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  • Use principles of effective speech writing focusing on audience profile.
  • Identify important considerations in choosing a topic and in writing for a particular audience.
  • Conduct an audience analysis.
  • Generate topics based on the audience profile.
  • The relationship between the topic and the audience in speech is crucial.
  • The audience is the target listeners and should be considered in choosing a topic.
  • In writing your speech , you should take into account the demography , situation , and psychology of the audience.
  • The topic is the subject matter that will be discussed in the speech.
  • In choosing a topic, you must consider the needs and interests of the audience, the purpose of the event, and the purpose of the speech.
  • Speech preparation process includes conducting an audience analysis , determining the purpose of the speech, selecting a topic , narrowing down the topic, and writing the speech.
  • Knowing the audience and the occasion is crucial in writing a speech.
  • Using many technical terms is acceptable for an audience composed of people from different fields.
  • The use of gender-sensitive language should be observed in preparing a speech.
  • The venue may affect the speech preparation.
  • Audience analysis should be done prior to speech writing.
  • Identify the following: the cyclical and repetitive process of speech writing, the basic profile of the audience , the areas of expertise of the speaker, the purpose of the speech, the main point of a speech, and the audience profile.
  • Audience analysis involves choosing a topic for the speech , conducting a survey , and determining the interests and personality traits of the audience.
  • Values integration involves reflecting on a quotation from Ben Jonson: “To speak and to speak well are two things, a fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.”
  • The Breakfast of Champions involves conducting an audience analysis of a specific type of breakfast , analyzing the interests and personality traits of the potential patrons , and writing two topics that would possibly appeal to them.
  • Cite a concrete example or application of Arthur Koch's point that "No matter how good a speech looks on paper or how well it is delivered, its success or failure must always be measured in terms of audience response. "

At the end of this module, I can use the principles of effective speech delivery focusing on articulation; modulation; stage presence; facial expressions, gestures, and movements; rapport with the audience; and appropriate use of audiovisual aids.

Having written a relevant and well-organized speech is not enough; you must also be able to deliver it well for it to be effective. Otherwise, your well-written speech will be for naught. A speech is best delivered with clear and correct articulation and well-enunciated words in a properly modulated voice. A good delivery also requires a good command of the stage through appropriate clothing, gestures, body movement, and other nonverbal cues. In addition, a good delivery makes use of appropriate audiovisual aids to facilitate comprehension, appreciation, and retention of information. Finally, a good delivery calls for rapport with the audience.

Keep in mind the following principles of effective speech delivery: articulation; modulation; stage presence; facial expressions, gestures, and movements; rapport with the audience; and appropriate use of audiovisual aids.

Sometimes, faulty microphones, poor facilities, and a noisy environment make the speech hard to understand. But being able to pronounce your statements properly helps you to be understood by your audience.

Moreover, articulation can also mean being able to articulate your ideas properly on a discourse level. This means that, aside from the microlevel of pronunciation or the manner in which you enunciate sounds in every syllable, you should also be able to translate your ideas into words, sentences, and paragraphs that are coherently arranged to make a point. The patterns of organization, which were discussed in the previous module, can help you articulate your ideas properly.

Proper delivery starts with confidence. However, you must bear in mind that confidence is different from rude boldness.

Reflect Upon

How is proper articulation helpful in effective communication?

Do you notice how hosts of radio programs have well-modulated voices? They have to hone their skill of inflecting their voice pitch or tone so that they can pronounce words more clearly and sound good to their listeners. No one likes to listen at length to a high-pitched, shrill, or squeaky voice as this hurts the ears. Practice will make your voice sound better. Listen to good examples of modulated voices to learn the difference and start inflecting your own voice and pitch to sound better.

Try some tongue twisters to practice pronunciation. Vocal calisthenics can also help in articulation and modulation.

Some people seem to command attention by just showing up onstage. They are good-looking or physically imposing so people cannot help but notice them. Even if you do not possess these physical traits, you can still command attention and have stage presence by grooming, dressing up, and, most importantly, speaking well. You can develop an impressive style of speaking so that your audience cannot help but listen to you. Your voice should sound good and your command of the language must be excellent. Your knowledge of the topic should be credible and extensive. These are but a few of the things that you can enhance in order to have a strong stage presence.

Practice in front of a mirror to establish your stage presence. Study your facial expressions and use them to build rapport with your listeners. Try to avoid doing your mannerisms.

Just like facial expressions, gestures can communicate more than your words do. Use gestures and body movements to call attention to ideas, to emphasize words, and to highlight a point, among others. However, too many gestures and body movements, might be seen as theatrical and insincere and could even distract your audience from understanding your message.

As part of the audience, how would you feel if the speaker standing onstage has poor posture and seems timid?

What Have I Learned So Far?

What facial expressions, gestures, modulation, and articulation are appropriate when delivering the following lines? Demonstrate them in class. You can search the lines online to understand the context of each one.

Cannon to left of them,

Cannon in front of them

Volleyed and thundered;” (from “Charge of the Light Brigade” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson)

Here are some ways to establish rapport with the audience:

Rapport is important even in other communication situations and contexts. It is always advisable to make your first impression last.

Identify the principle of speech delivery to which the following elements belong.

Beyond Walls 17.1 Go Online

Declamation pieces are helpful to practice speech delivery. Go to https://www.scribd.com/doc/175697010/Ballad-of-a-Mother-s-Heart-Verse-Choir-Piece for a copy of “Ballad of a Mother’s Heart.” Memorize the piece and prepare to present your declamation in front of the class. Apply the principles of speech delivery in your performance.

Which is more important, a well-written speech or a well-delivered one? Why do you think so?

Beyond Walls 17.2 Apply It in Real Life

Track: Academic

As an expert anthropologist from the top university of the country, you are always invited in TV shows to share your expert opinion about different phenomena related to the Filipino ways of life. After seeing you on TV, teachers from your alma mater invited you to share your expertise to the students of your former high school. They asked you to deliver a speech about cognitive dissonance among Filipinos in time for the Media Literacy Month. Using the speech that you have written about the given topic, prepare to deliver it. Make sure to be critical of how you can apply the principles of speech delivery in your public speaking engagement so that you can communicate effectively with your young audience.

Evaluate the speech delivery of one of your classmates based on the principles of speech delivery. Write comments or constructive criticisms. Your comments will be evaluated based on your understanding of the principles.

Name of Speaker:                 

Extend Your Knowledge

Visual aids are very important in both informative and persuasive speeches. Visit the following websites to know how experts, like the late Steve Jobs, successfully used visuals to sell his products.

Essential Learning

To give justice to a well-written speech, you must clearly and accurately articulate your message by pronouncing words clearly and correctly in a well-modulated voice. As you speak, it helps to ensure that your facial expressions, gestures, and body movements complement and enhance your verbal message. With good grooming and appropriate clothing, your use of voice, language, and nonverbal communication skills would help you command a stage presence that demonstrates confidence in your credibility and your message. You should also aim to develop good rapport with your audience not only to encourage them to listen to your message but also to ensure a pleasant and lively experience with them. To achieve such an experience, draw your audience into your speech by talking to them sincerely, good-naturedly, and politely, rather than simply stating your message. Finally, deliver your message with appropriate and well-prepared audiovisual aids to help your audience easily grasp, appreciate, and retain the content of your speech.

Practicing articulation and enhancing your communication skills will always be useful in your endeavors in life that require social interaction, whether minimal or extensive. If you speak clearly, fluently, and engagingly in whatever language you choose to communicating, more opportunities will come your way in the form of jobs and successful social relations.

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Oral-Communications Q2 Module-3

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