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essay on unemployment for class 5th

Essay on Unemployment

essay on unemployment

Here we have shared the Essay on Unemployment in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 300, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Unemployment in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Unemployment in 150-250 words

Essay on unemployment in 300-500 words, essay on unemployment in 500-1000 words.

Unemployment is a pressing issue that affects individuals and societies globally. It refers to the state of being without a job or a source of income despite actively seeking employment. Unemployment poses significant challenges, both economic and social, for individuals and communities.

The consequences of unemployment are far-reaching. Financial instability decreased living standards, and a loss of self-esteem and confidence are common outcomes. Individuals may face difficulties in meeting their basic needs, providing for their families, and planning for the future. Moreover, unemployment can lead to social unrest, increased crime rates, and a strain on public resources.

Addressing unemployment requires a multifaceted approach. It involves creating favorable economic conditions, promoting job growth through investment and entrepreneurship, and providing individuals with the necessary skills and training for employment opportunities. Furthermore, social safety nets, such as unemployment benefits and job placement services, play a crucial role in supporting those who are unemployed.

Efforts to reduce unemployment should also focus on addressing structural issues in the labor market, promoting fair employment practices, and encouraging inclusive growth. Additionally, fostering a supportive environment for innovation, research, and development can stimulate job creation and economic prosperity.

In conclusion, unemployment is a complex issue with wide-ranging implications for individuals and societies. It demands comprehensive strategies that encompass economic policies, skill development, and social support systems. By addressing unemployment effectively, we can strive towards a society where individuals have access to fulfilling work opportunities and can contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of their communities.

Title: Unemployment – The Economic and Social Challenge

Introduction :

Unemployment is a pressing issue that affects individuals, families, and societies worldwide. It refers to the state of being without a job or a viable source of income despite actively seeking employment. High levels of unemployment have significant economic and social consequences, making it a critical challenge to address.

Causes of Unemployment

Unemployment can stem from various factors. Economic downturns and recessions often result in job losses as businesses struggle to sustain their operations. Technological advancements and automation have also led to job displacement, particularly in industries that rely heavily on manual labor. Globalization and outsourcing practices have contributed to the relocation of jobs to countries with lower labor costs, creating unemployment in certain regions.

Impact of Unemployment

Unemployment has far-reaching implications. Financial instability resulting from joblessness can lead to increased poverty rates, limited access to healthcare, and housing insecurity. It also strains social cohesion, as unemployed individuals may experience psychological distress, low self-esteem, and a loss of purpose. Moreover, long-term unemployment can lead to skills deterioration and a loss of work experience, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to re-enter the labor market.

Addressing Unemployment

Addressing unemployment requires a multi-faceted approach:

Economic Policies: Governments should implement policies that promote economic growth, investment, and job creation. This includes fostering a business-friendly environment, reducing bureaucratic barriers, and providing incentives for entrepreneurship and innovation. Additionally, targeted industry development strategies can identify sectors with growth potential and encourage job creation in those areas.

Education and Skills Development: Investing in education and skills development is crucial to equip individuals with the necessary competencies for available job opportunities. Collaboration between educational institutions, employers, and government agencies can help bridge the skills gap and ensure that individuals are prepared for the changing demands of the labor market. Upskilling and reskilling programs can help unemployed individuals acquire new skills and improve their employability.

Job Creation Initiatives: Governments should prioritize job creation initiatives, particularly in sectors with high growth potential. This can be achieved through infrastructure projects, green technology investments, and support for small and medium-sized enterprises. Public-private partnerships can also play a significant role in stimulating job creation and economic development.

Social Safety Nets: Establishing robust social safety nets is crucial to support those facing unemployment. Unemployment benefits, healthcare coverage, and access to retraining programs can help individuals meet their basic needs and regain economic stability while actively seeking employment. Such support systems alleviate the financial burden and provide a safety net during challenging times.

Conclusion :

Unemployment is a complex and persistent socioeconomic challenge that demands comprehensive solutions. By implementing effective economic policies, investing in education and skills development, promoting job creation, and providing social safety nets, societies can mitigate the impacts of unemployment and strive toward a more equitable and prosperous future. It is essential to address this issue with urgency, as reducing unemployment rates not only improves individual well-being but also fosters economic growth and social cohesion.

Title: Unemployment – A Dual Crisis of Economic Stability and Human Dignity

Unemployment is a complex and pervasive issue that affects individuals, families, and societies at large. It refers to the state of being without a job or a viable source of income despite actively seeking employment. High levels of unemployment have severe economic and social consequences, making it a pressing challenge that demands effective solutions and interventions. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the causes, impacts, and potential remedies for unemployment, recognizing its multifaceted nature and the need for a holistic approach.

I. Understanding Unemployment

Unemployment can be classified into various types based on its causes and duration. Structural unemployment arises from shifts in the economy, such as technological advancements or changes in market demand, rendering certain jobs obsolete. Cyclical unemployment, on the other hand, is caused by economic downturns and fluctuations in business cycles. Frictional unemployment occurs when individuals are between jobs or in transition, while seasonal unemployment is linked to seasonal variations in certain industries.

II. Economic Implications

Unemployment poses significant challenges to the economy at both micro and macro levels. At an individual level, it leads to a loss of income and financial instability, making it difficult for individuals to meet their basic needs, contribute to the economy, and plan for the future. Moreover, the lack of economic opportunities leads to a decrease in consumer spending, which negatively impacts businesses and reduces their profitability. This, in turn, can trigger downsizing, closures, and a negative cycle of job losses, further exacerbating the unemployment crisis.

On a macroeconomic scale, high unemployment rates hinder economic growth and development. The decline in consumer spending decreases demand for goods and services, creating a ripple effect throughout the economy. Governments also face challenges in generating tax revenues, leading to reduced public investment in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Additionally, increased government spending on unemployment benefits and social support places a strain on public finances, potentially leading to higher budget deficits or cuts in other areas.

III. Social Consequences

Unemployment not only impacts individuals’ economic well-being but also has profound social implications. Financial instability resulting from joblessness can lead to increased poverty levels, housing insecurity, and limited access to healthcare, further exacerbating social inequalities. The psychological toll of unemployment cannot be overlooked, as individuals may experience feelings of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and a loss of purpose. This can strain relationships, lead to social isolation, and create a sense of hopelessness among the unemployed.

Furthermore, long-term unemployment can result in skills deterioration and a loss of work experience, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to re-enter the labor market. This perpetuates a cycle of unemployment and hinders upward social mobility, reinforcing existing inequalities and social divisions.

IV. Causes of Unemployment

Unemployment is influenced by a combination of economic, structural, and policy-related factors. Economic downturns, such as recessions or financial crises, can lead to widespread job losses as businesses struggle to stay afloat. Technological advancements and automation also contribute to job displacement, particularly in industries that rely heavily on manual labor. Globalization and outsourcing practices can result in the relocation of jobs to countries with lower labor costs, further aggravating unemployment in certain regions.

Inadequate education and skills training also contribute to unemployment. Rapid changes in the labor market demand individuals with up-to-date skills and knowledge. Failure to adapt and provide relevant training can leave individuals ill-equipped to secure employment in sectors with higher demand.

V. Addressing Unemployment

Effectively addressing unemployment requires a comprehensive approach that combines economic policies, education and skills development, job creation initiatives, and social safety nets. Some potential strategies include:

  • Economic Policies
  • Education and Skills Development
  • Job Creation and Support
  • Social Safety Nets

Economic Policies:

Governments should implement policies that foster a conducive business environment, promote investment, and stimulate job creation. This may involve reducing bureaucratic barriers, providing incentives for entrepreneurship and innovation, and investing in infrastructure projects to generate employment opportunities.

Education and Skills Development:

A focus on education and skills training is crucial to equip individuals with the necessary competencies for available job opportunities. Collaboration between educational institutions, employers, and government agencies can help bridge the skills gap and align education with labor market needs. Upskilling and reskilling programs should be promoted to ensure individuals can adapt to evolving job requirements.

Job Creation and Support:

Governments should prioritize job creation initiatives in sectors with growth potential, such as renewable energy, healthcare, technology, and infrastructure development. This can be achieved through investment incentives, public-private partnerships, and targeted industry development strategies. Additionally, providing job placement services, vocational training, and financial assistance to unemployed individuals can enhance their employability and facilitate their transition back into the workforce.

Social Safety Nets:

Establishing robust social safety nets is essential to provide temporary relief and assistance to those facing job loss. Unemployment benefits, healthcare coverage, and support for retraining can help individuals meet their basic needs and regain economic stability while actively seeking employment. Such measures help alleviate the negative impacts of unemployment and support individuals during periods of transition.

Unemployment is a dual crisis of economic stability and human dignity, impacting individuals and societies on multiple levels. The economic and social consequences of unemployment demand comprehensive and coordinated efforts to address its causes and mitigate its impacts. By implementing effective economic policies, investing in education and skills development, promoting job creation, and providing robust social safety nets, societies can strive towards reducing unemployment rates and creating a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

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Unemployment Essay

500+ words essay on unemployment.

Unemployment is a serious problem among young people. There are thousands of people who do not have any work to do and cannot find work for themselves. Unemployment refers to the situation where a person wants to work but cannot find employment in the labour market. One of the major reasons that contribute to unemployment is the large population of India and the limited availability of resources. In this essay on unemployment, we will discuss all these issues responsible for unemployment in India and how we can overcome this problem. Students must go through this unemployment essay to get ideas on how to write an effective essay on the topic related to unemployment. Also, they can practice more CBSE essays on different topics to boost their writing skills.

Unemployment is measured by the unemployment rate, defined as the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. The unemployment rate for the year 2013-14 in rural India was 4.7%, whereas it was 5.5% for urban India. In the short term, unemployment significantly reduces a person’s income and, in the long term, it reduces their ability to save for retirement and other goals. Unemployment is a loss of valuable productive resources to the economy. The impact of job loss in rural and regional areas flows through the local community, damaging businesses.

Reason for Unemployment

An unemployed person is one who is an active member of the labour force and is seeking work but is unable to find any work for himself. There are multiple reasons behind the unemployment of a person. One of them is the slow economic growth, due to which jobs in adequate numbers are not created. Excessive dependence on agriculture and slow growth of non-farm activities also limit employment generation. Unemployment in urban areas is mainly the result of substantial rural migration to urban areas. This has also resulted in a labour workforce in cities. The lack of technology and proper machinery has also contributed to unemployment.

The present educational system is based on theoretical knowledge instead of practical work. Thus, it lacks the development of aptitude and technical qualifications required for various types of work among job seekers. This has created a mismatch between the need and availability of relevant skills and training. This results in unemployment, especially among the youth and educated people with high degrees and qualifications. Apart from it, the lack of investment and infrastructure has led to inadequate employment opportunities in different sectors.

Steps to Eliminate Unemployment

Various strategies and proposals have been implemented to generate employment. Many Employment programmes and policies have been introduced and undertaken to boost self-employment and help unemployed people engage in public works. The Government of India has taken several policy measures to fight the problem of unemployment. Some of the measures are the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), National Skill Development Mission, Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY), Regional Rural Banks (RRBs).

Despite the measures taken by the government, India remains a country experiencing severe unemployment problems. It can be resolved by imparting education in such a way that youth get the necessary skills so as to get employment easily. Setting up various vocational training and vocational courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students will help in finding employment for youth. The government needs to emphasise these courses at the primary level and make them a compulsory part of the curriculum to make students proficient in their early stages of life. Career counselling should be provided within schools and colleges so that students can choose a better career option based on their interests and ability. Government should create more job opportunities for the youth and graduates.

India is a fast-growing economy. There is an enormous scope for improvement in the unemployment sector. The various measures and steps taken by the government to increase the employment rate have succeeded to a great extent. The widespread skill development programmes have gained popularity across the nation. With better enforcement of the strategies, the employment level can be significantly improved. Although, we have to go a long way before we can say that all the people in India will get employment.

We hope this essay on unemployment must have helped students in boosting their essay-writing skills. Keep learning and visiting the BYJU’S website for more study material.

Frequently Asked Questions on Unemployment Essay

Is unemployment still an existing problem in india.

Yes, unemployment is still a serious issue in our country. Steps need to be taken by the government and also by the youngsters in India to improve this situation.

Is it necessary for schoolchildren to be informed about unemployment?

Students at this young age should definitely be informed about this topic as it will motivate them to study and aim for higher scores in exams.

What points are to be added to an essay topic on Unemployment?

Add details about different age groups of people suffering from this state of employment. You can focus on the fact that poverty is an indirect reason for unemployment and vice-versa. Then, suggest steps that can be taken to bring about an improvement in education and increase the percentage of literacy.

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Unemployment Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on unemployment.

Unemployment is a very serious issue not only in India but in the whole world. There are hundreds and thousands of people out there who do not have employment . Besides, the problems of unemployment are very severe in India because of the growing population and demand for jobs. Moreover, if we neglect this problem then it will be going to become the reason for the doom of the nation.

Unemployment Essay

What is Unemployment?

Unemployment refers to a situation in which a skilled and talented people wanted to do a job. But cannot find a proper job due to several reasons.

Types of Unemployment

Now we know what is unemployment but unemployment does not only mean that the person does not have a job. Likewise, unemployment also includes people working in areas out of their expertise.

The various types of unemployment include disguised unemployment, seasonal unemployment, open unemployment, technological unemployment, structural unemployment. Besides, some other unemployment is cyclic unemployment, educated unemployment, underemployment, frictional unemployment, chronic unemployment, and casual unemployment.

Above all, seasonal unemployment, under unemployment, and disguised unemployment are the most common unemployment that is found in India.

Reasons for Unemployment

In a country like India, there is much reason for a large section of the population for being unemployed. Some of these factors are population growth, slow economic growth , seasonal occupation, slow growth of the economic sector, and fall in the cottage industry.

Moreover, these are the major reason for unemployment in India. Also, the situation has become so drastic that highly educated people are ready to do the job of a sweeper. Besides, the government is not doing his work seriously.

Apart from all these, a large portion of the population is engaged in the agricultural sector and the sector only provides employment in harvest or plantation time.

In addition, the biggest reason of unemployment in India is its vast population which demands a large number of jobs every year which the government and authorities are unable to provide.

Consequences of Unemployment

If things will go on like the current scenario then unemployment will become a major issue. Apart from this, the following things happen in an economy which is an increase in poverty, an increase in crime rate, exploitation of labor, political instability, mental health, and loss of skills. As a result, all this will eventually lead to the demise of the nation.

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Initiative by Government

The government has taken the problem very seriously and have taken measures to slowly reduce unemployment. Some of these schemes includes IRDP (Integrated Rural Development Programme), DPAP (Drought Prone Area Programme), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Employment Assurance Scheme, NRY (Nehru Rozgar Yojana), Training for self-Employment, PMIUPEP (Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program), employment exchange, Employment Guarantee Scheme, development of organized sector, small and cottage industries, employment in forging countries, and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana and few more.

Besides, these schemes the government also make some rules flexible, so that employment can be created in the private sector also.

To conclude, we can say that the problem of unemployment in India has reached a critical stage. But, now the government and local authorities have taken the problem seriously and working on it to reduce unemployment. Also, to completely solve the issue of unemployment we have to tackle the main issue of unemployment that is the vast population of India.

FAQs about Unemployment

Q.1 Why there is a problem of unemployment in India? A.1 Due to overpopulation and lack of proper skills there is a problem of unemployment in India.

Q.2 Define Disguised unemployment? A.2 Disguised unemployment refers to a form of employment in which more than the required numbers of people work in industry or factory. And removing some employee will not affect productivity.

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Essay on Unemployment: 100 to 300 Words

essay on unemployment for class 5th

  • Updated on  
  • Mar 30, 2024

Essay on Unemployment

Writing an essay on unemployment provides an opportunity to explore a critical issue affecting societies worldwide. Unemployment, a multifaceted problem, has far-reaching consequences that touch upon various aspects of individuals, families, and nations. In this essay, we will delve into the complexities of unemployment, examine its causes and consequences, discuss government initiatives, and shed light on potential solutions.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Unemployment?
  • 2 Essay on Unemployment in 100 words
  • 3 Essay on Unemployment in 200 words
  • 4 Essay on Unemployment in 300 words
  • 5 Tips to Ace in Writing An Essay

Must Read: The Beginner’s Guide to Writing an Essay

What is Unemployment?

Lack of jobs leads to unemployment. It is a very serious economic and social concern that is happening all around the globe leading to many social ills. This issue is a major one and hence many governments are trying to address it. When people of a nation are employed, that leads to the economic and social well-being of that nation. To address it, the education system needs to be modeled differently so as to increase the employability of people. In democracies, political parties use unemployment as a core issue in their election manifestos.

Essay on Unemployment in 100 words

Unemployment refers to the condition when individuals, capable and willing to work, are unable to secure gainful employment. It is a pervasive issue across the globe, with varying degrees of impact on societies. Unemployment results in financial instability, and emotional distress, and hampers individual growth. Governments and organizations must collaborate to create opportunities for employment through skill development and policy implementation.

Essay on Unemployment in 200 words

Unemployment, a pressing concern globally, stems from multiple factors that hinder the workforce’s engagement in productive activities. It affects both developed and developing nations, contributing to economic imbalances and social disparities. The consequences of unemployment include reduced income levels, increased poverty rates, and strained government resources. Moreover, the psychological toll it takes on individuals and families can be severe, leading to stress, depression, and strained relationships.

Essay on Unemployment in 300 words

The intricate web of unemployment is spun from a mix of causes, ranging from economic fluctuations to structural shifts in industries. Cyclical unemployment, driven by economic downturns, and structural unemployment, resulting from a mismatch between skills and job openings, are widespread forms. Additionally, technological advancements lead to technological unemployment as machines replace human labour.

Unemployment has cascading effects on societies. Diminished purchasing power affects market demand, thereby impacting economic growth. As unemployment rates rise, so does the burden on social welfare programs and the healthcare system. The phenomenon also fuels social unrest and political instability, making it a challenge governments cannot ignore.

Governments worldwide have initiated strategies to tackle unemployment. Skill development programs, vocational training, and entrepreneurship initiatives are designed to equip individuals with market-relevant skills. Furthermore, promoting labour-intensive industries and investing in sectors with growth potential can generate employment opportunities.

In conclusion, unemployment is a complex issue that necessitates a multi-pronged approach. Governments, industries, and individuals must collaborate to alleviate its impact. Effective policy implementation, education reforms, and the cultivation of entrepreneurial spirit can pave the way towards reducing unemployment rates and fostering a more stable and prosperous society.

Tips to Ace in Writing An Essay

Before we dive into the specifics of unemployment, let’s briefly discuss some tips to enhance your essay-writing skills:

  • Understand the Prompt: Ensure a clear understanding of the essay prompt to address all its components effectively.
  • Research Thoroughly: Gather relevant information from credible sources to build a comprehensive and informed essay.
  • Organize Your Thoughts: Create an outline to structure your essay logically, allowing your ideas to flow coherently.
  • Introduction and Conclusion: Craft a compelling introduction to engage your readers, and a succinct conclusion to summarize your key points.
  • Use Clear Language: Express your ideas using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or overly complex vocabulary.
  • Provide Examples: Illustrate your points with real-life examples to enhance understanding and credibility.
  • Edit and Proofread: Revise your essay for grammar, punctuation, and coherence to ensure a polished final draft.

Also Read: Unemployment v/s Underemployment – What’s Worse?

Related Reads:-     

Unemployment refers to the state in which individuals who are willing and able to work are without gainful employment opportunities. It is a condition where individuals seek jobs but are unable to secure them, leading to financial instability and societal challenges.

Unemployment, as discussed in the essay, is a multifaceted issue encompassing the lack of employment opportunities for willing and capable individuals. It explores various forms of unemployment, its causes, far-reaching consequences on economies and societies, and the role of governments in implementing solutions to mitigate its impact.

Unemployment is the term used to describe the situation where individuals of working age are actively seeking employment but are unable to find suitable job opportunities. It signifies a gap between the available workforce and available jobs, often leading to economic and social challenges within a society.

Unemployment emerges as a prominent thread, influencing economic, social, and psychological realms. As we’ve explored in this essay, comprehending the causes and consequences of unemployment is pivotal in devising solutions. Governments, institutions, and individuals must strive collectively to unravel this issue’s complexities and weave a fabric of employment opportunities, stability, and progress. We hope that this essay blog on Unemployment helps. For more amazing daily reads related to essay writing , stay tuned with Leverage Edu .

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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Table of Contents

One of the major hindrances in the growth of any country is unemployment. Unemployment is a serious issue in India. Lack of education, lack of employment opportunities and performance issues are some of the factors that lead to unemployment. The government of India must take effective steps to eliminate this problem. One of the main problems faced by the developing countries is unemployment. It is not only one of the major obstacles in the country’s economic growth but also has several other negative repercussions on the individual as well as the society as a whole.

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Long and Short Essay on Unemployment in English

We have provided below short and long essay on unemployment in English for your knowledge and information. These essays have been written in simple and impressive language to convey the message with minimum effort.

After going through these Essays on Unemployment you will know about the factors leading to unemployment in India; what are the possible solutions for the eradication of unemployment; different types of unemployment; initiatives taken by the government to reduce unemployment; unemployment statistics in India etc.

These Unemployment essay will be useful in your school/college events of essay writing, speech giving or debate.

Unemployment Essay 1 (200 words)

People who are willing to work and are earnestly looking for job but are unable to find one are said to be unemployed. It does not include people who are voluntarily unemployed as well as those who are unable to seek job due to certain physical or mental health problem.

There are various factors that lead to the problem of unemployment in the country. These include:

  • Slow Industrial Growth
  • Rapid Increase in Population
  • Focus on Theoretical Education
  • Fall in Cottage Industries
  • Lack of alternative employment opportunities for the agricultural workers
  • Technological Advancement

Unemployment does not impact only the individuals but also the growth of the country. It has a negative impact on social and economic growth of the country. Here are some of the consequences of unemployment:

  • Increase in crime rate
  • Poor standard of living
  • Loss of skill
  • Political instability
  • Mental health issues
  • Slow economic growth

Surprisingly, despite the negative repercussions it has on the society, unemployment is one of the most overlooked issues in India. The government has taken certain steps to control the problem; however, these have not been effective enough. The government should not just initiate programs to control this problem but also keep a check on their effectiveness and revise them if need be.

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Unemployment Essay 2 (300 words)


Unemployment is a curse to the society. It does not only impact the individuals but also the society as a whole. There are a number of factors that lead to unemployment. Here is a look at these factors in detail and also the possible solutions to control this problem.

Factors Leading to Unemployment in India

  • Growth in Population

The rapid growth in the population of the country is one of the leading causes of unemployment.

  • Slow Economic Growth

Slow economic growth of the country results in lesser employment opportunities for people, thereby leading to unemployment.

  • Seasonal Occupation

Large part of the country’s population is engaged in the agricultural sector. With this being a seasonal occupation, it provides work opportunity only for a certain part of the year.

  • Slow Growth of Industrial Sector

The growth of industrial sector in the country is slow. Thus, the employment opportunities in this sector are limited.

  • Fall in Cottage Industry

The production in cottage industry has fallen drastically and this has left several artisans unemployed.

Possible Solutions to Eradicate Unemployment

  • Population Control

It is high time the government of India should take stern steps to control the population of the country.

  • Education System

The education system in India focuses majorly on the theoretical aspects rather than skill development. The system must be improved to generate skilled manpower.

  • Industrialization

The government must take steps to boost the industrial sector to create greater opportunities for people.

  • Overseas Companies

The government must encourage foreign companies to open their units in the country to generate more employment opportunities.

  • Employment Opportunities

Employment opportunities must be created in rural areas for seasonally unemployed people.

The problem of unemployment in the country has persisted since long. While the government has launched several programmes for employment generation, desirable progress has not been achieved. The policy-makers and the citizens should make collective efforts in creating more jobs as well as acquiring the right skill-set for employability.

Unemployment Essay 3 (400 words)

Unemployment in India can be divided into many categories including disguised unemployment, open unemployment, educated unemployment, cyclic unemployment, seasonal unemployment, technological unemployment, underemployment, structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, chronic unemployment and casual unemployment. Before leaning about these types of unemployment in detail let us understand as to who exactly is said to be unemployed. It is basically a person who is willing to work and is seeking an employment opportunity, however, is unable to find one. Those who choose to remain unemployed voluntarily or are unable to work due to some physical or mental health issue are not counted as unemployed.

Here is a detailed look at the different types of unemployment:

Disguised Unemployment

When more than the required numbers of people are employed at a place, it is said to be disguised unemployment. Removing these people does not impact the productivity.

Seasonal Unemployment

As the term suggests, this is the type of unemployment that is seen during certain seasons of the year. The industries mostly affected by seasonal unemployment include the agricultural industry, resorts and ice factories, to name a few.

Open Unemployment

This is when a vast number of labourers are unable to seek a job that provides them regular income. The problem occurs as the labour force increases at a much greater rate compared to the economy’s growth rate.

Technological Unemployment

The use of technological equipments has also led to unemployment by reducing the requirement of manual labour.

Structural Unemployment

This kind of unemployment occurs because of a major change in the country’s economic structure. This is said to be a result of technological advancement and economic development.

Cyclic Unemployment

A reduction in the overall level of business activities leads to cyclic unemployment. However, the phenomenon is short-run.

Educated Unemployment

Inability to find a suitable job, lack of employable skill and flawed education system are some of the reasons why the educated lot remains unemployed.


In this kind of unemployment people either take up a job on part time basis or take up work for which they are over-qualified.

Frictional Unemployment

This occurs when the demand of labour force and its supply are not synced appropriately.

Chronic Unemployment

This is long-term unemployment that continues in a country due to the rapid increase in population and low level of economic development.

Casual Unemployment

This may occur because of a sudden fall in demand, short-term contracts or shortage of raw material.

Though the government has launched several programmes to control each type of unemployment, however, the results are far from satisfactory. The government needs to devise more effective strategies for employment generation.

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Unemployment Essay 4 (500 words)

Unemployment is a serious problem. There are a number of factors including lack of education, lack of employment opportunities, lack of skill, performance issues and increasing population rate that lead to this issue in India. Unemployment has a number of negative repercussions on the individuals as well as the country as a whole. The government has taken several initiatives to control this problem. Some of these are mentioned here in detail.

Government Initiatives to Reduce Unemployment

  • Training for Self Employment

Launched in 1979, the program was named, National Scheme of Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM). It is aimed at reducing unemployment among the youth in the rural areas.

  • Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)

In the year 1978-79, the Indian government launched the Integrated Rural Development Programme to ensure full employment opportunities in rural areas. A sum of Rs. 312 crore was spent on this programme and as many as 182 lakh families benefited from it.

  • Employment in Foreign Countries

The government helps people get employment in overseas companies. Special agencies have been established to hire people for work in other countries.

  • Small and Cottage Industries

In an attempt to reduce the issue of unemployment, the government has also developed small and cottage industries. Several people are making their living with this initiative.

  • The Swaran Jayanti Rozgar Yojana

This program is aimed at providing self-employment as well as wage-employment opportunities to the urban population. It includes two plans:

  • Urban Self-Employment Programme
  • Urban Wage Employment Programme
  • Employment Assurance Scheme

The program was launched in as many in 1994 in as 1752 backward blocks in the country. It provided unskilled manual work for 100 days to the poor unemployed people living in rural areas.

  • Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP)

The program was started in 13 states and covered as many as 70 drought-prone districts with an aim to remove seasonal unemployment. In its seventh plan, the government spent Rs. 474 crore.

  • Jawahar Rozgar Yojana

The program launched in April 1989 aimed at providing employment to a minimum of one member in each poor rural family for a period of fifty to hundred days a year. The employment opportunity is provided in the person’s vicinity and 30% of these opportunities are reserved for women.

  • Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY)

There are a total of three schemes under this program. Under the first scheme, the urban poor are given subsidy to establish micro enterprises. Under the second scheme, wage-employment is arranged for labourers in cities having a population of less than 10 lakh. Under the third scheme, urban poor in the cities are given employment opportunities matching their skills.

  • Employment Guarantee Scheme

Unemployed people are provided economic assistance under this scheme. It has been launched in a number of states including Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, etc.

Apart from this, many other similar programs have been launched to reduce unemployment.

Though the government has been taking several measures to control the problem of unemployment in the country a lot still needs to be worked upon in order to curb this problem in true sense.

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Unemployment Essay 5 (600 words)

Unemployment is a grave issue. There are a number of factors that lead to it. Some of these include lack of proper education, lack of good skill set, inability to perform, lack of good employment opportunities and rapidly increasing population. Here is a look at the unemployment statics in the country, the consequences of unemployment and the measures taken by the government to control it.

Unemployment: Statistics in India

The Ministry of Labour and Employment of India keeps the records of unemployment in the country. The measure of unemployment is calculated based on the number of people who had no work for a substantial amount of time during the 365 days preceding the date of collation of data and are still seeking employment.

India saw an average of 7.32 percent unemployment rate from 1983 to 2013 with a highest of 9.40 percent in the year 2009 and a record low of 4.90 percent in 2013. In the year 2015-16, the unemployment rate shot up significantly with 8.7 per cent for women and 4.3 per cent for men.

Consequences of Unemployment

Unemployment leads to serious socio-economic issues. It does not only impact the individuals but the society as a whole. Shared below are some of the major consequences of unemployment:

  • Increase in Poverty

It goes without saying that increase in unemployment rate results in increase in the rate of poverty in the country. Unemployment is largely responsible for hampering the economic growth of the country.

  • Increase in Crime Rate

Unable to find a suitable job, the unemployed lot usually takes the path of crime as this seems to be an easy way of making money. One of the main causes of rapidly increasing cases of theft, robbery and other heinous crimes is unemployment.

  • Exploitation of Labour

Employees usually take advantage of scarcity of jobs in the market by offering low wages. Unable to find a job matching their skill people usually settle for a low-paying job. Employees are also forced to work for more than the set number of hours each day.

  • Political Instability

Lack of employment opportunities results in loss of faith in the government and this often leads to political instability.

  • Mental Health

The dissatisfaction level among unemployed people increases and it can gradually lead to anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.

  • Loss of Skill

Staying out of job for long period of time makes one dull and eventually results in the loss of skill. It also lowers a person’s self confidence to a large extent.

The government of India has taken several initiatives to reduce the problem of unemployment as well as to help the unemployed lot in the country. Some of these include the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP), Training for Self-Employment, Nehru Rozgar Yojna (NRY), Employment Assurance Scheme, Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program (PMIUPEP) Development of Organized Sector, Employment Exchanges, Employment in Foreign Countries, Small and Cottage Industries, Employment Guarantee Scheme and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana, to name a few.

Besides offering employment opportunities by way of these programs, the government is also sensitizing the importance of education and providing skill training to the unemployed people.

Unemployment is the root cause of various problems in the society. While the government has taken initiatives to reduce this problem, the measures taken are not effective enough. The various factors causing this problem must be studied well to look for effective and integrated solutions for the same. It is time the government should recognize the sensitivity of the matter and take some serious steps to reduce it.

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Essay on Unemployment 500 Words | Download PDF

Essay on unemployment.

Essay on Unemployment 500 + Words (Download PDF) – Unemployment is a major problem not only in India but for the whole world. It has many side effects, for which it is very important to find a solution. Today, through this essay, we will know that what is the main reason for unemployment and what are the ways to reduce it, so let’s start – Essay on Unemployment in English

India is a vast country. It is the second continent in the world in terms of population. This country is very rich in nature. Everything in the world is born here. Rivers and mountains are helpful in making this country green. There is a beach located near us for sea trade.

Nature has given prosperity to this country in all respects, but still, this country is one of the poor countries in the world. Poverty reigns everywhere because the citizens of this country do not have proper means of livelihood. Unemployment is widespread here. Unemployment remains a serious problem in India.

Industrialization due to unemployment

One man can do the work of 100 men in factories with machines, as a result, unemployment has started increasing. Unemployment has been increasing since then. Even today the cottage industry is negligible. The industrial policies of the government are old, due to which youth are becoming unemployed day by day. There is a need to improve these policies. So that new avenues of employment can be made available.

Faulty education system

The traditional education system is prevalent here since ancient times. After getting the stairs of Primary, Middle, High School, Inter, BA, MA, today’s youth finally reaches the destination of unemployment. Here he finds only unrest, despair, and frustration. Our education does not have the capacity to provide employment. The youth get educated but are deprived of the art of getting employment.

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Due to population growth

Due to overpopulation, unemployment starts increasing in society. The means of livelihood are limited and the recipients of it are unlimited. Therefore, only a limited number of people will get employment. The rest become victims of unemployment. Apart from this, due to corruption, partiality, nepotism, etc. prevalent in the government, the common man has to become a victim of unemployment. Ministers, leaders, and officers provide employment for their relatives and loved ones, and in their hands are our reins and the pen of fate.

Consequences of unemployment

Due to a lack of employment opportunities, today’s youth turn towards the wrong education. Crimes like theft, dacoity, fraud, and even murder in society flourish due to unemployment which becomes a problem for the government and society. Almost all incidents of such crimes are due to unemployment.

Due to unemployment, skilled and educated youth migrate to other places to find suitable employment, and due to unemployment in the villages, the youth of the village is leaving the village and running towards the city. Due to this, the improvement stops due to the lack of qualified and skilled people in the village.

Many scientists from different fields are running to foreign countries due to a lack of good employment in the country. Today, Indian scientists and doctors are found working in almost all countries of Europe, who have now got citizenship there.

In America, 20% of the total scientists and doctors there are Indian scientists and doctors who have become American citizens. Similarly, other countries are also getting the migration of qualified and skilled citizens of India.

Ways to eliminate unemployment

Some serious problems of unemployment should be solved as soon as possible otherwise this problem is becoming dire day by day. Therefore it is imperative to stop this rising unemployment. Handicrafts should be encouraged by encouraging the cottage industries of the country so that every person can get employment according to his ability.

The migration of people from the village will stop due to the construction of cottage industries. Production should be increased in every sector, for that self-employment opportunities will be available. The government should pay more attention to the village rather than the city.

There should be radical changes in the modern education system. Children should be given employment and education to stand on their own feet from the school itself. Only education should be given in schools which can be useful in practical life.

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Scientists, doctors, and other skilled people in the country should be encouraged in their own country. Employment opportunities should be provided to them according to their qualifications. Reservation should not be given a place in every area. Political leaders and officials should not adopt partisan policies. The government should make an equitable distribution of wealth, because, due to wrong policies most of the wealth reaches a few individuals.

People should also not only search for jobs and employment but should also increase production in any way by paying attention to their new development works. One should not depend on others. Get your work done on your own. Don’t be tempted to live a comfortable life. Make your life so hard that any difficulty can be easily faced at any time.

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Q&A. on Unemployment

Who is considered unemployed.

Answer – If people do not have a job, then such people are classified as unemployed, and if actively looking for work in the last 4 weeks and are currently looking for work.

Who does not count as unemployed?

Answer – The unemployment rate measures those workers who currently have no work or jobs but are actively looking for work. Such people are not included in this unemployed who have not looked for work in the last four weeks.

What are the consequences of unemployment?

Answer – When the unemployment rate is high, there is a negative impact on economic growth. This redistribution creates pressures and distortions, unemployment wastes resources and increases poverty, limiting labor mobility.

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Reasons for Unemployment

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essay on unemployment for class 5th


Unemployment Essay

One of the major hindrances in the growth of any country is unemployment. Unemployment is a serious issue in India. Lack of education, lack of employment opportunities and performance issues are some of the factors that lead to unemployment. The government of India must take effective steps to eliminate this problem. One of the main problems faced by the developing countries is unemployment. It is not only one of the major obstacles in the country’s economic growth but also has several other negative repercussions on the individual as well as the society as a whole.

Long and Short Essay on Unemployment in English

We have provided below short and long essay on unemployment in English for your knowledge and information. These essays have been written in simple and impressive language to convey the message with minimum effort.

After going through these Essays on Unemployment you will know about the factors leading to unemployment in India; what are the possible solutions for the eradication of unemployment; different types of unemployment; initiatives taken by the government to reduce unemployment; unemployment statistics in India etc.

These Unemployment essay will be useful in your school/college events of essay writing, speech giving or debate.

Unemployment Essay 1 (200 words)

People who are willing to work and are earnestly looking for job but are unable to find one are said to be unemployed. It does not include people who are voluntarily unemployed as well as those who are unable to seek job due to certain physical or mental health problem.

There are various factors that lead to the problem of unemployment in the country. These include:

  • Slow Industrial Growth
  • Rapid Increase in Population
  • Focus on Theoretical Education
  • Fall in Cottage Industries
  • Lack of alternative employment opportunities for the agricultural workers
  • Technological Advancement

Unemployment does not impact only the individuals but also the growth of the country. It has a negative impact on social and economic growth of the country. Here are some of the consequences of unemployment:

  • Increase in crime rate
  • Poor standard of living
  • Loss of skill
  • Political instability
  • Mental health issues
  • Slow economic growth

Surprisingly, despite the negative repercussions it has on the society, unemployment is one of the most overlooked issues in India. The government has taken certain steps to control the problem; however, these have not been effective enough. The government should not just initiate programs to control this problem but also keep a check on their effectiveness and revise them if need be.

Unemployment Essay 2 (300 words)


Unemployment is a curse to the society. It does not only impact the individuals but also the society as a whole. There are a number of factors that lead to unemployment. Here is a look at these factors in detail and also the possible solutions to control this problem.

Factors Leading to Unemployment in India

  • Growth in Population

The rapid growth in the population of the country is one of the leading causes of unemployment.

  • Slow Economic Growth

Slow economic growth of the country results in lesser employment opportunities for people, thereby leading to unemployment.

  • Seasonal Occupation

Large part of the country’s population is engaged in the agricultural sector. With this being a seasonal occupation, it provides work opportunity only for a certain part of the year.

  • Slow Growth of Industrial Sector

The growth of industrial sector in the country is slow. Thus, the employment opportunities in this sector are limited.

  • Fall in Cottage Industry

The production in cottage industry has fallen drastically and this has left several artisans unemployed.

Possible Solutions to Eradicate Unemployment

  • Population Control

It is high time the government of India should take stern steps to control the population of the country.

  • Education System

The education system in India focuses majorly on the theoretical aspects rather than skill development. The system must be improved to generate skilled manpower.

  • Industrialization

The government must take steps to boost the industrial sector to create greater opportunities for people.

  • Overseas Companies

The government must encourage foreign companies to open their units in the country to generate more employment opportunities.

  • Employment Opportunities

Employment opportunities must be created in rural areas for seasonally unemployed people.

The problem of unemployment in the country has persisted since long. While the government has launched several programmes for employment generation, desirable progress has not been achieved. The policy-makers and the citizens should make collective efforts in creating more jobs as well as acquiring the right skill-set for employability.

Unemployment Essay 3 (400 words)

Unemployment in India can be divided into many categories including disguised unemployment, open unemployment, educated unemployment, cyclic unemployment, seasonal unemployment, technological unemployment, underemployment, structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, chronic unemployment and casual unemployment. Before leaning about these types of unemployment in detail let us understand as to who exactly is said to be unemployed. It is basically a person who is willing to work and is seeking an employment opportunity, however, is unable to find one. Those who choose to remain unemployed voluntarily or are unable to work due to some physical or mental health issue are not counted as unemployed.

Here is a detailed look at the different types of unemployment:

Disguised Unemployment

When more than the required numbers of people are employed at a place, it is said to be disguised unemployment. Removing these people does not impact the productivity.

Seasonal Unemployment

As the term suggests, this is the type of unemployment that is seen during certain seasons of the year. The industries mostly affected by seasonal unemployment include the agricultural industry, resorts and ice factories, to name a few.

Open Unemployment

This is when a vast number of labourers are unable to seek a job that provides them regular income. The problem occurs as the labour force increases at a much greater rate compared to the economy’s growth rate.

Technological Unemployment

The use of technological equipments has also led to unemployment by reducing the requirement of manual labour.

Structural Unemployment

This kind of unemployment occurs because of a major change in the country’s economic structure. This is said to be a result of technological advancement and economic development.

Cyclic Unemployment

A reduction in the overall level of business activities leads to cyclic unemployment. However, the phenomenon is short-run.

Educated Unemployment

Inability to find a suitable job, lack of employable skill and flawed education system are some of the reasons why the educated lot remains unemployed.


In this kind of unemployment people either take up a job on part time basis or take up work for which they are over-qualified.

Frictional Unemployment

This occurs when the demand of labour force and its supply are not synced appropriately.

Chronic Unemployment

This is long-term unemployment that continues in a country due to the rapid increase in population and low level of economic development.

Casual Unemployment

This may occur because of a sudden fall in demand, short-term contracts or shortage of raw material.

Though the government has launched several programmes to control each type of unemployment, however, the results are far from satisfactory. The government needs to devise more effective strategies for employment generation.

Unemployment Essay 4 (500 words)

Unemployment is a serious problem. There are a number of factors including lack of education, lack of employment opportunities, lack of skill, performance issues and increasing population rate that lead to this issue in India. Unemployment has a number of negative repercussions on the individuals as well as the country as a whole. The government has taken several initiatives to control this problem. Some of these are mentioned here in detail.

Government Initiatives to Reduce Unemployment

  • Training for Self Employment

Launched in 1979, the program was named, National Scheme of Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM). It is aimed at reducing unemployment among the youth in the rural areas.

  • Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)

In the year 1978-79, the Indian government launched the Integrated Rural Development Programme to ensure full employment opportunities in rural areas. A sum of Rs. 312 crore was spent on this programme and as many as 182 lakh families benefited from it.

  • Employment in Foreign Countries

The government helps people get employment in overseas companies. Special agencies have been established to hire people for work in other countries.

  • Small and Cottage Industries

In an attempt to reduce the issue of unemployment, the government has also developed small and cottage industries. Several people are making their living with this initiative.

  • The Swaran Jayanti Rozgar Yojana

This program is aimed at providing self-employment as well as wage-employment opportunities to the urban population. It includes two plans:

  • Urban Self-Employment Programme
  • Urban Wage Employment Programme
  • Employment Assurance Scheme

The program was launched in as many in 1994 in as 1752 backward blocks in the country. It provided unskilled manual work for 100 days to the poor unemployed people living in rural areas.

  • Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP)

The program was started in 13 states and covered as many as 70 drought-prone districts with an aim to remove seasonal unemployment. In its seventh plan, the government spent Rs. 474 crore.

  • Jawahar Rozgar Yojana

The program launched in April 1989 aimed at providing employment to a minimum of one member in each poor rural family for a period of fifty to hundred days a year. The employment opportunity is provided in the person’s vicinity and 30% of these opportunities are reserved for women.

  • Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY)

There are a total of three schemes under this program. Under the first scheme, the urban poor are given subsidy to establish micro enterprises. Under the second scheme, wage-employment is arranged for labourers in cities having a population of less than 10 lakh. Under the third scheme, urban poor in the cities are given employment opportunities matching their skills.

  • Employment Guarantee Scheme

Unemployed people are provided economic assistance under this scheme. It has been launched in a number of states including Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, etc.

Apart from this, many other similar programs have been launched to reduce unemployment.

Though the government has been taking several measures to control the problem of unemployment in the country a lot still needs to be worked upon in order to curb this problem in true sense.

Unemployment Essay 5 (600 words)

Unemployment is a grave issue. There are a number of factors that lead to it. Some of these include lack of proper education, lack of good skill set, inability to perform, lack of good employment opportunities and rapidly increasing population. Here is a look at the unemployment statics in the country, the consequences of unemployment and the measures taken by the government to control it.

Unemployment: Statistics in India

The Ministry of Labour and Employment of India keeps the records of unemployment in the country. The measure of unemployment is calculated based on the number of people who had no work for a substantial amount of time during the 365 days preceding the date of collation of data and are still seeking employment.

India saw an average of 7.32 percent unemployment rate from 1983 to 2013 with a highest of 9.40 percent in the year 2009 and a record low of 4.90 percent in 2013. In the year 2015-16, the unemployment rate shot up significantly with 8.7 per cent for women and 4.3 per cent for men.

Consequences of Unemployment

Unemployment leads to serious socio-economic issues. It does not only impact the individuals but the society as a whole. Shared below are some of the major consequences of unemployment:

  • Increase in Poverty

It goes without saying that increase in unemployment rate results in increase in the rate of poverty in the country. Unemployment is largely responsible for hampering the economic growth of the country.

  • Increase in Crime Rate

Unable to find a suitable job, the unemployed lot usually takes the path of crime as this seems to be an easy way of making money. One of the main causes of rapidly increasing cases of theft, robbery and other heinous crimes is unemployment.

  • Exploitation of Labour

Employees usually take advantage of scarcity of jobs in the market by offering low wages. Unable to find a job matching their skill people usually settle for a low-paying job. Employees are also forced to work for more than the set number of hours each day.

  • Political Instability

Lack of employment opportunities results in loss of faith in the government and this often leads to political instability.

  • Mental Health

The dissatisfaction level among unemployed people increases and it can gradually lead to anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.

  • Loss of Skill

Staying out of job for long period of time makes one dull and eventually results in the loss of skill. It also lowers a person’s self confidence to a large extent.

The government of India has taken several initiatives to reduce the problem of unemployment as well as to help the unemployed lot in the country. Some of these include the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP), Training for Self-Employment, Nehru Rozgar Yojna (NRY), Employment Assurance Scheme, Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program (PMIUPEP) Development of Organized Sector, Employment Exchanges, Employment in Foreign Countries, Small and Cottage Industries, Employment Guarantee Scheme and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana, to name a few.

Besides offering employment opportunities by way of these programs, the government is also sensitizing the importance of education and providing skill training to the unemployed people.

Unemployment is the root cause of various problems in the society. While the government has taken initiatives to reduce this problem, the measures taken are not effective enough. The various factors causing this problem must be studied well to look for effective and integrated solutions for the same. It is time the government should recognize the sensitivity of the matter and take some serious steps to reduce it.

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Essay on Unemployment For Students and Children in 1000 Words

We have written an essay on unemployment for students and children in 1000 words. It includes meaning, problems in India, reasons, effect, 10 lines, and tips for tackling unemployment.

Table of Contents

Essay on Unemployment (1000 words)

Higher governmental borrowing needs derive from lower consumption of products and services and lower tax payments. Individuals and households are substantially reducing their expenditure to satisfy financial obligations as a result of unemployment. 

Even when an economy’s jobless rate is extraordinarily high, it produces far less than its capacity. As a result, everyone in society loses because they buy and value less, and less is made for distribution.

This paper provides a summary of the societal impacts of unemployment as well as the issues that the situation will face in the future.

Unemployment Problem in India

The reasons behind unemployment , effects of unemployment.

Unemployment has the following economic consequences in any country:

Tips for Tackling Unemployment

More help for self-employed individuals: In India, the majority of people are self-employed. Individuals work in agriculture, trading, handicrafts, small-scale enterprises, and other fields. These people need money, as well as raw materials and help learning how to do things.

Population regulation: In an attempt to alleviate the issue of unemployment, the overall population increase should be controlled. The family management programme ought to be extensively and efficiently implemented.

10 Lines on Essay on Unemployment

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Essay on Unemployment

Unemployment, a term that affects individuals and communities worldwide, is a topic of great significance. It refers to the situation when people who are willing and able to work cannot find suitable employment. In this essay, we will delve into the complexities of unemployment, exploring its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

Causes of Unemployment

Unemployment can have various causes, and understanding them is crucial to addressing the issue.

Economic Downturns

Economic recessions or downturns can lead to a rise in unemployment as businesses may cut jobs to reduce costs. For example, during the 2008 financial crisis, millions lost their jobs.

Technological Advancements

As technology evolves, some jobs become automated, leading to job displacement. For instance, automated machines in factories can replace human workers.

Lack of Education and Skills

Insufficient education or skills that match the job market can result in unemployment. People need skills and knowledge relevant to available job opportunities.

Seasonal and Cyclical Factors

Certain industries, like agriculture or tourism, have seasonal fluctuations in demand for workers. Cyclical unemployment occurs when job opportunities vary with economic cycles.

Consequences of Unemployment

Unemployment has far-reaching consequences that affect individuals and society as a whole.

a. Financial Strain

Unemployed individuals often face financial difficulties as they lose their primary source of income. This can lead to poverty, debt, and housing insecurity.

b. Mental Health Issues

The stress of unemployment can take a toll on mental health, leading to anxiety and depression. It’s essential to address these issues promptly.

c. Impact on Families

Unemployment affects not only the individual but also their families. It can strain relationships and create challenges for children’s well-being.

d. Economic Costs

High unemployment rates can strain a country’s economy, leading to decreased consumer spending and lower tax revenue.

Solutions to Unemployment

Addressing unemployment requires a multi-faceted approach involving individuals, businesses, and government.

a. Education and Training

Investing in education and skills training programs can help individuals acquire the skills needed for available jobs.

b. Support for Entrepreneurs

Encouraging entrepreneurship can create job opportunities. Support for small businesses and startups can stimulate job growth.

c. Government Policies

Governments can implement policies that promote job creation and economic stability. These may include tax incentives for businesses and infrastructure investments.

d. Safety Nets

Social safety nets, such as unemployment benefits and job retraining programs, can provide support during periods of unemployment.

Real-World Examples

A. germany’s vocational training.

Germany’s vocational training system is a successful example. It offers apprenticeships and hands-on training, reducing youth unemployment and ensuring a skilled workforce.

b. FDR’s New Deal

During the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs created jobs through public works projects, showing how government intervention can combat unemployment.

Conclusion of Essay on Unemployment

In conclusion, unemployment is a complex issue with various causes and far-reaching consequences. It affects individuals, families, and economies. However, with education, training, government policies, and support for entrepreneurs, we can address unemployment’s challenges. It’s essential to recognize that solutions require a collaborative effort from individuals, businesses, and governments. By working together, we can reduce unemployment and create a more stable and prosperous future for all.

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Top 5 Essays on Unemployment for Students / Teachers / Parents

We offer students not just one, but five unique and insightful essays on the complex issue of unemployment. Our essays provide a comprehensive analysis of the causes and effects of unemployment, examining its impact on individuals, families, and society at large. We delve into the historical context of unemployment and provide insights into the current state of affairs. Each essay also highlights various ways in which unemployment can be addressed, from government policies to individual efforts. We understand the significance of unemployment as a critical social and economic issue, and the importance of educating students on this topic.

Whether it’s for an assignment or personal growth, our collection of five essays on unemployment is an invaluable resource for any student seeking to understand the complexity of this pervasive problem.

Essays on Unemployment

Unemployment Essay 1 –

  • Essay on Unemployment

I may not understand all the complexities of unemployment, but I do understand that it affects people in a big way. I’ve seen my parents and family members worry about losing their jobs and not being able to provide for our family. It makes me sad to think that so many people are struggling to find work.

Unemployment not only affects individuals and their families, but it also has a broader impact on our communities and our country as a whole. When people are out of work, they have less money to spend, which can lead to businesses closing and even more people losing their jobs.

I also hear talk about the need to create new jobs and improve the economy. But, it’s important to remember that we need to create jobs in a way that is safe for the environment and sustainable for the future. We can’t just focus on short-term gains at the cost of our planet.

I may be young, but I know that we all have a role to play in addressing unemployment and making sure that everyone has a chance to work and provide for themselves and their families. I believe that by working together and being creative, we can find solutions that benefit everyone.

In conclusion, as a kid, I see the impact of unemployment on people and communities, and I hope that we can find ways to create jobs and build a better future for all of us.

Unemployment Essay 2 –

I may not fully understand the complexities of unemployment, but I do see how it affects my community and the people around me. Unemployment is when people don’t have jobs even though they want to work. This can be caused by a lot of things, like a recession, automation or a lack of opportunities.

I’ve seen how unemployment affects families. My neighbors and friends’ parents who used to work now spend their days looking for jobs, but can’t seem to find one. It’s sad to see how hard they are trying, but can’t seem to make ends meet. Sometimes, they struggle to put food on the table or pay the bills.

It’s also frustrating to see how unemployment affects education. Some of my classmates have had to change schools because their parents can’t afford the tuition anymore. They have to leave behind their friends and start over somewhere else. It’s not fair that their education is being impacted because their parents can’t find work.

I think it’s important for everyone to work together to find solutions to unemployment. The government and businesses can create more job opportunities, provide training and education to those who need it and support families in need. We, as individuals, can also do our part by volunteering, mentoring, and supporting our local communities.

I may only be small, but I believe that if we work together, we can overcome the problem of unemployment and create a better future for everyone.

Unemployment Essay 3 –

Unemployment is a major issue that affects many people around the world, and as a teenager, I understand its importance and how it can impact communities and families.

I have seen in my own community how unemployment can lead to financial difficulties, stress, and uncertainty about the future. People who are unemployed often struggle to make ends meet, pay bills, and provide for their families. This can cause a strain on relationships and mental health, leading to feelings of hopelessness and frustration.

However, it’s not just individuals who are affected by unemployment. Whole communities can suffer as well. When people are out of work, they have less money to spend, which can lead to a decline in local businesses and a decrease in economic activity. This can have a domino effect on the community, causing a ripple of negative impacts.

I believe that finding solutions to unemployment should be a top priority for our government and communities. Providing education and job training programs, supporting small businesses, and investing in industries that provide sustainable jobs can help to reduce the number of people who are out of work.

As a young person, I believe that it’s our responsibility to take action to address unemployment and support those who are struggling. Whether it’s volunteering at a local job center, advocating for policies that create job opportunities, or simply offering support to someone who is going through a difficult time, we can all make a difference.

In conclusion, unemployment is a complex issue that affects us all, but by working together, we can create a brighter future for those who are struggling and for our communities as a whole.

Unemployment Essay 4 –

Unemployment is a major issue that affects many people, especially women, across the world. Women face numerous challenges and obstacles when it comes to finding and maintaining employment. Despite being highly qualified and skilled, they are often denied equal opportunities and are paid less than their male counterparts for the same job.

Unemployment not only has financial consequences, but also impacts a person’s self-esteem and sense of worth. Women who are unemployed often feel like they have failed, and this can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair. The lack of job security and income also affects their mental and physical health, and their ability to provide for themselves and their families.

The gender pay gap, discrimination, and the stigma attached to women who work outside the home all contribute to the high rates of unemployment among women. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has only worsened the situation, with women being disproportionately affected by job losses and reduced hours.

It is time for governments, employers, and society as a whole to take steps to address the issue of unemployment among women. This can be done by promoting equality in the workplace, providing flexible work arrangements, and increasing access to training and development opportunities. By doing so, we can help women to achieve their full potential and lead fulfilling and productive lives.

In conclusion, unemployment is a major challenge for women, and we must work together to ensure that they are able to find and retain meaningful employment. This will not only benefit the individual women and their families, but will also help to strengthen our economy and build a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

Unemployment Essay 5 –

Unemployment is a major issue that affects millions of people all over the world. It’s a situation where an individual is capable of working, but is unable to find a job that pays a living wage. Unemployment is a major challenge not just for the individual but for society as a whole. It results in poverty, homelessness, and increased crime rates. It’s a vicious cycle that creates a lack of economic growth and stability.

It’s heart-wrenching to see so many people struggling to find work. Many of these individuals have been in the workforce for years, and suddenly find themselves without a job due to downsizing, company closures, or other economic factors. It’s a humbling experience to see how quickly life can change and how important it is to have a solid safety net in place.

Unemployment is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted solution. Governments must work with businesses and communities to create jobs and provide support for those who are struggling to find work. Education and training programs must be made available to help individuals acquire new skills and stay competitive in the job market. And, social safety nets must be in place to provide basic needs such as food, housing, and healthcare to those who are unable to find work.

In conclusion, unemployment is a major issue that affects us all. We must work together to find solutions that will help those who are struggling to find work. We must provide support and resources to help individuals acquire new skills and remain competitive in the job market. It’s our responsibility to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, regardless of their employment status.

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Justin Morgan

Justin Morgan

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Essay on Unemployment for Students in English | 500 Words Essay

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Unemployment: It is a serious social issue in India and a big global concern too. There are thousands of people who are not employed owing to the rising population and a steady decline in jobs, leading to unemployment. Automation of jobs, illiteracy, stiff competition, unavailability of resources, unqualified, political factors, etc. has given way to unemployment. Unemployment causes financial distress in families, hampers mental health and causes depression, anxiety, stress and other physical ailments.

Essay on Unemployment 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Unemployment Essay in English, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

There is saying that “Give a man a fish, and he will be hungry again tomorrow; teach him to catch a fish, and he will be richer for all his life.” The importance of jobs in life is very significant to afford a good quality of life. Due to the increasing population and high competition, people are not able to grab jobs. This has led to recession and burden on the economy.

What is Unemployment: It is defined as a situation in which a person who is willing to do a job fails to find a job that earns him/her a living. It does not include people who are not looking for jobs.

Types of Unemployment

The unemployment rates are increasing, showing the slowdown in the economy. Unemployment can be classified mainly in two categories one in urban areas and others in rural areas. The major part of India’s population lives in rural areas.  There are different types of unemployment – open, disguised, and seasonal. In Urban areas, the infrastructure is well developed, and there are a lot of advancements in technology. The main types of unemployment here are Industrial, educated, and technological development.

  • Open – It is a case in which there is no work to do. People are willing to work, but there is no work available.
  • Disguised – It is a situation in which some individuals are noticeably employed but are literally unemployed. It is in the agricultural sector where there are way more people working than required.
  • Seasonal – It means the needs of the workers are only in particular seasons. It points to a time period where there is less requirement than normal season.
  • Industrial – The illiterate people who can work in manufacturing industries are eager to do work but not getting any work in urban areas. It is called Industrial unemployment
  • Educated – When the person is educated but not able to find a job according to his academic qualifications. Then, it is called educated unemployment.
  • Technological – Technological unemployment happens because of the advancement in technology. It has a significant impact on the organization, as productivity increases and efficiency enhances.

The most common types of unemployment in India is seasonal and disguised unemployment.

Reasons for Unemployment

  • There are multiple reasons causing a great jump in the rate of unemployment. The biggest reason is the increasing rate of population. There is consistent growth in the population of India. The greater the population, the more the demands of the job seekers, but the advancement in technology causes a decrease in the labour force required.
  • Another reason is the lack of education and skills among the youth. Job seekers are more, and well-skilled people are very less for the country. It is also called structural unemployment, where the skills needed for the job do not match the skills of the worker.
  • The advancement in technology in this modern era is also taking away the jobs that can be handled by machines and systems. It has replaced unskilled labour, and the results are more effective and accurate. The production is faster, and the cost is minimised.
  • Lack of capital threatens companies to pay for its operations. It makes it difficult to prepare for emergencies and sometimes difficult to pay its employees.

Consequences of Unemployment

There are severe consequences of unemployment, causing the economy to suffer. Mainly the people who are affected by it have to go through it. It causes an increase in suicide cases, stress levels boost up, crime rates surge, etc.  Unemployed people get demotivated and degrade their skills, which is bad for the economy. There are big impacts which include the loss of productive labour force in the country, which can help in growing GDP. It deteriorates the growth of businesses as well.

As many unemployed people cannot afford basic commodities, it causes fewer sales in businesses.  Social causes of long term employment are very substantial. It affects the health of individuals and their families. There is less consumption of nutritious diet, including fruits and vegetables. It can stop their physical and mental development. Again, not creating a valuable asset for the economy in the long run.

Initiative by Government

The government has taken several steps to solve this significant issue. Some initiatives were launched to curb this problem of unemployment. These initiatives include IRDP (Integrated Rural Development Programme), training for self-employment, NRY (Nehru Rozgar Yojana), Drought Prone area program, PMGSY (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana), Employment Guarantee Scheme and more.

The Employment Guarantee Scheme ensures a minimum of 100 working days with wages to do unskilled work. Training for self-employment aims at reducing employment among the youth. Moreover, the government is spending on irrigation, farms, and roads, etc. The government can take some more steps to reduce unemployment like population control, more Small- medium enterprises, good education system and improvement in agriculture.

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essay on unemployment for class 5th

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essay on unemployment for class 5th

Unemployment, the Curse

Category : Essays

India, with a vast population of over 1,000 million individuals, is facing the biggest problem of the century in the form of unemployment of worthy and productive citizens. This includes unemployment and under-employment of the young and the old. This results in low productivity and nil or very low incomes. This also leads to the further degradation of household standards and poverty is perpetuated. There is a net loss of national income and the economy suffers on account of low productivity. Add to this, the violent measures taken up by the youth, agitations and individual frustration, which reaches a new pinnacle every day. According to the latest estimates, there are 37.6 million people on the streets and seek employment in one form or the other. There is an addition of 7 million people to this figure every year.

A leisure oriented and unemployed person is a burden on his family and society. The unemployed man eschews all the morals and becomes a rebel. Some young person’s take to drugs and illegal means of making money. Therefore, one menace leads to another and the unemployed person gets caught in a quagmire of crises.

Unemployment is more prominent in urban areas than it is in rural India. Unemployment or under-employment levels for women are higher than those for men. Further, the educated individuals tend to be more unemployed or underemployed than their illiterate counterparts. According to current estimates, 12 per cent of educated individuals are unemployed whereas overall unemployment percentage is 3.77 per cent. It has also been noticed that the unemployment rates rise with every successive higher level of education.

Unemployment has two aspects — rural unemployment and urban unemployment. Rural unemployment is either seasonal or disguised. Seasonal unemployment in rural area results due to crop rotation and disguised unemployment is the underemployment due to the lack of proper opportunities at the rural level. Urban unemployment is either industrial or educated unemployment. The industry refuses to accept engineers, chartered accountants, management graduates and other technically trained professionals who arrive from rural or semi-rural backgrounds. The educated unemployed are the individuals who are either unemployed due to their high qualifications or are underemployed as a result of the wrong job profiles they are in. In either case, frustration forces them to shift to a new job, which could make them either underemployed or unemployed.

According to the Planning Commission and National Sample Survey, the number of unemployed is highest in the age group of 19 to 26 years. The total number of unemployed persons in India today is nearly 380 lakh.

Some of the measures taken by the State have been appended as follows:—

(1) The State is encouraging labour-intensive industry so that more individuals could be employed.

(2) The emphasis is being laid on agriculture, agro-based industries and cottage industries. The small scale industries also fall under this category.

(3) A number of employment programmes have been initiated - IRDP, JRY, HRY, SEPVP are some of the main Programmes by the government.

(4) Vocational education is being stressed upon to eliminate the unemployment menace. A young graduate, who has studied Shakespeare, would do no good in an office, which expects him to know Microsoft Windows 98, word processing and efficient file handling. That is why the graduate immigrants can find Jobs only as peons in the cities. Vocational education can make them adept at one particular skill so that they could start contributing from day one.

(5)  Many of the unemployed individuals are from backward classes. State employs them through special recruitment drives the newspapers and magazines advertise these vacancies regularly. "Employment News" reflects this effort of the government.

(6)   State Governments have set up Employment Generation Councils, which look after the employment needs of their respective districts.

(7) The Ninth Five Year Plan lays adequate stress on the measures for reducing the already high unemployment levels in the country.

The measures taken during the Eighth Five Year Plan were supposed to result in GDP growth of 56 per cent during the plan period. The total number of employment opportunities created was nearly 9 million during the Eighth Five Year Plan. If the target for Ninth Five Year Plan is implemented properly, we could see 9.5 million employment opportunities during the next few years. Thus unemployment levels could reduce to negligible levels by the year 2002.                         

Private sector jobs must be made open to the needy and not-so-deserving candidates on human grounds. Physically and mentally handicapped persons-already being looked after by    the central and state employment agencies must be given adequate opportunities in the private sector as well.           

Another aspect of unemployment is the lure of the good standards of life in the cities. A son of a farmer, who could     work hard in his village and could even own a car, goes to the nearest city and finds himself a job of a clerk or a sales executive. This trend is not healthy. If the entire population migrates to the cities, who would manage our agriculture, which is the oldest and time-tested profession.

The State must contribute by launching more infrastructure-based projects and core sector units. The wasted crop lands should be cultivated and should be issued only to the landless unemployed people. Private sector should launch more process industries, which employ large, number of skilled and semi- skilled people in the rural areas. Going abroad is a profitable proposition only for the computer programmers, engineers, nurses, paramedical staff and skilled labourers. Others could find better opportunities in India as grass is no longer greener in the West and the Middle East.

The present state of Indian economy does not offer good opportunities on the employment front. However, it is expected that the budget proposed by the Finance Minister —Mr Yashwant Sinha— would go a long way in removing the unemployment problems of the masses. The industrial growth rate was 6.2 per cent during 1999-2000. Our Finance Minister hopes that the economy would revive after a brief period of uncertainties. Unemployment would be eliminated only if the industry and business, of the nation pick up. During April- December, 1999, Indian economy has shown signs of improvement.

Further, the Finance Minister has laid more thrust on the rural and agricultural sectors in his budget speech. These areas could generate a good number of tin' sell-employment opportunities for the rural masses. Hence, migration to cities could be checked. The unemployed youth would try to remain at their villages or home towns.

Finally, the State must sponsor schemes for small scale entrepreneurship for the semi-illiterate and the alliterate people. Already, many schemes are in vogue but these need to be tuned to the needs of the unemployed. Red tape and corruption in government departments prevent the funds from being granted to the needy entrepreneurs.

The youth should start small enterprises or manufacturing units of their own with the help of funds from the central and state funding agencies as well as from Rural Regional Banks. They would also be able to give employment to a few more persons if they become entrepreneurs. We must conclude by stating that unemployment issue must be tackled with utmost care and seriousness as it has already assumed alarming proportions in the social and economic scenario us of our nation.

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The Best Essay on Unemployment | Macroeconomics

essay on unemployment for class 5th

Here is an essay on ‘Unemployment’ for class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Unemployment’ especially written for school and college students.

Unemployment can be divided into different types according to the reasons for its occurrence. For example, there is frictional unemployment, which arises when a person is temporarily unemployed while moving between jobs. Similarly, there is structural unemployment, when people find their skills are not employable because they have become technologically redundant or there is no demand for them in certain regions of the country where they live.

These types of unemployment are easy to explain. By comparison, there is an enduring controversy associated with the attempts to unravel what, if any, are the differences between classical and Keynesian unemployment. The classical economists believed in the Say’s Law of Markets and in wage-price flexibility. The operation of the Say’s Law (which states that demand creates its own supply) and sufficient wage-price flexibility, they believed, would ensure automatic full employment.

Thus, in the classical theory, there was no possibility of unemployment. If there occurred any unemployment it would be of a purely temporary nature. The cause of such unemployment was too high a real wage. And such unemployment would disappear quickly due to fall in real wage.


The intuition behind the classicists’ analysis of unemployment comes from the standard apparatus of supply and demand curves. They have reached the conclusion that if the labour market does not equilibrate, it must be because the price, i.e., the real wage, is set at an inappropriate (and not at the market-clearing) level.

The demand for labour originates from the profit-maximising decisions of firms. Under competitive conditions, this leads firms to equate the real wage with the marginal product of labour. Hence the demand for labour schedule is a direct reflection of the marginal physical product of labour (MPP L ) function.

With a well-behaved aggregate production function, the MPP L will be a decreasing function of the level of employment, and so the demand for labour varies inversely with the real wage. Consequently, if the supply of labour exceeds the demand and there is a problem of unemployment, then the solution lies with a fall in the real wage as this will increase the quantity of labour demanded and close the unemployment gap.

In his General Theory Keynes disputed the classical analysis of unemployment and the associated policy prescriptions. He introduced the concept of involuntary unemployment that had something to do with inadequate demand in final commodity markets and which could be remedied with the management of demand by fiscal policy and possibly by monetary policy too.

In explaining the cause of unemployment, Keynes focuses on the role of nominal wage inflexibility. In his view, unemployment results from an inflexible money wage which prevents the real wage from adjusting downwards to increase the demand for labour. Thus the unemployment problem originates from an inappropriate real wage.

According to Keynes, the equality of the real wage to the marginal disutility of employment corresponds to the absence of ‘involuntary’ unemployment. (Keynes makes the simplification that the marginal utility of income is constant so that the marginal disutility of employment is the same as the marginal rate of substitution of income for leisure.) Keynes excluded frictional unemployment from involuntary unemployment.

However, it is important to note that Keynes also excluded unemployment “due to the refusal or inability of a unit of labour, as a result of legislation or social practices or of a combination for collective bargaining or of a slow response to change or of mere human obstinacy, to accept a reward corresponding to the value of the product attributable to its marginal productivity”.

Thus, Keynes chose to exclude union wage differentials as well as minimum wage legislation as sources of involuntary unemployment. Clearly, Keynes wanted to focus on a particular type of involuntary unemployment.

Don Patinkin also used the static labour supply definition in his well-known analysis of involuntary unemployment:

The norm of reference to be used in defining involuntary unemployment is the supply curve for labour as long as workers are ‘on their labour supply curve’—that is, as long as they succeed in selling all the labour they want to at the prevailing real wage rate—a state of full employment will be said to exist in the economy.

The above definition of involuntary unemployment based on the labour supply curve was used by the ‘classical’ economists. For example, in 1914 A. C. Pigou proposed measuring involuntary unemployment of a group of persons by the number of hours that these persons would have been willing to provide at the current rate of wages under current conditions of employment.

According to Keynes, however, classical theories (such as Pigou’s) did not admit the possibility of involuntary unemployment by union wage differentials or minimum wage legislation. But Keynes chose to classify this as voluntary.

The Natural Rate of Unemployment (NRU) :

There are two conceptually’ separate reasons why the real wage may fail to adjust to the competitive equilibrium value. Firstly, the institutions of the economy may not correspond to those of a competitive economy: information may be costly, there may be traces of monopoly, etc.

Within this institutional context, markets are assumed to clear and the associated level of unemployment is termed as the ‘natural’ rate of unemployment.

In the language of Milton Friedman:

“The ‘natural rate of unemployment’ is the level that would be ground out by the Walrasian system of general equilibrium equations, provided there is embedded in them the actual structural characteristics of the labour and commodity markets, including market imperfections, stochastic variability in demands and supplies, cost of gathering information and so on”.

Consequently, one way that unemployment might be tackled is through policies which attempt to lower the ‘natural’ rate by removing market imperfections.

A ‘natural’ rate of unemployment is the level of unemployment where inflation is anticipated. For this reason the term the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU) is often preferred to the title ‘natural’ to describe the level of unemployment.

The current view is that the natural rate of unemployment is the rate towards which the dynamic system is converging for a given underlying general equilibrium stochastic structure. It takes into account the actual structural characteristics of the labour and commodity markets, including market imperfections, search and mobility costs.

In simple terms, it may be regarded as that level of unemployment which nonetheless remains at full employment.

In truth, NRU is essentially a long-term phenomenon. It is the rate of unemployment towards which the economy gravitates in the long run, subject to the existing imperfections in the labour market which make it difficult for workers to find jobs easily and quickly.

According to Milton Friedman who introduced the term ‘natural rate’ argues that the term ‘natural’ is useful in separating the real forces from the monetary sources. Viewed from this perspective an important feature of the natural rate as emphasised by Friedman (1968) and E. Phelps (1967, 1970) is that it does not correspond to any particular rate of inflation. For any appropriately defined long run, the key implication of this is that there is no long-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment.

Following the Friedman lead, the natural and cyclical rates of unemployment are most often treated as separate and independent components. According to this view, cyclical unemployment is characterised as being included by temporary fluctuations in conditions resulting in temporary deviations of the actual rate from the natural rate of unemployment.

Empirical evidence, however suggests considerable covariance between cyclical and structural unemployment. For example, structural unemployment is likely to increase during recessions since firms in declining industries may find it optimal to accelerate eventual reductions in their labour force at such times. Significant covariance’s of this sort raise fundamental questions about the causality of unemployment as well as whether the natural rate of unemployment is an operative concept.

Since structural unemployment is most often interpreted as a component of the natural rate, this raises serious questions about whether natural and cyclical rates of unemployment are separate, independent and indentifiable components.

To sum up, there are two features of the NRU. Firstly, it is an inherently dynamic concept. Secondly, the natural rate is clearly not a fixed and immutable constant. Variations in the composition of the labour force, the rate of structural change, the flow of information and other factors affecting labour force mobility will change the natural rate.

There is widespread agreement in macroeconomics that when there are informational inadequacies leading to sticky prices and difficulties in forming expectations, unemployment may deviate from its ‘natural’ level.

According to Friedman, the government’s demand management policies may influence the ‘natural’ rate. He argues that the variability of inflation is directly related to the level of inflation.

So, more noise enters into price signals at higher rates of inflation with the result that the ‘natural’ rate rises with the rate of inflation,

In 1980 Tobin argued that “the operational NAIRU gravitates towards the average rate of unemployment actually experienced. Among the mechanisms which produce that result are improvements in unemployment compensation and other benefits enacted in response to higher unemployment, loss of on-the-job training and employability by the unemployed, defections to the informal and illegal economy, and a slowdown in capital formation as business firms lowers their estimates of needed capacity.”

If such hysteresis effects are accepted, then an expansionary demand policy — which leaves unemployment ‘temporarily’ below the ‘natural rate — will have a permanent influence because it contributes to reducing the ‘natural’ rate itself.

Job Search and Frictional Unemployment :

In recent years economists have been concerned with frictional unemployment. One proximate cause of unemployment is the mismatch between workers and jobs. Since labour is not homogeneous, a job loss does not immediately lead to job finding. Workers who are laid-off do not find a job easily and quickly.

Job finding itself is a resource-consuming and a time-consuming endeavour. The unemployment caused both the time required by a worker is called frictional unemployment. Such unemployment occurs because we do not live in the wonderful world of the classical economists.

It occurs because information about job availability is not freely available to workers and, even when it is available, it is imperfect. Moreover, workers are not geographically mobile. There are various barriers to labour mobility.

These two factors conjointly reduce the rate of job finding. Moreover, since workers differ in their abilities and performances and jobs also differ in their characteristics (in terms of rewards and sacrifices) different jobs require different skills and offer different wages. This is why an unemployed worker prefers to spend time and money to search out a job of his liking rather than accepting any job that comes along the line.

Frictional unemployment is also related to shift unemployment. Some unemployment occurs due to shifts in demand for consumer goods used by households and producer (capital) goods used by firms.

Since the demand for labour is an indirect (derived) demand, change in the pattern of demand for goods leads to a change in the demand for labour that is required to produce those goods.

Likewise, since different regions of a country produce different goods, the demand for labour may rise in one region (such as Maharashtra or Gujarat) and fall in another region (Orissa or Bihar). Such unemployment caused by a change in the composition of demand among industries or regions is called shift unemployment.

This is another type of frictional unemployment. Since sectorial shifts are occurring all the time in a dynamic economy, and since workers take some time to move from one sector to another due to lack of marketable skill or adequate information, frictional unemployment is a rule rather than an exception.

Frictional unemployment occurs for various other reasons, for example, when old firms face problems of demand recession (such as the workers of Hindustan Motors), when workers’ job performance is inadequate when judged by any standard, and when workers’ particular skills are not in demand any more. This has happened in cases of silent movie actors or typists or tram drivers in most parts of the world.

Frictional unemployment also occurs when workers voluntarily leave their jobs or move from one part of the country to another part (and try to search out better jobs).

Frictional unemployment occurs due to inter-sectoral imbalance between demand and supply forces, i.e., where there is excess supply of labour in one sector offering higher wages due to the fact that some workers from numerous low-paying sectors have crowded the few high- paying sectors.

Efficiency Wage :

A proximate cause of real wage rigidity and involuntary unemployment is associated with the efficiency wage theory. This concept is based on the famous Marshallian concept — the economy of high wages. Marshall first hypothesized that high wages promote efficiency and low wages retard it.

The idea was put into effect in the American manufacturing industry by Henry Ford who followed the practice of giving higher than the prevailing market wage so that the rate of labour turnover came down to a minimum. Ford’s basic objective was to ensure that his most productive workers did not quit after a short association with the organisation.

The efficiency wage theory explains why firms do not cut wages even when there is excess supply of labour. The theory is based on the belief that a wage cut would lower a firm’s wage bill no doubt, but it would also reduce a firm’s profits by lowering worker efficiency.

Various explanations have been offered to explain how wages affect labour productivity:

(i) Improved Health and Enhanced Productivity:

In less developed countries like India, high wages enable workers to improve their health by having a more nutritional diet. Healthy workers are usually found to be more productive than half-fed worker. So, it is in the Tightness of things to give workers a wage above the equilibrium level in order to maintain a healthy work force.

(ii) Low Labour Turnover:

The higher the wage rate, the stronger the incentive of workers to stay with the firm. If the quit rate can be reduced to a minimum, a firm can achieve economy in terms of the time spent recruiting and training new workers.

(iii) Reducing Adverse Selection:

The overall quality of a firm’s labour force depends on the wages it pays to its employees. A wage cut will force a firm’s best workers to take jobs elsewhere in other firms, leaving the firm with inferior employees who have hardly any opportunity outside the firm. This is an example of adverse selection since workers are more informed about their alternative opportunities outside the firm than the firm (the employer).

This is also known as hidden characteristics. So by paying a low wage, a firm may take the risk of hiring inferior workers (who do not have any opportunity outside the firm). One way of reducing adverse selection is to pay a wage above the equilibrium level. This improves the average quality of the work force. So, labour productivity automatically improves.

(iv) Overcoming the Moral Hazard Problem:

High wages also improve worker effort. The truth is that it is not always possible to monitor the work effort of employees. It is the task of the employees themselves to decide how hard to work. This is known as moral hazard, also known as the hidden action.

This refers to the hidden tendency of workers to put sub-optimal effort if their activities are not perfectly monitored. One way of reducing this moral hazard problem is to pay a high wage. The higher the wage, the higher the cost of the worker of being dismissed.

One way of increasing labour productivity is to pay a higher than market wage. This induces more and more of a firm’s employees not to shirk. The common theme of various efficiency wage theories (presented above in a summary form) is that by paying its workers a high wage, a firm can operate more efficiently.

This is why many firms choose to pay more than the market clearing wage. This induces workers to stay with their firms and not to engage in job search activities. But efficiency wage increases the magnitude of involuntary unemployment and creates real wage rigidity.

Economic Insight: Four Models of Efficiency Wage:

There are four models of efficiency wage. The common feature of all the models is that higher than competitive wage can be profitable. All the models are based on the hypothesis that output depends on worker effort and effort, in its turn, varies directly with the wage rate. The more a firm pays, the more effort it gets.

The models originating from the presumed source of positive effort-wage relationship are of the four types:

1. Shirking Models:

In most jobs, workers enjoy some discretion in deciding how hard they work. Piece rates are often impractical because it is not only difficult but virtually impossible to count the “pieces” and counting is costly. In the shirking models, firms pay above the market wages, engage in some monitoring and fire those workers caught shirking.

By paying above market wages, firms decrease the incentive to shirk, since defection then entails loss of rents. According to shirking models, high wage industries are those with high monitoring costs and/ or industries which bear a relatively high cost of employee shirking.

2. Turnover Models:

Firms may also wish to pay above market clearing wages to reduce turnover. High wages are paid to reduce quits. So it follows, by deduction, that the high-wage industries are those in which turnover costs are the highest.

3. Adverse Selection Models:

According to these models, employers cannot gain an insight into the ability of workers, either as potential entrants or on the job, in a costless fashion. It is assumed that the average quality of the applicant pool increases with the wage rate. The main prediction of these models is that industries which are more sensitive to quality differences, or have higher costs of measuring quality, will offer higher wages.

4. Fair-Wage Models:

The premise of these models is that workers will exert more effort if they feel that they are being treated fairly. This premise gives firms an incentive to pay wages above competitive levels whenever their workers’ perceived fair wage exceeds the competitive wage.

If workers believe that fairness requires firms to share rents with employees, then fair wage models predict that industries with high profits will be those which pay high wages. In Fig. 1, we show profit-wage trade-off. In short, industries’ high wages lead to low profits as is shown by the profit-wage curve pw 1 .

Profit-wage Trade-off

If the wage rate is pushed up from w 1 to w 2 , the rate of profit falls from π 1 to π 0 . In other industries high wages lead to high profit as shown by the curve pw 2 . If the wage rate is pushed up from w 1 to w 2 , the rate of profit goes up from to π 0 to π 1 .

The fair wage models also predict high wages in industries where teamwork and worker expectations are particularly important. However, the four models are not mutually exclusive. Firms might well pay above competitive wages to reduce shirking and, thus, attract high-quality applicants and improve worker morale.

Effect of Minimum Wage on Employment :

Since the government does not hire surplus labour in the way it buys surplus agricultural output, a labour surplus takes the form of unemployment which tends to be higher under minimum wage laws than in a free market. In general, those whose employment prospects are reduced most by minimum wage laws are the young, less experienced and less skilled.

As in all cases, a ‘surplus’ is a price phenomenon. Unemployed workers are not surplus in the sense of being useless or in the sense that there is no work for them. Most of these workers are perfectly capable of producing goods and services, even if not to the same extent as more skilled workers. The unemployed are made idle by wage rates artificially set above the level of their productivity.

Moreover, unemployed youth are prevented from acquiring the job skills and experience which could make them more productive—and, therefore, higher earners—in near future. Due to minimum wage laws, unemployment in European countries is higher than that in the USA. Since Switzerland and Hong Kong do not have minimum wage laws, they have very low unemployment rates. In recent years, some countries have allowed their real minimum wage levels to be eroded by inflation.

Related Articles:

  • Major Causes of Unemployment: Job Search and Wage Rigidity
  • Difference between Voluntary and Involuntary Unemployment
  • Keynes’ Money-Wage Rigidity Model of Involuntary Unemployment
  • Unemployment Rate Calculation Formula

Unemployment Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Unemployment can be defined as the condition where citizens of a country are jobless and have in the recent past been involved in searching work without a success. Unemployment rate can be defined as the prevalence of unemployment opportunities in a country. The unemployment index is calculated by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by the number of individuals in the labour force (Arestis & John 15).

I have chosen the unemployment situation because of the increasing and prevalent unemployment rates in various countries.

Recent statistics indicate that, the rate of unemployment is on the increase and there is a lot of information to cover the complex area of unemployment. There are various reasons which cause unemployment in a country. The following are some of the reasons that cause unemployment rate in a country (Arestis & John 20).

  • Advances in new technologies. New technologies to a large extent replace the human labour force which renders most human beings as unemployed.
  • Population increase. The level of unemployment is believed to go up as population in a country increases. Increase in population leads to an increased pressure on the available resources. These limited resources are few and cannot accommodate the increasing demands of the population
  • National policies. Some countries have stringent national policies that favour the increase in the unemployment levels in a country. These national policies will always restrict the participation of certain gender groups in specific employment sectors. For example, some countries restricts the participation of women in many employment sectors especially the building, and construction sector.
  • Political environments also play a major role towards increasing the rate of unemployment. Political environments that increase the rate of unemployment are quite dominant especially in the developing countries. Such environments will enhance political vices such as nepotism and corruption which undermines the possibility of having fair distribution of employment opportunities to citizens.
  • Economic depression. Economic depression is a form of economic recession that is long-term which is characterized by a downturn in the various economic activities in a country.

In analyzing this complex situation of unemployment, it is of vital importance to consider the application of various system analyzing tools such as “tools, methods, methodology and many techniques”. This will make the analysis of the complex situation being analyzed to be understood easily.

In my research I will analyze the complex process of unemployment with the aim of creating a sustainable environment in the employment sector.

The research will encompass the various causes of unemployment rates, the challenges being encountered in the process of reducing unemployment rates. The research will critically analyze the various types of unemployment and, the mechanisms which can be adopted in order to reduce the prevalent rates of unemployment.

Unemployment is a complex problem facing many countries presently. The process of reducing unemployment rates can be a daunting process fraught with disappointments. As a summary of the major findings of the research, the major cause of unemployment is lack of information among citizens, and poor governance policies in a country (Arestis & John 30).

Various citizens are ignorant on how to effectively utilize the available natural and human resources to create employment. They lack a sense of creativity which could possibly create employment opportunities. Also, most citizens are ignorant on how to effectively participate in democratic governance process.

This ignorance eventually creates autocratic governance regimes which fosters nepotism and corruption. These political vices reduce the availability of employment opportunities in a country, leading to unemployment (Arestis & John 15).

One key requirement of a good system practitioner is the ability of the system practitioner to apply the various models, methods and theories of system practitioner into the real life.

My undertaking of this project will assist me to apply the various system practitioner concepts learnt in class to the real life complex scenario of unemployment (Jacques & Stephen, 1994, pg. 21). In analyzing the complexity associated with unemployment, I will consider the various theories of complex management which I will discuss along with the development of this paper.

Applying hard systems method

Before analyzing the complex process of unemployment, it is important to make a distinction between hard and soft systems. Hard systems can be defined as those problems that deal with the “how” questions. For example, the question of how to increase the rate of employment is an example of a hard problem.

A hard problem is always characterized by the fact that there is a distinct solution, and there are a number of defined goals that are well defined which should be accomplished. On the other hand, a soft system is a problem that encompasses both the “how” and “what” questions (Jacques & Stephen, 1994, pg. 27)

The complex process of unemployment could be well analyzed using the hard system method of approach. The hard system method tries to analyze a complex problem through many stages which will be discussed in this paper.

There are various advantages that are associated with the use of the hard system methodology of concept analysis. The following are some of the advantages of using the hard system method (Jacques & Stephen, 1994, pg. 35)

  • It provides a deeper understanding and analysis of the problem of unemployment and answers the question of how to mitigate the unemployment problem.
  • Hard system analysis provides answers to other complex problems related to unemployment like how to use technology to increase the rate of employment.

The following diagram indicates the application of hard system in the analysis of unemployment.

the application of hard system in the analysis of unemployment

The above diagram indicates the various processes that will be undertaken in the analysis of the unemployment problem.

Stage 1. System description

System description will always indicate the current position and status of the problem being analyzed. Currently we are experiencing a high rate of unemployment which is characterized by the increasing population rate. The world population is estimated at 7 billion people.

The available limited employment resources are not sufficient to carter for the demands of the 7 billion individuals. This eventually piles up pressure on the resources that could be used to create employment opportunities, hence leading to an increased level of unemployment (Steger, Maznevski & Wolfgang 39).

The following table illustrates the world population by continent by 2011.

Population by continent

The alarming increase in the level of unemployment creates a need for analyzing the complex concept of unemployment with the aim of unmasking the strategies to be adopted in order to reduce unemployment rates (Arestis & John 55).

The following table indicates the world top ten countries by unemployment rate

CountryUnemployment rate in %year
Zimbabwe952009 estimate
Nauru902004 est.
Liberia852003 est.
Burkina Faso772004

The above data directly underpins the fact that unemployment is a complex prevalent issue. If much is not done to contain the issue, then, the issue will become out of control and cause adverse effects to the limited human, and natural resources available (Arestis & John 60).

Stage 2. Identification of constraints and objectives

The main objective of this sturdy is to identify the various causes of unemployment and any relevant measure that can be adopted to mitigate the problem of unemployment. Also, the sturdy is aimed at identifying the reasons as to why there is a huge gap between the unemployment rates in developed countries and the developing countries (Steger, Maznevski & Wolfgang 40).

The major projected constrain is the political environments and government policies and ideologies governing the utilization of resources, and the creation of employment opportunities.

Stage 3. Generation of routes to objectives

  • Governments and relevant stakeholders should ensure that, there is gender equity and equality in the allocation of employment opportunities.
  • Governments should adopt various strategies that will involve the citizens in the creation of employment opportunity for self-sustainability. A self-sustenance economy should be adopted which can be achieved through promotion of innovation and creativity.
  • Removal of political and governance ideologies that promote nepotism, and corruption.
  • Creation of public awareness and increased public participation in the governance process.

Stage 4. Formulating measures for performance

Measures of performance will measure to what extent has the research objectives been met. In order to measure the performance, the unemployment index will be recorded for the next five years after the activities stipulated in the routes to objectives have been undertaken.

The unemployment index obtained will then be compared to unemployment index done before undertaking this research. The comparison will give vital information as to whether there is been an improvement in the unemployment index after the adoption of the routes to objectives (Zimmer & Jake 44).

Stage 5. Modeling

The modeling process will involve those activities that are geared towards determining the outcomes of the research (Zimmer & Jake 51). In order to identify the outcomes, a survey will be carried out after every year for the next five years to find out the rate of unemployment.

This will be calculated by dividing the number of employed individuals by the number of unemployed individuals. The index obtained will then be compared in order to determine whether there is an improvement or a decline in the unemployment rate (Arestis & John 31).

Stage 6. Evaluation

The evaluation stage is the most important stage in the analysis of the complex issue. Evaluation will involve the analysis of the outcomes obtained from the modelling stage. The evaluation will involve the analysis of the disparities that will be recorded in the research.

This will involve the sturdy of what factors are causing the disparity and how to re-align and reconfigure the process routes in order to achieve the research objectives. Evaluation process might also include the prototyping technique where the routes are tested, and retested in order to determine their viability before being fully implemented (Zimmer & Jake 71).

Stage 7. Selecting the best routes to objectives

After the evaluation process, the best route towards achieving the objectives should be selected. The route chosen should ensure that the research objectives have been met to a large extent. In the analysis of unemployment, the best route that was identified was the creation of awareness and involving the individuals in the governance process (Steger, Maznevski & Wolfgang 59).

This route will increase the level of democracy in a country hence creating equal employment opportunities for both women and men. Also, creating public awareness will ensure that citizens are well equipped with knowledge of how to effective utilize resources and create employment opportunities.

Also, public participation in the governance process will ensure that the governance policies adopted foster democracy which is a key ingredient towards reducing the rate of unemployment (Arestis & John 75).

Stage 8. Implementation of the selected routes

The implementation process will involve the process of adopting and enrolling the best selected route. In the case of unemployment, the selected route of creating awareness and increasing public participation in the governance process will be adopted.

Creating awareness will involve conducting of seminars to enlighten the public on how to effectively use the available resources, and how to create employment opportunities through innovation (Steger, Maznevski & Wolfgang 69).

Public participation in the process of policy formulation will be achieved through promotion of civic education among citizens on how to carefully vote and chose leaders with integrity.

Also, the civic education will be aimed at increasing public participation in government related projects, and governance processes starting from the grassroots government structures. Also, the civic education will aim at educating citizens on how they can get access to public funds and amenities.

Stakeholders involved

Stakeholders can be described as those people who are in one way or the other affected by the problem of unemployment. Also, stakeholders in one way or the other affect the entire problem of unemployment. Stakeholders can negatively or positively be affected by the unemployment concept.

On the other hand, stakeholders can positively or negatively influence the prevalence of unemployment concept (Jacques & Stephen, 1994, pg. 75)

The following tables indicates a summary of the how stakeholders are affected/affect the unemployment concept

Private employers
Unemployed citizens
increases reduces
Government increases
Private investors increases
Unemployed citizens increases

Ethicality statement

As a system practitioner I fully commit myself to the various ethical guidelines that should be followed whenever undertaking any research work. I will consider the following ethical consideration I my research undertaking:

  • The data collected will be solely used for the purpose of the research, and no client data will be used for any other purposes not stipulated in the research.
  • The clients will be fully informed on the purpose of the research, and the duration the research is going to take.
  • The participation of subjects in the research will be voluntary, and out of consent. Where approval is required, then, the relevant approving bodies will be sought.

Conclusion and recommendations

In conclusion, it is evident from the research that unemployment is a complex issue that can be solved abstractly. With the increasing levels of unemployment, much has to be done in order to mitigate and reduce the rate of unemployment. This calls for public awareness, and participation in the entire process of creating employment. Such a complex issue should not be entrusted in the hands of greedy and selfish leaders.

Project log

The entire project will be spread over a period of six weeks with the first two weeks dealing with the preparation process and the last four weeks dealing with the data collection and analysis. The five weeks have been broken into three phases.

The following table indicates the project log phases.

Week 1 & week 2Preparation and identification of sturdy areas
Week 3 & week 4 and Week 5Data collection
Week 6Data analysis and findings

Week 1 and week 2

During the first two weeks, I was involved in the process of consulting my colleagues and tutor to try and sought out their opinion about the topic. This gave a chance to discuss the various available methodologies that could be used in the sturdy. Also, this gave a chance to identify whether unemployment is a complex process or not.

Also, during the first week, I was able to undertake a literature review in order to determine what other researchers have done about the unemployment concept. The literature review sufficed me with relevant information about the unemployment concept.

Also, the information obtained was useful in avoiding mistakes done by previous researchers. The literature review involved researching the relevant literature materials like the internet, books, journals, and articles. I also obtained a chance of visiting various libraries in order to find out more information about the unemployment concept.

Week 3, 4 and 5

Most of the research work was conducted during the third, fourth and the fifth week. Various data was collected about the unemployment rate of individuals. Also, clients were required to fill in a survey form and a questionnaire in order to determine the causes of unemployment. Also, the subjects were required to give their individual opinions about what could be done in order to reduce the rate of unemployment.

Various data collections methods were employed in the process of data collection which includes the following methods; survey forms, questionnaires, and interviews.

Subjects were required to fill in questionnaires which sought to find out what were the causes of unemployment and what could be done to reduce the unemployment rates. Subjects were also required to fill in a survey form to determine whether the government is doing much to contain the problem of unemployment.

A series of interviews were also conducted with the aim of finding more first-hand information about the problem of unemployment. A total of three interviews were conducted during the entire period of the project. The following are the interviews that were conducted during the time of research.

Ministry of labour officialsWeek 1
A prominent private investorWeek 2
A low income workerWeek 3

The sixth week of the research was purely dedicated to data analysis and the sturdy of the findings. The data collected was analyzed and compared to previous data that was collected by other researchers on the same subject. The data analysis stage involved the application of the hard system on the complex process of unemployment. Various stages of the hard system methodology were studied in respect to unemployment.

Also, the compilation of the results obtained was done on the sixth week. This was the last week of the project undertaking, and due consultation was made to ensure that the project is up to date and with the relevant requirements.

I also, spent some time with my project supervisor in order to discuss the application of TMA in the complex process of unemployment. My supervisor advice helped a lot in the development of the project in the sense that, the information I was given largely assisted in the ensuring the realization of the research objectives.

Summary of the project log

In this section of the report, I will cover a brief summary of what I have been able to undertake during my six weeks of undertaking the project.

Undertaking the T306 course has largely helped build more on the concept that I learnt in my previous course, T205-An approach to system thinking. Managing complexity has equipped me with knowledge of how to apply various managing complexity theories, systems, and methodology in analyzing complex situations.

During the first five weeks of my project undertaking, I was extensively involved in the process of data collection and literature review. This introduced me to a number of literature and concept regarding the problem of unemployment. It also introduced me to a wide range of knowledge regarding data collection methods like interviews, questionnaires, and surveys.

The last week of the project was dedicated to data analysis. During this period of data analysis, various data analysis techniques were employed to analyze the data. This introduced me to a wide range of scientific data analysis methods of analyzing data.

Client report

The major client in the above research is the unemployed citizen or individual. They are the ones who are largely affected by the rising unemployment rate. Most of the unemployed individuals or citizens have the common ideology that it is the responsibility of government and private sectors to create employment.

Such an ideology is wrong because the process of creating employment opportunities is neither a government responsibility nor the responsibility of the private sector. It is a collective responsibility that has to be done by the collaboration of the citizens, the private sector, and the government.

There are various forms of employment that currently exists. One can be self employed which means that, they are their own employers. This form of employment fosters renovation and a spirit of entrepreneurship among citizens. This spirit eventually promotes innovation and creativity which eventually creates employment opportunities.

Also, citizens should be made to understand that, democracy plays a major role towards creation of employment opportunities. Democracy ensures accountability and transparency towards the use of resources, hence creating avenues for more employment opportunities. On the other hand, corruption, nepotism, and violence lead to misuse of resources which eventually blocks avenues for creating employment opportunities.

In order to reduce the adverse effects associated with unemployment, citizens should engage in innovation and creative activities. This will enhance the proper utilization of resources and eventually creating employment opportunities. One major desirable aspect of a good economy is the ability to be self sustainable.

A self sustainable economy will ensure that citizens have the services and products they require. One way of ensuring a self sustaining economy is by having citizens engage in innovative and creative activities. Such activities will lead to specialization, and creation of more job, and employment opportunities.

Works Cited

Arestis, Philip & McCombie, John. Unemployment: Past and Present . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Print.

Jaques, Elliott, and Stephen, Clement. Executive Leadership: A Practical Guide to Managing Complexity . Malden, Mass: Blackwell, 1994. Print.

Steger, Ulrich & Maznevski, Martha & Wolfgang, Amann. Managing Complexity in Global Organizations . Chichester, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, 2007. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 21). Unemployment. https://ivypanda.com/essays/unemployment-essay/

"Unemployment." IvyPanda , 21 May 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/unemployment-essay/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Unemployment'. 21 May.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Unemployment." May 21, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/unemployment-essay/.

1. IvyPanda . "Unemployment." May 21, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/unemployment-essay/.


IvyPanda . "Unemployment." May 21, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/unemployment-essay/.

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Essay for Class 5

Essays in english for class 5.

English can be a challenging language; however, with practice, children can improve their writing skills, and one important tool to help them improve their English is reading and English essay writing for class 5. 

An essay is a short piece of writing about a specific topic, which includes information about the topic along with the writer’s opinions, sometimes. Often, an essay is used in academics to test a student’s knowledge on a specific subject, apart from being served as a way of encouraging students to develop their writing skills.

Writing essays also helps children communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively. To write good essays in English for class 5, students must know the correct structure, use proper grammar and vocabulary, and ensure the writing is well-organized, which they will learn in this article.

Here are a few types of essays, each serving its purpose and function.

Narrative Essays - They detail a story from a particular point of view and include a set of characters, a location, a good plot, and a climax to the story. This type of essay includes the use of fine details. 

Descriptive Essay - A descriptive essay describes a topic in great detail. Use of imagery is widely used in this style of essay. 

Expository Essay - This essay explains an idea by giving information and an explanation, along with a variety of viewpoints on the subject being discussed.

Argumentative Essay - In this essay, the writer is trying to convince the reader about an opinion or point of view. There is a use of facts and data to back up any claims made within the essay.

English Essay Format for Class 5

1. introduction.

Overview of the topic

Attention-grabbing headline and introduction

Maximum 100 words

Present your arguments in a chronological order

Systematic flow

Two or more short paragraphs; not more than 100 words each

3. Conclusion

Summarising the main topic and subtopics

Lesson learnt or moral, if applicable

List of Essay Topics For Class 5

Given below is a list of some popular essay topics for class 5. Reading these essays on Vedantu will help the students develop their essay-writing skills. They can also practice these topics to become proficient in essay writing for class 5.

My Mother Essay

Education Essay

Social Media Essay

Science Essay for Students in English

Newspaper and It’s Current Value

Children’s Day

Republic Day

Writing Tips for Essay for Class 5

Here are some common tips that class 5 students should remember before they begin writing essays in English for class 5.

Always first outline your thoughts in rough and then start essay writing for class 5. 

Before beginning, ensure that you have understood the essay topic for class 5.

There should always be an interesting and appropriate title to the essay to draw attention and pique the curiosity of the reader.

An ideal essay should be between 300-500 words. 

An essay with concise information in simple-to-understand language, is the best, as complicated and difficult words break the reading flow of the reader.

Ensure that your essay doesn’t contain any grammatical mistakes, as it distracts the reader from the main content.

We hope this informative article on essays for class 5 must have helped you know the importance of essay writing in English and that you will start writing essays now. Download the PDFs by clicking on the links provided to start practising essay writing for class 5.

FAQs on Essay for Class 5

1. Where can I find free essay topics for class 5 to practice?

Students can head to Vedantu’s website to avail a plethora of free essay-writing topics for all classes. Students can click on the respective topics to download the free PDFs of essay topics and can practice whenever they want. 

2. Write the names of some popular essayists for kids.

Some famous essayists are: Mark Twain, Maya Angelou, Charles Lamb, Leo Tolstoy, Roald Dahl, J.K. Rowling, Gene Luen Yang, Beatrix Potter, C.S. Lewis, Madeleine L'Engle, etc.

3. What is the purpose of writing an essay?

The purpose of writing an essay is for kids to express their ideas, thoughts, and opinions on a specific topic and improve their writing skills.

4. How to start writing an essay for beginners?

To start writing an essay, students must first choose a topic of their choice and can ask a teacher to provide them with one. Start with penning down your thoughts in the form of points. Then write a short and interesting introduction, followed by the body content. End the essay with a summarising conclusion. Remember to check your essay for spelling and grammar mistakes.

5. What are the characteristics of an essay in English?

An essay is short in length, like a short story. 

An essay can cover a wide range of subjects, no matter how short.

It is used as a tool for the expression of a writer's personality, as an essay is the representation of the writer's view on a subject.

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Essay for Class 5 in English | List of Essay Topics for Grade 5 Students

Essay Writing is a great piece of work to teach or Improve your Child’s Writing Skills. We are with you in this and compiled Essay for Class 5 in English covering frequently asked essay topics from different categories. Increase your vocabulary and develop a strong command over English by reading and practicing various Essay Writing Topics. The Content in the Sample Essays for 5th Std Students is written in a simple and easy to understand language. You can access both Short and Long Essays on the Most Common Topics and use them as a part of your competitions or speeches.

Essay Topics List for Class 5 Children

All the Essay Topics for Grade 5 Students are written in a simple language keeping in mind the student’s level of understanding. Access the Essay Writing Topics & Ideas for 5th Standard Children available through the quick links and tap on the respective topic you wish to see. By reading and writing using the Class 5 Essays you can improve your vocabulary as well as get uniqueness to write an essay on your own. By doing so you can learn how to put your thoughts into words.

  • My School Essay for Class 5
  • Essay on Earth for Class 5
  • Rainy Season Essay in English for Class 5
  • Essay on Holi for Class 5
  • Essay on Christmas for Class 5
  • Essay on My Mother for Class 5
  • Essay on My Country for Class 5
  • Essay on Television for Class 5
  • Short Essay on Pollution for Class 5
  • Essay on Discipline for Class 5
  • Essay on New Year Resolution for Class 5
  • Essay on Mahatma Gandhi for Class 5
  • Essay on Republic Day for Class 5
  • Happiest Day of My Life Essay for Class 5
  • My Birthday Party Essay for Class 5
  • Honesty is the Best Policy Essay for Class 5
  • Essay on Earthquake for Class 5
  • Essay on Flood for Class 5
  • Essay on Water Pollution for Class 5
  • Essay on Environment for Class 5

FAQs on Essay for Class 5

1. What is the best and simple way to write an essay?

The best way to write an essay is to jot down what you are going to write beforehand. Not just the Essay make sure you have a structure too in mind. This really helps and is the simplest thing to write an essay.

2. Where do I find Some Good Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 5 Students?

You can find some Good Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 5 Students on our page.

3. What Should a Good Essay Have?

A good essay should have a bang-on opening statement that draw’s the attention of the users followed by a thesis statement and then a conclusion or a closing statement supporting your ideas. The Idea of each paragraph should be well explained and try considering examples too in between.

Final Words

We believe the knowledge shared regarding the Essay Writing Topics for Class 5 has shed some light on you. If you have any other queries or want us to add more such topics do leave us your suggestions and we will look into them. Stay in touch with our site to avail latest updates on Essays for the Most Common Topics of Students belonging to Different Grades.

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Rise of Artificial Intelligence: The Threat of Jobless Future or Better Job Opportunities Through Reskilling and Upskilling

  • 04 Apr 2024

“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.”

—Stephen Hawkins

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. It uses computers to mimic human cognitive processes for decision-making. AI is designed to perform various activities which include speech recognition, learning, planning, problem solving.

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a double-edged sword when it comes to jobs. There are valid concerns about some positions being automated, but also reasons to believe it will create new opportunities. The rise of artificial intelligence will make most people better off over the next decade, but many have concerns about how advances in AI will affect what it means to be human, to be productive and to exercise free wil.

AI seems to be emerging as a solution to workplace burnout, with 55% seeing opportunities and 75% of leaders predicting easier jobs with AI . While some people have feared that AI may replace human workers, there is a growing perspective that AI can actually improve relationships at work and AI represents a significant opportunity to transform our work dynamics and unlock a productive environment for all.

According to the publication of Forbes , about 47% of jobs that fall into the the figure might vary as these things tend to be influenced by other factors as well, such as the industry’budge regulations, political opinions and professional takes on the matter and of course, social resistance.

The cuture of the job market is a topic of much debate. Some believe that the rise of artificial intelligence will lead to a jobless future, while others believe that there will be new opportunities for those who are willing to reskill and upskill.Those who believe that the rise of artificial intelligence will lead to a jobless future point to the fact that many jobs are already being replaced by machines. For example, ATMs have replaced tellers in banks, and self-checkout machines have replaced cashiers in grocery stores.

Those who believe that there will be new opportunities for those who are willing to reskill and upskill point to the fact that this has always been the case throughout history. As technology has progressed, new jobs have been created to replace the old ones. For example, when the automobile was invented, jobs were created for mechanics and assembly line workers. Similarly, when computers were invented, jobs were created for programmers and software developers.

The World Economic Forum, in its Pioneers of Change Summit, asserted that there's no need to fear AI, as it will ultimately foster long-term job growth. According to the WEF's report, the COVID-19 pandemic has hastened the automation of numerous tasks, sparking concerns among some about potential job displacement by artificial intelligence (AI). However, the report emphasizes that AI will actually generate more job opportunities than it eliminates.

Moreover Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated technological advances and the automation of many routine tasks. In this environment, many are concerned that artificial intelligence (AI) will drive significant automation and destroy jobs in the coming decades. Just a few decades ago, the internet created similar concerns as it grew. Despite skepticism, the technology created millions of jobs.

Presently, AI stands at the threshold of catalyzing even greater growth in global economies. PwC's Annual Global CEO Survey reveals that 63% of CEOs anticipate AI will have a more profound impact than the internet. As Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies propelled by AI persist in fundamentally reshaping our world and lifestyles, there's a belief that AI might not result in widespread unemployment. On the contrary, AI technology is poised to generate more jobs than it automates.

By 2030 , AI will lead to an estimated $15.7 trillion , or 26% increase , in global GDP, based on PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study. Increased productivity will contribute to approximately 40% of this increase while consumption will drive 60% of GDP growth.

In its “Future of Jobs Report 2020,” the World Economic Forum estimates that 85 million jobs will be displaced while 97 million new jobs will be created across 26 countries by 2025.

Embracing the consumption and productivity benefits of AI will require businesses and governments to collaborate on massive reskilling and upskilling initiatives to help employees retrain and prepare for new and future jobs.

In the next few years, 3% of jobs will be potentially automated by AI, according to this trend. In the next five years, half of all workers will require some upskilling or reskilling to prepare for changing and new jobs, according to the World Economic Forum.

The rapid pace of technological change requires new models for training that prepare employees for an AI-based future. True upskilling requires a citizen-led approach focused on applying new knowledge to develop an AI-ready mindset. Employers should view upskilling and reskilling as an investment in the future of their organization, not an expense.

Keeping in mind that the giant, Amazon announced earlier that it will invest $700 million in workers in the US by 2025, which will help take up highly skilled jobs.

Many experts have described the rise of automation as one of the most important economic and social developments in history. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has characterized it as the fulcrum of a 4th Industrial Revolution. Moreover, the economist Andrew McAfee said, “Digital technologies are doing for human brainpower what the steam engine and related technologies did for human muscle power during the Industrial Revolution. They’re allowing us to overcome many limitations rapidly and to open up new frontiers with unprecedented speed. It’s a very big deal. But how exactly it will play out is uncertain.”

The rise of Artificial Intelligence presents both opportunities and challenges for the future of work. While concerns about job displacement and social implications persist, AI also promises to drive economic growth and create new avenues for employment. Embracing AI requires proactive measures such as reskilling and upskilling initiatives, collaborative efforts between businesses and governments, and a focus on societal well-being through effective policy frameworks. By navigating these challenges thoughtfully, society can harness the transformative potential of AI while mitigating its negative impacts, ensuring a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

“A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Can Be Our Friend”

—Bill gates

essay on unemployment for class 5th

Unemployment | A-Level Economics Model Essays

Discuss the view that falling unemployment will inevitably lead to trade-offs with other macroeconomic policy objectives (25 marks).

Unemployment is the percentage of people who are willing and able to work but are unable to find work. Trade-offs from lower unemployment can include some of the other policy objectives , such as a stable price level and a stable balance of payments on the current account.

If there is lower unemployment, it is likely that AD has shifted to the right. This is especially the case if cyclical unemployment has fallen, as it is the unemployment caused by a lack of AD in the economy, for example during the financial crisis or COVID. If AD shifts to the right, real GDP rises and unemployment falls, but there would be an increase in price levels, from P1 to P2, as seen below.

essay on unemployment for class 5th

Inflation (rise in average price levels) happens because higher AD (C+I+G+X-M) is linked to more spending from consumers, firms and the government. For example, if more people have jobs then more people will have a higher disposable income, which will lead to greater spending in the UK economy. Also, to reduce cyclical unemployment in the first place, it is possible that the government introduced fiscal policy, which means more government spending, also leading to higher AD and higher inflation. Also, if there is higher inflation, relative prices will be lower abroad, so more people may buy goods and services from abroad, leading to higher imports and lower exports (as goods are more expensive in the UK). This means that the current account deficit may also worsen due to lower unemployment. Overall, lower unemployment has trade-offs with the inflation and balance of payments objectives.

In evaluation, we only considered reducing cyclical unemployment by increasing demand so that doesn't mean that trade-offs are inevitable. Also, if there is a high amount of cyclical unemployment, there may have been a recession before, suggesting we are in a negative output gap and have high spare capacity. Increasing employment from a low output does not cause a large increase in inflation, as inflation was already low.

essay on unemployment for class 5th

Unemployment can also be reduced in another way without causing any major trade-offs. This can be done by using supply-side policies. Supply-side policies are policies that aim to increase LRAS by improving incentives. For example, if new infrastructure and roads are built, then this can lead to an increase in LRAS. This is the case in real life with HS2, which itself creates jobs to implement, but increases mobility of labour even further by easily allowing people to travel across the UK. If the government are able to increase LRAS at the same time that AD rises, then this will reduce the strain on the economy as there would be greater capacity and productive potential.

essay on unemployment for class 5th

The diagram above shows that we would be able to increase employment from y1 to y2, while only seeing a small rise in inflation because the supply-side policies can complement short-run economic growth by increasing capacity and reducing strain on price levels. Overall, there would be little conflict between macroeconomic objectives.

However, it is important to consider that supply-side policies are not easy to implement as they require a lot of spending and time. This means there is a high opportunity cost, which can lead to worse outcomes in relation to health, policing, or equality. Also, supply-side policies can take years to put in place, with HS2 being planned to launch after roughly 10 years.

Overall, lower unemployment can often lead to other issues such as inflation or worsened balance of payments but this is not inevitable, as the conflict can be prevented by using supply-side policies.

Intro: definitions and objectives

AD goes up. Diagram. Main trade-off is inflation. Inflation can lead to more imports.

We only considered reducing cyclical unemployment (AD going up), we don't know where the economy was before (was there spare capacity?)

Argument 2: lower UE does NOT always lead to trade offs e.g. ...

Overall, falling unemployment often leads to trade-offs such as higher inflation but this is not inevitable, for example (refer to something that you said).

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Class 5 Competency Based Questions 2024-25: Download PDF

Class 5 All Subjects Competency Based Questions are available for download here on aglasem.com. These Class 5 Competency Based Questions include MCQs, fill in the blanks, short answer questions, long answer questions, and answer key from the All Subjects curriculum and need you to apply understanding a little beyond the 5th class All Subjects textbook. For CBSE students, understanding and mastering these questions is crucial for success in All Subjects exam. Here you will understand what Competency Based Questions for All Subjects are, how they differ from traditional questions, and get tips on tackling these questions. You can also download Class 5 Competency Based Questions All Subjects PDF .

Class 5 All Subjects Competency Based Questions 2024-25

Here you can access a wide array of CBSE Competency Based Questions for the All Subjects subject. The PDF includes Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the Blanks, Short Answer Questions, and Long Answer Questions, along with the answer key for class 5 All Subjects. The Competency Based Questions for Class 5 All Subjects can be found here.

Class 5 All Subjects Competency Focused Practice Questions Download Link – Click Here to Download 5 All Subjects CBQ PDF

Class 5 All Subjects Competency Based Questions PDF

The complete pdf for competency focused practice questions for All Subjects is as follows.

essay on unemployment for class 5th

What are All Subjects Competency Based Questions?

These are designed to evaluate a student’s understanding of concepts of All Subjects, their ability to apply knowledge in real-life situations, and their critical thinking skills. Unlike traditional questions that may focus on rote learning or memorization, Competency Focused Questions require students to demonstrate a deeper comprehension of the subject matter (All Subjects). These questions measure various competencies in the All Subjects subject, such as problem-solving, logical reasoning, creativity, and subject-specific skills.

For Class 5 Competency Based Questions of All Subjects , students are expected to think beyond the All Subjects textbook and demonstrate their skills in a way that aligns with real-world applications.

  • Class 5 Competency Based Questions

In addition to All Subjects, the Competency Focused Questions for all subjects for students in 5th standard are as follows.

  • Class 3 All Subjects
  • Class 4 All Subjects
  • Class 5 All Subjects

Other Classes CBQ Download Links

Similarly the class wise CBQ practice question bank for school board are as follows.

  • Class 3 Competency Based Questions
  • Class 4 Competency Based Questions
  • Class 6 Competency Based Questions
  • Class 7 Competency Based Questions
  • Class 8 Competency Based Questions
  • Class 9 Competency Based Questions
  • Class 10 Competency Based Questions

Class 5 All Subjects Competency Questions  – An Overview

The highlights of this educational resource are as follows.

BoardCBSE / State Board
ClassClass 5
SubjectAll Subjects
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Competency Based Questions are revolutionizing the way students approach their studies. By focusing on the core competencies required by the CBSE board, students in Class 5 can develop the skills necessary to excel academically and beyond. Whether you are dealing with Class 5 All Subjects Competency Based Questions or any other subject, remember to focus on understanding, application, and critical thinking.

Start practicing today, and make these questions a core part of your study strategy. The more you engage with these questions, the more confident you’ll become in your ability to tackle any challenge that comes your way!

If you have any queries on 5th All Subjects Specimen Paper 2025, then please ask in comments below.

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  5. Essay on Unemployment for Children and Students

    India saw an average of 7.32 percent unemployment rate from 1983 to 2013 with a highest of 9.40 percent in the year 2009 and a record low of 4.90 percent in 2013. In the year 2015-16, the unemployment rate shot up significantly with 8.7 per cent for women and 4.3 per cent for men. Consequences of Unemployment.

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    It offers apprenticeships and hands-on training, reducing youth unemployment and ensuring a skilled workforce. b. FDR's New Deal. During the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs created jobs through public works projects, showing how government intervention can combat unemployment. Conclusion of Essay on ...

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    ADVERTISEMENTS: In explaining the cause of unemployment, Keynes focuses on the role of nominal wage inflexibility. In his view, unemployment results from an inflexible money wage which prevents the real wage from adjusting downwards to increase the demand for labour. Thus the unemployment problem originates from an inappropriate real wage.

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  23. Class 5 Competency Based Questions 2024-25: Download PDF

    These Class 5 Competency Based Questions include MCQs, fill in the blanks, short answer questions, long answer questions, and answer key from the All Subjects curriculum and need you to apply understanding a little beyond the 5th class All Subjects textbook. For CBSE students, understanding and mastering these questions is crucial for success ...