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How to Write a Nursing Reflective Essay as a BSN Nursing Student

  • Jermaine Huey
  • November 29, 2023

In this article, we will provide you, as a BSN nursing student , with a comprehensive guide on how to write a compelling nursing reflective essay. Reflective essays are a personal reflection on your experiences in the nursing profession, and we are here to help you navigate this writing challenge.

What Is a Reflective Essay in Nursing?

A reflective essay in nursing is a powerful tool that allows nursing students to analyze their experiences, emotions, and actions related to their nursing practice. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection, critical thinking, and personal growth. Reflective writing can help nurses develop a deeper understanding of their own practice, improve patient care, and enhance their professional development.

Reflective essays in nursing differ from personal statements in that they focus on specific experiences and their impact on the writer’s growth and development. These essays require the writer to critically reflect on their actions, emotions, and thoughts, and identify ways to improve their practice. By examining their experiences and applying reflective frameworks, nursing students can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.

When writing a reflective essay in nursing , it is important to follow a structured approach. This includes describing the incident or experience, analyzing personal thoughts and feelings, exploring the actions taken, and reflecting on the outcomes and implications. By structuring the essay effectively, nursing students can communicate their reflections in a clear and organized manner.

Key Elements to Include in a Nursing Reflective Essay

When writing a nursing reflective essay, it is important to include key elements that will make your essay comprehensive and impactful. These elements will help you convey your thoughts and experiences clearly, allowing the reader to gain a deeper understanding of your reflections on nursing practice.

Inciting Incident or Event The first key element to include in your nursing reflective essay is the inciting incident or event. This is the moment or experience that triggered your reflection and made a significant impact on your practice. It could be a challenging patient encounter, an ethical dilemma, or a personal realization. By describing this event in detail, you set the stage for your reflective journey. Personal Reflections Your nursing reflective essay should also include personal reflections on the experience. This is where you delve into your thoughts, feelings, and emotions related to the inciting incident. Reflect on how the event made you feel, what you learned from it, and how it has influenced your growth as a nursing professional. Be honest and vulnerable in your reflections, as this will allow the reader to connect with your experience on a deeper level. Vivid Setting and Descriptive Details To create a vivid and engaging narrative, include specific details that paint a picture of the setting and the people involved. Describe the physical environment, the interactions between healthcare professionals and patients, and any other relevant details that contribute to the overall context of the experience. This will help the reader visualize the situation and understand the complexities of the event. Actions Taken Finally, it is important to describe the actions you took in response to the inciting incident. Discuss how you applied your nursing knowledge and skills to address the challenges or opportunities presented by the event. Reflect on the effectiveness of your actions and whether there were any areas for improvement. This demonstrates your ability to critically analyze your own practice and make informed decisions. By including these key elements in your nursing reflective essay, you can create a comprehensive and impactful piece of writing that showcases your growth and development as a nursing professional.

How to Write the Introduction of a Nursing Reflective Essay

The introduction of a nursing reflective essay plays a crucial role in capturing the reader’s attention and setting the tone for the entire essay. It should provide a concise overview of the main points that will be discussed and create a sense of curiosity and engagement. Here are some tips to help you write an effective introduction for your nursing reflective essay:

  • Start with an intriguing opening line: Begin your introduction with a captivating statement or anecdote that relates to the topic of your essay. This will grab the reader’s attention and make them eager to continue reading.
  • Provide context and background information: Give a brief overview of the event or experience that you will be reflecting on in your essay. This will help the reader understand the context and significance of your reflections.
  • Present a clear thesis statement: Your thesis statement should clearly state the main purpose of your essay and the specific points or themes that you will be exploring. This will give the reader a preview of what to expect in the body of the essay.

By following these tips, you can craft an introduction that captivates the reader and sets the stage for a compelling nursing reflective essay.

“As I walked into the busy hospital ward on my first day of clinical rotation, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Little did I know that this experience would become a pivotal moment in my nursing journey, shaping my understanding of empathy, communication, and patient-centered care. In this reflective essay, I will delve into the details of this encounter and explore the personal and professional growth that resulted from it.”

With an attention-grabbing opening, providing context, and presenting a clear thesis statement, your introduction will set the stage for a compelling nursing reflective essay that captures the reader’s attention and lays the foundation for your reflections.

Nursing Reflection Essay Tips and Examples

Writing a nursing reflective essay requires careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. Here are some tips to help you craft an impactful and meaningful reflection essay as a BSN nursing student . Additionally, we will provide examples to illustrate how these tips can be applied.

Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflection Essay:

  • Start by choosing a specific experience or event that had a significant impact on your nursing practice. This could be a challenging patient encounter, a critical incident, or a personal realization that transformed your perspective.
  • Reflect on the experience and consider how it affected your emotions, thoughts, and actions. What did you learn from the experience? How has it shaped your growth as a nursing professional?
  • Focus on the key aspects of the experience that were particularly impactful or meaningful to you. Avoid including unnecessary details or deviating from the main message of your reflection.
  • Use specific examples, anecdotes, or patient scenarios to support your reflections. This will make your essay more engaging and relatable to the reader.
  • Consider the ethical implications of the experience and reflect on how it has influenced your approach to patient care and decision-making.
  • End your essay with a reflection on the implications of your learning for future nursing practice. How will you apply the lessons learned to provide better care and improve patient outcomes?

Now, let’s take a look at two examples of nursing reflective essays to further illustrate these tips:

“During my clinical rotation in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), I encountered a complex patient case that challenged my critical thinking skills and decision-making abilities. The patient was a middle-aged woman who had undergone a complicated surgery and experienced numerous post-operative complications. This experience taught me the importance of collaboration within the healthcare team and the significance of advocating for the patient’s best interests…”
“One of the most significant experiences during my nursing education was my time spent in the pediatric oncology unit. Witnessing the resilience and bravery of children facing life-threatening illnesses had a profound impact on my perspective as a nurse. It taught me the importance of providing holistic care, not only addressing physical needs but also supporting emotional well-being and promoting a positive environment for healing…”

These examples demonstrate how personal reflections, specific details, and professional insights can be incorporated to create a compelling nursing reflective essay. Remember to structure your essay in a clear and organized manner, ensuring that your reflections flow logically and coherently.

By following these tips and utilizing examples, you can create a compelling nursing reflective essay that showcases your growth and development as a nursing professional.

How to Conclude a Nursing Reflective Essay

The conclusion of a nursing reflective essay serves as the final reflection on the writer’s growth and learning from the experience. It is an essential part of the essay that summarizes the main points discussed and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. The reflective essay conclusion should bring closure to the essay by restating the thesis statement and highlighting the key takeaways from the essay.

To write a strong and impactful conclusion, start by restating the thesis statement in a clear and concise manner. This reminds the reader of the main focus of the essay and reinforces its significance. Next, summarize the key points discussed in the body paragraphs, highlighting the most important insights and reflections. This helps to reinforce the main ideas and ensures that they are not overlooked in the final reflection.

In addition to summarizing the main points, a thought-provoking statement or future outlook can be included to provide a sense of closure and leave the reader with something to ponder. This can be a reflection on how the experience has influenced the writer’s future practice or a call to action for continued personal and professional growth. By ending the essay on a strong and meaningful note, the conclusion enhances the overall impact of the nursing reflective essay.

A well-crafted conclusion is essential for a nursing reflective essay as it reinforces the main ideas, leaves a lasting impression on the reader, and provides a sense of closure. By following these tips, nursing students can create a powerful and impactful conclusion that enhances the overall effectiveness of their reflective essays.

Reflective Tools and Models for Nursing Reflective Essays

Reflective tools and models can provide structure and guidance for nursing students when writing reflective essays. These tools help organize thoughts and experiences, allowing for a more comprehensive and meaningful reflection. By utilizing reflection models , nursing students can enhance their reflective writing skills and deepen their understanding of their own growth and development as healthcare professionals.

Gibbs’ Reflective Model

“Reflective practice is both an art and a science that requires ongoing commitment and practice.” – Gibbs

Gibbs’ Reflective Model is a widely used reflection framework in nursing. It consists of six stages: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. This model encourages a structured approach to reflection, allowing the writer to systematically explore their thoughts and emotions, analyze the situation, and identify areas for improvement or further development.

Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model

“We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.” – Dewey

Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model focuses on the importance of reflection as a tool for learning and growth. It emphasizes the need to actively engage with experiences, thoughts, and emotions, and to critically evaluate them in order to gain deeper insights and understanding. This model encourages nursing students to think analytically and develop a continuous learning mindset.

Kolb Reflective Model

“Knowledge results from the combination of grasping experience and transforming it.” – Kolb

The Kolb Reflective Model is based on the concept of experiential learning. It consists of four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. This model encourages nursing students to engage in a cyclical process of learning, where they actively participate in experiences, reflect on them, conceptualize their insights, and apply their learning in real-life situations.

Schön Reflective Model

“Reflection-in-action is the heart of the learning process.” – Schön

Schön Reflective Model emphasizes the importance of reflection in the midst of action. It focuses on the ability to think and adapt in real-time, making decisions based on professional knowledge and experiences. This model encourages nursing students to develop a reflective mindset that allows them to learn and grow while actively engaging in their practice.

NameKey ConceptsStages
Gibbs’ Reflective ModelStructured reflection, comprehensive analysisDescription, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion, Action Plan
Dewey’s Reflective Thinking ModelActive engagement, critical evaluationExperience, Reflection, Interpretation, Evaluation
Kolb Reflective ModelExperiential learning, application of knowledgeConcrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization, Active Experimentation
Schön Reflective ModelReflection-in-action, adaptabilityReflection-in-Action, Reflection-on-Action

Nursing Reflective Essay Example – Essay About Myself for Nursing Sample

Looking for inspiration for your nursing reflective essay? Here are some Nursing Reflective Essay examples that showcase different experiences, reflections, and growth in the nursing profession.

My Journey to Nursing: A Personal Essay From a young age, I’ve always been drawn to the idea of helping others. This innate desire, combined with my fascination with the human body and medical science, has led me to pursue a career in nursing. My journey towards this goal has been shaped by personal experiences, academic pursuits, and a deep-seated passion for making a difference in people’s lives. Early Influences My interest in healthcare was first sparked when I was 12 years old. My grandmother was diagnosed with diabetes, and I watched in awe as nurses not only administered her medical care but also provided emotional support to our entire family. Their compassion and expertise left a lasting impression on me, planting the seed for my future career aspirations. Academic Preparation Throughout high school, I gravitated towards science courses, excelling in biology and chemistry. These subjects not only fascinated me but also reinforced my decision to pursue a career in healthcare. I joined the school’s Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) club, which allowed me to explore various healthcare professions and solidified my interest in nursing. Practical Experience To gain hands-on experience, I volunteered at a local hospital during my senior year of high school. This opportunity allowed me to observe nurses in action and interact with patients. I was struck by the nurses’ ability to blend technical skills with empathy, providing both medical care and emotional support. This experience confirmed that nursing was the right path for me. Personal Qualities I believe that my natural empathy, strong communication skills, and ability to remain calm under pressure make me well-suited for a nursing career. I’m a detail-oriented person who thrives in team environments, qualities that I understand are essential in the nursing profession. Future Goals As I embark on my nursing education, I’m excited to deepen my understanding of medical science and develop the skills necessary to provide exceptional patient care. In the future, I hope to specialize in pediatric nursing, as I have a particular affinity for working with children. Conclusion Nursing is more than just a career choice for me; it’s a calling. I’m committed to the challenging yet rewarding journey ahead, eager to learn, grow, and eventually make a positive impact on the lives of my future patients. I’m confident that my passion, combined with the education I will receive, will enable me to become a skilled, compassionate, and dedicated nurse. Nursing Reflection Examples Nursing Exemplar Essay Example 1: Providing End-of-Life Care As a nurse, I’ve encountered many challenging situations, but none have impacted me as profoundly as providing end-of-life care. My experience with Mrs. Johnson, a 78-year-old patient with terminal cancer, stands out as a pivotal moment in my nursing career. When I first met Mrs. Johnson, I was struck by her quiet dignity in the face of her prognosis. As her condition deteriorated, I found myself grappling with a range of emotions – sadness at her suffering, frustration at my inability to cure her, and a deep sense of responsibility to ensure her comfort and peace in her final days. One of the biggest challenges I faced was communication. How do you discuss death and dying with a patient and their family? I learned the importance of active listening, of being present not just physically but emotionally. There were times when words seemed inadequate, and I discovered that sometimes, a gentle touch or a moment of silence spoke volumes. Empathy became my most valuable tool. I tried to put myself in Mrs. Johnson’s shoes, to understand her fears and hopes. This approach helped me provide care that went beyond mere medical procedures – it allowed me to connect with her as a person, to honor her life story. The experience also taught me the critical importance of self-care. The emotional toll of end-of-life care can be immense, and I learned that to provide the best care for my patients, I needed to take care of myself too. Regular debriefings with my colleagues, mindfulness practices, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance became essential parts of my routine. Reflecting on this experience, I realize how much it has shaped me as a nurse. It has deepened my understanding of the human experience of dying and reinforced my commitment to compassionate, patient-centered care. While challenging, providing end-of-life care has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my nursing career, allowing me to make a meaningful difference in my patients’ final moments.

Examples of Nursing Reflection on Leadership

My journey into nursing leadership began unexpectedly when I was asked to step in as the interim charge nurse on my unit. Initially, I felt overwhelmed by the responsibility, but this experience became a profound learning opportunity that shaped my understanding of effective leadership in nursing. One of the first challenges I encountered was balancing the diverse needs of patients, staff, and the organization. I quickly realized that effective leadership isn’t about having all the answers, but about fostering a collaborative environment where everyone’s expertise is valued. I implemented regular team huddles to ensure open communication and to collectively problem-solve. My leadership style evolved to become more transformational. I focused on inspiring and motivating my team, rather than merely managing tasks. This approach led to increased job satisfaction among staff and, consequently, improved patient outcomes. I saw firsthand how a positive work environment translates directly to better patient care. However, leadership also meant facing difficult situations. I had to address performance issues with some team members, which taught me the importance of clear communication, fairness, and documentation. These experiences helped me develop crucial conflict resolution skills. One of the most significant lessons I learned was the power of leading by example. When I demonstrated a strong work ethic, a commitment to excellence, and a compassionate approach to patient care, I saw these qualities reflected back in my team. Reflecting on my leadership journey, I recognize how much I’ve grown both professionally and personally. I’ve learned to trust my instincts, to be decisive when necessary, and to remain flexible in the face of the ever-changing healthcare landscape. Most importantly, I’ve come to understand that effective nursing leadership is about empowering others to deliver the best possible care to our patients.

Nursing Student Reflection Example on Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas

In my nursing career, I’ve faced numerous challenging situations, but one ethical dilemma stands out as particularly impactful. It involved a terminally ill patient, Mr. Davis, who had expressed his wish to discontinue life-sustaining treatment, a decision his family vehemently opposed. The core of this ethical dilemma lay in the conflict between two fundamental principles of medical ethics: respect for patient autonomy and beneficence (doing good for the patient). On one hand, Mr. Davis had clearly stated his wish to die peacefully without further medical intervention. On the other, his family believed that continuing treatment was in his best interest, hoping for a miracle. As the primary nurse, I found myself in the middle of this conflict. I had to navigate the delicate balance between honoring the patient’s wishes and addressing the family’s concerns, all while ensuring the best possible care for Mr. Davis. My decision-making process involved several steps. First, I revisited the ethical principles at play, consulting our hospital’s ethics guidelines. I also engaged in discussions with the healthcare team, including the attending physician and our hospital ethicist. Crucially, I facilitated open conversations between Mr. Davis, his family, and the medical team. These discussions were emotionally charged but essential. I focused on active listening, allowing all parties to express their views and concerns fully. Throughout this process, I maintained a neutral stance, serving as an advocate for Mr. Davis while also showing empathy towards his family’s perspective. I ensured that Mr. Davis was of sound mind and fully understood the implications of his decision. Similarly, I worked with the family to help them understand their loved one’s wishes and the concept of quality of life versus quantity. Ultimately, after many difficult conversations, the family came to accept Mr. Davis’s decision. We were able to shift the focus from life-prolonging treatments to comfort care, ensuring that Mr. Davis’s final days were peaceful and aligned with his wishes. This experience taught me valuable lessons about navigating complex ethical situations in nursing. I learned the importance of clear communication, the need for a systematic approach to ethical decision-making, and the value of collaborative efforts in resolving ethical dilemmas. Most importantly, this situation reinforced my understanding that in nursing, ethical dilemmas are often not about finding a clear “right” or “wrong” answer, but about balancing competing values and priorities to arrive at the most ethically sound decision possible. It strengthened my commitment to patient advocacy and reinforced the importance of continuous ethical education in nursing practice.

These examples demonstrate how nursing reflective essays can provide valuable insights into personal experiences, reflections, and professional growth. They serve as excellent references to help nursing students develop their own reflective writing skills and gain a deeper understanding of the nursing profession.

Writing a nursing reflective essay can be a transformative experience for BSN nursing students. It allows them to gain valuable insight into their own growth and development as future healthcare professionals. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have provided expert information and guidance on how to write a compelling nursing reflective essay.

By understanding the purpose of a reflective essay and the key elements to include, nursing students can effectively showcase their personal experiences and reflections. Incorporating reflection models such as Gibbs’ Reflective Model or Kolb Reflective Model can also provide structure and depth to their essays.

At, we are dedicated to empowering busy nurses and providing them with the tools they need to excel in their BSN programs. Whether it’s writing a reflective essay or any other writing challenge, we are here to support and guide nursing students towards success.

What is a nursing reflective essay?

A nursing reflective essay is a personal essay where the writer reflects on their own experiences and how those experiences have shaped their growth and development in the nursing profession.

How is a reflective essay in nursing different from a personal statement?

While a reflective essay in nursing focuses on the writer’s personal experiences and reflections, a personal statement is more of a formal document that highlights the writer’s qualifications, achievements, and future goals in the nursing profession.

What are the key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay?

The key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay are the inciting incident or event, personal reflections on the experience, specific details to create a vivid setting, and a description of the actions taken by the writer. It is important to avoid including academic details and excessive focus on emotions.

How should I write the introduction of a nursing reflective essay?

To write an engaging and informative introduction for a nursing reflective essay, you can grab the reader’s attention with an intriguing opening line, provide context and background information, and present a clear thesis statement. Focus on the specific event or experience that will be the main focus of the essay.

How should I structure the body paragraphs of a nursing reflective essay?

The body paragraphs of a nursing reflective essay should have a clear structure. Use the first paragraph to present the thesis statement and provide background information on the event. Use subsequent paragraphs to explore your reflections, emotions, and actions taken. Use specific examples and anecdotes to make the essay more engaging.

How should I conclude a nursing reflective essay?

To write a strong conclusion for a nursing reflective essay, you can summarize the main points discussed in the essay, provide a final reflection on your growth and learning from the experience, restate the thesis statement, and leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement or future outlook.

What are some tips for writing a nursing reflective essay?

Some tips for writing a nursing reflective essay include starting early, conducting thorough self-reflection, organizing your thoughts and ideas, and seeking feedback from peers or instructors. Pay attention to proper grammar and spelling, coherent writing style, and adhere to any formatting guidelines provided.

How can reflective tools and models help with nursing reflective essays?

Reflective tools and models provide structure and guidance for nursing students when writing reflective essays. Models such as Gibbs’ Reflective Model, Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model, Kolb Reflective Model, and Schön Reflective Model can be used as frameworks for organizing thoughts and experiences in a nursing reflective essay.

What are the benefits of reflective writing in nursing?

Reflective writing in nursing offers benefits such as enhanced self-awareness, improved critical thinking skills, increased empathy and understanding of patient experiences, and continuous professional development. It promotes lifelong learning and helps improve patient care.

Where can I find nursing reflective essay examples?

You can find nursing reflective essay examples that showcase different experiences, reflections, and growth. These examples incorporate personal reflections, specific details, and professional insights into nursing practice. They demonstrate the diversity of topics and experiences that can be explored in nursing reflective essays.

How can I write a nursing reflective essay for nursing school applications?

To write a nursing reflective essay for nursing school applications, reflect on your passion for nursing, personal experiences in healthcare settings, and future goals in the nursing profession. Address specific prompts and align the content with the nursing school’s values and mission.

How can writing a nursing reflective essay benefit BSN nursing students?

Writing a nursing reflective essay allows BSN nursing students to gain insight into their own growth and development as future healthcare professionals. It helps improve critical thinking skills, self-awareness, and understanding of patient experiences. It also promotes continuous professional development.

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reflection in nursing uk essay

Writing reflective essays is a highly effective tool for intellectual and personal development. It provides a rare chance to explore one’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences in detail. Reflective writing enables an analytical and personal approach, allowing writers to examine how certain events have impacted their understanding and opinions.

If you are a student of nursing, you will undoubtedly get a nursing reflective essay assignment. This could be a difficult and demanding task. With the assistance of essay writing companies in the UK, you can craft compelling reflective papers. These platforms provide nursing students with an opportunity to practise their abilities and broaden their knowledge.

But if you are looking for advice on how to write a nursing essay like a professional, continue reading this article. Here, we shall provide you with tips and tricks on how to write a comprehensive paper, including what to avoid, what to include, and reflection ideas.

But let’s first define the nursing reflective essay before moving on to the strategies.

What is a Nursing Reflective Essay?

In writing nursing reflective essays, students are involved in contrasting personal insights with clinical experiences to incorporate a description of learning and development. Both skill improvement and career advancement in the nursing industry are aided by writing a reflective essay in nursing.

7 Steps to Write a Nursing Reflective Essay

Writing a nursing reflective essay is an essential part of nursing education because it enables both professionals and students to engage in self-evaluation and enhance clinical practice. With the help of this 7-step strategy, you should be able to create a nursing reflective essay that shows your analytical skills, professional growth, and critical thinking.

This comprehensive guide will lead you through the steps of writing a well-written and organised nursing reflection essay. Here are the core insights of this article:

reflection in nursing uk essay

Let’s continue reading the steps to write a reflective nursing essay.

1. Remove the Distractions

Writing a reflective essay is a crucial skill for nurses to acquire since it enables them to reflect critically on their experiences and advance their profession. However, finding the time and concentration to create a well-organised and meaningful reflection essay might be difficult, given the demands of a busy nursing schedule.

Here, we’ll provide you with useful techniques to help you put aside distractions and produce a superior nursing reflective essay. It is important to identify the distractions that could influence your writing process before proceeding. Some of the most common sources of distraction are:

  • Email notifications and social media
  • Relatives or colleagues trying to engage you in conversation
  • An untidy workplace or excessive noise
  • Mild tiredness or lack of stamina
  • Tendency to slow down the pace due to the pursuit of perfection.

How to Control these Distractions?

The following measures could control the distractors:

  • Inform your family members about your work so that they try to avoid interrupting you at least during certain timeframes.
  • Inform your colleagues that you require quiet time for your work.
  • Turn off the email notifications and social media or sign out of your email or social media accounts.
  • Ensure that your table is tidy and the place is clean and organised.
  • Work in the times when others are not making too much noise.
  • Take breaks to regenerate and create a greater concentration span.
  • If perfectionism is an issue, subdivide your article into smaller sections.

Establish a Writing Schedule

Developing a writing schedule will help to keep you on task and move your reflective essay forward.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Set clear deadlines and writing goals.
  • Designate a specific time each day or week for writing.
  • To help you get started, try out a warm-up or some free writing.
  • Keep reviewing and editing your work regularly, ensuring you are on point.

2. Understand the Purpose of Reflective Writing

Reflective writing is mostly applied in the identification and analysis of both individual and occupational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). You can get a deeper comprehension of the complexities of nursing practice.

In addition, incorporating reflection into your writing can enhance your capacity for future decision-making. The appropriate use of a thoughtful perspective can help nurses better understand their practice and apply critical thinking to the services they provide, thus improving patient care.

Main Objectives of Nursing Reflective Writing

  • To recognise and confront ideas, prejudices, and attitudes that could affect patient care.
  • Sharpen analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Enhance self-awareness, reflection and willpower.
  • To support quality improvement and evidence-based practice efforts.
  • Create a culture that encourages the pursuit of additional education and new careers.
  • To improve communication and collaboration among healthcare teams, patients ​and families.

3. Choose a Relevant Experience

To write a meaningful and illuminating nursing reflective essay, you need to choose a relevant experience to recount. Since you are a nurse, you have likely encountered many situations that impacted your professional growth and practice.

The following suggestions may help you pick a relevant experience:

Select a Significant Event

Recall an experience, a meeting or an episode which had a strong influence on you, your patient or your co-worker. It could be a challenging situation, a success, or a turning point in the development of someone involved.

Reconsider Your Feelings on the Matter

By reflecting on your feelings during and after the event, you will have an easy time navigating your thoughts, whether you felt proud, nervous, sympathetic, or other emotions. It is quite an effective reflection of motivation.

Assess the Acquired Knowledge

It is important to remember the benefits of the event. Achieve fresh understanding, gain fresh perspectives, alter the way you care, and make the learning objective distinct. The event’s lessons will be very helpful for concentration.

A nursing reflective essay can effectively showcase one’s learning, development, and dedication to providing superior patient care by selecting a relevant experience and methodically reflecting on it.

4. Use a Reflective Model

As a nurse, one of the essential tasks you will need to be able to perform is to write a reflective essay. This is an assignment you are likely to get in nursing school, which requires you to reflect on a particular situation or an incident and talk about what you learned from it.

In a reflective essay, you should analyse your experiences, identify opportunities for improvement, and enhance patient care. In this section, we will explain the process of writing a reflective essay in nursing and provide an example to help you understand it better.

Select a Subject

Isolate a specific happening or episode in your nursing career that had a great impact on you or convinced you of something significant. It may be either a “bad” encounter with a patient, a good nursing procedure, or a mistake you had made. Your preferred subject should be sensible and relevant to your practice, allowing you to write a lengthy paper.

Describe the Event

Outline the incident clearly and comprehensively, describing its specific circumstances and the way it ended. The purpose of this section is to set the tone for your consideration and provide you with a reason for your essay. Use a reflecting model to guide your reflection while writing a nurse reflective essay, i.e., John’s Model of Reflection or Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle.

reflection in nursing uk essay

Normally, these models will include:

Description: Describe the incident in more detail, focusing on your feelings, thoughts, and actions.

Feelings: Reflect on how you felt and reacted both during and after the incident.

Evaluation: Reflect on the incident; what was good and what was bad about the event? Consider what was the outcome and what did or did not contribute to it.

Analysis: What were the main causes and results of that event? Consider your skills, knowledge, capabilities, behaviours, attitudes, etc.

Conclusion: Summarise the lesson learnt and discuss ways to use it in future practice.

Action: You should list specific actions you will take as a result of your reflection to improve your practice.

5. Format of a Reflective Nursing Essay

An essay format known as a “nursing reflective essay” enables nurses to consider their feelings, ideas, and experiences regarding a specific incident or circumstance that happened during their practice. The purpose of the essay is to assist nurses in identifying the lessons they would do differently in the future, what they have learned from the experience, and how they can use the knowledge gained to enhance their practice.

Here is an example of a reflective essay on nursing, along with its suggested format:

reflection in nursing uk essay


  • Provide a short description of the situation or event that you will be thinking about.
  • Give some context to how the incident came about.
  • Specify what your goals are and why you engage in reflection.

Description of the Event

  • Explain completely the situation or event.
  • Enter a description of the patient’s problems, treatment, and resolution.
  • Grounding the scene with suggestive language and help readers understand what you are describing.
  • Recall what you felt, thought and did through the incident.
  • What lessons have you learned from the event, and how did they change your practice?
  • Analyse the event using a reflective paradigm or framework (e.g., Johns’ model of Reflection or Gibbs’s Reflective Cycle).
  • Identify what attitudes, skills and knowledge were demonstrated in the situation.
  • How is this experience going to help you in your work, and what changes are you planning here?
  • Summarise the reflection ideas in bullet form.
  • What did you take away from the experience?

Identify the areas that need improvement and enhancement.

reflection in nursing uk essay

6. Reflect on the Experience

Thinking back on experiences is a crucial element of professional development for nurses. By practising reflection, nurses can identify areas that need work, reinforce what they’ve learned, and gain a better comprehension of their role in patient care. Writing a reflective essay is a useful tool for experiencing reflection. The purposeful and methodical process of considering an experience to draw lessons from it is called reflection.

In this section, we will discuss how to reflect on experience and provide an example to help you understand the main points.

  • It involves analysing what happened, figuring out what was learnt, and thinking about how to use whatever has been acquired in new circumstances.
  • Reflection is essential for growing clinical skills, boosting patient safety, and improving patient outcomes in the setting of nursing.

Keep in mind that the majority of nurse reflection essays follow this general format, regardless of the subject you choose to write about:

reflection in nursing uk essay

An example of a nursing reflective essay given in gleams of sun that explains the topic “ A Reflection on Code Blues”.

Title: A reflection on code blues.

Introduction: I just finished my ICU rotation, in which I faced a code blue situation that pushed me to use what was lying there and attempt to apply some of my knowledge. It was powerful and moved people, yet it also gave perspective for self-growth.

Description: A patient who had suffered a heart attack and was suddenly worsening was given the code blue. I was in charge of helping with chest compressions and giving out medication as a member of the staff. We tried everything to get the patient to respond, but in the end, we had to call the code. I was overwhelmed by the incident and experienced a range of feelings, such as despair, frustration, and anxiety.

Analysis: After some thought, I saw that I had not adequately planned for the code blue scenario. I wasn’t familiar with the drug regimen, and I hadn’t looked over the patient’s paperwork in detail. This lack of preparation caused feelings of uncertainty and hesitancy during the programming. However, I also realized that I had followed the team leader’s directions and effectively interacted with the group. I learned from this experience how crucial it is to anticipate problems and take initiative when faced with pressure.

Conclusion: This event has shown that I need to become better equipped and more informed in code blue scenarios. I will thoroughly review patient paperwork and prescribe medication regimens to appropriately answer a code. I will also continue to practise proper communication skills so I can be a good leader in stressful situations.

Action Plan: To implement these changes. I will:

  • Review deactivation of ICU code blue protocol and medications.
  • Practice team communication through code-blue scenario simulations.
  • A thorough chart review is required before responding to a code blue.

A reflective essay can be written using this format to analyse personal experiences and identify areas for professional growth as a nurse. Remember, as you reflect, be objective and honest about it all, and focus on the lessons learned from these experiences and your personal growth.

7. Edit And Revise

It’s time to wrap up your reflection essay on nursing. So, now that you have completed your essay, read it again and edit it. Check for consistency, coherence and clarity of text. Ensure your essay conforms to the reflective model you choose, and analysis provides adequate support for statements made of reflections recommended in your action plan.

Thus, we might figure out that the stages of writing that involve editing and rewriting are important. However, if you don’t have these skills, get your essays written by experts in the UK. These professionals use useful techniques to improve, organise, and eliminate errors in your work.

But you can also adhere to the following advice:

Editing Strategy

Following are the five tips to edit your nursing reflective essay:

reflection in nursing uk essay

Last-Minute Inventory

Following is the checklist for reflective essay submission:

  • Is the essay smooth, flowing and well-organised?
  • How clear and well-written is the text?
  • Well, reviewing your nursing reflective assignment contains all the components required to complete Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle.
  • Does the voice sound thoughtful and professional?
  • Are the conclusions and recommendations based on evidence?

What is a Critical Reflection in Nursing?

Critical reflection in nursing essays is the process of self-analysis in which nurses examine their feelings, ideas, and behaviours.

A critical reflection is written in two stages.


Ask insightful questions to help you understand the problem and your part in it in the first phase. Try free writing to come up with creative ideas.

Utilise your analysis to build a convincing case for what you discovered in the second phase.

Final Thought

In conclusion, a nursing reflective essay is a complicated task which requires a significant amount of effort from the students. Several strategies take even more energy before you start writing your papers. So, some nursing students seek more advantageous solutions and buy essays online from professionals who possess the necessary expertise to compose their essays and make them stand out.

Finally, it’s time to put your newly acquired information into practice now that you are aware of the importance of reflective writing in the nursing field. In addition, you know the procedures and strategies for creating an essay that works. Give your experiences some thought so that you can improve both personally and professionally by learning from them.

By doing this, you’ll improve patient care and boost your nursing profession overall. So feel free to begin writing down your reflections in your assignments. Never forget that every word you write has the power to change lives and inspire others. So, write wisely!

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Gibbs' Reflective Cycle


Gibbs' Reflective Cycle was developed by Graham Gibbs in 1988 to give structure to learning from experiences. It offers a framework for examining experiences, and given its cyclic nature lends itself particularly well to repeated experiences, allowing you to learn and plan from things that either went well or didn’t go well.

Gibbs' reflective cycle, was originally devised for nursing, but - like Rolfe's model of reflection - has become popular across many disciplines, and is widely applied as a prominent model of reflective practice.

More resources can be found on Gibb's Reflective Cycle here .

The Six Stages of Gibbs' Reflective Cycle

This model is cyclic and has six principal elements:

six stages of gibbs reflective cycle

1. Description

In this element of the cycle, you recount what you are reflecting upon, giving a descriptive account with contextual information as appropriate. If reflecting to others (as a piece of academic or report writing, for example) make sure that they have all the relevant information. If using Gibbs to reflect to oneself, they though you might have all of that knowledge to hand, it can be useful to make notes of such details for clarity and for comprehensiveness of the reflection.

2. Feelings

In this section, you look back on your emotional state and your rational thoughts about the situation or occurrence being reflected upon. How were you feeling at the time? Was this normal for you? How did your emotions and thoughts alter (if at all) after the situation arose? Be accurate and insightful in your reflection.

3. Evaluation

In the evaluative element of the cycle, consider how well the situation was handled. Look for positives as well as negatives; be fair to yourself and to the contexts of the event being reflected upon. How did you react? How did others around you respond? Was the event being considered a good or a bad one? Was a resolution arrived at? If not, why not? If a conclusion was made, then how was that done, and was it effective?

4. Analysis

Here, think about the individual aspects of the event which might have been crucial, and whether they are positive or negative towards the event unfolding. It may be appropriate to integrate pedagogic theory with practice here; were actions informed by a particular paradigm or insight when perhaps there were alternatives which might have been more appropriate, for example?

5. Conclusion

As you conclude your investigation of what has occurred, it may be relevant for you to consider possible alternatives to the course of action that you took, whether other options could have been applied instead, and what might have happened differently if those alternatives had been executed. If the way you acted ended in a positive outcome, then recognise this, so that you can begin to draw plans to consider taking the same direction if the same situation arises in the future. If the situation was negative in some way, this is the part of the cycle where you consider how to ensure that there is no recurrence.

6. Action Plan

The action plan is your guide for future action. This section is crucial, as it is here that you identify what you will do (and thus, what you will not do) to ensure an improvement in your handling of similar situations in the future. Action plans are useful spurs for discussions with peers and other colleagues; do they agree with your proposals for action, and do they have any insight or experience which might inform your action planning?

Moving through the six stages of the cycle effectively should mean that you will be better equipped for the future is events like the ones being reflected upon here occur again. Your action plan should feed into your approach, and so may form a part of the descriptive element of the next round of reflection.

Advantages of Gibbs' cycle include the focus which is placed on a systematic consideration of separate phases of a learning experience. Though it is more developed than the core three questions of Rolfe's model, Gibbs' headline elements are nevertheless straightforward and accessible, and so they can encourage clear reflection which can be made meaningful to others.

The potential disadvantages of Gibbs' model are that it tends to the descriptive, and may not provide the analytical rigour required to fully appreciate the implications of certain courses of actions of others, or of the thought processes underpinning those actions being taken. The model is one-sided, so it takes into consideration the practitioner's perspective only; there is no room in Gibbs' cycle to take into consideration those on the other side of the event or situation being addressed, and there may be useful insight here to be considered (Jasper, 2013).

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