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Literature review catalogue (excel template).

Literature review catalogue - free template/worksheet

Crafting a high-quality literature review is a lot of work . Failure to keep track of all the literature you consume can result in a  lot of wasted time . You need to get (and stay) organized – in other words, you need a literature review catalog .

We developed a template, just for you.

Now you can keep on top of your literature using our intuitive literature review spreadsheet-based catalogue template. The spreadsheet will not only keep everything organized; it will also provide a summary of key metrics. 

Need a template for the actual literature review chapter ? You can get that here .

Free Webinar: Literature Review 101

How to use the Excel template effectively.

A quick overview. The first tab (labelled “Literature”) is where you’ll record specific details of all the reading you’ll do. The second tab (labelled “Literature Summary”) will auto-populate with descriptive statistics of the input as you enter data.

Internal tabs within the literature review template

The last two tabs are simply scratchpads for you to dump any additional resources you find along the way. In particular, we’ve made a tab for theoretical frameworks (you can simply dump screengrabs here and caption them) and a tab for measures and scales (the same principle applies). Measures and scales are specific to quantitative methodologies, but you could just as easily use this tab to jot down existing questionnaires if you’re taking a qualitative approach. 

Getting started.

The process is straightforward. For every piece of literature that you read , you log it as a line item. We’d encourage you to record everything you read. Something might seem irrelevant at first read, but you’ll be surprised how the focus of your research can change over time, leading you to inevitably ask the dreaded question, “where did I see that article again?”. Therefore, l og every piece of reading, regardless of perceived relevance at the time of reading . You’ll thank yourself later.

While you’re doing this, we’d encourage you to simultaneously capture the literature piece in your reference manager. We usually recommend Mendeley , but any of the popular reference management tools will do the trick. The key thing is to capture the references while you’re reading (and not when you’re writing, as this breaks your flow).

What goes where.

For every piece of literature you read, you’ll need to capture the following details:

  • Author – Enter the author(s) surname(s). The format you use here is up to you – just be consistent.
  • Year – Straightforward. Enter the year of publication only – no month is required.
  • Title – Enter the title exactly as it is shown on the book cover, journal article front page, presentation deck, etc. If you can copy and paste, do so. It’s easy to make mistakes on the long titles.
  • Category 1, 2 and 3 – Here, you’ll create categories and subcategories, which you can use at a later stage to help you find relevant literature. It is up to you what categories you want to use and how much detail you want to add here. At the very least, your choice of categories should be logical, comprehensive and mutually exclusive.
  • Document type – Click the drop-down arrow next to the cell and select an appropriate document type, for example, journal article, blog post, etc. If nothing matches your document type, you can use the “Other” field.
  • Publication setting – the two main options here are academic and practitioner. Academic refers to the classic academic sources such as textbooks and journal articles, while practitioner refers to publications such as industry reports, company reports, industry magazines, etc. There is also a mixed option here.
  • Theoretical refers to situations where an author is proposing a hypothetical theory or concept, but not testing it.
  • Empirical refers to situations where an author is testing the said theory by using some form of real-world observation.
  • Naturally, some literature will feature both of these (i.e. a model is hypothesized and then tested empirically).
  • Key arguments – Here you need to note the key takeaways of the respective piece of literature in relation to your research question(s) and objective(s). This is the most important column , so spend some time providing rich, detailed notes here. Keep in mind that you will be able to search and filter this column at a later stage, so use keywords that make sense.
  • Context – Here you should briefly note the context of the specific literature piece. For example, what industry, country, competitive context, etc. did it take place in? When it comes time to justify why your research is worth undertaking, you will likely need to draw on this column’s contents to demonstrate that research has not been undertaken within your specific context (i.e. is it unique?).
  • Methodology – Use this drop-down to note the primary methodology (qualitative, quantitative or mixed) used within the specific literature piece. As with the previous item (context), you will likely draw on this when you justify the choice of methodology for your research (i.e. which methodology is commonly used in the field?).
  • Key quotes – If there are any specific author quotations that you feel might be useful in your dissertation, add them here. Remember to include the page number if you’re using the Harvard referencing system.
  • My notes – Lastly, if there is anything else you feel might be useful, drop it here. You can also create additional columns if you need them.

Finding what you need.

Over time, you will build up a substantial list of literature. When you need to find something, whether it’s a specific piece of literature, a collection of literature within a category, or a summary of a specific author’s publication, you can use the following Excel features:

  • Find (Ctrl + F) – good for searching for specific keywords
  • Filter – good for filtering groups (for example, categories 1- 3, methodology or publication setting)
  • Sort – good for arranging numerical data (for example, publication year)

Once you’ve completed your reading, remember to have a look at the second tab (“Literature Summary”) for an overview of key statistics. As mentioned previously, some of these statistics can help you justify your choice of topic or methodology. Additionally, a review here may reveal that your literature is aged , or that you need to improve your balance of academic and practitioner literature.

Literature Review Course

Psst… there’s more!

This post is an extract from our bestselling short course, Literature Review Bootcamp . If you want to work smart, you don't want to miss this .

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Statistics Cheatsheet



Hi, I can’t open the excel file, can you please check it? Thank you so much for your helpful contents!

Derek Jansen

Sure, no problem. We’ve checked the file and it is opening correctly. Please give it another go.


Hi,do you have a vidoe on how to popolate the informatino in the spreed sheet ?if you have it i will like to have one.


Please may I know what you mean by categories or subcategories on your literature review catalogue? This also includes keywords.

I’ve downloaded it, but unable to enter any information. Is it possible to receive it as an excel document that I can save onto my documents, as I’m using an android phone?

Maria Fernandez

The Theoretical Framework of the Excel File is empty, sir…

This document is a template for you to populate with the relevant literature, models and frameworks from your reading. As such, it doesn’t contain any literature.


Thank you for such a useful video tutorial. Learnt a lot!

Pleasure, Zhanna!

Bernard Boamah Bekoe

you are amazing….the way you patiently reply to almost every enquiry is remarkable. Keep it up Derek.


Very helpful as usual. Thank you so much.


I need an examplary literature review in mycology (botany) if you can provide it on any botanical topic so I would be able to start my


Why don’t you just ask him to do your thesis for you?

Tebogo Pule

What an invaluable presentation. Makes literature review so simple.

Derek Jansen

Thanks for the feedback, Tebogo. Good luck writing your literature review 🙂


Very useful! Thanks.

Pleasure, Maureen 🙂

Curtis Sonny

Great tips! Just starting mine now….so I am using your template….to a mil!!


I need this tamplate, its amazing, I will need your consideration on related work. Thank you


Really agreed


Hello, I am trying to download the excel but I am not receiving the email. Can it be that there is a technical problem or does it take some time to send it?

Thanks for your comment. It can take a few minutes for the email to go through. Please also check your spam box.


Yes, I am also facing the same problem brother. Just check it once. Thanking you..!


Thanks for this very nice explanation

Great to hear that 🙂


very useful

Glad to hear that 🙂


Thanks for the template. It helped in organizing my literature review and writing process

You’re welcome

Gianpiero Torrisi

Hi, thanks for sharing this file, very helpful! I’d like to share it with my students. Could you please advise on how to give proper credits (reference) to your work? Cheers, G

Hi Gianpiero

That’s great. Here’s the Harvard reference:

Jansen, D., 2019. Literature Review Excel Template (Spreadsheet/Matrix) – Grad Coach. [online] Grad Coach. Available at: > [Accessed 6 April 2020].

Kind regards,


Thank u Derek Your lectures are effectively informative and easily understood. They are clear and organized.

Rabia A

I’m so glad I came across this website. Thank you Derek !!!

You’re welcome, Rabia 🙂


Dear Derek,

Thanks for your extremely useful video tutorials. Please can you send me a link to open your Lit Review Excel Templates.

Thanks for your feedback. You can download the template following the instructions in the orange box.

All the best with your studies!


great effort

Jerry Robinson

Thank you for this document. I am in the beginning stages of the dissertation process.

You’re welcome, Jerry 🙂

Rishi Raghubar

The video on literature review was very useful. I especially like the cataloging suggestion.

Great to hear that, Rishi. All the best for your research!


I`m busy writing my minor dissertation my master’s in engineering. I’m following your videos on youtube for writing a literature review. I’m looking for the excel sheet to save a list of references.

Morakane Moletsane

The literature video was helpful. Thank you. I haven’t received the excel template its been a week now . Please assist me .

Hi Morakane

That’s very unusual. At most, it should take a few minutes. Please re-attempt the download (use an alternative address if need be).


Thank you for the template. it seems useful to organize my literature review.

You’re very welcome.


Thank you for this informative site and all the tips. Very useful for my research.

You’re welcome, Feyi.


Currently writing a dissertation for a masters in social sciences. Found the youtube videos which are of great help.

You’re most welcome 🙂 Good luck with your literature review.


Thank you very much for the support!!

Aws Thamir

your videos are great helpful.

Glad to hear that! Good luck with your lit review.


You are the BEST

Thanks for the feedback, Annie. I wish you best of luck with your literature review.

Lebogang Masilane

where is the download link for the excel template?

Hi Lebogang

The download is below the first image. Good luck with your literature review!

A really thankful Undergrad Student

Your videos literally saved me!!!! Due to recent issues, most of my classes were cancelled and i was completely lost. No words can explain how much grateful i am to you!!

Glad to hear we helped you! Good luck with your literature review.


You guys are the kinds of people who should survive covid-19. You are the type of people we really need in this planet. You are a star. You really saved me from many headaches. Thank you very much for the useful videos and the literature organisation spreadsheet.

Thanks for the kind words, Abel. All the best for your literature review!


Thanks so much for your video. I have consistently received comments that my arguments don’t flow well and I could never figure out how to successfully fix this issue. Now I feel I have a plan and someone to help me and provide feedback if I still don’t get it quite well. Looking forward to getting an improved mark on my next Lit review Thank you

Great to hear that, Helen. Good luck with your future literature reviews!


Excellent lecture

Thanks Biren – good luck with your literature review

i have watched your video on three steps to write a literature review and i found it very useful. thank you for sharing. keep it up.

Thanks again

tanya Sifuentes

Thank you for providing such excellent information and sources. Your videos helped me so much. I was on the verge of quitting. Thank you again for your videos and recommended tools.

Great to hear that, Tanya. All the best for your literature review, and for your research.


The video was very informative and timely for me. I am about to start, so Gradcoach is a source I will be revisiitng

Thanks, Nina – glad to hear that. Good luck with your literature review 🙂


hey your video is awesome I had to make an assignment on literature Review and it helped me to get an outline on how I should start ! i was fed of reading books and online articles. Your video served as a boon and clarified my thought process – how I should move forward .Thank you so much!

Great to hear that, Kavita. All the best with your literature review!

Hi Derek, I have tried unsuccessfully to download the Excel template but it keeps bringing me back to this comment section. Is it a technical issue? Kindly help.

Sorry about that. Can you please send me a screenshot of what you’re seeing – [email protected] . I will send you the template as well.

Best of luck with your literature review.

Slackin in Colorado

This is so very helpful!! I am writing my first lit review within a proposal (rather last minute, yikes) and this is so helpful to stay organized!

Pleasure. Good luck with your lit review 🙂


Hi i like the video,it is very helpful especially now that I am working on my proposal for thesis project….Hope I will be able to use the excel template to organize for my literature review

Great to hear that, Faith. All the best with your literature review!


hey Derek this video is absolutely amazing. One problem though I’m one of the few that are struggling to download excel. I keep clicking on it and nothing happens.

Thanks for letting us know. Please email me a screenshot of your error and I’ll sort you out – [email protected]

Thanks, Derek

Laura McLuckie

Thanks a lot! Very well explained and easy to follow…now I guess I have no excuse to actually do the work 😉

Thanks for your comment! Good luck with your literature review.


Your video is very informative and useful. Thanks a lot. I also want to try the template but I can’t the find the download link…

The download button is below the main image.


Very helpful thank you


Hi! It is a big help for beginners, such as me. Thanks a lot for sharing!

Kimnrtly S

Thank you. All the best with your literature review.

Chima Hampo

This is brilliant, Pls sir, in writing a review article, how deep can u go. Is it necessary to go down to the inception of your area of research?


How do I know the country/region of research article?

This will usually be covered somewhere in the article itself.

kori morris

I would like this free resource

You’re welcome to download it. The download button is below the main image. Good luck with your literature review 🙂

Chukwudinma Daniel

I’d love to have this resource pls. Thank you so much

You’re welcome to download it. The download button is below the main image.

Constance Williams

Thanks for the you tube videos. they are very informative

Kenton Chow

Thank you so much for the full tutorial with so much detailed information. I’m a Ph.D. Candidate in China. The whole syllabus of the Ph.D. program sucks. Thanks again for sharing all this helpful information. I hope your team will getting better in the future!

You’re very welcome. Good luck writing your literature review.


It’s such a big help for me. Thank you!

Austin Sanders

I’ve watched your video on writing a research proposal. I am interested in the lit review excel template.

Yonas Berhanu Hailu

I have watched your lecture video on writing a research proposal. I am interested in the literature review excel template and the book write smarter not harder.


It is very helpful. Thank you for your experience sharing.

You’re welcome – good luck with your literature review 🙂

Jamie Fern

Good afternoon, I recall listening/seeing in 1 of your videos *of saving the abstract (PDF) together with the excel database. How do you do this? is it also with this excel sheet

Thank you ..your videos are a confidence booster

*How To Write A Literature Review In 3 Steps (Full Tutorial)

Man Bahadur Khattri

Wonderful work !!! Please share more !!!! I will be very happy.

Benedict Ansere

Thanks so much for your precision in your presentation. I have not yet started practicing but it’s one of the best I have come across. More grease to your elbows.

Cecilia Brown

I love every video on research that you ve made so far. Thanks a lot


انت رائع جدا

Siti Fatimah

You’re welcome. Good luck with your literature review 🙂

Jesus Arturo Hernandez Soberon

Excellent work. Very helpful. I am starting in this beautiful activity of writing papers with my research . I am learning a lot. Thank you very much.

Glad to hear that. Good luck writing up your research papers!

Rebecca Kakilala

Thank you so much for the free Excel document! It’s such a huge time-saver!

You’re most welcome, Rebecca. Good luck writing your literature review 🙂

Chuah Yi Ning

I am so grateful that I have found you on YouTube!

In the meantime, is it better to make another excel file for another variable of the same thesis or just put all articles of all variables in 1 excel file?

Thank you very much!

Juan Josephine

The notes have been very helpful to me thank you very much for sharing

You’re most welcome, Juan 🙂

Selvam Kalimuthu

Just recently seen your youtube video. Its very information. I usually gets running out of words while writing literature review. Example: XX et al investigated, YY et al shown that, ZZ et al demonstrated…….. After 4-5 references, I feels like again am repeating the words investigated, demonstrated… Could you please shoe some references with a set of vocabularies that can be used while writing literature review section.

Thank you in advance

Frank Ogbonna

Thank you so much. Amazing tutorial. Am feeling educated now. Lol…

Glad to hear that, Frank. Good luck with your literature review!


Very helpful stuff, thank you so much for the free Excel! I’m going to use it for my DBA and get your YT channel.


Hi, thank you for the great insights! I was unable download the template even though I completed the form. Would you be able to help me?


Derek thanks for sharing your sacrifices. I love the clarity and confidence, it takes experience to do such.

Akeem Adunfe Ajayi

I just downloaded the excel template for LR coupled with the explanation on how to use. I found it useful, thank you!

Abdallah Khirfan

Do you have any recommendations for adding Key quotes from a reference ?


Great content. Template very useful


Awesome! An answer to my prayer. I found this in time I need it most. Thank you for the spirit of service.

You’re most welcome, Jojo. Good luck with your literature review.

Md. Bashir Uddin Khan

I am really impressed. This discussion helped me a lot to reconsider a lot of issues.

Thanks for the kind words. Good luck with your literature review!


This is amazing! I really like the guidance you are giving here. However, can you throw more light on the ‘category’ columns for me? I’m really nit clear on that. Thanks

Thanks for your comment. Please see my reply to Sasquia’s question re the same thing.

Good luck with your research!


I have been sitting on an enormous amount of articles for months with difficulties in organizing them until i discovered your video on literature review (YouTube). It brought me to this page where you also had a free template for us. Research process is so much bearable now than i expected. Highly recommended for all researchers. Thank you very much.

Sasquia Antúnez Pineda

Great template. Quick question: Are the categories KEYWORDS that I draw from each source? or pre-planned TOPICS that I come up with to organize the source content?

Thanks for your comment. You can use the category columns in whichever way works for you. It would be different for each student depending on the nature of their research and their research objectives.


Hi there, can you suggest how the corresponding literature resources are best saved into a document folder for retrieval later.

I have seen some suggesting using a unique identifier in a master tab in the spreadsheet so as to be able to create a separate tab for quotes or similar thus using the id as the link

But no one has gone on to say if they are also saving the source document in a folder and naming it 57 or author last name, title or other.

I checked out your Literature Kickstarter and the screen shot of the articles didn’t look to correspond with the catalogue. Have been meaning to sort out my reference folders for sometime and am inspired by the use of an excel spreadsheet but not sure what to name files (currently saved in theme folders) Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks

Zinabu Gashaw

I am happy if I get a catalogue excel template on the research are of zeolite synthesis from local clay for water treatment mechanism. I need help.


I love the template! But I would like to change the name of some of the headings, used in the dropdown, i.e. change “Audio Recording” to “Podcast”. How could I do that?

Odelia Sonia Caliz

Very helpful!

Dorcas Peprah

Great!!! Very handy.

Vidya R

Thankyou so much. The excel file is really helpful. This really means and is helping a lot for me.


Hello, please, how can i get your excel document to catacogue the ideas for my literature review. Can you also assist on how to build the methodology section of my literature review? Thank you in advance.

Padliah Bahar

I’m a student from Indonesia..This is very useful for me.. Thank you Derek..


What is the better, download all literatures and then log them into the excel sheet or do that for one by one?

Stephanie Louw

Dear Derek.

I was utterly stressed when taking on an MSc Educational Leadership distance learning degree after 30 years of no academic studying. However, I found your literature review tutorial on Youtube and I immediately experienced a sense of calm direction. I am working full time in the Cayman Islands and am native Afrikaans speaking, so it was such a great help with my literature review for my first assignment. However, I have to write an evaluative essay for my second module and can not find any tutorial done by you about this. Do you perhaps have a template I could use? I have also used your services for editing and proofreading and am super grateful for the amazing help I have received! THANK YOU!

Thushara Mapalagama

Hi Mr Derek,

It really really helps me to summarise my LR in Excel form and start-up writing

Douglas Mabonga

Hi Derek I have tried to download the template and it has failed to. I am not receiving the email either, could this be network issues.

Hi Derek I have been able to download the template. thank you for all your support. let me get started

Dickson Egama

I have downloaded the template. I would like to print out the guide so I can easily follow. Hope that is fine with you.


THANKS A LOTTTTT This template is exactly the one I needed when reading the literature review for my Bachelor’s dissertation


Thank you so much for your support ,I have downloaded your template and it is amazing .

Michael Howell

Derek, The products you and the team members have put together continue to provide exemplary help as I finish the journey toward completing my dissertation! I wish I would have known of GradCoach during both of my MBAs. It could have helped alleviate a lot of time and frustration! I look forward to learning and seeing new things as I complete the dissertation.

Thanks for the kind words 🙂

Ishtiaq Yousaf

Can data will be entered in excel sheet automatically like in Mendeley or i have to enter manually, pl?

Seleman Mozah

Thank you GRADCOACH, I’m keenly following your tutorials as I’m about to start my literature review. These videos have been very helpful. So for the literature review you recommend only checking abstract, introduction and conclusion of the relevant literature?


Thanks for providing such an amazing resource.

I wish I knew about this when I was doing my masters. I’m doing my PhD now and sitting on Word files of reference lists and quotes I made for my MEd. This catalog will help me to keep everything more organized in one place. I’ve already started making your template my own by adding additional columns that are important for my research topic. One of the best features of your template is the Literature summary page. My question is how do I get the information I put into my new columns to auto-populate with descriptive statistics on the Literature Summary page?


Hi, I still don’t understand what you would put as ‘Category 1’, ‘Category 2’, ‘Category X’. Are they like the sort of big topics covered in the paper?


This is very helpful

Ian Tupper

Thank you so much for this summary of the process. I found your advice so helpful, and will apply it to improve the way I write. One small problem: I can´t get the Excel spreadsheet to download: every time I press on the button, it takes me back to the top of the screen.


  • What Is A Literature Review (In A Dissertation Or Thesis) - Grad Coach - […] theses and any other credible sources of information that relate to your topic. You’ll then summarise and catalogue these for easy…

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Common Assignments: Literature Review Matrix

Literature review matrix.

As you read and evaluate your literature there are several different ways to organize your research. Courtesy of Dr. Gary Burkholder in the School of Psychology, these sample matrices are one option to help organize your articles. These documents allow you to compile details about your sources, such as the foundational theories, methodologies, and conclusions; begin to note similarities among the authors; and retrieve citation information for easy insertion within a document.

You can review the sample matrixes to see a completed form or download the blank matrix for your own use.

  • Literature Review Matrix 1 This PDF file provides a sample literature review matrix.
  • Literature Review Matrix 2 This PDF file provides a sample literature review matrix.
  • Literature Review Matrix Template (Word)
  • Literature Review Matrix Template (Excel)

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Organizing Your Literature: Spreadsheet Style

By  Kathleen Clarke

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Kathleen Clarke is a Ph.D. candidate in Higher Education at the University of Toronto. You can follow her on Twitter @_KathleenClarke where she tweets about graduate education, mental health, and disability.


There are many different types of reference managers, including Refworks , Zotero , Endnote , and Mendeley . I’ve tried them all and none of have stuck. It’s not that there is anything wrong with them; I know folks who swear by them. They just don’t suit my workflow. Instead, I use a simple spreadsheet (Excel and/or Google Sheets) and a numbering format to keep track of all my resources. The best part about my system: it doesn’t require buying any software and it doesn’t take hours to learn!

The Major Spreadsheet

In her post called “ How I Use Excel to Manage My Literature Review ,” Elaine Campbell outlines her approach to using a spreadsheet to manage literature. I call her approach the Major Spreadsheet, because she is mapping out a very large body of literature for her doctorate in a single spreadsheet. I started a similar spreadsheet very early in my program. Here’s what it looks like:

Screenshot 2017-10-12 13.32.26.png

What you want to do is add a bunch of column headings for things you want to keep track of and then start adding resources to each row. I initially was only adding journal articles, but realized this would work better if it truly housed all my resources. I therefore add anything related to my work: books, policies, blog posts.

Here are two pointers for your Major Spreadsheet:

First, start early and add often. I add to my Major Spreadsheet whenever I come across an article pertinent to my research area (graduate students with mental health challenges and disabilities). I started this in the first year of my program, so I have quite a few articles now. As Campbell points out in her post, this approach is great because it can help you see how far you’ve come and how much you’ve read.

Second, headings . The beautiful thing about workflow and organization is that there is no right way to do it; you can customize anything. The headings of your spreadsheet are where you can make this your own. In my spreadsheet, I have:

  • ID number (I’ll come back to this)
  • Author(s) + Year
  • APA Reference
  • Type of Resource
  • Location (Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Other)
  • Purpose/Objectives
  • Research Questions
  • Survey/Interview/Focus Group Questions
  • Quantitative/Qualitative Design
  • Main Findings
  • Notes (where I put quotations I might want to use)

Some of these headings may not be of interest to you, but you are free to add any characteristic or metric you may want to use as a filter or sorting feature. These headings can change, too. As you go along you can add or remove as you see fit. You also want to think about the themes you might write about in your literature review. I, for example, have headings like: prevalence, stressors, depression, anxiety, suicide, accommodations, counseling, disclosure, faculty perceptions, and stigma. When an article I’m adding addresses one of these in a research question or as a finding, I add a little x in the cell to show that. Then, when I’m writing about that topic, I sort the column so that I can easily pull all the articles that address that theme.  

The Minor Spreadsheets

In addition to my Major Spreadsheet, I also developed what I call Minor Spreadsheets, which are similar to what Dr. Raul Pacheco-Vega writes about in his post called Synthesizing different bodies of work in your literature review: The conceptual synthesis Excel dump technique . Minor Spreadsheets are much smaller than my Major Spreadsheet and have more specific details. I use Minor Spreadsheets in two different ways.

First, in the picture of my spreadsheets from above you’ll see at the bottom that I have different sheets within the same workbook. These are articles that could be related to other work I want to do. For example, I have a sheet about international students, where I track all the literature concerning international students’ mental health. I also have a sheet with cool studies that I want to come back to later (because who said reviewing literature can’t be fun?). I add to these sheets on an ongoing basis to save me time later.

The second way I use Minor Spreadsheets is when I start a new paper. I pull articles from my Major Spreadsheet and throw them in a new one. Now that I have an existing foundation for the literature, I can go to Google Scholar to build on what I already have instead of starting from scratch.  

These Minor Spreadsheets are typically much more focused than my Major Spreadsheet. For example, in the Major Spreadsheet I use the x to identify articles under one overarching disability theme and in the Minor Spreadsheet I take all these and look more closely at type of disability, level of education, and accommodations.

The Number System

Now, lots of folks would use the spreadsheet approach and then store their articles with annotations in another program. Instead, I include a number system that allows me to easily find any article from my Major/Minor Spreadsheets from a regular folder in my Documents (Shout out to Jeff Burrow for introducing me to this method). If you look back at the screenshot I provided earlier, you’ll see that there is a column called ID Number. Every article I add to my Major or Minor Spreadsheets gets an ID number. I then have a folder for my Major Spreadsheet and all its articles.

My folder for my Major Spreadsheet looks like this:

Screenshot 2017-10-12 14.38.15.png

Everything is nice and clean with the numbers, but it doesn’t always look like this. Here’s an example of what one of my Minor Spreadsheets, Canadian articles, looks like:

Screenshot 2017-10-24 11.19.27.png

For my Minor Spreadsheets, I typically start by copying and pasting articles from the Major Spreadsheet and the folder of articles. This is why you end up with folders for Minor Spreadsheets where the numbers are all over the place, which is okay. The numbers don’t mean anything; it’s just an easy way to find articles other than using author name(s) and article titles.  

A final note: I number dissertations differently than other pieces. I started numbering those at 1000 and have gone up from there. I wanted to differentiate dissertations in some way so that I could easily find them in my folders (usually because I look at dissertations to see how others have done certain things). You could also differentiate other pieces in your folder like books, by starting at 2000, for example. Again, you can customize all of this to what works for you.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this spreadsheet approach and to also know what other methods you might be using to organize your literature. Do you think the spreadsheet approach would work for you? What other methods do you use to organize your literature review work?

[Image by Flickr user Craig Chew-Moulding and used under Creative Commons licensing.]

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Matrix Method for Literature Review

  • The Review Matrix
  • Organize Your Sources
  • Choose Your Remaining Column Topics
  • More Information

Sample Matrix and Templates

  • Related Library Guides
  • Getting Help
  • Review Matrix Example-Ebola Vaccine Clinical Studies This document includes a review matrix of two Ebola vaccine clinical reviews done on humans published by the National Institute of Health.
  • Review Matrix Word Template A review matrix template in Microsoft Word.
  • Review Matrix Excel Template A review matrix template for Microsoft Excel
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How to Conduct a Literature Review (Health Sciences and Beyond)

  • What is a Literature Review?
  • Developing a Research Question
  • Selection Criteria
  • Database Search
  • Documenting Your Search

Review Matrix

  • Reference Management

Using a spreadsheet or table to organize the key elements (e.g. subjects, methodologies, results) of articles/books you plan to use in your literature review can be helpful. This is called a review matrix.

When you create a review matrix, the first few columns should include (1) the authors, title, journal, (2) publication year, and (3) purpose of the paper. The remaining columns should identify important aspects of each study such as methodology and findings.

Click on the image below to view a sample review matrix.

Sample health sciences review matrix

You can also download this template as a Microsoft Excel file .

The information on this page is from the book below. The 5th edition is available online through VCU Libraries.

literature review matrix excel template xls

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Literature Review: A Self-Guided Tutorial for NUR 288

  • Literature Reviews: A Recap
  • Peer-Review
  • Reading the Literature
  • Developing Research Questions
  • 2. Review discipline styles
  • Super Searching
  • Finding the Full Text
  • Citation Searching
  • Evaluating online information
  • When to stop searching
  • How to cite your sources following APA
  • In-Text Citations
  • Keeping track of your references
  • Annotating Articles Tip
  • 5. Critically analyze and evaluate
  • How to review the literature

Using a synthesis matrix

  • 7. Write literature review

Synthesize : combine separate elements to form a whole.

Why use a synthesis matrix? 

  • A synthesis matrix helps you record the main points of each source and document how sources relate to each other.
  • After summarizing and evaluating your sources, arrange them in a matrix or use a citation manager to help you see how they relate to each other and apply to each of your themes or variables.  
  • By arranging your sources by theme or variable, you can see how your sources relate to each other, and can start thinking about how you weave them together to create a narrative.

A synthesis matrix visually represents your research by organizing your sources by themes:

Theme #1 Theme #2 Theme #3
Source #1
Source #2
Source #3

Add each article citation to the Source column and begin to identify the theme(s) from the article. 

Use the Excel template below to help you evaluate your sources, create article summaries for an annotated bibliography, and a synthesis matrix for your lit review outline. From John Hopkins Sheridan Libraries.  

NOTE : There are several tabs at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet to help guide you with this method.

  • Literature Review Prep - with Synthesis Matrix
  • << Previous: How to review the literature
  • Next: 7. Write literature review >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 5, 2024 12:43 PM
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The matrix method for literature reviews.

This handout is available for download in DOCX format and PDF format .

What is the Matrix Method, and why should I use it?

Using a review matrix enables you to quickly compare and contrast articles in order to determine the scope of research across time. A review matrix can help you more easily spot differences and similarities between journal articles about a research topic. While they may be helpful in any discipline, review matrices are especially helpful for health sciences literature reviews covering the complete scope of a research topic over time. This guide focuses on the review matrix step in the literature review process and offers tips on how to use it effectively.

Organize your sources

Once you complete your research, organize your source by date in order to make it easier to see changes in research over time.

Begin by creating the blank matrix. The matrices can be easily constructed using table-making software such as Microsoft Excel, Word or OneNote, Google Sheets, or Numbers. Every review matrix should have the same first three column headings: (1) authors, title, and journal, (2) publication year, and (3) purpose.

Table headings and one sample entry showing "authors, title, and journal" in column A, "publication year" in column B, and "purpose" in column C.

Be aware that it may be difficult to determine purpose from just a cursory review of the article. In some cases, it may be necessary to first read the paper fully to identify its purpose.

Choose your remaining column topics

Next, carefully read all your articles. Note any important issues you identify. The following broad categories provide some suggestions for determining your own subject headings:


Methodology is often an important question. For example, if you are looking at tests of an Ebola vaccine beyond human subjects, it will be important to note what type of animal the test was carried out on, i.e. macaques or mice.


Consider noting what was actually studied. For example, when looking at the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of illnesses, it would be important to note what illness was being studied.


It may be important to note where the research was completed. For example, if you want to compare the effects of the AIDS epidemic in different countries, you would use country as a column heading.

There are many ways to choose your column headings, and these are just a few suggestions. As you create your own matrix, choose column headings that support your research question and goals.

  • Do not include column headings that are explicit in your research question. For example, if you are looking at drug use in adolescents, do not include a column heading for age of study participants. If the answer will be the same for every study, it's generally a bad choice for a column heading.
  • Do not try to fully complete a review matrix before reading the articles. Reading the articles is an important way to discern the nuances between studies.

Credit: Adapted from David Nolfi, “Matrix Method for Literature Review: The Review Matrix,” Duquesne University, , 2020.

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Matrix Method for Literature Review


Using a review matrix enables you to quickly compare and contrast articles in order to determine the scope of research across time. A review matrix can help you more easily spot differences and similarities between journal articles about a given research topic. Review matrices are especially helpful for health sciences literature reviews covering the complete scope of a research topic over time.

Organizing your Sources

Once you complete your research, organize your source by date in order to make it easier to see changes in research over time.

Every review matrix should have the same first three column headings: (1) authors, title, and journal; (2) publication year; (3) purpose.

Example of matrix method table

It may be difficult to determine purpose from just a cursory review of the article. In some cases, it may be necessary to first read the paper fully to identify its purpose.

Choose your Remaining Column Topics

Next, carefully read all your articles. Note any important issues you identify. The following broad categories provide some suggestions for determining your own subject headings:

  • Methodological - Methodology is often an important question. For example, if you are looking at tests of an Ebola vaccine beyond human subjects, it will be important to note what type of animal the test was carried out on, i.e. macaques or mice.
  • Content-specific - Consider noting what was actually studied. For example, when looking at the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of illnesses, it would be important to note what illness was being studied.
  • Geographical - It may be important to note where the research was completed. For example, if you want to compare the effects of the AIDS epidemic in different countries, you would use country as a column heading.

There are many ways to choose your column headings, and these are just a few suggestions. As you create your own matrix, choose column headings that support your research question and goals.

  • Do not include column headings that are explicit in your research question. For example, if you are looking at drug use in adolescents, do not include a column heading for age of study participants. If the answer will be the same for every study, it's generally a bad choice for a column heading.
  • Do not try to fully complete a review matrix before reading the articles. Reading the articles is an important way to discern the nuances between studies. 

Sample Review Matrix and Templates

  • Review Matrix Example: Ebola Vaccine Clinical Studies This document includes a review matrix of two Ebola vaccine clinical reviews done on humans published by the National Institute of Health.
  • Review Matrix Word Template A review matrix template in Microsoft Word.
  • Review Matrix Excel Template A review matrix template for Microsoft Excel

More Information

Information found in this guide was adapted from the following book. 

Cover Art for 6th edition

Guide Credit

Information on this guide has been borrowed with permission from David Nolfi at Duquesne University . 

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Synthesizing different bodies of work in your literature review: The Conceptual Synthesis Excel Dump (CSED) technique

Since I’m writing a series of posts on literature reviews (and undertaking a few of my own), I figured I could expand on how you can combine citation tracing, concept saturation, results’ mind-mapping with a method that Professor Elaine Campbell showcases in her excellent post “ How I use Excel to manage my literature review “.

I call this technique the “ Conceptual Synthesis Excel dump ” – I call it “dump” because I basically throw into the Excel file everything that is already in my research and conceptual/reflective memoranda. Doing the conceptual synthesis Excel dump as you do your reading allows you to create a nice map of the literature. It also helps reach conceptual saturation during the literature review .

What I am showing here is my Excel dump on bottled water. There are a number of themes (if you’re doing coding in qualitative methods, you’ll understand what I mean) that interest me:

  • Fear of the tap water.
  • Decisions on whether to consume tap water vs. bottled water.
  • Branding water and bottled water and the use of branding techniques in promoting bottled water.
  • Ethical bottled water.

I am showing three screen captures of the Excel file I created. Note that the columns I use are the following:

  • Concept – here I list the main idea or major theme of the specific literature review.
  • Citation – here I include the full citation (article, book, book chapter).
  • Main idea – here I summarize the full article in a sentence or two.
  • Notes 1 – here I make notes about specific ideas or whether I agree or disagree
  • Notes 2 – same as the above
  • Notes 3 – same as the above
  • Cross-reference – which references and citations are linked to one another.
  • Quote/quotation – specific quotes, as per my memorandum technique, that could be useful
  • Page – the page from where I drew the quote. Note that I can draw several quotes from same article

bottled water dump 3

My Conceptual Synthesis’ Excel dump technique is quite handy in the process of creating a literature review (both to reach concept saturation and to create the mind map). Hopefully it will be helpful to you too! I wrote this post partly as a response to the tweet below 🙂

Love this – kind of like @raulpacheco 's memo-ing, only in spreadsheet form 🙂 — Rebecca Linnett (@rebeccalinnett) June 15, 2016

IMPORTANT EDIT – After many requests, I finally got around creating a Conceptual Synthesis Excel Dump template that you can download and edit for your own purposes. I use a framing theory paper but you can adapt to your needs.

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Posted in academia , research .

Tagged with literature review , research , writing .

By Raul Pacheco-Vega – June 17, 2016

6 Responses

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' src=

In Excel, I actually am going to attempt to color code all of this so my neurodivergent brain can make sense of it instead of just seeing words and boxes! That way I can read across better. This helps me a great deal as an assistant.

' src=

Thanks a lot !

Continuing the Discussion

[…] Conceptual Synthesis Excel Dump (CSED) – gives you an overview of the material you have read for your literature […]
[…] a Conceptual Synthesis Excel Dump […]
[…] idea with that of other scholars you need to know what they said and where. This is why the Conceptual Synthesis Excel Dump (CSED) is important: you can search the Excel file for a particular idea or concept that may seem relevant […]
[…] may need in my class. I show them how to write synthetic notes, how to write memorandums, how to synthesize their research in an Excel dump and a whole lot of reading strategies, literature review writing processes and note-taking […]

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  • On framing, the value of narrative and storytelling in scholarly research, and the importance of asking the “what is this a story of” question
  • The Abstract Decomposition Matrix Technique to find a gap in the literature

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  • Lit Review Prep Use this template to help you evaluate your sources, create article summaries for an annotated bibliography, and a synthesis matrix for your lit review outline.

Synthesize your Information

Synthesize: combine separate elements to form a whole.

Synthesis Matrix

A synthesis matrix helps you record the main points of each source and document how sources relate to each other.

After summarizing and evaluating your sources, arrange them in a matrix or use a citation manager to help you see how they relate to each other and apply to each of your themes or variables.  

By arranging your sources by theme or variable, you can see how your sources relate to each other, and can start thinking about how you weave them together to create a narrative.

  • Step-by-Step Approach
  • Example Matrix from NSCU
  • Matrix Template
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Identify themes and ideas

Organising themes and ideas from the literature helps you:

  • make connections
  • discern patterns
  • highlight emerging themes and how they have evolved
  • extend your knowledge
  • identify gaps in the literature
  • identify key researchers
  • understand how your research relates to that of others
  • contextualise a topic within a research area
  • prepare and structure your writing.

Literature grids

Literature grids, tables or review matrices, contain structured information extracted from your literature resources and can encourage critical thinking and analysis.

Example literature grid
AuthorYearFocusLocationMethodology Data collectionThemes/Categories Main findingsLimitations Relevancy to my research
Chambers and Mallone 2012 Breastfeeding experience of migrant women living in Australia Australia Phenomenology Semi-structured interviews Family support leads to higher rates of breastfeeding. Relatively small sample size High
Doyle and Crane 2018 Partners’ views on breastfeeding Sweden Mixed methods

Online survey

Focus groups

Green and Geller 2010 Breastfeeding in public Multiple Literature review Not applicable     Medium

When creating your literature grid:

  • make it relevant to your research question and objectives
  • remember there is no standard design
  • type of article (for example, review or case study)
  • methodology or study design
  • claims, conclusions, and key findings
  • geographic or demographic details of the study
  • strengths and weaknesses
  • practice implications
  • themes and categories.

Use a spreadsheet program (for example, Excel) to help you work more efficiently.

Spreadsheets help you to sort, filter and validate input using features such as drop-down lists .

Example Microsoft Excel literature grid (XLSX, 34.5 KB)

Learn to use Microsoft Excel

Try these techniques when designing your literature grid.

LATCH, developed by Richard Wurman , provides a structured way to think about and organise your information. You may incorporate some or all of the elements of LATCH in your literature grid.

Organise your information by location, this could include where:

  • the study originated, or researcher is based
  • it sits within the discipline - central or on 'the fringe'
  • it fits at a macro or micro level (e.g. cell or body).

Further, studies may be located on different sides of a debate.

Reference lists and bibliographies are often organised alphabetically by author, allowing the reader to easily find a specific reference of interest.

Organise your information alphabetically to make it easier to find known items.

Arrange alphabetically by:

  • journal name.

Organise your information chronologically to highlight and understand the changes to a research field over time.

Additionally, it may show trends in the popularity of certain methodologies, theories or foundational concepts.

literature review matrix excel template xls

Grieger, R, Capon, SJ, Hadwen, WL et al. (2020) 'Between a bog and a hard place: a global review of climate change effects on coastal freshwater wetlands', Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-020-02815-1

Creative Commons License

Organise your information by grouping into categories based on your research question and objectives.

  • choose as many categories as needed
  • information can belong to more than one category
  • add or remove categories as you work through your information

Use a spider map or concept map to help organise your information into categories.

Organise your information by assigning a value, or rank.

Assess or critically judge your information, this could be based on:

  • how closely related it is to your research topic
  • the relative strength of the study design or evidence type
  • the overall usefulness or relevance to your research.

Explore how hierarchy is used to classify information in evidence-based medicine .

Get inspiration on how to apply LATCH to organise your information, read 5 ways to tame the literature dragon .

Concept maps

Concept maps, originally developed by Joseph D Novak , allow you to represent ideas on a topic and how they relate to one another.

Create a concept map to help:

  • organise your thinking around your research topic
  • define the context and scope of a research question or topic
  • identify gaps in your information gathering or knowledge of certain aspects of the topic
  • provide a structure for your literature review to support your writing process
  • clarify a complex topic.

Start your concept map:

  • Place ideas in labelled boxes
  • Use lines to connect ideas
  • Add text to the lines to express the relationship between ideas.

You can use pen and paper or concept mapping software, such as CmapTools .

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Should you use Excel, Google Sheets, or Citavi for Your Literature Review?

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If you’re wondering ‘what is a literature review’ or trying to figure out how to write a literature review, you’ve come to the right place. While a literature review can be a summary of sources, it can also discuss published information in a variety of formats on a specific subject area and tends to have an organizational pattern that combines both a summary (a recap of the information) and a synthesis (a re-organization or the information).

The literature review for your article, thesis, or dissertation requires keeping track of sources, their important points, and their links to each other – for hundreds of journal articles, books, research papers, videos, scholarly articles, and other references. So, it’s no surprise grad students and researchers frequently struggle with how to write a literature review.

Many university guides on the subject recommend creating a synthesis matrix for keeping track of sources, ideas, and quotations. Traditionally, this matrix was often created as a Word document, and you’ll still find many templates available online. However, more and more academics now seem to be using spreadsheets instead.

This blog post will look into the advantages and disadvantages of using Excel and Word, explore the reasons for why researchers use spreadsheets, and discuss the benefits of using a specialized writing and reference management program like Citavi.

Pros and Cons of Using a Spreadsheet as a Literature Tracker

Advantages of using excel.

Proponents of the Excel approach are quick to tout the many benefits. First, there’s no need to pay for a new piece of software, since if you already have Microsoft Office installed on your computer, you also already have Excel. Otherwise, you can also use Google Sheets which has all the options you might need.

Then, there’s the simplicity and flexibility of using a spreadsheet. Set up time is pretty low. You simply create a few columns and can get started using your literature tracking system in a matter of minutes.

Another benefit is how easily customizable the solution is – you can make the categories be exactly what you want. Need a column to track the location of a study or a specific intervention? You just need to add it. Even though Excel can get complicated if you set up formulas or other customizations, for a literature review spreadsheet you usually can just use it as a simple table.

So far, the advantages listed apply to Word as well, but Excel and Citavi have one crucial advantage over Word: it lets you search, sort, and filter. Have a vague recollection of a note you wrote but only remember one term you used in it? Use Excel’s “Find” feature. Want to sort all your notes by year of publication of your source? Nothing could be easier than sorting your “year” column in ascending order. Want to find clinical trials with female participants with a statistically significant intervention? If you set up your Excel sheet as described below under “Version 2” such combinations of queries are possible, and in Citavi, setup is even easier as it lets you save sources directly into the program and organize your literature review outline in the knowledge organizer.

Citavi interface showing outline, sources, reference meta data, and an article PDF.

So, with all these advantages, how does the Excel method work in practice?

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Version 1: Simple but Effective

When you search for “Excel literature review”, Dr. Elaine Gregersen’s 2016 blog post “How I use Excel to manage my Literature Review” about her personal literature tracking system is one of the first results to pop up. It’s an approach that’s still often praised in discussion threads about Excel literature tracking methods. In her own words, it’s a simple approach, but that’s what makes it work. Her approach uses a literature review spreadsheet in addition to a reference manager. She uses one sheet only and includes columns for basic citation information, keywords, objectives, methods, and conclusions. In addition, she adds in four personalized categories: happy thoughts, unhappy thoughts, her own ethical concerns, and the author’s ethical concerns. These last two columns perfectly align with her field of Autoethnography. The happy thoughts column is for notes, such as how findings relate to her own work, while the unhappy thoughts column is for times when she disagrees with an author, among other uses.

Dr. Raul Pacheco uses a similar one-sheet method, which he calls the Conceptual Synthesis Excel Dump (CSED) technique since he tosses in any literature he might be using for analysis. His setup overlaps in some ways with Gregersen’s but has a few differences; he has columns for the concept (i.e. theme), citation, main idea, three columns for notes (which function similarly to Gregersen’s happy and unhappy thoughts), cross-references, quotes, and page numbers.

A useful tip is to create a dedicated column for quotations to help separate out the authors’ exact words from one’s analysis of them or the article as a whole. This can help you inadvertently misrepresent an author’s ideas as your own when you’re later writing your literature review.

Taking the models laid out by Gregersen and Pacheco as a jumping off point, it’s easy to make some tweaks for even better usability for your own projects. Obviously, you’ll want to create columns that fit your needs. Instead of a column “main theme” you might have several “key takeaways” columns. Or a highly-personal column for how each article relates to your own work. For example, you might include only the author names and year of publication for an article rather than the full citation (in which case we’d highly recommend saving the full details in a reference management program!). Some people might want to copy the abstract the authors provide, while some will choose to write their own summaries. You can add “notes” columns or distinguish between paraphrases, comments, and direct quotations. Beyond that there are a lot of other small things you can do to make your spreadsheet work better for you, such as linking from a citation to the actual PDF, adding comments to cells, or adding drop-down lists to make data entry easier.

If you struggle with organizing your notes and memos, you could benefit from a reference management software like Citavi. Citavi lets you make notes within the program and easily connects your notes, memos, and quotes to your sources – helping you keep track of all your thoughts and research.

n Citavi, see all your notes and comments about a source in one place.

Version 2: Advanced, but Complex, Set-Up Option

If you want to take your basic Excel spreadsheet up a notch, you can do so in several ways. For one, you can make use of multiple sheets in the same workbook. Dr. Kathleen Clarke describes her method which involves a major spreadsheet for tracking all the high-level information about a source along with minor spreadsheets which are more granular. She describes her method as a mix between Gregersen’s and Pacheco’s, but she also includes additional sheets on different but related topics and for studies she wants to read later on. One other notable addition is the use of a numbering system for her sources which corresponds to the article file names on her computer.

Some General Tips

While there’s a lot of freedom in how you set up your Excel files, there are still some best practices you’ll likely want to follow. First, you should set up your table so that headers are marked as such. This way they won’t be sorted along with the other cells if you sort the column by A-Z, for example. Also, you’ll want to apply word wrap formatting to cells to keep content from spilling over into neighboring empty cells. This just keeps everything looking a lot tidier and makes it easier to skim through. Another handy option recommended by McQuilliam is to set up endless scrolling which keeps your column headers visible, even when you’re adding entries at the bottom of your list.

The columns you include are more or less up to you, but you’ll need a column for source information for sure to avoid inadvertent plagiarism or having to hunt down sources later on. In addition, a year column is invaluable for sorting your literature chronologically in preparation for writing your lit review. To keep track of how authors build upon and discuss each other’s work, a cross-references column can also be helpful. It’s important to make it very clear which analysis and thoughts are your own and which are those of your author.

If you’re planning on using filter features later on to search by study type, keyword, or some other criteria you’ll need to use controlled vocabulary, i.e. each concept should be referred to by a single term rather than using a bunch of different synonyms. You can define this at the start in a key on a separate sheet of your Excel workbook so that you can easily refer to it as needed. Each time you decide to add new terms, just add them to your key.

To save time, a streamlined option for organizing and categorizing your source information, notes, and quotes is Citavi, and we’ll look further into the benefits of using Citavi at the end of this post.

Disadvantages of the Excel Approach and Why It’s Not Sufficient for a Quality Lit Review

It’s hard to argue with the advantages of ease, simplicity, and flexibility that the Excel method gives you. But, there are still some big downsides to consider.

First, you have to set everything up yourself – it’s not already set up for you in a way that should fit most workflows. If you try something and later decide to take a different approach, you may need to go back and add in additional information for many sources you already examined.

Although search, filtering, and sorting options in Excel are much better than they would be in a Word table, the program is still a spreadsheet at heart which means that it’s “flatter” than a database. In other words, it’s less relational which makes it difficult to create complex search strings to get a subset of items that fit multiple criteria or that use more complicated search techniques such as Boolean logic or wildcards.

Another drawback is that the Excel approach involves a lot of manual entry. While some amount of manual work will always be necessary, for example, when you type up your comments or key takeaways, you won’t be able to directly extract information from PDFs (such as direct quotes or images) without using an additional PDF reader. Moreover, there are no time-saving automation options for adding source information that you might be accustomed to from your reference manager.

Speaking of reference managers, in many of the Twitter discussions around the Excel note-taking approach, there will always be a few comments asking why the person didn’t consider using their referencing software for their notes. Many proponents of the Excel approach stress that they do indeed use a reference management program to keep track of their source information but that they prefer to keep their notes and analysis in a separate Excel file. One of the reasons is that even though many reference management programs let you group references into folders and tag them with specific terms, they don’t let you easily keep track of and categorize notes on a particular source. You basically get a single notes field and that’s it. No way to categorize, group, or tag the note itself, just the source as a whole.

While this is true for many reference manager programs, there’s one that goes above and beyond its competitors – Citavi! While we’ve explored how it’s possible to create a literature review with Excel and Word, it is not the most efficient way available. With Citavi, you can easily keep track of, categorize, and connect your sources – all in one place.

Advantages of Using Citavi for Your Literature Review

Citavi is a reference management program that has been designed with extensive knowledge organization for any number of sources in mind and may, in many cases, be a better alternative to the Excel method.

Citavi lets you automatically add source information for most journal articles. Then, you can read PDFs and save notes and memos directly in the program. Annotating in Citavi is as simple as how you would on paper as you can highlight sections of text in colors that indicate whether it’s an important section, a section you might want to cite, or a passage that you’d like to analyze more closely. The only difference from annotating on paper is that these notes – which can be summaries, indirect quotations, direct quotations and comments – are always linked directly to their location in the PDF, so if you ever have to look up the context for one of your own comments or a direct quotation again, one click takes you directly to where you need to go and makes it easy to create your annotated bibliography.

Page numbers are saved automatically, as long as the PDF metadata includes that information. Otherwise, you just need to enter a page number for an article with the first “knowledge item” you save for it. Citavi will then add all the rest automatically.

Citavi keeps track of your meta data so it’s easy to follow one of the hundreds of citation styles available in the program.

Although the knowledge item types are pre-defined, the many options will fit most needs, and you can also always use either the keywords, categories, or the core statement field to designate the type of note you are adding if you want more customization. Any terms you use can later be searched or used as filters (more on that below). In addition, for the reference as a whole you also have pre-defined fields for keywords, groups, evaluations, abstracts, notes, and cross-references. This lets you classify at both the reference and note level, so, if you want, you can assign different categories or keywords for a source as a whole and for a statement you find in it. If you need additional source fields, there are nine custom fields which you can rename and format with drop-down options.

Where Citavi really shines against Excel is in its search features and integration with Word and NVivo 14. You can create and save complex searches that combine or exclude certain terms, keywords, categories, note type, year, etc. You can make use of advanced search syntax, such as boolean operators, wildcards, and regular expressions. You can rate sources and filter by rating. And, you have full-text search across all of your PDFs.

You can also view project statistics at a glance or use an add-on to do an analysis by author or another criteria. With Citavi and NVivo 14 integration, you can go beyond reference management by creating a springboard to collect references and thoughts, analyze literature, and connect empirical data with NVivo’s analysis tools – helping you dig deeper into your research and speed up your publishing time.

But the best part is that all of this information can be taken directly over to Word. You have all the analysis and quotes you’ve saved in a panel at the left and can just click to insert what you need. Citavi will insert the correct citation formatting and add an entry to your bibliography at the end. If you added your notes to an outline in Citavi, you can use the “Chapter” view to focus on what you need for a particular section. And, if you ever need to double-check the context for a direct quotation or your own paraphrase, you can click a link symbol to jump back to the exact spot in the PDF that you referred to.

If you do need to at some point export your reference information in table format for an appendix in your dissertation (for example, as documentation of the exclusion process for a systematic review), doing so just requires a few clicks. If you’ve previously worked with Excel and want to try out Citavi, importing is just as easy, and you can of course import all of your existing notes as knowledge items.

Last but certainly not least, if you use Citavi, you have the benefit of working with one tool instead of needing to juggle an Excel spreadsheet, a reference management program, and a PDF annotation tool or PDF reader.

Tour Citavi

We think it’s a no-brainer to use Citavi instead of Excel or Google Sheets to keep track of your reading for a literature review – but then again, we might be ever so slightly biased. What do you think?

Learn more about Citavi or request a free 30-day trial today!

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Literature Review Template Literature Review Template

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literature review matrix excel template xls

literature review matrix excel template xls

Writing a Literature Review

  • Getting Started
  • Defining the Scope
  • Finding the Literature

Citation Management Tools

Using excel to manage your research.

  • Writing the Review
  • Assignment Planner: Literature Review Tips and strategies for conducting a literature review, plus a timeline to help you meet your deadline.
  • Ask a Librarian In the library or by email, phone, or chat.
  • Academic Success Centre Get help with writing and organizing your review, in person or online.

It is good to keep a record of the databases you have visited and the search terms you have used while looking for articles. This will prevent you from wasting time with duplicate searches. Pen and paper are good for recording information, but there are also free online tools that can help you manage your citations and keep notes. You can easily incorporate information from the library's databases using these tools. The UFV library also has a guide for the citation management tool EndNote Online, as provided by the Web of Science. 

  • Citation Management Tools Comparison Chart
  • Using EndNote

Aside from pen and paper, many researchers and scholars use spreadsheets to manage their literature reviews. Two of these researchers have described their methods:

  • Conceptual Synthesis Excel Dump Raul Pacheco-Vega (Public Administration Division of the Centre for Economic Research and Teaching, CIDE in Aguascalientes, Mexico)

“I call it "dump" because I basically throw into the Excel file everything that is already in my research and conceptual/reflective memoranda. Doing the conceptual synthesis Excel dump as you do your reading allows you to create a nice map of the literature. It also helps reach conceptual saturation during the literature review.”

Pacheco-Vega’s blog post includes screen captures and shows how columns in the spreadsheet are organized.

literature review matrix excel template xls

  • How I Use Excel To Manage My Literature Review Dr. Elaine Gregersen (Northumbria Law School)

“I wanted to create a table that I could manage effectively. Where I could move the data with ease. And, because seeing how far I’ve come helps to keep me feeling positive, where I could easily find out how many articles I’d read!

My spreadsheet is basic. It is not all singing and dancing, and I’m sure there are lots of clever things I’m missing out on. But its simplicity works for me.”

Her blog post also includes screen captures, and explains how she is able to  organize her thoughts on different writers’ points of view and other pertinent information such as ethical concerns.

Lit Review 1

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  • Next: Writing the Review >>
  • Last Updated: May 24, 2024 2:05 PM
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  • Feb 14, 2021

Excel Workbooks and User Guides for Systematic Reviews

Updated: Mar 29

This page is moving soon. It will soon be located at the University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System on a new LibGuide . (25 March 2024)

The workbooks are in the process of being revised. Note that the user guides are not following the same version as the workbooks.

February 28, 2022

Which workbook(s) should you use?

All Excel workbooks are available online .

If you are working on a systematic review by yourself, then the ONLY workbook you will need is One-person-review_Project-name-Excel-workbook .

If you are working on a systematic review and need a means of tracking your literature searches ONLY (i.e. you are using Distiller SR, Covidence, or something similar for study selection), then the workbook you should use is Project-Name-PRIMARY-workbook-lit-searches .

Otherwise, for 2-person reviews, use the:

Project-name_PRIMARY-Excel-workbook-for-two-people ;

Cohens-kappa-for-two-people_Project-name_Compiled ;

Screening-workbook-for-two-people_Project-name_Compiled ;

Reviewing-workbook-for-two-people_Project-name_Compiled .

You will also need special styles for RefWorks or EndNote , depending on which citation management system you use. You can create your own if you know how by customizing the export fields so only the citation ID, item title, and abstract export in a tab-delimited text file.

User guides

All user guides are available online . These include:

EndNote style for Excel SR workbooks

User instructions for EndNote

RefWorks for Excel SR workbooks

User instructions for RefWorks

Excel workbook to track literature searches ONLY

Track literature search user guide

Excel workbook for a one-person review

PRIMARY Excel Workbook for a 2-person review

Cohen's kappa interrater reliability user guide

Screening workbook user guide

Full text review user guide

Additional materials

Resources for reporting findings are also available online , including:

PRISMA flowchart in MS Word

Search strategies template in MS Word

Recent Posts

This page has migrated to a new home

The searches found on this page have been moved to the PubMed Search filters LibGuide at the University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System.

This page has migrated to the Embase Search Filters LibGuide at the University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System.

An overview of search filters/search hedges can be found on the new site: About Search Filters. These filters have moved to the University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System LibGuides: PubMe

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Literature matrix excel sheet templates?

I've been looking online and I've found a couple of literature review matrix templates. I want to start using one to collecting summaries of papers I've read.

Most of the ones online haven't been relevant to my subject. I wondered if anyone had any more generalized templates they were aware of. Or even suggestions for alternative ways of collecting and recording paper 'digests'.

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Free download simple literature review excel template

Welcome to our literature review template excel. If you are looking for a simple literature review template in excel then you are in right place. Excel is the best organizer. It helps us in creating a lot of useful documents. Can be used in every field of life. Only the problem is that it does not have any default templates.

In this article, I am going to present some well-defined literature review templates in excel. The literature review is a research document of what you have done and what is left behind. You can easily develop a literature review by customizing this super simple and easy-to-understand literature review template in excel. Below are some professional literature review templates in excel:

1. Review Plan and Schedule Excel Template:

This simple and well-mannered columned template can be used as a simple literature review template in excel. Free download this neat and clean sophisticated template.

2. Employee Performance Review Excel Template:

Review the performance of your employee by customizing this pretty template having different sections for different information. Edit this sample literature review template in excel for better understanding.

3. OKR Spreadsheet Weekly Checklist Excel Template:

Looking for the perfect monthly literature review template in excel? Grab this pink-colored vertical template with the heading of objectives to perform. Available for free.

4. Department Sales Performance Analysis Excel Template:

Perform a literature review of your departmental store with this high graphical monthly literature review template in excel. Free download this sophisticated template.

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A literature review in business is a summary of your current state. If you are looking for a weekly summary report? Free download this captivating and professional template and customize it as it is fully flexible.

6. Simple Blues Yellow Work Plan Excel Template:

Simple and minimalistic blue-yellow work plan. You can add or delete its columns according to your requirement and can also change the names.

7. Design Industry Charge Schedule Template:

A simple review schedule template that is designed for industry charge. Red color enhance its beauty. Never miss out on this captivating and gorgeous template. Available for free.

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Put your logo on the topmost left side. Create a fully organized attendance summary by using this monthly literature review template in excel. Free download and customize this eye-pleasing template.

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Diapositiva 1 · Title: Diapositiva 1 Author: MARVI Created Date: 3/7/2011 2:50:41 PM

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  1. Literature Review Excel Template Collection

    literature review matrix excel template xls

  2. How to Create a Literature Matrix Excel

    literature review matrix excel template xls

  3. Organize Key Findings

    literature review matrix excel template xls

  4. Literature Review Matrix Excel Template Xls

    literature review matrix excel template xls

  5. how to organize literature review in excel

    literature review matrix excel template xls

  6. how to organize literature review in excel

    literature review matrix excel template xls


  1. Color Coding Your Literature Matrix in Excel

  2. Website Vendor Evaluation Matrix


  4. Need A Stakeholder Analysis Matrix Template? Here's The One You Need

  5. Manual Testing Interview Question #18: Purpose of Requirement Traceability Matrix? #shorts

  6. Synthesis Matrix Literature Review in Research


  1. Literature Review Catalog (Excel Template)

    We developed a template, just for you. Now you can keep on top of your literature using our intuitive literature review spreadsheet-based catalogue template. The spreadsheet will not only keep everything organized; it will also provide a summary of key metrics. Download The Literature Catalogue Template (Free)

  2. Academic Guides: Common Assignments: Literature Review Matrix

    Literature Review Matrix. As you read and evaluate your literature there are several different ways to organize your research. Courtesy of Dr. Gary Burkholder in the School of Psychology, these sample matrices are one option to help organize your articles. These documents allow you to compile details about your sources, such as the foundational ...

  3. Creating a Literature Matrix in Excel (with Filtering!)

    Excel can be a useful tool in documenting literature information and filtering for specific studies. I'm old school, so Excel is the only thing that made sen...

  4. Organizing Your Literature: Spreadsheet Style

    Second, headings. The beautiful thing about workflow and organization is that there is no right way to do it; you can customize anything. The headings of your spreadsheet are where you can make this your own. In my spreadsheet, I have: ID number (I'll come back to this) Year. Author (s) + Year. Title. APA Reference.

  5. Sample Matrix and Templates

    Sample Matrix and Templates. Review Matrix Example-Ebola Vaccine Clinical Studies. This document includes a review matrix of two Ebola vaccine clinical reviews done on humans published by the National Institute of Health. Review Matrix Word Template. A review matrix template in Microsoft Word. Review Matrix Excel Template.

  6. Organize Key Findings

    This is called a review matrix. When you create a review matrix, the first few columns should include (1) the authors, title, journal, (2) publication year, and (3) purpose of the paper. The remaining columns should identify important aspects of each study such as methodology and findings. Click on the image below to view a sample review matrix.

  7. Using a synthesis matrix

    Use the Excel template below to help you evaluate your sources, create article summaries for an annotated bibliography, and a synthesis matrix for your lit review outline. From John Hopkins Sheridan Libraries. NOTE: There are several tabs at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet to help guide you with this method.

  8. Automatically generating a Literature Matrix as an Excel Journal

    Do you want to learn how to create a literature matrix of results from your academic research? Watch this video tutorial by Wasscholarcy, a platform that helps researchers and students to organize ...

  9. The Matrix Method for Literature Reviews

    This guide focuses on the review matrix step in the literature review process and offers tips on how to use it effectively. Organize your sources. ... The matrices can be easily constructed using table-making software such as Microsoft Excel, Word or OneNote, Google Sheets, or Numbers. Every review matrix should have the same first three column ...

  10. Swisher Library: Matrix Method for Literature Review: Home

    Once you complete your research, organize your source by date in order to make it easier to see changes in research over time. Every review matrix should have the same first three column headings: (1) authors, title, and journal; (2) publication year; (3) purpose. It may be difficult to determine purpose from just a cursory review of the article.

  11. Synthesizing different bodies of work in your literature review: The

    Since I'm writing a series of posts on literature reviews (and undertaking a few of my own), I figured I could expand on how you can combine citation tracing, concept saturation, results' mind-mapping with a method that Professor Elaine Campbell showcases in her excellent post "How I use Excel to manage my literature review". I call this technique the "Conceptual Synthesis Excel dump ...

  12. XLSX U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    PK !†?·y¶ [Content_Types].xml ¢ ( ÌVKoÛ0 ¾ Ø 0t b¥ à §‡n;n Ú »ª Ñ "Ó&ÿ¾´Ò à &3ll»Ø°%~ '2=»ÚxW=@F C#Îꩨ èhlX6âÇÝ×ÉGQ!©`"‹ ± Wó·ofwÛ XqtÀF´Dé""¨[ð ë˜ ðÊ"f¯ˆ óR&¥Wj ò|:ý u &Ôaˆùì3,ÔÚQõeïwJîm Õõn_GÕ •'³Z • ÁüF2‰‹…Õ`¢^{†®1eP [ò®NÙ2c¾ "6†B äÌఠ鳫š#‹0lmÂwlý †nåuWÏqß¹ Ù ...

  13. Synthesize

    A synthesis matrix helps you record the main points of each source and document how sources relate to each other. After summarizing and evaluating your sources, arrange them in a matrix or use a citation manager to help you see how they relate to each other and apply to each of your themes or variables. By arranging your sources by theme or ...

  14. Organise your research literature

    Organising themes and ideas from the literature helps you: make connections. discern patterns. highlight emerging themes and how they have evolved. extend your knowledge. identify gaps in the literature. identify key researchers. understand how your research relates to that of others. contextualise a topic within a research area.

  15. Excel Template for Literature Review Catalog

    The row in red is an example of article that have been reviewed. I find this simple catalog is helping me a lot in performing and writing literature review section of a thesis or article. Feel ...

  16. Should you use Excel, Google Sheets, or Citavi for Your Literature Review?

    Many university guides on the subject recommend creating a synthesis matrix for keeping track of sources, ideas, and quotations. ... When you search for "Excel literature review", Dr. Elaine Gregersen's 2016 blog post "How I use Excel to manage my Literature Review" about her personal literature tracking system is one of the first ...

  17. Literature Review Template

    This template is pre-loaded with a small sample of articles so you can get a feel for how everything works, how the tables are connected, and the different template features. When you're ready to get started with your own review, you can delete all the example data with the following button: ⁠

  18. Literature review

    A literature review is a type of academic writing that provides an overview of existing knowledge in a particular field of research. A good literature review summarises, analyses, evaluates and synthesises the relevant literature within a particular field of research. It illuminates how knowledge has evolved within the field, highlighting what ...

  19. Writing a Literature Review

    Doing the conceptual synthesis Excel dump as you do your reading allows you to create a nice map of the literature. It also helps reach conceptual saturation during the literature review." Pacheco-Vega's blog post includes screen captures and shows how columns in the spreadsheet are organized.

  20. Excel Workbooks and User Guides for Systematic Reviews

    All Excel workbooks are available online. If you are working on a systematic review by yourself, then the ONLY workbook you will need is One-person-review_Project-name-Excel-workbook. If you are working on a systematic review and need a means of tracking your literature searches ONLY (i.e. you are using Distiller SR, Covidence, or something ...

  21. Literature matrix excel sheet templates? : r/PhD

    Literature matrix excel sheet templates? Other. I've been looking online and I've found a couple of literature review matrix templates. I want to start using one to collecting summaries of papers I've read. Most of the ones online haven't been relevant to my subject. I wondered if anyone had any more generalized templates they were aware of.

  22. Free download simple literature review excel template

    Below are some professional literature review templates in excel: 1. Review Plan and Schedule Excel Template: This simple and well-mannered columned template can be used as a simple literature review template in excel. Free download this neat and clean sophisticated template. 2.

  23. Literature Review Matrix Excel Template Xls marvi

    Literature Review Matrix Excel Template Xls Len amuse her reprehensibility deformedly, she prevising it turbidly. Steamtight and putative Danny classes his imponents teeters embalm reflexly. Unscriptural Serge calendar: he whiskers his areg insidiously and remorsefully.