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PhD public defense of Rebeka Balogh

phd defense vub

The public defense of the PhD in Sociology (VUB) and PhD in Employment Research (University of Warwick) by Rebeka Balogh will take place on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 15.00 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Main Campus Etterbeek, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels in Building D, Room D.2.01. This PhD is part of a cooperation agreement between the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the University of Warwick. The PhD thesis is called “The Quality of Employment (Trajectories) and the Mental Health and Mortality of Women and Men. Evidence from Belgium and the UK.”. Promotors: prof. Christophe Vanroelen , PhD (VUB), prof. Sylvie Gadeyne , PhD (VUB) and prof. Chris Warhust , PhD (University of Warwick) The abstract is available here .

Pleinlaan 2 Building D, Room D.2.01 1050 Brussels Belgium

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PhD public defense by Daan Vermassen

phd defense vub

The public defense of the PhD in Political Science by Daan Vermassen will take place on Friday September 22, 2023 at 14.00 hour at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Main Campus Etterbeek, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels in Building D, Room D.2.01.

The PhD thesis is called “Democratic Institutions and Long-Term Action: Exploring the Institutional Antecedents of Presentism and Intergenerational Justice”.

Supervisor: prof. Didier Caluwaerts, PhD (VUB)

Abstract:  click here

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PhD Defense Koert Debeuf

ETHU member Koert Debeuf defends his PhD dissertation titled 'Latin Averroism: What was the influence of Averroes on European philosophy and why has it disappeared from European history of philosophy? A history of ideas and a history of history of ideas.'

The defense can be attended through Zoom. Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83564365534?pwd=SWZxV3BqUEZTL0FqZk1WTXE3N1FYQT09

For more information on the PhD, click here .

phd defense vub

Public PhD Defence Philippe Giron

The public PhD defence of Philippe GIRON entitled “Exploiting genomic vulnerabilities in lung cancer for therapeutic targeting” will take place on Tuesday, 3 May 2022 at 5 p.m. in Auditorium Vanden Driessche, building A, VUB – Brussels Health Campus Jette. More info can be found in the folder.

ECHO - VUB home page

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PhD Defense of Jana Goyvaerts

On Monday the 13th of November, Jana Goyvaers successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled: “We Need To Talk About How We Talk About Populism: The signifier populism and discursive struggles about democracy in the Belgian press”. This PhD was completed under the supervision of ECHO co-director prof. dr. Benjamin De Cleen (VUB). The members of the jury were:

  • prof. dr. Joke Bauwens (VUB) - Chair
  • prof. dr. Ike Picone (VUB)
  • prof. dr. Emmy Eklundh (Cardiff University)
  • prof. dr. Giorgos Katsambekis (EKKE)

Congratulations again to dr. Jana Goyvaerts!

phd defense vub

Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 1 1050 Ixelles Belgium

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PhD Theses:

Fariza Badloe, PhD-defense expected in January 2024.

Shauni De Vriese started her PhD-studies in January 2022. Expected PhD-defense around January 2026. 

Hafsa Belasri started her PhD-studies in October 2022. Expected PhD-defense around October 2026.

Lisa Huygen started her PhD-studies in July 2023. Her PhD studies in combination with her dermatology residency is expected to be finished in 2028.

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PhD Public Defence

  • Wang, S. (Chair)
  • Private and Economic Law
  • Faculty of Law and Criminology

Activity : Participating in or organising an event › Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate

Period5 Mar 2018
Event typeOther
LocationBrussels, Belgium
Degree of RecognitionInternational
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Listen to our new guest podcast episode by IMISCOE

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Throwback to our panel series: An informed choice in 2024

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Spotlight Publication: Omar N. Cham & Ilke Adam

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PhD Defence Hakki Demirkapu on June 28

phd defense vub


phd defense vub

Workshop on (public) space in migration research

The workshop on (public) space in migration research focuses on exploring the role of (public) space as a site of social research and a source of conceptual perspectives within the broader 'spatial turn' in the social sciences.

phd defense vub

Welk verschil maakt het? Impact en uitdagingen van het anti-discriminatiebeleid in 2024

Discriminatie van etnische minderheden is een hardnekkig probleem. De voorbije jaren was er nauwelijks een daling van discriminatie op de arbeidsmarkt of op de huurmarkt; en over discriminatie in onderwijs of gezondheidszorg hebben we zelfs geen zicht op langetermijntrends.

phd defense vub

BIRMM Research Day May 13th

Brussels interdisciplinary research centre for migration & minorities, who are we .

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)  conducts a wide variety of research on migration and diversity, spread over many disciplines, departments and research institutes. This interdisciplinary group, called the  ‘Brussels Interdisciplinary Research centre on Migration and Minorities (BIRMM)’  joins over 100 VUB researchers from 11 disciplines  (including political science, law, sociology, criminology, geography, medical sciences, communication sciences, linguistics, psychology and educational sciences, philosophy, and history)  working on migration, minorities and diversity related topics.  BIRMM is co-directed by Prof. Ilke Adam and Prof. Florian Trauner (both  B SoG-VUB ) and a board of delegates with one representative per research centre or department. It is coordinated by  dr. Hannah Vermaut .  The main VUB research centres and departments involved in BIRMM are: the Brussels School of Goverance ( BSoG ), and in particular its research  Centre for Migration, Diversity and Justice ; the History Department, with its research centre  HOST ; Sociology Department, with its research centres  TOR  and  Interface Demography ; the Political Science Department ( POLI );  BRIO , the centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Brussels, the  Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research , the  RHEA  Centre for Expertise on Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality, the Criminology department with its research centre  Crime & Society , the Law department, with its research centre  FRC  (Fundamental Rights and Constitutionalism) and the Department of Public Law, the Department for Communication Sciences, with its research centre  ECHO  (Media, Culture and Politics), and the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, with its new reseach group 'Research into Diversity in Health Care'.

Research projects

Research programmes.

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Dipartimento di Ingegneria Università degli Studi di Perugia

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phd defense vub

PhD UniPG-VUB - Public defense

Corsi introduttivi

The faculty of Engineering of Università degli Studi di Perugia and the faculty of Engineering of Vrije Universiteit Brussel invite you to attend the public defense leading to the degree of


The public defense will take place on June 14th at 11.00 a.m., Aula Magna (Great Hall) of the Department of Engineering, University of Perugia, Address: via Goffredo Duranti 93, Perugia.

To join the digital defense, please click here


On the occasion of the publication of the Erasmus selection call for the academic year 2023-2024 , the Department of Engineering is organizing two...

Prof. Cristiano Tomassoni , of the Department of Engineering of the University of Perugia has been appointed Distinguished Microwave Lecturer (DML) by...

On June 13, from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm , the University of Perugia Career Day will take place at the San Pietro Complex, next to the Frontone Gardens....

The faculty of Engineering of Università degli Studi di Perugia and the faculty of Engineering of Vrije Universiteit Brussel invite you to attend the...

ComSoc is happy to announce the first 2023 IEEE Communications Society Career Fair co-located with the IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC),...

Thursday 20th - Friday 21st April 2023 PERUGIA, Italy Department of Engineering, University of Perugia The Workshop “SOIL-PLANT-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION: ...

On the occasion of the publication of the Erasmus selection call for the academic year 2022-2023 , the Department of Engineering is organizing two...

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School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

College of engineering, ph.d. dissertation defense - soobum kim, related links.

Title :  Coverage Control for Constrained Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Teams

Dr. Samuel Coogan, ECE, Chair, Advisor

Dr. Magnus Egerstedt, Irvine, Co-Advisor

Dr. Fumin Zhang, ECE

Dr. Yorai Wardi, ECE

Dr. Mario Santillo, Ford

Dr. Shreyas Kousik, ME

  • Stanford University
  • Thursday, July 25

PhD Dissertation Defense: Gwanggyu Sun

  • Bioengineering

PhD Dissertation Defense: Gwanggyu Sun

Thursday, July 25, 2024 2:30pm PT

In person and online

Shriram Center, 108 443 Via Ortega, Stanford, CA 94305 View map

This event is open to: Everyone

Request disability accommodations and access info

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Event Details:

Title : Model-driven discovery through a whole-cell computational model of Escherichia coli

Abstract : Throughout many scientific and engineering disciplines, mathematical models have been pivotal in helping scientists and engineers better understand complicated systems, develop hypotheses, predict behaviors, and make model-guided discoveries. The E. coli whole-cell modeling project aims to bring this approach into biology by constructing a detailed mathematical representation of the most well-characterized system in biology — the E. coli cell. The whole-cell model is composed of multiple, smaller submodels that each represent a particular biological process within an E. coli cell, which are then integrated into a larger model that can simulate the growth of the entire cell under multiple environments. In total, the model incorporates more than 19,000 heterogeneous parameters gathered from decades of research performed on this model organism. The whole-cell modeling team within the Covert Lab has been leading this project for more than ten years.

In my Ph.D. defense, I will first describe how the E. coli whole-cell model was built and our general strategy for using the model in model-driven discovery. Next, I will share my efforts in building data pipelines between the whole-cell model and EcoCyc, the largest online database for E. coli, to streamline the curation of model parameters and broadly share the model outputs to the scientific community. Lastly, I will present how the whole-cell model was updated to account for E. coli's transcription unit structures, and highlight the discoveries I made during this process.

Please contact  Madelyn Bernstein  for the Zoom link

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Graduate Talks

Statistics Ph.D. Dissertation Defense - Ciara Nugent


This 2024 Dissertation Defense will be held on Friday, July 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. with Ciara Nugent. This event will be virtual. If you need the Zoom link, please email [email protected].  

Title : A Decision Theoretic Approach to Combining Inference Across Data Sources with Applications to Subgroup Analysis in Clinical Trials

Advisor : Peter Mueller

Abstract : Many research questions can not be answered by a single scientific study or source of data.  To address this challenge, researchers develop principled ways to combine information from multiple studies to reach a conclusion. A very common instance of this problem is the combination of results across multiple clinical studies, commonly known as meta-analysis, usually with the understanding that results from individual studies are only available as published summary statistics. In this thesis I consider principled Bayesian decision theoretic approaches to the general problem of combining inference across multiple studies. After a discussion of the general problem I focus on the particular example that arises when the desired inference is subgroup analysis, that is, inference about how results for subpopulations of interest differ from the results of the larger study population.  In the last chapter I consider an extension to a typical meta-analysis problem. Methodologically, the proposed solutions start with a decision theoretic approach to combining inference from two studies through the use of a utility function. Building on this foundation I then consider a more complex utility function for Bayesian population finding. Finally, expanding upon the same utility function I then consider more than two studies to propose a similar solution for a general meta-analysis problem.

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Other Events in This Series

Statistics ph.d. dissertation defense - shuying wang.

Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Compartmental Models and Marginal Cox Process

11:00 am – 1:00 pm • In Person

Speaker(s): Shuying Wang

Statistics Ph.D. Dissertation Defense - Huangjie Zheng

Implicit Distributional Matching at High Dimensionality

11:00 am – 1:00 pm • Virtual

Speaker(s): Huangjie Zheng

Statistics Ph.D. Dissertation Defense - Rimli Sengupta

Semi-Parametric Generalized Linear Models in Novel Analytical Contexts

9:45 am – 11:45 am • In Person

Speaker(s): Rimli Sengupta

Justin Edwards earns National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship

profile photo of Justin Edwards, with text overlay that says "Edwards chosen for prestigious NDSEG fellowship"

Physics PhD and ECE MS student Justin Edwards has been awarded the prestigious National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship in the category of Physics (including Optics), with a proposal titled “Multispectral imaging in the near infrared for next-generation analog night vision systems”. Justin is advised by ECE Professor and physics affiliate professor Mikhail Kats and collaborates extensively with ECE PhD students Rabeeya Hamid and Demeng Feng, and the group of Dan Congreve at Stanford University.

Earning a doctorate at VUB

The next step in your academic career.

Interested in earning your doctorate? Register for a doctoral programme to obtain a doctoral degree. Are you curious about what VUB has to offer? We provide you with all the information you need about your journey as a PhD student at VUB.


Why do a PhD at VUB?

You do your doctorate with one goal in mind: to obtain a doctoral degree. This is the highest degree you can obtain at a Flemish university. As a doctoral student, you mainly conduct research, combined with teaching assignments.

2022_Jonge wetenschapper in laboratoriumjas die nitrilhandschoenen draagt_Voert experimenten uit_Laboratorium_S_199443881

Our doctoral projects

You gain a great deal of experience during your doctoral study programme : you attend conferences, give presentations, and publish scientific articles. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a subject that fascinates you and acquire skills that are particularly useful on the job market. A doctorate is a decisive step in your career, both in and outside the academic world. 

Your journey as a PhD student at VUB

Doctoral programme, doctoral education and doctoral schools, doctoral defence, phd defenses.


  1. Defences

    Defence procedure. After you have submitted your application, the Faculty Board will compose a jury with at least 3 professors from VUB and at least 2 external members. All jury members must have a doctorate. Your supervisor may not act as the chairman of the jury. Your defence consists of different phases, as you can see in this defence schedule.

  2. Register for your PhD: doctoral application

    Study fee. • Doctoral students pay € 545,80 in the first year of enrolment and in the year of defence. • Doctoral students with an agreement for a joint PhD with a non-Flemish institution only pay tuition fees in the year of defence. • Doctoral students with an agreement for a joint PhD with a Flemish university only pay tuition fees at ...

  3. Joint PhD

    A joint or double PhD, known as ' gezamenlijk doctoraat ' or 'dubbeldoctoraat ' in Dutch and ' cotutelle de thèse ' in French, stands for a doctorate which is executed, written and defended under the joint responsibility of two partner institutions. In concrete terms, this means that the Vrije Universiteit Brussel cooperates with ...

  4. PhD defense of Laureano Ralòn

    The Faculty of Languages & Humanities of the VUB invites you to the public defense to obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Laureano Ralòn. Mr Ralòn will defend his original dissertation titled "A Critique of Object-Oriented Philosophy and Speculative Realism". When? On Thursday 30th of June at 14pm. Where?

  5. Public PHD defense

    Given the COVID-19 situation, the public PhD defense will be held mainly online using Microsoft Teams. We are allowed to have a small audience of maximum 30 people for family and close friends, which will be informed about the location of the event via a personal email. ... Prof. Dr. Johan Loeckx (VUB, secretary) Prof. Dr. Beat Signer (VUB ...

  6. PhD public defense of Rebeka Balogh

    The public defense of the PhD in Sociology (VUB) and PhD in Employment Research (University of Warwick) by Rebeka Balogh will take place on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 15.00 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Main Campus Etterbeek, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels in Building D, Room D.2.01. This PhD is part of a cooperation agreement between the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the University of Warwick.

  7. PhD public defense by Daan Vermassen

    The public defense of the PhD in Political Science by Daan Vermassen will take place on Friday September 22, 2023 at 14.00 hour at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Main Campus Etterbeek, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels in Building D, Room D.2.01.

  8. Public PhD defense

    Public PhD defense. Van Keer, R. (Speaker) Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy; Mental Health and Wellbeing research group; Public Health Sciences; Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference. Description Presenting and defending my PhD project in front of jury members, colleagues, friends and family; Period: 15 Mar 2019:

  9. PhD Defense Koert Debeuf

    ETHU member Koert Debeuf defends his PhD dissertation titled 'Latin Averroism: What was the influence of Averroes on European philosophy and why has it disappeared from European history of philosophy? ... The defense can be attended through Zoom. Meeting link: https: ... Add to Calendar. Address. Belgium. Pleinlaan 2. 1050. Brussel. 02/629.25. ...

  10. Public PhD Defence Philippe Giron

    The public PhD defence of Philippe GIRON entitled "Exploiting genomic vulnerabilities in lung cancer for therapeutic targeting" will take place on Tuesday, 3 May 2022 at 5 p.m. in Auditorium Vanden Driessche, building A, VUB - Brussels Health Campus Jette. More info can be found in the folder.

  11. PhD Defense of Jana Goyvaerts

    This PhD was completed under the supervision of ECHO co-director prof. dr. Benjamin De Cleen (VUB). The members of the jury were: prof. dr. Joke Bauwens (VUB) - Chair; prof. dr. Ike Picone (VUB) prof. dr. Emmy Eklundh (Cardiff University) prof. dr. Giorgos Katsambekis (EKKE) Congratulations again to dr. Jana Goyvaerts!

  12. Phd Theses

    PhD Theses: Fariza Badloe, PhD-defense expected in January 2024. Shauni De Vriese started her PhD-studies in January 2022. Expected PhD-defense around January 2026. Hafsa Belasri started her PhD-studies in October 2022. Expected PhD-defense around October 2026. Lisa Huygen started her PhD-studies in July 2023.

  13. PDF Phuong Nguyen Nhu

    The defense will take place on Thursday, August recov19, 2021 at 14h00 The defense can be followed through a live stream. For more information contact [email protected] Members of the jury Prof. Dr. Dominique Maes (VUB, chair) Prof. Dr. Joris Messens (VUB, secretary) Prof. Dr. Harry Olde Venterink autophagy in oxidative stress response.

  14. PDF has the honor to invite you to the public defense of the PhD thesis of

    Nick van Eijndhoven (VUB) Co-promotor: Prof. dr. Krijn de Vries (VUB) The defense will take place on neutrinos originating from the 75 selected ULIRGs. In particular, a stacking . Friday, September 9, 2022 at 16h in auditorium Q.B . The defense can also be followed through a livestream. Please contact . [email protected]. for more ...

  15. Eligibility

    Then you must have a Belgian master's degree. But other diplomas, for example a Belgian diploma of advanced academic training or a foreign final degree, can also be taken into account. In articles 4-6 of the additional faculty doctoral regulations of the faculty where you wish to do a PhD, you can find out which field of study gives access to ...

  16. PDF has the honor to invite you to the public defense of the PhD thesis of

    Title of the PhD thesis: Towards multivariant pathogenicity predictions : using machine-learning to directly predict and explore disease-causing oligogenic variant combinations . Robin obtained his MSc. Degree in Organic Chemistry with great distinction from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2017. Immediately after, he started his PhD as a

  17. PhD Defense

    PhD Defense. D'Hondt, J. (Advisor) Elementary Particle Physics; Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate. Description PhD Defense; Period: 26 Jun 2012: Event type: Seminar: Location: Paris, France:

  18. PhD Public Defence

    PhD Public Defence. Wang, S. (Chair) Private and Economic Law; Faculty of Law and Criminology; Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate. Period: 5 Mar 2018: Event type: Other: Location: Brussels, Belgium: Degree of Recognition:

  19. Home

    We are pleased to invite you to attend the public PhD defense of BIRMM-member Hakki Demirkapu on the topic 'Advance care planning perspectives of older adults and their family members with Turkish and Moroccan backgrounds in Belgium'. ... (BIRMM)' joins over 100 VUB researchers from 11 disciplines (including political science, law, sociology ...

  20. PhD UniPG-VUB

    The faculty of Engineering of Università degli Studi di Perugia and the faculty of Engineering of Vrije Universiteit Brussel invite you to attend the public defense leading to the degree of. DOTTORE IN INGEGNERIA INDUSTRIALE E DELL'INFORMATICA (UNIPG) DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES (VUB) of Priscilla Benedetti . The public defense will take place on June 14th at 11.00 a.m., Aula Magna (Great ...

  21. Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

    Ph.D. Dissertation Defense - Arindam Mandal Breadcrumb. Home; July 24 2024 10:00 AM Location. Room W218, Van Leer. Related links ... Related links. Microsoft Teams Meeting link. Keywords. Phd Defense. graduate students. Wednesday, July 24, 2024 10:00AM Title: Design of Digitally-Assisted and Artifact-Robust Next-Generation Bi-directional Neural ...

  22. Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

    Title: Coverage Control for Constrained Heterogeneous Multi-Robot TeamsCommittee:Dr. Samuel Coogan, ECE, Chair, AdvisorDr. Magnus Egerstedt, Irvine, Co-AdvisorDr ...

  23. PhD Dissertation Defense: Gwanggyu Sun

    Title: Model-driven discovery through a whole-cell computational model of Escherichia coli Abstract: Throughout many scientific and engineering disciplines, mathematical models have been pivotal in helping scientists and engineers better understand complicated systems, develop hypotheses, predict behaviors, and make model-guided discoveries. The E. coli whole-cell modeling project aims to ...

  24. Ph.D. in Research & Evaluation in Education Dissertation Defense

    The School of Education invites you to attend a doctoral dissertation defense by Siffat Ara Sharmin "Discrimination Against Graduate Students in Higher Education." Candidate: Siffat Ara Sharmin Degree: Ph.D. in Research and Evaluation Defense Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 Time: 10 a.m. Location: Coburn Hall Room 245

  25. Ph.D. in Marine Sciences and Technology Dissertation Defense: David Coe

    The School of Marine Sciences invites you to attend a doctoral dissertation defense by David Coe on "Regional Weather Typing: Daily Circulation-Based Analysis of Seasonal Transitions and Extremes in the Northeast U.S." Candidate: David Coe Degree: Ph.D. in Marine Science and Technology Defense Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

  26. Statistics Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

    This 2024 Dissertation Defense will be held on Friday, July 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. with Ciara Nugent. This event will be virtual. If you need the Zoom link, please email [email protected].

  27. Doctoral study programme

    Then earning a doctorate is the right thing for you! At VUB, you have the opportunity to do full-time research in an academic context for at least 4 years. Doing a PhD is a long-term endeavour, but the experience you gain and the skills you learn are decisive for the rest of your career. Joint PhD. The VUB can award so-called joint PhDs.

  28. Justin Edwards earns National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate

    Physics PhD and ECE MS student Justin Edwards has been awarded the prestigious National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship in the category of Physics (including Optics), with a proposal titled "Multispectral imaging in the near infrared for next-generation analog night vision systems". Justin is advised by ECE Professor and ...

  29. KDF Commandant & Major General Graduates with PhD

    National Defense College (NDC)commandant Major General in the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) Rashid Elmi has graduated from Kenyatta University (KU) with a PhD in Security Studies. Major General ...

  30. Earning a doctorate at VUB

    You gain a great deal of experience during your doctoral study programme: you attend conferences, give presentations, and publish scientific articles. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a subject that fascinates you and acquire skills that are particularly useful on the job market. A doctorate is a decisive step in your career ...