biology answer [5th week assignment answer 2021] ssc class 10, এসএসসি জীব বিজ্ঞান ৫ম সপ্তাহের এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১

biology answer [5th week assignment answer 2021] ssc class 10, এসএসসি জীব বিজ্ঞান ৫ম সপ্তাহের এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১

পরিবারের একজন সদস্যের পালস রেট অবস্থায় পরিমাপ করে পাঠসমূহের ব্যাখ্যা প্রদান।

নির্দেশনা ও সংকেতঃ

১. পালস রেট বা নাড়িস্পন্দন পরিমাপের পদ্ধতি যথাযথভাবে অনুসরণ কর (জীববিজ্ঞান পাঠ্যপুস্তকের পৃষ্ঠা ১৫০-১৫১ দ্রষ্টব্য)।

২. প্রথমে খাতায় নিচের মতাে ছক আঁকতে হবে :

অবস্থা/ধাপপালস রেট (প্রতি মিনিটে)
১) শােয়া অবস্থায়
২) বসা অবস্থায়
৩) দাঁড়ানাে অবস্থায়
৪) পাঁচ মিনিট
৫) দ্রুতবেগে হাঁটার পরে

৩. পরিবারের একজন সুস্থ্য সদস্যকে তােমার পরীক্ষণে অংশ নিতে অনুরােধ করবে। তােমার নির্দেশনা বুঝতে সক্ষম এমন ব্যক্তি হতে হবে। তাঁকে পুরাে বিষয়টি বুঝিয়ে বলার পর তিনি সম্মতি দিলে পরীক্ষণ শুরু করা যাবে।

৪. সাবধানতা: অনুমতি ছাড়া কারাে উপর পরীক্ষণ করা যাবে না। নিজের উপর পরীক্ষণ করা যাবে না।

৫. পরীক্ষণাধীন ব্যক্তিকে পরীক্ষণের পূর্বে ৬ ঘন্টা চা-কফি বা ধূমপান থেকে বিরত থাকতে হবে। তাঁকে পরীক্ষণের সময় শান্ত ও শিথিল (relaxed) থাকতে হবে। তাই সকালে ঘুম থেকে ওঠার পরপর পরীক্ষণটি করার আদর্শ সময়।

৬. উপরের ছক অনুসারে প্রথমে শােয়া অবস্থায় পালস রেট নির্ণয় করে ছকে পাঠ লিখতে হবে। তারপর যথাক্রমে বসা ও দাঁড়ানাে অবস্থায় পাঠ নিতে হবে এবং ছকে লিখতে হবে।

৭. সবশেষে পাঁচ মিনিট দ্রুতবেগে হীটার পরে দাঁড়ানাে অবস্থায় পালস রেট নির্ণয় করে ছকে পাঠ লিখতে হবে। উল্লিখিত ছক ব্যবহার করে লেখচিত্র আঁকতে হবে। উদাহরণ: শােয়া, বসা, দাঁড়ানাে এবং হাঁটার পরে প্রতি মিনিটে পালস রেট যদি যথাক্রমে ৭০, ৭৫, ৮৫ এবং ১০০ হয় তাহলে তার লেখচিত্রটি উপরে প্রশ্নে দেওয়া আছে;

৮. বিভিন্ন অবস্থায় পালস রেটের পার্থক্য কেন হয় তা ব্যাখ্যা করতে হবে। | [সর্বনিম্ন ৩০ থেকে সর্বোচ্চ ৫০ শব্দে]

উত্তর সমূহ:

পরিবারের একজন সদস্যের (আমার বাবার) পালস রেট অবস্থায় পরিমাপ

রক্ত চলাচলের সময় ধমনির গায়ে যে চাপ তৈরি হয়, তাকে  রক্তচাপ  বলে। হৃৎপিণ্ডের সংকোচন বা সিস্টোল অবস্থায় ধমনির গায়ে রক্তচাপের মাত্রা সবচেয়ে বেশি থাকে। একে সিস্টোলিক চাপ (Systolic Pressure) বলে। হৃৎপিণ্ডের (প্রকৃতপক্ষে নিলয়ের) প্রসারণ বা ডাইয়াস্টোল অবস্থায় রক্তচাপ সবচেয়ে কম থাকে। একে ডায়াস্টোলিক চাপ (Diastolic Pressure) বলে।

চিকিৎসকদের মতে, পরিণত বয়সে একজন মানুষের আদর্শ রক্তচাপ (Blood pressure) সাধারণত ১২০/৮০ মিলিমিটার মানের কাছাকাছি। রক্তচাপকে দুটি সংখ্যায় উল্লেখ করা হয়।

প্রথমটি উচ্চমান এবং দ্বিতীয়টি নিম্নমান। রক্তের উচ্চ চাপকে সিস্টোলিক (Systolic) চাপ বলে যার আদর্শ মান ১২০ মিলিমিটারের নিচে। নিম্নচাপকে ডায়াস্টোলিক (Diastolic) চাপ বলে। এই চাপটির আদর্শ মান ৮০ মিলিমিটারের নিচে।

[ বি:দ্র: নমুনা উত্তর দাতা:  রাকিব হোসেন সজল  ( বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস )]

এই চাপটি হৃৎপিণ্ডের দুটি বিটের মাঝামাঝি সময় রক্তনালিতে সৃষ্টি হয়। দুধরনের রক্তচাপের পার্থক্যকে ধমনিঘাত বা নাড়িঘাত চাপ (Pulse pressure) বলা হয়। সাধারণত সুস্থ অবস্থায় হাতের কব্জিতে রেট তথা হৎস্পন্দনের মান প্রতি মিনিটে ৬০-১০০। হাতের কব্জিতে হালকা করে চাপ দিয়ে ধরে পালস রেট বের করা যায়।

স্ফিগমােম্যানােমিটার (Sphygmomanometer) বা সংক্ষেপে বিপি যন্ত্রের সাহায্যে রক্তচাপ মাপা যায়। এই যন্ত্র দিয়ে ডায়াস্টোলিক ও সিস্টোলিক চাপ দেখে রক্তচাপ নির্ণয় করা যায়।

নিচে আমার পরিবারের একজন সদস্যের ( আমার আব্বু) হাতের পালস রেট নির্ণয় করা হলো। এ পরীক্ষাটি তিনি ঘুম থেকে ওঠার পর করেছিলাম। কারণ পরীক্ষাটি করার সময় ব্যক্তিকে পরীক্ষণ এর পূর্বে অন্তত ৬ ঘন্টা চা, কফি, ধূমপান থেকে দূরে থাকতে হয়।

নিচে  আমার বাবার বিভিন্ন সময়ে তথা শোয়া, হাটা, বসা,  ৫ মিনিট দৌড়ানোর পর পালস রেট নির্ণয় করে উল্লেখ করা হলঃ

শারীরিক অবস্থা পালস রেট( প্রতি মিনিটে)
১. শোয়া৭৪
২. বসা৭৬
৩. দাঁড়ানো ৮০
৪. ৫ মিনিট দ্রুতবেগে হাঁটা১২০

উল্লেখিত ছক ব্যবহার  করে বিভিন্ন সময় বিভিন্ন অবস্থায় প্রতি মিনিটে পালস রেট এর লেখচিত্র নিম্নরুপঃ

পরিবারের একজন সদস্যের পালস রেট অবস্থায় পরিমাপ করে পাঠসমূহের ব্যাখ্যা প্রদান, পালস রেট বা নাড়িস্পন্দন পরিমাপের পদ্ধতি যথাযথভাবে অনুসরণ কর (জীববিজ্ঞান পাঠ্যপুস্তকের পৃষ্ঠা ১৫০-১৫১ দ্রষ্টব্য)

বিভিন্ন সময়ে তাঁর পালস রেট বিভিন্ন রকম। এর কারণ হচ্ছে তিনি সেই সময়গুলোতে আলাদা আলাদা শারীরিক অবস্থায় ছিলেন। শোয়া অবস্থায় তার শারীরিক কর্মকাণ্ড  সবচেয়ে কম। 

এজন্য তার পালস রেট শোয়া অবস্থায় সবচেয়ে কম।  বসা অবস্থায় তার বসার জন্য শক্তির প্রয়োজন হয়েছে, 

শারীরিক কর্মকান্ড বেড়েছে। তাই পালস রেট শোয়া অবস্থার চেয়ে বেড়েছে। দাড়ানো অবস্থায় তার শারীরিক কর্মকাণ্ডের জন্য শক্তি বসা অবস্থার চেয়ে বেশি প্রয়োজন ছিলো। তাই পালস রেট বসা অবস্থার চেয়ে বেড়েছে।

দ্রুতবেগে হাঁটা অবস্থায় তার শারীরিক কর্মকাণ্ড বেড়েছে, হৃদয়পিন্ডের গতি বেড়েছে তাই পালস রেটও এ অবস্থায়  সবচেয়ে বেড়ে ১২০ হয়েছে। 

আমাদের YouTube এবং Like Page

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এখানে সকল প্রকাশ শিক্ষা বিষয় তথ্য ও সাজেশন পেতে আমাদের সাথে থাকুন ।

ইসলামিক স্টাডিজ ৫ম পত্র সাজেশন ডিগ্রি ৩য় বর্ষের, ডিগ্রি ৩য় বর্ষ ইসলামিক স্টাডিজ ৫ম পত্র সাজেশন, জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ডিগ্রি ৩য় বর্ষ ইসলামিক স্টাডিজ ৫ম পত্র সাজেশন

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SSC 5th Week Assignment

SSC 5th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022

SSC 5th Week Assignment 2021 and 2022 assignment has been published. At present, the assignment activities of the 5th week of SSC 2021 and SSC 2022 candidates are going on. So SSC 2021 and 2022 students will have to solve their respective subject assignments in the 5th week. SSC 5th week Assignment Questions can be download pictures and PDF files.

There are currently two different assignment activities for the 5th week of SSC candidates. One for 2021 SSC candidates and the other for SSC 2022 candidates. If you are an SSC examinee of any year 2021 or 2022, you will find the 5th week SSC assignment questions and solutions here. Below are the questions and answers of SSC 5th week Assignment 2021 and SSC 5th week Assignment 2022 separately.

SSC 2021 and SSC 2022 উভয় এসাইনমেন্ট এর ৫ম সপ্তাহের প্রশ্ন এবং সমাধানের লিঙ্ক এখানে রয়েছে। এই পেজের প্রথম দিকে রয়েছে এসএসসি ২০২১ এর ৫ম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট এবং নিচের দিকে রয়েছে এসএসসি ২০২২ এর ৫ম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তরের লিঙ্ক। যদি উত্তর না পান তাহলে একটু অপেক্ষা করবেন কারণ প্রশ্ন বের হবার সাথে সাথেই উত্তর দেওয়া সম্ভব হয়না। সকল বিষয়ের সমাধান করতে একটু সময় লাগে। প্রয়োজনে আমাদের গ্রুপে যোগ দিন।

SSC 5th Week Assignment 2021

SSC 2021 5th week assignment questions have been published. Notices and question papers regarding assignments for SSC 2021 5th week are available in PDF format on the website of the Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. You can come and see if you want. We have given all the questions of the SSC 2021 5th week assignment in the form of pictures and PDF here. I have given the link to get answers and a detailed description of all the questions of the SSC 2021 5th week assignment.

History 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

I will talk about the assignment of the 5th Week of the history and world civilization of Bangladesh. Follow us all the students who are solving the assignment of the 5th Week of history and world civilization of Bangladesh. Because we will give instructions on how to solve the 5th Week of Bangladesh and World Civilization Assignment. We will also discuss how to get the highest marks from this assignment.

So students who are worried about the assignment of the 5th Week of Bangladesh’s history and world civilization should read our article carefully. We will also upload for you a sample answer sheet of Bangladesh and World Civilization 5th Week Assignment Solution. If you want, you can download the solution or answer sheet of the 5th Week assignment of history and world civilization of Bangladesh from our website.

History 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Get History Assignment 2021 Answer

Physics 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Physics is an important subject for SSC examinees. Physics is one of the main subjects for almost all science students. Physics 5th Week assignment has been published. So now let’s talk about the 5th Week of physics assignment. There are many students who are worried about how to do the 5th Week assignment in physics. I would say they have no reason to worry. Because now I will talk to you about how to solve the physics 5th Week assignment.

We will also discuss how to get the best results from the 5th Week of physics assignment. So I urge the students of SSC Science Department to read my article carefully. There are many students who are going to download the solution of physics 5th Week assignment. For their purpose, we will upload the answer sheet of Physics 5th Week Assignment on our website. If you want, you can download the answer sheet of SSC Physics 5th Week assignment from our website.

Physics 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Get Physics Assignment 2021 Answer

Chemistry 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Now we will talk about the solution of the 5th Week chemistry assignment. We know that chemistry is an important part of the department. All the students who are studying in the science department should read my writings carefully. Because now I will provide important information about the solution of the chemistry 5th Week assignment. How do you write the answer sheet for the 5th Week of chemistry assignment? Also how do you get the highest marks from the 5th Week assignment of Chemistry by writing the answer sheet?

Chemistry There are several guidelines for solving 5th Week assignments. The first step is to look at the instructions. Follow the next instructions to try to solve the chemistry 5th Week assignment. We will also provide some additional instructions to achieve the best results from the 5th Week assignment of Chemistry. Students who want to get the best results from the 5th Week assignment of Chemistry should follow our instructions. We will also provide a sample answer sheet of the solution of the 5th Week assignment of Chemistry for the benefit of the students. So if you want you can download the solution letter of the 5th Week of chemistry assignment from our website.

Chemistry 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Get Chemistry Assignment 2021 Answer

SSC Business Entrepreneurship 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

SSC Business Entrepreneurship 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Get SSC Business Entrepreneurship Answer

Geography 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

SSC Geography and Environment 5th Week Assignment 2021 has been published. In the 5th Week, there is an assignment for the students of SSC Humanities, one of which is Geography and Environment. However, for those whose fourth subject in SSC is Geography and Environment, there is no need to do Geography and Environment Assignment. According to the syllabus, we know that a total of eight geography and environmental assignments have to be submitted for SSC 2021 candidates. Two of his geography and environmental assignments have already been done. 5th Week Assignment Third Geography and Environment Assignment Answer must be prepared and submitted to one’s own school. The previous two assignments we saw were questions from the first and second chapters of the Geography and Environment textbook. The 5th Week assignment questions have been from the third chapter of the Geography and Environment textbook. Since the DSE Authority has released the 5th Week assignment of SSC 2021, we are discussing the Geography and Environment 5th Week assignment questions and answers below.

Geography 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Get Geography Assignment 2021 Answer

Accounting 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Accounting 5th Week Assignment has been published. Accounting is a very important subject in the Department of Commerce. Students who have compulsory accounting subjects please read my writings carefully. Because today I will answer all the questions about the assignment of the 5th Week of accounting science. Many of you are worried about how to do the 5th Week assignment of accounting science. Because accounting assignments are a little different from other subjects.

However, there is no reason to worry about the 5th Week of accounting science assignment. Because for your convenience, I will provide the solution of the 5th Week assignment of accounting science. There are also separate guidelines for students who will try to solve the assignment on their own. If you follow our instructions and write the answer to the accounting 5th Week assignment, you will definitely get the best results. There are also several instructions with the assignment. The instructions will help you figure out how to solve the assignment. We have a suggestion for all students who want to get an accounting solution for the 5th Week of accounting. The advice is to read the assignment instructions well before writing the assignment.

Accounting 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Get Accounting Assignment 2021 Answer

Civics 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Civics 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Get Civics Assignment 2021 Answer

Higher Math 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Higher Math 5th Week SSC Assignment 2021

Get Higher Math Assignment 2021 Answer

SSC 5th Week Assignment 2022

5th week assignment questions for 2022 SSC candidates have been published on 11 August 2021. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the SSC assignment 2022 was temporarily suspended for lockdown. Since the lockdown is being lifted in the country since August 11, this SSC assignment 2022 has resumed.

The 5th week of SSC 2022 Assignment includes Biology, Finance and Banking, Civics and Citizenship, Bangladesh and Global Studies and Science. 10th grade Science, Humanities, and Commerce students have to solve their respective assignments and submit them to the school teacher within the stipulated time. Below are the subject-wise SSC Assignment 2022 Questions and Solutions.

Biology 5th Week SSC Assignment 2022

The first Biology Assignment for the SSC 2022 students of the Science Department has been selected from Chapter VI: Life Transport. The title of the assignment is to explain the lessons by measuring the pulse rate of a family member in different situations. That means students have to measure the pulse rate of any one member of their family.

If you read the sixth chapter of the ninth-tenth grade biology book, you can learn to measure blood pressure and pulse rate accurately. Blood pressure and pulse rate measurements can also be found at rest and after exercise. Moreover, measured blood pressure and pulse rate can be analyzed in both locations. The purpose of the assignment is for the student to study these subjects.

Biology 5th Week SSC Assignment 2022

Get Biology Assignment 2022 Answer

SSC Biology 5th Week Assignment 2022 questions have to be answered as per the instructions. We will try to answer the biology 5th Week assignment for the best number as per the instructions.

Finance and Banking 5th Week SSC Assignment 2022

This is the first assignment of Finance and Banking for SSC 2022 Commerce candidates. Here it is asked to analyze government financing and business financing. To solve SSC Finance & Banking 5th Week Assignment 2022 you need to know about the concept of financing and classification analysis of financing. The 5th Week of Finance and Banking SSC 2022 assignment solution has to be completed in 200 words. We are trying to answer of SSC Finance and Banking 5th Week assignment as per the instructions of the question.

Finance and Banking 5th Week SSC Assignment 2022

Get Finance and Banking Assignment 2022 Answer

Civics and Citizenship 5th Week SSC Assignment 2022

In the 5th Week SSC 2022 has added the subject of Civics for the students of the Humanities department. In the 5th Week of the assignment, questions were asked about the family, society, state, and government. So students need to know the details about the textbook lessons in order to solve the SSC Civics 5th Week Assignment 2022. Moreover, the family, society, state, and government should also be known. For this, the first chapter of the book Civics and Citizenship has to be studied well. If you want to solve SSC Civics 5th Week Assignment 2022, you have to write the answer as per the mentioned instructions. Below is the assignment questions and solutions for SSC 2022 Civics 5th Week Assignment.

Civics and Citizenship 5th Week SSC Assignment 2022

Get Civics Assignment 2022 Answer

Bangladesh and Global Studies 5th Week SSC Assignment 2022

The second assignment of Bangladesh and Global Studies has been published in the 5th Week. SSC 2022 and current 10th class students have to solve the assignment of the 5th Week of Bangladesh and Global Studies. Assignment Hall – A list of the causes, sources, and damage of major earthquakes in several countries of the world has to be prepared. If there is any such earthquake in Bangladesh and there is a huge loss, then you have to make a report about what you should do as a volunteer. Below are the SSC 2022 Bangladesh and Global Studies 5th Week Assignment Questions and Answers.

Bangladesh and Global Studies 5th Week SSC Assignment 2022

Get SSC Bangladesh and Global Studies Assignment Answer

Science 5th Week SSC Assignment 2022

The second science assignment has been published for 10th class students who will take part in the SSC exams in 2022. The SSC 2022 Science 5th Week Assignment focuses on the causes, effects, and remedies of water pollution. Before solving this assignment, the student must know the causes of water pollution, the effects of water pollution on plants, animals, and humans, and how water pollution can be remedied. It is then necessary to investigate the causes of water source pollution in its area, analyze the impact and prepare recommendations for remedies.

Science 5th Week SSC Assignment 2022

Get Science Assignment 2022 Answer

SSC 5th Week Assignment PDF Download

All the SSC 5th Week Assignment 2021 and 2022 questions are in a pdf file. So you can download the pdf file below for SSC 5th Week Assignment.

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SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download English version

SSC English version Biology Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download 3rd Week has been published today on My website. SSC Bangla, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Accounting, Business Studies 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10 Week Biology Assignment Solution Now Available on Our Daily Result BD webpage.

The SSC three-week assignment  has been published for English version SSC candidates. The Biology assignment was published on the website of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education (Maushi) on Thursday (August 5). According to the Department of Education, ”

7th Week Assignment

SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download English version 1

SSC Biology 6th Week Assignment 2021 এসএসসি জীববিজ্ঞান ষষ্ঠ সপ্তাহ

SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download English version 4

SSC English version Biology Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download 3rd Week

SSC English version Biology Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download 3rd Week

the English version of the SSC examinees will have to carry out the Biology assignment activities as per the instructions of the Biology SSC examinee assignment activities on July 16 this year.

জীববিজ্ঞান ৩য় এসাইনমেন্ট Solution

SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download English version 14

The directive asked SSC candidates to submit Biology assignments by August 5 at a convenient time. The Department of Education has asked the schools to carry out assignment distribution and acceptance activities in compliance with the hygiene rules. Advertisement Biology Assignment activities of SSC candidates started from 16th July.

After that the assignments of SSC candidates of Biology English version were not being published. Since the English version was not given the Biology assignment, each school was given the Biology assignment to the students by translating it differently.

The guardians complained that it caused complications. Then the Biology assignment was published. ইংরেজি ভার্সনের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য তিন সপ্তাহের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট প্রকাশিত হয়েছে।

SSC Biology Assignment 2021 Answer

/ By Jagobahe

SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 started a few week ago. So, following this notice, publish Assignment for Science Group SSC Student of 2021. So, all the candidates of the SSC Exam 2021 needs to submit their Assignment Answer from the specified Question. Though all the science group students has its compulsory subject Biology. So, they must submit their জীববিজ্ঞান এসাইনমেন্ট of specific week on the time. Total SSC Science group assignment is announced for 12th different week. Just follow the whole post to find all the SSC Biology ১০ম শ্রেণী এসাইনমেন্ট Answer.

Though SSC Biology Assignment is compulsory for every week. So, Biology Assignment needs to submit only for specific week. Don’t get confused. We are going to publish the whole SSC Biology Assignment Syllabus, Question and Answer for every selected week on our website. In this post, we are going to publish SSC Biology Assignment answer of all the week. Whatever you can also check the SSC Assignment Syllabus, All week All Subject Question Answer from our website also.

Physics All Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 Chemistry All Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 [Article] Higher Math All Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021

SSC Biology Assignment 2021 6th Week Question

SSC Biology 6th week assignment is published on the website. As a result of second phase they publish 3 week assignment for all the ssc subjects 2021. Students who are the science group students are requested to submit their 3 week assignment for second phase. But ssc biology has to submit their assignment only for 2 week. One of them is ssc biology assignment question 6th week. Because there is no assignment on the sssc biology 5th week.Now you need to submit the 6th week biology assignment 2021.

Though this is 6th week assignment. But keep in mind that this is the ssc biology assignment 4. Because there is no assignment on 2nd and 5th week.So, now you get your 6th week ssc biology assignment question 2021. if the question is not clear to you yet. Please see the image version of the ssc biology assignment question 6th week 2021. You can also download the 6th week ssc biology question 2021 pdf file from the link below. After reading the whole article start making answer for the questions. We also attach ssc biology assignment answer 2021 in next section.

Download SSC Biology Assignment 2021 6th Week Question

SSC Biology Assignment 2021 6th Week Answer

We are continuously working on the ssc assignment answer. For give the students a help for getting high mark on the assignment result. As usual we also start making ssc biology assignment answer 6th week 2021. Because a log of students get high mark on assignment result from our assignment. So, In response to their request, we also start making solution for ssc biology assignment 2021 6th week. In the next paragraph you get the details answer of the assignment of biology 6th week. But read the question carefully before start the answer process.

So, according to the biology assignment question, we can see there is a good question in the assignment. There also a page number listed on the question for getting answer from the textbook. As usual, all the 6th week ssc biology assignment answer is found on the textbook 2021. So, its very easy to get the answers of the assignment 2021 biology ssc. Carefully write write the answer from the page because it is important to follow all the rules. Write all the answer of bilogy assignment 2021 6th week from our post and submit it to the school. You can also download the ssc biology assignment answer 6th week from link below.

Download SSC Biology Assignment 2021 6th Week Answer

SSC Biology 4th Week Assignment Question 2021

Finally directorate of secondary and higher education publish the SSC Biology assignment for second phase. In the last phase, they publish the 1st week, 2nd week and 3rd week assignment question. But there are only two assignment of Biology there. For 1st week and 3rd week. There was no ssc biology assignment for 2nd week. But this time SSC Biology assignment question 2021 for 3 week publish. But doesn’t need to provide three week assignment.

In this phase, there only need to submit the assignment for two week. So, ssc biology assignment 4th week and ssc biology assignment 6th week need to submit the assignment question. There is no need for submit the assignment on ssc biology 5th week 2021. Because there is no assignment for 5th week biology in the notice. So, read carefully the ssc biology 4th week assignment question 2021. In this section we’re going to answer the SSC Biology assignment 4th week in below. In the section below you’ll get all the answer for your assignment 4th week.

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

Download Biology 4th week Assignment Question 2021

SSC Biology 4th Week Assignment Answer 2021

So, in the last phase we got the ssc biology assignment 4th week question 2021. Though this is the 4th week assignment. But keep in mind this is the ssc biology assignment 3. because there is no assignment listed on notice for ssc biology assignment question 2nd week. So, you need to submit only 2 week assignment answer 2021 for 3 week on a phase. So, this phase has two assignment. Now we talk about SSC biology assignment 4th week 3 no assignment 2021. We make a answer for the question and publish it on our website.

While making answer for ssc biology assignment 2021, please try to keep some instruction on your mind. Firstly, for 4th week assignment solution making always read the exact page of the textbook biology for good result. After that read all the assignment answer rules and mark distribution of ssc biology assignment 4th week question 2021. Because it’ll help you to answer all the question easily. So, you already get your ssc biology 4th week assignment answer for 2021. Type or write all the answer to your assignment paper and submit to school for high mark.

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

Download Biology Assignment 2021 4th week Answer 2021 PDF

SSC Biology 3rd Week Assignment Question 2021

So, lat week we solve the Biology 1st week assignment answer. Now, in this week we’ll solve SSC Biology 3rd Week assignment question. you may get highest mark on the previous biology 1st week assignment if you follow our instruction and answers. Now, its time to get a highest mark on the SSC Biology 3rd Week Assignment. So, follow all of our instruction to get your high mark on ssc biology assignment. Biology 3rd week assignment question already published on the website.

Whatever, Biology 3rd week assignment question is খেলার মাধ্যমে প্রাণী কোষ এবং প্রাণী টিস্যুর গঠন ও কাজ বিশ্লেষণ. Where the english version of the question is Analysis of the structure and function of animal cells and animal tissues through inspect. So, in this section of the 3rd week question Khelar maddhome pranikosh ebong prani tisshur gothon o kaaj bishleshon answer. This 3rd week biology assignment answer is solve in the below. Check the next paragraph for the SSC Biology Question of 3rd week. 3rd week biology question PDF file is also attached to the next.

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

Download SSC Biology 3rd Week Assignment Question

SSC Biology 3rd Week Assignment Answer 2021

So, in the previous steps we already check the 3rd week biology assignment question. Now we need to solve the Biology Assignment answer for 3rd week. This part is very important. Because getting high mark on the biology assignment is depend on the how you solve the biology 3rd week assignment answer. So, we make a good solution on the biology assignment 3rd week answer. To get high mark just follow all the instruction while writing biology assignment answer for 3rd week.

We check the biology assignment question is for 3rd week is খেলার মাধ্যমে প্রাণী কোষ এবং প্রাণী টিস্যুর গঠন ও কাজ বিশ্লেষণ. So, there a lot of chapter is related with this question. Firstly, you have to write all the information from SSC Biology Text Book. But we’ll help you to solve this matter. We are going to write a complete Biology 3rd week assignment answer in the next section. Check all the answer from below and write on your assignment. You can also download the PDF file of Biology SSC Assignment 2021 3rd week Answer.

Download SSC Biology 3rd Week Assignment Answer PDF 2021

SSC Biology 1st Week Assignment Question 2021

SSC Biology Assignment Quesion for 1st week is now published. So, you need to submit your Assignment Answer to your school. in this section of the post, we attached the SSC Biology 1st week Assignment Question. SSC Exam 2021 is knocking at the door. So, to get high mark on SSC Assignment Answer 2021, you need to submit your SSC Biology Assignment Question Solution very soon. Most importantly, keep in mind that, you need to Answer the SSC Biology Assignment Question Very carefully to get high mark.

Now come into the main point. The Question for SSC Biology 1st week Assignment is খালি চোখে লক্ষণীয় উদ্ভিদ কোষের বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং টিস্যুর শ্রমবন্টন নির্ণয়. Where the English version is Determining the characteristics of plant cells and the distribution of tissues marked with the naked eye . So, question is now clear. Now you need to submit the Question Solution. Before start the Biology 1st Week Assignment Answer, we are attaching the Full Biology 1st Week Question PDF File in below.

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

Download SSC Biology 1st Week Assignment Question PDF

SSC Biology 1st Week Assignment Answer 2021

So, from the upper section we learn that, SSC Biology Assignment Question for first week. The question is খালি চোখে লক্ষণীয় উদ্ভিদ কোষের বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং টিস্যুর শ্রমবন্টন নির্ণয়. So now start the SSC Biology Assignment 1st week Answer. Here in this post we already make a Question Solution for SSC Biology Assignment Answer. You just need to read the answer carefully and write the assignment answer to your paper. From here, you can get all the SSC Biology Assignment Question Solution 1st week 2021.

However, you already get the answer how to make answer of SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 on your paper. This is the answer for Khali chokhe lokkhoniyo udvit kosher boishistho ebong tissuer shrombonton nirnoy 1st week question. So, we make all the answer in here. SSC Biology Assignment Question Solution first week is now ready for you. Just write the SSC Biology 1st week Answer 2021 from this post to Assignment. Or you can also download the Biology SSC 2021 1st week answer PDF file from the link below and can print the file to submit to school.

SSC Biology 1st Week Assignment Question Answer 2021 PDF Download

SSC Science Group Assignment Syllabus 2021

However, knowing all the fact about SSC Biology Assignment, you may ask for what is the whole Assignment Syllabus for science group. Because all the SSC Science Group has a common Assignmet Syllabus. So, in this section we’ll publish the SSC Science group Assignment complete Syllabus for exam 2021. So, you can easily plan your SSC Science Assignment deadline. It’ll also help you to complete the SSC Science Assignment Answer as long as Biology Assignment Answer for 2021. After that, you can easily complete your Science group assignment for 2021.

Mostly, there are only 4 compulsory subjects in the SSC Assignment list. As, student only submit compulsory assignment answer. And syllabus has total 12 week for the complete assignment. So, you need to know which week need to submit which subject exactly. Then, it’ll not mess your SSC Assignment submission process. To help you we attached the SSC Science Group All Week Assignment 2021 in the below. Check and remember or write down the exact date of the Subject as well as Biology Assignment submit date weekly.

SSC Assignment Syllabus 2021

SSC Biology Subject All Week Assignment 2021

However from the chart above, we can see that Biology Assignment won’t need to submit on every week. So, SSC Biology 2021 Assignment Syllabus is different from the other science group subject like Physics, Chemistry and Higher Mathematics. So, you need to focus on the specific syllabus of the Biology subject. According to the Full graph of the total syllabus of Science group, SSC Biology assignment is need to only submit on 1st and 3rd week from first notice. Then after publish the 2nd notice of Biology SSC 2021 Question Students needs to follow that.

After 2nd notice and Biology Question, Assignment need to submit on the 4th and 6th week of the assignment. But after publish the 3rd Biology Question notice, assignment need to submit only on 7th and 9th week of the duration. Finally, all the class 10th students need to submit SSC Biology Assignment on the 10th and 12th week of the duration. This is the total syllabus for the SSC Biology Assignment. So, you need to follow all the time and weekly date to complete and submit your Biology Assignment.

SSC Biology All Week Assignment Question 2021

Now, you know what week you need to submit which Biology Assignment. So, now the important part is Questions. Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education already published the total 12 week SSC Biology Assignment Question Papers. So, in this post, we are going to publish the Biology All Week Assignment Question for all the science group students. Just follow this section of the post, to get your All week SSC Biology Question Assignment Question 2021. Then you need to start the Biology Question Solving,

Don’t worry about how to solve the SSC Biology Assignment Question. We are here to help you. We already make SSC Biology All week assignment answer 2021 in the post. Firstly, carefully read the question from the post below. Then read your text book for the solution. We also attached All Week SSC Biology Assignment Answer in the post below. So, you can also easily make a solution for the SSC Biology Assignment Question Answer for exam 2021.

All Week SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021

SSC Biology Assignment Question already published in the Ministry of Education website. So, all the Biology Assignment Question is now ready for submit assignment. Though all the Biology Assignment Answer is available in the text book according to the syllabus. But as the SSC Biology Assignment is not so easy to solve. So, old class 10 SSC Exam 2021 students need a Question Solution for Biology Assignment. However a lot of class 10 students are searching for the Biology Assignment Question Answer in the web.

But this is not a single week question. There are 12 different assignment work for 12 different week. So, we plan to help the students with a A+ mark Assignment Answer solution making for Biology Students. In this post, we’ll attach the SSC Biology All week Assignment Solution in this section. So, you can easily write your SSC Biology 2021 Assignment Solve. Just follow the instruction in the below. And write your Biology Assignment Answer from here.

Weekly Biology SSC Assignment Answer

In the past paragraph you already learn how to Answer SSC Biology Assignment Answer. Now in this section you’ll get all the weekly Biology Assignment Question Answer. According to the SSC Assignment syllabus there are total 12 week for assignment submit. But SSC Biology subject has only 8 week to submit the assignment. Other 4 week others SSC Assignment will be submitted. So, you need only 8 week Biology Assignment answer for submit. All the 8 week biology assignment answer in below to write on your assignment paper.

So, now lets talk about which week need to submit biology assignment answer. Biology Assignment need to submit on the 1st week. After 1st week, Biology SSC Assignment will submit on 3rd week. This is the instruction from 1st notice. After that, SSC Biology Assignment Answer will submit on 4th, 6th and 7th week. Finally, in the third phase Biology Assignment will be submit on 9th, 10th and 12th week. Now in the below we publish SSC Biology 1st week, 3rd week, 4th week, 6th week, 7th week, 9th week, 10th week and 12th week Assignment Question Answer.

All Week Biology SSC Assignment Answer PDF Download

We make all the weekly SSC Biology Assignment answer and publish them on above. So, you already complete your all week Biology Assignment Answer from that and made your Assignment papers. You may also complete your Cover Page for SSC Biology Assignment 2021 . If not, you can download Cover Page from our website other pages. Now your SSC Biology All week Assignment is ready. If you want to download the PDF file of all the SSC Assignment Bilogy Jibbiggan Subject follow the below.

So, you can also download your All week SSC Biology Assignment Answer from this section. Because some of SSC Exam candidates can not write their Biology Assignment. So, they need the Biology Assignment Answer as PDF. So that they can print out the answer and attached this with Assignment to school. Biology SSC All week Assignment Answer PDF Download file is here. Download your file from specific link and print for final submission.

Need Any Help?

We JagoBahe here to serve your need. JagoBahe make all the SSC Assignment for class 10 students. So, you don’t have to go nowhere. You can get all the assignment answer here easily. We already posted all week SSC Science Assignment Answer 2021. We also publish SSC Biology All week answer. Now you can check your answer here easily from our website. Use all the links in the post to get all other science subject assignment answer.

Though, all the information is well organized and answer. But if you feel that, there something missing information or need to add to the SSC Assignment Answer, then just comment in the below. If there any wrong on incomplete answer in the post, please send us the right answer on the link below. You can also join our Facebook Group for more answer. However, you can follow our Facebook Page for more information and stay up to date. Thanks for reading our post.

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SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022 PDF Download

  • Post published: August 14, 2021
  • Post Category: Assignment / SSC Assignment

All the information related to SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022 is discussed in detail here. So if you want to know any information about SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022, read our post very well from beginning to end. Then hopefully you can find out all the information about SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022 from this post. This post is divided into two sections. In the first section, you will find the SSC Biology 5th week 2022 question and in the following section, you will find the SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022. Students’ assignments will be graded in four categories: superb, very good, good, and progress needed. The assignments must be archived by school officials.

SSC Assignment 2022

All educational institutions in Bangladesh have been closed since the end of March last year due to the Covid-19 epidemic. However, students are given assignments so that there is no year loss, and they are then moved to the next class based on their performance. Students must complete their assignments on white sheets of paper with no assistance from others. However, textbook assistance is permitted.

  • SSC 2022 All Assignment Answer

🙋‍♂️SSC Assignment উত্তর সবার আগে পেতে দ্রুত জানতে আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন (👉  এখানে ক্লিক করে  ☑️)

SSC Biology Assignment Answer (5th week) 2022 is given in this post which will be helpful for the SSC students. Here, you will find SSC 5th week Biology Assignment Question 2022 & the solution of this 5th assignment solution.

Assignment SSC 5th Week

Students will be assessed through assignments. Assignments will be prepared and given on a weekly basis for students according to the rearranged syllabus. Assignments will be uploaded on the website of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education before the start of the week. At the end of the week, students will complete their assignments and submit them to the educational institution (directly online) to receive new assignments.

SSC Biology 5th week Assignment 2022

In this section, we have published questions of SSC Biology 5th week Assignment 2022. You can also view the solution of the assignment questions in the next section.

৫ম সপ্তাহের এসএসসি জীব বিজ্ঞান এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর ২০২১

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

SSC students should go through the original textbook provided by the school authority to collect their most recent week assignment answers. One should first try to find the answer to their assignment from the books assigned in the syllabus, if he/she doesn’t find the answer he can take help from other sources, such as online.

SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022

We will suggest the students not to copy this answer. This is a sample solution. Think yourself. If you cannot find any solution, then you can take help from this solution.

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

SSC Biology 5th Week Assignment Answer 2022 PDF

To download SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022, please save this page as PDF.

Download SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022 [PDF]

The students of SSC will be able to download the SSC 5th Week Assignment Answer including PDF from this page of our website. Many students may encounter difficulties while attempting to solve their SSC assignment 2022 5th week answer. We are providing SSC Biology Assignment 2022 Answer pdf download for those who feel uncomfortable browsing the website.

SSC 5th Week Biology Assignment Answer 2022

In the corona situation, there is no other option but to continue studies in order to develop students’ talents. To continue educational activities, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) has published SSC Biology 5th week Assignment 2022. The students’ merit will be evaluated through the class Eight Biology assignment 2022. As a result, it is very important for students to answer the SSC assignment 2022 5th week question. They must also properly submit the SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022. Therefore, students of Class Eight should pay close attention to SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022. We have given the sample SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022 in this post.

This Post Related Search:   SSC answer 5th Week ,  5th Week assignment answer SSC ,  5th Week SSC answers ,  SSC assignment answer Biology ,  SSC assignment 2022 ,  SSC assignment 5th week , SSC assignment Biology ,  SSC assignment question ,  SSC assignment answer Biology ,  SSC assignment answer Biology ,  SSC assignment 5th Week answer .

Guidelines for SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022

  • It is preferable to use A4 size pages for assignments.
  • On the cover page, write the name of the school, the name of the assignment subject, class, group, roll number, subject, date, and so on.
  • Each subject’s assignment book should be prepared in the same manner.
  • Red ink pens should not be used to write assignment responses.
  • The assignment must be written in a beautiful and clean manner.
  • Assignment answers must be prepared using your own acquired knowledge in order for your learning results to be reflected.

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

প্রতিদিনের চাকরির খবর গুলো ফেসবুকে পেতে জয়েন করুন আমাদের গ্রুপে। গ্রুপে জয়েন করতে নিচের বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।

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SSC Assignment 5th Week Answer 2021 of SSC 2022 PDF Download

SSC Assignment 5th Week Answer 2021 of 2022 exam has been published on our website. As DSHE authority also published this 5th week SSC Assignment 2022 PDF syllabus. So if you are a student of this SSC Class 10 then you must collect this assignment for the 5th week. As we are here to provide you the SSC 2021 5th week assignment question along with answers. All subject’s SSC assignment fifth week has been given with answer pdf. If you completed the previous 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th week SSC assignment then now it’s time for you to collect this 5th-week assignment solution. Read this full post and download SSC Assignment 2022 5th week solution.


SSC Assignment 2021 5th Week

You may have already done with your previous week’s SSC assignment 2021. Now it’s time for you to collect the SSC 5th week assignment. As DSHE authority already released the fifth-week assignment syllabus question for students. Here we will give you this week’s SSC assignment question along with answers.


Not only do we here come to published this assignment question but we will also discuss with you the answer to this assignment. Because it’s very important for you to collect assignment questions also answer to complete the full task. So go below and read this whole post and collect assignment questions with solutions to prepare you for all subject SSC assignments for 2021.

Class 10 5th Week Assignment 2022

DSHE authority given 5th week Class 10 assignment 2021 for the SSC candidates 2022 batch 2021. So now you may be trying to find this week’s assignment question syllabus along with answers. So for you, we here going to provide you all subject assignment question solutions.

You may be in the right zone to collect all your assignment subject to solve the paper. We are very happy to provide you the whole solution and the information about this SSC assignment. This is a very hot topic nowadays for every student of this class 10 5th week assignment answer 2022. Also student’s parents, teachers are searching to get the full answer to this assignment.

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SSC Biology 5th Week Assignment Answer 2022

For this 5th week, the DSHE authority gives SSC Biology assignments to the students. This is a science background student. If you are a student of this science group then you must collect this Biology assignment 2021. Because of this subject assignment is for you. From here you will be able to download the 5th week SSC Biology assignment answer PDF. Which will help you to prepare for your Biology (জীববিজ্ঞান) assignment. Go below and download the solution with the question.

SSC Biology Question:


SSC Finance & Banking 5th Week Assignment Answer 2022

Here we also going to published the 5th week SSC Finance assignment 2021 question along with the answer. If you are a student of this Business group then this subject assignment is for you. Finance assignment is also included by the Directory of Secondary and Higher Education. So for the students, we here already make an answer on it. Who needs this solution can come here and download the full answer.

Finance Assignment Question:

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

SSC Civics 5th Week Assignment Answer 2022

The Directory of Secondary and Higher Education published the SSC assignment 2021 batch of exam 2022 candidates. In this assignment syllabus, they include Civics subject assignment. You are here to find this SSC 5th week civics assignment answer. Then you are in the right place to collect this assignment solution. Our team members already provide this subject assignment answer here for you. Go below and download the solution pdf.

Civics Assignment Question:

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

SSC BGS 5th Week Assignment Answer 2022

BGS 5th week assignment answer of SSC has been out now for the students. So if you are looking for this Bangladesh and Global Studies SSC assignment fifth-week answer then read this full post. This will give you the full solution which will help you to complete your assignment. For your more convenience, we also added here the assignment PDF version answer to download. Let’s check it out.

BGS Assignment Question:

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

SSC Science 5th Week Assignment Answer 2022

This science subject is compulsory for all students of SSC candidates 2021. So it does not matter which background or group you are in. From here one can easily find their science question assignment with the solution for download. This is a very hard but important subject to know knowledge about our daily science life or like that. Come here and collect SSC Science 5th week assignment solution pdf with just one click.

Science Assignment Question:


You will be able to collect all these assignment solutions once we make this for you. Till then read this full post and collect questions. Thank you for choosing our website. We are always here very keen to provide you the assignment information updated every time.

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biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

SSC Assignment 2021 4th, 5th, 6th Week Question PDF Download

SSC Assignment 2021 4th Week Question PDF Download All Subject SSC Assignment 2021 All Week PDF Download For SSC Exam 2021 Today published 1st-week Assignment 2021.  The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education. They are new rules for SSC students. Assignment Question 2021 full and final question download here. SSC assignment 2021 pdf download for free. Now you can download and SSC assignment 2021 solution found here. We are very fast solved your Assignment Question 2021.

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education new notice for SSC Student. This year more notice a post on her site at . New notice found they are site. SSC assignment 2021 1st week to 12th Weeks full and final solution for the student.

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

Table of Contents

SSC Assignment 2021 4th, 5th Week Question PDF Download

Most of the students found her Assignment Question answer. The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education has already released the assignment syllabus. Full Assignment there is the website.

ssc 2021 5th week assignment 2021 pdf download

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education complete your assignment solution for the student. This year your HSC assignment 2021 pdf download for free. Now you can download it here.

5th Week Assignment 2021 Download Now

4th Week Assignment 2021 Download Now

  • SSC Biology 4th Week Assignment Answer 2021 PDF Download
  • SSC Physics 4th Week Assignment Answer 2021 PDF Download

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SSC Assignment 2021 PDF Download

SSC Assignment 2021 PDF Download: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education releases the SSC 2021 Assignment Question on official website in pdf file format.

On 18th July, 2021 The Government of Bangladesh is published a notice for Class 10 students Evaluation Process of SSC Exam 2021. According to the notice, they will be evaluated based on MCQ tests, assignment marks, and JSC results and this was decided by the Bangladeshi government.

To Complete the Assignment Process, DSHE will publish a total of 24 Assignment for 12 Weeks. The students of class 10 must need to complete the assignments posted in the official website assignments section every week.

They have published 1st, 2nd and 3rd Week Assignment for Class 10 on 18th July, 2021. The 4th Weekly Assignment Question will be published as a PDF file by DSHE on August 9th, 2021.

SSC Assignment 2021

The Directorate of Secondary Education publishes each week’s assignments in PDF files on their website- The SSC assignment 2021 in pdf file is also available here. When schools closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the decision to evaluating candidates on SSC Candidates 2021 was made. They will be evaluated on the basis of assignment, mcq test and JSC result.

Due to the government’s concern that more students may catch the disease and also because the government wants to prevent further spreading of the disease, all students will be graded based on SSC Assignment 2021.

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education issued urgent instructions for both the teachers and the students, encouraging them to take part in the upcoming week’s Assignment. The document makes it clear that all parties, particularly students, teachers, parents, and other educational institutions, should follow the guidelines to avoid unpleasant and unwanted situations.

On the 18th of July, samples of the SSC assignment 2021 were made available to the public, marking the beginning of the first phase of the assignments that the students would be required to complete. Moreover, instructions and guidelines have also been published regarding these assignment on the same day.

SSC Assignment 2021 pdf download

SSC Assignment 2021 PDF File

There will be a total of 24 assignments that the students will be expected to complete. These assignments will be based on the subjects of the respective groups that the students have chosen for themselves, as well as the students’ own interests. Students will only have to complete for two assignment per week in order to avoid adding to their workload, and they will only have 12 weeks to complete all 24 SSC assignments in 2021.

The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education has issued guidelines for the SSC assignment 2021, which include rules and regulations for accepting, distributing, and evaluating these 24 assignments. The guidelines are available here. Those who do not adhere to the rules and regulations will be barred from taking the assignment, which will have a negative impact on their overall performance.

Consequently, students are encouraged to work hard and submit their completed assignments on or before the due date. In a similar vein, teachers are asked to provide students with any relevant materials or instructions that will assist them in preparing for the SSC assignment 2021.

The routine for Class 10 Assignment 2021 has also been published and can be viewed by members of the public who are interested. Physics, biology, economics, banking, finance, business entrepreneurship, and Bangladesh history and world civilization are the subjects covered in the first week’s assignments. Physics, biology, economics, banking, finance, business entrepreneurship, and Bangladesh history and world civilization follow in the second week. Chemistry, physics, accounting, business entrepreneurship, world civilization, geography and the environment, and Bangladesh history are among the subjects covered in the second week’s assignments.

Students will be expected to complete six assignments in each group-based subject, with the exception of the fourth subject, in order to pass the course. As an added bonus, students are not required to write and complete assignments for their optional subjects.

SSC 2021 Assignment PDF Download

The activities for the SSC 2021 Assignment began on the 18th of July. Candidates for the SSC exam in 2021 will be given a total of 24 assignments. This assignment will last for a total of 12 weeks. Every week, students will be assigned two assignments to complete. Assignments will be given not on all subjects, but on three subjects that are grouped together. These assignments will be made available in accordance with the short syllabus that has already been made available.

Neither compulsory nor fourth subjects such as Bangla or English nor mathematics nor social sciences nor Agricultural Studies or General Science nor Religious or Moral Education will be assigned any projects. Results will be prepared for those subjects that have been identified as mapping from the JSC outcome. Only three elective subjects will be evaluated through the use of an Assignment and a multiple-choice test.

Students will be required to complete two assignments per week on three subjects that will be assigned to them in groups. Students will be required to complete a total of 24 assignments. The students must complete a total of eight assignments in each elective subject they choose. The short syllabus that was previously published will be completed through this assignment.

The SSC Assignment Program will prepare students for the SSC Exam 2021 through this 2021 SSC Exam Assignment. Students of Class 10 will receive the SSC 2021 assignment. DSHE will give assignment for Three elective subjects (i.e. science, humanities, and business studies) have been chosen for each group Compulsory and fourth-subject assignments will not be provided.

biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

How to Download SSC Assignment 2021

Class 10 students have until the end of the current assignment week to submit their assignment answers to receive a marks. Assignment information will be provided to students each week, through the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education’s Assignment Website. To download the SSC Assignment 2021 Question, follow the steps provided below, making sure to avoid making any mistakes.

Visit the web page of the government education website – be sure to check everything you can notice. In the future, keep your eyes open for assignments that will be made available to SSC candidates in 2021. Additionally, candidates can make use of the assignments they have been sent via email or the College Notice Board and Campus. Regional study centers may provide the SSC 2021 assignments as well.

SSC 2021 6th Week Assignment PDF Download

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will publish the 6th Week Assignment Question in pdf file on

They will publish Geography & Environment / Chemistry / Accounting / Economics / Biology / Finance & Banking / Politics & Citizenship / Higher Mathematics as the 6th Week Assignment work.

SSC 2021 5th Week Assignment PDF Download

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will publish the 5th Week Assignment Question in pdf file on

They will publish History and World Civilization of Bangladesh / Physics / Business Organization / Geography & Environment / Chemistry / Accounting / Politics & Citizenship / Higher Mathematics as the 5th Week Assignment work..

SSC 2021 4th Week Assignment PDF Download

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will publish the 4th Week Assignment Question in pdf file on

They will publish History and World Civilization of Bangladesh / Physics / Business Organization / Economics / Biology / Finance & Banking / Politics & Citizenship / Higher Mathematics as the 4th Week Assignment Subjects.

SSC 2021 Assignment All 12 Weeks

সপ্তাহএ্যাসাইনমেন্ট বিবরণএ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ডাউনলোড
প্রথমবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা, অর্থনীতি, পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান, জীব বিজ্ঞান, ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ, ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং
দ্বিতীয়বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা, পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান, ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ, ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ, রসায়ন, হিসাব বিজ্ঞান, অর্থনীতি, জীব বিজ্ঞান, ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং
তৃতীয়ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ, রসায়ন, হিসাব বিজ্ঞান, অর্থনীতি, জীব বিজ্ঞান, ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং
চতুর্থবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত
পঞ্চমবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ/রসায়ন/হিসাব বিজ্ঞান/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
ষষ্ঠভূগোল ও পরিবেশ/রসায়ন/হিসাব বিজ্ঞান/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
সপ্তমবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
অষ্টমবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ/রসায়ন/হিসাব বিজ্ঞান/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
নবমভূগোল ও পরিবেশ/রসায়ন/হিসাব বিজ্ঞান/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
দশমবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
একাদশবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
দ্বাদশবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত

Sources of this information: DSHE

5 thoughts on “SSC Assignment 2021 PDF Download”

Ssc 4th-6th week er assignment question gula bar hoica r bar holeo paoa jaina kno

akhono publish hoi nai tobe publish hobe, hole ai post a update kora hobe,, post ti bookmarks kore rakhun

Nice system.

SSC 2021 assignment arts

yes,, it is published on this website, you can download pdf or image file from here

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  1. SSC 5th Week Assignment Answer 2021 (পঞ্চম সপ্তাহ) এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর

    biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

  2. Biology Answer [5th Week Assignment Answer 2021] Ssc Class 10, এসএসসি

    biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

  3. SSC biology 5th week assignment||১০ শ্রেণির জীববিজ্ঞান এসাইনমেন্ট

    biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

  4. ssc biology assignment 2021 answer

    biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

  5. SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download English Version

    biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021

  6. SSC Assignment 2021 5th Week Live: Declare 9 Subjects by NCTB

    biology assignment 5th week ssc 2021


  1. SSC Biology I Chapter 5 I Food , Nutrition & Digestion

  2. এসএসসি জীববিজ্ঞান I ৫ম অধ্যায় (খাদ্য পুষ্টি এবং পরিপাক) SSC Biology I Chapter 5 I Food Nutrition

  3. 07. চলন ও অঙ্গচালনা

  4. প্রাণীর বিভিন্নতা ও শ্রেনিবিন্যাস ০১

  5. Biology এর প্রথম সপ্তাহের Assignment



  1. SSC Biology Assignment 2022 Answer (11th, 7th, 6th, 5th Week)

    February 10, 2022 by Asif. SSC Biology Assignment 2021 & 2022 has been published. The two-week (11th, 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd and 1st week) assignment has been published for SSC Biology Assignment. Two assignments have been selected from the second chapter. The title of the second chapter is Cells and Tissues.

  2. Biology Answer [5th Week Assignment Answer 2021] Ssc Class 10, এসএসসি

    Tags 10 class biology assignment answer 5th week 2021, ১০ম শ্রেণির জীব বিজ্ঞান এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর ৫ম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান ২০২১, ২০২২ সালের এসএসসি ...

  3. SSC 5th Week Assignment 2021 Answer PDF Download

    SSC 5th Week Assignment 2021 Answer PDF Download Fifth-week assignment has been published for 2021 SSC candidates. Today, Monday (August 18), the Department of Secondary and Higher Education (Maushi) issued an office order in this regard. ... In the fourth group - biology, social advertising, social work, geography, finance, banking and ...

  4. SSC 5th Week জীববিজ্ঞান Assignment 2021 || SSC 2021 Biology Assignment

    Thanks😍Please subscribe my main channel and stay connected for more😍My main channel link: 5th Week ...

  5. SSC 2022 Class 10 Assignment 2021 5th week || Class 10 Biology

    SSC 2022 Class 10 Assignment 2021 5th week || Class 10 Biology Assignment | 5th Week Answer solutionSSC 2022 Class 10 Assignment 2021 4th week || Class 10 Ba...


    SSC ASSIGNMENT 2021 | Biology 5th week | এসএসসি এসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১ জীববিজ্ঞান পঞ্চম সপ্তাহ ...

  7. Class 10 Biology Assignment || ১০ম শ্রেণির জীববিজ্ঞান এসাইনমেন্ট || SSC

    Class 10 Biology Assignment || ১০ম শ্রেণির জীববিজ্ঞান এসাইনমেন্ট || SSC 2022 Assignment 5th week Class 10 Biology Assignment Answer 2021 || SSC 2022...

  8. SSC New Assignment 2021 & 2022 Published

    August 13, 2021 by Asif. SSC assignment 2021 & 2022 has started. This assignment is applicable for SSC examinees of the general Board, currently new and old 10th class students. So we will try to give questions and solutions for all the subjects of Assignment 2021 & 2022 for all SSC candidates. So Follow our website ( newresultbd) to get all ...

  9. SSC 2022 Class 10 Biology Assignment 2021|| 5th week ...

    LEARNING TECH BD Welcome to my Channel. SSC 2022 Class 10 Assignment 2021 5th week || Class 10 Biology Assignment || 5th Week Biology Answer SSC 2022 Class 1...

  10. SSC 2021 Assignment Answer (1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th week PDF)

    SSC 2021 5th Week Assignment. The 2021 SSC and HSC exams will be held in November-December due to the deteriorating situation in Corona this year. The SSC exam is scheduled to be held in the second week of November and the HSC exam in the first week of December. The test will be held if Corona's condition improves. SSC 2021 Physics Assignment ...

  11. SSC 5th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022 Answer

    The 5th week of SSC 2022 Assignment includes Biology, Finance and Banking, Civics and Citizenship, Bangladesh and Global Studies and Science. 10th grade Science, Humanities, and Commerce students have to solve their respective assignments and submit them to the school teacher within the stipulated time.

  12. SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download English version

    SSC English version Biology Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download 3rd Week has been published today on My website. SSC Bangla, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Accounting, Business Studies 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10 Week Biology Assignment Solution Now Available on Our Daily Result BD webpage.

  13. News Info BD

    #biology answer [5th week assignment answer 2021] ssc class 10, এসএসসি জীব বিজ্ঞান ৫ম সপ্তাহের ...

  14. E Shikkha

    ssc 2022 Class 10 5th week Assignment Biology || এসএসসি ২০২২ দশম ১০ম শ্রেণির জীববিজ্ঞান ...

  15. SSC Biology Assignment 2021 Answer

    So, ssc biology assignment 4th week and ssc biology assignment 6th week need to submit the assignment question. There is no need for submit the assignment on ssc biology 5th week 2021. Because there is no assignment for 5th week biology in the notice. So, read carefully the ssc biology 4th week assignment question 2021.

  16. SSC Biology 5th week Assignment Answer 2022 PDF Download

    At the end of the week, students will complete their assignments and submit them to the educational institution (directly online) to receive new assignments. SSC Biology 5th week Assignment 2022. In this section, we have published questions of SSC Biology 5th week Assignment 2022.

  17. SSC Assignment 2021 PDF Download (7th, 6th, 5th Week)

    Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the Business Studies Group Assignment in pdf file on Students of Business Studies Now can download the pdf file from the official website or from Here. DSHE will publish for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Week Assignment for the ...

  18. SSC Assignment 5th Week Answer 2021 of SSC 2022 PDF Download

    SSC Assignment 5th Week Answer 2021 of 2022 exam has been published on our website. As DSHE authority also published this 5th week SSC Assignment 2022 PDF. ... SSC Biology 5th Week Assignment Answer 2022. For this 5th week, the DSHE authority gives SSC Biology assignments to the students. This is a science background student.

  19. SSC Assignment 2021 4th, 5th, 6th Week Question PDF Download

    The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education. They are new rules for SSC students. Assignment Question 2021 full and final question download here. SSC assignment 2021 pdf download for free. Now you can download and SSC assignment 2021 solution found here. We are very fast solved your Assignment Question 2021.

  20. Class 10 Biology Assignment 2021 || SSC assignment 5th week || ১০ম

    Class 10 Assignment, SSC 2022, SSC Biology Assignment, Class 10 Assignment 5th week 2021, Assignment 2021, Class 10 Biology Assignemnt, Biology Assignment 20...

  21. SSC 2021 (4th Week) Assignment PDF Download

    Physics, biology, economics, banking, finance, business entrepreneurship, and Bangladesh history and world civilization are the subjects covered in the first week's assignments. Physics, biology, economics, banking, finance, business entrepreneurship, and Bangladesh history and world civilization follow in the second week. ... SSC 2021 5th ...

  22. SSC 2021 Biology 5th week assignment answer pdf (5 Star Learning get all type of assignments answer join with us at our facebook pagefor pdf( https://www....

  23. SSC 2021 Biology Assignment Answer || এসএসসি ...

    Talukdar Academy - তালুকদার একাডেমী posted a video to playlist SSC 2021 Assignment Solution (All Week + All Subj). · July 22, 2021 · Shared with Public