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Review: Asking the Right Questions by Browne & Keeley

what is the role of curiosity in critical thinking according to brown and keeley

The first step in the process is to look for the issues and conclusions. The authors emphasize this: we cannot critically evaluate until we find the conclusion. Once we know the conclusion, we can look for the reasons for that conclusion and evaluate the reasons. Reasons plus a conclusion makes an argument; the stronger the reasons, the stronger the argument.

So much of the content of this book is just nugget after nugget of great information, instruction, and insight. The book helps the reader to understand the underlying assumptions and processes behind much of the thinking he encounters. The reader is encouraged to watch out for ambiguous language, look for assumptions, identify fallacies, and identify good evidence.

When it comes to evidence, the authors offer excellent insights into how the critical thinker can separate good evidence from bad evidence. Intuition, personal experience, testimonials, appeals to authority, and other types of evidence are all evaluated by asking the right questions. The content of the book entails fourteen chapters, each dedicated to a particular line of question, listed here:

1) What are the issues and the conclusions? 2) What are the reasons? 3) Which words or phrases are ambiguous? 4) What are the value conflicts and assumptions? 5) What are the descriptive assumptions? 6) Are there any fallacies in the reasoning? 7) How good is the evidence? 8) Are there rival causes? 9) Are the statistics deceptive? 10) What significant information is omitted? 11) What reasonable conclusions are possible? 3

Of course, critical thinking is not simply knowing a list of questions. Each chapter is like a meal to be enjoyed in its own right. Speeding through this book is not the way to benefit from the insights. Careful reading and re-reading would be encouraged in order to build new habits of thought and to internalize the content.

In their conclusion, the authors end with an exhortation to the critical thinker to use his skills to become a better person. A humble tone is encouraged: “You seek…not to elevate yourself above those who have other conclusions, but to move us all forward to some better understanding of who we are. All the while, you will be improving yourself as a thinker.” 4

In sum, Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking is a superb book. Easy to read, engaging, and remarkably beneficial, it is sure to be a significant title in the critical thinker’s library.

1 M. Neil Browne & Stuart M. Keeley, Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2007), p. 2. 2 Ibid., p. 4. 3 Ibid., p. 13. 4 Ibid., p.206.

Written by Brian Auten

Brian Auten is the founder emeritus of Apologetics315. He is also director of Reasonable Faith Belfast. Brian holds a Masters degree in Christian Apologetics and has interviewed over 150 Christian apologists. His background is in missions, media direction, graphic design, and administration. Brian started Apologetics315 in 2007 to be an apologetics hub to equip Christians to defend the faith.

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what is the role of curiosity in critical thinking according to brown and keeley

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what is the role of curiosity in critical thinking according to brown and keeley

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Mastering the Art of Asking: Interview with Browne & Keeley

M. Neil Browne, Stuart M. Keeley/logo

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s enlightening interview where we have the pleasure of sitting down with two remarkable individuals who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of critical thinking and effective decision-making. Today, we have the honor of gracing our platform with none other than M. Neil Browne and Stuart M. Keeley, co-authors of the renowned book “ Asking the Right Questions : A Guide to Critical Thinking.

M. Neil Browne, a former professor of economics and public policy and current Professor Emeritus at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, has spent a significant portion of his career exploring the power of critical thinking in both academic and practical contexts. His expertise in the field of decision analysis has made him a sought-after consultant across industries, guiding organizations to identify and mitigate bias in their decision-making processes.

Joining Browne is Stuart M. Keeley, a distinguished professor and experienced management consultant. Keeley has worked extensively with top-tier corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations to enhance their critical thinking capabilities. With his deep understanding of strategic management and organizational psychology, Keeley has become a trusted advisor in complex decision-making situations.

Together, Browne and Keeley have co-authored numerous articles and several critically acclaimed books exploring how our thinking processes influence our judgments and decisions. Their collective insights have empowered countless individuals to become more discerning, analytical, and deliberate when faced with intricate choices.

During our interview, we aim to delve into the depths of their profound expertise, uncovering the fundamental principles that underpin their work and exploring the practical applications of critical thinking in our everyday lives. From untangling cognitive biases that cloud our judgment to developing robust frameworks that enable effective problem-solving, these intellectual powerhouses stand at the forefront of promoting clarity, objectivity, and evidence-based decision-making.

So, without further ado, let us embark on this enthralling conversation as M. Neil Browne and Stuart M. Keeley take us on a journey through the realms of critical thinking, shedding light on how we can all become better thinkers and decision-makers in this increasingly complex world.

Table of Contents

Who is M. Neil Browne, Stuart M. Keeley?

M. Neil Browne and Stuart M. Keeley are acclaimed authors and educators known for their expertise in critical thinking and decision-making. Together, they have co-authored several influential books and contributed significantly to the field of critical thinking education. Through their extensive research and teaching experience, Browne and Keeley have shaped the way we approach and enhance our thinking skills, enabling individuals to make well-informed decisions in both professional and personal realms. With their insightful perspectives and practical advice, Browne and Keeley have empowered countless learners to develop a deeper understanding of critical thinking, making them highly respected figures in the academic community.

20 Thought-Provoking Questions with M. Neil Browne, Stuart M. Keeley

1.Can you share 10 insightful quotes from your book “Asking the Right Questions” that encapsulate its core ideas and principles?

1. “The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our thinking.”

2. “Asking the right questions can lead us to a deeper understanding of the world.”

3. “Questions are the compass of curiosity.”

4. “Critical thinking involves questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence, and testing conclusions.”

5. “Effective communication begins with asking the right questions.”

6. Questioning authority is essential for a well-functioning society.

7. “Becoming an active questioner helps navigate the complexities of our increasingly complex world.”

8. “Questions challenge our comfort zones and foster personal growth.”

9. “The ability to ask meaningful questions allows us to make better decisions.”

10. “Seeing the world through a questioner’s lens unlocks a world of possibilities.”

2.How did you come up with the concept for “Asking the Right Questions,” and what motivated you to write a book on critical thinking?

The concept for “Asking the Right Questions” emerged from our shared passion for promoting critical thinking skills among students and individuals. As experienced educators and professionals in the field, we recognized a crucial need for a practical guide that would teach people how to think critically and make better decisions in their personal and professional lives.

Our motivation to write the book stemmed from observing the increasingly complex nature of the world we live in, where information overload , biases, and persuasive tactics often cloud the decision-making process. We felt a sense of responsibility to equip individuals with the necessary tools to navigate through this complexity and make informed choices.

Moreover, we strongly believed that critical thinking is not just a skill for academics or experts but something that everyone should possess. It empowers individuals to analyze, evaluate, and question information effectively, ultimately leading to more rational decisions and better outcomes in a wide range of scenarios.

By writing “Asking the Right Questions,” we aimed to provide a practical framework that could be applied across various disciplines and practical settings. We wanted to cultivate a culture where people are encouraged to challenge assumptions, ask meaningful questions, and seek evidence before reaching conclusions.

Our hope was to present critical thinking as a vital life skill, valuable not only for academic success but also for personal growth, career advancement, and responsible citizenship. We wanted to inspire readers to think more deeply, engage with diverse perspectives, and build arguments based on reason and evidence.

In summary, the concept for “Asking the Right Questions” arose from our commitment to promoting critical thinking skills, while our motivation to write the book stemmed from the pressing need to equip individuals with the tools necessary to navigate an increasingly complex world. We wanted to empower readers to make better decisions, engage with information more critically, and ultimately become more effective thinkers in all aspects of their lives.

3.In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge people face when it comes to asking the right questions in various situations?

We believe that one of the biggest challenges people face when it comes to asking the right questions in various situations is overcoming their own biases and assumptions.

Often, individuals approach any given situation with preconceived notions, personal beliefs, and biases that can hinder their ability to ask objective and critical questions. People tend to see the world through the lens of their own experiences, cultural background, and even societal influences, which can create blind spots and limit their understanding of complex issues.

Furthermore, individuals may lack the necessary skills and techniques for asking effective questions. They may not know how to ask open-ended questions that encourage thoughtful analysis or fail to use probing questions to dig deeper into a topic. Instead, they might rely on surface-level, closed-ended questions that only scratch the surface and provide limited insights.

Moreover, societal and cultural factors can also present challenges when it comes to asking the right questions. People may fear judgment, social repercussions, or even retribution for asking questions that challenge the status quo or existing power structures. This fear can prevent individuals from asking difficult or thought-provoking questions, impeding their ability to explore different perspectives and gain a more comprehensive understanding of a given situation.

Overall, the biggest challenge in asking the right questions lies in overcoming personal biases and assumptions, developing effective questioning techniques, and challenging societal barriers that stifle curiosity and critical thinking. By actively working to address these challenges, individuals can enhance their ability to ask insightful and informed questions across various situations.

4.Could you provide some examples of how asking the right questions can help individuals make better decisions, both personally and professionally?

We would address the question by emphasizing the pivotal role of asking the right questions in improving decision-making for individuals both personally and professionally. We would provide several examples illustrating how asking questions can enhance decision-making outcomes in various contexts.

1. Personal Financial Decision-making: When making significant financial decisions, such as purchasing a house or investing in stocks, asking critical questions can lead to better outcomes. Simple questions like “What are the potential risks involved?” or “What are the long-term consequences of this decision?” can help individuals critically assess the situation before committing their resources, preventing potential financial pitfalls.

2. Professional Problem-Solving: In professional settings, the ability to ask relevant questions is crucial in problem-solving processes. For instance, healthcare professionals can ask questions such as “What symptoms should we consider while diagnosing this patient?” or “What treatment options align with the patient’s lifestyle and preferences?” By asking these questions, professionals gather more information, consider various perspectives, and make informed decisions that positively impact patient outcomes.

3. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution : Asking the right questions can be instrumental in achieving win-win solutions during negotiations or resolving conflicts. Questions like “What are the underlying interests of each party?” or “How can we find common ground to meet everyone’s needs?” foster effective communication and yield more satisfactory outcomes, benefiting everyone involved.

4. Ethical Decision-making: Individuals often face ethical dilemmas that require careful consideration. Asking reflective questions like “What are the potential ethical implications of this decision?” or “Are there alternative courses of action that align better with my values?” can help individuals navigate complex ethical landscapes and arrive at morally defensible choices.

5. Innovation and Problem Identification: Asking questions plays a vital role in driving innovation and identifying challenges or gaps in various domains. Entrepreneurs seeking new business opportunities can ask questions like “What customer needs are not currently being addressed?” or “What existing solutions can be improved, and how?” These inquiries lead to the discovery of innovative ideas and problem-solving strategies that can significantly impact personal and professional growth.

Overall, asking the right questions enables individuals to delve deeper, challenge assumptions, gain clarity, and consider multiple perspectives before making decisions. Whether in personal or professional spheres, conscious inquiry enhances critical thinking, minimizes biases, and increases the likelihood of making more informed and advantageous choices.

5.What strategies or techniques do you suggest for overcoming biases and preconceived notions when engaging in critical thinking?

1. Recognize and acknowledge your biases: Begin by understanding that biases are an inherent part of being human. By acknowledging them, you can consciously work towards minimizing their influence on your critical thinking process.

2. Develop self-awareness : Self-reflection is crucial for identifying personal biases and preconceived notions. Regularly assess your own thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions to uncover any unconscious biases that may affect your critical thinking abilities.

3. Seek diverse perspectives: Actively expose yourself to a variety of viewpoints, experiences, and opinions. Engage in discussions with individuals who hold differing beliefs, as this broadens your understanding of various perspectives and helps challenge your preconceived notions.

4. Engage in active listening: Practice active listening by genuinely focusing on others during conversations. This helps to understand their viewpoints without immediately judging or dismissing them based on your own biases.

5. Conduct thorough research: When analyzing information or making judgments, conduct comprehensive research from multiple credible sources. Diverse sources can expose you to different perspectives, providing a more well-rounded understanding of a subject matter.

6. Practice critical self-reflection: Regularly question your own assumptions, beliefs, and reasoning processes. Ask yourself why you hold certain views and if your biases are impacting your critical thinking abilities. This introspective practice can help uncover and challenge preconceived notions.

7. Utilize critical thinking frameworks: Frameworks such as the RED (Recognize assumptions, Evaluate arguments, Draw conclusions) model or the Socratic method can guide your thinking and help overcome biases. These structured approaches promote systematic and logical analysis of information.

8. Embrace cognitive dissonance: Cognitive dissonance occurs when your beliefs or assumptions are challenged by new information. Instead of resisting, embrace it as an opportunity for growth and critically evaluating your perspectives.

9. Cultivate empathy : Empathy allows you to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand their point of view. By genuinely empathizing, you can become more open-minded, reducing the impact of biases on your critical thinking.

10. Practice patience: Overcoming biases requires time and effort. Be patient with yourself and others as you navigate the complexities of critical thinking and aspire to make more objective and unbiased judgments.

By implementing these strategies and techniques, individuals can enhance their critical thinking skills by minimizing the influence of biases and preconceived notions, leading to more rational, well-informed decision-making.

6.How does the questioning process outlined in your book help individuals become more effective problem solvers?

As the authors of the book “Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking,” we believe that the questioning process outlined in our book is instrumental in helping individuals become more effective problem solvers. The questioning process we present in our book is designed to improve critical thinking skills, enhance problem-solving abilities, and enable individuals to make more informed decisions.

Firstly, our book introduces the concept of “critical thinking questions,” which are designed to challenge assumptions and biases, evaluate evidence, and identify logical fallacies. By learning to ask these questions, individuals develop a more analytical and systematic approach to problem-solving. This process encourages a deeper understanding of the problem at hand, the underlying causes, and potential alternative perspectives.

Furthermore, the book emphasizes the importance of asking open-ended questions that encourage exploration and discovery. By engaging in this questioning process, individuals are encouraged to seek alternative solutions, think creatively, and consider multiple perspectives. This approach helps individuals break free from narrow thinking patterns and develop a more comprehensive understanding of complex problems.

Additionally, our book outlines various types of questions that can be used throughout the problem-solving process, such as probing questions, assumptions questions, and implications questions. These types of questions help individuals identify hidden assumptions, evaluate the consequences of different choices, and anticipate potential challenges and risks. By incorporating different types of questions into their problem-solving approach, individuals are better equipped to develop well-rounded, actionable solutions.

Lastly, the questioning process outlined in our book fosters intellectual curiosity and an ongoing commitment to learning. By continuously asking questions, individuals become more engaged in the problem-solving process, expand their knowledge and skillsets, and develop a mindset of lifelong learning .

In summary, the questioning process presented in our book helps individuals become more effective problem solvers by enabling them to think critically, consider alternative perspectives, identify assumptions, and evaluate the consequences of different choices. It encourages a comprehensive understanding of complex problems and fosters a commitment to ongoing learning. By utilizing our questioning process, individuals are empowered to approach problem-solving in a systematic, thoughtful, and informed manner.

7.What are some common misconceptions or myths about critical thinking that you aim to dispel in your book?

In our book, we aim to dispel some common misconceptions or myths about critical thinking. Here are a few examples:

1. Myth: Critical thinking is about being skeptical and negative.

Reality: Critical thinking is not about being skeptical for the sake of it or being blindly negative. It involves evaluating information, questioning assumptions, and seeking evidence to form well-reasoned judgments.

2. Myth: Critical thinking is only for academics or intellectuals.

Reality: Critical thinking is a vital skill applicable to everyone, regardless of their profession or educational background. It is about cultivating a mindset that enables you to approach problems and decisions thoughtfully and rationally.

3. Myth: Critical thinking is just common sense.

Reality: While critical thinking does involve elements of common sense, it goes beyond that. It requires developing specific skills, such as logical reasoning, identifying biases, evaluating evidence, and understanding the complexities of arguments.

4. Myth: Critical thinking is an innate talent; you either have it or you don’t.

Reality: Critical thinking is a skill that can be learned and improved upon with practice. While some individuals may have a natural inclination towards critical thinking, everyone has the potential to enhance their critical thinking abilities through purposeful effort and application.

5. Myth: Critical thinking is primarily about winning arguments.

Reality: Critical thinking is not about winning arguments but rather about seeking truth, making informed decisions, and solving problems effectively. It involves engaging in constructive dialogue, considering different perspectives, and being open to revising one’s own beliefs based on evidence and rational analysis.

Our book aims to address these misconceptions and provide readers with a clear understanding of what critical thinking truly entails. We hope to empower individuals to develop this skill and apply it in various aspects of their personal and professional lives.

8.Has the rise of social media and information overload affected our ability to ask meaningful questions? If so, how can we navigate this digital landscape effectively?

The rise of social media and information overload has undeniably impacted our ability to ask meaningful questions. While these platforms have offered us unprecedented access to a vast array of information and diverse perspectives, they have also brought challenges in terms of discerning reliable sources, filtering through overwhelming amounts of content, and fostering shallow engagement rather than deep inquiry.

To navigate this digital landscape effectively and overcome the negative consequences, we offer a few key strategies:

1. Develop critical thinking skills: We need to equip ourselves with critical thinking tools to evaluate the credibility of information and sources. Being able to scrutinize and verify content is essential to ask informed and meaningful questions.

2. Practice information literacy: It is crucial to enhance our information literacy skills, including recognizing biases, distinguishing facts from opinions, and understanding the impact of echo chambers. By being aware of these factors, we can ask questions that challenge our own preconceptions and foster a more holistic view.

3. Cultivate digital well-being: The constant bombardment of information can lead to information overload and cognitive fatigue. Establishing healthy boundaries by setting limits on time spent on social media, choosing curated content, and realigning our focus on meaningful interactions will enhance our ability to formulate thoughtful questions.

4. Seek diverse perspectives: Social media tends to create echo chambers, where our exposure to viewpoints is limited. Actively seeking out diverse opinions, engaging with individuals from various backgrounds, and taking part in civil discussions can help broaden our perspectives and enable us to ask more meaningful questions.

5. Engage in offline learning: While social media can be a valuable source of information, it is important not to rely solely on it. Engaging in offline learning through books, academic journals, face-to-face conversations, and real-world experiences can provide us with a deeper understanding of complex issues, allowing us to ask more nuanced questions.

In summary, the rise of social media and information overload has undoubtedly affected our ability to ask meaningful questions. However, by developing critical thinking skills, practicing information literacy, cultivating digital well-being, seeking diverse perspectives, and engaging in offline learning, we can effectively navigate this digital landscape and regain our ability to ask pertinent and thoughtful questions.

9.How can teachers and educators incorporate the principles from your book into their classrooms to promote critical thinking among students?

As the co-authors of the book “Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking,” we believe that teachers and educators play a crucial role in fostering critical thinking skills among students. Here are some ways in which our principles can be incorporated into classrooms to promote critical thinking:

1. Establish a supportive classroom environment: Create a safe space where students feel comfortable expressing their opinions, asking questions, and engaging in discussions. Encourage open-mindedness and respect for diverse perspectives, fostering an atmosphere that values critical thinking.

2. Integrate questioning techniques: Our book emphasizes the significance of asking thoughtful questions. Encourage students to ask questions that challenge assumptions, clarify concepts, and analyze arguments. Teach them the difference between closed and open-ended questions, and demonstrate how effective questioning can lead to deeper understanding.

3. Teach information evaluation skills: In the age of information overload, it is vital for students to learn how to assess the credibility, relevance, and biases of sources. Incorporate lessons on evaluating evidence, distinguishing between fact and opinion, and recognizing logical fallacies. Encourage students to examine multiple sources and perspectives before drawing conclusions.

4. Engage in active discussions: Encourage students to participate in discussions that require critical thinking. Facilitate debates, case studies, and problem-solving exercises that require students to analyze, evaluate, and apply their knowledge. Encourage them to provide evidence-based arguments, defend their positions, and consider counterarguments.

5. Emphasize critical reading and writing: Promote reading comprehension skills by teaching students how to analyze texts critically. Encourage them to identify the author’s purpose, evaluate evidence, and recognize different rhetorical strategies. Provide opportunities for students to express their thoughts through writing, challenging them to construct well-reasoned arguments and support their claims with evidence.

6. Foster collaborative learning: Encourage group work and collaborative projects that require students to engage in critical thinking collectively. By working with peers, students can learn from different perspectives, refine their ideas, and engage in constructive debates. Facilitate discussions that promote active listening, collaboration, and respectful critique.

7. Provide guidance and feedback: As educators, it is essential to guide students in their critical thinking journey. Provide timely and constructive feedback on their thinking processes, helping them identify areas of improvement and encouraging further exploration. Encourage reflection on their own thinking strategies and assist them in developing metacognitive skills.

Overall, incorporating the principles from our book into classrooms requires a deliberate and consistent effort to create a culture of critical thinking. By fostering an environment that values questioning, analysis, and evaluation, teachers and educators can empower students to become independent thinkers who can navigate complex issues and make informed decisions.

M. Neil Browne, Stuart M. Keeley/logo

10.Are there any specific industries or professions where the ability to ask the right questions is especially crucial, and why?

We believe that the ability to ask the right questions is crucial in every industry and profession. However, there are some specific industries where effective questioning becomes particularly important.

1. Journalism: Journalists rely on asking precise and thought-provoking questions to uncover the truth, get to the heart of a story, and hold individuals or organizations accountable. By asking the right questions, journalists can uncover hidden details, debunk misinformation, and ensure accurate reporting.

2. Medicine and Healthcare: In the healthcare industry, asking the right questions is fundamental for accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and patient safety. Healthcare professionals need to understand patients’ symptoms and medical history, navigate complex information, and ensure clear communication to provide the best possible care.

3. Education: Teachers who ask the right questions can effectively engage students, promote critical thinking, and facilitate deep learning. By asking thought-provoking questions, educators can encourage active participation, help students comprehend complex concepts, and guide them towards finding their own solutions.

4. Market Research: Businesses heavily rely on market research to understand customer preferences, find opportunities, and make informed decisions. The ability to ask the right questions during surveys, focus groups, and interviews helps gather valuable insights, identify consumer trends, and develop successful strategies.

5. Law and Legal Professions: Lawyers, investigators, and legal professionals must ask poignant questions when examining witnesses, deposing individuals, or presenting arguments in court. Crafting the right questions is crucial to unveiling relevant information, challenging witnesses, and building a persuasive case.

6. Leadership and Management: Effective leaders and managers embrace asking the right questions to foster innovation, encourage collaboration , and solve complex problems. By asking thought-provoking questions, they can gather diverse perspectives, challenge assumptions, and drive organizational growth and efficiency.

In essence, asking the right questions is essential in nearly every industry and profession as it leads to improved understanding, better decision-making, and meaningful outcomes. Proficiency in questioning enables professionals to uncover insights, challenge assumptions, and promote critical thinking, ultimately contributing to success in their respective fields.

11.How can leaders within organizations encourage a culture of critical thinking and effective questioning among their employees?

1. Lead by example: As leaders, we would actively demonstrate critical thinking and effective questioning ourselves. This means openly questioning assumptions, considering multiple perspectives, and seeking diverse inputs before making decisions. By modeling these behaviors, we create a culture that values critical thinking.

2. Provide resources and training: We would ensure that employees have access to resources and training programs focused on critical thinking skills. This could include workshops, seminars, or online resources that provide tools and techniques for enhancing critical thinking abilities. Additionally, mentoring programs could pair employees with more experienced critical thinkers to foster continued growth.

3. Foster an open and inclusive environment: To encourage critical thinking, leaders must foster an environment that values diverse perspectives and encourages open dialogue. This can be achieved by creating channels for employees to ask questions, share ideas, and challenge assumptions without fear of reprisal. Leaders should actively listen to these inputs and create opportunities for collaborative problem-solving.

4. Emphasize the importance of asking “why”: Leaders should encourage employees to ask why, not just what or how. By constantly questioning the underlying assumptions and motives behind decisions, actions, and strategies, employees are more likely to uncover potential flaws, identify opportunities for improvement, and think critically about the organization’s operations.

5. Recognize and reward critical thinking: As leaders, we must acknowledge and reward critical thinking behaviors in employees. Recognize individuals who ask thought-provoking questions, challenge the status quo, and suggest innovative solutions. This can be done through public recognition, promotions, or even career development opportunities that highlight the value of critical thinking skills.

6. Encourage a learning mindset: Leaders should promote continuous learning and development within the organization. This includes creating a culture that embraces mistakes as opportunities for growth and encourages employees to learn from failures. By emphasizing a learning mindset, we cultivate an environment where critical thinking becomes a natural part of problem-solving and decision-making processes.

Overall, by leading through example, providing resources, fostering an open environment, emphasizing the importance of questioning, recognizing and rewarding critical thinking, and encouraging a learning mindset, leaders can effectively promote a culture of critical thinking and effective questioning among their employees.

12.What role does active listening play in the process of asking the right questions, and how can individuals improve their listening skills?

Active listening plays a crucial role in the process of asking the right questions. It helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of the situation and the needs of others, allowing them to ask relevant and impactful questions.

By actively listening, individuals can soak in the information being conveyed through both verbal and non-verbal cues. This includes not just hearing the words being said but also paying attention to tone, body language , and emotions. Active listening allows one to comprehend the underlying meaning and context of what is being communicated.

Improving listening skills can be achieved through a few key strategies. First, it is important to fully focus on the speaker and eliminate distractions . This means putting aside personal thoughts and agendas to be fully present in the conversation. Additionally, practicing empathy and trying to understand the speaker’s perspective helps in becoming a better listener.

Engaging in active listening also involves asking clarifying questions to ensure comprehension. Paraphrasing or summarizing what has been conveyed can help confirm understanding and avoid misinterpretation. It is important to observe the speaker’s body language and emotions, as they can provide vital clues to what is really being communicated.

Another useful technique is to practice reflective listening. This involves reflecting back on the speaker’s words and feelings to validate their experience and show that you are fully engaged. This demonstrates empathy and encourages the speaker to share more information.

Improving listening skills is an ongoing process that requires regular practice and self-awareness. Seeking feedback from others can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement. Additionally, being open-minded and non-judgmental fosters an environment that encourages open and honest communication.

In conclusion, active listening plays a vital role in asking the right questions. It helps individuals understand the needs and perspectives of others, leading to relevant and impactful questioning. Improving listening skills involves being fully present, practicing empathy, asking clarifying questions, reflecting back on communication, and being open-minded.

13.Are there any particular challenges that arise when attempting to ask the right questions in cross-cultural or diverse settings?

In cross-cultural or diverse settings, asking the right questions can indeed present specific challenges. These challenges arise primarily due to differences in cultural norms, language barriers, and varying perspectives among individuals. Understanding and addressing these challenges are crucial for effective communication and gathering accurate information. Here are a few key considerations:

1. Language barriers: In multicultural settings, participants might have different levels of proficiency in the common language. This can result in misinterpretation or cultural nuances being lost in translation. As questioners, we need to use clear and simple language, avoid jargon or complex terms, and ensure that we don’t overwhelm participants with unfamiliar vocabulary.

2. Cultural norms and values: Each culture has its own unique set of norms, values, and beliefs. These vary in terms of communication styles , levels of directness, and sensitivity to certain topics. Questioners need to be aware of these differences to ask questions that are appropriate and respectful. For instance, in some cultures, direct questioning may be seen as rude or intrusive, while in others, it may be expected for thorough discussions.

3. Non-verbal cues and body language: Non-verbal communication, including facial expressions, gestures, and body language, differs across cultures. Questioners need to be mindful of these variations to accurately interpret participants’ responses. Additionally, individuals from some cultures may express agreement or disagreement differently, which could impact the validity of the questions asked.

4. Power dynamics: Power dynamics can influence participants’ willingness to express their true opinions or perspectives. In some cultures, individuals may be less likely to contradict authority figures or voice dissent. Questioners should be mindful of these power dynamics and create an inclusive and safe environment that encourages open dialogue and diverse viewpoints.

5. Avoiding bias and assumptions: Questioners must be aware of their own unconscious biases and assumptions that may impact the questions asked. It is important to approach cross-cultural interactions with an open mind, curiosity, and sensitivity, avoiding stereotypes or preconceived notions.

To navigate these challenges effectively, questioners should engage in active listening, practicing empathy, and adapting their communication style based on the cultural context. They should encourage participants to provide additional information or share their perspectives and be willing to modify their questions in response to cultural cues or individual preferences. Ultimately, the goal is to foster inclusive and meaningful conversations that yield valuable insights across diverse settings.

14.How does your book address the ethical implications of asking the right questions, especially when dealing with sensitive topics or conflicts?

As the authors of the book “Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking,” we address the ethical implications of asking the right questions by emphasizing the importance of responsibility, respect, and empathy when dealing with sensitive topics or conflicts. We understand that asking questions is a powerful tool that can either enhance understanding and promote positive change or perpetuate harm and discord.

In our book, we highlight the significance of considering the consequences of our questions and the potential impact they can have on individuals, relationships, and society as a whole. We encourage readers to approach sensitive issues with sensitivity, taking into account the potential emotional, psychological, and social effects that their questions may have on others.

Additionally, we emphasize the importance of creating a safe and inclusive environment in which dialogue can flourish. This means fostering an atmosphere of trust, where individuals feel comfortable sharing their perspectives without fear of judgment or retribution. By promoting respect for diverse viewpoints and encouraging open-mindedness, our book aims to steer readers away from intrusive or offensive questions that can perpetuate conflicts.

Furthermore, we underline the ethical obligation to critically evaluate our own assumptions, biases, and prejudices. By becoming aware of our own limitations and remaining open to alternative perspectives, we can ask questions in a manner that seeks understanding rather than reinforcing stereotypes or promoting further divisions.

Ultimately, the ethics of asking the right questions involve consciously considering both the short-term and long-term implications of our inquiries. We encourage readers to reflect on the potential consequences of their questions, anticipating how they may impact others and the larger social context. By doing so, we hope to equip individuals with the tools to engage in thoughtful, ethical dialogue that fosters empathy, understanding, and positive change.

M. Neil Browne, Stuart M. Keeley/logo

15.Can you discuss any feedback or success stories you’ve received from readers who have applied the principles from your book in their lives?

Firstly, we are grateful for the overwhelming positive response we have received since the publication of our book. Many readers have expressed their appreciation for the practicality and effectiveness of the principles we have shared. Our goal was to provide readers with a framework and tools to make better decisions and navigate complex situations, and it is heartening to see that readers have found value in our work.

One success story that comes to mind is from a reader who was struggling with a difficult career decision. After reading our book and implementing the decision-making strategies we advocated for, they reported feeling more confident and empowered in their decision-making process. They were able to weigh the pros and cons of different options, identify potential biases, and gather all necessary information before making a well-informed choice. As a result, they experienced greater satisfaction and achieved their career goals successfully.

Another reader shared their experience of using our principles to improve their negotiation skills. They mentioned how our book helped them understand the importance of identifying the interests and priorities of the other party involved in a negotiation. By utilizing the negotiation techniques outlined in our book, they were able to create win-win situations and achieve more favorable outcomes in their negotiations, both in personal and professional settings.

We have also received feedback from readers who have applied the critical thinking tools we presented in our book to various aspects of their lives, such as analyzing news articles, evaluating arguments , and making informed judgments. They have reported feeling more confident in their ability to separate fact from fiction, and to make logical and well-supported conclusions.

While these are just a few examples, we are continually humbled by the stories we receive from readers who have found value in our book and have successfully applied its principles. These success stories not only validate our work but also inspire us to continue sharing practical tools and strategies for effective decision-making and critical thinking.

We always encourage our readers to share their experiences with us, as their feedback allows us to understand the real-world impact of our book and helps us improve future editions.

16.In your opinion, what qualities or characteristics define a skilled questioner, and how can individuals develop these skills?

A skilled questioner possesses several key qualities and characteristics that set them apart. Firstly, they demonstrate a genuine curiosity and possess an inquisitive mindset. They are genuinely interested in seeking knowledge and understanding, which fuels their ability to ask thoughtful and insightful questions.

Secondly, skilled questioners are great listeners. They pay careful attention to what others are saying, actively absorb information, and ask relevant follow-up questions. Active listening enables them to build upon the information shared and dig deeper into the subject matter.

Furthermore, skilled questioners have excellent critical thinking abilities. They can process information quickly and critically evaluate its accuracy, relevance, and potential biases. This allows them to construct questions that challenge assumptions, fill gaps in knowledge, and encourage deeper analysis.

Lastly, skilled questioners are skilled communicators. They can articulate their questions clearly and concisely, ensuring they are understood by others. They also possess empathy and sensitivity, understanding the impact of their questions on others and adapting their approach accordingly.

Developing skills as a questioner requires practice and conscious effort. Here are some tips for individuals to enhance their questioning abilities:

1. Cultivate curiosity: Foster a genuine interest in the world around you and seek out opportunities to learn, explore, and understand various subjects.

2. Practice active listening: Listen attentively to others, not just to respond, but to truly understand their perspectives. Take note of the information shared and think critically about potential follow-up questions.

3. Broaden your knowledge: Read widely, engage in meaningful conversations, and expose yourself to diverse viewpoints. This will provide a broader knowledge base to draw from when formulating questions.

4. Sharpen critical thinking: Continuously question assumptions, biases, and information sources. Develop the habit of analyzing information objectively and thoroughly before constructing questions.

5. Seek feedback: Ask trusted individuals to provide feedback on your questioning skills. Focus on areas where improvement is needed and use their feedback to refine your approach.

6. Practice questioning techniques: Experiment with different types of questions, such as open-ended, probing, or hypothetical questions. Develop an understanding of when each type is most appropriate.

7. Enhance communication skills : Work on improving your verbal and non-verbal communication skills to ensure clarity and empathy in your questioning.

Remember that becoming a skilled questioner is an ongoing process. By continuously honing these qualities and practicing the necessary skills, individuals can strengthen their ability to ask thoughtful, engaging, and insightful questions.

17.What advice do you have for individuals who may feel intimidated or hesitant to ask questions, fearing judgment or rejection?

1. Embrace the learning mindset: Recognize that asking questions is an essential part of the learning process. Embrace the fact that everyone has knowledge gaps, and asking questions is the best way to bridge those gaps and acquire new knowledge.

2. Remind yourself of the benefits: Remember that by seeking clarification or further understanding through questions, you are gaining valuable insights and information. This will not only enhance your knowledge but also demonstrate your intellectual curiosity to others.

3. Cultivate a safe and supportive environment: Foster an atmosphere where asking questions is encouraged and welcomed. Encourage your colleagues, peers, or supervisors to provide constructive feedback rather than judgment or criticism. Recognize that a culture that promotes learning and growth will greatly benefit everyone involved.

4. Take the initiative: If you feel hesitant about asking questions in a group setting, take the initiative to ask privately through email or one-on-one conversations. This approach allows for more personalized and detailed responses, reducing the fear of judgment from others.

5. Understand that everyone starts somewhere: Remember that even the most knowledgeable individuals were once beginners. Everyone understands the process of learning, and more often than not, people are willing to help and share their knowledge when approached with sincerity.

6. Practice active listening and reflection: By actively listening to others, you can gather information and build your knowledge base. Reflect on the information shared and critically evaluate what you comprehend. This practice will empower you to ask thoughtful and relevant questions, enhancing your confidence in the process.

7. Seek out mentors and support systems: Surround yourself with supportive mentors, coaches, or colleagues who can guide you in your learning journey. These individuals can offer invaluable advice and insights, making you feel more at ease when asking questions.

8. Start small and gradually challenge yourself: Begin by asking questions on topics or issues that you feel more comfortable with, and gradually expand to more complex topics. By gradually pushing your boundaries, you can build confidence and reduce the fear of rejection.

Remember, asking questions is a sign of strength, curiosity, and a sincere desire to grow. Embrace the process, be bold, and strive to overcome any initial hesitation you may have.

18.How do you approach the balance between critical thinking through questioning and maintaining respectful relationships with others?

Finding the balance between critical thinking and maintaining respectful relationships is essential for effective communication and productive interactions with others. We believe that questioning and critical thinking can coexist with respect and understanding, and it is crucial to approach this balance with sensitivity and empathy. Here are a few strategies that we would suggest:

1. Establish a foundation of respect: Building a foundation of respect and trust is key to maintaining healthy relationships. Acknowledge and appreciate the perspectives of others, even if you disagree with them. Encourage an environment where ideas can be openly shared and discussed without fear of judgment.

2. Listen actively : Effective communication involves active listening. Take the time to genuinely hear and understand the opinions and insights of others. Give them your full attention, and ask follow-up questions to delve deeper into their perspectives.

3. Foster open dialogue: Encourage open and honest discussions where questioning is welcomed. Communicate your thoughts and questions respectfully, ensuring that they are not interpreted as attacks or insults. Frame your questions in a way that promotes understanding, learning, and collaboration rather than confrontation.

4. Avoid assumptions and biases: Critical thinking entails being aware of our own biases and assumptions. Make a conscious effort to challenge these biases by considering alternative viewpoints. Encourage others to do the same, creating an environment where diverse perspectives are welcomed and valued.

5. Seek common ground: Look for areas of agreement and common goals to bridge potential divides. Emphasize shared interests and values to find common ground and build rapport . When engaging in critical thinking, use your questioning to explore these commonalities and seek collaborative solutions.

6. Practice emotional intelligence : Being aware of your emotions and the emotions of others can help maintain respectful relationships. Consider the impact of your words and questioning on others’ feelings, and respond empathetically. Be mindful of the language you use, striving to be inclusive and non-confrontational.

7. Provide constructive feedback: In critical thinking, questioning can be used to challenge ideas and assumptions constructively. When offering feedback or posing probing questions, focus on the content rather than attacking the person. Frame your thoughts in a manner that encourages growth and improvement rather than devaluing others’ perspectives.

Ultimately, balancing critical thinking through questioning with respectful relationships is a continuous learning process. By approaching discussions with an open mind, empathy, and a genuine desire to understand and learn from others, we can foster an environment that values critical thinking while maintaining strong relationships.

19.Are there any specific cognitive biases or logical fallacies that individuals should be aware of when engaging in critical thinking and asking questions?

We would like to shed light on the cognitive biases and logical fallacies that individuals should be mindful of when engaging in critical thinking and asking questions. The awareness of these biases and fallacies is crucial to enhancing the quality of our thinking and decision-making processes.

Cognitive biases are inherent tendencies to think in certain ways, which can cloud our judgment and lead to irrational conclusions. Some common cognitive biases to be mindful of include confirmation bias , availability heuristic, and anchoring bias. Confirmation bias occurs when individuals seek out or interpret information that confirms their existing beliefs, while disregarding conflicting evidence. The availability heuristic refers to our tendency to rely on easily accessible examples, often leading us to overestimate the likelihood of certain events. Anchoring bias occurs when individuals fixate on initial information or ideas, and subsequently fail to adjust their thinking adequately.

Logical fallacies, on the other hand, are errors in reasoning that invalidate arguments or lead to faulty conclusions. There are numerous logical fallacies, but several important ones to consider are ad hominem attacks, straw man fallacy, and appeal to authority. Ad hominem attacks occur when someone attacks the person making an argument rather than addressing the argument itself. A straw man fallacy happens when someone misrepresents an opponent’s argument in order to make it easier to refute, rather than addressing the actual argument. Lastly, appeal to authority occurs when someone asserts that a claim must be true because an authority figure says so, without offering supporting evidence.

By being aware of these cognitive biases and logical fallacies, individuals can enhance their critical thinking skills and ask more effective questions. Recognizing confirmation bias allows individuals to actively seek out diverse perspectives, challenging their preconceived notions. Being cautious of the availability heuristic encourages individuals to consider a wider range of evidence and incorporate it into their decision-making process. Avoiding logical fallacies helps individuals to construct stronger arguments and engage in more rational discourse.

Engaging in critical thinking and asking questions is a continuous learning process, and being aware of cognitive biases and logical fallacies is just one step towards improving the quality of our thinking and decision-making abilities. By practicing skepticism, actively seeking out different perspectives, and critically evaluating information and arguments, we can become more effective critical thinkers.

20.As authors well-versed in critical thinking, could you recommend other books that complement “Asking the Right Questions” and further expand on this topic?

As authors well-versed in critical thinking, we would be happy to recommend other books that complement “Asking the Right Questions” and further expand on the topic of critical thinking. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman – This book delves into the two systems of thinking that drive our decisions: the fast, intuitive thinking, and the slower, more deliberate thinking. It explores cognitive biases and provides insight into how we can improve our decision-making processes.

2. “Critical Thinking: An Introduction” by Alec Fisher – This book offers a comprehensive introduction to critical thinking. It explores various aspects of critical thinking such as argument analysis, reasoning, and problem-solving. It also provides practical exercises and examples to enhance critical thinking skills.

3. The Demon-Haunted World : Science as a Candle in the Dark” by Carl Sagan – Although not solely focused on critical thinking, this book highlights the importance of skepticism and critical inquiry in navigating a world filled with misinformation and pseudoscience. It encourages readers to critically examine ideas and claims to foster a more rational and evidence-based approach to life.

4. Predictably Irrational : The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions” by Dan Ariely – This book explores the many ways in which our decisions are affected by irrational behaviors and cognitive biases. It sheds light on why we often make irrational choices and provides a fascinating analysis of human behavior, helping to sharpen critical thinking skills.

5. The Art of Thinking Clearly” by Rolf Dobelli – Offering a collection of cognitive biases and logical fallacies, this book provides practical insights into how our thinking can be clouded by biases and how we can strive to make better decisions by recognizing and avoiding these traps.

Each of these books provides valuable insights and complements the ideas discussed in “Asking the Right Questions.” We recommend exploring them to deepen your understanding of critical thinking and enhance your ability to evaluate information and make informed decisions.

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Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, Seventh Edition

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Stuart M. Keeley

Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, Seventh Edition Subsequent Edition

  • ISBN-10 0131829939
  • ISBN-13 978-0131829930
  • Edition Subsequent
  • Publisher Prentice Hall
  • Publication date January 1, 2003
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 6 x 0.75 x 12.5 inches
  • Print length 208 pages
  • See all details

Editorial Reviews

From the back cover, excerpt. © reprinted by permission. all rights reserved..

As a book ages, it becomes less and less the product of its original authors. The success of Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking is a tribute to the sound advice we have received from the many readers who thought we could do better next time around and who told us so. In fact, one of our biggest challenges has been to pick and choose from among the suggestions.

Always uppermost in our mind has been the desire to retain the primary attributes of Asking the Right Questions, while adjusting to new emphases in our own thought and the evolving needs of our readers. For instance, while we can always think of dozens of additions that would, we believe, enhance new editions of Asking the Right Questions, we want most of all to keep the book readable and short. We are willing to pay the price of omitting several things that would be apposite in a more weighty treatment of critical thinking because those who adopt or learn from Asking the Right Questions have noted the crispness and cohesion of our approach so frequently. Individual readers who do not see their suggestions included will surely understand that writing for a general audience requires us to omit many valuable components that we would certainly include were we writing for a more specialized group of readers.

This new edition, like its predecessors, has been modified while retaining basic framework of a simplified guide to critical thinking. Several new practice passages have been inserted. In addition, we have completely rewritten the fallacies chapter to make it more coherent and to provide new illustrations. But what is particularly fresh about the seventh edition are three new foci:

  • Emphasizing the positive dimensions of critical thinking so that users will be more eager to use the skills and attitudes they are learning;
  • Reminding readers frequently that each skill is but one part of a critical and constructive process that should culminate in tentative commitment; and
  • Creating a Web site containing multiple, diverse practice opportunities.

Learning critical thinking is neither simple nor easy. But even after critical thinking has been learned to some degree, there is still the challenge of desiring to use a process that can often be seen as rude, mean, or arrogant. None of us wishes to exhibit habits of mind that brand us as obnoxious. Yet at the same time, we do not want to base our behavior solely on the reactions of others to it; otherwise, we would just be a puppet of the crowd.

So we need to frame critical thinking in a manner that emphasizes its role in assisting us to make decisions that are both more reflective and caring as well. We learn critical thinking to be helpful to ourselves and to others. Critical thinking prevents us from courses of action that are inconsistent with whom we want to become. In addition, it assists others who are seeking beliefs and commitments built on relatively sound structures of reasoning. In those regards, critical thinking can be an act of friendship, moving others toward more reasonable beliefs and actions. The seventh edition tries to make that point in several contexts.

The second new focus in this edition is based on the fear that learning individual steps in any process can prevent our appreciation of the power of the entire process wherein all the steps are used in tandem. Asking the Right Questions builds the critical-thinking process one step at a time; each chapter introduces a particular critical-thinking skill. Subsequent chapters then add to the list of accumulating critical-thinking skills. But the entire rationale for learning the steps of critical thinking is to get ready to use them as a package, a cohesive assemblage of complementary abilities. Using the entire process of critical thinking is the most rewarding pathway to finding better arguments.

Finally, one thing that our readers request again and again are more practice materials. We are working with Prentice Hall to respond to that request with this new edition. The Web site for Asking the Right Questions will be organized by chapter and contain practice passages of varying size. In addition, learners also need to see arguments that are relatively strong. Critical thinking can move someone toward cynicism as she or he learns more about the multiple problems that can haunt daily reasoning. Hence, the Web site contains a lengthy, relatively strong argument concerning the efficacy of student evaluations of teaching. We want to highlight on the site what is particularly strong about this argument, to provide readers a model of what is possible when someone tries to reason well.

In addition, we wanted to provide on the Web site an illustration of critical analysis that is more realistic than the one provided in the final chapter. While agreeing with the appropriateness of the final chapter as a culmination of the algorithmic process of asking the right questions, several readers have urged us to provide a more realistic illustration. As they correctly point out, it is highly unrealistic to expect to see what is modeled in Chapter 14. We agree.

These new directions of Asking the Right Questions are meant to improve what our readers have told us they most want, a book that helps students toward reasonable autonomy. The success of previous editions of this book is potent testimony to our collective curiosity about what to believe. Our minds are under assault by experts and scam artists alike. Sorting among all their claims about what to eat, do, and believe is an incredibly difficult responsibility. We know that we need all the help we can get to protect ourselves from the dangers implicit in nonsense. We want to think carefully before we make a belief our own.

From the start of this book's history, we have been motivated by a variety of personal experiences and observations. First, we have been dismayed by the degree to which students and citizens in general increasingly depend on "experts," textbook writers, teachers, lawyers, politicians, journalists, and TV commentators. As the complexity of the world seems to increase at an accelerating rate, there is a greater tendency to become passive absorbers of information, uncritically accepting what is seen and heard. We are concerned that too many of us are not actively making personal choices about what to accept and what to reject.

Thus, the need for such a book is now even more pronounced. The use of "sound bites," the popularity of simplistic arguments, and the amount of information to which we are exposed every day have all increased dramatically. To encourage us all to use critical thinking more frequently as an antidote to this "information explosion" is our dream for Asking the Right Questions.

Our experience in teaching critical-thinking skills to our students over a number of years has convinced us that when individuals with diverse abilities are taught these skills in a simplified format, they can learn to apply them successfully. In the process, they develop greater confidence in their ability to make rational choices about social issues, even those with which they have formerly had little experience.

Thus, we have written a text that does a number of things that other books have failed to do. This text develops an integrated series of question-asking skills that can be applied widely. These skills are discussed in an informal style. (We have written to a general audience, not to any specialized group.)

The development of Asking the Right Questions has leaned heavily on our joint experience of 60 years as teachers of critical thinking. Our ideas have evolved in response to numerous classroom experiences with students at many different levels, from freshman to Ph.D. students.

These experiences have taught us certain emphases that are particularly effective in learning critical thinking. For instance, we provide many opportunities for the readers to apply their skills and to receive immediate feedback following the practice application. The book is replete with examples of writing devoted to controversial contemporary topics. The breadth of topics introduces the average reader to numerous controversies with which he or she may have little familiarity. The book is coherently organized, in that critical questions are discussed sequentially as the reader progresses from understanding to evaluating. In addition, it integrates cognitive and value dimensions—a very important aspect of critical thinking and personal decision making.

One feature that deserves to be highlighted is the applicability of Asking the Right Questions to numerous life experiences extending far beyond the classroom. The habits and attitudes associated with critical thinking are transferable to consumer, medical, legal, and general ethical choices. When our surgeon says surgery is needed, it can be life sustaining to seek answers to critical questions.

Who would find Asking the Right Questions especially beneficial? Because of our teaching experiences with readers representing many different levels of ability, we have difficulty envisioning any academic course or program for which this book would not be useful. In fact, the first five editions have been used in law, English, pharmacy, philosophy, education, psychology, sociology, religion, and social science courses, as well as in numerous high school classrooms.

A few uses for the book seem especially appropriate. Teachers in general education programs may want to begin their courses by assigning it as a coherent response to their students' requests to explain what is expected of them. English courses that emphasize expository writing could use this text both as a format for evaluating arguments prior to constructing an essay and as a checklist of problems that the writer should attempt to avoid as he or she writes. The book is especially functional in courses for training prospective teachers and graduate assistants because it makes explicit much that teachers will want to encourage in their students. Supplementing their current content with our step-by-step description of the process of critical reading and thinking may enrich courses in study-skill development. The text can also be used as the central focus of courses designed specifically to teach critical-reading and -thinking skills.

While Asking the Right Questions stems primarily from our classroom experiences, it is written so that it can guide the reading and listening habits of almost everyone. The skills that it seeks to develop are those that any critical reader needs in order for reading to serve as a basis for rational decisions. The critical questions stressed in the book can enhance anyone's reasoning, regardless of the extent of his or her formal education.

This seventh edition owes special debts to many people. We wish to acknowledge the valuable advice of the following Prentice Hall reviewers: Brian Allan Wooters, Metropolitan Community College; JoAnn Carter-Wells, California State University at Fullerton; Jack R. Simmons, Savannah State University; Lisa Barnes, Delaware County Community College; Theresa Sullo, Albuquerque TVI Community College; David Critchett, Community College of Rhode Island; and Paul R. Frommer, University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business.

While our students are always a major source of suggested improvements, a few distinguished themselves in that regard. The seventh edition benefited from the valuable assistance of Emily Coplin, Allison Balcetis, and Jacob Castillo.

M. Neil Browne Stuart M. Keeley

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Prentice Hall; Subsequent edition (January 1, 2003)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 208 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0131829939
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0131829930
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 9.5 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.75 x 12.5 inches
  • #1,900 in Philosophy of Logic & Language
  • #2,181 in Rhetoric (Books)
  • #7,098 in Fiction Writing Reference (Books)

About the authors

Stuart m. keeley.

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M. Neil Browne

What to include? Hmm.

For 53 years I taught critical thinking to undergraduates at a state university. I have a Ph.D. in Economics and a J.D.; both globs of training I am sure affect my blind spots and any insights that might creep into what I say. I have co-authored 64 books, many of them in multiple editions. The most successful of the lot, Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking is in 12 editions and 16 languages. Its success led to dozens of consulting activities with government agencies, corporations and univrsities, including the National Security Agency, 3 of the Military Academies, dozens of universities, Toyota Pacific, and the Social Security Administration. In addition, I have had the privilege of keynoting International Critical Thinking Confernces on 4 continents.

In 2023 I am publishing 2 new books:

A Healthy Democracy’s Best Hope: Developing the Critical Thinking Habit

FRIENDLY Critical Thinking: Harnessing Questions to Teach and LEARN

Nancy (wife) and I travel extensively and are active participants in the Senior Olympics, dance festivals, songwriters’ conventions, tennis, and fishing. We only reluctantly are unable to attend every International Film Festival.

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what is the role of curiosity in critical thinking according to brown and keeley

  • Corpus ID: 141978364

Asking the Right Questions with Readings: A Guide to Critical Thinking

  • M. N. Browne , S. Keeley
  • Published 4 September 2010
  • Philosophy, Education


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  1. PDF Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, 8th Ed

    nale for why critical thinking is essential for a thoughtful life. Critical thinking is initially a process of reaction. Someone has strung together a conclusion and some reason that allegedls maky e the case for the conclu­ sion. Our task is to decid whethee r the argument is one we wish to make our own.

  2. Review: Asking the Right Questions by Browne & Keeley

    Review: Asking the Right Questions by Browne & Keeley Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking (8th Edition) by M. Neil Browne and Stuart M. Keeley, as the title suggests, is all about critical thinking through a process of simply asking the right kinds of questions. However, this is a book that has the potential to change the way a person looks at and interacts with the world.

  3. Asking the Right Questions : A Guide to Critical Thinking

    Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking bridges the gap between simply memorizing or blindly accepting information, and the greater challenge of critical analysis and synthesis. Authors M. Neil Browne and Stuart Keeley teach readers to think critically by exploring the components of arguments -- the ¿¿issues, conclusions ...

  4. Asking the Right Questions : A Guide to Critical Thinking

    Professor M. Neil Browne has taught critical thinking, great ideas, economics, and law at Bowling Green State University for five decades. During that time, he authored 55 books and 170 professional research articles in multiple disciplines. In addition, he consulted and trained - focusing heavily on critical thinking - the faculty, corporate managers, and government leaders at some of the ...

  5. Asking the Right Questions : A Guide to Critical Thinking

    "Used in a variety of courses in various disciplines, Asking the Right Questions helps students bridge the gap between simply memorizing or blindly accepting information, and the greater challenge of critical analysis and synthesis. Specifically, this concise text teaches students to think critically by exploring the components of arguments--issues, conclusions, reasons, evidence, assumptions ...

  6. Asking the right questions : a guide to critical thinking

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  9. Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, Seventh

    Subsequent chapters then add to the list of accumulating critical-thinking skills. But the entire rationale for learning the steps of critical thinking is to get ready to use them as a package, a cohesive assemblage of complementary abilities. Using the entire process of critical thinking is the most rewarding pathway to finding better arguments.

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  12. Browne & Keeley, Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical

    Browne & Keeley, Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, 12e. is a social learning platform that prepares students for class. The platform incorporates a novel e-book reader with collaborative annotation tools to ensure students learn more, come to class prepared, and become more engaged in the learning experience.

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    True False While we try to make learning as simple as possible, the habit of critical thinking will initially take a lot of practice. (Browne & Keeley, p 8) (Browne & Keeley, p 8) Critical thinking requires an awareness of interrelated critical questions and the ability and willingness to ask and answer those questions.

  16. CMSD3070 B&K CH. 13 Flashcards

    6. Browne and Keeley define belief perseverance as our tendency to hold strongly to our beliefs because we are biased in favor of them simply because they are ours! They provide several examples of how this mental habit can get in the way of critical thinking. Based on these examples, can you provide similar examples of when you recognized ...

  17. Reading Prompt 3 Critical Thinking- Summer 2020.docx

    Reading Prompt 3: Excerpts to Read with Lecture 3 Brown & Keeley-Asking the Right Questions Ch. 1 Berger, Design Thinking: Cad Monkeys and Dinosaur Babies Ch. 1 Active Reading: Prompts to Prepare What is the role of curiosity in critical thinking, according to Brown and Keeley?

  18. Reading Prompt 3 Critical Thinking- Summer 2020.docx

    Name: _____ Reading Prompt 3: Excerpts to Read with Lecture 3 Brown & Keeley-Asking the Right Questions Ch. 1 Berger, Design Thinking: Cad Monkeys and Dinosaur Babies Ch. 1 Active Reading: Prompts to Prepare What is the role of curiosity in critical thinking, according to Brown and Keeley?

  19. Asking the Right Questions : A Guide to Critical Thinking

    Used in a variety of courses in various disciplines, Asking the Right Questions helps students bridge the gap between simply memorizing or blindly accepting information, and the greater challenge of critical analysis and synthesis. Specifically, this concise text teaches students to think critically by exploring the components of arguments--issues, conclusions, reasons, evidence, assumptions ...

  20. Reading Prompt 3 Critical Thinking- Summer 2020.docx

    Curiosity's role in critical thinking is you go in thinking you will gain new knowledge. Brown and Keeley say that you need to listen and read, really listen and read. Like stated in the article other people do have the power to move you forward and expand your knowledge. So being curious and asking questions about what you are being taught is a part of being a critical thinking.

  21. Asking the Right Questions : A Guide to Critical Thinking

    This highly popular book helps readers bridge the gap between simply memorizing or blindly accepting information, and the greater challenge of critical analysis and synthesis. It teaches them to respond to alternative points of view and develop a solid foundation for making personal choices about what to accept and what to reject. KEY TOPICS Specific chapter topics include the benefit of ...

  22. Asking the Right Questions : A Guide to Critical Thinking

    Used in a variety of courses in various disciplines, Asking the Right Questions helps students bridge the gap between simply memorising or blindly accepting information, and the greater challenge of critical analysis and synthesis. Specifically, this concise text teaches students to think critically by exploring the components of arguments--issues, conclusions, reasons, evidence, assumptions ...

  23. Asking the Right Questions : A Guide to Critical Thinking

    Used in a variety of courses in various disciplines, Asking the Right Questions helps bridge the gap between simply memorizing or blindly accepting information, and the greater challenge of critical analysis and synthesis. Specifically, this concise text teaches how to think critically by exploring the components of arguments--issues, conclusions, reasons, evidence, assumptions, language--and ...