
Essay on Impact Of Technology On Environment

Students are often asked to write an essay on Impact Of Technology On Environment in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Impact Of Technology On Environment

Positive effects of technology.

Technology has made life easier and more comfortable. For example, solar panels use the sun’s energy to make electricity. This clean energy reduces pollution from coal plants. Also, electric cars don’t use gasoline, so they don’t release harmful gases into the air.

Negative Effects on Nature

Technology in farming.

In farming, technology like tractors and machines helps grow more food. But, using too many chemicals to protect plants can harm the soil and water. We must find a balance to protect our Earth.

Recycling and Saving Resources

Technology helps us recycle things like paper, plastic, and metal. This means we use less from nature. Also, technology like LED lights uses less electricity, which saves energy and helps our planet.

250 Words Essay on Impact Of Technology On Environment

Technology and nature.

Technology has changed the way we live. It has given us many good things like computers, smartphones, and medical machines. But it also affects the world around us. When we use technology, it can hurt the air, water, and land.

Using Resources

To make technology, we need to use a lot of materials from the Earth. This includes metals and oil. Taking these out of the ground can harm the land. It can also make the animals that live there lose their homes.

Waste and Pollution

After we use technology, it often becomes waste. Old phones and computers can harm the environment if they are not thrown away the right way. They have chemicals inside that can get into the ground and water. Factories that make technology also put smoke and other bad things into the air. This can make the air dirty and cause illnesses.

Technology needs energy to work. Most of the time, this energy comes from burning coal or gas. This adds to climate change because it puts gases into the air that make the Earth warmer.

Helping the Environment

But it’s not all bad. We also have technology that helps the environment. Solar panels and wind turbines make clean energy. Electric cars don’t pollute as much as cars that use gas. And we have machines that can recycle waste.

500 Words Essay on Impact Of Technology On Environment

Technology has changed our world in many ways. It has made life easier and more fun. But it also affects the environment, which includes all the natural things around us like air, water, plants, and animals. We use technology to make things, move around, and even to talk to each other from far away. All of this can harm nature if we are not careful.

Factories and Air Pollution

Factories make lots of things we use every day. They make our clothes, toys, and even the phone or computer you might be reading this on. But when factories work, they often make smoke that goes into the air. This smoke can make the air dirty, which is called air pollution. Dirty air is not good for people to breathe, and it can also make it harder for plants and animals to live.

Cars, Buses, and the Air

Cars, buses, and trucks help us get from one place to another quickly. But they also add to air pollution. They burn fuel, like petrol or diesel, and this creates smoke that goes into the air. Too much smoke from vehicles can make the air unhealthy and lead to problems like more asthma attacks in people.

Throwing Things Away

Using energy.

We need energy to do almost everything, like turning on lights, playing video games, or keeping our food cold in the fridge. Most of the energy we use comes from burning coal, oil, or gas. When we burn these things, it can make the air dirty, just like cars and factories do.

Recycling and Reusing

Recycling means taking something old and making it into something new. Instead of throwing things away, we can recycle paper, plastic, and metal. This means less trash in the environment and fewer new materials that we need to take from nature. Reusing things is also good. If we use things more than once, like a water bottle, we make less trash.

Technology has both good and bad effects on our environment. It has made some things harder for nature, like making the air dirty and creating trash. But we can use technology to find new ways to help, like making clean energy and recycling. If we are smart about how we use technology, we can take care of the environment and still enjoy all the good things that technology brings to our lives.

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The impact of technology on the environment and how environmental technology could save our planet

Courtesy of Edinburgh Sensors Ltd - TECHCOMP Group

This article takes a look at the paradoxical ideology that while the impact of technology on the environment has been highly negative, the concept of environmental technology could save our planet from the harm that has been done.  This idea is supported by WWF  1 , who have stated that although technology is a solution enabler it is also part of the problem.

The term ‘technology’ refers to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes and the machinery and devices developed as a result. We are currently living in a period of rapid change, where technological developments are revolutionising the way we live, at the same time as leading us further into the depths of catastrophe in the form of climate change and resource scarcity.

This article will begin by discussing the negative impact of technology on the environment due to the causation of some of the world’s most severe environmental concerns, followed by the potential that it has to save the planet from those same problems. Finally it will explore the particular environmental technology of the gas sensor and discuss how it plays a part in the mitigation of negative environmental consequences.

The Impact of Technology on the Environment

The industrial revolution has brought about new technologies with immense power. This was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States, in the period from about 1760 to 1840. This has been succeeded by continued industrialisation and further technological advancements in developed countries around the world, and  the impact of this technology on the environment has included the misuse and damage of our natural earth.

These technologies have damaged our world in two main ways; pollution and the depletion of natural resources.

1. Air and water pollution

Air pollution occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide and methane are introduced into the earth’s atmosphere. The main sources all relate to technologies which emerged following the industrial revolution such as the burning of fossil fuels, factories, power stations, mass agriculture and vehicles. The consequences of air pollution include negative health impacts for humans and animals and global warming, whereby the increased amount of greenhouse gases in the air trap thermal energy in the Earth’s atmosphere and cause the global temperature to rise.

Water pollution on the other hand is the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater, usually due to human activities. Some of the most common water pollutants are domestic waste, industrial effluents and insecticides and pesticides. A specific example is the release of inadequately treated wastewater into natural water bodies, which can lead to degradation of aquatic ecosystems. Other detrimental effects include diseases such as typhoid and cholera, eutrophication and the destruction of ecosystems which negatively affects the food chain.

2. Depletion of natural resources

Resource depletion is another negative impact of technology on the environment. It refers to the consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished. Natural resources consist of those that are in existence without humans having created them and they can be either renewable or non-renewable. There are several types of resource depletion, with the most severe being aquifer depletion, deforestation, mining for fossil fuels and minerals, contamination of resources, soil erosion and overconsumption of resources. These mainly occur as a result of agriculture, mining, water usage and consumption of fossil fuels, all of which have been enabled by advancements in technology.

Due to the increasing global population, levels of natural resource degradation are also increasing. This has resulted in the estimation of the world’s eco-footprint to be one and a half times the ability of the earth to sustainably provide each individual with enough resources that meet their consumption levels. Since the industrial revolution, large-scale mineral and oil exploration has been increasing, causing more and more natural oil and mineral depletion. Combined with advancements in technology, development and research, the exploitation of minerals has become easier and humans are therefore digging deeper to access more which has led to many resources entering into a production decline.

Moreover, the consequence of deforestation has never been more severe, with the World Bank reporting that the net loss of global forest between 1990 and 2015 was 1.3 million km 2 . This is primarily for agricultural reasons but also logging for fuel and making space for residential areas, encouraged by increasing population pressure. Not only does this result in a loss of trees which are important as they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but thousands of plants and animals lose their natural habitats and have become extinct.

Environmental Technology

Despite the negative impact of technology on environment, a recent rise in global concern for climate change has led to the development of new environmental technology aiming to help solve some of the biggest environmental concerns that we face as a society   through a shift towards a more sustainable, low-carbon economy. Environmental technology is also known as ‘green’ or ‘clean’ technology and refers to the development of new technologies which aim to conserve, monitor or reduce the negative impact of technology on the environment and the consumption of resources.

The Paris agreement, signed in 2016, has obliged almost every country in the world to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change by keeping the rise in the global average temperature at less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

This section will focus on the positive impact of technology on the environment as a result of the development of environmental technology such as renewable energy, ‘smart technology’, electric vehicles and carbon dioxide removal.

  • Renewable energy

Renewable energy, also known as ‘clean energy’, is energy that is collected from renewable resources which are naturally replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Modern environmental technology has enabled us to capture this naturally occurring energy and convert it into electricity or useful heat through devices such as solar panels, wind and water turbines, which reflects a highly positive impact of technology on the environment.

Having overtaken coal in 2015 to become our second largest generator of electricity, renewable sources currently produce more than 20% of the UK’s electricity, and EU targets means that this is likely to increase to 30% by 2020. While many renewable energy projects are large-scale, renewable technologies are also suited to remote areas and developing countries, where energy is often crucial in human development.

The cost of renewable energy technologies such as solar panels and wind turbines are falling and government investment is on the rise. This has contributed towards the amount of rooftop solar installations in Australia growing from approximately 4,600 households to over 1.6 million between 2007 and 2017.

  • Smart technology

Smart home technology uses devices such as linking sensors and other appliances connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) that can be remotely monitored and programmed in order to be as energy efficient as possible and to respond to the needs of the users.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of internet-connected objects able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensor technologies. This data allows devices in the network to autonomously ‘make decisions’ based on real-time information. For example, intelligent lighting systems only illuminate areas that require it and a smart thermostat keeps homes at certain temperatures during certain times of day, therefore reducing wastage.

This environmental technology has been enabled by increased connectivity to the internet as a result of the increase in availability of WiFi, Bluetooth and smart sensors in buildings and cities. Experts are predicting that cities of the future will be places where every car, phone, air conditioner, light and more are interconnected, bringing about the concept of energy efficient ‘smart cities’.

The technology of the internet further demonstrates a positive impact of technology on the environment due to the fact that social media can raise awareness of global issue and worldwide virtual laboratories can be created. Experts from different fields can remotely share their research, experience and ideas in order to come up with improved solutions. In addition, travel is reduced as meetings/communication between friends and families can be done virtually, which reduces pollution from transport emissions.

  • Electric vehicles

The environmental technology of the electric vehicle is propelled by one or more electric motors, using energy stored in rechargeable batteries. Since 2008, there has been an increase in the manufacturing of electric vehicles due to the desire to reduce environmental concerns such as air pollution and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Electric vehicles demonstrate a positive impact of technology on the environment because they do not produce carbon emissions, which contribute towards the ‘greenhouse effect’ and leads to global warming. Furthermore, they do not contribute to air pollution, meaning they are cleaner and less harmful to human health, animals, plants, and water.

There have recently been several environmental technology government incentives encouraging plug-in vehicles, tax credits and subsidies to promote the introduction and adoption of electric vehicles. Electric vehicles could potentially be the way forward for a greener society because companies such as Bloomberg have predicted that they could become cheaper than petrol cars by 2024 and according to Nissan, there are now in fact more electric vehicle charging stations in the UK than fuel stations 3 .

  • ‘Direct Air Capture’ (DAC) – Environmental Technology removing Carbon from the atmosphere

For a slightly more ambitious technology to conclude with, the idea of pulling carbon dioxide directly out of the atmosphere has been circulating climate change mitigation research for years, however it has only recently been implemented and is still in the early stages of development.

The environmental technology is known as ‘Direct Air Capture’ (DAC) and is the process of capturing carbon dioxide directly from the ambient air and generating a concentrated stream of CO2 for sequestration or utilisation. The air is then pushed through a filter by many large fans, where CO2 is removed. It is thought that this technology can be used to manage emissions from distributed sources, such as exhaust fumes from cars. Full-scale DAC operations are able to absorb the equivalent amount of carbon to the annual emissions of 250,000 average cars.

Many argue that DAC is essential for climate change mitigation and that it can help reach the Paris Climate Agreement goals, as carbon dioxide in the air has been the main cause of the problem after all. However, the high cost of DAC currently means that it is not an option on a large scale and some believe that reliance on this technology would pose a risk as it may reduce emission reduction as people may be under the pretense that all of their emissions will simply be removed.

Although we cannot reverse the negative impact of technology on the environment caused by industrialisation, many believe that new environmental technology, such as renewable energy combined with smart logistics and electric transport, has the potential to bring about the rapid decarbonisation of our economy and the mitigation of further detrimental harm.

How can the environmental technology of Edinburgh Sensors’ Gas Sensor contribute?

Sensors play a huge part in the positive impact of technology on the environment as they often play a vital role in the monitoring and reduction of harmful activities. At Edinburgh Sensors, we produce bespoke gas sensing technology which can be used across a wide range of applications, many of which can be used to mitigate environmental concerns. This article presents just three of these applications; the monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions, the monitoring of methane using an infrared sensor and the detection of gases using a UAV drone.

1. Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas emissions:   https://edinburghsensors.com/news-and-events/measuring-greenhouse-gas-emissions/

Edinburgh Sensors Gascard NG provides high quality, accurate and reliable measurements of CO, CO2 and CH4. To find out how we can assist you with the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions, simply contact us.

2. Using an Infrared Sensor for reliable Methane monitoring:   https://edinburghsensors.com/news-and-events/infrared-sensor-gas-monitoring/

Edinburgh Sensors’ Gascard NG is used for methane detection in a range of research, industrial, and environmental applications including pollution monitoring, agricultural research, chemical processes and many more.

3. Using a UAV drone attached to a gas sensor to measure harmful gases:   https://edinburghsensors.com/news-and-events/uav-drone-methane-monitoring/

From monitoring global warming to tracking the spread of pollution, there are many reasons to use a drone in order to monitor carbon dioxide, methane and other hydrocarbon gas concentrations in remote or dangerous locations.

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Positive and Negative Impacts of Technology on Environment

Positive and Negative Impacts of Technology on Environment

Technology’s impact on the environment is a topic of much debate. We will discuss how technology has caused some of the world’s most significant environmental problems, as well as its profound benefits.

Table of Contents

This article will explore the positive and negative impacts of technology on environment in detail.

Positive Impacts of Technology on Environment

In recent years, there has been a growing focus on the positive impacts of technology on the environment.

The development of environmental technology has led to several innovations that are helping to reduce pollution and conserve natural resources.

This includes advancements in clean energy production, more effective food production systems, and the use of less energy to do things.

In this context, it is important to explore the ways in which technology can be used for good and how it can help us create a more sustainable future.

Let’s discuss the major positive impacts of technology on environment.

Positive Impacts of Technology on Environment infographic

1. Modern appliances are more energy efficient

Modern appliances are more energy-efficient, which has a positive impact on the environment. Energy-efficient appliances use less energy to perform the same tasks as older models, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps prevent climate change.

This is because they require less electricity to operate, and electricity from renewable resources such as solar, geothermal, and wind generally does not contribute to climate change or local air pollution.

In addition, using energy-efficient appliances can help reduce overall energy consumption in homes and buildings, which further reduces environmental impact.

Overall, modern appliances that are designed to be more energy-efficient are an important part of the positive impacts of technology on the environment.

2. Energy Production Is Becoming Cleaner

One of the positive impacts of technology on the environment is that energy production is becoming cleaner.

Renewable energy sources such as solar, geothermal, and wind do not contribute to climate change or local air pollution.

Electric vehicles are another example of how technology can have a positive impact on the environment by reducing carbon emissions.

Clean energy technology is an important tool for ensuring clean energy substitution.

Renewable energy sources emit little to no greenhouse gases and are often cheaper than traditional fossil fuels. Overall, advancements in technology are helping to reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment.

3. Environmental Sensors

Environmental sensors are a technology that has a positive impact on the environment. They play a vital role in monitoring and reducing pollution levels, identifying sources of pollution, and tracking the quality of air and water.

Remote sensing technologies also help in planning, monitoring, and evaluating the impact on the ground.

By using sensors to monitor endangered species or generating renewable energy, technology is helping us save the environment.

Therefore, environmental sensors are an essential tool for environmental protection and conservation.

4. Conservation and Preservation of Natural Resources

Technology can be used to conserve and preserve natural resources. Environmental technology aims to reduce the impact of technology on Earth.

Technology can help us save the planet by developing renewable energy sources, which is one of the most significant ways to contribute to saving the environment.

Careful planning and regulation of technological systems can protect shared resources such as oceans, fresh water, and air.

Additionally, technology can help monitor and reduce environmental pollution. For example, sensors can detect pollutants in the air or water and alert authorities to take action.

Overall, technology has great potential to positively impact conservation and preservation efforts for natural resources.

5. Recycling Is Reducing Waste And Pollution

Recycling is one of the positive impacts of technology on the environment. It reduces waste and pollution by converting waste materials into new materials and objects.

Recycling also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing energy consumption. In addition, recycling e-waste saves space in landfills and prevents environmental pollution caused by toxins.

By reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and combustion facilities, recycling conserves natural resources such as water, minerals, and timber.

Therefore, recycling is an important way to reduce waste and pollution while conserving natural resources.

Negative Impacts of Technology on Environment

Technology has brought about many positive changes in our lives, but it has also had negative impacts on the environment.

The advancement of technology has led to faster consumption of fossil fuels, contamination of natural resources, deforestation, and resource depletion.

Air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution are some of the key components that have been continually polluted as a result of technology.

In this context, it is important to understand the negative impacts of technology on the environment.

Negative Impacts of Technology on Environment infographic

1. E-waste and Toxic Materials

Electronic waste, or e-waste, contains toxic components such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and polybrominated flame retardants that are dangerous to human health.

E-waste is not biodegradable and accumulates in the environment, including soil, air, water, and living things.

Improper handling of used electronics and e-waste can result in harm to human health. Children exposed to e-waste are particularly vulnerable to the toxic chemicals they contain due to their smaller size and less developed organs.

Recycling e-waste helps save space in landfills and prevents environmental pollution caused by toxins.

2. Greenhouse effects and depletion of the ozone layer

The negative impacts of technology on the environment include greenhouse effects and depletion of the ozone layer.

The depletion of the ozone layer is linked to the presence of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other halogen-source gases in the atmosphere.

Ozone layer depletion increases the amount of UVB that reaches the Earth’s surface, which can have harmful effects on human health and wildlife.

A quantitative study found that plastic bag manufacturing contributes to ozone layer depletion, which has potential environmental impacts.

Additionally, observations show that as greenhouse gases increase, it creates conditions that lead to ozone loss.

Therefore, it is important for technology to be developed in a way that minimizes its negative impact on the environment.

3. Deforestation at an excessive rate

Technology has led to resource depletion, which refers to the consumption of resources faster than they can be replenished.

Mining, which is a result of technological advancements, is responsible for deforestation, landscape degradation, water pollution, and the release of vast quantities of carbon dioxide.

Deforestation has a broader impact on global climate and biodiversity.

It exacerbates global warming and wipes out biodiversity. Agriculture, which is poorly planned and unsustainable, is the main cause of deforestation.

Therefore, it is important to use technology in a sustainable way that does not harm the environment.

4. Massive Energy Use & Carbon Footprint

One of the negative impacts of technology on the environment is massive energy use and carbon footprint.

The manufacturing process of electronic and technological products requires a significant amount of energy, which contributes to carbon emissions.

This has led to an increase in greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. However, renewable resources such as solar, geothermal, and wind can help reduce the carbon footprint of energy production.

To combat this issue, companies and countries are exploring options to become carbon negative by removing more CO2 from the atmosphere than they emit.

It is important for individuals and organizations to be aware of their energy consumption and take steps toward reducing their carbon footprint.

5. An increase in pollution

The production and use of technology can cause air, water, heat, and noise pollution. The depletion of natural resources caused by technology also contributes to environmental pollution.

Technology misuse and wrong implementation can lead to environmental pollution. However, technology can also be used to reduce pollution.

For example, technological advancements have made it possible to reduce vehicular emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Therefore, it is important to consider both the positive and negative impacts of technology on the environment.

Conclusion on the Positive and Negative Impacts of Technology on Environment

The impact of technology on the environment is a complex issue with both positive and negative effects. While some argue that technology has caused environmental problems such as pollution and climate change, others point out that technology can also be used to mitigate these issues.

For example, technological advancements in renewable energy have helped reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease carbon emissions.

Additionally, technology has enabled more efficient waste management and recycling processes.

Overall, it is important to recognize both the positive and negative impacts of technology on the environment in order to make informed decisions about how to use it responsibly for a sustainable future.

Relevant Resources:

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Ahmad Ali

Ahmad Ali (Author)

Ahmad Ali has been a technology enthusiast and writer for the past 5 years having vast knowledge of technology.

Rehmat Ullah

Rehmat Ullah (Content Reviewer)

Rehmat Ullah is a software engineer and CEO of Softhat IT Solutions. He is an expert technologist, entrepreneur, and educationist.

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Impact & Role of Technology on the Environment – Essay Sample

Published 16 October, 2023

The advancement of technology continuously affects the environment not only in a positive manner but there are also some negative impacts of technology on development.  The adaptation of technological resources in industries contributes to the high living standards. Continued industrialization results in environmental degradation, especially in developed countries like Ireland. The impact of technology on the environment includes misuse as well as damage to the earth. The students of Ireland can take help from professional writing services for submitting an effective comparative essay.

The effect of technology on the environment is quite significant, which even results in drastic climate changes across the world. There is the extinction of birds, damage in the form of global warming, and a great spread of diseases. The advanced environmental technology makes normal living quite difficult, and there is an urgent need to adopt unique methods to tackle inactive changes. The students who ask to write my essay paper can take help from an expertly written essay sample.

The positive impact of technology on the environment

  • Renewable energy

Renewable energy is collected from natural renewable resources like wind, sunlight, waves, rain, and heat. The positive effects of technology in society enable humans to capture naturally occurring energy. Moreover, environmental technology helps in converting energy into useful heat like water turbines, solar panels, and electricity. Furthermore, the cost of renewable energy technologies is falling for its best use.

  • Electric vehicles

Modern technology has allowed storing of energy in rechargeable batteries. Due to the rise in air pollution and many other environmental concerns, the demand for electric vehicles is increasing. Electric vehicles do not produce carbon emissions, which lead to global warming, and thus they show a positive impact on the environment. Moreover, the role of science in environmental protection is to prevent human health, plants, water, and animals.

Negative impacts of technology on the environment

  • Depletion of natural resources

The depletion of resources means the consumption of a resource faster than it can be refilled. The advancement in technology results in faster consumption of fossil fuels, contamination of natural resources, and deforestation. The misuse of minerals has become more accessible due to which humans have to dig deeper to access more. The bad effects of development on the environment have led to many natural resources entering into production deterioration.

  • Environmental pollution

When harmful gases like sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, nitric oxide, and many more get introduced into the earth’s atmosphere, then it leads to air pollution. Factories, burning of fossil fuels, and vehicles are responsible for the excessive release of such gases and thus technology harming the earth. These gases not only affect the environment but harm human health.

Moreover, the release of inefficiently treated wastewater from the industries to natural water bodies results in the degradation of the aquatic ecosystem. Industrial effluents and domestic waste spread various diseases like cholera and typhoid, and even damage the ecosystem.

Example of the impact of technology on the environment essay

Title: How is smart technology beneficial for the environment? Smart technology uses devices connected to IoT, which stands for the Internet of Things and can be programmed remotely. It helps in responding to the needs of the users effectively. The Internet of Things enables humans to collect and exchange data by using linking sensors or embedded sensor technologies. The collected data allows network devices to make decisions based on useful information independently. The internet shows the impact of technology on environmental advantages and disadvantages. It will enable social media to raise awareness of global issues across the world, and experts can create useful steps to treat such matters.

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The Role of Technology in Sustainable Development and Environmental Conservation

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positive impact of technology on environment essay

The intersection of technology and environmental sustainability represents a pivotal frontier in the ongoing quest for global prosperity. In recent years, the urgency of addressing environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, and resource depletion has become increasingly apparent. As humanity grapples with the consequences of unsustainable practices, the role of technology has emerged as a beacon of hope, offering innovative solutions to mitigate environmental degradation and promote long-term resilience. At its core, sustainable development seeks to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In this context, technology plays a multifaceted role, serving as both a catalyst for change and a driver of progress. From renewable energy technologies to advanced waste management systems, the application of technology holds immense potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the environment and shape the future of our planet. However, harnessing this potential requires a concerted effort to integrate technological innovations with policy frameworks, social initiatives, and cross-sector collaborations. As we stand at the nexus of technological advancement and environmental stewardship, it is essential to recognize the transformative power of technology in advancing sustainable development and conserving our precious natural resources.

Definition of technology in the context of sustainable development

In the context of sustainable development, technology refers to the innovative application of scientific knowledge and engineering principles to design, develop, and implement solutions that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

This encompasses a broad range of technologies, including those aimed at reducing environmental degradation, conserving natural resources, and promoting economic and social well-being in a manner that is ecologically balanced, economically viable, and socially inclusive. 

Sustainable technology emphasizes the integration of environmental considerations into all stages of the technological lifecycle, from resource extraction and production to consumption and disposal. It encompasses both hardware, such as renewable energy systems and energy-efficient appliances, and software, such as sustainable urban planning and green business practices. 

Additionally, sustainable technology involves fostering collaboration between various stakeholders, including governments, businesses, academia, and communities, to facilitate the adoption and scaling of innovative solutions that contribute to the overarching goals of sustainable development.

Overview of the role of technology in environmental conservation

Technology plays a crucial role in environmental conservation by providing innovative solutions to mitigate and reverse environmental degradation. It enables the monitoring and assessment of ecosystems, allowing for data-driven decision-making and informed conservation strategies. 

Advanced sensors, drones, and satellite imaging technologies facilitate the collection of real-time data on biodiversity, habitat loss, and environmental pollution, aiding in the identification of conservation priorities and the implementation of targeted interventions. 

Additionally, technology fosters sustainable resource management practices by optimizing resource utilization, reducing waste, and promoting circular economy principles. Furthermore, advancements in clean energy technologies, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, offer renewable alternatives to fossil fuels, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. 

Moreover, communication and information technologies enable global collaboration and knowledge-sharing among researchers, policymakers, and conservationists, facilitating coordinated efforts to address environmental challenges on a global scale. 

Overall, technology empowers environmental conservation efforts by providing innovative tools and solutions to safeguard ecosystems, preserve biodiversity, and promote sustainable development for present and future generations.

Examples of technological innovations aiding sustainable development

Technological innovations play a crucial role in advancing sustainable development by providing solutions to environmental challenges. One example is the widespread adoption of renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind, and hydro power. 

These technologies offer clean and renewable alternatives to fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on finite resources. Energy-efficient technologies for buildings and transportation also contribute to sustainable development by minimizing energy consumption and carbon emissions. 

Additionally, waste management technologies, including recycling and waste-to-energy processes, help reduce landfill waste and promote resource efficiency. Precision agriculture, enabled by technologies such as sensors, drones, and data analytics, allows farmers to optimize resource use, minimize environmental impact, and increase crop yields sustainably. 

Clean water technologies, such as advanced filtration systems and desalination plants, ensure access to safe and clean drinking water, particularly in regions facing water scarcity. These examples illustrate how technological innovations are essential for promoting sustainable development and environmental conservation by addressing key challenges in energy, waste management, agriculture, and water resources.

Impact of technology on reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change

Technology plays a pivotal role in reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change by offering innovative solutions across various sectors. One significant impact is evident in the energy sector, where advancements in renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, enable the transition away from fossil fuels, the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions. 

Additionally, energy-efficient technologies for transportation, buildings, and industries contribute to lower carbon footprints. Smart grids and energy storage systems enhance the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources, further reducing reliance on fossil fuels. 

Furthermore, advancements in carbon capture and storage technologies offer potential solutions for mitigating emissions from industries and power plants. Beyond the energy sector, technology facilitates sustainable practices in agriculture, waste management, and urban planning, leading to reduced emissions and enhanced resilience to climate change impacts. 

However, the widespread adoption of these technologies faces challenges such as cost, infrastructure requirements, and policy support. Despite these challenges, the continuous innovation and deployment of technology remain critical in achieving the ambitious targets set forth in combating climate change and promoting sustainable development.

Challenges and limitations of technology in achieving sustainable development goals

While technology plays a pivotal role in advancing sustainable development goals, it also faces several challenges and limitations. One major challenge is the accessibility and affordability of technology, particularly in developing regions where resources may be scarce. 

Additionally, the rapid pace of technological advancements can sometimes outstrip the capacity of communities and governments to effectively implement and adapt to new technologies. Furthermore, there may be unintended consequences associated with certain technologies, such as the potential for environmental degradation or social inequities. 

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Another limitation is the reliance on finite resources for manufacturing and operating technology, which can contribute to environmental impacts and undermine long-term sustainability. Additionally, technological solutions may not always address underlying systemic issues related to consumption patterns, resource distribution, and social inequalities. 

Lastly, there is a risk of technological dependence, where over-reliance on specific technologies could hinder resilience and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Overcoming these challenges requires a holistic approach that considers technological, social, economic, and environmental factors to ensure that technology effectively contributes to sustainable development goals.

Importance of integrating technology with policy and social initiatives

Integrating technology with policy and social initiatives is essential for effectively addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development. Policies play a crucial role in setting regulatory frameworks, incentives, and targets to encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly technologies. By aligning technological advancements with policy goals, governments can accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future.

Moreover, social initiatives play a vital role in driving behavioral change and societal acceptance of sustainable technologies. Education and awareness programs can inform individuals about the benefits of adopting green technologies and encourage them to make environmentally conscious choices. Additionally, community-based initiatives can foster collaboration and grassroots efforts to implement sustainable solutions at the local level.

By integrating technology with policy and social initiatives, stakeholders can create synergies that maximize the impact of sustainable development efforts. This approach ensures that technological innovations are not only accessible and affordable but also aligned with broader societal goals and values. 

Ultimately, a holistic approach that combines technological innovation with supportive policies and social engagement is essential for achieving meaningful progress towards environmental conservation and sustainable development goals.

Case studies demonstrating successful technology-driven sustainability initiatives

Several case studies showcase successful technology-driven sustainability initiatives across various sectors. For instance, the introduction of smart grid technology has revolutionized energy distribution, enabling more efficient management of electricity supply and demand while integrating renewable energy sources seamlessly into the grid. 

In agriculture, precision farming techniques utilizing satellite imagery, sensors, and data analytics optimize resource use, enhance crop yields, and reduce environmental impact through targeted irrigation and fertilizer application. The implementation of wastewater treatment plants equipped with advanced filtration and purification technologies has significantly improved water quality and reduced pollution in urban areas. 

Additionally, the deployment of electric vehicles and infrastructure for charging networks has accelerated the transition towards sustainable transportation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. These case studies highlight the transformative potential of technology in driving sustainable development and environmental conservation, illustrating how innovative solutions can address pressing global challenges while fostering economic growth and social well-being.

Future prospects and emerging technologies for advancing sustainable development and environmental conservation

Future prospects and emerging technologies hold significant promise for advancing sustainable development and environmental conservation. One such area of promise lies in the field of clean energy, where advancements in solar, wind, and other renewable energy technologies continue to drive down costs and increase efficiency. 

Additionally, breakthroughs in energy storage solutions, such as advanced batteries and hydrogen fuel cells, offer the potential to overcome intermittency issues associated with renewables, thereby facilitating their widespread adoption.

Moreover, innovations in smart grid technologies and energy management systems enable more efficient distribution and utilization of energy resources, further contributing to environmental sustainability. 

In the realm of transportation, the rise of electric vehicles (EVs), coupled with advancements in autonomous and shared mobility solutions, promises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and alleviate traffic congestion.

Furthermore, developments in biotechnology, such as synthetic biology and genetic engineering, hold promise for enhancing agricultural productivity while minimizing environmental impacts. Similarly, advancements in materials science and circular economy approaches offer opportunities to minimize waste and resource depletion.

Overall, these emerging technologies represent critical tools for addressing pressing environmental challenges and achieving sustainable development goals in the future. However, it is essential to prioritize research, innovation, and collaboration to ensure that these technologies are deployed effectively and equitably to maximize their positive impact on the planet.

In conclusion, technology plays a pivotal role in driving sustainable development and environmental conservation efforts worldwide. Through innovations in renewable energy, waste management, agriculture, and water conservation, technology has enabled significant progress towards mitigating climate change and preserving natural resources. 

However, challenges such as access to technology, cost barriers, and potential negative environmental impacts of certain technologies remain significant hurdles to overcome. It is crucial for policymakers, industry leaders, and communities to work together to ensure that technological advancements are harnessed responsibly and equitably to achieve sustainable development goals. 

Additionally, continued research and investment in emerging technologies hold promise for further advancements in environmental conservation and sustainable development. By leveraging the power of technology alongside effective policy measures and societal engagement, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come. 

Ultimately, the success of these efforts will depend on our collective commitment to harnessing the potential of technology as a tool for positive change in safeguarding our planet and fostering a more sustainable global society.

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B. Effects Of Technology On The Natural World

B. effects of technology on the natural world.

As with technology's influences on culture and society, the effects of a technology on the environment can be either positive or negative. Since the Industrial Revolution and the rapid growth of human populations, the potential for technology to have a major impact on the environment has grown. Consequently, an essential aspect of technology and engineering literacy is an understanding of certain key principles about the effects of technology on the natural environment and of the many important efforts that people have made to preserve natural habitats, reduce air and water pollution, and maintain a healthful environment.

Individuals who are literate in technology and engineering should be aware of methods that have been developed to reduce the environmental impacts of technology. For example, an important step in designing a new product is to take the product's life cycle into account. Such an analysis may start with the raw materials that need to be mined or grown, the industrial processes and energy needed to manufacture the product, the transportation technologies required to get it to market, and its eventual disposal when the product is no longer needed.

Other ways to reduce environmental impact include the use of communication technologies to allow people to work at home rather than physically commute, the use of computer models to optimize industrial processes to conserve energy and reduce waste, and the expansion of alternative energy sources such as wind power.

In finding a balance between technological development and environmental protection, a key overarching principle is that one should attempt, when possible, to find sustainable solutions. As defined by the Brundtland Commission in 1987,  sustainable solutions  are those that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Key principles in the area of Effects of Technology on the Natural World  that all students can be expected to understand at increasing levels of sophistication are:

  • The use of technology may affect the environment positively or negatively.
  • Some technological decisions put environmental and economic concerns in competition with one another, while others have positive effects for both the economy and the environment.
  • Reusing, recycling, and using fewer resources can reduce environmental impacts.
  • Resources such as oceans, fresh water, and air, which are shared by everyone, need to be protected by careful planning and regulation of technological systems.
  • Some technologies can reduce the negative impacts of other technologies.
  • Sustainable solutions are those that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission, 1987).

At the fourth-grade level students are expected to know that sometimes technology can cause environmental harm. For example, litter from food packages and plastic forks and spoons discarded on city streets can travel through storm drains to rivers and oceans where they can harm or kill wildlife. However, such negative effects can be lessened by reusing or recycling products as well as by reducing the amount of resources used in producing the products.

Eighth-graders are expected to recognize that technology and engineering decisions often involve weighing competing priorities, and there are no perfect solutions. For example, dams built to control floods and produce electricity have left wilderness areas under water and affected the ability of certain fish to spawn. They should be able to analyze such conflicts and be able to recommend changes that would reduce environmental impacts. For example, students could study the trade-offs involved in using paper or plastic to carry groceries or research the causes and effects of acid rain on forests and the costs of reducing those effects. They should know that designers can reduce waste by taking the entire life cycle of a product into account during design. For example, students should be able to discuss what a community could do when its landfill is close to capacity or find ways that designers of new products could reduce waste by considering the life cycle of a product.

By 12th grade students should have had a variety of experiences in which technologies were used to reduce the environmental impacts of other technologies, such as the use of environmental monitoring equipment. Students should be able to analyze the effects of different technologies on the environment—for example, by using data on the environmental impacts of power plants that use different types of fuel to inform decisions on which types of new power plants to build. Students should also be able to analyze complex human activities, such as energy generation, and propose sustainable solutions. Students could, for example, research the environmental impacts of energy generation and create a presentation to a United Nations council on the trade-offs of various solutions.

Table 2.3 Effects of Technology on the Natural World assessment targets for grades 4, 8, and 12

Fourth-graders should be aware that the use of technology can affect the environment, that the environment affects technology, and that reusing and recycling products can avoid damaging the environment. Eighth-graders should be able to investigate the environmental effects of alternative decisions by tracing the life cycle of products and considering the trade-offs involved in different technologies. Twelfth-graders should be aware that technologies used to monitor environmental change can help inform decision-making, and they should also be able to investigate complex global issues and generate innovative sustainable solutions.

 The use of technology can affect the environment, including land, water, air, plants and animals. The environment also affects technology by providing sources of energy and raw materials.

Some technological decisions involve trade-offs between environmental and economic needs, while others have positive effects for both the economy and environment.

 Many technologies have been designed to have a positive impact on the environment and to monitor environmental change over time to provide evidence for making informed decisions.

 Reusing and recycling materials can save money while preserving natural resources and avoiding damage to the environment.



Resources such as oceans, fresh water, and air, which are essential for life and shared by everyone, are protected by regulating technologies in such areas as transportation, energy, and waste disposal.

 Development and modification of any technological system needs to take into account how the operation of the system will affect natural resources and ecosystems.

 Identify the impact of a specific technology on the environment and determine what can be done to reduce negative effects and increase positive effects.

Compare the environmental effects of two alternative technologies devised to solve the same problem or accomplish the same goal and justify which choice is best, taking into account environmental impacts as well as other relevant factors.

 Identify a complex global environmental issue, develop a systematic plan of investigation, and propose an innovative sustainable solution.

8 Ways Technology is Helping the Environment

In a time when climate change, overpopulation and dwindling resources are a main topic of discussion, visions of a cleaner future aided by environmental innovation give us hope. As technology becomes ever more advanced, its adverse effects on our planet are lessoned while its potential for positive impact increases. This win-win situation is helping us to shape our planet for the better. Here are eight ways technology is currently helping the environment:

1. We use Less Energy to do Things

For example, a modern LED light is around 60% more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs and has a lifespan that’s 50 times longer. Now, we don’t need to make and constantly discard more lights. By reducing waste, using fewer resources and less energy, LED bulbs are a small but important part of tackling our environmental troubles.

2. Energy Production is Becoming Cleaner

Although our world is becoming more energy-dependent as life becomes digitized, our ways of producing energy are becoming cleaner. Of course, there’s one major reason why: renewable energy systems.

Renewable energies made up 25% of total global energy production in 2017 and this number is predicted to be bumped up to 85% by the year 2050.

Nuclear reactors also produce less waste now. With the advances we’ve made in the field, nuclear energy can almost be considered fully “clean” because of its incredible efficiency. New technologies that use radioactive waste (the byproduct of nuclear energy production) to produce electricity have also recently been proposed.

3. Clean Energy Systems are More Effective

Renewable energy production allows us to rely less on fossil fuels and other types of pollutants. Technological advances in clean energy systems are one of the biggest reasons why they have become a more efficient and economically viable option for individuals and corporations alike. For example, solar power production is now 73% cheaper than it was in 2006.

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4. Food Production is Becoming More Eco-friendly

Genetically modified crops are able to improve yields dramatically, and as we better understand how to get the most out of our crops, we need less land to produce the same amount of food. This means more natural habitats go undisturbed and are spared being cleared to make way for agricultural production.

5. Recycling is Reducing Waste and Pollution

One of the main benefits of recycling is extending the lifecycle of everyday objects.  Something as simple as discarding a water bottle can lead to resource depletion, industrial waste, air and water pollution, habitat erosion, animal extinction and more.

Things that we can’t currently recycle may also be effectively recycled in the future. Sectors such as chemical recycling are predicted to become massively successful in the future of industry . ‘Chemical digestion’ is something that will allow humans to reduce waste back down to its original state to be used again in more effective ways.

6. Cities are Becoming Less Polluted

Cities are often looked at as central hubs for pollution and energy consumption, but this idea is slowly becoming less true. An entire division of technology is purely dedicated to reducing pollutants from our daily activities. Toward the end of the last century, this technology has helped prevent an incredible amount of harm to our planet.

7. We are Becoming More Aware of our Effect on the Planet

With every year that passes, people become more aware of how much our existence harms the planet we live on. Technology is a massive part of this equation. As people have greater access to information, more people can realize their impact and find ways to combat it.

The hole created by CFCs in the ozone was only discovered due to the invention of the Dobson Ozone Spectrophotometer , which allowed us to understand the full extent of damage these gases were having. The subsequent banning of CFCs has allowed the hole in the ozone to begin healing and it is set to shrink down to the size it was during the 1980’s . It is hailed as one of the greatest environmental protection success stories to date.

8. We can Share More Knowledge and Understanding

As our ability to communicate with each other becomes ever more advanced and effective through innovations like instant messaging, social media, and apps, we become more knowledgeable. Basically, we are now able to crowdsource our environmental understanding and can spread awareness of important issues with people beyond our immediate families and friends.

Essay on the Positive and Negative Effects of Technology

How it works

The advent and evolution of technology have brought about profound changes in society, impacting almost every aspect of modern life. While technology has yielded numerous benefits, it has also introduced several challenges and concerns. This essay explores both the positive and negative effects of technology on various facets of human life.

On the positive side, technology has revolutionized communication, making it easier, faster, and more efficient. With the advent of the internet, social media, and mobile communication, people can connect with others across the globe instantly.

This has facilitated not just personal communication but also broadened the scope for global business and educational opportunities. Additionally, technology has significantly advanced healthcare, leading to improved diagnostics, treatments, and increased life expectancy. The accessibility of information and digital resources has also enhanced education and learning processes, making knowledge more accessible to a wider audience.

Another positive impact of technology is seen in the realm of productivity and efficiency. Automation and digital tools have streamlined various processes in industries, reducing manual labor and enhancing precision. This has led to increased productivity and innovation, contributing to economic growth and development. Moreover, technology has played a critical role in advancing research and development across various fields, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

However, the negative effects of technology are equally significant. One of the primary concerns is the impact on mental health and well-being. The overuse of digital devices and social media has been linked to issues like anxiety, depression, and social isolation, especially among younger populations. Additionally, the digital divide and access to technology remain significant challenges, leading to disparities in information access and technological benefits.

Another downside of technology is the threat to privacy and security. With the increasing amount of personal data being shared online, individuals are more susceptible to privacy breaches, identity theft, and cybercrimes. Furthermore, the reliance on technology has led to concerns over job displacement due to automation, raising questions about the future of work and employment stability.

Environmental concerns are also associated with technology. The production and disposal of electronic devices contribute to environmental degradation and e-waste, posing challenges for sustainable development. Additionally, the energy consumption required to power digital infrastructures has implications for global energy resources and climate change.

In conclusion, technology has a dual impact on society, offering numerous benefits in terms of communication, healthcare, education, and productivity, while also presenting challenges related to mental health, privacy, job security, and environmental sustainability. Balancing these positive and negative aspects is crucial for harnessing the potential of technology in a way that benefits society as a whole.


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Essay On The Positive And Negative Effects Of Technology. (2023, Nov 14). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/essay-on-the-positive-and-negative-effects-of-technology/

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PapersOwl.com. (2023). Essay On The Positive And Negative Effects Of Technology . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/essay-on-the-positive-and-negative-effects-of-technology/ [Accessed: 20 Jun. 2024]

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"Essay On The Positive And Negative Effects Of Technology," PapersOwl.com , 14-Nov-2023. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/essay-on-the-positive-and-negative-effects-of-technology/. [Accessed: 20-Jun-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2023). Essay On The Positive And Negative Effects Of Technology . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/essay-on-the-positive-and-negative-effects-of-technology/ [Accessed: 20-Jun-2024]

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The possibilities for human enhancement stem from new scientific and technological innovations. And even though many Americans have reservations about the potential use of cutting-edge biomedical developments considered in earlier chapters, large shares say they think of science and technology, writ large, as mostly beneficial forces in American society.

positive impact of technology on environment essay

Two-thirds of U.S. adults (67%) say science has had mostly positive effects on society, while 27% say there have been roughly equal positive and negative effects and just 4% say the effects have been largely negative. This finding is in line with a 2014 Pew Research Center study and others showing generally positive views about the effect of science on society.

Overall, views about the effects of technology are also largely positive, if a bit less so in comparison with science. About half of adults (52%) say technology has had mostly positive effects, compared with 38% who say there have been an equal mix of positive and negative effects of technology. Just 8% say technology has had mostly negative effects.

Many Americans see science as having positive effects from health and medicine

positive impact of technology on environment essay

The survey asked an open-ended question to give respondents a chance to explain, in their own words, why they feel the way they do about science’s effect on society. Some 67% of Americans say science has had a mostly positive effect on society; the most common reasons cited are related to medicine and health (59% of this group), including improvements in medical research, quality and longevity of life, and treatment of disease.

Other ways science is seen to benefit society include overall knowledge and reasoning skills (19%), technology improvements (15%) and environmental benefits and awareness about environmental issues (14%).

Just 4% of adults say the effect of science has been primarily negative. This group of 60 survey respondents is not large enough to analyze separately.

Technology seen as positive, especially for quickly and easily sharing information

positive impact of technology on environment essay

Overall, 52% of U.S. adults say the effect of technology has been largely positive. Within this group, 57% cite the vast network of information and communication that is available, easily accessed and shared across the world as a benefit for society. Another 21% see improvements to health, medicine and medical research as benefits of technology.

Other ways technology is seen to have a positive effect on society include increased knowledge and understanding, improvements in industry and jobs and an interconnectedness of the world as a result of globalization.

positive impact of technology on environment essay

Just 8% of Americans say technology has mostly had negative effects on society. The leading reason for this perspective is the feeling that technology has led to a breakdown of communication and human interaction (41% of this group). Another 28% say technology has degraded society’s morals and values, leading to a reliance on instant gratification and promoting negativity. Others complain that technology has led to an inability to handle normal tasks (20%) or to the misuse of widely available information (16%).

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Published: Aug 24, 2023

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Introduction, communication and connectivity, work and productivity, education and learning, entertainment and leisure, health and well-being, daily tasks and convenience, environmental impact, cultural and social changes.

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positive impact of technology on environment essay

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137 Intriguing Cause & Effect Essay Topics for Students

Teach critical thinking, logic, and the art of persuasion.

What are some reasons a teacher may ban cell phones in class?

Cause-and-effect essays aren’t just a way to help students strengthen their writing skills. They’ll also learn critical thinking, logic, and the art of persuasion. In addition, they teach students to demonstrate how one thing directly influences another. Coming up with engaging cause-and-effect essay topics can be challenging, but we have you covered. This list of ideas includes a variety of topics that range from social and cultural movements to mental health and the environment.

Science and Environment Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Describe the effect of urbanization on the environment.
  • What is the impact of air pollution on health?
  • What are the causes and consequences of plastics on marine life?
  • What is the impact of rising sea temperatures on fish and marine life?
  • Describe the impact of human behavior on global warming.

Describe the impact of human behavior on global warming. Cause and effect essay

  • What is the effect of social media on environmentalism?
  • What causes volcanic eruptions?
  • What causes trees to die?
  • What are the effects of gravity?
  • Why are plants green?
  • Why do trees shed their leaves?
  • What causes a species to become endangered?
  • What are some of the causes of animals losing their habitats?
  • Describe the effect of overpopulation on the environment.
  • What are the effects of famine on human population?
  • What are the causes and effects of Antarctica floods?
  • What are the effects of pollution on the ocean?
  • What effect do cars have on the environment?
  • Why is it important to manage wildfires?
  • What has been the impact of DNA on crime scene processing?

What has been the impact of DNA on crime scene processing?

  • What are the impacts of deforestation in Brazil?
  • What are the effects of GMO foods on human health?
  • What are the impacts of immunizations on human health?

Technology and Social Media Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of social media on adolescent development?
  • How does technology affect productivity?
  • What are the effects of video games on childhood development?
  • How do cell phones affect human relationships?
  • What are some reasons a teacher might ban cell phones from class?

What are some reasons a teacher might ban cell phones from class? Cause and effect essay

  • What effects do cell phones have on sleep?
  • What effects did the invention of the Internet have on technology?
  • What were the origins of cyberbullying?
  • What are the effects of tablet use on small children?
  • How has online dating changed relationships?
  • What makes some people less likely to use social media?
  • What are the effects of social media on privacy?
  • How does the rise of TikTok affect Facebook and Instagram?
  • In what ways could social media lead to extremism?
  • What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

  • What are some of the benefits of owning a smartphone and what are some of the drawbacks?
  • What has been the impact of online shopping on brick-and-mortar stores?
  • What has been the impact of smartphones on marriages and relationships?
  • What are the causes and effects of texting while driving?
  • What has the rise of “influencers” meant for Hollywood?
  • In what ways have photo filters influenced young people’s self-esteem?

Culture and Social Issues Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are some of the reasons for substance abuse in young people?
  • What are some of the effects of bullying?
  • How does economic status affect the quality of health care?
  • What are some of the causes of homelessness?
  • Explain the effects of ignorance on discrimination.
  • What are the impacts of death sentences on social justice?

What are the impacts of death sentences on social justice? Cause and effect essay

  • How does financial success affect societal privilege?
  • What effects does growing up poor have on children?
  • In what ways does religion influence society?
  • What are the effects of immigration on a host country?
  • What are the effects of ageism on job opportunities?
  • What is the impact of LGBTQ+ representation in TV and movies?
  • What are the effects of school shootings on politics?
  • How do school uniforms affect students?
  • What are the impacts of high student debt?
  • What are the impacts of body shaming on people?
  • What were the lasting impacts of the AIDS epidemic on society?

What were the lasting impacts of the AIDS epidemic on society? cause and effect essay

  • What impact does banning abortion have in the United States?
  • What has been the impact of marriage equality in the United States?
  • What are the causes and effects of noise pollution?
  • What are the causes and effects of inflation on the economy?
  • What are the effects of TV shows on our behavior?

Sports Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Examine the effects of exercise on mental health.
  • What led to baseball being an iconic American sport?
  • What drives people to participate in extreme sports?
  • In what ways did globalization affect modern sports?
  • What were the effects of doping on amateur and professional sports?
  • Select a sport and write about the historical factors that led to the popularization of that sport.

positive impact of technology on environment essay

  • Describe the ways in which youth sports influence a child’s development.
  • What were the driving forces behind the first Olympics?
  • How can team sports help develop social skills?
  • How have e-sports changed the sporting landscape?
  • In what ways do race biases influence sports?

In what ways do race biases influence sports.

  • What are the effects of regular workouts on immunity?
  • How does participating in sports affect leadership skills?
  • In what ways can sports lead to character development?
  • What effect does famous athletes’ social commentary have on their fans?

History Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of the war in Syria on the United States?
  • What have been the lasting effects of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • What were the causes and effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
  • What led up to the Berlin Wall being torn down and what effects did that have?

What led up to the Berlin Wall being torn down and what effects did that have? Cause and effect essay

  • What lasting impact did 9/11 have on modern American society?
  • What were the causes of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • What was the cultural impact of the Spanish-American War?
  • How has globalization led to modern-day slavery?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of the Great Depression on women’s employment?
  • How did cartels come into existence? What effect have they had on the United States and Mexico?
  • What were the causes and effects of the Women’s Liberation Movement?
  • Give an example of colonialism in history and name the resulting impact to the affected society.

Give an example of colonialism in history and name the resulting impact to the affected society.

  • What led to the rise of ISIS and what has the impact been on international security?
  • What factors led to the Titanic’s sinking?
  • What were the causes and effects of the Vietnam War?
  • Choose an American president. What led him to become president and what were the effects of his presidency?

Mental Health Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • How can stress affect the immune system?
  • How does social anxiety affect young people?
  • How can high academic expectations lead to depression?
  • What are the effects of divorce on young people?
  • How does service in the armed forces lead to post-traumatic stress disorder?

How does service in the armed forces lead to post-traumatic stress disorder? Cause and effect essay topic

  • What are the effects of mindfulness on mental health?
  • Describe the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted mental health.
  • How does childhood trauma impact childhood development?
  • What impact does witnessing violence have on mental health?
  • What is behind increasingly high levels of anxiety in modern American society?

What is behind increasingly high levels of anxiety in modern American society? cause and effect essay topic

  • What are the causes and effects of panic attacks?
  • What are the causes and consequences of high stress in the workplace?
  • What are some of the causes of insomnia and in what ways does it affect mental health?
  • What is the impact of staying home for an extended period of time?

Current Events Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Choose a local public education campaign. What are the effects of that campaign?
  • What are the causes and effects of migration?
  • What are the causes and effects of terrorist attacks?

What are the causes and effects of terrorist attacks?

  • What are the effects of legalizing genetic engineering research?
  • How do low voting rates impact elections and government?
  • What is the effect of raising the minimum wage?
  • What are the effects of globalization on society?
  • How does gerrymandering affect election outcomes?
  • What are the causes and effects of police brutality?
  • What are the causes and effects of political polarization?

What are the causes and effects of political polarization?

  • What are the causes and effects of fake news?
  • What are the effects of global war on citizens?
  • What is the effect of international aid on poverty or health?
  • Why do some countries have nuclear weapons, and what does this mean for other countries?

Education Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of teacher quality on student success?
  • What are the causes and effects of student loan debt?
  • What are the causes and effects of low graduation rates?

What are the causes and effects of low graduation rates?

  • What are the effects of assigning homework?
  • What are the causes and effects of school funding disparities?
  • What are the causes and effects of the digital divide in education?
  • What is the effect of AI on education?
  • What are the causes and effects of student burnout?
  • Should students be required to study a foreign language in school, and what are the effects of learning a foreign language?

Should students be required to study a foreign language in school, and what are the effects of learning a foreign language?

  • What effect has the COVID pandemic had on education?
  • What are the effects of same-sex classrooms or schools?

What are your best cause-and-effect essay topics for students? Come exchange ideas in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out our list of interesting persuasive essay topics for kids and teens..

Coming up with cause and effect essay topics can be challenging, but we have you covered. Check out our list with a variety of topics.

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Technology and Its Impact in the World Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Technology impacts, works cited.

Technology is defined as the use of tools, techniques and methods of organization in solving real world problems, which aims at performing specific tasks.

Technology has a profound root in the society; this is because today’s world relies on the advances in technology. These advances in technology in today’s world has sped people’s lives and made the world a smaller place to live in as it makes different locations closer to one another.

In addition, the fact that technology has become omnipresent in the world today due to its widespread use, is vital because it helps people in carrying out their chores in their daily livelihood. It is therefore important that the technology that exists be easily adaptable and able to solve the current world issues as human progress rate is increasing at an alarming rate (Oak 1).

The advances in technology have brought huge changes in the world today. Some of the areas where technology has brought important changes are as follows. First, technology has enabled the world in automating its critical processes in industries and households. The automobile industry has evolved from mechanical to automated automobiles simply because of the driving force that is technology.

Technology is applicable in performing tasks that are not accessible to man and are vital in automating crucial industrial processes. The technologies that are applicable when performing these crucial tasks include the use of robotics and artificial intelligence in carrying out challenging tasks such as space exploration and mining (Oak 1).

Another positive effect of technology is that it has changed the manner of communication. This has been made possible through the use computer technology; computers have the ability to process huge chunks of data at one go. Information digitization has proved to be a vital technology platform since it has made it possible in storing information and helps in enriching the information quality.

The advances in technology enable harnessing of water from natural sources to homes through robust transmission systems. Technology has brought the discovery of electricity that is important in lighting up the world. Electricity is easily generated by using renewable energy resources.

On the other hand, with all the advances in technology, it is unimaginable that technology has its side effects in the society even when the world is at the epitome of technology. In the medical technology world, technology can affect and also harm patients in cases where it involves a machine that has radiation rays.

On environmental technology, there is a lot of waste in terms of chemicals, which directly go back to the environment. Lastly, technology has a negative impact on people since they tend to be lazy and rely mostly on technology (Oak 1).

In conclusion, the advances brought about by technologies, which are the Internet, cell phones, and notebook computers are vital necessity for daily living. Due to these advances, it is easy for us to forget about those who suffer while attempting to provide for their basic needs, such as clean water, food and health care.

It is a good gesture by the developed world to make use of their technologies to help the underprivileged groups of people in the society. Through the continuous use of these technologies, there are advances that targets medical services, improved economy based on the Internet, emerging technologies in information systems sector, advanced farming methods and industrial sectors.

More importantly, educational needs for the people are taken into consideration by these technologies, since they help them become prosperous nations who do not require help from others but are able to get their own resources. Moreover, transferring technology from the developed world to the developing world has various benefits. There will be improvement in living standards, production efficiency and become a base for economic growth (Oak 1).

Oak, Manali. “ Positive Effects of Technology on Society .” Buzzle. 2011. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 11). Technology and Its Impact in the World. https://ivypanda.com/essays/impact-of-technology-in-the-world/

"Technology and Its Impact in the World." IvyPanda , 11 June 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/impact-of-technology-in-the-world/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Technology and Its Impact in the World'. 11 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Technology and Its Impact in the World." June 11, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/impact-of-technology-in-the-world/.

1. IvyPanda . "Technology and Its Impact in the World." June 11, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/impact-of-technology-in-the-world/.


IvyPanda . "Technology and Its Impact in the World." June 11, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/impact-of-technology-in-the-world/.

positive impact of technology on environment essay

News & Events

What’s happening at edinburgh sensors, the impact of technology on the environment and how environmental technology could save our planet.

environmental technology

Water pollution on the other hand is the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater, usually due to human activities. Some of the most common water pollutants are domestic waste, industrial effluents and insecticides and pesticides. A specific example is the release of inadequately treated wastewater into natural water bodies, which can lead to degradation of aquatic ecosystems. Other detrimental effects include diseases such as typhoid and cholera, eutrophication and the destruction of ecosystems which negatively affects the food chain.

Depletion of natural resources

Resource depletion is another negative impact of technology on the environment. It refers to the consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished. Natural resources consist of those that are in existence without humans having created them and they can be either renewable or non-renewable. There are several types of resource depletion, with the most severe being aquifer depletion, deforestation, mining for fossil fuels and minerals, contamination of resources, soil erosion and overconsumption of resources. These mainly occur as a result of agriculture, mining, water usage and consumption of fossil fuels, all of which have been enabled by advancements in technology.

The Impact of Technology on the Environment

Due to the increasing global population, levels of natural resource degradation are also increasing. This has resulted in the estimation of the world’s eco-footprint to be one and a half times the ability of the earth to sustainably provide each individual with enough resources that meet their consumption levels. Since the industrial revolution, large-scale mineral and oil exploration has been increasing, causing more and more natural oil and mineral depletion. Combined with advancements in technology, development and research, the exploitation of minerals has become easier and humans are therefore digging deeper to access more which has led to many resources entering into a production decline.

Moreover, the consequence of deforestation has never been more severe, with the World Bank reporting that the net loss of global forest between 1990 and 2015 was 1.3 million km 2 . This is primarily for agricultural reasons but also logging for fuel and making space for residential areas, encouraged by increasing population pressure. Not only does this result in a loss of trees which are important as they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but thousands of plants and animals lose their natural habitats and have become extinct.

What is Environmental Technology?

Environmental Technology is also known as ‘green’ or ‘clean’ technology and refers to the development of new technologies which aim to conserve, monitor or reduce the negative impact of technology on the environment and the consumption of resources. Despite the negative impact of technology on environment, a recent rise in global concern for climate change has led to the development of new environmental technology aiming to help solve some of the biggest environmental concerns that we face as a society through a shift towards a more sustainable, low-carbon economy.

The Paris agreement, signed in 2016, has obliged almost every country in the world to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change by keeping the rise in the global average temperature at less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

Environmental Technology Explained

Environmental Technology Development – Examples of Environmental Technology

This section will focus on the positive impact of technology on the environment as a result of the development of environmental technology such as renewable energy, ‘smart technology’, electric vehicles and carbon dioxide removal.

Renewable energy

Renewable energy, also known as ‘clean energy’, is energy that is collected from renewable resources which are naturally replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Modern environmental technology has enabled us to capture this naturally occurring energy and convert it into electricity or useful heat through devices such as solar panels, wind and water turbines, which reflects a highly positive impact of technology on the environment.

Having overtaken coal in 2015 to become our second largest generator of electricity, renewable sources currently produce more than 20% of the UK’s electricity, and EU targets means that this is likely to increase to 30% by 2020. While many renewable energy projects are large-scale, renewable technologies are also suited to remote areas and developing countries, where energy is often crucial in human development.

The cost of renewable energy technologies such as solar panels and wind turbines are falling and government investment is on the rise. This has contributed towards the amount of rooftop solar installations in Australia growing from approximately 4,600 households to over 1.6 million between 2007 and 2017.

Renewable Energy - Environmental Technology

Smart Technology

Smart home technology uses devices such as linking sensors and other appliances connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) that can be remotely monitored and programmed in order to be as energy efficient as possible and to respond to the needs of the users.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a networ k of internet-connected objects able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensor technologies. This data allows devices in the network to autonomously ‘make decisions’ based on real-time information. For example, intelligent lighting systems only illuminate areas that require it and a smart thermostat keeps homes at certain temperatures during certain times of day, therefore reducing wastage.

This environmental technology has been enabled by increased connectivity to the internet as a result of the increase in availability of WiFi, Bluetooth and smart sensors in buildings and cities. Experts are predicting that cities of the future will be places where every car, phone, air conditioner, light and more are interconnected, bringing about the concept of energy efficient ‘smart cities’.

Environmental Technology: The Internet of Things

The technology of the internet further demonstrates a positive impact of technology on the environment due to the fact that social media can raise awareness of global issue and worldwide virtual laboratories can be created. Experts from different fields can remotely share their research, experience and ideas in order to come up with improved solutions. In addition, travel is reduced as meetings/communication between friends and families can be done virtually, which reduces pollution from transport emissions.

Electric vehicles

The environmental technology of the electric vehicle is propelled by one or more electric motors, using energy stored in rechargeable batteries. Since 2008, there has been an increase in the manufacturing of electric vehicles due to the desire to reduce environmental concerns such as air pollution and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Electric vehicles demonstrate a positive impact of technology on the environment because they do not produce carbon emissions, which contribute towards the ‘greenhouse effect’ and leads to global warming. Furthermore, they do not contribute to air pollution, meaning they are cleaner and less harmful to human health, animals, plants, and water.

There have recently been several environmental technology government incentives encouraging plug-in vehicles, tax credits and subsidies to promote the introduction and adoption of electric vehicles. Electric vehicles could potentially be the way forward for a greener society because companies such as Bloomberg have predicted that they could become cheaper than petrol cars by 2024 and according to Nissan, there are now in fact more electric vehicle charging stations in the UK than fuel stations 3 .

Environmental technology: Electric Vehicles

‘Direct Air Capture’ (DAC) – Environmental Technology removing Carbon from the atmosphere

For a slightly more ambitious technology to conclude with, the idea of pulling carbon dioxide directly out of the atmosphere has been circulating climate change mitigation research for years, however it has only recently been implemented and is still in the early stages of development.

The environmental technology is known as ‘Direct Air Capture’ (DAC) and is the process of capturing carbon dioxide directly from the ambient air and generating a concentrated stream of CO2 for sequestration or utilisation. The air is then pushed through a filter by many large fans, where CO2 is removed. It is thought that this technology can be used to manage emissions from distributed sources, such as exhaust fumes from cars. Full-scale DAC operations are able to absorb the equivalent amount of carbon to the annual emissions of 250,000 average cars.

Many argue that DAC is essential for climate change mitigation and that it can help reach the Paris Climate Agreement goals, as carbon dioxide in the air has been the main cause of the problem after all. However, the high cost of DAC currently means that it is not an option on a large scale and some believe that reliance on this technology would pose a risk as it may reduce emission reduction as people may be under the pretense that all of their emissions will simply be removed.

Environmental Technology: Direct Air Capture

Image source: http://www.texasvox.org/direct-air-capture-co2-climate-solution-limitations/

Why do we study Environmental Technology?

Although we cannot reverse the negative impact of technology on the environment caused by industrialisation, many believe that new environmental technology , such as renewable energy combined with smart logistics and electric transport, has the potential to bring about the rapid decarbonisation of our economy and the mitigation of further detrimental harm.

Environmental Technology from Edinburgh Sensors

Environmental Technology from Edinburgh Sensors

Sensors play a huge part in the positive impact of technology on the environment as they often play a vital role in the monitoring and reduction of harmful activities. At Edinburgh Sensors, we produce bespoke gas sensing technology which can be used across a wide range of applications, many of which can be used to mitigate environmental concerns. This article presents just three of these applications; the monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions, the monitoring of methane using an infrared sensor and the detection of gases using a UAV drone.

  • Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas emissions

Edinburgh Sensors Gascard NG provides high quality, accurate and reliable measurements of CO, CO2 and CH4. To find out how we can assist you with the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions, simply contact us.

  • Using an Infrared Sensor for reliable Methane monitoring

Edinburgh Sensors’ Gascard NG is used for methane detection in a range of research, industrial, and environmental applications including pollution monitoring, agricultural research, chemical processes and many more.

  • Using a UAV drone attached to a gas sensor to measure harmful gases

From monitoring global warming to tracking the spread of pollution, there are many reasons to use a drone in order to monitor carbon dioxide, methane and other hydrocarbon gas concentrations in remote or dangerous locations.

Get in touch

If you have enjoyed reading this article on ‘Environmental Technology: The Impact of Technology on the Environment and How Environmental Technology Could Save Our Planet’, why not join Edinburgh Sensors on social media and sign up to our infrequent newsletter to be the first to know about our latest products, research and developments.

Or if you have just as many concerns about the impact of technology on the environment as we do and are interested in using gas sensing technology to play a part in the reduction of environmental harm, we encourage you to get in touch with a member of our team today as we would be delighted to assist you.

  • Proudfoot, R. and Kelley, S. (2017). Can technology save the planet? WWF Australia https://www.wwf.org.au/ArticleDocuments/360/pub-can-technology-save-the-planet-30may17.pdf.aspx?Embed=Y
  • Nunez, C. (2019). Climate 101: Deforestation. National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/deforestation/#targetText=Between%201990%20and%202016%2C%20the,study%20in%20the%20journal%20Nature
  • Visor, D. (2019). Electric car charging stations surpass number of fuel stations in less than 100 years since UK’s first petrol pump installed. Nissan News. https://uk.nissannews.com/en-GB/releases/release-c2df391cdf0dd0c30a0575ffb50231f8-uk-ev-charging-stations-surpass-number-of-fuel-stations#

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Publication Name: Zee Biz Date: June 07, 2024

World Environment Day 2024: Use of Sustainable Technology Solutions Towards Positive Environmental Impact

World Environment Day 2024: Use of Sustainable Technology Solutions Towards Positive Environmental Impact

World Environment Day 2024: As we celebrate the World Environment Day today, here are how companies are using sustainable technology solutions for a positive impact on environment.

World Environment Day 2024: World Environment Day is celebrated every on June 5 with the aim to raise awareness and promote environmental conservation. The theme of World Environment Day 2024 is "Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience."

As we celebrate the World Environment Day today, here are how companies are using sustainable technology solutions for a positive impact on environment.

Sandeep Thombre, Design Head - London Studio, Tata Elxsi

This World Environment Day, it is essential for all of us to champion sustainability in every way possible. This includes integrating advanced technology with sustainable practices to address critical environmental challenges across various sectors. At Tata Elxsi, our end-to-end designs are integrated with advanced technology to provide sustainable solutions. Whether it is our initiatives in developing energy-efficient automotive solutions, such as electric vehicle (EV) platforms, or sustainable healthcare practices, Tata Elxsiexemplifies how technology can be harnessed to drive sustainability.

More importantly, humanbehaviourand usability are key factors one must keep in mind while researching, developing, and designing solutions. For instance, Tata Elxsi’s work in developing smart cities is notable for sustainable practices. We integrated IoT and AI-driven solutions to optimise resource usage and waste management. Our smart grids and intelligent water management systems ensure efficient energy consumption and sustainable water usage, contributing to the resilience of urban infrastructures.

Smart cities aside, all our product designs are developed using processes whichimprove resource efficiency, materialoptimisationand circularity.This further ensures that our products have minimal environmental footprints and emphasises recycling, waste reduction, and energy conservation. Thus, our design practices ensure that we move towards a greener and better today and tomorrow.

Rohan Shravan, Founder and CEO of Tresa Motors

At Tresa Motors, we recognize the urgent need to address the environmental and safety challenges posed by traditional diesel trucks. While comprising only 3% of vehicles, these trucks contribute to over 50 per cent of particulate emissions and one-third of CO2 emissions, exacerbating air pollution and climate change. Moreover, they are responsible for numerous road fatalities, underscoring the importance of safer transportation solutions.

On this World Environment Day, we are proud to introduce our 100 per cent Made in India electric trucks, designed to transform India's transportation sector. Our zero-emission vehicles eliminate harmful pollutants such as CO2, NOx, and particulate matter, offering a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to diesel trucks. Powered by our innovative Axial Flux Motor technology, these trucks optimize energy efficiency, ensuring optimal power usage while minimizing environmental impact.

As fuel costs continue to rise, the adoption of medium and heavy electric trucks is poised to increase, making our vehicles an economically viable and environmentally responsible choice for businesses. By combining local manufacturing and technological innovation, Tresa Motors is committed to delivering cost savings while significantly reducing carbon emissions, aligning with the goals of World Environment Day and paving the way for a greener, healthier future for all.

Attributed to Aditya Singh Ratnu, Co-Founder of ZEVO

At ZEVO, we are committed to leading the electric mobility revolution in India's logistics sector. Our extensive fleet of electric vehicles, ranging from electric 2Wheelers to 55 Ton electric trucks, is at the forefront of decarbonizing transportation and supply chains.

On this World Environment Day, we reaffirm our dedication to combat climate change by providing sustainable logistics solutions that significantly reduce carbon footprints. By enabling businesses across industries to transition to EVs, we are empowering them to meet their emissions reduction targets and build a greener future, in line with the National Net Zero emissions targets by 2070.

As we celebrate World Environment Day, let us collectively recognize the pivotal role of electric mobility in protecting our planet. ZEVO is proud to be the front runner in this transformation, and together we can build a zero-emission logistics ecosystem that drives economic growth while safeguarding the environment for generations to come

Manjula Girish, Business Head-EV Charging and Photovoltaic Inverter Division, Delta Electronics India

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are a transformative force in the fight against climate change. By significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional combustion engines, EVs play a critical role in mitigating global warming. At Delta Electronics India, we are committed to advancing EV technology and infrastructure, contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable future. Our innovations in EV charging solutions are designed to support the widespread adoption of electric mobility, further reducing our carbon footprint and fostering a healthier planet.

World Environment Day serves as a critical platform for the EV industry to showcase its commitment to a sustainable future. As the mission of the EV industry synchronizes with the mission of World Environment Day attributing to sustainability, emission reduction and climate change It’s a day to celebrate the progress we have made in electrifying transportation and highlight the positive impact EVs can have on our planet. At Delta Electronics India, we see World Environment Day as an opportunity to raise awareness, inspire action, and accelerate the transition towards cleaner Transportation solutions.

Akash Gupta, Co-Founder and CEO, Zypp Electric

Electric Vehicles (EVs) have a transformative impact on climate change, and Zypp Electric is leading this charge in India. As the country’s premier tech-enabled EV-as-a-Service platform, we are committed to achieving zero emissions and creating a carbon-free India. Our ecosystem of IoT and AI-enabled electric scooters, combined with strategically placed battery swapping stations, ensures efficient, low-maintenance, and high-performance last-mile delivery. This sustainable model not only lowers delivery costs but also significantly reduces urban pollution. With over 20,000 EVs and delivery pilots, we deliver packages in a manner that is both eco-friendly and cost-effective. By replacing traditional fuel-based vehicles, we are cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions and making cities cleaner and healthier. Through our innovative solutions, Zypp Electric is playing a crucial role in mitigating climate change and driving a greener future.

At Zypp Electric, World Environment Day isn’t just a celebration – it’s a call to action for the EV industry. Transportation is a major source of pollution, and EVs are the key to a cleaner future. This day highlights the urgency of tackling climate change. For the EV industry, it’s a chance to showcase the transformative power of electric mobility. We can raise awareness about the environmental benefits of EVs – reduced emissions, cleaner air, and quieter cities. World Environment Day also unites stakeholders – policymakers, businesses, and citizens. It’s an opportunity to collaborate on building a robust EV ecosystem – from charging infrastructure to battery recycling. We are proud to be at the forefront of this revolution. Our sustainable last-mile delivery solutions demonstrate the positive impact EVs can have. On World Environment Day, let’s reiterate our commitment to a greener future, one electric mile at a time.

Eric Ou, Country Head, President and Director, Systems Group, ASUS India

Our sustainability efforts are further reinforced by the ASUS 2025 Sustainability Goals, which focus on a circular economy, responsible manufacturing, climate action, and value creation. These goals extend across the value chain, from suppliers to operations, aiming for a 30% reduction in carbon intensity by 2025 and responsible sourcing of materials like tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold, and cobalt. Additionally, we are committed to achieving 100% renewable energy use in our Taiwan-based operations by 2030 and worldwide offices by 2035, while also striving for a global recycling rate of 20% for ASUS products to promote a circular economy.

Reflecting on the evolution of our product offerings, we have been committed to delivering high-performance computing coupled with sustainable technology. ASUS has long explored eco-friendly materials in its products. In 2007, we launched our first sustainable notebook, the ASUS Bamboo Series. It received numerous environmental certifications and accolades for its revolutionary engineering and design. Since then, coming on to the latest launched Zenbook DUO, we have integrated recycled materials, setting a new standard for eco-conscious computing without compromising on performance or style. This dedication to environmental stewardship has earned ASUS recognition as part of the prestigious Climate Leaders Asia-Pacific for the second consecutive time.

Additionally, in our efforts to engage individuals and promote responsible e-waste disposal practices, we initiated the 'Discard Responsibly' campaign that is three years into operations. The campaign is focused towards creating awareness amongst users on the best practices to adopt when discarding e-waste while also running an at-home collection drive for ease.

Mukesh Taneja, Co-Founder & CEO, GT Force

At GT Force, we are spearheading the sustainable transportation revolution in India through our innovative lineup of electric two-wheelers. Models like the GT Vegas, GT Ryd Plus, GT One Plus Pro, and our flagship GT Drive Pro boast impressive ranges from 70-110 km on a single charge, powered by high-capacity battery packs up to 2.5 kWh. With impressive speed, these electric scooters eliminate tailpipe emissions while providing a sustainable and exhilarating riding experience. We are even set to introduce a new electric motorcycle with a range of 130 km, catering to the needs of urban riders seeking an emissions-free commute. Our commitment to sustainability extends to our battery technology as well. Across both our low-speed and high-speed variants, we equip our vehicles with LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) batteries that come with an exceptional warranty of 5 years or 60,000 kilometers, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability. Notably, our aim is to establish 100 dealerships across the country by the end of 2024, making our eco-friendly offerings more accessible. By manufacturing EV scooters from our state-of-the-art facilities in Manesar and Gurgaon with a robust capacity of 5,000 units per month, we are enabling Indian consumers to adopt a cleaner, greener mode of transportation, reducing carbon footprints and air pollution in cities through our game-changing electric two-wheeler solutions.

Anil Gupta, Vice Chairman- Yokohama India

At Yokohama, we embark on every journey as a collaborative step with sustainability. Aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, we are committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 38 per cent by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Our manufacturing practices reflect this dedication; we invest significantly in conserving natural resources, increasing our utilization of renewable energy, and advocating sustainable methods throughout our supply chain. Notably, we stand out as one of the leading tire manufacturers in the Off-Highway Tires Sector with remarkably low water consumption in our operations.

Taking our corporate social responsibility seriously, we actively participate in various initiatives such as Rain Water Harvesting projects and Forever Forest programmes near our factories. In India alone, we've planted over 200,000 trees, contributing to the verdant landscape around our facilities. This effort involves our employees, customers, visitors, local government bodies, communities, and even school children. The Yokohama Group globally has a collective aim to plant 1.3 million trees worldwide by 2030, fostering a greener future for all.

Dinesh Arjun, Co founder and CEO at Raptee

Electric vehicles (EVs) significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional vehicles, directly addressing climate change. India's long-term low-carbon development strategy underscores the need for an integrated, efficient, and inclusive transport system to achieve net zero by 2070. Given that transportation is the fastest-growing major contributor to global climate change, accounting for 23 per cent of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, World Environment Day is vital for the EV industry as it offers a promising solution. By replacing internal combustion engines with electric motors, EVs help decrease reliance on fossil fuels and minimize harmful emissions. It also highlights the urgent need for sustainable practices and raises awareness about the environmental benefits of electric vehicles. This day emphasizes the role of EVs in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change, fostering collaboration, innovation, and public engagement to drive the transition towards a sustainable future.

Vinod Aggarwal, MD & CEO of VECV

India’s auto industry is transitioning its energy mix towards cleaner alternate fuels in line with the nation’s Net Zero commitments. Our approach at VECV is through application-specific alternate fuel drivelines, smart manufacturing processes, and smart support solutions contributing to the rapid modernization of the Indian logistics ecosystem. We are committed to deliver on a diverse array of possibilities, including Battery Electric Vehicles, Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines, and fuel cell technology, which will be introduced as the market becomes ready. In addition to this, we also believe that sustainability is about efficient asset utilization. All Volvo and Eicher trucks and buses are backed by a 100% connected ecosystem to deliver on our promise of productivity and superior uptime for our customers.

Aligned with World Environment Day 2024’s focus on ‘Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration,' VECV has been actively introducing cleaner vehicles and sustainable practices across operations. In 2020, VECV’s manufacturing facility in Bhopal was the first in the CV industry to be established with Industry 4.0 standards. We reaffirm our dedication to reducing our carbon footprint aligned with the broader imperative of a greener and more sustainable future.

Anirudh Ravi Narayan, Co-Founder & CEO, BNC Motors

As we confront the pressing issue of air pollution, it's imperative to acknowledge the twin culprits of energy production and vehicular emissions as the leading contributors globally. Embracing the shift to electric vehicles, particularly when coupled with clean energy sources, presents a pivotal solution in our journey towards cleaner skies. In this pivotal moment, electric vehicle companies emerge as catalysts for change, holding a profound responsibility in steering our trajectory towards a sustainable future. By championing innovation and prioritizing environmentally conscious practices, these companies not only drive economic growth but also pave the way for a greener tomorrow. Together, through collaborative efforts and unwavering commitment, we can chart a course where reduced emissions and enhanced sustainability become our reality.

Siva Balakrishnan, Founder & CEO of Vserve

This day acts as a supreme reminder of our fundamental duty– to protect our planet. Today, e-commerce businesses emphasize the importance of using sustainable practices to reduce their impact on the environment. The rapid expansion of online shopping has increased packaging waste and carbon footprint, however, many e-commerce organizations are actually advocating green initiatives as an opportunity to showcase giving back to Mother Earth.

Leading e-commerce structures favor sustainable packaging by helping to reduce plastic consumption, decide on recyclable materials, and encourage consumers to recycle. Companies like Amazon are investing in renewable energy for their warehouses and promoting carbon-neutral transportation options. In addition, these companies use the technology to thereby reduce emissions. In addition, the trend for circular financial modes is gaining momentum. By facilitating resale, restoration, and recycling – the life cycle of products extends and reduces waste. These practices are the most adept at retaining resources, but they also resonate with growing customers' demands for green responsibility. The E-commerce industry is effectively protecting the environment by implementing eco-friendly techniques, as well as serving as a role model for others. On the occasion of World Environment Day, let’s acknowledge the urgent need to encourage and have a beneficial effect on the environment.

VG Anil, CEO of ARENQ, India's fast-growing manufacturer and distributor of storage batteries for multiple industries

"As we celebrate World Environment Day, I'm reminded of the pivotal role electric vehicle (EV) batteries play in India's green energy initiative. Our commitment to sustainability drives us to innovate, creating EV and solar batteries that power not just vehicles, but also homes and businesses with clean, renewable energy. By embracing EV technology, we're not just reducing carbon emissions, but also paving the way for a cleaner, greener India. Today, as we reflect on our environmental impact, let's continue to champion EV batteries as catalysts for change, driving us towards a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come."

Anupama Katkar, Chief of Operational Excellence, Quick Heal and Chairperson, Quick Heal Foundation

At Quick Heal, sustainability is at the core of our operations. Our commitment to CSR and ESG initiatives goes beyond compliance; it focuses on making a positive impact on the planet and its people. Energy conservation is fundamental to our efforts. By optimizing electricity consumption and incorporating renewable energy sources, we strive to reduce our environmental footprint. We further ensure complete e-waste recycling of our products through authorized channels. In addition, we have significantly improved our product packaging. Our Antivirus packaging is 38 per cent smaller than previous versions and made from biodegradable materials, eliminating the need for CDs and reducing e-waste & overall our carbon footprint. As a responsible leader, we are dedicated to empowering communities and developing the youth by providing cybersecurity education & training, aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Madhumita Agrawal, Founder & CEO, Oben Electric

At Oben Electric, sustainability is at the core of everything we do. Our flagship electric motorcycle, the Oben Rorr, features advanced LFP cell technology, offering twice the lifespan and 50% higher heat resistance than traditional batteries. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants significantly while avoiding the environmentally harmful mining of Cobalt and Nickel. We also recycle these batteries for use in energy storage systems. We minimize waste throughout the production lifecycle with sustainable material selection, lean manufacturing practices, and responsible packaging. Our closed-loop aluminium management system returns process rejections directly to vendors for reuse, cutting down on energy consumption and waste. Our commitment extends beyond our products to our entire supply chain. We work with suppliers who share our dedication to sustainability, ensuring responsible sourcing and environmentally conscious manufacturing. We also educate consumers about responsible EV ownership, including battery care and disposal.

Rohit Jetly, Head Of Platform Delivery - Global Platform Solutions; and Country Head India, Fidelity International

Fidelity International’s purpose is to work together to build better financial futures with an underlined focus on sustainable, long-term outcomes, together with an aspirational focus on the future. We incorporate sustainability into our business operations and our investment process. We do this for and together with all our stakeholders, including our customers, employees, suppliers, investee companies, regulators and policy makers and the communities in which we operate. We take responsibility for our impact on society as a whole and the environment.

Our Environmental Sustainability framework is designed to ensure pollution prevention, carbon reduction, waste minimisation, responsible use of resources and compliance with legislation through good practice and continuous improvement. We are committed to achieve net zero emissions by 2040 for Fidelity International’s operational emissions, including all scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions we have direct control of. Our focus will be on reduction of emissions through operational changes and investment in operational efficiencies, on-site renewals and purchasing of renewable energy whilst offsetting those we are unable to eradicate. We are also signatories of Climate Action 100+, a supporter of the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), members of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), the Carbon Disclosure Project, and a partner of the Climate Bond Initiative.

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The 8 Main Ways Technology Impacts Your Daily Life in 2024

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Technology affects almost every aspect of life in 2024, from transport efficiency and safety to access to food and healthcare, socialization, and productivity . It’s made learning more convenient, information easier to access, and has enabled global communities to form organically on the internet.

Even though technology has impacted our lives positively and allowed ideas and resources to be shared more easily, the overuse of some technology has been linked to a decline in mental health , increased social division , and privacy concerns . The rapid rise of AI tools like ChatGPT has raised even more questions about the role technology plays in our lives.

PureVPN's logo.

We take technology for granted every day – even when it’s delivering us the latest news in an instant, making our cappuccino, or connecting us with loved ones halfway across the country (or even the world).

So, to remind ourselves of just how much technology has changed society, we’ve taken a look at the eight most important ways that tech has impacted our lives in recent years.

Ways Technology Impacts Our Lives:

  • Improved Communication
  • AI Changing The Way We Work
  • Decreased Privacy
  • Accessible Shopping
  • Better Information Access
  • Virtual Social Lives
  • Remote Working
  • 4-Day Workweek

1. Improved Communication

“Come here Watson, I need to see you.” These were the first words that Alexander Graham Bell uttered over his revolutionary invention back in 1876, and it’s fair to say that the trusty telephone has had a good run. Bell originally dreamed that there would be ‘one in every town’. He was right of course — in fact, these days, there’s one in every person’s pocket. However, technology has seen the traditional audio call being edged out in favor of messaging and social media as a way of touching base.

Another medium that has seen a boom in the last few years is video calling. It’s nothing particularly new – the concept has been around for about as long as Bell’s telephone – but the revolution of high-speed broadband at affordable prices means that it’s now easy to send and receive the amounts of data needed for a video call.

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While video calling has spent the last decade slowly creeping into daily life, it’s the ongoing pandemic that has pushed it over the edge and secured its future as an everyday way to stay in touch.

Thanks to lockdowns and social distancing, families and friends are meeting up and socializing via video call more than ever before.

If you hadn’t heard of Zoom before 2020, you will have certainly become aware of it by now, and while there are plenty of other video conferencing apps out there, it’s Zoom that has emerged as the poster child for video chat in the public consciousness. In 2023, it was estimated that Zoom had well over 800 million unique global visitors a month.

In the post-pandemic world, more of us are working from home than ever. Many in-person meetings have been replaced with video conferencing as office staff swapping the boardroom for the bedroom (or wherever else they can find space to work at home) in droves. Now, based on data from mid-2022, Mckinsey estimates 35% of Americans can work from home full time.

While Zoom is a great tool for catching up with buddies, can it do the job of supporting your business through the pandemic? We’ve evaluated several high-profile video conferencing systems and can help you find the right one for your company in minutes.

2. AI Changing The Way We Work

If someone had told you just a few years ago that very soon, you’d have access to a free AI tool that could help you with all of your tasks, you might not have believed them. Millions of people now use ChatGPT, Bard , and other generative AI tools for all sorts of tasks in their personal and work lives.

Although it was only launched back in November 2022, ChatGPT has already had a transformative impact on the lives of students and businesspeople alike, making their lives easier by quickly and accurately answering questions relating to their work. According to our own research, 65% of companies are using ChatGPT already .

The AI revolution really is here. ChatGPT has been helping people with jobs like writing recipes, creating job resumes, crafting essays and poems, summarizing historical events, composing emails, creating spreadsheets, and even filing their tax returns. Others have used it to get free legal advice or plan their holiday.

ChatGPT test: Poem

The ChatGPT website is currently generating around 1.8 billion visits a month, and a Tech.co survey found that almost half (47%) of business leaders are considering using AI instead of hiring new members of staff. Some experts even say that soon, large companies will have “ 50 different AI tools ” in operation.

Be mindful that although ChatGPT is useful and has already had a significant impact on the lives of millions of people, you can’t – and shouldn’t – use it for every single essay, report, or task in your day-to-day life.

Although using ChatGPT isn’t technically plagiarism – after all, you’re not copying someone else’s work – many universities and schools now consider it to be cheating. Some teachers have said their students can use it, while others have banned it completely. It’s also not perfect, and it’s certainly not a geniue – AI tools often get things wrong, and you should always double-check the responses you receive from them.

3. Decreased Privacy

We’re spending more of our lives online than ever before. According to one report , the “typical” global internet user spent seven hours a day online in 2022.

Shopping? It’s done on Amazon. Catching up with friends? It’s FaceTime, Snapchat, or email. Want to be entertained? Netflix, or online gaming. Research? Hit up Google. Almost every facet of our daily routines can be catered for online today, so it seems inevitable that our time spent online will only increase. In fact, 37% of consumers said in a 2022 survey that they’d switched companies in an attempt to protect their own privacy.

While access to everything online gives us an unparalleled level of convenience, it has also made us vulnerable. Every move we make online is recorded, and we leave digital footprints wherever we visit. Hackers and scammers know this, and work hard to exploit it for financial gain.

Of course, as with everything else, technology has also given us the tools to protect ourselves and ensure that we are safe as our lives migrate online. In the last few years, this has become even more key – many of us are not only browsing for personal reasons, but accessing shared work networks from our own homes, and we can’t rely on the closed off security of the physical office.

Passwordless Login

One piece of technology that will help keep your data safe is the password manager . A password manager will protect your existing passwords, suggest new and secure ones, and in some cases, even monitor the web to ensure that your details aren’t compromised. Not only that, but it will do away with that ever-present fear we all have of forgetting one of our many, many passwords. If you don’t have one, there’s never been a better time to invest –plus, with some of the best apps only costing a few dollars a month, it’s a great low-cost solution for added security .

Another great security advancement is the Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN will bypass your internet service provider and mask your digital footprints. Nobody will be able to see the content you are accessing, and it makes you a lot less susceptible to hackers. You can also use public Wi-Fi accounts with more confidence. Many businesses have adopted them recently, as well as home users – they’re very quick to set up and most of the time you can troubleshoot a VPN yourself , which means they’re very low-maintenance.

Our recommendation? PureVPN . It’s packed with features like quantum-resistant servers and a streaming “shortcuts” tool, and has servers in more than 60 countries. What’s more, at just $2.11 per month , it’s a lot cheaper than NordVPN and ExpressVPN.

There’s also anti-virus software, providing a great shield from all the nasties out there on the internet looking to catch us out. This includes ransomware and malware, which is usually designed with the intent of extracting money from victims. From individuals to government, nobody is immune, and good antivirus software is a great way to capture and quarantine such efforts before they can wreak havoc.

Lastly, there are different ways to remove your personal information from Google that, in a world of decreased privacy, are definitely worth knowing about. Knowing how to kick off Google’s official removal request process will come in handy, for example, if you find content on a website that includes sensitive data about you.

positive impact of technology on environment essay

A VPN can protect your identity from unwanted tracking. Have you used a VPN before?

4. Accessible Shopping

As we’ve mentioned, shopping has found a convenient and popular home online, but that’s not to say the high street is to be ignored – after all, you can’t really beat seeing a product in the flesh before you buy it, and you can’t eat out online just yet (you can order a delivery, but that’s not quite the same).

Technology hasn’t bypassed physical shopping either. Thanks to contactless cards and phone payments, we don’t need to worry about handing over cash or keying in a pin number – just tap to pay, and you’re done.

If you’re a business, then a Point of Sale (POS) system is a huge boon, regardless of your size. With a POS, not only can you take payments electronically, but you can also automatically manage stock levels, create electronic receipts, manage loyalty schemes, manage sales and so on. It doesn’t need to be costly, either – POS systems start at around $30 a month, and some even offer free hardware. To find out more, take a look at our POS system reviews, and compare POS systems today.

Square POS in use

Of course, you don’t need to leave the house to shop. With the vast majority of us owning a tablet , laptop or smartphone , we’ve all got easy access to a virtual shop front right in front of us, where we can buy pretty much anything we want.

Technology has also democratized retail. It used to be the case that you needed a physical presence to start your own shop – now all you need is a computer and an idea.

Sharing your wares with the world is easier than ever. This is thanks to the simplicity of website builders – tools that can help you create professional-looking websites in minutes , then sell your products or services.

positive impact of technology on environment essay

Have you used a password manager before?

5. Better Information Access

Today, if you want to find something out, it’s no more strenuous than a couple of clicks. For many of us, we don’t even need to move from the spot – simply pull out your phone and get Googling, or even ask your smart home assistant .

It may seem like a distant memory, but it wasn’t so long ago that you’d have to take a trip to the library to find out more in-depth information about a subject if it was available at all. Now, due to these advances in technology, you can find hundreds of thousands of web pages dedicated to pretty much anything you can dream of, from “crochet patterns” (Google gives 129,000,000 results) to “Roman history” (1,360,000,000 results).


It’s something of a cliche, but there is literally an app for anything, and they’ve rendered a lot of other mediums all but obsolete for many of us. Take GPS, for example – if you want to know how to get somewhere, it’s simply a case of pulling up an app like Google Maps and choosing the best route, which will come complete with directions, as well as satellite imaging. There are even apps for businesses that automatically route vehicles alongside traffic, weather, safety and legal information. App technology has also made learning, dating, dining, and almost anything else you can think of a lot easier for us.

Not to be overlooked either are the actual devices that all these apps run on. The rise of the smartphone has been exponential over the last decade, and daily web searches on mobile devices now outnumber those on laptop or desktop computers. Improvements continue to be made to handheld devices, each and every year, without fail.

The mobile phone is now considered an essential device for almost everyone, vastly superseding its original use as a telephone (to actually talk to people) and becoming our pocket-sized portal to an online world.

6. Virtual Social Lives

Another seismic change in our lives over the past decade has been the widespread usage of social media . This industry has progressed fast, and the early days of the likes of MySpace and the original version of Facebook – which first went live in 2006 – seem like a bygone age already.

Now, services such as Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, and others give us an insight into the waking lives of others in real-time, whether they’re friends with a few followers or celebrities with millions. New platforms are still coming out this year. Just recently, Meta – the company that owns WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram – brought out a new social media platform called Threads , which is a little bit like Twitter.

Now, these very same companies want us to spend even more time online, in a digital space they call “the Metaverse”, a virtual reality where users can interact in a computer-generated environment. Facebook’s chief Mark Zuckerberg says he wants one billion people to exist within it one day, and a variety of metaverse companies now exist. In the past year, some businesses even managed to sell virtual land in the metaverse.

Social Media Mobile

Businesses have got in on the act too, and a savvy social media manager is considered essential in most companies, with their ability to make or break a brand’s reputation.

Social media’s course over the last few years has been somewhat bumpy, but as a society, or many societies, we’ve never seen global communication on such a scale. It has enabled the rise of social commentary and movements, such as #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, as well as leaving us vulnerable, with the likes of Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal serving to manipulate voters and skew democracy.

Social media can be fun, but studies have also shown that it can have a detrimental effect on our mental health. It’s so bad, in fact, that some governments are calling for social media companies to be more responsible – especially when it comes to younger users.

A recent study in the UK found that 46% of young girls reported that social media had a negative impact on their self-esteem, so there’s clearly a lot to fix. Lots of other recent studies have found links between social media use and mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and even Smartphone addiction.

Ultimately, social media is only as positive as the hands of the people it’s in – but it looks like it’s here to stay, whether you like it or not.

As a consumer, you can choose to opt out, but businesses yet to get in on the action will soon fall behind the competition. Digital marketing is a hugely important aspect of any company with an online presence, and an essential one to get right.

7. Remote Working

2020 will be remembered for a lot of negative reasons, but one of its most defining positives has been the widespread acceptance of working from home. With the pandemic in full swing, many had to abandon their offices and log on from their own residences.

At its peak, 42% of Americans were working from home, according to one study. The trend has continued longer after the pandemic too, with large companies such as Twitter and Microsoft already stating that their staff can work from home indefinitely.

The CIPD’s 2023 report on flexible working found that 40% of organizations reported an increase in requests for flexible working arrangements in 2023. Two-thirds (66%) of organizations said it was important to them to offer this perk when advertising for new roles, up from 56% in 2021.

For many, working from home has been something of a revelation – no commuting, more flexible hours, a lessened environmental impact, and being able to choose where they work. All this is made possible thanks to technological advancements, yet again – as well as a whole host of companies offering remote work .

Work From Home

That’s not to say working outside the office doesn’t have its challenges – organizing employees who are spread across various locations successfully can certainly present problems. But yet again, our friend technological progress comes to the rescue, this time with remote working software , which can aid in organization, time management, goal focus and structure.

Anti-Virus Software Prevents Security Risks

8. 4-Day Workweek

Classic cartoon The Jetsons gave us a glimpse into the future of work, with the main character lamenting the fact he had to work ‘three hours a day, three days a week’.

The Jetsons was set in 2062, so there’s still a chance we could end up with a nine hour week, but until then, the focus is on the 4-day workweek.

It’s a movement that has seen a huge push in the last couple of years, with many companies starting to offer employees longer weekends . Some US States are also pushing a 4-day workweek, too .

The reason for the 4-day workweek becoming viable is, you guessed it, technology, specifically, AI. With the ability for tech to do a lot of the heavy lifting, many are arguing, including the likes of Bernie Sanders , that workers should reap the benefits and be rewarded with more leisure time.

We have seen some landmark studies carried out on the reduced workweek over the last year, and they proved overwhelmingly positive for the most part.

And why not? As we mention above, remote working, once seen as a luxury, is now more common than ever. The 4-day workweek could well be next.

Conclusion: The Impact of Technology

So, there we have it — eight dramatic ways that technology has impacted our daily lives for good. Of course, technology never takes a rest, and you can bet that it won’t be long before some of the devices and services we’ve covered here are superseded — in many cases, their next iteration is already being worked on in a lab somewhere.

Regardless, there’s no denying that technology has, and will continue to, have a huge impact on our lives, in one way or another.

More on this topic:

  • Flirt, Fake, Make Them Wait— How Technology Has Changed the Way We Interact
  • Top 6 Social Media Trends
  • 10 Ways Businesses Are Using ChatGPT Right Now
  • How to Remove Your Personal Information From Google
  • What is a Digital Footprint, and How Do You Minimize It?

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  5. Monica Vila, TheOnlineMom.com Co-Founder, Speaks on ESRB's Tools for Parents

  6. 5 Lines On Save Environment/5 Lines On World Environment Day/Save Environment Essay l C


  1. The Effect of Technology on the Environment Essay

    The impact of new technologies on the development of the society. There is a widely held opinion among many philosophers and scholars that new technologies affect the development of human society. Overall, it seems that these are two variables that are so closely interwoven, and it is hardly permissible to separate them from one another.

  2. 100 Words Essay on Impact Of Technology On Environment

    Technology can both help and hurt our environment. It's important to use technology in a way that keeps our Earth safe and clean for everyone. 250 Words Essay on Impact Of Technology On Environment Technology and Nature. Technology has changed the way we live. It has given us many good things like computers, smartphones, and medical machines.

  3. Technology can help us save the planet. But more than anything, we must

    Every day new evidence of our unsustainable impact on the environment is emerging. The last five years have been the warmest five-year period on record, the Arctic warmed much faster than predicted and the UN estimates that in the last 10 years, climate-related disasters have caused $1.4 trillion worth of damage worldwide.

  4. The impact of technology on the environment and how environmental

    Environmental Technology. Despite the negative impact of technology on environment, a recent rise in global concern for climate change has led to the development of new environmental technology aiming to help solve some of the biggest environmental concerns that we face as a society through a shift towards a more sustainable, low-carbon economy ...

  5. How Can Technology Help Combat Climate Change

    Here are three ways climate change technology solutions - particularly AIoT. As society pressures leaders for a more environmentally-friendly agenda, governments responsible for 63% of world emissionshave committed to net zero with corporatenet-zero commitments covering 12% of the global economy (representing $9.81 trillion in revenue).

  6. Positive and Negative Impacts of Technology on Environment

    4. Massive Energy Use & Carbon Footprint. One of the negative impacts of technology on the environment is massive energy use and carbon footprint. The manufacturing process of electronic and technological products requires a significant amount of energy, which contributes to carbon emissions.

  7. Impact of Science and Technology on the Natural Environment Essay

    Positive impact of science and technology on nature. "Science and Technology have also been the greatest forces for beneficent social change in human history and will continue to be needed to solve the economic and social problems of the future." (Baez, 1). Man has not only colonised the habitable part of natural environment, earth, but he ...

  8. Impact of Technology on Environment Essay

    The advanced environmental technology makes normal living quite difficult, and there is an urgent need to adopt unique methods to tackle inactive changes. The students who ask to write my essay paper can take help from an expertly written essay sample. The positive impact of technology on the environment. Renewable energy

  9. Technology Impact on Society and Environment

    Technology Impact on Society and Environment Cause and Effect Essay. At present, people do not even try to prove that technology has changed their lives significantly as this is obvious. It is possible to think of a variety of effects of technology. These effects can be divided into two major groups: positive and negative changes in people's ...

  10. (PDF) Impact of Technology on Environment

    Use of natural resources throughout human society leads to many environmental effects such as air and water pollution, land degradation, and climate changes. The population growth, increase in ...

  11. The Role of Technology in Sustainable Development and Environmental

    However, it is essential to prioritize research, innovation, and collaboration to ensure that these technologies are deployed effectively and equitably to maximize their positive impact on the planet. Conclusion. In conclusion, technology plays a pivotal role in driving sustainable development and environmental conservation efforts worldwide.

  12. Effects of Technology on Society & the Environment

    The Internet, telephones, cars, planes, children's toys, and other gadgets are examples of technology. These types of equipment have impacted society greatly. They have made the movement of goods ...

  13. B. Effects Of Technology On The Natural World

    T.4.5: The use of technology can affect the environment, including land, water, air, plants and animals. The environment also affects technology by providing sources of energy and raw materials. Students know that: T.8.5: Some technological decisions involve trade-offs between environmental and economic needs, while others have positive effects ...

  14. 8 Ways Technology is Helping the Environment

    In a time when climate change, overpopulation and dwindling resources are a main topic of discussion, visions of a cleaner future aided by environmental innovation give us hope. As technology becomes ever more advanced, its adverse effects on our planet are lessoned while its potential for positive impact increases. This win-win situation is helping us ... <a title="8 Ways Technology is ...

  15. Technology for good: helping restore planet earth

    The following examples show how a wide range of technological advancements that are having a lasting positive impact - from small projects that focus on addressing a specific environmental problem, to large scales initiatives being rolled out on a global scale. Under the sea. The ocean has an important role to play in preventing global warming.

  16. PDF Impact of Technology on Environment

    Environmental degradation is a growing concern as continued industrialization is being witnessed mostly in developed countries. There are three major negative impacts of technology on environment discussed in this essay. First, environmental pollution resulting from waste output is a resultant factor of technology.

  17. PDF The effects of technology on the environment: A case of environmental

    The word ' Anthropocene' originate from the Greek term for human (anthropo) and 'new ' (cene), in simple terms it is the significant impact that humans have had onplanet Earth which have permanent effect on the environment. The Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and humans have resided in it for 200,000years, however during that period have we

  18. Essay on the Positive and Negative Effects of Technology

    This essay explores both the positive and negative effects of technology on various facets of human life. On the positive side, technology has revolutionized communication, making it easier, faster, and more efficient. ... The production and disposal of electronic devices contribute to environmental degradation and e-waste, posing challenges ...

  19. Essay On Impact Of Technology On Environment And Environment

    Essay On Impact Of Technology On Environment And Environment. 1024 Words5 Pages. THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN HEALTH Technology is a major part of everyone's life. Technological advances are encountered at home, school and at work. These technological advances have become so helpful to people lives.

  20. Americans see science and technology as positives for society

    Two-thirds of U.S. adults (67%) say science has had mostly positive effects on society, while 27% say there have been roughly equal positive and negative effects and just 4% say the effects have been largely negative. This finding is in line with a 2014 Pew Research Center study and others showing generally positive views about the effect of ...

  21. The Impact of Technology in Our Daily Life

    The impact of technology on daily life is multifaceted, touching upon communication, work, education, entertainment, health, and more. As we navigate the digital landscape, it is imperative to recognize the opportunities and challenges that technology brings. Responsible and mindful use of technology is essential to harness its benefits while ...

  22. 137 Intriguing Cause & Effect Essay Topics for Students

    This list of ideas includes a variety of topics that range from social and cultural movements to mental health and the environment. Science and Environment Cause & Effect Essay Topics. Describe the effect of urbanization on the environment. What is the impact of air pollution on health? What are the causes and consequences of plastics on marine ...

  23. Digital technology, green innovation, and the carbon performance of

    DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2024.1384332 Corpus ID: 270567915; Digital technology, green innovation, and the carbon performance of manufacturing enterprises @article{Li2024DigitalTG, title={Digital technology, green innovation, and the carbon performance of manufacturing enterprises}, author={Jinke Li and Luyue Ji and Shuang Zhang and Yanpeng Zhu}, journal={Frontiers in Environmental Science}, year ...

  24. Technology and Its Impact in the World

    Technology impacts. The advances in technology have brought huge changes in the world today. Some of the areas where technology has brought important changes are as follows. First, technology has enabled the world in automating its critical processes in industries and households. The automobile industry has evolved from mechanical to automated ...

  25. Innovative Technologies in Waste Management and Their Impact on the

    Waste management has long been a critical issue for urban and rural communities, posing significant challenges to public health, environmental sustainability, and economic stability. With the rapid advancement of technology, innovative solutions are emerging to tackle these challenges more effectively and efficiently. These technologies are revolutionizing how we collect, process, and dispose ...

  26. Environmental Technology

    This section will focus on the positive impact of technology on the environment as a result of the development of environmental technology such as renewable energy, 'smart technology', electric vehicles and carbon dioxide removal. Renewable energy. Renewable energy, also known as 'clean energy', is energy that is collected from ...

  27. World Environment Day 2024: Use of Sustainable Technology Solutions

    World Environment Day 2024: As we celebrate the World Environment Day today, here are how companies are using sustainable technology solutions for a positive impact on environment. World Environment Day 2024: World Environment Day is celebrated every on June 5 with the aim to raise awareness and promote environmental conservation.

  28. In progress (September 2024)

    Research Papers; How Do Climate Change, Energy Transition, Green Finance, and Technological Innovation Predict the Next Technological and Economic Cycle?, Edited by Giray Gozgor, Anis Jarboui and Emna Mnif ... select article The impact of environment on enhancement of tourism system resilience in China: The moderating role of digital technology ...

  29. The 8 Main Ways Technology Impacts Your Daily Life in 2024

    1. Improved Communication "Come here Watson, I need to see you." These were the first words that Alexander Graham Bell uttered over his revolutionary invention back in 1876, and it's fair to ...