
How to write a Research Proposal: Managing sources

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Avoiding Plagiarism

Below are just some of the ways to protect yourself against unintentional plagiarism:

  • If you use a fact, phrase, chart, diagram, table, map, illustration, photograph, theory, abstract, method, steps or lists, or a quotation from someone else’s work, always acknowledge the original source accurately.
  • Even if you have put someone else’s ideas into your own words, you must credit the source of those ideas.
  • Carefully document and record every single source you read and use. Do not cut corners when it comes to this aspect of your research. Manage your sources by means of a Reference Management Tool .
  • When you copy and paste from the Internet , you must also copy the web address of the document and note the date of access .
  • When you copy and paste from electronic books, journal articles, theses, dissertations, law reports, you must record the source in full together with its URL ( U niform R esource L ocator or web address) in the database you have used.
  • If you suspect you are using something without attributing the original source, copy and paste the passage into Google or another search engine. If your search retrieves close results, it is possible that the passage is not original work.

See Unisa's policy  on  Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism .

Be wise ... Don't plagiarise!

Click  here  for more information on plagiarism.

Reference Management Tools

Reference management tools help you  organise  and  store  your citations.  They assist you to  keep track of your sources  including those that have been exported from other databases.  They also allow you to  generate your bibliography  for your assignment or research project.  

Below are some software products that you can use:

Unisa subscribes to this product on your behalf.  To make use of RefWorks you will first need to create an account.  

Unisa does not subscribe to this product but it can be purchased by an individual and is available in both desktop and web-based versions.

There are various other  free web-based  reference management tools available to you :

Mendeley is a  free  reference management tool and academic social network that allows you to manage your references.  It also helps you discover new trends and statistics in your research area and to connect and collaborate with other researchers.

Zotero is a  free  open source tool that you can use to collect, organise, manage, cite and share research sources.

Please note the copyright restrictions when printing and downloading journal articles.

In terms of the regulations promulgated under the South African  Copyright Act, No 98 of 1978 (as amended), material required for study or research purposes may be photocopied subject to the following conditions:

  • Not more than one copy may be made of an article or other contribution appearing in a periodical issue or other collection.
  • From other works only a reasonable portion may be photocopied (it is accepted that a “reasonable portion” means not more than 10% of the whole work ).
  • No work may be photocopied in its entirety .

Two Useful Tips on Referencing Style

  • Please contact your lecturer regarding the  referencing style  you are expected to use for your assignments and research projects.
  • The most important thing about referencing is to be  consistent .

Some of the referencing styles you will use in your research by Prof Pat Ngulube (Unisa)

  • Referencing styles

Referencing Styles

 APA Referencing Style

The APA style is mostly used in Psychology, Education and other social sciences.

Chicago Referencing style

The Chicago referencing system is used with all subjects and formats including books, newspapers, and other non-scholarly publications and materials that are not intended for publication .

Harvard Referencing Style

The Harvard style is generally used across many subject disciplines.  Please click  here for more information on the Harvard Referencing Style

MLA Refencing Style

The MLA system is mostly used by researchers in Arts and Humanities. However it is especially used in English Language, Literature, Folklore and Lingustic courses.

Vancouver Referencing Style

The  Vancouver system , also known as the "author-number" system, is a way of writing references in academic papers. It is popular in the physical sciences, biological sciences, health and is one of two referencing systems normally used in medicine, the other being the Harvard style.

Turnitin (Tii) is a tool used in the prevention of plagiarism by checking documents for originality .

Unisa has licenses for all the postgraduate students (M and D, Honours and selected fourth year level course students).  These students all get access automatically to Turnitin.

Kindly note that we currently do NOT have licenses for undergraduate students .

Click on the logo to open the  UNISA Turnitin Student Guide .

unisa research proposal structure

Any queries that students or staff members have, may be sent to: [email protected]

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  • Research Degree Students
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Research proposal and confirmation of candidature

If you are a doctoral student (PhD, PhD by portfolio or Professional Doctorate), your research proposal is due six months from the start of your degree .

If you are a Master of Research student, your research proposal is due three months from the start of your degree.

Successful completion of this milestone leads to confirmation of candidature.

You need to submit your proposal, your completed Statement of Agreement and your Research Induction Plan.

The following resources will help you meet the requirements of this milestone.

(PDF 169KB) (PDF 303KB) (PDF 62KB) (form to complete electronically) is your one stop shop for continuous skill development resources and for writing your research proposal
(Online Form)

Your research proposal will be loosely based on the research outline you prepared for admission to your degree, but will provide a more comprehensive guide to the literature, method, methodology, structure and timeframe of your research.

The research proposal is used to assess your performance so far, and the feasibility of your research program. It is:

  • an action plan for candidature and a major reference point for the Reviews of Progress
  • aligned with the Statement of Agreement, explaining how you will develop the Research Degree Graduate Qualities.

It is extremely important that your supervisors provide input into the development of your research proposal.

  • Provisional enrolment and Confirmation of Candidature
  • Preparing your Research Proposal
  • Submission and review of your Research Proposal

Provisional enrolment and confirmation of candidature

Your enrolment is provisional until your candidature is confirmed.

Your research proposal and Statement of Agreement must be approved by the Academic Unit or Institute Research Management Committee for confirmation of candidature to occur. This has to happen before you can proceed with your research.

The length of your provisional candidacy is counted as part of the total time to undertake your degree:

  • Doctoral students have a maximum of 4 years (FTE) to complete but should aim to complete their degree within a maximum of 3 years (FTE)
  • Master of research students have a total of 2 years (FTE) candidacy to complete their degree.

For students in research professional doctorate programs , confirmation of candidature requires the completion of 18 units of the coursework component, approved by the Program Director, within six months (FTE) of commencement.

Australian and New Zealand citizens and permanent residents of Australia (domestic) students, please note that if you exceed your 4-year time limit you are required to pay tuition fees to the University.

See the AB-58 Research Degrees Policy and Procedures  for your degree for more details.

Confirming candidature

The Confirmation of candidature form (editable PDF) is to be completed by the Chair of the Research Proposal Confirmation Panel (or equivalent) and forwarded to Graduate Research, Candidature when finalised.

Preparing your research proposal

Research proposals are normally 10 to 20 pages long, and should contain the following sections:

Statement of the research topic and rationale for the research Research methodology Trial table of contents Brief bibliography

See Guidelines for the Preparation of Research Proposals in Research Degrees  for more information.

University guidelines stipulate that a PhD will make 'a significant original contribution to knowledge and/or the application of knowledge within the field of study' and a Master of research will make 'a contribution to knowledge and/or the application of knowledge within the field of study'.

The University recognises that each research degree student may require specific equipment, e-research infrastructure, laboratory or studio space and funds adequate for the completion of the research program. Expenses may include travel arising from field work, experiments and data collection and the cost of consumables.

You and your supervisor will need to identify these project-specific costs when preparing your research proposal. Where your project is a subset of your supervisor's funded research project, these costs could be allocated from the project's budget. Costs must be presented and negotiated with the executive dean/institute director prior to confirmation of candidacy, and included in the Statement of Agreement which is submitted with the research proposal.

See the Appendix AB-58 AD1 Minimum Resources for Research Degree Students  for more details.

Resources related to finding research information, finding and writing research proposals and referencing are available here

Submission and review of your research proposal

The procedure for approving research proposals varies according to the academic unit, institute, or centre. Consult the academic regulations, your supervisor or your Research Degree Coordinator for details.

The following steps are typically involved in research proposal development and review:

Step 1 - Development

Work with your supervisors to complete a Research Induction Plan (usually at the end of the first 2 weeks), outlining the negotiated timeframe for getting the research proposal approved, including lodgement of drafts and return of comments by the supervisor.

Complete your Statement of Agreement (usually at the end of the first month), and work on the proposal itself.

Step 2 - Submission

Following approval by your supervisors, submit copies of your written research proposal, your Research Induction Plan and your Statement of Agreement to the Research Degree Coordinator.

If a timely research proposal cannot be lodged you must request permission to extend the timeframe - at least one month in advance and normally for a maximum of three months .

  • Application for Extension to Research Proposal (Online Form)

Step 3 - Assessment

A panel reviews your proposal and makes a determination that either:

  • the proposal is accepted and the Statement of Agreement is appropriate for supporting the research project and timelines OR
  • amendments are required for the proposal and/or Statement of Agreement to be accepted and candidature to be confirmed OR
  • the research proposal and/or Statement of Agreement should not be approved and the research degree student may be suspended OR
  • the research proposal and/or Statement of Agreement should not be approved and the research degree student should be transferred to another program.

Step 4 - Notification

The research proposal, Research Induction Plan and Statement of Agreement, along with a recommendation from the review panel regarding confirmation of your candidature, goes to the Dean of Graduate Studies. You are advised of the outcome via your student email.

  • If the research proposal is accepted , date of confirmation of candidacy is reported to Graduate Research, Candidature.
  • If the research proposal is not considered acceptable , it is returned to you with written information indicating why it was not acceptable. You will have to make revisions in conjunction with your supervisor and re-lodge the proposal for further consideration in a given timeframe. You may need to submit an extension to lodge research proposal form:

If you do not have your research proposal approved within the maximum time allowed, your candidature will be suspended, but you may apply for readmission. Refer to the academic regulations for details.

FTE = Full Time Equivalence

If you are doing a Doctor of Philosophy (by Portfolio of Publications), you will submit a research statement. Enrolment and re-enrolment conditions still apply. See the academic regulations.

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Research Proposal

Course Level Undergraduate

Course information

Area/Catalogue HLTH 5127

Offered Externally Yes

Note: This offering may or may not be scheduled in every study period. Please refer to the timetable for further details.

Course ID 013713

Unit Value 4.5

University-wide elective course No

This class has not been timetabled for year 2024.

Course owner UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance

Course Alert: This course is no longer available for enrolment

The aim of this course is to develop a clear understanding of the requirements, structure and function of research proposals through the development of a specific student directed research proposal.

Course content

All material designed to assist students in refining and developing a research question of their interest. Includes: Structure and role of the research proposal, relationship to other forms of research communication, generation of the research question, literature review as a means of justifying the need for the proposed research, development of design and methodology, selection of measurement outcome and testing procedure quality control (validity, reliability, rigour, trustworthiness, credibility), data handling and analysis, consideration of intellectual property, copyright, authorship and ethical implications as related to conduct of research. Content is supported by extensive examples from a variety of disciplines and students encouraged to present components of the developing research proposal to peers for consideration and comment.


DePoy, E. and Gitlin, L 2011, Introduction to Research. Multiple Strategies for Health and Human Services vol 5 , Mosby-Wilkins, St Louis


Corequisite(s), teaching method.

Component Duration
Directed Study (Online Activities) - x 13 weeks

Note: These components may or may not be scheduled in every study period. Please refer to the timetable for further details.

Assignment 1: Online presentation of research proposal with peer review, Assignment 2: Written research Proposal, Assignment 3: Participation in on-line discussions and posting of comments

EFTSL*: 0.125 Commonwealth Supported program (Band 2) To determine the fee for this course as part of a Commonwealth Supported program, go to: How to determine your Commonwealth Supported course fee. (Opens new window)

Fee-paying program for domestic and international students International students and students undertaking this course as part of a postgraduate fee paying program must refer to the relevant program home page to determine the cost for undertaking this course.

Non-award enrolment Non-award tuition fees are set by the university. To determine the cost of this course, go to: How to determine the relevant non award tuition fee. (Opens new window)

Not all courses are available on all of the above bases, and students must check to ensure that they are permitted to enrol in a particular course.

* Equivalent Full Time Study Load. Please note: all EFTSL values are published and calculated at ten decimal places. Values are displayed to three decimal places for ease of interpretation.

Learning resources for this course

Course Coordinators

Dr Lucylynn Lizarondo

Checking your eligibility

Australian students

Phone: +61 8 8302 2376 Enquiry:

International students

Phone: +61 8 9627 4854 Enquiry:

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    ivities15. References or Bibliographya. Research. is. built on existing knowledge. It implies that all research must have references.b. Use only one of the. c. Use original sources from accredited publications (reviewed journal, reviewed book etc.) Proposed Budget for the project and how the study will be funded.

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    the registration period is for 1 year only. The registration for Masters and Doctoral students closes during the middle of March each year, b. t opens towards the end of an academic year. The closing. dates are always found on the Unisa website. It is your responsibility to check the notifications on th.

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    A research proposal is a plan or outline of your proposed research project. It is used to demonstrate ... this structure. Structure of a research proposal Title page This is a separate page with the title of the report, your name, student ID and other identifying details as ... check the UniSA website on referencing. Appendices (if required) ...

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    'Brief Notes on Writing Research Proposals and Research Statements.', English for Academic Correspondence, pp. 115-121. Fischer, K., 2020. ' 23 Questions to Guide the Writing of a Quantitative Medical Education Research Proposa l', Academic Medicine, Jul 2020.


    Support section, via the MyUnisa admission system, of the final outcome of the application for admission. 3.4 When a prospective student's or candidate's application to register for a research proposal module is approved, the academic department notifies the College of Graduate Studies: Master

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    The first task of the research proposal is to signal the area of the research or 'topic' so the reader knows what subject will be discussed in the proposal. This step is ideally accomplished in the opening sentence or the opening paragraph of the research proposal. It is also indicated in the title of the research proposal.

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    CONTEXT OF STUDY. 1.1 Purpose of the study. 1.2 Background of the study. 1.3 Relevance of the topic. 1.4 Relationship of the topic to the discipline of Communication. 1.5 Other research in the field. LITERATURE REVIEW. TYPE OF STUDY. FORMULATION OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS.

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    Structure of the research design section. Research proposals tend to discuss the main elements of the research design in the following order: General introduction provides a concise statement of any conceptual assumptions that inform the research design, research phases and the relationship between research phases, methods or description of creative practice, and other key information needed ...

  17. PDF Preparation of Research Proposals in Research Degrees

    students) or six (6) months full-time study (PhD students), the research degree student must develop, and subsequently maintain, a comprehensive Research Proposal. A Research Proposal is designed to provide a structure and time frame for a student's research program and can be used to assess the student's progress at times of review. The Research

  18. LibGuides: How to write a Research Proposal: Managing sources

    Unisa subscribes to this product on your behalf. To make use of RefWorks you will first need to create an account. EndNote. Unisa does not subscribe to this product but it can be purchased by an individual and is available in both desktop and web-based versions. There are various other free web-based reference management tools available to you:

  19. Unisa Proposal Writing

    A research proposal is an integral part of a postdoctoral qualification at UNISA. Every student who is enrolled for either a Master's or a Doctoral must complete a research proposal before proceeding to the actual research part of the study. We will give attention to each of the parts of a proposal and complete them step by step.

  20. Topic: Reviewing literature

    Research proposal, thesis, exegesis, and journal article writing for business, social science and humanities (BSSH) research degree candidates ... UniSA Research proposal guidelines. Organsing and reading literature. ... J., 1984, Research into the structure of introductions to journal articles and its application to the teaching of academic ...

  21. Research proposal and confirmation of candidature

    Step 4 - Notification. The research proposal, Research Induction Plan and Statement of Agreement, along with a recommendation from the review panel regarding confirmation of your candidature, goes to the Dean of Graduate Studies. You are advised of the outcome via your student email. If the research proposal is accepted, date of confirmation of ...

  22. PDF Preparation of Research Proposals in Research Degrees

    A Research Proposal is designed to provide a structure and time frame for a candidate's research program and can be used to assess the candidate's progress at times of review. The Research Proposal should indicate how the candidate intends, in performing the research project, to elaborate the Research Degree Graduate Qualities. B. Research ...

  23. Courses

    All material designed to assist students in refining and developing a research question of their interest. Includes: Structure and role of the research proposal, relationship to other forms of research communication, generation of the research question, literature review as a means of justifying the need for the proposed research, development ...