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De Broglie Hypothesis

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Today we know that every particle exhibits both matter and wave nature. This is called wave-particle duality . The concept that matter behaves like wave is called the de Broglie hypothesis , named after Louis de Broglie, who proposed it in 1924.

De Broglie Equation

Explanation of bohr's quantization rule.

De Broglie gave the following equation which can be used to calculate de Broglie wavelength, \(\lambda\), of any massed particle whose momentum is known:

\[\lambda = \frac{h}{p},\]

where \(h\) is the Plank's constant and \(p\) is the momentum of the particle whose wavelength we need to find.

With some modifications the following equation can also be written for velocity \((v)\) or kinetic energy \((K)\) of the particle (of mass \(m\)):

\[\lambda = \frac{h}{mv} = \frac{h}{\sqrt{2mK}}.\]

Notice that for heavy particles, the de Broglie wavelength is very small, in fact negligible. Hence, we can conclude that though heavy particles do exhibit wave nature, it can be neglected as it's insignificant in all practical terms of use.

Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a golf ball whose mass is 40 grams and whose velocity is 6 m/s. We have \[\lambda = \frac{h}{mv} = \frac{6.63 \times 10^{-34}}{40 \times 10^{-3} \times 6} \text{ m}=2.76 \times 10^{-33} \text{ m}.\ _\square\]

One of the main limitations of Bohr's atomic theory was that no justification was given for the principle of quantization of angular momentum. It does not explain the assumption that why an electron can rotate only in those orbits in which the angular momentum of the electron, \(mvr,\) is a whole number multiple of \( \frac{h}{2\pi} \).

De Broglie successfully provided the explanation to Bohr's assumption by his hypothesis.

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6.5 De Broglie’s Matter Waves

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe de Broglie’s hypothesis of matter waves
  • Explain how the de Broglie’s hypothesis gives the rationale for the quantization of angular momentum in Bohr’s quantum theory of the hydrogen atom
  • Describe the Davisson–Germer experiment
  • Interpret de Broglie’s idea of matter waves and how they account for electron diffraction phenomena

Compton’s formula established that an electromagnetic wave can behave like a particle of light when interacting with matter. In 1924, Louis de Broglie proposed a new speculative hypothesis that electrons and other particles of matter can behave like waves. Today, this idea is known as de Broglie’s hypothesis of matter waves . In 1926, De Broglie’s hypothesis, together with Bohr’s early quantum theory, led to the development of a new theory of wave quantum mechanics to describe the physics of atoms and subatomic particles. Quantum mechanics has paved the way for new engineering inventions and technologies, such as the laser and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These new technologies drive discoveries in other sciences such as biology and chemistry.

According to de Broglie’s hypothesis, massless photons as well as massive particles must satisfy one common set of relations that connect the energy E with the frequency f , and the linear momentum p with the wavelength λ . λ . We have discussed these relations for photons in the context of Compton’s effect. We are recalling them now in a more general context. Any particle that has energy and momentum is a de Broglie wave of frequency f and wavelength λ : λ :

Here, E and p are, respectively, the relativistic energy and the momentum of a particle. De Broglie’s relations are usually expressed in terms of the wave vector k → , k → , k = 2 π / λ , k = 2 π / λ , and the wave frequency ω = 2 π f , ω = 2 π f , as we usually do for waves:

Wave theory tells us that a wave carries its energy with the group velocity . For matter waves, this group velocity is the velocity u of the particle. Identifying the energy E and momentum p of a particle with its relativistic energy m c 2 m c 2 and its relativistic momentum mu , respectively, it follows from de Broglie relations that matter waves satisfy the following relation:

where β = u / c . β = u / c . When a particle is massless we have u = c u = c and Equation 6.57 becomes λ f = c . λ f = c .

Example 6.11

How long are de broglie matter waves.

Depending on the problem at hand, in this equation we can use the following values for hc : h c = ( 6.626 × 10 −34 J · s ) ( 2.998 × 10 8 m/s ) = 1.986 × 10 −25 J · m = 1.241 eV · μ m h c = ( 6.626 × 10 −34 J · s ) ( 2.998 × 10 8 m/s ) = 1.986 × 10 −25 J · m = 1.241 eV · μ m

  • For the basketball, the kinetic energy is K = m u 2 / 2 = ( 0.65 kg ) ( 10 m/s ) 2 / 2 = 32.5 J K = m u 2 / 2 = ( 0.65 kg ) ( 10 m/s ) 2 / 2 = 32.5 J and the rest mass energy is E 0 = m c 2 = ( 0.65 kg ) ( 2.998 × 10 8 m/s ) 2 = 5.84 × 10 16 J. E 0 = m c 2 = ( 0.65 kg ) ( 2.998 × 10 8 m/s ) 2 = 5.84 × 10 16 J. We see that K / ( K + E 0 ) ≪ 1 K / ( K + E 0 ) ≪ 1 and use p = m u = ( 0.65 kg ) ( 10 m/s ) = 6.5 J · s/m : p = m u = ( 0.65 kg ) ( 10 m/s ) = 6.5 J · s/m : λ = h p = 6.626 × 10 −34 J · s 6.5 J · s/m = 1.02 × 10 −34 m . λ = h p = 6.626 × 10 −34 J · s 6.5 J · s/m = 1.02 × 10 −34 m .
  • For the nonrelativistic electron, E 0 = m c 2 = ( 9.109 × 10 −31 kg ) ( 2.998 × 10 8 m/s ) 2 = 511 keV E 0 = m c 2 = ( 9.109 × 10 −31 kg ) ( 2.998 × 10 8 m/s ) 2 = 511 keV and when K = 1.0 eV , K = 1.0 eV , we have K / ( K + E 0 ) = ( 1 / 512 ) × 10 −3 ≪ 1 , K / ( K + E 0 ) = ( 1 / 512 ) × 10 −3 ≪ 1 , so we can use the nonrelativistic formula. However, it is simpler here to use Equation 6.58 : λ = h p = h c K ( K + 2 E 0 ) = 1.241 eV · μ m ( 1.0 eV ) [ 1.0 eV+ 2 ( 511 keV ) ] = 1.23 nm . λ = h p = h c K ( K + 2 E 0 ) = 1.241 eV · μ m ( 1.0 eV ) [ 1.0 eV+ 2 ( 511 keV ) ] = 1.23 nm . If we use nonrelativistic momentum, we obtain the same result because 1 eV is much smaller than the rest mass of the electron.
  • For a fast electron with K = 108 keV, K = 108 keV, relativistic effects cannot be neglected because its total energy is E = K + E 0 = 108 keV + 511 keV = 619 keV E = K + E 0 = 108 keV + 511 keV = 619 keV and K / E = 108 / 619 K / E = 108 / 619 is not negligible: λ = h p = h c K ( K + 2 E 0 ) = 1.241 eV · μm 108 keV [ 108 keV + 2 ( 511 keV ) ] = 3.55 pm . λ = h p = h c K ( K + 2 E 0 ) = 1.241 eV · μm 108 keV [ 108 keV + 2 ( 511 keV ) ] = 3.55 pm .


Check your understanding 6.11.

What is de Broglie’s wavelength of a nonrelativistic proton with a kinetic energy of 1.0 eV?

Using the concept of the electron matter wave, de Broglie provided a rationale for the quantization of the electron’s angular momentum in the hydrogen atom, which was postulated in Bohr’s quantum theory. The physical explanation for the first Bohr quantization condition comes naturally when we assume that an electron in a hydrogen atom behaves not like a particle but like a wave. To see it clearly, imagine a stretched guitar string that is clamped at both ends and vibrates in one of its normal modes. If the length of the string is l ( Figure 6.18 ), the wavelengths of these vibrations cannot be arbitrary but must be such that an integer k number of half-wavelengths λ / 2 λ / 2 fit exactly on the distance l between the ends. This is the condition l = k λ / 2 l = k λ / 2 for a standing wave on a string. Now suppose that instead of having the string clamped at the walls, we bend its length into a circle and fasten its ends to each other. This produces a circular string that vibrates in normal modes, satisfying the same standing-wave condition, but the number of half-wavelengths must now be an even number k , k = 2 n , k , k = 2 n , and the length l is now connected to the radius r n r n of the circle. This means that the radii are not arbitrary but must satisfy the following standing-wave condition:

If an electron in the n th Bohr orbit moves as a wave, by Equation 6.59 its wavelength must be equal to λ = 2 π r n / n . λ = 2 π r n / n . Assuming that Equation 6.58 is valid, the electron wave of this wavelength corresponds to the electron’s linear momentum, p = h / λ = n h / ( 2 π r n ) = n ℏ / r n . p = h / λ = n h / ( 2 π r n ) = n ℏ / r n . In a circular orbit, therefore, the electron’s angular momentum must be

This equation is the first of Bohr’s quantization conditions, given by Equation 6.36 . Providing a physical explanation for Bohr’s quantization condition is a convincing theoretical argument for the existence of matter waves.

Example 6.12

The electron wave in the ground state of hydrogen, check your understanding 6.12.

Find the de Broglie wavelength of an electron in the third excited state of hydrogen.

Experimental confirmation of matter waves came in 1927 when C. Davisson and L. Germer performed a series of electron-scattering experiments that clearly showed that electrons do behave like waves. Davisson and Germer did not set up their experiment to confirm de Broglie’s hypothesis: The confirmation came as a byproduct of their routine experimental studies of metal surfaces under electron bombardment.

In the particular experiment that provided the very first evidence of electron waves (known today as the Davisson–Germer experiment ), they studied a surface of nickel. Their nickel sample was specially prepared in a high-temperature oven to change its usual polycrystalline structure to a form in which large single-crystal domains occupy the volume. Figure 6.19 shows the experimental setup. Thermal electrons are released from a heated element (usually made of tungsten) in the electron gun and accelerated through a potential difference Δ V , Δ V , becoming a well-collimated beam of electrons produced by an electron gun. The kinetic energy K of the electrons is adjusted by selecting a value of the potential difference in the electron gun. This produces a beam of electrons with a set value of linear momentum, in accordance with the conservation of energy:

The electron beam is incident on the nickel sample in the direction normal to its surface. At the surface, it scatters in various directions. The intensity of the beam scattered in a selected direction φ φ is measured by a highly sensitive detector. The detector’s angular position with respect to the direction of the incident beam can be varied from φ = 0 ° φ = 0 ° to φ = 90 ° . φ = 90 ° . The entire setup is enclosed in a vacuum chamber to prevent electron collisions with air molecules, as such thermal collisions would change the electrons’ kinetic energy and are not desirable.

When the nickel target has a polycrystalline form with many randomly oriented microscopic crystals, the incident electrons scatter off its surface in various random directions. As a result, the intensity of the scattered electron beam is much the same in any direction, resembling a diffuse reflection of light from a porous surface. However, when the nickel target has a regular crystalline structure, the intensity of the scattered electron beam shows a clear maximum at a specific angle and the results show a clear diffraction pattern (see Figure 6.20 ). Similar diffraction patterns formed by X-rays scattered by various crystalline solids were studied in 1912 by father-and-son physicists William H. Bragg and William L. Bragg . The Bragg law in X-ray crystallography provides a connection between the wavelength λ λ of the radiation incident on a crystalline lattice, the lattice spacing, and the position of the interference maximum in the diffracted radiation (see Diffraction ).

The lattice spacing of the Davisson–Germer target, determined with X-ray crystallography, was measured to be a = 2.15 Å . a = 2.15 Å . Unlike X-ray crystallography in which X-rays penetrate the sample, in the original Davisson–Germer experiment, only the surface atoms interact with the incident electron beam. For the surface diffraction, the maximum intensity of the reflected electron beam is observed for scattering angles that satisfy the condition n λ = a sin φ n λ = a sin φ (see Figure 6.21 ). The first-order maximum (for n = 1 n = 1 ) is measured at a scattering angle of φ ≈ 50 ° φ ≈ 50 ° at Δ V ≈ 54 V , Δ V ≈ 54 V , which gives the wavelength of the incident radiation as λ = ( 2.15 Å ) sin 50 ° = 1.64 Å . λ = ( 2.15 Å ) sin 50 ° = 1.64 Å . On the other hand, a 54-V potential accelerates the incident electrons to kinetic energies of K = 54 eV . K = 54 eV . Their momentum, calculated from Equation 6.61 , is p = 2.478 × 10 −5 eV · s / m . p = 2.478 × 10 −5 eV · s / m . When we substitute this result in Equation 6.58 , the de Broglie wavelength is obtained as

The same result is obtained when we use K = 54 eV K = 54 eV in Equation 6.61 . The proximity of this theoretical result to the Davisson–Germer experimental value of λ = 1.64 Å λ = 1.64 Å is a convincing argument for the existence of de Broglie matter waves.

Diffraction lines measured with low-energy electrons, such as those used in the Davisson–Germer experiment, are quite broad (see Figure 6.20 ) because the incident electrons are scattered only from the surface. The resolution of diffraction images greatly improves when a higher-energy electron beam passes through a thin metal foil. This occurs because the diffraction image is created by scattering off many crystalline planes inside the volume, and the maxima produced in scattering at Bragg angles are sharp (see Figure 6.22 ).

Since the work of Davisson and Germer, de Broglie’s hypothesis has been extensively tested with various experimental techniques, and the existence of de Broglie waves has been confirmed for numerous elementary particles. Neutrons have been used in scattering experiments to determine crystalline structures of solids from interference patterns formed by neutron matter waves. The neutron has zero charge and its mass is comparable with the mass of a positively charged proton. Both neutrons and protons can be seen as matter waves. Therefore, the property of being a matter wave is not specific to electrically charged particles but is true of all particles in motion. Matter waves of molecules as large as carbon C 60 C 60 have been measured. All physical objects, small or large, have an associated matter wave as long as they remain in motion. The universal character of de Broglie matter waves is firmly established.

Example 6.13

Neutron scattering.

We see that p 2 c 2 ≪ E 0 2 p 2 c 2 ≪ E 0 2 so K ≪ E 0 K ≪ E 0 and we can use the nonrelativistic kinetic energy:

Kinetic energy of ideal gas in equilibrium at 300 K is:

We see that these energies are of the same order of magnitude.

Example 6.14

Wavelength of a relativistic proton, check your understanding 6.13.

Find the de Broglie wavelength and kinetic energy of a free electron that travels at a speed of 0.75 c .

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  • Authors: Samuel J. Ling, Jeff Sanny, William Moebs
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: University Physics Volume 3
  • Publication date: Sep 29, 2016
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6.6: De Broglie’s Matter Waves

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\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

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\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

\( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\)

\( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

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\( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

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\( \newcommand{\vectE}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{\mathbf {#1}}}} \)

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe de Broglie’s hypothesis of matter waves
  • Explain how the de Broglie’s hypothesis gives the rationale for the quantization of angular momentum in Bohr’s quantum theory of the hydrogen atom
  • Describe the Davisson–Germer experiment
  • Interpret de Broglie’s idea of matter waves and how they account for electron diffraction phenomena

Compton’s formula established that an electromagnetic wave can behave like a particle of light when interacting with matter. In 1924, Louis de Broglie proposed a new speculative hypothesis that electrons and other particles of matter can behave like waves. Today, this idea is known as de Broglie’s hypothesis of matter waves . In 1926, De Broglie’s hypothesis, together with Bohr’s early quantum theory, led to the development of a new theory of wave quantum mechanics to describe the physics of atoms and subatomic particles. Quantum mechanics has paved the way for new engineering inventions and technologies, such as the laser and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These new technologies drive discoveries in other sciences such as biology and chemistry.

According to de Broglie’s hypothesis, massless photons as well as massive particles must satisfy one common set of relations that connect the energy \(E\) with the frequency \(f\), and the linear momentum \(p\) with the wavelength \(λ\). We have discussed these relations for photons in the context of Compton’s effect. We are recalling them now in a more general context. Any particle that has energy and momentum is a de Broglie wave of frequency \(f\) and wavelength \(\lambda\):

\[ E = h f \label{6.53} \]

\[ \lambda = \frac{h}{p} \label{6.54} \]

Here, \(E\) and \(p\) are, respectively, the relativistic energy and the momentum of a particle. De Broglie’s relations are usually expressed in terms of the wave vector \(\vec{k}\), \(k = 2 \pi / \lambda\), and the wave frequency \(\omega = 2 \pi f\), as we usually do for waves:

\begin{aligned} &E=\hbar \omega \label{6.55}\\ &\vec{p}=\hbar \vec{k} \label{6.56} \end{aligned}

Wave theory tells us that a wave carries its energy with the group velocity . For matter waves, this group velocity is the velocity \(u\) of the particle. Identifying the energy E and momentum p of a particle with its relativistic energy \(mc^2\) and its relativistic momentum \(mu\), respectively, it follows from de Broglie relations that matter waves satisfy the following relation:

\[ \lambda f =\frac{\omega}{k}=\frac{E / \hbar}{p / \hbar}=\frac{E}{p} = \frac{m c^{2}}{m u}=\frac{c^{2}}{u}=\frac{c}{\beta} \label{6.57} \]

where \(\beta = u/c\). When a particle is massless we have \(u=c\) and Equation \ref{6.57} becomes \(\lambda f = c\).

Example \(\PageIndex{1}\): How Long are de Broglie Matter Waves?

Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of:

  • a 0.65-kg basketball thrown at a speed of 10 m/s,
  • a nonrelativistic electron with a kinetic energy of 1.0 eV, and
  • a relativistic electron with a kinetic energy of 108 keV.

We use Equation \ref{6.57} to find the de Broglie wavelength. When the problem involves a nonrelativistic object moving with a nonrelativistic speed u , such as in (a) when \(\beta=u / c \ll 1\), we use nonrelativistic momentum p . When the nonrelativistic approximation cannot be used, such as in (c), we must use the relativistic momentum \(p=m u=m_{0} \gamma u=E_{0} \gamma \beta/c\), where the rest mass energy of a particle is \(E_0 = m c^2 \) and \(\gamma\) is the Lorentz factor \(\gamma=1 / \sqrt{1-\beta^{2}}\). The total energy \(E\) of a particle is given by Equation \ref{6.53} and the kinetic energy is \(K=E-E_{0}=(\gamma-1) E_{0}\). When the kinetic energy is known, we can invert Equation 6.4.2 to find the momentum

\[ p=\sqrt{\left(E^{2}-E_{0}^{2}\right) / c^{2}}=\sqrt{K\left(K+2 E_{0}\right)} / c \nonumber \]

and substitute into Equation \ref{6.57} to obtain

\[ \lambda=\frac{h}{p}=\frac{h c}{\sqrt{K\left(K+2 E_{0}\right)}} \label{6.58} \]

Depending on the problem at hand, in this equation we can use the following values for hc :

\[ h c=\left(6.626 \times 10^{-34} \: \mathrm{J} \cdot \mathrm{s}\right)\left(2.998 \times 10^{8} \: \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}\right)=1.986 \times 10^{-25} \: \mathrm{J} \cdot \mathrm{m}=1.241 \: \mathrm{eV} \cdot \mu \mathrm{m} \nonumber \]

  • For the basketball, the kinetic energy is \[ K=m u^{2} / 2=(0.65 \: \mathrm{kg})(10 \: \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s})^{2} / 2=32.5 \: \mathrm{J} \nonumber \] and the rest mass energy is \[ E_{0}=m c^{2}=(0.65 \: \mathrm{kg})\left(2.998 \times 10^{8} \: \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}\right)^{2}=5.84 \times 10^{16} \: \mathrm{J} \nonumber \] We see that \(K /\left(K+E_{0}\right) \ll 1\) and use \(p=m u=(0.65 \: \mathrm{kg})(10 \: \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s})=6.5 \: \mathrm{J} \cdot \mathrm{s} / \mathrm{m} \): \[ \lambda=\frac{h}{p}=\frac{6.626 \times 10^{-34} \: \mathrm{J} \cdot \mathrm{s}}{6.5 \: \mathrm{J} \cdot \mathrm{s} / \mathrm{m}}=1.02 \times 10^{-34} \: \mathrm{m} \nonumber \]
  • For the nonrelativistic electron, \[ E_{0}=mc^{2}=\left(9.109 \times 10^{-31} \mathrm{kg}\right)\left(2.998 \times 10^{8} \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}\right)^{2}=511 \mathrm{keV} \nonumber \] and when \(K = 1.0 \: eV\), we have \(K/(K+E_0) = (1/512) \times 10^{-3} \ll 1\), so we can use the nonrelativistic formula. However, it is simpler here to use Equation \ref{6.58}: \[ \lambda=\frac{h}{p}=\frac{h c}{\sqrt{K\left(K+2 E_{0}\right)}}=\frac{1.241 \: \mathrm{eV} \cdot \mu \mathrm{m}}{\sqrt{(1.0 \: \mathrm{eV})[1.0 \: \mathrm{eV}+2(511 \: \mathrm{keV})]}}=1.23 \: \mathrm{nm} \nonumber \] If we use nonrelativistic momentum, we obtain the same result because 1 eV is much smaller than the rest mass of the electron.
  • For a fast electron with \(K=108 \: keV\), relativistic effects cannot be neglected because its total energy is \(E = K = E_0 = 108 \: keV + 511 \: keV = 619 \: keV\) and \(K/E = 108/619\) is not negligible: \[ \lambda=\frac{h}{p}=\frac{h c}{\sqrt{K\left(K+2 E_{0}\right)}}=\frac{1.241 \: \mathrm{eV} \cdot \mu \mathrm{m}}{\sqrt{108 \: \mathrm{keV}[108 \: \mathrm{keV}+2(511 \: \mathrm{keV})]}}=3.55 \: \mathrm{pm} \nonumber \].


We see from these estimates that De Broglie’s wavelengths of macroscopic objects such as a ball are immeasurably small. Therefore, even if they exist, they are not detectable and do not affect the motion of macroscopic objects.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)

What is de Broglie’s wavelength of a nonrelativistic proton with a kinetic energy of 1.0 eV?

Using the concept of the electron matter wave, de Broglie provided a rationale for the quantization of the electron’s angular momentum in the hydrogen atom, which was postulated in Bohr’s quantum theory. The physical explanation for the first Bohr quantization condition comes naturally when we assume that an electron in a hydrogen atom behaves not like a particle but like a wave. To see it clearly, imagine a stretched guitar string that is clamped at both ends and vibrates in one of its normal modes. If the length of the string is l (Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\)), the wavelengths of these vibrations cannot be arbitrary but must be such that an integer k number of half-wavelengths \(\lambda/2\) fit exactly on the distance l between the ends. This is the condition \(l=k \lambda /2\) for a standing wave on a string. Now suppose that instead of having the string clamped at the walls, we bend its length into a circle and fasten its ends to each other. This produces a circular string that vibrates in normal modes, satisfying the same standing-wave condition, but the number of half-wavelengths must now be an even number \(k\), \(k=2n\), and the length l is now connected to the radius \(r_n\) of the circle. This means that the radii are not arbitrary but must satisfy the following standing-wave condition:

\[ 2 \pi r_{n}=2 n \frac{\lambda}{2} \label{6.59}. \]

If an electron in the n th Bohr orbit moves as a wave, by Equation \ref{6.59} its wavelength must be equal to \(\lambda = 2 \pi r_n / n\). Assuming that Equation \ref{6.58} is valid, the electron wave of this wavelength corresponds to the electron’s linear momentum, \(p = h/\lambda = nh / (2 \pi r_n) = n \hbar /r_n\). In a circular orbit, therefore, the electron’s angular momentum must be

\[ L_{n}=r_{n} p=r_{n} \frac{n \hbar}{r_{n}}=n \hbar \label{6.60} . \]

This equation is the first of Bohr’s quantization conditions, given by Equation 6.5.6 . Providing a physical explanation for Bohr’s quantization condition is a convincing theoretical argument for the existence of matter waves.

Figure A is the standing-wave pattern for a string clamped in the wall. The distance between each node corresponds to the half gamma. Figure B is the standing-wave pattern for an electron wave trapped in the third Bohr orbit in the hydrogen atom. The wave has a circular shape with six nodes. The distance between each two node corresponds to the gamma.

Example \(\PageIndex{2}\): The Electron Wave in the Ground State of Hydrogen

Find the de Broglie wavelength of an electron in the ground state of hydrogen.

We combine the first quantization condition in Equation \ref{6.60} with Equation 6.5.6 and use Equation 6.5.9 for the first Bohr radius with \(n = 1\).

When \(n=1\) and \(r_n = a_0 = 0.529 \: Å\), the Bohr quantization condition gives \(a_{0} p=1 \cdot \hbar \Rightarrow p=\hbar / a_{0}\). The electron wavelength is:

\[ \lambda=h / p = h / \hbar / a_{0} = 2 \pi a_{0} = 2 \pi(0.529 \: Å)=3.324 \: Å .\nonumber \]

We obtain the same result when we use Equation \ref{6.58} directly.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\)

Find the de Broglie wavelength of an electron in the third excited state of hydrogen.

\(\lambda = 2 \pi n a_0 = 2 (3.324 \: Å) = 6.648 \: Å\)

Experimental confirmation of matter waves came in 1927 when C. Davisson and L. Germer performed a series of electron-scattering experiments that clearly showed that electrons do behave like waves. Davisson and Germer did not set up their experiment to confirm de Broglie’s hypothesis: The confirmation came as a byproduct of their routine experimental studies of metal surfaces under electron bombardment.

In the particular experiment that provided the very first evidence of electron waves (known today as the Davisson–Germer experiment ), they studied a surface of nickel. Their nickel sample was specially prepared in a high-temperature oven to change its usual polycrystalline structure to a form in which large single-crystal domains occupy the volume. Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\) shows the experimental setup. Thermal electrons are released from a heated element (usually made of tungsten) in the electron gun and accelerated through a potential difference ΔV, becoming a well-collimated beam of electrons produced by an electron gun. The kinetic energy \(K\) of the electrons is adjusted by selecting a value of the potential difference in the electron gun. This produces a beam of electrons with a set value of linear momentum, in accordance with the conservation of energy:

\[ e \Delta V=K=\frac{p^{2}}{2 m} \Rightarrow p=\sqrt{2 m e \Delta V} \label{6.61} \]

The electron beam is incident on the nickel sample in the direction normal to its surface. At the surface, it scatters in various directions. The intensity of the beam scattered in a selected direction φφ is measured by a highly sensitive detector. The detector’s angular position with respect to the direction of the incident beam can be varied from φ=0° to φ=90°. The entire setup is enclosed in a vacuum chamber to prevent electron collisions with air molecules, as such thermal collisions would change the electrons’ kinetic energy and are not desirable.

Figure shows the schematics of the experimental setup of the Davisson–Germer diffraction experiment. A beam of electrons is emitted by the electron gun, passes through the collimator, and hits Nickel target. Diffracted beam forms an angle phi with the incident beam and is detected by a moving detector. All of this is shown happening in a vacuum

When the nickel target has a polycrystalline form with many randomly oriented microscopic crystals, the incident electrons scatter off its surface in various random directions. As a result, the intensity of the scattered electron beam is much the same in any direction, resembling a diffuse reflection of light from a porous surface. However, when the nickel target has a regular crystalline structure, the intensity of the scattered electron beam shows a clear maximum at a specific angle and the results show a clear diffraction pattern (see Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\)). Similar diffraction patterns formed by X-rays scattered by various crystalline solids were studied in 1912 by father-and-son physicists William H. Bragg and William L. Bragg. The Bragg law in X-ray crystallography provides a connection between the wavelength \(\lambda\) of the radiation incident on a crystalline lattice, the lattice spacing, and the position of the interference maximum in the diffracted radiation (see Diffraction ).

The graph shows the dependence of the intensity of the scattering beam on the scattering angle in degrees. The intensity degrees from 10 to 30 degrees, followed by a sharp increase and maximum at 50 degrees, and then reaches zero at 80 degrees.

The lattice spacing of the Davisson–Germer target, determined with X-ray crystallography, was measured to be \(a=2.15 \: Å\). Unlike X-ray crystallography in which X-rays penetrate the sample, in the original Davisson–Germer experiment, only the surface atoms interact with the incident electron beam. For the surface diffraction, the maximum intensity of the reflected electron beam is observed for scattering angles that satisfy the condition nλ = a sin φ (see Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\)). The first-order maximum (for n=1) is measured at a scattering angle of φ≈50° at ΔV≈54 V, which gives the wavelength of the incident radiation as λ=(2.15 Å) sin 50° = 1.64 Å. On the other hand, a 54-V potential accelerates the incident electrons to kinetic energies of K = 54 eV. Their momentum, calculated from Equation \ref{6.61}, is \(p = 2.478 \times 10^{−5} \: eV \cdot s/m\). When we substitute this result in Equation \ref{6.58}, the de Broglie wavelength is obtained as

\[ \lambda=\frac{h}{p}=\frac{4.136 \times 10^{-15} \mathrm{eV} \cdot \mathrm{s}}{2.478 \times 10^{-5} \mathrm{eV} \cdot \mathrm{s} / \mathrm{m}}=1.67 \mathrm{Å} \label{6.62}. \]

The same result is obtained when we use K = 54eV in Equation \ref{6.61}. The proximity of this theoretical result to the Davisson–Germer experimental value of λ = 1.64 Å is a convincing argument for the existence of de Broglie matter waves.

Figure shows the surface diffraction of a monochromatic electromagnetic wave on a crystalline lattice structure. The in-phase incident beams are reflected from atoms on the surface. Phi is the angle between the incident and the reflected beam, the in-plane distance between the atoms is a.

Diffraction lines measured with low-energy electrons, such as those used in the Davisson–Germer experiment, are quite broad (Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\)) because the incident electrons are scattered only from the surface. The resolution of diffraction images greatly improves when a higher-energy electron beam passes through a thin metal foil. This occurs because the diffraction image is created by scattering off many crystalline planes inside the volume, and the maxima produced in scattering at Bragg angles are sharp (Figure \(\PageIndex{5}\)).

Picture A is a photograph of the diffraction pattern obtained in scattering on a crystalline solid with X-rays. Picture B is a photograph of the diffraction pattern obtained in scattering on a crystalline solid with electrons. Both pictures demonstrate diffracted spots symmetrically arranged around the central beam.

Since the work of Davisson and Germer, de Broglie’s hypothesis has been extensively tested with various experimental techniques, and the existence of de Broglie waves has been confirmed for numerous elementary particles. Neutrons have been used in scattering experiments to determine crystalline structures of solids from interference patterns formed by neutron matter waves. The neutron has zero charge and its mass is comparable with the mass of a positively charged proton. Both neutrons and protons can be seen as matter waves. Therefore, the property of being a matter wave is not specific to electrically charged particles but is true of all particles in motion. Matter waves of molecules as large as carbon \(C_{60}\) have been measured. All physical objects, small or large, have an associated matter wave as long as they remain in motion. The universal character of de Broglie matter waves is firmly established.

Example \(\PageIndex{3A}\): Neutron Scattering

Suppose that a neutron beam is used in a diffraction experiment on a typical crystalline solid. Estimate the kinetic energy of a neutron (in eV) in the neutron beam and compare it with kinetic energy of an ideal gas in equilibrium at room temperature.

We assume that a typical crystal spacing a is of the order of 1.0 Å. To observe a diffraction pattern on such a lattice, the neutron wavelength λ must be on the same order of magnitude as the lattice spacing. We use Equation \ref{6.61} to find the momentum p and kinetic energy K . To compare this energy with the energy \(E_T\) of ideal gas in equilibrium at room temperature \(T = 300 \, K\), we use the relation \(K = 3/2 k_BT\), where \(k_B = 8.62 \times 10^{-5}eV/K\) is the Boltzmann constant.

We evaluate pc to compare it with the neutron’s rest mass energy \(E_0 = 940 \, MeV\):

\[p = \frac{h}{\lambda} \Rightarrow pc = \frac{hc}{\lambda} = \frac{1.241 \times 10^{-6}eV \cdot m}{10^{-10}m} = 12.41 \, keV. \nonumber \]

We see that \(p^2c^2 << E_0^2\) and we can use the nonrelativistic kinetic energy:

\[K = \frac{p^2}{2m_n} = \frac{h^2}{2\lambda^2 m_n} = \frac{(6.63\times 10^{−34}J \cdot s)^2}{(2\times 10^{−20}m^2)(1.66 \times 10^{−27} kg)} = 1.32 \times 10^{−20} J = 82.7 \, meV. \nonumber \]

Kinetic energy of ideal gas in equilibrium at 300 K is:

\[K_T = \frac{3}{2}k_BT = \frac{3}{2} (8.62 \times 10^{-5}eV/K)(300 \, K) = 38.8 \, MeV. \nonumber \]

We see that these energies are of the same order of magnitude.

Neutrons with energies in this range, which is typical for an ideal gas at room temperature, are called “thermal neutrons.”

Example \(\PageIndex{3B}\): Wavelength of a Relativistic Proton

In a supercollider at CERN, protons can be accelerated to velocities of 0.75 c . What are their de Broglie wavelengths at this speed? What are their kinetic energies?

The rest mass energy of a proton is \(E_0 = m_0c^2 = (1.672 \times 10^{−27} kg)(2.998 \times 10^8m/s)^2 = 938 \, MeV\). When the proton’s velocity is known, we have β = 0.75 and \(\beta \gamma = 0.75 / \sqrt{1 - 0.75^2} = 1.714\). We obtain the wavelength λλ and kinetic energy K from relativistic relations.

\[\lambda = \frac{h}{p} = \frac{hc}{\beta \gamma E_0} = \frac{1.241 \, eV \cdot \mu m}{1.714 (938 \, MeV)} = 0.77 \, fm \nonumber \]

\[K = E_0(\gamma - 1) = 938 \, MeV (1 /\sqrt{1 - 0.75^2} - 1) = 480.1\, MeV \nonumber \]

Notice that because a proton is 1835 times more massive than an electron, if this experiment were performed with electrons, a simple rescaling of these results would give us the electron’s wavelength of (1835)0.77 fm = 1.4 pm and its kinetic energy of 480.1 MeV /1835 = 261.6 keV.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{3}\)

Find the de Broglie wavelength and kinetic energy of a free electron that travels at a speed of 0.75 c .

\(\lambda = 1.417 \, pm; \, K = 261.56 \, keV\)

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Modern Physics of Class 12

De broglie waves.

The first step in the understanding of the hidden meaning of Bohr's quantum orbits was made by a Frenchman, Louis de Broglie, who tried to draw an analogy between the sets of discrete energy levels that characterise the inner state of atoms and the discrete sets of mechanical vibrations that are observed in the case of violin strings, organ pipes etc.

de Broglie asked himself, 

"Could it not be that the optical properties of atoms are due to some kind of standing waves enclosed within themselves?"

As a result of these considerations, de Broglie came out with his hypothesis that the motion of electron within the atom is associated with a peculiar kind of waves which he called "pilot waves".

In order to have n complete wavelengths (nλ) fit into the circumference of the nth orbit, the following relation must be true:

nλn = 2πrn

From Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom,


The wavelength of the wave associated with a moving particle is equal to Planck's quantum constant divided by the momentum of the particle.

Example  16.6

What is the energy and wavelength of a thermal neutron ? 

By definition, a thermal neutron is a free neutron in a neutron gas at about 20o C (293 K).

Since it has three degrees of freedom, therefore 

De Brogile Waves

Example 16.7

A particle of mass m is confined to a narrow tube of length L. 

(a) Find the wavelengths of the de-Broglie waves which will resonate in the tube,

(b) Calculate the corresponding particle momenta, and 

(c) Calculate the corresponding energies.

  (a) The de Broglie waves will resonate with a node at each end of the tube.

A few of the possible resonance forms are as follows : 

λn = 2L/n ;  n = 1, 2, 3, ......

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Wave Nature of Matter and De Broglie's Equation

The matter is a particle and also a wave. In 1920, a young physicist named Louis de Broglie made a radical suggestion that since light has both a particle and wave nature then matter has a wave nature too. Now, that’s something very difficult to wrap your head around. In this article, we will learn about the wave nature of the matter.

Wave Nature of Matter

De broglie’s equation.

\(\begin{array}{l} \lambda = \frac hp = \frac {h}{mv} \end{array} \)

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty

The Davisson-Germer experiment proved beyond doubt the wave nature of matter by diffracting electrons through a crystal. In 1929, de Broglie was awarded the Nobel Prize for his matter wave theory and for opening up a whole new field of Quantum Physics. The matter-wave theory was gracefully incorporated by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. The Uncertainty Principle states that for an electron or any other particle, both the momentum and position cannot be known accurately at the same time. There is always some uncertainty with either the position ‘delta x’ or with the momentum, ‘delta p’.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Equation:

Say you measure the momentum of the particle accurately so that ‘delta p (Δp)’ is zero. To satisfy the equation above, the uncertainty in the position of the particle, ‘delta x (Δx)’ has to be infinite. From de Broglie’s equation, we know that a particle with a definite momentum has a definite wavelength ‘Lambda’. A definite wavelength extends all over space all the way to infinity. By Born’s Probability Interpretation this means that the particle is not localized in space and therefore the uncertainty of position becomes infinite.

In real life though, the wavelengths have a finite boundary and are not infinite and thus both the position and momentum uncertainties have a finite value. De Broglie’s equation and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle are apples of the same tree.

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What is de broglie equation, what is the formula to find the de broglie wavelength, give the heisenberg’s uncertainty equation., state true or false: de broglie was awarded the nobel prize for his matter wave theory., does microscopic particle-like electrons possess dual nature property..

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What is deBroglie's hypothesis? Write the expression for the wavelength associated with a moving particle.

De broglie hypothesis says that all matter has both particle and wave nature. the wave nature of a particle is quantified by de broglie wavelength defined as, λ = h m v where h is plank's constant, m is mass of the particle and v is velocity of the particle..

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The de Broglie wavelength of electron of He + ion is 3.329Å. If the photon emitted upon de-excitation of this He + ion is made to hit H atom in its ground state so as to liberate electron from it, what will be the de Broglie's wavelength of photoelectron ?

1. 0.1518 Å

2. 6.1518 Å

3. 2.3518 Å

4. 4.1218 Å

Other Reason

Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an α -particle emitted from radium having an energy of 4.8 MeV.

(Mass of α -particle=6.6 x 10 -24 g; h=Planck's constant = 6.626 x 10 -27 erg sec)

1. 6.18 x 10 -13 cm

2. 0.58 x 10 -8 cm

3. 6.58 x 10 -13 cm

4. 4.12 x 10 -11 cm

What is the ratio of the time period of revolution of electron He + ion sample in the orbit where the path length is three time the de-broglies wavelength to the time period of revolution in the ground state –


For particles having same kinetic energy, the de Broglie wavelength is-

1. Directly proportional to its velocity

2. Inversely proportional to its velocity

3. Independent of velocity and mass

4. Unpredictable

An electron, practically at rest, is initially accelerated through a potential difference of 100 volts. It then has a de Broglie wavelength= λ 1 Å. It then get retarded through 19 volts and then it has wavelength λ 2 Å. A further retardation through 32 volts changes the wavelength to  λ 3 .

What is ( λ 3 - λ 2 )/ λ 1 ?

A cricket ball of 0.5 kg is moving with a velocity of 100 ms -1 . The wavelength associated with its motion is:

2. 6.6 x 10 -34 m

3. 1.32 x 10 -35 m

4. 6.6 x 10 -28 m

If the velocity of a particle is reduced to 1/3 rd , then percentage increase in its de-broglie wavelength will be:-

 The largest de Broglie wavelength among the following (all have equal velocity) is: 

1.   CO 2  molecule

2.   NH 3  molecule

3.  Electron

4.  Proton

  V on two particles A and B are plotted against de-Broglie wavelengths. Where V is the potential on the particles. Which of the following relation is correct about the mass of particles?

state de broglie hypothesis ncert

1.   m A = m B

2.   m A > m B

3.   m A < m B

4.   m A ≤ m B

The graphs that represents the variation of momentum of particle with de-Broglie wavelength is: 

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State de-Broglie hypothesis.

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According to hypothesis of de Broglie The atomic particles of matter moving with a givenvelocity  can display the wave like properties.

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