contoh personal statement kgsp graduate

  • GKS S2/S3 , GKS Scholarship , Personal Statement , Tips and Tricks

Personal Statement Beasiswa GKS S2/S3: Bedah dan Contohnya!

GKS buat Jenjang S2/S3 Jalur University Track masih dibuka sampai April! Yuk persiapkan personal statement Beasiswa GKS kamu dari sekarang!

  • February 29, 2024
  • Reading Time: 2 Minutes

kobi education-personal statement beasiswa gks-gambar pria sedang mau menulis di kertas putih

Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) buat Jenjang S2/S3 Jalur University Track masih dibuka sampai April, lho, SoBi! Jangan lupa, bikin personal statement Beasiswa GKS yang ciamik biar kesempatan lolosmu makin besar!

Masih no clue apa itu personal statement dan gimana cara nulisnya? Tenang… baca sampai akhir, ya, SoBi!

Sekilas Mengenai Global Korea Scholarship

Kenalan singkat dulu sama beasiswa ini, yuk!

Global Korea Scholarship adalah program beasiswa penuh dari Pemerintah Korea Selatan untuk pelajar internasional, termasuk dari Indonesia untuk melanjutkan Studi D3/S1/S2/S3 di universitas-universitas top Korea.

For your information , beasiswa ini ada dua jalur pendaftaran, yaitu:

  • Embassy Track – Seleksi dilakukan Kedutaan Besar Korea Selatan di Indonesia. Pelamar mengirimkan aplikasi ke kedutaan;
  • University Track – Seleksi dilakukan universitas tujuan di Korea Selatan. Pelamar mengirimkan berkas pendaftaran langsung ke universitas.

Kapan pendaftarannya?


September 2024

Februari 2024

Oktober-November 2024

Hingga April 2024 (tergantung universitas tujuan)

Ketinggalan daftar GKS S2/S3 Jalur Embassy Track ? Tenang… masih ada kesempatan buat daftar Jalur University Track , nih!

Maksimalkan esai kamu, ya, biar makin dilirik penyeleksi! Yuk, kita bahas!

Baca Juga Artikel Ini: Beasiswa Global Korea Scholarship 2024: Timeline dan Syarat

Perbedaan Personal Statement dan Study Plan

Ada dua jenis esai yang menjadi persyaratan GKS, yaitu personal statement dan study plan .

Personal statement biasanya berisi motivasi mendaftar, latar belakang pendidikan, dan pengalaman pribadi atau pencapaian selama ini. 

Sementara itu, study plan berisi rencana studi yang akan kamu lakukan. Study plan GKS harus memuat tiga poin, yaitu:

  • Language Study Plan – Rencana belajar bahasa sebelum dan setelah tiba di Korea;
  • Goals of Study and Study Plan – Tujuan belajar dan rencana belajar secara detail;
  • Future Plan After Study – Rencana setelah lulus dari studi dan beasiswa.

Biar kamu lebih paham perbedaan kedua esai ini, perhatikan tabel di bawah ini, ya!


Motivasi atau alasan mendaftar beasiswa


Pengalaman pribadi


Prestasi atau pencapaian


Alasan memilih jurusan dan universitas

Rencana mata kuliah, proyek, dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang akan diambil


Rencana meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa


Rencana setelah lulus studi


kobi education-personal statement beasiswa gks-gambar formulir personal statement beasiswa gks

Ada 6 poin yang harus dijelaskan , yaitu:

1. Motivation With Which You Apply for This Program

Jelaskan motivasi utama kamu mendaftar GKS dan bagaimana beasiswa ini bisa mencapai tujuanmu.

Buat hook dari cerita unik dan personal yang menjadi motivasi awal kamu mendaftar beasiswa atau mengambil program studi. Pastikan ceritamu menarik agar penyeleksi mau membaca esaimu sampai akhir, ya!

I’ve liked Korean stuff since middle school, when I accidentally watched Korean TV shows. The show wasn’t just entertaining; it offered me a sense of comfort and connection I hadn’t found elsewhere. That made me want to learn Hangul , and I got more and more interested in South Korea. The more I got into Korean culture, the more I wanted to be a Translator . I thought it would be awesome to help people get to know each other by translating and sharing different cultures.

2. Educational Background

Pada bagian ini, jelaskan latar belakang pendidikan S1 atau S2 sebelumnya. Jangan ragu untuk menonjolkan prestasi atau pencapaian selama kuliah, ya!

Contoh: I have been trained in Korean language skills, Korean history, Korean society and culture, as well as Korean translation during my undergraduate studies in the Korean Language and Culture Program at the University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia . I have successfully demonstrated thesis research on Korean popular culture and achieved an A-grade . Throughout my undergraduate studies, I enhanced my understanding of Korean language and culture and was motivated to dedicate myself to strengthening the relationship between our two countries through cultural exchange. I always try to maintain a high GPA and completed my Bachelor’s Degree with a GPA of 3.80/4.00 .

3. Significant Experiences You Have had

Ceritakan secara detail pengalaman non-akademik selama menempuh Studi S1, bisa dari organisasi, bakti sosial, lomba, konferensi, seminar, atau training . 

Kamu juga boleh memasukkan pengalaman saat bekerja. Tapi, usahakan relevan sama tujuan studi, ya! Kalau enggak relevan, tulis skill apa yang kamu dapat dari pekerjaan tersebut.

Contoh: Besides academic activities, I was also involved in organizations and competitions related to Korean language and culture. In 2019, I joined a student organization focused on promoting Korean culture at our campus. As the P resident of the Korean Club UI , I participated in planning and organizing various cultural events , such as Korean food festivals, traditional music performances, and art exhibitions. Through my involvement in this organization, I not only expanded my knowledge of Korean culture but also learned to organize large-scale events and collaborate with other team members to achieve common goals. 

Additionally, I was selected to represent Indonesia at the 24th K-Speech World Contest in Fukuoka, Japan . This opportunity not only boosted my confidence in public speaking but also broadened my understanding of international cultural exchange. Interacting with contestants from various countries, each with their unique perspectives, reinforced my belief in the power of language for fostering mutual understanding and appreciation.

4. Person or Events That Have Had a Significant Influence on You

Ceritakan seseorang yang menjadi Mentor , panutan, atau memiliki pengaruh positif dalam studimu. 

Selain berupa individu, kamu juga bisa menyebutkan peristiwa atau pengalaman tertentu yang benar-benar memengaruhi minat kamu.

My journey was profoundly shaped by Professor Kim, a Mentor at Universitas Indonesia with a deep knowledge of Korean literature . From the beginning, she saw my enthusiasm and commitment, offering both guidance and encouragement. Professor Kim’s deep understanding of Korean culture and her nudges towards tackling more complex texts fundamentally influenced my goals. She didn’t just teach me the language; she opened my eyes to the essence of Korean literature and how it mirrors society, inspiring me to dive deeper and embrace the nuances of the culture.

5. If Applicable, Describe Awards You Have Received, Publications You Have Made, or Skill You Have Acquired

Jelaskan lebih detail penghargaan, publikasi, atau keahlian khusus yang kamu miliki.

Penghargaan ini boleh dalam bidang akademik, non-akademik, atau pengakuan lain yang kamu dapatkan karena suatu pencapaian atau kontribusi. Misalnya, menang lomba debat, atau penghargaan sebagai Mahasiswa Terbaik .

Kalau pernah menulis dan menerbitkan sesuatu, baik itu artikel ilmiah di jurnal, buku, bahkan skripsi, kamu bisa sebutkan di sini. Jelaskan topik atau tema yang kamu bahas, di mana itu diterbitkan, dan kapan.

Bisa juga keterampilan baru yang kamu pelajari dan kuasai. Misalnya, bahasa asing, coding , desain grafis, atau apa pun selama relevan dengan bidang studi atau minatmu.

During my studies, I received the Outstanding Student Award for my academic achievements and contributions to the Korean Language Department. This recognition was a proud moment for me, affirming my commitment and hard work. Furthermore, I have published several articles in our university’s academic journal, discussing the influence of Korean culture on Southeast Asia and the role of translation in cultural exchange . These publications have allowed me to contribute to the academic discourse on Korean culture and its global impact.

6. Others (Extracurricular Activities, Community Service, or Work Experiences)

Berikan informasi tambahan tentang dirimu, terutama yang berkaitan dengan:

  • Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler – Mencakup klub, organisasi, atau hobi yang kamu ikuti di luar kelas kuliah. Misalnya, kamu aktif di klub fotografi, tim olahraga, atau kelompok debat;
  • Kegiatan Sosial – Mencakup kegiatan sukarela, seperti mengajar anak-anak kurang mampu, membantu di panti asuhan, atau ikut serta dalam program penanaman pohon;
  • Pengalaman Kerja – Sebutkan kalau kamu sudah pernah bekerja, baik magang, kerja paruh waktu, atau posisi penuh waktu. Jelaskan tanggung jawab pekerjaannya.

Contoh: Outside of academics, I volunteered for a non-profit organization that promotes cultural understanding among youth, where I led workshops on Korean language and culture for Indonesian students. This experience was rewarding, as it allowed me to use my knowledge to foster interest and understanding among young people. Additionally, I have worked part-time as a Translator for a Korean entertainment news website, which has not only improved my translation skills but also kept me connected to current trends in Korean culture.

Contoh Personal Statement untuk Beasiswa GKS

Melansir dari berbagai sumber, ini dia contoh personal statement B easiswa GKS yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi.

Inspired by the ever-evolving world and the rise of online content creation, particularly in South Korea, I discovered my passion for creative expression. From childhood, I enjoyed drawing, music, and various instruments. This passion intensified when I attended an art school during high school, where I received a scholarship for my artistic talent.

Though separated from my supportive parents, these formative years provided valuable learning experiences, both technical and artistic. It was here I first encountered Korean culture through music and dramas, igniting a desire to create similar content.

Aspiring to hone my skills, I initially aimed to major in Multimedia Arts in college. However, practical considerations led me to pursue a different major at the prestigious University of the Philippines. Despite excelling in this field for three years, a yearning for my true calling persisted.

Following careful deliberation, I made a life-altering decision to switch majors and schools, finally enrolling in Multimedia Arts. To manage the increased tuition fees, I engaged in various activities: writing, video editing, and poster design. This diverse freelance work led me to exciting opportunities, including roles as staff and concert photographer for the Philippine K-Pop Convention, and official photographer for Thai celebrity events in the Philippines. My work was even featured in the Business World newspaper.

These experiences not only honed my photography and design skills, but also fostered communication skills through interactions with managers, artists, and fans. My active involvement in the Philippine entertainment industry ultimately led to a recommendation for the 2019 ASEAN Invitation Program for AAN Fans of Hallyu.

Witnessing Korea’s dedication to the arts further fueled my desire to pursue a Master’s Degree there. I sought to understand their approach to content creation, from planning to execution, as Korean media had long served as my inspiration. With newfound purpose, I dedicated myself to academic excellence, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 2020.

I am deeply grateful for the experiences and opportunities that have shaped my skills and personality, and firmly believe they are stepping stones towards my ultimate goal: obtaining the Global Korea Scholarship and pursuing a Master’s Degree in South Korea.

Sumber: A Fangirl’s Heart

Driven by a lifelong love of learning and a passion for business, I am a recent Bachelor of Science and Business Administration graduate from the University of Asia and the Pacific, overcame financial limitations to excel in my chosen field.

Supported by scholarships and financial aid, I immersed myself in the diverse aspects of business during my undergraduate studies. These experiences not only solidified my commitment to higher education but also fueled my pursuit of graduate studies.

To solidify my academic foundation, I pursued diverse job opportunities in sales and business analysis after graduation. These experiences exposed me to practical applications of business concepts, sharpening my critical thinking and problem-solving skills in preparation for the demands of graduate school.

Motivated by the transformative potential of business management when guided by ethics and expertise, I aim to become a leading figure in the field. The Korea and Asian Business Studies (KABS) MBA Program at Hanyang University, supported by the Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Program, presents the ideal platform to achieve this goal.

Hanyang’s KABS Program offers not only a comprehensive understanding of Korean and Asian business practices but also equips students with the skills to tackle real-world business challenges. The program’s focus on collaboration and networking fosters a global perspective and adaptability – crucial attributes in today’s interconnected business landscape.

My journey has been a continuous pursuit of knowledge, with each step shaping my character and aspirations. With unwavering passion for learning, resilience in overcoming challenges, and a strong ability to adapt to new environments, I am confident that the GKS Program will be a fulfilling and impactful experience.

Sumber: Just In Time

Rekomendasi Universitas untuk Mendaftar Beasiswa GKS

Bingung pilih universitas mana yang oke buat kuliah di Korea? Simak rekomendasi dari MinBi, yuk!

di Korea

di Dunia



















Nah, itu dia informasi lengkap mengenai personal statement B easiswa GKS yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi menulis. Wajib sat set persiapan dari sekarang karena deadline kampusnya tinggal 1-2 bulan lagi, lho!

Masih enggak tahu mau mulai dari mana? Sini-sini gabung K elas Mentoring bareng expert M entor Kobi aja! Persiapan makin terarah, no more bingung-bingung lagi, deh!


Semoga berhasil, SoBi!

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Personal Statement SOP Sample for Global Korea Scholarship (GKS / KGSP) 2024

by Contentholic | Mar 5, 2024 | Personal Statement , SOP For Scholarship , SOP Samples , SOP Writing , Statement of Purpose , Study Plan | 10 comments

GKS Scholarships, also known as KGSP Scholarship is a very famous Korean Scholarship Program in South Korea funded by its Government to invite global talent to the country. Applying to GKS requires a Personal Statement to be submitted along with the GKS application and the academic documents of the candidate. SOP for GKS Scholarship or Personal Statement for GKS plays a very important role in the final grant of the scholarships to the candidates as it is a fully funded scholarship to the candidates and they are selected based on the GKS Study Plan they submit. We have created a comprehensive blog to give you clarity on – What is GKS, how to apply for GKS, and how to write an SOP / Essay / Personal Statement for GKS in 2024. Please read the article to the end as we have also added the GKS Personal Statement Sample and Frequently Asked Questions for the GKS or KGSP – 2024. 

Content of the article

  • What is the GKS Scholarship?

Are the GKS Scholarship and KGSP Scholarship the same?

  • Personal Statement Sample for GKS Scholarship
  • Importance of GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement 
  • Guidelines for Writing GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement 
  • Tips for Writing GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement 
  • How to Write GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement 
  • FAQs Related to GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement

What is the GKS Scholarship? 

GKS which stands for Global Korean Scholarship is also known as The Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP). This is an academic scholarship program funded by the Korean Government for International Students and this is managed by the NIIED – National Institute of International Education which is under the Ministry of Education in South Korea. This program was designed for non-Korean scholars and Overseas Korean People to invite them to study in South Korea through a fully funded scholarship program at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels, after completing one year of Korean language studies. This was started a long time back in 1967 to bring overseas talents to South Korea and introduce them to the Korean languages, culture, and environment. Undergraduate students are entitled to receive 800,000 KRW per month and postgraduate students are entitled to 1,000,000 KRW per month apart from other expenses like airfares, tuition, and other allowances.

How to apply for the GKS Scholarship in 2024?

The basic objective of the GKS or KGSP Scholarship program is to invite international talent in Korea and let them study in Korea and their talent can contribute towards growth and development in the country.  While applying for the scholarship, the candidate has to decide on a study program for which they are applying to any of the Korean universities that are entitled to GKS. The chosen program can not be changed later if the candidate wishes to change the program after studying Korean Language for the first year. For undergraduate degree programs at Korean Universities, it requires studying for 4 years, for master’s programs the duration is two years and doctoral studies require a minimum of 3 years. 

Sample SOP / Personal Statement for GKS Scholarship

Below is the sample personal statement for global korea scholarship south korea.

The National Liberation Day of South Korea and the Independence Day of India are a common tie between the two emerging nations as they celebrate these two events on the 15th of August. No wonder Rabindranath Tagore had called South Korea, the ‘Lamp of the East’, showcasing its noteworthy advancement in technology as the rest of the world is enlightened using products of the companies based in South Korea. This is profound in most Indian households. I remember clearly how each time I saw an advertisement for LG refrigerators and Samsung mobile phones, I jumped as these were the products that we used at home. As a child’s curiosity would have it upon finding similarities, I was always excited. In 9th grade, this excitement transformed into curiosity when my teacher informed me how South Korea is the core where reliable technology and ergonomic products are manufactured. My teacher also informed me about how South Korea invests in education so its citizens remain at the forefront of advanced technology. After listening to this, I could connect the dots, and it wasn’t a wonder that such wonderful easy-to-use products are made in South Korea. Not just expensive products, even trivial daily use products have their origin designed in South Korea, reflecting how people are scrupulous in designing. From here, my quest to perceive the exponential growth taking place in South Korea began.   

In New Delhi, the capital of India, I visited the Korean Cultural Centre which displayed the beautiful culture, language, and clothes of the people of South Korea. Immediately post this visit, I started looking for opportunities to learn more about South Korea and I embarked on this learning path by beginning to learn the language. While learning the language at SEJONG HAKDANG (KCCI) I received a 100% scholarship for the Intermediate semester for being in the top 10% of students in the beginner semester, which encouraged me more towards this stream.I started participating in essays and quiz competitions organized by the Korean Embassy in India. I also participated in Korea-India 2021 quiz competition where I qualified at the school level and participated in the state prelims quiz (KIFQ-DEL-226). Such platforms helped me learn about South Korea’s clothing and fashion, food, housing, festivals and celebrations, culture and arts, history, and the country’s remarkable growth at an exponential rate through its strong education system. During my participation in the quiz, I also encouraged my fellow students to participate as it gives me pleasure to share knowledge with my friends and also elevate my level of education. My participation naturally made me focus on South Korea’s accomplishments, development, and high-ranking universities. This motivated me to opt for my higher studies in South Korea. 

The efficacy of education was invariably known to me and my deep-rooted interest in the same stems from observing my mother. A public school teacher, my mother taught Maths, and I under her umbrella, not only gained dexterity in the subject, but also admiration for logical thinking. My family plays an important role in bringing me to this juncture where I can apply for my Bachelor’s in Computer Science Engineering. Witnessing my elder sister’s dedication who acquired a merit-based scholarship at a renowned University in the US and my father’s diligence to bring his children to a platform where they can choose their path, has been extremely stimulating and inspiring. The current student loan that my sister has taken for her further education will be able to help her secure a good position post the MS course and I want to follow the same path so I can help my father who works at a stationery shop be at ease. Owing to my family’s financial condition, my parents have constantly provided the luxury of a good education and that is the only thing I have to fall back on.  Hence, during my school, I was a vigilant student who scored well throughout her schooling, while also learning beyond the scope of my syllabi. I have been a consistent holder of merit certificates for academic achievements since 7th grade and secured 1st position in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade while also scoring highest in Computer Science and Math in my entire batch. I often enjoyed reading my sister’s computer Science books as I felt hinged to logical and analytical thinking. My first learning of Computer Science was in grade 9th when I learned HTML. Along with this I also learned ways to create a website where I optimally used my creative abilities, especially in coding.   In class 11th, I unraveled topics like data types and operators, conditional statements, data structures like lists, tuples, strings, and dictionaries, sorting algorithms, functions, libraries, data file handling, error and exception handling, data visualization using pylot, data representation, and boolean logic. I also learned Database concepts and Structured Query Language, along with interface Python with SQL and cyber safety. Python-SQL connectivity became the target concept for my A+ grade year-end project ”result analysis” where I created tables in SQL and modules in Python. 

I also made an Art Integrated Learning Project, to find hotels that suit the tourists’ requirements using the concepts of Data Structures and functions. Alongside these, I have opted to learn through online mediums and have attained relevant learning of various computer science-related subjects.  To enhance my personality, I participated in activities like Inter and intra-school Debate, art, and quiz competitions that evoked competitiveness in me. I have also exercised my leadership skills as I was the Executive of the student council where I  maintained the decorum of the school and also partook in activities like organizing quizzes and managing cultural and sports events. I have also been a member of the interact club where I have practiced and learned the importance of community service. Sports have also been a cardinal part of me and I have enjoyed playing badminton and basketball in which I won 1st position at the zonal level competition which enhanced my focus and made me humble as a person. 

The various exposures that I have attained so far have empowered me to choose GKS for my future studies. It ranks at the top of OECD countries for scholastic achievement and educational competitiveness while also ranking 1st for  ICT (Information and Communications Technologies).  It will be a great step to be a part of GKS and understand more about South Korea in terms of culture and of course the emphasis it lays on education. I will be able to perform well as a student and will make my country proud as moving there for education is a reflection of the friendship between my country and South Korea . 

Download PDF of Sample Personal Statement for GKS South Korea

The Global Korean Scholarship Track Qouta 2024 

Embassy Track (800) + University Track (1400) = Total (2,200) 

The GKS Scholarship for this year 2024 has been announced by the Korean Government and they have invited 2200 International Students, for which students can apply through two tracks – Embassy Track and University Track, for which you need to read the whole to understand the same in detail.

General IRT Overseas Korean Sub Total
737 44 19 800
General R-GKS IRT* R&D Research Global Network Sub Total
368 627 10 300 15 80 1,400

The Global Korean Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships in Asia and the most sought-after South Korean Scholarship among international students which can be applied through two tracks – Embassy Track and University Track, where the difference lies in the application process. The Embassy Track has three steps – you have to apply through the Korean Embassy where the application is selected and then forwarded to NIIED for further selection and then finally it reaches the university for final vetting of the applicants. You can select three universities from the Embassy track which is a better option overall and the quota allotted to the embassy track is 800. 

Embassy Track = 3-Step Process, 

Embassy Selection > NIIED Selection > University Selection

Options to choose 3 universities 

University Track, on the other hand, is quite simple, and once the university selects the candidates it sends the application to NIIED for final selection, which is a simple two-step process. The total quota allotted to University Track is 1400 which is quite higher than the Embassy Track.

University Track = 2 Step Process

University Selection > NIIED Selection

South Korean Universities Available for GKS 2024 Programs 

The South Korean Universities for GKS are divided into two major categories – Type A and Type B and each candidate can choose up to 3 Universities from A and B types but must select at least one of the universities from the Type B list as well. 

Type A Universities for GKS 2024 Graduate


Academy of Korean Studies


Ajou University


Chung-Ang University


Dankook University


Dongguk University


Duksung Women’s University


Ewha Womans University


GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)


Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


Hanyang University ERICA


Hanyang University (Seoul)


Hongik University


Incheon National University


Inha University


KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)


KDI School of Public Policy and Management


Konkuk University


Kookmin University


Korea University


Kyung Hee University


POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology)


Seokyeong University


Seoul National University


SeoulTech (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)


Sogang University


Sookmyung Women’s University


Soongsil University


Sungkyunkwan University


Sungshin Women’s University


Tech University of Korea


UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)


University of Seoul


Yonsei University

Type B Universities for GKS 2024 Graduate


Type-B Universities (40)


Andong National University


Busan University of Foreign Studies


Changwon National University


Cheongju University


Chonnam National University


Chosun University


Chungbuk National University


Chungnam National University


Daegu Catholic University


Daegu University


Daejeon University


Dong-A University


Dongseo University


Gangneung-Wonju National University


Gyeongsang National University


Hannam University


Hoseo University


Inje University


Jeju National University


Jeonbuk National University


Kangwon National University


Keimyung University


Kongju National University


Konyang University


KOREATECH (Korea University of Technology and Education)


Kunsan National University


Kyungpook National University


Kyungsung University


Mokwon University


National Korea Maritime & Ocean University


Pai Chai University


Pukyong National University


Pusan National University


Semyung University


Silla University


Soonchunhyang University


Sun Moon University


Sunchon National University


University of Ulsan


Yeungnam University

Importance, Tips, Guidelines for GKS / KGSP Scholarship Program – 2024 

The Global Korean Scholarship Program or Korean Government Scholarship Program for 2024 has been announced recently and thus we are updating our blog to add more tips and guidelines for creating a stellar personal statement for GKS Scholarship 2024. It is very important to focus on the personal statement because it holds a significant value in your application. Here are the tips to help you draft a convincing SOP for the GKS Scholarship in South Korea. One should focus on the story demonstrating what made him/her plan to study in Korea as they wish to admit those candidates who are genuinely interested in Korean Culture and lifestyle. Opening the GKS Essays with a strong introduction about the inclination towards Korea can be an impressive move. Highlight some unique abilities, skills, and qualities you have that can make you stand out from the crowd. GKS Program of South Korea is majorly focused on cultural exchange, so you should also show your interest and awareness in such topics and share some important things you like about Korea and its culture. Drafting an impressive, well-written, and insightful personal statement or SOP increases your chances of being selected for the GKS / KGSP Scholarship in 2024.

FAQs Related to GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement – 2024

What are the eligibility criteria for gks scholarship in 2024.

Eligibility varies depending on the application track you choose:

  • University Track: Open to applicants who are citizens of countries designated by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) and recommended by a Korean university.
  • Embassy Track: Open to citizens of countries designated by NIIED who are not recommended by a Korean university and apply through their home country’s Korean embassy or consulate.

Is there an age limit for the GKS scholarship?

How to apply for the gks scholarship.

You can apply for the GKS Scholarship Program through two different tracks – The University Track or the Embassy Track. Both of these tracks have their application process and deadlines which can be found on the official GKS website.

What documents do I need to submit for the GKS application?

Required documents typically include:

  • Application form
  • Academic transcripts
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Certificate of health
  • Personal Statement or SOP 
  • Proof of language proficiency (optional, but recommended)

Different Korean Universities may ask for more documents individually as per the program level or subject.

What are the benefits of the GKS scholarship?

The GKS Scholarship Programs 2024  covers a wide range of expenses, including:

  • Tuition fees
  • Monthly living allowance
  • Settlement allowance
  • Korean language training
  • National health insurance
  • Airfare and travel expenses

Do I need to maintain a specific GPA to keep receiving the scholarship?

Yes, for being eligible for the scholarship the minimum GPA is required to pass for each year or semester to remain eligible for the scholarship funding.

When can I apply for the GKS scholarship in 2024?

Application periods typically open in March or April and close in May or June.

Where can I find more information about the GKS scholarship?

What is the difference between gks and kgsp.

GKS which is the Global Korean Scholarship and KGSP – Korean Government Scholarship Program is the same, thus the program was introduced in 1967 and since then its name has been changed but both these scholarships are the same and serve the same purpose.

What is the Study Plan for the GKS Scholarship?

Study Plan refers to your objective of studying in Korea and what you plan to do after you complete your study in Korea. The study plan is demonstrated through the statement of purpose or personal statement asked for by the GKS Program.

What are the scholarship benefits for GKS graduate programs?

The benefits offered by the Korean Government in 2024 for undergraduate programs are 

  • Round trip airfare 
  • Settlement allowance to relocate to Korea 
  • Monthly allowance at the beginning of each month 
  • Language Training Fee per month 
  • Tuition Fee Waiver 
  • Medical Insurance Fee 
  • Research Support Fee 
  • Thesis Printing Fee 
  • Degree Completion Grants 
  • Korean Proficiency Grants – 100,000 KRW per month

What are the scholarship benefits for GKS undergraduate programs?


Hello sir, I found this very helpful can you perhaps help me with my personal statement and study plan am applying this year in September.

Hi Bukola, Our Personal Statement Writers have written many PS and study plan for the GKS scholarship. We have your email id from this comment. Our team will get in touch with you for further information.

I loved the sample I also want to apply for GKS Scholarship this year. I will need some assistance with my personal statement and study plan.

Hi Deborah, Thanks for liking our work. We can surely help you in creating a convincing Personal Statement and Study Plan for the Global Korean Scholarship Program – GKS 2024. Feel free to call me anytime.

Hello I find this very helpful and I would like you to help me on how to write my sop personal statement and study plan thank you as I want to apply soon

Yes, We can help you with the Personal Statement and Study Plan for GKS. Please, get in touch with our team at or email at [email protected] .

I wanna apply for u_gks this year will uh plz help me with the ps and study plan .

Hello, I like this sample and I was wondering if you could help me with the Personal Statement and Study Plan for GKS. I am planning to apply soon.

Hi Victor, Yes, We can help you with the Personal Statement and Study Plan for GKS. Please, get in touch with our team on +91-9811040414 or email at [email protected] .

Hello! Hello I find this very helpful and I would like you to help me on how to write my sop personal statement and study plan thank you as I want to apply soon

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Tembus Beasiswa GKS 2024, Ini Rumus dan Contoh Bikin Personal Statement

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contoh personal statement kgsp graduate

4 Tips Menulis Personal Statement GKS agar Menarik Beserta Contohnya

March 15, 2023 • 3 minutes read

contoh personal statement kgsp graduate

Esai personal statement GKS merupakan salah satu berkas penting dan menjadi penentu apakah kamu akan melanjutkan ke tahapan selanjutnya atau tidak. Kalau kamu masih kesulitan untuk menjabarkan personal statement GKS kamu, yuk, pelajari cara menulisnya berikut ini!

Selayang pandang Beasiswa GKS

Global Korea Scholarship atau juga sering dikenal sebagai Korean Government Scholarship Program adalah program bantuan dana penuh dari Pemerintah Korea Selatan untuk para mahasiswa dunia yang ingin menimba ilmu di perguruan tinggi Korea Selatan. Beasiswa GKS juga memberikan bantuan dana kepada 5 jenjang, yakni D3, S1, S3, S3, dan program penelitian.

Manfaat Beasiswa GKS yang bisa kamu terima juga tidak sedikit. Sebagai awardee Beasiswa GKS kamu berhak mendapatkan tunjangan tiket pulang pergi, tunjangan kedatangan, biaya pendidikan, biaya sehari-hari, dana penelitian dan cetak tesis, pelatihan bahasa Korea, serta asuransi kesehatan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang beasiswa ini bisa kamu lihat di artikel Schoters berikut ini. 

Baca Juga: Mengenal Personal Statement GKS

Cara menulis Personal Statement GKS

Berkas personal statement GKS merupakan esai yang menjelaskan tentang diri kamu dan motivasi kamu untuk memilih Korea Selatan dan beasiswa GKS dibandingkan dengan negara dan program bantuan dana pendidikan lainnya. Beberapa poin dan pertanyaan untuk menulis personal statement GKS antara lain:

1. Jelaskan motivasi kamu

Program Beasiswa GKS bukanlah beasiswa sembarangan. Jadi, mereka ingin benar-benar tahu apakah tujuan dan motivasi kamu dalam mengikuti program ini. Terlebih, Beasiswa GKS juga mencari para calon pemimpin dunia di masa depan. Beberapa pertanyaan yang harus kamu jawab dalam personal statement GKS adalah:

  • Kenapa kamu ingin dan butuh untuk belajar ke luar negeri?
  • Kenapa kamu pantas untuk mendapatkan beasiswa ini?
  • Kenapa beasiswa GKS harus memilihmu?
  • Apa tujuan, passion, atau tujuan hidupmu?
  • Bagaimana beasiswa GKS dapat membantu kamu mencapai tujuan di atas?
  • Kenapa kamu memilih kuliah di Korea Selatan?
  • Apa kontribusi yang ingin kamu berikan kepada negara asal atau lingkungan sekitar?

Jika kamu sudah bisa menjawab pertanyaan di atas dengan realistis dan strategis, kamu bisa melanjutkan ke bagian kedua.

2. Ceritakan tentang diri dan keluarga kamu

Secara singkat dan jelas, ceritakan tentang latar belakang keluarga dan dirimu sendiri. Tentang apa saja permasalahan yang sering kamu temui di lingkungan sekitarmu, bagaimana keluargamu menginspirasimu, dan lain sebagianya.

Tak lupa, ceritakan juga tentang kelebihan yang kamu miliki. Mulai dari penghargaan, kegiatan sosial, dan pengalaman kerja profesional. Kamu bisa mengatasinya dengan menjelaskan masalah-masalah yang kamu temui dan solusi yang kamu ciptakan. Beberapa penjelasan diatas dapat membantu kredibilitas esai personal statement GKS kamu.

Tips menulis Personal Statement GKS

Meski dokumen ini tidaklah lebih dari dua lembar, tetapi menulisnya penuh tantangan dan memerlukan waktu. Untuk itu, simak beberapa tips penulisannya sebagai berikut.

  • Pahami ketentuan teknisnya (bahasa, jumlah halaman, dan lain-lain);
  • Fokus dengan poin-poin tertentu, daripada menulis banyak poin, tetapi dangkal;
  • Buat esaimu unik dan berbeda dari orang lain;
  • Jangan menambahkan sesuatu yang tidak penting karena kamu hanya punya dua halaman saja.

Baca Juga: Nilai dan IPK Kamu Pas-pasan, Tapi Ingin Lolos Beasiswa? Ini Dia Cara Terbaik Untuk Kamu

Contoh Personal Statement GKS

Berkas-berkas esai personal statement GKS seperti ini memang bersifat rahasia dan tidak semua awardee beasiswa GKS bisa memberikan contoh esai mereka karena menghindari plagiasi. Tapi, kamu bisa cek salah satu contoh personal statement GKS berikut ini.

Rekomendasi bimbingan p ersiapan Personal Statement dan Beasiswa GKS

Ingin dibimbing untuk mendapatkan personal statement dan beasiswa GKS? Yuk, konsultasi dengan konsultan expert Schoters  agar persiapan beasiswamu lebih terarah.

Butuh program lain untuk persiapan personal statement dan beasiswa GKS? Cek program terbaik dari Schoters untuk bimbingan persiapanmu, dijamin terlengkap.

Personal Statement GKS

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A Journey to KGSP/GKS: Study Plan

After a very long while, I finally managed to post this! This, I guess is my final post on A Journey to KGSP/GKS Series. I’m still considering whether or not to make a post about the interview. I’m not sure I can cover this topic well since my experience is limited to the interview session in the Korean Embassy. Even I heard that each Embassy has its own way of conducting the interview, including the questions given. Anyways, on this post, I’ll be sharing on my experience in writing a study plan (or statement of purpose for the Graduate degrees) for the GKS Application. If you just started preparing the GKS Application, you may want to check my previous posts on the guideline to the application forms and personal statement essay or read my experience in applying for the 2016 KGSP/GKS-G .

So, as we’ve known, a study plan is another important stage to showcase the applicant’s ability in planning his study in Korea. One needs to explain his/her plans before coming to Korea when doing the study in Korea, and after graduating from the Korean university.

Study Plan template (2021 GKS-Undergraduate Application)

Statement of Purpose template (2021 GKS-Graduate Application)

 When preparing for the application back in 2016, I tried to find as many resources as possible. I joined the KGSP Global Applicant Facebook group, searched awardees from Indonesia and other countries online through Facebook and Instagram, and contacted them to discuss their experience and ask for some advice. I then found Mas Nasikun’s blog , a KGSP awardee from Indonesia who did his Master’s degree program at Seoul National University. I was especially very grateful for his posts on how to write a study plan. His posts on KGSP Application are still there and anyone interested in applying for this scholarship will surely find it very useful.

Here I’m making a kind of brief guideline in writing a study plan. I divide them into plans before, during, and after studying in Korea.

Plans before going to Korea. Here, you need to write down things you have been doing and will be doing before going to Korea. This mostly covers Korean language preparation. I believe that ‘taking Korean language courses’ shouldn’t be necessarily on the list. There’s a bunch of fun ways to learn a language, especially the Korean language. What is better than watching Korean TV shows and being whipped by the actors and actresses? (Not watching one?) Okay, if you still doubt whether you should start learning the language by now, I urge you to do so unless you just apply for fun and ‘luckily’ see yourself get a seat at the end. Especially for those who never got anything related to Korea, get yourself used to how Korean language sounds is an important first step that will take you further lightheartedly. I met people who hardly heard the Korean language until they reach the country, and they struggled within one-year language training which I believe could have been less tormenting and fun instead. One year is short if not to say insufficient, trust me.

I was far from fluent when applying for this scholarship program (well, I still am), but I wasn’t unfamiliar with the language either. If there was only one effort in learning the language that I invested the most, it was listening to Korean songs. I wasn’t into K-dramas before coming to Korea, and I could barely make any time to go to a language center. I started learning Hangeul (Korean alphabet) while preparing for the application but just started self-teaching on basic grammars around 2 months before my departure in August. I wasn’t confident in mastering the language in one year, plus my over-anxiety told me to do something to lessen my stress in the future. Still, I knew I should’ve started earlier.

So, you need to explain that any plans during this time are to prepare you for life in Korea and of course the degree program. Here, you also need to mention your goals during the language training program. You may divide it into two semesters; what things you will do and the level of Korean proficiency you aim in the first and second half. There are many programs you can participate in during language training, such as the Buddy program, voluntary work at Korean schools, cultural festivals, etc. You may do your research and mention what you’re mostly expecting to do to improve your Korean skills.

Plans during your study in Korea. This section is a little bit different for GKS-U and GKS-G applicants AND applicants via Embassy and University Track. GKS-U applicants are provided a separate section for this part whereas, for GKS-G applicants, this part is combined with the plan before coming to Korea. Regardless, the best way to deliver this part is by setting a timeline for your plan, either per semester or per academic year.

For GKS-U applicants , I personally think that you can simply mention the number of credits in total to graduate and the average number of credits every semester. As for the course, you can mention some courses you’re particularly interested in and the reason (for example, those courses are in line with the topic interest of your final project/thesis, or they will be beneficial for your future career). These are basic information, so make sure you check the curriculum and graduation requirements! Other things to include are plans on taking short-term courses during summer/winter break and organizations/clubs/other student activities you will want to join (check on the university/department website for reference). Don’t forget to elaborate on why you need these activities (project it to your future goal).

For GKS-G applicants , I recommend writing down your study plan per semester since dividing into two academic years may limit the details. Depending on the major, you may set different goals each semester. Generally, I believe, the first semester would be the time to strengthen your fundamental knowledge regarding your field of study while adapting to the Korean education system. Some may have chances to start consulting with their academic advisor/professor even working in a lab. In the second semester, you may need to start working on your research plans. Here, you may briefly explain the thesis research you want to do. Most Master’s degree programs in Korea require a thesis for graduation so make sure you prepare one. Unless you’re applying for the Research Program, no need to go very detail on this. Three important points to include when explaining your research plan: what the research topic is, why you want to work on it, and why Korea and/or your university choice is the best place to carry out this research. In the third semester, you will probably need to sit for a comprehensive exam and start conducting your research. For social science and humanity students, you should prepare the ethical clearance application by the end of this semester or during the semester break so that you can start conducting your research, especially, collecting the research data, as the new semester begins. Finally, you may wrap up your final semester by completing the thesis and publishing or submitting a research article to a journal (some departments have it as part of graduation requirements).

For Embassy track applicants , I don’t think you need to elaborate on your 3 university and major choices and the reasons behind every choice. You likely apply for similar if not the same major. Despite different names, the focus study should be the same and that’s what you need to elaborate on. What I did back then is briefing the reason I applied for that major (I already mention it in the Personal Statement so I just briefly explain it here) and what topic of study I will focus on my thesis research. For university track applicants , you may explain the reasons for applying to the major and the university of your choice and your study plan followed by the plan each semester.

Plans after graduating from a Korean university. The keyword for this part, I believe, is future career. And the best way to show the reviewer your enthusiasm and your visionary side (regardless of how vague the future life is yet), is to name your future goal. I think telling what kind of job you aspire and some motivations behind it would work. Another important point to include is whether you will return to your home country or stay in Korea after graduation, accompanied by things you will do afterward. Again, this part may seem vague for some, especially for GKS-U applicants. Still, you need to make it as detail as possible, regardless of whether you’ll change it someday in the future or whether it seems unattainable for now. Dream big! If you plan on going directly to a graduate school, briefly explain what motivates you to continue your study and what field of study you’re going for. For GKS-G applicants, I guess their work for this part shouldn’t be too difficult as some are likely to already have a job and/or know where they’ll go after receiving the degree.

I hope you find this post helpful and may as well be a reference for writing your study plan. Best of luck with your GKS application and your study in Korea.

contoh personal statement kgsp graduate

@ bonaintan /

contoh personal statement kgsp graduate


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How to write your personal statement and SOP for GKS-Graduate Scholarship. Tips for interview!!  

  January 21, 2024

By   Smriti Ekka

Writing an effective Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement is a frequently asked question among the students who apply for a GKS Scholarship for the first time. The main purpose of this article is to help you write such a statement.

So today I have mentioned some points that I have broken down into small segments which will be easy for you to understand how to write your own personal statement and statement of purpose. ALSO some tips for the interview that will make you sound more promising while applying for the GKS 2022 scholarship for Masters and PhD in Korea.

To check the GKS Field of study and guidelines click HERE !!


Like the word suggests. The student should write his/her experiences, achievements, values. The reasons to study abroad and apply for the scholarship might not be so unique, thus, the way it is written should be impactful.

Personal Statement

The following key question can be formed and written in a way that would sound promising and you can include the following questions like :

  • Why did you decide to go to graduate school ?
  • Why you chose Korea and what you can do in Korea after your graduation ?
  • How GKS benefit in your field of study ?

Things should be mentioned in detail. Analysis on all those parts can further be broken down into small segments for easy evaluation and understanding. 

  • The first part can be very idealistic.
  • Second part should be practical.
  • Third part can include all the summary of what you have mentioned above.


A real Statement of Purpose shows that you have thought through why you are doing the course, rather than exclaiming a wish to be one day employed. Even if you have fully considered your reasons for undertaking further study, it is not uncommon to feel a certain self-consciousness about writing about them.

Statement of purpose definitely contains your goal of study. Statement of purpose definitely contains your goal of study.


  • The first part could be started with a quote. That's done by most of the people. Followed by explaining what you'll do in " that " specific University !! 

The answer shouldn't be like " You wish to study with that professor." Those types of answers are always along the line. But  your answer should be more promising like, how you will be generating more knowledge together. With the help of such a good facility how will you be able to contribute and take advantage of such opportunities given to you.

You can explain how being able to get such knowledge you can help others and expand your field of study and contribute much more. 

  • The second part of it can include the research interest. How is it going to help you in your field of interest?

Since Korea is among the top 5 OECD countries that spend most on research & development studies constituting 4.46 percent of South Korea's GDP. Hence a lot of the students around the globe are interested to study in Korea because of the facilities/benefits provided which includes

  • Monthly allowance
  • Two way air fare
  • Monthly allowance which will be enough for you to survive in Korea.

See Also : Things to prepare for GKS Scholarship 2021

With all these facilities they want you to focus solely on the research and provide the best result afterwards. Your focus should be to fully invest your time in the research and make use of the guidance by being under the professor of your department. 

  • The third part could be the research topic. After the research topic you need to explain about the research topic
  • You can include why you have the necessary aptitude to succeed in GKS ?

Things that will ultimately make you stand out from the rest of the students after you have completed your graduation. You have to convince and prove your worth and give that commitment to the professors in writing what you will ultimately be providing them in the end. 

 To stand out from the rest of the students if you have already done some studies in your field or have published some papers already or doing some work in some specific areas. Chances are that your worth could be easily measured looking at those results. 

In the future plan. You can break it down into two parts:- 

  • Long term goals and short term goals. 

In long term goals you can write keeping in mind about the next five years and short term could be what you can achieve in the coming few months maybe.

For the short term you can mention how KGSP will help you in achieving those dreams. It shouldn't include what you want to do after kgsp BUT how can KGSP help you to achieve those goals of yours !!

There's a difference between the two and mentioning the latter can increase your chance immensely !! You can also list down the goals down below which should be closely linked to your graduate studies.

For the long term goals you can also mention in detail about how long you'll be staying in Korea and what will be your field of study after graduation and then probably going back to your country, you will continue working in the field of yours. 

Eventually you have to mention how the KGSP is going to help you to achieve those long-term goals of yours.

You can easily write about your long term goals by adjusting what you have already mentioned in the short term goals and try to add two or three points in it to make it sound appropriate . It shouldn't be lengthy. Just explaining two or three points would be enough.

It is actually mentioned that you have to score TOPIK 3 and above to give you an extra 10 points while selection. BUT as long as you have something that makes you stand out from the rest of the students that would be enough for you to get into any university. For example fluency in Korean, research skill or entrepreneur skills.

Tips for the Interview !!

Mainly the interview is very nerve wracking and people are very nervous before giving the interview keeping in mind that it's for the research and professors may ask you questions regarding your field of knowledge and you should be thoroughly prepared for it.

  • Questions linked to your major.
  • Questions related to the documents that you have provided.
  • Question can also be a close link to why you have chosen that particular University auditor field of study and why Korea was your destination for studies.

Confidence is the key and how you articulate your thinking well enough for the professors and teachers to pick you from the crowd.

The key point would be to emphasize on the things that you are actually good at and make it your key point.

The best suggestion I will give you is to prepare something in Korean even if you don't speak it properly.

Having some knowledge of Korean will always give you that " extra edge" even if you are preparing to go to Korea in general.  Not to mention it is highly appreciated if you're doing any kind of studies in Korea.

They might ask you to introduce yourself in Korean so prepare small sentences that you would be confident in.

Since you are applying to learn and improve your abilities, it is important to make that goal clear in the statement of purpose.

Those were the few points that would be helpful in writing your personal statement and statement of purpose. Hope you found this article helpful. Please write your doubts below if you have any.

Thank you !!

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Smriti Ekka

Smriti Ekka graduated in Commerce and Library science, and currently she is working as a content writer at TOPIK Guide website. She is a Korean language and culture enthusiast and has been working across multiple disciplines which broadly addresses narratives of similarities between Korean and Indian culture. Apart from being a content writer at TOPIK Guide she manages Annyeong India website and has had her pieces published in Learn Korean in India website as well. In her other life, she is a singer, rising entrepreneur, life enthusiast and a learner.

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Thankyou !!!

I hope i make it to scholarship KGSP2021

Good luck . Fighting

May I know how many copies of transcript I need to send for embassy trekking .

Just one , the original copy or with along 3 photo copies . A total of 4 copies ??

Hello, I want to know that is it ok if you are a double graduate and want to apply for GSK by using your first graduation degree. As i did my graduation with english honourse in 2015 and after that i persued law and completed my law degree in 2019. And now i want to apply for GSK by using english honourse degree because i want to do my masters in english litrature.

Thank you so much for such a beneficial information! But it is only a format on how to write a SOP! , Can you also post an article showing a written SOP so that the readers reading your article who might be getting confused! N it can also help clearing the confusion! Can you? Please!?

Will gks accept the students who are willing to choose the dance course which is under the entertainment and sports division?

Hi Aswini, Actually AMA+ K-arts scholarship accept the students who want to learn dance. It is same as GKS scholarship (I would say only the name differs.). This scholarship is for them who want to learn any kind of art at Korea national university of arts(K-arts). And the rest you can check by on their website. I am also applying there for Animation, that's how I know about it. Hope this will help.

What transcript do we need is it only senior secondary school year and can we submitted photocopies of document apostilled

Will writing sop and study plans in korean language give an extra benifit? Should it be my own handwriting?

Can I apply for GKS GRADUATE 2024 if I am an expected graduate I will graduate in June . And if yes what certificate should I have instead graduation certificate

contoh personal statement kgsp graduate

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4 Global Korea Scholarship Essay Examples

Your essay should include the following components and should not exceed two A4 pages:

  • Motivations : Explain the reasons and motivations that led you to apply for this program.
  • Family and Education Background : Briefly describe your family background and your educational history.
  • Significant Experiences : Share key experiences in your life, including risks you have taken, achievements you have made, or any individuals or events that have had a significant influence on you.
  • Extracurricular Activities : Discuss any extracurricular activities you have participated in, such as club activities, community service, or work experiences.
  • Additional Accomplishments (if applicable) : If relevant, mention any awards you have received, publications you have authored, or specific skills you have acquired.

Art, Ambition, and Aspirations: My Quest for Cultural Unity

Passion is the driving force behind our aspirations, whether they manifest in a sport, profession, or a dream. With genuine passion, the seemingly impossible becomes attainable.

From the tender age of 10, life presented me with a series of challenges. My father’s deteriorating health, the stagnation of our family business, and fluctuating financial circumstances tested our resilience. Amidst these adversities, my mother emerged as my beacon of strength. Her unwavering spirit in the face of hardship taught me to confront my fears head-on, transforming them into stepping stones for growth.

Entering high school marked a new chapter. Inspired by my mother’s tenacity, I reminded myself, “The past is behind you. Embrace the present and chase your passions.” My mother’s journey from an artisan and tailor to an arts and crafts teacher instilled in me the belief that dreams have no expiration date.

My own dream took shape in the form of a deep-seated passion for Korean culture, design, and artistry. Discovering the GKS scholarship, I recognized an opportunity to merge my interests and alleviate financial pressures on my family. To pursue this dream, I made the difficult decision to step away from an 8-year basketball career, driven by a newfound ambition.

To gain my family’s trust in my aspirations, I immersed myself in cultural exchange programs, securing top positions in language competitions and representing my school in an ERASMUS+ project in Italy. This experience not only broadened my horizons but also solidified my belief in my capabilities.

Back in Turkey, my passion for art found a canvas on the walls of our school, where I painted portraits of iconic artists. This endeavor not only showcased our artistic talents but also earned us accolades and recognition.

As I aspire to study in Korea, I’m driven by a vision to bridge cultural gaps, especially for the deaf community. Through sign language and visual communication, I aim to foster inclusivity and mutual understanding between Turkey and Korea. Moreover, Korea’s minimalist and innovative design ethos aligns with my belief in a future that values simplicity and creativity.

In conclusion, passion is the compass that guides my journey. While challenges are inevitable, my determination, inspired by my mother’s resilience, ensures that I remain undeterred. I am committed to realizing my dreams, fueled by unwavering self-belief and ambition.

A Journey of Curiosity: Embracing Korea’s Educational Excellence

From early childhood, an insatiable curiosity drove me to relentlessly seek knowledge. Encouraged by my parents to find answers independently, I developed a habit of rigorous research, allowing me to delve into varied perspectives on subjects that intrigued me.

This quest for understanding introduced me to the Korean educational system, globally acclaimed for its role in Korea’s socio-economic ascent. Recognizing the scholarship as a gateway to immerse in Korean culture, language, and society, I envision it as a platform to nurture my passion for diplomacy and education. Studying international relations in Korea promises a comprehensive career perspective, enriched by hands-on experiences and diverse cultural exchanges. I am confident that this program will offer an unparalleled education and cultivate a holistic global perspective.

Hailing from a lower-middle-class family, I learned early on the significance of education. My parents, despite their limited educational opportunities, prioritized our academic pursuits. Their unwavering support propelled me to academic excellence, culminating in my admission to a prestigious public school and later, the military police school.

High school exposed me to simulations, lectures, and projects that sharpened my academic prowess. Collaborative endeavors and presentations on diverse topics helped me overcome stage apprehension and fostered teamwork skills. These experiences expanded my global awareness and intellectual growth.

During the recent quarantine, my affinity for Korea deepened. I embarked on learning the Korean language, complemented by online courses on Korean society and its economic evolution. This immersion sparked my interest in foreign languages, leading me to study Italian. Concurrently, I participated in the Humanities Olympics and a United Nations Simulation, both amplifying my passion for diplomacy and international relations.

The opportunity to study in Korea offers a unique blend of world-class education and cultural immersion. Engaging with a global student community promises to enhance my understanding and perspectives. I am resolute in leveraging this opportunity for personal growth and contributing to the broader sphere of international relations. With the unwavering support of my family and a deep belief in education’s transformative power, I eagerly anticipate this educational odyssey in Korea. I am profoundly thankful for the consideration of my application and the potential to embark on this enriching journey.

From Provincial Roots to Global Aspirations: My Quest for Technological Excellence

My name is XXX YYY ZZZ, but many know me affectionately as XXX, a moniker that translates to “angel” in my father’s dialect. Bestowed upon me during a tumultuous period in our family’s history, my name embodies the beacon of hope and inspiration I represent to my loved ones. Their unwavering faith in me has molded my character, fostering a spirit of exploration, resilience, and an unyielding drive to harness my innate strengths.

From my formative years, the melodic allure of the piano captivated me, guiding my path to the Secondary Professional School of Art. Here, amidst nurturing mentors and peers, I honed my craft, clinching grand-prize accolades in esteemed piano contests. This nurturing environment underscored the value of collective growth over individual competition.

Hailing from a modest provincial town, I was privileged to attend a specialized language school, laying a robust foundation in linguistic studies. This linguistic prowess proved invaluable when I embarked on my journey to master the Korean language.

Volunteerism has always been a cornerstone of my ethos. From environmental initiatives to community upliftment projects, I’ve endeavored to make a tangible difference. Concurrently, a burgeoning fascination with technology led me to immerse myself in workshops spanning robotics, game development, and web programming.

My high school tenure was marked by academic distinction, complemented by active participation in extracurricular pursuits. As a Student Council member and the founder of the Debate Club, I refined my oratory and interpersonal skills.

The pandemic’s onset brought unforeseen challenges, straining my family’s finances and compelling me to defer my academic aspirations. Undeterred, I juggled part-time work with continuous self-improvement, ever committed to community betterment.

Drawn to South Korea’s technological prowess, I am resolute that a degree in Computer Science and Engineering from this nation will empower me with unparalleled academic and practical expertise. Ajou University, with its stellar academic standing, diverse student body, and innovative ethos, emerges as my institution of choice.

My vision is to channel my expertise towards spearheading technological innovations in Armenia and beyond. I am confident that a scholarship from Ajou University will be instrumental in this endeavor, allowing me to wholly immerse in my academic pursuits and catalyze positive global change.

In summation, my journey, punctuated by tenacity, inquisitiveness, and a zeal for knowledge, has primed me for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I am certain that Ajou University offers the quintessential milieu to amplify my potential, expand my worldview, and leave an indelible mark on the technological landscape. I eagerly await the prospect of joining the Ajou community and embarking on this transformative odyssey.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude for considering my application.

jago beasiswa Ajou University offers the quintessential milieu potential

Bridging Cultures Through Biological Research: My Korean-Polish Vision

From the hallowed halls of Jagiellonian University, I was introduced to the microscopic marvels of fucoidans. These high-molecular compounds, diminutive in size, boast profound capabilities—from reducing blood pressure to combating cancer. This revelation ignited a fervor for biological sciences within me, further fueled by the professor’s evident passion. It was in that moment, I envisioned myself as a scientist, driven by curiosity and dedication.

My journey into the realm of biology was complemented by diverse experiences. As a distinguished volleyball player, I learned discipline and accountability, attributes that later proved invaluable. Balancing rigorous training with academic pursuits, I emerged as a top student, earning accolades and scholarships. My involvement in the school volunteer club and the school council further honed my organizational and leadership skills.

Throughout high school, I delved deeper into biochemistry, collaborating on our school’s inaugural newspaper and taking on leadership roles. My linguistic prowess in English, nurtured by Dr. Skowrońska, placed me among Poland’s top students. My insatiable curiosity often led me beyond standard curricula, prompting me to explore advanced topics in biochemistry and biology.

My family’s unwavering support has been my bedrock. My mother’s dedication to my education and my father’s commitment to continuous learning instilled in me the belief that growth is an unending journey.

My intrigue with Korea began with the mesmerizing piano renditions of Lee Hyuk and deepened with my exploration of the shared histories between Korea and Poland. A transformative visit to Seoul further solidified my desire to study in this vibrant nation. The Korean ethos—balancing relentless dedication with moments of joy—resonated deeply with me.

South Korea’s prominence in biotechnological research makes it the perfect destination for my academic pursuits. The Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) program offers a beacon of hope, enabling me to access world-class education without the financial constraints that have long shadowed my dreams. Institutions like Seoul National University, Pusan University, and Kyungpook University offer unparalleled opportunities in biological research.

By awarding me the GKS scholarship, you will be investing in a future that bridges Korean and Polish scientific communities. I am committed to fostering collaborations, sharing knowledge, and contributing to the global tapestry of biological research. With the GKS program’s support, I am poised to excel academically, drive scientific innovation, and build enduring international relationships.

By idebeasiswa

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contoh personal statement kgsp graduate

Cara Mendaftar KGSP Graduate

  • July 1, 2019

Cara mendaftar KGSP Graduate memiliki jalur yang sama seperti KGSP Undergraduate.

Jalur pendaftaran terbagi menjdi dua, yaitu :

  • Jalur Kedutaan Besar.
  • Jalur Universitas.

Artikel ini adalah salah satu bab dari panduan beasiswa KGSP

Dalam artikel ini kamu akan mendapatkan informasi tentang :

  • Cara mempersiapkan berkas pendaftaran KGSP jalur Kedutaan
  • Cara mengisi formulir pendaftaran KGSP jalur Kedutaan
  • Cara mempersiapkan berkas pendaftaran KGSP jalur Universitas
  • Cara mengisi formulir pendaftaran KGSP jalur Universitas
  • Cara mengirim berkas pendaftaran KGSP jalur Kedutaan
  • Cara mengirim berkas pendaftaran KGSP jalur Universitas

Sebelum memulai membaca pastikan kamu sudah menyiapkan semua berkas/dokumen dasar untuk mendaftar KGSP Graduate ya.

Cara Mendaftar KGSP Graduate Jalur Kedutaan Besar

Jalur kedutaan Besar adalah jalur yang menguntungkan bagi kamu jika ingin mendaftar pada universitas dan jurusan yang berbeda.

Jalur Kedutaan atau yang disebut juga Jalur KGSP Embassy Track ini memberikan kesempatan bagi kamu untuk mendaftar pada tiga universitas dan tiga jurusan yang berbeda.

Persiapan berkas KGSP Graduate

Baiklah, mari kita mulai dari persiapan berkas yaitu mengisi formulir pendaftaran.

Persiapan berkas KGSP jalur Kedutaan Besar maupun jalur Universitas pada dasarnya sama.

Bedanya hanya pada cara bagaimana mengirim berkas pendaftaran kamu saja.

So, silahkan ikuti cara mengisi formulir dan persiapan berkas KGSP berikut ini terlepas kamu mendaftar jalur kedutaan besar atau jalur universitas.

Formulir Pendaftaran (Form 1)

Formulir Pendaftaran KGSP pada Form 1 hanya meminta kamu untuk mengisi data diri sesuai dengan kartu keluarga atau passport ( bila sudah punya) dengan selengkap mungkin.

Baca perintah yang diberikan, kebanyakan para pendaftar beasiswa lupa bagian ini.

Perintah   ” it must be typed in English only .” 

kalau ada perintah seperti itu kamu harus nulisnya pakai bahasa inggris ya

Personal Statement (Form 2)

Personal Statement adalah kumpulan dari berbagai paragraf yang menjelaskan siapa diri kamu dan apa yang telah kamu capai selama ini kepada penyeleksi beasiswa.

Contoh personal statement bisa kamu temukan di google dan …

contohnya pun banyak sekali.

Tapi kamu harus pintar-pintar dalam memilih contoh yang sesuai dengan beasiswa yang ingin kamu daftar.

Kamu tidak perlu bingung dalam menulis personal statement kamu,

karna tata cara daftar beasiswa korea KGSP di form 2 ini sebenarnya gampang banget.

Pihak NIIED nya udah ngasih panduan apa apa aja yang harus kamu tulis.

So, ikutin aja perintahnya dan ceritakan pengalaman signifikan yang pernah kamu lakukan.

Pengalaman ini bisa berupa:

  • Latar belakang keluarga dan pendidikan kamu.
  • Alasan kamu ingin melanjutkan studi di Korea Selatan.
  • Resiko apa yang pernah kamu ambil dan lakukan dalam hidup kamu.
  • Pencapaian yang sudah kamu dapatkan.
  • Orang atau kejadian yang memberikan pengaruh yang nyata bagi kamu ataupun kehiduapanmu
  • Kegiatan ekstrakulikuler seperti komunitas, kelompok tertentu atau pengalaman kerja kamu.
  • Jika memungkinkan, gambarkan penghargaan yang sudah kamu terima, publikasi ilmiah yang telah kamu publikasikan, atau kemapuan yang kamu punya, dan lain sebagainya.

Personal Statement harus ditulis dalam  bahasa inggris atau bahasa korea  ya guys !

Statement of Purpose (Form 3)

Statement of Purpose atau yang disebut juga Study Plan (Rencana studi) merupakan sebuah rencana yang akan kamu lakukan selama berkuliah di korea selatan nanti.

Kamu harus menuliskan bagaimana kamu meningkatkan skill bahasa inggris atau korea kamu sebelum dan sesudah kamu sampai di korea.

Ada beberapa hal yang perlu kamu perhatikan disini.

  • Berikan alasan kenapa kamu memilih universitas dan jurusan tersebut.
  • Berikan penjelasan pencapaian akademik kamu.
  • Jelaskan bagaimana untuk mencapainya secara detail, timeline pencapaian juga termasuk dalam hal ini.
  • Apa yang akan kamu lakukan setelah menyelesaikan studi.
  • Rencana Studi harus ditulis dalam bahasa inggris atau bahasa korea.

Dua buah Surat rekomendasi (Form 5)

Kamu harus memiliki surat rekomendasi yang di tulis oleh sesorang yang dapat memberikan peniliain secara mendalam tentang kemampuan kamu.

Kamu bisa meminta surat rekomendasi kepada :

  • Kepala Sekolah,
  • Pembimbing akademik,
  • Guru ataupun
  • Wali kelas.
  • Surat rekomendasi harus dari dua orang yang berbeda.
  • Surat rekomendasi harus ditulis dalam bahasa inggris atau bahasa korea.

Personal Medical Assesment (Form 6)

Personal Medical Assesment ini berisikan survey tentang kondisi kesehatan kamu saat ini.

Baca pertanyaan yang diberikan dengan baik. Jawab dan isi survey sesuai dengan kondisi kesehatan kamu saat ini.

Kamu tidak perlu kedokter untuk mengisi Personal Medical Assesment ini.

GKS Applicant Agreement (Form 7)

GKS Applicant Agreement disebut juga dengan NIIED Pledge atau Janji NIIED NIIED adalah sebuah perjanjian anatara pelamar beasiswa dan pihak NIIED.

Kamu hanya perlu menyetujui persyaratan dan ketentuan yang telah di tetapkan oleh  pihak NIIED  jika ingin mendaftara beasiswa korea.

  • Dokumen ini berisikan perjanjian antara kamu dan NIIED.
  • Kamu wajib menanda tangani perjanjian ini jika ingin mendaftar beasiswa korea KGSP.
  • Isi perjanjiannya bisa kamu baca di dalam guideline beasiswa korea KSGP di bagian Form 2


Disini kamu hanya perlu menanda-tangani perjanjiannya saja.

Ijazah S1 atau S2

Ijazah merupakan salah satu syarat penting untuk mendaftar beasiswa.

Ijazah yang harus disiapkan adalah fotocopy ijazah yang sudah dilegalisir.

Legalisir yang kamu butuhkan adalah :

  • Legalisir Notaris
  • Legalisir Kementrian
  • Legalisir Kedutaan Besar Korea.
  • Selengkapnya kamu bisa baca disini.
  • Ijazah harus diterjemahkan oleh penerjemah tersumpah kedalam bahasa inggris atau bahasa korea.
  • Ijazah tidak perlu diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris atau korea, jika sekolah sudah mengeluarkan ijazah versih bahasa inggris, bahasa korea atau bilingual.
  • Khusus untuk jalur kedutaan, ijasah hanya perlu di legalisir hingga tahap legalisir notaris saja.

Transkrip Nilai

Selain Ijazah, Transkirp Nilai atau Rapor merupakan salah satu syarat penting untuk mendaftar beasiswa.

Transkrip Nilai yang harus disiapkan adalah fotocopy transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisir dan berbahasa inggris/korea.

  • Transkrip Nilai harus diterjemahkan oleh penerjemah tersumpah kedalam bahasa inggris atau bahasa korea.
  • Transkrip Nilai tidak perlu diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris atau korea, jika sekolah sudah mengeluarkan Transkrip Nilai atau Rapor versih bahasa inggris, bahasa korea atau bilingual.
  • Khusus untuk jalur kedutaan, Transkrip Nilai hanya perlu di legalisir hingga tahap legalisir notaris saja.

Akta Lahir atau KTP

Sebagai pelamar beasiswa, kamu harus menunjukkan bukti kewarganegaraan.

Hal ini bertujuan untuk menentukan syarat dan ketentuan yang harus kamu ikuti berdasarkan warga negara yang kamu miliki.

Berkas yang harus disiapkan adalah Akta lahir, KTP atau Paspor.

Berkas kewarganegaraan yang harus disiapkan adalah fotocopy yang sudah dilegalisir dan berbahasa inggris/korea.

  • Pastikan kamu membaca syarat sesuai dengan aturan pelamar beasiswa dari Indonesia.
  • Khusus untuk beasiswa KGSP, kamu tidak wajib memiliki paspor ketika mendaftar beasiswa.
  • Berkas harus dalam bahasa inggris atau bahasa korea. Jika berkas dalam Bahasa Indonesia, maka harus diterjemahkan oleh penerjemah tersumpah ke dalam bahasa inggris atau bahasa korea.
  • Berkas tidak perlu diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris atau korea, jika sudah dalam versi bahasa inggris, bahasa korea atau bilingual.
  • Khusus untuk jalur kedutaan, berkas kewarganegaraan hanya perlu di legalisir hingga tahap legalisir notaris saja.

Kartu keluarga atau KTP Orang tua

Selain menunjukkan bukti kewarganegaraan kamu sebagai pelamar beasiswa.

Kamu juga harus menunjukkan bukti kewarganegaraan kamu dengan orang tua.

Hal ini juga bertujuan untuk menentukan syarat dan ketentuan yang harus kamu ikuti berdasarkan warga negara yang kamu miliki.

Berkas yang harus disiapkan adalah Kartu Keluarga, KTP Orang tua atau Paspor Orang tua.

Sertifikat Kemampuan Bahasa Asing (bila ada)

Hampir seluruh beasiswa memiliki syarat kemampuan berbahasa asing.

Nilai yang disyaratkan pun berbeda – beda.

Beberapa Sertifikat Kemampuan bahasa Asing yang diperlukan dalam beasiswa KGSP adalah :

  • Sertifikat TOPIK (Bahasa Korea)
  • Sertifikat TOEIC (Bahasa Inggris)
  • Sertifikat IELTS (Bahasa Inggris)
  • Sertifikat TOEFL (Bahasa Inggris)

Seluruh sertifikat diatas bersifat optional. Jika kamu memiliki sertifikasi tersebut silahkan dilampirkan. Namun, jika kamu tidak memiliki sertifikat tersebun pun tidak apa.

  • Pastikan kamu membaca syarat sertifikasi kemampuan bahasa asing yang ada di kampus pilihan kamu.
  • Sertifikat harus dikeluarkan oleh lembaga yang diakui secara international maupun kampus pilihan kamu.

Published Paper (bila ada)

Kamu suka dengan karya tulis ilmiah dan mempublikasikan temuan kamu di jurnal ?

Hal ini bisa menjadi nilai plus buat kamu.

Bukan hanya hasil penelitian saja, tulisan kamu yang dimuat di koran atau media massa juga bisa loh !

Awards (bila ada)

Kamu memiliki berbagai penghargaan juga merupkan suatu nilai plus bagi kamu.

Namun bila kamu tidak memilikinya pun tidak akan mengurangi kesempatan kamu untuk mendapatkan beasiswa KGSP ya . . .

Dokumen tambahan khusus untuk Riset Program KGSP

Riset Proposal

Kamu harus membuat proposal riset yang ingin kamu lakukan saat dikorea nanti.

Buatlah riset proposalmu dengan detail namun sederhana dan mudah dipahami.

Kamu bisa meminta bantuan pembimbing akademik saat kuliah S1 dulu untuk memberikan masukan lebih dalam tentang riset yang akan kamu lakukan nanti.

University’s Official Letter of Invitation

Khusus untuk yang sudah lolos seleksi tahap pertama .

Hasil Pemeriksaan Kesehatan oleh Dokter.

Hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan ini diperlukan saat kamu sudah lolos seleksi tahap pertama.

Kamu akan mendapatkan email dari KGSP yang berisikan informasi tentang apa yang harus dilakukan dalam seleksi tahap kedua.


  • Pemeriksaan kesehatan dilakukan hanya untuk yang sudah  lolos seleksi tahap kedua
  • Pemeriksaan kesehatan harus dilakukan secara konprehensif.
  • Pemerikasaan kesehatan hampir serupa dengan medical check up pada umumnya.

Cara Mengirim Berkas KGSP Graduate Jalur Kedutaan Besar Korea

Sekarang saatnya kamu mengirim berkas pendaftaran beasiswa yang sudah kamu siapkan.

Sebelum mengirim berkas KGSP jalur Kedutaan Besar Korea ada beberapa hal yang harus kamu perhatikan.

  • Kamu bisa menggunakan jenis amplop berwarna apa saja. Tetapi, Menurut Tim Beasiswa Korea, gunakan saja amplop coklat berukuran A4.
  • Pastikan semua berkas kamu berukuran A4.
  • Tulis Nama pengirim dan Nama penerima dengan jelas dan lengkap.
  • Tulis kata “KGSP” di pojok kanan atas amplop.

Oke, selanjutnya kamu tinggalmengirimkan berkas kamu ke alamat Kedutaan Besar Korea berikut ini.

Kedutaan Besar Korea,  Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 57  Jakarta 12950

Kamu bisa mengirimkan berkas dengan menggunakan :

  • Ojek Online
  • Minta bantuan teman

Cara Mengirim Berkas KGSP Graduate Jalur Universitas

Berbeda jalur pendaftaran, berbeda pula cara mengirim berkasnya.

Sekarang saatnya kamu mengirim berkas pendaftaran beasiswa yang sudah kamu siapkan ke universitas yang kamu pilih.

Karena, setiap pelamar yang memilih jalur universitas, wajib mengirim berkas pendaftaran langsung ke alamat universitas/kampus yang dipilih.

Sebelum mengirim berkas KGSP jalur Universitas ada beberapa hal yang harus kamu perhatikan.

  • Beberapa universitas memiliki syarat tambahan atau khusus.
  • Sebelum mengirimkan berkas dalam bentuk hardcopy, pastikan kamu sudah double check berkas pendaftaran kepada pihak kampus dalam bentuk softcopy.

Oke, selanjutnya kamu tinggalmengirimkan berkas kamu ke alamat Universitas pilihan kamu.

Cara mengetahui informasi alamat universitas pilihan kamu :

  • Baca alamat universitas yang tertera pada guideline KGSP
  • Mencari langsung di web universitas
  • Bertanya kepada pihak Universitas via telephon atau email.
  • Pos Indonesia EMS service



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Hai Kak.. Informasi di sini sangat membantu.. Tapi saya punya pertanyaan.. Saya sudah lulus setahun yang lalu dan saya berencana untuk mengikuti beasiswa ini tahun depan.. Untuk surat rekomendasi, saya harus minta ke univ saya yang dulu berarti?

Admin BK

Hai Ani, surat rekomendasi lebih baik dibuat oleh Dosen/Dekan/Rektor untuk melihat track record akademik kamu. Kamu juga bisa meminta surat rekomendasi dari atasan kamu jika kamu telah bekerja. Namun, surat rekomendasi dari Dosen/Dekan/Rektor harus ada ya. Semoga jawaban ini membantu 🙂

Devi Novita

Kak mau tanya untuk berkas yang sudah diterjemahkan nanti yang di masukan ke dalam amplop untuk jalur kedutaan itu yg sudah diterjemahkan langsung di cap notaris atau di fotocopy dulu baru di cap notaris?

Hai Devi, berkas yang harus kamu kirimkan adalah dokumen hasil terjemahan yang difotocopy terlebih dahulu, kemudian dilegalisir.


Sore admin, mau tanya kalau submit dokumen GKS apa boleh langsung didrop di kedubes? (Tanpa melalui POS, JNE, dll) terima kasih!


Hai Jesslyn,

Sinta Dk

Halo kak, Saya mau tanya untuk embassy track graduate program 2021. Mohon bantuannya untuk menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini 1. Jika ijazah dan transcript sudah berbahasa inggris dan copyannya sudah di legalisir oleh universitas, apakah masih perlu di notariskan? 2. Untuk parent citizenship prove, Kartu Keluarga bisa digunakan kah? 3. Kalau aku baca di guidelines, surat rekomendasi harus menggunakan official envelope. Official envelope ini maksudnyq amplop universitas atau amplop A4 coklat biasa ya? 4. Dan jika harus amplop universitas, akan bermasalahkah jika jenis amplopnya bukan A4 tetapi yang kecil dan surat harus dilipat? 5. Monthly allowance apakah akan di dapatkan mulai dari kita belajar bahasa? Atau hanya dari mulai pendidikan yang dipilih?

Terimakasih sebelumnya.

1. Tidak perlu. 2. Bisa 3. Amplop universitas atau amplop biasa juga boleh, yang penting bagian belakang di penutup amplop harus ditandatangani. 4. Tidak apa-apa. 5. Betul, diberikan sejak langauge class.

Athiyah L

Page kak, aku mau tanya. GKS Embassy track tahun ini mensyaratkan 1 file original set dan 3 fotokopian. Itu cara menyusun dokumennnya bagaimana ya kak? Apa Persatu set file di masukin amplop yang beda, jadi nanti totalnya ada empat amplop yang di masukkan satu amplop besar? . apa langsung semua dijadikan satu di amplop besar?

Tolong di jawab ya kak, masih bingung soalnya. Terimakasih

Hai Athiyah,

Informasi terbaru, pihak Embassy di Jakarta hanya meminta 1 dokumen asli ya.

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contoh personal statement kgsp graduate

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Contoh Personal Statement GKS/KGSP Undergraduate

Contoh Personal Statement KGSP Undergraduate: The importance of a personal statement cannot be overemphasis when it comes to applying for a GKS scholarship.

In fact, a personal statement is regarded as of the most important parts when it comes to applying for GKS/KGSP undergraduate scholarship. By showcasing their diverse motivations for applying for the scholarship program, applying students provide the selection committee with valuable insights that can inform a more nuanced and effective selection process.

I am certain you hold a great interest in the GKS/KGSP scholarship scheme hence why you are searching for contoh (example) of personal statement covers for GKS scholarship. We will walk you through all there is to know about personal statements with examples (contoh), as well as how to write a convincing statement to which will boost your chances of getting selected by the scholarship committee.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a written document that provides a comprehensive overview of an individual’s background, experiences, achievements, goals, and interests. It is often used as part of the application process for educational programs, jobs, or other opportunities where individuals are required to present a concise and compelling account of themselves in this case scholarships.

In the context of academic applications, a personal statement may also be referred to as a statement of purpose or admissions essay. The primary purpose of a personal statement is to give the reader a deeper understanding of the applicant’s character, motivations, and suitability for the specific opportunity or position.

What is GKS/KGSP Scholarship?

The Global Korea Scholarship Program, commonly known as the GKS Scholarship , is an educational grant supported and overseen by the National Institute for International Education, a division of the Ministry of Education in the Republic of Korea. The program is designed to enable international students to pursue higher education in the Republic of Korea, offering opportunities for bachelor’s, master’s, Ph.D., and research programs to eligible candidates globally.

Additionally, this scholarship initiative allows students from around the world to pursue and complete undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees in the Republic of Korea.

Why Need a Personal Statement for GKS/KGSP Scholarship

The primary idea behind every personal statement is to provide a comprehensive overview of an individual’s background, experiences, achievements, goals, and interests. Below are some of the reasons why personal statements are importance for GKS/KGSP.

  • Individual Insight: A personal statement provides a deeper understanding of who the applicant is beyond their academic achievements and resume. It allows scholarship committees to gain insight into the applicant’s personality, values, and motivations.
  • Goal Clarification : It helps applicants articulate their academic and career goals, demonstrating a clear sense of purpose and direction. This information aids scholarship providers in selecting candidates whose aspirations align with the objectives of the scholarship.
  • Differentiation : Since many scholarship applicants may have similar academic records, a personal statement serves as a tool for applicants to differentiate themselves. It allows individuals to highlight unique experiences, skills, or qualities that make them stand out.
  • Communication Skills : Writing a personal statement demonstrates an applicant’s ability to express ideas coherently, persuasively, and concisely. This is an important skill in academia and many professional fields.
  • Fit with Scholarship Criteria: A well-crafted personal statement enables applicants to showcase how their background, experiences, and aspirations align with the specific criteria and goals of the scholarship program. This is crucial for demonstrating eligibility and suitability.

Is GKS/KGSP Scholarship Same?

Yes, they mean the same thing. The Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) is a program by the South Korean government that gives students scholarships. Before, it was called KGSP (Korean Government Scholarship Program). This program lets students from anywhere in the world study in South Korea.

Now that you know about the GKS Scholarship and what a Personal Statement is, let’s see how you can write one for the GKS Scholarship.

Acceptance Requirement for GKS/KGSP Scholarship

To qualify for the Korean Government Scholarship, applicants need to meet the following criteria:

  • Citizenship : Candidates and their parents must possess non-Korean citizenship.
  • Age : For KGSP-G, applicants should be under 40 years old.
  • Health : Candidates must be in good physical and mental health to pursue their studies in Korea.
  • Degree Requirements: For KGSP-G, applicants should have a Bachelor’s or master’s degree.
  • Grades : The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) must be 80% or higher. Alternatively, the CGPA must be 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, or 3.23/5.0 or higher.
  • Number of Scholarships : KGSP Graduate offers scholarships to approximately 700 grantees annually.

Guidelines for GKS/KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement Writing

Many of the students who want to apply for the GKS scholarship write their personal statements without following the proper guidelines. So, to make sure you do, we have provided the following guidelines for your GKS statement writing:

  • GKS/KGSP scholarship program personal statement can be written in either Korean or English language. It depends on you.
  • Make sure your GKS scholarship personal statement is of good length. It should not be more than two pages.
  • Make sure to discuss your achievements, skills, experiences, and the goals that you want to achieve during your study program.

Advice/Tips for GKS/KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement

Before you begin crafting your personal statement for the GKS/KGSP scholarship, ensure it adheres to the following:

  • Adhere to the guidelines set by the GKS scholarship for composing a personal statement.
  • Concentrate on key points essential for making your personal statement effective.
  • Ensure your personal statement is distinctive to set you apart from other scholarship applicants.
  • Avoid unnecessary stories, considering the limited space of two pages allotted for your personal statement.

How to Write GKS/KGSP Personal Statement for Undergraduate (Contoh)

To write the GKS/KGSP scholarship personal statement you must follow all the things that are mentioned in the GKS scholarship personal statement form. Then follow these steps to make sure that your personal statement for the GKS/KGSP scholarship is well-written:

Write about Your Motivation for The Program:

This is the first thing or points that your personal statement should include. You must explain your motivation and why you have chosen to apply for this scholarship program. Let them know your main motive behind choosing the scholarship program. Here are several things that you can include here to show your motivation for this program:

Which course program do you want to study under this scholarship program and why?

If you are applying for this program, then what is your purpose?

How would you contribute to the community if you are selected for this scholarship program?

How can you be a good candidate for this scholarship program?

Why are you motivated by this program?

Your Family Background and Education Background:

This is another point that you should discuss in your personal statement to make it good. Talk about your educational background and provide some information regarding your family background. Things you should focus on include:

  • Provide concise information regarding your academic record.
  • Discuss your academic achievements which you have achieved.
  • What course program you have studied previously?
  • Provide brief information about your family.

Any Experience You Have, Your Achievements, Person or Event Which Influence You:

To make your personal statement unique you must write about your achievements, experience, and person or event which influence you. These things will provide information related to how you deal with challenges and what you have achieved in your life so far. Discuss your experience which might be related to the work you have done or the things you have achieved in your life. You can also explain about any person or event which influences you in your life as well. These things, if discuss well can make your personal statement good. So, write about:

  • Any work experience you have.
  • Achievements you have.
  • Any person or event who influences you in your life.

Write About the Extracurricular Activities or Work Experience:

Your extracurricular activities or work experience can be a good thing written in your personal statement. This will make it unique from others. You can include:

  • The extracurricular activities you have performed.
  • The work experience you have.
  • Any activity you have performed for the community.
  • What you learned by doing the extracurricular activities.
  • What is the reason behind performing such extracurricular activities?

Write About Your Awards, Publications, Or Skills You Have:

If you have received awards, written some publications, or have some skills then you should discuss them as well in your personal statement to make it more unique from other candidates. So, write about:

  • What awards you have received?
  • How did you receive those awards?
  • What publications you have done?
  • Why have you written those publications?
  • What are the skills that you have?
  • How these skills can be good for you?

Here are some PDF examples (Contoh) for GKS/KGSP scholarships you can refer to in order to enhance your application cover.

  • GKS/KGSP Example one (1)
  • GKS/KGSP Example two (2)
  • GKS/KGSP Example three (3)
  • GKS/KGSP Example four (4)
  • GKS/KGSP Example five (50

Conclusion: Complete Guide on How to Write a Personal Statement for Undergraduates with Examples (Contoh)

Surely, you have learned a lot today on how to write a professional and high converting personal statement which can be used for GKS/KGSP scholarship application for applications for other international scholarship programs for undergrads.

This content is niched down to discuss all the nitty-gritties there is to know about writing a personal statement cover for undergraduates. We also went far as unveiling some done-for-you template you can refer to in order to better your copy. We hope you take advantage of this free information and begin your application process.

Let us know in the comment section if you need further clarification on the topic “contoh undergraduate GSK/KGSP personal statement”. You can as well reach out to us to craft a standard one for you anytime by using our contact form.

Last Updated: Today

Contoh Personal Statement KGSP Undergraduate – GSK Personal Statement Contoh for Indonesians – How to Write a personal statement cover with examples

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How to write a study plan for gks undergraduate/graduate scholarship | how to write gks scholarship study plan for undergraduate/graduate program.

contoh personal statement kgsp graduate

GKS/KGSP scholarship study plan is one of the most important document that is required when the students are applying for the GKS scholarship. GKS/KGSP scholarship study plan for undergraduate and graduate students play an important role for the students during the GKS scholarship selection procedure. It’s one of the documents that actually make you unique during selection procedure from others students if you are applying for the GKS/KGSP scholarship.

Students who want to apply for the GKS/KGSP scholarship have to make sure that their study plan is well written and it should be well organized in terms of students study goals which they want to achieve. Your study plan should be different and unique from other students to make you a good candidate for the GKS scholarship.

GKS/KGSP Scholarship Study Plan Guidelines:

Students who are about to write their GKS scholarship study plan have to follow these things to make sure that their study plan should be written according to the given guidelines:

·          You can write the GKS/KGSP scholarship study plan in either Korean language or English language. Study plan can be submitted in Korean or English language.

·          Your study plan for the GKS scholarship should be within three pages to make it a good study plan. Your study plan should not be more than three pages.

·          Make sure to discuss your academic goals that you want to achieve during your scholarship program.

·          You have to be clear regarding your study goals in order to write a good study plan.

Check: How To Write A Personal Statement For GKS/KGSP Scholarship

Some Tips To Write A Good GKS Scholarship Study Plan:

In order to write a unique and a good study plan as compared to other students you can make use of the following tips which can be helpful to write a good study plan:

·          When you are writing your study plan provide some brief introduction about yourself.

·          Make sure you have a list of your academic goals that you actually want to achieve during your degree program and mentioned them in your study plan.

·          You have to provide a clear view of your study plan by defining your study goals which you want to achieve in each year.

·          Also you have to be very clear regarding what your future goals and plan will be once you have completed your degree program.

What To Write In GKS/KGSP Scholarship Study Plan:

Many of the students who want to writer their study plan for the GKS/KGSP scholarship questions what should they write in their study plan. So for those who want to write their study plan for GKS scholarship have to follow the general guidelines that are mentioned in the GKS scholarship study plan. So the GKS scholarship study plan should be written in different sections in such a way that each section must discuss some important points. GKS scholarship study plan include following parts:

1. Your Language Study Plan:

In this section of study plan you have to discuss some of the important points related to your language ability such as:

·          Do you have Korean and English language skills?

·          How you can improve your Korean language?

·          How you will improve your English language abilities?

·          What will be your goals about improving your language abilities?

·          From where you will learn and improve your language ability skills?

2. Your Goal Of Study And Study Plan:

This part of the GKS/KGSP scholarship study plan is about your study plan regarding the degree program which you want to study. So in this section you can write and discuss about following points:

·          Which university and course program you have chosen?

·          Why you have chosen that specific university and course program?

·          What will be your academic goals in that degree program?

·          How you will achieve your academic goals?

·          Write in which major you are going to pursue your degree program.

·          What will be your future academic plan regarding your degree program?

3. Your Future Plan After Study:

This section is the last part of the GKS scholarship study plan. In this part of the GKS scholarship study plan you have to write about your future plan after your degree completion. In this section you can write and discuss about these points:

·          What are your plan after you are graduated?

·          Do you want to study another degree program?

·          Will you stay in Korea after degree completion?

·          Will you move to another country after degree completion?

·          Do you want to do any job or internship after the graduation?

Check: GKS Scholarship Embassy/University Track Interview Questions

Why GKS/KGSP Scholarship Study Plan Should Be Well Written?

The GKS scholarship study plan is very important documents as it can play an important role for the student selection in the scholarship selection procedure. A good and well written study plan can make a student a strong candidate for the scholarship selection. So if the study plan is written good enough it can increase the student chance for the GKS/KGSP scholarship selection.

KGSP dan Korea Life

Elfina : korea and kgsp info.

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contoh personal statement kgsp graduate

hi kak, apa boleh minta email kakak?? aku mau tanya2 lagi lebih dalam tentang kgsp, makasih ka sebelumnya

Annyonghaseyo, Kak! Kak, untuk persyaratannya itu persyaratan tetapnya apa aja? Supaya bisa siapin dari jauh2 hari gtu. Insya allah 2022 mau apply GKS 😆 Makasih kak. 😊

contoh personal statement kgsp graduate

halo, bisa diliat di guidelines yaa. kamu bisa masuk ke websti niied, dan download guidelinenya disana lengkap ^^

Kak, daftar kgsp harus banget bisa bahasa Inggris? Klo bahasa Inggris kita cuma setengahnya aja, apa bisa keterima?

untuk bahasa inggris sendiri, karena nilai TOEFL adalah opsional ga harus advance sekali kok. tapi sebelum keberangkatan ada baiknya mempelajari bahasa inggris karena bahasa inggris adalah aset utama kamu dan nilai plus juga untuk buat essay kamu semakin menarik. untuk berkomunikasi sama teman yg lain kita butuh bahasa kan? :)

Thanks for sharing :*

Hai kak aku mau tanya kan aku angkatan 2020 jadi raport aku bentukannya kayak banyak gitu mendeskripsikan nilai kita itu gimana ya kak menyederhanakan nya? Mudah mudahan dijawab ya kak

Thankyou kak, aku jadi sadar essay ku masih kurang bagus dan perlu di improve 😁

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    The essay should consist the following and the length should be within 2 A4 pages: - Motivations with which you apply for this program. - Family and Education background. - Significant experiences you have had; risks you have taken and achievements you have made, persons or events that have had a significant influence on you.