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Grad School Resume 2024: Tips, FAQs, and Templates

Lisa Marlin

When applying to grad school, you’ll probably be asked to submit your resume. As grad school admissions become increasingly competitive, it’s critical that you have a strong resume to help you stand out from other applicants and impress the selection committee.

The perfect grad school resume is short and concise but persuasive enough to convince your dream grad school that you’re the perfect candidate. An academic resume is quite different to an employment resume, so it’s important to know how to write a winning CV for grad school.

Table of Contents

Why Do I Need a Grad School Resume?

When preparing your grad school application, you’re probably consumed with many tasks like chasing down your academic transcripts and preparing for the  entrance exam . Your graduate school resume might be the last thing on your mind, but you’ll almost certainly need to prepare one.

Grad school admission requirements vary depending on the school you’re applying to, but you’ll typically need to submit the following for your grad school application:

  • Completed application form
  • Academic transcript
  • Entrance exam
  • Reference letters
  • Personal statement

You shouldn’t use whatever resume you have on hand from the last time you applied for a job. A grad school resume is quite different from an employment resume , so you’ll need to create one specifically for this purpose. A well-crafted and comprehensive resume helps the admissions team understand your strengths, qualifications, experience, and interests. Ultimately, this will help them determine whether or not they’ll accept you into the program.

Related: How To Prep Your Resume For Success (When You’ve No Work Experience)

Tips for Writing a Winning Graduate School Resume in 2024

Follow these tips to show any selection committee that you’re the perfect candidate for their program!

Write a Strong but Concise Introduction

Grad school selection committees go over hundreds, if not  thousands , of resumes to find candidates who meet their standards and who could be excellent ambassadors for the program. Because of sheer volume, they may spend only a few seconds reviewing each resume.

This makes the introduction critical—this part will grab their attention and persuade them to keep reading. So, take your time to write a brief but strong professional profile. In as few words as possible, mention your qualifications, experience, and relevant skills, why you want to join the program, and why you’re the perfect candidate.

Your letter of intent for admission to graduate school gives you a unique way to separate yourself from the rest of the applicants.

Include your Contact Details

Your contact details should go at the top of your resume, right below your name.

Be sure to include the following details:

  • Your first name and surname
  • Your physical address

Your email address

  • At least one contact phone number
  • Links to your social media profiles.

You don’t need to include extra information about yourself such as your race, age, or citizenship. In fact, by law, institutions are not allowed to discriminate based on these details; so, it’s best to leave them off your resume entirely.

On the other hand, social media links are important, especially LinkedIn. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile already, consider signing up for one. The selection committee may check your profile to verify your connections, work experience, internships, volunteer work, and educational background.

Pay Attention to Formatting

Good formatting is vital for any resume—a sloppy layout will make you look unprofessional and could damage your chances of getting accepted into a grad program. Keep it short, simple, and precise—make it no more than one page if possible. Don’t include any unnecessary details or information that isn’t relevant to the program.

The exact layout can vary, but your grad school resume should include:

  • Your name and contact details
  • Summary/introduction
  • Education history and educational achievements

Awards and achievements

  • Significant research projects
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Volunteer work
  • Skills and hobbies

Some grad schools want you to follow a standard format, so be sure to check with the admissions office if they have any grad school resume examples or templates. You can’t expect a call back from the selection committee if you can’t follow a simple format instruction!

For more on formatting, take a look at the sample CVs for graduate school admission later in this article.

Detail your Education History

Many grad schools require candidates to have a minimum level of education in order to be considered for their program. Even if a school doesn’t have strict grade prerequisites, at a minimum you will need to have completed an undergraduate degree. Your education history is one of the first things the selection committee will check when going over your resume.

Because this information is so important, you should outline your education in a prominent spot near the top of your resume. Mention the schools you’ve attended, your qualifications, GPA, and any other courses or certifications you took before or after your undergraduate studies. It’s also essential to include any teaching experience and major research projects.

Be sure to include these details in the education section:

  •       Name of the school
  •       Location
  •       Graduation date
  •       Degrees
  •       Awards

Include your Professional Experience

An academic resume doesn’t need to be limited to your education experience. It’s usually a good idea to also include work experience outside of academia, along with teaching and research experience .

Detailing your diverse work experience may demonstrate additional skills and experience that is relevant to the program. It can also help to build a complete picture of your journey to grad school that will be more compelling to the selection committee. Furthermore, some programs, such as most MBAs, particularly look for professional work experience.

Related: How To Apply To Grad School

Highlight Your Awards and Achievements

Your achievements set you apart from other candidates so it’s vital to highlight them in your resume. Achievements demonstrate your skills and strengths in a very concrete way, giving the committee a good reason to choose you over other applicants. Achievements could include volunteer awards, leadership positions, prizes won as part of extracurricular activities, academic achievements such as honors, and internships. Be sure to also briefly mention what you learned from your achievements.

Detailing your academic achievements can certainly enhance your resume, but it’s not necessary to include every small award you’ve won over the years. Make this section detailed, but without any fluff. Only include awards that are relevant to the program you are applying for.

Stick with Reverse Chronological Order

The selection committee will be most interested in hearing about your latest experience and achievements. Therefore, it’s important to list everything in reverse chronological order: start with your most recent awards, projects, or positions and work backwards chronologically.

You should follow this approach for all the elements in your academic resume. This includes academic and professional work experience, research projects, publications, awards, and other achievements.

Include Key Skills and Proficiencies

At the end of your resume, you should include a section covering your skills and abilities . Detail both the hard and soft skills picked up from your undergraduate program and professional experience. You can also list your hobbies, but remember to avoid fluff – only include extracurricular activities that are relevant to your application.

This doesn’t mean that all the skills and hobbies you mention must be directly related to the graduate program; however, they should show the school that you are a strong candidate for one reason or another. For example, sporting achievements demonstrate dedication and motivation, even if they aren’t directly related to the program you’re applying for. Anything that adds value to your resume will help make your application stand out.

Wherever possible, back up your statements. Rather than just stating that you possess certain skills, provide examples of academic projects that allowed you to build a specific capability, or awards you won that recognize your proficiency in a certain area.

Don’t be Repetitive

Avoid repeating information. If you have only a few achievements to show and you’ve already mentioned them under the education section, you don’t need to create a separate section for achievements and awards. A lengthy resume filled with fluff isn’t going to help you get into your dream school. It’s always better to keep your resume short, concise, and to the point.

Proof Read to Pick up any Errors

Don’t underestimate the importance of proofreading your academic resume for graduate school. Even one or two spelling mistakes, typos, or messy formatting can be a big turn off the selection committees.

Read over your resume to check for errors. Then proofread it again. Just to be sure, ask a friend, family member, or mentor to take a look. Most importantly, make sure your contact details are accurate and up to date!

How to Write a Resume for Your Graduate School Application

Here’s a brief step-by-step guide to writing a resume for grad school applicants.

Step 1: Write a Strong Introduction

Your academic resume should start with a brief but compelling introduction to catch the selection committee’s attention and encourage them to keep reading.

Your introduction should summarize your most relevant skills and academic history, as well as mentioning your main professional objective. A strong graduate school resume objective is authentic, direct, and compelling.

Step 2: List your Academic Experience

In the next section, detail your academic qualifications and experience. Include not only your undergraduate degree and any other studies you’ve completed, but also key coursework, major academic projects and research and teaching experience.

Related: When To Apply For Grad School

Step 3: Detail your Professional Experience

The next part of your academic should cover your professional experience. If you’re a recent graduate with limited experience, list your internships, fellowships, teaching positions, or any other relevant experience you have.

Step 4: Detail your Key Skills

Next, describe your most relevant skills that will impress the admissions committee. It’s essential to include as many relevant keywords as possible, as admissions committees are increasingly using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to automatically filter applications.

Key skills and proficiencies you could add to your resume include:

  • Academic research
  • Business knowledge
  • Social sciences
  • Written communication skills
  • Skills in specific disciplines, such as accounting, actuarial science, biology, calculus, cell-based analysis, cognitive behavioral therapy, economics, engineering, finance, nursing theory, psychology, social work, and statistics

Step 5: List Important Academic Achievements

Finally, highlight your most impressive academic achievements. Include details such as your GPAs, academic memberships and associations, and any awards you’ve received.

Graduate School Resume Template

Below, we’ve included three graduate school resume examples that showcase different ways to format your resume for graduate school. These graduate school resumes include all the critical information, such as academic projects, relevant skills, and professional experience in a clear, concise way.

Grad School Resume Template 1: General Academic Resume

Your First Name, Last Name

Your phone number

LinkedIn profile, other social media profiles

Introduction : 2-3 sentences outlining your qualifications, experience, why you want to join the program, and why you make the perfect candidate.

School name

Completion date – Degree name

  • List of accomplishments

Work Experience

Position title Start date – End date

Organization name, address

  • Responsibilities and achievements
  • List of skills and proficiencies
  • List of awards and achievements

Template 2: Professional-Focused Academic Resume (for MBA and similar programs)

Introduction: 2-3 sentences outlining your qualifications, experience, and main career goals.

Template 3: Recent Graduate Academic Resume

Academic Projects

Project subject, Institution, City, State

Start date – End date

  • List of key courses

Volunteer Experience

Grad School Resume FAQs

Is an academic resume the same as a regular resume.

A grad school or academic resume is totally different from a resume that you might use to apply for a job. Most students have limited work experience, particularly in the professional sector. Furthermore, grad school selection committees generally look for applicants with a strong academic background. Therefore, an academic resume can focus on qualifications, achievements, test scores, and extracurricular activities.

What Should a Grad School Resume Include?

Contact information, educational qualifications, internship programs, awards and achievements, and any extracurricular activities are the basic essentials you should include in your masters degree resume or graduate school resume. You should also have a strong introduction or summary near the top of your resume which tells the selection committee what they need to know at a glance. You can add additional information, such as professional experience and other projects if it’s relevant to the program.

How Long Should My Grad School Resume Be?

Generally speaking, your grad school resume should be no more than one page. However, if you have a lot of experience and a detailed history of qualifications, you can make your resume 1.5-2 pages. But, we don’t recommend going over two pages! The most important thing is to keep your professional resume for graduate school both relevant and concise.

What is the Best Graduate School Resume Format?

There are a few different graduate school resume formats, and the best one for you will depend on your chosen field of study, as well as your level of experience. Equally, it’s important to format your resume so that you showcase your strengths and achievements in the best way possible.

If you already have professional experience, it’s usually best to open with your most recent experience, then continue the list in reverse chronological order. If you have little to no work experience, its preferable to follow your opening summary with your most impressive academic achievements and qualifications.

How do you Align your Resume with a Job Description?

When applying for jobs, you should never use a one-size-fits all resume. Instead, it’s critical to adapt your CV to the job description each and every time. If the job description mentions certain skills, ensure that your resume shows that you have these capabilities. Additionally, be sure to clearly demonstrate the experience and qualifications detailed in the job description.

Likewise, prospective graduate students should tailor their academic resume to the specific program they’re applying to. Many grad schools are highly competitive, so it’s essential that every part of your application, including your resume, helps you to stand out and clearly shows why you’re an excellent fit for the program.

How Far Back Should a Resume go for Grad School?

Your graduate school application should be as comprehensive as possible, but you don’t need to go overboard. Therefore, for most graduate programs, it’s best to include your undergraduate qualifications and any other relevant certifications, but you don’t need to mention your high school GPA or SAT scores , for example.

Likewise, you should generally include professional work experience going back around 10 – 15 years, as long as it’s relevant to the program.

Wrapping Up

Getting into grad school can be tough, especially if you’re applying to one of the  Ivy Leagues . These schools receive thousands of applications, so you really need to make sure yours stands out. It’s important to take your time and make the effort to present a strong application, from your academic transcript and GPA to your winning grad school resume.

Are you putting together a grad school application? Check out this guide on how to ace your grad school interview .

Lisa Marlin

Lisa Marlin

Lisa is a full-time writer specializing in career advice, further education, and personal development. She works from all over the world, and when not writing you'll find her hiking, practicing yoga, or enjoying a glass of Malbec.

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5 Expert Tips for Writing a Stand-Out Grad School Resumé

5 Expert Tips for Writing a Stand-Out Grad School Resumé

Congratulations! You’re investing in your future by applying to graduate school. The application is complete, you’ve gathered your recommendations, written your statement of purpose , and you’re working on developing another important component—your resumé.

Your grad school resumé is an integral piece of the admissions process, says Jared Pierce, former associate director of enrollment quality assurance at Northeastern University. Admissions counselors rely on resumés as an assessment of the student, his or her strengths, work experience, skills, education, and interests, he says, to help them decide whether a prospective student is a good fit for the program.

Your grad school resumé is similar in many ways to a resumé you’d submit as part of a job application: You should use crisp language to describe your experiences, a clean and organized layout to make it easy to read, and it should be free from typos and grammar errors. But they’re different, too: Grad school resumés should emphasize your education, work and volunteer experience, and specific skills relevant to the particular program you’re applying to.

“We’re interested in a student’s background and how it’s relevant to the program he or she wants to enroll in,” Pierce says. “If they’re enrolling in a communications program, for example, we’re interested to see whether they’re coming from a social media background or a marketing background, and how that experience applies to what they’re looking for in grad school.”

Attention to detail is paramount when creating your resumé for grad school. Here’s a look at what should be included on your resumé, plus five tips to help you craft one that’s memorable and impactful.

What to Include in a Resumé for Graduate School

In general, your grad school resumé will be similar to a resumé you’d create when applying for a job. Keep in mind, however, that this document should be tailored to your desired program of study in order to show the admissions team that you’re a good fit.

Your graduate school resumé should include:

  • A header, including basic information like your name and email address
  • Your education history , including your undergraduate degree and institution
  • Relevant experiences, such as current or previous professional roles, internships, and leadership experience
  • Research and publications, including any research projects, articles, or other publications you’ve contributed to through your academic or professional career
  • Skills and certifications, especially those closely related to your field of study
  • Volunteering and extracurricular activities, if applicable to your program of interest

If you’re unsure whether a particular experience or skill should be included on your resumé, ask yourself how it relates to the program or institution that you’re applying to. If it doesn’t speak directly to your interests and strengths, it’s likely unnecessary to include.

Writing Your Grad School Resumé: 5 Tips for Success

1. tailor your resumé to the program..

When graduate schools review your resumé, they’re weighing the relevancy of your previous experience and education with the program you’re applying to. In other words, they want to see a correlation between what you’ve done and where you’re going.

Pierce recommends reviewing the homepage of the program you’re interested in before writing your resumé. Some programs require two or three years of work experience or a portfolio, so make sure you qualify for the program you’re applying to.

If you’re interested in the Master of Science in Cybersecurity program, for example, review the program’s webpage and make note of its requirements, objectives, core requirements, and any relevant keywords it uses. Then, make sure you check those boxes as you write your resumé.

2. Highlight all relevant experience.

While some prospective students apply to grad school from the field, others apply to programs upon completion of their undergraduate degree. For this reason, not all students will have professional experience to list on their resumé—and that’s ok, Pierce says.

“It’s a misnomer that if you don’t have professional experience, you can’t write a resumé,” he says. “There are other types of experience that are just as important and useful, so make sure you highlight everything that is relevant.”

Other than professional experience, admissions committees are interested in volunteer work and internships you’ve completed. This experience is just as relevant. For all experience—professional or otherwise—it’s important to showcase the duties you performed in those roles, and both the hard and soft skills you learned. This might include leading teams or projects, honing communication skills, or specific software or programs you learned and became proficient in.

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3. Showcase your skills.

Your resumé should include a skills section that highlights technologies, skills, and other competencies relevant to the graduate program you’re applying to, Pierce says.

If you’re applying to the Master of Science in Computer Science program, for example, your resumé should list the programming languages you know (e.g. Python, C++, Ruby on Rails), computer applications you’ve used, and software or systems that you’re experienced in.

4. Include professional achievements.

In addition to your experience and skills, admissions committees are interested in the professional certifications you earned, professional training you’ve completed, professional organizations of which you’re a member, and any instances in which you’ve been published.

Prospective students interested in the Master of Science in Project Management program, for example, should list any PMP certifications they’ve earned, while students interested in a Master of Science in Human Resource Management should note their membership to the Society for Human Resource Management, Pierce says. These achievements and memberships add another dimension to your resumé, showcasing your efforts outside your job, volunteer work, or internships to further your career and improve your experience.

5. Keep it clean.

Your grad school resumé should be succinct, only rarely exceeding one page, Pierce recommends. It should go without saying, too, that your resumé should be clean, well-formatted, easy-to-read, and free of typos or grammatical errors.

“We’re looking for a well-organized resumé that shows that care has been taken in creating it,” Pierce says. “Don’t just list out your experience in bullet points; tell us what duties you performed and how it correlates to the program you’re applying to. Your resumé is a reflection of you—we want to see that it’s polished and detailed, and understand what your background is like and what your experiences have been.”

Grad School Resumé Support

Applying to graduate school can be both exciting and stressful. Luckily, admissions teams and enrollment coaches are available to help you along the way and make the process as smooth as possible. If you have questions as you’re preparing your application and related materials, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. At the end of the day, admissions teams want to ensure that you’re a good fit for their program, and in effect, that their program is a good fit for you. 

At Northeastern, there are various resources and experts you can leverage for support throughout the application process. Don’t hesitate to contact faculty members in your program of interest with specific questions about the degree program. With more general questions about the application process, paying for your degree , or the institution as a whole, speak with an enrollment coach for help along the way.

For more information on applying to Northeastern’s graduate programs, visit our attend an application and enrollment session to get your questions answered. 

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Crafting the perfect resume or CV for graduate school can be difficult to accomplish if you don’t have a graduate school resume sample to refer to. To help you construct your own high-quality resume for graduate school, we’re offering you  four original resume and CV samples  to use as examples.

First, we’ll explore what features make a great graduate school resume. Then, we’ll provide you with our own graduate school resume examples, giving you tips on what to include on your resume and how to showcase your strengths. Finally, we’ll leave you with our picks for the best online resources for graduate school resume and CV samples.

What Characteristics Make a Great Graduate School Resume or CV?

One easy way to make your graduate school application stand out is to create a compelling, eye-catching resume . But in order to ensure your resume will be memorable, it must be:

Graduate school resumes should highlight all of your major academic and professional experiences and accomplishments —  particularly those most relevant to your field of study . This means you should tailor your resume to your field of study and avoid padding it with too many irrelevant experiences. (That said, some programs may ask you to include your entire professional history, irrelevant positions and all. In this case, don’t leave anything out!)

In addition, don’t go overboard with your descriptions . Each entry (even those that are highly relevant to your field) should only contain as much detail as is necessary without devolving into verbosity. Generally, anywhere from two to four bullet points per entry should suffice.

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Clear and Easy to Follow

Structure is also an important feature of a graduate school resume. All resumes should include a header with your name and contact info ; clearly defined sections with headings; descriptions (usually as bullet points); and page numbers if your resume exceeds one page.

I also recommend arranging your entries in reverse chronological order (most recent to earliest). This way admissions committees will know right away what you’re currently working on as well as what your most recent experiences and accomplishments are.



The resume is a professional document and isn’t an opportunity to get overly creative. It’s perfectly OK to customize your resume, just as long as you’re adhering to the basic rules of professionalism : use an easily readable font (such as Calibri, Tahoma, or Times New Roman), stick primarily to black and white, and avoid inserting clip art or any other extraneous shapes and images.

Free of Errors

Finally, a great graduate school resume is completely free of errors . This means there are no errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, or formatting. (You can eliminate the potential for formatting errors by saving your resume as a PDF. Most graduate schools prefer PDFs anyway!)

Moreover, your resume should  abide by all of your program’s rules , including page limits, header and footer requirements, etc.


Graduate School Resume and CV Samples

Now that we know what makes for an excellent graduate school resume and CV, let’s look at a few high-quality samples. Graduate school resume examples are helpful resources because they give us ideas as to how to organize our resumes and what to include on them.

Below, we give you four original graduate school resume and CV samples . Each sample is unique and offers a variety of features you may incorporate into your own resume, if desired.

We’re also giving you one annotated graduate school resume sample and one annotated sample CV for graduate school . These annotated samples each contain notes explaining what features make them strong contenders for graduate school.

Graduate School Resume Samples

  • Graduate School Resume Sample PDF
  • Graduate School Resume Sample Annotated PDF

Graduate School CV Samples

  • Sample CV for Graduate School PDF
  • Sample CV for Graduate School Annotated PDF


Additional Resources for Graduate School Resume and CV Samples

In addition to the four graduate school resume and CV samples above, there are a ton of resume samples you can access for free online. To find high-quality samples, we recommend going to  university websites, specifically university career center webpages , as these are most likely to offer you direct guidance on resume and CV writing.

Before we proceed to the resources, however, note that a majority of the following resume and CV samples are actually  job oriented . The major differences between job-oriented resumes and graduate school resumes are the focus and the use of references. Graduate school resumes and CVs typically emphasize education and do  not  contain any references (since you’re already supplying letters of recommendation).

In spite of these differences, though, you should still be able to use some of the samples below as inspiration for your own graduate school resume or CV.

The Best Resources for Additional Grad School Resume Samples

Here are our picks for the best online resources for graduate school resume examples.

Through its Career Services department, UPenn offers a wide array of resume samples  for both those who’ve completed undergrad and  those who’ve completed additional graduate education (master’s degrees, Ph.D.s, etc.). Each of the graduate-level resume samples contains detailed commentary on key features and areas that could be improved.

This PDF focuses on how to write resumes if you’re a current master’s student (but can certainly be used for those applying to graduate school, too). The four samples are on pages 5-8. Each resume contains helpful introductory information explaining the purpose of the resume and how it’s organized.

Elon University

This university offers several high-quality resume samples for various career paths, including the arts and humanities, the sciences, education, and business. It also offers a generic graduate school resume  sample, which you can use to get a feel for the kinds of sections or topics you might want to incorporate into your own resume.

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The Best Resources for Additional Grad School CV Samples

Here, we give you two top-notch resources for CV samples.

UPenn’s Career Services department offers a large variety of CV samples in addition to the resume samples listed above. Although all of the CV samples are geared toward employment purposes (they were all submitted by Ph.D. holders), they’re still solid resources you can use as models while crafting your own graduate school CV — especially if you’re entering the science, engineering, or math sectors.

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This PDF offers two full-length CV samples and instructions detailing how to write a CV and what to include on it. Note that both CV samples are employment oriented (they both contain references and Ph.D. work); however, you can still use the general layouts of the samples to help you come up with ideas for your own CV.

Summary: Graduate School Resume and CV Samples

Most graduate school applicants will need to submit either a resume or a CV along with their graduate school applications. This is the only opportunity you’ll have to summarize  all of your academic and professional achievements in a single document.

But how can you ensure your resume or CV will impress admissions committees? Generally speaking, a memorable graduate school resume will be one that’s:

  • Focused without straying too far into irrelevant territory
  • Clear and easy to follow, with a header, headings, and bullet points
  • Professional, with easy-to-read fonts and a basic color scheme
  • Free of errors in regard to grammar and formatting

Resume and CV samples can help you figure out how to structure your own resume or CV  and give you tips on what kinds of sections and topics to include . We’ve provided you with four original resume and CV samples you can use as references while drafting your own resume or CV for graduate school. For additional samples, try browsing university websites and career center webpages.

Remember, if you can produce a compelling graduate school resume, you’re bound to leave a positive impression on admissions committees! So don’t be tempted to slack off with the resume portion of your application — it could very well be what ultimately entices a school to accept you.


What’s Next?

In addition to samples, we’ve got a quality collection of graduate school resume and CV templates — and they’re entirely free for you to use!

Need tips on what to include on your resume or CV?  Read our expert guides on  how to write a graduate school CV and how to write a graduate school resume !

When should you apply to graduate school? What do you need to apply?  We answer all of these questions and more in our articles on graduate school requirements  and graduate school deadlines .

Ready to improve your GRE score by 7 points?

how to write resume for master's application

Author: Hannah Muniz

Hannah graduated summa cum laude from the University of Southern California with a bachelor’s degree in English and East Asian languages and cultures. After graduation, she taught English in Japan for two years via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel. View all posts by Hannah Muniz

how to write resume for master's application

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Master’s student resume samples

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StandOut CV

CV for University Application example

Andrew Fennell photo

Getting into university and getting a degree will give you a huge head-start in your career, but getting into university isn’t easy

This guide contains an example University Applicant CV and plenty of tips on how to create your own winning CV, so you can stand out amongst the other candidates and get into the university of your dreams.

Guide contents

CV for University Application example 1

Cv for university application example 2.

  • Structuring and formatting your CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education

CV templates 

University Applicant CV-1

Unsure of what your University Applicant CV should look like?

Have a look at the CV example above to get familiar with the structure, layout and format of a professional CV.

As you can see, it provides plenty of relevant information about the applicant but is still very easy to read, and brief – which will please busy university recruiters.

University Applicant CV structure and format

The format and structure of your CV is important because it will determine how easy it is for recruiters and employers to read your CV.

If they can find the information they need quickly, they’ll be happy; but if they struggle, your application could be overlooked.

A simple and logical structure will always create a better reading experience than a complex structure, and with a few simple formatting tricks, you’ll be good to go.

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • Length: Recruiters will be immediately put off by lengthy CVs – with hundreds of applications to read through, they simply don’t have the time! Grabbing their attention with a short, snappy and highly relevant CV is far more likely to lead to success. Aim for two sides of A4 or less.
  • Readability : Make sure your CV is easy to read and looks professional by applying some simple formatting tricks. Bullet points are great for making large paragraphs more digestible, while formatting your headings with bold or coloured text will help the reader to find the information they need, with speed.
  • Design: It’s generally best to stick to a simple CV design, as funky or elaborate designs rarely add any value to your application. A clear, modern font and a subtle colour scheme work perfectly and allow your skills, experience and achievements to speak for themselves.
  • Avoid photos: Logos, profile photos or other images aren’t necessary and rarely add any value – save the space for written content, instead!

CV builder

Structuring your CV

As you write your CV , work to the simple but effective structure below:

  • Name and contact details – Pop them at the top of your CV, so it’s easy for recruiters to contact you.
  • CV profile – Write a snappy overview of what makes you a good fit for the role; discussing your key experience, skills and accomplishments.
  • Core skills section – Add a short but snappy list of your relevant skills and knowledge.
  • Work experience – A list of your relevant work experience, starting with your current role.
  • Education – A summary of your relevant qualifications and professional/vocational training.
  • Hobbies and interests – An optional sections, which you could use to write a short description of any relevant hobbies or interests.

Now I’ll guide you through exactly what you should include in each CV section.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Tuck your contact details into the corner of your CV, so that they don’t take up too much space. Stick to the basic details, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It should sound professional, such as your full name.
  • Location -Just write your rough location, rather than your full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – If you include these, ensure they’re sleek, professional and up-to-date.

University Applicant CV Profile

Recruiters read through countless applications every day.

If they don’t find what they’re looking for quickly, they’ll simply move onto the next one.

That’s what makes your CV profile (or personal statement , if you’re an entry-level/graduate candidate) so important.

This short and snappy summary sits at the top of your CV, and should give a high-level overview of why you’re a good match for the university.

This way, you can ensure that busy recruiters see your suitability from the outset, and so, feel your CV is worth their time.

CV profile

Tips for creating an impactful CV profile:

  • Keep it brief: It might be tempting to submit a page-long CV profile, but recruiters won’t have the time to read it. To ensure every word gets read, it’s best to include high-level information only; sticking to a length of 3-5 lines.
  • Tailor it: Before writing your CV, make sure to do some research. Figure out exactly what your desired employers are looking for and make sure that you are making those requirements prominent in your CV profile, and throughout.
  • Don’t add an objective: Leave your career objectives or goals out of your profile. You only have limited space to work with, so they’re best suited to your cover letter .
  • Avoid cliches: “Determined team player who always gives 110%” might seem like a good way to fill up your CV profile, but generic phrases like this won’t land you an interview. Recruiters hear them time and time again and have no real reason to believe them. Instead, pack your profile with your hard skills and tangible achievements.

What to include in your University Applicant CV profile?

  • Summary of experience: Recruiters will want to know what type of companies you’ve worked for, industries you have knowledge of, and the type of work you’ve carried out in the past, so give them a summary of this in your profile.
  • Relevant skills: Highlight your skills which are most relevant, to ensure that recruiters see your most in-demand skills as soon as they open your CV.
  • Essential qualifications: Be sure to outline your relevant qualifications, so that anyone reading the CV can instantly see you are qualified for the universities you are applying to.

Quick tip: Your CV is your first impression on recruiters, so it’s vital to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes if you want to appear professional. Use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to add pre-written content that has been crafted by recruitment experts.

Core skills section

In addition to your CV profile, your core skills section provides an easily digestible snapshot of your skills – perfect for grabbing the attention of busy hiring managers.

As University places might receive a huge pile of applications, this is a great way to stand out and show off your suitability for the role.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points and be made up of skills that are highly relevant to the universities you are targeting.

CV core skills

Work experience/Career history

Next up is your work experience section, which is normally the longest part of your CV.

Start with your current (or most recent) job and work your way backwards through your experience.

Can’t fit all your roles? Allow more space for your recent career history and shorten down descriptions for your older roles.

Work experience

Structuring your roles

If you don’t pay attention to the structure of your career history section, it could quickly become bulky and overwhelming.

Get in recruiters’ good books by creating a pleasant reading experience, using the 3-step structure below:

Role descriptions

Begin with a summary of your role, detailing what the purpose of your job was, who you reported to and what size of team you were part of (or led).

Key responsibilities

Next, write up a punchy list of your daily duties and responsibilities, using bullet points.

Wherever you can, point out how you put your hard skills and knowledge to use – especially skills which are applicable to your target role.

Key achievements

Finish off by showcasing 1-3 key achievements made within the role.

This could be anything that had a positive effect on your company, clients or customers, such as saving time or money, receiving exemplary feedback or receiving an award.

At the bottom of your CV is your full education section. You can list your formal academic qualifications, such as:

  • GCSE’s

As well as any specific qualifications that are essential to the jobs you are applying for. Note down the name of the qualification, the organisation at which you studied, and the date of completion.

Interests and hobbies

This section is entirely optional, so you’ll have to use your own judgement to figure out if it’s worth including.

If your hobbies and interests could make you appear more suitable for your dream job, then they are definitely worth adding.

Interests which are related to the industry, or hobbies like sports teams or volunteering, which display valuable transferable skills might be worth including.

Writing your University Applicant CV

An interview-winning CV for a University Application needs to be both visually pleasing and packed with targeted content.

Whilst it needs to detail your experience, accomplishments and relevant skills, it also needs to be as clear and easy to read as possible.

Remember to research the role and review the university before applying, so you’re able to match yourself up to the requirements.

If you follow these guidelines and keep motivated in your university search, you should land an interview in no time.

Best of luck with your next application!

how to write resume for master's application

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How to Write an MBA Resume That Stands Out

Studying on the Steps

Writing a winning MBA application resume is your ticket to getting accepted to your dream MBA program.

Your resume is a chance to showcase your business acumen, education, and professional experience, as well as your soft skills.

One thing’s for sure: Putting in the time and effort to craft a strong MBA resume will stand you in good stead for competitive programs at top business schools like Harvard and Stanford.

But figuring out what to include in your MBA resume can sometimes feel overwhelming.

You’re probably wondering how long your resume should be, what you should include, and/or whether you need a different resume than the kind you’ve used for a job application.

This article will explain how to showcase your skills and create a competitive advantage that sets you apart from your peers and gives you the best chance of becoming a successful MBA applicant.

Read on to learn about the best MBA resume format and how to make your MBA application resume stand out, including:

  • What to include in your MBA application resume
  • How to structure your MBA resume
  • How to craft an MBA resume objective
  • How to best highlight your work experience, education, and skills
  • Real MBA resume example

How an MBA resume differs from a job resume

The first thing you might be wondering is if a resume for an MBA application is the same resume that you use to apply for a job.

The short answer is no.

While a career resume seeks to inform how you can meet a job description or fulfill certain roles and responsibilities, an MBA resume should communicate your value and impact on the business world, today and in the future.

An admissions committee wants to see that you’re a way-shower. They want to see your capacity for leadership and innovation, that you can work well with teams, and that you can use critical-thinking skills to achieve success.

Understanding this goal will not only help inform how you will structure your resume but also what to include and how much time to spend on it.

Why spend time on your MBA resume

Among MBA programs from across the globe, the MBA resume is second only to academic transcripts and entrance exams when it comes to the MBA interview process.

What to include in your MBA resume

When it comes to your MBA application, the MBA resume is your time to shine. You’ll want to focus on including the most relevant information about your past education and professional experience.

Xavier Arola Perez, head of career services and entrepreneurship at GBSB Global Business School, recommends including six basic components in your MBA resume:

1. Contact information

2. Objective/summary

3. Work experience

4. Education

5. Technical skills

6. Achievement/awards

Although you may have worked in a variety of jobs and volunteering roles before applying for your MBA degree, in this short document you’ll want to only select examples that highlight your business leadership, impact, and skills.

“Include specific accomplishments and achievements that set you apart and that are transferrable to the MBA program for which you are applying,” says Jerry Wang, associate director of career and leadership for MBA programs at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Kenan-Flagler Business School.

Concentrate on examples where you can demonstrate business leadership and growth to help admissions committees see the value you offer their MBA program and easily determine your aptitude for business school.

Get started with GradSelect Elevate - a free tool to practice for future video interviews. Quickly get unbiased feedback on your skills, and confidently stand out to your target programs.

How to structure your MBA application resume

You want your MBA resume to be clear, simple, and easy to read for admissions committees.

It’s best to structure your MBA resume with your contact information and objective at the top, followed by your education and most recent work experiences, and concluding with a desirable skills and accolades section.

List your education and work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent accomplishments first.

Use bullet points, lines, and headers to clearly identify the different sections and articulate your applicable experience.

You can use lines and headers to break up your resume and bullet points can be used to summarize key points and stress important information as well as increase readability.

For example, you may use a bullet point for each of the schools in your education section, or a list of bullet points to highlight business achievements or technical skills.

How to write an eye-catching MBA resume objective

Think of your resume objective as your elevator pitch.

It’s a succinct paragraph (2-4 sentences) at the top of your resume that briefly describes your career history and what differentiates you from your peers.

Essentially a resume summary, your objective should describe the value you bring to an MBA cohort and how your experience will best serve the programs you’re applying for.

Consider adapting your objective for each application you’re submitting and be sure to use any applicable keywords that align with the program.

Overall, see this section as a way to differentiate yourself from the masses and stand out during the application process.

MBA candidate and driven finance professional with over six years of experience designing successful investment portfolios for top-tier clients. Honored as top account executive for last three years based on an average return of 17 percent and a 100 percent client retention rate. Team lead, member of the negotiations committee, and founded sustainability initiative aimed at reducing waste and offsetting carbon footprint.

How to describe work experience on an MBA resume

The bulk of your MBA resume should be reserved to showcase your work experience and the growth of your career.

Start by listing the name of the organization, your job title, and how long you worked there.

Then, for each position, create a bullet point (2-6 bullet points) for each of your achievements in that role. Avoid making your list sound like a job description­—this is your chance to tell your story about the impact you’ve made and share important moments in your career.

“It's not your life story, but a summary of the key, relevant achievements,” notes Margaret O’Neill, head of careers at Cambridge Judge Business School.

Use key metrics and numbers that quantify what you’ve accomplished with the company, voluntary organization, or college society.

Focus on leadership, business administration, and how you contributed to the overall growth and success of the organization and use positive, action-oriented language to describe your outcomes.

“Try to clearly state the action you took, and the results achieved. Begin each bullet point with a strong action verb and be sure to highlight transferable skills and feature relevant keywords,” advises Beth Briggs, associate dean of career services at New York University (NYU) Stern School of Business.

A tried and tested MBA resume strategy is the PAR method , which involves stating the ‘Project’, ‘Action’, and ‘Result’ of each example you include as this can help to quantify your accomplishments.

Try to avoid these common MBA resume mistakes  like including vague descriptions of your experiences that don’t present your talents in the best light.

Oracle – Austin, TX | Product Marketing Manager | January 2018-Present

Increased annual product sales by 10% by designing, executing, and measuring integrated, multichannel marketing strategies that increase awareness, generate new leads, and nurture existing relationships.

How to write an education section of an MBA resume

If you feel that your work experience is less robust than you want, be sure to put your education section at the forefront of your MBA application resume. To start, include the following details:

  • Major/concentration
  • Any minors (if applicable)
  • Graduation date
  • Awards/honors (if applicable)

In addition, share any extracurricular activities, college societies, or study abroad opportunities that demonstrate your interests and business leaderships skills.

Discuss your studies and how your experience has prepared you for leadership in the business world.

University of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA | Graduated May 2015

B.A. Economics, GPA: 4.0, summa cum laude

Study abroad: London, United Kingdom, January-May 2014

How to showcase your skills and awards

The final piece of your MBA resume is your opportunity to share the special skills and accolades that make you a desirable MBA applicant.

Discuss any awards you’ve received and how you earned this recognition.

List out any relevant certifications and your mastery level of the systems you utilize.

Make note of any publications that have published your work or quoted you for expertise.

This section can include highlights from either your education or work experience.

Use this section as a place to share the skills and accomplishments that make you unique and help distinguish your application from the pack.

Finally, make sure this section includes details that you’ll want to discuss more during your MBA interview.

  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
  • Fluent in English, Spanish, and French
  • Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher

How to best format your MBA resume

Once you’ve added your information, it’s time to format your resume.

Since the average hiring manager spends just 7.4 seconds reviewing a resume, MBA admissions committees with stacks of MBA resumes to review are likely to take a similar approach.

The best way to ensure whoever is reviewing your MBA resume catches the most important details about you is to limit your resume to 1-2 pages.

Applicants with less than 10 years of professional experience may opt for a one-page resume, and two pages if you have more than this.

When considering your MBA resume format, remember that clean and concise is always best.

  • Font : Choose a legible font like Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial in 11 or 12 point size
  • Margins : One-inch margins
  • Line height : Approximately 1.0 line spacing
  • Details : Avoid complex charts or graphics that divert attention

This approach will stand you in good stead if the business school you’re applying for uses Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) systems or other software tools.

“You don't want the recruiter to spend time trying to orient themselves to your formatting. Boring is generally better unless you're applying for something in design or art,” says Jerry from UNC Kenan-Flagler.

If you want to add a pop of color at the top of your MBA application resume, then choose something that allows for a good level of contrast between the text and the page. Otherwise, a black and white MBA resume works perfectly well.

Differentiating your MBA resume for each business school

An MBA resume should always be specific and tailored to the program you’re applying for, so avoid handing in the same one you’ve used for jobs or other MBA applications.

Every business school has different values and specialties, so weave these elements into each resume to stand a good chance of impressing the MBA admissions committee.

For instance, if you’re applying for a business school that’s known for its strength in marketing, you might want to outline the targeted advertising projects you’ve worked on during your professional career as a marketing manager or how you oversaw a college society’s annual marketing budget.

Meanwhile, if you’re applying for one of the best MBA programs renowned for entrepreneurship, you’d want to focus more on the ways you’ve engaged with entrepreneurship or worked on a business idea with a colleague or classmate.

Tailor your resume to each application and highlight the experience and skills that prove that you’re one of the talented professionals that deserves a seat in this specific MBA program.

To get more top MBA resume tips and access MBA resume examples and templates, download the free BusinessBecause Resume Guide: 10 Steps To A Winning Resume .

Your MBA resume is a key component of the admissions process and is an opportunity to set yourself apart from the crowd.

See this as a chance to convince admissions committees that you’re the best candidate for their program by carefully crafting a story that shares your exceptional skills and experiences.

Ready to dive into the other components of your MBA application? Use this interactive tool  to find out which aspects of your application carry the most weight when it comes to admissions decisions so you can focus your time and attention on the sections that matter most.

Get started with  GradSelect Elevate  - a free tool to practice for future video interviews. Quickly get unbiased feedback on your skills, and confidently stand out to your target programs.

Masters abroad: preps and steps

Resume for Grad...

Resume for Graduate Schools: How to Write your Graduate Application Resume?


Your bio-data or resume is a crucial part of getting ready to apply to graduate school. The university officials carefully analyze your resume for graduate schools to determine your eligibility and potential. You can increase your chances of getting accepted to graduate school by reading up on an institution's requirements for the application and learning the best practices for drafting resumes and CVs.

In this blog, we will be looking at why we write a resume for graduate schools and why a graduate program resume is so crucial while providing you with the graduate program resume examples for your understanding.

What is a Resume for Graduate School?

When applying for master's degree programs, you should prepare a résumé for graduate students. A grad or Ph.D. student's CV can surpass the restrictions in terms of both page count and the specifics of experience; however, a master's student's resume differs in that it is far more streamlined and typically contains only about 1-2 pages.

A CV for graduate program is a professional document that summarizes your seasoned qualities, such as your talents, credentials, relevant employment experience, and noteworthy achievements. Your CV can help you showcase your skills and persuade admissions committees that you are qualified for the program.

Additionally, your qualifications should be listed on your resume clearly so that recruiting supervisors can review them.

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Why do we need a Graduate Application Resume for Admission?

There are numerous parallels between resumes for work and graduate school, but also some variances. You cannot just cut and paste a résumé that you have written to apply for employment into your graduate school application. The same as resumes sent for jobs, your graduate school resume aids colleges in learning more regarding you and your credentials.

Graduate programs get a ton of applications, so they need a straightforward method to see why you'd be a perfect fit for their curriculum. You have the chance to demonstrate this on your graduate school CV.

Grad schools can determine if you'd be a suitable candidate for their school by reviewing your schooling and professional history, which can show them what you currently know and how you've established yourself.

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What Entails a Graduate Degree Resume?

These are the following components of a Graduate resume:

Contact information

Name, address, phone number, and email are all included. To ensure that the admissions office can readily get in touch with you, this information ought to appear at the beginning of your resume.

This part ought to be between two and three lines long and should not contain any personal pronouns. As you discuss the precise school and degree that you are applying for, be mindful to emphasize your comprehensive qualifications.

Include both professional and interpersonal abilities while describing your skills. Include abilities that might be useful for a student when you are applying to graduate degree programs.

Educational qualifications

Comprise degree you got, the name of the college or university, the number of years you studied, and any pertinent curriculum you took while you were there. You may also include your GPA if it is strong, if not, then don’t mention it until asked.

Career background

The admissions staff must see that you are driven to engage in professional opportunities and positions linked to your field. Incorporate your job position, the firm identity, its specific location, the periods you worked there, and a thorough account of your duties in reverse chronological order.

Noteworthy Achievements and Awards

If you have any noteworthy academic accomplishments, the program directors may consider them.

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Graduate Application Resume Sample

Now that we know what to include and what not to include in the CV for Graduate application, it’s time to look at the format in which you need to prepare your Graduate program CV. We described the format in detail for you to follow to create the ideal resume to make it easy for you to grasp.

Part 1-Header

  • First name last name
  • Street address, city, state, pin code
  • Professional email address
  • Contact number

Part 2-Summary

  • 1-2 sentences describing your professional background. Do not use personal pronouns.

Part 3-Skills

  • Include a list of skills in bullet points
  • Make sure to draw attention to your communication and technical skills

Part 4-Educational Qualifications

  • Most recent degree

Part 5-University Name

  • Start date - end date
  • Cite any pertinent coursework

Part 6-Work Experience

  • Company name, city
  • Responsibilities
  • Include volunteer and internship experience
  • Create a list of three to four bullet points
  • Start with action verbs and use concise, yet thorough, language
  • Lengthen each bullet point to two to four sentences

Part 7- Noteworthy Achievements and Awards

  • Personal Achievement Title
  • One or two sentences outlining the circumstances behind and reasons for your title

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Tips for Writing a CV for Graduate Admission

Following are a few tips that will help you in writing an appropriate CV that will help you increase your chances of getting shortlisted. As colleges receive tons of applications, it is important to distinguish ourselves from the crowd.

  • Unless specifically requested in the application requirements, do not list a GPA below 3.0 on your résumé.
  • It is already assumed that you have completed and finished high school if you list an undergraduate degree.
  • Avoid using I or me or other personal pronouns in your resume. 
  • Try to keep paragraphs to one to three sentences in length. 
  • Do not add contact details of references if not asked.
  • When explaining your professional knowledge and any distinctions or medals you have won, be sure to include as much detail as you can.

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Now that you have an understanding of why you need to write a suitable resume and the dos and don’ts of resume writing, better get started on writing one for yourself. For any further queries, feel free to contact our team of excellent counselors by subscribing to Yocket premium .

Frequently Asked Questions about the Graduate Admission Resume

Why do we need to make a resume for university admission?

Graduate programs get a ton of applications, so they need a straightforward method to see why you'd be a perfect fit for their curriculum.

What Should one not do when writing a resume?

Do not mention your GPA (if below 3.0) until they have asked to mention it. You wouldn’t want to ruin your first impression.

How is a college resume different from a resume made for work?

Graduate school resumes are more focused on your academic background not work experience. Work experience is just an added benefit to telling the university you do have an understanding of the professional world.

What do colleges see in a resume?

The colleges seek to know your noteworthy accomplishments, education, and professional background based on which they provide admissions.

Is a resume a necessary document for admissions?

Yes, it is a necessary document as it is a summarized way of providing details about your credentials and qualifications.


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How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]

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Plenty of job-seekers spend weeks, and even months, looking for a job. It can be a slow and demoralizing process where you don’t get a single response after dozens of applications.

This is where perfecting your CV can make a real difference.

Your CV is the document that could open the door to your dream job. If you get it right, you can expect interview calls left and right.

But how can you make sure you have a job-winning CV?

Well, we have an answer.

And while it may be a little bit long, it’s worth every second of your time. 

If you want to perfect your CV, you have to grease up your elbows, get your reading glasses, and make sure every little detail is polished to perfection. Once you do that, believe us – it’s going to be worth it.

By building the perfect CV, you’re investing in yourself, and you’re increasing your chances of landing your next gig.

And our article is here to help!

We’re going to guide you through everything you need to know about making a CV, such as:

  • The 7 Steps to Writing a CV
  • 13+ Helpful Tips to Enhance Your CV
  • 19 Real-Life CV Examples for Different Professions

…and much more!

So, let’s get into it.

Do You Need a CV or a Resume?

You might have noticed that when you’re applying for a job, some employers ask for a CV, while others prefer your resume.

But how do the two differ?

The answer depends on where you’re from.

In most of the world, including all of Europe and Asia, a CV and a resume are the same thing and are often used interchangeably. So if you’re applying for a job that asks for a CV, you should know that it’s the same as a resume.

Now, if you’re applying for a job in North America, it’s a bit different.

In the United States , a resume is a one-page summary of your skills and professional experience.

Meanwhile, a CV is a lot more detailed. Curriculum vitae is the Latin term for “course of life,” and it’s meant to include all your experience so far, including all levels of education, publications, projects, and more.

Typically, a CV is only required in the US and Canada when you’re applying for an academic or research position. Unlike a resume, which should only be one or two pages at most, an academic CV can be as long as necessary.

This guide is going to focus on how to write a CV for a regular job search. If you need to write an academic CV for a position in academia, check out our article for that instead.

How to Make a (Perfect!) CV

Most job-seekers use the default Word templates to create their CVs.

The problem here is that those default templates are often bland and don’t make your CV stand out. You want your job application to immediately capture the hiring manager’s attention, not blend in with the rest.

Setting up your CV template is also a very time-consuming process.

You’ll spend hours trying to make your CV’s contents fit within the template’s layout. And then, just when you’re at the finish line, you make one tiny tweak, and the whole thing gets completely messed up.

Now you’re back to where you started, looking for a CV template that’s easier to work with.

So why not take a shortcut?

Just use our CV builder and skip the hassle. Novorésumé lets you create a one-page CV for free, and it’s super easy to customize.

And the best part?

All of our CV templates are created in cooperation with hiring managers from around the world to make sure your CV is industry-ready, stylish, and optimized for the Applicant Tracking Systems ( ATS ) that most companies use.

Here’s how one of our CVs and one made with a regular text editor template compare with each other:

novoresume vs text editor

What to Include in Your CV

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks. So, what goes into a CV , exactly?

Now, there is no golden rule, and not every CV has the same sections. A lot depends on your level of experience and what exactly you’re applying for.

Let’s look at the most common sections you can choose from.

  • Contact information
  • CV Summary or objective
  • Work experience
  • Certifications
  • Awards and Honors
  • Personal Projects
  • Volunteer Experience

We’re going to look at each of these sections and guide you through writing them, step by step.

#1. Choose the Best CV Format

Before you start filling in the contents of your CV, you have to make sure it’s going to be reader-friendly and look good. 

The first thing hiring managers notice is what your CV looks like, and then decide whether to read it. So, this is your chance to make a strong first impression.

This is where your CV format comes in.

Like with resume formats , there are three different formats you can choose from:

  • Reverse-chronological. This is by far the most popular CV format among hiring managers worldwide, so it’s the best choice for most job-seekers.
  • Functional. This CV format focuses more on skills than work experience. It’s a good choice if you’re just getting started with your career and have little to no experience.
  • Combination. The combination CV format is a great choice for experienced job-seekers with a very diverse set of skills. It’s useful if you’re applying for a role that requires expertise in several different fields and you want to show all that in your CV.

So, which one should you choose?

In 99% of cases, you want to stick to the reverse-chronological CV format . It’s the most popular format, and it’s what hiring managers expect to see.

For this reason, the rest of this article will teach you how to make a reverse-chronological CV.

And Don’t Forget About Your CV’s Layout

Your CV’s layout is just as important as its format.

The layout is what determines whether your CV looks organized or cluttered, whether it ends up being too short or too long, and ultimately, if it’s boring and unimpressive or attention-grabbing and easy on the eyes.

Here are some CV layout tips you should keep in mind:

  • Keep it to one page. You should only go for a two-page CV if you’re sure you can’t summarize yourself on one page. Don’t waste precious space on your CV on your life story – no one’s going to read it!
  • Use clear and consistent section headings. Pick a heading and use it for all the section headers so the hiring manager can easily navigate through your CV. Keep the colors and font size consistent so your CV is easy on the eyes.
  • Leave ample white space. Without the right amount of white space, your CV will end up looking cluttered with information. Just set your page margins to one inch on all sides so your text fits just right on the page.
  • Pick a professional font. We’d recommend sticking to a font that’s professional but not overused. For example, fonts like Ubuntu, Roboto, Lora, or Overpass. Avoid Times New Roman, and never use Comic Sans.
  • Choose the correct font size. As a rule of thumb, go for 11-12 pt for normal text and 14-16 pt for section titles. This helps keep your details clear and keeps the hiring manager from having to squint to read your CV.
  • Save it as a PDF file. Make sure to save your CV as a PDF file, unless the employer specifically requests a different file format. You don’t want to risk sending your CV in as a Word file and messing up your document’s formatting after you put in all that hard work.

Another thing you need to consider is whether you’re going for a classic-looking CV template or something modern .

If you’re pursuing a career in an industry like law , banking , or finance , you might want to stick to a traditional CV template.

But if you’re applying to a startup where individuality and innovation are part of the company's values, you can pick a creative CV template .

traditional vs modern cv

#2. Add Your Contact Information

Once you’ve done formatting your CV, you need to start filling it up with the right information .

The contact information section is easy to fill but important to get right. After all, even if you have the most impressive CV, it’s not going to matter much if the hiring manager can’t contact you.

So, neatly place your contact information at the top of your CV in a designated CV header , so the hiring manager can spot it right away. 

Make sure you triple-check everything in this section so that there are no typos and everything is up to date.

Must-Have Information

  • Full name. Place this at the top of the page. The preferred format here is listing your first name and then your family name. (e.g.: John Smith, instead of Smith, John.)
  • Email address. Use an email address that’s professional and easy to spell, like a combination of your names. (E.g.: [email protected])
  • Phone number. Add a reliable number where the hiring manager can easily reach you. Include the country dial code if you’re applying internationally.
  • Location. Add your city and state/country. If you plan to relocate for the job or want a remote position, make sure to specify so on your CV.

Optional Information

  • Job title. Include your professional title underneath your name. Write it down word for word, whether it’s “Digital Marketing Specialist” or “Senior Copywriter.” Just don’t make up job titles like “Marketing Wizzard” or use funny job-title buzzwords .
  • Social media. As long as it’s relevant, you can add links to any social media or other website that can help your case. For example, having a complete and optimized LinkedIn profile can increase your chances of getting an interview.
  • Portfolio. If you’re looking for a job as an illustrator or other artistic position, you should provide a link to your portfolio. On the other hand, if you’re a software developer, you could include a link to your GitHub account instead.

It’s also important to know what information not to disclose on your CV.

This varies from country to country, so make sure to check what the common practices and laws around these are in the specific place where you’re applying for a job.

  • Date of birth. Unless this is explicitly requested in the job ad, the hiring manager doesn’t need to know how old you are. It’s not important for their decision-making, and it could even lead to age-based discrimination.
  • Unprofessional email address. Your quirky, old childhood email address doesn’t belong on your CV. Instead of [email protected], use a mature [email protected] email address.
  • Headshot. (USA, UK or Ireland) In most English-speaking countries, it might even be illegal to include a picture of yourself on your CV . However, including a picture is the norm in most of Europe and Asia. Make sure to check the regulations for each specific country or industry you’re applying to before sending in your CV.

Now let’s look at an example of what a CV’s contact information section looks like:

cv summary example

#3. Write an Attention-Grabbing CV Headline

Research says that, on average, hiring managers look at CVs for up to six seconds at most!

That sounds a little harsh, right?

You spend days—weeks even—crafting the picture-perfect CV that represents you in a nutshell. 

And what does the hiring manager do?

They glance it over for a few seconds (if you’re lucky!) and move on. 

As unfair as that might be, how exactly are you supposed to capture someone’s attention in a matter of seconds?

This is where adding a brief paragraph at the top of your CV comes in.

Your CV headline should be right next to (or above) your contact information so that it’s the first thing the hiring manager reads.

Depending on your level of experience, your CV headline can be either a CV summary or an objective.

CV summary

Both your CV summary and objective are your first attempt at grabbing the hiring manager’s attention. Make sure you use clear language so that the hiring manager doesn’t have to read your headline a few times to understand it—because they simply won’t read it.

Think of this as your elevator pitch. You need to convince the hiring manager to give you a shot within those six seconds of skimming your CV. 

But if you’re not sure whether to use a CV summary or a CV objective, here’s a rundown of each:

As the name suggests, a CV summary is a brief recap of your career so far. If you do it right, it can show the hiring manager that you’re a qualified candidate in two to three sentences.

Here’s what your CV summary should include:

  • Your job title and the amount of experience you have so far.
  • A few of your greatest professional accomplishments or responsibilities.
  • Your most impressive skills that match the job.

Now, let’s look at a well-written CV summary:

Professional and creative architect with 10 years experience in developing construction drawings, 3D models, and doing design rendering. Served as a project architect at company X and won an honorable mention as a staff architect at XYZ Construction Awards 2023.

Usually, we recommend that job-seekers with work experience use a CV summary. 

But if you’re a recent graduate , an entry-level professional, or you’re going through a career change, a CV objective might be a better choice.

CV Objective

A CV objective is meant to express your professional goals and aspirations and tie them in with your academic background and any relevant skills you might have for the position.

It’s two to four sentences long, and unlike a CV summary, a CV objective tells the hiring manager what your motivation is, so it’s the go-to CV headline for candidates with no work experience .

Here’s an example of what a student’s CV objective might look like:

Recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Finance, equipped with strong analytical and mathematical skills. Eager to launch my career in banking at XYZ Bank, where I can apply my knowledge gained through coursework and internships to help clients achieve their financial goals.

#4. Show Off Your Work Experience (the Right Way!)

You’ve made it this far, and now it’s time to really show the hiring manager that you’ve got what it takes for the job.

Your work experience section is the main section of your CV, and it’s where most hiring managers will jump when looking at your job application. 

It’s also the deciding factor in whether you’ll get hired or not.

So, let’s start by showing you how to format your work experience correctly:

  • Job title/position. Your job title goes on top of each work experience entry you include on your CV.
  • Company name/location/description. Name the employer and include the general location, such as the city and state/country where you worked. In some cases, you can also briefly describe the company, particularly when the organization isn’t well-known.
  • Dates employed. Add the approximate period of time that you were employed at each company. Don’t give exact dates; the standard format here is mm/yyyy.
  • Achievements and responsibilities. What you did while employed is the core of each work experience entry. List your achievements and responsibilities in bullet points instead of paragraphs, so they’ll be easier for the hiring manager to read at a glance.

While it might sound straightforward, it can be tricky to sum up your work experience in just a few bullet points.

Most people just list their responsibilities next to the position.

While this approach is okay, it can only take you that far. Hiring managers likely know exactly what your responsibilities and day-to-day tasks were in your previous job. It’s your achievements they really care about.

So, you should take advantage of the work experience section to make it clear how you took the company from point A to point B.

Here’s an example of what a well-written CV’s work experience looks like:

well-written CV work experience section

Your work experience entries should always be listed in reverse chronological order, starting with more details about your most recent job and working their way back to the past.

CV Tips for Listing Work Experience

  • Quantify your achievements. Whenever possible, always include concrete data that backs up your accomplishments. These can be percentages, budget amounts, or the amount of time a specific task or achievement took you to accomplish.
  • Tailor your CV to the job ad. Make sure to tailor your CV to the specific job ad. Pay close attention to the requirements and focus on information that shows how you meet the employer’s needs.
  • Incorporate keywords. Beating the ATS can take a little more effort. Add enough relevant keywords from the job ad so your CV makes it in front of a hiring manager.
  • Use powerful action words. The hiring manager is bored of reading what you “managed” and what you were “responsible for.” Instead, make your CV sound more interesting by using powerful, attention-grabbing words, like facilitated, spearheaded, designed, conceptualized, etc.

Looking to write the perfect ATS-proof CV ? Check out our guide here.

#5. Skills Section on Your CV

Next, it’s time to consider your skills.

Along with your work experience, the skills on your CV make up 90% of the hiring decision .

So, you want to make sure that your skills show that you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

There are two types of skills you should include on your CV:

  • Hard Skills. These are measurable abilities that can range from using Photoshop to being able to solve complex mathematical equations. They’re directly related to your tasks.
  • Soft Skills. Also known as personal skills, these are a mix of communication skills , personal traits, career attributes, and more. They can include leadership, critical thinking, and time management , just to name a few.

Here’s what your skills section would look like on your CV:

skills section on a cv

Follow these tips to format this section perfectly:

  • Separate hard and soft skills. Keep your hard skills separated from your soft skills to make your CV easier to navigate.
  • Tailor CV skills to the job ad. Carefully read the job ad and find out what the employer’s requirements are. Add any of the listed skills that you do have to your CV.
  • Add experience levels for hard skills. Categorize your hard skills by proficiency so the employers know what to expect from you and how much training you might need.
  • Include transferable skills. Regardless of the job you’re applying for, you probably have tons of skins that can come in handy for the position you’re applying for.

Wondering what skills to mention on your CV? Check out our list of 101+ essential skills for inspiration!

#6. Education Section on Your CV

Another important part is the education section of your CV. 

Here’s how you should format it:

  • Program Name. Your major and degree type should be listed first. (E.g.: “B.A. in Business Administration” )
  • University Name. Add the name of the institution. (E.g.: “New York State University” )
  • Dates Attended. Use a mm/yyyy format for the dates you attended. (E.g.: “08/2008 - 06/2012” )
  • Location. If your university is less well-known, you can also add the location. (E.g.: “Stockholm, Sweden” )
  • GPA. Use the appropriate grading system for the country you’re applying to work in. (E.g.: In the USA, it would be “3.9 GPA” )
  • Honors. Add any honors and distinctions you’ve been given. (E.g.: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude )
  • Achievements. You can mention interesting papers you’ve written, projects you’ve done, or relevant coursework you’ve excelled in.
  • Minor. “Minor in Psychology”

Let’s look at what this section can look like in practice:

education section on a CV

You’ve got the basics now! Now, here are a few tips to keep in mind to perfect this section:

  • If you’re making a CV as a student and don’t have any work experience yet, you can list your education section at the beginning of the page instead.
  • You can add your expected graduation date if you’re still pursuing your degree.
  • If you already have relevant work experience, just keep this section short and sweet.
  • Recent graduates can expand on their education more and add optional information like projects, classes, academic achievements, etc.
  • Always list your degrees in reverse chronological order, starting with your highest degree on top. Your highest and most recent degree is usually enough, so if you have a Master’s degree that’s relevant to the job, there’s no need to mention your earlier degrees.
  • Don’t add your high school degree to your CV if you already have a university degree. It doesn’t have as much weight, and you can use the space for something else.
  • Only mention your GPA if you had an impressive academic career. Anything below a 3.5 GPA doesn’t need to be on your CV.

Are you in the process of applying for college? Check out our guide to writing a college application CV to wow that admissions officer!

#7. Leverage Optional CV Sections

So far, we covered the most important CV sections that are mandatory for any job application.

Now, it’s time to take a look at the optional sections that can help you stand out.

Optional CV sections aren’t the biggest game-changers for your job hunt , but they’re a great option if you have some leftover space and want to spice up your application.

These include:

  • Certifications. Continuous learning leaves a great impression on hiring managers. If you don’t have work experience in the field yet, showing you’ve taken the first step, such as a Coursera or Google Certificate, can show your genuine interest in the specific field.
  • Awards and recognitions. Your CV is the best place to show off. Include any awards or acknowledgments, such as a hard-to-come-by scholarship .
  • Publications. Whether you’re a freelance writer or a distinguished academic, relevant publications are always impressive. Make sure to include a link so the hiring manager can read your work.
  • Languages. Being able to communicate in more than one language is always a bonus, so include your foreign languages and add your level of proficiency for each on your CV.
  • Personal projects. If you worked on a mock software product during university or you run your product review YouTube channel, you can add it to your CV.
  • Volunteer experience. Studies show that listing volunteer experience can increase your chances of getting hired, especially if you have less work experience. Volunteering shows you like meaningful work, which means you’re more likely to be a loyal employee.
  • Hobbies and interests. While it’s still debated if hobbies or interests should ever make it onto a CV, adding a bit of extra information about yourself can give the hiring manager insight into you as a person and make you stand out. Some hobbies can even back up your skills, such as painting, which proves your creativity.
  • Extracurricular activities. If you don’t have much experience outside of school, any clubs and activities you took part in can show employers how you honed certain skills or managed your time.

Trying to write your first CV as a college freshman ? Check out our detailed guide to learn how!

13+ Expert CV Tips

You’ve got the gist of how to make a CV. Now, it’s time to make it really stand out from the crowd!

Follow these exclusive CV tips to take your CV game to the next level:

  • Make sure that the professional title underneath your name matches the job title of the position you’re applying for. Hiring managers usually hire for several roles at once, so this can give them a cue about which job you’re after, and help things go smoother.
  • Always mention promotions from your previous roles. Your work experience entries should highlight the specific achievements that helped you earn them.
  • Use Laszlo Bock’s formula to describe your achievements: accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z . This takes your work experience to the next level and clearly shows the hiring manager how you can contribute to their team.
  • List your achievements and responsibilities in bullet points. This makes your CV easier to read, and it’s likelier that the hiring manager will see your impressive achievements while skimming through.
  • Avoid personal pronouns like “I” or “me,” and never refer to yourself by name. Try an altered third person, such as “managed data integrity at XYZ Inc.” in place of “I managed data integrity at XYZ Inc.”
  • The ATS might reject your CV unless the sections are named correctly.  For example, names like “career history” or “expertise” should be  “work experience” and "skills", respectively. It also makes it easier for the hiring manager to find what they’re looking for when reading your CV.
  • Only include important keywords from the job ad , not all of them. The keywords you use, such as relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences need to make sense in context since you want to get past the ATS and impress the hiring manager.
  • If you don’t have much relevant work experience, highlight your transferable skills . These can come from personal projects or extracurricular activities and help you stand out from other candidates.
  • Use color strategically to make headings, bullet points, or key elements you want to highlight really pop. Just don’t use too much of it – the information on your CV should be more impressive than the design.
  • Skip the line “references available upon request.” The hiring manager knows that they can request references from you, so don’t waste valuable CV space telling them they can.
  • Your CV should be optimized for mobile devices. Hiring managers tend to use their mobile phones as often as desktop computers, and having your CV saved to a PDF file can ensure that your formatting stays the same across any device.
  • Remember to change the name of the CV file you plan to send. It should include your name and the position you’re applying for. Skipping this small detail can leave a bad impression on the hiring manager.
  • Try reading your CV out loud when you’re finished writing it. You might notice awkward phrases or spelling mistakes that you would have otherwise missed.
  • Tools like DocSend can track your CV. Use it to get a notification whenever a hiring manager opens your CV, and to even track how long they spend looking at it.

3 Types of CVs

If you apply everything we’ve talked about so far, you should have a perfectly well-rounded CV. You’re prepared to take on the job market!

But just in case you aren’t sure what a great CV looks like, here are some examples of different types of CVs that you can use for inspiration.

#1. Graduate CV Example

graduate cv example

Check out our full guide to writing a student CV here.

#2. Academic CV Example

academic cv example

Check out our full guide to writing an academic CV here.

#3. Executive CV Example

executive cv template

19 CV Examples for Different Jobs

Knowing how to write a CV is one thing, but making a CV that stands out is something entirely different. Without inspiration, even top career experts might stumble on a roadblock or two.

Check out the following effective CV examples for specific jobs to get a better sense of what a good CV looks like:

#1. Nurse Practitioner CV Example

Nurse Practitioner CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a nurse CV here.

#2. Data Scientist CV Example

Data Scientist CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a data scientist CV here.

#3. Business Analyst CV Example

Business Analyst CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a business analyst CV here.

#4. Digital Marketing CV Example

Digital Marketing CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a digital marketing CV here.

#5. Software Engineer CV Example

Software Engineer CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a software engineer CV here.

#6. Construction Project Manager CV Example

Construction Project Manager CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a construction project manager CV here.

#7. Customer Service CV Example

Customer Service CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a customer service CV here.

#8. High School CV Example

High School CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a high school CV here.

#9. Student CV Example

Student CV Example

#10. Server CV Example

Server CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a server CV here.

#11. Actor CV Example

Actor CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an actor CV here.

#12. Web Developer CV Example

Web Developer CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a web developer CV here.

#13. Engineering CV Example

Engineering CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an engineering CV here.

#14. Computer Science CV Example

Computer Science CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a computer science CV here.

#15. Architect CV Example 

Architect CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an architect CV here.

#16. Data Analyst CV Example

Data Analyst CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a data analyst CV here.

#17. Remote Job CV Example

Remote Job CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a remote job CV here.

#18. Sales Associate CV Example

Sales Associate CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a sales associate CV here.

#19. Receptionist CV Example

Receptionist CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist CV here.

Want to see more examples? Check out our compilation of 80+ CV examples for different fields .

  • Administrative Assistant CV
  • Bartender CV
  • DevOps Engineer CV
  • Executive Assistant CV
  • Flight Attendant CV
  • Graphic Designer CV
  • Paralegal CV
  • Pharmacist CV
  • Recruiter CV
  • Supervisor CV

Next Steps After Your CV

After you’ve got your CV ready, it’s time to focus on other parts of your job application.

Your CV is the first step in your job search, but to land the job you want, you need to prepare a matching cover letter and nail the upcoming job interview.

#1. Write a Great Cover Letter

The best way to complement your CV is by writing a cover letter.

Now, you might flinch at the idea of having to write a cover letter. Unless you’re looking for a job as a writer , you’re probably not too confident in your ability to write a great cover letter.

Thankfully, writing a cover letter is very easy.

Cover letters act as a direct message to the hiring manager. They should be no more than a single page and use between 250 and 400 words . This gives you the chance to explain, in your own words, why you’re the best candidate for the job.

There are plenty of cover letter tips that can help point you in the right direction, so you’ll be able to write the perfect cover letter in no time.

Just follow this structure:

structure of a cover letter for CV

  • Include your contact details. Add the same contact information as on your CV, and the contact information of the hiring manager, such as their name, job title, the company’s name, and its general location.
  • Present yourself. Start your cover letter by stating who you are, what your relevant work experience is, and what excites you about the position. Include an impressive achievement or two, your crucial skills, and what you can do for the employer’s company.
  • Build your case. Check the job ad for the candidate requirements and explain how you meet them. Do research on the company so you actually know what you like about it, and make sure to mention it in your cover letter. Convey your genuine excitement for the opportunity and express your confidence that you can contribute to their mission.
  • Conclude it politely. End your cover letter by summarizing how you meet the employer’s needs for a candidate and thanking the hiring manager for their time. Include a call to action, like "Please feel free to contact me at the provided email or phone number so that we may discuss my application in more detail."  
  • Finally, add a polite closing line and sign your full name underneath.

Not too hard, right? Here’s a real-life example to show you how a cover letter looks:

cover letter for cv example

Want to perfect your cover letter? Learn about the most common cover letter mistakes and check out cover letter examples for different professions here.

#2. Ace The Job Interview

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations are in order. But you can’t celebrate just yet.

The final gatekeeper standing between you and your dream job is the interview process.

If you hate job interviews, you’re not the only one. After all, having to convince a stranger to hire you isn’t most people’s idea of fun.

Here’s the silver lining: most interviewers ask the same questions.

All you have to do is research what the common questions are and show up prepared.

Some of these common interview questions include:

  • Why do you want to work here?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

These might sound cliche, but they’re popular questions for a reason.

Interviewers want to get to know you as an employee and determine if you’d fit within their company’s culture.

So, check out our guide to the 35+ Job Interview Questions and Answers and learn how to ace your next interview.

Key Takeaways

At this point, you should feel pretty confident about writing your CV.

The whole process might seem a bit intimidating at first, but now that it’s broken down into bite-sized pieces, we’re sure you’ve got it.

Before we let you go and land that dream job, let’s just recap some of our key points:

  • Save time by using a free CV builder to create yours with as few obstacles as possible. There’s no need to mess around with formatting for hours before you even get the chance to write your CV!
  • The essential information on your CV includes contact information, a CV summary or objective, work experience, education, and skills. If you have space, you can optionally include sections like certifications, awards, languages, hobbies, and interests.
  • Responsibilities aren’t as impressive as achievements, so use your CV to focus on those times you went above and beyond at your job instead of just your daily tasks.
  • Always tailor your CV to the specific job you’re applying for. Use the job ad as a reference and emphasize the skills and experience you have that match what the employer is looking for.
  • Don’t forget to prepare for the rest of the job application process by writing an equally well-crafted cover letter and practicing how you’ll answer the most common interview questions.

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What Makes a Winning Resume

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Get tips on composing an engaging cover letter that boosts your resume, sets you apart from the crowd, and helps you make that all-important first impression a good one. 

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Are Shorter Resumes Stronger?

Ideally, your resume should be as short as possible while still including all your relevant skills, education, and work experience, along with any certifications, awards, and relevant activities. With so much information to highlight, it can be difficult to know what to include—and exclude. Get five great tips for keeping your resume short and strong.

Building a Tech Resume

When looking to fill technical roles within a company, hiring managers and recruiters often look for candidates who possess the specific technical skills required to be successful on their first day. Creating a strong technical resume can make a big difference when applying for tech jobs. Learn what the components of an effective technical resume are, what you need to include, and what to avoid to help your technical skills shine.

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  • Resume Objective Examples: A...

Resume Objective Examples: A Career Objective Guide

20 min read · Updated on June 03, 2024

Ken Chase

The formula and some good examples for creating a resume objective to get you noticed

You're searching for a new (or perhaps your first) job, and you know your objective. However, do you know how to communicate it effectively on your resume? A resume objective is a great way to let employers see a snapshot of your skills and experiences and ensure that you stand out from other candidates. However, as our great resume objective examples will demonstrate, your objective matters less than the employer's needs.

In this post, we'll explain the resume objective and how it has evolved. We'll also offer insight into the differences between an objective statement and a summary statement - and how to know which one to use. Then we'll offer some tips to help you craft an objective for your resume and look at 27 great resume objective statement examples that you can customize for your own resume.

What is a resume objective?

The resume objective used to be the gold standard of resume introductions. This brief, three or four-sentence paragraph had long been used to capture employers' attention by focusing on a job seeker's skills, experiences, and achievements while also highlighting the candidate's career goals. These days, it's less common to find professional resume objective examples since most job seekers rely on a resume summary instead.

The basic components of a good resume objective statement

A good resume objective provides three kinds of information to employers:

Who you are, which is generally a statement of your current job title as well as any skills, education , or certifications relevant to the job you're after

What you will bring that's of value to that company, such as your years of experience or specific training

 How you will use your talents to help the company reach its goals

how to write resume for master's application

Resume objective vs summary statement

It's important to understand how these two career statements differ from one another. On the surface, they would seem to have much in common. After all, they're both designed to serve as introductions that summarize your main qualifications for the job. Moreover, each is intended to capture the reader's attention and inspire them to continue reading the resume .

The differences, however, can be stark. For example:

Resume summaries focus primarily on the candidate's past record of achievements; objective statements emphasize future goals

Resume summaries provide quantifiable results, using real numbers to demonstrate value; objective statements rarely do that since it is difficult to quantify goals

Resume summaries are designed to align achievements with the company's needs; objective statements have traditionally focused more on the candidate's priorities and needs

Resume summaries are great for people who have experience and achievements; objective statements can be useful for those who lack that experience

Which one should you use?

If you've been following our resume guidance in recent years, you're probably aware of the fact that we recommend the resume summary for most job seekers. And make no mistake: if you're an experienced professional who is still moving ahead in the same field and industry, the resume summary is almost certainly your best option. However, there are two situations in which you might find that a resume objective statement will serve your interests better.

If you're new to the workforce. Recent graduates will rarely have the type of real-world experience needed for an effective summary statement. In most instances, a newcomer to the working world will likely need to rely on a resume objective to highlight skills and demonstrate how their goals align with the company's vision.

When you're interested in switching careers . In most cases, you'll have the transferable skills needed to do the job, but may struggle to align your quantifiable achievements with the company's needs. If that's the case, a resume objective can help you to showcase your skills in a way that demonstrates how they can positively benefit the company.

Tips for writing your own resume objective

Because resume objectives have lost some of their luster in recent years, many job seekers may not be familiar with the best way to craft them. To assist you in that process, we've compiled some simple tips you can use to make sure that your objective statement achieves your goals.

State how you'll help the company, not just how qualified you are. While you may not have the experiences or achievements needed to directly convey that value, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't still focus on what the company needs rather than your own desires and goals.

Use specific facts, numbers, and details whenever possible, without bragging or generalizing.

Keep it simple. Don't use flowery or expansive words, as they can sometimes make you appear arrogant. Make it as easy as possible for a recruiter to quickly see you as a qualified candidate.

Review the job posting to ensure that you have the information you need to make your resume objective specific to the job and company.

Tailor your objective to the specific job, career, and industry you're applying for. This means that you should create a separate, customized resume for each application.

Expert tip: Don't make the mistake of creating an outdated resume objective centered on your own goals. Instead, incorporate the best elements of a resume summary into your objective statement by taking the time to tie your goals to the company's needs.

Great resume objective statements you can use for your resume

With all this in mind, here are some good resume  objective examples to help you create a great career objective of your own. If your job isn't listed, don't panic. While these examples don't cover every job out there, they should help you to build a strong, targeted objective for your specific needs. As we said, each objective should be tailored to a specific role - that's why you won't find any resume objective examples for multiple job types. 

1.     Resume objective examples for a new jobseeker

You might not have a ton of experience, but creating a good resume objective will absolutely help to differentiate you from other applicants in a recruiter's eyes. The trick here is to emphasize your strongest personal skills and characteristics, as well as any educational successes, since you can't provide specific work experience or accomplishments.

Here are two general resume objective examples for new jobseekers:

“Organized, fast-learning, and hard-working employee looking to join [company name] as an Administrator. Looking to take advantage of skills in Microsoft Word and QuickBooks to help [company name] meet their objectives through organization and team support.”

“Recent graduate with a B.A. in Accounting, looking to start a career in finance at [company name]. Experienced in creating annual reports and analyzing financial statements for several university activities. Seeking to combine theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience to help [company name] continue their strong market presence.”

2.     Resume objective examples for those looking for a career change

Your goal here is to clearly show how your skills and experience from your previous career can be effective in your next job. Do this by mentioning your talents and knowledge that are relevant to the new job and stating how your previous career background will help you to succeed and excel in the role.

“Customer Service Associate with over four years of experience in accounting technical support, looking to leverage Excel skills and Great Plains knowledge as a Staff Accountant with [company name]. Proven customer satisfaction record solving complicated technical and accounting issues while in a remote role.”

3.Resume objective examples for finance roles

“Experienced individual with solid analytical and quantitative skills and 5 years of experience seeks the job of Financial Analyst with [company name], to leverage outstanding knowledge of financial analysis and modeling to provide accurate and sound financial decision-making at all levels.”

“Experienced Junior Financial Analyst seeking role of Senior Financial Specialist with [company name]. Skills include making targeted and time-sensitive financial decisions by merging solid analytical, accounting, and quantitative skills with a strong passion for the finance industry.”

4.     Resume objective examples for Accountant roles

“Detail-oriented graduate with an AS degree, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills seeking the role of Accounting Associate with [company name], to effectively apply exceptional knowledge of tax and accounting software for accurate budgeting and forecasting.”

“Current CPA looking to fill the role of Accounts Manager at [company name]. As well as being disciplined and self-motivated, I have extensive experience with financial reporting and modeling along with a proven knowledge of various accounting software models, all of which contribute to effective financial operations.”

5.     Resume objective examples for banking roles

“Highly talented Head Teller with 8 years of experience in the banking sector, seeking a position as a Relationship Manager with [bank name] to increase revenue by combining a banking background with excellent interpersonal and communication skills to bring in new clients, maintain relationships with existing clients, and develop effective media campaigns.”

“Seasoned banking professional seeking a Bank Manager position with [name of bank], where I can use my business and banking experience along with strong communication skills to provide effective problem-solving, customer service, and employee retention and interact with bank customers in a positive, beneficial manner.”

“Self-motivated, reliable, number-loving individual looking for a position as a Bank Teller with [bank name] to apply exceptional math and customer service skills for customers. Key traits include trustworthiness, efficiency, and willingness to learn new tasks.”

6.     Resume objective example for Computer Engineer roles

“Highly motivated individual with 7 years of solid computer engineering experience and proven leadership skills seeking the position of SharePoint Administrator at [company name] where I hope to use demonstrated SharePoint expertise, knowledge of SharePoint solutions architecture, and advanced knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server to ensure exceptional technical performance.”

7.     Resume objective example for a Network Administrator

“Experienced IT professional with BA in Computer Science and proven technical, management, and communication skills seeking the position of Network Engineer at [company name] to use proven experience in systems management and configuration to benefit both internal staff and external customers.”

8.     Resume objective example for IT professionals

“Talented Information Technology Specialist in search of a Senior IT Manager position at [company name], where proven technical and team management skills can help to improve existing processes for handling IT requests and efficiently delivering various technical projects.”

9.     Resume objective example for a Programmer

“Technical and database professional seeks the role of SQL Programmer within [company name] where I will use my excellent programming and organizational skills to enhance company market presence while also gaining a deeper understanding of the newest IT trends.”

10.  Resume objective examples for customer service roles

“Smart and creative Customer Service Representative desires similar position with [company name]. Brings strong communication abilities, proven organizational skills, and a supportive, patient personality to help the company retain and grow its customer base in both existing and new markets.”

“Experienced customer service professional seeking a position at [company name] as a Customer Support Analyst, where I can apply excellent communication and organizational skills to provide customers with effective and efficient support which ensures ongoing retention.”

“Credentialed and experienced Sales Administrator seeks the post of a Contact Center Agent at [company name] where I can provide exceptional verbal, listening, and analytical abilities to ensure clients reach their desired objectives by correctly using [company name]'s products.”

“Diligent Customer Service Agent with 5+ years of experience at a high-volume call center seeks a career move to a similar role at a company such as [company name]. I thrive in a fast-paced work environment and am committed to delivering the top-rated customer service you provide. My organization and support skills can help to meet current and future customer demand.”

11.  Resume objective examples for Engineers

“Graduate of [school name] with a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and two years of work experience at ABC Company seeks a Mechanical Engineer role with [company name]. Possess excellent skills in research, data analysis, and time management. Hold patents for several innovative mechanical devices.”

“Experienced individual with 7+ years of experience managing engineering operations seeks a Civil Engineer role at [company name]. Proven ability to handle simultaneous projects with minimal supervision and bring a committed focus on health, safety, and the environment to the position.”

12.  Resume objective example for human resources positions 

“Human resource management professional looking for the opportunity to augment the overall strategic plan and market direction of [company name] as VP of Human Resources. Over nine years of experience in managing staff, handling employee relations, and deliveirng projects. Strong skills in HRIS.”

“Established, successful HR recruiter seeks a Human Resources Coordinator position with [company name] where I can use my experience and in-depth knowledge of hiring processes, negotiation, conflict resolution, and policy development for payroll and benefits.”

“Experienced and approachable Human Resources Coordinator with four years of experience seeks position as Human Resources Manager with [company name], where I can use my industry knowledge and HR experience to implement employee satisfaction policies and improvements, develop hiring protocols, and create an environment where employees feel valued and satisfied.”

“Results-driven graduate with a degree in psychology (GPA: 3.8) and a minor in business operations looking for a role as a Junior HR Recruitment Agent at [company name]. Prior experience in interviewing and providing feedback as part of college projects in business classes. I will bring well-honed soft skills and strong knowledge of workplace psychology to assist overall HR operations, while fine-tuning my skills in the recruitment process.”

13. Resume objective examples for internships

“Hard-working student (3.5/4.0 GPA) majoring in [specific area] seeks the Intern role with [company name]. Abilities include proven leadership and organizational skills and strong attention to detail. Dedicated team player who can be relied upon to help [company name] achieve its goals as I learn more about your market space.”

“Energetic, talented college student at [school name] working toward a Marketing Degree, seeks to fill the Marketing Intern role at [company name]. General experience and knowledge of PR, advertising, consumer research, and product development strategies to help build customer base in emerging markets.”

14.  Resume objective example for legal roles

“Accomplished Corporate Attorney with 8 years of direct experience, seeking a top-level Lawyer role at [name of legal firm]. Brings skills including legal drafting, arbitration, corporate affairs, and labor laws to assist clients both inside and outside the courtroom.”

“Current Public Legal Advocate seeks position as Senior Legal Researcher for [name of court district/city/legal firm]. I have two years of experience working in district and session courts in the areas of home development, land development, and commercial property development, that will allow me to take on more challenging research projects to meet client needs in these areas.”

15.  Resume objective examples for marketing positions

“Technically oriented graduate with a B.A. in Internet Marketing seeking a Junior SEO Specialist position at [company name]. Possesses a working knowledge of SEO, as well as some hands-on experience with Google Analytics. Looking to further develop online marketing skills as part of the [company name] team.”

“Certified Digital Marketer with strong content writing skills, SEO experience, and 5 years of proven online marketing experience seeking the role of Digital Marketer with [company name] to help expand customer base into new markets.”

“Enthusiastic Marketer skilled in copywriting and graphic design looking for a Social Media Marketing position at [company name]. Personally started and grew an Instagram page to 5,000+ followers and a Facebook page to 8,000+ likes. I believe my skills will help [company name]'s clients improve sales via social media marketing through a strong online presence.”

16.  Resume objective example for Physical Therapist roles

“Licensed, experienced Physical Therapist seeking similar role at [hospital or clinic name]. With 6+ years of experience in treating children and adults with physical disabilities, injuries, and illnesses, I can contribute to the healing of each person's physical challenges and help them learn to navigate them successfully.”

17.  Resume objective example for nursing roles

“Registered Nurse seeking a new career as a Neonatal Nurse Specialist at [hospital name]. Ten years of general nursing combined with a certification in neonatal nursing will allow me to provide outstanding care for both infants and their families, educating them about different health conditions and how to handle them. Working nights and weekends is not a problem.”

“Experienced Home Health Aide seeks to obtain a position as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at [name of home health agency] applying my course knowledge and proven healthcare skills to support and care for home-bound patients with various health needs.”

18.  Resume objective example for pharmacy role

“Licensed Pharmacy Technician with 8 years of experience, in search of a similar position at [pharmacy or hospital name]. Assists patients by successfully applying extensive experience and knowledge of pharmacy operations, technology, and drug distribution.”

19. Resume objective examples for office and administrative roles

“Former Nurse seeking a part-time job as a Receptionist at [company name]. Experience in working directly with people in nursing and for the last five years as an Avon Representative. Organized, with strong computer skills and professional presence.”

“Business-savvy office employee looking to work at [company name] as an Administrative Assistant. Experience as an Executive Assistant (1 year) and as a Department Secretary (3 years). Supported several key projects through strong organizational skills, timeliness, and solid computer abilities.”

“Freelance VA (Virtual Assistant) looking to transition to an on-site role as an Executive Assistant. Worked with 10+ online businesses, helping with everything from creating training documents to customer service and management support. Excellent organizational abilities and strong attention to detail. Proficient in Microsoft 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud. Strong copywriting skills.”

20.  Resume objective example for an Office Manager position

“Experienced Office Manager seeking a leadership role to help [company name] provide outstanding customer satisfaction. Experienced in managing teams of 15+ at [current or former company names], handling responsibilities from hiring new staff to managing data input groups.”

21.  Resume objective examples for operations roles

“Experienced MBA graduate with outstanding time and project management skills and 10+ years of experience seeks the position as Director of Operations with [company name]. Can ensure the company's ongoing success through exceptional interpersonal and negotiation skills and the ability to lead large multi-departmental operations.”

“Dynamic individual with exceptional leadership and interpersonal skills looking to fill the role of Manager of Clinical Operations at [company name]. I bring experience and expertise in overseeing clinical operations and managing technical and professional staff, as well 8+ years of clinical research and supervisory experience in the medical field.”

22.  Resume objective example for Project Manager positions

“Deadline-focused professional with proven experience in project administration, searching for a project management position where I can use my knowledge and skills in the areas of leadership, problem solving, team management, and budget control to help [company name] exceed targets.”

23.  Resume objective examples for real estate roles

“Real Estate Broker with a passion for organization and excellence seeks a similar role with [company name], using experience with the sale and lease of commercial and residential properties in [location]. Recurrent sales and leasing of properties to large corporations in the last 5 years allowed me to increase revenue to 12% on a year-over-year basis, significantly contributing to the growth of the company.”

“Successful Salesperson seeks high-level position as Real Estate Broker at [company name]. Recent experience handling a customer base of over 150 clients at another reputable real estate firm [or name the company]. Skill set includes creating daily and monthly sales reports and assisting the implementation of customer retention strategies for senior management.”

24.  Resume objective examples for service industry roles

“Excellent communicator and multi-tasker with experience in massage and esthetic services, interested in the position of Front Desk Wellness Sales Executive with [company name]. I bring various strengths including a professional phone manner, bookkeeping knowledge, and customer service skills that will help your front desk to run smoothly.”

“Hardworking, organized, and reliable Housekeeper looking for a janitorial position at [company name] to clean interior spaces. Possesses knowledge of efficient and safe cleaning practices, the use of cleaning equipment, and environmentally sound cleaning agents, as well as excellent customer service.”

25.  Resume objective examples for food service positions

“Entrepreneurial and highly experienced Caterer with 7+ years in the foodservice sector seeking the position of Catering Manager at [company name]. Brings proven management experience, culinary expertise, interpersonal skills, and a strong customer service approach to the role.”

“Friendly, upbeat, and detail-oriented individual looking for an entry-level, fast-paced Line Cook position at [restaurant name], where I can use my outstanding food preparation skills safely and efficiently.”

26.  Resume objective examples for education workers

“Talented Preschool Teacher with 3 years of experience seeking the role of Kindergarten Teacher at [school name]. I have excellent skills and connections with special needs students and collaborated with my Superintendent to create and implement effective teaching practices for these children that can be used throughout the district.”

“Experienced elementary school English Teacher looking to fill the role of Reading Specialist at [school name.] This position in a progressive institution like [school name] would allow me to use my sound teaching skills to assist students in reaching their full potential by helping them to become strong readers.”

“Passionate, enthusiastic and experienced Teaching Assistant seeking the position of Para-Educator at [school name]. Brings interpersonal skills and classroom experience to aid in the development of each student by interacting with them, providing support and resources, and directly supporting the Teacher's lessons in the classroom.”

27.  Resume objective examples for Writers and Editors

“Articulate recent graduate with a B.A. degree in Media and Mass Communication desires a Content Creator Role at [company name]. Hoping to use writing skills and experience in writing articles for local newspapers and online magazines to improve [company name]'s blog, expanding current industry presence.”

“Editor with extensive writing and management experience looking to fill the position of Senior Editor with [company name], using time-management skills to ensure all projects meet deadlines and supervisory experience to effectively manage a team of Writers and Editors.”

Key things to remember

As you can see from the resume objective examples that we've included throughout this post, there's a right way to create this type of professional summary. As you craft your own objective, keep these keen insights in mind:

Try to include some measurable achievements in your statement, to show how you can add value to the employer's bottom line. If you're new to the workplace, however, focus instead on highlighting the benefits that your skills can provide to that employer.

Keep it short, focused on relevant details, and packed with keywords from the job description. 

Make sure that everything you write in your objective statement is supported by the information included in your skills and work experience sections .

Always put yourself in the employer's shoes and try to imagine what kind of information they might be looking for as they review your resume.

Try to only rely on an objective statement if you have little or no real-world experience in the industry you're trying to join. If you do have experience, you'll probably be better served by a summary statement.

Wrapping it up

Once again, this is by no means a complete list of resume objective examples, but it should help you to understand the formula for creating a specific resume objective for whatever job you're after.

Take the time to do this right. Create a tailored objective for each position you want and you'll be easily found by both recruiters and applicant tracking systems searching for the keywords that are right there at the top of your resume.

The result? You'll be starting your new job well ahead of the crowd!

Still not sure about your resume objective or other aspects of your resume? Make sure that it's submission-ready with a free resume review or professional rewrite .

This article was originally written by Lisa Tynan and has been updated by Marsha Hebert and Ken Chase.

Recommended reading:

How to Tailor Your Resume to a Specific Job Description

How to Use Action Verbs in a Resume

How to Write a Resume Headline (With Examples)

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How to Write an Impressive Resume for Study Abroad Application?

A resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is a thorough summary of your educational and professional background. It usually ranges from 2 to 3 pages and serves as a versatile and effective tool for admission and job applications. The resume highlights all your personal information in the most effective manner. It is a kind of marketing document that showcases your skills, abilities, qualifications, and experience to the admission committee. For students, just like letters of recommendation and SOP , a resume is one of the most crucial documents for admission purposes. Read the article to know how to make an impressive resume.

Sections of an Impressive Resume

Tips for how to make an impressive resume, template for writing an impressive resume, sample resume for study abroad application.

Candidates may find it challenging to accommodate all the career information into a single document. However, once they master the technique, it will become effortless and straightforward for them. Candidates should note that a resume can be used for numerous job applications within a particular field. Now-a-days, many employers of recent graduates prefer not to accept resumes and use their own application forms.

To write an impressive resume, candidate should divide their resume into the following sections:

Academic Background

Employment Experience

Academic and Professional Projects


Short-term Course

Publications and Presentations

Seminars and Workshops

Industrial Visits

Technical Skills

Awards and Achievements

Extracurricular Activities

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Moreover, it is important to emphasize the importance of prioritizing content in accordance with your academic or professional background. This approach will highly enhance the impact of your resume and make it stand out. For example, any major accomplishments should be highlighted before general contributions, and any remarkable contributions to your team or organization should be placed in the initial section of your resume.

It is imperative for undergraduate candidates to highlight their academic achievements and engagement in extracurricular activities. MS applicants should prioritize highlight their research interests and accomplishments. Likewise, MBA candidates should aim to showcase their professional skills and leadership qualities.

Here are some tips that will you write an impressive resume:

It is important for candidates to note that the sequence of topics in a resume format can be adjusted. Arrange your accomplishments accordingly.

Sections should be arranged in a way so that it can highlight the strengths for the position you are seeking.

Candidates should try to elaborate on their accomplishments and skills shared within the categories.

The items in each category should be placed in a chronological order so that the most recent one appears first.

Candidates should try to incorporate headings especially for presenting their certificates, workshops, seminars, and publications.

Every information should be presented in an attractive and easy-to-understand manner.

Use language and acronyms commonly accepted in your field to enhance communication.

Maximize the use of ALL CAPS for emphasis wherever required.

While submitting your resume via email, it is necessary to clearly state your objectives and career interests in the first few lines. This will provide a brief introduction to your target audience and encourage them to read your complete resume.

Candidates have the option to attach their resumes as PDF files or cut-and-paste the resume content into the text of the email message. It facilitates the readers to read easily on their mobile phones.

Below is a template that candidates can follow regarding how to make an impressive resume. Students can also search for various formats from the Internet.

Address: House No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, City, State–PINCODE, India

Contact No.: +91–0000000000 | Email ID: [email protected]


Name of Degree with Stream and Subject Specialisation-Starting Year-Completion Year

Full Name of College/Institute, City/State (Location) affiliated to Full Name of University, City/State (Location)


Class XII- Starting Year-Completion Year

Full Name of School, City/State (Location); Full Name of Board of Education


Class X- Starting Year-Completion Year

EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE (Include all Work Experiences)

Current Designation—Current Organisation Name, City/State—Joining Date—Present

Roles and Responsibilities:

Previous Designation—Previous Organisation Name, City/State—Joining Date–Leaving Date

Earlier Experiences (if any)—Earlier Employers Name, City/State—Joining Date–Leaving Date


Duration: MMYY–MMYY



Individual Role:

Tools/Technology Used:

Manipal University Online MBA

Apply for Online MBA from Manipal University


Intern/Trainee—Organisation Name, City/State—MMYY–MMYY

Learning Experience ________


Completed a short-term course on Course Name/Topic at Institute Name, City/State—MMYY–MMYY


Presented a paper titled Paper Title at Event/Competition’s Name conducted by Organiser’s Name held at Venue Name, City/State; the paper discussed; got published in Full Name of Journal, City/State—MMYY


Attended a seminar/workshop on Topic conducted by Organiser’s Name held at Venue Name, City/State—MMYY


Visited Industry Name, Location; observed ________MMYY



Won Award Name for Project/Activity Name during Event/Competition Name conducted by Organiser’s Name held at Venue Name, City/State—MMYY


Participated in Event Name conducted by Organiser’s Name held at Venue Name, City/State—MMYY

Volunteered for Which Activity/What Cause at NGO Name, City/State—MMYY

A sample resume has been given below in reference to the aforementioned template as to how to prepare an impressive resume.

Address: House No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh–000000, India

Contact No.: +91–0000000000 | Email ID: [email protected]

Bachelor of Engineering/Technology/Arts/Commerce in Computer Science Engineering– 2017–2021

XXX College of Engineering, Hyderabad affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad


Class XII from XXX Public School, Hyderabad, Central Board of Secondary Education– 2016-2017

Percentage– 79 %

Class X from ZZZ School Madhapur, Hyderabad; Central Board of Education–2014-2015

CGPA– 8.2/10

Artificial Intelligence Developer—YYY Private Limited, Surat—December 2023—Present

Associated with creating model for system, training of model, prediction from model, and modifications in model

Software Engineer—PPP, Bangalore—June 2021–June 2022

Worked on SharePoint Migration, Development of SharePoint sites

Produced clean, efficient code based on client’s specification and deploy

Ensured correct migration and development of multiple SharePoint sites by collaborating with different teams like DBA, Wintel Support Teams and Clients

Learned to provide practical overview of issues that affect during implementation and focus on operational level analysis of approaches used by our team

Title: PPP ZZZ

Duration: June 2019–April 2020

Organisation: QRP Institute of Technology, Hyderabad

Objective/Description: To provide the solution for user as well as Shopkeeper problems.

Team Size: 3

Individual Role: Application Developer

Tools/Technology Used: Android Studio (Java), Firebase (Database), Google API for finding current location of user

Title: LMNOP

Duration: July 2018–April 2019

Objective/Description: To create Bridge between farmer and vendor to sell crops and rent machine to people respectively

Team Size: 5

Individual Role: Project Developer

Tools/Technology Used: Android Studio, Google cloud, Php (Back end) and for website –Html, CSS, Php, PhpMyAdmin (Database)

Intern—KLM IT Solutions, Bangalore—May–June 2020

Learned Android application development

Learned core java which is used in android studio, layout designing, responsive layout, and worked with API (by calling in Android Studio)

Completed a short-term course on Artificial and Machine Learning at YYY AI Course, Hyderabad—July 2020–December 2020

Published a research paper titled ‘A Study on JQSP’ in the International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET), Chennai—April 2020. The paper contains a comparison between three normalization techniques of which anyone can be applied to data before pre-processing on it and best method to use while data normalization

Participated in a workshop on ‘ABCDEF’ conducted by XXYY, Surat—February 2018

Visited JLK Technological University, New Delhi; observed Security concepts presented by host colleges’ students studying there and Networking mechanism with a demo—March 2018

Won a prize of SanDisk 8 GB Pendrive in the ABC Hunt 2018 quiz competition and successfully made it to the list of top 100 contestants demonstrating technical skills by securing the fifth position conducted by LPQR Academy, Surat—February 2018

Participated in Student Start-up and Innovation Policy (SSIP) And Gujarat Knowledge Society appreciated ‘Smart Gujarat for New India Hackathon 2019-20’ held at SCET, Surat—February 2020

Participated in Student Start-up and Innovation Policy (SSIP) and Gujarat Knowledge Society appreciated ‘Gujarat Industrial Hackathon 2019’ held at Auro University, Surat—February 2019

The above-mentioned template and sample will give you a fair idea about how to prepare an impressive resume. You can use them as reference for writing your resume either for academic or professional purpose.

Related Reads:

MBA Resume Format Examples & Guide - Check Sample

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

A resume is a compilation of a candidate’s educational background, skills, projects undertaken, level of employment experience, internships, and extracurricular activities. It is imperative for applicants to meticulously incorporate all relevant information in their resume to effectively portray themselves. This document helps admission committee/employer in comprehending the candidate’s abilities, potential, and aspirations.

A Curriculum Vitae or CV focuses on the academic background of the candidate and their academic achievements. On the other hand, a resume provides a succinct overview in a brief manner. Hence, CVs are longer whereas resumes are shorter. Candidates submitting CVs are required to provide more detailed information and include all significant aspects of their education.

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  7. How to Write a Graduate School Resume: Tips + Examples

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  10. 4 Successful Graduate School Resume and CV Examples

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  19. How to Write an MBA Resume That Stands Out │

    The bulk of your MBA resume should be reserved to showcase your work experience and the growth of your career. Start by listing the name of the organization, your job title, and how long you worked there. Then, for each position, create a bullet point (2-6 bullet points) for each of your achievements in that role.

  20. Resume for Graduate Schools: How to Write your Graduate Application Resume?

    Now that we know what to include and what not to include in the CV for Graduate application, it's time to look at the format in which you need to prepare your Graduate program CV. We described the format in detail for you to follow to create the ideal resume to make it easy for you to grasp. Part 1-Header. First name last name.

  21. Resume for MBA Application: Examples & Template for 2024

    Sample MBA Resume Template (Less Than 2 Years Experience) Contact Information. Resume Objective (or a Career Goal) Academic Experience. Work Experience. Awards and Honors. In each section, list your experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your current or most recent activities.

  22. How To Write a Resume for College Applications (With Sample)

    Use 1-inch margins on all sides of the document. Choose a readable font, such as Times New Roman or Georgia, in a 10- or 12-point size. Bold your name and section headers so colleges can scan key parts of your resume quickly. Use bullet points to structure your resume in a readable format.

  23. How to write an effective master's CV

    It's important to know how to approach each section of your CV to ensure it meets the standards required for your application. Follow these steps to write a master's CV: 1. Start by adding a header section. This follows the same format as any other CV, first providing your key contact details.

  24. How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]

    Add your city and state/country. If you plan to relocate for the job or want a remote position, make sure to specify so on your CV. Optional Information. Job title. Include your professional title underneath your name. Write it down word for word, whether it's "Digital Marketing Specialist" or "Senior Copywriter.".

  25. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Best resume format example. The chronological resume format is what most job seekers should be using when applying for jobs: Download a Chronological Resume. When to use this format: You have no obvious gaps in your employment and want to emphasize your career progression. The chronological resume format is the most common type of resume.

  26. What Makes a Winning Resume

    Share This. A successful job search begins with a strong resume—the written summary of your qualifications and previous work experience used for future employment opportunities. Along with a cover letter, your resume is often an employer's first encounter with you as a jobseeker. In our Career Connection blog, UMGC experts share their tips ...

  27. 550+ Free Resume Templates for 2024

    Our huge range of free resume templates can help. Simply choose your favorite, download directly to Word or open in Google Docs, and fill it out. We also provide a copy-paste template, and show you how to fill out your own resume template with an instructional video. Build My Resume. Resume Cover Letter.

  28. Resume Objective Examples: A Career Objective Guide

    18. Resume objective example for pharmacy role. "Licensed Pharmacy Technician with 8 years of experience, in search of a similar position at [pharmacy or hospital name]. Assists patients by successfully applying extensive experience and knowledge of pharmacy operations, technology, and drug distribution.".

  29. What to Write in an Email When Sending a Resume [+ Examples & Tips

    Examples of introduction when emailing a resume: "My name is Roger Jones. I'm writing this email to express my interest in the job vacancy at Valcor". "My name is Roger Jones, and I am submitting my application for the current job opening as Financial Analyst at Valcor.". "My name is Roger Jones. I came across Valcor's job ads on ...

  30. How to Write an Impressive Resume for Study Abroad Application?

    However, once they master the technique, it will become effortless and straightforward for them. Candidates should note that a resume can be used for numerous job applications within a particular field. Now-a-days, many employers of recent graduates prefer not to accept resumes and use their own application forms.