Article on Value Based Education | Short and Long | Learning for The Future

Article on Value Based Education

Value based education is the process of teaching and learning in which the values of honesty, respect, responsibility, cooperation, and compassion are emphasized. It helps children develop the skills they need to become caring and contributing members of society. Let’s dive deeper to read complete article on value based education –

Education which aims at creating only means of livelihood is not complete in itself unless it is supplemented with human values. Write an article in 150-200 words on the “Need of Value Education”, especially in the present day scenario of declining ethical values in the country. You are Shreya/ Shaan. 

 Ans.                                                                 The need for Value Education

                                                                                      by Shreya

The world today is experiencing a systemic breakdown. There is an ongoing conflict between individual and social responsibilities of a person. A question increasingly being asked is that in the mad race of becoming modern have we somewhere lost our basic human values? It is always said that values are never taught, they are caught, but in the present scenario when parents don’t have time to be with their children, there is no source from where values can be imbibed. Fostering a child with values was always a family’s responsibility. But today with the fast-paced life the entire responsibility of providing values to the child falls on schools and educational institutions. It is the school which is an important stakeholder in a child’s development and nation-building. Making value education part of the curriculum is the only solution to protect society from getting degraded. This Endeavour is to saw as an investment in building the foundations for lifelong learning, promoting human existence as well as promoting social cohesion, national integration and global unity. Education is necessarily a process of inculcating values to equip the learner to lead a kind of life that is to satisfy the individual in accordance with the cherished values and ideals of the society. No education is value-free and goals of education include the goals of value education. A classroom has become the most influential place. It is in the classroom where the most important part of a person’s life is spent and only when values are taught here, we can expect the desired outcome. Bringing values in the curriculum will foster the worldwide vision of what true education is all about and create responsible members of the society and individuals leading a peaceful and morally just life.

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Short Article on Value Based Education In 150 Words

Value based education is an approach to teaching that focuses on instilling values in students. The goal is to help students develop into good citizens who can make positive contributions to society. There are many different ways to incorporate value-based education into the classroom, but some common methods include incorporating service learning projects, teaching social and emotional skills, and promoting character development. One important aspect of value-based education is service learning. Service-learning projects give students the opportunity to put their values into action by working on behalf of others. These projects can be as simple as volunteering at a local food bank or helping to clean up a park. Not only do these projects provide valuable services to the community, but they also teach students about the importance of giving back.  Another way to promote value-based education is by teaching social and emotional skills. These skills are essential for good citizenship, and they can be learned through classroom activities and discussions. When students are taught how to resolve conflict peacefully and how to cooperate with others, they are more likely to model these behaviors in their own lives. 

Essay on Importance of Value Education- 200 Words

Essay on Importance of Value Education

Value based education is an important aspect of a child’s development. It helps them to learn the importance of moral values and how to apply them in their everyday lives.  By instilling these values at an early age, children can grow up to be responsible and contributing members of society. One of the main benefits of value based education is that it teaches children how to make good decisions.  With so many choices available to them nowadays, it’s important for children to learn how to weigh up their options and choose the right path. Value based education gives them the tools they need to do this, and as a result, they are more likely to make decisions that are in their best interests.  Another advantage of value-based education is that it fosters a sense of community. When everyone is working towards the same goal, there is a strong sense of togetherness and cooperation. This can help children feel like they belong to something bigger than themselves, and it can also teach them the importance of helping others. In conclusion, value based education is extremely beneficial for children. It helps them develop into well-rounded individuals who are able to make good decisions and contribute positively to society.

Importance of Value-Based Education Essay- 250 Words

Importance of Value-Based Education Essay

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on the importance of value-based education. This type of education focuses on teaching students the importance of values such as honesty, respect, and responsibility. One of the main reasons why value-based education is so important is because it helps to instill these values in young people. When students are taught the importance of values such as honesty and respect, they are more likely to display these qualities in their own lives.  Additionally, value-based education can help to create a more positive and productive society. When individuals possess values such as responsibility and respect, they are more likely to contribute to their community in a positive way. There are many different ways in which value-based education can be delivered. For example, many schools now have programs that teach students about character development and social responsibility. Additionally, many teachers try to incorporate values into their lesson plans. By doing so, they are helping their students to develop into well-rounded individuals who possess strong moral character. Value-based education is important because it helps individuals to develop into responsible and productive members of society. It also helps to create a more positive community by instilling values such as respect and responsibility in young people. In conclusion, value-based education is important for several reasons. First, it instills values in students that will help them become good citizens. Second, it helps students develop a strong work ethic and character. Finally, value-based education prepares students for the real world by teaching them how to make responsible decisions. 

Article on Value Based Education 400 + Words

What is meant by value based education?

Value based education is an educational system that focuses on instilling values in students, rather than simply academic knowledge. The goal of value based education is to prepare students to be good citizens and productive members of society. Many schools and universities now have programs that focus on teaching values, such as respect, responsibility, honesty, and cooperation. 

Characteristics of Value Education

Value education is concerned with the development of the individual’s character and personality. It is not just about imparting knowledge but also about the development of an individual’s values and attitude. The aim of value education is to help individuals become responsible and ethical citizens.

Following are 5 key characteristics of value education:

1. Value education instills in individuals a sense of responsibility towards society. 2. It helps individuals develop a positive attitude towards life. 3. Value education fosters in individuals a sense of respect for others and their property. 4. It encourages individuals to be honest and truthful in all their dealings. 5. Value education inculcates in individuals a sense of duty towards the nation and its people.

Why is value-based education important to life?

Value based education is important to life because it helps individuals develop a strong sense of self-worth and purpose. In addition, value-based education can promote physical and mental health, as well as social and emotional well-being. Furthermore, value-based education can instill in individuals a desire to contribute to their community and society at large. Finally, value-based education can provide individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in today’s increasingly complex world.

5 Values of Education

There are many values of education, but five of the most important ones are:

1. Education develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 2. Education helps us to become more independent and self-sufficient. 3. Education leads to improved employment prospects and higher earnings. 4. Education helps us to understand and appreciate other cultures. 5. Education can help to reduce crime and social problems.

Principles of Value Based Education

1. Developing a sense of self-worth: Every individual has intrinsic worth and should be treated with dignity and respect. 2. Promoting social and emotional learning: Students should be taught how to manage their emotions, set goals, and resolve conflicts. 3. Encouraging pro-social behavior: Students should be encouraged to cooperate, help others, and make positive contributions to their community. 4. Fostering moral development: Students should be given opportunities to explore ethical issues and develop their own moral code.

Main Goal of Values Education

The main goal of values education is to instill in students the importance of living by a set of moral and ethical values. These values can include honesty, integrity, respect, compassion, and responsibility. By teaching students to live by these values, they will be better equipped to handle the challenges and opportunities that life will present them with.

Factors of Value Education

1. A focus on the individual – Value education should be tailored to the needs of the individual and their unique circumstances. 2. A focus on relationships – Value education should help individuals to develop positive relationships with others. 3. A focus on life skills – Value education should help individuals to develop essential life skills such as communication, problem-solving and decision-making. 4. A focus on character development – Value education should help individuals to develop positive character traits such as honesty, responsibility and respect. 5. A focus on personal growth – Value education should help individuals to grow and develop as people, both intellectually and emotionally.

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The Value of an Education That Never Ends

An illustration showing five students in a classroom. One looks to be many decades older than the other. She is rasing her hand eagerly.

By Michael S. Roth

Dr. Roth is the president of Wesleyan University and the author of “The Student: A Short History.”

For more than 15 years I have presided over my university’s Arrival Day, the time when families drop off their sons and daughters about to start their college career. Every year some parents will take me aside to say they wish they were starting college, and that they’d get a lot more out of the experience now because they’ve become better learners.

One mother laughingly called herself a “perpetual student.” She meant she pursued learning for the sheer joy of inquiry. But the term is usually one of gentle derision: someone who keeps taking more courses as a way to avoid holding down a job. In other words, a slacker, or a loser. I think that’s wrong. We should begin to see this sort of lifelong learning as a way for individuals to gain not just knowledge, but liberation. In its ideal form, being a perpetual student is not an act of avoidance but rather a path to perpetual self-determination and freedom.

The ideas of “freedom” and “student” were not always linked together. In pre-modern Europe, schools were few and far between, but there was learning nonetheless — learning that aimed at economic independence and integration with a community. Universities were founded in the medieval period, and as literacy became more culturally and economically advantageous, especially after the Protestant Reformation, basic schooling became more common.

For the 18th-century philosopher Immanuel Kant, the student in pursuit of enlightenment was someone in the process of leaving behind “self-imposed immaturity” and learning to think for oneself. Some people, however, were said to exist outside the realm of learning altogether — at least the kind of learning meant to allow one to stand on one’s own feet. With intellectual contortions fueled by racism and economic self-interest, many supposedly enlightened Enlightenment thinkers and writers argued that enslaved people could not be students, that they did not have the potential to be free. States passed laws forbidding the education of enslaved people. Learning became an act of resistance.

Across the West in the 19th century, formal schooling became more widespread, and debates about education centered on preparing independent thinkers who could also be free citizens. But questions quickly arose: Are schools truly helping students think for themselves, or are they only indoctrinating them into the latest conventions? Will advanced learning lead to scientific gains that benefit society, or will it only create self-serving justifications for the inequalities produced by industrialization? By the mid 1800s Ralph Waldo Emerson would call on his fellow citizens to live more independently by being more open and creative. For him, the freedom of a student was not just an intellectual matter. It was bound up with opposing convention — and it shouldn’t end with school.

The connection between learning and freedom is presupposed in many criticisms of students today as censorious or relativist, illiberal or radical, coddled snowflake or warrior for social justice. As the 1990s boogeyman of political correctness has been transformed in the minds of its enemies into woke and cancel culture, one can see more clearly than ever that the idea of the student is a screen onto which folks (themselves long out of school) project their fears for the future and, perhaps, anxieties about themselves.

There are many ways to be a student. Some will strive to find balance and harmony by fitting into their educational context. Others build intellectual muscle by criticizing every move the teacher makes. In daring to be critical and competitive interlocutors with their instructors, they work harder and learn to think more deeply. Some students learn through imitation, eager to follow their classmates as well as their teacher. The core of all these approaches is developing the capacity to think for oneself by learning from others.

Ultimately, the true student learns freedom by developing curiosity, judgment and creativity in the service of one’s own good and the good of their communities. This flourishing is different from being trained by an instructor to do a task or earn a badge, and it is different from the satisfaction one gets through acquiring objects or experiences in the marketplace.

On campus, students do learn specific tasks and they do enjoy experiences, of course, but as students they are doing something more fundamental and more open-ended. They are learning freedom by learning who they are and what they can do (including how they might think). This almost always happens in concert with others. Students flourish in discovering and developing their capacities together.

That’s why it’s such a challenge to be a perpetual student — as our society becomes atomized and polarized, the informal educational spaces for adults to learn from people who have different points of view are fewer and farther between. And it gets harder to exercise the intellectual humility that being a student requires when one is supposed to have the authority, the certainty, of adulthood. Yet some people manage it at various points in their lives by finding fellow learners. This can happen in book clubs, online classes, Bible study or simply in stimulating interactions with co-workers.

There is a hunger for this. Roughly 200 people join my online Great Books humanities class each week on Coursera . During the pandemic, the number was more than 1,000, and millions around the world find other classes via Khan Academy and edX . The desire for learning is also a desire for connecting. It is not just the desire for a prize or a diploma.

For perpetual students, learning (as opposed to training) has no end. As they reach the end of one path of inquiry, they find themselves already on another. These paths develop their capacities and can’t be delimited in advance of the opportunity for exploring them. Every day is Arrival Day.

Perpetual students, like all of us, have the potential for freedom. They embrace this potential, exploring the world, absorbing its lessons and creatively responding to them.

To be a student is to be alive to the world and to oneself. Why would anyone want to graduate from that?

Michael S. Roth is president of Wesleyan University. This essay draws on his forthcoming book “ The Student: A Short History .”

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What’s the Value of Higher Education?

Have political and fiscal debates about higher education lost sight of the value of education for individuals and society? Dr. Johnnetta Cole discusses how universities can inform and inspire.

  • Dr. Johnnetta Cole President Emerita, Smithsonian National Museum of African Art; President Emerita, Spelman College and Bennett College

This interview was conducted at the Yale Higher Education Leadership Summit , hosted by Yale SOM’s Chief Executive Leadership Institute on January 30, 2018.

The value of a college degree can be measured in a number of different ways: increased lifetime earnings potential, a network of classmates and fellow alumni, subject-matter expertise, a signal of stick-to-itiveness, potentially a marker of class or the capacity to move across classes. There are also less tangible benefits, like becoming a more well-rounded individual and part of a well-informed public.

Yale Insights recently talked with Dr. Johnnetta Cole about how she measures the value of higher education. Cole is the former president of Spelman College and Bennett College, the only two historically black colleges and universities that are exclusively women’s colleges. After retiring from academia, she served as the director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art. In addition, she served on the boards of a number of corporations, including Home Depot, Merck, and Coca-Cola. She was the first African-American chair of the board for the United Way of America.

Q: Why does higher education matter?

I would say that we could get widespread agreement on what I’m going to call the first purpose of higher education: through this amazingly powerful process of teaching and learning, students come to better understand the world.

There might be some disagreement on the second purpose. I’d say it is to inspire students to figure out how they can contribute to helping to make the world better. Certainly, higher education is about scholarship, but it’s also about service. It’s about creativity. It’s about matters of the mind, but it’s also, or at least it should be, about matters of the heart and the soul.

Q: Has the public perception of universities changed in recent years?

Throughout the history—and herstory—of higher education, there have been doubters, those who have critiqued it. But I have a concern, and some polls tell us, in this period in which we are living, many people believe that higher education is not contributing in a positive way to American life.

That’s something that we need to work on, those of us who are deeply engaged in and care about higher education, because I think when one looks with as much objectivity as possible, the truth is, and it’s always been, that higher education contributes substantially.

Q: You’ve led two historically black colleges for women. What is the role of special mission institutions?

In my view, we still need special mission institutions. Remember Brandeis, Notre Dame, and Brigham Young are special mission institutions.

With respect to historically black colleges and universities (HBCU), not every African American wants to or does go to an HBCU. The same is true of women and women’s colleges. But for those who wish that kind of education, and if the fit is right, it’s almost magical.

I think it is as basic as having an entire community believe that you can. On these campuses, we believe that black students can do whatever they set their minds to do. On the women’s campuses, we believe that women can reach heights that have not been imagined for women.

HBCUs are not totally free of racism. Women’s colleges are not utopias where there are no expressions of gender inequality or sexism. But they come far closer than at our predominately white and co-ed institutions.

Q: One of the big issues with higher education now is cost. How do we solve the affordability problem?

The affordability question is highly complex and serious. James Baldwin said, “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed that is not faced.” I believe that this is a perfect example. Colleges and universities are not just raising tuitions so they can make big profits. Pell grants are no longer at least a reasonable response to the affordability question.

We’ve got to figure this out because, in a democracy, accessibility to education is fundamental. The idea that something as precious, as powerful, as a solid education is only accessible to some and not to others, is an assault upon democracy.

Q: You came out of retirement to lead the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art. Why was the draw so strong?

I’ve managed, systematically, to get a failing grade in retirement.

I grew up in the South, in the days of legalized segregation—you could also call it state-sponsored racism. I didn’t have access to symphony halls. I didn’t have access to art museums. I still remember the library that I went to in order to travel the world through books, was the A. L. Lewis Colored Public Library.

As a young girl, I fell in love with the visual arts, especially African and African-American art. I went off to Fisk University at age 15 and began to see the real works of art for which we only had reproductions in my home. From Fisk, I went to Oberlin, where the Allen Memorial Art Gallery was a special place of solace for me

The opportunity with the Smithsonian wasn’t something I sought; I was asked to apply. My doctorate is in anthropology, not art history, so I was reluctant, but they told me they were looking for a leader, not an art historian. It was one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. The work was an almost indescribable joy.

Generally, our museums across America do not reflect who America is, nor do they reflect how our world looks. They need to be far more diverse in terms of their boards, staff, exhibitions, educational programs, and visitorship.

What the African art museum has is a unique opportunity because it can speak to something that binds us together. If one is human, just go back far enough, I mean way back, and we have all come from a single place. It is called Africa.

Here’s a museum that says to its visitors, “No matter who you are, by race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, ability or disability, or nationality, come to a place where the visual arts connect you to the very cradle of humanity.”

During those eight years when I had the joy of being the director of the National Museum of African Art, I would greet our visitors by saying “Welcome home! Welcome to a place that presents the diverse and dynamic, the exquisite arts of Africa, humanity’s original home.”

Q: Do you think that our education and cultural institutions are properly valued in our society?

I have to say no. Because if we did, we would take better care of them. If we did, we would make sure that not some but all of our educational institutions from kindergarten through post-secondary education, into graduate and professional schools, have the means to do what needs to be done.

If we really value all of our cultural expressions, whether it’s dance or music, visual arts, theater, when there is a budget shortfall, we wouldn’t say, “These are the first things to go.” We wouldn’t say, “Kids can do without music in their public school.” It’s one thing to say we love an institution; it’s another to care for and protect an institution. I think we can do far better.

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  • Article On The Importance Of Education

Article on the Importance of Education

Are you educated? Do you think education is a waste of time? This article on the importance of education will give you the answer to that question.

Table of Contents

What can be considered good education, the power of being educated.

  • How Can Your Education Benefit Your Society
  • FAQs on the Importance of Education

To put it in simple terms, education is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills, building morals, values, and developing habits. Education does not just consist of these. The process of education can be said to be complete only if you are able to put the knowledge you acquire to good use. So, education is not just gaining knowledge and gathering information but developing the ability to apply what you have learned to daily life scenarios.

Is there good education and bad education? This is a question that has been asked for years now. Good education works towards the goal of preparing and empowering individuals to lead a productive life that definitely impacts the economic growth of the society and country they are a part of. Good education is meant to stimulate logical and critical thinking in individuals. Good education does not mean scoring high marks in your assessments. People usually perceive the notion that schooling and scoring good marks in examinations is education. Education is beyond all that. Schooling alone does not lead to learning. Getting a good education depends on a lot of factors, including the environment or society you are in, the social and economic background and the ability of the individual to understand, analyse and act according to the need of the hour.

It is a fact that quality education and skill development comes from strong education systems. Having trained and empathetic teachers is one of the prerequisites to availing good education. Education includes learning about different cultures, religions, communities, economic and social standards and grooming oneself to become a socially responsible individual. With the advancement of technology, teachers have been taken for granted because most children nowadays have their own mobile phones and internet access with which they can find answers to any questions, sometimes questions their parents, siblings, or teachers cannot explain. This is a huge drawback in the process of building a healthy society.

Being educated often makes you feel powerful. Why is that?

Imagine you did not know how to use a mobile phone, a laptop, a match stick or a bulb. What is the use of possessing something that you do not know how to use? In the beginning of time, it was found out that hitting two rocks together produces sparks that can start a fire. Every little thing you come across can teach you something or the other. The more you know, the more powerful you become.

Knowing how to drive a car would come in handy when you have to go somewhere with more people travelling with you. Knowing how to fix a pipe can help you when someone accidentally breaks off a pipe and water keeps flowing. Likewise, everything you learn will help you in one or the other way. Therefore, good education can be defined as the general and specific knowledge people gain by being taught or by experience.

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”, according to Albert Einstein. Gathering a load of information is easily possible in the present age of the internet and technology. Being able to answer every question does not guarantee or prepare you for a life where experience and knowledge is accounted for.

How Can Your Education Benefit Your Society?

Society is an integral part of every nation. The growth and development of individuals help the betterment of the society they are a part of, which in turn helps the social and economic progress of the nation as a whole. The education system has been evolving from day one. The modes and means of education are improvised every now and then according to the changing times.

According to Benjamin Franklin, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”. Any amount of money or time spent on getting yourself educated never goes to waste. The more you learn, the more you benefit from it. Even if you think that something that you are learning is not what you are interested in or what you think you need, do not worry because everything you come across will help you in some stage of life. An educated individual has a lot more to give to a society and a nation than a rich person. Being educated shapes the characters and social behaviours of individuals. It changes the way people think and act. The way you look at your fellow beings and treat them varies with every day in the process of learning.

The ultimate goal of education should be action and not just knowledge. In order to attain this goal, it is important to let all kinds of people understand the importance of education and the benefits of being educated in this constantly changing world.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Importance of Education

Why is education important.

Education makes you a better person and gives you stability in life. You become a person people around you can rely on. You can become the hand that lifts up the lowly and provides solutions to all the problems they face. It can also boost your self-confidence and credibility as an individual.

What is the purpose of education?

The purpose of education is to help the development of an individual’s intellectual and emotional self. Education shapes the individual’s character and attitude towards life and fellow beings. It aims to promote the overall development of the individual’s personality.

Is education compulsory?

Most countries have the principle of providing free and compulsory education to all. In India, Article 21 A of the Constitution states that all children from ages six to fourteen should be provided with free and compulsory education and also reserves the right to education as a Fundamental Right.

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article on value of education in 150 words

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Value of Education Essay

500 words essay on value of education.

Education is a weapon for the people by which they can live a high-quality life. Furthermore, education makes people easy to govern but at the same time it makes them impossible to be enslaved. Let us take a look at the incredible importance of education with this value of education essay.

value of education essay

                                                                                                                        Value Of Education Essay

Importance of Education

Education makes people independent. Furthermore, it increases knowledge, strengthens the mind, and forms character. Moreover, education enables people to put their potentials to optimum use.

Education is also a type of reform for the human mind. Without education, the training of the human mind would always remain incomplete.

Education makes a person an efficient decision-maker and a right thinker. Moreover, this is possible only with the help of education. This is because education acquaints an individual with knowledge of the world around him and beyond, besides teaching the individual to be a better judge of the present.

A person that receives education shall have more avenues for the life of his choice. Moreover, an educated person will be able to make decisions in the best possible manner. This is why there is such a high demand for educated people over uneducated people for the purpose of employment .

Negative Impact of Lack of Education

Without education, a person would feel trapped. One can understand this by the example of a man who is confined to a closed room, completely shut from the outside world, with no way to exit it. Most noteworthy, an uneducated person can be compared to this confined man.

Education enables a person to access the open world. Furthermore, a person without education is unable to read and write. Consequently, a person without education would remain closed to all the knowledge and wisdom an educated person can gain from books and other mediums.

The literacy rate of India stands at around 60% in comparison to more than 80% literacy rate of the rest of the world. Moreover, the female literacy rate is 54.16% in accordance with the 2001 population census. These figures certainly highlight the massive problem of lack of education in India.

To promote education, the government of India takes it as a national policy. The intention of the government is to target the very cause of illiteracy. As such, the government endeavours to eradicate illiteracy, which in turn would lead to the eradication of poverty .

The government is running various literacy programmes like the free-education programme, weekend and part-time study programme, continuing education programme, mid-day meal programme, adult literacy programme, etc. With the consistent success rate of these programmes, hopefully, things will better.

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Conclusion of Value of Education Essay

Education is one of the most effective ways to make people better and more productive. It is a tool that can make people easy to lead but at the same time difficult to drive. Education removes naivety and ignorance from the people, leaving them aware, informed, and enlightened.

FAQs For Value of Education Essay

Question 1: What is the importance of education in our lives?

Answer 1: Having an education in a particular area helps people think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to their success, and improves not only their personal satisfaction but also enhances their community. In addition, education develops the human personality and prepares people for life experiences.

Question 2: Explain the meaning of true education?

Answer 2: True education means going beyond earning degrees and bookish knowledge when it comes to learning. Furthermore, true education means inculcating a helping attitude, optimistic thinking, and moral values in students with the aim of bringing positive changes in society.

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Paragraph on Importance of Education

Education helps in the mental and intellectual nourishment and growth of a person. Without education an individual cannot progress intellectually, and cannot develop skills and capacities to work. Education fosters the enlightenment, empowerment and emancipation of society. Without education a society will be socially, economically and politically backward. Education is what serves to make a nation strong, capable, powerful and resilient, and take it forward. Education is, therefore, very important for every individual person, and as a whole for every society and nation. Hence, education must be available to all the children and youth of a nation without any discrimination.

Importance of Education in Society |  Importance of Education for Children |  Importance of Education in our Life |  Article on Importance of Education for Women  |  Importance of Education for Adults

Long and Short Paragraphs on Importance of Education in English

You will find here below a number of short paragraphs on the topic Importance of Education of varying word lengths. We hope these paragraphs on Importance of Education will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children write and read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences. Students can select any paragraph on Importance of Education according to their particular requirement.

Importance of Education Paragraph 1 (100 Words)

Education is an important part of human life. Education gives meaning to our life as it enables the growth and development of our mind and intellect. An educated society is an enlightened and empowered one. Such a society can make well-informed choices in its social, political and economic welfare. Education, therefore, ensures social justice, economic strength and political freedom. In the absence of education society remains backward.

Education must be given top priority by every country. All children and youth of a country must have access to education. Through universal access to education, society can make progress swiftly and peacefully.

Importance of Education Paragraph 2 (150 Words)

One who is educated possesses the knowledge and awareness to live life meaningfully in harmony with other humans and the world around. Through the role that education plays in the mental and intellectual advancement of individuals, it also helps in the physical, emotional and spiritual growth of the persons. Study and learning transforms the life of a person. Education is imparted through teachers at various levels in educational institutions.

Education is the backbone of a socially, economically and politically just and strong society. Through education social disparities and maladies can be wiped out to a great extent. Injustice against women, the poor, the minorities and the backward can be done away with if all children and youth are afforded education. Education serves to enlighten people about their rights and duties to society and the nation. Education can thus help in transforming people individually, and through a cumulative effect, the society.

Importance of Education Paragraph 3 (200 Words)

Education helps to widen a person’s mental and intellectual capacity. Any process or activity that serves this purpose, therefore, is part of education. While there is a formal system of education, there is also an informal system of education. The formal system of education consists of the academic and scholastic learning imparted at formal schools and institutions of higher learning through teachers.

It has a structured and organized set-up of syllabus and evaluation system through examinations. The informal system includes learning and study through various alternative means that includes books, and self-learning through experience and experimentation, besides interaction with scholars and experts in particular fields. One can also engage in both the formal and informal systems of education.

Education helps not only in the development of an individual, but through a cumulative effect it promotes the favourable growth and progress of the community, the entire society, and the nation as a whole. Education and intellectual growth of the people helps in creating broad-mindedness in them. This helps in solving almost all social ills that plague a backward society. Similarly, education is the solution for economic empowerment of the people. This helps in the emancipation of women and socially backward communities.

Importance of Education Paragraph 4 (250 Words)

Education plays an important role in the life of a person. There is a formal system of education that a student can undertake. There is also the informal system of education which may be undertaken by people. The formal system starts with formal scholastic study at primary school. School education goes on to middle, secondary, and senior secondary levels. Then follow the undergraduate and postgraduate studies, after which come the doctorate and post-doctorate levels. The formal system of education depends on teachers for the imparting of knowledge to students.

Education helps an individual in acquiring knowledge as a result of the academic studies undertaken. Education helps in enlightening and empowering the youth to take sound decisions, and make a difference to their lives and that of the society. Social ills can be done away with when the society is an educated one. Drug addiction, alcoholism, gender inequality, caste-ism and religious intolerance are social ills that can be eradicated through education. Education must, therefore, be accessible to all people of society. Through education people are able to have livelihoods and earn their living. Education thus promotes economic empowerment too of the people.

In the formal system of regular education, there are timelines within which students need to work, and deadlines to be met by them. There is an annual examination to be taken by students at the end of each academic session, besides many other term-wise or semester-wise examinations. The formal education system, thus, helps an individual develop punctuality and discipline.

Importance of Education Paragraph 5 (300 Words)

Education is the foundation of our life. If we lack education, we cannot live life meaningfully in harmony with all that surrounds us. Education gives us the information and knowledge that we need to live productive lives.

Education Enriches and Enlightens the Mind and Intellect

Education pertains to what we acquire and attain through scholastic and academic learning, as also through other means such as experience and experiment that enlightens our mind and intellect. Through the enrichment of our minds and intellects we become knowledgeable as also aware and sensitive to all that makes up our life. Education can also assist us in the fulfillment of our spiritual aspirations.

We are enlightened about our life through various streams of learning and study of the many different sciences and arts. Learning may be through the formal system of education as also through the informal system of education.

The formal system of education is offered by educational institutions starting with schools and going on to colleges, universities and other educational institutions. Academic and scholastic learning is made available through trained teachers. The formal system starts with the primary level at school, and goes on to the secondary and senior secondary levels, followed by graduate and post-graduate studies. Doctorate and post-doctorate levels come thereafter. Education does not end with the attainment of a degree or a certificate, but is a life-long process.

Education Promotes a Nation’s Social, Economic and Political Progress

All children and youth must have access to education. It is only when all people are educated that the entire society can benefit from education. If certain sections of society are denied education, development in society will be lopsided.

Education can bring about the social, economic and political progress of a nation. Social justice is the natural outcome of education for all people in society. Education can help in ensuring freedom, liberty and justice for all sections of society.

Importance of Education Paragraph 6 (350 Words)

Every child of the nation must have access to education. Lack of education and awareness is the cause of social, economic and political backwardness. When education is accessible to all people in a society, the entire society stands to gain. Education ensures a fair and just society.

Education is the Basis for Mental and Intellectual Enrichment

Education at the level of the individual helps in enlightening and enriching the mind and intellect. Education endows us with knowledge. We can thus work towards having a sound livelihood. It thus helps us live meaningful lives discharging our duties well.

Education not only gives information and knowledge about all that makes up our life, it also helps in making us aware and sensitizing us to various issues of significance so that we are capable of making well-informed choices. For example, we can choose wisely on issues related to environment protection and sustainable development, for the progress in science and technology that transforms our life must not be unsustainable with regard to our planet and the environment. Education can also help us in fostering our spiritual efforts to attain fulfillment of the aspirations of our heart and soul.

Education must be Accessible to all to Ensure Growth and Development

Social ills and economic backwardness are the consequences of lack of education. Lack of women’s empowerment, caste-ism, alcohol and drug abuse, violence and intolerance as also incidents like rape are issues that plague a society which does not have access to universal education. Similarly, poverty, malnutrition and poor health care are related to lack of education. If education is accessible to all people, without any discrimination of gender, religion, caste and social or economic standing, the entire society can benefit and advance forward.

Education brings Social, Economic and Political Progress

Social upliftment and economic advancement of a society is possible when all the people are educated. This promotes national growth and development. Education makes it possible for all citizens of a country to contribute to national economic prosperity. Education also makes people politically aware of their rights and responsibilities. Performing our responsibilities towards the nation is as important as demanding our rights. Freedom, liberty and justice for the citizens of a country can be ensured when all people have access to education.

Importance of Education Paragraph 7 (400 Words)

Education includes the academic and scholastic efforts and accomplishments of an individual. But it is not limited to this. All mental, intellectual and spiritual enlightenment and knowledge is part of one’s education. Education, thus, plays a very important role in the progress of an individual.

Education can be imparted through a Formal Education System

Through the process of formal and scholastic education an individual gains information and attains knowledge about oneself and the world around. This enables one to live a productive and meaningful life. One can make sound and well-informed choices if one is educated.

Education may be imparted through the formal education system. Alongside, there also runs the informal system. The formal system is made available through schools, and educational institutions of higher learning such as colleges, universities as also research institutions. There are also vocational streams that are offered to skill students for varied professions and vocations. Teachers, trainers and instructors make the formal system of education available to students.

Social Justice and Economic Welfare follow from Inclusive Education

The educational system must be inclusive and allow all children and youth of society to be educated. This makes for an educated society and nation. An educated society is a progressive and forward-looking one. Education helps in the enlightenment and empowerment of individuals. Through a cumulative effect, society becomes an enlightened one.

Social ills that exist because of backwardness and poverty can be wiped out by education. Discrimination and injustice against any group or community such as women, religious groups, socially-backward communities and castes can be done away with if education is made available to all without any prejudice.

Women’s empowerment is an issue of concern, and its realization is possible only through education being accessible to all girls and women. When women are educated, they can make choices for themselves. They can have a livelihood and enjoy economic independence. Financial and economic dependence of women on the males of their family is more often than not the cause of subjugation of women at home and in society.

Education Promotes Broad-Mindedness and Creating of Awareness

Education also leads to broad-mindedness, and a respect for diversity in terms of religious groups and social communities such as castes and tribes in society. There is, therefore, a tolerance in society that promotes peace and harmony.

Education also helps in making information on various issues of immediate importance and concern known to the people. Through such awareness people can become aware of what choices to make for the ultimate benefit of themselves and the world around them.


More on Education:

Article on Importance of Education for Adults

Article on Importance of Education in our Life

Article on Importance of Education in Society

Article on Importance of Education for Children

Article on Importance of Education for Women

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Essay on Education for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Education: Education is the process of learning and acquiring knowledge at an educational institution. It is well said, “A gift of knowledge can bring us to the top of most wonderful mountain, the gift of knowledge can take us to the deepest of the ocean”. Education is a great gift given by our parents and teachers. It is the key to success in life.

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Education is the systematic process of improving learning, knowledge, skill, and understanding about anything at school, college, university, or other educational institutes, which gives us an enlightening experience.

Here we have some of the best collection of essays specially written for kids. Read sample, short, long, descriptive and narrative essays on education.

Long and Short Essay on Education in English

Find a simple and easily understandable essay on education for your lovely kids, children, and students studying in nursery, KG, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Education essay is the most important topic nowadays, which can be given to the students in their schools and colleges for essay writing on any event. We have given below some essays under various words limit from which you can select your needed ones:

Essay on Education in 100 words

Education is the act of learning things around us. It helps us to understand and deal with any problem easily and makes balance throughout the whole life in every aspect. Education is the first and foremost right of every human being. Without education, we are incomplete, and our lives are useless. Education helps us to set a goal and go ahead by working on that throughout life.

It improves our knowledge, skill, confidence level, and personality. It empowers us intellectually to interact with others in our life. Education brings maturity and teaches us to live in a society with changing environment. It is the way to social development, economic growth, and technological development.

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Essay on Education in 150 words

Education plays a great role in everyone’s life by building personality, improving knowledge and skill, and providing a feeling of well-being for a person. Education has been divided into three categories in our country Primary education, Secondary education, and Higher Secondary education. It develops our analytical skills, character, and overall personality. Education helps a person nourish his present and future by ensuring the aim of life. The quality and importance of education are increasing day by day.

Every child must go to school at their appropriate age as everyone has equal rights to education from birth. The growth and development of any country depend on the quality of the education system set for young ones in schools and colleges. However, the education system in every country is not the same. Hence, the proper growth and development of the people and society vary according to the region’s weak and strong education system.

Essay on Education

Essay on Education in 200 words

Education is a very important tool for people worldwide to make the balance of life and its existence on the earth. It is the tool that stimulates everyone to go ahead and succeed in life and provides the ability to overcome challenges in life. It is the only way to acquire knowledge and improve our skills in any field according to the need. It enables us to create a fine balance of our body, mind, and spirit.

It trains us whole life and brings many opportunities to get better prospects required for career growth. Every individual needs proper education to enhance their own life standards and become a part of their country’s social and economic growth. The future of any person or country depends on the education system strategy followed. Even after many awareness programs about proper education in our country, many villages still left that do not have proper resources and awareness for the education of people living there.

Although the condition has improved earlier, the government has taken various steps to improve the education status in the country. Well, the being of the society depends on the well-being of the people in that society. It brings economic and social prosperity throughout the country by solving issues and identifying solutions.

Essay on Education in 250 words

Education is essential for everyone to succeed and earn respect and recognition. Education plays a great role in everyone’s life as it positively affects human life. It provides the ability to think positively and negatively to get surety about and handle the situation. It is the easiest way to enhance our knowledge and expand our skills to have a clear worldview. It creates interest within us to enhance our way of life and thus country growth and development. We can learn by watching TV, reading books, discussing, and other various means.

Proper education identifies our career goals and teaches us to live in a more civilized manner. We cannot imagine our life without education as we cannot develop healthy surroundings and generate a progressive community without it. Everything in life is based on people’s knowledge and skill, which ultimately comes from education. The bright future of the individual, society, community, and country depends on the education system getting followed. Increasing the demand for more technological advancement in life enhances the scope of quality education.

It assists scientists in research works, the invention of equipment, devices, machines, and other technologies required for modern life. People are becoming highly aware of the scope and importance of education in their life and thus trying to benefit. However, people living in backward areas of the country can still not get proper education because of the lack of some basic requirements of life. They are still fighting with their daily routine need. We need to bring education awareness equally in every area for better growth and development throughout the country.

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Essay on Education in 300 words

Education is necessary for improving everyone’s life; thus, we all should know the importance of education. It enables us and prepares us in every aspect of life. The education system is still weak in the undeveloped regions of the country instead of lots of the educational awareness programs run by the government. People living in such areas are very poor and spend their whole day arranging only some basic needs. However, everyone needs a broad effort to make a proper education system possible in every corner of the country.

It needs active participation by everyone to enhance the level of the education system in the country. The authority of schools and colleges should set up some chief objectives of the education to stimulate their students’ interest and curiosity. The fee structure should also be discussed to a broad level as because of the high fee structure, most of the students become unable to precede their education which brings disparity in every aspect of life among people. Education is the first and foremost right of human beings, so everyone should get equality in education.

We must balance the facilities for education for all to bring equality among people and equal individual development throughout the country. Education enables everyone in society to interpret the things around them in a very positive way. It helps maintain a balance between our body, mind, and spirit and promotes further advancement in education technology. It promotes the active participation of individuals living in the society for the growth and development of their countries. It enables everyone to grow socially and economically by developing society’s common culture and values.

Essay on Education in 400 words

Education is the most important factor which plays a great role in the development of an individual and a country. Now a day, it has become a vital factor for the future brightness of the new generations of any society. The government has made education compulsory for all children aged 5 to 15. Education influences the lives of everyone in positive ways and teaches us to tackle any big or small problems in life. Even after a big awareness in the society towards the necessity of education for everyone, the percentage of education is still not the same in different areas of the country.

People living in the backward areas are not getting the proper benefits of a good education as they lack money and other resources. However, the government has planned and implemented new and effective strategies to resolve the problems in such areas. Education improves the mental status and changes the way of thinking of a person. It brings confidence and helps to convert the thinking into action to go ahead and get success and experience.

Without education, life becomes aimless and tough. So we should understand the importance of education and its involvement in our daily lives. We should encourage education in the backward areas by letting them know the benefits of education. Disabled and poor people are equally required and have equal rights to get educated like rich and common people to develop globally. We should try our best to get higher education and make a good education accessible for everyone globally, particularly the poor and disabled.

Some people are completely uneducated and live very painful life because of a lack of knowledge and skill. Some people are educated but do not have enough skills to earn money for their daily routine just because of the lack of a proper education system in the backward areas. Thus we should try to have equal opportunities and a good education system for everyone, whether in rich or poor regions. A country cannot grow and develop without its citizens’ individual growth and development. Thus the development of any country depends hugely on the education standard available to its citizens. A good education system must have common goals in every country to provide suitable and proper learning to its citizens.

Long Essay on Education in 800 Words

Education is the process of providing or gaining knowledge. It is something that transforms a human into a better human being. Through education, we learn about ethics and values and gain knowledge about the world. Education also helps to enhance our thinking and makes us more mature and tolerant. It also prepares us for our future by letting us acquire the essential skills which are very important in providing livelihood to us.

Why is Education so Important in Our Life?

The importance of education could be understood from the fact that a well-educated person is highly respected and appreciated in society. Education brings us out of the darkness of ignorance and widens our thinking and mental capability. A well-educated country will always have fewer issues and will progress on the path of growth and development.

Education is also very important in our life in the following ways:

  • Taking Better Decisions: Education helps a person make better decisions in life and makes him analyze things more intellectually. A better decision at the right time enhances the chances of success in life.
  • Better Lifestyle and Livelihood: A well-educated person will always have a better lifestyle and earn a decent livelihood as compared to an individual who is not educated. Education helps to earn better career opportunities and opens the way to success.
  • Improves Body Language and Communication: A well-educated person will always have better communication skills and body language. He will be able to present himself in a more sophisticated and decent way in front of others and make him understood by others better.
  • More Intellectual Maturity: Education brings intellectual maturity, makes people follow the right path in life, and helps to stay away from all the evils of society. It makes him an individual with great ethics and values.
  • Makes a Person Independent: A well-qualified person can earn his livelihood anywhere without getting dependent on others. It makes him self-reliant economically as well as emotionally by increasing his self-confidence.
  • Adds Value to the Nation: A country whose citizens are educated well will also support the country’s economy in various ways. An educated voter will also choose a better leader for its country who will work for its growth and development.

Modern Concept of Education

The modern concept of education mainly focuses on developing skills with education. It opposes the conventional concept, which deals with only scoring marks and passing the exams. The modern concept is the progressive way of imparting education that concentrates on a person’s overall development. It prepares an individual to face the world’s challenges and aims at making him independent and self-reliant.

Modern education uses technology and scientific developments and demonstrates the practical use of the knowledge, thus enhancing the grasping ability of the children. It uses the internet, computers, and audio video components to make children understand the basics of a concept and prepare them for their future.

Education is the Key to Success

Education is one of the most important tools for success. It opens the door to new opportunities and builds a path toward a better life. A person with a high qualifications could easily get better job opportunities and meet the organization’s concerned job standards.

Education also changes our perspective toward life and makes us more optimistic. The vast ocean of knowledge gained through education helps us solve bigger problems rationally and positively, making the platform for success in our respective professions.

Education also improves productivity and makes you smarter to accomplish a task using modern technology. It helps you learn the skills required for a job and makes you ahead in your field.

But education is not the only thing to achieve success in life; it is just a step toward success. You also require hard work, strong determination, dedication, and sincerity to get success in life. These things, along with your education, will unlock all the doors of success and help you achieve your life’s aim.

Education makes us gain knowledge and learn ethics and values. It gives an intellectual dimension to our thinking. It makes our decision more logical and rational. Education also makes an individual independent and improves his lifestyle by helping him to earn a better livelihood for himself and his family. Education not only helps to achieve success on an individual level, but it also adds up to the economic growth of a country. It helps to build better citizens, a better society, and a better nation by bringing us out of the darkness of ignorance and enlightening us with knowledge.

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FAQs on Essay on Education

What is called education.

Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and understanding through study, experience, or teaching.

Who is the father of education?

Often, Horace Mann is referred to as the father of education because of his advocacy for public education in the 19th century.

Why is education important in life?

Education is vital as it equips us with the tools and knowledge to navigate the world, make informed decisions, and achieve personal and professional success.

Who starts education?

Education starts from the moment a child is born. Parents, caregivers, and communities play an initial role in a child's learning journey before formal schooling begins.

What is education short essay?

Education is the foundation of personal and societal growth. It's more than just academic learning; it shapes our perspectives, values, and actions. Through education, individuals gain the skills and understanding to lead meaningful lives and contribute positively to their communities.

Can we live without education?

While it's possible to survive without formal education, the knowledge and skills we gain from it enhance our ability to thrive, communicate, solve problems, and contribute positively to society.

Is education necessary for success?

Education can be a significant factor in achieving success. However, success can be defined in various ways, and while education often plays a role, determination, hard work, and personal experiences also contribute.

What is the best education quote?

One of the most famous quotes about education is by Nelson Mandela: 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.'

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article on value of education in 150 words

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Essay on 'Importance of value Education' in 120 - 150 words.

article on value of education in 150 words

Life without values education is like ship without rudder.Education without values or edification will fall short of achieving its goal. Mere teaching, learning, improving knowledge and skills without building character and mind may not contribute to the holistic development of children, which is a must for the world to become a better place. In spite of the increasing literacy rate and more people receiving education, the crime rate is refusing to come down! The rise in crimes, violence and other destructive activities in the society can be ascribed to poor inculcation of values. It has been seen in the recent terrorist attacks in various parts of the world, that those who carried out the attacks were educated men and women. What they lacked was edification. Had they been thoroughly taught the values of human character, it is possible they would have shuddered to think of killing so many innocent people. Education policy makers need to lay more stress on education with much stress on imparting human values and edification. This will have better results than mere education.Once values become everyone's priority in life, all the negative aspects of life will automatically dwindle. The world direly needs people with high values to make it a better place to live in.

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Is it the school, or the students?

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Are schools that feature strong test scores highly effective, or do they mostly enroll students who are already well-prepared for success? A study co-authored by MIT scholars concludes that widely disseminated school quality ratings reflect the preparation and family background of their students as much or more than a school’s contribution to learning gains.

Indeed, the study finds that many schools that receive relatively low ratings perform better than these ratings would imply. Conventional ratings, the research makes clear, are highly correlated with race. Specifically, many published school ratings are highly positively correlated with the share of the student body that is white.

“A school’s average outcomes reflect, to some extent, the demographic mix of the population it serves,” says MIT economist Josh Angrist, a Nobel Prize winner who has long analyzed education outcomes. Angrist is co-author of a newly published paper detailing the study’s results.

The study, which examines the Denver and New York City school districts, has the potential to significantly improve the way school quality is measured. Instead of raw aggregate measures like test scores, the study uses changes in test scores and a statistical adjustment for racial composition to compute more accurate measures of the causal effects that attending a particular school has on students’ learning gains. This methodologically sophisticated research builds on the fact that Denver and New York City both assign students to schools in ways that allow the researchers to mimic the conditions of a randomized trial.

In documenting a strong correlation between currently used rating systems and race, the study finds that white and Asian students tend to attend higher-rated schools, while Black and Hispanic students tend to be clustered at lower-rated schools.

“Simple measures of school quality, which are based on the average statistics for the school, are invariably highly correlated with race, and those measures tend to be a misleading guide of what you can expect by sending your child to that school,” Angrist says.

The paper, “ Race and the Mismeasure of School Quality ,” appears in the latest issue of the American Economic Review: Insights . The authors are Angrist, the Ford Professor of Economics at MIT; Peter Hull PhD ’17, a professor of economics at Brown University; Parag Pathak, the Class of 1922 Professor of Economics at MIT; and Christopher Walters PhD ’13, an associate professor of economics at the University of California at Berkeley. Angrist and Pathak are both professors in the MIT Department of Economics and co-founders of MIT’s Blueprint Labs, a research group that often examines school performance.

The study uses data provided by the Denver and New York City public school districts, where 6th-graders apply for seats at certain middle schools, and the districts use a school-assignment system. In these districts, students can opt for any school in the district, but some schools are oversubscribed. In these circumstances, the district uses a random lottery number to determine who gets a seat where.

By virtue of the lottery inside the seat-assignment algorithm, otherwise-similar sets of students randomly attend an array of different schools. This facilitates comparisons that reveal causal effects of school attendance on learning gains, as in a randomized clinical trial of the sort used in medical research. Using math and English test scores, the researchers evaluated student progress in Denver from the 2012-2013 through the 2018-2019 school years, and in New York City from the 2016-2017 through 2018-2019 school years.

Those school-assignment systems, it happens, are mechanisms some of the researchers have helped construct, allowing them to better grasp and measure the effects of school assignment.

“An unexpected dividend of our work designing Denver and New York City’s centralized choice systems is that we see how students are rationed from [distributed among] schools,” says Pathak. “This leads to a research design that can isolate cause and effect.”

Ultimately, the study shows that much of the school-to-school variation in raw aggregate test scores stems from the types of students at any given school. This is a case of what researchers call “selection bias.” In this case, selection bias arises from the fact that more-advantaged families tend to prefer the same sets of schools.

“The fundamental problem here is selection bias,” Angrist says. “In the case of schools, selection bias is very consequential and a big part of American life. A lot of decision-makers, whether they’re families or policymakers, are being misled by a kind of naïve interpretation of the data.”

Indeed, Pathak notes, the preponderance of more simplistic school ratings today (found on many popular websites) not only creates a deceptive picture of how much value schools add for students, but has a self-reinforcing effect — since well-prepared and better-off families bid up housing costs near highly-rated schools. As the scholars write in the paper, “Biased rating schemes direct households to low-minority rather than high-quality schools, while penalizing schools that improve achievement for disadvantaged groups.”

The research team hopes their study will lead districts to examine and improve the way they measure and report on school quality. To that end, Blueprint Labs is working with the New York City Department of Education to pilot a new ratings system later this year. They also plan additional work examining the way families respond to different sorts of information about school quality.

Given that the researchers are proposing to improve ratings in what they believe is a straightforward way, by accounting for student preparation and improvement, they think more officials and districts may be interested in updating their measurement practices.

“We’re hopeful that the simple regression adjustment we propose makes it relatively easy for school districts to use our measure in practice,” Pathak says.

The research received support from the Walton Foundation and the National Science Foundation.

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