
Spanish Oral Presentation Guide for Beginners

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Spanish Oral Presentation Guide for Beginners

The moment to show off your Spanish skills is here, and we’ll teach you how to wow your audience, coworkers, boss, or clients. The way you introduce and close your presentation can have a positive or negative effect on your audience. So, it’s normal that you get nervous about speaking in front of a crowd and communicating your ideas effectively.

Practicing oral presentations in Spanish helps you focus on pronunciation and clarity while broadening your academic, job, and business opportunities . However, what may be even more valuable is that it gives you the chance to take risks, gain confidence, and exercise persuasion in a foreign language.

If you have a presentation soon, and want to blow everyone’s mind, here is your guide to giving oral presentations in Spanish for beginners.

5 Engaging Presentation Openings

The first part of our Spanish oral presentation guide is to help you find the most engaging ways to open your speech.

1. Start with a Reflexive or Engaging Question

For example:

¿Sabían ustedes que la entonación de nuestra voz no es sonido sino emoción? (Did you know that the intonation of our voice is not sound but emotion?)

Starting with a question allows you to keep your audience attentive throughout your message.

2. Tell an Anecdote

55% of our communication stems from non-verbal language ; everything our audience reads through our expressions, mannerisms, tone, etc., while 38% of our communication is vocal and 7% is words.

Hence, the importance of telling a story at the beginning of your presentation, so your audience connects with what you are going to deliver. We are all natural communicators.

At first, you may feel shy about opening yourself to the world, but believe it or not: your story counts, your story inspires, and even more than you think.

3. Utilize Objects

Generate interest with an object that’s relevant to your message. For instance, you can follow a similar script to this one:

Esta cartera que hoy acompaña mi atuendo tiene un significado muy especial. Esta cartera ha sido elaborada, tejida y pensada por gente que cree en sus sueños. ¡Qué gusto estar el día de hoy aquí hablando con emprendedores que creen en construir!

(This purse that matches my outfit today has a very special meaning to me. This purse has been sewn, knitted, and created by people that believe in their dreams. What a pleasure to be here today talking with entrepreneurs that believe in building things!)

Utilizing resources as elements of your speech will help your public to relate and feel part of your speech. Everything has a meaning and a representation. Remember that your public will forget what you said but will always remember how you made them feel. So, make them feel welcome!

4. Statistics

Using statistical data will help give your statement a significant rational weight. Remember that statistics aren’t read, they’re interpreted. This forces you to describe exhaustive research about a topic.

This isn’t about boring your audience with numbers, it’s about using statistics as a tool to make people reflect on your message. An example of an introduction in Spanish with statistics is:

¿Sabían ustedes que el 80% de los consumidores que adquieren sus productos en línea confían más en las recomendaciones de sus amigos o familiares que de las propias empresas?

(Did you know that 80% of consumers that buy your products online trust more in the recommendations of their friends and family than on the ones of companies?)

5. Who are you?

Greet your audience. This is fundamental to bond with them. Say your name, who you are, what your topic is and why it is important to pay attention to you. Let’s put it into practice with this example:

Hoy me encuentro feliz de estar con ustedes compartiendo lo que sé. Mi nombre es Liam Jones, soy periodista y locutor de radio, y hoy quiero que aprendas a utilizar tu voz para hacerte escuchar.

(Today I am very happy to be with you sharing what I know. My name is Liam Jones. I am a journalist and radio host, and I want you to learn to use your voice to make yourself heard.)

Respect your essence, know yourself and regularly practice the above types of introduction.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Presentation Tips

The next part of our Spanish oral presentation guide is divided into verbal and non-verbal language.

Non-Verbal Language Tips

Your gestures can emphasize, substitute or contradict what you express with words.

Use open gestures, like moving your hands, stretching your arms and legs, and opening your shoulders. Additionally, avoid having objects in your way between your body and the audience, such as folders, books, and tables. Your face should be visible all the time.

Choose gestures that ease people’s understanding of your speech. For example, pointing in a direction.

Avoid fidgeting out of nervousness. For instance, touching your hair or glasses.

Distribute your gaze amongst your audience, so everybody feels included. You can divide your audience into different quadrants. Let’s say, four, and choose a person of each quadrant to “talk to”.

Volume and Intonation

Mentally “take measurements” of the room, so the volume you choose to use is enough for both people in the front row and in the back to hear you. Also, avoid monotonous intonation. Highlight with your voice the keywords of your speech.

Rhythm and Pronunciation

Slow down when you need to separate ideas, this reflects confidence and helps you recover people’s attention. Pronunciation should be clear , so be careful with mumbling sounds.

Nobody has the right to tell you how to dress, but it’s recommendable that your attire matches both your personality and the context of your presentation.

Verbal Language Tips

Order and structure.

A presentation that has order and structure is easy to follow, understand, and remember.

Organize your speech in parts. For example: importance, data, chronology, interesting bullet points, zoom in, and zoom out.

Use discourse markers; words that organize and connect ideas. Some examples are:

To Start Interventions El objetivo de esta exposición es… / Hablaré en primer lugar de… / Para comenzar… (The objective of this presentation is… / Firstly, I’ll speak about… / For starters…)

To Introduce Comments or Examples Por ejemplo… / Como es el caso de… / Recordemos, en ese sentido, que… (For example… / As is the case with… / Let’s remember, in this sense, that…)

To Structure the Discourse En primer lugar… / En segundo lugar… / Por un lado,…por otro lado… / Finalmente… (In first place… /In second place… /On the one hand…on the other hand… /Finally…)

To Resume the Subject Volviendo a lo que hemos visto al principio… / Como decía… / Señalaba que… (Going back to what we’ve seen at the beginning… /Like I was saying… / I was pointing out that…)

To Establish Logical Relationships Consecuentemente… / Eso nos demuestra que… / Deducimos, entonces… (Consequently… / That shows us that… / We deduce, then…)

To Conclude Tratemos, finalmente, el último aspecto… / En resumen,… / Para terminar… / En conclusión… (Let’s address, finally, the last aspect… / In summary… / Lastly… / In conclusion…)

You should adapt it to your audience’s knowledge, formality level, and the purpose of your presentation.

Sentences should be short and simple. Avoid the overuse of muletillas (catch phrases).

Oral Presentation Conclusions in Spanish

When you’re giving a presentation in Spanish, do not miss the chance to leave a good impression. The final part of a speech is what we remember the most. So, use it to deliver a message or briefly summarize what you want to convey. You can create a compelling conclusion with a phrase, rhetorical question, quote, or call-to-action.

En conclusión, cualquiera puede padecer de un problema de salud mental. (In conclusion, anyone can have a mental health problem.)

Si las personas más brillantes pueden padecer problemas de salud mental, ¿por qué nosotros no? (If the most brilliant people can have mental health issues, why can’t we?)

La mente es como un paracaídas, si no se abre, no sirve para nada. Muchas gracias, público oyente, por haber abierto su mente a escucharme en esta exposición. (The mind is like a parachute, if it isn’t opened, it doesn’t work. Thank you very much, listening public, for having opened your minds to listen to me in this presentation.)

Ready to be confident in your next Spanish oral presentation?

The key to giving a memorable oral presentation in Spanish is to be original, creative, and do something that’s unusual but true to your essence. Thus, you’ll make the difference.

If after reading our Spanish oral presentation guide, you think you still need help to prepare yourself for your Spanish presentation, count on our top-notch team of Spanish fluency coaches . So, don’t let fear of success hold you back, and book with one of our coaches.

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How to: Feel Comfortable Giving a Presentation in Spanish

Dear Esther,

Giving a presentation in any language can be scary, but when you have to present to people you don’t know, in a language you might not dominate (or even if you are fluent ), it can be downright terrifying. However, as an experienced presenter in Spanish—read here and here about how I did my entire degree abroad—I am here to tell you that you can do it! And it doesn’t have to be as scary as you initially think. Here are my top tips for getting through your presentations in a foreign language:

Prepare your notes:

Even if you are able to make things up as you go along in English, you should be aware that it is more difficult to control a topic in a non-native language. Therefore, take the extra hour or two to make sure you know what you want to say and how you want to say it. I know a lot of people—from all different backgrounds alike—who don’t bother to take the time to truly prepare their presentations and you can tell when they present. In addition, it will make life easier if you properly organize the content before you start preparing the presentation because then you will have you bases covered.

Pro-tip: If you’ve already prepared an assignment or paper around the topic, use this as your guide (even if it is in English). This will help you feel comfortable that you say what you have to say.

Prepare your slides:.

Once you know what you want to say and how you want to say it, you can start to prepare the visual part of your presentation (whether it be a PowerPoint, Prezi, or other tool). Make sure that the visual cues you give yourself help your words flow. My personal preference is to use a little bit of text and let your words speak for themselves (you don’t want people reading the slides instead of listening to you). Consider using keywords or photos that you can connect to your content instead of reading directly off the slide. At the same time, make sure you know what works for you and prepare accordingly.

Think about it this way: Your slides should act as an outline for what you want to say, helping your listeners follow along or jot down key points. However,if you need notes, consider bringing them along separately.

While you may feel stupid talking to yourself (maybe in front of a mirror) or practicing with your housemate, the first time through a presentation always feels harder than the second or third. If you have time to practice a time or two before you get in front of your final crowd, you can make sure you feel your way around words that you don’t feel comfortable with (potentially switching them out for others) and confirm that your presentation makes sense.

Pro-tip: if possible, try to rehearse with a native Spanish speaker who can help you figure out if what you say is clear or not. And remember that constructive criticism in your practice moments is a good option in comparison to your professor not understanding you during the presentation.

Relax and smile:.

A big part of the quality of the presentation is how comfortable you are with yourself. Even if you don’t feel like you really know the content or you are worried about presenting in front of your class, your attitude will affect the perception the audience has of your knowledge. If you are able to get up in front of everyone and act in a calm, collected way (despite the fact that you are shaking inside), that will go a long way towards a good presentation.

Try it: I found the video below that talks about about how body posture impacts our perception of a situation and I have never gone back—before every presentation you can find me in superhero pose!

It’s not the end of the world:

I just want to remind you that, at the end of the day, if your presentation is terrible it is not the end of the world. Honestly, as someone who has been there, it is commendable that you are potentially getting up in front of a whole class of native speakers to give a presentation in a language that you are only more or less comfortable with. Personally, the most important thing is to notice how you feel during the presentation and figure out ways that you can ‘do it better’ next time. Like anything, practice makes it easier, but sometimes we have to fall before we can fly.

We would love to hear about your presentation experiences while abroad. Are you a nervous presenter or are you as cool as a cucumber? Let us know!

Sincerely, Spain

P.S. I would just like you all to know that while I am a good presenter, I am not always (read almost never) comfortable when presenting, I am just good at hiding it. It has allowed me to ace presentations—not only at school but also in front of other crowds—and job interviews. Therefore, I believe it is a skill worth developing.

how to do a presentation in spanish

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12 Spanish Presentations to Introduce Vocabulary to Beginners in Your Classroom

Presentations are amazing teaching resources ! We can’t deny it.

No matter your students’ learning style and no matter how much we try to incorporate the use of all the senses in our lessons, having a visual aid that keeps the students’ attention can really improve your instruction.

And let’s be honest, no other class will benefit more from visual aids than a language class full of beginners —especially when introducing vocabulary.

So check out these 12 pre-made presentations that you use in your classes!

What to Remember When Using These Presentations

12 spanish presentations to use in your classroom , 1. el clima/tiempo (the weather), 2. los animales (animals), 3. la familia (the family), 4. los colores (the colors), 5. las partes del cuerpo (parts of the body), 6. la cabeza (the head), 7. descripciones físicas (physical descriptions), 8. qué hora es (telling the time — o’clock).

  • 9. Qué hora es? (Telling the time — quarter past, quarter to, half past)

10. Qué hora es? (Telling the time — remaining times)

11. la rutina diaria (daily routine), 12. los cuartos de la casa (the rooms of the house), the power of slides for spanish classes.

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Why reinvent the wheel? Here are 12 presentations already put together that you’re free to adapt to your lessons. If you don’t like a particular slide, just delete it or change it!

Most of these presentations come from a site called ¡Oye! , except for El clima , which comes from a site called Tpduggan . Both sites were created by teachers as resources for other educators.

To access the PowerPoints, click on the Spanish headings. You’ll be directed to the website where you can search for the title of the presentation. You can then choose and download the appropriate file.

You have several useful presentations to choose from, so let me give you a couple of notes before we start:

  • ¡Oye! is a site that has presentations and exercises for each learning skill, divided into topics and school years. Many of the exercises can be used with an interactive whiteboard, although they also have a printed version. In order to use this site and download the presentations between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. during the week, you need to be registered and pay a monthly fee . The rest of the time, access to the site is free. Keep this in mind when you’re preparing your lesson.
  • Tpduggan is exclusively a site that collects PowerPoint presentations of all kinds: vocabulary, grammar, geography, exercises, etc. However, use them with caution because they use English a lot and have lots and lots of text . On the other hand, you can find lots of inspiration and ideas for creating your own presentations.
  • Most of these presentations use drawings instead of pictures . Even though this may seem more appealing to children, it doesn’t mean older students or adults will mind them. However, you can always edit the presentations and change the pictures to something you consider more suitable for your class. After all, no one knows your students’ interests and needs better than you.

Description: This presentation teaches the names of the seasons and weather expressions that go with them. It’s perfect for introducing the vocabulary for the first time or reviewing it. Since all the pictures are drawings, it may be more appealing to younger children. If you feel real pictures may be better for older students, you can always edit the presentation and change the pictures.

Suggestions: One thing I do recommend you change is the first slide,  ¿Qué tiempo hace?   (What’s the weather like?), because beginners may get confused and think this is how we ask about the seasons. I’d change it to Las estaciones del año  (The seasons of the year) or ¿Qué estación del año es?  (What is the season?).

Description: This one contains vocabulary for animals (with drawings) and is under the section and title of “Pets.” It goes beyond the word and the picture and introduces structures to ask questions.

For example:

¿Es un gato? (Is it a cat?)

¿Qué es? (What is it?)

¡ Es un perro! (No! It’s a dog!)

In addition to that, it has animal sounds in the drill at the end—a definite plus and more fun for your students.

Suggestions: You can always change the drawings to real pictures or add more animals and questions according to your lesson or students.

Description: The presentation introduces the family members through an example of a family tree. It introduces new vocabulary while at the same time introducing basic sentence structures for discussing relationships.

Alicia es la madre de María. (Alicia is María’s mother.)

Luis es el hijo de Alicia. (Luis is Alicia’s son.)

Suggestions: My only suggestion here would be to ask your students to copy the family tree in their notebooks before you get to the true/false drill that tests their knowledge. Otherwise, they’ll be too focused on remembering who was who to remember the relationship between them. Let’s make it simple for them!

Description: This presentation introduces the colors. In the first slides, your students will learn how to ask  ¿Qué color es? (What color is it?) and learn the correct term for each color. You’ll just need to edit a small mistake here: the word marrón (brown) is missing the accent.

In the last slides, your students will have to tell you which color results from the combination of two given colors.

negro + blanco = gris (black + white = gray)

Suggestions: This last part makes the color introduction a little more interesting since they’ll also have to think about color theory. They’ll love the fact that they’ll get drums as an anticipation sound before giving the answer and applause after giving the correct one. Make sure your computer has the sound on and the volume up.

Description: This one introduces and reviews the main parts of the body through a drawing of a girl. In the first slide, the body will slowly form part by part with each click, and you’ll see the name of the body part along with its proper article. The slides that follow are drills to review what students have learned.

Suggestions: In the first drill, students name the parts of the body that the arrows are pointing to and the answers are revealed with each click. The words are written on the slide to help students remember the correct spelling.

The final drill looks like a puzzle with random parts appearing. If you want to test their memory and spice it up a little bit, you can speed up how fast they appear.

The words won’t appear in this drill, just each part of the body. Because of that, another thing you can do to see if they remember the spelling of each word is to ask them to write down the name of each part as it appears (with their notes closed, of course).

Before this last drill, you have one slide that says: “Name the parts of the body as they appear on the screen.” My suggestion is to erase this English sentence. There’s no need for translated words in a language class, it’ll just distract them from the Spanish words.

Description:  With a similar structure to the previous presentation, the head is formed part by part with each click and the name appears with its article. Afterward, there are a couple of practice drills to review them.

The drills also follow the same structure as with the presentation of the body. In the first drill, the parts of the face are indicated with arrows and the answer appears. In the second drill, the parts randomly appear without names.

Suggestions: Review them in the same way I suggested for the body. 

Description: This presentation focuses on the description of the eyes and the hair. Your students will be able to answer the following questions:

¿De qué color son tus ojos? (What color are your eyes?)

¿Cómo es tu pelo? (What does your hair look like?)

They’ll also be given the proper vocabulary to answer:

Corto, largo, rizado, liso, rubio, pelirrojo (short, long, curly, straight, blond, red)

The first few slides are descriptions of different characters (in drawings) and the last ones are drills that ask your students to describe or answer specific questions about what other characters look like.

The task on the last slide is to draw a character according to the description. Because this last exercise can be really fun for them, you may want to consider adding a few more descriptions. Your students can then draw and compare their pictures.

Suggestions: One thing to consider: before you use this presentation in class, make sure you already taught them noun and adjective agreement. 

And one small piece of advice. In this presentation, they’re referring to straight hair as liso but you could use the opportunity to teach your students about the language variations according to the place in which it is used. Many countries use lacio instead of liso when referring to straight hair. Here is a very interesting discussion on the topic. Hope it helps!

Description: The structures of all these presentations that have to do with time are quite similar: first there are examples on how to tell time, then there’s a drill where examples are mixed up for your students to practice. At the end, there’s the opportunity to add hands to the clock.

This first presentation shows students how to tell time to the hour, plus noon and midnight. You may need to add en punto  (o’clock; sharp) to each slide or just write it on the board to emphasize that it’s another way to say it.

9. Qué hora es?  (Telling the time — quarter past, quarter to, half past)

Description:  This one shows students how to say y cuarto  (quarter past), menos cuarto  (quarter to) and y media  (half past). 

The hands of the clock aren’t always very clear, so you can either try to edit them or clarify to your students where the hands are supposed to be exactly.

Description: Students will learn how to tell times that are not on the hour, quarter-hour or half-hour.

I spotted an error that you’ll have to correct: on the eighth slide, instead of being la una y veinticinco  (1:25) it actually shows la una y veinte  (1:20), so make sure to edit it.

Description: This one shows a basic daily routine, as its name states. You should present it after teaching your students how to tell time since the last part of this presentation combines the activities of the routine with the time at which they happen.

At the end, you have the same activities and a clock next to each one that tells the exact time those activities happen. This allows them to practice the new daily routine vocabulary, telling time and the conjugation of the verbs.

Suggestions:  The first part is the introduction of some basic activities such as despertarse  (waking up),  levantarse  (getting up), vestirse (getting dressed), etc. They’re all in first person, but if you’ve already taught students the verbs in the present tense, ask students to conjugate the verbs in the third person.

So, one example shows a boy having breakfast with the slide saying Desayuno (I’m having breakfast). You’ll ask your students, “ ¿Qué hace él? ” (What is he doing?) They’ll then conjugate the verb correctly by telling you, “ Desayuna. ” (He’s having breakfast.)

Also, when combining the pictures with the times on the 13th slide, the second example may be confusing since the clock looks like it says siete menos veinte (6:40) instead of ocho menos veinte (7:40), so you may want to edit this one.

Description: The first part introduces each room. This will be drilled on the 12th and 13th slides. But on the 11th slide, you have pictures of objects (without their label) that you’ll find in these rooms like a bed, chair, lamp, etc. The question on this slide is ¿En qué habitación se encuentra…?  (In which room is …?)

Suggestions: The goal is to practice the name of the room where these objects are, but since they have no label and your students probably won’t know their names, I suggest you print out the pictures of those objects with their names and distribute them randomly to your students before the lesson (or before the presentation).

Once you reach this slide, you can ask the student that has each object to either say the name, show the card or write it on the board to teach their classmates. This way you’re adding an interactive element in the middle of your presentation.

I’d also suggest you change the title to Los cuartos de la casa  or add the article to En casa  (at home) so that it becomes  En la casa .

Another suggestion would be to either eliminate the last slide of the presentation or at least erase the English translation. I’d just keep the slide’s title ¿Cómo es tu casa?  (What is your house like?) to encourage them to describe their own house (how many rooms, which floor they are on, etc.), but in the presentation, it’s unnecessary to have so much text. Just list any necessary vocabulary on the board.

Even though it’s been on the market for almost 30 years, PowerPoint is still a favorite when it comes to presentations.

It allows you to show pictures, graphics, charts and diagrams, or embed videos , songs and sounds. The possibilities are endless!

How about taking your students on a virtual tour with a photo presentation? Or teaching comparatives and superlatives through a set of slides of something your students can compare? Create a comic book , maybe? Or show them a sequence of events and encourage them to predict what will happen next when you’re teaching the future tense?

Even though it takes some time to create them, they’ll work for you for a very long time. You can easily adapt them to your lesson or to your students’ needs. If you prefer to create your own presentations, you can find plenty of tips and tricks online to make them awesome. 

But don’t worry if you just don’t have the time. The internet has a ton of websites where teachers share their presentations and are free for you to download and use in your classroom. And you can still modify them to add your personal touch.

Now, I’m going to be brutally honest with you. In the world of Spanish presentations, finding good presentations to introduce vocabulary to beginners is not easy.

Here are some of the main problems I’ve encountered with Spanish presentations:

  • The use of English to explain Spanish . These presentations may be appropriate for teachers but not for the students. We want them to get used to Spanish, and bombarding them with information in English won’t allow them to immerse themselves in the language we’re trying to teach.
  • Lots of text . In any kind of presentation, this decreases the attention of the students and, therefore, the effectiveness of the message; either they listen to you or they read the presentation. But in a language class where you’re presenting new vocabulary, having lots of extra words is even worse.
  • Not an absolute necessity. It’s important that you set your learning goals before you decide to use them and not the other way around. It’s important to be purposeful with PowerPoints and make sure it’s not the only way you introduce new vocabulary—the novelty will wear off and your students will get bored.

An ideal PowerPoint presentation for teaching vocabulary must be clear, concise, without paragraphs and with lots and lots of pictures—even more so when you are introducing words to beginners. And most importantly, they should only be in Spanish.

You want your students to associate the new word with an image (and maybe a sound), and you want them to remember it in Spanish.

Speaking of images and sounds, you may find great use in some of the fantastic learning material found on FluentU . With FluentU’s diverse and growing library of authentic content, students learn and live Spanish in an immersive fashion.

FluentU works for you as the educator as well! FluentU’s integrated teaching tools make it simple to monitor your students’ progress as they complete exercises and review the newly learned material. You’re sure to find content that can work wonderfully as a basis for PowerPoint presentations.

I hope you enjoy these resources and ideas for many (school) years to come.

And if at some point you decide to spend some time creating your own presentations, please share them online so you can help other teachers the same way they’re helping you now!

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how to do a presentation in spanish

Teresa Buendia

Useful Phrases to Give a Presentation in Spanish

¿has dado alguna vez una presentación en español .

Si es así,  ya sabes que puede ser bastante difícil pensar en las palabras correctas cuando todos te están mirando. ¡Cuánta presión y qué nervios!

Bueno, no te preocupes, porque en esta entrada aprenderás una serie de frases en español que te ayudarán a que tus presentaciones sean más  profesionales.


how to do a presentation in spanish

Al comienzo de tu presentación sería ideal seguir los siguientes pasos:

  • Preséntate a ti mismo y a tu tema.
  • Haz un resumen de tu exposición.
  • Dile a la audiencia cómo manejarás las preguntas.

Para presentarte di tu nombre, en qué empresa trabajas y/o cuál es tu trabajo específico:

“Buenas tardes. Mi nombre es (tu nombre) y soy (tu trabajo) en (tu empresa)” .

Luego, puedes decirle a la audiencia cuál es el tema general. Aquí hay dos frases que puedes usar: 

“Mi presentación es sobre…”

“Hoy me gustaría hablarte de…”

Siempre es una buena idea darle a la audiencia un resumen o una descripción general de su presentación. Recuerda dirigirte a tu público tratándoles de USTED :

“Permítanme darles una descripción general de la presentación de hoy”.

“En primer lugar  voy a hablar de… (tema 1)”

“Después de eso, echaremos un vistazo a… (tema 2)”

“Entonces, consideraremos… (tema 3)”

“Y finalmente, explicaré… (tema final)”

Luego, dile a la audiencia si desea que la gente le haga preguntas en medio de la presentación o solo al final. Aquí hay una frase para cada uno:

“Por favor, siéntase libre de interrumpirme si tiene alguna pregunta”.

“Dejaré algo de tiempo para preguntas al final de la presentación”.


Para comenzar el primer tema, puedes usar frases como éstas:

“Me gustaría comenzar por/con… ”.

“Empecemos por… ”.

En este contexto, las palabras “comenzar” y “empezar” significan lo mismo.

Para pasar a otro tema, puede usar estas frases:

“Ahora vamos a pasar a…”

“Ahora veamos…”

“Ahora me gustaría discutir…”

“Ahora déjame pasar a…”

Notarás que todos comienzan con la palabra “ahora”: esta es una señal para tu audiencia de que estás presentando un nuevo tema.


how to do a presentation in spanish

Si estás dando una presentación en PowerPoint, querrás consultar las diapositivas, que pueden mostrar imágenes, mapas, gráficos, cuadros, tablas, etc.

Aquí hay algunas frases que puedes usar:

“Esta diapositiva muestra… ”.

“Mirando esta diapositiva, podemos ver que… ”.

“Como puede ver en esta diapositiva…” .


how to do a presentation in spanish

¿Qué harías si dijeras algo incorrecto o confuso durante tu presentación?

Primero, ¡no te pongas nervioso/a! Los hablantes nativos de español también cometen errores durante las presentaciones, así que ¡no es el fin del mundo!.

Aquí tienes algunas frases para retomar el rumbo:

Frases para decir algo de nuevo usando diferentes palabras:

“Déjeme decirlo de otra manera”.

“Déjeme reformular eso”.

“En otras palabras…”

Frases para corregir un error:

“Lo siento, eso no es correcto. quise decir que… [hemos contratado a 15 nuevos empleados, no a 50] ”.

Disculpe + corrección con énfasis.

Por ejemplo: “La escuela fue fundada en 1999, disculpe , mil novecientos ochenta y nueve”.

Frases para describir efectos:

Por lo tanto … (usualmente usado para una conclusión lógica)

Este producto es más caro de producir. Por lo tanto, los márgenes de beneficio son más bajos.

En consecuencia … (más formal)

La empresa no obtuvo el permiso de construcción adecuado. En consecuencia, tuvimos que pagar una multa por incumplimiento.

Como resultado …

Hemos invertido en mejores equipos de seguridad y, como resultado , la cantidad de accidentes se ha reducido .

Entonces …

Los anuncios tuvieron éxito, entonces , ahora planeamos expandir el programa.

Las palabras “por lo tanto” y “en consecuencia” se usan típicamente al comienzo de una oración. “Como resultado” se puede usar al principio o al final de una oración, y la palabra “entonces” se usa típicamente en el medio de una oración.

how to do a presentation in spanish

Al final de su presentación, puede dar un breve resumen de sus puntos principales o el mensaje más importante. Aquí hay algunas frases para eso:

“En conclusión…” “Cerraré resumiendo los puntos principales”. “Permítanme recordarles brevemente lo que hemos cubierto”. Como frase final, puedes decir: “Gracias por su atención.”

how to do a presentation in spanish

Para informar a la audiencia que está listo para responder preguntas, puede decir:

“¿Alguien tiene alguna pregunta?” (generalmente se hace en una reunión/grupo más pequeño)

“Me gustaría dar paso a las preguntas ahora”. (generalmente se hace cuando se presenta a un grupo más grande)

Si no entendió la pregunta de la persona, puede decir: “Lo siento, no entendí eso, ¿podrías repetirlo?”

“Lo siento, no entiendo muy bien tu pregunta, ¿te importaría reformularla?” Las expresiones “lo siento” y “te importaría” se incluyen por cortesía.

Si la pregunta requiere información que no tienes en este momento, pero que podrías averiguar más adelante, puedes decir esto: “Esa es una pregunta interesante. En realidad, no lo sé muy bien, pero intentaré responderte más tarde con una respuesta”.

Si no puede responder la pregunta, pero alguien más puede, entonces diga: “Desafortunadamente, no soy la mejor persona para responder eso, pero puedo ponerlo en contacto con un colega mío” .

Finalmente, si la respuesta a la pregunta va a ser muy larga, puede decir: “Me temo que tomaría mucho tiempo explicarlo, pero tal vez tú y yo podamos hablar de eso más a fondo después”. Esto significa que no desea responder la pregunta de inmediato, pero está dispuesto a hablar con la persona al respecto después de la presentación.

Esto es todo por ahora. 

Espero que te sea muy útil.

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Prepare a Spanish presentation with our Spanish lessons

Prepara una presentación en inglés con nuestras clases de inglés en línea

Prepare yourself with our Spanish courses to master the language and give a successful Spanish presentation.

Speaking a foreign language in front of a crowd can make you nervous, especially when the Spanish presentation is in front of native speakers. We recommend you to prepare yourself with Spanish courses until you complete your language training and reach a high level. In addition to having the language skills, it is important to show confidence, follow the structure of the information and speak clearly so that the audience understands the topic of your Spanish presentation.

Get all the tools of the Spanish language in one of the best Spanish schools in Cancun . Now, you can increase your language skills with Spanish online Cancun and the following tips for structuring a professional Spanish presentation.

How to prepare a Spanish presentation?

It is essential to structure a framework for your Spanish presentation where you will apply the knowledge and practice from your Spanish lessons . According to public speaking experts, it is recommended to prepare a conference in 3 steps:

  • Open with something personal to capture the attention of your audience and announce what the presentation will be about.
  • Name three important points and develop them with a story, examples, experience, etc.
  • Summarize the key points briefly and concisely, mentioning the personal or audience impact.

The structure of a Spanish presentation is delimited by three phases: introduction, development and conclusion. Preparation is the key so you will need to study a presentation, we recommend you to learn the first 30 seconds verbatim, remember that it is important to have an interesting introduction to capture the audience’s attention from the beginning.

During the development incorporate information with multimedia material and the content that is in another language translate it or add subtitles in Spanish.

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Key phrases for your Spanish presentation

During Spanish lessons you will learn how to communicate effectively in Spanish by developing the skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking in Spanish. Each is an integral part of mastering the language, but we will focus on the last one: speaking. Here are some useful phrases to use during your Spanish presentation:

Phrases to introduce your presentation

  • ¡Buenos días/ tardes /noches a todos!
  • Bienvenidos a la presentación acerca de…
  • Soy ______ de la compañía ____ y el día de hoy les presentaré el tema…
  • Mi nombre es______ y hablaré sobre ______.
  • Las preguntas al público son una forma de llamar la atención de la audiencia, por lo que son una herramienta interesante y empática que sirve como una introducción ideal a presentaciones en español exitosas.
Spanish schools in Mexico

Phrases for the development of your conference in Spanish

During the development of the Spanish presentation it is important to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the words, as well as the tone, rhythm and pauses. Remember that you can practice these aspects in Spanish courses  to improve your Spanish speaking skills.

  • Establish contact with the audience

To increase audience interest and engagement, it is important to establish contact with your audience. Use interactive elements such as polls to get them involved and express themselves on the topic, here are some examples. We remind you that you can learn Spanish while living an incredible experience in Mexico or at the Spanish school Bogota . You choose the school, we make sure you learn Spanish in an attractive way.

  • Por favor levanten la mano si alguna vez ______…
  • Alguien ha pensado en______?
  • Por favor pregunten cualquier duda o tema.
  • Comparando _____con_____, podemos notar que…
  • Claramente, ______ tiene más sentido que______…
  • Mientras que la Opción A es______, Option B se refiere a…
  • Primeramente ______, en segundo lugar______…
  • En la siguiente diapositiva…
  • Asimismo, es importante mencionar que…
  • Ahora pasaremos al siguiente tema…
  • Preparé un video al respecto…
  • Esta imagen explica perfectamente el concepto…
  • Pongan atención en el video/imagen en donde …
  • El promedio es…
  • Los resultados demuestran que…
  • De acuerdo con este párrafo, la atención debe de estar en…
  • I want to stress the importance of…
  • This is of high significance because…
  • Moreover, it has to be said that…
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Finish your Spanish presentation successfully

In order to close your Spanish presentation correctly, here are some phrases to put your Spanish lessons into practice.

  • En conclusión, podemos decir que…
  • En resumen, los puntos principales son…
  • Teniendo en cuenta los aspectos mencionados, podemos concluir que …
  • Fue un honor estar con ustedes el día de hoy.
  • Gracias por su tiempo y atención.
  • Gracias por asistir al evento el día de hoy.

Remember to adapt body language to the presentation and practice in Spanish classes . Preparing a professional Spanish presentation or for personal purposes is probably one of the tests or objectives you will have when studying the language. Prepare yourself with Spanish lessons to develop your language skills and obtain an international Spanish certificate.

Enroll in one of the most important Spanish schools in Mexico and LATAM to live a language experience!

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Category: Oral Presentations

Learn spanish with oral presentations – gaby vargas at tedxdf.

There are times when finding materials to practice Spanish can seem like a challenge. But in these times of digital abundance, being creative and resourceful can make things much easier. Continue reading “Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Gaby Vargas at TEDxDF”

Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Michael Rojkind at TEDxPuraVida

There are times when finding materials to practice Spanish may seem like a challenge, but in these times of digital abundance, with a little creativity and flexibility, finding innovative ways to practice is easier than most people think.

In this post, we’ll use an oral presentation in Spanish by Michael Rojkind, an innovative architect from Mexico, to practice your listening and comprehension skills at the same time.

how to do a presentation in spanish

Continue reading “Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Michael Rojkind at TEDxPuraVida”

Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Luis Moreno Ocampo at TEDxBuenosAires

Finding interesting materials to practice Spanish online is easy if you are creative and resourceful. Today we will use an oral presentation recorded at TEDxBuenosAires in 2010 as a tool to practice your listening and comprehension skills in Spanish.

In the video shown below these lines, Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo, an Argentine lawyer and the first prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, talks about the global institutions of the 21st-century and the importance they have for modern societies. It is a very interesting talk with ideas worth reviewing.

Continue reading “Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Luis Moreno Ocampo at TEDxBuenosAires”

Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Carlos Alazraki at TEDxSanMigueldeAllende

There many different ways to practice Spanish online, and with a little flexibility and creativity, the possibilities are endless. Today we’ll use an oral presentation to practice your listening and comprehension skills in Spanish.

how to do a presentation in spanish

Continue reading “Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Carlos Alazraki at TEDxSanMigueldeAllende”

Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Omar Villalobos at TEDxDF

Although traveling to a foreign country is one of the best ways to learn a new language, there are also many ways to take our minds to different times and different places using the power of the Internet creatively.

Today we will use a brilliant oral presentation about the potential of our minds by Mr. Omar Villalobos, recorded at TEDxDF in Mexico City, to practice your listening and comprehension skills in Spanish.

how to do a presentation in spanish

Continue reading “Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Omar Villalobos at TEDxDF”

Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Manu Ginobili at TEDxBuenosAires

In these times of modern digital technology, finding ways to practice Spanish is much easier than most people think if you’re creative and open-minded.

We will use an oral presentation by the NBA All-Star Manu Ginobili to practice your listening and comprehension skills in Spanish.

how to do a presentation in spanish

If you’re wondering something along the lines of: “how my going to use an oral presentation in Spanish to practice, if I can barely understand the language?”.

The answer, subtitles and perseverance .

Continue reading “Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Manu Ginobili at TEDxBuenosAires”

how to do a presentation in spanish

La presentación oral: 13 Ways to Teach it for AP Spanish Success

When my students first began giving oral presentations in my AP Spanish Language and Culture course, they had trouble for three reasons:

1. They had little knowledge of cultural practices in Spanish-speaking countries.

2. They struggled to finish within the two-minute limit.

3. Their presentations were completely disorganized.

In this blog post, I will explain how I addressed each issue so that my students were able to master the oral presentation section of the AP Spanish exam. Keep reading and get my F-R-E-E culture project on Spanish-speaking countries and famous hispanohablantes. Below are my best tips on how to teach la presentación oral.


Neither the teacher nor the students can predict what cultural practice will be mentioned in the presentational speaking section of the AP exam. Hence, the anxiety. However, just as those who live in Seattle must always have a raincoat within reach, students of AP Spanish must come equipped with knowledge of many traditions practiced in Spain and Latin America. Hence, the culture presentation. The more customs they are familiar with, the more likely it is that they will be able to answer the question with confidence. In order to fill their cultural knowledge bank, I assign a project.

How to Teach La presentación Oral for AP Spanish: La presentación oral

At the beginning of the course, I hand out instructions for a culture project. Students must do a Google search to find cultural practices or traditions of a Spanish-speaking country. They can either choose from articles in the textbook or find their own. If they select a tradition not in the text, I must approve their choices.

I hand out and explain the instructions, so students know the requirements.


  • Have a visual component.
  • Be five minutes long.
  • Include comprehension questions for the class.
  • Include a quiz for the class.
  • Include an additional two-minute oral presentation comparing the cultural practice with one in their own country.

While the student talks, the observers take notes. Whenever students give presentations, I also include a graded, listening component for the observers so no one is sitting idly; students are always practicing their Spanish language skills, either speaking or listening. In this case, the students must evaluate la presentación oral according to the rubric, and answer comprehension questions in the student-created quiz.

After the presentations, the observers ask the presenter questions about his or her speech, then take the quiz.

Want more details? Click the following link to access the culture project I use: LA PRESENTACIÓN ORAL CULTURE PROJECT . These instructions are for Triángulo aprobado, but you can use them with Vista Higher Learning or any other textbook or test-practice booklet. Just replace the titles where appropriate.


When I was a new teacher, I would anxiously sit down to grade a project and then feel my disappointed heart sink to my toes as I read each submission. How did the students miss the target by so great a distance? Because I had assumed they knew what I expected. Surely they knew they needed to include what to me were obvious elements. But they didn’t.

Students need to know exactly what is required of them. With that goal in mind, I tell them, at the beginning, what the learning objectives are. Then I give them the rubric with even more details. Below is the learning goal I give my students for the presentación oral comparing the grading system in the U.S. to that of a Spanish-speaking country:

Given a rubric of the oral presentation, vocabulary of comparisons, a PowerPoint on the Oral Presentation, and information on grading systems, students will do a two-minute oral presentation comparing the grading system of one Spanish-speaking country to the grading system in the United States.


Given information on Cartagena and Macchu Picchu, students will do an oral presentation comparing an American tourist attraction to Machu Picchu or Cartagena.

These topics were in the cultural texts of our AP Spanish test-prep booklet.


Before students attempt to discuss the differences and similarities of various cultures, they need to have the vocabulary to do so; they need to know how to make comparisons in Spanish, and they need to know the vocabulary specific to the given topic.

I hand out a list of words and phrases students need in order to make comparisons and also vocabulary of challenging words from the text we will be reading.

The words don’t automatically become part of the students’ working vocabulary just because I handed them the list of words. They need to practice the vocabulary, to see the words in context, and to let them percolate in their brains (recognition phase). Then they draw a representation of the words, write the definition, and use them in context themselves (productive).

Below is part of the list of comparisons I give my Spanish students.

Vocabulario para la comparación

  • Por un lado                                     On the one hand
  • Por otro lado                                  On the other hand
  • En comparación con                    In comparison with
  • Si se compara…con                      If one compares…with
  • Es cada vez más                            It’s more and more
  • Es cada vez menos                       It’s less and less
  • Mientras que X…                          While X…
  • Se parece a…                                 It is similar to
  • Se diferencia en                            It differs in that
  • Mejor / peor queue                        Better / worse than
  • Aunque…                                      Although / even though
  • A la inversa                                   Conversely
  • De manera different                   Differently
  • Sin embargo                                 However

For example, I might say the following: Escojan dos palabras del vocabulario en la página 112. Hagan los cuadros y escriban una oración para cada palabra.

Students draw a square with four boxes. Sometimes, instead of writing sentences in the last box, I tell them to write synonyms in Spanish. Below is the demonstration I show them before instructing them to practice with the vocabulary.

La presentación oral Vocabulary for AP Spanish


LEARNING TARGET: Students will plan and produce spoken presentational communications.

After students practice the vocabulary, we read the instructions and the exam description together, in Spanish, so they understand the requirements:

  • They will have four minutes to read the topic and prepare their presentation.
  • They will have two minutes to record their presentation.
  • They will need to use the formal register.
  • They will be comparing cultural characteristics / practices, traditions of the community in which they live with those of a Spanish-speaking country or Spanish-speaking communities with which they are familiar.
  • They can use any of the following examples: information they have read, heard, or seen, or personal experiences or observations.


It is essential that students learn to organize their presentations, or they will not succeed on the exam. Organizing helps them think better and it also helps them stay within the time constraints.

In order to organize their speech, they must:

  • Begin with a thesis statement that answers the question.
  • Include words of the question in their thesis statement.
  • Include developing paragraphs and a conclusion.
  • Use a graphic organizer to prepare: I show students how to use a Venn Diagram and also a T graphic. On one side, students put the differences, on the other side, the similarities.

Presentación oral for AP Spanish


I read the College Board rubric for AP Spanish Presentational Speaking with the students so they know how they will be evaluated.


Then, I show my PowerPoint, which repeats the instructions (once isn’t enough) and gives more details of what is required. Below are a few examples of what students learn when watching the PowerPoint.


  • Demonstrate knowledge of the culture of a Spanish-speaking country.
  • Speak fluidly.
  • Provide details of the culture.
  • Make themselves understood, speak with varied vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.
  • Speak with good pronunciation.
  • Correct themselves as they are speaking when they make mistakes.
  • Commit few grammatical errors
  • Read the question thoroughly.
  • Use pausing or transition words to give them time to think such as, “así que, pues, entonces, además…”

The PowerPoint also shows several example introductions and thesis statements for a given cultural comparison including reasons number one and two. It also shows model text for developing paragraphs and a conclusion.

how to do a presentation in spanish


After showing the PowerPoint, I give students a checklist of the required elements. After they read the model presentation, I check for understanding by asking students what the requirements are for a good presentation.

Then, students evaluate the model presentation according to the rubric or checklist using the college board grading system: They give an exam score of 1-5. (My checklist was created using the AP Spanish rubric for presentational speaking.)

An easy way to give students an idea of what a grade of 5 looks like is to have them listen to past exams and guess the score. Students hear presentations of scores ranging from 1 to 5. They then evaluate the presentation using a checklist. Once they guess, I show them what the real score was.


I train students how to correct themselves during the presentation to improve fluidity and help them sound more like a native speaker. For example, I teach the vocabulary they will need when they misspeak, such as, “Es decir, mejor dicho, o sea, digo”.


I read the cultural note in the textbook, test-practice booklet, or text I have provided. For example, I say: Lee la “Cápsula cultural: En las terrazas de Cuzco se puede cultivar más que hortalizas” en la página 111 en Triángulo aprobado.

Then I read the question. For example: Comparaciones: Compara la atracción turística de Machu Picchu con un sitio de tu país o comunidad.


I solicit “semejanzas y diferencias”. I write in students’ answers on a transparency (Boy am I old), smart board or whiteboard. Students take notes in their graphic organizer.


Working with a partner greatly decreases student anxiety and makes the task more fun. Also, students have the advantage of a peer tutor.

The first time students work on the oral presentation, I give them a full ten minutes to prepare. The more proficient they become in organizing their comparisons, the less time I give them. The last few months before the AP Spanish exam, students listen to the audio prompts which only allow four minutes to prepare.


Students now give their oral presentations using Google Voice, Audacity, or online using the publisher’s site. I time them for two minutes using a stopwatch.

One student at a time gives the presentation while the partner evaluates using the checklist. Students turn in the checklist.

I ask for two volunteers to present before the class for extra points. The entire class grades them according to the checklist.


Did I say 13 ways? Here is #14.

Time is always beating me with a whip as I prepare my students to pass the test. Therefore, I must find ways to use my time efficiently. A great way to save time is to work on two sections of the AP exam simultaneously. I instruct half the class to work on the oral presentation and the other half to work on the simulated conversation for the current AP Spanish theme, for example: Contemporary Life, or Global Challenges. Half the students are doing practice tests for presentational speaking while the other half works on interpersonal speaking. For example:

  • Half the class does Conversación simulada p. 117 on Audacity or the Learning Site.
  • The other half of the class does oral presentation on Google Voice or the Learning Site.
  • Then they switch.
  • The Spanish teacher times the oral presentation for two minutes. Remember to tell the test takers to say their name and let a few seconds pass first and to say who they are when using Google Voice.

If you would rather not do all the work yourself, you can use the Oral Presentation PowerPoint and Activities for AP Spanish Language and Culture to help students master la presentación oral portion of the AP Spanish exam. This valuable resource includes everything I have mentioned in this post.

These resources can be used with Triángulo aprobado Spanish Language books or Vista Higher Learning booklets or any AP Spanish Test-prep books. Google Slides digital versions are available, too.

The 28-slide Presentación Oral PowerPoint for AP Spanish includes the following:

  • Instructions on how to do a cultural oral presentation for AP Spanish
  • Required elements of an oral presentation
  • A sample cultural question taken from Triángulo aprobado
  • Two sample graphic organizers for the “presentación oral”
  • Instructions on how to write the “oración de tesis” and how to organize the “presentación oral”
  • A sample cultural oral presentation with the components labeled
  • Expressions for self-correction
  • Expressions for pausing and transition
  • 24 words and expressions useful for making comparisons
  • Four possible introductions
  • Three possible “oraciones de tesis”
  • Two sample developing paragraphs
  • A sample conclusion
  • Instructions for writing the conclusion

The printables include the following:

  • a checklist for self-correction or partner correction
  • a lesson plan for the oral presentation following the EDI format: the learning objective, attention-getter, tension, explain/model/demonstrate, checking for understanding, guided practice, closure, independent practice/homework, and items needed to present the lesson
  • a graphic organizer
  • a handout of vocabulary for making comparisons
  • the password to open the PowerPoint YOU WILL NEED MICROSOFT OFFICE 2002 in order to access the password-protected PowerPoint.

This PowerPoint and Activities is included in the following bundle: A P SPANISH POWERPOINTS

How do AP Spanish students record their  simulated conversations  and  oral presentations ?

So many of you have asked me what my students use to record their presentations. I will tell you what I used and also what other teachers use, so you have many options. BELOW ARE WAYS STUDENTS CAN RECORD:  

  • Google Voice (What I used)
  • Vocaroo  Online Voice Recorder (It’s free and I’ve heard great things about it.)
  • Flip  (Used to be FlipGrid.)
  • Schoology, Canvas, or any LMS (Learning Management System) your school is using.
  • Audacity (I have used this as well.)
  • Vista Higher Learning SuperSite
  • Student Phones (Voice Memo or Recording App)
  • Google MP3 in Google Classroom


If you don’t want to write the lesson plans yourself, use the ready-made lesson plans below. They do everything for you! And you can have confidence in them since all my students passed the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam except one during the five years I taught AP Spanish.

AP Spanish Lesson Plans and Curriculum for Tríangulo apro bado

AP Spanish Lesson Plans and Curriculum for Vista Higher Learning

Would you like more free resources for AP Spanish? And more tips on how to teach it? Click on the links below.

F-R-E-E Lesson on the Argumentative Essay for Presentational Writing (Previously called the Persuasive Essay)

Simple Tips on How to Teach the AP Spanish Email Reply for Interpersonal Writing

How to Teach the Argumentative Essay

Why I Teac h AP Spanish the Way I Do

What do I Teach After the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam?

I hope this post has given you some ideas to help your students master la presentación oral section of the AP Spanish exam. If you found this post helpful, send the link to a friend!

If you’d like to get more tips and f-r-e-e resources in your email, subscribe to my newsletter. Just click this link and scroll to the bottom to subscribe: Best PowerPoints for Spanish and French by Angie Torre. You’ll also get a F-R-E-E 122-slide PowerPoint on Spanish verbs and infinitives.


Angie Torre

  • You are saving this new teacher countless hours of work!!! The preview showed great resources and examples for AP students can't wait to begin using! Worth every single penny. Gracias for all your time and energy spent on creating awesome curriculum! Angela A
  • Such a lifesaver! Love the lessons! Creative and excellent resources. Thanks so much. You made my year much easier.
  • My kids loved it and said it helped clarify this very difficult concept. Muchas gracias! Mrs. F's Room

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I taught world language for 31 years and have created countless resources for Spanish and French during that time.  I am a top seller on Teachers Pay Teachers and for the past 11 years I have devoted my time and energy to helping teachers save time, avoid burn-out, and bring their students to proficiency in the target language through the use of my proven resources. During the five years that I taught AP Spanish, all but one of my students (primarily non-native speakers) passed the AP exam most with fours and fives.

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6 Must-Know Tips for Giving a Presentation in a Foreign Language Posted by meaghan on Oct 14, 2013 in Archived Posts

Speaking in a foreign language can be a challenge in and of itself—giving a presentation in a foreign language makes that challenge even more…. well, challenging. Whether you’re presenting to your classmates, your co-workers, or your community, you’ll want to practice a little harder than normal. These tips will help you perfect your presentation, leaving minds blown rather than tongues tied.

1. Practice, practice, practice—but don’t memorize.

Scripting yourself is a terrible idea for any presentation, regardless of language. It doesn’t make for a very compelling or natural presentation, and you might panic if you forget or veer away from your script, especially if it’s in another language!

Instead, narrow your focus. Acquire the specific vocabulary you need to discuss your topic, but rely on what you already know to fill in the gaps. Practice speaking about your topic out loud to yourself, so you’ll be prepared to improvise when all eyes are on you.

2. Prepare notes.

Didn’t I just tell you not to script your presentation? Yes I did, but here’s the loophole: prepare notes! Add speaker notes to your slides or jot down major points on a set of notecards.  Do not read directly off these notecards!  The less you look at them, the better.

The placebo effect of notecards is powerful—knowing you have an important statistic or difficult word in the language written down in front of you should make you less nervous that you’ll forget it. And just in case you do forget it, voila, there it is.

3. Practice speaking.

This is an obvious one, but seriously, if you’re preparing to speak in front of people for an extended period, you need to be comfortable speaking in the language in general.

You want to be comfortable speaking about your specific topic, but also in using the language fluidly and confidently. Talk out loud to yourself in your second language as much as you can—around the house, in the shower, while driving, etc. Say whatever it is you want! Rage about that guy who cut you off on the drive home, talk about what you want to do this weekend, make up a story about your neighbors who just walked by. Get comfortable pronouncing the language and speaking it fluidly. Then practice the specifics of your presentation.

4.  Keep it simple.

When you present, you want to sound intelligent and compelling. There’s nothing wrong with that. But when you present in another language, focus first on being understood and making your point.

Trying to sound sophisticated only works if you actually sound… sophisticated! But if you mispronounce the big words you insisted upon using and mumble through those prolific examples you just had to include, you’re actually hurting your cause. Keep it simple and within the reach of your current language skills. Impress people with your message itself, not the way you phrase the message. Besides, giving a presentation in your second language is impressive enough as it is.

5. Don’t apologize.

Do  not  start off by apologizing for your language skills (or lack thereof). Instead of making that excuse for yourself, be aware of your shortcomings and address them without drawing attention to them.

If you have a thick accent when speaking in your second language, speak slower than you normally would so your audience can understand you. If you mispronounce a word, don’t get flustered or laugh it off—say it again once or twice so your listeners can catch on. Writing off your mistakes to the fact that “this is your second language” won’t challenge you to get better and do it right.

6. Be culturally appropriate.

This isn’t related to the language, but it’s just as important as the advice above. Unless it’s a class assignment, chances are you’re giving your presentation in another language because you’re abroad.  If that’s the case, research the culture of your audience.

Be aware of hand gestures or facial expressions that are potentially offensive. Figure out if humor is well-received, or if you should show your personality in another way. Speak to colleagues or native speakers who are aware of the culture—and while you’re at it, practice giving your presentation to them!

how to do a presentation in spanish

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About the Author: meaghan

Meaghan is the Marketing Communications Manager at Transparent Language. She speaks enough French and Spanish to survive, and remembers enough Hausa to say "Hello my name is Meaghan, I'm studying Hausa." (But sadly that's it).

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Much needed! Thank you. I do a lot of hosting and presenting in Chinese and no matter how many times I have done it, I always feel nervous and at the end of it feel like I could have done better.

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Excellent article! As a foreign language tutor, I have had to teach public speaking presentation skills to my corporate students and I totally agree with you on the tips you have provided here. Thanks.

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I adore these tips!

I remind myself of many of these as I present but also as my novice learners start presenting. I tell them more often than not to take the risk and try.

My host brother once told me that he hopes he ever loses his accent completely as it helps tell his story even when he is fluent in other languages.

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All teachers have their own little bag of tricks

As teachers, we all like to create our own materials to use in the Spanish classroom. To do so, we use our precious free time to search through thousand of resources to create fun, worthwhile educational materials that really work in the classroom, and that achieve our precise academic objectives. But what do we do when we want to teach our Spanish students some grammatical content , or simply some denser material? How can we make the lesson engaging and interesting ? How can we ensure that we effectively capture our students' attention ? The truth is, it's very possible to make a great presentation , with images and dynamic components that will ensure that, once the presentation is over, the students will have retained the majority of the information. In this best case scenario, students would thus just need some practice in order to process and internalize the information, applying it to the appropiate communicative situations or social contexts.

What tools should I use to make my presentations?

There are many tools to make presentations and it is oftentimes this wide variety that can overwhelm us and lead us to keep using tools we already know, even if they aren’t the best or most adequate for our needs.

With this in mind, we're laying out a brief outline of tools you can use to make lesson presentations for your Spanish classes:

  • Power Point : a classic in slideshow presentations. It's easy to get (it's also available on Google Drive or LibreOffice if you don't have Windows) and equally easy to use. You can create almost anything in a very simple format, so it comes in handy for lessons on grammatical content. Drawbacks: the design is a bit outdated, so you have to be creative. Tutorial.
  • Prezi : some say it can be confusing for students; however, it's very useful for any type of presentation, because it allows you to order your material and move quickly from one topic to the other. Like other tools, it allows you to link multimedia files. Drawbacks: you have to register for the 15-day free trial version. Tutorial.
  • Haiku : it has a more modern design than Power Point and its templates allow you to add images and content quickly. It’s a good choice to introduce new vocabulary. Drawbacks: You also have to register for the free version, but at least there's no time limit. You won't be able to download the presentation unless you buy the full version, but you can share it with your students on social networks or Google+. Sending them the presentation means they don't have to worry about taking notes during class and can better focus on the lesson! Tutorial.
  • Emaze : allows you to make educational presentations after registering for free. You can choose from many attractive templates, and can choose a slideshow format like Power Point or a format like Prezi. It's very comprehensive. Drawbacks: You can only share the presentation, and must buy the full version to download it.   Tutorial.
  • : similar to Power Point, it's also very simple to use and allows multiple people to work on the presentation, so it’s a good tool for students making their own presentations in group activities. It also requires free registration. Drawbacks: The design is not particularly attractive and also requires you to pay to download the presentation. Tutorial.

Have you used any of these tools to present content in lessons for your Spanish classes? If so, which would you recommend?

We look forward to hearing your comments!

« Next Article: Ser examinador de los exámenes oficiales de español DELE

» previous article: cómo hacer presentaciones para nuestras clases de español.

Specialty Spanish

Specialty Spanish

Ideas and Resources for Spanish Teachers

Teaching Students how to present

Teaching Spanish Students How To Present

I have a lot of feelings about presentations. Throughout my career, I have seen it all.

The memorized, robotic presentation where the student has no idea what they’re even saying.

The presentation that was meant to be memorized but stage fright took over. Train wreck.

The presentation that was so incorrect, no one knew what was being said.

The one-by-one presentations where we are all dying a painful death of boredom as we listen to #27 talk about their likes and dislikes.

girl, bored, sleepy-5835891.jpg

You get the picture. Not pretty. Teaching Spanish students how to present is not an easy task.

So How Do We Teach Spanish Students How to Present?

Do we just forget it?

Instead, we instruct students about what a good presentation looks like and sounds like.

AP Spanish Presentations

Let’s start with our most advanced students. Theoretically, they are the most prepared to give a quality, interesting presentation. In my AP Spanish class, some presentations are done individually and some in groups. Many have a visual requirement as well.

Start by getting students comfortable speaking off the cuff. This means providing opportunities every day for students to answer questions and give opinions about things they have not prepared ahead of time. This builds their confidence in their ability to use their language creatively. (See my blog post about building confidence in AP Spanish students here!)

Go over the requirements of the presentation in detail. Don’t leave much to the imagination. Students will fill in their own blanks, and sometimes it’s not what we want!

Here are the guidelines I give to teach my AP Spanish students to present an excellent piece of work:

Here are Some Guidelines for Teaching AP Spanish Students to Present

  • Know your content well. This also means learning key vocabulary words that may be new.
  • Make a notecard with bulleted phrases to guide you. *It’s important NOT to write down everything you want to say word for word. Instead, having the outline will boost you and jog your memory.
  • Create a visual to go along with what you’re saying. These visuals are meant to help the audience understand what you’re saying, and to give them a picture to go along with your words. It adds interest to your presentation. But! It’s important NOT to have a lot of words on your slides. No one wants to be read to, and there is a strong temptation to turn your back to the audience and read the slides. At least for my grading rubrics, a student will not earn a good score by reading their slides.
  • Rehearse your presentation. Is there a time limit? Does your presentation fall within it? Did you hit any road blocks with vocabulary that you need to work out before the day of the presentation? Do you need help with pronunciation? All of these are issues that rehearsing can work out!

Click HERE for my freebie handout with these reminders to give your students!

Click HERE for an example of an oral presentation with visuals that I assign to my AP students.

Teaching Year 1-4 Spanish Students To Present

For Novice and Intermediate Low students, our expectations are a little bit different. Their vocabulary and grammar is a lot more limited, so they may need some extra support.

One recommendation I have is that students NOT present one-by-one in front of the class. First, this incites terror for many of our students! And we know that when a student’s fight, flight or freeze system is activated, no learning or performing is going on!

Second, it’s BORING for the rest of the class to listen to 20 + presentations that are more or less similar.

What to Do Instead?

  • Consider task cards. These are simply cards that give some questions or parameters for students surrounding a topic that you have been practicing in class. For example, you might give a Spanish 1 class task cards that list a person’s name, age, physical description, etc. (in English) and ask them to introduce themselves. There should be several versions of these cards. For students in Years 2 or 3, you might create scenarios based on your unit. Perhaps you have a unit on Travel or Getting Hurt? Create several different scenarios where students can tell you a story.
  • Call students up one at a time to do their presentations with you. Your other students can be doing any number of worthwhile activities, including practicing new vocabulary on Quizlet, taking a virtual field trip, reading an interesting cultural article, etc.
  • Provide some supports. One idea is providing a vocab list from your unit or related to the topic in English. I notice that one thing that holds many students back is that they simply can’t think of anything else to say! Having a vocab list in front of them gives them an easy way to jog their thought process so that they can add details to their stories!
  • Practice!! Create class activities that allow students the chance to use their language creatively in both speaking and writing. The time they are graded should not be the first time they are doing the sort of task you are grading them on!

Click Here if you would like some task cards/scenarios for your Year 2 or 3 Students! These are related to accidents & injuries, but the idea can be used for any sort of scenarios!

Teaching our Spanish students how to present is tricky! Please use the comment section below if you have any other tips that have improved your students’ presentations in Spanish!

Related posts:

Building Confidence with AP Spanish Students

How To Encourage Group Work in Spanish Class

How To Teach AP Spanish Students the Cultural Comparison

Teaching Students how to present

AP Lesson Plan, Posters, Lesson Plan Templates, Goal-Setting, Presentations How-To Handouts, and more!

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Stage 1: Greetings and presentations in Spanish

podcast spanish route episode 2

English translation of podcast audio

Spanish Route, episode ONE. Your guided route to Spanish.

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Welcome to Spanish Route. The program, the podcast, to learn Spanish in the easiest and most fun way. My name is Sergio and I am your personal Spanish trainer.

This is the first program and it’s going to be very easy, you’ll see.

We will learn to introduce ourselves and to greet us. We will ask some questions and answer them. That way you’ll know me a little better.

But first, I want to remind you that on my website:   You can read the transcription and English translation of this program. In case there is something you have not understood well. You can download the pdf with the presentation of the class and with a very easy written exercise to help you practice the concepts we have talked about today.

Also, from  , you can write me with questions that we will solve in the program.

And if you want to  access Skype conversation sessions with me , at a very low price.  

Remember And now Let’s start with the program.

In this first chapter  we will start at the most basic level.  We will learn to introduce ourselves and to greet us.

Remember that this program can be followed from the audio player of my website, or through your favorite podcast player.

And besides, in case you find it difficult to follow me, you can also watch the class through my YouTube channel with the presentation of the sentences in writing.

Do not worry about grammar, writing or punctuation, we will see it little by little in the next classes.

For the moment, the most important thing is to practice your hearing and mentally translate the phrases and expressions of Spanish into your language.

Hola (Hello!)

¡ Hola! (Hello!)

This is the word (the interjection) to greet, draw the attention of another person or introduce ourselves. ¡Hola! = Hello!

¿Cómo te llamas? (What is your name?)

¿Cómo te llamas? (What is your name?)  This is the phrase we use in Spanish to ask the name of the person we are talking to.  ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas? (Hello! What is your name?)

Me llamo Sergio (My name is Sergio)

Me llamo Sergio (My name is Sergio).  With these words I answer the previous question. It’s the way to tell someone what my name is.

You could also say «Yo me llamo Sergio». But in Spanish the subject pronoun of the phrase is usually omitted when in the conjugation of the verb one already understands who the subject is.

Bienvenido (Welcome)

¡Bienvenido! (Welcome!)  . This is the word we use to receive someone in our house, in our place of work, or in any event or situation. Also when someone arrives from a trip, for example.

Do you know how to say” bienvenido ” in your language?

Bienvenido.  This is the masculine form. That is, when the other person is male: A boy, a man or a man.

Bienvenida.  This is the feminine form. When the other person is of the female gender. A girl, a woman or a lady.  Welcome.

¡Encantado de conocerte! (Nice to meet you!)

This is the phrase to say that we are glad to meet someone.  ¡Encantado de conocerte! (Nice to meet you!)

This is the masculine form, but it refers to the subject of the phrase. To the gender of the person who says the phrase.

If I am a boy I say: «¡Encantado de conocerte!»

If I am a girl I say: «¡Encantada de conocerte!».

¿De dónde eres? (Where are you from?)

¿De dónde eres? (Where are you from?)  This is the phrase to ask about the place of origin of the person with whom we are speaking.

Soy de España (I am from Spain)

As you can see, I can omit the subject. Although I could also say:  Yo soy de España.

Soy español (I am Spanish).  It is the way to express my nationality or demonym. It’s the masculine form:  Soy español , when I’m a boy.

Soy española (I am Spanish).  This is the feminine form. When the subject is female. If I were a girl I would say:  I’m Spanish.

¿Y tú? (And you? or What about you?)  This is the way to ask the same question that you just asked us. Or to ask about the same thing that I just affirmed.

¡Hola!, me llamo Sergio, ¿Y tú? (Hello! my name is Sergio, what about you?)

Tengo hambre, ¿y tú? (I am hungry, and you?)  (here it is understood that we ask the other person if he is also hungry).

Demonym (Gentilicios)

There is no rule to form the gentilicios or nationalities of different countries but there are frequent terminations.

Remember that the names and nationality are adjectives and in Spanish they can have a masculine or feminine form. I propose you these examples:

De España>>> español o española (from Spain>>> Spanish)

De Inglaterra >>> inglés o inglesa (from England>>> English)

De Francia >>> francés o francesa (from France>>> French)

De Estados Unidos >>> estadounidense ( From U.S>>> American). In this case,  Estadounidense  would serve for the male or female form of the subject. 

Another country with a similar termination would be Canada. De Canadá>>> canadiense (from Canada, Canadian). Both male and female.

De Italia>>> Italiano o italiana (from Italy: Italian).   

Affirmation and denial

Sí (Yes):  We use the word «sí» to answer affirmatively.

No. We use the word «no» to answer negative form

¿Sabes donde está España? (Do you know where Spain is?)

Sí, España está en el sur de Europa. (Yes, Spain is in southern Europe).

¿Sabes donde está Galicia? (Do you know where Galicia is?)

No, no lo sé (No, I do not know).  In this case, after the first «no», in the following sentence we must repeat the «no» to indicate the negation of the verb.

In the case of the affirmative answer:  Sí, Galicia está en el norte de España  (Yes , I know . Galicia is in the north of Spain) the «sí» should no longer be repeated.

Cardinal points

The cardinal points in Spanish are:   norte, sur, este, oeste  (north, south, east, west).

Suecia está en el norte de Europa (Sweden is in northern Europe)

El sol sale por el este (the sun rises from the east)

Italia está en el sur de Europa (Italy is in southern Europe)

Portugal está al oeste de España (Portugal is west of Spain)

With these example sentences, note that the cardinal points are almost always used with the masculine definite article «El (the)»

In the phrase:  Portugal está al oeste de España (Portugal is to the west of Spain),  the word «a» is the contraction of the preposition «a» (to) and the article «el» (the).

We will see the contractions in Spanish in upcoming programs, do not worry.

We can also observe the use of two different prepositions. In the sentence:  Italia está en el sur de Europa  ( Italy is in the south of Europe),   before «el sur» (the south) we use the preposition «en» (in), because Italy belongs to Europe. While in:  Portugal está al oeste de España  ( Portugal is to the west of Spain),  we use the preposition «a» (to) because Portugal does not belong to Spain. It is another country. If Portugal were a region of Spain, for example, we would say: Portugal está en el oeste de España ( Portugal is in the west of Spain).

Bien (well)  / Malo (wrong)

The words bien (well  / right ) and  mal  (evil /  wrong ) can be nouns or adverbs. As a noun, « el bien » is the abstract entity formed by what is morally good. And « el mal » means the opposite. As substantives, these words carry articles.

La lucha entre el bien y el mal. ( The struggle between good and evil) .

As a noun well also means asset or property.

Yo invierto en bienes inmuebles (I invest in real estate). As an adverb: « Bien»  (right) means what is right or «in the best possible way». and « mal»  (wrong) what is wrong. In expressions to say hallo, it is used with the verb « estar» (be) :

¿Cómo estás? (¿Qué tal estás? (How are you?) / How do you do?) Estoy bien, ¡gracias! (I’m fine thanks).

It would not be correct to say «soy bien». «Bien» it is never used with the verb «ser» in spanish. «Bien» when accompanying the verb «estar» means to be healthy, easy or be comfortable. «Mal» means that something is wrong. When accompanying the verb « estar » can signify that he is sick, sad, uncomfortable or angry. In the next program we will talk again about these words and the differences with «bueno» (good) or «malo» (bad) adjectives. That sometimes can be confusing for Spanish students.

Por favor, (please), disculpa (excuse me), gracias (thank you)

Por favor (Please)

The expression «por favor» in two words: (por + favor) is used to request something or in educated questions

¿Por favor, puedes ayudarme? (Please, can you help me?)

Disculpa (excuseme) 

It is a word that can be used to draw attention before asking a question, or in another context ask for forgiveness or excuses, although in this last case we usually say «lo siento» (i am sorry). 

¡ Disculpa!, ¿puedes venir? ( Excuseme! You can come?

¡Gracias! (Thank you!)  or  ¡Muchas gracias!   (thank you very much!)

It serves to express gratitude. We usually say it after receiving the answer to a question we have asked previously.

¡Gracias! Eres muy amagle. (Thanks, you’re very kind).

Or at the end of a speech, for example.

Gracias por vuestra atención. (Thank you for your attention).

Do you remember how you say «gracias» in your language?

More ways to say hello

¡Hola! (Hello!) 

¡Buenos días! (Good morning!)   We say it in the morning.

¡Buenas tardes! (Good afternoon!)  We say it after noon or after eating.

¡Buenas noches! (Goodnight!)  We say it after sunset, when it is already night.

¿Cómo estás? (How are you? / How do you do?  Courtesy question to be interested in the other person.

¿Y tú (?And you?)  We can use it to not repeat the question again:  ¿ Cómo estás? (How are you?)

¿Cómo te encuentras? (How do you feel?)  It is another way of being interested in the other person.

The question marks and admiration ( in spanish )

¡…!  In written Spanish, unlike English, the exclamation marks are double and one is written at the beginning and another at the end of the sentence. It is the same sign but written backwards, with the point pointing upwards. They are used to signal admiration or exclamation and in interjections such as:    ¡Hola!

¿…?  Question marks are also written at the beginning and end of the sentence. The interrogation opens with the same sign but drawn upside down. With the point at the top.

¿Cómo te llamas?

Say Goodbye

Let’s see now the expressions for the farewells.

¡Adios! (Bye! or goodbye)  It is the most generic and neutral farewell. Surely you know how to translate it into your language

¡Hasta mañana! (See you tomorrow!)   It is said when we expect to see the other person the next day.

¡Hasta luego!  When we expect to see the other person later, without specifying when we will see each other again.

¡Nos vemos! (See you!)  This is a more informal expression.

¡Hasta pronto! (See you soon!)  Similar to the previous ones, it expresses a certain desire to see us soon.

¡Buenas noches! (Goodnight!)  To say goodbye, we can also use:  buenos días, buenas tardes o buenas noches,  depending on the time of day we are. But the most usual thing is to say goodbye at night, when we go to sleep, for example.

And here’s the first program, the first stage of SpanishRoute your guided route to Spanish.

Remember that on the website you can find the transcription and English translation of the class and you can consult your doubts or suggestions. And if you want to practice your pronunciation book a Skype session with me.

Thank you very much for listening to me, for subscribing, for the positive evaluations and «I like it» and see you in the next program. Next stage of your guided route to Spanish.

Spanish version: Transcription (in Spanish)

Spanish Route episodio UNO. Tu ruta guiada al  español.

Buenos días, buenas tardes o buenas noches. Bienvenido a Spanish Route. El programa, el podcast para aprender español de la manera más fácil y divertida.

Me llamo Sergio y soy tu entrenador personal de español.

Este es el primer programa y va a ser muy fácil, ya lo verás. Aprenderemos a presentarnos y a saludarnos. Haremos algunas preguntas y las contestaremos. Así me conocerás un poco mejor.

Pero antes quiero recordarte que en mi página web, , puedes leer la trascripción y traducción al inglés de este programa. Por si hay algo que no has entendido bien. 

También, desde , puedes escribirme con dudas y preguntas que resolveremos en el programa. 

Y si lo deseas acceder a sesiones de conversación por Skype conmigo, a un precio muy reducido.  


Y ahora sí. Emecemos con el progama.

En esta primer capítulo  empezaremos por el nivel más básico.  Aprenderemos a presentarnos y a saludarnos.

Recuerda que este programa lo puedes seguir desde el reproductor de audio de mi página web, o a través de tu reproductor de podcast favorito. No te preocupes por la gramática, la escritura o los signos de puntuación, lo iremos viendo poco a poco en las próximas clases. De momento, lo más importante es practicar tu oído y traducir mentalmente a tu idioma las frases y expresiones del español.

Esta es la palabra (la interjección) para saludar, llamar la atención de otra persona o presentarnos.  ¡Hola!

¿Cómo te llamas?  Esta es la frase que usamos en español para preguntar el nombre de la persona con la que estamos hablando.  ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?

Me llamo Sergio

Me llamo Sergio.  Con estas frase yo contesto la pregunta anterior. Es la manera de decirle a alguien cuál es mi nombre. 

También podría decir «yo me llamo Sergio». Pero en español se suele omitir el pronombre sujeto de la frase cuando en la conjugación del verbo ya se entiende quien es el sujeto.


Bienvenido . Esta es la palabra que utilizamos para recibir a alguien en nuestra casa, en nuestro lugar de trabajo, o en cualquier evento o situación.  También cuando alguien llega de un viaje, por ejemplo.

¿Sabes como se dice «bienvenido» en tu idioma?

Bienvenido.  Esta es la forma masculina. Es decir, cuando la otra persona es del género masculino: Un chico, un hombre o un señor.

Bienvenida . Es la forma femenina.  Cuando la otra persona es del género femenino. Una chica, una mujer o una señora.  Bienvenida.

¡Encantado de conocerte!

Esta es la frase para decir que nos alegramos de conocer a alguien.  ¡Encantado de conocerte!

Esta es la forma masculina, pero se refiere al sujeto de la frase. Al género de la persona que dice la frase.

Si yo soy un chico digo: “Encantado de conocerte”

Si yo soy una chica digo: “Encantada de conocerte”.

¿De dónde eres?

¿De dónde eres?  Esta es la frase para preguntar por el lugar de origen de la persona con la que estamos hablando. 

Soy de España.  Como ves puedo omitir el sujeto. Aunque también podría decir:  Yo soy de España .

Soy español.  Es la forma de expresar mi nacionalidad o gentilicio. Es la forma masculina:  soy español , cuando yo soy un chico. 

Soy española.  Esta es la forma femenina.  Cuando el sujeto es femenino. Si yo fuese una chica diría:  Soy española.

¿Y tu?  Esta es la forma para realizar la misma pregunta que nos acaban de hacer. O para preguntar sobre lo mismo que acabo de afirmar.

Hola! me llamo Sergio, ¿y tu?

Tengo hambre, ¿y tu?  (aquí se entiende que le preguntamos a la otra persona si también tiene hambre).


No existe una regla para formar los gentilicios o nacionalidades de los diferentes países pero sí que existen terminaciones frecuentes.

Recuerda que los gentilicios y nacionalidad son adjetivos y en español pueden tener forma masculina o femenina. Te propongo estos ejemplos:

De España >>> español o española

De Inglaterra >>> inglés o inglesa

De Francia >>> francés o francesa

Estados Unidos >>> estadounidense

Een este caso el gentilicio  estadounidense  serviría tanto para la forma masculina como la femenina.

Otro país con una terminación similar sería la de Canadá. De Canadá, canadiense. Tanto masculino como femenino.

De Italia >>> italiano o italiana.   

Afirmación y negación

Sí:  Utilizamos la palabra «sí»para contestar de forma afirmativa.

No:  Utilizamos la palabra «no» para contestar de manera negativa

¿Sabes dónde está España?

Sí, España está en el sur de Europa.

¿Sabes dónde está Galicia?

No, no lo sé.  En este caso, después del primer «no», en la frase siguiente debemos repetir el «no» para indicar la negación del verbo. 

En caso de la respuesta afirmativa:  S í, lo sé .  Galicia está en el norte de España .  Ya no se debe repetir el «sí». 

Puntos Cardinales

Los puntos cardinales en español son:   Norte, sur, este, oeste.

Suecia está en el norte de Europa

El sol sale por el este

Italia está en el sur de Europa

Portugal está al oeste de España

Con estas frases de ejemplo, observa que los puntos cardinales casi siempre se usan con el artículo determinado masculino “el”

En la frase:  Portugal está al oeste de España,  la palabra  «al»  es la contracción de la preposición «a» y el articulo “el”.

Veremos las contracciones en español en próximos programas, no te preocupes.

Podemos observar también el uso de dos preposiciones diferentes. En la frase:  Italia está en el sur de Europa,  antes de “el sur” usamos la preposición «en», porque Italia pertenece a Europa. Mientras que en:  Portugal está al oeste de España,  usamos la preposición «a» porque Portugal no pertenece a España. Es otro país. Si Portugal fuese una región de España, por ejemplo, diríamos:  Portugal está en el oeste de España .

Las palabras « bien»  y « mal » pueden ser sustantivos o adverbios. Como sustantivo, «el bien» es la entidad abstracta formada por lo que es moralmente bueno. Y «el mal» significa lo contrario. 

Como sustantivos, estas palabras llevan artículos. La lucha entre el bien y el mal. Como sustantivo, «bien» también significa activo o propiedad. Yo invierto en bienes inmuebles. Como adverbio, «b ien » significa lo que es correcto o «del mejor modo posible». y « mal » lo que es incorrecto. En las expresiones para saludarse, se usa con el verbo «estar»: ¿Cómo estás? /¿Qué tal estás? Estoy bien, ¡gracias! No sería correcto decir «soy bien». « Bien » nunca se usa con el verbo « ser » en español. « Bien » cuando acompaña el verbo « estar » significa estar sano, estar cómodo o estar a gusto. « M al » significa que algo es incorrecto o erróneo. Cuando acompaña el verbo « estar » puede significar que está enfermo, triste, incómodo o enfadado. En el próximo programa volveremos a hablar sobre estas palabras y las diferencias con los adjetivos «bueno» o «malo». Que en ocasiones puede ser algo confuso para los estudiantes de español.

Por favor, disculpa, gracias

La expresión “ por favor ” en dos palabras: ( por + favor ) se usa para solicitar algo o en preguntas educadas.

¡Por favor!, ¿puedes ayudarme?

Es una palabra que se puede usar para llamar la atención antes de hacer una pregunta, o en otro contexto pedir perdón o excusas, aunque en este último caso solemos decir “lo siento”.  ¡Disculpa!   ¿puedes venir?

¡Gracias!  o  ¡muchas gracias! 

Sirve para expresar gratitud. Solemos decirlo después de recibir la respuesta a una pregunta que hemos hecho con anterioridad.

Gracias, eres muy amable.

O al terminar un discurso, por ejemplo.

Gracias por vuestra atención.

¿Recuerdas como se dice «gracias» en tu idioma?

Más formas para saludar

¡B  uenos días!   Lo decimos por las mañanas.

¡Buenas tardes!  Lo decimos después del medio día o después de comer.

¡Buenas noches!  Lo decimos después de la puesta de sol, cuando ya es de noche.

¿Cómo estás?  Pregunta de cortesía para interesarnos por la otra persona.

¿Y tu?  Lo que podemos usar para no volver a repetir la pregunta:   ¿cómo estás?

¿Cómo te encontramos?  Es otra forma de interesarnos por la otra persona.

Los signos de interrogación y admiración (en español)

¡…! En español escrito, a diferencia del inglés, los signos de exclamación son dobles y se escribe uno al principio y otro al final de la frase. Es el mismo signo pero escrito al revés, con el punto hacia arriba. Se usan para señalar admiración o exclamación y en interjecciones como:    ¡Hola!

¿…? Los signos de interrogación también se escriben al principio y al final de la frase. La interrogación se abre con el mismo signo pero dibujado al revés. Con el punto en la parte superior.

¿Como te llamas?

Veamos ahora las expresiones para las despedidas.

¡Adios!  Es la despedida más genérica y neutra. Seguro que sabes traducirlo a tu idioma.

¡Hasta mañana!   Se dice cuando esperamos ver a la otra persona al día siguiente.

¡Hasta luego!  Cuando esperamos ver a la otra persona más tarde, sin especificar cuándo nos volveremos a ver.

¡Nos vemos!  Esta es una expresión más informal.

¡Hasta pronto!  Parecida a las anteriores, expresa cierto deseo de vernos pronto.

¡Buenas noches!  Para despedirnos, también podemos usar:  buenos días, buenas tardes,  o  buenas noches  , afectar el momento del día en el que nos encontramos. Pero lo más habitual es despedirnos por las noches, cuando nos vamos a dormir, por ejemplo.

Y hasta aquí el primer programa, la primera etapa de Spanish Route, tu ruta guiada al español. 

Recuerda que en la web podrás encontrar la transcripción y traducción al inglés de la clase y podrás consultarme tus dudas y sugerencias.

Y si quieres practicar tu pronunciación reserva una sesión por Skype conmigo.

Muchas gracias por escucharme, por suscribirte, por las valoraciones positivas y “me gusta” y nos vemos en el próximo programa. Siguiente etapa de tu ruta guiada al español.

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How To Introduce Yourself in Spanish

Learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish to make your first impression last longer, in a good way! 

Presentaciones or introductions are easy to master with a little practice. In this lesson, I’ll quickly review how small introductions work and then I’ll jump into giving you tips on how to fill your introductions with interesting details about yourself that can spice up your initial conversations. 

¡Hagámoslo! Let’s do it!

Join more than 559 million people on the planet who speak Spanish! Sign up for your free trial Spanish class today. ➡️

Simple Introductions 

If you want to know how to introduce yourself, it’s best to start with a couple of easy-to-use phrases. Simple introductions are perfect for a classroom round of presentaciones , where no follow up conversations are needed. It is important that people know you by your name and that you get to know others. These situations are usually quick, so take your time to say it right, there’s no reason to get nervous the first time you do it. All you need to know how to say is your name and a simple phrase. Here are two options:

Hola, me llamo John. Hi, my name is John.

Mucho gusto, yo soy John. Nice to meet you, I am John. 

These two phrases are acceptable in all contexts as well as in formal or informal situations. You can enhance them with more elaborate greetings if you need these introductions to be exceptionally formal or very relaxed. How to introduce yourself is up to you!

If you are interested in more ways of greeting people, check out the Ultimate List of Spanish Greetings and Farewells .

Detailed Introductions

Nevertheless, most of the situations we face on a daily basis happen outside a classroom. In these scenarios it is important to give a little more detail of who you are and what you do. Some people only wish to disclose random facts. But sometimes we want to connect and often share more personal things. So, how to introduce yourself in a more detailed way? Read ahead to find out!

How to Talk About Your Age

Follow your simple introduction with more details about your age. Here’s how to introduce yourself and include details on your age:

Hola, me llamo Ana. Tengo treinta (30) años.  Hi, my name is Ana. I am 30 years old. 

Mucho gusto, mi nombre es Rafael. Tengo cuarenta (40) años. Nice to meet you, my name is Rafael. I am forty years old.

Hola, yo soy Sebastián y tengo cincuenta y nueve (59) años. Hello, I am Sebastian and I am 59 years old.

How to Talk About Your Profession

Your profession, occupation or current job says a lot about you. Learn how to bring it up in an introductory conversation. Here are some examples of how to introduce yourself using your profession. 

Hola, soy Samantha. Tengo cincuenta y dos (52) años y soy arquitecta. Hello, I am Samantha. I am 52 years old and I am an architect.

Hola, soy Simón. Soy doctor. Hi, I’m Simon. I am a Doctor.

Mucho gusto, mi nombre es Roberto, soy artista. Nice to meet you, my name is Robert, I’m an artist.

Where are you from? Where do you live? Where do you work?

Sometimes it is easier to say where you were born or where you live than explaining why you have an accent. You can decide how much information you give when you think of how to introduce yourself.

These are a few examples of phrases you can use:

Soy de Barcelona. I am from Barcelona

Nací y crecí en Londres. I was born and raised in London.

Actualmente vivo en Manila, Filipinas. Nowadays I live in Manila, Philippines.

Vengo de Ottawa. I come from Ottawa.

Nací en Nueva Delhi pero ahora resido en la Ciudad de México. I was born in New Delhi but I reside in Mexico City.

Soy de Austin, Texas pero trabajo en Guatemala. I am from Austin, Texas but I work in Guatemala.

Interests Related to the Situation

If you want to break the ice, sometimes it is better to include something about yourself that makes you relatable or interesting. You say something about your hobbies, taste in books, your bucket list, fun experiences you’ve had, or the fact that you adore animals. 

The more compelling your interests are, the more people will feel engaged and likely ask for more details.

In this section you will master these topics while learning how to introduce yourself. 

Your Hobbies

Some people feel that their hobbies define them more than their profession. And it can be true. Fishing, camping, travelling, cooking, learning languages, reading, watching movies, working out, gardening, and playing an instrument are all on the menu ahead. 

Mis pasatiempos son la jardinería y tocar la guitarra. My hobbies are gardening and playing the guitar.

Me gusta acampar y hacer yoga. I’m into camping and doing yoga.

En mi tiempo libre, me gusta leer y escribir. I like reading and writing in my spare time. 

Pescar es lo que amo. Fishing is what I love.

Amo ejercitarme. I love working out.

Coleccionar monedas es lo mío. Collecting coins is my thing. 

Taste in Arts

Another way to connect with other people is through your taste in arts. You can relate to someone you barely know by saying something like:

Ir a museos es mi cosa favorita. Going to museums is my favorite thing to do.

Soy un entusiasta de la fotografía. I am a photography enthusiast.

Amo escuchar música clásica los fines de semana. I love listening to classical music on weekends.

Me gustan las películas de terror. I’m into terror movies. 

Me gusta escuchar poesía. I like listening to poetry.

Animal lovers like myself always talk about our pets. If you have one at home, don’t forget to mention them!

Amo a los perros. I love dogs.

Darle de comer a mis pájaros es mi cosa favorita. My favorite thing is to feed my birds.

Soy amante de los animales. Tengo toda clase de animales en casa. I’m an animal lover. I have all kinds of animals at home. 

Food is another great topic to discuss with a new friend.

Me gustan los tacos. I like tacos.

Sé cómo cocinar comida italiana. I know how to cook Italian food.

Goals and Bucket List

This has to be the most interesting thing a person can say in an introduction. Your goals and wishes are defined by your personality and that’s why they are worth telling. 

Voy a aprender la lección de “Cómo Presentarte con Otros” esta semana. I will learn the “How to Introduce Yourself” lesson this week.

Quiero probar cada tipo de comida asiática. I want to try every kind of Asian food.

Me encantaría tener hijos en los siguientes dos años. I’d love to have kids in the next two years.

Visitaré Francia en mi cumpleaños número 40. I will visit France on my 40th birthday.

Another way of making conversation is to tell people what your purpose is at a certain place. 

Is learning to play an instrument an interest of yours? Is the birthday girl your cousin? Is this store convenient for you? These are some ideas of how you can interact with people in random situations while practicing how to introduce yourself:

At a Homeschool Spanish Academy:

Estoy aquí para aprender Español para entender a mi nuera. I am here to learn Spanish to understand my daughter in law.

At a concert:

La música siempre me ha atraído. Music has always attracted me.

At your brand-new store:

Por fin me tomé la oportunidad de vender arte. I finally took the chance of selling art.

At a coffee shop:

Vengo aquí seguido porque vivo cerca. I come here often because I live nearby.

At a restaurant:

De verdad quería probar la comida mexicana. I really wanted to try Mexican food.

At a birthday party:

Conozco a Kate desde hace mucho tiempo. I’ve known Kate for a long time.

¡ Preséntate!

How rude of me, I haven’t introduced myself! Please excuse me, mi nombre es Nicole, tengo 31 años y soy escritora. And if you want to practice your introductions before these situations occur, begin with presentarte to a native Spanish-speaker from HSA! Tailor your Spanish package while getting high school credit. Join our 24,000 monthly active students by requesting a free trial session with our certified Spanish teachers today!

Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

  • Earth Day Projects for Kids + Spanish Earth Day Vocabulary
  • How to Talk About the Temperature in Spanish: Fahrenheit, Celcius, and Descriptions
  • Car Parts Spanish Vocabulary List: Learn Using Pictures
  • Top 15 New Year’s Resolutions in Spanish
  • Talk About Hurricanes And The Weather in Spanish
  • Spanish Words with Multiple Meanings in Latin America
  • World Mental Health Day: A Vocabulary Guide for Mental Health Workers
  • Expressing Appreciation in Spanish on World Teachers’ Day
  • Recent Posts
  • Car Parts Spanish Vocabulary List: Learn Using Pictures - February 1, 2024
  • Discovering The Mayan Languages - January 4, 2024
  • The 10 Most Common Spanish Surnames in The U.S - December 28, 2023

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how to do a presentation in spanish

Spanish to Go

Spanish to Go

Spanish Presentation

How to say spanish presentation in spanish, introduction when learning a new language, it is essential to understand how to express different terms and phrases commonly used in daily life situations. if you are preparing for a spanish presentation, it is helpful to know how to say “spanish presentation” in spanish. in this article, we will explore the different ways to express this term in the spanish language., formal presentation in formal settings such as academic or professional environments, it is common to refer to a spanish presentation as “una presentación en español.” this straightforward translation accurately conveys the purpose of the presentation and the language in which it will be conducted. when giving a formal presentation in spanish, using this term will ensure clear communication in any professional setting., informal presentation in more casual settings, such as a group project or a friendly gathering, you may want to use a more informal expression for a spanish presentation. in these situations, you can say “una presentación sobre españa” or “una exposición acerca de la cultura española.” these phrases highlight the content or subject matter of the presentation, making it more relatable and engaging for the audience., presentation in a classroom setting if you are a student looking to present in a classroom setting, it may be appropriate to use a different expression. in this context, you can say “una exposición en español” or “un trabajo oral sobre un tema en español.” these phrases specifically indicate that the presentation is part of an academic assignment and will be delivered orally. using these terms will help you convey the purpose and format of your presentation accurately., business presentation in a business context, it is common to use the term “una presentación de negocios en español.” this phrase emphasizes the professional and commercial aspect of the presentation. whether you are pitching a business idea or presenting a project, using this expression will show your proficiency in conducting business in spanish., cultural presentation if your presentation focuses on cultural aspects of the spanish-speaking world, you may want to emphasize the cultural component in your expression. you can say “una presentación cultural sobre países hispanohablantes” or “una charla sobre la diversidad cultural en el mundo hispano.” these expressions highlight the cultural significance of your presentation and will resonate with audiences interested in learning about different cultures., conclusion in conclusion, when preparing for a spanish presentation, it is essential to be familiar with the various ways to express this term in spanish. remember that in formal settings, “una presentación en español” is the most commonly used phrase. in more informal or specific contexts, such as classrooms, business, or cultural presentations, different expressions can be used to highlight the purpose and content of your presentation. by using the appropriate term, you will be able to effectively communicate your intentions and engage with your audience in spanish. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); stupendous stu (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});.

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  • May 9, 2023

Spanish A Level: How to succeed in your IRP

Part 2 of the AQA A Level Spanish Speaking Assessment consists of the presentation and discussion of an Individual Research Project, which students have previously prepared throughout the year.

It constitutes one of the most fascinating and exciting parts of the A Level Spanish course, as learners can link their own interests to the subject while developing not only their language, but also their research skills.

So, what steps do you need to take in order to prepare a successful IRP?

1. Don't be afraid to choose an original topic .

For the IRP, students must identify a subject or a key question which is of interest to them and which relates to a country, or countries, where Spanish is spoken.

The most successful students use this to their advantage and play to their strengths by choose a topic that they are really, genuinely interested in.

Don’t be afraid to choose something unique and original !

Since the AQA A Level Spanish syllabus includes such a broad variety of themes, it is worth taking your time to identify your area of greatest interest. Instead of going through lists of previous IRP topics for ideas, think about what inspired your interest in Spanish in the first place, and where you intend to take your studies in the future.

The IRP topics do not even have to be taken from the syllabus itself; this is a brilliant opportunity to broaden your knowledge by studying something that the AQA syllabus does not already cover, as long as it is appropriate in scope (not too broad or too narrow) and is based in the culture or history of a Spanish-speaking country. You can find further guidance on the choice of topic here .

2. Combine your choice of topic in Spanish with other subjects you enjoy.

Are you also taking an A Level in art? Then why not research a Spanish-speaking artist and the impact of their work, or the role of art in education in Spain? Taking an approach based on your other A Level subjects means you will be on solid ground and have plenty of existing knowledge and ideas. An added bonus is that you will gain relevant insight into your other A Level subject, too.

Researching something that you really want to learn about, and that may be related to your personal interests, your other academic work or your further studies, will mean that you genuinely enjoy the preparation of your IRP and are in a strong position to make it a success.

💡 Tip: You can also base your research on one Spanish or Latin American literary text or film, but it must not be the same one that you are going to refer in Paper 2, your written assessment.

🔍 Further reference: The A Level Content Advisory Board has published these illustrative examples of individual research topics .

3. Select an appropriate key question for your IRP.

Once you’ve decided which topic you’re going to explore in your project, you can then think of what key question will guide your research.

Why is this important?

If we look at AO4, one of the assessment objectives, it says that, in order to achieve highest marks, students must give an "excellent critical and analytical response". It is therefore important to find an appropriate question that will allow you to analyse the impact and/or evaluate the importance of the aspect you are researching.

Let’s look at an example.

The question “¿Cuáles son las pinturas más famosas de Frida Kahlo? / What are Frida Kahlo’s most famous paintings?” leads to a more descriptive / narrative answer, whereas “¿Cuál es el impacto de la obra de Frida Kahlo? / What’s the impact of Frida Kahlo’s paintings?” requires an analytical answer .

A question that leads to analysis and evaluation is what will set you up to gain the most marks under the AO4 criteria, putting you in a strong position from the outset.

4. Only use high-quality, Spanish-language sources.

The AQA specification states that students must select relevant information in Spanish from a range of sources , including the internet.

You should therefore use a wide variety of sources (not only online information, and not Wikipedia!). These must be reliable and high-quality; it’s better to use information from reputable news sources instead of online tabloids, and documentaries instead of Youtube influencers.

In summary, your sources must be:

reliable: from a reputable author, newspaper, etc;

in different formats : articles, podcasts, books, TV news, etc;

up-to-date : check that the information is recent and correct;

directly relevant to your question or title : not superfluous.

5. Prepare thoroughly for your 2-minute IRP presentation.

In the assessment for the AQA Spanish A Level, students will need to give a presentation with their key findings, speaking for up to two minutes. According to the assessment criteria, "thorough knowledge and understanding of the area of study" must be evident in the presentation in order to gain full marks.

To make sure that all the relevant information is summarised in those two minutes, you can follow this structure:

Initial information.

Background / Context.

Examples / Evidence / Observations.

Consequences / Impact.

Opinions / Conclusions.

Once you’ve prepared the presentation, record yourself reading it to make sure you don’t exceed the 2 minutes. Then, practice many times to learn the overall structure by heart so that you can present it confidently in the exam.

6. Anticipate some of the questions that the examiner might ask you in the discussion.

The presentation of your research will be followed by a 9- to 10-minute discussion with the examiner. These will be based on your presentation and the headings you have chosen (these headings are entered on your Candidate Record Form, which is submitted in advance of the exam). You can’t know the questions in advance, but there are ways to anticipate some of them. Here are some examples of prompts that examiners use frequently:

¿Por qué has elegido estudiar este tema?

Háblame un poco más de….

Cuando hablas de…..¿qué quieres decir exactamente?

Algunas personas piensan que….¿qué piensas tú al respecto?

¿Cómo reaccionas ante esto?

¿Piensas que esto es verdad/ mentira?

¿Qué piensas si te digo que…?

¿Tienes algún ejemplo que pueda justificar tu idea?

¿Y qué dirías si…?

¿Y si te dijera que…..que dirías tú?

En tu opinión, ¿qué impacto ha tenido…..sobre…?

¿Qué es lo que te ha interesado/chocado/marcado/sorprendido más a raíz de tu investigación?

¿De dónde has obtenido tu información?

¿Qué es lo más importante que has aprendido de tu investigación?

¿Cómo ha cambiado tu visión de [nombre del país] o del mundo hispanohablante después de este proyecto individual?

The choice of topic and the way you prepare for the Individual Research Project can make the difference between a good exam performance and an outstanding one. The key is to find what you really love to talk about. This will make the research process, and the assessment itself, a highlight of your Spanish A Level course.

The Kate Maria Languages Academy teaches immersive online A Level courses in Spanish , following the AQA syllabus. The course develops all four key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening, with live lessons taught by experienced A Level tutors. For further information and enrolment details, you can contact us here .

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Presentation Translator for PowerPoint

About presentation translator.

Presentation Translator subtitles your live presentation straight from PowerPoint, and lets your audience join from their own devices using the Translator app or browser.

As you speak, Presentation Translator displays subtitles directly on your PowerPoint presentation in any one of more than 60 supported text languages. This feature can also be used for audiences who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Up to 100 audience members in the room can follow along with the presentation in their own language by downloading the Translator app or joining directly from their browser.

Key features

Presentation Translator for PowerPoint showing live subtitles

Live subtitling

Speak in any of the 11 supported speech languages and subtitle into any one of the 60+ text translation languages.

a phone scanning a QR code

Interactive audience experience

Share a QR- or five letter conversation code and your audience can follow along with your presentation, on their own device, in their chosen language.

asian women speaking into her phone using the Translator live feature

Multi-language Q&A

Unmute the audience to allow questions from the audience on their device in any of the supported languages.

student behind a laptop, looking up at the front of the classroom

Inclusivity through Accessibility

Help audience members who are deaf or hard of hearing follow the presentation, and participate in the discussion.

image of icons illustrating food, directions, transportation, and time

Customized speech recognition

Customize the speech recognition engine using the vocabulary within your slides and slide notes to adapt to jargon, technical terms, and product or place names. Customization is currently available for English, Chinese, and Spanish.

screen grab of

Translated presentations with preserved formatting

The "Translate Slides" button allows presenters to translate their whole presentation while preserving its formatting.

How Presentation Translator works

The technologies behind presentation translator.

Presentation Translator for PowerPoint is powered by the Microsoft Translator live feature which lets you have translated chats by starting or joining a conversation from the Translator app. Up to 100 people can chat at once using the  Translator app or directly from their browser at .

The Microsoft Translator live feature is built using Microsoft Translator core speech translation technology, the Microsoft Translator API, an Azure Cognitive Service.

Presentation Translator integrates the speech recognition customization capabilities of Custom Speech Service (CSS) from Azure’s Cognitive Services to adapt speech recognition to the vocabulary used in the presentation.

How to set-up Presentation Translator for PowerPoint

Learn how to download the add-in, install it, and share the QR and conversation code directly from the presentation so your audience can follow along in their language.

Presentation Translator in Action

For this demo, English is the chosen speech and captioned language - highlighting the use of live captioning for the deaf or hard of hearing community. Users could also join and participate in other languages. The talks were titled "Access and Understanding in the Classroom: How Deaf Children Learn (or not)", given at Microsoft Research on May 9th, 2017.

What is custom speech recognition?

What does custom speech recognition do.

  • Improves the accuracy of your subtitles by learning from the content in your slides and slide notes. In some cases, you will see up to 30% improvement in accuracy.
  • Customizes speech recognition for industry-specific vocabulary, technical terms, acronyms, and product or place names. Customization will reduce these errors in your subtitles, as long as the words are present in your slide or slide notes.

How to set up custom speech in your presentation

  • The first time you customize speech recognition for your presentation, it can take up to 5 minutes for Presentation Translator to finish learning.
  • After the first time, the subtitles will start instantaneously unless you update the content of your slides.
  • Tip: start the custom speech recognition during a practice run so that you don’t experience delays when you present to your audience.

How does the custom speech recognition feature work?

The custom speech recognition feature works by training unique language models with the content of your slides. The language models behind Microsoft’s speech recognition engine have been optimized for common usage scenarios.

The language model is a probability distribution over sequences of words and helps the system decide among sequences of words that sound similar, based on the likelihood of the word sequences themselves. For example, “recognize speech” and “wreck a nice beach” sound alike but the first sentence is far more likely to occur, and therefore will be assigned a higher score by the language model.

If your presentation uses particular vocabulary items, such as product names or jargon that rarely occur in typical speech, it is likely that you can obtain improved performance by customizing the language model.

For example, if your presentation is about automotive, it might contain terms like “powertrain” or “catalytic converter” or “limited slip differential.” Customizing the language model will enable the system to learn this.

When you use the Customize speech recognition feature in Presentation Translator, your presentation content – including notes from the slides – is securely transmitted to the Microsoft Translator transcription service to create an adapted language model based on this data. Data used for customization is not de-identified and is retained in full, along with the adapted model, by the service for thirty (30) days from last use to support your future presentations and use of the language modeling.

Tips for using Presentation Translator

Audio/visual set-up.

Before you get started, you’ll need:

  • A working microphone: We suggest using a Bluetooth headset so you can move around without restrictions. Check out our list of recommended headsets
  • PowerPoint for Windows: PC only. Make sure you do not have any Office applications open while Presentation Translator installs. Once installed, the add-in will update automatically each time a new version is published.
  • Permissions: If you are an educator and use a school login for PowerPoint, you may need to contact your administrator to install the add-in on your device(s).
  • Internet connection: A hard-wired connection is ideal, but a reliable WiFi connection works well also.If you’re using the add-in for an event, the lecturer should use a wired connection if possible, or dedicated WiFi. Although it will work on WiFi or 4G, if either is weak, or there’s a lot of competition for bandwidth, it can adversely affect performance. Audience participants can use WiFi or 4G as they are only receiving transcriptions or translations and their data requirements are much lower.

How to set up customized content

Depending on what you’re presenting you will probably want to customize how Presentation Translator “understands” your content.

Here are a few tips to set-up CSS:

  • Include all relevant content: Don’t forget your presenter notes! Before CSS “learns” your content, the content needs to be present within the slides or slide notes. Full sentences will be used for word contexts, so a full script of your presentation within the slide notes will be useful.
  • After you click “Start Subtitling”, a dialogue box will appear to set-up your presentation. Make sure to check the box that says “Personalize speech recognition” so it can customize your presentation speech model*. This will take 3 to 5 minutes depending on the length of your presentation.
  • Train in advance. Content, notes, and audio logs will be retained by the service for thirty (30) days from last use to support future presentations. You only need to train the system again if you have updated content or it’s past 30 days since the last training.

* Currently only English and Chinese are supported.

Microsoft Translator live feature

Now that your audio, visual, and presentation content are ready to go, you can now start presenting! This is where audience participation can play a role – to expand the audience that understands your content, or invite them to comment in real-time in their own language.

Here are a few tips to set-up the Microsoft Translator live feature:

  • After you click “Start Subtitling”, a dialogue box will appear to set-up your presentation. Under “Additional Settings”, make sure to check the box that says “Add instructional slide”. This will explain to the audience how they can view subtitles on their own devices.
  • The add-in will then insert the instructional slide before the start of your presentation. These instructions will allow your audience to easily join the conversation (up to 100 people) on their device, in their language.
  • You can choose to “unmute” the audience – allow comments directly from their device – or “mute” the audience so your presentation is uninterrupted. You can simply click “Audience Unmuted” towards the end of the presentation for an interactive Q&A session.

More resources

young professionals around a table working on their laptops and tablets.

Presentation Translator Help & FAQs

Get your questions answered by searching our Help and FAQ section.

illustration of a globe with mobile devices translating the word

Translator languages

Want to know what features are supported for your chosen language? Visit our languages page.

woman in a taxi looking at her phone

Translator for business

Learn more about how Microsoft Translator’s text and speech translation technology can globalize your business and connect with your customers worldwide.

Download the app

To start using Presentation Translator for PowerPoint, download both the PowerPoint add-in and the Translator app for an interactive experience.

screen grab of a dialog box in Presentation Translator asking users to select their spoken language, and which language they want to display subtitles in.

Download the add-in (Windows only).

Screen grab of a device using the Translator live feature to translate someone's Hindi message into English.

Translator app

Students can follow along with Presentation Translator in their own language and language learners can have one-on-one translated conversations with teachers using the app.


i am doing a presentation for spanish how do i say "the end"?

No Description

You could always just say '¿Preguntas?'

I agree with James. "The end" = "Fin", but I think is not a good idea to put it into a final presentation. If you are reading the presentation in front of an audience is time to go to the "Ruegos y preguntas" and then to thank the audience for coming, but if you have to show your presentation, maybe we would say something like "Esta presentación ha sido realizada por 'Trevor'. Tanto su contenido temático como su diseño gráfico es para uso exclusivo de su persona" Or something more simple like James said "y con esto concluye mi presentación". It's up to you, but "FIN" is not a good end to finish a presentation.

...y colorín, colorado este cuento se ha acabado.

James Santiago said: . It sounds as if you are reading a children's book. A more sophisticated approach .

LadyDi is correct, as usual, but I'll add that it isn't very good stylistically to say "The end" or "Fin" at the end of a presentation. It sounds as if you are reading a children's book. A more sophisticated approach would be to say something like "And that concludes my presentation," or just to thank the audience for their attention.

Technically, it's just "fin".

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Adaptive learning for English vocabulary

Apple unveils stunning new iPad Pro with the world’s most advanced display, M4 chip, and Apple Pencil Pro

The new iPad Pro.

Thinnest Apple Product Ever

A side profile of iPad Pro showing its thinness.

World’s Most Advanced Display

The Ultra Retina XDY display showcasing beautiful landscape scenery on the new iPad Pro.

Only Possible with M4

The Octane app disabled on iPad Pro.

Outrageously Powerful Device for AI

Pro Cameras

A close up look at the pro camera system on the new iPad Pro.

Pro Connectivity

Apple Pencil Pro

The Apple Pencil Pro attached to the new iPad Pro.

All-New Magic Keyboard and Smart Folio

Powerful iPadOS Features

Reference Mode on iPad Pro.

Logic Pro for iPad 2

Session Players in Logic Pro for iPad 2 displayed on iPad Pro.

Final Cut Pro for iPad 2

Live Multicam in Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 displayed on iPad Pro.

iPad Pro and the Environment

  • Customers can order the new iPad Pro with M4 starting today, May 7, at , and in the Apple Store app in 29 countries and regions, including the U.S., with availability in stores beginning Wednesday, May 15.
  • The new 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro will be available in silver and space black finishes in 256GB, 512GB, 1TB, and 2TB configurations.
  • The 11-inch iPad Pro starts at  $999  (U.S.) for the Wi-Fi model, and  $1,199  (U.S.) for the Wi-Fi + Cellular model. The 13-inch iPad Pro starts at  $1,299  (U.S.) for the Wi-Fi model, and  $1,499  (U.S.) for the Wi-Fi + Cellular model. Additional technical specifications, including nano-texture glass options, are available at .
  • For education, the new 11-inch iPad Pro is available for  $899  (U.S.) and the 13-inch iPad Pro is $1,199 (U.S.). Education pricing is available to current and newly accepted college students and their parents, as well as faculty, staff, and home-school teachers of all grade levels. For more information, visit .
  • The new Apple Pencil Pro is compatible with the new iPad Pro. It is available for $129 (U.S.). For education, Apple Pencil Pro is available for $119 (U.S.).
  • Apple Pencil (USB-C) is compatible with the new iPad Pro. It is available for $79 (U.S.) and $69 (U.S.) for education.
  • The new Magic Keyboard is compatible with the new iPad Pro. It is available in black and white finishes. The new 11-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $299 (U.S.) and the new 13-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $349 (U.S.), with layouts for over 30 languages. For education, the 11-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $279 (U.S.) and the 13-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $329 (U.S.).
  • The new Smart Folio is available for $79 (U.S.) in black, white, and denim finishes for the new 11-inch iPad Pro and $99 (U.S.) for the new 13-inch iPad Pro.
  • Logic Pro for iPad 2 is available on May 13 as a free update for existing users, and for new users, it is available on the App Store for $4.99 (U.S.) per month, or $49 (U.S.) per year, with a one-month free trial. Logic Pro for iPad 2 requires iPadOS 17.4 or later. For more information, visit .
  • Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 will be available later this spring on the App Store for $4.99 (U.S.) per month, or $49 (U.S.) per year, with a one-month free trial.
  • Apple offers great ways to save on the latest iPad. Customers can trade in their current iPad and get credit toward a new one by visiting the Apple Store online , the Apple Store app, or an Apple Store location. To see what their device is worth, and for terms and conditions, customers can visit .
  • Customers in the U.S. who shop at Apple using Apple Card can pay monthly at 0 percent APR when they choose to check out with Apple Card Monthly Installments, and they’ll get 3 percent Daily Cash back — all upfront.

Text of this article

May 7, 2024


Featuring a new thin and light design, breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display, and outrageously fast M4 performance with powerful AI capabilities, the new iPad Pro takes a huge leap forward

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today unveiled the groundbreaking new iPad Pro in a stunningly thin and light design, taking portability and performance to the next level. Available in silver and space black finishes, the new iPad Pro comes in two sizes: an expansive 13-inch model and a super-portable 11-inch model. Both sizes feature the world’s most advanced display — a new breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display with state-of-the-art tandem OLED technology — providing a remarkable visual experience. The new iPad Pro is made possible with the new M4 chip, the next generation of Apple silicon, which delivers a huge leap in performance and capabilities. M4 features an entirely new display engine to enable the precision, color, and brightness of the Ultra Retina XDR display. With a new CPU, a next-generation GPU that builds upon the GPU architecture debuted on M3, and the most powerful Neural Engine yet, the new iPad Pro is an outrageously powerful device for artificial intelligence. The versatility and advanced capabilities of iPad Pro are also enhanced with all-new accessories. Apple Pencil Pro brings powerful new interactions that take the pencil experience even further, and a new thinner, lighter Magic Keyboard is packed with incredible features. The new iPad Pro, Apple Pencil Pro, and Magic Keyboard are available to order starting today, with availability in stores beginning Wednesday, May 15.

“iPad Pro empowers a broad set of pros and is perfect for anyone who wants the ultimate iPad experience — with its combination of the world’s best displays, extraordinary performance of our latest M-series chips, and advanced accessories — all in a portable design. Today, we’re taking it even further with the new, stunningly thin and light iPad Pro, our biggest update ever to iPad Pro,” said John Ternus, Apple’s senior vice president of Hardware Engineering. “With the breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display, the next-level performance of M4, incredible AI capabilities, and support for the all-new Apple Pencil Pro and Magic Keyboard, there’s no device like the new iPad Pro.”

The new iPad Pro — the thinnest Apple product ever — features a stunningly thin and light design, taking portability to a whole new level. The 11-inch model is just 5.3 mm thin, and the 13-inch model is even thinner at a striking 5.1 mm, while both models are just as strong as the previous design. The 11-inch model weighs less than a pound, and the 13-inch model is nearly a quarter pound lighter than its predecessor — allowing pro users to extend their workflows in new ways and in more places. The new iPad Pro is available in two gorgeous finishes — silver and space black — both with 100 percent recycled aluminum enclosures.

The new iPad Pro debuts the Ultra Retina XDR, the world’s most advanced display, to provide an even more remarkable visual experience. The Ultra Retina XDR display features state-of-the-art tandem OLED technology that uses two OLED panels and combines the light from both to provide phenomenal full-screen brightness. The new iPad Pro supports an incredible 1000 nits of full-screen brightness for SDR and HDR content, and 1600 nits peak for HDR. No other device of its kind delivers this level of extreme dynamic range. Tandem OLED technology enables sub-millisecond control over the color and luminance of each pixel, taking XDR precision further than ever. Specular highlights in photos and video appear even brighter, and there’s more detail in shadows and low light than ever before on iPad — all while delivering even more responsiveness to content in motion. For pro users working in high-end, color-managed workflows or challenging lighting conditions, a new nano-texture glass option comes to iPad Pro for the first time. 1 Nano-texture glass is precisely etched at a nanometer scale, maintaining image quality and contrast while scattering ambient light for reduced glare. With its breakthrough tandem OLED technology, extreme brightness, incredibly precise contrast, brilliant colors, and nano-texture glass option, the new Ultra Retina XDR display is the world’s most advanced display, giving iPad Pro customers an unparalleled viewing experience.

The incredibly thin and light design and game-changing display of the new iPad Pro is only possible with M4, the next generation of Apple silicon that delivers a huge leap in performance. M4 is built on second-generation 3-nanometer technology that’s even more power efficient, which is perfect for the design of the new iPad Pro. With an entirely new display engine, M4 introduces pioneering technology for the stunning precision, color, and brightness of the Ultra Retina XDR display. The new CPU offers up to four performance cores and now six efficiency cores, 2 with next-generation machine learning (ML) accelerators, to deliver up to 1.5x faster CPU performance over M2 in the previous-generation iPad Pro. 3 M4 builds on the GPU architecture of M3 — the 10-core GPU includes powerful features like Dynamic Caching, and hardware-accelerated mesh shading and ray tracing, which come to iPad for the first time. Coupled with higher unified memory bandwidth, pro rendering apps like Octane will see up to 4x faster performance than M2. 3 M4 also delivers tremendous gains and industry-leading performance per watt. Compared to M2, M4 can deliver the same performance using just half the power, and compared to the latest PC chip in a thin and light laptop, M4 can deliver the same performance using just a quarter of the power. 4 A new advanced Media Engine includes support for AV1 decode, providing more power-efficient playback of high-resolution video experiences from streaming services.

The new iPad Pro with M4 features Apple’s most powerful Neural Engine ever, capable of 38 trillion operations per second, which is 60x faster than Apple’s first Neural Engine in the A11 Bionic chip. Combined with next-generation ML accelerators in the CPU, a high-performance GPU, more memory bandwidth, and intelligent features and powerful developer frameworks in iPadOS, the Neural Engine makes the new iPad Pro an outrageously powerful device for AI. With iPad Pro with M4, users can perform AI-enabled tasks even faster, like easily isolate a subject from its background in 4K video with just a tap with Scene Removal Mask in Final Cut Pro. With this advanced level of performance, the Neural Engine in M4 is more powerful than any neural processing unit in any AI PC today.

iPadOS also has advanced frameworks like Core ML that make it easy for developers to tap into the Neural Engine to deliver phenomenal AI features locally, including running powerful diffusion and generative AI models, with great performance on device. iPad Pro also supports cloud-based solutions, enabling users to run powerful productivity and creative apps that tap into the power of AI, such as Copilot for Microsoft 365 and Adobe Firefly.

The updated camera system on the new iPad Pro delivers even more versatility, and with its rich audio from four studio-quality mics, users can shoot, edit, and share all on one device. The 12MP back camera captures vibrant Smart HDR images and video with even better color, improved textures, and detail in low light. It also now features a new adaptive True Tone flash that makes document scanning on the new iPad Pro better than ever. Using AI, the new iPad Pro automatically identifies documents right in the Camera app, and if a shadow is in the way, it instantly takes multiple photos with the new adaptive flash, stitching the scan together for a dramatically better scan.

On the front, the TrueDepth camera system moves to the landscape location on the new iPad Pro. The Ultra Wide 12MP camera with Center Stage makes the experience of video conferencing in landscape orientation even better, especially when iPad is attached to a Magic Keyboard or Smart Folio.

iPad Pro includes a high-performance USB-C connector with support for Thunderbolt 3 and USB 4, delivering fast wired connectivity — up to 40Gb/s. Thunderbolt supports an extensive ecosystem of high-performance accessories, including external displays like the Pro Display XDR at its full 6K resolution, and external storage, all connected using high-performance cables and docks. iPad Pro supports Wi-Fi 6E for super-fast Wi-Fi connections for pro workflows on the go. Wi-Fi + Cellular models with 5G allow users to access their files, communicate with colleagues, and back up their data in a snap while on the go. Cellular models of the new iPad Pro are activated with eSIM, a more secure alternative to a physical SIM card, allowing users to quickly connect and transfer their existing plans digitally, and store multiple cellular plans on a single device. Customers can easily get connected to wireless data plans on the new iPad Pro in over 190 countries and regions around the world without needing to get a physical SIM card from a local carrier.

Apple Pencil Pro features even more magical capabilities and powerful new interactions that take the Apple Pencil experience even further. A new sensor in the barrel can sense a user’s squeeze, bringing up a tool palette to quickly switch tools, line weights, and colors, all without interrupting the creative process. A custom haptic engine delivers a light tap that provides confirmation when users squeeze, use double-tap, or snap to a Smart Shape for a remarkably intuitive experience. A gyroscope allows users to roll Apple Pencil Pro for precise control of the tool they’re using. Rotating the barrel changes the orientation of shaped pen and brush tools, just like pen and paper. And with Apple Pencil hover, users can visualize the exact orientation of a tool before making a mark.

With these advanced features, Apple Pencil Pro allows users to bring their ideas to life in entirely new ways, and developers can also create their own custom interactions. Apple Pencil Pro brings support for Find My for the first time to Apple Pencil, helping users locate Apple Pencil Pro if misplaced. It pairs, charges, and is stored on the side of iPad Pro through a new magnetic interface. iPad Pro also supports Apple Pencil (USB-C), ideal for note taking, sketching, annotating, journaling, and more, at an incredible value.

Designed for the new iPad Pro, an all-new thinner and lighter Magic Keyboard makes it more portable and versatile than ever. The new Magic Keyboard opens to the magical floating design that customers love, and now includes a function row for access to features like screen brightness and volume controls. It also has a gorgeous aluminum palm rest and larger trackpad that’s even more responsive with haptic feedback, so the entire experience feels just like using a MacBook. The new Magic Keyboard attaches magnetically, and the Smart Connector immediately connects power and data without the need for Bluetooth. The machined aluminum hinge also includes a USB-C connector for charging. The new Magic Keyboard comes in two colors that perfectly complement the new iPad Pro: black with a space black aluminum palm rest, and white with a silver aluminum palm rest.

The new Smart Folio for iPad Pro attaches magnetically and now supports multiple viewing angles for greater flexibility. Available in black, white, and denim, it complements the colors of the new iPad Pro.

iPadOS is packed with features that push the boundaries of what’s possible on iPad. With Reference Mode, iPadOS can precisely match color requirements of the Ultra Retina XDR display for tasks in which accurate colors and consistent image quality are critical — including review and approve, color grading, and compositing. Stage Manager enables users to work with multiple overlapping windows in a single view, resize windows, tap to switch between apps, and more. With full external display support of up to 6K, iPad Pro users can also extend their workflow, as well as use the built-in camera on an external display for enhanced video conferencing. Users can take advantage of the powerful AI capabilities in iPad Pro and intelligent features in iPadOS, including Visual Look Up, Subject Lift, Live Text, or Live Captions and Personal Voice for accessibility.

With iPadOS 17 , users can customize the Lock Screen to make it more personal — taking advantage of the larger display on iPad — and interactive widgets take glanceable information further with the ability to get tasks done right in the moment with just a tap. The Notes app gives users new ways to organize, read, annotate, and collaborate on PDFs, and working with PDFs is also easier with AutoFill, which intelligently identifies and fills fields in forms.

Logic Pro for iPad 2 , available starting Monday, May 13, introduces incredible studio assistant features that augment the music-making process and provide artists help right when they need it — all while ensuring they maintain full creative control. These features include Session Players, which expand on popular Drummer capabilities in Logic to include a new Bass Player and Keyboard Player; ChromaGlow, to instantly add warmth to tracks; and Stem Splitter, to extract and work with individual parts of a single audio recording.

Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 , available later this spring, introduces Live Multicam, a new feature that transforms iPad into a mobile production studio, allowing users to view and control up to four connected iPhone and iPad devices wirelessly. 5 To support Live Multicam, an all-new capture app also comes to iPad and iPhone, Final Cut Camera, 6 giving users control over options like white balance, ISO, and shutter speed, along with monitoring tools like overexposure indicators and focus peaking. Final Cut Camera works as a standalone capture app or with Live Multicam. Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 also allows users to create or open projects from external storage, giving editors even more flexibility, and offers new content options. 7

The new iPad Pro is designed with the environment in mind, including 100 percent recycled aluminum in the enclosure, 100 percent recycled rare earth elements in all magnets, and 100 percent recycled gold plating and tin soldering in multiple printed circuit boards. The new iPad Pro meets Apple’s high standards for energy efficiency, and is free of mercury, brominated flame retardants, and PVC. The packaging is 100 percent fiber-based, bringing Apple closer to its goal to remove plastic from all packaging by 2025.

Today, Apple is carbon neutral for global corporate operations, and by 2030, plans to be carbon neutral across the entire manufacturing supply chain and life cycle of every product.

Pricing and Availability

  • Nano-texture glass is an option on the 1TB and 2TB configurations of the 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro models.
  • iPad Pro models with 256GB or 512GB storage feature the Apple M4 chip with a 9‑core CPU. iPad Pro models with 1TB or 2TB storage feature the Apple M4 chip with a 10‑core CPU.
  • Testing was conducted by Apple in March and April 2024. See for more information.
  • Testing was conducted by Apple in March and April 2024 using preproduction 13-inch iPad Pro (M4) units with a 10-core CPU and 16GB of RAM. Performance was measured using select industry‑standard benchmarks. PC laptop chip performance data is from testing ASUS Zenbook 14 OLED (UX3405MA) with Core Ultra 7 155H and 32GB of RAM. Performance tests are conducted using specific computer systems and reflect the approximate performance of iPad Pro.
  • Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 is compatible with iPad models with the M1 chip or later, and Logic Pro for iPad 2 will be available on iPad models with the A12 Bionic chip or later.
  • Final Cut Camera is compatible with iPhone X S and later with iOS 17.4 or later, and iPad models compatible with iPadOS 17.4 or later.
  • External project support requires iPadOS 17.5 or later.

Press Contacts

Tara Courtney

[email protected]

[email protected]

Apple Media Helpline

[email protected]

Images in this article


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  3. How to: Feel Comfortable Giving a Presentation in Spanish

    Relax and Smile: A big part of the quality of the presentation is how comfortable you are with yourself. Even if you don't feel like you really know the content or you are worried about presenting in front of your class, your attitude will affect the perception the audience has of your knowledge. If you are able to get up in front of everyone ...

  4. 12 Spanish Presentations to Introduce Vocabulary to Beginners ...

    12 Spanish Presentations to Use in Your Classroom 1. El clima/tiempo (The weather) Description: This presentation teaches the names of the seasons and weather expressions that go with them. It's perfect for introducing the vocabulary for the first time or reviewing it.

  5. Useful Phrases to Give a Presentation in Spanish

    Luego, puedes decirle a la audiencia cuál es el tema general. Aquí hay dos frases que puedes usar: "Mi presentación es sobre…". "Hoy me gustaría hablarte de…". Siempre es una buena idea darle a la audiencia un resumen o una descripción general de su presentación. Recuerda dirigirte a tu público tratándoles de USTED ...

  6. Introducing Yourself in Spanish

    Learn how to make a correct personal presentation for complete beginners.A1 Course Playlist:

  7. Must-Know Business Expressions for a Presentation in Spanish Are you're looking to become fluent and conversational in Spanish? Click here to start learning Spanish with the best free online reso...

  8. Prepare a Spanish presentation with our Spanish lessons

    According to public speaking experts, it is recommended to prepare a conference in 3 steps: Open with something personal to capture the attention of your audience and announce what the presentation will be about. Name three important points and develop them with a story, examples, experience, etc. Summarize the key points briefly and concisely ...

  9. Essential Vocabulary And Phrases For Preparing A Presentation

    Permítanme dar más detalles sobre este punto. Let me elaborate on this point. Learn Mexican Spanish vocabulary you can use for preparing a presentation. In this FREE lesson, you learn the words and get translations and audio lessons.

  10. Oral Presentations

    Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations - Luis Moreno Ocampo at TEDxBuenosAires. Finding interesting materials to practice Spanish online is easy if you are creative and resourceful. Today we will use an oral presentation recorded at TEDxBuenosAires in 2010 as a tool to practice your listening and comprehension skills in Spanish.

  11. La presentación oral: 13 Ways to Teach it for AP Spanish Success

    Given a rubric of the oral presentation, vocabulary of comparisons, a PowerPoint on the Oral Presentation, and information on grading systems, students will do a two-minute oral presentation comparing the grading system of one Spanish-speaking country to the grading system in the United States. HERE IS ANOTHER LEARNING GOAL:

  12. 6 Must-Know Tips for Giving a Presentation in a Foreign Language

    Keep it simple and within the reach of your current language skills. Impress people with your message itself, not the way you phrase the message. Besides, giving a presentation in your second language is impressive enough as it is. 5. Don't apologize. Do not start off by apologizing for your language skills (or lack thereof). Instead of ...

  13. How to make presentations for our Spanish classes

    With this in mind, we're laying out a brief outline of tools you can use to make lesson presentations for your Spanish classes: Power Point: a classic in slideshow presentations. It's easy to get (it's also available on Google Drive or LibreOffice if you don't have Windows) and equally easy to use. You can create almost anything in a very ...

  14. Teaching Spanish Students How To Present

    Teaching Year 1-4 Spanish Students To Present. For Novice and Intermediate Low students, our expectations are a little bit different. Their vocabulary and grammar is a lot more limited, so they may need some extra support. One recommendation I have is that students NOT present one-by-one in front of the class.

  15. Google Slides & PowerPoint templates in Spanish

    Download the "Social Justice and Activism - Spanish - 12th Grade" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template's design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space ...

  16. Stage 1: Greetings and presentations in Spanish

    To say goodbye, we can also use: buenos días, buenas tardes o buenas noches, depending on the time of day we are. But the most usual thing is to say goodbye at night, when we go to sleep, for example. And here's the first program, the first stage of SpanishRoute your guided route to Spanish.

  17. How To Introduce Yourself in Spanish

    Follow your simple introduction with more details about your age. Here's how to introduce yourself and include details on your age: Hi, my name is Ana. I am 30 years old. Nice to meet you, my name is Rafael. I am forty years old. Hello, I am Sebastian and I am 59 years old. How to Talk About Your Profession.

  18. Spanish Presentation

    This phrase emphasizes the professional and commercial aspect of the presentation. Whether you are pitching a business idea or presenting a project, using this expression will show your proficiency in conducting business in Spanish. Cultural Presentation If your presentation focuses on cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world, you may ...

  19. Spanish A Level: How to succeed in your IRP

    5. Prepare thoroughly for your 2-minute IRP presentation. In the assessment for the AQA Spanish A Level, students will need to give a presentation with their key findings, speaking for up to two minutes. According to the assessment criteria, "thorough knowledge and understanding of the area of study" must be evident in the presentation in order ...

  20. PDF General conversation These can vary depending on the exam board ...

    General conversation You will have to hold general conversation on 2 to 3 topic areas in the last part of your Spanish speaking exam. You will not know the topics in advance.

  21. Presentation Translator for PowerPoint

    As you speak, Presentation Translator displays subtitles directly on your PowerPoint presentation in any one of more than 60 supported text languages. This feature can also be used for audiences who are deaf or hard of hearing. Up to 100 audience members in the room can follow along with the presentation in their own language by downloading the ...

  22. Presentation in Spanish

    3. (aesthetic appearance) a. la presentación. (F) The chef told us that the presentation of the plate can be as important as the food itself.El chef nos dijo que la presentación del plato puede ser tan importante como la comida misma. 4. (formal act of offering) a. la entrega. (F) A Peruvian singer will take part in the presentation of the ...

  23. i am doing a presentation for spanish how do i say "the end"?

    votes. LadyDi is correct, as usual, but I'll add that it isn't very good stylistically to say "The end" or "Fin" at the end of a presentation. It sounds as if you are reading a children's book. A more sophisticated approach would be to say something like "And that concludes my presentation," or just to thank the audience for their attention.

  24. Apple unveils stunning new iPad Pro with M4 chip and Apple Pencil Pro

    CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today unveiled the groundbreaking new iPad Pro in a stunningly thin and light design, taking portability and performance to the next level. Available in silver and space black finishes, the new iPad Pro comes in two sizes: an expansive 13-inch model and a super-portable 11-inch model. Both sizes feature the world's most advanced display — a new breakthrough ...

  25. Hello GPT-4o

    Spanish 1.1x fewer tokens (from 29 to 26) Hola, me llamo GPT-4o. Soy un nuevo tipo de modelo de lenguaje, ¡es un placer conocerte! Portuguese 1.1x fewer tokens (from 30 to 27) Olá, meu nome é GPT-4o. Sou um novo tipo de modelo de linguagem, é um prazer conhecê-lo! French 1.1x fewer tokens (from 31 to 28) Bonjour, je m'appelle GPT-4o.