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How to Describe a Nightmare in a Story

By Brittany Kuhn

how to describe a nightmare in a story

How to describe a nightmare in a story? If this question has brought you here, we have an answer! Actually we have 10 answers , or should we say 10 words that will help you. Read on!

1. Frightening

Producing fear .

“The frightening nightmare kept him up all night.”

“The nightmare was so frightening that she was afraid of returning to it if she went back to sleep.”

How it Adds Description

Nightmares, by definition, are dreams so scary and upsetting that they cause rational or irrational fear. Describing them as frightening gets straight the point and says exactly what kind of nightmare it is: one that makes the character scared to have the same dream again.

2. Unsettling

  • Causing upset or disturbing feelings.
  • Creating a sense of discomfort or worry.

“She was highly disturbed by the unsettling nightmare; it made her anxious for reasons she couldn’t describe.”

“What an unsettling nightmare! So many thoughts and feelings with no real reason for being there…”

Nightmares aren’t just scary. Sometimes, nightmares are upsetting because they create disjointed and uncomfortable feelings or associations. Use unsettling when you want to show your characters are more concerned by the nightmare’s images than scared.

3. Distressing

  • Feelings of suffering or danger.
  • Causing worry or anxiety.
  • Cause change through great strain or damage.

“The distressing nightmare left her feeling anxious all day.”

“He wondered why he had had such a distressing nightmare about a tornado; was it a vision or just a nightmare?”

What makes nightmares even more concerning than the fear is the anxiety and worry left in the dreamer afterward. What if the nightmare were to become real? What if there’s a reason that they dreamt it that way? Describing the nightmare as distressing highlights all those concerns by putting the word stress front and center in connection to the nightmare.

4. Disturbing

Creating thoughts of apprehension , alarm, or unease.

“He was so upset by the disturbing nightmare that he could barely sleep the next night for fear of dreaming it again.”

“The nightmare was so disturbing that she kept seeing flashes of it in her head all the next day.

One of the worst parts of nightmares is how they can stay with the dreamer throughout the rest of the following days or weeks. Use disturbing if you want to emphasize the long-lasting effects of the nightmare and how it impacts the rest of the character’s choices and mood.

5. Terrifying

  • Causing extreme fright or anxiety.
  • Of an intimidating sort.

“With a scream caught in his throat and sweat on his brow, he bolted upright in the bed after the terrifying nightmare.”

“She stared blankly at the ceiling above her, no longer able to sleep after such a terrifying nightmare.”

Terrifying suggests something that is so scary it cannot be conquered, like inner demons or worst fears. Is the dreamer afraid of heights? Describe their nightmare as terrifying if it focuses on them having to jump from a tall building. Is there someone the dreamer is afraid of losing? Describe their nightmare as terrifying if they’re forced to choose between letting that person live or die. Use terrifying to show a deep, existential fear in the nightmare, rather than the normal jump scares.

6. Chilling

Exceedingly distressful or scary.

“The faces of the victims in her chilling nightmare followed her throughout her waking day.”

“He couldn’t understand why he had had such a chilling nightmare; what was he so afraid of to dream such horrible things?”

Describing a nightmare as chilling suggests that whatever the nightmare was about goes beyond just being scary. The fear and stress of it has seeped into the dreamer’s bones. The nightmare and its effects have become part of the dreamer to a point that they couldn’t forget it if they actively tried.

7. Petrifying

Overpoweringly scary.

“She felt paralyzed after waking from the petrifying nightmare; not a single muscle would move.”

“He awoke with a soundless scream from the petrifying nightmare.”

To petrify means to harden, as if into rock, so to be petrified means that you are so scared you cannot move. Your fight or flight response has short-circuited, and you are stuck to the spot, like a deer in headlights. It is fear multiplied by 1000. Describing a nightmare as petrifying suggests that the fear created by it is so great that the dreamer has been shocked into inaction.

8. Startling

Creating a quick moment of shock , fear, or bewilderment.

“The nightmare was so startling that he couldn’t forget it the next day.”

“She was shocked awake by the startling nightmare.”

Startling suggests that something quickly grabbed your attention, maybe through surprise. Think of ‘jump scares’ in films or TV shows; those are startling because they make the viewer almost literally jump with surprise. A startling nightmare creates anxiety more than fear through unexpected events rather than drawn out, existential ones.

9. Horrifying

To cause feelings of dread or disgust.

“He couldn’t get across the dread of the horrifying nightmare he just had; it was too painful to describe adequately.”

“What was more horrifying about the nightmare was the fact that he would probably have it again tonight, just like he had had every night this week.”

Horrifying is often used to describe something so frightening that its effects are felt long after the event has ended. Describing a nightmare as horrifying also suggests the events of the nightmare are beyond explanation because they’ve created such a sense of dread that the dreamer doesn’t want to return to it for a second.

10. Shocking

Exceptionally disturbing , tormenting, or unpleasant.

“The shocking nightmare had her up all night, contemplating its meaning and the state of her own brain in creating it.”

“He could not believe the shocking nightmare he just had; it was like nothing he’d ever experienced before.”

Like startling , a shocking nightmare is one that creates fear and anxiety through surprise; think of the effects of an electric shock. But where startling describes quick, unexpected moments of fear, shocking can be used to describe a nightmare that is more overwhelming. Use shocking if you want to emphasize that the dreamer is shaken by the contents of their nightmare and the reasons for their fear.


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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “A Nightmare ” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

A Nightmare 

Don’t eat lust before going to bed!” my mother used to tell me. “You might get a nightmare.” never believed her until it happened to me.

One late right, I felt very hungry. So I made myself a peanut-butter sandwich and a large cold glass of milk. After consuming them I went to bed.

Soon I drifted off into a troubled sleep. I dreamt that I was with a group of people looking for an old woman. I was not sure why we were looking for her but we all seemed very afraid of her. I was searching high and low for her in frightful places I had never been before. Sometimes I seemed to be flying while at other times I seemed unable to move.

After some searching I entered a darkened room and saw a figure sleeping on a bed. As I got nearer, the figure suddenly threw away the blanket, got up and stared at me. It was an ugly old woman with shiny golden teeth. She raised her claw-like fingers and walked ‘towards me. I wanted to run but was unable to hide.

The next moment I gave a muffled yell and found myself panting on my bed. My goodness, what a horrible nightmare it was! For a minute or so I lay on my bed not daring to close my eyes for fear of falling asleep again and continuing the nightmare. Then I sat on my bed until the horrible feeling got washed through my mind. From then onwards. I never eat just before going to sleep.

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english essay nightmare

Descriptive Writing: Nightmare World (Writing Process, Example Plan + Written Extract)

Below, you’ll find a Descriptive Writing Piece: Nightmare World, along with the writing process, example plan and written extract. The piece below was given to a student as a writing prompt. With direction and support during the planning phase, he produced an excellent piece of work! His piece would receive a high grade, though it isn’t perfect it is at the top level of what can be expected for a student of his age. It was not written in timed conditions, but it was written in one sitting without being redrafted. Examiner’s comments and feedback have also been provided. 

Whether you’re studying descriptive writing for the first time, or more experienced with the process, reading through the process, plan and final answers of this student will help you to familiarise yourself with the concept of descriptive writing and improve your own creative writing works. Feel free to try your own ‘Nightmare World’ answer after reading through the document! 

Thanks for reading! If you need help with Descriptive Writing in general, you can access our full online courses here:

Basic Descriptive Writing course

Advanced Descriptive Writing course

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All our English Language, Literature and Essay Writing courses

QUESTION:  “My Nightmare World” – write a description of a nightmare world, as suggested by this writing prompt. 

FIRE WORDS (Research relevant vocabulary) 

  • Spurting  Sputtering 
  • Catastrophic 
  • Flickering 

Descriptive Writing Piece: Hot Air Balloon

english essay nightmare

  • Think of events or experiences that cause fear 
  • What are you personally afraid of? Explore your own fears, and write in a way that captures your own experience of something. 
  • If you have time, research your idea more thoroughly! Read different descriptions of a similar topic, also read about your topic in more depth. In this case, the student read articles about wildfires in Australia that helped to inspire some of the imagery in his piece. 
  • Refine your concept – choose one topic that’s precise and focussed (CHOSEN TOPIC – VILLAGE ON FIRE)  
  • Jot down ideas and thoughts – these could be images, ideas for setting or characters, ideas for tone and mood, or other details
  • You may also want to develop a list of good vocabulary or techniques that will help you ambitiously push the boundaries of your writing

How to Plan a Perfect Answer in Descriptive Writing

  • Description of Scenery – Forest. Relaxed tone, flowing long sentences
  • Smell, sight (black smoke, coming out of the trees)
  • Fire leaps out, description of colours and effects, people run away
  • Description of feelings, sweating etc
  • Fire gets larger, more intense – inferno
  • Description of final scenery (all burnt)

*Please note that this is just an extract, the full piece is available on our website.

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Creative Writing - Nightmare World

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Creative Writing, English Coursework – Nightmare World

I stood, as steady as a rock, staring over the barren wastelands, the sharp and jagged rocks, and the twisted, eerily evil forests. I did not move. I could  not move. My mind was not even capable of comprehending where I was. There was just shock, the one and only emotion slicing through my body.

But then the fear and panic penetrated my fragile soul like an icy sword, as I crumpled onto the floor and curled up into a foetal position, ready for my life to end in the very same way it had started.

Only seconds ago, not a single thought entered my brain, yet now they flooded my skull, tearing my mind into pieces. Being on the very brink of insanity, all I was left with was a mess of agonizing, frenzied emotions.

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After hours of staying in the same humiliating position, spending every drop of energy on mending the broken jigsaw pieces of my mentality and fitting them back together, I managed to accomplish my task and come to my senses. As I stood up, I took a second look at this nightmarish world. It was all grey and black; everywhere I looked there was nothing but leagues and leagues of misery and depression. Above me was no sky, but just ominous black clouds, watching over their disturbed, evil wasteland.

This is a preview of the whole essay

As far is I could see, there was no entrance. As far as I could see, there was no exit. It was obvious that this gruesome land of horror and revulsion was not intending on giving any mercy to its ill-fated prisoners, and I was standing right in the middle of it, on the edge of a small cliff, with a silent tear of despondency dripping slowly down my pale cheek.  

I began to notice noises coming from the trees ahead of the cliff. A satanic choir of never ending screams, all in the same blood curdling pitch. They didn’t stop.

With my mind whirling with innumerable questions, I thought of several reasons why I had come to be in this demonic nightmare. At one point, I was almost certain that I had actually died, and that I had proceeded into the afterlife, to be faced with the eternity in Hell: my new home, my new prison. But my mind would not let me accept that explanation without losing my mind altogether.

So I began to walk.

I wandered along the cliff edge, trying to find a way down, yet asking myself if I even wanted to go down. As I trudged wearily along the cliff edge, I studied the intimidating expanse of dark trees. There was not even a single hint of green – only black, deformed branches with sharp curling twigs that resembled grasping claws. There was a haunting absence of life within the trees, but they still seemed to have an indescribable presence of evil, as if they were possessed.

A couple of times, I swear I saw movement in the shadows, behind the twisted, beckoning branches. It brought me upon the thought of all the horrific and terrifying beasts that inhabited this world, probably eager to claw their way into another creature’s throat.

As soon as I thought of this, as if by command, all of a sudden a ghastly sound began to emanate from within the trees. Crashing, crunching, snapping, crushing, and making its way through the trees, in exactly my direction. Amongst the noises of destruction, was the unmistakable sound of heavy breathing. The breaths were very deep, and very loud, continuing in an uninterrupted sequence.

Whatever it was, it was looking for something. Hunting for something. Something that was covered in flesh, something with brittle bones, something with fresh blood pumping through it’s adrenaline fuelled heart, something that was almost drowning in fear at the sound of the hunter.

Something like me…

Creative Writing - Nightmare World

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  • Word Count 653
  • Page Count 2
  • Subject English

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Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy

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Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy

Essay 4 American Jurisprudence Through English Eyes: The Nightmare and the Noble Dream

  • Published: November 1983
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This chapter addresses an American audience on the theme of American jurisprudence. It specifically discusses the Nightmare and the Noble Dream. The Nightmare describes litigants in law cases which consider themselves entitled to be under the existing law in their disputes, not to have new law made for them. Like any other nightmare and any other dream, these two scenarios are illusions, though they have much of value to teach the jurist. The truth, perhaps unexciting, is that sometimes judges do one and sometimes the other. It is not of course a matter of indifference but of very great importance which they do and when and how they do it.

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Essay on “a nightmare” for students and children, best essay, paragraph, speech for class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in english language..

A Nightmare

I woke up with dread in the middle of the night with my body drenched in cold sweat. The nightmare had come to haunt me again — “The Tsunami”. Though I am now safely back in Malaysia, I still cannot erase from my memory the sense of grief and trauma of the dear and near ones of the victims of the Tsunami when it struck the shores of Chennai, India.

To recall that fateful day, I was at the beach with my family. We were having a good time until we noticed that the surrounding seawater was rising at an astonishing rate. The vast circle of golden sand around the beach—was disappearing—rapidly: The shore was chaotic. Exclamations of shock were on all sides. We were being swept towards the shore.

In the meantime, I was befuddled by two conflicting impressions-the idyllic blue sea and the rapidly rising sea waters. As I pondered over these problems, the water level had risen by approximately 2 meters, but the sea still remained calm with barely a wave in sight. The flimsy huts of the fishermen near the coast were washed away by the seawater. Something in me prompted me to hurry my family out of the beach towards our car and drive away. We were barely across the road when a large body of water almost toppled our car. We barely managed to get ourselves to safety. Having parked the car safely away from the beach, I looked at the beach to see what had happened.

The sight of the devastation along the beach is a nightmare that continues to haunt me till date. All the lovely cottages, those familiar joggers, the coconut seller, the children playing cricket on the sands of the beach, the young boys practicing their football, they were all gone, in their place was receding sea water. The beach that was moments ago filled with joyous early morning people was now filled with corpses. I will never forget the nightmare of 26.12.2004.

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