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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how can i effectively express my motivation for higher education in my college essay.

I need to start working on my college essay and I'm seriously pondering over how to convey my true motivation for wanting a college education. It’s more than just getting a degree for me. How do I put this passion into words without sounding cliché?

I completely understand your desire to express your genuine passion for higher education in a way that stands out. It's important to show the admissions committee what drives you, and how your experiences have shaped your decision to pursue college education. To avoid clichés, focus on specific experiences or moments in your life that ignited your enthusiasm for learning. For example, you could write about a project or subject that you explored on your own time and how that deepened your interest in a certain field.

Additionally, you could talk about mentors or role models who have influenced your academic journey, or how particular challenges have strengthened your commitment to further education. Remember to be reflective and introspective; focus on your personal growth and development. It's not about grand statements, but about showing how your unique story connects to your educational aspirations. Tie these experiences back to your motivation for seeking a higher education, highlighting how college is a necessary and meaningful next step for you. By doing so, you'll be able to craft an essay that is both compelling and personal, clearly demonstrating your passion to the admissions committee.

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College Essays


Did you think you were all done pouring out your blood, sweat, and tears in written form for your personal statement , only to be faced with the "why this college?" supplemental essay? This question might seem simple but is in fact a crucial and potentially tricky part of many college applications. What exactly is the "why us?" essay trying to understand about you? And how do you answer this question without falling into its many pitfalls or making any rookie mistakes?

In this article, I'll explain why colleges want you to be able to explain why you are applying. I'll also discuss how to generate and brainstorm topics for this question and how to make yourself sound sincere and committed. Finally, we'll go over some "why this school?" essay do s and don't s.

This article is pretty detailed, so here's a brief overview of what we'll be covering:

Why Do Colleges Want You to Write a "Why Us?" Essay?

Two types of "why this college" essay prompts, step 1: research the school, step 2: brainstorm potential essay topics, step 3: nail the execution, example of a great "why this college" essay.

College admissions officers have to read an incredible amount of student work to put together a winning class, so trust me when I say that everything they ask you to write is meaningful and important .

The purpose of the "why us?" essay goes two ways. On one hand, seeing how you answer this question gives admissions officers a sense of whether you know and value their school .

On the other hand, having to verbalize why you are applying gives you the chance to think about what you want to get out of your college experience  and whether your target schools fit your goals and aspirations.

What Colleges Get Out Of Reading Your "Why This College?" Essay

Colleges want to check three things when they read this essay.

First, they want to see that you have a sense of what makes this college different and special.

  • Do you know something about the school's mission, history, or values?
  • Have you thought about the school's specific approach to learning?
  • Are you comfortable with the school's traditions and the overall feel of student life here?

Second, they want proof that you will be a good fit for the school.

  • Where do your interests lie? Do they correspond to this school's strengths?
  • Is there something about you that meshes well with some aspect of the school?
  • How will you contribute to college life? How will you make your mark on campus?

And third, they want to see that this school will, in turn, be a good fit for you.

  • What do you want to get out of college? Will this college be able to provide that? Will this school contribute to your future success?
  • What will you take advantage of on campus (e.g., academic programs, volunteer or travel opportunities, internships, or student organizations)?
  • Will you succeed academically? Does this school provide the right rigor and pace for your ideal learning environment?

What You Get Out Of Writing Your "Why This College?" Essay

Throughout this process of articulating your answers to the questions above, you will also benefit in a couple of key ways:

It Lets You Build Excitement about the School

Finding specific programs and opportunities at schools you are already happy about will give you a grounded sense of direction for when you start school . At the same time, by describing what is great about schools that are low on your list, you'll likely boost your enthusiasm for these colleges and keep yourself from feeling that they're nothing more than lackluster fallbacks.

It Helps You Ensure That You're Making the Right Choice

Writing the "why us?" essay can act as a moment of clarity. It's possible that you won't be able to come up with any reasons for applying to a particular school. If further research fails to reveal any appealing characteristics that fit with your goals and interests, this school is likely not for you.


At the end of your four years, you want to feel like this, so take your "Why This College?" essay to heart.

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The "why this college?" essay is best thought of as a back-and-forth between you and the college . This means that your essay will really be answering two separate, albeit related, questions:

  • "Why us?": This is where you explain what makes the school special in your eyes, what attracted you to it, and what you think you'll get out of your experience there.
  • "Why you?": This is the part where you talk about why you'll fit in at the school; what qualities, skills, talents, or abilities you'll contribute to student life; and how your future will be impacted by the school and its opportunities.

Colleges usually use one of these approaches to frame this essay , meaning that your essay will lean heavier toward whichever question is favored in the prompt. For example, if the prompt is all about "why us?" you'll want to put your main focus on praising the school. If the prompt instead is mostly configured as "why you?" you'll want to dwell at length on your fit and potential.

It's good to remember that these two prompts are simply two sides of the same coin. Your reasons for wanting to apply to a particular school can be made to fit either of these questions.

For instance, say you really want the chance to learn from the world-famous Professor X. A "why us?" essay might dwell on how amazing an opportunity studying with him would be for you, and how he anchors the Telepathy department.

Meanwhile, a "why you?" essay would point out that your own academic telepathy credentials and future career goals make you an ideal student to learn from Professor X, a renowned master of the field.

Next up, I'll show you some real-life examples of what these two different approaches to the same prompt look like.


Clarifying why you want to study with a particular professor in a specific department can demonstrate to college admissions staff that you've done your research on the school.

"Why Us?" Prompts

  • Why [this college]?
  • Why are you interested in [this college]?
  • Why is [this college] a good choice for you?
  • What do you like best about [this college]?
  • Why do you want to attend [this college]?

Below are some examples of actual "why us?" college essay prompts:

  • Colorado College : "Describe how your personal experiences with a particular community make you a student who would benefit from Colorado College’s Block Plan."
  • Tufts University : " I am applying to Tufts because… "
  • Tulane University : "Describe why you are interested in joining the Tulane community. Consider your experiences, talents, and values to illustrate what you would contribute to the Tulane community if admitted." (via the Common App )
  • University of Michigan : "Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests?"
  • Wellesley College : " When choosing a college, you are choosing an intellectual community and a place where you believe that you can live, learn, and flourish. We know that there are more than 100 reasons to choose Wellesley, but it's a good place to start. Visit the Wellesley 100 and select two items that attract, inspire, or celebrate what you would bring to our community. Have fun! Use this opportunity to reflect personally on what items appeal to you most and why. "


In a "why us?" essay, focus on the specific aspects of the school that appeal to you and how you will flourish because of those offerings.

"Why You?" Prompts

  • Why are you a good match or fit for us?
  • What are your interests, and how will you pursue them at [this college]?
  • What do you want to study, and how will that correspond to our program?
  • What or how will you contribute?
  • Why you at [this college]?
  • Why are you applying to [this college]?

Here are some examples of the "why you?" version of the college essay:

  • Babson College : " A defining element of the Babson experience is learning and thriving in an equitable and inclusive community with a wide range of perspectives and interests. Please share something about your background, lived experiences, or viewpoint(s) that speaks to how you will contribute to and learn from Babson's collaborative community. "
  • Bowdoin College : "Generations of students have found connection and meaning in Bowdoin's 'The Offer of the College.' ... Which line from the Offer resonates most with you? Optional: The Offer represents Bowdoin's values. Please reflect on the line you selected and how it has meaning to you." (via the Common App )


In a "why you?" essay, focus on how your values, interests, and motivations align with the school's offerings and how you'll contribute to campus life.

No matter how the prompt is worded, this essay is a give-and-take of what you and the college have to offer each other. Your job is to quickly zoom in on your main points and use both precision and detail to sound sincere, excited, and authentic.

How do you effectively explain the benefits you see this particular school providing for you and the contributions you will bring to the table as a student there? And how can you do this best using the small amount of space that you have (usually just one to two paragraphs)?

In this section, we'll go through the process of writing the "Why This College?" essay, step-by-step. First, I'll talk about the prep work you'll need to do. Next, we'll go through how to brainstorm good topics (and touch on what topics to avoid). I'll give you some tips on transforming your ideas and research into an actual essay. Finally, I'll take apart an actual "why us?" essay to show you why and how it works.

Before you can write about a school, you'll need to know specific things that make it stand out and appeal to you and your interests . So where do you look for these? And how do you find the details that will speak to you? Here are some ways you can learn more about a school.

In-Person Campus Visits

If you're going on college tours , you've got the perfect opportunity to gather information about the school. Bring a notepad and write down the following:

  • Your tour guide's name
  • One to two funny, surprising, or enthusiastic things your guide said about the school
  • Any unusual features of the campus, such as buildings, sculptures, layout, history, or traditions

Try to also connect with students or faculty while you're there. If you visit a class, note which class it is and who teaches it. See whether you can briefly chat with a student (e.g., in the class you visit, around campus, or in a dining hall), and ask what they like most about the school or what has been most surprising about being there.

Don't forget to write down the answer! Trust me, you'll forget it otherwise—especially if you do this on multiple college visits.

Virtual Campus Visits

If you can't visit a campus in person, the next best thing is an online tour , either from the school's own website or from other websites, such as YOUniversityTV , CampusTours , or YouTube (search "[School Name] + tour").

You can also connect with students without visiting the campus in person . Some admissions websites list contact information for currently enrolled students you can email to ask one or two questions about what their experience of the school has been like.

Or if you know what department, sport, or activity you're interested in, you can ask the admissions office to put you in touch with a student who is involved with that particular interest.


If you can't visit a campus in person, request a video chat with admissions staff, a current student, or a faculty member to get a better sense of specific topics you might write about in your essay.

Alumni Interview

If you have an interview , ask your interviewer questions about their experience at the school and about what going to that school has done for them since graduation. As always, take notes!

College Fairs

If you have a chance to go to a college fair where your ideal college has representatives, don't just attend and pick up a brochure. Instead, e ngage the representatives in conversation, and ask them about what they think makes the school unique .  Jot down notes on any interesting details they tell you.

The College's Own Materials

Colleges publish lots and lots of different admissions materials—and all of these will be useful for your research. Here are some suggestions for what you can use. (You should be able to find all of the following resources online.)

Brochures and Course Catalogs

Read the mission statement of the school; does its educational philosophy align with yours? You should also read through its catalogs. Are there any programs, classes, departments, or activities that seem tailor-made for you in some way?

Pro Tip: These interesting features you find should be unusual in some way or different from what other schools offer. For example, being fascinated with the English department isn't going to cut it unless you can discuss its unusual focus, its world-renowned professors, or the different way it structures the major that appeals to you specifically.

Alumni Magazine

Are any professors highlighted? Does their research speak to you or connect with a project you did in high school or for an extracurricular?

Sometimes alumni magazines will highlight a college's new focus or new expansion. Does the construction of a new engineering school relate to your intended major? There might also be some columns or letters written by alumni who talk about what going to this particular school has meant to them. What stands out about their experiences?

School or Campus Newspaper

Students write about the hot issues of the day, which means that the articles will be about the best and worst things on campus . It'll also give you insight into student life, opportunities that are available to students, activities you can do off campus, and so on.

The College's Social Media

Your ideal school is most likely on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, TikTok, and other social media. Follow the school to see what it's posting about.  Are there any exciting new campus developments? Professors in the news? Interesting events, clubs, or activities?


The Internet

Wikipedia is a great resource for learning basic details about a college's history, traditions, and values. I also recommend looking for forums on College Confidential that specifically deal with the school you're researching.

Another option is to search on Google for interesting phrases, such as "What students really think about [School Name]" or "[School Name] student forum." This will help you get detailed points of view, comments about specific programs or courses, and insight into real student life.

So what should you do now that you've completed a bunch of research? Answer: use it to develop connection points between you and your dream school. These connections will be the skeleton of your "why this college?" essay.

Find the Gems in Your Research

You have on hand all kinds of information, from your own personal experiences on campus and your conversations with people affiliated with your ideal school to what you've learned from campus publications and tidbits gleaned from the web.

Now, it's time to sift through all of your notes to find the three to five things that really speak to you. Link what you've learned about the school to how you can plug into this school's life, approach, and environment. That way, no matter whether your school's prompt is more heavily focused on the "why us?" or "why you?" part of the give-and-take, you'll have an entry point into the essay.

But what should these three to five things be? What should you keep in mind when you're looking for the gem that will become your topic?

Here are some words of wisdom from Calvin Wise , director of recruitment and former associate director of admissions at Johns Hopkins University (emphasis mine):

" Focus on what makes us unique and why that interests you. Do your research, and articulate a multidimensional connection to the specific college or university. We do not want broad statements (the brick pathways and historic buildings are beautiful) or a rehash of the information on our website (College X offers a strong liberal arts curriculum). All institutions have similarities. We want you to talk about our differences. "


Time to find that diamond, amethyst, opal, tourmaline, or amber in the rough.

Check Your Gems for Color and Clarity

When I say "check your gems," I mean make sure that each of the three to five things you've found is something your ideal school has that other schools don't have.

This something should be seen from your own perspective. The point isn't to generically praise the school but instead to go into detail about why it's so great for you that they have this thing.

This something you find should be meaningful to the school and specific to you. For example, if you focus on academics (e.g., courses, instructors, opportunities, or educational philosophy), find a way to link them either to your previous work or to your future aspirations.

This something should not be shallow and nonspecific. Want to live in a city? Every city has more than one college in it. Find a way to explain why this specific college in this specific city calls to you. Like pretty architecture? Many schools are beautiful, so dwell on why this particular place feels unlike any other. Like good weather, beach, skiing, or some other geographical attribute? There are many schools located near these places, and they know that people enjoy sunbathing. Either build a deeper connection or skip these as reasons.

Convert Your Gems into Essay Topics

Every "why this college?" essay is going to answer both the "why us?" and the "why you?" parts of the back-and-forth equation. But depending on which way your target school has worded its prompt, you'll lean more heavily on that part . This is why I'm going to split this brainstorming into two parts—to go with the "why us?" and "why you?" types of questions.

Of course, since they are both sides of the same coin, you can always easily flip each of these ideas around to have it work well for the other type of prompt . For example, a "why us?" essay might talk about how interesting the XYZ interdisciplinary project is and how it fits well with your senior project.

By contrast, a "why you?" essay would take the same idea but flip it to say that you've learned through your senior project how you deeply value an interdisciplinary approach to academics, making you a great fit for this school and its commitment to such work, as evidenced by project XYZ.


Describing how project XYZ demonstrates your investment in a particular course of study that then happens to align with a specific program at the university is an effective approach to the "why you?" essay.

Possible "Why Us?" Topics

  • How a particular program of study, internship requirement, or volunteer connection will help further your specific career goals .
  • The school's interesting approach to your future major (if you know what that will be) or a major that combines several disciplines that appeal to you and fit with your current academic work and interests.
  • How the school handles financial aid and the infrastructure setup for low-income students and what that means for you in terms of opening doors.
  • A story about how you became interested in the school (if you learned about it in an interesting way). For example, did the institution host a high school contest you took part in? Did you attend an art exhibit or stage performance there that you enjoyed and that your own artistic work aligns with?
  • How you overcame an initial disinterest in the school (be sure to minimize this first negative impression). Did you do more research? Interact with someone on campus? Learn about the school's commitment to the community? Learn about interesting research being done there?
  • A positive interaction you had with current students, faculty, or staff, as long as this is more than just, "Everyone I met was really nice."
  • An experience you had while on a campus tour. Was there a super-passionate tour guide? Any information that surprised you? Did something happen to transform your idea about the school or campus life (in a good way)?
  • Interesting interdisciplinary work going on at the university and how that connects with your academic interests, career goals, or previous high school work.
  • The history of the school —but only if it's meaningful to you in some way. Has the school always been committed to fostering minority, first-generation, or immigrant students? Was it founded by someone you admire? Did it take an unpopular (but, to you, morally correct) stance at some crucial moment in history?
  • An amazing professor you can't wait to learn from. Is there a chemistry professor whose current research meshes with a science fair project you did? A professor who's a renowned scholar on your favorite literary or artistic period or genre? A professor whose book on economics finally made you understand the most recent financial crisis?
  • A class that sounds fascinating , especially if it's in a field you want to major in.
  • A facility or piece of equipment you can't wait to work in or with  and that doesn't exist in many other places. Is there a specialty library with rare medieval manuscripts? Is there an observatory?
  • A required curriculum that appeals to you because it provides a solid grounding in the classics, shakes up the traditional canon, connects all the students on campus in one intellectual project, or is taught in a unique way.


If the school can boast a cutting-edge laboratory where you dream of conducting research, that would be a strong focus for a "Why Us?" essay.

Possible "Why You?" Topics

  • Do you want to continue a project you worked on in high school? Talk about how or where in the current course, club, and program offerings this work would fit in. Why will you be a good addition to the team?
  • Have you always been involved in a community service project that's already being done on campus? Write about integrating life on campus with events in the surrounding community.
  • Do you plan to keep performing in the arts, playing music, working on the newspaper, or engaging in something else you were seriously committed to in high school? Discuss how excited you are to join that existing organization.
  • Are you the perfect person to take advantage of an internship program (e.g., because you have already worked in this field, were exposed to it through your parents, or have completed academic work that gives you some experience with it)?
  • Are you the ideal candidate for a study abroad opportunity (e.g., because you can speak the language of the country, it's a place where you've worked or studied before, or your career goals are international in some respect)?
  • Are you a stand-out match for an undergraduate research project (e.g., because you'll major in this field, you've always wanted to work with this professor, or you want to pursue research as a career option)?
  • Is there something you were deeply involved with that doesn't currently exist on campus? Offer to start a club for it. And I mean a club; you aren't going to magically create a new academic department or even a new academic course, so don't try offering that. If you do write about this, make double (and even triple) sure that the school doesn't already have a club, course, or program for this interest.
  • What are some of the programs or activities you plan to get involved with on campus , and what unique qualities will you bring to them?
  • Make this a mini version of a personal statement you never wrote.  Use this essay as another chance to show a few more of the skills, talents, or passions that don't appear in your actual college essay. What's the runner-up interest that you didn't write about? What opportunity, program, or offering at the school lines up with it?


One way to impress admissions staff in a "Why You?" essay is to discuss your fascination with a particular topic in a specific discipline, such as kinetic sculpture, and how you want to pursue that passion (e.g., as a studio art major).

Possible Topics for a College That's Not Your First Choice

  • If you're writing about a school you're not completely psyched about, one way to sidestep the issue is to focus on what getting this degree will do for you in the future . How do you see yourself changing existing systems, helping others, or otherwise succeeding?
  • Alternatively, discuss what the school values academically, socially, environmentally, or philosophically and how this connects with what you also care about . Does it have a vegan, organic, and cruelty-free cafeteria? A relationship with a local farm or garden? De-emphasized fraternity involvement? Strong commitment to environmental issues? Lots of opportunities to contribute to the community surrounding the school? Active inclusion and a sense of belonging for various underrepresented groups?
  • Try to find at least one or two features you're excited about for each of the schools on your list. If you can't think of a single reason why this would be a good place for you to go, maybe you shouldn't be applying there!

Topics to Avoid in Your Essay

  • Don't write about general characteristics, such as a school's location (or the weather in that location), reputation, or student body size. For example, anyone applying to the Webb Institute , which has just about 100 students , should by all means talk about having a preference for tiny, close-knit communities. By contrast, schools in sunny climates know that people enjoy good weather, but if you can't connect the outdoors with the college itself, think of something else to say.
  • Don't talk about your sports fandom. Saying, "I can see myself in crimson and white/blue and orange/[some color] and [some other color]" is both overused and not a persuasive reason for wanting to go to a particular college. After all, you could cheer for a team without going to the school! Unless you're an athlete, you're an aspiring mascot performer, or you have a truly one-of-a-kind story to tell about your link to the team, opt for a different track.
  • Don't copy descriptions from the college's website to tell admissions officers how great their institution is. They don't want to hear praise; they want to hear how you connect with their school. So if something on the college brochure speaks to you, explain why this specific detail matters to you and how your past experiences, academic work, extracurricular interests, or hobbies relate to that detail.
  • Don't use college rankings as a reason you want to go to a school. Of course prestige matters, but schools that are ranked right next to each other on the list are at about the same level of prestige. What makes you choose one over the other?
  • If you decide to write about a future major, don't just talk about what you want to study and why . Make sure that you also explain why you want to study this thing at this particular school . What do they do differently from other colleges?
  • Don't wax poetic about the school's pretty campus. "From the moment I stepped on your campus, I knew it was the place for me" is another cliché—and another way to say basically nothing about why you actually want to go to this particular school. Lots of schools are pretty, and many are pretty in the exact same way.


Pop quiz: This pretty gothic building is on what college campus? Yes, that's right—it could be anywhere.

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When you've put together the ideas that will make up your answer to the "why us?" question, it's time to build them into a memorable essay. Here are some tips for doing that successfully:

  • Jump right in. The essay is short, so there's no need for an introduction or conclusion. Spend the first paragraph delving into your best one or two reasons for applying. Then, use the second paragraph to go into slightly less detail about reasons 2 (or 3) through 5.
  • To thine own self be true. Write in your own voice, and be sincere about what you're saying. Believe me—the reader can tell when you mean it and when you're just blathering!
  • Details, details, details. Show the school that you've done your research. Are there any classes, professors, clubs, or activities you're excited about at the school? Be specific (e.g., "I'm fascinated by the work Dr. Jenny Johnson has done with interactive sound installations").
  • If you plan on attending if admitted, say so. Colleges care about the numbers of acceptances deeply, so it might help to know you're a sure thing. But don't write this if you don't mean it!
  • Don't cut and paste the same essay for every school. At least once, you'll most likely forget to change the school name or some other telling detail. You also don't want to have too much vague, cookie-cutter reasoning, or else you'll start to sound bland and forgettable.

For more tips, check out our step-by-step essay-writing advice .


Avoid cookie-cutter responses to "why this college?" essay prompts. Instead, provide an essay that's personalized to that particular institution.

At this point, it'll be helpful to take a look at a "why us?" essay that works and figure out what the author did to create a meaningful answer to this challenging question.

Here is a "Why Tufts?" essay from James Gregoire '19 for Tufts University :

It was on my official visit with the cross country team that I realized Tufts was the perfect school for me. Our topics of conversation ranged from Asian geography to efficient movement patterns, and everyone spoke enthusiastically about what they were involved in on campus. I really related with the guys I met, and I think they represent the passion that Tufts' students have. I can pursue my dream of being a successful entrepreneur by joining the Tufts Entrepreneurs Society, pursuing an Entrepreneurial Leadership minor, and taking part in an up-and-coming computer science program.

Here are some of the main reasons this essay is so effective:

  • Interaction with current students. James writes about hanging out with the cross-country team and sounds excited about meeting them.
  • "I'm a great fit." He uses the conversation with the cross-country team members to talk about his own good fit here ("I really related with the guys I met").
  • Why the school is special. James also uses the conversation as a way to show that he enjoys the variety of opportunities Tufts offers (their fun conversation covers Asian geography, movement patterns, and other things they "were involved with on campus").
  • Taking advantage of this specialness. James doesn't just list things Tufts offers but also explains which of them are of specific value to him. He's interested in being an entrepreneur, so the Tufts Entrepreneurs Society and the Entrepreneurial Leadership courses appeal to him.
  • Awareness of what the school is up to. Finally, James shows that he's aware of the latest Tufts developments when he mentions the new computer science program.

The Bottom Line: Writing a Great "Why This College?" Essay

  • Proof that you understand what makes this college different and special
  • Evidence that you'll be a good fit at this school
  • Evidence that this college will, in turn, be a good fit for you

The prompt may be phrased in one of two ways: "Why us?" or "Why you?" But these are sides of the same coin and will be addressed in your essay regardless of the prompt style.

Writing the perfect "why this school?" essay requires you to first research the specific qualities and characteristics of this school that appeal to you. You can find this information by doing any or all of the following:

  • Visiting campuses in person or virtually to interact with current students and faculty
  • Posing questions to your college interviewer or to representatives at college fairs
  • Reading the college's own materials , such as its brochures, official website, alumni magazine, campus newspaper, and social media
  • Looking at other websites that talk about the school

To find a topic to write about for your essay, find the three to five things that really speak to you about the school , and then link each of them to yourself, your interests, your goals, or your strengths.

Avoid using clichés that could be true for any school, such as architecture, geography, weather, or sports fandom. Instead, focus on the details that differentiate your intended school from all the others .

What's Next?

Are you also working on your personal statement? If you're using the Common App, check out our complete breakdown of the Common App prompts and learn how to pick the best prompt for you .

If you're applying to a University of California school, we've got an in-depth article on how to write effective UC personal statements .

And if you're submitting ApplyTexas applications, read our helpful guide on how to approach the many different ApplyTexas essay prompts .

Struggling with the college application process as a whole? Our expert guides teach you how to ask for recommendations , how to write about extracurriculars , and how to research colleges .

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.

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what motivates you to go to college essay

How to Write the “Why this Major” College Essay + Examples

What’s covered:.

  • What is the “Why This Major” Essay?
  • Examples of “Why This Major?” Essay Prompts
  • Tips for Writing the “Why This Major?” Essay
  • “Why This Major?” Essay Examples

What to Do If You’re Undecided

The “Why This Major?” essay is a common prompt that nearly every college applicant will have to answer at least once. In this post, we’ll go over the purpose of this essay, examples of real prompts, sample responses, and expert tips for writing your own essay. If one of the colleges on your list asks you to respond to this prompt, you’ll be well-prepared after reading this post. 

What is the “Why This Major” Essay? 

In the college admissions process, you’ll need to submit two main types of essays: the personal statement and supplemental essays. The personal statement is your main application essay that goes to every school you apply to. The goal of this essay is to share more about who you are and your development. 

On the other hand, supplemental essays only go to specific schools, and each school requests their own essays. The goal of these essays is to showcase your fit with the school. Common prompts include “ Why This College? ”, “ Describe an Extracurricular ,” and “Why This Major?” 

The “Why This Major?” prompt in particular asks you, unsurprisingly, to explain your interest in your intended major. Colleges want to understand where you’re coming from academically, what your intellectual passions are, and what you plan to do professionally (at least roughly). If you aren’t 100% sure about what you want to study, that’s totally fine, but you do want to show that you’re an overall curious, engaged student.

It’s also meant to gauge your academic fit with the college, so you should be sure to cover school-specific resources related to your intended major that will help you achieve your goals. In other words, this prompt should actually be considered “Why This Major at This School?” 

Examples of “Why This Major?” Essay Prompts 

Before we dive in, let’s first take a look at some real-life examples of these prompts. 

For example, Yale requests that students write a 200-word supplemental essay based on the following prompt: 

Similarly, Purdue asks applicants to write 250 words in response to the below statement:

Carnegie Mellon , another top college, requires students to discuss the evolution of their proposed field of study, in 300 words or less: 

Finally, the University of Michigan asks students to craft a slightly longer essay, up to 500 words, about the qualities that attracted them to the college or school they’re applying to and how the curriculum will support their interests.

Tips for Writing the “Why This Major?” Essay 

Answering the “Why This Major?” prompt may seem like a difficult task. However, there are tips to help simplify the process and ensure your response addresses the question fully and effectively. Here are three steps for writing a standout essay about your major of choice: 

1. Share how your academic interest developed.  

The first step in crafting an effective “Why This Major?” essay is explaining your emotional resonance with the subject, and your background in it. While you might be tempted to write about your passion for the subject in flowery language, it’s better to share specific experiences that show how your interest developed. You should cover both the coursework that you’ve done in the field and any relevant extracurricular experiences. If you have space, you can also add in the specific subtopics that interest you within the major (i.e. analyzing gender relations or racism within the broader topic of sociology). 

You might also consider sharing a short anecdote related to your interest in the major. This strategy is especially effective at the beginning of the essay, as telling a story will both draw in the reader and provide context for your academic interest. For example, if you’re interested in studying English at Yale, you could start your essay by describing a childhood ritual in which you and your dad went to the library every Saturday.  

However, while anecdotes are crucial components of a college essay, students should choose what details to include with care. The most impactful essays tell a story, so you should refrain from listing all of your extracurricular activities that relate to your chosen major. This is not a resume! Instead, find ways of connecting your initial anecdote with your desire to pursue your major. For example, perhaps your early experiences at the library led you to get a job at a local bookstore and organize author readings for the community.

2. Detail your reasoning and goals.  

It’s not enough to express your passion for a particular subject. You also want to describe your goals and explain how majoring in your chosen field will help you achieve them. Perhaps your early experiences with authors inspired you to start a novel. You can further explain how majoring in English will enable you to study the great works of literature, thereby providing you with the background and foundation needed to find success as a writer.  

3. Explain your school choice.  

Finally, a “Why This Major?” essay should reveal how the college in question will help you achieve your goals. Your reasons should extend beyond “the college is highly ranked for this major,” as no matter how excellent the school’s reputation is, there are assuredly other colleges out there that are also strong in this department. Instead, dive into the curriculum, teaching methodology, specific classes, professors who are doing work in your area of interest, or other resources that can be found only at that school. 

For example, if you’re passionate about becoming a writer one day, take time to explain how Yale’s English program will set you on the road to success. Perhaps you’re interested in studying British greats through the famed Yale in London study abroad program. Or, maybe you plan on pursuing the Creative Writing Concentration as a senior to further refine your abilities to craft engaging narratives with compelling characters. 

You could also mention a desire to take a particular course, study with a certain professor, or work on the school newspaper. Just be careful not to “name-drop” professors⁠—only mention a specific faculty member if their work is highly relevant to your interests. Otherwise, your interest will look disingenuous.

“Why This Major?” Essay Examples 

To give you a better idea of what these essays should look like, below are a few example responses to the “Why This Major?” prompt.

One Christmas morning, when I was nine, I opened a snap circuit set from my grandmother. Although I had always loved math and science, I didn’t realize my passion for engineering until I spent the rest of winter break creating different circuits to power various lights, alarms, and sensors. Even after I outgrew the toy, I kept the set in my bedroom at home and knew I wanted to study engineering. Later, in a high school biology class, I learned that engineering didn’t only apply to circuits, but also to medical devices that could improve people’s quality of life. Biomedical engineering allows me to pursue my academic passions and help people at the same time.

Just as biology and engineering interact in biomedical engineering, I am fascinated by interdisciplinary research in my chosen career path. Duke offers unmatched resources, such as DUhatch and The Foundry, that will enrich my engineering education and help me practice creative problem-solving skills. The emphasis on entrepreneurship within these resources will also help me to make a helpful product. Duke’s Bass Connections program also interests me; I firmly believe that the most creative and necessary problem-solving comes by bringing people together from different backgrounds. Through this program, I can use my engineering education to solve complicated societal problems such as creating sustainable surgical tools for low-income countries. Along the way, I can learn alongside experts in the field. Duke’s openness and collaborative culture span across its academic disciplines, making Duke the best place for me to grow both as an engineer and as a social advocate. 

This student does a great job of sharing how their interest in biomedical engineering developed. They begin the essay with an anecdote, which is more engaging and personal than simply stating “I want to study X major because…” and then smoothly take us into the present, and show how their understanding of the field has become more sophisticated over time. It’s also clear this student has done their research on how Duke specifically can help them achieve their goal of being an engineer and social advocate, as they’re able to name several relevant resources at Duke, such as DUhatch, The Foundry, and the Bass Connections program. 

I woke up. The curtains filtered the sun’s rays, hitting my face directly. I got up, looked from the bathroom to the kitchen, but my dad wasn’t there. I plopped on the couch, then the door opened. My dad walked in, clutching a brown paper bag with ninety-nine cent breakfast tacos. After eating, we drove to a customer’s house. He sat me in a chair, lifted the floorboard, and crawled under the house to fix the pipes. As he emerged, he talked, but my mind drifted to the weight of the eleven-millimeter hex wrench in my hand. My interest in mechanical engineering originates from my dad, who was a plumber. When I was fifteen, my dad passed away from cancer that constricted his throat. Holding his calloused hand on his deathbed, I wanted to prevent the suffering of others from cancer. Two years later, when I was given a topic of choice for my chemistry research paper, I stumbled upon an article about gold nanoparticles used for HIV treatment. I decided to steer the topic of gold nanoparticles used for cancer treatment instead, entering the field of nanotechnology. After reading numerous articles and watching college lectures on YouTube, I was utterly captivated by topics like using minuscule devices to induce hyperthermia as a safe method of cancer treatment. Nanotechnology is multi-disciplinary, reinforcing my interest in pursuing mechanical engineering as a gateway to participate in nanoscience and nanotechnology research at the University of Texas at Austin. I have learned that nanotechnology is not limited to stories like mine, but to other issues such as sustainable energy and water development that I hope to work towards. It is important for me to continue helping others without forfeiting my interest in nanotechnology, working in collaboration with both engineering and the medical field.

The narrative style of this essay engages readers and keeps us eager to know what’s going to happen next. In terms of content, the student does a great job of sharing personal and specific details about themselves, the roots of their academic interests, and their motivation to pursue them in college. While this essay is very strong overall, it is missing the “Why nanotechnology at UT Austin?” element of this kind of prompt, and would be even more successful if the student mentioned a particular professor at UT Austin doing research in their area of interest, or a lab dedicated to work in the field of nanotechnology.

I held my breath and hit RUN. Yes! A plump white cat jumped out and began to catch the falling pizzas. Although my Fat Cat project seems simple now, it was the beginning of an enthusiastic passion for computer science. Four years and thousands of hours of programming later, that passion has grown into an intense desire to explore how computer science can serve society. Every day, surrounded by technology that can recognize my face and recommend scarily-specific ads, I’m reminded of Uncle Ben’s advice to a young Spiderman: “With great power comes great responsibility”. Likewise, the need to ensure digital equality has skyrocketed with AI’s far-reaching presence in society; and I believe that digital fairness starts with equality in education. 

The unique use of threads at the College of Computing perfectly matches my interests in AI and its potential use in education; the path of combined threads on Intelligence and People gives me the rare opportunity to delve deep into both areas. I’m particularly intrigued by the rich sets of both knowledge-based and data-driven intelligence courses, as I believe AI should not only show correlation of events, but also provide insight into why they occur. 

In my four years as an enthusiastic online English tutor, I’ve worked hard to help students overcome both financial and technological obstacles in hopes of bringing quality education to people from diverse backgrounds. For this reason, I’m extremely excited by the many courses in the People thread that focus on education and human-centered technology. I’d love to explore how to integrate AI technology into the teaching process to make education more available, affordable, and effective for people everywhere. And with the innumerable opportunities that Georgia Tech has to offer, I know that I will be able to go further here than anywhere else.

This essay has a great hook—it captures the reader’s attention and draws them into the story right away. Through this anecdote, the student shows their personality and interests, and then deftly transitions into talking about why Georgia Tech’s computer science program is the right match for them. The student explains how the College of Computing at Georgia Tech fits into their future by referencing “threads,” which are unique to the College of Computing’s curriculum and allow students to apply their CS coursework to particular areas. 

Just because you haven’t decided on a concentration doesn’t mean you’re out of luck when it comes to writing the “Why This Major?” essay. Ultimately, schools care less about knowing that you have your whole academic career planned out, and more about seeing that you are a genuinely curious, engaged student who does have intellectual passions, even if you’re still figuring out which one you want to pursue as a major. 

If you’re still undecided, you can opt to write about 1-3 potential majors (depending on the word count), while detailing how the school can help you choose one, as well as meet your broader academic goals. For best results, include personal anecdotes about a few academic subjects or courses that have inspired you, and share some potential career paths stemming from them. For more tips, see our post on how to write the “Why this major?” essay if you’re undecided . 

Where to Get Your “Why This Major?” Essay Edited 

Do you want feedback on your “Why This Major?” essay? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.  

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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Tips for Writing an Effective Application Essay

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Writing an essay for college admission gives you a chance to use your authentic voice and show your personality. It's an excellent opportunity to personalize your application beyond your academic credentials, and a well-written essay can have a positive influence come decision time.

Want to know how to draft an essay for your college application ? Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing.

Tips for Essay Writing

A typical college application essay, also known as a personal statement, is 400-600 words. Although that may seem short, writing about yourself can be challenging. It's not something you want to rush or put off at the last moment. Think of it as a critical piece of the application process. Follow these tips to write an impactful essay that can work in your favor.

1. Start Early.

Few people write well under pressure. Try to complete your first draft a few weeks before you have to turn it in. Many advisers recommend starting as early as the summer before your senior year in high school. That way, you have ample time to think about the prompt and craft the best personal statement possible.

You don't have to work on your essay every day, but you'll want to give yourself time to revise and edit. You may discover that you want to change your topic or think of a better way to frame it. Either way, the sooner you start, the better.

2. Understand the Prompt and Instructions.

Before you begin the writing process, take time to understand what the college wants from you. The worst thing you can do is skim through the instructions and submit a piece that doesn't even fit the bare minimum requirements or address the essay topic. Look at the prompt, consider the required word count, and note any unique details each school wants.

3. Create a Strong Opener.

Students seeking help for their application essays often have trouble getting things started. It's a challenging writing process. Finding the right words to start can be the hardest part.

Spending more time working on your opener is always a good idea. The opening sentence sets the stage for the rest of your piece. The introductory paragraph is what piques the interest of the reader, and it can immediately set your essay apart from the others.

4. Stay on Topic.

One of the most important things to remember is to keep to the essay topic. If you're applying to 10 or more colleges, it's easy to veer off course with so many application essays.

A common mistake many students make is trying to fit previously written essays into the mold of another college's requirements. This seems like a time-saving way to avoid writing new pieces entirely, but it often backfires. The result is usually a final piece that's generic, unfocused, or confusing. Always write a new essay for every application, no matter how long it takes.

5. Think About Your Response.

Don't try to guess what the admissions officials want to read. Your essay will be easier to write─and more exciting to read─if you’re genuinely enthusiastic about your subject. Here’s an example: If all your friends are writing application essays about covid-19, it may be a good idea to avoid that topic, unless during the pandemic you had a vivid, life-changing experience you're burning to share. Whatever topic you choose, avoid canned responses. Be creative.

6. Focus on You.

Essay prompts typically give you plenty of latitude, but panel members expect you to focus on a subject that is personal (although not overly intimate) and particular to you. Admissions counselors say the best essays help them learn something about the candidate that they would never know from reading the rest of the application.

7. Stay True to Your Voice.

Use your usual vocabulary. Avoid fancy language you wouldn't use in real life. Imagine yourself reading this essay aloud to a classroom full of people who have never met you. Keep a confident tone. Be wary of words and phrases that undercut that tone.

8. Be Specific and Factual.

Capitalize on real-life experiences. Your essay may give you the time and space to explain why a particular achievement meant so much to you. But resist the urge to exaggerate and embellish. Admissions counselors read thousands of essays each year. They can easily spot a fake.

9. Edit and Proofread.

When you finish the final draft, run it through the spell checker on your computer. Then don’t read your essay for a few days. You'll be more apt to spot typos and awkward grammar when you reread it. After that, ask a teacher, parent, or college student (preferably an English or communications major) to give it a quick read. While you're at it, double-check your word count.

Writing essays for college admission can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. A well-crafted essay could be the deciding factor─in your favor. Keep these tips in mind, and you'll have no problem creating memorable pieces for every application.

What is the format of a college application essay?

Generally, essays for college admission follow a simple format that includes an opening paragraph, a lengthier body section, and a closing paragraph. You don't need to include a title, which will only take up extra space. Keep in mind that the exact format can vary from one college application to the next. Read the instructions and prompt for more guidance.

Most online applications will include a text box for your essay. If you're attaching it as a document, however, be sure to use a standard, 12-point font and use 1.5-spaced or double-spaced lines, unless the application specifies different font and spacing.

How do you start an essay?

The goal here is to use an attention grabber. Think of it as a way to reel the reader in and interest an admissions officer in what you have to say. There's no trick on how to start a college application essay. The best way you can approach this task is to flex your creative muscles and think outside the box.

You can start with openers such as relevant quotes, exciting anecdotes, or questions. Either way, the first sentence should be unique and intrigue the reader.

What should an essay include?

Every application essay you write should include details about yourself and past experiences. It's another opportunity to make yourself look like a fantastic applicant. Leverage your experiences. Tell a riveting story that fulfills the prompt.

What shouldn’t be included in an essay?

When writing a college application essay, it's usually best to avoid overly personal details and controversial topics. Although these topics might make for an intriguing essay, they can be tricky to express well. If you’re unsure if a topic is appropriate for your essay, check with your school counselor. An essay for college admission shouldn't include a list of achievements or academic accolades either. Your essay isn’t meant to be a rehashing of information the admissions panel can find elsewhere in your application.

How can you make your essay personal and interesting?

The best way to make your essay interesting is to write about something genuinely important to you. That could be an experience that changed your life or a valuable lesson that had an enormous impact on you. Whatever the case, speak from the heart, and be honest.

Is it OK to discuss mental health in an essay?

Mental health struggles can create challenges you must overcome during your education and could be an opportunity for you to show how you’ve handled challenges and overcome obstacles. If you’re considering writing your essay for college admission on this topic, consider talking to your school counselor or with an English teacher on how to frame the essay.

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6 Unique Tips for Writing a Brilliant Motivational Essay

5 unique tips to writing a brilliant motivational essay

Fortunately, in the contemporary world we live in, we can pursue have numerous education paths.

However, choosing college and career path is only half the battle.

The hard part is gaining admissions into the school of your dreams. Make no mistake: this is not an easy task. Most schools require not only outstanding grades, but also a thorough motivational essay explaining your motives for pursuing your chosen major at their institution.

This is the opportunity to stand out and show your character and ability to turn your education into a successful venture.

In the following article, we will give you some writing tips and practical advice on how to write a superb essay for college admissions and earn that acceptance letter.

1. Do your research

One of the most common mistakes people make when writing a motivational essay is creating a template piece for every college they apply to. This is a huge no-no, and here’s why: each academic establishment has its own agenda and preferences.

Some appreciate social initiatives and volunteering experience, some look for passion and determination to succeed, while others pay more attention to grades and test scores.

Try to research your chosen school as much as possible and write a unique essay accordingly. Sometimes colleges provide specific questions they want to see answered in your essay, so be sure to read the instructions carefully. Edit your work so the readers will feel the school’s spirit in your essay. It’s a good start to help your application stand out from the crowd.

2. Be personal

This part may surprise you: you don’t need to be an excellent writer. Sites like EduBirdie might save you some time, but they skip over the real reasons colleges want a motivational letter. Colleges want to get to know you — the person behind the application forms, documents, and numbers.

They want to see what your aspirations are, what you like to do, why you decided to pursue this particular path, and what you consider your strengths to be.

A generic, standard letter with no personality simply won’t. Don’t just repeat your application verbatim — embrace your life and interests and show off the real you! Try to present yourself in an informal way; don’t worry about formalities.

Let the university staff get to see your unique character and way of thinking; perhaps you can include a relevant joke or an anecdote from your life that is connected with your choice of profession, etc.

A strong personal approach goes a very long way here — trust us.

3. Drafts are important

First impressions matters. In the case of college applications, your first impression is in your motivational essay . Of course, you want to give a good first impression. Proper grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation are the key. This is why editing and revising your text is crucial.

Play around with word choice, ensure the paragraphs are clear and concise, and pay close attention to sentence structure. You can even use an Online Word Counter Tool to help you size up your draft properly.

Online programs like Grammarly are great for checking spelling and other possible issues in your writing. If the admission committee reads an essay with a clear sense of purpose, excellent grammar, and determination, they will see the applicant as a good fit because they understand the applicant’s goals and abilities. Don’t underestimate the power of proper styling and grammar.

4. Survey your essay

This may seem like an odd tip, but it can help with your essay quite a lot. If you’re unsure about the motivational essay you’ve written, or maybe you’re looking for ways to make it more memorable, try creating an online survey. You can put it out to the masses on social media, or even ask a few close friends to take a read and give you their thoughts.

Ask their opinion on your writing: what points are the strongest, what areas did you struggle, and how could you improve. This will provide you with real feedback to identify any issues you may have overlooked.

5. Get to the point

It may seem alluring to include every seemingly-relevant detail in your motivational essay. However, this can make the whole piece come across as vague and all over the place. Pick a couple of routes to follow, assess your best qualities, and decide what areas of your life and background you wish to include.

Don’t try to cram in every idea that crosses your mind; this will only clutter your essay! One good suggestion is to ask your friends and family to list your best characteristics, skills, and talents, then pick a few of most common to include in your essay.

6.Professional goals matter

While showing personality in your essay is essential, don’t forget to talk about your professional goals. Clearly state your motivation for choosing this career path and why you’re most suited for it. Explain why you are the best candidate for the program. Don’t overdo it by showing off or praising yourself too much.

Instead, talk about what personality traits will help you success, and where you plan on going with the degree you earn.

Remember, balance is the key to a good motivational essay; putting less information than needed is just as bad as putting too much. Getting too personal and informal will harm your application,but so will being too bland and official.

The secret is to maintain balance, and include only the points that matter. The most important advice is be yourself and be inspired.

For more great college tips, check out the other blogs on College Basics.

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9 Tips for Writing a Brilliant Motivational Essay

Whether you are a high school student caught in the crossroads of your educational journey or an undergraduate debating on a graduate degree, several steps must be taken, from choosing a college or master’s program to applying for your dream job.

On the other hand, choosing is the easy part; getting into the college of your choice is a different story. Most colleges and universities require students to have excellent grades and write a motivational essay describing why they want to pursue his\her desired major at their university.

Writing college motivational essays is a required part of any educational institution’s application process. Then again, some employers require job applicants to submit inspirational articles along with their resumes.

A motivational statement allows you to show off a little more of your personality and explain why you are qualified for the university course or job position in question. This is an opportunity to stand out and demonstrate your integrity and your ability to turn your knowledge into a successful career.

This article will teach you how to write a motivational essay that will help you get into your dream university or land your dream job.

Table of Contents

9 Tips to Write a Motivational Letter

what motivates you to go to college essay

There are a few things to keep in mind when writing inspirational statements to help you write a good paper. Many students struggle to find the motivation to write an article or are simply stumped when asked “What motivates you in life?”. Motivational papers are not as complicated as you may believe. To write a perfect inspiration paper, use the following tips:

1. Research the Institution to which you are applying

It is not in your best interest to simply copy and paste motivational essay examples or templates from the internet. The first step is to learn how merit-based admissions work at your preferred college. If you already have outstanding grades, you have to figure out what other aspects of your life could boost those grades.

Many universities, for example, seek students who have good grades, participate in extracurricular activities, have some volunteer experience, and are involved in social initiatives in school and their community.

Researching your preferred university will assist you in writing a tailored inspirational essay that will showcase all of your personality and goals. It’ll also broadcast how your social and volunteer work will continue to be a factor when you get into the university. Knowing about the university and including that information in your inspirational paper will be a breath of fresh air for the reader. It will give them the impression that you are confident in your decision.

Be sure to sprinkle some positivity and determination in your motivational statement.

2.  Be Creative

I know this may seem obvious to most people but it is still critical. The first two or three sentences of your motivational letter are crucial to the reader. Remember that the person reading your inspirational statement has most likely read thousands of others before it. Keeping the reader’s attention early on will thus benefit you.

Assume your college motivation letter isn’t exciting and doesn’t hook the reader from the first sentence. The reader is likely to close the letter and decline your application at that point.

You want the first paragraph of your motivation essay to keep them guessing and interested in reading until the end. You can include a mysterious story about your motivations and leave the culmination until the end.

3. Get Personal in your Motivational Essay

Make your motivation letter specific to the employer or university to which you are applying. Your letter should reflect your distinct style and personality. Your employers or university are interested in getting to know you better and no one knows you better than yourself. So, don’t just look up some motivational essay examples and use them as your own. The inspiration article should include the things that make you tick, your passions, and more!

Many students prefer to entrust the writing of motivational letters to a professional writing service. However, I can assure you that this is a bad option because you should write the motivation essay yourself.

4. Adopt a Straightforward and Succinct Tone

The objective of a letter of motivation, as the name implies, is to demonstrate your motivation for attending college to the school board or the reasons why you deserve a job to an HR manager who will read it. Avoid using long phrases and, instead, get right to the point. Explain in simple terms what you’re looking for and what you have to offer. Concentrate on what is vital; the rest will be addressed later.

5. Clearly Explain your Motivation

Make it a point to convince the school board or recruiter that this is the right college or job for you. Hit the nail on the head as many times as possible. Demonstrate that this is, without a doubt, the best place for you. Make use of all of your persuasion skills.

If you’re a student who can’t seem to motivate yourself to write the letter, think of it more as your motivation for earning a degree paper. This way of thinking will make you come up with points that are straightforward for your motivational letter.

If you’re writing an inspirational paper to apply for a job position, make sure it includes all of the qualities listed in the job description. Explain how each of the qualities relates to you.

6. Share your Professional Goals

In your inspirational essay, don’t be afraid to put yourself in the future. Outline your career goals and how the university or job offer is a step in the right direction. Also, talk about what you’ve accomplished and what you’re proud of.

7. Find The Right Balance

Of course, you must present yourself in the best possible light and persuade the recruiter that you are the right person for the job but don’t be too smug. At the same time, don’t undervalue yourself or appear overly modest. Try to summarize your accomplishments but avoid bragging about them. Please keep it simple; don’t fill the entire page with your achievements; instead, choose the ones that are relevant to the university or job requirements.

8. Back up what you’re saying

Simply stating that you are organized or that you have a sense of responsibility is not enough. Avoid overused phrases and explain why you’re organized. In your inspirational letter, provide some examples. When writing your motivational paper, one approach is to write as if you were a narrator. Narrating allows you to see yourself through the eyes of another person, telling the story of your life and goals.

9. Ensure that your Essay is Grammatically Sound 

When it comes to writing motivational letters, grammar errors are a no-no. So, double-check and have someone else read your inspirational paper because they may spot grammatical errors that you’ve missed. Also, it would be best if you avoided abbreviations and technical jargon. Do not try to sound like you’re writing a school assignment; instead, use the most elegant yet straightforward language and tone to make your point.

Don’t make writing a motivational statement more difficult than it should be. Focus on the essential things and let the rest go. Keep in mind that the college or company is curious to learn more about you. So, stay relaxed and make use of the tips we have mentioned above and you will be on your way to a brilliant motivation letter.  For more information on college writing tips and essay writing services, check other articles on Essay Advisor .

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Your Best College Essay

Maybe you love to write, or maybe you don’t. Either way, there’s a chance that the thought of writing your college essay is making you sweat. No need for nerves! We’re here to give you the important details on how to make the process as anxiety-free as possible.

student's hands typing on a laptop in class

What's the College Essay?

When we say “The College Essay” (capitalization for emphasis – say it out loud with the capitals and you’ll know what we mean) we’re talking about the 550-650 word essay required by most colleges and universities. Prompts for this essay can be found on the college’s website, the Common Application, or the Coalition Application. We’re not talking about the many smaller supplemental essays you might need to write in order to apply to college. Not all institutions require the essay, but most colleges and universities that are at least semi-selective do.

How do I get started?

Look for the prompts on whatever application you’re using to apply to schools (almost all of the time – with a few notable exceptions – this is the Common Application). If one of them calls out to you, awesome! You can jump right in and start to brainstorm. If none of them are giving you the right vibes, don’t worry. They’re so broad that almost anything you write can fit into one of the prompts after you’re done. Working backwards like this is totally fine and can be really useful!

What if I have writer's block?

You aren’t alone. Staring at a blank Google Doc and thinking about how this is the one chance to tell an admissions officer your story can make you freeze. Thinking about some of these questions might help you find the right topic:

  • What is something about you that people have pointed out as distinctive?
  • If you had to pick three words to describe yourself, what would they be? What are things you’ve done that demonstrate these qualities?
  • What’s something about you that has changed over your years in high school? How or why did it change?
  • What’s something you like most about yourself?
  • What’s something you love so much that you lose track of the rest of the world while you do it?

If you’re still stuck on a topic, ask your family members, friends, or other trusted adults: what’s something they always think about when they think about you? What’s something they think you should be proud of? They might help you find something about yourself that you wouldn’t have surfaced on your own.  

How do I grab my reader's attention?

It’s no secret that admissions officers are reading dozens – and sometimes hundreds – of essays every day. That can feel like a lot of pressure to stand out. But if you try to write the most unique essay in the world, it might end up seeming forced if it’s not genuinely you. So, what’s there to do? Our advice: start your essay with a story. Tell the reader about something you’ve done, complete with sensory details, and maybe even dialogue. Then, in the second paragraph, back up and tell us why this story is important and what it tells them about you and the theme of the essay.


Don’t! Don’t try to tell an admissions officer about everything you’ve loved and done since you were a child. Instead, pick one or two things about yourself that you’re hoping to get across and stick to those. They’ll see the rest on the activities section of your application.


If you can’t think of another way to end the essay, talk about how the qualities you’ve discussed in your essays have prepared you for college. Try to wrap up with a sentence that refers back to the story you told in your first paragraph, if you took that route.


YES, proofread the essay, and have a trusted adult proofread it as well. Know that any suggestions they give you are coming from a good place, but make sure they aren’t writing your essay for you or putting it into their own voice. Admissions officers want to hear the voice of you, the applicant. Before you submit your essay anywhere, our number one advice is to read it out loud to yourself. When you read out loud you’ll catch small errors you may not have noticed before, and hear sentences that aren’t quite right.


Be yourself. If you’re not a naturally serious person, don’t force formality. If you’re the comedian in your friend group, go ahead and be funny. But ultimately, write as your authentic (and grammatically correct) self and trust the process.

And remember, thousands of other students your age are faced with this same essay writing task, right now. You can do it!

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How to Write a College Essay

Let QuestBridge help you with college essay writing tips. We cover what to write about, how to get feedback, and more!

The low-income lens in college essays

Students from low-income backgrounds may not realize that they have a unique perspective to present to admissions officers. If your identity has been shaped by financial difficulties and other obstacles, consider writing about these challenges in your college essays so that admissions officers understand the full context of your successes and academic accomplishments.

Bring us into your world. We want to know you. We want to know your truth.

Student challenges and extenuating circumstances

You may describe specific challenges that you have risen above in your college essays, such as:

  • You hold significant responsibilities in your household, such as providing care for an ill family member, babysitting siblings, or preparing family meals.
  • You have a part-time job to pay for school activities or household expenses.
  • You live with people other than your immediate family or have been in foster care.
  • You experienced homelessness or other temporary housing situations.
  • A parent has passed away or is not present in your life.
  • You commute a long distance to attend school.
  • Your family or community is not supportive of your educational goals.
  • You faced obstacles because English is not your first language.

Proper tone for college essays

If you choose to write about challenges in your life, be careful to avoid using overly critical or negative language when writing a college essay. This is a good opportunity to emphasize your emotional maturity and how challenges in your life have helped you grow as a person. You may compromise that impression if your tone is resentful or excessively dramatic.

College essay topic choice

Giving admissions officers a window into difficult experiences can present your story in your college application, but there are other topics that can also make for a strong essay (e.g. a favorite book, a community service project). Whichever angle you select to tell your story, highlight the most important things that have shaped and continue to shape your identity.

The writing process: brainstorm, outline, and draft

Writing a college essay can seem daunting at first, but it doesn’t have to be. Watch our webinar,  Write a College Essay that Stands Out , and download our worksheet as a template and foundation to help you craft a strong college essay. This college essay format may help you write your essay in a manner that goes beyond just a chronological explanation of your life or an expansion of your resume.

Essay feedback and revisions

Ask teachers, mentors, family, or friends for feedback on your essay. Reach out well in advance of any deadlines, and give them at least two weeks to provide feedback. Ask them in person if you can, but if you cannot, send them an email. If they agree to take a look, you can send them a message with your essay. Download a sample message below.

After receiving feedback, revise! You should plan on going through a few drafts. Here are some things to keep in mind: 

  • You do not have to incorporate all feedback. Accept what you think is most helpful. 
  • Edits and revisions should not remove your voice or completely alter your writing style. 
  • Pay attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and even formatting. 
  • It may help to read your essay out loud to catch mistakes you might otherwise skim over. 
  • Read your college essay from an admissions officer’s perspective.
  • For more college essay writing tips, continue reading the FAQs below.

Detailed FAQs about college admissions essays

Mechanics, structure, and content are vital parts of a successful essay. Our Detailed College Essays FAQs page covers each category in detail to give your essay a strong start and finish. Learn about how to write a college essay, how long a college essay should be, and more.

what motivates you to go to college essay

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How to Stay Motivated in College: 5 Tips for Student Success

A man working on his laptop and the text 5 tips for staying motivated.

When faced with challenging assignments and the competing demands of work and family, you might find it difficult to muster up the motivation to complete an assignment, no matter what your college degree program is. Even if you are engaged in your coursework, there are bound to be times when you feel frustrated or question whether your efforts are worth it.

Remember, college is a marathon, not a sprint. Looking for how to find motivation when faced with what seems like the impossible?

Here are 5 motivational strategies from academic advisors at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) that can help you power through and achieve success.

1. Pursue Your Passion

Do you find time flies when you are truly engrossed in a good book or interesting problem to solve? When you pursue something meaningful to you and can connect it with a purpose, it can help you find the motivation to press on, said academic advising team lead Michelle Wiggett .

Choose the online college degree program that sparks your interest and ties to your personal values and goals. When the going gets tough, it will be much easier for you to find time and energy if you are studying something that you care about, Wiggett said.

"Begin with the end in mind, write down that target and work backward to complete the steps it takes to reach that goal," she said.

Occasionally, students feel pressured to pick a major based on the opinions of their parents, their boss or recent job market statistics, which doesn't necessarily inspire determination. One strategy is to work with your advisors  early on to make adjustments to your program if you find yourself disinterested and losing steam, for example.

There's a reason you decided to enroll in college - whether that means career advancement, a new career or achieving your dream of earning a degree. How do you motivate yourself to continue with a program that may take years to complete? Experts all agree that time management is critical.

"Break things up into smaller, digestible pieces," said Karyn Collins , who advises online liberal arts undergraduates. "If you have a big project or paper due, focus on one piece at a time. The next thing you know, you'll have completed a big chunk, and that can help you get the momentum to keep going."

2. Set and Organize Your Goals

Defining your priorities, perhaps in the form of a master calendar that documents all of your assignments and the due dates of each, can also help you create an achievable roadmap. In that calendar, you can also block off time that you plan to read, post or study, she said.

At times when you find yourself looking at your list of "to-dos" and are thinking, "I have no motivation," it can be helpful then to reflect on the big picture.

"Remember that working on a project is a step toward completing a class and a step toward completing your degree," Collins said. "Think about the value of what you are trying to accomplish now."

3. Develop and Lean on Your Support System

Getting friends and family on your side is key to your success if you are an online student, particularly when chores and other responsibilities compete for your time.

If you feel alone in your challenge, it can feel isolating, said Deb Polatcheck , an academic advisor to graduate students. Having an accountability buddy can help you stay the course, whether that person is your partner, a fellow classmate, a friend pursuing a degree at another school or your advisor.

"The biggest thing is for provisionally accepted students to be successful - and probably all students -is to make sure they feel connected," she said.

Wiggett said students should seek accountability buddies who will hold them responsible for meeting their deadlines and help them find motivation when they need it most.

"Set your expectations with your buddy, and let them know they need to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear," Wiggett said.

Your academic advisor can serve as an accountability buddy if you don't have anyone in your circle who fits the description, Collins said.

"I emphasize to my students who feel like they have lost motivation the steps they can take right now. I tell them that when in doubt, reach out for support," she said.

4. Celebrate All Wins - Big and Small

After you finish a final paper or a particularly challenging project, it's okay to blow off steam and treat yourself to a quick reward. It could be as simple as a walk, a phone call or a tasty treat. In the long term, it's helpful to document your small wins for those times you are wondering how to motivate yourself, Collins said.

Some students tend to be perfectionists and forget to congratulate themselves for what Wiggett calls "mini-wins." Because they can be easy to forget, she suggests creating a "Success or Wins" folder that could exist on your computer or in a hard copy file.

"This could include feedback from a professor, an overall grade on something you worked hard on and ended up doing well in, or being on the President's or Dean's List," Wiggett said. "When you look at these wins, you'll remember that you are on a path for a reason and it will serve as a reminder of all of the great things you've done to help keep that motivation going."

Polatcheck tells students to keep those "A" papers handy to look at when they experience self-doubt.

"It will remind you that you are smart and you can do this," she said.

5. Embrace the Journey

Your greatest achievements may well include setbacks along the way. These setbacks don't indicate failure but instead serve as challenges you learn to overcome.

"Recognize that the ups and downs along the road that make an achievement meaningful," Wiggett tells her students. "No path is perfect; you never get from point A to Z without some setback coming up. It's important to develop resiliency and grit to keep going."

Polatcheck agrees that students need to keep their expectations realistic and to take feedback constructively to grow and learn.

"Make sure you are surrounded by people who are positive and supportive and can remind you that you are awesome for doing this," she said.

Whether you are just beginning your journey, or find yourself a few classes away from earning your degree, these motivational strategies can inspire you to stay positive and keep moving toward your goal.

Krysten Godfrey Maddocks '11 is a writer and marketing/communication professional. Connect with her on LinkedIn .

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10+ Effective Ways to Stay Motivated in College

Last Updated: May 13, 2021 References

This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. and by wikiHow staff writer, Christopher M. Osborne, PhD . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 10,049 times.

College can be really stressful and sap your motivation sometimes, but don’t worry—you can stay motivated and still have some fun! We’ll start this article out with some quick motivation boosters you can try, then move on to some longer-term strategies to improve your focus and drive. Overall, remember to keep your goals in mind but also strive to maintain a healthy balance in your life.

Do calming activities like meditation.

Step 1 Manage your stress...

  • Using mindfulness techniques.
  • Doing breathing exercises.
  • Taking a nature walk.
  • Listening to soothing music.
  • Creating art.
  • Talking to a close friend.

Take “brain breaks” for exercise.

Step 1 Set aside 5 minutes for light exercise for every 1 hour of studying.

  • While “brain breaks” are often associated with younger grade-school kids who have trouble focusing for extended periods of time, people of all ages can benefit from the concept. [2] X Trustworthy Source Edutopia Educational nonprofit organization focused on encouraging and celebrating classroom innovation Go to source

Tackle easier work first.

Step 1 Build motivation with easier stuff before moving onto the harder subjects.

  • Think of it like warming up for basketball by starting with layups, moving on to free throws, and finishing up with three-pointers.

Get creative with your study strategies.

Step 1 Break up the monotony of studying with creative and fun techniques.

  • Simple mnemonic devices like “Roy G. Biv” might have helped you remember the colors of the rainbow as a kid, but you can also use them to help you with more complex, college-level concepts. Associating imagery with something you need to remember is another type of mnemonic device, and also gives you a good reason to draw doodles in your notebook!

Give yourself rewards for your achievements.

Step 1 Celebrate even small successes with a suitable reward.

  • Positive reinforcement (rewarding achievements) works better than negative reinforcement (punishing mistakes or failures).

Don't let failures discourage you.

Step 1 Learn a quick lesson from each failure and then leave it behind.

  • If you get a bad grade on a test, for example, quickly analyze what went wrong. Ask your instructor for details and advice. If you figure out that you spent too much time studying irrelevant material, use this knowledge to improve your studying strategy for the next exam.
  • If you never come up short, you need to set more ambitious goals for yourself!

Create designated study spaces.

Step 1 Use one or two consistent study spaces that suit your needs.

  • It’s easier to get motivated and stay motivated when your study space is actually conducive to studying!
  • Some people prefer a bit of ambient noise and surrounding activity while they study (such as in a cafe), while others prefer complete silence and stillness. Figure out what works best for you.
  • By using a consistent study space, your mind learns to get into “study mode” when you’re in that space.

Develop consistent study habits.

Step 1 Set a regular, manageable study schedule.

  • Treat study time like class time. If you wouldn’t skip class unless you had a really good reason to do so, don’t skip study time for frivolous reasons.
  • You may want to set aside a general “study time” for multiple subjects, or break it down into specific study sessions for particular subjects.

Balance study time and social time.

Step 1 Talk to your friends about your need for study time.

  • Sometimes, you’ll just have to say things like, “Sorry guys, you know I’d love to go with you, but this is my study time and I really need to get to work on my World History paper.”
  • Of course, being a true friend does mean that you can—and should—make time for someone when they really need you. Do your best to make up for any lost study time in these situations.

Make clear post-college goals.

Step 1 Write down your main goals for your life after college.

  • For example: “I want to become an environmental attorney who helps protect the natural world. Earning a college degree is my stepping-stone to law school.”
  • Or: “I want to raise a family in a comfortable house in a nice neighborhood. Completing my accounting degree will increase my earnings potential and help make this a reality.”
  • People who set clear goals that they can work towards are likely to have higher levels of achievement and life satisfaction. [10] X Research source

Break your goals down into small steps.

Step 1 Create small goals you can achieve along the way.

  • If one of your main goals is to become a journalist, you might set goals like getting on the honor roll this semester, joining the student newspaper staff, securing a journalism internship over the summer, and graduating with honors.

Make a weekly goal checklist.

Step 1 Track your progress toward your goals on a regular basis.

  • Putting down a checkmark to indicate that you’ve made good progress toward a goal will give you a sense of accomplishment, which in turn will provide more motivation.
  • Putting down an X to say you did not make good progress will hopefully give you the motivating “kick in the pants” you need.

Get enough sleep and exercise, and eat well.

Step 1 Make healthy lifestyle choices when it comes to sleep, diet, and exercise.

  • To sleep better, create a good sleep environment, create a consistent bedtime routine, and allow yourself around 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
  • Improve your diet by prioritizing fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats, and cutting back on processed foods, added sugars, saturated fats, and calorie-laden drinks.
  • Follow a weekly exercise routine that includes at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (like biking or swimming), 2-3 strength training sessions, and 2-3 flexibility training sessions.

Seek out expert help and support.

Step 1 Work with your college’s support services as needed.

  • Also contact your college’s academic support program if your issues with motivation are affecting your work and grades. You’ll get help in developing more efficient and effective strategies for things like note-taking, studying, and testing.

Expert Q&A

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

  • Share your goals with close friends and family. They can then offer you more specific support and encouragement. Also, you'll feel more motivated to achieve your goals once others know about them. [14] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • How to Answer “What...

How to Answer “What Motivates You?” - With Examples

11 min read · Updated on October 26, 2023

Ken Chase

Knowing how to explain what motivates you tells an interviewer that you not only can do the job - you'll enjoy it, too

When a recruiter or hiring manager asks, “What motivates you?” it sounds like a simple-enough question and one that should be easy to answer - but this is another one of those open-ended questions that need a bit of preparation to answer effectively and keep you in the running for the job.

While there might be many things that motivate you, your answer must be crafted to align with the specific position you're after and the company hiring you to do it.

Why do interviewers ask “What motivates you?”

This question is similar to asking  “What makes you unique?” It's meant to discover whether or not you're the right fit for the job and, more importantly, if you'll fit within that company's particular workplace  culture and goals.

It provides insight into how and why you're motivated to be a successful employee, as well as what fulfills you in your job or career, which in turn offers some additional insight into your personality and approach to work. All these things - plus your skills and experience - help the interviewer to determine whether you're the best person to hire.

It is important to remember that employers who ask what motivates you are not asking you why you've decided to pursue your career options or apply for their open position. They are simply trying to figure out your motivations and drive to do a great job, achieve your mission, and contribute to your employer's success.

“What drives you?” and other ways this question is asked

Some interviewers won't ask this specific question. You need to recognize it when it's asked in different ways, so you can still provide the answers they're after. Instead of “what motivates you?” you might hear:

What inspires you?

What drives you to meet challenges?

What excites you about your job (or about working in general)?

What drives you to be successful?

What makes you want to get up every day for work?

How to prepare an answer to “What motivates you?” 

As with all interview preparation, begin by researching the company in detail. The more you know about the company (and the position), the more you can tailor your answer to match the company's needs. Try to learn about the employer's mission and values, as that can be critical in framing your answers.

In most cases, the hiring manager is asking this in the context of your work life, not your personal life. Most importantly, don't start off with the obvious answer of “a good salary” or “excellent benefits.” It's a given that these things are generally part of everyone's motivation for taking a job and, for the right candidate, these discussions come later in the hiring process.

Possible motivations to focus on as you develop your answer

Taking on or overcoming challenges

Developing new skills

Working with others

Working independently

Having little (or more frequent) direct supervision

Being part of, or leading, a team

Teaching or mentoring others

Creating new processes or improving existing ones

Learning new things

Being innovative or creative

Having challenging goals and deadlines

Aligning your answer with the position you're seeking

As we noted, it's important to know as much as possible about the employer and the job you're seeking, so that you can tailor your response to align with the position. For example, if you're seeking a job dealing with data and analysis, you should try to include those concerns in your answer. You can find an example of this type of data-focused answer in our sample answer section below.

One way to ensure that your answer aligns with the position is to review the job description. Figure out which responsibilities seem to inspire you and build your answer around those duties. Remember to be honest with yourself as you do this, since your response will be more believable if it truly conveys your motivations.

It's also important to not stray too far from that alignment. If the job you're seeking requires a great deal of collaboration with others, then you shouldn't respond by talking about how much you love studying spreadsheets by yourself in a corner office.

Other factors to consider as you create an answer

Consider your strengths . Generally, what motivates someone is also what they're good at, so your answer can highlight skills as well as motivation.

Reflect on the past. Think back to one of your best days at work. Why was it such a good day? What were you doing? Who were you working with? What made you happiest?

Use actual examples. Sharing a specific example from your current job or a previous position means backing up your motivation with the skills that will also make you successful in the job. This often makes a recruiter sit up and take notice.

Keep it short - or as short as possible . Be sure your answer isn't too long or rambling. Keep it as short as possible while still getting across what motivates you the most.

Stay positive. Don't frame your answers using negative examples about you or about others. Share the things you enjoy doing and show how they've helped you to be an excellent employee in all your jobs.

Be honest. Hopefully, you're applying for a position that you really do feel is a good fit for your skills and abilities, as well as for what drives you to be successful. That said, it's important to be honest about your motivation for a job, or it's quite possible you won't have the job for long once your employer discovers you're not a great fit. For example, being motivated by leading a team and consistently interacting with others is not the same as being fulfilled by working mostly on your own crunching numbers or researching data. Neither is good or bad. It's just a question of which one is best for you and that specific role.

Use the STAR method . Describe your motivation examples around S ituations, T asks, A ctions, and R esults. The benefit of this method is that it can show how your motivation ultimately benefited your past company or could benefit a future one. What's more, you end up telling a story rather than just rattling off an answer. That approach can make you sound more interesting and make the interviewer more interested in you.

Practice. Share your answer with a family member or friend and get their feedback. Practicing will help you to answer confidently and concisely.

If you're interviewing for your first full-time job, talk about what motivated you while working in an internship or volunteer role. The outcome should be the same: to convey what's meaningful to you in a job and help the company to see that you'll be a motivated employee who's a good fit for their role.

Sample answers to “What motivates you?”

As you develop your answers, consider the things that attracted you to your current career or specific job. Think about why this kind of work feels right for you and how you've become even more talented over time.

Hopefully, you'll discover more about why you're after any specific position and, in turn, be able to clearly communicate that to the hiring manager or recruiter. Here are some examples to get you started:

Example of someone motivated by learning and skill development

“Learning new skills really motivates me. It's so satisfying to see myself improve as I gain more knowledge about a job or market sector. In my last job, I consistently signed up for training or courses that would grow my skill set, paying for some out of my own pocket. I really believe that ongoing learning makes you more innovative and valuable in the workplace.”

Example for someone motivated by a desire to solve problems

“ I've been coding since middle school, when I was first exposed to it. My mom is a Software Developer and helped me whenever I needed it. Coding has been “it” for me ever since and I've become an expert in Java and C++. I think about coding from the minute I wake up until I go to sleep. Solving problems with code is what challenges me, motivates me, and drives me to be successful. ”

Example for someone who loves organizing projects and activities

“ I'm addicted to planning! Being organized at work and at home drives me to make sure I have enough time to achieve my goals and give my best in all I do. It ensures that I don't overtask myself, so I can focus on doing quality work and not get burned out by working long hours on any one project. Good time management helps me to maintain consistently excellent standards.”

Example for someone who's motivated by serving others

“ Providing outstanding customer service is what drives me. I worked as a Mobile Sales Associate for a local credit union. The days were hectic with solving customer issues and answering questions. I worked hard to understand their queries and explain the how and why of our processes and operations. It really motivated me and upped my confidence whenever customers gave me a great review and a high rating.”

Example for a team player or leader

“I was a Team Lead in my last position, managing a team of 10. Our task was to improve outcomes, so the team had to work efficiently and deliver consistently accurate results. I made it my goal to streamline the team's processes and be more productive with less “busy work.” Working with a team to complete tasks accurately and ahead of schedule was and is what drives me every day. I want to help any company I'm with to always meet their bottom line.” 

Example for someone who's driven by managing successful teams

“I've been responsible for directing software development teams and implementing repeatable processes for a variety of companies. My teams achieved 100% on-time product delivery for six straight months. The challenge of finishing the projects ahead of schedule and successfully managing teams to reach our goals is the kind of thing that's always motivated me.”

Example for a person who's driven to get results

“I'm motivated by results. I'm always excited when I have a tangible goal to meet and enough time to develop a sound strategy to accomplish it. In my current job, we have very aggressive quarterly and yearly goals. I was tasked to work with my manager and my team to create a month-by-month strategy to meet our quarter-end and year-end numbers. Accomplishing that was a great thrill and made me even more result oriented.”

Example for a person who's motivated by data

“I love numbers. Analyzing data and providing results really drives and motivates me. I love getting my hands on a spreadsheet to figure out what's driving the numbers and sharing my conclusions. In my current position, I generate our monthly sales analytics reports. Being able to provide this essential information is really motivating because the data from these reports helps the company to determine its sales goals for the upcoming months and clarifies how the organization will move forward, and I know I've made a big contribution to that.”

Proper preparation can help you approach your interview with greater confidence

Knowing what motivates you means you can clearly and confidently convey to an interviewer that you not only have the skills to do the job but that you will also fit well with the company's culture and values. As long as you've done your research and preparation, you'll conquer your fear of this particular interview question and be ready to promote yourself as the best candidate to hire.

Your motivators are simply what you love to do and, as the saying goes, “find something you love to do and you'll never work a day in your life.”

Learn how to ace every part of your interview with our  expert interview tips , and let our free resume review make your resume shine! This article was originally written by Lisa Tynan and has been updated by Ken Chase.

Recommended reading:

Ask Amanda: How Can I Be More Confident During Interviews?

5 Tricky Interview Questions and How to Handle Them

What to Say at an Interview: 5 Boring Interview Lines to Avoid

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10 Smart Answers to “What Motivates You?”

By Editorial Team on April 21, 2023 — 9 minutes to read

Why Do They Ask “What Motivates You?”

When an interviewer asks you about your motivation, they want to understand how passionate and committed you are to their company and the job opportunity. They are looking to gauge if you genuinely care about the work and if you will fit well within their team and culture. Your answer should be genuine and specific, highlighting your unique motivators and how they relate to the position you are applying for.

10 Example Answers to “What Motivates You?”

I’m motivated by the opportunity to learn and grow in my career. I’m always looking for ways to challenge myself and expand my skill set, and I find that being in a dynamic, fast-paced work environment helps me do that. I’m also motivated by the chance to collaborate with talented colleagues and contribute to a team effort that produces great results.”

“For me, motivation comes from feeling like I’m making a difference. Whether it’s through providing excellent customer service, creating innovative solutions to problems, or simply being a supportive team member, I find that I’m most energized when I feel like my work is having a positive impact. That’s why I’m drawn to companies that have a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to making a difference in their communities.”

“As someone who is naturally curious and loves to explore new ideas, I’m motivated by the opportunity to innovate and create. Whether it’s developing new products, designing new processes, or finding more efficient ways to do things, I’m always looking for ways to push the envelope and come up with something new and exciting. I find that this kind of work keeps me engaged and inspired.”

“One of the things that motivates me most is the chance to take on new challenges and push myself out of my comfort zone. I thrive on the adrenaline rush that comes with tackling something difficult and succeeding against the odds. Whether it’s taking on a new project, working with a new team, or learning a new skill, I’m always eager to take on new challenges and prove myself.”

“What motivates me is the desire to achieve my goals and fulfill my potential. I’m driven by a sense of ambition and a desire to succeed, and I’m always looking for ways to improve myself and my performance. Whether it’s through setting and achieving personal or professional goals, or simply striving to be the best version of myself, I find that this kind of drive keeps me focused and motivated.”

“I’m motivated by the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it’s through my work directly or through the company’s mission, I find that I’m most energized when I feel like I’m contributing to something bigger than myself. I want to be part of an organization that is making a difference and creating a better future for everyone.”

“For me, motivation comes from the chance to develop meaningful relationships with my colleagues and clients. I’m a people person at heart, and I find that working with others who share my values and goals is incredibly fulfilling. I want to be part of a team that is supportive, collaborative, and committed to achieving great things together.”

“I’m motivated by the opportunity to continuously learn and improve. Whether it’s through formal training programs or on-the-job experience, I’m always looking for ways to expand my knowledge and skills. I want to work for a company that values professional development and encourages its employees to grow and evolve over time.”

“As someone who is passionate about innovation and creativity, I’m motivated by the chance to work on projects that are truly groundbreaking. I want to be part of a team that is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and creating solutions that are truly innovative and impactful.”

Example 10:

“For me, motivation comes from the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with achieving a difficult goal. Whether it’s hitting a sales target, completing a complex project, or overcoming a personal challenge, I find that I’m most motivated when I have a clear goal in mind and a plan for achieving it.”

How to Answer “What Motivates You?”

Step 1: identify your motivations.

By identifying your key motivations, you’ll be able to provide a compelling response during your interview.

Personal Values

Reflect on your core beliefs and principles, and consider how they drive your actions and decisions. Here are some common personal values:

  • Self-improvement

Think about which ones align with your personality and the role you’re applying for. Describe how these values fuel your motivation and commitment to the job.

Career Goals

Consider the long-term objectives you’re working towards in your professional life. Be specific about your desired achievements and how they relate to the role you’re interviewing for. Some examples of career goals could be:

  • Acquiring new technical skills
  • Developing leadership skills
  • Contributing to a specific industry

Link these goals to the company’s mission, and express how this role will help you grow professionally and contribute to the organization.

Interests and Passions

Identify what you’re genuinely passionate about, both inside and outside of work, and connect these interests to the position you’re applying for. Here are some questions to help you introspect:

  • What topics of conversation energize you?
  • Which tasks and projects bring out your enthusiasm?

Step 2: Tailor Your Answer to the Job

Try to tailor your response to the specific job you’re applying for. Consider the key responsibilities, company culture, and overall mission of the organization.

Begin by researching the company and its values. This information can typically be found on the company’s website, social media profiles, or through online reviews. Pay special attention to the language used in the job description – it may indicate some of the top skills and values the company is looking for.

Next, reflect on your personal motivations and how they align with the job requirements. Make a list of the aspects of the position that genuinely excite you, and focus on these in your response.

1) Motivator:  Interest in the field

Sample Answer:  “One thing that motivates me is my genuine passion for the industry. I’ve always been fascinated by the way technology impacts our daily lives, and I’m excited to be part of a team that’s shaping its future. I find that this passion drives me to stay focused and committed to my work.”

2) Motivator:  Professional growth

Sample Answer:  “What truly motivates me is the opportunity for personal and professional growth. I enjoy taking on new challenges and expanding my skill set. Knowing that I’m constantly improving and contributing value to the team gives me a great sense of accomplishment.”

3) Motivator:  Helping others

Sample Answer:  “I’ve always been motivated by the desire to help others. In my previous role, I took pride in knowing that my work made a positive impact on my clients’ lives. This not only gave me a sense of fulfillment but also encouraged me to go above and beyond in my tasks.”

Step 3: Include Specific Examples

If applicable, you can provide specific examples from your experience that demonstrate your motivation. By doing so, you give the interviewer a clear and authentic picture of your work ethic and what drives you to succeed.

To begin, think about a time when you were particularly motivated to achieve a goal, finish a project or overcome a challenge. Describe the situation, what motivated you, and the steps you took to reach your objective. Remember to focus on aspects that can be applied universally, such as personal growth or helping others, rather than individual circumstances.

When crafting your answer, use the STAR method:

  • Situation : Describe the context or background of the event.
  • Task : Explain your responsibility or goal in that situation.
  • Action : Detail the steps you took to approach the task or challenge.
  • Result : Share the positive outcome of your actions, and how it demonstrates your motivation.

For example, if you’re motivated by helping others, you might say:

“In my previous role as a customer support specialist, I was motivated by finding solutions to customer issues and ensuring they had a positive experience with our company. One day, I encountered a particularly challenging issue that required me to work closely with multiple departments to find a resolution. Seeing the gratitude in the customer’s response when we resolved the issue was incredibly rewarding and further motivated me to work even harder in the future.”

By providing specific examples that showcase your motivation, you’ll demonstrate to the interviewer that you have a genuine passion for your work and a strong drive to excel in your career.

Step 4: Practice Your Response

Practicing your response to the question “What motivates you?” will help you feel more confident during your interview. So, once you’ve identified your motivators and examples, practice articulating your response. You can do this by speaking your answer out loud or writing it down. As you practice, focus on being concise and clear in your explanation. Avoid using filler words, such as “um,” “like,” or “you know.”

Consider practicing with a friend or family member who can provide feedback on your response. They can help you identify areas that need improvement, such as body language, tone, or clarity of your answer. Remember, your goal is to provide a strong, authentic response that showcases your unique motivations and fit for the role.

Avoid Common Mistakes

  • Be genuine:  Don’t try to impress the interviewer by simply stating what you think they want to hear. Instead, provide an authentic answer that truly reflects your personal motivations.
  • Stay relevant:  Although you should share your genuine motivation, ensure it connects to the job or the company’s goals. This will demonstrate your potential as a valuable employee in the organization.
  • Keep it concise:  Though it’s important to provide context for your motivation, avoid long-winded answers that drift off-topic. Stay focused and keep your response brief.

It’s a great idea to prepare a few examples that illustrate your motivation. This will make your response even stronger, and help convey your commitment to the role. For example, let’s suppose your motivation is your desire to contribute to meaningful projects. You might share a story about a time when you initiated or led a project that made a real difference in your previous role. Or you could mention a specific project or initiative at the company you’re interviewing for that excites you.

It’s essential to reflect on your personal motivations and connect them to the job you’re applying for. Consider how your motivations align with the company culture and values.

Tailor your response and try to use specific examples from your professional and personal life to illustrate your points. If you’re unsure what aspects to highlight, think about the desired skills and qualifications mentioned in the job description and how you have demonstrated those in the past. Don’t forget to practice your response before the interview. Good luck!

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Guest Essay

The Best College Is One Where You Don’t Fit In

Two people walking down a pathway on an otherwise seemingly empty college campus.

By Michael S. Roth

Mr. Roth is the president of Wesleyan University.

This time of year, college campuses like the one where I live fill up with high school seniors preparing to make what feels like a momentous choice. The first imperative is to find a school that they can afford, but beyond that, many students have been advised to find one where they can see themselves. Too often, they take this to mean finding a place with students like them, even students who look like them — a place where they will feel comfortable. I can’t tell you how many families have described driving many hours to a campus somewhere and having their daughter or son say something like: “We don’t need to get out. I can tell already this isn’t for me.”

“How about the info session?” the patient parent asks.

Choosing a college based on where you feel comfortable is a mistake. The most rewarding forms of education make you feel very uncomfortable, not least because they force you to recognize your own ignorance. Students should hope to encounter ideas and experience cultural forms that push them beyond their current opinions and tastes. Sure, revulsion is possible (and one can learn from that), but so is the discovery that your filtered ways of taking in the world had blocked out things in which you now delight. One learns from that, too.

Either way, a college education should enable you to discover capabilities you didn’t even know you had while deepening those that provide you with meaning and direction. To discover these capabilities is to practice freedom, the opposite of trying to figure out how to conform to the world as it is. Tomorrow the world will be different anyway. Education should help you find ways of shaping change, not just ways of coping with it.

These days, the first thing that campus visitors may notice are protests over the war in Gaza. These will be attractive to some who see in them an admirable commitment to principle and off-putting to those who see evidence of groupthink or intimidation. Any campus should be a “ safe enough space ,” one free of harassment and intimidation, but not one where identities and beliefs are just reinforced. That’s why it’s profoundly disturbing to hear of Jewish students afraid to move about because of the threat of verbal and physical abuse. And that’s why it’s inspiring to see Muslim and Jewish students camped out together to protest a war they think is unjust.

Refusing to conform can mean being rebellious, but it can also mean just going against the grain, like being unabashedly religious in a very secular institution or being the conservative or libertarian voice in classes filled with progressives. I recently asked one such student if he perceived any faculty bias. “Don’t worry about me,” he replied. “My professors find me fascinating.” Some of the military veterans who’ve attended my liberal arts university have disrupted the easy prejudices of their progressive peers while finding themselves working in areas they’d never expected to be interested in.

Over the years, I’ve found nonconformists to be the most interesting people to have in my classes; I’ve also found that they often turn out to be the people who add the greatest value to the organizations in which they work. I’m thinking of Kendall, a computer science major I had in a philosophy class whom I saw on campus recently because she was directing an ambitious musical. When I expressed my admiration at her unlikely combination of interests, she was almost insulted by my surprise and enthusiasm. Had I really stereotyped her as someone not interested in the arts just because she excels in science?

Or take the student activist (please!) who a couple of years after leading a demonstration to the president’s office made an appointment to meet with me. I was worried about new political demands, but she had something else in mind: getting a recommendation for law school. I could, she reminded me with a smile, write about her leadership abilities on campus. And I did.

Of course, even students who refuse to fall in with the herd should learn how to listen and speak to it and to various groups different from their own. That’s an increasingly valuable capacity, and it will help them make their way in the world, whatever school they attend, whatever their major.

Side by side, students should learn how to be full human beings, not mere appendages, and this means continually questioning what they are doing and learning from one another. “Truly speaking,” Ralph Waldo Emerson said about a century ago, “it is not instruction, but provocation, that I can receive from another soul.” That’s why the colleges — large public institutions or small faith-based colleges or anything in between — that nurture and respond to the energies of their students are the ones that feel most intellectually alive.

So, what makes a school the right one? It’s not the prestige of a name or the campus amenities. First and foremost, it’s the teachers. Great teachers help make a college great because they themselves are never done being students. Sure, there are plenty of schools filled with faculty members who think alike, who relish the bubble of fellowship in received opinion. A college can make being weird or radical into adolescent orthodoxy. These places should be avoided. By contrast, there are colleges with great teachers who practice freedom by activating wonder, a capacity for appreciation and a taste for inquiry — and who do so because they themselves seek out these broadening experiences. You can feel their own nonconformity as they try to provoke their students away from the various forms of received opinion.

Finding the right college will often mean finding these kinds of people — classmates and mentors, perpetual students who seek open-ended learning that brings joy and meaning. That’s what young people checking out schools should really be looking for: not a place merely to fit in but a place to practice freedom in good company.

Michael S. Roth is the president of Wesleyan University. His most recent books are “ The Student: A Short History” and “ Safe Enough Spaces: A Pragmatist’s Approach to Inclusion, Free Speech, and Political Correctness on College Campuses.”

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Does It Really Matter Where You Go To College? Financially, It Does

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Stanford University

High school students and their parents are nothing short of obsessed with college decisions—concerns over students’ higher education prospects prompt parents to spend thousands of dollars on private school, tutoring, private college admissions consulting, competitive summer programs, and more. Though many invest huge amounts of time, money, and energy into the process, others often wonder: Does it really matter whether your student attends an Ivy League school or a state university?

From large state schools to small liberal arts colleges, students can find research opportunities, rigorous curricula, and vibrant campus communities at a wide array of colleges. In choosing where to apply, and later, where to attend college, students should be diligent in their research and discern what kind of school will best suit them. An Ivy League school is not the right choice for every student—needless to say, many students would not thrive in such rigorous academic environments. Further, Ivy League schools’ small campus sizes, cultures and locations may not be the best fit for some students. When it comes to student satisfaction and the potential to flourish, an Ivy League may not be the best option.

However, when it comes to future earning potential and career success, where you go to college matters greatly.

First and foremost, the caliber of a student’s alma mater can impact their likelihood of securing a job after graduation. Princeton, Harvard, and Yale all rank in the top 10 in the Times Higher Education 2023-2024 Global Employability University Ranking, alongside other top schools such as MIT, CalTech, and Stanford. Not only are graduates of these schools more likely to get a job, but a report from Opportunity Insights indicated further that attending a college in the Ivy plus category rather than a highly selective public institution triples a graduate’s chances of working at a prestigious firm.

This is due in large part to the networking opportunities afforded to students at world-renowned universities. While excelling in the classroom during one’s college years is an impressive feat, few employers will look at students’ GPAs or transcripts after graduation. They will care instead about the quality of their resumes and professional experiences. Ivy League and other top schools provide networks that will follow students throughout their careers, as graduates connect with one another through organizations such as the Harvard Club of New York City.

The significance of attending a top college manifests not only in one’s likelihood of getting a job, but also their average earnings. Graduates from Ivy League schools are reported to have higher average annual earnings than their peers who graduate in the top 10% of other colleges. According to U.S. News & World Report , Ivy League graduates with approximately three years of professional experience earned a median annual salary of $86,025 in 2022, compared to graduates of other schools who earned $58,643. The gap widens as time goes on—by mid-career (20 years of experience), Ivy League grads earn $161,888 on average, compared to other graduates who average $101,777. Additionally, graduates of Ivy League and other top schools are 60% more likely to reach the top 1% of the earnings distribution. It is no surprise, then, that every Ivy League school except for Brown appears on Forbes’ 2022 list of The 11 Most Popular Colleges Among America’s Richest. University of Pennsylvania topped that list, with 17 graduates appearing on Forbes’ 400 wealthiest American rankings.

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These statistics are even more significant in light of Ivy League schools’ financial aid packages. For instance, in 2022, Princeton announced that they would offer free tuition, room, and board for most students whose families made less than $100,000 annually. Programs such as these bring the average annual cost of attending an Ivy League education down to $23,234 —less than the average cost of ranked colleges outside of the Ivy League. These financial incentives contribute to the ROI of top schools, placing Princeton, Harvard, Yale, and Dartmouth in the top 10 in The Princeton Review ’s ranking of best value colleges.

Ultimately, students should seek to attend a school that aligns with their goals and passions while recognizing that their college decision will have lasting effects on their career and income. Investing in the necessary support to maximize your student’s chances of admission to Ivy League and other top schools is a strategic choice—and one that could have a positive impact for years to come.

Christopher Rim

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    By The Learning Network. Jan. 19, 2023. This week we asked students, " What motivates you to learn? " The question was inspired by an Opinion essay by Jonathan Malesic called " The Key to ...

  22. How to Answer "What Motivates You?" (Amazing Examples Included)

    For example, if you are motivated to help students who struggle, tell a story of how you struggled in school and felt inadequate, and then suddenly in 4th grade, your teacher connected with you in such a way that you finally saw the light and began to excel. Explain how you now want to be that teacher for others.

  23. How to Answer "What Motivates You?"

    This often makes a recruiter sit up and take notice. Keep it short - or as short as possible. Be sure your answer isn't too long or rambling. Keep it as short as possible while still getting across what motivates you the most. Stay positive. Don't frame your answers using negative examples about you or about others.

  24. 10 Smart Answers to "What Motivates You?"

    Personal Values. Reflect on your core beliefs and principles, and consider how they drive your actions and decisions. Here are some common personal values: Integrity. Respect. Empathy. Hard work. Self-improvement. Think about which ones align with your personality and the role you're applying for.

  25. How to Write Diversity Essay: Guidelines for Students

    Step 4. Craft a compelling introduction. Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that grabs the reader's attention and introduces the diversity background topic. Provide context for your writing and present a thesis statement that presents the main argument you'll explore. Step 5. Define your identity.

  26. What has truly committed/motivated you to go and study in an ...

    r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. ... (like investment banking or consulting) still require networking even if you go to an Ivy League school.

  27. Personal Essay: What Motivates You?

    He motivates me to be better, faster, stronger and more determined. He teaches me to set high goals and reach them. Lastly, my coworkers motivate me to continue to improve my already strong work ethic. As their manager, they depend on me to teach them how to succeed in our work environment. Having people look up to me motivates me to no end.

  28. Opinion

    Mr. Roth is the president of Wesleyan University. This time of year, college campuses like the one where I live fill up with high school seniors preparing to make what feels like a momentous ...

  29. Does It Really Matter Where You Go To College? Financially, It ...

    Stanford University. Getty Images. High school students and their parents are nothing short of obsessed with college decisions—concerns over students' higher education prospects prompt parents ...

  30. Motivation for college apps and essays? : r/ApplyingToCollege

    Hey there, I'm a bot and something you said made me think you might be looking for help! It sounds like your post is related to essays — please check the A2C Wiki Page on Essays for a list of resources related to essay topics, tips & tricks, and editing advice. Please be cautious of possible plagiarism if you do decide to share your essay with other users.