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Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 24 Direct and Indirect Speech

class 6 english grammar direct and indirect speech

Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 24 Direct and Indirect Speech. The word—speech—means whatever we speak or write. Speaking or writing the words of an another person can be done in two ways, 1. by repeating the words of the other person as they were, 2. by stating the meaning of the words of the other person in your own words. Suppose Aman speaks the words: “I am ill today.” Any person other than Aman can express his words in the following two ways: (a) Either he says: Aman said, “I am ill today.” (b) Or he can say: Aman said that he was ill that day.

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Direct Speech

Aman said, “I am ill today.” In this sentence, the very words of the speaker, i.e., “I am ill today” are quoted within inverted commas (” “). This is called the Direct Speech. The sentence within ” ” is called reported speech. The verb that introduces the reporting speech is called reporting verb.

INDIRECT SPEECH Aman said that he was ill that day. In the above sentence, we have reported what the speaker said, i.e. he was ill that day without quoting the exact words. This is called Indirect Speech. Carefully Read the following points: In Direct Speech: 1. The Reported Speech is put within Inverted Commas (” “). 2. The first word of the Reported Speech begins with a capital letter. In Indirect Speech: 1. Inverted commas are not used for the Reported Speech It is generally introduced by the conjunction that, if, etc. 2. The comma separating the Reporting Verb from the Reported Speech is removed. 3. The tense of the Reporting Verb is never changed.


Conversion of Assertive Sentences into Indirect Speech Rule: If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future Tense, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech is not changed at all as,


Rule: If the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense, the tense of the R.S. will change as under: Simple Present changes into Simple Past: Direct: He said, “Sandhya sings a nice song.” Indirect: He said that Sandhya sang a nice song. Present Continuous changes into Past Continuous: Direct: He said, “The girls are picking flowers.” Indirect: He said that the girls were picking flowers. Present Perfect changes into Past Perfect: Direct: Father said to me, “It has been raining since morning.” Indirect: Father told me that it had been raining since morning. Simple Past changes into Past Perfect: Direct: I said to him, “They enjoyed the magic show.” Indirect: I told him that they had enjoyed the magic show. Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous are not changed: Direct: She said, “He had not seen the Taj before.” Indirect: She said that he had not seen the Taj before. Shall and will of future tense become should/would: Direct: I said to her, “I shall help Sagun”. Indirect: I told her that I should/would help Sagun. All Present Tenses change into their corresponding Past forms: is, am become was can becomes could are becomes were may becomes might has, have become had was/were become had been The forms of could, should, would, might, had are not changed: Direct: I said to him, “I am a poor man.” Indirect: I told him that I was a poor man.


Pronouns of the first person change according to the person of the Subject of the Reporting Verb: Direct: I said, “I have done my duty.” Indirect: I said that I had done my duty. Rule: Pronouns of the third person remain unchanged. Direct: I said, “He has done his duty.” Indirect: I said that he had done his duty. CHANGE OF WORDS DENOTING TIME AND POSITION here becomes there this becomes that ago becomes before today becomes that day thus becomes so now becomes then CONVERSION OF QUESTIONS INTO INDIRECT SPEECH 1. The Reporting Verb is changed to asked, enquired, demanded etc. 2. Whether or if is used if the R.S. begins with a Helping Verb or a Modal Auxiliary like do, does, did, is, am, are and can, could, should, would etc. in place of comma and inverted commas. 3. All questions beginning with interrogative words like how, what etc. remain unchanged. 4. The Interrogative form is changed into assertive form. The Question Mark is dropped. 5. Tenses, Pronouns and Words denoting nearness are changed according to the rules already stated. Direct: 1. He said to me, “Do you take tea?” Indirect: He asked me if I took tea.

Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 24 Direct and Indirect Speech

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Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 with Answers CBSE

Direct and indirect speech exercises for class 6 with answers cbse pdf.

Rules For Changing Direct Speech To Reported Speech

1. Changes in reporting verb

  • Affirmative sentences: said, told (object), asserted, replied, assured, informed, responded, whispered, alleged, believed, assumed, thought
  • Interrogative sentences: asked, inquired, wanted to know, enquired
  • Imperative sentences: ordered, begged, pleaded, implored, advised, demanded

2. Change of pronouns

  • The conjunction that is used to connect the reporting verb with what is said.
  • A first-person and second-person generally change to third person (depending upon object to reporting verb)
  • In case the reporting verb is in present, the tense of verb in reported speech continues to remain in the present tense.

3. Change of tenses When we report something after a certain period of time, and what we are talking about has already happened, we change the tense of the sentence being reported into a corresponding past tense. Read the following table carefully.

In general, present tense becomes past tense:

  • Past tense becomes past perfect tense.
  • Past continuous becomes past perfect continuous tense.
  • Past perfect and past perfect continuous remain unchanged.

4. Change of situations When we report sentences in indirect speech, the words denoting places or time are changed.

5. Universal truths When universal truths are being reported we may choose either to retain the original tense of the sentence or to change it.

6. Questions and answers

7. Commands, orders and requests

8. Modals verbs

Changes in modals

  • can – could
  • will – would
  • shall – should
  • may – might

Would, should, could, might, ought to and must are unchanged.

1. What does Ditya want to buy and why? 2. Why Ditya’s clothes are not suitable for the occasion? 3. What does father reply in the end of the story above?

B. Change the following sentences into indirect speech from the story above.

1. Ditya says to her father, “I want to buy new clothes for my graduation ceremony.” ___________________________________________________ 2. “These dresses are not suitable for the occasion,” says Ditya. ___________________________________________________ 3. “You have just borrowed three dresses a few days ago,” replies father. ___________________________________________________

Direct And Indirect Speech Practice Exercises for Class 6 CBSE

A. Complete the sentences into indirect speech.

1. Mohan (to Seema): I like your hairstyle. Mohan tells Seema : ____________

2. Parrot: I can speak English. The parrot says ____________

3. The fairy (to boy): I will grant you a wish if you won’t tell a lie. The fairy tells the boy ____________

4. The doctor (to a patient): I prescribed you a medicine but I did not charge you for it. The doctor tells ____________

5. The guide (to tourists): We are going to visit the Mahendra caves and there we will get to see bats. The guide says ____________

B. Change the following Direct speech into Indirect.

1. She says, “I will do this work.” ___________________________________

2. Sunita says, “He can come and stay in my flat.” ___________________________________

3. Amrita says to Hari, “I am taking my lunch now.” ___________________________________

4. Nancy says, “I am going to Paris next month.” ___________________________________

5. Vikas says, “I work hard on this project.” ___________________________________

6. She says, “This book is mine.” ___________________________________

7. Aunt Kajol says to me, “You will send these books to my place the day after tomorrow.” ___________________________________

8. Chetan says to mother, “I will tell you the truth.” ___________________________________

9. I have told him, “My father is a doctor.” ___________________________________

10. Meeta says, “I am sure everything will be alright after the operation.” ___________________________________

C. Write the correct pronouns in the following sentences in Reported speech.

1. Ankit: “I work in an office.” Ankit told me (that) ____________ worked in an office.

2. La lit and Puneet: “We play football.” Lalit and Puneet told me (that) ____________ played football.

3. Anjali: “I like my cat.” Anjali told me (that) ____________ liked ____________ cat.

4. Sanju: “Can you see me?” Sanju asked me ¡f ____________ could see ____________.

5. Kanika : “I will have to borrow your pencil.” Kanika told me (that) ____________ would have to borrow ____________ pencil.

6. Meera: “My father is American.” Meera told me (that) ____________ father is American.

7. Pooja and Rajni: “Can we use your camera?” Pooja and Rajni asked me if could use ____________ camera.

8. Raja: “How is your journey?” Raja asked me how ____________ journey was.

9. Priya and Ritu: “We love our pets.” Priya and Ritu told me (that) ____________ loved ____________ Pets.

10. Grandmother: “Piease bring me a cup of my tea.” Grandmother told me to bring ____________ a cup of tea.

Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 – Part II

Fundamentals: If the Reported Verb is in Past tense (Said, told instead of say, tell) then the tense in the reporting speech changes accordingly.

1. Why does Rita argue with her mother? 2. Why does Rita’s mother never give her a pizza or a burger to eat? Give two reasons. 3. What does Rita’s mother advice her in the end of the story?

B. Read the conversation between mother and daughter in the story above and complete the paragraph that follows.

Mother told Rita 1. ____________. Rita replied that 2. ____________ and told her mother that she never gave her a pizza or burger. Mother said that they are not good for her health and reminded her 3. ____________. Rita then asked her mother to give her french fries and a shake. Mother warned her that if she lived on junk food, she would spoil her health.

Direct And Indirect Speech Worksheets With Answers Pdf

A. Change the following into reported speech.

1. Nikhil said, “I will come tomorrow.” ____________________________________

2. Paras said, “I have passed the examination.” ____________________________________

3. He said, “We are going for a picnic today.” ____________________________________

4. She said, “Aayush is working hard.” ____________________________________

5. She said, “I have been writing for an hour.” ____________________________________

6. Rita said, “The girls were singing in the music period.” ____________________________________

7. The teacher says, “Sehaj does not work hard.” ____________________________________

8. I said to her, “I can solve the sum.” ____________________________________

9. Aman said, “Vinay may not come to school today.” ____________________________________

10. The teacher said, “The earth is round.” ____________________________________

11. He said to his friend, “My sister has written a letter.” ____________________________________

12. The priest said, “God is great.” ____________________________________

13. Arjun said, “I can play sitar.” ____________________________________

14. Mohan said, “My sister has been studying since morning.” ____________________________________

16. They said to me, “We cannot help you now.” ____________________________________

17. Sambhav said, “My father is writing a letter.” ____________________________________

18. She said to me, “I will go to the library tomorrow.” ____________________________________

B. Finish the sentences using Reported speech.

Question 1. Niru: Will you please give me your notebook? Indu: Yes. Which one do you need? Niru asked Indu if ……………………………….. Indu said, ……………………………….. She asked ……………………………….. Answer: Niru asked Indu if she would give Niru her notebook . Indu said yes . She asked Niru which one she needed .

Question 2. Mohini said, “Where can I find the post office?” The policeman said, “It is on the road behind the clock tower.” Mohini said, “Thank you. I have been looking for it for a while.” Mohini asked the policeman ………………………………. . The policeman said ………………………………. . Mohini ……………………………….. him and added that she had ……………………………….. Answer: Mohini asked the policeman where he could find the post office . The policeman said that it was on the road behind the clock tower . Mohini thanked him and added that she had been looking for it for w while .

Question 3. Teacher: Rohan, what are you thinking? Hurry up and finish your work. Rohan: Ma’am, I have almost finished. I was trying to recall my last week’s lessons.

The teacher ……………………………….. Rohan ……………………………….. She told him to ……………………………….. Rohan replied ……………………………….. He said that he ……………………………….. Answer: The teacher asked Rohan what he was thinking . She told him to hurry up and finish his work . Rohan replied that he had almost finished . He said that he was trying to recall his previous week lessons .

Question 4. Father: You look worried. What’s the matter? Son: It’s about my admission to an engineering college. Father: When are your results expected? Son: Within a week, Father.

The father noticed that his son ……………………………….. He asked him ………………………………. . The son replied ………………………………. . The father asked ………………………………. . The son replied ……………………………….. Answer: The father noticed that his son looked worried . He asked him what the matter was . The son replied that it was about his admission to an engineering college . The father asked his son when were his reults expected . The son replied that they were expected within a week .

Question 5. Jenny: Let’s go for a walk. Susan: Yes. Give me ten minutes. Jenny: Let’s go now. Susan: I will just take a few more minutes. Jenny: Why must you delay? Susan: What makes you so impatient?

Jenny asked Susan ……………………………….. Susan replied politely ……………………………….. Jenny was, however, impatient and said ……………………………….. Susan ……………………………….. Answer: Jenny asked Susan to go for a walk . Susan replied politely in the affirmative and asked to be given ten minutes . Jenny was, however, impatient and said that she wanted to go then . Susan said that she would take a few more minutes. Jenny asked her why she must delay. To this, Susan asked Jenny what made her so impatient .

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  • English Grammar Worksheets

Direct And Indirect Speech Worksheet for Class 6

by Manjusha · June 6, 2023

Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

reported speech worksheet for class 6

1. ‘I have been to Spain,’ said Ramesh.

2. ‘I recognized him instantly,’ she said to me.

3. ‘I sent the money in the morning,’ the clerk told the manager.

4. ‘We are going to win,’ said the players.

5. ‘I haven’t eaten anything since morning,’ said the girl.

6. ‘You can stay in my home,’ she said to me.

7. ‘I left home at 7 am,’ Rahul said.

8. ‘I am hungry,’ she said.

9. ‘What are you doing in my room?’ she said to me.

10. ‘We were living in Punjab at that time,’ said the old man.

11. ‘You should have informed me,’ she said to me.

12. ‘I will give your money back on Monday,’ he said.

1. Ramesh said that he had been to Spain.

2. She told me that she had recognized him instantly.

3. The clerk told the manager that he/she had sent the money in the morning.

4. The players said that they were going to win.

5. The girl said / complained that she hadn’t eaten anything since morning.

6. She told me that I could stay in her home.

7. Rahul said that he had left home at 7.

8.  She said that she was hungry.

9. She asked me what I was doing in her room.

10. The old man said that they had been living in Punjab at that time.

11. She told me that I should have informed her.

12. He said that he would give my money back on Monday.  

Tags: direct and indirect speech worksheet for class 6 reported speech worksheet for class 6

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class 6 english grammar direct and indirect speech

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Direct and Indirect Speech English Grammar For Class 6

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Direct and Indirect Speech

There are two different ways speaker in which we can report the words of a speaker :  (a) Direct Speech or Direct Narration  (b) Indirect Speech or Indirect Narration  (a) Direct Speech or Direct Narration: It contains the actual  Example: Sarla said, “My father has a roaring business in Delhi.”  In this sentence, the actual words of the speaker are given within inverted commas without any change.  (b) Indirect Speech or Indirect Narration: It reports the speaker’s speech without quoting the actual words.  Example: Sarla said that her father had a roaring business in Delhi. Direct Speech or Direct Narration has two parts: (i) Reporting Verb and (ii) Reported Speech.

Reporting Verb: The verb which introduces the reported speech is called the reporting verb. Reported Speech: The actual words of the speaker given in inverted commas are called the reported speech. In the above sentence, “said” is the Reporting Verb and “My father has a roaring business in Delhi” is the Reported Speech.  Here are some distinctive points regarding the Direct Speech and the Indirect Speech.  (a) In Direct Speech 1. The reported speech is put within inverted commas.  2. The reporting verb is separated from the reporting speech by a comma. 3. The first word of the reported speech begins with a capital letter. 4. In the reported speech, we may use any tense required by the sense and any kind of sentence.

(b) In Indirect Speech 1. Inverted commas are not used. 2. The comma separating the reporting verb from the reported speech is removed. 3. The reported speech is introduced by some Conjunction (that, if, what, why, etc.).  4. The tense of the reported speech changes according to the reporting verb. 5. The tense of the reporting verb is never changed.  6. All kinds of sentences change into assertive ones. RULES FOR CHANGE OF TENSES Rule 1: If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future Tense, the Tense of the Verb in the reported speech remains unchanged.  1. Direct : Sonia says, “Monica will meet me on Monday.” (Simple Present)  Indirect : Sonia says that Monica will meet her on Monday. (Unchanged)  2. Direct : Rajesh says, “She has brought a fair name to her family.” (Simple Present) Indirect: Rajesh says that she has brought a fair name to her family. (Unchanged) 3. Direct : The servant will say, “Dinner is ready.” (Simple Future) Indirect: The servant will say that dinner is ready. (Unchanged)  Rule 2: If the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense, the Tenses in the Reported Speech are changed according to the Past Tense.  The Simple Present is changed into the Simple Past Tense (play-played; do-did, etc.). 1. Direct : Anil said, “I write a letter.” (Past) (Simple Present) Indirect: Anil said that he wrote a letter.  2. Direct : Sohan said, “Rama works efficiently.” (Past) (Simple Present)  Indirect : Sohan said that Rama worked efficiently. The Present Continuous is changed into Past Continuous  is/am/are playing-was/were playing).  1. Direct : He said, “Rohan is singing a sweet song.” (Past) (Present Continuous)  Indirect: He said that Rohan was singing a s weet song.  2. Direct : The students said, “The teachers are teaching a lesson.” (Past) (Present Continuous)  Indirect: The students said that the teachers were teaching a lesson.  

The Present Perfect is changed into the Past Perfect  (has/have played-had played). 1. Direct : She said, “The bus has arrived at the bus stand.”  (Past)(Present Perfect)  Indirect : She said that the bus had arrived at the bus stand.  2. Direct : The teacher said, “All the boys have gone to their homes.” (Past) (Present Perfect) Indirect: The teacher said that all the boys had gone to their homes.  The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is changed into the Past Perfect Continuous Tense. (has been/have been playing-had been playing)  1. Direct : Mohit said, “Malini has been waiting for a long time.” (Past) (Present Perfect Continuous)  Indirect : Mohit said that Malini had been waiting for a long time. 2. Direct : Ramesh said, “Dinesh has been playing since morning.” (Past) (Present Perfect Continuous) Indirect : Ramesh said that Dinesh had been playing since morning. The Simple Past is changed into the Past Perfect.  (played had played; did not play-had not played) 1. Direct : Mohit said, “Rakesh wrote a letter.” (Simple Past) (Past) Indirect : Mohit said that Rakesh had written a letter.  2. Direct : The mother said, “Shanti waited for her sister.” (Past) (Simple Past)  Indirect: The mother said that Shanti had waited for her sister.

The Past Continuous Tense is changed into the Past Perfect Continuous Tense. (was/were playing had been playing) 1. Direct : Rama said, “She was solving the sums.” (Past) (Past Continuous) Indirect : Rama said that she had been solving the sums.  2. Direct : She said, “Sarita was collecting information.” (Past) (Past Continuous) Indirect : She said that Sarita had been collecting information. The Past Perfect Tense remains unchanged. Direct : Ashish said, “Rohan had already finished his work.” (Past) (Past Perfect)  Indirect : Ashish said that Rohan had already finished his work.

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense also remains unchanged. Direct : The father said, “He had been working for an hour.” (Past) (Past Perfect Continuous) Indirect: The father said that he had been working for an hour.  Note the changes given below in case the reporting verb is in Past Tense

Some examples are given below:  1. Direct: Rajesh said, “I am in the room.”  Indirect: Rajesh said that he was in the room. 2. Direct : Pritam said, “He will tell the truth.” Indirect : Pritam said that he would tell the truth.  3. Direct : Priyanka said, “Priya will help her.” Indirect Priyanka said that Priya would help her.  4. Direct : He said, “It may rain in the evening.” Indirect : He said that it might rain in the evening. 5. Direct : :Shalini said, “She can swim in the river.” Indirect: Shalini said that she could swim in the river.  6. Direct : Raja said, “There is no sugar in the tea.” Indirect : Raja said that there was no sugar in the tea.  7. Direct : The boys said, “They have no homework to do.” Indirect: The boys said that they had no homework to do. 8. Direct: Mother said, “There are no apples in the basket.” Indirect: Mother said that there were no apples in the basket.  Rule 3 (Exception to Rule 2): If the reported speech expresses a universal truth or a habitual fact, its tense is not changed. Examples: 1. Direct: The teacher said, “The Earth moves around the Sun.” (The reported speech is a Universal Truth).  Indirect: The teacher (Unchanged) said that the Earth moves around the Sun. 2. Direct : She said, “She is an early riser.” (A habitual fact) Indirect : She said that she is an early riser. (Unchanged) 3. Direct : The science master said, “Heat expands gases.” (A Universal Truth) Indirect: The science master said that heat expands gases. (Unchanged) Exercise 1  Change the following sentences into Indirect Form of Speech: 1. The teacher said, “He is the best student.”  2. She said, “Mother is cooking food.” 3. The doctor said, “The patient will be all right soon.” 4. The father said, “Radha is working hard.” 5. The principal said, “The students will remain in discipline in the school.” 6. The farmer said, “It may rain.”  7. Shakuntala said, “Father will not attend the meeting.” 8. She said, “Manu was living in Japan.”  9. The inspector said, “The police were trying to arrest the culprit.” 10. Surjit Singh said, “They have planted a tree in the school compound.” 11. The postman said, “He will deliver all the letters in time.”  12. The doctors said, “Swine flu is not a serious disease.” 13. Our teachers said, “Honesty is the best policy.”  14. She said, “My mother does not eat meat at all.” 15. He said, “He daily goes out for a walk.” RULES FOR CHANGE OF PRONOUNS Rule 1: The First person pronouns of the reported speech are changed according to the subjects of the reporting verbs. Examples: 1. Direct : I said, “I have taken my dinner.”  Indirect : I said that I had taken my dinner. 2. Direct : You said, “I have taken my dinner.”  Indirect: You said that you had taken your dinner. 3. Direct : She said, “I have taken my dinner.”  Indirect : She said that she had taken her dinner.  4. Direct : The teacher said, “I have taken my dinner.” Indirect : The teacher said that he (the teacher) had taken the dinner. 

Rule 2: The Second person pronouns of the reported speech are changed according to the objects of the reporting verbs. Note: Change ‘said to’ of the reporting verb into ‘told’. Also, told is not followed by preposition ‘to’. Examples: 1. Direct : Mihir said to me, “You have taken your dinner.”  Indirect Mihir told me that I had taken my dinner. 2. Direct : Mihir said to you, “You have taken your dinner.”  Indirect: Mihir told you that you had taken your dinner. 3. Direct: Mihir said to him, “You have taken your dinner.”  Indirect: Mihir told him that he had taken his dinner. 

Rule 3: The Pronouns of the third person remain unchanged. Examples: 1. Direct : I said to my sister, “She has taken her dinner.”  Indirect: I told my sister that she had taken her dinner. 2. Direct : She said to me, “She is doing her homework.”  Indirect: She told me that she was doing her homework. Exercise 2 Change the following into Indirect Form of Speech:  1. Ram said, “I am punctual.” 2. His brother said, “My purse has been stolen.”  3. Radha said to Sharmila, “I can help you solve the problem.” 4. The officer said to the peon, “You should reach the office in time.” 5. My brother said, “I have been very tired.”  6. She said, “I am quite well.” 7. You said to her, “You are in the wrong.” 8. The passenger said, “I shall go to Delhi.”  9. You said to her, “She is quite lazy.” 10. You said to him, “I have warned my servant many times.”  11. He said to her, “I have found your purse.” 12. He said to me, “You are an intelligent boy.”  13. Smith said to the peon, “You have not obeyed my orders.” 14. The saint said, “God is everywhere.” 15. Sheela said to her mother, “I want to go on a tour.” 16. The teacher said, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”  17. Lalit said to me, “I have lost my pen.” 18. Ramesh said to Suresh, “You waited for him.”  19. The boys said to the teacher, “We are going to see the match in the ground.”

Change of words denoting nearness words are changed if the reporting verb is in the Past Tense: Direct Speech/Indirect Speech

Examples: 1. Direct : He said, “I am feeling out of sorts today.”  Indirect He said that he was feeling out of sorts that day. 2. Direct : She said, “Father will have reached home by now.”  Indirect She said that father would have reached home by then.  3. Direct : Sonam said, “I may go to Chandigarh tomorrow.”  Indirect: Sonam said that she might go to Chandigarh the next day. 4. Direct : They said, “We saw the movie three days ago.”  Indirect They said that they had seen that movie three days before.

Exercise 3 Change the following sentences into Indirect Form of Speech and rewrite:  1. He said, “I went to the zoo yesterday.” 2. Shankar said, “I shall go to Bhopal tomorrow.” 3. He said to me, “I am not going to school today.” 4. My father said, “He will construct a house here.” 5. He said, “I saw Mr. Sharma this morning.” 6. The teacher said, “Tomorrow will be a holiday.” 7. Dinesh said, “I cannot waste my time now.” 8. She said, “I had a peaceful sleep last night.” 9. The visitor said, “I came here three days ago.” 10. Hari said, “Rice does not grow here.” CONVERSION OF INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES (QUESTIONS) INTO INDIRECT SPEECH  While changing direct speech into indirect speech, the following changes are made:  (i) ‘said’ or ‘said to’ is changed into ‘asked, enquired or demanded’, etc.  (ii) After removing inverted commas, use ‘if’ or ‘whether’, when the question begins with ‘Do, Does, Is, Are, Am, Has, Have, Did, Was, Were, Had, Will, Shall, Can, May (helping words), etc.’ (iii) The interrogative sentence is changed into an assertive sentence.  (iv) The sign of interrogation mark is removed. (v) If relative pronouns like Who, Whose, Whom, When, Where, Why, What, How, Which, make the sentences Interrogative, these words are retained after removing inverted commas. (vi) Tenses, Pronouns are changed according to the rules already stated. Examples: 1. Direct : He said to me, “Do you play any game?” Indirect He asked me if (whether) I played any game.  2. Direct : I said to my friend, “Are you going to join some academy?”  Indirect I asked my friend if he was going to join some academy.  3. Direct : The teacher said to the boys, “Why are you making a noise?” Indirect: The teacher asked the boys why they were making a noise.  4. Direct : My friend said to him, “Did you attend the meeting yesterday?” Indirect My friend asked him if he had attended the meeting the previous day. 5. Direct : The clerk said to me, “What do you want?” Indirect: The clerk asked me what I wanted.  Exercise 4 Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:  1. My mother said to me, “Where do you come from?” 2. The teacher said, “Boys, have you understood the sum?” 3. He said, “Who is waiting for me?” 4. My mother said to me, “Shall I write a letter to him tomorrow?” 5. I said to the bookseller, “Can you show me some good books?” 6. His teacher said to him, “Where have you come from?” 7. “Have you taken the breakfast?” said Mohan to his brother. 8. They said to us, “Did you learn your lesson?” 9. Our teacher said to him, “Why are you disturbing the class?”  10. The stranger said to me, “Does he know the way to the market?” 11. You said to him, “Can you cross this river?” 12. “Do you respect your elders?” said I to Roma. CONVERSION OF IMPERATIVE SENTENCES INTO INDIRECT SPEECH Rules: Change the Reporting Verb according to its sense. 1. Request: request, beg, entreat, ask, etc. 2. Advice: advise, forbid, urge, etc. 3. Order: order, command, etc.  4. The imperative word is changed into infinitive one. 5. No conjunction is used to introduce the reported speech. 6. If the conjunction that is used, ‘should’ is placed before the infinitive. 7. Observe the rules for the change of pronouns and words showing nearness.

Examples: 1. Direct : Father said to me, “Put the book on the table.” Indirect Father told me to put the book on the table.  2. Direct : The teacher said to the boys, “Work hard and be regular in your studies.”  Indirect: The teacher advised the boys to work hard and be regular in their studies.  3. Direct : The officer said to the peon, “Bring me a glass of water.”  Indirect: The officer ordered the peon to bring him a glass of water.  4. Direct: The Principal said to the boys, “Do not pluck the flowers.”  Indirect : The Principal forbade the boys to pluck the flowers. or  Indirect : The Principal ordered the boys not to pluck the flowers.  5. Direct : Ramesh said to Leela, “Please help me in this matter.”  Indirect: Ramesh requested Leela to help him in that matter.  6. Direct : Sonu said to his father, “Let us go to Shimla in summer holidays.”  Indirect:  Sonu suggested to his father that they should go to Shimla in summer holidays. Exercise 5 Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:  1. The student said, “Let me go home now, Sir.” 2. The master said to the servant, “Send the visitors inside.” 3. The teacher said, “Open your books, boys.” 4. The commander said, “Attack the enemy.” 5. The teacher said, “Do not disturb the class.” 6. The beggar said, “Give me alms.” 7. “Please do me a favour,” said he to you. 8. The boys said to their teacher, “Allow us to go on a tour to Agra.” 9. The teacher said to the boys, “Stand up on the benches.” 10. Father said to me, “Go and wash your hands.” 11. He said to me, “Have a cup of tea with me, please.” 12. The old man said to his child, “My son, don’t make a noise.” 13. Mother said, “Son, always help the needy.” 14. The boys said to the teacher, “Repeat this lesson, please.” 15. “Do not spit on the floor, boys,” said the teacher. CONVERSION OF EXCLAMATORY AND OPTATIVE SENTENCES TO INDIRECT SPEECH In reporting a wish or exclamation in Indirect Speech:  1. The Reporting Verb is changed into wish, bless, cry, exclaim, curse, etc. with phrases such as ‘with regret’, ‘with delight or joy’, ‘with sorrow’, etc., wherever necessary. 2. The interjections and exclamatory words, such as ‘Oh, well, hurrah, , pray, alas, bravo’, are omitted and their sense is expressed by means of phrases. 3. The exclamatory sentences are changed into statements before they are converted into indirect speech. 4. The mark of exclamation is omitted.  5. Other rules are followed as explained earlier. Examples: 1. I said, “How sad he is!”  I exclaimed that he was very sad. 2. He said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.” He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match. 3. The poor man said to him, “May you live long!” The poor man wished that he might live long. Exercise 6 Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:  1. She said, “May you live long!” 2. The father said to his son, “May God bless you with a good fortune!” 3. The merchant said, “Alas! I am undone.” 4. The visitor said, “What a beautiful sunset!” 5. The player said, “Hurrah! India has won the cricket match.” 6. She said, “Alas! I have lost my gold ring.” 7. The spectators said, “Bravo! Well played, Ram.” 8. She said, “How lovely the child is!” 9. “Oh! I am hurt!” said the captain. 10. She said to me, “Wish that I were rich!”

Exercise 7 Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:  1. He says, “I daily go out for a walk.” 2. You will say to them, “We cannot cross the lake.” 3. He said to me, “I am solving the sums of Arithmetic.” 4. The teacher said, “Girls, do not make a noise.” 5. I said to him, “May I help you?” 6. The teacher said to me, “Can you tell me how you solved the sum?” 7. She said to me, “Who taught you English?” 8. The General said to the soldiers, “March forward.” 9. The king said to the executioner, “Put the prisoner to death.” 10. The gardener said, “Do not pluck the flowers.”

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  • English Grammar
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  • Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises

Direct and indirect speech is one topic in English grammar that confuses most language learners. It need not necessarily be so; if you understand how it works, you can easily use it in your writing.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises with Answers

When converting direct speech to indirect speech or vice-versa, you will have to take care to convert the verb , pronoun and the adverb appropriately. Go through the following exercises and try them out. Answers are given below each exercise; refer to them to see if your answers are right.

class 6 english grammar direct and indirect speech

Exercise 1: Change into indirect speech

Read the following sentences and convert them into indirect speech.

  • Rahul told to me, “When are you leaving?”
  • “Where do you live?” the stranger asked Aladdin.
  • The teacher said to Shelly, “Why are you laughing?”
  • Dhronacharya said to Arjun, “Shoot the bird’s eye.”
  • “Call the first convict,” said the jury.
  • “Call the ambulance,” said the man.
  • Bruce said to me, “I shall do the work.”
  • My mother said to me, “You were wrong.”
  • Mr Richard said to me, “Please wait here till I return.”
  • The captain said to me, “Bravo! You have played well.”
  • Raj said, “Alas! My pet died.”
  • Ruchi said, “I may go there.”
  • Bucky said to Steve, “Do you hear me?”
  • The boy said, “Let me come in.”
  • Granny said to me, “May God bless you.”

Answers –

  • Rahul asked me when I was leaving.
  • The stranger asked Aladdin where he lived.
  • The teacher asked Shelly why he was laughing.
  • Dhronacharya ordered Arjun to shoot the fish’s eye.
  • The jury ordered to call the first convict.
  • The man urged to call the ambulance.
  • Bruce said to me he would do the work.
  • My mother told me that I was wrong.
  • Mr Richard requested me to wait there till he returned.
  • The captain applauded me, saying that I had played well.
  • Raj exclaimed sadly that his pet died.
  • Ruchi said that she might go there.
  • Bucky asked Steve if he heard him.
  • The boy asked to let him come in.
  • Granny prayed that God might bless me.

Convert the following into Direct Speech

Read the following passage and convert it into direct speech.

One of them told Issac that the latter had forgotten one thing that belonged to a mill. Issac enquired what that was. The friend asked where the miller was. Issac replied that (absence of the miller) was true – and he must look for one.

“But Issac,” said one of them, “you have forgotten one thing that belongs to a mill.”

“What is that?” asked Issac.

“Why, where is the miller?” said his friend.

“That is true – I must look for one,” said Issac.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is direct narration.

When the actual words/sentences as spoken by the speaker are quoted in a speech, it’s called direct speech/narration.

What is indirect speech?

When the quoted speech is reported in the form of a narrative without changing the meaning of the actual quotation/words by the speaker, it’s called indirect speech/narration.

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class 6 english grammar direct and indirect speech

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Stative Verbs Exercises with Answers

  • Direct Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech Online Exercise for Class 6

Exercise 1 :

Change the following direct speech sentences into indirect speech sentences. This work out will make you understand the concept of the language more efficiently:

  • I said, “I am waiting for my friend”.
  • The villager said, “It becomes difficult for us to survive without electricity here specially at nights”.
  • Mother told us, “You will return home before 6 o’ clock in the evening”.
  • I said to the servant, “Please get a glass of water for me”.
  • Pamela said to me, “I have received the gift yesterday”.
  • Rajiv said to me, “I am leaving for America tomorrow”.
  • Manish said to us, “We will win the tournament”.
  • I said to Kiran, “I have not taken the pen from here”.
  • The boss said to the employees, “Stop the work and come to my cabin now”.
  • We told to the class teacher, “Give us more time till next week.”
  • I said that I was waiting for my friend.
  • The villager said that it became difficult for them to survive without electricity there specially at nights.
  • Mother ordered us to return home before 6 o’ clock in the evening.
  • I requested the servant to get a glass of water for me.
  • Pamela said to me that she had received the gift the previous day.
  • Rajiv said to me that he was leaving for America the next day.
  • Manish said to us that we would win the tournament.
  • I said to Kiran that I had not taken the pen from there.
  • The boss ordered the employees to stop the work and go to his cabin then.
  • We requested the class teacher to give us more time till next week.

Exercise 2:

Change the following indirect speech sentences into direct speech sentences. This work out will make you understand the concept of the language more efficiently:

  • Paltu asked his sister why she was standing there.
  • Manju asked to us where we should go for the party.
  • Lily asked Peter what he was doing the previous night.
  • The patient asked the nurse if she would let him drink cold-drink.
  • The stranger asked the local man which the way to the bakery shop was.
  • Mrs. Singh told to her husband that their baby had been playing the whole day.
  •  Papa asked me if I needed anything from the store that day.
  • Alka requested us to drink mango shake before leaving for our home.
  • Juhi asked me why I was not on speaking terms with Roohi.
  • The policeman asked the guard why he was not at the gate, when the thieves entered into.
  • Paltu said to his sister, “Why are you standing here?”
  • Manju said to us, “Where shall we go for the party?”
  • Lily said to Peter, “What were you doing last night?”
  • The patient said to the nurse, “Will you let me drink cold-drink?”
  • The stranger said to the local man, “Which is the way to the bakery shop?”
  • Mrs. Singh said to her husband, “Our baby was playing the whole day.”
  •  Papa said to me, “Do you need anything from the store today?”
  • Alka said to us, “Please drink mango shake before leaving for your home.”
  • Juhi asked me, “Why are you not on speaking terms with Roohi?”
  • The policeman said to the guard, “Why were you not at the gate, when the thieves entered into?”

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Conjunction online exercise for standard 6.

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Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 CBSE

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 CBSE With Answers

When we use the exact words of the speaker, it is called direct speech. Indirect or Reported Speech refers to a sentence reporting what someone has said.

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 6 CBSE With Answers PDF

When we do not quote the exact words of a speaker while we report what he/she said – it is known as reported speech.

There are two parts of speech – Reported Verb (R.V.) and Reported Speech (R. S)

She says, “I like gold fish.” (R.V.) (R. S.)

The sentence in the question tag is called Direct speech. The sentence without the question tag is called Indirect speech.

When the Reporting verb is in present tense or future tense then there will be no change in reporting speech except in the change of pronouns, place and time of expression. Example:

  • He says, “I write poems.”
  • He says that he writes poems.

While converting ‘Direct’ into ‘Indirect’ Speech pronouns, tenses, place and time of expression are to be considered.

To convert direct speech into indirect speech ‘that’ conjunction is used to join the reported verb to reported speech.

The pronouns of the direct speech are changed to indicate the relations with the reporter and the hearer. The formula for converting pronouns of Direct speech

Remember this equation = RV/RS = Son/123 = S = Subject, O = Object, N = No change

  • If the RS is in first-person, it shall be changed according to the ‘Subject’ of the RV.
  • If RS is in second-person it shall be changed according to the ‘Object’ of the RV.
  • if RS is in third-person then there will be no change.

Indirect:-She says that her dad likes roasted chicken.

Place, demonstratives and time expressions:-Place, demonstratives and time expressions change if the context of the reported statement (i.e. the location and/ or the period of time) is different from that of the direct speech.

In the following table, you will find the different changes in place; demonstratives and time expressions.

“These dresses are not suitable for the at the occasion,” says Ditya. “We need to wear some traditional clothes like salwar – kameez on this occasion,” says Ditya.

The modal verbs could, should, would, might, needn’t, ought to, used to do not normally change.

  • He said, “She might be right.”
  • He said that she might be right.

Other modal verbs may change:

Universal truths remain unchanged in reported speech. Example:

  • The guru said, “The sun rises in the east.”
  • The guru said that the sun rises in the east.

Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheets for Class 6 CBSE

A. Read the dialogues given below and change it to indirect speech.

1. Harish: “Poonam is at home.” Harish said (that) _____________

2. Karan: “Learners often read a book.” Karan told me (that) _____________

3. Suman: “I’m watching TV.” Suman said to me (that) _____________

4. Simran: “Kanu was ill.” Simran said (that) _____________

5. Palak: “The girls helped in the house.” Palak told me (that) _____________

6. Roma: “I am going to ride a skateboard.” Roma said to me (that) _____________

7. Ronnit and Kajal: “We have cleaned the windows.” Ronnit and Kajal told me (that) _____________

8. Harshit: “I didn’t have time to do my homework.” Harshit remarked (that) _____________

Approach English Grammar CBSE ICSE ISE WBBSE

200+Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers (2025)

class 6 english grammar direct and indirect speech

Direct and indirect speech exercises and answers (2025) help learners understand the transformation between direct statements and reported speech, enhancing their comprehension and expression abilities.

We frequently employ direct and indirect speech in our everyday interactions to accurately convey what was said and summarize information efficiently.

Enhance your understanding of Direct and Indirect Speech with our extensive collection of over 200 exercises and corresponding answers.

Through practice in transforming quotations into reported speech, grasp the principles and methods involved, and refine your differentiation between direct and indirect speech.

Elevate your language proficiency and deepen your comprehension of English with our comprehensive set of over 200 Direct and Indirect Speech exercises and answers.

Understanding Direct Speech

Direct speech is when the exact words spoken by a person are quoted within quotation marks. It provides a direct representation of what was said, maintaining the original wording and tone. Direct speech adds authenticity and immediacy to the narrative.

For example,

  • Direct Speech: My aunt said, ‘Every mother loves her child.’
  • Direct Speech: Mon said to me, ‘I shall go, but you will stay.’

Explore Indirect Speech

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, conveys someone else’s words without quoting them directly. Indirect speech offers a concise summary, enabling effective communication and storytelling.

  • Indirect Speech: My aunt said that every mother loves her child.
  • Indirect Speech: Mon told me that she would go but I should stay.

Before delving into the direct and indirect speech exercises, consider how Tense , Pronouns , Time , and Place change when transitioning from direct to indirect speech and vice versa.

Exercises and Answers for Direct and Indirect Speech (2025)

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and answers, along with examples are given in the following for practice. It’s important for students as well as for competitive Exams. For practice and easy comprehension, Direct and indirect speech Exercises and answers have been arranged according to different rules in the following.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers with Tense Transformations

Exercises and answers with tense alterations facilitate practice and comprehension of verb tense transformations.

Exercise 1:

Change the mode of narration from direct Speech to indirect speech .

(1) He said , ‘I need some money.’ Ans: He said that he needed some money.

(2) She said, ‘I am waiting for him.’ Ans: She said that she was waiting for him.

(3) The boy said , ‘I have done my homework.’ Ans: The boy said that he had done his homework.

(4) You said, ‘The baby has been sleeping .” Ans: You said that the baby had been sleeping .

(5) You say, ‘I am always busy.’ Ans: You say that you are always busy.

(6) The child will say , ‘Mum knows everything.’ Ans: The child will say that Mum knows everything.

(7) He said , ‘I did it.’ Ans: He said that he had done it.

(8) She said, ‘He was talking .’ Ans: She said that he had been talking .

(9) The monk said , ‘Man will die .’ Ans: The monk said that man will die.

(10) He said , ‘The sun gives us light.’ Ans: He said that the sun gives us light.

Exercise 2:

Switch the narrative style from direct speech to indirect speech.

(1) He said to me, “I can’t recall your name.” Ans: He told me that he could not recall my name.

(2) Poulami says , “I am fine.” Ans: Poulomi says that she is fine.

(3) He said, “I did it.” Ans: He said that he had done it.

(4) “I know her address,” said Gopi. Ans: Gopi said that he knew her address.

(5) Ram said, “The earth is round.” Ans: Ram said that the Earth is round.

(6) “We planted it ourselves,” said the grandfather. Ans: The Gran Father said that they had planted it themselves.

(7) Debu said, “I have been playing rugby.” Ans: Debu said that he had been playing rugby.

(8) Purbasha said to me,” I am afraid of ghosts.” Ans: Purbasha told me that she was afraid of ghosts.

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Exercise 3:

Turn the following sentences from direct Speech to indirect speech .

(1) The boys said , “It has been raining since morning. We cannot play today.” Ans: The boys said that it had been raining since morning so they could not play that day.

(2) Anjan’s mother said, “Your father has left for Mumbai.” Ans: Anjan’s mother said that my father had left for Mumbai.

(3) My teacher said , “Practice makes a man perfect.” Ans: My teacher said that practice makes a man perfect.

(4) He says, “I go to the temple every morning.” Ans: He says that he goes to the temple every morning.

(5) He said to me, “I will not get down from the bus.” Ans: He told me that he would not get off the bus.

(6) Rita says to Mita, “I will go with you.” Ans: Rita tells Mita that she w ill go with her.

(7) The boy said to his friend, “I went to school yesterday.” Ans: The boy told his friend that he had gone to school the previous day.

(8) You said, “I was right.” Ans: You said that you had been right.

(9) “I ‘ll go to the top,” said the young lady. Ans: The young lady said that she would go to the top.

(10) I ‘ ve got my rules,” the conductor said to me. Ans: The conductor told me that he had got his rules.

Pronouns in Direct and Indirect Speech: Exercises and Answers

Exercises and answers incorporating pronouns in direct and indirect speech facilitate learners’ understanding and application of pronoun changes in reported speech structures.

Exercise 4:

(1) You said, ‘ I never smoked.” Ans: You said that you never smoked.

(2) I said, ‘ I am always busy.” Ans: I said that I was alway busy

(3) I said to you , ‘ You look tired.” Ans: I said to you that you looked tired.

(4) You said to me , ‘ You are dependable.” Ans: You said to me that I was dependable.

(5) You said, “ He is right.” Ans: You said that he was right.

(6) I said, “ They will be late. Ans: I said that they w ould be late.

(7) He said to (Deep) , ‘ You told it so.” Ans: He said to Deep that he (Deep) had told it so.

(8) Mon said to Moon , “ You are naughty.” Ans: Mon said to Moon that she (Moon) was naughty.

Exercise 5:

Alter the narrative style from direct speech to indirect speech.

(1) He said to me, “ I have done the job.” Ans: He told me that he had done the job.

(2) Rohit said, “ I was absent yesterday.” Ans: Rohit said that he (Rohit) had been absent the previous day.

(3) The boy said, “ My father died two years ago.” Ans: The boy said that his father had died two years before.

(4) He said, “ My goal is to climb Mt Everest. “ Ans: He said that his goal was to climb Mount Everest.

(5) “ I shall certainly do nothing of this kind”, the woman. Ans: The woman said that she would certainly do nothing of that kind.

(6) The man said, “ I am exhausted.” Ans: The man said that he was exhausted.

(7) He said, “ I am washing my hands.” Ans: He said that he was washing his hands.

(8) Mother bird said to her little ones, “Today I will teach you how to fly.” Ans: Mother bird told her little ones that that day, she would teach them how to fly.

(9) Rita’s father says. “ I have done this for you. Ans: Rita’s father says that he had done that for her.

(10) Sumana said to her sister, “ I want to play with you.” Ans: Sumana told her sister that she wanted to play with her.

Time and Place Expressions in Direct and Indirect Speech: Exercises and Answers

Exercises and answers on time and place expressions in direct and indirect speech aid learners in accurately conveying temporal and spatial information while mastering reported speech conventions.

Exercise 6:

Turn the following direct speech into indirect speech

(1) I said to you, “I wish to start business next year. “ Ans: I said to you that I wished to start business the following years.

(2) You said to them, “ Now I shall tell you a nice story.” Ans: You told them that then you would tell them a nice story.

(3) She said to him, “I bought the book yesterday. “ Ans: She told him that she had bought the book the previous day .

(4) He said to me, “I saw your sister two years ago . Ans: He told me that he had seen my sister two years before.

(5) He said to his son, “You may come with me tomorrow. Ans: He told his son that he (his son) might go with him the next day.

(6) He said to her, I’m talking to you now for your good.” Ans: He told her that he was talking to her then for her good.

(7) The girl said to me, My father died two years ago. “ Ans: The girl told me that her father died two years before.

Exception: But if ‘ now ‘, ‘ here ‘, ‘ this ‘ refer to things present before the speaker at the time of reporting, no change is needed.

(8) He said to me, ‘I have no friend here. ‘ Ans: He told me that he had no friend here.

(9) I said, ‘We cannot be happy in this world.’ Ans: I said that we cannot be happy in this world.

(10) She said, “ This is the house where I was born.” Ans: She said that this was the house where she was born.

Exercise 7:

Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

(1) The boy said to his father, “I had my tiffin in school yesterday. “ Ans: The boy told his father that he had had his tiffin in school the previous day .

(2) The captain informed, “The tournament was postponed last year. “ Ans: The captain informed us that the tournament was postponed the previous year .

(3) She said, “We have been living here for two years.” Ans: She said that they had been living there for two years.

(4) Arnab said to Ajit,” I am happy today .” Ans: Arna told Ajit that he was happy that day.

(5) My friend said to me, “We went to the zoo yesterday. “ Ans: My friend told me that they had gone to the zoo the previous day.

(6) The clerk said, “I’ll do the work now. “ Ans: Clark said that he would do the work then.

(7) Hiten said to Mihir, “I received this letter yesterday. “ Ans: Hiten told me that he had received that letter the previous day.

(8) Rajib said to me. “I shall go to the picture today. “ Ans: Rajiv told me that he would go to the picture that day.

(9) He said, “We are very happy here. “ Ans: He said that they were very happy there.

(10) The farmer said, “I’ll sow the seeds now. “ Ans: The farmer said that he will show the seats then.

(12) The man said to me, “I received your gift yesterday. “ Ans: The man told me that he had received my gift the previous day.

(15) I said to my friend, “You were present in the class yesterday. “ Ans: I told my friend that he had been present in the class the previous day.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers of Assertive Sentences

Direct and indirect speech exercises and answers focusing on assertive sentences enable learners to grasp the nuances of reporting statements confidently and accurately.

Exercise 8:

Transform the following direct speech into indirect speech

(1) My aunt said, ‘Every mother loves her child.’ Ans: My aunt said that every mother loves her child.

(2) Mon said to me, ‘I shall go, but you will stay.’ Ans: Mon told me that she would go but I should stay.

(3) He said to his father, ‘I shall always carry out your order.’ Ans: He told his father that he would always carry out his order.

(4) She said, ‘I sang a song at today’s function.’ Ans: She said that she had sung a song at today’s function.

(5) He said to me, ‘You are wicked, so I shall not mix with you.’ Ans: He told me that I was wicked, so he would not mix with me.

Exercise 9:

Change the following sentences converting the direct speeches into indirect speeches.

(1) The teacher said to the boy, “You have forgotten the lesson.” Ans: The teacher told the boy that he had forgotten the lesson.

(2) The boy said, “I shall go out and play.” Ans: The boy said that he would go out and play.

(3) He said, “I am happy to be here today.” Ans: He said that he was happy to be there that day.

(4) They said, “We shall play the game again tomorrow.” Ans: They said that they would play the game again the next day.

(5) The boy said, “Two and two make four.” Ans: The boy said that two and two make four.

Exercise 10:

Change the form of narration from indirect speech into direct speech.

(1) She told them that she had lost her books and theirs too. Ans : “I have lost my books and yours too”, she told them.

(2) The princess says that she has lost her way. Ans: The princess says, “I have lost my way.”

(3) They say that they must keep their locality clean. Ans: They say, “We must keep our locality clean.”

(4) The girl says that those books are theirs, but that one is hers. Ans: The girl says, “These books are theirs, but this one is mine.”

(5) The Happy prince said that he had led the dance in the Great Hall. Ans: The Happy Prince said, “I led the dance in the great hall.”

Interrogative Sentences Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers

Engage with interrogative sentences through direct and indirect speech exercises and answers to sharpen your ability to convey questions effectively within different narrative frameworks.

Exercise 11:

(1) Mother said to her, ‘Are you feeling feverish?’ Ans: Mother inquired of her if she was feeling feverish.

(2) ‘Was it not a piece of luck?’ said Slavator. Ans: Salvtor wanted to know if that was not a piece of luck.

(3) The host said to me, ‘Have all the guests arrived?’ Ans: The host asked me whether all the guests had arrived.

(4) I said, ‘Do you know who will preside over the meeting?’ Ans: I asked whether he knew who would be presiding over the meeting.

(5) I said to the boy, ‘Did you pass the examination?’ Ans: I asked the boy if had passed the examination.

(6) She said to him, ‘Which of the books do you want to buy? Ans: She asked him which of the books he wanted to buy.

(7) The king said, ‘Who is not ready to due for his land, my countryman?’ Ans: The king asked his countrymen who was not ready to due for his land.

(8) He said to her, ‘Whose type writer are you using? Ans: He inquired of her whose type- writer she was using.

(9) The girl said to the strang ‘Whom do you want to see? Ans: The girl asked the stranger whom he wanted to see.

(10) The teacher said to the student, ‘Why are you late regularly? Ans: The teacher asked the student why he was late regularly.

Exercise 12:

Turn the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech.

(1) Bulbuli said to her friend, “Will you come tomorrow?” Ans: Bulbuli asked her friend if she would on the next day.

(2) The policeman said to the stranger, “What are you looking for?” Ans: The police asked the stranger what he was looking for.

(3) Nikhil said to me, “Why do you look sad? Ans: Nikhil asked me why I looked sad.

(4) I said to her, “Did you take tea ?” Ans: I asked her if she had taken tea.

(5) The girl said to her mother, “Will you give me your bangles ?” Ans: The girl asked her mother if she would give her her bangles.

(6) Father said to me, “Why are you so upset?” Ans: Father asked me why I was so upset.

Exercise 13:

Change the following indirect speech into Direct speech.

(1) She asked me if I had called her. Ans: She said to me, “Did you call me ?”

(2) He asked me if I was writing a letter. Ans: He asked me, “Are you writing a letter ?”

(3) The man asked the child how he had got there. Ans: “How did you get here, child ?”, the man said.

(4) The police asked me if I could show my identity card. Ans: The police said to me, “Can you show your identity card ?”

(5) He asked us if we were attending the meeting that day. Ans: He said to us, “Are you attending the meeting today?”

(6) I asked her if she had taken medicine. Ans: I said to her, “Did you take medicine ?”

(7) Raja asked Dipu if he would go to school that day. Ans: Raja said to Dipu, “Will you go to school today?

Imperative Sentences Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers

Master imperative sentences through direct and indirect speech exercises and answers, refining your skill in conveying commands and requests within diverse linguistic contexts.

Exercise 14:

Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech.

(1) The teacher said, ‘Boys, go to your classes.’ Ans: The teacher ordered the boys to go to their classes.

(2) She said to him, ‘Please lend me your pen.’ Ans: She requested him to lend her his pen.

(3) The mother said to her son, ‘Wait here for me.’ Ans: The mother told her son to wait there for her.

(4) He said to me, ‘Go home at once.’ Ans: He advised me to go home at once.

(5) I said to my teacher, ‘Please explain the passage. Ans: I requested my teacher to explain the passage.

(6) The student said to the teacher, “Excuse me, sir.’ Ans: The student begged the teacher to excuse him.

(7) He said, ‘Friends, lend me your ears. Ans: Addressing them as friends, he requested them to lend him their ears.

Exercise 15:

(1) The teacher said to the students, “Keep quiet.” Ans: The teachers ordered the students to keep quiet.

(2) My teacher said to me. “Do not neglect your studies.” Ans: My teacher advised me not to neglect my studies.

(3) The man said to his son, “Always try to be honest.” Ans: The man advised it’s on to always try to be honest.

(4) Mother said to Raju, “Do not run in the sun.” Ans: Mother ordered Raju not to run in the sun.

(5) The man said to me, “Brother, please help me.” Ans: Addressing as a brother, the man requested me to help him.

(6) The students said, “Please allow us to play in the field.” Ans: The students requested to allow them to play on the field.

(7) He said to me, “Please give me some money.” Ans: He requested me to give him some money.

Exercise 16:

Change the following sentences from Indirect speech to Direct Speech of narration.

(1) He advised me not to waste my valuable time. Ans: He said to me, “Don’t waste your valuable time.”

(2) The grandson advised the children not to pluck flowers. Ans: The gardener said to the children, “Do not pluck flowers.”

(3) Tom forbade Sid to shake him. Ans: Tom said to Sid, “Don’t shake me.”

(4) The master ordered the servant to sort the door. Ans: The master said to the servant, “Shut the door.”

(5) The commander ordered the soldiers to stand at ease. Ans: The commander said to the soldiers, “Stand at ease.”

(6) Addressing as sethji, the vendor told him not to rob the poor. Ans: “Sethji, don’t rob the poor”, said the vendor.

(7) The doctor advised the patient to take proper vitamins to stay healthy. Ans: The doctor said to the patient, “Take proper vitamins to stay healthy.”

(8) The teacher ordered the students to do it then. Ans: The teacher said to the students, “Do it now.”

Direct and indirect speech Exercises and Answers with “Let”

Enhance your understanding of direct and indirect speech through exercises and answers featuring the usage of “let,” allowing you to effectively report permissions, suggestions, or proposals in various contexts

Exercise 17:

Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech mode of narration.

(1) He said to her, ‘Let us go out for a walk,’ Ans: He proposed to her that they should go out for a walk.

(2) Mon said to Mohan, ‘Let us dis- cuss the matter,’ Ans: Mon suggested to Mohan that they should discuss the matter.

(3) The chairman said, ‘Let us put the motion to vote. Ans: The chairman proposed that they should put the motion to vote.

(4) I said to her, ‘Let us have some music,’ Ans: I proposed to her that we should have some music.

(5) ‘Let us hurry or we may miss the bus,’ said he, Ans: He urged all to hurry or they might miss the bus.

(6) She said, ‘Let me come in.’ Ans: She requested that she might be allowed to come in.

(7) He said, ‘Let her say whatever she likes.’ Ans: He said that she might say whatever she liked.

(8) He said, ‘Let me have a cup of coffee.’ Ans: He wished that he might have a cup of coffee.

(9) The player said to the captain, ‘Let me have a chance, please.’ Ans: The player requested the captain to let him have a chance.

(10) I said, ‘Let him work ever so hard, he cannot win the prize.’ Ans: He said that the visitor might be allowed to wait outside.

Exercise 18:

(1) Rahim said, “Let us decide the matter together.” Ans: Rahim suggested that they should decide the matter together.

(2) The boy said to me, “Let us play cricket.” Ans: The boy proposed that they should play cricket.

(3) He said, “Let me go home.” Ans: He wished that he might go home.

(4) He said to me, “Let him say whatever he likes.” Ans: He wished me that he might say whatever he liked.

(5) He shouted, “Let me go out. Ans: He shouted at me to go out.

Exercise 19:

Change the following sentences from indirect speech to direct speech mode of narration.

(1) She proposed that they should go to the cinema. Ans: She said, “Let us go to the cinema.”

(2) He suggested that they should drop the matter. Ans: He said, “Let us drop the matter”

(3) They suggested that they should make him give them their fears back. Ans: “Let’s make him give us our fares back,” they said.

(4) Shabnam proposed Chandni that they should go for a walk. Ans: “Let us go for a walk.” said Shabnam to Chandni.

(5) The leader suggested that they should hold a meeting the next day. Ans: The leader said, “Let’s hold a meeting tomorrow.”

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers of Optative Sentences

Practice direct and indirect speech with exercises and answers focusing on optative sentences, enabling you to accurately report wishes, prayers, or blessings while honing your linguistic proficiency.

Exercise 20:

Change the following from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech.

(1) Mother said, ‘May you be happy.’ Ans: Mother wished that I might be happy.

(2) He said to you, ‘May God bless you.’ Ans: He prayed that God might bless you.

(3) She said, ‘Had I been there!’ Ans: She wished that she had been there.

(4) He said to me, ‘May you succeed.’ Ans: He wished that I might succeed.

(5) They said, ‘Long live the leader.’ Ans: They prayed that the leader might live long.

(6) He said to me, ‘May your mother recover soon. Ans: He wished that my mother might recover soon.

(7) The monk said, ‘May peace prevail.’ Ans: The monk hoped that peace would prevail.

(8) The boy siad, ‘Had I the wings of a bird.’ Ans: The boy wished that he could have the wings of a bird.

Exercise 21:

(1) I said to him, “May you be happy.” Ans: I wished that he might be happy.

(2) Mother said to me, “May God bless you.” Ans: Mother prayed that God might bless me.

(3) He said, “May his soul rest in peace.” Ans: He prayed that his soul might rest in peace.

(4) The girl said, “Oh, had I the wings of a dove.” Ans: The girl wished that she could have the wings of a dove.

(5) I said to him, “May you live long.” Ans: I wished him that he might live long.

Exercise 22:

Change the following from Indirect Speech to Direct Speech.

(1) Nilima wished me that I might recover soon. Ans: Nilima said to me, “May you recover soon.”

(2) Mother wished him that God might grant him a long life. Ans : Mother said to him, “May God grant you a long life.”

(3) The holy man wished that peace might prevail. Ans: The holy man said, “May peace prevail.”

(4) She wished that Mother Teresa might recover from illness soon. Ans: She said, “May Mother Teresa recover from illness soon.”

(5) He wished that he could bring his departed friend back to life. Ans: He said, “Oh, if I could bring my departed friend back to life.”

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises of Exclamatory Sentences

Engage in direct and indirect speech exercises focusing on exclamatory sentences to refine your ability in reporting strong emotions or exclamations accurately within different narrative frameworks.

Exercise 23:

(1) The supporters said, ‘Hurrah! we have won?’ Ans: The supporter exclaimed in joy that they had won.

(2) The girl said, ‘How wonderful love is!’ Ans: The girl exclaimed in joy that love is wonderful.

(3) The teacher said, ‘Bravo! Well done!’ Ans: The teacher applauded his students by saying that they had done well.

(4) ‘Alas! I am undone’, said the women. Ans: They women cried out in sorrow that she was undone.

(5) He said, ‘Good bye, my friends !’ Ans: He bade his friends good bye.

(6) The old man said to the youth, ‘Fie! You are such a coward.’ Ans: The old man exclaimed that it was shameful for the youth to be such a coward.

(7) ‘How dirty the house is!’ he observed. Ans: He exclaimed in irritation that the house was very dirty.

(8) ‘Good God! I am saved’, said he. Ans: He exclaimed in the name of merciful God that he was saved.

Exercise 24:

(1) The boys triumphantly said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.” Ans: The boys exclaimed in joy that they had won the match.

(2) The old man said to the girl, “May you be happy !” Ans: The old man wished the girl that she might be happy.

(3) He said, “What good news!” Ans: He exclaimed in joy that it was very good news.

(4) The children said, “How happy we were there!” Ans: The children gloomily said that they had been very happy there.

(5) He said to you. “May God bless you.” Ans: He wished you that God might bless you.

(6) My friend said to me. “What a fool you are!” Ans: My friend exclaimed in despair that she was a big fool.

Exercise 25:

(1) Piyali exclaimed in sorrow that she had lost her phone. Ans: “Alas! I have lost my phone”, said Piyali.

(2) Mother wished Roy that his dreams might come true. Ans: Mother said to Roy, “May your dreams come true.”

(3) The girl exclaimed that she had been very sensible. Ans: How insensible I have been!”, said the girl.

(4) The girl exclaimed in sorrow that she had torn her frock. Ans: The girl said, “Oh dear! I have torn my frock.”

(5) She exclaimed in sorrow that she was undone. Ans: She said, “Alas! I am undone.”

(6) They wished me happy birthday. Ans: They said to me. “Happy birthday!”

(7) The students bade their teacher good morning. Ans: “Good morning, Madam!”, said the students to the teacher.

Practice Worksheet for Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises

A . Change the following into reported speech .

1. Rita says, “Kishore sang a song”.

2. The saint said, “Man is mortal”

3. You said, “we are learning our lesson’.

4. He said to me, “My father went to Mumbai last week.

5. I said to her, “Are you leaving tonight?”

6. He said to her, “Can you lend me your umbrella?”

7. She said, “I saw a tiger here’.

8. The principal said, “well done! my boys”.

9. She said, “Let them play.”

10. I said to Harsh, “Please help me.”

B. Change the direct speech into Indirect Speech

1. He asked me, “Where has he gone?”

2. The Prime Minister said, “National Integrity will be preserved at all costs.

3. She said, “My uncle came yesterday.”

4. Sheela said to us, “You must work hard.”

5. They said, “We trust in God.”

6. The officer said to him. “You will be dismissed if you do not attend the office in time.'”

7. He said to me “I am reading a book.”

8. He said, “Thanks for reminding me.’

9. She said,” Keep this room open.’

10. I said to him, “I went there on Tuesday.”

C. Choose the correct option .

1. I advised him ____________ it.

(a) to not do

(b) not to do

2. She told me ____________ careful.

(c) that be

3. She asked me if I ____________ my lunch.

(b) have eaten

(c) had eaten

4. She asked me ____________ going to the movies

(a) that I was

(b) if was I

(c) if I was

5. The dentist suggested ____________  get a new toothbrush.

(b) that I should

(c) me that I should

6. She said that no one ____________ me

(c) had called

7. He asked me ____________  to deserve such a cruel punishment.

(a) what had he done

(b) what he had done

(c) that he had done

8. He promised he ____________  do it by the end of the week.

9. She said that ____________  me before.

(a) she hadn’t met

(b) she did not meet

(c) she will not meet

10. I requested her____________  me.

(b) to help

(c) that help

D. Complete the sentences in the reported speech.

1. The girl said that it ___________ to be there that evening.

(a) gave her great pleasure

(b) gives her great pleasure

(c) gives her great pleasure

2. The man said that he ___________ as soon as possible.

(a) must go

(b) had gone

(c) should be gone

3. She said that she ___________ to se any of them.

(a) does not want

(b) did not want

(c) had not wanted

4. The teacher says that if you work hard you ___________

(a) would pass

(b) will pass

5. He said that he  ___________

(b) has won

(c) had won

6. He proposed that they ___________ for her return.

(a) shall wait

(b) will wait

(c) should wait

7. Alice exclaimed how clever ___________

(a) she was

(b) was she

(c) she has been

8. The young man asked which way she ___________

(a) has gone

(c) would go.

9. He asked me where ___________ going.

10. She requested them to wait there till she ___________

(a) returns

(b) returned

(c) will return

E. Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

1. Ravi said, “I love this place”.

Ravi said _______________ 

2. “Do you like football?” He asked me.

He asked me_______________ 

3. “I can’t drive a lorry”, he said.

He said _______________ 

4. “Be nice to your brother”, he said

He asked me _______________ 

5. “Don’t be nasty, “he said

He urged me _______________ 

6. “Don’t waste your money “she said,

She told the boys _______________ 

7. “What have you decided to do? “she asked

him. She asked him _______________ 

8. “I always wake up early”. he said,

He said_______________ 

9. “You should revise your lessons’, he said,

He advised the students _______________ 

10. “Where have you been? “he asked me

He wanted to know _______________ 

F. Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

1. She said, “I went to cinema yesterday,”

She said _______________ 

2. You said, “I will do this for him.”

You said _______________ 

3. He said, “I am writing a test tomorrow,

4. She said, “I am not hungry now”,

5. They said, “We have never been here before.”

They said _______________ 

6. They said, “We were in London last week.”

7. He said, “They won’t sleep.”

8. “Have you been shopping?” he asked us.

9. She said, “It is very quiet here.

10. “I don’t speak Italian”, she said.

She said_______________ 

G. Read the dialogue and complete the following passage.

Susan: Why have you not brought my party dress? Jenny: I haven’t brought it because I had gone to my uncle’s house with my parents, so I forgot to keep it. Susan: Don’t give me silly excuses. I want to know the truth. Jenny: I am sorry Susan. I was chatting with my friends till late. I forgot that you needed it urgently today.

Susan asked Jenny (a) …………… Jenny said that she (b) …………… . Susan (c) …………… . Jenny said that she was sorry and further added that she was chatting with her friends till late and she had forgotten that Jenny needed it urgently that day.

H. Read the following conversation and complete the passage that follows.

Dilip: I’ve been watching the sea and there hasn’t been any trace of a ship. Ralph: I told you yesterday too that we’ll be rescued, so have patience. Dilip: Why do you ask me to keep quiet whenever I say something? Ralph: Have you ever said anything sensible?

Dilip said (a) ………… . Ralph replied (b) ………… and so asked him to have patience. Dilip angrily asked Ralph (c) ………… to which Ralph wanted to know (d) …………

Direct and Indirect Speech Answers Key

1. Rita says that Kishore sang a song.

2. The saint said that the man is mortal.

3. You said that you were learning your lesson.

4. He hold me that his father had gone to Mumbai the previous week.

5. I asked her if she was leaving that night.

6. He asked her if she could lend him her umbrella.

7. She said that she had seen a tiger there.

8. The principal exclaimed with applause that the boys had done well.

9. She suggested that they should be allowed to play.

10. I requested Harsh to help me.

1. He asked me where he had gone.

2. The Prime Minister declared that the National Integrity would be preserved at all costs.

3. She said that her uncle had come the previous day.

4. Sheela told us that we must work hard.

5. They said that they trusted in God.

6. The officer warned him that he would be dismissed

if he did not attend the office in time.

7. He told me that he was reading a book.

8. He thanked me for reminding him.

9. She ordered to keep that room open.

10. I told him that I had gone there on Tuesday.

1. (b) not to do

2. (b) to be

3. (c) had eaten

4. (c) if I was

5. (b) that I should

6. (c) had called

7. (b) what he had done

8. (b) would

9. (a) she hadn’t met

10. (b) to help

D. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

1. (a) gave her great pleasure.

2. (a) must go

3. (b) did not want

4. (b) will pass

5. (c) had won

6. (c) should wait

7. (a) she was

8. (b) had gone

9. (a) I was

10. (b) returned

E. Complete the sentence in reported speech.

1. that he loved that place

2. whether I liked football

3. that he couldn’t drive a lorry

4. to be nice to my brother

5. not to be nasty

6. not to waste their money

7. what he had decided to do

8. that he always wake up early

9. to revise their lessons

10. where I had been

F. Complete the sentence in reported speech.

1. that she had gone to cinema the previous day.

2. that you would do that for him.

3. that he will be writing a test the next day.

4. that she was not hungry then.

5. that they had never been there before.

6. that they had been in London the previous week.

7. that they wouldn’t sleep.

8. whether we had been shopping.

9. that it was very quiet there.

10. that she didn’t speak Italian.

G. Read the dialogue and complete the following passage

(a) why she had not brought her party dress

(b) hadn’t brought it as she had gone to her uncle’s house with her parents; so she had forgotten to keep it

(c) told her not to give silly excuses and further said that she wanted to know the truth.

(a) that he had been watching the sea and that there had not been any trace of a ship

(b) that he had told him the day before that they would be rescued

(c) why he asked him to keep quiet whenever he said something

(d) if he had ever said anything sensible

FAQs on Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers

Q: what’s the purpose of the indirect speech.

A: Indirect speech allows us to convey someone else’s words without quoting them verbatim. It’s useful for summarizing and paraphrasing.

Q: Are tense changes mandatory in indirect speech?

A: Yes, tense changes are often necessary to accurately reflect the timing of the original statement.

Q: Can reporting verbs be used interchangeably?

A: While reporting verbs can be interchangeable to some extent, their nuances can impact the meaning of the reported speech.

Q: Is it possible to transform any direct speech into indirect speech?

A: Yes, most direct speech can be converted into indirect speech, although some cases may require adjustments.

Q: How can I identify indirect speech in a sentence?

A: Look for keywords like “said,” “asked,” or other reporting verbs, as well as changes in pronouns, tenses, and time expressions.

Q: Why is mastering direct and indirect speech important?

A: Mastering these skills enhances communication clarity, adds variety to language use, and fosters effective expression.


Direct and indirect speech exercises and answers are invaluable tools for effective communication. By honing this skill, you’ll not only convey information accurately but also showcase your language expertise. Remember that practice makes perfect, and the more you engage in these exercises, the more naturally you’ll incorporate them into your everyday language use.

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ESL Grammar

Direct and Indirect Speech: Useful Rules and Examples

Are you having trouble understanding the difference between direct and indirect speech? Direct speech is when you quote someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. This can be a tricky concept to grasp, but with a little practice, you’ll be able to use both forms of speech with ease.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech

When someone speaks, we can report what they said in two ways: direct speech and indirect speech. Direct speech is when we quote the exact words that were spoken, while indirect speech is when we report what was said without using the speaker’s exact words. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I love pizza,” said John. Indirect speech: John said that he loved pizza.

Using direct speech can make your writing more engaging and can help to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion. However, indirect speech can be useful when you want to summarize what someone said or when you don’t have the exact words that were spoken.

To change direct speech to indirect speech, you need to follow some rules. Firstly, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb. Secondly, you need to change the pronouns and adverbs in the reported speech to match the new speaker. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I will go to the park,” said Sarah. Indirect speech: Sarah said that she would go to the park.

It’s important to note that when you use indirect speech, you need to use reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked” to indicate who is speaking. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “What time is it?” asked Tom. Indirect speech: Tom asked what time it was.

In summary, understanding direct and indirect speech is crucial for effective communication and writing. Direct speech can be used to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion, while indirect speech can be useful when summarizing what someone said. By following the rules for changing direct speech to indirect speech, you can accurately report what was said while maintaining clarity and readability in your writing.

Differences between Direct and Indirect Speech

When it comes to reporting speech, there are two ways to go about it: direct and indirect speech. Direct speech is when you report someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. Here are some of the key differences between direct and indirect speech:

Change of Pronouns

In direct speech, the pronouns used are those of the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the pronouns have to be changed to reflect the perspective of the reporter. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am going to the store,” said John.
  • Indirect speech: John said he was going to the store.

In the above example, the pronoun “I” changes to “he” in indirect speech.

Change of Tenses

Another major difference between direct and indirect speech is the change of tenses. In direct speech, the verb tense used is the same as that used by the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the verb tense may change depending on the context. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am studying for my exams,” said Sarah.
  • Indirect speech: Sarah said she was studying for her exams.

In the above example, the present continuous tense “am studying” changes to the past continuous tense “was studying” in indirect speech.

Change of Time and Place References

When reporting indirect speech, the time and place references may also change. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I will meet you at the park tomorrow,” said Tom.
  • Indirect speech: Tom said he would meet you at the park the next day.

In the above example, “tomorrow” changes to “the next day” in indirect speech.

Overall, it is important to understand the differences between direct and indirect speech to report speech accurately and effectively. By following the rules of direct and indirect speech, you can convey the intended message of the original speaker.

Converting Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech

When you need to report what someone said in your own words, you can use indirect speech. To convert direct speech into indirect speech, you need to follow a few rules.

Step 1: Remove the Quotation Marks

The first step is to remove the quotation marks that enclose the relayed text. This is because indirect speech does not use the exact words of the speaker.

Step 2: Use a Reporting Verb and a Linker

To indicate that you are reporting what someone said, you need to use a reporting verb such as “said,” “asked,” “told,” or “exclaimed.” You also need to use a linker such as “that” or “whether” to connect the reporting verb to the reported speech.

For example:

  • Direct speech: “I love ice cream,” said Mary.
  • Indirect speech: Mary said that she loved ice cream.

Step 3: Change the Tense of the Verb

When you use indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb.

  • Indirect speech: John said that he was going to the store.

Step 4: Change the Pronouns

You also need to change the pronouns in the reported speech to match the subject of the reporting verb.

  • Direct speech: “Are you busy now?” Tina asked me.
  • Indirect speech: Tina asked whether I was busy then.

By following these rules, you can convert direct speech into indirect speech and report what someone said in your own words.

Converting Indirect Speech Into Direct Speech

Converting indirect speech into direct speech involves changing the reported speech to its original form as spoken by the speaker. Here are the steps to follow when converting indirect speech into direct speech:

  • Identify the reporting verb: The first step is to identify the reporting verb used in the indirect speech. This will help you determine the tense of the direct speech.
  • Change the pronouns: The next step is to change the pronouns in the indirect speech to match the person speaking in the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “She said that she was going to the store,” the direct speech would be “I am going to the store,” if you are the person speaking.
  • Change the tense: Change the tense of the verbs in the indirect speech to match the tense of the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “He said that he would visit tomorrow,” the direct speech would be “He says he will visit tomorrow.”
  • Remove the reporting verb and conjunction: In direct speech, there is no need for a reporting verb or conjunction. Simply remove them from the indirect speech to get the direct speech.

Here is an example to illustrate the process:

Indirect Speech: John said that he was tired and wanted to go home.

Direct Speech: “I am tired and want to go home,” John said.

By following these steps, you can easily convert indirect speech into direct speech.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and indirect speech are two ways to report what someone has said. Direct speech reports the exact words spoken by a person, while indirect speech reports the meaning of what was said. Here are some examples of both types of speech:

Direct Speech Examples

Direct speech is used when you want to report the exact words spoken by someone. It is usually enclosed in quotation marks and is often used in dialogue.

  • “I am going to the store,” said Sarah.
  • “It’s a beautiful day,” exclaimed John.
  • “Please turn off the lights,” Mom told me.
  • “I will meet you at the library,” said Tom.
  • “We are going to the beach tomorrow,” announced Mary.

Indirect Speech Examples

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is used to report what someone said without using their exact words. It is often used in news reports, academic writing, and in situations where you want to paraphrase what someone said.

Here are some examples of indirect speech:

  • Sarah said that she was going to the store.
  • John exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.
  • Mom told me to turn off the lights.
  • Tom said that he would meet me at the library.
  • Mary announced that they were going to the beach tomorrow.

In indirect speech, the verb tense may change to reflect the time of the reported speech. For example, “I am going to the store” becomes “Sarah said that she was going to the store.” Additionally, the pronouns and possessive adjectives may also change to reflect the speaker and the person being spoken about.

Overall, both direct and indirect speech are important tools for reporting what someone has said. By using these techniques, you can accurately convey the meaning of what was said while also adding your own interpretation and analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech refer to the ways in which we communicate what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, using quotation marks to indicate that you are quoting someone. Indirect speech, on the other hand, involves reporting what someone has said without using their exact words.

How do you convert direct speech to indirect speech?

To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb, such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.” For example, “I love ice cream,” said Mary (direct speech) can be converted to “Mary said that she loved ice cream” (indirect speech).

What is the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?

The main difference between direct speech and indirect speech is that direct speech uses the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. Direct speech is usually enclosed in quotation marks, while indirect speech is not.

What are some examples of direct and indirect speech?

Some examples of direct speech include “I am going to the store,” said John and “I love pizza,” exclaimed Sarah. Some examples of indirect speech include John said that he was going to the store and Sarah exclaimed that she loved pizza .

What are the rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech?

The rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech include changing the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb and use appropriate reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.”

What is a summary of direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech are two ways of reporting what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions and introduce a reporting verb.

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Direct and Indirect Speech – Exercises for Class 6

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Direct speech refers to the exact words used by a speaker. These words are placed with quotation marks. Example: Ria said, “I am going to school.”

Indirect speech is used to communicate what someone else has said, without using the exact words. Example: Ria said she was going to school.

Q. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

  • Anil said, “I have done my homework.”
  • Ramesh said, “She has been sleeping since 11 pm.”
  • Neha said, “I am baking a cake for my family.”
  • Beena said, “The sun rises in the east.”
  • He said, “I have lived in Jaipur for twenty years.”
  • Anil said that he has done his homework.
  • Ramesh said that she has been sleeping since 11pm
  • Neha said that She is baking a cake for his family.
  • Beena said that the sun rises in the east.
  • He said that he lived in Jaipur for twenty years.

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Question 3 - Direct and Indirect speech - Grammar - English Class 6

Last updated at April 16, 2024 by Teachoo

Change the following sentences from Indirect to Direct speech:

(a) he says that he is going to calcutta., (b) he said that he wanted a book., (c) ravi told his friends that they might go when they liked., (d) the teacher told me that i have not done my work well., (e) suresh said that he had written a letter., (f) she asked me if i would go to the cinema the next day., (g) mohan asked the postman if there was a letter for him., (h) the teacher advised the boy to work hard., (i) he requested his friend to give him his book., (j) the father advised his son not to smoke., (k) kamal suggested to hari that they should play cricket..

  • (a) - He says, “I am going to Calcutta.”
  • (b) - He said, “I want a book.”  
  • (c) - Ravi said to his friend, “You may go when you like.”  
  • (d) - The teacher said to me, “You have not done your work well.”  
  • (e) - Suresh said, “I wrote a letter.”  
  • (f) - She said to me, “Will you go to the cinema tomorrow ?”  
  • (g) - Mohan asked the postman, “Is there a letter for me ?”  
  • (h) - The teacher said to the boy, “Work hard.”  
  • (i) - He said to his friend, “Please give me your book.”  
  • (j) - The father said to his son, “Do not smoke.”  
  • (k) - Kamal said to Hari, “Let us play cricket.” 

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo

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English Grammar Here

Direct and Indirect Speech With Examples and Detailed Explanations

Direct and Indirect Speech With Examples and Detailed Explanations

Transferring the sentence that someone else says is called indirect speech . It is also called reported speech . Usually, it is used in spoken language. If the transmitted action is done in the past, the sentence becomes the past tense.

  • He said; the newspaper is very interesting.
  • He said the newspaper was very interesting.

Time changes in indirect speech;

  • He said; I live in Island.
  • He said he lived in Island.
  • He said; I am reading book.
  • He said he was reading book.
  • He said; I visited France three times.
  • He said he had visited France three times.
  • He said; I went to holiday last year.
  • He said he had gone to holiday the year before.
  • He said; I already eaten meat.
  • He said he had already eaten meat.
  • He said; I am going to find a new girlfriend.
  • He said he was going to find a new girlfriend.
  • He said; I will give my mother a call.
  • He said he would he would give his mother a call.
  • He said; I have been working on that agency for over two years.
  • He said he had have been working on that agency for over two years.
  • He said; I can come tonight with my brother.
  • He said he could come that night with his brother.
  • He said; I have to done this work tonight.
  • He said had to done this work that night.
  • He says the newspaper is interesting.
  • He has said that he reads the newspaper every day.
  • He will say that he reads the newspaper every day.

If the subject is always referring to an action that maintains its correctness, then the broad time is used.

  • The sun rises in the east sets in the west and this is an unchanging rule.

While the speech is being transferred, it is necessary to change the pronoun so that it becomes compatible with the object in the sentence.

  • She said, I want to go to Paris.
  • She said she wanted to go to Paris.

When we pass a sentence indirectly, some words in the sentence change.  This change is made in order not to distort the meaning in the sentence.

  • Jake said; I will buy the new car tomorrow.
  • Jake said that he would buy the new car the next day.

Changes in time of adverbs;

  • Today-the next day
  • Tonight-that night
  • The day after tomorrow-in two days time
  • Next week/year -following week/year
  • Yesterday-the day before
  • The day before yesterday-two days before

Here is Direct, Indirect(Reported) Speech Chart, Example Sentences

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“Please help me carry this”She_______________

She asked me help her carry this.

She asked me to help her carry that.

“Please come early”She_______________

She asked me to come early.

She asked come early.

“Please buy some milk”She_______________

She asked me to buy some milk.

She asked to buy some milk.

“Could you please open the window?”She_______________

She asked me to the window.

She asked me to open the window.

“Could you bring the book tonight?”She_______________

. She to bring the book tonight (that night).

. She asked me to bring the book tonight (that night).

“Go to bed!”She_______________

She told me to go to bed.

She told me go to bed.

“Don’t be late!”She_______________

She told me not to be late.

She told me to be late.

“Tidy your room!”She_______________

She told to tidy my room.

She told me to tidy my room.

“Would you bring me a cup of coffee, please?”She_______________

She asked me to her a cup of coffee.

She asked me to bring her a cup of coffee.

“Do the washing-up!”She_______________

She me to do the washing-up.

She told me to do the washing-up.

“Don’t do this!” She ______________

She told me not to do that.

She told me not to do this.

“Don’t smoke!”

She told me not to smoke.

She told me do not to smoke.

“Don’t make a mess!” She ________________________

She told me not to make a mess.

She not to make a mess.

“Eat your dinner!” She ____________

She told me to eat her dinner.

She told me to eat my dinner.

“Wait here!”She_______________

She told me to wait here

She told me to wait here (there).

“Do your homework!”She_____________

She told me to do my homework.

She told do my homework.

“I was wondering if you could possibly tell me the time?”She_______________

She asked me to tell her the time.

She asked me to tell me the time.

“Would you mind lending me a pencil?”She______________

. She asked to lend her a pencil.

. She asked me to lend her a pencil.

“Would you mind passing the salt?”She_______________

She asked me pass the salt.

She asked me to pass the salt.

. “Can you help me with my homework, please?”She_______________

She asked me to help her with her homework

She asked me to help her with my homework

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Direct and Indirect speech Class 6 English Grammar Worksheet

Hello Students, welcome to Net Explanations. In this page we have posted some Direct and Indirect speech Class 6 English Grammar Worksheet Extra Questions Answers.

Direct and Indirect speech sentence

1.) Ronit said Shahina sings a nice song.

Answer: Ronit said that Shahina sang a nice song.

2.) Kevin said that the girls are picking flowers.

Answer: Kevin said that the girls were picking flowers.

3.) My mother said to me it has been raining since morning.

Answer: My mother told me that it has been raining since morning.

4.) Her brother said to her that he enjoyed the magic show.

Answer: Her brother told her that they he had enjoyed the magic show.

5.) His cousin said he has not seen the Taj Mahal before.

Answer: His cousin told him that he had not seen the Taj Mahal before.

6.) I said to him that “I will help Sejal”.

Answer: I told him that I would help Sejal.

7.) He said to me that he is a poor man.

Answer: He told me that he was a poor man.

8.) She said that she has done her duty.

Answer: She told that she had done her duty.

9.) My aunt said I will go to Bangalore tomorrow.

Answer: My aunt had said that she would go to Bangalore tomorrow.

10.) Seema said “I drink hot tea”.

Answer: Seema had said that she drank hot tea.

Direct and Indirect speech Worksheet 2

1.) Tanveer said “I am reading a novel”.

Answer: Tanveer told me that he was reading a novel.

2.) Tanya said to me “I have spent my holidays in the USA”            .

Answer: Tanya told me that she had spent her holidays in the USA.

3.) Karan said “I have been waiting for him for two hours”.

Answer: Karan complained that he had been waiting for him for two hours.

4.) I said that “My friend arrived on Saturday”.

Answer: I said that my friend had arrived on Saturday.

5.) She said to me “I am living in Australia”.

Answer: She said that she had been living in Australia.

6.) Srishti said “I will be in the park”.

Answer: Srishti said that she would be in the park.

7.) Seerat said “We will be there”.

Answer: Seerat said that they would be there.

8.) Kalpana said to me ”I will go to the amusement park”.

Answer: Kalpana said that she will go to the amusement park.

9.) He said “I need more money for the trip”.

Answer: He said that he would need more money for the trip.

10.) Aahil said “I may play football”.

Answer: Aahil said that he might play football.

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  23. Direct and Indirect Speech For Class 6

    This document discusses direct and indirect speech for class 6 students. It defines direct speech as repeating the exact words spoken, using quotation marks, while indirect speech reports the general meaning without quotations. The document provides examples of each. It then outlines rules for changing direct speech into the past tense indirect form, such as changing present to past tense ...

  24. PPT: Direct and Indirect Speech

    This document is useful for Class 6 , Primary 6 , Grade 6. 4.84/5 Rating. Praveen Kumar. Document Description: PPT: Direct and Indirect Speech for Class 6 2024 is part of English Grammar for Class 6 preparation. The notes and questions for PPT: Direct and Indirect Speech have been prepared according to the Class 6 exam syllabus.

  25. NDLI: NCERT Solutions Class X English Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech

    NDLI is a conglomeration of freely available or institutionally contributed or donated or publisher managed contents. Almost all these contents are hosted and accessed from respective sources.

  26. | Reported speech || Narration || direct and indirect speech

    | Reported speech || Narration || direct and indirect speech 😲 😘|‎@RaviJangra-bq7jk @EnglishConnectionByKanchan @dsl_english @SpokenEnglishGuru @englishlov...

  27. NDLI: NCERT Solutions Class IX English Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech

    English Grammar; Direct and Indirect Speech; Loading... Please wait, while we are loading the content... CBSE Sample Question Papers NCERT Solutions ... Class IV Class V Class VI Class VII Class VIII Class IX English Beehive English Grammar Tenses Modals Active and Passive Voice Subject-Verb Concord Direct and Indirect Speech Clauses ...

  28. UP Board Class 12 English Direct and Indirect Narration ...

    Direct And InDirect Speech Exercise 1 Solution | Part - 1 Class 11th 12th And For Government ExamAsk Any Questions 👇👇Telegram :