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Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper

Please refer to the Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper below. These CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education have been prepared based on the latest guidelines and examination patterns issued for the current academic year. We have provided Term 1 and Term 2 sample papers with solutions. You can click on the links below and access the free latest CBSE Sample Papers for Physical Education for Standard 11. All guess papers for Physical Education Class 11 have been prepared by expert teachers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which are expected to come in the examinations and get better marks.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education

Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 1 With Solutions Set A

Question. Ancient Olympic Games wart organized in the honor of good.      (a) Theodosius (b) Zues (c) Posedon (d) Hercules

Question. The Paralympic Games are organized after the completion of:    (a) Olympic Games (b) SAF Games (c) Common wealth Games (d) Asian Games

Question. What is the suppleness called in another words.    (a) Flexibility (b) Endurance (c) Strength (d) Speed

Question. Which of the physical method of doping is    (a) Steroids (b) None of these (c) Gene doping (d) Stimulants

Question. Effective planning can help in    (a) Improve Efficiency (b) reducing chances of mistake (c) All of these (d) Proper coordination

Question. What is the another name of synchronisation?    (a) Strength (b) Coordination (c) Speed (d) Endurance

Question. How many objectives of physical Education are there?    (a) Five (b) Six (c) Three (d) Four

Question. Deaf Lympics started in      (a) 2001 (b) 1960 (c) 1924 (d) 1947

Question. Cochlear implant is not allowed in      (a) Asian games (b) Olympic games (c) Special Olympics (d) Deaflympics

Question. The headquarter of Paralympics is at    (a) Denmark (b) Paris (c) Germany (d) New york

Question. The components of pranayama are    (a) Seven (b) Two (c) Five (d) Three

Question. Which of the following is not a part of Yama?      (a) Santosh (b) Aparigraha (c) Asteya (d) Satya

Question. What is the meaning of Psyche?      (a) Science (b) Soul (c) Behaviour (d) Environment

Question. What is not come undergrowth?    (a) Increase in Weight (b) Increase in Height (c) Increase in size (d) Increase in obesity

Question. Physical Education is the sum of changes in an individual caused by experience centering motor activity Who said this?    (a) Prince martin (b) Charls A.Butchar (c) Millions (d) Cassidy

Question. Which of the following sport is not related to air?      (a) Rock Climbing (b) Bungee Jumping (c) Paragliding (d) Free-flying

Question. Which of the following body type like a round shape?    (a) Mesomorph (b) None of these (c) Endomorph (d) Ectomorph

Question. Which of the following body type like a slim shape?    (a) Ectomorph (b) Endomorph (c) Mesomorph (d) None of these

Question. Sesamoid bones are found in    (a) Shoulders (b) Thigh (c) Patella (d) Wrist

Question. Anatomy is the study of    (a) Application of the Principles (b) All systems of human body and their mutual relationship (c) Study of movement (d) Structure, shape, sire and weight of all the organs of the body

Question. In the childhood, Individual’s behaviour in most influenced by    (a) School (b) Community (c) Peer group (d) Family

Question. Which of the following is not a physical activity?    (a) Dancing (b) Gardening (c) Domestic work (d) Reading a book

Question. Which of the following is not a quality of a good leader?      (a) Attractive personality (b) Richness (c) Cooperative (d) Organisational ability

Question. Enlist the secondary laws of learning and explain any one law. 

cbse class 11 physical education sample paper with solution 2022

Law of belongingness If the mutual relationship between stimulus and response is natural then learning is more effective for example running, jumping, jumping and throwing are natural activities, therefore, these activities are easy to learn. Along with this, these activities can be learnt quickly. The activities which are artificial or unnatural are difficult to learn such as to run backward while using hands and legs properly is difficult.

Question. Explain the safety measures during surfing.

Always swim or surf at places patrolled by surf lifesavers or lifeguards. Swim between the red and yellow flags. They mark the safest area to swim. Always swim under supervision or with a friend. Read and obey the signs. Don’tswim directly after a meal. Don’t swim under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you are unsure of surf conditions, ask a lifesaver or lifeguard. Never run and dive in the water. Even if you have checked before, conditions can change. If you get into trouble in the water, don’t panic. Raise your arm for help, float and wait for assistance. Float with a current or undertow. Stay calm. Don’t try to swim again stit. Signal for help and wait for assistance.

Question. Explain the functions of heart.

The main functions of heart are given below. i. It circulates the pure blood to all parts of the body. This is called systemic circulation. ii. It carries the impure blood from all parts of the body to the lungs for purification. This is called pulmonary circulation. iii. It regulates the blood pressure. iv. It regulates the heart rate. v. Regular exercise improves the efficiency of the heart.

Question. Discuss healthy diet as a component of positive lifestyle.

Healthy diet or good nutrition is one of the main components of positive lifestyle. In fact, a healthy diet of good nutrition is necessary to lead a healthy or positive lifestyle. The basic of a healthy diet are lots of fruits and vegetable, whole grain food and low fat diary products. Such diet required everyday in order to maintain the adequate amount of vitamins nutrients and minerals needed to maintain a healthy body. That is why it is rightly said that to eat is a necessity but to eat intelligently is an art.

Question. Describe the benefits of pranayama.

i. Pranayama is as necessary for the mental purity as bathing is necessary for physical purity. Yogic kriyas such as neti, dhanti, kapalbhati etc. controls the kaph, vaat an pitt. ii. Continuous performance of mayurasans and other yogic kriyas increases facial beauty and makes the skin glow. iii. Makarasana, Savasana, Salabhasana help in reducing stress and people feel happy.

Question. Describe in brief the eligibility criteria for Dronacharya Award?

This award is for coaches whose Teams or players have shown outstanding performance in international/national competitions. The following capabilities are necessary for the eligibility of this award:- i. The player who has won gold, silver or bronze medal at Olympic or world cup championship. ii. The player who has broken the world record. This record should have been recognized by the international sports federation. iii. The player who has won the gold medal at Asian or Commonwealth championship. iv. The player who has won a gold medal at least three times in Asian or Commonwealth championships.

Question. Write a note on career in book writing?

Carrer opportunities are widely available in book writing in the field of physical educations and sports, specially in India. As matter of fact, there is shortage of books on physical education and its allied subjects in India. Some physical educators, who have deep knowledge of various. Sub-disciplines of physical education, such as sports biomechanics, sports sociology, sports medicine, exercise physiology, research methods, sports psychology, spports philosophy, sports pedagogy, sports management and various sports, may write textbooks as a part time careers.

Question. Discuss the procedure of measurement of arm length and upper arm length.   

Procedure of measurement of 4 arm length – The subject must stand with his arms hanging by the side of his body with his fingers outstretched. A measurement is made from the acromial i.e. the bony tip of the shoulder to the tip of the little finger. Procedure of measurement of upper arm length –  The subject must stand upright with body weight distributed equally on both the feet. The right arm should be bent at 90 degree from the elbow with palm facing upwards. A measurement is made from acromial to the bony part of the mid elbow. Measurement must be taken to the nearest 0.1 cm. and recorded.

Question. Explain in brief the procedure or Anthropometric measurement of weight?

The scale should be placed on hard floor surface so that the beam gets into balanced position. Procedure for weight measurement: i. The subject must wear light clothes. ii. He should stand in the centre of the platform of the weighing machine with his body weight equally distributed on both the feet. iii. Read the measurement in front of the needle and record it to the nearest 0.1 kg.

Question. Write a short note on the origin of Para Olympic Games.

In the second world war majority of people suffered. They lost their will power and kept remembering the horrors of wars all the time. In 1960 Rome Olympic, Sir Ludwig Collected 400 disabled Athletes and organized games and it was named Para- Olympics. Shooting was the first game to be introduced in Para Olympic games, the international Para Olympic committee is responsible for organizing summer and winter Olympic game. The head quarter IPC is situated in Bonn (Germany). The symbol of Para Olympic Games is three colours red, Blue and green flag and the motto of Para Olympic is ‘Spirit in Motion’ 2014 winter para Olympic games was successfully hosted by Russia.

Question. Write a note on special Olympic Bharat?

This organization was established in 2001, its aims is to increase the participation of differently-abled person’s in games and sports. Its another objectives was to develop leadership quality and healthy. This organization organizes sports competition at state level. It also serve talented players and train them for international games. After 2002, about 23,750 participants have participated in national games. Between 1987 and 2013, a total of 671 Indian athletes participated in Olympic. They won 246 Gold medals, 265 Silver medals, 27 bronze medals and they raised the glory of the country in the world. Today around 1 million athletes are the members of this organization and 84905 coaches train these athletes. This organization does the all round development of the players through games and sports.

Question. Discuss methods adopted for management of adolescent problems in details.

Management of Adolescent problems i. Sympathetic and liberal attitude of parents:  A sympathetic and liberal attitude of parents and their cooperative nature can help in solving many problems of adolescents, Parents should take note of the change take place during growth and development of children and adjust their own behaviour towards the adolescents. Liberal and sympathetic attitude of parents develops self-confidence. ii. Healthy atmosphere at home and school:  Unhealthy atmosphere at home or in school or carelessness towards children can force children to fall in bad company. In orders to save children from bad habits and company, it is important to provide sufficient means for the satisfaction of their interests at home or school. Activities like music, arts or sports can help in keeping the children busy and indulge in healthy recreation. iii. Moral and Religious Education:  Religious and moral education can help adolescents to get some peace of mind and direction in their lives. Moral education should be a part of school education while home is the best institution for religious education. iv. Friendly attitude:  At this stage, adolescent want to accept the friendly attitudes. So parents and teachers should act more as friends rather strict, disciplined and rigid parents. More over this friendly attitude will bring them more close instead of making gaps between them. v. Reasonable Independence:  They should be given reasonable amount of independence. They should be given the freedom to express themselves and their point of views should be discussed in reasonable manner. They should also be given freedom to go out reasonably keeping their safety in mind.

Question. Elucidate the importance of anatomy and physiology in the field of sports.

Study of anatomy and physiology plays very important role in the field of sports because of following reasons.

i. Helps in physical fitness: Strong and fit body is an inevitable asset in the field of sports. Study of anatomy and physiology helps a sport person to understand thestructure and function of different parts of human body and to acquire a fit andhealthy body. 

ii. Provides knowledge about body structure; on the basis of knowledge of body structure, a sports person knows about the strength and weakness of his body and accordingly they can develop forte in the field of game which is suitable for the sports person as per their body structure.

iii. Helps in selection of games: on the basis of knowledge of body structure, the coach and player can choose an appropriate sport/ game which is suitable for a particular sport. Like tall students can be selected for basketball and volleyball. And short and stout students can be selected for weight lifting.

iv. Protects from sports injuries: on the basis of anatomy, sports equipments are designed that help in safe play.

v. Helps in the process of rehabilitation: knowledge of ligaments, tendons and muscles helps in rehabilitation from the injuries sustained during the game or sport.

vi. Helps in maintaining healthy body: study of anatomy and physiology provides detailed knowledge about all body parts, their nature and functions. This helps the player to adopt good, safe and healthy use of body.

vii. Helps to know about individual differences: there is a lot of difference between the body of male and female. The knowledge of anatomy and physiology helps in understanding these individual differences. On the basis of these differences, the size of the court, time of game and equipment are designed differently for male and female players.

Question. What is the difference between Endomorph and Mesomorph types of personalities?

Endomorph i. An individuals have short arms and legs. ii. An individuals have rounded physique. iii. Under developed muscles. iv. High fat storage. v. Pear-shaped body. vi. Less ability to compete in sports. vii. They are less active.

Mesomorph i. An individuals have balanced body composition. ii. An individuals have athletic physique. iii. Strong muscles. iv. Fat evenly shorted all over the body. v. Rectangular shaped body. vi. Can excel in sports. vii. The are capable of doing lot of activities.

Question. Explain in detail the side effects of the use of banned or prohibited substance is sports. The athletes uses different types of banned substances to

i. Stimulants:- a. Cause insomnia, anxiety and aggressiveness b. Poor Judgement c. Increases hypertension and body temperature

ii. Anabolic steroid:- a. Can cause Sudden heart attack b. High blood pressure c. Mood swings, aggresion/depression d. Can cause impotency and bald ness in males e. Can cause facial hair growth and deep voice in females

iii. Cannabinoids:- a. Reduce concentration and co-ordination b. Reduce lung capacity c. May cause heart decease and lung cancer d. Loss of memory

iv. Beta-Blockers:- a. Reduces endurance b. Headache and weak digestion. c. Risk of heart attack due to slow heart rate.

v. Narcotics:- a. Loss of balance and coordination b. May cause drowsiness, vomiting, constipation c. May cause fainting and coma

vi. Diuretics:- a. Can cause dehydration b. May lead to kidney damage c. Mineral imbalance and low blood pressure and drowsiness

vii. Beta-2 Agonists a. Cold hands, drowsiness b. Headache, vomiting etc. c. May cause insomnia and depression.

Question. What are the side effects of prohibited substances?

i. Increased heart rate and Blood pressure ii. Sexual dysfunction iii. Features like male in females iv. Physical and mental weakness v. Complications like stroke, cardiac problems and even death vi. Breast enlargement in males vii. Premature baldness viii. Enlargement of the prostate gland ix. Irregularity in menstruation x. Problem of depression & aggression

Question. How to get ready for a Yoga Nidra?

i. The stomach has to be empty or light before the practice It is not recommended to practice Yoga asanas or Yoga Nidra after a full meal. ii. A comfortable clutter-free space A yogi’s home is calm, comfortable.

Physical Education Class 11 Sample Paper

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Vedantu has brought the CBSE Sample Question Paper for Class 11 with solutions so that students can prepare themselves better for Class 11 exams. They will be able to evaluate their exam preparation with the help of these papers. These sample papers are available in PDF format on Vedantu and students can download them for free. CBSE Sample Question Paper for Class 11 is available for all subjects on Vedantu. Our highly experienced teachers have researched and curated these papers as per the latest CBSE syllabus for Class 11 . Students can refer to these solved papers for their exam preparation.

Class 11 has a vast syllabus that includes multiple subjects from various domains. To thoroughly prepare for these subjects, students will need the assistance of sample question papers designed by the subject experts of Vedantu. These papers have been prepared by keeping in mind the previous question papers, the latest exam pattern and following the latest CBSE syllabus to cover all the topics.

Hence, solving these CBSE sample papers will enable you to grab the concepts well and develop the ideal answering skills to ace all the exams.

CBSE Class 11 Sample Papers with Solutions 2024-25 

Cbse sample papers for class 11 with solutions.


There are different subjects that we study in Class 11 such as Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, History, Geography, Political Studies, Language subjects, etc. In History, we learn about the Indus valley civilization and ancient India, on the other hand, we get to learn about the demand and supply in Economics at the macro level. We learn gravitation, thermodynamics, the structure of the atom in Science, and assets and liabilities in accountancy. For all these subjects, you can find Sample Question Paper for Class 11 here on Vedantu. These papers will be helpful for those students who struggle to find such papers in one place. It will also be helpful for those who don't know what kind of paper will come from such a vast syllabus and how to answer different questions.

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Solving sample question papers will be useful because these papers are prepared as per the latest pattern of CBSE and the new syllabus and their marking system by the experts of Vedantu after thorough research.

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CBSE Class 11 sample question paper will help students to create a strong base which will help them in Class 12 as well.

Importance of CBSE Sample Class 11 Question Papers and Solutions

Class 11 is an essential stage of a student's academic career. At this stage, he is introduced to many topics of a subject. Multiple such subjects need more attention and studying for preparation. The students will also need the complete study material for the preparation and the set of sample papers for each subject.

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Refer to the solutions to clarify doubts and strengthen your preparation. By comparing your answers with the solutions, you can easily find out the sections of the syllabus of a subject that need more attention.

These sample papers also come with precise solutions developed by the same experts. These solutions follow the CBSE Class 11 standards so students can easily correlate with the answering format and the topics used to formulate them. This is why the sample papers are considered an integral part of the study material students need to prepare for Class 11 subjects.

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Get the free PDF versions of these sample papers from here and solve them at your convenience. Refer to the solutions of these question papers to find out where you need to become better at answering fundamental questions. Broaden your preparation by considering these questions as suggestions to follow and practice. Follow the answering methods of the experts to learn how to use the concepts and contexts of chapters to ace the exams.

Thus, we hope that the CBSE Sample Question Paper for Class 11 will help the students to understand the pattern of a particular subject and will help them to revise the syllabus as well. By getting these papers you won't have to waste your time in searching for appropriate sample papers with answers. Vedantu is your end solution. We believe that these sample papers will surely help you to score good marks in the examination. You can also check notes or Important questions of different subjects on our platform. These will help you to grow in your academic journey. 

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A student can easily download the CBSE Sample Questions Paper with Solutions for Class 11 from Vedantu for absolutely free. This will help the students understand the exam pattern better for the multiple subjects that the student learns in their Class 11th. This will not only boost the confidence of the students but also give a sense of similarity to them while facing the respective examination. Vedantu helps the students immensely for preparation of their examinations.

You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store. 

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The CBSE Sample Questions Paper with Solutions for Class 11  provides Free downloadable PDF for the following Subjects: Class 11 Maths, Class 11 Physics, Class 11 Chemistry, Class 11 Business Studies, Class 11 Economics and Class 11 Accountancy. The students can access the subject as per their need and download them for free from the website. Thus, a student can study these papers whenever he/she wants and practice them to score better marks in their upcoming exams.

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Sample papers are great help but certainly not enough to ace in Class 11 in CBSE . Please visit Vedantu for your respective subject as study materials are provided for all the subjects a student needs to learn in class 11. This will ensure you learn concepts better and eventually scores will improve in your final exams.

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Jee study materials, neet study materials.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 1 with Solutions

Students must start practicing the questions from  CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education with Solutions Set 1 are designed as per the revised syllabus.

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • All questions in both sections are compulsory. However, there is an internal choice in some questions.
  • Marks for questions are indicated against each question.
  • Question Nos. 1-20 is Objective Type Questions carrying 1 mark each.
  • Question Nos. 21-30 are Short Answer Questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 60 words each.
  • Question Nos. 31-34 are Long Answer Questions carrying 5 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 70 words each.
  • Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limits should be adhered to as far as possible.

Section – A (20 Marks)

Question 1. In honor of the most important Greek God,_______all regional wars were suspended during Andent Olympics. [1] Answer: Zeus

Question 2. The most important objective of APE is development of the student’s_______skills. [1] Answer: Motor

Question 3. _______is the union of body, mind and soul and is used both as an end as well as means. [1] Answer: Yoga

Question 4. _______is a technique used to know the extent to which objectives are being achieved. [1] Answer: Evaluation

Question 5. _______is the study of how the body and its parts work or function. [1] Answer: Anatomy

The_______pull against the bone levels to cause movement. [1] Answer: Muscles

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 1 with Solutions

Question 6. Adolescence is also called_______. [1] Answer: Teenage

Question 7. _______means the process of preparing for some task. [1] Answer: Training

Question 8. Crunches are the type of. [1] (A) limbering down exercises. (B) warming up exercises. (C) pedal exercises (D) None of these Answer: (A) limbering down exercises.

Question 9. What is the key objective of the Khelo India Fitness Assessment Programme? [1] (A) Fitness for All Students (B) AIM for Sporting Excellence (C) AIM for Khelo India Medal (D) Khelo India Sports School Admission Answer: (A) Fitness for All Students

Explanation: To give Physical Fitness Assessment Cards to all School-going and Out-of-School children, and to identify potential Sports Talent from across India. Khelo India National Fitness Program will be the biggest grassroots Sports and Fitness program in the world.

Question 10. _______is a composite of motivations, needs, and wants. [1] (A) Fitness (B) Wellness (C) Lifestyle (D) Health Answer: (C) Lifestyle

Explanation: Lifestyle is a composite of motivations, needs, and wants and is influenced by factors such as culture, family, reference groups, and social class.

_______Wellness is the ability to understand self and cope with the challenges life can bring. (A) Sodal (B) Emotional (C) Spiritual (D) Environmental Answer: (B) Emotional

Explanation: Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times.

Question 11. ‘Stadiometer’ is used to measure. [1] (A) strength (B) weight (C) height (D) stadium area Answer: (C) height

Explanation: The stadiometer consists of a ruler and a sliding horizontal headpiece which can be fixed above the head to measure height.

Question 12. The Skeleton of the human body is made up of. [1] (A) bones (B) cartilage (C) both bones and cartilage (D) None of these Answer: (C) both bones and cartilage

Explanation: Bones and cartilage form the skeleton of the human body.

Question13. _______carry blood away from the heart. [1] (A) Arteries (B) Veins (C) Capillaries (D) Bones Answer: (A) Arteries

Explanation: The arteries (red) carry oxygen and nutrients away from your heart, to your body’s tissues.

Question 14. What is team cohesion? [1] (A) A group of team (B) Teamwork (C) New recruit athlete (D) Bond between team Answer: (A) A group of team

Explanation: Team cohesion happens when a team remains united while working to achieve a common goal.

Question 15. Blood doping increases the number of_______. [1] (A) WBCs (B) RBCs (C) Plasma (D) Skin cells Answer: (B) RBCs

Explanation: By increasing the number of red blood cells, blood doping causes the blood to thicken.

Modifying genes enables_______reaction. (A) faster (B) slower (C) moderate (D) none of these Answer: (A) faster

Explanation: Modifying genes enables faster reactions and increases physical strength. It is based on the principles of Gene Therapy.

Directions: In the following question, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of the reason (R). Mark the correct choice as: (A) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A). (B) Both Assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A). (C) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. (D) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

Question 16. Assertion (A): Alcohol is a prohibited substance for sports persons participating in archery competitions. Reason (R): Alcohol can steady an archer’s hand, giving them an unfair edge during competition. [1] Answer: (A) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).

There is an educational requirement for a career in sports photography. Answer: False

Question 17. Under Khelo India Programme, talented players are provided annual financial assistance of INR 5 lakh per annum for 8 years. [1] Answer: True

Question 18. Corrective asanas regulate the different activities of the body. [1] Answer: True

Question 19. The pharynx is a muscular funnel that extends from the posterior end of the nasal cavity to the superior end of the larynx. [1] Answer: True

Question 20. Growth is the progressive increase in the size of a child or parts of a child. [1] Answer: True

Section – B (30 Marks)

Question 21. Write a note on Modern Olympic Games. [3] OR Discuss the main functions of IOC. Answer: Modern Olympic Games: The revival work of Modern Olympic Games was undertaken by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, nearly 1500 years after the last Ancient Olympic Games. Coubertin was born in an Italian family and settled in France. In the Conference of Physical Education on 25th November 1892, Coubertin first pronounced the ‘Restoration of Olympic Games. He said that these games would enable to strengthen of amateur sports to develop everlasting qualities for modern education.

Later in June 1894, in the International Conference of Amateur Sports in Paris passed the resolution to create International Olympic Committee (IOC), to observe the conduct of the Modern Olympic Games. Coubertin planned to propose the site of the first Modern Olympic Games in 1900 in Paris. But the zeal of the delegates was so much that they insisted the first games to be held in 1896 at Athens. Since then, these games were held after every four years. The honor of holding the Modern Olympic Games is entrusted to city and not to a country or region. The choice of city for the celebration is with IOC.

Functions of I.O.C: (1) To encourage and support the promotion of ethics in sports as well as education of youth through sports and to dedicate its efforts to ensure that, in sports, the spirit of fair play prevails and violence is banned. (2) To act against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic movement. (3) To lead the fight against doping in sports. (4) To take action in order to strengthen unity and protect the independence of the Olympic movement. (5) To encourage and support the efforts of sports organizations and public authorities to provide for the social and professional future of athletes. (6) To encourage and support the organization, development, and coordination of sports and sports competitions.

Question 22. Briefly describe the objectives of physical education. [3] Answer: The following are the objectives of physical education: (1) Physical development

  • Proper growth and development.
  • Proper functioning of various systems of the body.
  • Development of skills through better neuromuscular coordination.
  • Development of strength and endurance.

(2) Emotional development

  • Development of healthy interests and attitudes.
  • Satisfaction and channelizing of emotions.
  • Removing worry, tension, etc. through participation in sports.

(3) Social development

  • Developing qualities of sympathy and cooperation with others.
  • Becoming a worthy member of home and society.

(4) Social development

  • Development of social traits which are essential for better adjustment in life.
  • Development of sportsmanship.
  • Developing leadership qualities.
  • Development of personality.

Question 23. Explain about Paralympic Games. OR Write a short note on Deaflympics. [3] Answer: Paralympic Games are a major international multisports event for athletes with special needs such as athletes with mobility impairments, amputations, blindness, and cerebral palsy. Paralympic Games are held at an interval of every four years following the Olympic Games. These games are governed by the International Paralympic Committee.

The first Paralympic Games were held in Rome in 1960. However, the Paralympic word was used officially in the 1988 Summer Olympic Games which were held in Seoul. These were Summer Paralympic Games. The first Winter Paralympic Games were held in 1976 in Sweden. The Winter Paralympic Games are also held after every four years.

The Deaflympics (previously called World Games for the Deaf and International Games for the Deaf) is an International Olympic Committee (IOC) – sanctioned event at which deaf athletes compete at an elite level. Unlike the athletes in other IOC- sanctioned events (the Olympics, the Paralympics, and the Special Olympics), the Deaflympics cannot be guided by sounds (e.g., the starter’s guns, bullhorn commands, or referee whistles).

Question 24. What is the importance of muscular endurance? [3] Answer: Muscular endurance is the bridge between muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance. In order to have a fit cardiovascular system, one must demonstrate muscular endurance. While muscle strength deals primarily with fast-twitch Type II muscle fibers, muscular endurance deals with primarily slow-twitch Type I muscle fibers. The human body contains both types of fibers, but only anaerobic exercises which last longer than 15 seconds and less than 90 seconds strengthen the Type I muscle fibers.

Question 25. Define gross and fine skills. [3] Answer: Gross skills: These involve large muscle movements which are not very precise and include many fundamental movement patterns such as walking, running, and jumping. The shot put is an example of a gross skill. Fine skills: These involve intricate precise movements using small muscle groups and generally involve high levels of hand-eye coordination. A snooker shot or playing the piano are examples of fine skills.

Question 26. How would you administer the Body Mass Index (BMI)? Give example also. [3] Answer: Test Administration: In this test, the index of the health and fitness abilities of the individual is based on the relationship between height and weight. Here, height is considered in meters and centimeters; weight is considered in kilograms and grams. BMI is calculated by taking a person’s weight (in kg and g) and dividing it by height (m and cm) square, i.e., Weight÷(height x height). Example: For instance, if your height is 1.65 m the divisor of the calculation will be (1.65 * 1.65) = 2.7225, and if your weight is 50.5 kg then your BMI is (50.5÷2.7225) = 18.54

Question 27. Explain about Yama. OR Write the benefits of asana. [3] Answer: Yama deals with the cleansing of the soul. It teaches that one should not corrupt the soul by indulging in wrongful activities. Some principles of Yama are: (i) Ahimsa (Non-violence): It means to shun all acts of violence which cause harm to others. It teaches us to resist any feelings of jealousy, anger, or hate for any other being. (ii) Satya or truthfulness: We must not lie. Hiding the truth from someone is considered lying too. (iii) Asteya or non-stealing: Steya means stealing. Stealing is a crime both legally and morally. To steal the possessions or thoughts of some one and use them for our own benefit is morally wrong and one should abstain from it. (iv) Aparigraha of not-possessiveness: There is enough in the world for your need, but never enough for your greed. Aparigraha teaches us to live with minimum things which are enough to sustain life.

The benefits of asanas:

  • Asana-strengthening yoga postures increase bone density.
  • Asana benefits the heart and circulation.
  • Asana postures help relax and strengthen the nervous system.
  • Asanas improve digestion and elimination.
  • Asanas provide flexibility to the hips, knees, ankles, and the muscles of the groin.

Question 28. Explain external and internal respiration. [3] Answer: External Respiration: External respiration is exchange of gases between the air filling the alveoli and the blood in the capillaries surrounding the walls of the alveoli. Air entering the lungs from the atmosphere has a higher partial pressure of oxygen and a lower partial pressure of carbon dioxide than does the blood in the capillaries. The difference in partial pressures causes the gases to diffuse passively along their pressure gradients from high to low pressure through the simple squamous epithelium lining of the alveoli.

The net result of external respiration is the movement of oxygen from the air into the blood and the movement of carbon dioxide from blood into the air. The oxygen can then be transported to the body’s tissues while carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere during exhalation.

Internal Respiration: Internal respiration is the exchange of gases between the blood in capillaries and the tissues of the body. Capillary blood has a higher partial pressure of oxygen and a lower partial pressure of carbon dioxide than the tissues through which it passes. The difference in partial pressures leads to the diffusion of gases along their pressure gradients from high to low pressure through the endothelium lining of the capillaries. The net of internal respiration is the diffusion of oxygen into the tissues and the diffusion of carbon dioxide into the blood.

Question 29. What is excellence? [3] Answer: Excellence means doing the best we can, on the field of play or in our professional life. The important thing is not winning, but taking part, making progress, and enjoying the healthy combination of body, will, and mind. It is about having an ambition in life, and through and, determination, effort, and perseverance reaching that goal. Sports provide an opportunity to players to become the best or to make healthy choices in safe social and physical surroundings. A healthy, clean and safe community makes the welfare of young people its number one priority.

Question 30. Classify the harmful drugs. [3] Answer: Drugs are beneficial to mankind when used properly under strict medical advice but some drugs are harmful when misused or used excessively for non-medical purposes. The drugs whose misuse can be harmful are classified into the following four categories:

(1) Narcotics: Drugs under this category produce drowsiness, sleep, and numbing effect on muscles. Novocaine, Codeine and Morphine are the main drugs of this group. Novocaine is used by dentists as local anesthesia (pain killer) for tooth extraction purposes. Morphine is also used as, pain killer cases of severe or unbearable pain. Codeine is generally used in cough syrups. These medicines, when misused, can lead to addiction and can also be fatal in excessive doses.

(2) Depressants/Sedatives: These are used for muscular relaxation and to reduce tension resulting from anxiety. This group contains Bromides and Barbiturates. Barbiturate groups of sedative drugs are derived from barbituric acid which is a combination of malonic acid and urea. These medicines can lead to coma or even death when taken in large doses.

(3) Stimulants: Such drugs cause excitement and result in the loss of sleep. The excitement is for a short time with the accompanying loss of appetite. In this category come to Amphetamines. Medically, these are used in depression. When taken regularly, they can lead to addiction.

(4) Hallucinogens: Various forms of hallucinogens are L.S.D., Heroin, Ganja, etc. Such drugs cause hallucinations or illusions because these drugs influence one’s mental and visual faculties.

Section – C (20 Marks)

Question 31. Write short notes on any two of the following: [5] (a) Career in book writing (b) Career in sports photography (c) Career in sports industry Answer: (a) Career in book writing: To become a book writer, a person should have talent, training and experience. There are different types of writers, such as copywriters, journalists, novelists, web writers and editors. Writing professionals are broadly employed in different industries, ranging from academia to business, journalism to entertainment. A majority of writers are self-employed. To become a writer the steps are:

  • Earn a high school degree
  • Select a professional path
  • Get a writing education
  • Complete an internship
  • Get a job and build a portfolio
  • Earn a MA/MFA degree (optional) to enhance your writing skills

(b) Career in Sports Photography: Career in sports photography is interesting, adventurous and challenging. A sports photographer has the option to cover sporting events like football, baseball or basketball games, track and field or swimming meets and golf tournaments. A photographer may also provide a photo reporting service on the event for newspapers, magazines or sports websites. He can either work for a publisher in a full-time or part-time position or complete assignments on a freelance basis.

There is no set educational requirement for a career in sports photography. Career opportunities could be developed through photographic skills. Educational options include a bachelor’s degree in photography or journalism or an intensive 1-year certificate program in photography. Before applying for full-time positions or freelance assignments, there should be a portfolio of photographs to demonstrate your ability to potential employers.

Skills could be improved and portfolios could be built by covering local sports events. Local sports clubs could be contacted for their playing schedules and contact event organizers to obtain permission to take photographs. Published photographs add to the credibility of portfolio, so it is important to submit shots to newspapers or magazines.

(c) Career in the sports industry: There are various options in the sports industry to adopt as a career apart from being an athlete. Various options are to become:

  • Fitness Director (Fitness Program Coordinator, Fitness Director, and Therapeutic Recreation Director).
  • Coach (High School Coaches, College Sports Coaches, and Professional Sports Coaches).
  • Trainer (Athletic trainer, Fitness trainer).
  • Sports journalism (Sports Announcer / Commentator, Sports Radio Show Host, Sports Writer, and Television Sports Producer).
  • Sports marketing (Account Coordinator, Event Coordinator, Public Relation Assistant, Inside Sales Representative).
  • Sports medicine (Doctor of Osteopathy, Medical Doctor, Athletic Trainer, Exercise Physiologist, Nurse, and Sports Nutritionist /Dietician).
  • Sports psychology (Academic Sports Psychology, Clinical Sports Psychology, and Applied Sports Psychology).

For each field, different types of skills and education are required. There is a lot of scope in the sports industry. People who are truly passionate about sports and working in sports as their career understand what it takes to meet challenges and they develop a game plan that often includes these best practices:

(1) Gaining experience anywhere they can, (2) Networking with sports enthusiasts and industry officials, (3) Volunteering, (4) Shadowing and (5) Continuous learning.

Question 32. Enlist the principles for the development of Physical Fitness. OR Explain the components of health-related fitness in detail. [5] Answer: Principles of physical fitness: Regular physical fitness exercise is required for an individual to develop and maintain physical fitness and proper growth of the body.

Principles for the development of physical fitness: (1) Specificity: The chosen program must meet the specific needs of the individual. For example, if speed is desired, speed exercises should be chosen. (2) Tolerance: Exercise should not be too easy or too difficult to achieve. It should be within the individual’s tolerance capacity. (3) Total body involvement: The exercise program should be designed in such a way that exercise of every part of the body is done to ensure proportionate body development. (4) Progressive over-loading: A load of exercise should be increased step by step for the improvement of the physical fitness level of an individual. It should be progressively increased from simple to complex keeping in mind the individual’s tolerance capacity. (5) Age and sex: Physical fitness level varies according to age and sex. The intensity and volume of fitness work should be planned separately for boys and girls and according to their growth patterns. (6) Regularity: One has to maintain regularity in order to achieve and maintain physical fitness. (7) Proper rest and sleep: Insufficient rest and sleep result in fatigue and has a negative effect on regularity and progression. It is suggested that a minimum of 6-8 hours of comfortable sleep must be taken in a day. (8) Warming up: A session of thorough warming up is necessary for participating in any training program. Warming up prepares muscles and the heart for the workout. Warming up generally increases the body temperature before the strenuous workout and prevents muscle injury. (9) Limbering down: It is also known as ‘cooling down. Limbering down promotes quicker recovery from fatigue and the individual feels fresh for the next day’s training session.

According to WH.O., “Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.” This makes a person live most and serve the best. Health-related fitness has various components. These components are as follows: (1) Active Schedule: Active schedule with sufficient rest promotes good health. It also develops good mental abilities. (2) Regular Physical Activity: It makes a person physically active and fit. It helps to improve and develop various systems of the body. In this way it promotes health. (3) Health Environment: Healthy, clean and safe environment is the base of health-related fitness. So, it could be promoted and developed. (4) Knowledge of Health Factor: People update themselves with good knowledge of health development factors. (5) Nutritious food and balanced diet: Healthy nutritious food and a balanced diet fulfill the energy, growth, and development needs of the body. In this way it promotes health. (6) Good Social Life: People should become active members of society and participate in positive activities of the society. (7) Proper Immunisation and Medical Care: Proper medical care and regular check from experts should be given to promote health-related fitness. Also small children should be properly immunized. (8) Away from Health Hazards: People should keep themselves away from health hazards (Drugs, tobacco, Alcohol), pollutants and intoxicants. It affects the health of a person. (9) Hygienic Habits and Safety Principles: These principles should be followed for health-related fitness. (10) Prevention and Treatment of diseases: Proper preventive methods and full treatment of diseases should be followed for good health.

Question 33. What are the causes of cognitive disability? [5] Answer: The causes of cognitive disability are as follows: (1) Cognitive impairment can be genetic or result from complications of pregnancy. It can also occur at the time of birth due to newborn’s exposure to accidents such as head injury other severe health conditions like pneumonia in some cases. Other severe conditions like meningitis, measles, etc., can also be the cause of cognitive impairment. (2) Chromosomal abnormalities such as Down’s syndrome, and fragile X syndrome. (3) Genetic abnormalities such as phenylketonuria, Hunter syndrome, etc. (4) Prenatal drug and infections and exposure to alcohol. (5) Lack of oxygen also known as hypoxia during labor pain or birth.

Question 34. Sohan, a new student in the school was very much interested in taking part in the school sports events. He was taught the latest rules and regulations of a football game. In due course, he learned biomechanical aspects of the game including various movements.

(i) Flexion and extension come under_______movement. (A) Gliding (B) Angular (C) Rotation (D) Circumduction Answer: (B) Angular

(ii) Straightening parts of a joint so that the angle increases: (A) Flexion (B) Extension (C) Abduction (D) Adduction Answer: (B) Extension

(iii) Moving a part away from the midline is (A) Flexion (B) Extension (C) Abduction (D) Adduction Answer: (C) Abduction

(iv) The type of movement in which the angle between joints decreases is called: (A) Flexion (B) Extension (C) Gliding (D) Sliding Answer: (A) Flexion

(v) Moving a part towards the midline is: (A) Flexion (B) Extension (C) Abduction (D) Adduction Answer: (D) Adduction

Describe the skeletal system of the human body. Highlight the effects of exercise on it. [5] Answer: Skeletal or Bony System: This system consists of a large number of bones that form a structure called a skeleton. The skeleton serves the purpose of a strong framework for the attachment of various muscles of our body and also serves as a source of protection for important organs of our body, such as the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc. It gives shape to the body. Its bones serve as levers in doing work. These bones are connected together to form joints. Joints are held firmly together by strong white fibrous bands called ligaments. Joints: The joints of the body can be classified into three main categories, i.e. (1) Immovable joints as in the skull, (2) Slightly movable joints such as between the bodies of the vertebrae, and (3) Freely movable joints, such as shoulder, hip joints, etc. These joints enable us to perform movements like:

  • Flexion and Extension
  • Elevation and Depression
  • Abduction and Adduction

The movements of the body are performed by the bones with the help of muscles that are attached to them. Effects of Exercise on the Skeleton System: During exercise, bones have to be moved to various positions. These movements are made possible due to the provision of joints in the body. Therefore, during exercise, the joints have to bear a lot of stress, which puts a lot of strain on its ligaments which exert a binding force, and the cartilages, which are the paddings in between the bones.

This strain is borne by the ligaments and cartilages up to a certain limit but when the strain exceeds a limit, these get injured. Excessive strain can also cause the fracture of a bone. Due to the injury of ligaments or cartilages or both ligaments and cartilages, the malfunctioning of the joints takes place. It leads to pain and swelling in the area. If this malfunction is allowed to continue for a long time, it can lead to a deformity of the joint.

Effects of Regular Exercise: The effects of regular exercise over a considerable period of time can be enumerated as under: (1) As exercise imposes stress upon the tissues of the skeletal system, then in turn these tissues become stronger. (2) The hyaline cartilage at the end of the bones becomes thicker and better at shock absorption. (3) Tendons become thicker and able to withstand greater force (4) Ligaments stretch slightly to enable greater flexibility at the joint. (5) Exercise helps the skeleton to move freely and smoothly; it improves the flexibility of joints. (6) There will not be a postural defect on the body. Exercise helps the bones and joints at accurate positions. It helps to improve the deformity of the body. (7) Regular exercise improves blood cell production which reduces the risk of bone cancer.


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Cbse sample papers for class 11 physical education 2023.



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CBSE Sample Paper class 11 Physical Education

Physical Education Sample paper with Solution 2022-23

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Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper

We have provided Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper as per the latest CBSE examination pattern for the current academic year. The following CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education has been prepared based on the guess papers issued recently. Students will be able to practice these papers and get good marks in upcoming Physical Education exams for Class 11.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education

Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 1 With Solutions Set A

Question. The Paralympic Games are organized after the completion of:    (a) Olympic Games (b) SAF Games (c) Common wealth Games (d) Asian Games

Question. Which of the following body type like a round shape?      (a) Mesomorph (b) None of these (c) Endomorph (d) Ectomorph

Question. Anatomy is the study of    (a) Application of the Principles (b) All systems of human body and their mutual relationship (c) Study of movement (d) Structure, shape, sire and weight of all the organs of the body

Question. What is the another name of synchronisation?    (a) Strength (b) Coordination (c) Speed (d) Endurance

Question. Which of the following body type like a pear shape?    (a) None of these (b) Ectomorph (c) Mesomorph (d) Endomorph

Question. The headquarter of Paralympics is at    (a) Denmark (b) Paris (c) Germany (d) New york

Question. What is the meaning of development?      (a) Change in size (b) All of these (c) Change in structure of body organ (d) Change in maturity

Question. Physical Education is the sum of changes in an individual caused by experience centering motor activity Who said this?      (a) Prince martin (b) Charls A.Butchar (c) Millions (d) Cassidy

Question. Which of the following is not a quality of a good leader?    (a) Attractive personality (b) Richness (c) Cooperative (d) Organisational ability

Question. Physical Education is the sum of men’s physical activities selected as to kind and conducted as to outcomes who said this?    (a) J.B. Nash (b) Charls A Butcha (c) C.C.Covel (d) Williams

Question. Who is the writer of yoga sutra?    (a) Maharshi Patanjali (b) Swami Vivekananda (c) Baba Ramdev (d) Vedyas

Question. The components of yoga are      (a) Six (b) Two (c) Eight (d) Four

Question. National sports day in India is celebrated on:      (a) 29 th  September (b) 21 st  August (c) 29 th  August (d) 26 th  January

Question. IOC was formed in    (a) 1886 (b) 1894 (c) 1880 (d) 1892

Question. It provides protection to vital organs of the body      (a) Respiratory system (b) Skeletal system (c) Cardiovascular system (d) Muscular system

Question. Which of the following is not a physical activity?    (a) Dancing (b) Gardening (c) Domestic work (d) Reading a book

Question. How many components does physical fitness have?    (a) Three (b) Four (c) Six (d) Five

Question. Another name of adventurous sports is    (a) Adventure related game (b) All of these (c) Thrilling game (d) Risk-taking game

Question. Deaf Lympics started in    (a) 2001 (b) 1960 (c) 1924 (d) 1947

Question. What is the meaning of Psyche?    (a) Science (b) Soul (c) Behaviour (d) Environment

Question. Cochlear implant is not allowed in      (a) Asian games  (b) Olympic games (c) Special Olympics (d) Deaflympics

Question. What is not come undergrowth?      (a) Increase in Weight (b) Increase in Height (c) Increase in size (d) Increase in obesity

Question. Which substance is help in increasing strength of the muscles in the human body?      (a) Autologous doping (b) Blood doping (c) Gene doping (d) Homologous doping

Question. Explain structure of the muscle with the help of a diagram.

There are about 600 voluntary muscles in the body. Each muscle is made up of thousands of long and narrow muscle cells called muscle fibers. These muscle fibers are arranged in bundles and enclosed within a tough layer of connective tissue called epimysium (sarcolemma). Every muscle fiber is made up of very large number of microscopic threads called myofibril. Myofibril consists of protein molecules called actin and myosin.

Question. It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver. Comment.

i. Good health keeps us always happy and gives no feeling to complete physical, mental, social and intellectual well being. ii. A good health keeps us away from the diseases and health disorder. iii. The loss of good health causes loss of all the happiness.

Question. Describe the developmental characteristics during early childhood.

Physical characteristics: i. It is a period of slow but steady growth in height. Bones are soft. ii. Weight increase is steady iii. Pulse rate is higher than adults iv. The heart size is smaller in comparison to the body v. Strength is not well developed

Question. What is trekking and explain the types of trekking?

Trekking: Trekking means going on a long and difficult journey, especially on foot. Its course often includes over mountainous regions and woods. i. a. Easy trekking: The individuals specially the beginners are offered easy treaks. b. Moderates trekking: Moderates trekking are slightly difficult and challenging than easy treks. ii. Strenuous trekking: Strenuous trekking a lot of physical effort, energy and determination is required. iii. Difficult trekking: Such type of trekking is suitable only for real adventure seekers.

Question. How to get ready for a Yoga Nidra?

i. The stomach has to be empty or light before the practice It is not recommended to practice Yoga asanas or Yoga Nidra after a full meal. ii. A comfortable clutter-free space A yogi’s home is calm, comfortable.

Question. What do you mean by BMI? Write down the scale of BMI. 

BMI is a statistical measurement that let us know whether the person is underweight, normal weight or overweight. BMI is categorized as below-

Question. Explain in brief the procedure of Anthropometric measurement of height?

The child or adult should remove socks, shoes, jackets or any other heavy clothing. The floor surface should be plane and hard. The height should be measured using a stadiometer. Procedure for height measurement – i. The subject should stand with his feet flat and together on the floor. Arms should be by the sides and knees and back should be straight. The back of head, buttocks,calves, heels and  shoulder blades should touch the measuring surface. ii. After that the horizontal sliding part of the stadiometers lowered gently so that hairs get pressed flat and subject should be asked to stand still. Height of the subject should be read to the nearest half in centimetre and recorded. iii. Height of the subject should be read to the nearest half in centimetre and recorded.

Question. Explain in detail the steps, benefits and precautions during Sukhasana.

Steps of Sukhasana:  Sit on the floor with legs stretched out. Always use a yoga mat or a cushion or a carpet while sitting on the floor. Fold the left leg and tug it inside the right thigh. Then fold the right leg and tug it inside the left thigh. Keep the hands on the knees. Jnana mudra or Chin mudra can be used if you are using this posture for meditation. Sit erect with spine straight. Relax your whole body and breathe normally. Maintain this position for as long a comfortable. Benefits To Body Part:  There are many physical, emotional and mental benefits associated with this pose, some of which include-

  • Amplifying your state of serenity and tranquillity
  • Broadens your collarbones and chest
  • Calming your brain

Precautions: i. Don’t do sukhasana in inflammation in the knee or hip, spinal disc problems and chronic knee injuries. ii. Perform this asana under the guidance and supervision of a certified Yoga guru at least until you master it.

Question. Briefly explain the development of values through Olympic movement?

The aim of Olympic games is to create peace and co-operation amongst the nations with the spirit of sports competition, Olympic games plays a significant role to develop the following values:- i. Friendship:-  The value of friendship is steeped in the tradition of the ancient Olympic. The athletes express this value of forming life long bonds with their teammates as well as their opponents. ii. Solidarity:-  The Olympic movement is committed to developing programmes that, together creates a meaningful and comprehensive social response. iii. Fair Play:- Olympic movement ensures fair play. Athletes participate in the Games in Loyal competition with respecting the regulation. Fair play means without using any doping aid to enhance the performance for winning medal and not using and wrong method for winning medal. iv. Freedom from discrimination:- Main aim of Olympic is that there should be no racial discrimination of the athletes all are equal. They have equal right to participate in every event to show their performance.

Question. Discuss the teaching career in physical education.

Physical education has traditional been declared as a professional field. Appropriate career offers many rewards to the teachers whether they are engaged in elementary school middle schools. High school, senior secondary schools. College or universities. This career is usually considered to have many benefits. The teacher in the field of physical education has deep respect among the students because he make a good contribution to society this career provides internal satisfaction i. Elementary School ii. Middle School iii. High Secondary School iv. College and university These are teaching opportunities in the field of physical education at different rules.

Question. Explain any four problems of adolescents.

i. Aggressive and Violent Behaviour: Adolescent has aggressive behaviour and often becomes violent very fast. They easily become, imitated and repulsive when work is not of their interest. ii. Problems related to physiological growth: The physiological changes associated with adolescence present conditions and problems that the adolescence has not met upto this time and in many cases is ill-prepared to meet them when they appear. iii. Confusion between adolescent’s role and status: unfortunately neither the adolescent’s role nor his status is clear cut in the society. A boy may be treated as a man in many situations outside but like a child in his own home. iv. Problems related to the future: The adolescence is a period when the individual is not a child, he has emerged from the safe and protected life of childhood. He has now to decide to what course of life he has to follow.

Question. Explain in detail the principle of stability and its uses in sports.

i. Broad base of support: for greater stability increases the area of the base and lower the centre of gravity as much as is consistent with the activity involved. Examples: a. a basketball player stops, spreads his feet wide as shoulder line and lowers his CG to dodge the opponent. b. Defense position of the player in volleyball. c. Wide stance of a golfer. d. Tackling the position of a player in football. ii. Stability is directly proportional to the weight of the body the object or a person with heavyweight will have greater stability as compared to a person with less weight. Example: it is difficult to move a heavier person as compared to less heavy person. On the basis of this principle, wrestling, boxing, judo, etc. are organized according to different age groups. iii. Direction of an acting force: to start quickly in one direction, keep the-CG as high as possible and as near as possible to the edge of the base nearest to the direction of intended motion. Examples:  The crouched position in starting a race, the CG is kept high by not bending the knees extremely and by keeping the hips high, also the lean of the body is towards the hands so that the weight rests on the hands. From this position, the movement hands are raised from the ground; motion starts by reason of the pull gravity. This pull is added to the force exerted against the starting block by the feet and thus aids in speed. iv. When the body is free in the air, if the head and feet move down, the hips move up and vice versa. Examples: a. This principle is applied in the high jump in western or valley roll technique at the take of, the head and one foot is thrust up as high as possible. As the head and one leg clear the bar, they are dropped which raises the hips to clear the bar. As the hips are lowered, the opposite leg is raised to clear the bar. b. This is also used in pole vault, hurdles and jacknife, dive in swimming.

Question. Explain in detail the procedure, precautions and benefits of Shashan-kasana.

Procedure: i. First, assume vajrasana. Both your arms should be placed on your knees. ii. Keep your neck and spinal cord straight. iii. Shut your eyes and begin focussing on your breathing and your body. iv. Take a deep breath and without allowing the elbow to bend, bring your hands above your shoulders. v. Slowly exhale and reach down to touch the ground while your head and both your hands. vi. Let your upper torso relax and remain in this position for a while. The neck should be kept straight between the arms. vii. To finish, you should exhale and place your palms on your knees. Precautions:  Avoid the practice of this pose if you suffer from vertigo, slipped disc, high blood pressure and heart-related problems. Benefits: i. It strengthens the muscles. ii. It helps in the extension of the neck, arms and spine.

Question. Explain the procedure of skinfold measurements in detail.

Skinfold measurements are also called “fat fold thickness”. These measurements provide the information or data of the thickness of double folds of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue at specific sites of the body.ln simple words skinfold provides information about the general fatness of the body. The procedure of skinfold measurements is as under –  i. Triceps Skinfold- The arm of the subject or child should be hung loosely. Stand behind the subject and pull the vertical skinfold about 1/2 inch from the spot already marked. Keep the skinfold caliper perpendicular to the length of the fold centring the mark. Record the measurement to the nearest millimeter. ii. Sub scapula skinfold- After locating the marked point on the subscapular region, pull a skin fold for about 34 inches above and keep the skin fold caliper perpendicular to the length of skinfold. Release the caliper and note the measurement to the nearest millimeter. iii. Suprailiac skinfold- The subject should stand straight with his feet together and arms relaxed. Pull a skinfold 34 inch above the marked point with the thumb and index finger. The skinfold caliper should be kept perpendicular to the length of the skin fold. Release the caliper and note the reading on the dial to the nearest of a millimeter and record it. iv. Abdomen skinfold – After locating the already marked point, pull a horizontal skinfold to about 34 inches. Place the skinfold caliper perpendicular to the length of skinfold. Release the caliper and note the reading to the nearest of a millimeter and record it. v. Thigh skinfold – The person is made to stand with his weight on the left leg and right leg forward with the knee slightly bent. Grip a skinfold on the already marked area on the mid-thigh. Place the skinfold caliper and note the reading to the nearest of a millimeter and record it.

Question. Write down the method of warming up in detail.

The following are the methods of warming-up which are generally used:- i. General Method a. Jogging:-  Every athlete should perform jogging or slow running for 5 to 10 minutes to increase the body temperature. b. Simple exercise:-  This is also a way of warming up. The exercise should be performed from simple to complex. c. Striding:-  It means running the distance with long strides. The distance of running should not be more then 50 meters. d. Stretching exercise:-  Stretching is one of the most critical part which is stronger and healthier. ii. Warm-up with water:-  Warm-up with lukewarm water gives relaxation to the muscles, which is usually followed in developed countries. Before a competition, a hot bath helps to raise the body temperature and thus activate muscles by increasing blood circulation in muscles. iii. Warm-up Through Massage:-  The massage of muscles helps the muscles to tone up and is, therefore considered as a means of warming up. iv. Through Sun Bath:-  The body can be warmed up through sunbath up to some extent, but in most of the sports this method of warming-up is not usually applied. v. Through steam both:-  The body can be warmed up through steam bath. Energy can be saved through steam bath but this method of warming-up is also not used frequently.

Question .What are the physical methods of doping? Define methods prohibited in sports.

The physical method of Doping: I. Blood Doping:- Blood doping is a method to increase the count of red blood cells, which is done by the use of wrong banned substances. There are two methods under this. i. Autologous blood doping:-  Two units of bloods are taken some weeks prior to competition. Then the blood is frozen until one or two days before competition when it is injected into the athlete. This is called autologous blood doping. ii. Homologous blood doping:-  The injection of fresh blood, taken from a second person, straight into the athlete is called homologous blood doping. This improves the oxygen-carrying capacity to the muscles by increasing the count of red blood cells (RBC) so the muscle endurance is increased which improves the aerobic capacity and sports performance. II. Gene Doping:-  Gene doping is the manipulation of cells or genes to enhance the body’s sports performance. It can be used to improve the work function of normal healthy cells. Gene therapy plays an important role in growth and development of muscles and bones. It also speeds up the person to repair of the injured muscle tendons and ligaments. III. Chemical and Physical Manipulation:-  Any tampering with the samples during doping control during or after any competition is prohibited.

Question. What is the contribution for special education teacher in developing education plans for special need children?

i. Assess student’s skills to determine their needs and to develop teaching plans. ii. Adapt lessons to meet the needs of students. iii. Develop Individualised education programs (IEPs) for students. iv. Plan, organize and assign activities that are specific to each student’s ability. v. Implement IEPs, assess students. vi. Update IEPs throughout the school year to reflect student’s progress and goals.

Question. Write a short note on the origin of Para Olympic Games.

In the second world war majority of people suffered. They lost their will power and kept remembering the horrors of wars all the time. In 1960 Rome Olympic, Sir Ludwig Collected 400 disabled Athletes and organized games and it was named Para- Olympics. Shooting was the first game to be introduced in Para Olympic games, the international Para Olympic committee is responsible for organizing summer and winter Olympic game. The head quarter IPC is situated in Bonn (Germany). The symbol of Para Olympic Games is three colours red, Blue and green flag and the motto of Para Olympic is ‘Spirit in Motion’ 2014 winter para Olympic games was successfully hosted by Russia.

Physical Education Class 11 Sample Paper

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CBSE Sample Question Papers for Class 11

For students, Class 11 paves the foundation for their career. They will be introduced to new concepts and a thorough understanding is a must. Also, Class 12 is an extension of what is read in Class 11, therefore, students should pay special attention to all the topics covered in the syllabus. When it comes to examinations, solving sample question papers can help students go a long way. At Extramarks, we provide CBSE Class 11 sample papers of different subjects to help students prepare for the examination.

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CBSE Class 11 Sample Paper with Solutions

The best way to prepare for the annual examinations is to use CBSE sample papers . These papers help students in identifying their weaknesses and enhancing their performance. It also helps students in efficiently managing their time, even during tests.

Overview of Subjects and Syllabus for CBSE Class 11

The CBSE sample paper 2022 class 11 are designed by subject experts to help students prepare for upper classes and entrance examinations. CBSE has published term-by-term syllabuses for all subjects in Class 11. Each sub-topic gets a full explanation from the board. 

CBSE Class 11 Physics Syllabus

Unit–I Physical World and Measurement

Chapter–1: Physical World

Chapter–2: Units and Measurements

Unit-II Kinematics

Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line

Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane

Unit–III Laws of Motion

Chapter–5: Laws of Motion

Unit–IV Work, Energy and Power

Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power

Unit–V Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body

Chapter–7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Unit-VI Gravitation

Chapter–8: Gravitation

Unit–VII Properties of Bulk Matter

Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids

Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter

Unit–VIII Thermodynamics

Chapter–12: Thermodynamics

Unit–IX  Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases

Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory

Unit–X Oscillations and Waves

Chapter–14: Oscillations

Chapter–15: Waves

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus

Unit I : Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

Unit II : Structure of Atom

Unit III: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Unit IV: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Unit V: Redox Reactions

Unit VI:  Hydrogen

Unit VII: Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques

Unit VIII: States of Matter: Gases and Liquids

Unit IX: Chemical Thermodynamics

Unit X: Equilibrium

Unit XI: s-Block Elements

Unit XII: p -Block Elements

Unit XIII: Hydrocarbons

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Biology

Units I: Diversity of Living Organisms

Units II: Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals

Units III: Cell: Structure and Function

Units IV: Plant Physiology

Units V: Human Physiology

CBSE Class 11 Mathematics Syllabus

Unit I: Sets and Functions

Unit II: Algebra

Unit III: Coordinate Geometry

Unit IV: Calculus

Unit V: Mathematical Reasoning

Unit VI: Statistics and Probability

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy

Unit-1 Theoretical Framework

Chapter 1. Introduction to Accounting

Chapter 2. Theory Base of Accounting

Unit-2 Accounting Process

Chapter 1. Recording Of Business Transactions,

Chapter 2. Bank Reconciliation Statement,

Chapter 3. Depreciation, Provisions And Reserves

Chapter 4. Accounting For Bills Of Exchange

Chapter 5. Trial Balance And Rectification Of Errors

Unit-3, 4 Part B: Financial Accounting

Chapter 1. Financial Statements Of Sole Proprietorship From Complete And Incomplete Records

Chapter 2. Computers In Accounting

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Business Studies

Unit 1. foundations of business.

Chapter 1: Evolution and Fundamentals of Business

Chapter 2: Forms of Business Organisations

Chapter 3: Public, Private and Global Enterprises

Chapter 4: Business Services

Chapter 5: Emerging Modes of Business

Chapter 6: Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics

Unit 2 Finance and Trade

Chapter 7: Sources of Business Finance

Chapter 8: Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development

Chapter 9: Internal Trade

Chapter 10: International Business

CBSE Class 11 Economics

Part A Statistics for Economics

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data

Chapter 3: Statistical Tools and Interpretation – Arithmetic Mean, Median and Mode

Part B Introductory Microeconomics

Chapter 2: Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand

Chapter 1: Statistical Tools and Interpretation – Measures of Dispersion, Correlation, Index Number

Chapter 1: Producer Behaviour and Supply

Chapter 2: Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition with simple applications

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Physical Education 

Unit I : Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education

  • Meaning & definition of Physical Education
  • Aims & Objectives of Physical Education
  • Career Options in Physical Education
  • Competitions in various sports at the national and international level
  • Khelo-India Program

Unit II: Olympic Value Education

  • Olympics, Paralympics and Special Olympics
  • Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives & Values of Olympism
  • International Olympic Committee
  • Indian Olympic Association

Unit III: Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle

  • Meaning & Importance of Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle
  • Components of physical fitness and Wellness
  • Components of Health-related fitness

Unit IV: Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs- Divyang)

  • Aims & objectives of Adaptive Physical Education
  • Organisation promoting Adaptive Sports (Special Olympics Bharat; Paralympics; Deaflympics)
  • Concept of Inclusion, its need and Implementation
  • Role of various professionals for children with special needs

(Counsellor, Occupational Therapist,

Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech

Therapist & special Educator)

Unit V: Yoga

  • Meaning & Importance of Yoga
  • Elements of Yoga
  • Introduction – Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation & Yogic Kriyas
  • Yoga for concentration & related Asanas (Sukhasana; Tadasana; Padmasana & Shashankasana, Naukasana, Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Garudasana (Eagle pose)
  • Relaxation Techniques for improving concentration – Yog-Nidra

Unit VI: Physical Activity & Leadership Training

  • Leadership Qualities & Role of a Leader
  • Creating leaders through Physical Education
  • Meaning, objectives & types of Adventure Sports (Rock Climbing,

Tracking, River Rafting, Mountaineering, Surfing and Paragliding)

  • Safety measures to prevent sports injuries

Unit VII: Test, Measurement & Evaluation

  • Define Test, Measurement & Evaluation
  • Importance of Test, Measurement & Evaluation In Sports
  • Calculation of BMI & Waist – Hip Ratio
  • Somatotypes (Endomorph, Mesomorph & Ectomorph)
  • Measurement of health-related fitness

Unit VIII: Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology in Sports

  • Definition and Importance of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology
  • Function of Skeleton System, Classification of Bones & Types of Joints
  • Properties and Functions of Muscles
  • Function & Structure of Respiratory System and Circulatory System
  • Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static And Centre of Gravity and its application in sports

Unit IX: Psychology & Sports

  • Definition & Importance of Psychology in Phy. Edu. & Sports
  • Define & Differentiate Between Growth & Development
  • Developmental Characteristics At Different Stages of Development
  • Adolescent Problems & Their Management

Unit X: Training and Doping in Sports

  • Meaning & Concept of Sports Training
  • Principles of Sports Training
  • Warming up & limbering down
  • Skill, Technique & Style
  • Concept & classification of doping
  • Prohibited Substances & their side effects
  • Dealing with alcohol and substance abuse

Advantages of Solving CBSE Sample Question Paper Class 11

Students get the confidence to complete their question paper on time and with confidence by solving CBSE sample papers . However, to gain an advantage and a deeper understanding, one must examine them closely. There sample papers also helps in-

  • Refreshing your knowledge
  • Overcoming adversity
  • Extensive practice
  • Managing Your Time
  • Mistake correction
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2. How many sample papers have been released by CBSE?

For classes 10th, 11th, and 12th, the CBSE exclusively releases one sample paper per subject each year.

3. Will sample papers help to score good marks in Class 11?

Yes. Students can enhance their test preparation by working on sample papers and securing good grades in class 11.

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11

cbse class 11 physical education sample paper with solution 2022

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 All Subjects 2024-25 in the format of MCQ with OMR sheet of answers subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business studies, Accountancy, Sociology, History (Itihas), Geography (Bhugol), English, Hindi Elective (Hindi Achchhik). All Stream’s papers are given below to download free in PDF format. Sample papers for Physical Education are in given in Physical Education for Class 11 section.

Sample Papers for Class 11 Maths Session 2024 Term 1

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  • Class 11 Maths Sample Paper 1 OMR Sheet
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Sample Papers for Class 11 Hindi and Sanskrit for 2024 Term 1

  • Class 11 Hindi Sample Paper 1
  • Class 11 Hindi Sample Paper 1 OMR Sheet
  • Class 11 Hindi Sample Paper 1 Answers
  • Class 11 Sanskrit Sample Paper 1
  • Class 11 Sanskrit Sample Paper 1 OMR Sheet
  • Class 11 Sanskrit Sample Paper 1 Answers

Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education for 2024 Term 1

  • Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper 1
  • Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper 1 OMR Sheet
  • Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper 1 Answer

Sample Papers for Class 11 Home Science, Political Science and Sociology for 2024 Term 1

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  • Class 11 Home Science Sample Paper 1 OMR Sheet
  • Class 11 Home Science Sample Paper 1 Answers
  • Class 11 Political Science Sample Paper 1
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  • Class 11 Political Science Sample Paper 1 Answers
  • Class 11 Sociology Sample Paper 1
  • Class 11 Sociology Sample Paper 1 OMR Sheet
  • Class 11 Sociology Sample Paper 1 Answers

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 All Subjects are given below to download in PDF format. Sample Papers are prepared from the latest NCERT Books and these are according to new CBSE Syllabus. Join the discussion forum to ask your doubts related to NIOS board or CBSE Board.


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  • Sample Practice Paper 4


SAMPLE PAPERS FOR Economics in Hindi



  • Sample Practice Paper 5
  • Sample Practice Paper 6



  • Sample Practice Paper 3 Hindi Medium
  • Sample Practice Paper 4 Hindi Medium

Sample  Practice Paper 1

Sample  Practice Paper 2

Sample  Practice Paper 3


Sample  Practice Paper 4

Sample  Practice Paper 5

Sample  Practice Paper 6

Sample  Practice Paper 7

Sample  Practice Paper 8

Sample  Practice Paper 9



SAMPLE PAPERS FOR Political Science in Hindi


For other study material visit to NCERT Solutions main page. Solutions are based on latest CBSE Curriculum 2024-25 for the coming CBSE exams. In the solutions sections a NCERT Books for each chapter named as REVISION BOOK is also given for better practice for exams. You can prepare more confidently through these books along with NCERT Exemplar Books issued by CBSE. Always give feedback or suggestions so that we can prepare the contents as well as website more user friendly.

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Adda247 School Online Courses for JEE, NEET, CUET & Class 1-12th

We at Adda247 school strive each day to provide you the best material across the online education industry. We consider your struggle as our motivation to work each day. At Adda247 School you will get Online Videos for Classes 1- 12, with free class notes to refer to for revision while exams along with pdfs and articles related to your school exams. Stay tuned with Adda247 School to know more about the latest information and updates.

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At Adda247 School, you will get notification of news regarding all the educational boards such as the central board and all the state boards. We at Adda247 School also provide the study material for all the classes. The students studying in school can bookmark adda247 school for important topics, exam patterns, syllabus, NCERT solutions , and other information. We also cover all the entrance exams such as CUET , IPMAT, CLAT , NHMJEE , CET, SET, NPAT, AILET , IIT-JEE , NEET at Adda247 School. Bookmark and frequently visit Adda247 school to get information regarding all the exams mentioned above.

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Important topics – We provide a separate crisp article on important topics in easy language. The students who are getting difficulty understanding a particular topic of their syllabus can search the topic on Adda247 school. In important topics, we cover all the important information on topics with examples and we also cover the frequently asked questions to give an idea of the latest trends to students.

School Result – We at Adda247 school provide the live result updates of all the state boards and central boards. The students appearing in Class 10th and 12th examinations must bookmark the Adda247 school to get updated with the latest information.

Important Questions – Our expert faculty at Adda247 school prepares the important questions for all the state board and central board exams. The students studying in any class must frequently visit the official website of Adda247 school to get all the important questions to pass the exam with flying colours.

Educational News: We provide all the educational news of all the state boards and central boards. In the educational news section, the students will see the updates on admit cards, datasheets, objection filling dates, and other important news. Adda247 school is a single platform to get the latest information about the school. The students studying on any board in India must frequently visit and bookmark the Adda247 school to get updated with school information.

NCERT Solutions: The NCERT solutions of Adda247 are prepared by the expert faculties of Adda247 school. The students can refer to the NCERT solutions of Adda247 school to ace their exams. NCERT Solutions of Adda247 school will help not only in school but also at entrance exams for undergraduate courses.

Adda247 School For Entrance Exams

At Adda247 school, we cover entrance exams like CUET, IPMAT, CLAT, NHMJEE, CET, SET, NPAT, AILET, IIT-JEE, NEET. We have covered the syllabus of all the entrance exams extensively. The students can get an added advantage in their preparation by regularly visiting the official website of Adda247 school.

What do we provide for entrance exams at Adda247 school?

Latest News: In this section, we cover all the latest news regarding CUET, IPMAT, CLAT, NHMJEE, CET, SET, NPAT, AILET, IIT-JEE, NEET. The candidates appearing in the entrance exams must bookmark Adda247 to get updated with the latest news of the entrance exams so no updates will be missed from them.

Notification of Exams: In this section, we cover all the important information given in the notification regarding the entrance exam so students can save their efforts to reading the detailed notification of entrance exams. In the notification, we cover, All the important dates of entrance exams, eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, steps to fill the application forms.

Study tips: In the study tips section, we provide all the tips to crack the entrance exam. All the study tips are based on the tips by toppers of the particular exam. By using study the tips of Adda247 school, the students can become more productive and if they follow all the steps given in the article, this will make them one step closer to achieving their goals.

Important topics of Entrance Exams: In this section, we not only provide the important topics but also the weightage of all the important topics. All the important topics and weightage predictions are based on the previous year’s trends of a particular entrance exam. The students preparing for CUET, IPMAT, CLAT, NHMJEE, CET, SET, NPAT, AILET, IIT-JEE, NEET must bookmark Adda247 school to get all the important topics of these exams.

Study Material: In entrance exams such as CUET, IPMAT, CLAT, NHMJEE, CET, SET, NPAT, AILET, IIT-JEE, NEET, the questions are based on the 12th level. The students can refer to the NCERT solutions, and other study material to prepare for these exams. We at Adda247 also launch paid classroom courses for all these exams, if the students want to prepare with the holistic approach they can purchase the courses of Adda247.

Mock Test: The mock test of Adda247 for CUET, IPMAT, CLAT, NHMJEE, CET, SET, NPAT, AILET, IIT-JEE, NEET are prepared by the expert faculty of a particular exam. The students preparing for CUET, IPMAT, CLAT, NHMJEE, CET, SET, NPAT, AILET, IIT-JEE, NEET can buy the mock tests of Adda247 to assess their preparation.

Q. Do Adda247 school provide study material for CBSE?

Yes, Adda247 school provide the study material for CBSE and all the state board exams.

Q. Do Adda247 school provide NCERT solutions?

Yes, Adda247 school provides the NCERT solutions for all the classes. The students must refer to the NCERT solutions of Adda247 school to pass their exam with flying colours.

Q. Adda247 School provides important questions for the CBSE board?

Yes, Adda247 School provides important questions for the CBSE board and other states boards.

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  1. CBSE Sample Paper 2022 for Class 12 Term 2 for Physical Education with

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  2. CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper 2024

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  1. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education with Solutions 2023

    Yogic Practices. 7 Marks. Record File***. 5 Marks. Viva Voce (Health/Games & Sports/Yoga) 5 Marks. We hope these CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education with Solutions 2023-2024 will help in self-evaluation. Stay tuned for further updates on the CBSE Sample Paper of Physical Education Class 11 2023 for their exam preparation.

  2. PDF Sample Question Paper Physical Education (048) Session (2022-23) Time

    1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. 2) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory. 3) Sections B consist of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer types and should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any 5.

  3. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education with Solutions 2022

    Solved CBSE Sample Paper Class 11 Physical Education 2022-2023 with Solutions: Solving Pre Board CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education with Solutions Answers 2022-2023 Pdf Download helps to understand the pattern of questions asked in the board exam. Know about the important concepts to be prepared for CBSE Class 11 Physical Education board exam and Score More marks.

  4. Sample Paper for Class 11 Physical Education

    Download CBSE Sample Papers. To download complete sample paper for class 11 Physical Education, Business Studies, Political Science, Economics, Biology, Geography, Computer Science, Home Science, Maths and Chemistry; do check myCBSEguide app or website. myCBSEguide provides sample papers with solution, test papers for chapter-wise practice ...

  5. Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper

    Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 1 With Solutions Set A. Question. Ancient Olympic Games wart organized in the honor of good. Question. The Paralympic Games are organized after the completion of: Question. What is the suppleness called in another words. Question. Which of the physical method of doping is.

  6. CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper 2024

    CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper 2024. CBSE Sample Question Papers for Class 11 Physical Education with Answers are now available for download in PDF format. CBSE Sample Paper are provided below with answers as per the guidelines of CBSE board marking scheme. This is the model question paper as per latest Central Board of Secondary ...

  7. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 4 with Solutions

    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 4 with Solutions. Time : 3 Hours. Maximum Marks: 70. General Instructions: The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. Section A consists of questions 1-18 with one mark each and multiple-choice questions. All questions are compulsory.

  8. Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 2023-2024 with Solutions

    February 3, 2024 by phani. Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 2023-2024 Pdf with Solutions: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Sample Question Papers for Class 11 are given below as per the latest CBSE syllabus. The CBSE Sample papers provided here for class 11 serves as an important study resource for all students who will be ...

  9. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 2 with Solutions

    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 2 with Solutions. Time : 3 Hours. Maximum Marks: 70. General Instructions: The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. Section A consists of questions 1-18 with one mark each and multiple-choice questions. All questions are compulsory.

  10. CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Sample Papers 2023

    CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Sample Papers: General Instructions. The question paper consists of 26 questions. Questions 1 to 11 are 01 Mark questions. These must be answered in 10-20 words. Questions 12 to 19 are 03 Marks questions. That must be answered in 30-50 words. Questions 20 to 26 are 05 Marks questions.

  11. PDF Sample Question Paper Physical Education (048) Session 2021-22(Class

    SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) SESSION 2021-22(CLASS XII) TERM 1 Max Marks:35 Time:1hr 30min General instructions: 1. There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C. 2.

  12. CBSE Class 11 Sample Papers for 2024-25

    The CBSE Sample Questions Paper with Solutions for Class 11 provides Free downloadable PDF for the following Subjects: Class 11 Maths, Class 11 Physics, Class 11 Chemistry, Class 11 Business Studies, Class 11 Economics and Class 11 Accountancy.The students can access the subject as per their need and download them for free from the website. Thus, a student can study these papers whenever he ...

  13. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physical Education

    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11; CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12; NCERT Books. ... 2022, 9:59 AM. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physical Education for first and second terminal exams in PDF format for CBSE English medium and Hindi medium files to download free updated for new CBSE academic session 2024-25 based on latest CBSE Syllabus. Very ...

  14. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 2 with Solutions

    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 2 with Solutions. Time Allowed: 3 hours. Maximum Marks: 70. General Instructions: The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. Section A consists of questions 1-18 with one mark each and multiple-choice questions. All questions are compulsory.

  15. CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Sample Papers 2022

    CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Sample Papers 2022: Sample papers for class11 Physical Education are to be had for download from the underneath article.CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Sample Papers consists of questions from Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education, Olympic Movement, Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle, Physical Education and Sports for Differently Abled, Yoga ...

  16. PDF Sample Question Paper Physical Education (048) Session 2021-22(Class

    PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) SESSION 2021-22(CLASS XII) TERM II Max Marks: 35 Time: 2 hrs General instructions: 1. There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and ... Q9.List down any two strategies to make physical activities accessible for CWSN. (1+1) (SECTION B) ... 1/12/2022 3:08:45 PM ...

  17. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 1 with Solutions

    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education Set 1 with Solutions. General Instructions: All questions in both sections are compulsory. However, there is an internal choice in some questions. Marks for questions are indicated against each question. Question Nos. 1-20 is Objective Type Questions carrying 1 mark each.

  18. PDF ANSWER KEY Physical Education (Session 2022-23) (SECTION A) For

    1. Physical Impairment - There are eight different types of physical impairment: h Impaired muscle power - With impairments in this category, the force generated by muscles, such as the muscles of one limb, one side of the body or the lower half of the body is reduced. eg., spinal cord injury, spina bifida, post-polio syndrome.

  19. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education 2023

    Physical Education Sample paper with Solution 2022-23. Download best sample papers for XI Physical Education CBSE annual exam with fully solved question papers. CBSE class 11th Physical Education sample paper gives an idea of question paper pattern and marking scheme. Class 11 Physical Education.

  20. Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper

    We have provided Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper as per the latest CBSE examination pattern for the current academic year. The following CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education has been prepared based on the guess papers issued recently. Students will be able to practice these papers and get good marks in upcoming Physical ...

  21. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 (2022-23) with Solutions

    The CBSE sample paper 2022 class 11 are designed by subject experts to help students prepare for upper classes and entrance examinations. CBSE has published term-by-term syllabuses for all subjects in Class 11. Each sub-topic gets a full explanation from the board. CBSE Class 11 Physics Syllabus. Unit-I Physical World and Measurement

  22. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 All Subjects

    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 All Subjects 2024-25 in the format of MCQ with OMR sheet of answers subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business studies, Accountancy, Sociology, History (Itihas), Geography (Bhugol), English, Hindi Elective (Hindi Achchhik). All Stream's papers are given below to download free in PDF format.

  23. Adda247 School Online Courses for JEE, NEET, CUET & Class 1-12th

    We at Adda247 school strive each day to provide you the best material across the online education industry. We consider your struggle as our motivation to work each day. At Adda247 School you will get Online Videos for Classes 1- 12, with free class notes to refer to for revision while exams along with pdfs and articles related to your school exams. . Stay tuned with Adda247 School to know ...