Interesting Literature

How to Write a Good English Literature Essay

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

How do you write a good English Literature essay? Although to an extent this depends on the particular subject you’re writing about, and on the nature of the question your essay is attempting to answer, there are a few general guidelines for how to write a convincing essay – just as there are a few guidelines for writing well in any field.

We at Interesting Literature  call them ‘guidelines’ because we hesitate to use the word ‘rules’, which seems too programmatic. And as the writing habits of successful authors demonstrate, there is no  one way to become a good writer – of essays, novels, poems, or whatever it is you’re setting out to write. The French writer Colette liked to begin her writing day by picking the fleas off her cat.

Edith Sitwell, by all accounts, liked to lie in an open coffin before she began her day’s writing. Friedrich von Schiller kept rotten apples in his desk, claiming he needed the scent of their decay to help him write. (For most student essay-writers, such an aroma is probably allowed to arise in the writing-room more organically, over time.)

We will address our suggestions for successful essay-writing to the average student of English Literature, whether at university or school level. There are many ways to approach the task of essay-writing, and these are just a few pointers for how to write a better English essay – and some of these pointers may also work for other disciplines and subjects, too.

Of course, these guidelines are designed to be of interest to the non-essay-writer too – people who have an interest in the craft of writing in general. If this describes you, we hope you enjoy the list as well. Remember, though, everyone can find writing difficult: as Thomas Mann memorably put it, ‘A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.’ Nora Ephron was briefer: ‘I think the hardest thing about writing is writing.’ So, the guidelines for successful essay-writing:

1. Planning is important, but don’t spend too long perfecting a structure that might end up changing.

This may seem like odd advice to kick off with, but the truth is that different approaches work for different students and essayists. You need to find out which method works best for you.

It’s not a bad idea, regardless of whether you’re a big planner or not, to sketch out perhaps a few points on a sheet of paper before you start, but don’t be surprised if you end up moving away from it slightly – or considerably – when you start to write.

Often the most extensively planned essays are the most mechanistic and dull in execution, precisely because the writer has drawn up a plan and refused to deviate from it. What  is a more valuable skill is to be able to sense when your argument may be starting to go off-topic, or your point is getting out of hand,  as you write . (For help on this, see point 5 below.)

We might even say that when it comes to knowing how to write a good English Literature essay,  practising  is more important than planning.

2. Make room for close analysis of the text, or texts.

Whilst it’s true that some first-class or A-grade essays will be impressive without containing any close reading as such, most of the highest-scoring and most sophisticated essays tend to zoom in on the text and examine its language and imagery closely in the course of the argument. (Close reading of literary texts arises from theology and the analysis of holy scripture, but really became a ‘thing’ in literary criticism in the early twentieth century, when T. S. Eliot, F. R. Leavis, William Empson, and other influential essayists started to subject the poem or novel to close scrutiny.)

Close reading has two distinct advantages: it increases the specificity of your argument (so you can’t be so easily accused of generalising a point), and it improves your chances of pointing up something about the text which none of the other essays your marker is reading will have said. For instance, take In Memoriam  (1850), which is a long Victorian poem by the poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson about his grief following the death of his close friend, Arthur Hallam, in the early 1830s.

When answering a question about the representation of religious faith in Tennyson’s poem  In Memoriam  (1850), how might you write a particularly brilliant essay about this theme? Anyone can make a general point about the poet’s crisis of faith; but to look closely at the language used gives you the chance to show  how the poet portrays this.

For instance, consider this stanza, which conveys the poet’s doubt:

A solid and perfectly competent essay might cite this stanza in support of the claim that Tennyson is finding it increasingly difficult to have faith in God (following the untimely and senseless death of his friend, Arthur Hallam). But there are several ways of then doing something more with it. For instance, you might get close to the poem’s imagery, and show how Tennyson conveys this idea, through the image of the ‘altar-stairs’ associated with religious worship and the idea of the stairs leading ‘thro’ darkness’ towards God.

In other words, Tennyson sees faith as a matter of groping through the darkness, trusting in God without having evidence that he is there. If you like, it’s a matter of ‘blind faith’. That would be a good reading. Now, here’s how to make a good English essay on this subject even better: one might look at how the word ‘falter’ – which encapsulates Tennyson’s stumbling faith – disperses into ‘falling’ and ‘altar’ in the succeeding lines. The word ‘falter’, we might say, itself falters or falls apart.

That is doing more than just interpreting the words: it’s being a highly careful reader of the poetry and showing how attentive to the language of the poetry you can be – all the while answering the question, about how the poem portrays the idea of faith. So, read and then reread the text you’re writing about – and be sensitive to such nuances of language and style.

The best way to  become attuned to such nuances is revealed in point 5. We might summarise this point as follows: when it comes to knowing how to write a persuasive English Literature essay, it’s one thing to have a broad and overarching argument, but don’t be afraid to use the  microscope as well as the telescope.

3. Provide several pieces of evidence where possible.

Many essays have a point to make and make it, tacking on a single piece of evidence from the text (or from beyond the text, e.g. a critical, historical, or biographical source) in the hope that this will be enough to make the point convincing.

‘State, quote, explain’ is the Holy Trinity of the Paragraph for many. What’s wrong with it? For one thing, this approach is too formulaic and basic for many arguments. Is one quotation enough to support a point? It’s often a matter of degree, and although one piece of evidence is better than none, two or three pieces will be even more persuasive.

After all, in a court of law a single eyewitness account won’t be enough to convict the accused of the crime, and even a confession from the accused would carry more weight if it comes supported by other, objective evidence (e.g. DNA, fingerprints, and so on).

Let’s go back to the example about Tennyson’s faith in his poem  In Memoriam  mentioned above. Perhaps you don’t find the end of the poem convincing – when the poet claims to have rediscovered his Christian faith and to have overcome his grief at the loss of his friend.

You can find examples from the end of the poem to suggest your reading of the poet’s insincerity may have validity, but looking at sources beyond the poem – e.g. a good edition of the text, which will contain biographical and critical information – may help you to find a clinching piece of evidence to support your reading.

And, sure enough, Tennyson is reported to have said of  In Memoriam : ‘It’s too hopeful, this poem, more than I am myself.’ And there we have it: much more convincing than simply positing your reading of the poem with a few ambiguous quotations from the poem itself.

Of course, this rule also works in reverse: if you want to argue, for instance, that T. S. Eliot’s  The Waste Land is overwhelmingly inspired by the poet’s unhappy marriage to his first wife, then using a decent biographical source makes sense – but if you didn’t show evidence for this idea from the poem itself (see point 2), all you’ve got is a vague, general link between the poet’s life and his work.

Show  how the poet’s marriage is reflected in the work, e.g. through men and women’s relationships throughout the poem being shown as empty, soulless, and unhappy. In other words, when setting out to write a good English essay about any text, don’t be afraid to  pile on  the evidence – though be sensible, a handful of quotations or examples should be more than enough to make your point convincing.

4. Avoid tentative or speculative phrasing.

Many essays tend to suffer from the above problem of a lack of evidence, so the point fails to convince. This has a knock-on effect: often the student making the point doesn’t sound especially convinced by it either. This leaks out in the telling use of, and reliance on, certain uncertain  phrases: ‘Tennyson might have’ or ‘perhaps Harper Lee wrote this to portray’ or ‘it can be argued that’.

An English university professor used to write in the margins of an essay which used this last phrase, ‘What  can’t be argued?’

This is a fair criticism: anything can be argued (badly), but it depends on what evidence you can bring to bear on it (point 3) as to whether it will be a persuasive argument. (Arguing that the plays of Shakespeare were written by a Martian who came down to Earth and ingratiated himself with the world of Elizabethan theatre is a theory that can be argued, though few would take it seriously. We wish we could say ‘none’, but that’s a story for another day.)

Many essay-writers, because they’re aware that texts are often open-ended and invite multiple interpretations (as almost all great works of literature invariably do), think that writing ‘it can be argued’ acknowledges the text’s rich layering of meaning and is therefore valid.

Whilst this is certainly a fact – texts are open-ended and can be read in wildly different ways – the phrase ‘it can be argued’ is best used sparingly if at all. It should be taken as true that your interpretation is, at bottom, probably unprovable. What would it mean to ‘prove’ a reading as correct, anyway? Because you found evidence that the author intended the same thing as you’ve argued of their text? Tennyson wrote in a letter, ‘I wrote In Memoriam  because…’?

But the author might have lied about it (e.g. in an attempt to dissuade people from looking too much into their private life), or they might have changed their mind (to go back to the example of  The Waste Land : T. S. Eliot championed the idea of poetic impersonality in an essay of 1919, but years later he described  The Waste Land as ‘only the relief of a personal and wholly insignificant grouse against life’ – hardly impersonal, then).

Texts – and their writers – can often be contradictory, or cagey about their meaning. But we as critics have to act responsibly when writing about literary texts in any good English essay or exam answer. We need to argue honestly, and sincerely – and not use what Wikipedia calls ‘weasel words’ or hedging expressions.

So, if nothing is utterly provable, all that remains is to make the strongest possible case you can with the evidence available. You do this, not only through marshalling the evidence in an effective way, but by writing in a confident voice when making your case. Fundamentally, ‘There is evidence to suggest that’ says more or less the same thing as ‘It can be argued’, but it foregrounds the  evidence rather than the argument, so is preferable as a phrase.

This point might be summarised by saying: the best way to write a good English Literature essay is to be honest about the reading you’re putting forward, so you can be confident in your interpretation and use clear, bold language. (‘Bold’ is good, but don’t get too cocky, of course…)

5. Read the work of other critics.

This might be viewed as the Holy Grail of good essay-writing tips, since it is perhaps the single most effective way to improve your own writing. Even if you’re writing an essay as part of school coursework rather than a university degree, and don’t need to research other critics for your essay, it’s worth finding a good writer of literary criticism and reading their work. Why is this worth doing?

Published criticism has at least one thing in its favour, at least if it’s published by an academic press or has appeared in an academic journal, and that is that it’s most probably been peer-reviewed, meaning that other academics have read it, closely studied its argument, checked it for errors or inaccuracies, and helped to ensure that it is expressed in a fluent, clear, and effective way.

If you’re serious about finding out how to write a better English essay, then you need to study how successful writers in the genre do it. And essay-writing is a genre, the same as novel-writing or poetry. But why will reading criticism help you? Because the critics you read can show you how to do all of the above: how to present a close reading of a poem, how to advance an argument that is not speculative or tentative yet not over-confident, how to use evidence from the text to make your argument more persuasive.

And, the more you read of other critics – a page a night, say, over a few months – the better you’ll get. It’s like textual osmosis: a little bit of their style will rub off on you, and every writer learns by the examples of other writers.

As T. S. Eliot himself said, ‘The poem which is absolutely original is absolutely bad.’ Don’t get precious about your own distinctive writing style and become afraid you’ll lose it. You can’t  gain a truly original style before you’ve looked at other people’s and worked out what you like and what you can ‘steal’ for your own ends.

We say ‘steal’, but this is not the same as saying that plagiarism is okay, of course. But consider this example. You read an accessible book on Shakespeare’s language and the author makes a point about rhymes in Shakespeare. When you’re working on your essay on the poetry of Christina Rossetti, you notice a similar use of rhyme, and remember the point made by the Shakespeare critic.

This is not plagiarising a point but applying it independently to another writer. It shows independent interpretive skills and an ability to understand and apply what you have read. This is another of the advantages of reading critics, so this would be our final piece of advice for learning how to write a good English essay: find a critic whose style you like, and study their craft.

If you’re looking for suggestions, we can recommend a few favourites: Christopher Ricks, whose  The Force of Poetry is a tour de force; Jonathan Bate, whose  The Genius of Shakespeare , although written for a general rather than academic audience, is written by a leading Shakespeare scholar and academic; and Helen Gardner, whose  The Art of T. S. Eliot , whilst dated (it came out in 1949), is a wonderfully lucid and articulate analysis of Eliot’s poetry.

James Wood’s How Fiction Works  is also a fine example of lucid prose and how to close-read literary texts. Doubtless readers of  Interesting Literature will have their own favourites to suggest in the comments, so do check those out, as these are just three personal favourites. What’s your favourite work of literary scholarship/criticism? Suggestions please.

Much of all this may strike you as common sense, but even the most commonsensical advice can go out of your mind when you have a piece of coursework to write, or an exam to revise for. We hope these suggestions help to remind you of some of the key tenets of good essay-writing practice – though remember, these aren’t so much commandments as recommendations. No one can ‘tell’ you how to write a good English Literature essay as such.

But it can be learned. And remember, be interesting – find the things in the poems or plays or novels which really ignite your enthusiasm. As John Mortimer said, ‘The only rule I have found to have any validity in writing is not to bore yourself.’

Finally, good luck – and happy writing!

And if you enjoyed these tips for how to write a persuasive English essay, check out our advice for how to remember things for exams  and our tips for becoming a better close reader of poetry .

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30 thoughts on “How to Write a Good English Literature Essay”

You must have taken AP Literature. I’m always saying these same points to my students.

I also think a crucial part of excellent essay writing that too many students do not realize is that not every point or interpretation needs to be addressed. When offered the chance to write your interpretation of a work of literature, it is important to note that there of course are many but your essay should choose one and focus evidence on this one view rather than attempting to include all views and evidence to back up each view.

Reblogged this on SocioTech'nowledge .

Not a bad effort…not at all! (Did you intend “subject” instead of “object” in numbered paragraph two, line seven?”

Oops! I did indeed – many thanks for spotting. Duly corrected ;)

That’s what comes of writing about philosophy and the subject/object for another post at the same time!

Reblogged this on Scribing English .

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Great post on essay writing! I’ve shared a post about this and about the blog site in general which you can look at here:

All of these are very good points – especially I like 2 and 5. I’d like to read the essay on the Martian who wrote Shakespeare’s plays).

Reblogged this on Uniqely Mustered and commented: Dedicate this to all upcoming writers and lovers of Writing!

I shall take this as my New Year boost in Writing Essays. Please try to visit often for corrections,advise and criticisms.

Reblogged this on Blue Banana Bread .

Reblogged this on worldsinthenet .

All very good points, but numbers 2 and 4 are especially interesting.

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Great post. Interesting infographic how to write an argumentative essay

Reblogged this on DISTINCT CHARACTER and commented: Good Tips

Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented: This could be applied to novel or short story writing as well.

Reblogged this on rosetech67 and commented: Useful, albeit maybe a bit late for me :-)

  • Pingback: How to Write a Good English Essay | georg28ang

such a nice pieace of content you shared in this write up about “How to Write a Good English Essay” going to share on another useful resource that is

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A well rounded summary on all steps to keep in mind while starting on writing. There are many new avenues available though. Benefit from the writing options of the 21st century from here, i loved it!

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Essay Structure – Edexcel A Level English Literature

how to write a level literature essay

14th June 2017

by Aimee Wright

The first thing you need to consider when writing an English essay is the structure, and how you can make sure it is one that you can remember and will give you a good grade.

  • Generic Introduction :You will need to know the book , the author , the publication date and the literary period / monarchy era – g. Frankenstein , Mary Shelley, 1818, Romantic period. Then, you will need to state the genre of the book(s) – e.g. Frankenstein is a gothic novel. Lastly, you will need to briefly summarise the theme / character that the question asks of you. Below are some example generic introductions :
  • (For the Prose exam): Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was published in 1818, during the Romantic Period, and The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood was published in 1985, and is a postmodern text. Both of these texts are science fiction novels, but Frankenstein is a gothic novel, written in the first wave of gothic literature, while The Handmaid’s Tale is a dystopian novel. *The role of gender in the misuse of science* is seen in both texts in the way that the writers have used linguistic techniques and contextual factors, and this is what will be explored in this analysis.
  • (For Othello ): Othello by William Shakespeare was published in 1604 during the Elizabethan era. The play is considered a tragedy, but many critics have picked up on the use of satire that Shakespeare has used, however it is not used so much that it could be seen as a comedy. In this analysis, it will be explored how Shakespeare has used his linguistic abilities and contextual factors to present the *theme of betrayal*, and subsequently how critics have viewed this.
  • (For A Streetcar Named Desire ): A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams was published in 1947, making it a modernist play. The play is a tragedy which aligns with the context of events such as World War Two, and the Great Depression, as these are very tragic. In this analysis, the *character of Blanche* will be explored, and it will be considered whether Williams uses linguistic, structural and contextual techniques to impact Blanche’s character.
  • (For Post 2000 Poetry): Please Hold by Ciaran O’Driscoll is a poem that presents the themes of frustration, manipulation and irritation that the modern day society brings. As a postmodern poem, the twenty-first century challenges that the narrator undertakes align with each other. On first reading Somewhat Unravelled by Jo Shapcott, the reader can perceive that the narrator also represents strong emotions to represent how the narrator is feeling. By comparing these two poems, the analysis will explore how *strong emotions* are used in order to relay a story, such as through linguistic and structural crafting.
  • (For Keats ): The Eve of St Agnes by John Keats was written in 1819, just two years before Keats’ death, in the Romantic period. The *theme of physical sensations* in this poem are represented through linguistic and structural methods, as well as contextual factors of the time. Physical sensations are not just seen in The Eve of St Agnes , however – Keats has also used this theme in La Belle Dame sans Merci , which was written in 1819 like The Eve of St Agnes . In this analysis, it will be seen whether La Belle Dame sans Merci shares a similar approach to physical sensations, and whether the time period had impact on this.

It is important to mention what you are going to be discussing in the essay. But, you do not need to use specific details in your introduction, otherwise the rest of your essay will seem sort of shallow. So, use phrases such as ‘In this analysis, the linguistic and structural crafting will be explored’, for instance.

If the question is particularly linked to a specific one contextual factor – maybe it is about monarchy or social hierarchy, or war? – you should give a brief overview of that contextual factor. E.g. “The social hierarchy in Shakespearean times was based on the chain of being , which will be discussed in this analysis.”

  • In comparison essays – so the Prose and Poetry exams – it is important to highlight which text is your primary text . In the Prose exam, your primary text is Frankenstein , because it “comes first” in literary history. In Post 2000 poetry, the primary text is the poem from the anthology , accompanied by the unseen poem . In Keats, the primary text is the poem it gives you , and you “support” your points with another poem. But, it is important not to compare . So, when exploring your point further, you could say “To support this point, this is also seen in *insert other poem name* by using the same techniques.”
  • In non-comparison essays – the Drama exam – you will need to write the same number of points that you would use for a comparison essay (the average is 2-3), but you may need more substance and expansive analysis. For example, if you wrote two paragraphs for one point in the Prose exam (which includes two texts ) you would still need to write two paragraphs for one point , even though you only have one text .
  • So the structure of your essays need to be clear , concise and understandable . Especially for comparison essays, you will need to split up your points into more than one paragraph so that the examiner can understand your analysis more clearly.Having said this, in the Prose exam, it is important to note that you must state the points for both texts in the initial paragraph. This is so that the examiner can see where your point is going from the beginning.In the comparison essays in the Poetry exam, the first paragraph of the point should be about the primary text , which will then lead you to explore the secondary text . So, the advice for this would be: do not plan points for both poems – if you want to plan, just think of points for the primary text , and then think about how that same technique or concept is seen in your secondary text .
  • Quoting / quotations: It is important to follow the succeeding points when considering the quotations that you use –
  • Think about the context that you are talking about, and how you are putting the quotation in a sentence. Generally, it is better to put a quotation in a sentence like: “This is seen in the declarative sentence , ‘We are two-legged wombs.’ (p.146).” (this is a quote from The Handmaid’s Tale ). But if you are going to use the quotation like this: “The narrator said that ‘We are two legged-wombs’ to present the idea that the Handmaids are irrelevant.” you will need to think about the structure of the sentence. Instead of using the pronoun ‘We’ in the quotation, put ‘they’ in square brackets to show that you have modified the quotation . So, the sentence would look like this: “The narrator said that ‘[they] are two-legged wombs’ to present the idea that the Handmaids are irrelevant.”
  • Think about the length of the quotation that you are using. If there is a long quotation – perhaps one that includes a stream of consciousness or syndetic listing , or just lengthy description – you may want to use snippets of the quotation to ensure that the examiner does not get bored. So instead of saying: “Walton (who is speaking) is seen to be a man who has power. Shelley presents this by saying, ‘One man’s life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought, for the dominion I should acquire and transmit over the elemental foes of our race.’” (This is a quotation from Frankenstein ). you could use specific words or phrases to portray the same point. For instance, if your point was: “Walton (who is speaking) is seen to be a man who has power. Shelley presents this is seen in his fourth letter with a semantic field of power and knowledge, with words such as ‘acquirement’; ‘knowledge’; ‘dominion’’ and ‘transmit’.”
  • Terminology : I know that terminology is difficult to use, especially if you can’t think of the name for a technique. But, you are marked on your terminology use as it “proves” that you know what you’re talking about.
  • Where to use terminology: when structuring your point, you should use terminology either before you mention the quotation – this is if you are making a point that the technique has a direct impact on the theme or character – or after you mention the quotation – this is just to show that you know what technique the author has used.Before the quotation: If you are making the point that the author uses declarative sentences to depict the theme or character, you could say: “Atwood uses declarative sentences to represent how straightforward prejudice is as a theme in society: ‘We are two-legged wombs.’ (p.146).” The idea that prejudice is ‘straightforward’ is your point .After the quotation: So, after the point made above, you could expand by saying: “Atwood uses this declarative sentence to represent that the Handmaids are discriminated against in a simple way, otherwise she may have used another sentence mood, such as exclamatory sentences . In addition, the metaphor of Handmaids being ‘two-legged wombs’ shows Atwood’s linguistic crafting to portray that Handmaids are only seen as women who give birth to children, and nothing else.” The use of further terminology in your essay – in this case ‘exclamatory sentences’ and ‘metaphor’ – will show more knowledge.
  • Word Specific Analysis: Instead of using terminology for the analysis of a whole quotation , you can use Word Specific Analysis to really unpick the underlying ideas. For instance: “Atwood uses the pronoun ‘We’ to represent that the Handmaids are a collective. This shows that if one Handmaid is victimised or targeted, the whole group of Handmaids are discriminated against. In addition, the use of the noun ‘wombs’ indicates the part of the body that the Handmaids are seen as: they are just seen as being able to conceive a child, and nothing more.”

For instance: “ Bright star! would I were steadfast as thou art by John Keats uses the Petrarchan sonnet  form. Petrarch was famous for using themes such as unrequited love, and the sonnet will always use a Volta . The Volta is the beginning of the ninth line of the sonnet and, in Keats’ poetry, is often representative of his own personal change in mood or thought, so the Volta ‘No’ in Bright star! could be Keats changing his mind, or disagreeing, with his previous comments.”

In the Drama exam, it is important to know the names of speech and structure:

For instance: “ Othello by William Shakespeare uses a variety of structures to symbolise the theme of betrayal. For instance, Iago often speaks in prose when his plan is beginning to unravel. Prose, in comparison to the poetic speech that characters usually speaks in, is used to represent the unstoppable thoughts and ideas that a character may have.”

  • Context: It is explicitly important to use contextual information to back up your ideas.
  • The Prose Exam:The most important piece of context for this exam is about the science of the time and how it is used in your texts. This is because the section of the exam is ‘Science and Society’. This also means you have to have a substantial knowledge of the society at the time of the novels as well.
  • Other exams:It is just as important to use author-personal context as well as societal This includes the author’s family, associates, events that happened to them etc.You should use a balance of societal and personal context to show your varied knowledge. In fact, you can often use a piece of context as your point e.g. “Keats wrote in the second generation of the Romantic poets, so he had influence from the work of Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, for instance. The Romantics have many different conventions, but to represent the theme of physical sensations in The Eve of St Agnes , Keats has employed the Romantic connection to nature.”
  • Critics and Different Interpretations:The Drama exam is the only exam that you get marked on for critical analysis and using different interpretations, but it does not hurt to use them in each exam.

“In Othello , Shakespeare represents Desdemona as being associated with everyone, or having an impact on each character for a different reason.”

This can be supported by Anna Jameson , a critic of the play. You do not need to remember every detail of her critical evaluation, but you need to remember the general idea or snippets of quotes:

“To support this point, Anna Jameson said that Desdemona is the ‘source of the pathos’ of the play. This links to the idea that she is associated with everyone because she emits the ‘pathos’ and diffuses it to each character, and this is what creates the tragedy in the play.” What is important to mention , however, is that you should back up the critical reading with a quotation from the play, rather than just your “point”:

“This is seen just before Desdemona’s death when she says ‘I never did / Offend you in my life; never loved Cassio’, then Othello says ‘Honest Iago hath tane order for’t.’ This represents Desdemona’s impact on multiple characters through the possessive pronoun ‘you’ and the mention of ‘Cassio’ and ‘Iago’, and the bitter tone of these declarative sentences portrays pathos, therefore showing where Jameson got her idea from.”

To make another point, you could challenge the critic. Another point could be:

“Desdemona is seen as ‘fair’, and innocent, and Shakespeare represents this by repeatedly having Othello call her the epithet ‘gentle Desdemona’.”

Therefore, you could use Jameson’s idea to challenge this point:

“To challenge this point, Anna Jameson said that Desdemona is the ‘source pathos of the play’. If Desdemona is the ‘source pathos’, it can be analysed that she is not truly ‘gentle’, but is actually sorrowful.”

You could disagree with the critic as well, but do not use first person . Say it as though you are disagreeing on behalf of the audience:

I hope that this is all helpful for the exam, the exams start tomorrow so good luck!


Atwood, M. (1985). The Handmaid’s Tale. London: Vintage Random House.

Keats, J. (2007). Selected Poems. London: Penguin Classics.

Poems of the Decade: An Anthology of the Forward Books of Poetry. (2011). London: Forward Ltd.

Shakespeare, W. (1622). Othello. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Shelley, M. (1818). Frankenstein (3 ed.). London: Penguin Group.

Williams, T. (1947). A Streetcar Named Desire. London: Penguin Group.

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How do I structure an English literature essay at A-Level?

Structuring an English literature essay at A-Level can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Understand the question and develop a thesis statement: Begin by reading the question carefully and identifying what it is asking you to do. Develop a thesis statement that clearly answers the question and sets out the main argument you will be making in your essay.
  • Plan your essay: Create an outline for your essay that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Decide on the main points you want to make in each paragraph and the evidence you will use to support them.
  • Write the introduction: Start with a strong opening sentence that grabs the reader’s attention and introduces the topic. Provide background information and context for the text you will be analyzing, and end with your thesis statement.
  • Write the body paragraphs: Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that relates to your thesis statement and introduces the main point you will be making. Use evidence from the text to support your argument, and explain how the evidence supports your point. Make sure to analyze the evidence and explain how it relates to your argument rather than just summarizing it.
  • Write the conclusion: Summarize the main points you made in your essay and restate your thesis statement. End with a final thought that ties your argument together and leaves the reader with something to think about.
  • Edit and proofread: Read through your essay carefully and make sure that it flows well, that your arguments are clear and supported by evidence, and that there are no grammatical or spelling errors.

Remember to also use relevant literary terms and techniques to support your analysis, and to provide quotations from the text to back up your arguments.

The key elements of a well-structured English literature essay at A-Level include a clear thesis statement, well-planned body paragraphs with topic sentences and evidence to support your arguments, and a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis.

To develop a thesis statement for your English literature essay, begin by carefully reading and analyzing the text. Identify the key themes and literary techniques used by the author and develop a statement that clearly answers the question and sets out the main argument you will be making in your essay.

The best way to plan your English literature essay at A-Level is to create an outline that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Decide on the main points you want to make in each paragraph and the evidence you will use to support them.

To write clear body paragraphs for your English literature essay, begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that relates to your thesis statement and introduces the main point you will be making. Use evidence from the text to support your argument, and explain how the evidence supports your point.

To analyze literary texts effectively in your English literature essay at A-Level, look for literary techniques used by the author, such as imagery, symbolism, and metaphor. Use quotes from the text to support your analysis and explain how these techniques contribute to the meaning of the text.

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How to Write an A-Level English Literature Essay

Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa

The ability to write well may just be the most important skill tested within A-Level English literature. Of course, this skill is tested through your essay writing, with all of the final exams being longer essay questions. While students will have had experience with GCSE Literature essay writing, A-Level students are expected to produce much more writing which consistently reads at a higher degree.

But, with just under 40,000 students sitting English Literature each year, this is a skill that many people around the UK need to develop. If you’re looking to score top marks in your English Literature A-Level exams, then this is the guide for you. We’ll be covering the three most important elements of constructing a great essay, detailing exactly how you can streamline your writing and shoot for top marks.

Let’s get right into it.

Going Beyond PEE for the Perfect A-Level English Literature Essay Structure

It’s almost impossible to get through GCSE English without your English teacher telling you some variation of PEE (Point, Evidence, Explain) or PEA (Point, Evidence, Analysis). While this strategy does work for GCSE, an A-Level English Literature essay answer needs to have much more detail.

If you’re one for structures, then here is a general essay format that you should follow:

  • Point - In your first line, you should always mention the main idea you’re going to be exploring in the whole paragraph, giving as much detail as possible.
  • Evidence - You can’t access high marks in A-Level English Literature without pulling quotes from the text and explaining what’s going on in them. Start with the basics, then get more complex as the paragraph progresses.
  • Device - Devices are when you identify a specific technique in the evidence you’ve pulled out, then go on to explain exactly why this device matters or changes the meaning of the evidence.
  • Analysis - Honing in on close analysis, you should focus on the evidence you've collected on a word or phrase level, breaking down the individual meaning and demonstrating how it further proves the point you made in your first sentence.
  • Link to Context - Finalise your point by touching on context, demonstrating how what you’ve argued in your paragraph aligns with or contradicts a wider historical, social, political, or literary trend or idea.

The PEDAL system allows you to go beyond PEE, hitting the additional elements that you gain marks for at A-Level. More specifically, this structure ensures that you discuss AO2 (closes analysis) by pulling out a device and explaining what it does, while then also explaining the quote itself. Equally, this ensures that you finish off each paragraph with a contextual link, either to history, the author's life, or another text from your wider reading that has similar ideas.

Getting away from PEE and expanding to cover more in each paragraph is a wonderful way to structure your ideas. Be sure to hit each one of these elements so you can maximise your marks.

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Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

There’s a reason that English teachers won’t stop going on about planning at GCSE and A-Level - planning is one of the easiest ways to save time and construct a cohesive argument. At A-Level, alongside individual ideas, your whole essay is marked on the strength of the argument that you’ve constructed. If you have three body paragraphs that argue three different things, your argument looks weak, leading to much worse marks overall.

Due to this, the best thing you can do in the first five minutes of your exam is plan out each paragraph that you’re going to write. Using the PEDAL structure, you’ll know exactly what you need to find, thinking quickly of your main points, the evidence that supports them, and then processing on to the close analysis sections of Device and Analysis. Context is one of the easiest parts of writing an essay, as large parts of history can be applied to texts within a period.

Once you read the question and start thinking, the few minutes that you spend roughly planning your answer will ensure that the whole essay is cohesive, carrying through a general argument that builds over time. The phrase “Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail” does initially seem a little harsh, but the fact is that planning will save you time in the long run while also boosting your marks.

Always plan your answers before beginning.

For those students who are struggling in this subject should consider A-Level tutoring since it is a vital resource that complements exam preparation strategies by providing individualized attention and specialized instruction. It equips students with deeper insights into challenging concepts, tailored study techniques, and critical examination tactics.

Construct an Argument with Your Own Point of View

What sets the top A-Level English Literature students apart is the fact that their essays will contain a certain point of view. Within English Literature A-Level, students will learn that nothing is black or white - everything is nuanced.

The very best English Literature essays will thrive in that grey area, constructing detailed arguments that have more than one angle. The best way to easily build this into your English essays is to use a three-paragraph body structure.

  • Paragraph One - Should focus on the opposite of what you actually think. This will argue for the contrary of your opinion, detailing an idea that’s commonly believed or associated with the texts.
  • Paragraph Two - Will acknowledge the first paragraph, but signal how the texts could be understood in a different light. You will then use this paragraph to detail your real argument.
  • Paragraph Three - You’ll use this third paragraph to build upon the second, increasing how convincing your argument is and smoothly transitioning into a hard-hitting conclusion.

Pair this with an introduction and conclusion, and you’ll be well on your way to writing a top-tier A-Level English Literature essay!

Final Thoughts

Essay writing is far from easy. If you’re looking to develop your writing skills and create perfect essays every time, then working with an online English Literature A-Level tutor is one of the most effective ways of doing so.

Our tutors will guide you through the essay writing process, supporting you every step of the way as you develop your writing skills and overall confidence. As with everything, essay writing is a skill that comes with practice, with a tutor helping to speed up the process.

Best of luck in your A-Level English Literature exams!

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Professional tutor and Cambridge University researcher

Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa

Written by: Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa

Rahil spent ten years working as private tutor, teaching students for GCSEs, A-Levels, and university admissions. During his PhD he published papers on modelling infectious disease epidemics and was a tutor to undergraduate and masters students for mathematics courses.

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Understanding how to structure an essay can be difficult so we asked Hannah one of our English Literature Tutors to guide you through the process.

1.  Introduction

  • Use the opening paragraph to  frame  the project, i.e. what you intend to prove/analyse in this essay to show your individual and original perspective on the text.
  • Introduce the text as a  construct  making comments about  why  the text has been written and the  context  in which it has been produced.
  • Include, in a succinct manner, the following: names of text and author and dates of publication/performance, some  brief  explanation of text’s reception and its context and a concise consideration of the  relevant  themes of the text.
  • The key to a successful introduction is  brevity , establishing the basic facts of the text whilst employing a clear  critical  voice: this will immediately establish an academic register in your writing.

2.   Thesis

  • In this section you  outline  your argument in response to the title question, clearly  sign posting  to the reader what you intend to do in the essay.
  • Acknowledge the  terms  of the question to discuss what the  implications  of the question are in terms of how you are going to write your response.
  • Use this section to introduce your own  interpretation  of the question, adopting an individual critical voice to show your  engagement  with the text by expressing yourself  imaginatively  and  creatively  in your writing.
  • As with the introduction, the thesis should be  brief  and  succinct , giving the reader a general but engaging  summary  of what you intend to argue throughout your essay.

3.  Main Body Paragraphs

  • This will make up the majority of your essay and is where you explore each point of your argument.  You want to ensure that each paragraph has one significant point which is  supported  with evidence from the text which you then unpack, explain and explore in relation to your  thesis .  Ensure that the point you make in each paragraph is  relevant  to the argument in your thesis and  sustainable  through textual evidence.
  • The following outline is a useful guideline for structuring each body paragraph: (a) Point – opening the paragraph by stating the  point  you intend to make. This needs to be one of the  ideas  that is contributing to your overall  thesis . (b) Evidence from text – this can either be an  embedded quotation  that enhances or examples the point you are making about the text OR a brief description of something from the text that  supports  your idea.  Your evidence should be carefully chosen to  clearly  and  efficiently  back up the point that you are trying to prove. (c) Exploration of evidence and idea – this element of the paragraph is crucial as you are trying to  prove  an argument by bringing your point and textual evidence together to  explore  your idea.  Explain  how  your chosen quotation demonstrates your idea and  comment  on the quotation in its context, e.g. relevant remarks about how the language used by the writer shows how they are trying to achieve a particular effect.   Justify  the credibility of your argument through a  convincing  exploration of your ideas. (d)  Refer back to the thesis – having acknowledged the terms of the question and established what your argument will be in the thesis section, you need to show  how  what you have written in the body paragraph is  relevant  to your argument.  A couple of sentences on this is effective for showing how the  analysis  you have just made is  proving  the argument of your essay.
  • This section is where you lay out your argument, moving from  observation  to  analysis  to write an intelligent and convincing response to the question. Be  efficient  in your choice of quotations and textual evidence; using only what you  need  shows a succinct and thought-out response.  Within these paragraphs always  signpost  where you are going with your argument to  guide  the reader through your ideas for a clear and concise writing style.

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4.   conclusion.

  • The conclusion of an essay is an opportunity for you to give a final,  original  perspective on the text. It should not be a re-iteration of the introduction or a repetition of the points of your argument.  Instead, you should briefly summarise  how  the ideas you have written about overall agree or disagree with the title question and provide your  own  definitive response to the title question.
  • The conclusion is where you can demonstrate your  engagement  with the text on a personal, as well as intellectual, level; it is an opportunity to be  creative  and  inventive  in your writing by offering the reader a final  insight  that they might not have thought about.  You should ensure that what you say about the text in the conclusion is something that you haven’t had the opportunity to write about in the rest of the essay.  However, keep the conclusion in  proportion  and avoid tangents that might obscure the positive points you have made previously: be original, yet concise.
  • Some ways that you can conclude an essay might be: (a) Commenting on your  personal  reaction to the text. (b) Commenting on  how  the text still holds relevance for readers in the present day. (c) Commenting on  why  the text is successful as a work of literature in terms of its characters, themes or structure.

Overall, excellent essay-writing must be logical, persuasive and creative, teaming your personal engagement with the text with the ability to observe, analyse and argue a series of coherent and concise points.  A well-written essay demonstrates a thorough understanding of the text as well as a unique perspective on a range of ideas presented in the text.  Logical argument, close knowledge of the text and an individual response will make your essay stand out from the crowd.

Contact Tavistock Tutors today for more information on how to perfect your English literature essay.

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A-Level English Literature Guide

In A-Level by Think Student Editor October 21, 2022 Leave a Comment

A-Level English Literature can be a niche or popular subject – sometimes classes have less than 10 people, sometimes classes are full. Whether you’ve picked it for A-Level or are sitting on the fence, it can be one of the hardest subjects to get right. Think you need some help? This guide is here to help answer all your questions.

In this guide I’ll be discussing whether you should take A-Level English Literature, what the course involves and what the benefits are to taking it. Keep reading to find out more!

Table of Contents

Should you take A-Level English Literature?

Personally, I feel that A-Level English Literature is one of the most creative A-Level subjects. If you enjoyed English Literature GCSE, the chances are you’ll also enjoy English Literature A-Level.

I’d only recommended taking English Literature A-Level if you are strongly passionate about it. The workload can be intense, so if you don’t enjoy the subject, you probably won’t enjoy the A-Level course.

Most schools will hold events for future sixth form students to learn more about each subject. From these you find out more about the course the school offers, or you can ask your teachers.

Alternatively, exam board websites usually post their specifications. For example, you can find the OCR specification here .

If you know what you want to pursue beyond A-Levels, you should also consider whether English Literature A-Level is necessary for future careers. This Think Student article has information on the most respected A-Level subjects.

Alternatively, read this Think Student article if you want to read more about A-Level combinations favoured by universities.

However, if you really want to take English Literature, you should choose what you’re interested in — it will make A-Levels in general more enjoyable.

Ultimately, whether you take English Literature A-Level or not is up to you. If you have a passion for the subject or think it could help you in the future, you should definitely consider choosing it.

How hard is A-Level English Literature?

Any A-Level English Literature student will tell you that it’s not an easy A-Level . In fact, this Think Student article has a list of the top 10 hardest A-Levels to take.

However, you shouldn’t let difficulty put you off. If you achieved the GCSE grades required to take the A-Level, you’re good enough to take the subject.

I would say that A-Level English Literature is moderately difficult. What many students, including myself, like about English is that there is technically no “wrong” answer. However, this also means your knowledge has to be on-point .

Still, don’t let difficulty get you down. Your school wouldn’t let you take A-Level English Literature if they thought you couldn’t handle it. Difficulty is also subjective; what other students find hard, you may find easy.

However , if you are a few weeks into the course and you decide it isn’t for you, there will still be time to switch subjects . If you have any concerns, this Think Student article offers advice on how to know if a course is right for you.

Now that we’ve established whether A-Level English Literature is right for you, let’s look at what the A-Level actually involves.

What do you do in A-Level English Literature?

The A-Level English Literature course is different depending on which exam board your sixth form uses. Even so, most of the courses have similar structures or modules.

As I mentioned earlier, if you enjoyed your GCSE English course, you’ll probably like the A-Level course too. Keep reading to find out more about the general structure of A-Level English Literature.

Exam boards provide a list of “set texts”. This means that your school has to choose a text to study from that specific list.

Exactly which texts are chosen is entirely up to your school. Meaning that you might study a different text to someone doing the same course.

What kind of work does A-Level English Literature involve?

The literature you study will cover poetry, prose and drama, and each exam board requires an NEA (non-exam assessment) project as part of the A-Level . Across the course, you’ll be analysing texts in response to questions on specific themes, ideas, characters or events.

The kinds of questions you get can vary . Sometimes, they’ll be a statement which you’ll be asked to agree or disagree with.

As well as this, you’ll be asked open-ended questions like discussing the presentation of a particular feature. This is one of the best things about A-Level English Literature: your opinion matters!

You’ll also have a lot of new and more complex terminology to learn, to help you analyse texts. This can definitely seem daunting when you first start. Although, if English is your favourite subject, then like me, you’ll learn to love it pretty quickly!

Does A-Level English Literature involve a lot of work?

I don’t think I need to tell you that A-Level English Literature is a very essay-based subject. However, this also means that you will have lots of writing to do and you will probably get set essays regularly . Your teachers may even set you an essay every week or two.

Due to this, for English literature, the jump from GCSE to A-Level is pretty noticeable. Especially as you will generally have quite a lot of work to do. If you’re worried that you aren’t prepared enough for it, this Think Student article has tips you’ll find useful.

Like I said earlier, exactly what you do, including how much work, depends on which exam board your school has chosen. Read further to find out more about the different exam boards, and what they offer as part of A-Level English Literature.

What are the exam boards for A-Level English Literature?

All 4 English exam boards – AQA, OCR, Edexcel and Eduqas – offer A-Level English Literature as a subject. Earlier in the guide , I mentioned that each exam board offers different texts and modules.

While your specific texts will depend on your sixth form, the modules are the same for everyone under the exam board. Continue reading for more information.

What is AQA A-Level English Literature like?

AQA, unlike the other exam boards, actually offers 2 different specifications: A and B .

In specification A, there are 3 compulsory modules. These are “Love through the ages”, “Texts in shared contexts”, and “Independent critical study: Texts across time”.

In specification B, there are also 3 compulsory modules. These are “Literary genres”, “Texts and genres”, and “Theory and independence”.

The texts that are part of specification A include one Shakespeare play, one pre-1900 poetry anthology and one pre-1900 prose text in one module. As well as 3 texts (one prose, one poetry and one drama) with at least one text written post-2000 in another module.

The texts that are part of specification B include one Shakespeare play and two pre-1900 texts in one module. As well as one post-2000 prose, one poetry, and one pre-1900 text in another module. As you can see, both specifications feature similar content but divide them differently .

However, this guide can only offer you a brief overview of the A-Level course. You can find the specifications for AQA A-Level English Literature here (specification A) and here (specification B).

What is OCR A-Level English Literature like?

The OCR A-Level English Literature specification is divided into 3 sections. These are “Drama and poetry pre-1900”, “Comparative and contextual study”, and “Literature post-1900”.

The latter section is a coursework module. Some exam boards require coursework as part of A-Level English Literature, but some don’t.

In the first section, you’ll study one Shakespeare play, one pre-1900 drama and one pre-1900 poetry text. In the second section, you’ll choose one theme (from a list provided by the exam board) and two texts, with at least one text from the list provided by OCR.

The third section is a coursework module, which means you don’t sit an exam for it. Instead , you produce an essay over the course which determines a percentage of your final grade . You can find the full OCR A-Level English Literature specification here .

What is Edexcel A-Level English Literature like?

Pearson Edexcel offers 4 components as part of A-Level English Literature. These are “Drama”, “Prose”, “Poetry”, and a coursework module.

As with the components and modules of other exam boards, each module has its own exam (except for coursework). For Edexcel, the “Drama” and “Poetry” exams are 2 hours 15 minutes, and the “Prose” exam is 1 hour 15 minutes .

In “Drama”, students study one Shakespeare play and critical essays related to the play, and one other drama. In “Prose”, students study two prose texts with one text written pre-1900.

In “Poetry”, students study an anthology and a range of poetry from either a specific poet or specific period. The Pearson Edexcel specification is linked here .

What is Eduqas A-Level English Literature like?

The Eduqas English Literature A-Level specification also has 4 components. These are “Poetry”, “Drama”, “Unseen Texts”, and “Prose Study”.

The “Prose Study” component is a coursework module. All 3 Eduqas A-Level English Literature exams are 2 hours long.

In total, you’ll study two selections of poetry (pre-1900 and post-1900), a Shakespeare play, two non-Shakespeare plays (pre-1900 and post-1900), and two prose texts.

Unlike the other exam boards, Eduqas dedicates a whole module to unseen texts , so you can’t directly revise for that. If you want to read the complete specification, you can do so here .

How to do well in A-Level English Literature

Every student knows there’s no set way to do well. There are way too many changing factors to offer you a fool-proof guide to success!

However , there are definitely techniques and processes to help you secure those top grades . Continue reading for my personal advice on how to succeed in A-Level English Literature.

The best advice I received while studying A-Level English Literature is to include your work in your everyday life. This could be as simple as telling your friend about a character you liked. Alternatively, you could use a key quote in a conversation.

These things both count as revision, because it helps you remember important information. For more revision techniques, see this Think Student article.

in A-Level English Literature is to take advantage of peer review . You’ll definitely make mistakes in your work, no one is perfect!

Asking a partner, friend, or family member to read your essay is a great way to pick up on things you miss. This Think Student article has some useful advice for English literature essay writing!

How to write an English literature essay for A-Level?

Sometimes, the exam system can make it feel like you don’t have much self-expression. I know I’ve certainly felt that way.

One of the great things about essays, and English literature, is that you get to voice your own opinion in your own way . I’ll take you through some general tips on what makes a good essay.

The most important thing is to perfect your spelling and grammar as much as possible. One thing I was always told in school was that if your essay is coherent, you’re halfway to a good essay. Obviously, this is harder if English isn’t your first language, but practice makes perfect!

On top of spelling and grammar, you should make your argument as clear as possible. Teachers will often refer to this as “signposting”.

It lets examiners know exactly what you’re going to talk about. It’s also useful if you run out of time, as examiners can see what you were planning to talk about; it shows you had good ideas, you were just limited by time. For tips on how to structure an English essay, check out this Think Student article.

A third, more obvious tip is to keep your assessment objects in mind as much as possible . In your essays, it’s good to mentally check off what criteria you’ve followed. This way you can keep track of the marks you’ve achieved, and the ones you still need.

What can you do with an English literature A-Level?

Being a student who took A-Level English Literature myself, one of my biggest concerns was the pathways available to me afterwards .

English is often talked about as a subject with limited options – but don’t worry! A-Level English Literature is useful for degrees in fields like English, History, Law, Politics, Philosophy and more.

It might surprise you, but English is a subject that a lot of universities and employers like . You don’t have to want to be a writer to find English A-Level useful.

The writing skills you gain are desirable to universities and employers in a range of fields . However, if you’re still uncertain, I’d recommend researching what A-Levels you need to pursue your future degree/job.

For example, if you want to be a vet , midwife , counsellor , nurse , social worker , police officer , pilot or account , you can click on their respective links to see what A-Levels you will need.

Don’t let how useful A-Level English Literature is stop you from taking it if you really want to! The most important thing about A-Levels is that you choose the subjects you like.

From personal experience, I can tell you that if you don’t care about the subject, you won’t enjoy the A-Level. If you think A-Level English Literature is right for you, choose it!


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Image shows an open notebook with a pen resting on it.

In previous articles, we’ve given you lots of advice on how to write the perfect essay.

However, the skills we’ve discussed up to now have been generic, and have not taken into account the fact that different subjects require different skills when it comes to writing excellent essays for them. In this article, we look at the particular skills needed to write great essays for individual A-level subjects, so that you can familiarise yourself with what you need to do to excel in whatever A-levels you happen to be studying.

Image shows a painting of a house on the moors.

Good English literature essays revolve around intelligent interpretation. The problem many students have with this is organising their interpretations into a tightly structured essay that flows well; many simply let their ideas run wild and flit aimlessly between one point and the next. To combat this problem, you need to consider the writer’s overall aims and then show how they have conveyed those aims, paragraph by paragraph, with each paragraph devoted to a particular technique or focus. A good structure to use is as follows:

  • Point – make a statement, such as “Brontë uses the bleakness of the moorland setting to reflect Heathcliff’s temperament.”
  • Explanation – elaborate on the statement in more detail. In this example, your explanation would involve explaining the parallels between Heathcliff and the moors – their unpredictability and wildness, for instance, and the violence of the weather mirroring Heathcliff’s violent personality.
  • Evidence – now provide quotes from the text to back up what you mean. In the Heathcliff example, you could quote specific words and phrases that show similarities in the way Heathcliff is described and the way in which the moorland landscape and weather are described.
  • Reiterate – close off the paragraph by reiterating the point, and perhaps developing it a little further or introducing the idea you’re going to carry into the next paragraph. For example, “This ties in with a wider theme running through the book as a whole, which is that nature parallels human emotions.”

Good English essays pay close attention to detail, noting specific words, phrases and literary devices a writer has used, and to what effect. They quote liberally from the text in order to support each point, deconstructing the writing and analysing the use of language; they look at different interpretations, seeing beyond the surface and picking up on possible deeper meanings and connotations. But they also consider the meaning of the piece as a whole, and the overall effect created by the specific details noted. All this should be considered within the framework of the genre and context of the piece of writing. For instance, a poem by William Wordsworth would be considered within the context of the Romantic poets, and might be compared with work by contemporary poets such as Shelley or Keats; the historical background might also be touched upon where relevant (such as the Industrial Revolution when discussing the poetry of William Blake).

Image shows a painting of Luther at the Diet of Worms.

Though it’s also a humanities subject, History requires its own very particular set of skills that differ to an appreciable degree from those expected of you in English. A history essay is unequivocal about its writer’s opinion, but this opinion must be based on a solid analysis of evidence that very often can’t be taken as fact. Evidence must be discussed in terms of its reliability, or lack thereof. The good historian considers what biases may be inherent in a source, what vested interest the source might have, and what viewpoint that source was written from. For instance, you might analyse a source by discussing whether or not the person was present at the events they are describing; how long after the events they were writing (and therefore whether they are remembering it accurately if they were there, or whether they are getting their information second or third hand from someone else; and if so, how reliable the original source is); whether they are trying to show evidence to support a particular political view; and so on. So, each time you make a point, back it up with evidence, and consider the strengths and weaknesses of that evidence. A good history essay makes connections between what’s been written about, considering how issues interrelate, so think about how what you’re writing about ties in with other things; what was the impact of the event you’re discussing, did it happen in isolation, and what were the events that led to it?

Image shows a painting of workers in a factory.

It’s vital to look at both sides of the argument – or, where many possible viewpoints exist, to acknowledge these nuances. It’s fine to contradict yourself, provided you do so consciously; that is, you can build up an argument and then turn it on its head, observing that you are doing so (for example, “So far, so compelling; but what about the less well-known evidence from such and such?”). You can use quotes from historians you’ve read, but use these in the context of discussing scholarly opinion. Don’t quote a historian’s words as evidence of something, because this is only someone’s opinion – it’s not proof. Finally, where possible, use specialist terms to show that you know your stuff (“proletariat” instead of “workers”, for example).

The primary task that lies ahead of you in writing a French essay is, of course, to demonstrate your superior language skills. Keep the content itself very even-handed, sitting on the fence rather than presenting a forceful opinion that could distract attention away from the quality of your use of French. Focus on using as wide a variety of vocabulary and tenses as you can. It will help your essay if you can learn how to say more sophisticated phrases in French, of the sort you would use if you were writing an essay in English. This useful document from, Writing Essays in French, will give you numerous useful French phrases to help you put together an impressive essay, including the vocabulary you need to present a balanced argument.

Image shows the contrast between old buildings and skyscrapers in the Philippines.

Geography is a subject that crosses the divide between the sciences and the humanities, considering both physical processes and human activities (and their effects on the world around us). Essays for Geography may differ depending on which of these focuses the essay is discussing, and the evidence you might include in your essay could vary from phenomena observed and data gathered in the natural world to the results of population censuses. To write a good Geography essay, you’ll need to include both theory and detailed, real-world case studies to support your answer. Mention specific places by name, and communicate the facts accurately. Your teacher will be assessing not just your knowledge, but your ability to support what you say with relevant information that proves it. You shouldn’t just rattle off everything you know about a particular case study; you should deploy relevant facts from the case study to support a specific point you’re trying to make. Keep linking each point back to the question, so that you’re always working towards answering it; this also helps you ensure that everything you include is actually relevant to the question. Showing that you’ve thought about an issue from multiple perspectives, and that you appreciate how they interrelate, is important in Geography. You can do this by organising the content of your essay into categories, considering different factors in turn, such as the scale of the issue, and the timeframe and environment involved. Discuss the various factors involved logically, one by one, such as the environmental impact of climate change or a natural disaster (such as a tsunami or volcanic eruption), followed by its physical, economic, social and political implications. Acknowledging the numerous nuances of the situation will demonstrate your appreciation of its complexity and show that you are thinking at a high level.

Classical Civilisations

Image shows a close-up of the Charioteer of Delphi.

As the study of the ancient world (primarily ancient Rome and Greece), Classical Civilisations combines archaeology and history, looking both at what survives materially (from small finds, to art and sculpture, to temples) and what survives in the way of texts by ancient authors. A good essay for this subject analyses, evaluates and interprets. The historical elements of the subject will require the same set of skills we discussed for History earlier, while the archaeological components of this subject require slightly different skills. With your archaeologist hat on, your job becomes similar to that of a detective, piecing together clues. Archaeology crosses over into science, and with that comes scientific considerations such as how archaeological evidence has been gathered – the methods used, their reliability, whether or not they could have been tampered with, how accurately they were recorded, and so on. You’ll look at a variety of different types of evidence, too, from the finds themselves to maps of the local topography. As with Geography, for which you’re required to learn lots of detailed case studies and names, you’ll need to learn plenty of examples of sites and finds to use as sources of evidence in building up a picture of the ancient world. And, as with any subject, looking at both sides of any argument is crucial to good grades. If the evidence you’re discussing could show one thing, but it could also show another, don’t just present one possibility – show that you’ve thought in depth about it and consider all the possible interpretations.

Science subjects

Image shows the Hubble Space Telescope.

The sciences – Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics – are generally less essay-focused, so we’re grouping them together here because the essay skills required for each of these subjects are very similar. While the fundamentals of scientific essay writing are the same as any other subject – having a logical structure, well-developed argument, and so on – there are a few subject-specific considerations to bear in mind, and some common pitfalls to watch out for. The first is that there is no room for opinion in a scientific essay; unless you’re specifically asked for it, leave your own thoughts out of it and focus instead on a completely objective discussion of the evidence gathered through scientific research, which will most probably be quantitative data. Avoid vague language such as “it is thought that…”; be as precise as possible. Start with a hypothesis, and then discuss the research that supports or disproves it. Back up every statement you make with solid data; it’s not enough simply to drop in the name of the research, so briefly describe what the findings were and why they prove the statement you’ve just made. Another mistake many students make is to confuse cause and effect; this arises because of the tendency to assume that correlation implies causation, which is a common logical fallacy. Just because two things appear to be related, it doesn’t mean that one caused the other, and committing this error in an essay is a major faux pas that will lose you marks. It’s also a good idea to ensure that you’ve included every piece of research that could be relevant; if you don’t, you could be leaving out a crucial piece of evidence. Finally, mention any limitations there may have been with the methodology used to gather the data you discuss.

Image shows a hand squeezing a stress ball.

Psychology essays are best approached with a scientific mindset, but it’s far more difficult to prove anything in this subject – and this should be acknowledged in your essay. The task becomes one of assessing which theory is the more probable one, based on an analysis of the data from various studies. Make liberal reference to named and dated psychological experiments and research, but acknowledge the fact that there may be more than one theory that could account for the same set of results. When these experiments are quoted as evidence, this should be done with reference to any possible limitations of how the experiment was conducted (such as a small sample size). If you’ve reached the end of this article, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to write fantastic essays guaranteed to impress your teachers. You’re also well on the way to thinking in the right way for university-level essays, so keep working on these skills now and you’ll find it much easier to make the leap from sixth former to undergraduate.

Image credits: banner ; Wuthering Heights ; Diet of Worms ; factory workers ; Charioteer ; Hubble Space Telescope ; Psychology . 

Anthony Cockerill

Anthony Cockerill

| Writing | The written word | Teaching English |

How to write great English literature essays at university

Essential advice on how to craft a great english literature essay at university – and how to avoid rookie mistakes..

If you’ve just begun to study English literature at university, the prospect of writing that first essay can be daunting. Tutors will likely offer little in the way of assistance in the process of planning and writing, as it’s assumed that students know how to do this already. At A-level, teachers are usually very clear with students about the Assessment Objectives for examination components and centre-assessed work, but it can feel like there’s far less clarity around how essays are marked at university. Furthermore, the process of learning how to properly reference an essay can be a steep learning curve.

But essentially, there are five things you’re being asked to do: show your understanding of the text and its key themes, explore the writer’s methods, consider the influence of contextual factors that might influence the writing and reading of the text, read published critical work about the text and incorporate this discourse into your essay, and finally, write a coherent argument in response to the task.

With advice from English teachers, HE tutors and other people who’ve been there and done it, here are the most crucial things to remember when planning and writing an essay.

Read around the subject and let your argument evolve.

‘One of the big step-ups from A-level, where students might only have had to deal with critical material as part of their coursework, is the move toward engaging with the critical debate around a text.’


Reading around the task and making notes is all important. Get familiar with the reading list. Become adept at searching for critical material in books and articles that’s not on the reading list. Talk with the librarian. Make sure you can find your way around the stacks. Get log-ins for the various databases of online criticism, such as the MLA International Bibliography .

‘Tutors are looking for flair… for students to be nuanced and creative with their ideas as opposed to reproducing the same criticism that others already have.’

When reading, keep notes, make summaries and write down useful quotations. Make sure you keep track of what you’ve read as you go. Note the publication details (author, publisher, year and place of publication). If you write down a quotation, note the page number. This will make dealing with citations and writing your bibliography much easier later on, as there’s nothing more annoying than getting to the end of the first draft of your essay and realising you’ve no idea which book or article a quote came from or which page it was on.

‘The more I read, the sharper my own writing style became because I developed an opinion of the writing style I liked and I had a clear sense of the subject matter that I was discussing.’
‘Don’t wing the reading. Or the thinking. Crap writing emerges from style over substance.’

Get to grips with the question and plan a response.

‘Brain dump at the start in the form of a mind map. This will help you focus and relax. You can add to it as go along and can shape it into a brief plan.’


Before writing a single word, brainstorm. Do some free-thinking. Get your ideas down on paper or sticky notes. Cross things out; refine. Allow your planning to be led by ideas that support your argument.

Use different colour-coded sticky notes for your planning. In the example below, the student has used yellow sticky notes for ideas, blue for language, structure and methods, purple for context and green for literary criticism, which makes planning the sequence of the essay much easier.

Structure and sequence your ideas

‘Make your argument clear in your opening paragraph, and then ensure that every subsequent paragraph is clearly addressing your thesis.’


Plan the essay by working out a sequence of your ideas that you believe to be the most compelling. Allow your ideas to serve as structural signposts. Augment these with relevant criticism, context and focus on language and style.

‘Read wide and look at different pieces of criticism of a particular work and weave that in with your own interpretation of said work.’

Sequencing Ideas

Write a great introduction.

‘By the end of the first paragraph, make sure you have established a very clear thesis statement that outlines the main thrust of the essay.’

Your introduction should make your argument very clear. It’s also a chance to establish working definitions of any problematic terms and to engage with key aspects of the wider critical debate.

Essay Introduction

Get to grips with academic style and draft the essay

‘[Write with] an ‘exploratory’ tone rather than ‘dogmatic’ one.’


Academic writing is characterised by argument, analysis and evaluation. In an earlier post , I explored how students in high school might improve their analytical writing by adopting three maxims. These maxims are just as helpful for undergraduates. Firstly, aim for precise, cogent expression. Secondly, deliver an individual response supported by your reading – and citing – of published literary criticism. Thirdly, work on your personal voice. In formal analytical writing such as the university essay, your personal voice might be constrained rather more than it would be in a blog or a review, but it must nonetheless be exploratory in tone. Tentativity can be an asset as it suggests appreciation of nuances and alternative ways of thinking.

how to write a level literature essay

‘I got to grips with what was being asked of me by reading lots of literary criticism and becoming more familiar with academic writing conventions.’

Avoid unnecessary or clunky sign-post phrases such as ‘in this essay, I am going to…’ or ‘a further thing…’ A transition devices that can work really well is the explicit paragraph link, in which a motif or phrase in the last sentence of a paragraph is repeated in the first sentence of the next paragraph.

Paragraph Transitions

Write a killer conclusion

‘There is more emphasis on finding your own voice at university, something which in many ways is inhibited by Assessment Objectives at A-Level. I don’t think ‘good’ academic writing is necessarily taught very well in schools — at least from my experience.’

The conclusion is a really important part of your essay. It’s a chance to restate your thesis and to draw conclusions. You might achieve closure or instead, allude to interesting questions or ideas the essay has perhaps raised but not answered. You might synthesise your argument by exploring the key issue. You could zoom-out and explore the issue as part of a bigger picture.


Be meticulous in your referencing.


Having supported your argument with quotations from published critics, it’s important to be meticulous about how you reference these, otherwise you could be accused of plagiarism – passing someone else’s work off as your own. There are three broad ways of referencing: author-date, footnote and endnote. However, within each of these three approaches, there are specific named protocols. Most English literature faculties use either the MLA (Modern Languages Association of America) style or the Harvard style (variants of the author-date approach). It’s important to check what your faculty or department uses, learn how to use it (faculties invariably publish guidance, but ask if you’re unsure) and apply the rules meticulously.

‘Read your work aloud, slowly, sentence by sentence. It’s the best way to spot typos, and it allows you to hear what is awkward and/or ungrammatical. Then read the essay aloud again.’

Write with precision. Use a thesaurus to help you find the right word, but make sure you use it properly and in the right context. Read sentences back and prune unnecessary phrases or redundant words. Similarly, avoid words or phrases which might sound self-important or pompous.

Like those structural signposts that don’t really add anything, some phrases need to be omited, such as ‘many people have argued that…’ or ‘futher to the previous paragraph…’.

Finally, make sure the essay is formatted correctly. University departments are usually clear about their expectations, but font, size, and line spacing are usually stipulated along with any other information you’re expected to include in the essay’s header or footer. And don’t expect the proofing tool to pick up every mistake.

Featured image by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

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Essay writing guide: AQA A Level English Literature

Essay writing guide: AQA A Level English Literature

Subject: English

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Assessment and revision

AQA A Level English

Last updated

5 September 2022

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A basic introduction to writing an A Level English Literature essay.

This is aimed at AQA English Literature Specification B, but would fit with the other specification.

It includes basic information, a self-assessment task on experiences of writing essays, pointers for successful essays, pointers for the specific kinds of essays which AQA require in exams, a section on troubleshooting, guidance on the mark scheme and some space to summarise written feedback/set personal targets.

You could include the mark scheme itself alongside this pack.

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The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay | Steps & Examples

An academic essay is a focused piece of writing that develops an idea or argument using evidence, analysis, and interpretation.

There are many types of essays you might write as a student. The content and length of an essay depends on your level, subject of study, and course requirements. However, most essays at university level are argumentative — they aim to persuade the reader of a particular position or perspective on a topic.

The essay writing process consists of three main stages:

  • Preparation: Decide on your topic, do your research, and create an essay outline.
  • Writing : Set out your argument in the introduction, develop it with evidence in the main body, and wrap it up with a conclusion.
  • Revision:  Check your essay on the content, organization, grammar, spelling, and formatting of your essay.

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Table of contents

Essay writing process, preparation for writing an essay, writing the introduction, writing the main body, writing the conclusion, essay checklist, lecture slides, frequently asked questions about writing an essay.

The writing process of preparation, writing, and revisions applies to every essay or paper, but the time and effort spent on each stage depends on the type of essay .

For example, if you’ve been assigned a five-paragraph expository essay for a high school class, you’ll probably spend the most time on the writing stage; for a college-level argumentative essay , on the other hand, you’ll need to spend more time researching your topic and developing an original argument before you start writing.

1. Preparation 2. Writing 3. Revision
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Before you start writing, you should make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to say and how you’re going to say it. There are a few key steps you can follow to make sure you’re prepared:

  • Understand your assignment: What is the goal of this essay? What is the length and deadline of the assignment? Is there anything you need to clarify with your teacher or professor?
  • Define a topic: If you’re allowed to choose your own topic , try to pick something that you already know a bit about and that will hold your interest.
  • Do your research: Read  primary and secondary sources and take notes to help you work out your position and angle on the topic. You’ll use these as evidence for your points.
  • Come up with a thesis:  The thesis is the central point or argument that you want to make. A clear thesis is essential for a focused essay—you should keep referring back to it as you write.
  • Create an outline: Map out the rough structure of your essay in an outline . This makes it easier to start writing and keeps you on track as you go.

Once you’ve got a clear idea of what you want to discuss, in what order, and what evidence you’ll use, you’re ready to start writing.

The introduction sets the tone for your essay. It should grab the reader’s interest and inform them of what to expect. The introduction generally comprises 10–20% of the text.

1. Hook your reader

The first sentence of the introduction should pique your reader’s interest and curiosity. This sentence is sometimes called the hook. It might be an intriguing question, a surprising fact, or a bold statement emphasizing the relevance of the topic.

Let’s say we’re writing an essay about the development of Braille (the raised-dot reading and writing system used by visually impaired people). Our hook can make a strong statement about the topic:

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability.

2. Provide background on your topic

Next, it’s important to give context that will help your reader understand your argument. This might involve providing background information, giving an overview of important academic work or debates on the topic, and explaining difficult terms. Don’t provide too much detail in the introduction—you can elaborate in the body of your essay.

3. Present the thesis statement

Next, you should formulate your thesis statement— the central argument you’re going to make. The thesis statement provides focus and signals your position on the topic. It is usually one or two sentences long. The thesis statement for our essay on Braille could look like this:

As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness.

4. Map the structure

In longer essays, you can end the introduction by briefly describing what will be covered in each part of the essay. This guides the reader through your structure and gives a preview of how your argument will develop.

The invention of Braille marked a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by blind and visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

Write your essay introduction

The body of your essay is where you make arguments supporting your thesis, provide evidence, and develop your ideas. Its purpose is to present, interpret, and analyze the information and sources you have gathered to support your argument.

Length of the body text

The length of the body depends on the type of essay. On average, the body comprises 60–80% of your essay. For a high school essay, this could be just three paragraphs, but for a graduate school essay of 6,000 words, the body could take up 8–10 pages.

Paragraph structure

To give your essay a clear structure , it is important to organize it into paragraphs . Each paragraph should be centered around one main point or idea.

That idea is introduced in a  topic sentence . The topic sentence should generally lead on from the previous paragraph and introduce the point to be made in this paragraph. Transition words can be used to create clear connections between sentences.

After the topic sentence, present evidence such as data, examples, or quotes from relevant sources. Be sure to interpret and explain the evidence, and show how it helps develop your overall argument.

Lack of access to reading and writing put blind people at a serious disadvantage in nineteenth-century society. Text was one of the primary methods through which people engaged with culture, communicated with others, and accessed information; without a well-developed reading system that did not rely on sight, blind people were excluded from social participation (Weygand, 2009). While disabled people in general suffered from discrimination, blindness was widely viewed as the worst disability, and it was commonly believed that blind people were incapable of pursuing a profession or improving themselves through culture (Weygand, 2009). This demonstrates the importance of reading and writing to social status at the time: without access to text, it was considered impossible to fully participate in society. Blind people were excluded from the sighted world, but also entirely dependent on sighted people for information and education.

See the full essay example

The conclusion is the final paragraph of an essay. It should generally take up no more than 10–15% of the text . A strong essay conclusion :

  • Returns to your thesis
  • Ties together your main points
  • Shows why your argument matters

A great conclusion should finish with a memorable or impactful sentence that leaves the reader with a strong final impression.

What not to include in a conclusion

To make your essay’s conclusion as strong as possible, there are a few things you should avoid. The most common mistakes are:

  • Including new arguments or evidence
  • Undermining your arguments (e.g. “This is just one approach of many”)
  • Using concluding phrases like “To sum up…” or “In conclusion…”

Braille paved the way for dramatic cultural changes in the way blind people were treated and the opportunities available to them. Louis Braille’s innovation was to reimagine existing reading systems from a blind perspective, and the success of this invention required sighted teachers to adapt to their students’ reality instead of the other way around. In this sense, Braille helped drive broader social changes in the status of blindness. New accessibility tools provide practical advantages to those who need them, but they can also change the perspectives and attitudes of those who do not.

Write your essay conclusion

Checklist: Essay

My essay follows the requirements of the assignment (topic and length ).

My introduction sparks the reader’s interest and provides any necessary background information on the topic.

My introduction contains a thesis statement that states the focus and position of the essay.

I use paragraphs to structure the essay.

I use topic sentences to introduce each paragraph.

Each paragraph has a single focus and a clear connection to the thesis statement.

I make clear transitions between paragraphs and ideas.

My conclusion doesn’t just repeat my points, but draws connections between arguments.

I don’t introduce new arguments or evidence in the conclusion.

I have given an in-text citation for every quote or piece of information I got from another source.

I have included a reference page at the end of my essay, listing full details of all my sources.

My citations and references are correctly formatted according to the required citation style .

My essay has an interesting and informative title.

I have followed all formatting guidelines (e.g. font, page numbers, line spacing).

Your essay meets all the most important requirements. Our editors can give it a final check to help you submit with confidence.

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An essay is a focused piece of writing that explains, argues, describes, or narrates.

In high school, you may have to write many different types of essays to develop your writing skills.

Academic essays at college level are usually argumentative : you develop a clear thesis about your topic and make a case for your position using evidence, analysis and interpretation.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main point of a paragraph . Everything else in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

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How To Write An Explanatory Essay

Lesley J. Vos

Several types of assignments primarily cause confusion among students, and literary essays are one of them. Writing such essays can require a deep understanding of a concept and a set of specific skills, so they can frequently become challenging. Some college students don’t know how to handle a literary essay and, therefore, don’t like it. 

But fear not; with our complete guide, you will be able to handle literary analysis essays like a seasoned pro and impress your professor with top-notch papers. All it takes to succeed is to follow the steps in our article step by step and invest diligence, perseverance, and time in your writing.

What Is a Literary Analysis Essay?

An essay that seeks to analyze and interpret a piece of literature by focusing on its story, characters, themes, and symbols is known as a literary analysis essay . Such a paper goes beyond just summarizing the text; it analyzes the literary devices used, the author’s objectives, and the text’s more profound implications.

The writer must conduct an in-depth analysis to reveal the work’s hidden meanings. Such papers usually aim to inspire readers to value the intricacy and creativity of narrative writing. 

How to Write an Essay About a Book: What Is the Purpose of a Literary Essay?

Literary analysis essays dissect the work from every angle to find deeper meaning in a piece of literature than what meets the eye. This essay sheds light on the author’s intentions by critically analyzing the text’s themes, characters, settings, and literary devices. Literary analysis illuminates the challenges of language and storytelling, helping students to develop analytical and critical thinking abilities. 

How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay: Seven Steps to Success

To write a quality literary essay, you must set aside a significant amount of time because it always requires studying the literary piece, thorough research, and decent writing skills. So, how to write a literary essay? It always starts with some reading! 

Step One: Carefully Read the Text Multiple Times

Remember that you are writing about a book or novel when dealing with literary essays. This fact is important enough to be mentioned in the essay type’s title! Hence, the obvious first step to start preparation for writing is reading. Depending on the type of assignment, you will either have to choose an essay topic yourself or use one assigned by the professor. 

So, the first step is to read the material thoroughly and make notes. If you want to do an excellent job of analyzing what you read, pay attention to what strikes you as interesting, surprising, or even confusing.

In literary analysis, your aim isn’t just to recount the story’s events; it’s to penetrate the writing and feel the text’s structure and its actual meaning. Literary devices (parts of text used to express meaning and produce effects) are what you should be looking for most of all. Looking for links between texts is another strategy when analyzing and contrasting numerous texts.

You might begin your analysis by concentrating on a few critical topics. Keep in mind the connection of the text’s elements as you examine them. Notes or highlights might help you remember key sections and quotes. 

If you feel like you struggle to conduct proper notes, it would be best to answer the following set of questions: 

  • What impressed you? Have you thought about a specific scene, sentence, or image for quite some time? If it captivated you, you can likely use it as a basis for an interesting argument. 
  • Did anything perplex you? Perhaps the unexpected behavior of a character caught you off guard, or maybe the book’s climax left you bewildered. A literary work with a confusing moment is like a garment with a loose thread: if you pull on it, the whole thing unravels. To gain valuable insights about the work overall, ask yourself why the author chose to write about that character or situation in that particular way. 
  • Were any patterns apparent to you? Is there a word or picture the main character uses that keeps popping up in the novel? You will have nearly all of your essay planned out if you can identify the pattern, determine its relevance, and how it runs across the text. 
  • Did you notice any contradictions? Literary essays of the highest quality acknowledge and explain the complexity inherent in great literary works. The foundation of a stellar essay is in the ability to deconstruct a literary piece. 

A proper answer to each of these questions can become an excellent foundation for your future literary analysis essay. We recommend choosing one central statement and several related critical arguments. While taking notes, you can plan your arguments’ structure and uniform distribution among the paper’s chapters.

How To Write A Literary Analysis Essay

Step Two: Develop the Thesis 

After you have settled on a question to answer, it’s time to start searching the book for relevant information. As long as you keep gathering information and ideas and allow them to simmer, it’s okay if you have yet to figure out what you want to say. Write down any references to your theme, whether passages, symbols, images, or scenes. You will begin to see patterns in these instances at some point, and your thesis will start to take shape. 

To develop a solid thesis you should gather the evidence. We recommend remembering the basic elements of the story to bolster your analysis: 

  • Plot. Every single thing that happens in the book.
  • Characters. The people who act in a literary piece. The protagonist is the central figure in a story.
  • Conflict. The primary tension of the work. Typically, the protagonist is driven to achieve a goal while being obstructed by forces that work against them, known as antagonists.
  • Setting. A story’s setting can be described by location, historical period, weather, social climate, and economic circumstances.
  • Narrator. Whoever is narrating the tale. The narrator’s role can range from providing an objective account of events to expressing the views and thoughts of a character or characters.
  • Themes. Themes are the work’s core concepts or messages, typically abstract concepts about individuals, society, or life in general. A theme could be conflicting or even antagonistic.

It is time to create the thesis statement when you have reviewed the data and decided how you will answer the questions. An argumentative thesis states an assertion regarding a piece of literature and must be backed up by proof and reasoning. Literary essays revolve around a thesis statement, and most of the paper should be devoted to proving this point.

How To Write A Literary Analysis Essay

Step Three: Develop Your Arguments 

The body paragraphs of your essay will lay out the arguments and evidence that support your thesis. You may find yourself juggling steps since you will need a clearer idea of organizing your argument before you can draft your thesis statement.

There is no universally applicable strategy. For example, you could be asked to analyze and contrast two characters in a particular piece of literature or follow a specific image. Different kinds of argumentation are necessary for answering these questions. Read more to learn about constructing arguments for versatile essay types! 

  • Compare and contrast. There is a significant chance you’ve encountered this type of essay before, so there is nothing new here. Your argument structure in a literary analysis will be identical to any other compare-and-contrast essay. Both subject-by-subject and point-by-point approaches are absolutely acceptable. You could combine the two methods; for instance, you could spend a paragraph outlining the main character’s characteristics in general, then compare and contrast them in a couple of paragraphs. 
  • Trace. It seems simple, doesn’t it? Spoiler: it doesn’t. Your instructor isn’t looking for a list of examples. The difference between summarizing and analyzing is that the person reading your work wants you to draw connections between the scenes. To make your examples more organized, sort them into categories and classes. Last but not least, remember the big picture at all times. Once you’ve selected and examined your samples, you should better grasp the work and how the image, symbol, or phrase you choose contributed to developing the work’s main themes and stylistic methods.
  • Debate. This essay asks you to argue for or against a particular point of view on the work’s aesthetics, ethics, or morality. Some questions may ask you to evaluate the work as a whole, while others may focus on specific people or groups. First, you should know that your arguments should not be based only on your emotions. Read the text carefully and look for proof; every literary essay requires this. Second, remember that the most compelling literary essays present unexpected and contradictory views. Make an effort to be creative. 

Step Four: Write Title and Introduction

How do you start writing your literary analysis essay? It’s obvious: always start from the title! At this point, you are probably done making notes and reading books, so it is finally time to actually start writing (wow!). 


Make sure the title of your analysis explains what it will be about. Typically, it will include the author’s name and the text(s) you are evaluating. Be as brief and exciting as you can be. Rest assured that coming up with a solid title will become second nature after you start writing the essay and have a better grasp of your ideas. So, don’t stress if you find this task challenging at first.


A brief synopsis of your argument is given in the essay’s introduction. You should summarize the essay’s structure and include the thesis statement; a standard introduction introduces the work and author before moving on. You might highlight a specific device you want to emphasize, or another option is to suggest a commonly accepted view of the book and show how your thesis will disprove it. After that, you can wrap up the intro by providing a sneak peek at the main chapters.

Below you will find some general tips to make your introduction more convincing and catching for readers. 

  • Provide the context. The purpose of an introduction is to set the stage and inform the reader of what is to come. Which book are you talking about? Which characters? Do you have a particular subject in mind? 
  • Present your thesis. You can expect to see the thesis towards the conclusion of your introduction. 
  • Answer the reader’s questions. Just how significant is this subject, and what makes your stance on it unique? An effective opening will hook the reader by implying that your argument is unexpected or goes against common sense.  
  • Announce the following essay. After reading the introduction, the reader should have a solid idea of the essay’s scope and the steps you’ll take to prove your thesis. You shouldn’t detail every single step, but you should give some indication of the structure you intend to use. 

Step Five: Write Body Chapters 

After you’ve penned the introduction, it’s time to turn your arguments into body paragraphs. Your argumentation will dictate the organization of your essay’s body paragraphs, but regardless of your choice, they must accomplish the following: 

  • Make good use of transitions. Paragraphs in a literary essay should be well-connected to one another and the subject matter. Imagine that every paragraph is a reaction to the one before it. Use transitional words and phrases like similarly , on the contrary , therefore , and additionally to signal the type of response you’re offering. 
  • Construct a central idea to its fullest extent. Stay on topic and avoid wordiness in your paragraph. The body paragraphs are like bricks; if any of them are weak, the whole building would fall. 
  • Use a powerful topic sentence to start. Similar to highway signs, topic sentences direct the reader to the current and future locations of the text. In addition to introducing the reader to the topic of the next paragraph, a strong topic sentence should provide them with an idea of the following arguments. 

Step Six: Write Your Essay’s Conclusion

Just as you introduced the issue and stated your thesis in the introduction, you will need to reinstate the main points in the conclusion. An excellent conclusion should: 

  • Move from the specific to the general. Your essay has probably focused on a tiny portion of the novel or poem, such as a single character or a chapter. It would be smart to demonstrate how this topic affects the larger body of work.
  • Not overwhelm the reader. You shouldn’t use the conclusion to stuff your essay with all the great ideas you had during brainstorming sessions but couldn’t fit into the main body of your essay. Instead, your conclusion should offer fresh paths of thought. 

Proofreading and Editing: How to Write a Literary Analysis

The last stage of writing a literary essay is proofreading. We’ve noticed a dramatic trend in modern education: many students tend to ignore the editing stage and often don’t allocate enough time to this process. This drastic mistake usually leads to poor grades and overwhelming frustration for students. 

Seasoned academic writers understand that editing is the most significant stage in the whole writing process . You should dedicate enough time and use different methods to guarantee the impeccable quality of your final drafts. Let’s focus on the versatility of effective proofreading methods: combining some of these approaches would allow you to find the most typical errors, including typos, grammar mistakes, and flaws in the paper’s logic or structure. 

The first step of the revision process is rereading. You should reread your literary analyses several times ; the best solution would be to make breaks between iterations. There is one helpful hack that can make your revision more effective! Consider dedicating some rereadings to finding specific mistakes; such an approach can boost your attention by focusing on one particular issue. 

During the thorough revision, your best assistants are writing tools . Even the best academic writers are not ideal and need help perfecting their revision process. It would be smart to use apps like AHelp Spell Checker or Grammarly to spot errors and typos you’ve missed during manual checking. Both apps use color-coded suggestions, so you will be able to access each recommendation independently and decide if it is worth your attention or not. 

If you are not sure which word to use, check your text with our tool

The last step of your perfect revision is finding a beta reader . In the ideal world, your better reader should be an experienced academic writer or professional editor, but such perfection is not always possible. In any case, it is always better to have an alternative point of view, and even a revision from a friend or relative without any academic experience could make a difference. 

The Bottom Line

Writing a literary analysis may seem challenging at first glance, but you can complete this assignment quickly with the correct approach and perseverance. You need several things to succeed: a complete understanding of the assignment type and the writing process (you already have these with advice from our guide) and enough time for writing and editing. So, stop hesitating and start working on your assignment!

How do you start a literary analysis essay?

You should start your literary analysis with an introduction. An exciting introduction is the first step in beginning a literary analysis since it establishes the overall tone of the paper. Start by establishing the literature in question by naming the author, title, and, if applicable, the publication date. Use a provocative comment, question, or quote from the text to capture the interest of your readers. The last step in writing a practical introduction is to present your thesis, which should be brief but convey your essay’s central argument or interpretation.

What are the 5 steps to literary analysis?

The five steps to literary analysis are reading the literary piece and gathering information, developing the central thesis, writing an introduction and body chapters, composing a solid conclusion, and editing. Each step is significant and should not be skipped in order to create a decent literary essay.

What is the basic structure of a literary analysis essay?

The classic structure for a literary analysis college essay consists of an introduction, three to five body chapters, and a conclusion. We recommend adhering to this golden structure and avoiding any unnecessary deviations.

What are the three most important elements of a literary analysis essay?

Like other types of essays, analytical essays have an introduction, main body, and conclusion. However, their body paragraphs adhere more rigidly to the rules of logic, facts, and proof than those of other essays. We recommend sticking to this classical structure and changing it only when necessary.

What are the 4 types of literary analysis?

The four main types of literary analysis are:

  • Compare-and-contrast essays.
  • Trace analyses (papers focused on a specific entity or symbol in the book or novel).
  • Debate essays (essays focused on one particular problem and argumentation around it).
  • Hybrid types. 

Depending on the subtype of your analysis, you may require a slightly different approach.

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How To Write An Explanatory Essay

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How to Write a Level 5 Poetry Essay (A-level English lit)

The rhythm and rhyme scheme – how does the use of a certain meter or the positioning of a certain word contribute to the tone of the poem or emphasis on an ide

The structure and punctuation – what does enjambment, caesura, the use of repeated questions or direct speech or even the lack of punctuation tell you?

The use of rhetorical devices – how do similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole etc. create a certain image?

Word choice – do the words chosen by the poet have certain sounds or connotations in common? Are they often used in similar or in contrasting situations?

Grammatical features – how does the poet play with tenses, pronouns and voices (active/passive)?

The association of violence with pleasure in “The Gun”, shown by the simile invoking sexual pleasure and use of words with positive connotations.

The association of violence with excitement in “The Gun”, shown by the repetition of s and f sounds to give the impression of an excited rush.

The idea of pace adding excitement in “The Notorious Case”, similar to the excitement of “The Gun” and shown by the implications of the verb “caught.”

The positive connotations of there being an art to violence in “The Notorious Case”, similar to the positivity implied by sexual pleasure in “The Gun” and shown by the context in which the phrase “caught the public imagination” is often used.

The link between violence and (positive) community in “The Gun”, shown by the use of a personal pronoun combined with verbs implying communal activity.

The similar use of a first-person pronoun and modifier in “The Notorious Case”, showing that both poems refer to the personal aspect of violence.

The link between violence, its personal nature and destruction in “The Notorious Case”, shown by the connotations of the word “ashes”, and its contrast to the general positivity of “The Gun.”

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IELTS Writing Topics: Discover Different Types of General and Academic Writing Topics

how to write a level literature essay

Content Curator | Updated On - Jul 16, 2024

  • Task 1 Topics: For general writing, task 1 includes a letter whereas for academic writing it includes graphs, charts, and tables with questions.
  • Task 2 Topics: For general and academic writing task 2 includes similar topics but the questions normally vary.
  • Strategies: Make sure you are aware of the task requirements before starting your essay and avoid making any grammatical mistakes.
  • Exam Format: For task 1 you will get 20 minutes while for task 2 you will get 40 minutes for both academic and general IELTS writing.

Practicing IELTS writing topics regularly can help you improve your writing skills and techniques to achieve higher scores. IELTS writing questions are divided into two tasks. Both the tasks in IELTS general and academic writing have different question patterns. The general writing tes t is designed for those who want to move to an English-speaking Country for work and PR purposes . Whereas, IELTS academic writing test is for those who want to move abroad for study purposes. In task 1 of IELTS general writing, you will have to write a letter. In Task 2 you will have to write an essay based on different topics. However, in IELTS academic writing Task 1 includes graphs, tables, charts, or diagrams. IELTS Writing Task 2 includes an essay in both general and academic writing, but the questions may vary.


  • Writing Exam Format
  • Writing Topics in Task 1
  • Writing Topics in Task 2

Strategies for IELTS Writing Topics

Ielts writing exam format.

IELTS writing test topics in general and academic tests have different patterns. However, Task 2 is similar in both tests where you will have to maintain a word limit of 250 words. In both tasks, you will be provided with time limits as well to complete IELTS essay topics. Below is the information regarding tasks 1 and 2 of IELTS writing exam.

Task -1 20 minutes

Line graph 

Writing a letter 

Task-2 40 minutes
Government Spending 

IELTS Writing Topics in Task 1

There are diverse IELTS exam topics that improve the skills and knowledge of English learners. For the General IELTS writing Task 1 topics, you will have to write a letter consisting of 150 words . When it comes to IELTS academic writing tests, you will have to describe different types of lines graphs, tables, charts , and many others.You can see the information regarding topics associated with general and academic IELTS writing are given below:

Spend 20 minutes to write a letter of 150 words.


Problems and reasons for its difficulties

Preferable accommodation

For IELTS exam topics writing in Academic tests, you will get different topics

A diagram that includes numbers or rates of something over some time. For Example,

Line graph tasks can include 2,3, 4, or possibly up to 6 lines in the whole chart.

Similar to line graphs, bars, and charts also linearly deliver data. However, the data can also be categorized in a non-linear way. For Example,

The pie charts have the figures displayed in percentages. They can also be categorized in linear and non-linear ways which is similar to bar-graph. For example,

The data can also be displayed in table form which includes linear and non-linear ways. For example,
The data can be displayed in numerical or percentage form.

You can find combinations of graph types together which can include as line graph and a pie chart. For example,

You can see in this particular question, the time reference can also include future projections (the line graph continues until 2026).

IELTS Writing Topics in Task 2

Writing task-2 topics are similar in both IELTS general and academic writing tests. In terms of Task 2, you will get certain topics that come up repeatedly while practicing sample questions. Below you will find IELTS essay topics with examples:

Education Education is the common theme in IELTS writing task 2 topics. Questions can range from topics such as the classroom to the curriculum. For example,

Technology In this present time, people are heavily dependent on technology. Various topics for writing essay in IELTS task 2 depends on technology. For example,

Health This is another common essay topics for IELTS writing. This is because health is becoming more complex with time and affecting the lives of people. For example, the question in IELTS task 2 can include:

Environment The environment is a worldwide issue that affects everyone which makes it one of the essential IELTS writing test topics. For Example:

Government Spending This topic generally affects the economic status of a country that directly or indirectly affects the lives and well-being of people. For which government spending is one of the essential IELTS writing task 2 topics. For example,

Sociology People mostly behave differently based on different situations. This is why sociology is one of the most common topics for writing in IELTS. For example,

There are many ways for you to improve your IELTS academic writing and general writing. IELTS writing tips can also help you perform better in academic writing tests. Considering the strategies will help you to understand topics for writing essays in IELTS. Below are some strategies that can help you with IELTS writing tasks 1 and 2 in both academic and general writing:

Academic writing

  • Understand the requirements of the task before starting
  • Analyze the visual information regarding tables, graphs, and charts very carefully.
  • Create a clear and organized plan for your response
  • Start your essay with a concise and engaging introduction
  • Present an overview in a separate paragraph.
  • Support with specific details in the subsequent paragraphs
  • Use cohesive elements and language devices
  • Proofread and revise

General Writing

  • Provide appropriate tone in the letter
  • Present with bullet points, highlights, and extensions
  • Start your letter by clearly stating why you are writing, and the purpose.
  • Use longer sentences that use passive language
  • Generate an attractive structure of your letter

For both Academic and General Writing

  • Answer all the parts of the question
  • Present a clear position including valid points
  • Develop a common vocabulary for each topic
  • Use linking devices or transition words
  • Correctly use a range of grammatical structures
  • Make sure to check your essay thoroughly

You can ace your test score band with the help of different IELTS writing test topics. Task 1 writing test is different for general and academic writing. Whereas, IELTS writing task two topics are similar but include different essay questions.

Ques: What is the most common topic for IELTS writing?

Ans: The question for IELTS writing can be anything. However, the sample question for task 2 includes education, technology, sociology, health, environment, and many more. In task 1 general writing includes a letter and for academic writing it includes tables, graphs, and charts.

Ques: Is writing difficult in IELTS?

Ans: Students facing issues with grammar can deal with difficulties in answering the questions related to IELTS. You can focus on different questions related to tasks 1 and 2 and extend your practice sessions to decrease the level of difficulty.

Ques: What is the 9 in IELTS writing?

Ans: if your score is 9 bands in your IELTS writing means you have an exceptional level of English proficiency in your essay. This factor indicates your ability to maintain accuracy in your writing and sophistication in your language.

Ques: How can I get 7.0 in IELTS writing?

Ans: You can focus on answering all parts of the question and present a clear position to improve your IELTS writing skills. Along with this, you must structure your essay in a specific manner to make it attractive and clear to the examiners.

Ques: Do IELTS writing topics repeat?

Ans: The essay questions related to IELTS never repeat but the topic might repeat. You might get essay questions on the topic of education but the questions will vary. So, you will have to focus more on the topic and writing pattern rather than focusing on questions.


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Writing an essay outline is a crucial step in the essay-writing process. It helps organise your thoughts, ensures your essay has a logical flow, and makes the writing process more manageable. With the advent of technology, tools like ChatGPT can assist you in creating a comprehensive essay outline. This guide will walk you through the process of using ChatGPT effectively to generate a well-structured outline for your essay.

Why an Essay Outline is a Must

An essay outline acts as a roadmap for your essay. It helps you structure your thoughts and arguments logically. A well-constructed outline can save you time and ensure that your essay is coherent and comprehensive. Here’s why an essay outline is essential:

Organisation : It helps you organise your thoughts and ideas. Clarity : It ensures that your arguments and points are clear and logically arranged. Efficiency : It saves time during the writing process by providing a clear path to follow. Focus : It keeps you focused on your main points and arguments, preventing you from going off-topic.

Using ChatGPT to Write an Essay Outline

If you have to write an essay, AI can be a fantastic helping hand. ChatGPT can be used as an advanced AI outline generator and can be used as a valuable tool in creating an essay outline. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use ChatGPT to generate an effective outline for your essay.

Step 1: Define Your Essay Topic and Purpose

Before you start using ChatGPT, clearly define your essay topic and its purpose. Whether it’s an argumentative essay, a descriptive essay, or a research paper, having a clear understanding of your topic will help you guide the AI to generate a relevant outline.

Step 2: Ask ChatGPT for Help

Once you have a clear topic, you can ask ChatGPT to help you create an outline. Here’s how you can frame your request: “ChatGPT, can you help me create an essay outline on the topic of [your topic]? I need a comprehensive outline that includes an introduction, main body paragraphs with key points, and a conclusion.”

Step 3: Review the Generated Outline

ChatGPT will generate an essay outline example based on your topic. Here’s an example of what an outline might look like:

Introduction This include some background information on the topic and a thesis statement. Three or More Body Paragraphs These include a main point, some supporting evidence and explanation. Conclusion The conclusion restates the thesis, summarises key points and includes some closing thoughts.

Review the generated outline to ensure it aligns with your topic and purpose. You can modify and refine it as needed.

Customising Your Essay Outline

While ChatGPT provides a solid outline format for essays, you may need to customise it to suit your specific needs. Here are some tips for tailoring your outline:

  • Include more detailed points under each section to ensure comprehensive coverage of your topic.
  • If needed, reorganise the sections to better fit your essay’s logical flow.
  • For complex essays, include subsections to break down your points further.
  • Add specific pieces of evidence or examples you plan to use in your essay.

Using an Essay Outline Template

An essay outline template can also be beneficial. Here’s a basic template you can use:

I. Introduction

Hook Background information Thesis statement

II. Body Paragraph 1

Topic sentence Evidence Analysis Transition

III. Body Paragraph 2

Iv. body paragraph 3, v. conclusion.

Restate thesis Summarise main points Closing thoughts

Benefits of Using an AI Outline Generator

Using an essay outline AI generator like ChatGPT has several benefits:

  • Speed : Quickly generates a comprehensive outline, saving you time.
  • Consistency : Ensures a logical and consistent structure.
  • Inspiration : Provides ideas and points you might not have considered.
  • Guidance : Helps guide the writing process, keeping you on track.

Tips for Effective Use of AI Tools

While using an AI outline generator can be helpful, it’s essential to use it effectively :

Be Specific : Provide clear and specific instructions to the AI to get the best results. Review and Revise : Always review and revise the generated outline to ensure it meets your needs. Combine with Personal Insights : Use the AI-generated outline as a starting point, and add your insights and knowledge.

Creating an effective essay outline is a vital step in the essay-writing process. Tools like ChatGPT can assist you in generating a comprehensive and logical outline quickly and efficiently. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can leverage the power of AI to enhance your essay writing. Remember to customise the generated outline to suit your specific needs and ensure it aligns with your essay’s purpose and topic.

how to write a level literature essay

How to Use AI in Essay Writing: Tips, Tools, and FAQs

how to write a level literature essay

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How to Write an Introduction Paragraph: Examples and Guide

There are times when an introduction predicts what your entire essay will say—it’s essentially a reflection. If done successfully, it grabs the reader’s attention and entices them to read further into the essay. As a writer, I know the importance of a strong and engaging introduction, and with practice, I have excelled in the art of writing a good intro. Here’s how you can write a compelling introduction with examples.

The Purpose of the Introduction Paragraph

A good introduction serves as a roadmap for your essay, setting the stage for what is to come. Its primary purpose is to grab the reader’s attention, provide necessary background information, and clearly state the main argument or thesis of the essay. By doing so, it helps the reader transition from their own world into the context of your analysis, making them interested in reading further. A well-written introduction also outlines the structure of the essay, ensuring that the reader knows what to expect in the body paragraphs. This initial section is crucial for making a strong first impression, establishing the tone, and demonstrating the quality and direction of your work. A good introduction paragraph should be able to:

Engage the Reader: Capture interest with an intriguing opening sentence or a compelling story.

Provide Context: Offer background information needed to understand the topic.

State the Thesis: Clearly present your main argument or thesis statement.

Outline the Structure: Briefly mention the main points or sections covered in the essay.

Establish Relevance: Explain why the topic is important and worth discussing.

Set the Tone: Establish the style and tone of your writing.

Write an Introduction Paragraph

An introduction paragraph sets the tone for your entire essay, shaping your reader's expectations and mood. It's like the gateway to your ideas - a good one hooks the reader, compelling them to continue, while a weak introduction might make them lose interest before they've even begun. That's why learning how to start an introduction paragraph for an essay is crucial for students and writers alike.

With tools like WPS Office at your fingertips, you're not just getting a word processor, but an AI assistant to guide you through the entire journey of crafting that perfect opening. In fact, I'll be using WPS Office for this tutorial to demonstrate its features. So, let's dive in and explore how to write an essay introduction step by step:

The hook is the opening sentence or a few sentences of an essay designed to grab the reader's attention and entice them to keep reading. It serves to engage the reader by presenting something intriguing, surprising, or relevant to the essay's topic.

The main purpose of the hook is to spark the reader's interest and make them want to read more. It's the first impression the reader gets, so it needs to be compelling and relevant to the essay's subject.

1.Start with a Surprising Fact or Statistic: Begin with an interesting or shocking fact that relates to your topic. This immediately grabs the reader's attention.

Bad Example: "Drunk driving is a serious issue."

Good Example: "Every year, over 1.25 million people die in car accidents, many of which are caused by drunk driving."

2.Use a Quote: Introduce your essay with a relevant quote that encapsulates your main point.

Bad Example: "Drunk driving is defined as driving while impaired by alcohol."

Good Example: “At eighteen, Michelle had a lifetime of promise in front of her. Attending college on a track scholarship, she was earning good grades and making lots of friends. Then one night her life was forever altered…”

3.Pose a Rhetorical Question: Ask a question that provokes thought and engages the reader.

Bad Example: "Have you ever driven a car?"

Good Example: "What if every time you got behind the wheel, you risked not only your life but the lives of others?"

4.Tell an Anecdote or Story: Share a brief, compelling story that relates to your topic.

Bad Example: "I once heard a story about a drunk driver."

Good Example: "At eighteen, Michelle had a lifetime of promise in front of her. Attending college on a track scholarship, she was earning good grades and making lots of friends. Then one night her life was forever altered..."

If you need ideas to help you improve on the hook for your introduction, consider providing WPS AI with a prompt such as:

"Write an introduction on the topic 'Risks of Driving Intoxicated' and provide four individual hooks: one with a surprising fact, one using a quote, one with rhetorical questions, and one through telling an anecdote."

WPS AI will produce a catchy hook statement that you can use for your introduction, such as:

Background Information

Background information provides the reader with the necessary context to understand the essay's topic. This may include historical, geographical, or social context, definitions of key terms, or an outline of the debate surrounding the topic.

The background helps to bridge the gap between the hook and the thesis statement. It gives the reader the context they need to understand the main argument of the essay and why it's important.

1.Provide Context: Explain the broader context of your topic to show its significance.

Bad Example: "Drunk driving is bad."

Good Example: "Michelle's story is not isolated. Each year, over 1.25 million people die in car accidents, many of which are caused by drunk driving."

2.Introduce Key Terms and Concepts: Define any terms or concepts that are crucial to understanding your thesis.

Bad Example: "Drunk driving is when you drink alcohol and drive."

Good Example: "Drunk driving, legally defined as operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, is a preventable cause of many fatalities."

3.Set Up the Problem: Briefly discuss the scope of the issue or debate you will be addressing.

Bad Example: "People drive drunk sometimes."

Good Example: "Despite strict laws, drunk driving continues to be a significant problem worldwide, leading to devastating consequences for victims and their families."

To give an effective and detailed background information in your introduction consider proving WPS AI with a prompt like this:

“This serves as the background to my introduction: 'People frequently choose to drive under the influence of alcohol.' Please enhance it to address the problem and discuss its scope."

WPS AI will produce a detailed background passage for your introduction, give as:

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of the essay. It usually appears at the end of the introduction and states the essay's central argument or position.

The thesis statement guides the direction of the essay by informing the reader what the essay will argue or discuss. It sets the tone and focus of the entire paper.

1.Be Clear and Specific: Clearly state your main point and how you will support it.

Bad Example: "This essay will talk about drunk driving."

Good Example: "Drunk driving laws need to include stricter penalties for those convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol to reduce accidents and save lives."

2.Make an Argument: Present a claim that requires evidence and can be debated.

Bad Example: "Drunk driving is bad and should be stopped."

Good Example: "Implementing harsher penalties for drunk driving will deter offenders and significantly decrease the number of alcohol-related accidents."

3.Outline Your Main Points: Indicate the main points you will cover in your essay to support your thesis.

Bad Example: "I will discuss the problems with drunk driving."

Good Example: "Stricter penalties are necessary because they act as a deterrent, they can prevent repeat offenses, and they provide justice for victims."

You can take help from WPS AI to extract the thesis statement of your essay using the WPS AI chat box.

Step 1: Click on the WPS AI widget at the top corner of the WPS Writer interface.

Step 2: The WPS AI pane will open on the right side of the screen. Type in your prompt to extract the thesis statement of your essay and then paste the essay.

Here is a prompt example that you can use:

"Extract the thesis statement from the following essay:"

Step 3: WPS AI will provide the thesis statement. To refine it further, engage with the WPS AI chatbot by asking more questions or queries.

The summary or road map briefly outlines how the essay will be structured. It provides a preview of the main points that will be covered, giving the reader a sense of the direction of the argument.

1.Summarize Main Points: Briefly mention the key arguments or points you will discuss in your essay.

Bad Example: "I will talk about drunk driving laws, penalties, and justice."

Good Example: "This essay will first examine the current state of drunk driving laws, then explore the impact of stricter penalties on reducing incidents, and finally discuss how these penalties can bring justice to victims."

2.Be Concise: Keep it short and to the point, providing a clear outline without going into too much detail.

Bad Example: "I will write about drunk driving and why it is bad."

Good Example: "By examining the effectiveness of current laws, the potential benefits of stricter penalties, and the importance of justice for victims, this essay argues that harsher punishments for drunk driving are essential."

“Write a concise summary for the introduction of an essay on the topic "Risks of Driving Intoxicated." The summary should briefly mention the key points that will be covered in the essay, without going into too much detail."

The summary should briefly outline the main points covered in the essay, emphasizing the societal impact, legal ramifications, and personal consequences of driving under the influence. Ensure clarity and coherence, setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of the topic in the subsequent sections.

Examples of Different Essays

Essays come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose and following specific structures. Understanding these different types can help you write an essay introduction more effectively. Let's explore three common types of essays: Argumentative, Expository, and Literary. Each example below demonstrates the key elements of its respective essay type, including the hook, background information, and thesis statement.


An argumentative essay aims to present a position on a topic and support it with evidence.

An expository essay explains a topic in a clear and concise manner without arguing a specific position.

A literary essay analyzes and interprets a work of literature, focusing on elements such as theme, character, or style.

More Examples of Different Topics

Let's take a look at some sample introductions of essays in different disciplines. This will further help you in writing an effective essay introduction.

Example #1 Medicine

Example #2 literature, example #3 social sciences, example #4 engineering, example #5 business & marketing, using wps ai to perfect your introduction.

With WPS Office, you have access to a comprehensive suite of tools designed to support your academic writing needs. Its AI-powered features enhance your writing process, from initial drafting to final proofreading. Specifically, WPS Office AI will help perfect your introduction, ensuring it captures attention and sets the stage for your paper. Plus, WPS Office is available for free, making it an accessible and indispensable resource for students and academics alike.

1.Check the Grammar and Syntax

Your introduction sets the tone for your entire essay, so it's crucial that it's grammatically correct and free from syntax errors. WPS AI careful checks for any grammatical mistakes and syntax issues, ensuring that your introduction is polished and professional. It provides suggestions for corrections, helping you present a clear and error-free first impression.

2.Rewrite Your Statement for Clarity

WPS AI can improve the clarity and coherence of your introduction by rewriting complex or awkwardly phrased sentences. It identifies areas where your writing may be ambiguous or convoluted and offers alternative phrasing that enhances readability. This feature ensures that your introduction is clear, concise, and compelling.

3.Automatically Expand Content

When you need to elaborate on a point or expand your introduction, WPS AI can automatically generate additional content. This feature helps you add relevant information that aligns with your essay's theme and tone. It’s particularly useful for developing a strong hook, providing context, or setting up your thesis statement.

4.Give an Outline for Your Paper

Writing a strong introduction often involves giving your readers a brief outline of what to expect in your essay. WPS AI can assist in structuring your introduction to include a concise overview of your main points, providing a roadmap for your readers. This feature ensures that your introduction effectively sets the stage for the rest of your essay. Here is an example of an outline generated using WPS AI Writer for an essay:

If you find this outline suitable for your essay, simply scroll down and click on "Insert" to use the outline for your essay.

1. What is the structure of an essay?

An essay is divided into three main parts:

Introduction: This section introduces the topic and presents the main idea (thesis). It provides some background information and outlines what the essay will discuss.

Body: The body forms the essay's core, where you develop arguments to support your thesis. It is organized into several paragraphs, each presenting a distinct point backed by evidence.

Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main points covered in the essay and strengthens the thesis statement. It wraps up the discussion and may offer final insights or suggestions.

2. Why do I need a thesis statement?

A thesis statement plays a crucial role in academic essays and research papers by presenting the central argument or idea to be explored and developed. Here are several key reasons why a thesis statement is essential:

It provides clear direction and focus for your writing.

It summarizes your main argument for the reader.

It maintains clarity and coherence throughout the essay.

It serves as the foundational basis for structuring the entire essay.

3. How long should the introduction paragraph be?

The introduction paragraph for a research paper typically spans one to two paragraphs. As a general rule, the entire introduction section—which includes the opening paragraph, literature review, and research questions—should constitute approximately 10% to 15% of the paper's total length. This structure allows for a comprehensive yet concise setup of your research topic, providing readers with the necessary context before delving into the main body of your work.

Beyond the Hook: Building a Strong Introduction Paragraph

Writing an introduction is perhaps the most thought-provoking and critical task in crafting any assignment. With the myriad features offered by WPS Office, you can effortlessly create a phenomenal essay introduction. WPS AI enhances this process with tools that ensure clarity, coherence, and creativity. Whether it's organizing your thoughts or refining your language, WPS Office empowers you to craft introductions that captivate readers from the start. Download WPS Office today and experience firsthand how it transforms your writing process into a seamless and impactful journey.

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  • 2. How to Use Transitions to Start a Paragraph [Tips with Examples]
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  • 5. How to replace "space” with "paragraph mark”
  • 6. 10 Best Self Introduction Template PPT: To Write Great Introductions

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The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator

Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.

A photomontage illustration of Donald Trump.

Produced by ElevenLabs and News Over Audio (NOA) using AI narration.

When a madman hammered nearly to death the husband of then–House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump jeered and mocked . One of Trump’s sons and other close Trump supporters avidly promoted false claims that Paul Pelosi had somehow brought the onslaught upon himself through a sexual misadventure.

After authorities apprehended a right-wing-extremist plot to abduct Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Trump belittled the threat at a rally. He disparaged Whitmer as a political enemy. His supporters chanted “Lock her up.” Trump laughed and replied , “Lock them all up.”

Fascism feasts on violence. In the years since his own supporters attacked the Capitol to overturn the 2020 election—many of them threatening harm to Speaker Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence—Trump has championed the invaders, would-be kidnappers, and would-be murderers as martyrs and hostages. He has vowed to pardon them if returned to office. His own staffers have testified to the glee with which Trump watched the mayhem on television.

Now the bloodshed that Trump has done so much to incite against others has touched him as well. The attempted murder of Trump—and the killing of a person nearby—is a horror and an outrage. More will be learned about the man who committed this appalling act, and who was killed by the Secret Service. Whatever his mania or motive, the only important thing about him is the law-enforcement mistake that allowed him to bring a deadly weapon so close to a campaign event and gain a sight line of the presidential candidate. His name should otherwise be erased and forgotten.

It is sadly incorrect to say, as so many have, that political violence “has no place” in American society. Assassinations, lynchings, riots, and pogroms have stained every page of American political history. That has remained true to the present day. In 2016 , and even more in 2020, Trump supporters brought weapons to intimidate opponents and vote-counters. Trump and his supporters envision a new place for violence as their defining political message in the 2024 election. Fascist movements are secular religions. Like all religions, they offer martyrs as their proof of truth. The Mussolini movement in Italy built imposing monuments to its fallen comrades. The Trump movement now improves on that: The leader himself will be the martyr in chief, his own blood the basis for his bid for power and vengeance.

Christopher R. Browning: A new kind of fascism

The 2024 election was already shaping up as a symbolic contest between an elderly and weakening liberalism too frail and uncertain to protect itself and an authoritarian, reactionary movement ready to burst every barrier and trash every institution. To date, Trump has led only a minority of U.S. voters, but that minority’s passion and audacity have offset what it lacks in numbers. After the shooting, Trump and his backers hope to use the iconography of a bloody ear and face, raised fist, and call to “Fight!” to summon waverers to their cause of installing Trump as an anti-constitutional ruler, exempted from ordinary law by his allies on the Supreme Court.

Other societies have backslid to authoritarianism because of some extraordinary crisis: economic depression, hyperinflation, military defeat, civil strife. In 2024, U.S. troops are nowhere at war. The American economy is booming, providing spectacular and widely shared prosperity. A brief spasm of mild post-pandemic inflation has been overcome. Indicators of social health have abruptly turned positive since Trump left office after years of deterioration during his term. Crime and fatal drug overdoses are declining in 2024; marriages and births are rising. Even the country’s problems indirectly confirm the country’s success: Migrants are crossing the border in the hundreds of thousands, because they know, even if Americans don’t, that the U.S. job market is among the hottest on Earth.

Yet despite all of this success, Americans are considering a form of self-harm that in other countries has typically followed the darkest national failures: letting the author of a failed coup d’état return to office to try again.

One reason this self-harm is nearing consummation is that American society is poorly prepared to understand and respond to radical challenges, once those challenges gain a certain mass. For nearly a century, “radical” in U.S. politics has usually meant “fringe”: Communists, Ku Kluxers, Black Panthers, Branch Davidians, Islamist jihadists. Radicals could be marginalized by the weight of the great American consensus that stretches from social democrats to business conservatives. Sometimes, a Joe McCarthy or a George Wallace would throw a scare into that mighty consensus, but in the past such challengers rarely formed stable coalitions with accepted stakeholders in society. Never gaining an enduring grip on the institutions of state, they flared up and burned out.

Trump is different. His abuses have been ratified by powerful constituencies. He has conquered and colonized one of the two major parties. He has defeated—or is on the way to defeating—every impeachment and prosecution to hold him to account for his frauds and crimes. He has assembled a mass following that is larger, more permanent, and more national in reach than any previous American demagogue. He has dominated the scene for nine years already, and he and his supporters hope they can use yesterday’s appalling event to extend the Trump era to the end of his life and beyond.

The American political and social system cannot treat such a person as an alien. It inevitably accommodates and naturalizes him. His counselors, even the thugs and felons, join the point-counterpoint dialogue at the summit of the American elite. President Joe Biden nearly wrecked his campaign because he felt obliged to meet Trump in debate. How could Biden have done otherwise? Trump is the three-time nominee of the Republican Party; it’s awkward and strange to treat him as an insurrectionist against the American state—though that’s what Trump was and is.

David Frum: Biden’s heartbreaking press conference

The despicable shooting at Trump, which also caused death and injury to others, now secures his undeserved position as a partner in the protective rituals of the democracy he despises. The appropriate expressions of dismay and condemnation from every prominent voice in American life have the additional effect of habituating Americans to Trump’s legitimacy. In the face of such an outrage, the familiar and proper practice is to stress unity, to proclaim that Americans have more things in common than that divide them. Those soothing words, true in the past, are less true now.

Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic in American life.

The Republican National Convention, which opens this week, will welcome to its stage apologists for Vladimir Putin’s Russia and its aggression against U.S. allies. Trump’s own infatuation with Russia and other dictatorships has not dimmed even slightly with age or experience. Yet all of these urgent and necessary truths must now be subordinated to the ritual invocation of “thoughts and prayers” for someone who never gave a thought or uttered a prayer for any of the victims of his own many incitements to bloodshed. The president who used his office to champion the rights of dangerous people to own military-type weapons says he was grazed by a bullet from one such assault rifle.

Conventional phrases and polite hypocrisy fill a useful function in social life. We say “Thank you for your service” both to the decorated hero and to the veteran who barely escaped dishonorable discharge. It’s easier than deciphering which was which. We wish “Happy New Year!” even when we dread the months ahead.

Adrienne LaFrance: Thoughts, prayers, and Facebook rants aren’t enough

But conventional phrases don’t go unheard. They carry meanings, meanings no less powerful for being rote and reflexive. In rightly denouncing violence, we are extending an implicit pardon to the most violent person in contemporary U.S. politics. In asserting unity, we are absolving a man who seeks power through the humiliation and subordination of disdained others.

Those conventional phrases are inscribing Trump into a place in American life that he should have forfeited beyond redemption on January 6, 2021. All decent people welcome the sparing of his life. Trump’s reckoning should be with the orderly process of law, not with the bloodshed he rejoiced in when it befell others. He and his allies will exploit a gunman’s vicious criminality as their path to exonerate past crimes and empower new ones. Those who stand against Trump and his allies must find the will and the language to explain why these crimes, past and planned, are all wrong, all intolerable—and how the gunman and Trump, at their opposite ends of a bullet’s trajectory, are nonetheless joined together as common enemies of law and democracy.


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  1. How to Write an A-Level English Literature Essay

    Find inspiration in literature. A student engrossed in writing an A-level English Literature essay. Writing an A-level English Literature essay is like creating a masterpiece. It's a skill that can make a big difference in your academic adventure. In this article, we will explore the world of literary analysis in an easy-to-follow way. We ...

  2. How to Write a Good English Literature Essay

    3. Provide several pieces of evidence where possible. Many essays have a point to make and make it, tacking on a single piece of evidence from the text (or from beyond the text, e.g. a critical, historical, or biographical source) in the hope that this will be enough to make the point convincing.

  3. How to Write an A* Essay: Basic Structure to unlock the full series of AS, A2 & A-level English Literature videos created by A* students for the new OCR, AQA and Edexcel specifi...

  4. Essay Structure

    The first thing you need to consider when writing an English essay is the structure, and how you can make sure it is one that you can remember and will give you a good grade. Generic Introduction :You will need to know the book, the author, the publication date and the literary period / monarchy era -. g.

  5. How to Write an English Literature Essay?

    Planning is the most important, as it allows you to clearly structure your essay so that it makes logical sense. After you have planned, write the essay, including an introduction, 3-4 main points/paragraphs, and a conclusion. Then check through the spelling and grammar of your essay to ensure it is readable and has hit all of your assessment ...

  6. How do I structure an English literature essay at A-Level?

    Plan your essay: Create an outline for your essay that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Decide on the main points you want to make in each paragraph and the evidence you will use to support them. Write the introduction: Start with a strong opening sentence that grabs the reader's attention and introduces the topic.

  7. How to Write an A-Level English Literature Essay

    Paragraph One - Should focus on the opposite of what you actually think. This will argue for the contrary of your opinion, detailing an idea that's commonly believed or associated with the texts. Paragraph Two - Will acknowledge the first paragraph, but signal how the texts could be understood in a different light.

  8. How to Structure an English Literature Essay

    Some ways that you can conclude an essay might be: (a) Commenting on your personal reaction to the text. (b) Commenting on how the text still holds relevance for readers in the present day. (c) Commenting on why the text is successful as a work of literature in terms of its characters, themes or structure.

  9. How do I structure an English literature essay at A-Level?

    Each of these then need to be divided into paragraphs and broken down further into: Point: The point you're making. Example: An example from the text whether a quotation, observation or a piece of acute analysis. Explanation: What the quotation or observation can tell us. An explanation of how the evidence you have used explains your point.

  10. A-Level English Literature Guide

    The OCR A-Level English Literature specification is divided into 3 sections. These are "Drama and poetry pre-1900", "Comparative and contextual study", and "Literature post-1900". The latter section is a coursework module. Some exam boards require coursework as part of A-Level English Literature, but some don't.

  11. How to Write a Great Essay for Different A-Level Subjects

    French. The primary task that lies ahead of you in writing a French essay is, of course, to demonstrate your superior language skills. Keep the content itself very even-handed, sitting on the fence rather than presenting a forceful opinion that could distract attention away from the quality of your use of French.

  12. How to write great English literature essays at university

    Structure and sequence your ideas. 'Make your argument clear in your opening paragraph, and then ensure that every subsequent paragraph is clearly addressing your thesis.'. Plan the essay by working out a sequence of your ideas that you believe to be the most compelling.

  13. Essay writing guide: AQA A Level English Literature

    A basic introduction to writing an A Level English Literature essay. This is aimed at AQA English Literature Specification B, but would fit with the other specification. It includes basic information, a self-assessment task on experiences of writing essays, pointers for successful essays, pointers for the specific kinds of essays which AQA ...

  14. How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay

    Table of contents. Step 1: Reading the text and identifying literary devices. Step 2: Coming up with a thesis. Step 3: Writing a title and introduction. Step 4: Writing the body of the essay. Step 5: Writing a conclusion. Other interesting articles.

  15. How to write an English Literature Essay

    Flow: Make sure that the transition between your paragraphs and sentences makes sense. One thought should seamlessly follow on from another in your English Literature essay. Helpful 'connective' words and phrases are: 'in addition to this', 'despite of this,' 'however', 'on the other hand'. Argument:

  16. How to Structure an Essay

    The basic structure of an essay always consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. But for many students, the most difficult part of structuring an essay is deciding how to organize information within the body. This article provides useful templates and tips to help you outline your essay, make decisions about your structure, and ...

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    Make the first line exciting and slightly controversial. The first line is your chance to grab the reader and take them with you. Often some of the best essays have controversial first lines, forcing the reader to think 'how can they possible say this!?', and then proceed to prove that very first line. Lines like "Weimar Classicism should not ...

  18. The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay

    Essay writing process. The writing process of preparation, writing, and revisions applies to every essay or paper, but the time and effort spent on each stage depends on the type of essay.. For example, if you've been assigned a five-paragraph expository essay for a high school class, you'll probably spend the most time on the writing stage; for a college-level argumentative essay, on the ...

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    The three things to remember are. a) Focus your answer - make sure you are answering the question! b) Structure your essay clearly. c) Impress them with higher level requirements e.g. language analysis, context and maybe even some critical views. a) The most important thing when answering a question in an English Literature exam is not going ...

  20. PDF English Literature Writing Guide

    University level essays should be written in a formal style and demonstrate your understanding of the codes of academic discourse as they relate to the study of English Literature. While there are variations between different disciplines, there are three main characteristics that are common to all academic essays.

  21. How To Write A Literary Analysis Essay: What Is It?

    An essay that seeks to analyze and interpret a piece of literature by focusing on its story, characters, themes, and symbols is known as a literary analysis essay. Such a paper goes beyond just summarizing the text; it analyzes the literary devices used, the author's objectives, and the text's more profound implications.

  22. How to Write a Level 5 Poetry Essay (A-level English lit)

    Introduction: The introduction should, of course, briefly lay out what your general argument will be during the essay without any language analysis or developed points. One thing my teachers have emphatically told us not to do is state the obvious, e.g. "The poet uses many linguistic techniques.".

  23. How to Write A Literature Review

    You must choose a topic, research existing literature, gather sources, determine themes, and make a defined scope of review before you begin writing your literature review. Q2. Where should the literature review be placed within a dissertation? Place the literature review after the introduction and before the methodology section of your ...

  24. How to write an apa literature review paper , source Вў ...

    how to write an apa literature review paper Writing a Literature Review.A literature review is a document or section of a document that collects key sources on a topic and discusses those sources in conversation with each other (also called synthesis).The lit review is an important genre in many disciplines, not just literature (i.e., the study of works of literature .Jan 07, You will want to ...

  25. IELTS Writing Topics: Discover Different Types of ...

    Task 1 Topics: For general writing, task 1 includes a letter whereas for academic writing it includes graphs, charts, and tables with questions. Task 2 Topics: For general and academic writing task 2 includes similar topics but the questions normally vary. Strategies: Make sure you are aware of the task requirements before starting your essay and avoid making any grammatical mistakes.

  26. How to Properly Write an Essay Outline Using ChatGpt

    Creating an effective essay outline is a vital step in the essay-writing process. Tools like ChatGPT can assist you in generating a comprehensive and logical outline quickly and efficiently. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can leverage the power of AI to enhance your essay writing.

  27. How to Write A thesis statement

    Expository Essay. On the other hand, the thesis statement for an expository essay aims to explain or describe the topic in a neutral way and is not argumentative. It provides the reader with a clear view of what the essay is going to talk about or analyze since it contains purely factual information, providing insight into the subject matter.

  28. How to Write an Introduction Paragraph: Examples and Guide

    An expository essay explains a topic in a clear and concise manner without arguing a specific position. Expository Essay Example. Literary. A literary essay analyzes and interprets a work of literature, focusing on elements such as theme, character, or style. Literary Essay Example. More Examples of Different Topics

  29. PDF English Literature Writing Guide

    How to write Essays, Dissertations and Theses in Literary Studies. Longman, 1993. INTRODUCTION While most of you have already had experience of essay writing, it is important to realise that essay writing at University level may be different from the practices you have so far encountered. This information outlines what is required of an English ...

  30. The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator

    Produced by ElevenLabs and News Over Audio (NOA) using AI narration. When a madman hammered nearly to death the husband of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump jeered and mocked. One of ...