilation video’ can bring tremendous interaction from your viewers.

16.) Funny clips compilation videos: Funny videos never go out of trend. Would you say no to watch a compilation of funny videos? 

17.) Sports video compilations: There is a reason why sports video compilations are quite popular. Every sport has its die-hard fan following. Which sport are you a fan of?

18.) Cute babies' video compilations: Baby video compilations never go out of trend. Is there something more heartwarming than a cute baby’s smile?!

19.) Top 10 list videos: You can make a list of ‘top 10’ in any field. People are always curious about who or what’s at the top. 

MR SLAV is a channel that consistently produces videos on things at top of the list over a variety of different topics. Here is one such video talking about Top smartest people ever.

20.) Interesting facts videos. Make a compilation of interesting facts. People are gonna watch it unless you make the interesting facts uninteresting.

21.) Funny pets compilation. Pet videos are the way to go if you wanna make your viewers say, “Awww!”.

22.) Challenges videos compilation. Challenge videos, most of the time, make viral trends. Bottle Cap challenge, Ice bucket challenge, Kiki challenge, and the list goes on.  And you know how crazy the world is about it!

There are a lot of successful channels that make a compilation of trending videos from different social media platforms and post them on Youtube.

23.) Oddly satisfying videos compilation. Make a compilation of videos that are weird yet soulful to watch. 

24.) Fail videos compilation have never failed to hit bigger numbers on YouTube. Gather a list of funny failure clippings and make your compilation video.

Fail army is a youtube channel with over 14million subscribers. Most of their videos are fail video compilations.

25.) Food videos compilation. The world loves food, not only to eat but also to watch how it gets made. 

26.) Politically funny video compilation. Man, these politicians are so funny. They are like live content machines. Always full of content for YouTube videos.

27.) Did you know? Facts compilation Videos:  Use the power of curiosity to grab your audience’s attention!

[Pro Tip: Compilation video creation involves the risk of copyright infringement issues. So make sure the contents you use are copyright-free].

Popular Video Ideas:

Below is the list of popular video ideas that proved to be successful in the history of YouTube.

Just like Leo, Popular and successful!

28.) Short Films are the way to go if you love to tell engaging stories. And people always appreciate a good story.

Omeleto is a YouTube channel that collects award-winning short films around the globe and posts on its channel. Short films have helped them gain 3 million subscribers in a short span of four years.

29.) Time-lapse videos are visually stunning to watch. Creating a time-lapse video is easy. Just record a lengthy event, then increase the speed at which the video runs and turn the several hours and days of video into a few minutes.

These types of videos make your viewers feel good. So the positivity of the response from your audience in terms of likes and comments for the videos is going to be high.

30.) Interviews & Discussions are a great way to transfer knowledge and entertain the people until it has a good topic of interest and great minds are involved in the dialoguing. Once you decide on what your channel is about, find the prominent people in the relative field and interview them.

There is a great chance that you would have come across one of the celebrity interview videos from this channel ‘First We Feast’ . While the interview happens, the celebrities are asked to eat hot wings of different levels of spiciness. The spicier it gets more fun to the viewers watching it.

31.) Explainer videos: Explainer videos can be used in many different ways. Even though they are widely used by businesses to explain and promote their business, there are a lot of big-time YouTubers who create explainer videos.

32.) ASMR Videos are meant to make the viewers feel so relaxed. It can visually hypnotize your audience and make them sit tight for hours.

33.) Weird experiments videos: Do some weird scientific experiments that can get your audience interested. How many times have you come across videos that are about ‘dropping mentos into coke’? 

34.) Public Prank videos are the golden-egg-laying goose for YouTubers. They keep your video views high and consistent for a long time. 

This dude started his channel HoomanTv not very long ago. With just 102 Videos, he has gathered a total of 1.88 Billion total views. Shampoo prank Series (17 videos) and Gold Digger prank series (36 videos) are some of his channel's sensations.

35.) Family pranks videos are not only gonna get you more views but also assure you some fun time with your family.

36.) Cooking videos are the way to go if you are someone good at making delicious bites. You can introduce a new food on each of your videos, or you can cover different cuisines by making a video series, or you can collaborate with famous chefs and make special episodes. 

Marion's Kitchen is a famous cooking channel based in Australia. If you notice closely, the consistency she has in posting the videos regularly is splendid. Posting videos regularly helps in gaining the favor of the Youtube algorithm.

37.) Ghost pranks videos are not only hilarious and scary, but it is also a good way to gain some subscribers.

38.) Destroying things videos : Sometimes, it's just happy to see things getting destroyed. Who would have thought people would love two random guys breaking the glasses of an old car?!

39.) ‘What if’ videos: People are curious. Attracted towards ‘what ifs and maybes’. Feed their curiosity with your videos. You will be rewarded with views and subscribers.

What if is the channel that imagines the happening of impossible and nearly impossible things and tries to guess its outcome through its videos.

40.) Lip Sync: Man! What can be more hilarious than replacing the voice of a popular celebrity with something funnier?

Bad Lip Reading is a popular Youtube channel that replaces the voice of popular celebrities from real-life conversations with funny lines. If you look at their video, you can notice that they are funny but not hurtful.

41.) Dance Videos: I don’t know how many people hate dancing, but for sure, millions would love watching it.

Tutorial video ideas:

Not everyone can effectively transfer knowledge. Good teaching is a rare skill to come across. If you are good at teaching things, then these ideas are for you.

42.) How-to Videos: People’s minds are filled with an enormous number of questions starting from “how to tie a tie” to “how to create a home-made space satellite”. The real seller here is not the answers you give them; but how you explain them in an easily understandable way.

good presentation video youtube

This simple ukulele tutorial from a beginner YouTuber did well despite her smaller subscriber base.

45.) Fitness videos: Fitness madness is getting everywhere nowadays. You can help somebody to achieve their fitness goals through your videos. Fitness videos are not just entertainment; they are a guide to a better lifestyle. And there is always someone taking their new year, new month, or new week resolution of getting fit.

46.) DIY hacks videos: Teach people how to get smarter in day-to-day life with some awesome hacks. There are many popular DIY hack channels on YouTube which showcase the power of these video types. One awesome fact about DIY fact videos is that unlike the other video ideas which are meant for a specific set of viewers DIY videos can be watched by anyone.

47.) Makeup tutorial videos: If you are someone who is party-ready within minutes, then you can help save time for a planet of population.

48.) Software tutorial videos: Software applications are made to make life easier. Well, now there are plenty enough to confuse people. So definitely a good software tutorial can help a lot of people.

49.) Sports tutorial videos: Can you swing your baseball bat like a pro? Are you good at those 3 pointers? If you are good at any sport use those skills to make content for your channel. 

50.) Video making tutorials: Shooting the video, editing, Color adjustment (DI), adding other effects, the list in the process of video making is pretty long. If you know the skill of video making then you can start your Youtube journey by teaching others to create awesome videos.

51.) Device-specific tutorial videos: Starting from phones, laptops, wearable devices, and several other electronic devices that we use in our day-to-day life, to the type of software they utilize to function like Android, Windows, Linux, iOS, etc. the complexity of usage of these devices is increasing with time. So does the need for device-specific tutorial videos. 

Here is one such popular device-specific video that explains how to edit video through android phones.

52.) Magic trick tutorial videos: If you are a master in the art of deception, then record yourself performing tricks and use them to entertain your youtube audience. 

53.) Teach a professional skill video: There are a lot of professional skills that can help people earn a living. Marketing, Stocks, Data analysis, and so on. But to learn these skills people have to pay and not all can afford these costlier courses. But, if you are good at a skill you can help people by sharing your knowledge.

54.) Programming language tutorial videos: If you are a coding geek, then you can help a starter by teaching programming skills through your videos. For a guy like me, I would love to learn about coding. But every time I see the coding language, it feels like gibberish. The thumb rule to follow here is to make it as simple as possible.

Lifestyle video ideas:

Are you someone who has an eye for detail? Someone with a good aesthetic sense? 

Someone good at keeping yourself updated with the current trends just like this cool dude over here…. 

Then the following list is for you!

55.) Travel vlogs: If you are someone who loves traveling extensively then, start making a video diary of your travels and post it on YouTube. 

Here is my favorite travel vlog channel on YouTube. Drew Binsky travels around the world experiencing different cultures, food, people and shares them through his videos.

56.) Fashion trends videos: If fashion is your forte, then start creating videos on top fashion trends around the world. Help people be on top of the fashion trends.

57.) Home tour: Give people a home tour of your house. Show them your lifestyle and present it in an interesting way.

This is a home tour video made by a growing YouTube channel of less than 10K subscribers . But you would be amazed to see the number of views fetched by this video. This video doesn’t show a fancy apartment with million-dollar cars. But a simple home tour by a humble pair.

58.) Wardrobe tour: Showcase your collection of attires to the viewers. Maybe you can also talk about some of your memories while wearing them in the past.

59.) What’s in my handbag or wallet: People are more interested in knowing what’s inside someone else’s bag. Curiosity!

60.) Skincare routine videos:   If you are good at maintaining the wellness of your skin, you can share them with your viewer community.

61.) Health and weight loss-related diet videos : Are you a health-conscious person, a fitness freak, and know a lot about healthy diets? Then you can help a lot of people to live a healthy lifestyle with your diet ideas.

62.) Nail care videos: Nail care, which used to be a thing of hygiene, is now an art and beauty standard. There are many interested in keeping their nails as a fashion symbol. Don’t believe me. Then check out this cool video below.

63.) Videos for specific body types and body features: Let’s say you are a curly-haired person. And you know how to take good care of your hair. Then you can help people with curly hair. Similar examples would be fashion tips for plus-sized people, dressing hacks for short or tall people, and so on.

64.) Lifestyles in different cultures and countries: Will experiencing the different cultures and cuisines across the world be boring?! NEVER! But not all people have the opportunity to experience that. Your videos can help people achieve that.

65.) The Lifestyle of Celebrities videos: People are always interested in knowing the lifestyle of their favorite celebrities. Won’t you be interested in knowing the lifestyle of your favorite celeb?!

66.) Random shopping videos: Even a simple video trip to Walmart can be interesting when you know how to present it interestingly.

This is Sarah , a mother. She makes videos that are focused on mothers. This way, her videos are natural and very relevant to her viewers. This is one of her videos on her tour to Ikea. The key to success is how your videos are gonna be helpful and engaging at the same time.

67.) Home decoration videos: There are a lot of moms out there looking for tips to decorate and keep their homes well organized. A few simple tips can be of great help to them.

Gaming Video ideas:

If gaming is your passion that keeps you awake, then here is the list of best YouTube video ideas for you!

68.) Gameplay videos: It's so exciting to watch a good gamer playing! Are you one among such talented gamers? Well, there is only one way to find it. Record your game and show this world what you’ve got!

69.) Gaming review videos: New games are coming out every day. But not all of them are good enough to spend our precious nickels on. If you are an expert at finding the best ones, then help your viewers too to buy the right ones.

70.) Anticipated Games list Videos: Excitement and anticipation are inseparable. Isn’t it? Create your list of anticipated games and excite gaming fans all around the world.

Take a look at this gaming channel, IGN . They are making gaming videos throughout the past decade. One thing you can learn from their channel is consistency in terms of videos posted by them. They have a total monthly view of 195 Million for all their videos. It’s not like all their videos are fetching bigger numbers, but it's that they are highly consistent in posting videos regularly. They publish around 350 videos every 30 days. You may start small. But, be consistent, learn from previous videos and improve. One day, you too will be achieving a bigger feat!

71.) Games hack videos: Everyone wants to win. But only a few of us know the trick. You can teach your audience some cool hacks and help them win their game.

72.) Game Commentary videos: Do a commentary run on a gameplay video. Talk to them about the level of play, give them ideas to play it the better way, and above all, make it more fun and interesting.

73.) Live stream gameplay: You can’t keep your audience more excited than making them watch live stream gameplay. Many famous gamers around the world do live-streaming of their gameplays.

74.) Interview the epic gamers: Yes, there are many Michael Jordans and Lebron Jameses in the gaming world too. Make an interview video with them. Make their fans happy!

75.) Games in real-life videos: Are you a hardcore gaming fan? Then what can be more exciting than recreating those games in the real world? Create gameplays of your favorite games in real life. Make it funny, make it interesting, and ultimately make it enjoyable.

76.) Mobile games videos: Mobile gaming is a huge world altogether. Make a top 10 list video of top games for every month or review a new game or teach a cool hack in a game. The opportunities are limitless.

Review videos:

Are you someone good at understanding things and weighing the pros and cons to make the right choices? Then you can help others too in making the right decisions with your videos.

77.) Beauty products review videos: If you are someone who is well versed with the beauty products in the market, you can help people to find the right ones.

Kathleen Lights has been making videos on Fashion and beauty topics for several years. This is one of her videos reviewing the beauty brand ‘Florence’ owned by the famous actress Milly Bobby Brown. Watch how Kathleen starts addressing the probable questions that will be in the minds of her audience and her answers for them. The key is to empathize with your audience.

78.) Movie review videos: Movie reviews are often to come by. But still, there are a few reviewers who can tell the story better than the movie itself. If you breathe movies, then this is your cup of tea.

79.) Foreign language movie review videos: All of us will be having a friend who often talks about the foreign language film that he watched last night and how great it was! 

But to believe in their word……. isn’t this how we feel?

So, a lot of us look for a trustworthy opinion before deciding on watching a foreign language film. Be that trustworthy person.

80.) Apps and software review videos: With the hundreds of apps and software flooding into the market every day, people are confused about choosing the right ones. If you have a love for software, then you can guide people to choose the right ones.

81.) Unboxing videos: Unboxing videos give the viewers a first-hand experience of buying a brand new product without actually buying it. Your comments on the product should be a guide for the user to decide whether they need it or not.

82.) Comparing famous products and brands: Comparison videos help the viewers make the right buying decisions. When people are in a dilemma of choosing between products, you can help them with your videos.

83.) Book review videos: Reading a book is similar to that of going on a journey. And every journey requires time and effort. If you are an avid reader, use your knowledge to help people choose the right journey.

84.) Vehicle review videos: If you have an unending love for vehicles, cars, motorcycles, vintage automobiles, and anything of that sort, you can make review videos for people who share a similar love.

85.) Luxury vehicle review videos: Many of us have a dream vehicle that we wish to own in the future. Luxury vehicles and their cool features never fail to keep us in awe. If you too share the same love and passion for them, then Luxury cars can be what your channel is about.

Supercar blondie is a famous YouTube channel that reviews Luxury cars. Alex the Supercar blondie finds rare and unique cars and makes videos on them. These videos give the viewers a chance to look at these super rare luxury cars which would impossible if not for her.

86.) Food review videos: Everyone loves food. But sharing that love in words is not an easy thing. Are you good at that?

Nigel (a.k.a Uncle Roger) is a comedian based in Malaysia. When this comedy artist became a food reviewer, the combo became a viral hit.

87.) Online series review: Nowadays, there are too many online series out there, and very few are worth our time. Maybe you can help people to zero in on a few.

88.) Restaurant review: Finding a good place to eat is not an easy job. Even if we find one, we may not know the best dishes to try out over there. You can help a lot of foodies to find the right ones with your videos.

89.) Lifestyle trend videos: Who would have thought facemasks, a health necessity would become a fashion symbol. What’s trending yesterday is not the trend today. Being on-trend is not easy. Help your viewers to stay on trend with your videos.

[Pro Tip: Make use of the comments section to engage with your audience. It can help you to understand the expectations of your audience and what they are happy or unhappy about in your videos. And most importantly, it helps you interact with them and build a community, which greatly helps in the long run.]  

Music videos:

Everyone loves music, but some have a real passion for it.

If you are like one of these cockroaches with a true passion for music, then this list of ideas is for you.

90.) Lyric videos: Check YouTube, there are a lot of lyric videos having more views than several original songs combined. But make sure you follow the necessary copyright rules and conditions.

Want to create a Lyric video, but don’t know where to start? Take a look at this step-by-step tutorial that guides you in making a stunning lyric video.

91.) Music videos: A good song never fails to get its recognition. If you are passionate about music, then you should try composing your own numbers and make them into videos.

92.) Mashups: Legend says mashup videos are so cool that it freezes the listeners’ ears. Just kidding. But definitely, they are cool to hear.

Check out this stunning mash-up video having hit songs from the past 20 years! Isn't it cool?!

93.) Recreated cover songs: Find the biggest hits loved by the audience and try to recreate them interestingly!

Tushar Lall is an Indian musician who recreates popular songs and BGMs by adding Indian flavors into them. One thing you can learn from this channel is that you should always add your unique touch to the content you produce. It can be the way you edit or the way you present or maybe the way you make the intro part of your videos. Try to add your special touch.

94.) Music war: Collab with your friends or fellow YouTubers and create a friendly music challenge video with them.

Who sang it better is a Youtube channel with more than 600k subscribers. But their youtube journey started just a few years back. This is one of their videos in which singers from different countries sing the same song with their unique touch.

95.) Karaoke music videos: If you're a good singer, then make beautiful karaoke music videos for your viewers.

96.) Animated music videos: If you are good at animating stuff, choose a popular song and create your own animated visual story for it!

97.) Sing a cover: If you are a good singer, cover songs are the best way to grab the viewer’s attention.

98.) Tribute music videos: Tribute songs will not only fetch views but also earn you a lot of followers and their respect. For example, create a tribute video to Chadwick Boseman aka The Black Panther by gathering video clips of him and edit it along with a music track. Sounds interesting, right?

99.) Instrument showcase videos: If you are good at any musical instrument, then record yourself playing a dope track and hit it on youtube.

100.) Custom-built instrument showcase videos: For some people, the world is the instrument. They can make music out of anything from a trashcan to a fork spoon. A good musician doesn’t blame the instrument, right?!

Jake, also known as The Pipe Guy, is a street performer who uses instruments built on PVC pipes. His instruments and music are one of a kind. Take a peek into one of his performances and get yourself inspired.

And these are your hundred YouTube ideas. We hope that this article was helpful for you to find the right YouTube video ideas for your channel! 

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Happy Video Making :)

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Start a new project and open AI tools by clicking on the lightbulb icon in the top left-hand corner of the editor.

Enter a video topic and describe video elements in full detail. Then, select the size, text style, and duration of your video. You can always customize these after. Generate a video, then make any necessary edits to your AI-generated video.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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How do people make AI generated videos?

There are many online tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to create video content, including Kapwing and Synthesia. AI video tools usually give simple instructions to type out a topic or idea in the input text box, and the AI will generate a video for you instantly. We recommend using Kapwing to create videos with AI since they have a free AI video generator that allows you to edit the video afterwards, all in one place.

What is the AI that turns text into video?

With artificial intelligence (AI) and the demand for content creation rapidly growing, countless SaaS teams are racing to provide the best AI tool that turns text into video. Millions of content creators, social media marketers, and marketing agencies use Kapwing to create and edit their videos in one place, making it the best AI video generator that turns text to video for you in seconds.

How do I make a video from text?

Easily make a video from text by typing out an idea in Kapwing’s AI Video Generator, selecting the video format, and clicking “Generate video.” Make your AI-generated video fit any platform by resizing it to the preset formats optimized for YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Add your own finishes and human touch to your video by customizing the subtitles, changing the background music, and much more.

How many videos can I generate with Kapwing AI?

With a free account on Kapwing, you can have 2 credits for each generative AI tool. Create the best AI video to kickstart your project. Level up your video generation flow with unlimited usage of every premium AI-powered tool, including the AI Video Generator, AI Image Generator, Generative Fill, and much more.

Can I edit AI-generated videos in Kapwing?

Yes! Even better, you can generate video with AI in Kapwing and make any additional edits needed all in one place. With 100+ video editing tools, you're fully equipped with the essentials to create the best AI video for any video creation and ideation process.

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Kapwing is free to use for teams of any size. We also offer paid plans with additional features, storage, and support.

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SpaceX’s Starship Rocket Successfully Completes 1st Return From Space

The company achieved a key set of ambitious goals on the fourth test flight of a vehicle that is central to Elon Musk’s vision of sending people to Mars.

SpaceX’s Starship Rocket Completes First Return From Space

Elon musk’s giant rocket, which launched from starbase in boca chica, texas, survived re-entry on its fourth test flight..

“We have liftoff.” “Vehicle is pitching down range.” “The Starship remains on a good entry trajectory.”

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By Kenneth Chang

SpaceX’s launch of its mammoth Starship rocket on Thursday accomplished a set of ambitious goals that Elon Musk, the company’s chief executive, had set out before the test flight, the fourth.

Lifting off from SpaceX’s launchpad at 7:50 a.m. in South Texas, near Brownsville, Starship rumbled into the sky.

After it dropped away from the upper stage, the booster was able to gently set down in the Gulf of Mexico while the second-stage spacecraft traveled halfway around the world, survived the searing temperatures of re-entering the atmosphere and also made a controlled splashdown, in the Indian Ocean.

The flight was not flawless, and tough technical hurdles remain. The successes, surpassing what was accomplished during the previous test flight in March, offered optimism that Mr. Musk can pull off his vision of a rocket that is the biggest and most powerful ever and yet entirely reusable.

The outcome also helps validate the company’s break-it-then-fix-it approach to engineering, with steady progress since the first test launch in April last year when the rocket had to be deliberately destroyed when it flew off course.

“They are showing a capability to make progress more rapidly than we may have thought they’d been able to make,” said Daniel L. Dumbacher, executive director of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, a professional society for engineers. “They’ve got a team that knows what they’re doing, has the capability is willing to learn, and just as importantly, is not beholden to past assumptions.”

If Starship can fly again and again, more like a jetliner than a conventional rocket, it could transform a global space launch industry that SpaceX already dominates.

Today’s flight is also likely encouraging for officials at NASA. They are counting on SpaceX to provide a version of Starship to take astronauts to the surface of the moon during NASA’s Artemis III mission, currently scheduled for late 2026.

Bill Nelson, the administrator of NASA, offered his congratulations on X, the social media site that Mr. Musk owns.

“We are another step closer to returning humanity to the Moon through #Artemis — then looking onward to Mars,” he wrote.

After reaching a peak altitude of about 130 miles, the Starship upper-stage vehicle fell back to Earth, as planned, and re-entered the atmosphere. Cameras on the spacecraft captured an vibrant glow of gases heating up beneath it.

At an altitude of about 30 miles, pieces started peeling away from one of the steering flaps near the top of the spacecraft, with the flap continued to work. The camera’s view then became obstructed when debris cracked the lens.

“The question is how much of the ship is left,” said Kate Tice, one of the hosts of the SpaceX broadcast.

Real-time data continued to stream back, relayed via SpaceX’s Starlink internet satellites, to the company’s headquarters in Hawthorne, Calif., all the way until the altitude was reported at 0 — the surface of the Indian Ocean.

A final engine burn flipped Starship to a vertical position just before landing.

“From South Texas to the other side of the Earth, Starship is in the water,” said Dan Huot, one of the other SpaceX webcast hosts. “What a day.”

A crowd of onlooking SpaceX employees outside mission control in California cheered wildly, with arms thrust upward in celebration.

“Despite loss of many tiles and a damaged flap, Starship made it all the way to a soft landing in the ocean!” Mr. Musk wrote on X.

The damaged flap and the loss of heat-resistant tiles points to crucial upgrades still needed. Otherwise, Starship would, like the space shuttles, require extensive refurbishment after each flight.

“But that’s all fixable,” Mr. Dumbacher said. “It’s a step in the right direction, and there are more steps that have to be taken.”

Earlier in the flight, the rocket’s first stage, the giant Super Heavy booster was also able to perform maneuvers that in the future would take it back to the launch site. For this flight, it simulated such a landing by setting down in the Gulf of Mexico. All three previous attempts at that feat have ended in explosions.

With the Starship vehicle stacked on top of the Super Heavy booster, the rocket is the tallest ever built — 397 feet tall, or about 90 feet taller than the Statue of Liberty, including the pedestal.

The Super Heavy has 33 of SpaceX’s powerful Raptor engines sticking out of its bottom.

A view of the Starship spacecraft being mounted on a rocket on a launch stand with a large "SpaceX" sign in the foreground on a partly cloudy day.

As those engines lift Starship off the launchpad, they generate up to 16 million pounds of thrust at full throttle. On this flight, one of the engines failed to ignite, but that did not prevent it from continuing its trip to space.

A couple of weeks ago, after a successful launch rehearsal, Mr. Musk wrote on X that for this flight, “Primary goal is getting through max re-entry heating.”

In other words, he did not want the vehicle to burn up. And on Thursday, it did not.

The Starship launches have attracted spectators to SpaceX’s launch site near the southern tip of Texas.

On Thursday, they sat in beach chairs or atop pickup trucks and camper listening to the SpaceX broadcast. as the countdown continued.

“It is insane what they are doing here,” said Chris Thomassen, who had traveled from the Netherlands to watch the launch, camping out three days on a beach close to the launchpad, then moving to a spot just at the edge of the safety exclusion zone.

Robert Opel, 56, set up a tent outside the launch site four days before Thursday’s launch. He was so determined to see the liftoff from up close he had arranged to travel across the Rio Grande to Mexico, which is just a few hundred feet from the launchpad.

“It is like all of your birthdays wrapped up into one,” Mr. Opel said, adding that this was the fourth — of four — Starship test launches that he had witnessed.

Eric Lipton contributed reporting from Boca Chica, Texas.

Kenneth Chang , a science reporter at The Times, covers NASA and the solar system, and research closer to Earth. More about Kenneth Chang

What’s Up in Space and Astronomy

Keep track of things going on in our solar system and all around the universe..

Never miss an eclipse, a meteor shower, a rocket launch or any other 2024 event  that’s out of this world with  our space and astronomy calendar .

Euclid, a European Space Agency telescope launched into space last summer, finally showed off what it’s capable of with a batch of breathtaking images  and early science results.

A dramatic blast from the sun  set off the highest-level geomagnetic storm in Earth’s atmosphere, making the northern lights visible around the world .

With the help of Google Cloud, scientists who hunt killer asteroids churned through hundreds of thousands of images of the night sky to reveal 27,500 overlooked space rocks in the solar system .

A celestial image, an Impressionistic swirl of color in the center of the Milky Way, represents a first step toward understanding the role of magnetic fields  in the cycle of stellar death and rebirth.

Is Pluto a planet? And what is a planet, anyway? Test your knowledge here .

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GameStop stock tanks 24% as weak earnings trump Roaring Kitty's planned livestream

  • GameStop shares tanked 24% in morning trading on Friday after weak first-quarter earnings.
  • They rose nearly 40% earlier in the day ahead of Keith "Roaring Kitty" Gill's first livestream in three years.
  • GameStop shares have exploded higher but still trade well below their 2021 peak.

Insider Today

GameStop shares tumbled 24% to $35 on Friday morning after the company disclosed worse first-quarter earnings than Wall Street had expected. The meme stock was up nearly 40% in premarket trading as fans eagerly awaited Keith " Roaring Kitty '" Gill's first livestream in three years .

The video-game retailer's revenue slumped 29% year over year to below $900 million for the quarter ending May 4. More positively, its net loss narrowed to $32.3 million from $50.5 million a year earlier. Analysts were expecting a smaller top-line decline.

GameStop stock had more than quadrupled from about $10 in late April to about $47 at Thursday's close — and would have been up six-fold if the initial premarket gain held.

Apart from the intraday high of $65 it touched on May 14, GameStop hasn't traded above $60 on a split-adjusted basis since November 2021. But the stock remains well below its peak during the original meme-stock frenzy .

Gill rose to fame as an unwavering champion of the beaten-down stock. He helped spark the sensational short squeeze that drove GameStop's price from below $5 at the start of 2021 to an intraday high of about $121 on January 28 that year — a more than 24-fold increase.

The star investor has reignited enthusiasm for the stock  in recent weeks by returning to social media. He's posted scores of memes on X, shared purported screenshots of his stock portfolio showing a huge GameStop position, and scheduled a livestream on his YouTube channel for 11 a.m. ET on Friday.

The initial frenzy around GameStop in 2021 drew in plenty of prominent investors and businesspeople. Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted "Gamestonk!!" and linked to Reddit's WallStreetBets forum. The billionaire investor Chamath Palihapitiya publicly purchased bullish call options on the meme stock.

At the same time, the "Bond King," Bill Gross , bet against the stock as he felt assured the mania wouldn't last. The "Big Short" investor Michael Burry also appeared to sell his GameStop shares the quarter before the stock exploded and took to Twitter to warn buyers to be careful during the frenzy.

Some retail traders clearly see Gill's return to promoting GameStop and publicly betting on the stock as a bullish signal and have piled in alongside him, hoping to capture gains to rival those of the 2021 boom. However, other investors appear to be souring on the stock once again.

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Haiti transition council taps former PM Garry Conille to lead country again

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The Russia-installed governor of Ukraine's southern region of Kherson accused Ukrainian forces on Friday of killing 22 people and wounding 15 in shelling of the small town of Sadove.

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Vanna White sends tearful farewell to Pat Sajak on 'Wheel of Fortune': 'I love you, Pat!'

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Vanna White is bidding a tearful farewell to her "Wheel of Fortune" co-host Pat Sajak.

White, 67, taped an emotional message played in front of Sajak, 77, and the "Wheel of Fortune" audience, which airs Thursday ( check local listings ), one night before Sajak's final broadcast as host after a 41-year partnership.

"I can't believe tomorrow is our last show together," White said, managing a smile in the video. "I don't know how to put into words what these last 41 years have meant to me. But I'm going to try. Eight thousand episodes went by like that."

White praised Sajak for helping her overcome the stage fright she endured when starting the show, her first TV job.

"You made me feel so comfortable, so confident," said White, who has gone onto global "Wheel of Fortune" stardom. "You made me who I am. You really did."

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'What an honor': How Pat Sajak says farewell to 'Wheel of Fortune' viewers in final episode

"What an incredible and unforgettable journey we have had," White said, holding back tears. "And I've enjoyed every minute of it with you."

She took a deep breath and continued.

"As this chapter comes to an end, I know you'll still be close by," said White. "You're like a brother to me, and I consider you a true lifelong friend who I will always adore. I love you, Pat."

'Oh my," Sajak said watching the video from the "Wheel of Fortune" set next to White. The two embraced on the stage.

White will continue as co-host and letter-turner on "Wheel of Fortune" in Season 42 with new host Ryan Seacrest. Sajak will give his own farewell speech in Friday's final episode.

Pat Sajak farewell His final 'Wheel of Fortune' episode after more than four decades

Sajak was originally against hiring Vanna White: 'She was so nervous'

Sajak finds it hilarious that he was originally opposed to hiring White when original co-host Susan Stafford left in 1982, while the show still aired on NBC. "Wheel of Fortune" creator Merv Griffin conducted a talent search for the spot, which came down to three young women, including White. The model and Georgia beauty pageant runner-up was not Sajak's choice.

"She was really sweet and seemed like a really nice person. But she was so nervous," Sajak said in his only farewell interview w ith his daughter, Maggie Sajak. "Her lips were trembling and she was perspiring. I thought (Griffin) was never going to hire her. Merv is smarter than I am. He saw something in her and knew the nerves would go away."

Griffin turned out to be correct. White became such a star on "Wheel of Fortune" that fans named their daughters Vanna at the peak of the game show's worldwide popularity. "I shudder to think how life could have been different," Sajak said. "She is just a sweetheart and has made my life fabulous."

Are Pat Sajak and Vanna White really friends?

The stars of "Wheel of Fortune" have a close relationship off the set that has endured for decades. Maggie Sajak talked about the family friendship she and her brother Patrick had with White's family.

"We grew up hanging out with Vanna's kids Nikko and Gigi," Maggie Sajak recalled. "Me and Patrick were always at their house or they were at ours."

"As much fun as we had on camera, those life events we shared with our families outside of the studio are my favorite," White said in her video. "We've watched our children grow up together. We've traveled around the world together. We have laughed. We've cried. We've celebrated."


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    Make sure your text is aligned and neat like in the example below. In a good presentation, slide formatting matters. 4. Polish several times. Just like a pair of well-worn shoes, a good presentation often needs a few rounds of dusting before it's shiny and sparkly. Start Messy. Don't be afraid to start messy.

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  11. How to Make an Eye-catching Video Presentation in Minutes

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  12. Video Presentations: A Guide for Engaging Content

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