What Is a Storyboard? Your Ultimate Storyboarding Guide

Perhaps you’ve heard the term “storyboard” before from a character in a glamorous (and incredibly unrealistic) movie portrayal of an advertising agency.

Or, maybe it brings to mind a flurry of sketches tacked to a wall surrounded by creative types squinting at them with lowered brows, fingers stroking visible—and invisible—beards as they analyze the work in front of them.

The word “storyboard” could even mean absolutely nothing to you at all; you may have arrived at this article because you’re curious to learn more. 

Whatever your particular knowledge of the term, by the time you finish this article, you’ll have a much better understanding of what a storyboard is, why you might need one, when to use it, and a whole host of additional relevant information. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • What is a storyboard?
  • When and why do you need a storyboard?
  • What elements make up a storyboard?
  • What are the different types of storyboards?
  • How to make a storyboard
  • Wrap-up and next steps

So: what’s a storyboard? Let’s get started!

1. What is a storyboard?

Let’s begin with the basics. A storyboard is a graphic portrayal of a narrative, concept, or script, divided into sequential scenes (panels). They are generally used to map out how a script or story will look once it is animated or acted out, but people utilize them for a variety of situations. 

Think of the classic parable, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” If you were to create a storyboard for this tale, perhaps the first panel would show Goldilocks looking a little worse for wear in front of the bears’ house.

The next few scenes would portray her eating different porridges with a sour look on her face, followed by a drawing with her eating yet another bowl of porridge, this time with a smile. The images break down the story into bite-sized scenes and help people visualize how it will come to life.

“Storyboarding” is simply the act of creating a storyboard. For the best results, you’ll need to strike a balance between providing enough visual information to be able to tell the story so others can understand it and making it overly detailed.

Some storyboards can be very rough and simple; other times, they can be very elaborate. It depends on the situation, how much time you have, and what stakeholders (your team, clients, etc.) are looking to use them for (more on that later). 

2. When and why do you need a storyboard?

Stories are an excellent way to communicate information. They make it easier for people to understand complex concepts and tend to be more interesting than informative text.

And, since graphics are more straightforward than the written word, a storyboard can break down even more communication barriers. Given their versatility, it makes sense that people use them in a variety of situations.    

Who uses storyboards? 

People typically use storyboards to map out scenes that comprise a movie or an animation. As a visual medium that’s ideal for storytelling , video is incredibly popular for marketing and sales collateral, product use instructions, and even pitching internal strategies.

Marketers use videos to explain complicated value propositions, map out customer journeys, and entertain potential customers to boost brand awareness. 

Storyboarding helps ensure the message is on point and achieves the intended goal, and that the scenes all work together fluidly before moving onto any actual film production—which can save quite a lot of money in the long term!

While storyboard use is rife across virtually all industries, the movie industry heavily relies on them, especially for animated films. Filmmakers use them to pitch to studio bosses, tweak storylines, and map out scenery, among other things.

Storyboards are also excellent teaching vehicles for educators, especially when young children are the target audience. They can be low-budget (poster board, anyone?) and easy to create without a lot of resources.

Even better, they can illustrate concepts that youngsters may have trouble remembering without a visual aid, like how to wash their hands properly or how to react in case of a fire or other emergency. 

What are the advantages of using a storyboard?

A storyboard can help get everyone on the same page quickly. Humans process images a stunning 60,000 times faster than text , which means that no matter how brief you make your pitch or presentation, it will ultimately take longer for people to understand it because there are words involved. 

In addition to communicating ideas faster, a storyboard is also a great way to hone an idea without going too deep into further production. A script or a concept can sound amazing in principle, but you may create a storyboard and realize it just doesn’t translate well into visual scenes.  

A storyboard is an especially important part of the animation design process. Just like for any video, it provides a visual map that communicates the script or narrative, but it can also include critical requirements that will give clients an idea of cost and time to produce.

Establishing these parameters before moving forward into the drawing phase will lead to a much smoother process down the line, trust us! 

Finally, storyboards are also helpful to video editors, as they’ll be able to use them as points of reference to ensure the final cut adheres to the original vision.

So now you know why storyboards are so important and who uses them. Now onto how to create them!

3. What elements make up a storyboard?

A basic storyboard’s components are very straightforward.

In their basest form, all you’ll need to start is a concept, script, or story—this forms the basis for what you are trying to communicate through the visualization. However, the most comprehensive storyboards will include several of the following components:

  • Dialogue or voiceover narration for each panel
  • Time frame for each scene, which are especially critical for animation and film because they set the stage for budget, the feel of the final product, and the resources necessary to bring it to life
  • Camera details, like the type of shot, camera location, and how to transition from scene to scene 
  • Aspect ratio

Let’s move onto the types of storyboards you can create. 

4. What are the different types of storyboards?

Storyboards have evolved over time. What started as a way for Walt Disney Studios to explain the production process to animators in the 1930s is now a ubiquitous part of the film process and quite helpful in a multitude of situations.

Part of that evolution has included branching out beyond the traditional pencil-on-paper version to digital. So, what are the different types of storyboards you can create today?

Traditional storyboards

A traditional storyboard is probably what most people envision when they hear the term. The designer will typically use pencil to create conceptual sketches that form the basis of a movie or animation.

The panels are detailed enough for the production team and client to comprehend the narrative but are intentionally rudimentary, so if changes need to be made, the designer can complete them quickly and efficiently.   

Thumbnail storyboards

Thumbnail storyboards are used to hash out details of a scene in a movie. Though tiny and loosely drawn, they are more granular and detailed than a traditional storyboard because they include the type of shot you want for each part of the scene and how to position the camera. 

The actual drawings in a thumbnail storyboard don’t have to be anything more than stick figures! You can draw several versions of a thumbnail storyboard and choose the best one to add to your full storyboard. 

Digital storyboards

Many agencies and animation studios rely on digital storyboards to show what the final cut of an animation will look like. They design characters and scenery on computers, so by sharing a digital storyboard with a client, they achieve two goals with one output.

The client can see the character style and review the scenes, shots, and narration, all in one fell swoop. Pretty handy, right?

For inspiration, you can also take a further look at each of these four types in our guide to the best UI storyboard examples .

5. How to make a storyboard

For your first storyboard, start simply. You’ll need to start by creating a script (or at least have a concept you can elaborate on with relative ease). 

Once you have a script or some general notes on a narrative, you can start fleshing out ideas for portraying it visually in different scenes. A two-column chart can be helpful for this step. In one column you’ll include the script; in the other, you can start jotting down rough sketches of what it could look like.

When you’re satisfied with your chart, you can begin creating the storyboard, opting for either the traditional or digital version. If you want to get more detailed, first do your thumbnail storyboard and integrate it into your final product. Let the drawing begin!

For a more in-depth tutorial, check out this complete step-by-step guide on how to create a storyboard . 

6. Key takeaways and next steps

So there you have it! Now you know what a storyboard is, how to use a storyboard in a variety of situations, why they are so helpful, the different types, and even how to create your own.

If you’d like to learn more about animation but are completely new to the world of design, it’s worth easing in with a free introductory UI design course . At the same time, you can delve deeper into the fascinating topic of animation design with these articles:

  • What is UI animation? A guide for beginners
  • What does an animation designer actually do?
  • 9 Awesome UI animation tutorials for beginners

20 Storyboard Examples For Different Uses of Storyboarding [Apps, UX, Animation, Commercials]

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By Al Boicheva

in Insights , Inspiration

3 years ago

Viewed 33,514 times

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assignment on storyboard

In our previous article, we explored the concept of storyboards , why you need one, how to make it, and of course, added some amazing examples to visualize the theory. Today we’ll go a step further and handpick 20 amazing storyboard examples for your inspiration. You’ll be able to see how a rough sketch translates into the final product and it’s going to be awesome. With this in mind, let’s jump right into it and see what the talented creators are up to again.

Storyboard Examples: Overview 1. Concept Video Storyboard Example: Virgin Orbit – Space Exploration 2. Animation Storyboard Example: Bat Nan (She-Kings) 3. Awareness Campaign Storyboard Example: Ahl Masr Hospital 4. Explainer Video Storyboard Example: AZA 5. App Trailer Video Storyboard Example: Salon Life 6. Short Story Video Storyboard Example: Château Noir 7. Story In Pictures Storyboard Example: Little Things We Can’t Do During a Quarantine 8. Commercial Video Storyboard Example: Porsche Taycan Official Commercial 9. App Video Storyboard Example: Interconnect 10. Music Festival Commercial Storyboard Example: Red Bull Music Academy 11. Art Concept Video Storyboard Example: Fold- The Beginning 12. TV Commercial Photography Storyboard Example: Barilla Bio TV 13. Advertising Storyboard Example: Nike Vapormask 14. Comicbook Storyboard Example: Pizza Hut Marvel 15. UX Explainer Video Storyboard Example: The Sales Matrix 16. Example of Conceptual Storyboard 17. 3D Action Animation Storyboard Example: Detained 18. App UX Storyboard Example: Off Bucket App 19. Historical TV Series Storyboard Example: MBC TV 20. Hair Product Commercial Storyboard Example: Hairburst

1. Concept Video Storyboard Example: Virgin Orbit – Space Exploration

The first project is related to Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne system that aims to connect rural communities to monitor global climate change. In short, the company within a company plans to provide launch services for small satellites. ClĂ©mence Thune is the art director and illustrator for the concept video and we can see how beautifully crafted illustrations transition into a well-planned final video.

Amazing Storyboard by Virgin Orbit - Space Exploration

Virgin Orbit – Space Exploration by ClĂ©mence Thune

2. Animation Storyboard Example: Bat Nan (She-Kings)

Bat Nan is a 2D animated short film by DeeDee animation studio as part of the project She-Kings that has 6 short films and one live-action movie in total.  Below, the storyboard features an entire fighting scene made in amazing details by the 2D animator and character designer Huy Hoang Ha. Most of the thumbnails make it into the final product and look mesmerizing.

Storyboard from Bat Nan (She-Kings)

BAT NAN (SHE-KINGS) – 2D Animated Short Film by DeeDee Animation Studio and Huy Hoang Ha

3.  Awareness Campaign Storyboard Example: Ahl Masr Hospital

The next concept is a campaign aiming to engage the adult audience and spread awareness of how serious burns victims need care as fast as possible. This highlights the first 6 hours as the most important in saving the lives of burn victims. The series collaborate with AHL MASR, the 1st hospital of its kind in Egypt, the Middle East, and Africa that offers free treatment to trauma and burn victims. Many artists have worked on the vision to create a campaign and emotionally engaging video series.

For example, here we can see the storyboards from the copy that is telling the story of a father who forgets to turn off the heather and falls asleep. Unfortunately, the apartment catches on fire and endangers the life of his son. Even the rough sketches from the storyboard hold pretty strong emotions from the very start.

Great storyboard from Ahl Masr Hospital

Ahl Masr Hospital Campaign by Ahmad Nady and Octopus studio

4. Explainer Video Storyboard Example: AZA

The creator Dinos&Teacups has a very rich gallery of storyboards and entire concepts for explainer videos. However, this one we enjoyed the most so we instantly handpicked it as a great storyboard example. Unlike most of the examples, the sketches here aren’t that detailed and painted and they don’t need to be. Consequently, despite their simplicity, the panels are clear in what they want to indicate and accurately translate into the final video, as you can see in the gifs.

The project itself, AZA (A-Z Atlas) is a concept for a two-way matching system for sellers and buyers.

Linear style storyboard from AZA

AZA Explainer Video by Dinos & Teacups

5. App Trailer Video Storyboard Example: Salon Life

Meanwhile, Salon Life is an app for beauty salon owners to focus on generating more repeat business and saving time with their daily routine. Benoit Drigny is the illustrator, thanks to whom we have this exemplary storyboard that later translates into illustrations and still frames before making it to the final trailer video.

Great storyboard example with movements from Salon Life

Salon Life by Niu Valentin Nouvel and Benoit Drigny

6. Short Story Video Storyboard Example: Château Noir

The author explains Chateau Noir as the transposition of a fairy tale and a metaphor for something else: an intense quest accompanied by fear, joy, death, and the unknown. Indeed, the still shots form this journey and tell a story within a dream.

Realistic Storyboard example with images

Château Noir by Thomas Dubois

Unfortunately, as much as we want to see the final video and enjoy the beautiful story, the project hasn’t be completed yet. All we currently have is this atmospheric teaser.

7. Story In Picture Storyboard Example: Little Things We Can’t Do During a Quarantine

Next, this a personal project of the illustrator and picture book maker Marc Majewski who had found a way to give color to his daily routine during the quarantine through a series of illustrations. The pictures tell the story of little things we all love doing but can’t do during a quarantine. On a positive note, these are also the things we will all enjoy doing once it’s all over.

Accordingly, the rough pencil sketches later become a beautifully crafted story in pictures.

Little Things We Can't Do During a Quarantine - Great inspirational example

Sketches by Marc Majewski 

Little Things We Can't Do During a Quarantine Backgrounds for storyboard

Illustrations by   Marc Majewski

8. Commercial Video Storyboard Example: Porsche Taycan Official Commercial

Adonis Alcici created around 100 scenes for the entire storyboard for the Porsche Taycan Launch (Brazil) commercial you’ll see below.

Amazing storyboard vs final result comparison - Porsche comercial

Storyboard by Adonis Alcici

Porsche Taycan Official Commercial - Storyboard

Concept by Adonis Alcici

The illustrator has shared some of the sequence artworks that made it to the commercial, and he also compares them to the final still shots. A perfect example of the creation of a commercial with the use of storyboarding in pre-production.

9. App Video Storyboard Example: Interconnect

Another example of app-video planning comes from the Ukrainian concept artist GARRA with his thumbnail storyboard. Interconnect is an app that helps you find a route from point A to point B and set a departure and arrival date and time. As a result, the final video shows the stories of friends always find a way to each other as time and distance don’t really matter.

storyboard example - Interconnect

App Illustration by G A R R A

10. Music Festival Commercial Storyboard Example: Red Bull Music Academy

Red Bull Music Academy - A really nice storyboard

Storyboard Red Bull Music Academy by Bruno Mangyoku

Red Bull is famous for its fun highly-visual commercials that tell stories without dialogues. In this case, we have a short announcement film for the Red Bull Music Academy festival from September 2016, Paris. Bruno Mangyoku creates the storyboards, script, and overall design and direction of the movie.

11. Art Concept Video Storyboard Example: Fold- The Beginning

Fold: The Begining is a short movie that shows the creation of the world according to Norse Mythology. Gosia Tekieniewska created this art video as a complementary part of a Master’s Diploma project in the style of moving illustration. Moreover, she also shares that during the making of the storyboard for the film, she treated each keyframe as a book spread.

storyboard examples

Fold- The Beginning by Gosia Tekieniewska

12. TV Commercial Photography Storyboard Example: Barilla Bio TV

Concept for TV Ad - Storyboard example

Storyboard Barilla Bio TV by Simone Bramante and Cinzia Bolognesi

Some storyboards consist of photos instead of drawings. In this case, with the Barilla pasta commercial for TV in Italy, the photographer Simone Bramante and the illustrator Cinzia Bolognesi face the challenge to create a short story about organic pasta and tomato sauce. 10 seconds of pure appetite- boosting bliss.

13. Advertising Storyboard Example: Nike Vapormask

Inspirational Nike Vapormask Storyboard

Storyboard Nike Advertising by Laura Martinez and Giulia Tornello

Also, we see how sketches and drawing on storyboards plan the exact photoshoots for a commercial, shot by shot. In fact, they predict the sequence, composition, and even color schemes. The Nike Vapormask project was planned and executed by Laura Martinez and Giulia Tornello. The two creators also feature inspirational mood boards fr the neon colors and overall vibe of the commercial.

14. Comicbook Storyboard Example: Pizza Hut Marvel

Pizza Hut promotional comic books have been around for decades. In the same way, this cool project by Léo Chiola and James Swift is a nice throwback with a more modern looking style.

Colorless Storyboard for Pizza Hut Marvel

Storyboard Pizza Hut Marvel by LĂ©o Chiola and James Swift

15. UX Explainer Video Storyboard Example: The Sales Matrix

Explanation videos are really hard to make as they need to compress huge amounts of data and present it in a short and in an interesting and visually-appealing way. Therefore, the next example is an infographic video that explains a sales Matrix concept through motion graphics animation. The Explainer Geeks offer their storyboard essential for the final video.

Detailed Storyboard for The Sales Matrix Video

Storyboard The Sales Matrix by Explainer Geeks

16. Example of Conceptual Storyboard

This storyboard design isn’t for a specific project, but it shows the beauty and creativity that the pre-production process offers. It’s a well-crafted story in detail with atmosphere, motion, lots of emotion, and depth and it can become everything from a comic book to a short movie. In other words, it’s an idea by Vipul Mali that he wants to share with the world.

Black and white Storyboard by Vipul Mali

Storyboard Design by Vipul Mali

17. 3D Action Animation Storyboard Example: Detained

Detained is a 3D animation project that the author Orfenn Schuller shares via a very detailed storyboard frame by frame. Also, when we scroll through the panels, it feels as if we’re watching the entire scene animated.

The perfect storyboard - Detained

Storyboard Detained by Orfenn Schuller

In this example, we also see the focus of each frame alongside the motions of the camera, indicated by red arrows.

Amazing storyboard example for Detained

by Orfenn Schuller

18. App UX Storyboard Example: Off Bucket App

The Off Bucket app project by Sara Eldebissy offers users personas, user stories, key user flows, and wireframes, but we’ll focus on the UX storyboard as it’s a good example of how you can explain user interaction with a certain product. Therefore, the panels follow the character who gets an idea for a challenge and adds his friends, who accept and do the challenge.

Storyboard example with illustrations - Off Bucket App

Storyboard UX design Off Bucket App by Sara Eldebissy

19. Historical TV Series Storyboard Example: MBC TV

These detailed illustrated panels spread through a storyboard dedicated to an episode from tv-series for a channel MBC TV. In addition, the studio Xpanse CGI works with Warner brothers, Dark Horse, and Microsoft.

Retro style storyboard - MBC TV

Storyboards by Xpanse CGI

Storyboard without colors plus shades - MBC TV

by Xpanse CGI

20. Hair Product Commercial Storyboard Example: Hairburst

Last, a very creative concept for a hair product commercial by Nikki Wong. The panels reveal the story of two characters that try to steal a bag of gold, however, they meet a gang of thieves and have to use their secret weapon to prevail: hair. Of course, the commercial makes sure to reveal the reason behind the character’s strong hair in the end.

Hairburst - Final concept storyboard

by Nikki Wong

Final Words

In conclusion, we hope you enjoyed our handpicked storyboard examples and all the different uses of storyboarding. If you feel inspired, don’t hesitate to grab a pen and paper or open your favorite storyboard tool and start planning your next project.

You may also be interested in some of these related articles:

  • What is a Storyboard [Theory, Examples, and Mega Inspiration]
  • How to Get Easy Animation: From Beginner Animation Tools To Hiring a Professional
  • 10 Foolproof Tips for Storytelling That Dazzle Audiences
  • Visual Storytelling: What It Is and How to Do It Right

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Al Boicheva

Al is an illustrator at GraphicMama with out-of-the-box thinking and a passion for anything creative. In her free time, you will see her drooling over tattoo art, Manga, and horror movies.

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Blog Graphic Design 8 Storyboard Examples For Your Next Big Idea

8 Storyboard Examples For Your Next Big Idea

Written by: Tobi Ojenike Sep 18, 2023

Storyboard Examples

Before making a video for your business, be it a short video, presentation, documentary or a commercial, it is very important to plan your idea and one of the steps in this planning process is to  create a storyboard . 

A storyboard is a visual tool used to plan and define the visual components of a narrative or project in a variety of creative industries. It is made up of a number of graphic panels or frames that sequentially depict various scenes, shots or sequences. 

In this piece, I will be taking you through the process of storyboarding, what should be included in one, how to create one and  storyboard templates  that you can use to ignite your next big idea.

Click to jump ahead:

Why using storyboards is important

8 storyboard examples for your next big idea, key elements to include in a storyboard, how storyboards fuel creativity across multiple fields .

  • 7 Digital storyboarding software to visualize ideas

Storyboard examples FAQs

Create a storyboard in 7 easy steps using venngage.

Using a storyboard is great for so many reasons. You can convey and explain the vision for your video to others with the help of a visual assistance, think of it as a  visual communication  medium. A storyboard also makes production easier and saves time for everyone involved in the project. 

A storyboard is great for streamlining the creative process of your visual project. You can know which shots to make and how to create them when filming. Also, rather than making significant changes while filming, you can collect feedback early on and make straightforward revisions to your storyboard. 

Like a script, a storyboard is a visual guide that takes you through the production process of your video. For the purpose of this article, I have put together some storyboard examples beautifully crafted by the amazing designers at Venngage. I am sure they will be useful in fuelling your next big idea. Ready? Let’s go! 

Storyboard examples for students

Storyboarding is a flexible tool that students can use to realize their original ideas; it’s not just for filmmakers and animators. Creating a storyboard can help you organize and picture your ideas more clearly when working on a project for class, an art assignment or even a digital presentation. 

Students can use them to enhance their storytelling and communication skills, as well as elevate their academic projects and creative minds. Teachers can also use storyboards to  create an online course  for their students. Here are some simple examples of storyboard examples for students:

Butterfly life cycle storyboard

Storyboard examples for advertising

Advertising is all about getting people’s attention, conveying an engaging story and motivating them to take action. Some of the most recognizable and successful advertising campaigns you’ve seen use storyboards as their hidden weapon. 

Before the cameras start rolling, advertisers can prepare, conceptualize and explain their ideas with the aid of these visual roadmaps. 

Storyboards therefore can be used to develop narratives, design images and produce advertising that is memorable and has a lasting impression. Take a look at some examples of advertising storyboards below:

assignment on storyboard

Storyboard examples for short films

Short films are a unique art form. Every frame in it counts in telling a concise and impactful story. The role of storyboards in the production process of a short story cannot be overlooked as they play a pivotal role in the creation of these cinematic gems. 

Storyboards help filmmakers in the planning of shots, communication of concepts and realization of their artistic ambitions. Look through some examples below:

assignment on storyboard

Storyboard examples for novels

Have you ever wondered how authors lay out their elaborate plots and characters? Novels immerse us in rich narratives and take us to new realms. 

Examples of storyboards for books can be useful in this situation. Authors can organize their literary works using visual narrative strategies, just how filmmakers use storyboards to plot their shots.

Storyboards can enhance storytelling visuals, the writing process and ignite your creative journey, see how below:

assignment on storyboard

All storyboards contain the same information, regardless of whether they are hand-drawn or computer-generated. To give a better idea of what a video should look like, here are the essential elements that should be found in a storyboard:

  • Title:  The title of the project, the date it was made and other pertinent project details should all be included in the storyboard.
  • Panel number:  To ensure that the story progresses logically, each page of the storyboard needs to be numbered and the panels need to be placed in the appropriate order.
  • Images/drawings:  A storyboard’s primary function is to visually represent the action or scenario. Sketches, drawings, photos or any other visual representation that expresses what will appear on screen or in the finished product can be used for this.
  • Shot description:  Each panel is accompanied by captions or descriptions that give crucial information about the scene’s events. Characters, actions, camera angles and other pertinent visual components are all covered.
  • Camera directions:  Camera directions may be included for projects in cinema, television or video to help the camera operator. This may entail defining the camera’s movement, framing and angles.
  • Dialogue and sound:  If the project includes spoken or written text, dialogue or text identifying the speaker and what they are saying or writing should be included in or close to the panels.
  • Transitions:  Transitions between shots or scenes are frequently noted in the storyboard during the creation of movies and videos. Cuts, fades, dissolves and other visual transitions are examples of this.
  • Notes and comments:  To give context, explanations or instructions to the production crew, additional notes or comments may occasionally be included. To draw attention to certain requirements or details, utilize these.
  • Timing and duration:  The length of each shot or scene can sometimes be specified, which aids in determining the project’s pacing and timing.
  • Props and wardrobe:  The production team will be more likely to understand the precise visual elements needed for each scene if objects and clothing are included in the storyboard. To ensure a coherent and aesthetically pleasing final product, it also helps with collaboration between the costume department and the art department.
  • Special effects and VFX:  If necessary, special visual effects instructions for CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery) or real-world effects can be added.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll already know that storyboards aren’t just for the big screen or TV shows. That being said, let’s talk about all the different places where you can put those storyboarding skills to work.


Storyboards are frequently used in advertising to plan and visualize TV commercials, print advertisements and online  marketing videos . They help convey the concept and message to clients and production teams.

Storyboards inspire advertisers to create engaging narratives for their advertising. To make advertising more interesting and memorable, they can play around with storylines, character development and visual metaphors.

Video games

Storyboards can help plan the visual and interactive elements of a game. Game designers often use storyboards to map out gameplay sequences, level designs and cutscenes. This visual planning encourages innovation in narrative and game creation within the gaming industry.

Graphic novels and comics

Comic book artists and graphic novelists use storyboards to outline the narrative flow, panel layouts and visual style of their work. Storyboarding enables artists to test out various artistic approaches, color schemes and visual components. It serves as a testing ground for inventive visual storytelling.

Architecture and interior design

Architects and interior designers can use storyboards to visualize and present design concepts to clients. This can include floor plans, room layouts and material choices. Storyboards make it easier to collaborate with clients by providing design concepts in a visual manner and enabling in-the-moment feedback and innovative brainstorming.

User experience (UX) design

UX designers create storyboards to illustrate user journeys and interactions with digital products and websites. These storyboards help identify usability issues and design improvements. With the aid of storyboards, designers may test various design concepts and receive user input for ongoing improvement.

Instructional design 

In the field of education and training, storyboards can be used to plan out the content and layout of educational videos, eLearning modules and training materials. Interactive learning tools like digital presentations or instructional games can incorporate storyboarding to increase learning enjoyment. For example, several tutors use storyboards in their  YouTube videos , to present their knowledge and simplify the learning process.

Theater and stage productions:

Directors and set designers in theater use storyboards to plan scenes, lighting and stage setups. These visual aids assist in the production process. 

Marketing and content creation: 

Content creators and marketers often use storyboards to plan video content, social media campaigns and marketing materials. They help ensure that the intended message is effectively conveyed.

Product design: 

Industrial designers and product developers may use storyboards to illustrate how a product is used, highlighting its features and benefits. Storyboards can be used to refine product prototypes and collect stakeholder feedback. The iterative method encourages original problem-solving and the improvement of the final result.

Event planning: 

Event planners can create storyboards to visualize the setup, decor and flow of events such as weddings, conferences and trade shows. Event planners can think creatively about logistics and flow by using storyboarding. It promotes creative responses to problems like crowd control and visitor engagement.

Storyboarding for presentations: 

In business presentations, a simplified form of storyboarding can be used to plan the flow of slides, ensuring that the message is clear and engaging. Using storyboards, presenters can organize their presentations as storylines. The audience is drawn in by this strategy, which also engages them as it leads them through the content.

7 digital storyboarding software to visualize ideas

You can get the most out of a storyboarding app whether you’re a teacher, businessperson, ad creator, animator or social media enthusiast. 

One question remains, however — what are the options and how do you decide which is best for you? Well, I’m here to help you with that. Let’s take a look at my top 7 favorite digital storyboarding software that can help visualize your ideas. 

1. Adobe Storyboard CC

assignment on storyboard

Adobe Storyboard CC is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, making it a popular choice for many professionals. It offers a range of tools to create storyboards, including customizable templates, drawing tools and integration with other Adobe software like Photoshop and Premiere Pro. This makes it an ideal choice for filmmakers and animators who want seamless integration with their post-production workflow.

Price:  While a free plan is available, you can also subscribe to the Premium plan for $9.99 per month. 

2. Storyboard That

assignment on storyboard

Storyboard That is a user-friendly online tool suitable for a wide range of applications, from education to marketing. It offers a vast library of pre-made characters, scenes and props, allowing users to create visually appealing storyboards quickly. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it accessible to beginners and professionals alike. 

Pricing:  Free; $9.99/month (For Fun); $8.99/month (For Teachers); $14.99/month (For Work)

3. FrameForge

assignment on storyboard

FrameForge is tailored specifically for filmmakers and is known for its robust 3D previsualization features. It allows users to create storyboards with 3D characters and props, plan camera movements and even simulate lighting conditions. This software is ideal for filmmakers looking to plan every detail of their shots.

Price : $500 for Core Edition (or subscribe for $12.99/month); Pro starts at $799 (annual subscription is $25.99/month)

4. Toon Boom Storyboard Pro

assignment on storyboard

Toon Boom Storyboard Pro is a go-to choice for animators and illustrators. It offers powerful drawing and animation tools that enable users to create detailed storyboards and animatics. The software’s seamless integration with other animation software makes it a favorite in the animation industry.

Price:  Harmony essentials at $41 a year, Harmony advanced at $61.50 a year and Harmony premium at $127.50

assignment on storyboard

Celtx is a versatile pre-production tool that caters to both filmmakers and writers. It includes features for scriptwriting, storyboarding and scheduling, making it an all-in-one solution for creative projects. The software allows for collaborative work, making it suitable for teams.

Price : 7 day free trial followed by paid plans at a very affordable $22.49 a month. 

assignment on storyboard

Boords is an online storyboarding tool that focuses on simplicity and collaboration. It offers a user-friendly interface, pre-made templates and the ability to share storyboards with team members for feedback and collaboration. It’s an excellent choice for projects that require teamwork and feedback.

Price : Starting $36/month for three users; 50 users will run you $120/month

assignment on storyboard

ShotPro is designed for filmmakers and videographers who need detailed shot planning. It offers a wide range of camera angles and lens options to help users create precise storyboards. The 3D environment allows for realistic previsualization, aiding in the planning of complex shots.

Price:  $9.99 monthly, $44.99 for 6 months and $79.99 for a year.

If you’re just looking for a quick and easy solution for simple project ideas — Venngage’s storyboard templates are for you. Be it for a short video, documentary, animation, product ad or business presentation, Venngage has a variety of templates and ready-to-use features that you can use to create the perfect storyboard to bring your idea to life.

How to create an effective storyboard?

To create an effective storyboard, start by defining your project’s objectives and developing a clear script or narrative. Choose the appropriate storyboard format, such as digital or traditional and sketch each frame, paying attention to composition and annotations. Review and revise your storyboard based on feedback to ensure it effectively conveys your story and visual elements. 

For more tips on how to ace your storyboard, check out our detailed guide on how to make a storyboard. 

What is the best format for a storyboard?

The project at hand and your personal preference will determine the ideal format for a storyboard. Traditional panels, template sheets, computer software, cards and more are examples of common formats. Whether it’s for a video, a design or other creative activity, pick the format that best meets your project’s requirements.

How do you write a storyboard script?

Writing a storyboard script involves creating concise descriptions and dialogue for each panel or frame in the storyboard. Identify scenes, add descriptions, include dialogue, maintain clarity, organize sequence panels and include notes. Ensure to review and revise all that you have.

Do storyboard examples replace scripts?

Storyboard examples do not take the role of scripts. By giving a visual depiction of the events and actions outlined in the script, they support scripts. Storyboards help designers, creators and filmmakers in visualizing how the story of the script will appear on the screen or in their creation. 

While storyboards improve the planning and visualization process, the script still serves as the basis for language, character interactions and storytelling.

Are there any industry standards for creating storyboards?

Storyboard creation is not subject to any rigid industry guidelines. However, there are standard procedures and directives that experts in many different industries, like design, advertising and filmmaking follow. 

These techniques include employing panels that are clear and in order, including captions or descriptions and making sure the storyboard conveys the intended visual narrative. Depending on the requirements of the project and the preferences of the creator, the precise format and specifics may change.

How detailed should a storyboard be?

Depending on the requirements of the project and the preferences of the creator or team, a storyboard’s level of depth may change. Storyboards can often be very explicit, with specific camera angles, shot compositions and visual components. 

In other cases, they might be simpler, emphasizing the main characters’ actions and narrative arcs. To successfully communicate the required visuals while allowing for creative flexibility, a balance must be struck.

Can I use storyboard examples for my personal projects?

Whether you’re constructing a website, producing a commercial, making a video game or writing a tale, you may utilize storyboard examples to organize and visualize your creative ideas. They aid in the organization and expression of your ideas.

Creating a storyboard doesn’t have to be a complex process. Whether you’re planning a video, presentation or any visual storytelling project, Venngage simplifies the journey from concept to completion. So, bring your ideas to life and start crafting compelling stories with Venngage’s user-friendly platform and ready-to-use templates, in just 7 easy steps.

  • Sign up or log in to Venngage : If you haven’t already, log into your Venngage account or register a new one. You’ll have access to the platform’s features and templates after doing this.
  • Choose a template and customize it : Look through Venngage’s storyboard template collection and pick a template that works for your project. Start modifying the template you’ve chosen so that it fits your particular project once you’ve done so. Change the headings, sections, color scheme, font and layout to reflect your visual style and narrative voice.
  • Add frames or panels : Add frames or panels to each part of your storyboard template where you’ll portray various scenarios or shots from your tale. Your tale is visually represented by these frames.
  • Insert images or drawings : Insert pictures or sketches that represent the visual components of each scene into each frame or panel. To add your graphics or make drawings right in the site, use Venngage’s image upload option.
  • Organize and sequence : Put the panels or frames in the order that corresponds to your story’s chronological flow. This makes it more likely that your story will be coherent and cohesive.
  • Review and finalize : Check your storyboard for accuracy, completeness and clarity before putting the finishing touches on it. Make sure your story is successfully communicated. When you’re finished, save your project and distribute it to your team or other collaborators.
  • Share : You may export your storyboard from Venngage in a number of file types, including PDFs and images. To receive feedback from others, you can also create a link that can be shared.

As you embark on your next big idea, remember that storyboards not only help you plan and organize your project but also facilitate effective communication with your team and stakeholders. 

By choosing the right storyboard style and technique for your specific needs, you can streamline your workflow, save time and resources and ultimately create more impactful and engaging projects. Think about design guidelines that will improve the effectiveness of your storyboard. Referred to as design thinking , it promotes a user-centered approach, emphasizing empathy, creativity, and iterative problem-solving.

So, whether you’re crafting an advertising campaign, designing a video game or teaching a complex concept, consider the power of storyboards as your visual roadmap to success. 

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46 Storyboard Examples from popular films (with FREE Storyboard Templates) - StudioBinder

46 Storyboard Examples from Movies, Animation, and Games (with FREE Storyboard Templates)

  • What is a Storyboard
  • What is a Digital Storyboard
  • Ultimate Guide to Storyboard Rules
  • Best Storyboard Software
  • What is a Storyboard Artist
  • Websites to Find a Storyboard Artist
  • Storyboard Classes Online
  • Storyboard Dimensions Explained
  • Storyboard Montage
  • Ultimate Guide to Storyboard Composition
  • Best Storyboard Examples
  • Storyboard Ideas, Examples, and Techniques
  • Commercial Storyboard Examples
  • How To Storyboard Like Jordan Peele
  • Storyboarding Austin Powers 3 with Jay Roach
  • What is an Animation Storyboard
  • What is an Animatic
  • Aladdin Ending Scene Animatic
  • How to Make an Animatic
  • Storyboard Templates Pack
  • How to Make a Storyboard Template
  • How to Use a Storyboard Template
  • Music Video Storyboard Template
  • Commercial Storyboard Templates
  • Movie Storyboard Template
  • How to Make a Storyboard
  • How to Make a Storyboard with a Storyboard Creator
  • How to Display Storyboards
  • How to Add Storyboard Notes
  • How to Storyboard Camera Movement
  • How to Use Storyboard Arrows
  • How to Storyboard if You Can’t Draw
  • How to Storyboard a Video
  • How to Storyboard a Fight Scene
  • How to Make a Music Video Storyboard
  • How to Create a Documentary Storyboard
  • How to Storyboard Photography
  • How to Storyboard Videography
  • How to Storyboard Website Design
  • How to Create a Storyboard Demo Reel
  • Create Your Storyboard Here →

A storyboard is a graphic layout that sequences illustrations and images with the purpose of visually telling a story. Filmmakers and video creators use storyboards to transfer ideas from thier mind to the screen. Creating an effective story board takes skill, but you can learn from storyboard examples to gain some pro tips.

Take a look at these fantastic professional storyboard examples. These verified storyboards were released by the DGA, and they include storyboard examples from Harry Potter, Star Wars, Inception, Gladiator, Jurassic Park, Moulin Rouge , and many other great films.

Storyboard Examples

  • Sci-Fi Movie Storyboards
  • Drama Movie Storyboards
  • Musical Movie Storyboards
  • Horror Movie Storyboards
  • Fantasy Movie Storyboards
  • Television Show Storyboards
  • Animation Storyboards
  • Video Game Storyboards

Science Fiction Storyboard Examples

Storyboards from sci-fi movies, movie story board examples.

Scene: Infirmary Scene

Ridley Scott did not draw stick figures here, and while he probably picked up some pretty slick storyboarding skills when he attended the Royal College of Art, it doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel or that you can’t achieve similar results from following his example.  

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Ridley Scott - Alien - StudioBinder

Story boards by Ridley Scott for Ridley Scott’s  •   Alien

Note: “Action inside the egg is beautiful.”

Alien  •   Infirmary Scene

"It’s got a wonderful defense mechanism... molecular acid storyboards."

Movie Storyboard Examples

2. pacific rim.

Not a lot of wide shots in these storyboards. Going from control room to outside takes careful planning. There is a distinct Japanese/Anime vibe.

Very cool how the negative space works as light in this storyboard. Check out the entire story board with the shot specs and play the storyboard in slideshow mode, take a look below:

Websites to Find Storyboard Artist Pacific Rim Storyboard StudioBinder Storyboarding Software

Click to view the Pacific Rim storyboard

And here's the actual scene from the film:

Pacific Rim   •  Final Monster Battle

"We can clear a path… for the storyboard."

3. Jurassic Park

Scene: Raptor Attack Scene

The notes help lead you into each new shot. Multiple slides (or cells) for can be used for a single shot, especially if you plan to linger a bit.

Storyboard Examples - Storyboard Ideas - Film Storyboad Template - Storyboard Format -Jurassic Park Storyboard - StudioBinder

Storyboards by David Lowery for Steven Spielberg's  •   Jurassic Park

Note: “Foot toward camera and…”

Jurassic Park  •  Raptor Attack Scene

"Ah, ah, ah, you didn’t say the magic word (it’s storyboard)."

4.  Star Wars: A New Hope

Scene: A Galaxy Far, Far Away

George Lucas did a storyboard for the title sequence. C3PO looks really different in these. Tougher. Lucas knew how he wanted that final shot.

Storyboard Examples for Film - Storyboard Ideas - George Lucas - Star Wars A New Hope - StudioBinder

Storyboards by George Lucas for  •   Star Wars: A New Hope

A ton of specific visual goals in this storyboard made it to the screen.

That’s No Moon  •  Star Wars: A New Hope

"I am fluent in over six million forms of communication… including storyboards."

5. Transformers

Scene: Blackout’s Rampage

I quickly notice thoughtful sketches of the production design. See how the artists visualize destruction? Blocking of the confused soldiers is very interesting, along with being a really pretty story board example.

Film Storyboard Examples - Ed Natividad - Michael Bay - Transformers - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Ed Natividad for Michael Bay’s  •   Transformers

Definitely story boards for a Michael Bay film.

Transformers   •  Blackout’s Rampage

"Autobots; assemble... a scene with a storyboard."

6. Inception

Scene: Hallway Fight Scene

How would you draw a rotating room?  The ceiling fan helps you stay oriented. See how the room is drawn the same across multiple slides?

Film Storyboard Examples - Gabriel Hardman - Inception - Christopher Nolan - Storyboard Ideas - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Gabriel Hardman for Christopher Nolan’s  •   Inception

Note: The scene numbers added by the storyboard artists. 

Inception   •  Hallway Fight Scene

"Never recreate storyboards from memory… always create new ones."

7. Edge of Tomorrow

Scene: Cage Drops In Scene

This storyboard shows a scene where Cage drops from the ship into battle. Where so many other films try to make everything look heroic, this film does a great job of showing how random battle can be. 

Storyboard Examples - Edge of tomorrow Storyboard - StudioBinder

Edge of Tomorrow  •  Storyboard Example

We get camera movement and an indication that this shot was meant to be continued across multiple storyboard slides. 

First Battle Scene

"There is no courage without fear... and a detailed storyboard."

If you want to see the storyboard process for another academy award winning film, check out our article on How To Master A Storyboard Like Jordan Peele: Get Out , which gives you a step-by-step workflow for creating a storyboard that perfectly communicates your visual goals.

How to Master A Storyboard Like Jordan Peele: Get Out  â€˘   Subscribe on YouTube

Storyboards are super helpful not only for communicating goals to others, but analyzing your own decisions as well. You can even see the cuts from one shot to another, and how they play alongside each other.

Filmmaking is all about maximizing your creative output, and story boards are super helpful for placing yourself in a creative place, and helping you filter out good ideas and bad ones as well.

Plus, they’re fun mementos that you can show to your family and friends, or even frame and hang up on your wall. You’ll thank yourself later for stretching your creativity legs, and storyboarding your ideas.


  • The Best Storyboard Software to Try →
  • How to Make a Storyboard with StudioBinder →
  • Storyboard That vs. StudioBinder Storyboards →


Storyboards from drama movies, 8. there will be blood  .

Scene: Oil Derrick Scene

The filmmakers are thinking about the background imagery a lot, and that plays on the screen as well. Lots of shot to reverse-shot. 

How to Make an Animatic There Will Be Blood Animatic StudioBinder Shot Listing Software

Storyboards by P.K. MacCarthy  •   Click here to view There Will Be Blood's storyboard

Notice the little note on the storyboard that says "how close can we get?"

Take a look at what this storyboard example became:

There Will Be Blood  •  Oil Derrick Scene

"Abandon your boy, but... never abandon the storyboard."

9. Gladiator

Scene: Battle Tigers

There is a clear chain of events in these storyboards? Intelligent camera placement leads to depth and layers. 

Click to view the full storyboard below:

Storyboard Examples Gladiator Storyboard StudioBinder Storyboarding Software

Click to view the Gladiator storyboard

Storyboarding these scenes beforehand is much cheaper than practicing with real life tigers. Less fun though. 

Now, let's see how this storyboard example transferred to the screen:

Gladiator   •  Battle Tigers

"We’ve got a better chance of survival if we storyboard together..."

10. Tomorrow Never Dies

Scene: Banner Escape

You should always storyboard stunts for extra safety. It will help your coordinators too. Wardrobe decided to change both costumes.

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Martin Asbury - Roger Spottiswoode - Tomorrow Never Dies - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Martin Asbury for Roger Spottiswoode's  •   Tomorrow Never Dies

Defacing the villain is a nice touch in the script.

Tomorrow Never Dies   •  Banner Escape

"The name’s Board… Storyboard."

11. Raiders of the Lost Ark

Scene: The Opening of the Ark

How does the color help tell the story, or communicate goals? Great use of shading. Do you think this storyboard helped them light the scene?

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Film Storyboard Templates - Ed Verreaux - Steven Spielberg - Raiders of the Lost Ark - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Ed Verreaux for Steven Spielberg's  •   Raiders of the Lost Ark

What’s different in the actual scene?

Raiders of the Lost Ark  •   The Opening of the Ark

"Storyboards… why’d it have to be storyboards?"

12. Forrest Gump

Scene: Meet President Johnson

Zemeckis combined custom footage with old newsreel footage. Covering the scene in close-ups helped them shroud inconsistencies.

Here's what the storyboard would look like, frame-by-frame:

Storyboard Examples Forrest Gump Storyboard StudioBinder Storyboarding Software

Storyboards by Chris Bonura  •   Click to view the entire Forest Gump storyboard

So how are comedic storyboard samples different?

How did this scene look in the actual film?

Forrest Gump   •  Meet President Johnson

"Storyboards are the fruit of the sea."

13. Gone with the Wind

Scene: Fleeing Atlanta

Did the colors in the storyboard help for the lighting schemes later? Shot notes help us understand the action. Lots of depth in slide three.

Movie Storyboard Examples for Film - William Cameron Menzies - Victor Fleming - Gone With the Wind - StudioBinder

Storyboards by William Cameron Menzies for  •   Gone With the Wind

Big wide end slide shows how you can vary your slide size.

Gone With the Wind  •   Fleeing Atlanta

"As god as my witness… I’ll never forget to storyboard again."

14. Apocalypse Now

Scene: Ride of the Valkyries

The focus seems to be how to shoot the air cavalry. Notice the carnage behind Col. Kilgore. Do these helicopters look heroic? Evil? Neutral?

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Francis Ford Coppola - Apocalypse Now - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Alex Tavoularis for  •   Apocalypse Now

Storyboards help when you have limited time up in a helicopter.

Apocalypse Now   •  Ride of the Valkyries

"I love the smell of storyboards in the morning. They smell like... victory."

Scene: Muhammad Ali vs. Ernie Terrell

Directional arrows show where punches come from. Important to replicate actual fight. Big wide establishing shot of arena creates scope.

Here's what the storyboard would actually look like:

Storyboard Examples Ali Storyboard StudioBinder Storyboarding Software

Storyboards by Tim Burgard  •   Click to view the Ali storyboard

Now let's see how this translated to the final cut:

Ali  •  Muhammad Ali vs. Ernie Terrell

16. spartacus.

Scene: Battle Plans

How many battle scenes took cues from Spartacus? Slide dedicated to arrows mid-flight. Lots of color in these is storyboard samples.

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Stanley Kubrick - Spartacus - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Saul Bass for Stanley Kubrick’s  •   Spartacus

Interesting composition and angle choice.

Spartacus  •   Trailer

17. the towering inferno.

Scene: Elevator Rescue Scene

Lots of high angles in this storyboard. How good is the smoke continuity? Big action scenes need a lot of planning.  

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Joseph Musso - John Guillermin - The Towering Inferno - StudioBinder

 Storyboards by Joseph Musso for  •   The Towering Inferno

This is a scene with stunts, special effects, and a difficult location.

The Towering Inferno  •   Elevator Rescue Scene

18. no country for old men.

Scene: Street Shootout Scene

The Coen Brothers are known to storyboard their entire film before they ever begin principal photography. When you consider how precise the cinematography is in the best Coen Brothers movies , it makes sense.

assignment on storyboard

No Country for Old Men Storyboard Example

Film terms are used like "pull" and "push" which really help to make these storyboard examples come to life on the page. 

No Country for Old Men  •  Street Shootout Scene

"Don't worry, I ain't gonna hurt ya... I just need a storyboard."

Scene: Rooftop Scene

This storyboard shows a scene where Salt is hanging from a rope and eventually lets go. Notice how the storyboard artist understand composition and how to create background imagery. 

Storyboard Example - Salt Storyboard - Tim Burgard - StudioBinder

Salt Storyboard Example by Tim Burgard

There are references to a pan with the rope swing as well. 

Salt  •  Trailer

"We've got a defector... he brought storyboards"

20. Interview with the Vampire

Scene: Ending Scene

This storyboard shows the final scene where Lestat bites Mallory in the final scene of the film. 

Storyboard Examples - Interview with the Vampire Storyboard - StudioBinder

Interview with the Vampire Storyboard Example

Notice how the pacing of the scene is referenced in the notes. The scene plays out a bit differently, which may have been done on purpose or maybe the shot didn't work out as planned. 

Final Scene of  •  Interview with the Vampire

"I'm going to give you the storyboard example... I never had."

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Musical Storyboard Examples

Storyboards from musical movies, 21. austin powers 3.

Scene: Opening

When you're shooting a scene that involves so many stunts and visual effect component, it's super important to have it all storyboarded down to a tee.

What is a Storyboard Austin Powers Storyboard Example StudioBinder Storyboarding Software

Click to view the Austin Power 3 storyboard

Jay Roach had only eight hours to shoot the opening sequence, and you can see that it did not stop him from nailing down that task.

Storyboarding the Austin Powers 3 Opening Scene  â€˘   Subscribe on YouTube

"Well, no offense, Sir Stevie but you've got to have mojo storyboard, baby. Yeah."

22. Moulin Rouge

Scene: Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend

The use of directional arrows keeps us oriented. POV shot of Sabine reaching out is one slide that jumps out to me. Close-ups to wide shots.

Storyboard Examples for Film - Storyboard Ideas - David Russell - Moulin Rouge Storyboard - StudioBinder

Storyboards by David Russell for Baz Luhrmann’s  Moulin Rouge

Baz Luhrmann uses lots of angle changes in this scene, and you can see the complicated edit visualized during the storyboard process. 

Moulin Rouge   •  Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend

"I’ve arranged a meeting with you and a storyboard… totawwy awone..."

23. The Sound of Music

Scene: Do-Re-Mi

Lots of symmetry in these shots. A ton of complicated choreography. Great depth in many of the slides due to creative blocking.

Storyboard Examples for Film - Storyboard Ideas - Maurice Zuberano - Robert Wise - The Sound of Music - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Maurice Zuberano for  The Sound of Music

There is a fantasy element to how much ground they cover.

The Sound of Music  •  Do-Re-Mi

24. west side story.

Scene: When You’re a Jet

Notice the map slide? See how the big street signs were imagined here. What does the detour sign pointing in the opposite direction say to you?

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - West Side Story - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Saul Bass for Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins’  West Side Story

Simple but still super intricate.

West Side Story  •  When You’re A Jet

Horror storyboard examples, storyboards from horror movies, 25. get out.

Scene: Sunken Place Scene

This storyboard shows a scene where Chris falls into the sunken place after being hypnotized by Missy Armitage.

Storyboard Example - Get Out Storyboard 2 - Eric Yamamoto - StudioBinder

Get Out Sunken Place Storyboard Example by Eric Yamamoto

Here's a continuation of this storyboard:

Storyboard Example - Get Out Storyboard - Eric Yamamoto - StudioBinder

Get Out Sunken Place #2 Storyboard Example by Eric Yamamoto

"Sink through the storyboard."

Scene: Trouble in the Shower

Knife shot is exactly the same in the film. Look at the intended close-up of her mouth when she’s stabbed. Sex, comfort, and murder collide.  

What is a Storyboard Psycho Shower Scene StudioBinder Shot Listing Software

Click to view Psycho storyboard

Happy face in the first few slides. Huge tonal shift in this scene.

Psycho   â€˘  Trouble in the Shower

"Well, a boy’s best friend is his storyboard."

27. The Birds

Scene: Playground Scene

This storyboard example shows the birds gathering on the school playground while the children are inside the school.

Storyboard Examples - The Birds Storyboard - StudioBinder

The Birds  •  Storyboard Example

This scene plays out differently in the actual film, but the overall purpose of the storyboard is still very much present. 

Children Get Attacked By Birds

"Alright children now put your storyboards away."


Storyboards from fantasy movies, 28. spider-man 2.

Scene: Train Battle

This storyboard looks like a comic book…Spidey is losing, then winning. Lots of directional arrows.

Storyboard Examples - Chris Buchinsky - Sam Raimi - Spider-Man 2 - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Chris Buchinsky for Sam Raimi’s  Spider-Man 2

We need at least three more Spider-Man reboots!

Spider-Man 2   •  Train Battle

I'd do another pithy storyboard puns but Spider-Man is never sarcastic....

Scene: Decapitation Scene

This storyboard shows the scene where Logan decapitates Jackson. This is a really detailed storyboard example by a very talented artist. 

Storyboard Examples - Logan Storyboard - Mark Vena - StudioBinder

Logan Storyboard by Mark Vena

There were a lot of brutal scenes all throughout Logan, and the storyboard artist's job is to capture the emotion in the sketch. 

Logan  •  Trailer

"Charles the world isn't the same anymore... except for storyboards. "

30. Ant-Man

Scene: Ant Rescue Scene

Notice how storyboard artist Steven Markowski uses lines around the face to signal a surprised emotion from Scott Lang. 

Storyboard Examples - Ant Man Storyboard - Steven Markowski - StudioBinder

Ant-Man Storyboard by Steven Markowski

You can imagine how important storyboards are when blending live action footage with computer graphics like in Ant-Man . 

Ant Man  •  Rescue Scene

"No car, we've got wings... and storyboards."

31. Iron Man

Scene: Pepper Catches Tony Scene

This storyboard example shows a scene in Iron Man where Pepper catches Tony attempting to remove his suit after his first mission.

Storyboard Example - Ironman Storyboard - David Duncan - StudioBinder

Iron Man Storyboard Example by David Duncan

The team had obviously already cast Robert Downey Jr. at this point in the process, and storyboard artist David Duncan uses a similar technique to show emotion and surprise. 

Pepper Catches Tony

"Ok, let's be honest... these storyboard pun quotes keep getting better."

32. Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix

Scene: Battle at the Department of Mysteries

Directional arrows help keep us organized. High angle shot when they enter the Department. Slide two illustrates confusion.

Storyboard Examples - Jim Cornish - David Yates - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Jim Cornish for David Yates’  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Notice how it’s a point of view shot when Harry casts a spell.

Battle at the Department of Mysteries  •  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

"I must not tell lies… I must make storyboards."

33. Percy Jackson

Scene: Medusa Scene

This storyboard example shows the scene where Percy Jackson must confront the Gorgon, Medusa. Notice they're sized for "anamorphic." 

Storyboard Example - Percy Jackson Storyboard - Tim Burgard - StudioBinder

Percy Jackson Storyboard by Tim Burgard

The storyboard example has sound effects are added as well as detailed shot descriptions that help tell the story through visuals.

Percy Jackson  •  Medusa Scene

"Ssssneek a peek... at some storyboard examplesssss."


Storyboards from tv shows, television storyboard examples, 34. game of thrones.

Scene: Daenerys Targaryen Give Birth Scene

This storyboard shows a scene where Daenerys gives birth to three dragons which works out perfectly for everyone in the last season.

Storyboard Examples - Game of Thornes Storyboard - StudioBinder

Daenerys Gives Birth Storyboard Example

It's interesting to see the difference between TV storyboards and movie storyboards, and to see the final result. 

Dragon Birth Scene

"I won't watch you burn. However, I will watch you storyboard."

TV Storyboard Examples

35. buffy the vampire slayer.

Scene: Mouth of Hell

Parallel action occurs on the same storyboard. More depth with the wider shots. Storyboards are great for any effects-heavy TV show or film.

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Charles Ratteray - Joss Whedon - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Charles Ratteray for Joss Whedon’s  Buffy the Vampire Slayer

You can start to see why Whedon was called on to direct The Avengers .

36. Westworld

Scene: Reckoning

Similar to the storyboard example above, you can show parallel action on a single storyboard. Notice how important the arrows are in this storyboard and how they inform the order of the edits. 

Storyboard Examples - Westworld - Dan Caplan - StudioBinder-min

Westworld Season 2 Storyboard Example by Dan Caplan

Here is the trailer from season 2 of Westworld :

Westworld  •  Season 2 Trailer

"The violent delight have violent storyboards"


Storyboards from animation, animation storyboard examples, 37. kung fu panda.

Scene: Training Scene

This storyboard shows a scene where Po attempts Kung Fu training.

Storyboard Example - Kung Fu Panda Storyboard - Angelo Libutti - StudioBinder

Kung Fu Panda Storyboard Example by Angelo Libutti

Because this is an animation storyboard the images you see in this example are the actual building blocks for the final image.  

Training Scene

"Don't worry master... I'll never give up storyboarding."

Scene: Opening Scene

This storyboard shows the opening scene in Up, which from my understanding is super uplifting and not painful at all. 

Storyboard Examples - Up Storyboard - StudioBinder

Up  •  Storyboard Example

Again, because this storyboard was made for an animated feature film you can see how closely the storyboard example is the final product. 

Opening Scene from  •  Up

"Don't you know this is an exclusive club? Only storyboards get in here."

40. Tom and Jerry

Scene: Orphan Episode

Here you can see some of the earliest animation storyboard examples from an episode of Tom and Jerry. 

Storyboard Examples - Tom and Jerry Storyboard - StudioBinder

Tom and Jerry  •  Storyboard Example

Each action is succinctly described for the final animation. 

Tom and Jerry  •  Orphan Episode

"This episode may not have aged well... but the storyboard did."

41. Summer Camp Island

Scene: Witch Episode

This storyboard shows an important moment in the show where the youngsters realize their camp counselors are witches. How fun!

Storyboard Examples - Summer Camp Storyboard - StudioBinder

Summer Camp Island  •  Storyboard Example

Check out the scene below to see how the storyboard lead to thew final scene, and how closely they resembles each other. 

Summer Camp Island  •  Episode

"We're about to make a bunch of pot holders... and storyboards"

Scene: Series Intro

This storyboard shows the introduction sequence for the Batman animated series. Seeing these slides brings back sweet memories. 

Storyboard Examples Batman Storyboard StudioBinder Storyboarding Software

Click to view the Batman storyboard

There is no better clarification on how useful storyboards can be when you see one from an animated film or television show. Animators often understand visual literacy better than many film directors. 

Storyboard Examples - Batman Storyboard - StudioBinder

Batman Animated  •  Storyboard Example

Check out the batman intro sequence below:

Batman Animated  •  Intro Sequence

"Alfred... I need more storyboard examples."

43. Adventure Time

Scene: Tree Trunks Alien Scene 

This storyboard example from the animated show Adventure Time shows how you can add dialogue and  stage direction to your animated storyboards to make them as specific as needed. 

Storyboard Examples - Adventure Time Storyboard - StudioBinder

Adventure Time  •  Storyboard Example

See how this storyboard translates on screen. 

Alien Scene in  •  Adventure Time

"Oh... it's you... storyboard."


Storyboards from video games, video game storyboard examples, 44. super mario odyssey.

Scene: Game Intro Scene 

This storyboard example shows the intro scene for the video game, Super Mario Odyssey, which allows you to play the game either as Mario... or as Mario's hat, which is exactly as fun as it sounds. 

Storyboard Examples - Super Mario Odyssey Storyboard - StudioBinder

Super Mario Odyssey Video Game  •  Storyboard Example

Storyboards can be used for film, television, animation, and video games because they are the perfect tool for communicating visual goals. 

Super Mario Odyssey  •  Intro

"It'sa meee... a-storyboard! Okie dokie!"

45. Gears of War

Scene: Mad World Trailer

This storyboard example shows the trailer for Gears of War. This trailer featured the song "Mad World", and helped create a successful launch for the series. The games are great, but no doubt the trailer helped a lot. 

Storyboard Examples - Gears of War - Dwayne Turner - StudioBinder-min

Gears of War  •  Storyboard Example by Dwayne Turner

Check out the trailer to see how the storyboard translated on screen:

Gears of War  •  "Mad World" Trailer

"I'll take those storyboards!"

46. Major League Baseball

Scene: PS3 Move Trailer

This storyboard example shows the trailer for Major League Baseball for the Playstation 3. This storyboard was created to show how the PS move system could mentally transport players onto the field. 

Storyboard Examples - MLB PS3 - Dwayne Turner - StudioBinder-min

Major League Baseball  •  Storyboard Example by Dwayne Turner

"Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is storyboards"


Storyboards force creative filmmaking.

Ever had a great idea for a shot or perhaps an entire scene? Everything is visualized perfectly in your mind, but will it make it to the screen?

What you need is a storyboard. Storyboards are what professional filmmakers and production companies use to clearly communicate visual ideas with their team. Cavemen used storyboards. The Ancient Egyptians used storyboards.

Bottom line:   Storyboards work.

While some of the reasons storyboards work so well may seem painfully obvious, there are more nuanced rationales that many novice (and professional) filmmakers tend to overlook.

You may not have a huge budget, so naturally, you think you’re limited. That line of thinking can be harmful to your project because what you’re actually doing is limiting your creativity, which in turn limits the effectiveness of your vision, which in turns limits your project.

Don’t waste valuable energy thinking about limitations. Take that energy and create storyboard ideas for your scene. Make sure to spend some time sketching out your storyboard ideas, even if they're just as samples. You’ll often hear the suggestion to:

“Draw your storyboard ideas with stick figures if you’re not an artist.”

I strongly disagree.

I firmly believe that you should take your time drawing an ugly storyboard because then you’re forced to draw an ugly background, an ugly foreground, ugly characters, and thoughtful shot compositions.

Suddenly, new storyboard ideas are popping into your head:

  • Maybe a special easter egg hidden in the background of a shot.
  • Or perfect symmetry for a specific point in the story.
  • Perhaps a match cut from one image to another.

These are great cinematic goals, and they’re often the product of storyboarding. Tim Burton movies and Wes Anderson films come to mind when I think about precise shot composition and unique production design .

They put imagery on the screen that you won’t find anywhere in the existing world. They had their departments build, scout, and piece together a world that, at one point, only existed in their minds.

How do you think they communicated their visions? Their teams used storyboards to act as examples for their vision. Learn as much as you can from these movie storyboard examples and see how you can take your dream from your head to the big screen.


Create the perfect storyboard.

When you study professional storyboards like these, you quickly begin to understand how much effort goes into the planning stages of a film.

Successful projects use the pre-production phase to the fullest. When you create a tangible plan for your production, you will limit possible miscommunications, and maximize creative output from your team.

If you use storyboarding software like StudioBinder , you can show how each scene will play out, and keep your entire plan organized in a single digitally accessible place.

Music Video Storyboard with StudioBinder  â€˘   Subscribe on YouTube

Your entire production team can collaborate from anywhere at anytime. Instead of wasting hours playing phone tag with assistants or scheduling late night conference calls because of time zone differences.

Make a Storyboard in StudioBinder

Now that you’ve seen some of the greatest storyboard examples of all time, you can begin to storyboard your own projects like an Academy Award Winner... though its an honor just to be nominated. 

You can use one of our 60+ FREE storyboard templates or build and share your storyboards through the cloud with StudioBinder's storyboarding and pre-production software. 

Up Next: Build a Storyboard →

Showcase your vision with elegant shot lists and storyboards..

Create robust and customizable shot lists. Upload images to make storyboards and slideshows.

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How to Create a Storyboard

Last Updated: January 10, 2024

This article was co-authored by Joey Wallace . Joey Wallace is a Professional Photographer based in Atlanta, Georgia. Joey is the Creative Director and Lead Wedding Photographer at Joey Wallace Photography, providing photography and videography services. With over 10 years of experience, Joey has been honored as one of Atlanta’s Best Photographers for the past 5 years and has documented hundreds of weddings. Joey Wallace Photography has also been featured and recognized by publications including The Knot, WeddingWire, Brides Atlanta, and Featured on Zola. This article has been viewed 888,771 times.

When you’re planning a video, the first step in the process is to bring your script to life and present it to other people. A storyboard is a series of thumbnails that show the breakdown of the video, illustrating the key scenes — how the setting will look, who will be present, and what actions will take place. It’s often used as a mock-up for movie scenes, music videos, TV production, etc. and can be created by hand or using a digital medium. Read on to learn how to map your story, illustrate the keyframes and fine tune your storyboard.

Step 1 Establish a timeline.

  • Make a list of the main events of the story in the order they will be told. This is how they will appear on screen.
  • If you’re storyboarding for a commercial, establish what scenes will occur and in what order.

Step 2 Identify the key scenes in your story.

  • Pick scenes that show the plot developing from start to finish.
  • Turning points are important to show. Any time there’s a plot twist or an important change, include it in the storyboard to move the story along.
  • You may also want to depict changes in setting. If the story begins in one city and moves to another, make sure that will be clear in your illustrations.
  • If you’re storyboarding for a commercial, the process is no different: pick key images that will represent the flow and direction of the film from start to finish. As a general guideline, keep in mind that for a typical 30-second commercial, a storyboard should have no more than 15 frames. Factor in two seconds per frame on average.

Step 3 Decide how detailed to get.

  • If you're working on a film and breaking it down shot by shot, create what's called a shot list. For each shot on the list, you'll need to think about the shot's composition and other details involving how it will actually be filmed.
  • Remember that the point of the storyboard is to provide visual clarity and keep everyone on the same page. It’s not supposed to be a work of art in and of itself. Take a practical view when it comes to the level of detail you choose for your storyboard. You don’t want your viewer to get lost in trying to interpret your illustrations instead of seeing the bigger picture.
  • A good storyboard will be easily understood by anyone viewing it. Potentially, a director, cameraman, scene selector, or even a prop specialist (just to name a few) may refer to the storyboard for reference, guidance and direction.

Step 4 Write a description of what each cell will show.

  • For example, you might want to have a cell that depicts a conversation between two main characters. What needs to be conveyed in this image? Are the characters fighting, smiling, or moving toward a destination? Some sort of action should take place in each drawing.
  • Take the setting into account as well. Is it important to have a certain view in the background behind the characters?

Step 1 Decide what medium to use for your template.

  • The cell sizes should be drawn in the same aspect ratio as the finished video, such as 4:3 for a TV screen or 16:9 for a feature film screen. You can purchase special thumbnail sheets with these dimensions.
  • A storyboard template for advertising should be comprised of rectangular frames into which you insert the visuals. If you want to include captions, make sure there’s space where you can write in video descriptions. There should also be a column for the audio, which is where you include the dialogue and sounds or music.
  • If you find yourself storyboarding for more than one project, it helps to have a good Wacom™ tablet, so you can board directly into Photoshop.
  • If you don’t want to design the images, you can hire a storyboard artist to provide the drawings. You will describe what goes on each frame and give the artist a written script to work from. He or she will provide you with either black and white or color illustrated frames that you can scan into the board in sequential order.

Step 2 Sketch your thumbnails.

  • Composition (lighting, foreground/background, color palette, etc.)
  • Angle from which the camera is shooting (high or low)
  • The type of shot (wide shots, close-ups, over-the-shoulder shots, tracking shots, etc.) [1] X Research source
  • Props (objects in the frame)
  • Actors (people, animals, cartoon talking couch, etc.: anything that can act rather than be acted upon)
  • Special effects

Step 3 Add other important information.

  • Consider adding color. If you’re creating an advertising storyboard, this will help your ideas pop.
  • Remember that it’s not necessarily important that the drawings look realistic or perfect. Depending on the viewing audience, simple stick figures might suffice. In most cases, storyboards don't need to be perfect, they only need to make sense to your team.


Step 1 Think in three-point perspective.

  • Instead of drawing all of your characters as though they were standing on the same horizontal line, put them in perspective. Have some standing a little further from the camera and some standing closer. The ones standing further from the camera should appear smaller, with their feet higher up on the page, and the ones standing closer should appear larger, with their feet lower on the page.
  • When it's time to translate the storyboard to film, you'll have a much better idea of how to direct the shot.

Step 2 Have motivations for your cuts.

  • For example, if you want to cut from one room to another, have a character in the first room look toward the door because they hear a noise.
  • This helps the story's continuity and keeps the viewer engaged.

Step 3 Let your storyboard morph as you go.

  • Remember to accept others' input as you go along, especially if you're working with a talented film crew. A storyboard is meant to be edited and changed. It can often be improved by ideas you might not have thought up on your own.
  • Most film directors have a different style when it comes to storyboarding. Some map out every last detail, while others use it as a loose guide.

Expert Q&A

Joey Wallace

  • If you can't draw, there is software available that will let you create storyboards by selecting and placing objects from a graphics library. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Storyboards have uses other than planning videos, such as illustrating a sequence of actions or designing complex websites. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

assignment on storyboard

Things You'll Need

  • Thumbnail sheets
  • Storyboard sheets
  • Drawing supplies
  • Imaging software

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  • ↑ http://nofilmschool.com/2013/08/storyboarding-with-coen-brothers-storyboard-artist/

About This Article

Joey Wallace

To create a storyboard, sketch out thumbnails to bring the scenes to life. These drawings should include composition, type of shot, props, and special effects. Below each cell, write a description of what’s happening in the scene, including dialogue and the length of the shot. Additionally, number your cells so they’re easy to reference when talking about them with others. To learn how to fine-tune your storyboard by using three-point perspective, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Digital Storytelling

Powerful Visual Communication, Made Easy

Why Storyboard Online?

Storyboarding is an incredibly powerful tool for visual communication. Creating a storyboard brings words from the page to life, and encapsulates the audience's imagination in ways that text alone cannot.

Digital storytelling is a powerful way to share your story with the world. By using visual elements like images, characters, and scenes, you can create a rich and engaging experience for your audience.

StoryboardThat is an online storyboarding tool that makes it easy to create storyboards even without being an artist. With StoryboardThat, you can create a digital story in minutes using both images, text, and storyboard templates. You can even use our many resources to help you get started.

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Private Edition

Best Option for Creating Storyboards for Small Projects

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  • Graphic Novels , Comics , and Books
  • Projects and Planning
  • Posters , Video Planning and More!

What will you create with Storyboard That? With a vast art library filled with hundreds of scenes, characters, items and more, the opportunities are endless

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Bring visual communication to another level with Storyboard That! Add special effects, animated gifs and even make your own posters!

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The use of storyboards in the corporate world adds pizzazz to your presentations! Try us today to communicate ideas and processes effectively, provide visual aids for training purposes, and create amazing marketing and team building materials!

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-Priscilla G

“Created my first comic using @StoryboardThat Super user friendly and a great tool to bring out creativity in the library and the classroom”

-Dana H.

“I am loving the ”VIEW STUDENT WORK IN REAL TIME” feature in @StoryboardThat! These students are off to a great start!”

-Andrea P.

“Can’t wait to see what my students create with @StoryboardThat. Today they began their comics to tell the story of our road to independence!”

Why Use Storyboard That?

Storyboard That is an easy and engaging way to create storyboards. The perfect digital storyboard website for businesses and classrooms, it allows adults and students alike to collaborate and work together.

  • You can access our online storyboarding tool from anywhere in the world.
  • It’s easy to use, enabling you to make amazing storyboards in minutes.
  • You can share your storyboard with others online, or download it as a high resolution image or PDF file.
  • Businesses can use it for team-building, product planning, and so much more.
  • Classrooms can use it for lesson planning, projects, and group work.
  • It’s free to use, or you can upgrade to a premium account for even more features.

kids at a computer

The Storyboard Creator

The Storyboard Creator is a tool that helps you create storyboards quickly using a drag and drop feature. Our online storyboarding tool makes it easy to bring characters, scenes, themes, and timelines to life. With our talented artists adding new characters and scenes all of the time, the opportunities are endless.

Storyboard That Personal Use

With thousands of scenes, characters, items, and more, creating with Storyboard That is exciting and simple. No matter what your needs are, you will find what you are looking for with this subscription. Storyboard That is ideal for projects such as creating a poster or making your own comic or graphic novel! Create your own storyboard for planning, organizing your thoughts, video planning, or to tell a story. When you have completed your masterpiece, you can choose from one of our many downloading options, allowing you to share your work with others on social media, Powerpoint, and more!

Try out our personal storyboard maker free today!

Person using a laptop in a speech bubble

Designed for forward-thinking teams, Storyboard That’s corporate edition is an ideal option for professional use. With over 200 templates and business resources, you can easily create professional and visually appealing storyboards. The online storyboard maker is perfect for business use as it is designed for teams.

You can also securely collaborate with others within your organization, as all of your data is stored securely and is compliant with all major privacy laws. You’ll be able to get your employees fully immersed in a group activity that will bring people together in a team-building manner while also learning every step of the way.

The free storyboard software is available for a 14-day trial, where you can try things out for your business to make sure they’re right for you.

Storyboard That for Education

Our education option is the perfect option for any teacher, whether it is used for an individual classroom, a team of teachers, a school, or a district. Our lesson plans are suitable for all ages, abilities, and subjects.

Over 3,000 Common Core aligned lesson plans and activities

Activities include standards, essential questions, instructions, a blank template, and a rubric!

Complete Security

Storyboard That is compliant with major privacy laws including FERPA, CCPA, COPPA, Ed-2D, and GDPR. We are also SOC-2 Type 2 with all 5 Trusts

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Level IV

Storyboard That has been independently reviewed, by LXD Research, that we meet the standards of evidence required for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Level IV. Read the Full Study

Teacher in front of a white board in a speech bubble

Compatible with popular learning management systems such as Google Classroom, Clever, Canvas, ClassLink, and Schoology, Storyboard That makes organizing your students, classes, and assignments a breeze. In addition, sharing assignments with students and keeping track of their progress is as easy as clicking a button.

Real Time Collaboration

Knowing how to work together is an important part of a child’s education. Students will love working in pairs and in small groups on the same storyboard!

Want your students to add writing to their storyboards? We’ve got tons of options for speech and text.

The storyboard creator free trial for teachers allows you to try out all of the premium features for two weeks. Thousands of copyable activities, worksheets, and posters are yours to use and keep in your storyboard library. Educators love Storyboard That because it helps students process and understand the information in a deep, meaningful way. When students storyboard, they are actively engaged in the learning process and can make connections between the text and their own lives.

Storyboards also promote higher-level thinking by encouraging students to synthesize information and think critically about what they have read. Finally, storyboards are a great way to assess student understanding because they provide a visual representation of student learning.

Storyboard That is the perfect tool for novel lesson plans and activities because it's so easy to use and extremely versatile. With Storyboard That, you can create a wide variety of storyboards such as the story from the main character's perspective, or any other character's point of view.

By combining the storyboard maker with your lesson plans, you can adhere to the curriculum and required standards, while ensuring that your students will be engaged and excited to learn. Another added bonus is that our premade lesson plans are aligned with the Common Core!

Storyboard That Examples

Storyboard That used to create a plot Diagram

Free Version

Want to try us out? You can still use our free storyboard maker where you’ll have access to all the basic features and still be able to create amazing storyboards using the storyboard tool. However, the free version does have some limitations, and you will not have access to our premium features, such as advanced layouts and some of the incredible artwork.

Storyboard Creator Free Features

With our free version, you will have many tools at your fingertips to create eloquent and encapsulating visual representations that bring the words on paper to life. These features include:

  • Speech Bubbles
  • Infographics
  • Web & Wireframes

The free version is a great way to use the Storyboard Creator free of charge if you’re new to storyboarding or if you’re not sure whether you need all the features of our premium version yet.

Benefits Of Storyboard Learning

There are many benefits if you make a storyboard online. Humans have evolved through storytelling, and our brains are geared to process information in story form. Proverbs have been passed down for millennia, and we have evidence to this day in the form of cave drawings found throughout the world.

When you storyboard, you are essentially taking advantage of the way our brains process information. You are breaking down a larger task into manageable chunks and then creating a visual representation of that task and information. This has been shown to increase productivity and understanding.

Some benefits of storyboard learning include:

  • You can see the big picture and how all of the pieces fit together.
  • You can better understand complex concepts by breaking them down into smaller parts.
  • You can learn faster by taking advantage of the way your brain processes information.
  • You can share your storyboards with others to work together and understand different people’s viewpoints.
  • The process of the story keeps us more engaged with the task; this is especially true for younger children.
  • It is a great way to organize and present information concisely.
  • You can use storyboards for any type of learning, from personal projects to work tasks and everything in between.

Get started with Storyboard That today, and see how we can help you, your students, or your colleagues become more engaged and creative with the click of a button!

Students around their teacher

Want to Learn More?

Check out our brief tutorial video to learn how to start creating today! You will learn how to:

  • Find and customize scenes
  • Search characters and change their poses, expressions, and more
  • Add speech and text to your storyboard
  • Save your masterpiece

Example of using the storyboard Creator

  • Thousands of images
  • Custom layouts, scenes, characters
  • And so much more!!

Create a Storyboard

28 Storyboard Examples to Inspire you

Luke Leighfield

People make storyboards to set out their vision for a scene. While it takes a bit of time to make a good storyboard in the beginning, it saves you a lot of time further into the process. The best storyboards use stick figures or comic book-style sketches to show close-ups, wide shots, pov (point of view), special effects, and everything else that makes up your shot list.

In this post, we’re going to show you a few scenes from our favourite films, and the storyboards that helped create them. Hopefully, these storyboard examples help you see how storyboarding is an integral part of the video production process as you set out to create your own blockbuster. On which note, don't forget to check out our free storyboard templates . Your production team will thank you!

Boords App Screenshot

The Shortcut to Effective Storyboards.

Boords is an easy-to-use storyboarding tool to plan creative projects.

Animation Storyboards

1. spiderman 2.

Although it came out in 2004, some of the action scenes in Spiderman 2 are still breathtaking 15 years later. This fight scene between Spiderman and Dr Octopus, which takes place on top of a fast-moving train, is particularly spectacular. The storyboard sample shows what's moving in each shot, and in which direction, so that the production team is crystal clear on the desired end result – which is exactly what a professional storyboard should do.

spiderman 2 storyboard

Sparks fly when Carl and Ellie first meet in Up, and it's all thanks to a rigorous storyboard that highlights all the necessary details. Notice the way Carl looks down at his badge after Ellie pins it on, and his little smile as he looks back up. Not to mention the way he turns red with embarrassment after Ellie grabs his hand – which is the only bit of colour we can see on the storyboard. We give this storyboard 9 cute points out of 10.


3. Batman: The Animated Series

Flicking from video to storyboard, you can see how this scene was mapped out in painstaking detail by the storyboard artist. The storyboard shows exactly where Batman flies into the scene, how each punch connects with (or misses) its target, and where lighting – like the moon, or various spotlights – is used throughout the scene. All of which helps the team to speed up video production. Kablam!


Batman: The Animated Series

4. Adventure Time

Adventure Time is certainly on the quirkier end of the cartoon spectrum. But you wouldn’t sense that from its orderly, highly-detailed storyboards, which break the scene down into its core elements: dialogue, action, and timing. It’s super-specific, freeing things up for the fun to continue.

Adventure time

5. Summer Camp Island

The world of Summer Camp Island is a fantastical place, with costume changes happening as if they’re… well, magic. The storyboard here shows how a hat miraculously grows, sleeves appear and change colour, and stars fly out of the character’s body as their arms move up. Magic!

Summer Camp Island

Summer Camp Island

6. Super Mario Odyssey

Plot twist: this example is from a game, not a film. While the images here can be a little tough to follow at first glance, due to their sketchy style and minimal colouring, you can see how the storyboard informs the in-game result.

Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey

7. Tom and Jerry

The clipped, minimal wording that accompanies this storyboard has a unique charm. While the final result is light and humorous, the storyboard text is purely functional. However, the images give the director everything they need to make the scene sing.

Tom & Jerry

Get your FREE Filmmaking Storyboard Template Bundle

Plan your film with 10 professionally designed storyboard templates as ready-to-use PDFs.

Action Storyboards

8. tomorrow never dies.

In his line of work, James Bond is no stranger to a dramatic escape. Although this scene from Tomorrow Never Dies might be the first time an escape's involved a huge banner. Like all the best storyboards, this one pinpoints the key shots to capture: Bond cutting the rope with a massive knife, a zoomed-out shot of the banner mid-tear, the two lovebirds swinging many metres from the ground.

Tomorrow never dies

Tomorrow Never Dies

9. Edge of Tomorrow

In a macabre twist on Groundhog Day, Tom Cruise finds himself killed again and again (and again), as he attempts to defeat some nasty aliens. The repeated sight of Cage and his comrades careering towards the ground on flimsy lines never ceases to amaze. It's made especially dramatic by the choice of camera angles, as set out in the film's storyboard.

Edge of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow

10. Transformers

Like skinning a cat, there are many ways for a Transformer to burst into a building and wreak havoc. This beautiful storyboard shows exactly how the carnage should happen, and how the crew should capture it. Note the small details like the soldier getting flung back into the room, surrounded by shattering glass.



11. Apocalypse Now

What this storyboard lacks in precise detail, it makes up for in sheer beauty. The storyboard doesn't give granular direction, but it does highlight some key shots, and what the colours should look like in the scene. It also shows how to capture the magnitude of all those helicopters blazing across the sky.

Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse Now

Vintage Storyboards

12. west side story.

This movie storyboard looks a little different. Probably because it's the handiwork of renowned designer, Saul Bass. As well as designing myriad company logos and movie posters, Bass also put his design skills to work as a storyboard artist for movies like West Side Story. This storyboard is a prime example of his ability to, in his words, “symbolize and summarize”.

West Side Story

West Side Story

13. The Sound of Music

If you plan on making an all-singing, all-dancing box office smash, you'll find that a good storyboard goes a long way. It's amazing to watch this clip and see just how closely the onscreen action mimics the sketched storyboard scenes. We doff our caps to storyboard artist, Maurice Zuberano.

The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music

14. Gone with the Wind

Although it was made back in 1939, this fiery scene from Gone With the Wind is still just as visceral eighty years later. The orangey, smoky hues make the whole scene feel apocalyptic – like the world is on fire – and it's clear to see how much those colours are inspired by the accompanying movie storyboard.

Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind

15. Spartacus

When you’ve lined up 8,000 extras to shoot the final scene in your movie, making mistakes is pretty costly. Which is why Stanley Kubrick roped in our pal Saul Bass to knock up these exceptional storyboards for the iconic closing fight in Spartacus. It shows all the key camera angles and close-ups that Kubrick needs to get the job done.


Blockbuster Storyboards

16. jurassic park.

In this particularly terrifying scene from Jurassic Park, the storyboard artist details how a velociraptor pokes his head up through an air duct, sandwiching Lex to the ceiling. Thankfully, Grant is on hand to kick this hungry dino in the chops before he can do any damage. Things get a little spicier when Lex falls through the duct, inching closer to the velociraptor. But, as we see in the storyboard, Grant’s able to drag her to safety in the nick of time.

Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park

17. No Country for Old Men

Villains don't come much more villainous than the sublime Anton Chigurh of No Country for Old Men. The movie storyboard for this scene details the wide camera angle for Chigurh's entry, how the camera should pull as Chigurh walks towards the car, and the wide shot and low angle that's needed for the moment Chigurh dives behind a car to avoid Llewelyn's bullets.

No Country for Old Men

18. Forrest Gump

There's so much to love about Forrest Gump, not least the moment where he moons the President while showing him a gunshot wound in his buttock. It's all laid out in the accompanying video storyboard , including specifics like the close-up shot of the President placing the medal around Gump's neck, right before he drops his trousers in front of a shocked audience.

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump

19. Gladiator

Poor Maximus already has his work cut out in this fight, without throwing a tiger into the mix. But it does make for great viewing. The storyboard sets out exactly how the camera should capture the tiger from behind as it races towards our intrepid warrior, capturing its claws as it swipes at Maximus’ body.


20. Moulin Rouge

Baz Luhrmann’s 2001 film is a riotous romp of dancing, singing, and pure flamboyance. Like this scene, where Satine swings through the Moulin Rouge and tantalises her adoring fans. All the key shots are laid out in the accompanying storyboard, including close-ups on Satine’s face, and wider shots that show the sheer scale of the production.

Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge

Sci-fi and fantasy storyboards

21. game of thrones.

In one of Game of Thrones' trippier moments, Daenerys gives birth to three dragons. Of course she does. The storyboard captures exactly how the action should come across onscreen, including a close-up on the beating of the dragon's wings as it sits on Daenerys' shoulder. Not to mention the looks of awe (or is that terror?) from people witnessing one of the more bizarre births in cinematic history.

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones

Speaking of bizarre births, Ridley Scott got there first with this peach of an arrival in the 1979 sci-fi classic, Alien. The movie storyboard shows the crew merrily eating around the table, before Kane starts writhing in agony, much to the confusion of his dining companions. Then, just as the storyboard dictates, a strange creature pops out – covering Kane's gleaming white shirt in blood. Delicious.


23. Inception

Many called Christopher Nolan's film a masterpiece. Others were just... confused. And its ending doesn't do much to help. This storyboard by artist Gabriel Hardman shows how the camera should zoom in on the spinning top, before cutting for the end of the film. That's exactly what Nolan does – leaving the audience to wonder whether we're in a dream, or whether this is reality. The mystery continues...


24. Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope

Creating a hit motion picture series doesn't just happen overnight. It takes time – and a few good storyboards along the way. Like this one for the original Star Wars, which illustrates exactly how some of the movie's most iconic shots should look onscreen. Those are some finely-drawn explosions, right there.

Star wars

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

25. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The storyboard for this scene perfectly shows the darkness and fear that’s needed to make the final result as scary as possible. Every image feels ominous, with a look of pure terror on poor Potter’s face. Don’t worry, though. Harry and his pals make it out alive in the end. Phew!

Harry Potter - The Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Scary Storyboards

26. the birds.

Alfred Hitchcock is the master of scenes that are packed with suspense, and this classic from The Birds is no exception. The storyboard shows how Melanie should be moving back and forth on a swing, as an army of crows gathers behind her – much to her surprise. Meanwhile, the schoolchildren watch as the scene unfolds. They'll be scarred for life, no doubt.

The Birds

Bass also dipped his toes into the horror world as the storyboard artist for the infamous shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. While the scene was directed by Hitchcock, it was heavily styled by Bass. The way he depicts an unsuspecting victim, the extreme close-up on her mouth as she screams, the iconic silhouette of her attacker. It's all there, right in Bass' storyboard. And it definitely gives you the willies.


28. Interview with the Vampire

While some storyboards show everything in pictures, others lean more heavily on text to get the point across. Take this example from Interview with the Vampire: 'Lestat's bony hand rises up from the rear seat well [...] Lestat suddenly attacks!' A few words go a long way in helping the production team to capture the vision for a particular scene.

Interview with the Vampire

Interview with the Vampire

The Power of Storyboarding

This collection of 28 example storyboards serves as a valuable resource for inspiration and learning. These storyboards, sourced from popular films, demonstrate the art of visual storytelling and provide insights into various techniques, shot compositions, and narrative structures.

By studying these examples, you can gain a deeper understanding of how effective storyboarding can enhance your own projects. With Boords as your creative companion, you have a powerful tool to bring your unique ideas to life and create visually captivating storyboards.

Related links

More from the blog..., 7 of pixar's best storyboard examples and the stories behind them.

Storyboarding in filmmaking is the process of creating a visual representation of a movie.

How to Storyboard a Marketing Video

Marketing's a tricky beast. But with our guide to storyboarding your marketing video, you'll be one step closer to success.

How to Storyboard a Short Film

Storyboarding's a way to visualise the storyline of your short film, breaking down every last bit of action into individual storyboard panels.

Boords storyboard creator

Online storyboarding software

The Shortcut to Effective Storyboards

Boords is the top-rated online storyboarding software that makes planning video projects a joy, not a job.

LMS Integration

D2L - Brightspace - Creating Storyboard That Assignments

D2L - Brightspace - Setting Up Storyboard That

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Please note: At this time, the rubrics you can add to assignments from Quick Rubric are there as reference, and can't be digitally marked up. But that's not the only way you can leave feedback!

Leaving Comments on Storyboards

When you're viewing student work as part of an assignment, there's a comments section below their work:

assignment on storyboard

Here, you can provide feedback on their work or let them know what grade they received.

assignment on storyboard

How do students see the comments?

Students can view comments when they view their own work.

After they log in, they can go to "My Storyboards" and click "View Details on the storyboard they wish to see the comments for.

assignment on storyboard

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  1. Assignments

    How to Grade Storyboards in Google Classroom. How to Grade Storyboards in Google Classroom.. Create a new assignment in Storyboard That. After creating the assignment, share the assignment to Google Classroom. After students complete the assignm…. Updated 4 months ago by Owen Finnegan.

  2. Storyboard Examples for Students

    Create and use a storyboard for school projects and assignments with a step-by-step storyboard example and free templates.

  3. What Is a Storyboard? A Complete Guide to Storyboarding

    A storyboard is a graphic portrayal of a narrative, concept, or script, divided into sequential scenes (panels). They are generally used to map out how a script or story will look once it is animated or acted out, but people utilize them for a variety of situations. Think of the classic parable, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears.".

  4. How to Storyboard: Step-by-Step Storyboarding Guide (2024)

    Step 2: Draw your storyboard frames. In brief, keep it rough. This isn't a work of art. Sketching out your frames - a process known as 'scamping' - is where you turn a script from something written into something visual. It's no place for fancy special effects or a deeply specific level of detail.

  5. How to Storyboard a Video

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  6. 20 Storyboard Examples For Different Uses of Storyboarding

    Historical TV Series Storyboard Example: MBC TV. 20. Hair Product Commercial Storyboard Example: Hairburst. 1. Concept Video Storyboard Example: Virgin Orbit - Space Exploration. The first project is related to Virgin Orbit's LauncherOne system that aims to connect rural communities to monitor global climate change.

  7. Teacher Resources

    Copy activities and use with your class, or use these storyboard ideas as inspiration. ... Our assignment wizard makes creating an assignment as easy as 1, 2, 3! Simply click on the "create my first assignment" or "create another assignment" button from your teacher dashboard. Follow the wizard through the process by clicking the ...

  8. Storyboard Template

    To make templates for students, teachers can create a storyboard according to their specifications, add text or images, change the number of cells, adjust the size of each cell, and then add it to the assignment. The template can be saved and used again in the future. View All Teacher Resources.

  9. How to Make a Storyboard

    FREE Storyboard Template Downloads. If you prefer the old-school, pen and paper method of storyboarding, download our FREE printable templates. Included are 60+ files for Word, Illustrator, Photoshop, and PDFs. You can also choose various layouts between 2- and 16-panel sheets in landscape or portrait. GET THE PDF.

  10. How To Make A Storyboard: Essential Tips & Formats

    Step 2: Develop your script or narrative. If your project involves storytelling or a scripted sequence of events, the next step is to develop your script or narrative. Write a detailed script that outlines the dialogue, action and sequence of events. Then, break down your script into key scenes, actions and transitions that are essential to ...

  11. How to build a storyboard

    Image via the BFI. Create your own storyboards on Canva with templates like White and Charcoal Storyboard Photo Collage. This template has everything you need to start planning your next project. You can also customize it to your liking by changing the font, color palette, and number of frames on each slide.

  12. Free Lesson Plans and Activities

    Reach out to [email protected] or (US) +1-617-607-4259. Discover Free Lesson Plans for all subjects and grade levels that your students will love! Copy these creative storyboard activities and inspire students!

  13. How to Share an Assignment to Google Classroom

    Click the link to view the assignment and instructions. This will log the students into their Storyboard That accounts. Once logged in, students will see the assignment instructions, any templates included with the assignment, and can click the Start Assignment button to open the Storyboard Creator and start working! See the process here 👇

  14. 8 Storyboard Examples For Your Next Big Idea

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  15. 46 Best Movie Storyboard Examples (with Free Storyboard Templates)

    Movie Storyboard Examples. 4. Star Wars: A New Hope. Scene: A Galaxy Far, Far Away. George Lucas did a storyboard for the title sequence. C3PO looks really different in these. Tougher. Lucas knew how he wanted that final shot.

  16. How To Copy Lesson Plan Activities on Storyboard That

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  17. How to Create a Storyboard: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

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  18. Free Storyboarding Software

    Create storyboards with our free storyboard software! Filmmakers, teachers and students all love using Storyboard That for storyboarding & comics online! ... Classroom, Clever, Canvas, ClassLink, and Schoology, Storyboard That makes organizing your students, classes, and assignments a breeze. In addition, sharing assignments with students and ...

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  20. How can I grade or leave feedback on an assignment?

    Leaving Comments on Storyboards. When you're viewing student work as part of an assignment, there's a comments section below their work: Here, you can provide feedback on their work or let them know what grade they received.