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How to Write a Thesis Statement for IELTS Writing Task 2 ?

IELTS Writing Task

The IELTS Writing Task 2 is a challenging task that requires you to write an essay on a given topic in 40 minutes. One of the most important parts of your essay is the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the main argument or idea that you will be discussing in your essay. It sets the tone for your essay and guides the reader on what to expect. In this blog, we will discuss how to write a thesis statement for IELTS Writing Task 2.

What is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is a sentence or two that summarizes the main point of an essay or research paper. It is usually placed in the introductory paragraph and provides a roadmap for the rest of the essay. The thesis statement should be specific, clear, and concise. It should also be arguable, meaning that there should be different opinions or perspectives on the topic.

Why is a Thesis Statement Important in IELTS Writing Task 2?

The thesis statement is an essential part of your  essay in IELTS Writing Task 2 . It tells the reader what to expect from your essay and sets the tone for the rest of the essay. A well-crafted thesis statement can help you to score higher in the exam. It shows that you have a clear understanding of the topic and have the ability to organize your ideas coherently.

Tips on Writing a Thesis Statement for IELTS Writing Task 2

1. understand the prompt.

The first step in writing a thesis statement for  IELTS Writing Task 2  is to understand the prompt. The prompt will provide you with a topic, and you need to ensure that you understand the topic before you start writing. Analyze the prompt and try to identify the keywords or phrases that can help you to develop your thesis statement.

2. Brainstorm Ideas

Once you have understood the prompt, the next step is to brainstorm ideas. Jot down all the ideas that come to your mind and try to connect them to the topic. Think about the main points that you want to make in your essay and how they relate to the topic. This will help you to develop a thesis statement that is specific and clear.

3. Make a Claim

The thesis statement should make a claim that is arguable. You should take a stance on the topic and provide a clear argument for your position. This will make your essay more interesting to read and help you to score higher in the exam. Avoid making a statement that is too general or vague, as it will not help you to develop a strong thesis statement.

4. Use Strong Language

Your thesis statement should use strong language that clearly states your position. Use phrases such as “I strongly believe that” or “It is clear that” to indicate your stance on the topic. Avoid using phrases such as “In my opinion” or “I think that,” as they make your thesis statement weak.

5. Keep it Concise

Your thesis statement should be concise and to the point. It should not be too long or complicated. Aim to write a thesis statement that is one or two sentences long and clearly conveys your main argument.

Examples of Thesis Statements for IELTS Writing Task 2

1. Prompt: Some people believe that social media has a negative impact on society. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media and give your opinion.

Thesis Statement: While social media has its advantages, such as connecting people from different parts of the world, it also has its disadvantages, such as the spread of fake news and cyberbullying. In my opinion, the negative impact of social media on society outweighs the positive impact.

2. Prompt: Some people believe that children should be allowed to use mobile phones in school. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Thesis Statement: Although mobile phones can be useful for educational purposes, such as researching information and communicating with teachers, they can also be a distraction and hinder students’ learning. Therefore, I believe that children should not be allowed to use mobile phones in school.

3. Prompt: Some people argue that the use of renewable energy is the key to a sustainable future. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy and give your opinion.

Thesis Statement: Renewable energy has many advantages, such as reducing carbon emissions and decreasing reliance on fossil fuels, but it also has its disadvantages, such as high initial costs and intermittency. In my opinion, the benefits of renewable energy outweigh the drawbacks, and it is crucial for a sustainable future.

4. Prompt: Some people think that parents should be responsible for teaching their children how to manage money. Others believe that schools should be responsible for this. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Thesis Statement: While parents play a crucial role in teaching their children about money management, schools can also contribute to this by providing financial education and practical skills. Therefore, both parents and schools should share the responsibility of teaching children how to manage money.

In conclusion, writing a strong thesis statement is crucial for success in IELTS Writing Task 2. The thesis statement sets the tone for your essay and guides the reader on what to expect. To write a strong thesis statement, you need to understand the prompt, brainstorm ideas, make a claim, use strong language, and keep it concise. By following these tips, you can develop a thesis statement that is specific, clear, and arguable. Don’t forget to provide supporting evidence and examples in your essay to strengthen your argument. With practice, you can master the art of writing a strong thesis statement and achieve success in IELTS Writing Task 2.

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  • IELTS Thesis Statements

Writing a Thesis Statement in IELTS

The thesis statement is an essential part of an essay introduction, and it is very important that you know where to put it and how to write it.

Getting it wrong could very likely reduce your IELTS score as it could affect the coherency of your essay and if it's an opinion essay, it may mean that your opinion is not clear. 

They are a crucial part of  writing an introduction .

If you prefer you can also watch this video lesson about thesis statements for IELTS:

how to write thesis in ielts

Undertanding Thesis Statements

What is a thesis statement.

Very basically, it tells the person reading your essay  what will be in it . It may also  give your opinion  if the question asks you for this.

It is the last sentence of your introduction.

Don't get it mixed up with the  topic of your essay  - this is usually at the beginning of your introduction.

How do I write a thesis statement?

In order to make it effective, you must have first identified the task of the essay. If you are unsure about this, check out this lesson on  identifying the task .

The task is  what you have to do , and is usually at the  end of the rubric . For example, look at this IELTS essay question:

As global trade increases, many goods including those we use on a daily basis are produced in other countries and transported long distances.

Do the benefits of this trend *outweigh the drawbacks?

What you have to do (the task) is explain whether you think, overall, an increase in the production of goods in other countries and their subsequent transportation over long distances is more advantageous or disadvantageous .

So your essay is obviously going to be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this issue, and this is what needs to be made clear in your thesis statement.

It is also an opinion essay as it is asking you to make a decision on whether you think there are more advantages or disadvantages. So you need to make this clear as well.

Here is an example introduction, with the thesis in bold:

Due to the increase in global trade, many of the goods that we consume every day are made in a different country and then transported over a long distance in order to reach us.  In my opinion, this trend has more disadvantages than advantages .

You would then go on to write about the advantages and disadvantages of global trade ( focusing more on the disadvantages as you think there are more of these).

*Just a quick note on the word ' outweigh '. This word often confuses students and they end up writing a thesis statement opinion that contradicts what they write in the essay.

The simple answer - don't use the word! It is just asking you if there are more advantages than disadvantages. So just state what you think in the thesis without using the word, as in the example.

Thesis Statements for Different Essay Types

We will now look at how thesis statements can vary with different question types. However, you should not try to learn set phrases or sentences to fit certain essays.

There are some broad types of essay question that are common to see, but they can all vary slightly.

The golden rule is to always read the question very carefully ( never rush this as you may not fully answer the question ) and work out what you have to do.

Your thesis statement will then follow on from this, depending on what you have decided you need to write about in order to answer the question.

So below are some suggestions of what you could do for certain common kinds of essay question, but this is not to say these are right and other ways are wrong. There are numerous ways to write good thesis statements and these are just possibilities.

Writing about Two Opinions

Some questions ask you specifically to discuss two opinions and to give your opinion .

Some people think that young children should be allowed to do paid work, while others think that this should be illegal.

Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.

There are various ways you could choose to write an introduction and thesis for this.

You could begin by paraphrasing the two opinions, then stating in the thesis what you will do:

Some people believe that it is acceptable for young children to undertake jobs that they are paid for, whereas others believe that this is wrong and should be illegal.  This essay will discuss both sides of the issue.

This is quite simplistic but it makes it very clear what you are going to do.

You will obviously need to give your opinion as well in the essay, but stating this in the thesis ("This essay will discuss both sides of the issue and then give my opinion") sounds awkward so it is better without it.

Another possible way to do it is by having a sentence to introduce the topic first, and then paraphrasing the two opinions to make them your thesis:

At present, more and more young children are becoming involved in paid work.  Whilst some people are of the opinion that this is an entirely acceptable practice, others believe that this is completely wrong and should be made illegal.

This is fine as your thesis will match with your essay - you go on to discuss the first opinion and then the second one.

Or of course you could modify this slightly to include your opinion:

At present, more and more young children are becoming involved in paid work.  Whilst some people are of the opinion that this is an entirely acceptable practice,  I believe  that this is completely wrong and should be made illegal.

As long as you go on to discuss both sides of the argument, this is fine.

Agreeing or Disagreeing

Another type of question is when you are asked to agree or disagree with one opinion.

Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

For this type of question, you need to state what your opinion is in the thesis statement.

Although you could feasibly do this in the conclusion, I think it is better to do it first so it is clear to someone reading the essay what your opinion is upfront. It is not wrong though to put it in the conclusion - this is your choice.

Your thesis statement here will depend on whether you agree, disagree, or partly agree. Here are some examples of each:

A thesis statement that agrees with the opinion :

Alternative medicine is not new. It is accepted that it pre-dates conventional medicine and it is still used by many people all over the world.  However, I strongly believe that this form of medicine does not work and is possibly a danger to those using it.

A thesis statement that disagrees with the opinion :

Alternative medicine is not new. It is accepted that it pre-dates conventional medicine and it is still used by many people all over the world.  I am unconvinced that it is dangerous, and feel that both alternative and conventional medicine can be useful.

A thesis statement that partly agrees with the opinion :

Alternative medicine is not new. It is accepted that it pre-dates conventional medicine and it is still used by many people all over the world.  I agree that for certain conditions this type of medicine is ineffective and could even be dangerous, but for some illnesses it is a good alternative choice.

These examples illustrate why it is important to ananlyze the question carefully and brainstorm your ideas first so you have a clear idea of what you will be writing and what your opinion is.

Other Essays

Some other essays may not ask you for your opinion specifically, but may ask you to discuss, for example, problems and solutions , causes and effects , advantages and disadvantages .

If you are asked to do this, then you should just clearly state that you will be discussing these two things in your essay. Here are some examples:

Problems and solutions:

Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.

Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.

Sample thesis in bold:

Many countries of the world are currently experiencing problems caused by rapidly growing populations in urban areas. It  is critical to understand what these issues are and how both governments and individuals can overcome them.

Causes and Effects:

The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years.

Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend.

Over the last ten years, Western societies have seen close to a 20% rise in the number of children who are overweight.  It is important to understand not only why this is happening but also the consequences of this worrying trend.

Advantages and Disadvantages

In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?

Traffic congestion in many cities around the world is severe. One possible solution to this problem is to impose heavy taxes on car drivers and use this money to make public transport better.   These measures would have both benefits and drawbacks.

This lesson has provided you with some broad guidance on writing a thesis statement for different types of essay.

It is important to stress again though that questions can vary so you must always analyze if carefully and identify exactly what you need to do and what should therefore be in your thesis statement.

Remember, a thesis statement is just telling the reader what the focus of your essay is and giving your opinion if necessary.

Follow this link to see some examples of IELTS essay questions .

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Your Guide to Thesis Statements for All 5 Types of IELTS Essays

  • October 06, 2022

Your Guide to Thesis Statements for All 5 Types of IELTS Essays

Getting the exact IELTS band score you need for your dream program can be challenging, especially when it comes to the writing section. However, by learning effective writing skills, you will be sure to improve and get the score that you need.

For writing task 2, one of the most important skills for a high band score is thesis statement writing.

Read the post to learn more about thesis statements or skip to the section that most interests you.

Why do I need to write a thesis statement?

According to the British Council, the rubric for IELTS Writing Task 2 is made of four sections: Task Response,        Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resources, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy.

The second section, Coherence and Cohesion, is all about how effectively you can arrange information and connect your ideas. In short, this part assesses your essay structure.

If you want to show your teacher or test grader that you have great essay structure, learn to write a clear and strong thesis statement.

When an instructor or grader sees a good thesis statement, it signals that the essay writer knows what they are doing. It shows that the essay will be constructed of thoughtful points that are carefully connected, hopefully with transition phrases and other tools that create cohesion and readability.

In other words, a good thesis creates a good first impression.

What is a thesis statement?

An entire book could be written about the thesis statement, but it can be summarized as follows: one or two sentences that summarize the main points of the essay.

One way to think of a thesis statement is as a kind of preview or summary. Consider the last time you discovered a new show on Netflix or another streaming service.

There is probably a good chance that you picked that show for a few reasons: the cover image looked cool, the trailer seemed interesting, and the summary paragraph made the show sound enticing.

A thesis statement is like that preview paragraph on Netflix. Just like Netflix tells us what a show is about, the thesis statement tells us what an essay is about.

How do I write a thesis statement?

Before we discuss thesis statement writing, let’s quickly review the basic structure of IELTS essays.

As mentioned in our last post about IELTS Writing Task 2 , IELTS essays generally have four paragraphs:

  • One introduction paragraph.
  • Two body paragraphs.
  • One conclusion paragraph.

The body paragraphs should each focus on one main point or idea. The thesis, which should be part of the intro paragraph, combines these two main points into a single sentence.

For example, if your essay is about reasons why Toronto is a great place to live, then your thesis will summarize the two main reasons like this:

Toronto is a great place to live because of job availability and endless options for leisure activities.

For the above topic, the first body paragraph will focus on job availability, and the second body paragraph will focus on leisure activities.

How can I write a thesis if I don’t know what my main points are?

The answer is that you don’t.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not write your introduction first . Instead, start with the body paragraphs, then go back and write your introduction. This allows you to figure out what your main points are before combining them into a thesis statement.

If you write your thesis statement first, then you might have to change it later if you get a better idea when you’re writing your body paragraphs.

This technique is much easier to use if you are doing a computer-based test, but if you are doing a paper-based test, you can simply leave the top 1/3 rd of the page empty so that you can add your intro later.

Another option is to create a basic outline of your essay before you start writing. This way, you will have an idea of what your main points are before you start writing, and you can focus on using correct language, rather than worrying about your ideas.

Whatever technique you choose, remember that you have only 40 minutes (sometimes less if you spent a lot of time on Writing Task 1), so you better work quickly!

Can you show me an example?

Review the sample below. The highlights show how the thesis statement summarizes the main ideas from the two body paragraphs. Green shows the main idea of Body Paragraph 1, and yellow shows the main idea of Body Paragraph 2.

Question: Many people feel that cars contribute to global warming. Do you think this is true?

Introduction: Driving a car is a normal part of the day-to-day life of most people. However, in the last several years, many are considering alternative transportation options due to fears that driving contributes to global warming. It is true that using cars is a contributing factor due to CO 2 emissions and overreliance on vehicles.

Body Paragraph 1: CO 2 emissions have an obvious impact on climate change. It has been proven that CO 2 and other greenhouse gases have a warming effect on the earth’s atmosphere. What’s more, about 80% of all greenhouse gas emissions are from CO 2 , meaning that any reduction in CO 2 emissions would be good for the environment.

Body Paragraph 2: Most people use vehicles more often than they need them. It is okay to use vehicles for long trips or to transport large amounts of heavy equipment or goods, but it does not make sense to drive a car to the corner store when you can work there instead. To reduce CO 2 emissions, the population must use alternative means of transportation, such as bicycles and public transit.

Should my thesis statement be different for every essay type?

As discussed in our previous IELTS Writing Post , Writing Task 2 has five types of essays. Even though there are five types of essays, the method for writing a thesis statement is always the same. The thesis statement must always summarize the main points of the essay, no matter the type of essay.

Look at the chart below to notice the similarities between the thesis statements of different types of essays.

It is true that the use of cars is contributing to climate change due to CO emissions and overreliance on vehicles.

While some people believe that cars contribute most to climate change, others believe there are other factors.

While one advantage of driving a car is that it is convenient, the main disadvantage is that it is expensive.

Because the cause of climate change is CO emissions, people must stop driving cars.

To answer the first question, it is true that the government is responsible for dealing with climate change. To answer the second, they can help by creating new policies.

How do I practice?

One way to practice thesis statement writing is to find a list of IELTS Writing Task 2 questions, such as those on IELTS Liz . After you have a good list of questions, follow these four steps:

  • Look at the first question on the list.
  • Time yourself for two minutes.
  • Write a thesis statement as fast as you can.
  • After two minutes, move to the next question and repeat the process, even if you are not done.

If you follow these steps, eventually, you will become comfortable with writing thesis statements quickly, which is required for a real IELTS test.

For more information about language requirements for our programs, visit the language requirements page . If you have further questions, email [email protected]

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Thesis Statement In IELTS Writing

  • Post author By Simple IELTS Solutions
  • Post date May 6, 2022
  • 4 Comments on Thesis Statement In IELTS Writing

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When writing an introduction to an IELTS Task 2 essay you want to include 3 things:

  • Paraphrase the question
  • Thesis statement
  • Outline statement

This post is for anyone who is unsure of what a thesis statement is or how they should write one. By the end of this post, you will know exactly why a thesis statement is important and how to make sure you are writing them correctly. On top of that, you will be able to write a brilliant introductory paragraph every time.

Let us look at an example question.

This is an opinion essay question:

Some people think that governments must insist on preserving the traditional appearance of old buildings undergoing renovation or redevelopment.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?

I will write the introduction paragraph by doing 3 things; paraphrasing the question, writing a thesis statement and writing an outline statement.

Paraphrasing the question

You paraphrase the question by saying a similar thing but using different words and phrases. This is a good way to start your essay and ensure that you are talking about the correct topic.

It is only the first part of the question that we paraphrase. If I were to paraphrase the above question, I may say something like this.

This is the original question:

But I don’t want to use the same words as the questions so I use synonyms instead.

Many people believe that governments should ensure that historic buildings maintain their original aesthetic appearance.

This sentence says the same thing as the first part of the question but it is going to impress the reader (examiner) because it uses different language.

What is a thesis statement?

The thesis statement tells the reader (or IELTS examiner) what the essay will be about and introduce the main ideas. Also, if the question is asking your opinion this is where it should first be included. It is typically just 1 or 2 sentences and is going to act a little like a topic sentence for the whole essay.

If you don’t know about topic sentences, follow this link.

How to write a thesis sentence

The thesis statement introduces what the essay will be about but it may be slightly different depending on the different types of essay questions.

This is a summary of things that you may want to include in the topic sentence for each essay type:

Opinion Essay – Write 1 or 2 reasons for your opinion (you don’t need to explain further at this stage)

Advantages & Disadvantages – Write and advantage and disadvantage

Problem & Solution Essay – Give 1 or 2 problems and a solution

Discussion Essay – Talk about both sides of the argument and give your opinion (if asked).

Double Question Essay – Answer both questions but only briefly.

Let us have a look at an example question, I’ll paraphrase the question and write a thesis statement for it.

My thesis for the question that we talked about may look something like this:

I absolutely agree that preserving historic buildings is a vital part of protecting a country’s historical culture for future generations.

The above is the thesis statement, it tells the reader what I think.

The outline statement

Finally, you must outline the things that you will talk about in the rest of the essay. This gives the reader (examiner) an idea of what will be covered in the essay and helps keep you focused on your writing.

An outline statement for our example question in the introduction paragraph may be something like this:

This essay will explore the reasons why protecting old buildings is so important, the main reason being to safeguard an area’s history.

Now let us see this all together. Firstly, let us look at the question again.

This is my introduction paragraph including the thesis statement and outline statement.

Many people believe that governments should ensure that historic buildings maintain their original aesthetic appearance. I absolutely agree that preserving historic buildings is a vital part of protecting a country’s historical culture for future generations. This essay will explore the reasons why protecting old buildings is so important, the main reason being to safeguard an area’s history.

The thesis statement is in bold.

This is a discussion essay question, write the introduction paragraph by paraphrasing the question and adding the thesis statement.

Some people think that getting a degree from a university is the best way to guarantee a good job, others believe that it would be better to go straight into work and get experience instead.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Tell me your thesis statement in the comments below.

Next time you are writing an IELTS writing task 2 essay (or any essay) make sure to include a thesis statement to help the reader to know exactly what your answer will be about.

To find out how I would plan an IELTS Task 2 essay, follow this link.

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Writing Task 2 Discuss Both Views Lesson

How to write a Task 2 discussion essay: 

  • Introduction: paraphrase the question, state both points of view, make a thesis statement and outline your sentence. 
  • Main body paragraph 1: state the first viewpoint, discuss it, state whether you agree or disagree and give an example to support your view.
  • Main body paragraph 2: state the second viewpoint, discuss it, state whether you agree or disagree and give an example to support your view.
  • Conclusion: summarise and state which viewpoint is better or more important.
  • Remember that each Task 2 essay requires a different structure. It is important to learn each structure and practise your writing at home.

how to write thesis in ielts


This lesson will help you answer IELTS Writing Task 2 discussion (or discuss both views and give your opinion) questions.

These particular questions require a different approach to opinion essays because you have to discuss both sides rather than argue in favour of one side.

This post will look at:

  • Identifying the question

Example Questions

  • Sample Answer

Task Achievement

Coherence and Cohesion

Lexical Resource

Many students fail to do well in these questions because they do not do what the question asks them to do and do not use an appropriate structure . This post will help you overcome these problems and give you a sample answer.

We will also look at ‘lexical resource’ and ‘coherence and cohesion’; two of the IELTS examiners’ marking criteria when marking your essays. Understanding the marking scheme will help you get inside an IELTS examiner’s head and give them exactly what they want.

Identifying the Question

Look at the three questions below and choose the one you think is a discussion question.

  • Computers are being used more and more in education and so there will soon be no role for the teacher in education.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  • Computers are being used more and more in education.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

  • Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences.

Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.

The first question is an opinion question, and we can tell this from the instructions ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree?’.

The second question is obviously an advantages and disadvantages question.

The third question is the discussion question. We can tell this from the typical instructions in the question, ‘Discuss both sides of the argument and then give your opinion’.

You may also be asked to ‘Discuss both views and give your opinion’ or ‘Discuss both sides of the argument and give your opinion’.

Each of these questions is asking us to do different things, and we, therefore, need a different structure for each question .

how to write thesis in ielts

Here are a few other typical discussion questions:

  • A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  • Bloodsports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. All blood sports should be banned.

Discuss the main arguments for this statement and give your own opinion.

  • Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime.

As you can see, they typically state two opinions and then ask you to discuss both and give your opinion. Make sure you do these things in the essay. If you only discuss both views and fail to give your opinion you will lose marks.

how to write thesis in ielts

For discussion questions, I suggest you use the following four-paragraph structure.


1- Paraphrase Question

2- State Both Points of View

2- Thesis Statement

3- Outline Sentence

Main Body Paragraph 1

1- State first viewpoint

2- Discuss first viewpoint

3- Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint

4- Example to support your view

Main Body Paragraph 2

1- State second viewpoint

2- Discuss second viewpoint


Sentence 1- Summary

Sentence 2- State which one is better or more important


Here is a sample answer, but I have mixed up the sentences. Can you match the sentences below to the structure above?

This exercise will help you understand the structure.

  • In conclusion, while the benefits of technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap into limitless sources of information, some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon and not allow it to curb face-to-face interaction.
  • There is an ever-increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the classroom.
  • The internet has provided students with access to more information than ever before.
  • Moreover, learners can research and learn about any subject at the touch of a button. It is therefore agreed that technology is a very worthwhile tool for education.
  • However, many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction.
  • Human interaction teaches people valuable skills such as discourse, debate and empathy.
  • Despite this, human interaction is still possible through the internet, and this essay disagrees that technology should be dismissed for this reason.
  • This essay agrees that an increase in technology is beneficial to students and teachers. This essay will discuss both points of view.
  • For instance, Skype and Facebook allow people to interact in ways that were never before possible.
  • Wikipedia is a prime example, where students can type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly and easily.
  • However, as long as we carefully consider the importance of human interaction in education, the educational benefits are clearly positive.
  • It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and think it will lead to adverse ramifications.

how to write thesis in ielts

Example Answer

Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say this is a positive trend, while others argue that it leads to negative consequences.

There is an ever-increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the classroom. It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and think it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agrees that an increase in technology is beneficial to students and teachers.

The internet has provided students with access to more information than ever before. Moreover, learners can research and learn about any subject at the touch of a button. It is therefore agreed that technology is a very worthwhile tool for education. Wikipedia is a prime example, where students can type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly and easily.

However, many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction. Human interaction teaches people valuable skills such as discourse, debate and empathy. Despite this, human interaction is still possible through the internet, and this essay disagrees that technology should be dismissed for this reason. For instance, Skype and Facebook allow people to interact in ways that were never before possible.

In conclusion, while the benefits of technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap into limitless sources of information, some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon and not allow it to curb face-to-face interaction. However, as long as we carefully consider the importance of human interaction in education, the educational benefits are clearly positive.

This is one of the four areas you will be assessed on in the IELTS writing test.

Task achievement refers to your ability to address all parts of the question and present a fully developed answer. By following the structure above, we have fully discussed both sides of the argument and given our opinion. This is exactly what the question asked us to do, no more, no less.

Discourse markers (words like ‘however’, ‘despite this’ and ‘In conclusion’) are also referred to as ‘linking words’ and ‘linking phrases’, or ‘sentence connectors’. They are quite formal and are used more in academic writing than informal speech.

You gain marks for using these under the ‘coherence and cohesion’ section of the marking scheme. These words ‘stick’ the other words together and lend continuity to sentences and paragraphs.

If you do not include discourse markers in your IELTS writing, your answer will appear illogical and more difficult to understand.

However, this does not mean that you should try to insert as many of these words into your writing as possible. This is a common mistake in IELTS writing.  Using too many of them, or using them inappropriately, can make your writing sound too heavy and unnatural. They are important but must only be used at the appropriate time.

Try to identify any discourse markers in the essay above . Don’t look at the essay below yet. How many can you find?

Student Sample Answer with Discourse Markers

Here is the sample answer again with the discourse markers in bold .

There is an ever-increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the classroom. It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and think it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agrees that an increase in technology is beneficial to students and teachers.

The internet has provided students with access to more information than ever before. Moreover , learners can research and learn about any subject at the touch of a button. It is therefore agreed that technology is a very worthwhile tool for education. Wikipedia is a prime example , where students can type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly and easily.

However , many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction. Human interaction teaches people valuable skills such as discourse, debate and empathy.  Despite this , human interaction is still possible through the internet, and this essay disagrees that technology should be dismissed for this reason. For instance , Skype and Facebook allow people to interact in ways that were never before possible.

In conclusion , while the benefits of technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap into limitless sources of information, some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon and not allow it to curb face-to-face interaction. However , as long as we carefully consider the importance of human interaction in education, the educational benefits are clearly positive.

This is also one of the four criteria you will be marked on, and it refers to your ability to use a wide range of accurate vocabulary.

A common mistake is to repeat the same words over and over again. You will lose marks if you do this. A solution to this problem is to use synonyms. You can either think of synonyms as you are writing or leave time, in the end, to add them in.

Can you identify any synonyms in the essay above?

Here are some examples:

Computers- technology

Computers- the internet

Education- in the classroom

Education- students and teachers

Positive trend- positive development

Negative Consequences- adverse ramifications

By varying your vocabulary this way, you are demonstrating that you have a wide vocabulary, which will boost your band score. However, like discourse markers, be careful not to use inappropriate/inaccurate words. Only use words you are confident about. Mistakes will lead to fewer marks.

Do you need me to correct your essays and give you feedback on them? Check out our essay correction service .

I hope this post helps you with discussion questions, and if you have any questions, please comment below.

how to write thesis in ielts

About Christopher Pell

My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.

If you need my help with your IELTS preparation, you can send me an email using the contact us page.

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How to Write Strong Thesis Statements for Your IELTS Essays

how to write thesis in ielts

By Waqas Sharif

ielts web

Writing a strong thesis statement for your IELTS essays is a valuable skill. It can improve your writing and increase your overall score.

Your thesis statement acts as a roadmap for your reader. It guides them through your essay, clarifying your main argument and the direction of your writing.

This article will teach you how to create a clear and impactful thesis statement for your IELTS essays. It will provide you with the necessary tools to excel in this critical part of your writing.

Understanding the Importance of a Strong Thesis Statement

Key components of a thesis statement for ielts essays.

A strong thesis statement for IELTS essays should clearly state the writer’s opinion. It should introduce the main points of the essay. The thesis should mention the topic, the writer’s stance, and a brief overview of the arguments in the body paragraphs.

Action words like “discuss,” “argue,” or “analyze” can improve clarity. For instance, in an essay about computers in education, the thesis could be “This essay will explore the advantages of integrating computers in education, such as increased access to information and interactive learning. It will also consider potential disadvantages like distractions and reduced emphasis on traditional forms of education.”

Using specific language and relevant keywords enhances the thesis. A well-crafted thesis sets the foundation for a comprehensive essay structure. This leads to a higher band score in IELTS writing.

Process of Writing Thesis Statement for IELTS Essays

When writing a thesis statement for an IELTS essay, it’s important to clearly state your opinion on the topic. The thesis statement should be in the introduction. It should outline the main points to be discussed.

For example, when discussing the advantages and disadvantages of computers in education:

Thesis statement: “While computers offer career opportunities for students, they also present false information challenges.”

Crafting a strong thesis statement is crucial for a high band score in IELTS writing tasks. It helps examiners and teachers understand the main focus of your essay.

Analyzing the Essay Question

Analyzing the essay question for IELTS writing task 2 should start with identifying the main topic. Determine if the question asks for an opinion, advantages, and disadvantages, or a discussion. Use key language like “advantages,” “disadvantages,” “climate change,” “traffic congestion,” and “education” in the thesis statement to show understanding. Avoid pitfalls such as missing aspects of the question, providing false information, and lacking coherence.

Include action words addressing main points, both sides of an argument, and a realistic solution for a strong thesis statement that meets the task requirements. This approach demonstrates understanding to the examiner.

Identifying the Main Topic of the Essay

To identify the main topic of an IELTS essay, follow these steps:

  • Analyze the essay question carefully.
  • Break down the question into specific components.
  • Identify keywords in the question.
  • Determine the type of essay question (problem-solution, advantage-disadvantage, discussion, two-part question, etc.).

Pay attention to action words in the question. Understand the statement being made and identify the main points to address in the thesis statement.

Use specific language and keywords related to the topic, such as climate change, traffic congestion, education, career opportunities, and investment, to guide the thesis statement.

Avoid vague or general statements. Ensure the thesis statement is focused and addresses specific arguments or opinions for the body paragraphs.

By clearly stating the main topic in the thesis statement, maintain coherence and cohesion in the essay. This will lead to a stronger argument and a higher band score from the examiner.

Crafting a Clear and Concise Thesis Statement

Crafting a clear and concise thesis statement for IELTS essays involves using specific language and keywords related to the topic at hand. For example, “advantages,” “computers,” “climate change,” and “education.”

By incorporating action words and clearly stating the writer’s opinion or argument, the thesis statement becomes focused and precise. Avoiding vague or general statements is essential to address the specific question type, whether it’s a two-part question, problem-solution essay, or discussion essay.

Identifying the main topic of the essay is crucial as it helps determine the direction of the argument in the thesis statement. For instance, when discussing the impact of traffic congestion in city centers on CO2 emissions, the thesis statement should highlight both the advantages and disadvantages of investing in public transportation as a realistic solution.

This approach demonstrates coherence and cohesion within the essay structure and showcases a deeper understanding of the topic to the examiner.

Utilizing Specific Language and Keywords

Crafting a strong thesis statement for IELTS essays requires using specific language and keywords. Action words and directly addressing the question type make the statement clear and effective.

For example, in an IELTS Writing Task 2 about traffic congestion in city centers, the thesis statement can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public transportation and privately owned vehicles in reducing CO2 emissions. This specific language guides the argument and sets the essay’s tone.

On the other hand, vague statements in a thesis can lead to a lack of coherence and make it hard for the examiner to follow the main points.

For instance, saying “society should invest in education for career opportunities” without specifying realistic solutions or the roles of parents and teachers may lack clarity.

Avoiding Vague or General Statements

When writing a thesis statement for IELTS essays, it’s important to be specific and avoid vague statements.

A clear thesis statement establishes the direction of the essay and should present a clear opinion or argument.

For instance, instead of saying “Computers have advantages and disadvantages,” a more specific thesis could be “While computers create job opportunities, their use in urban areas contributes to CO2 emissions.”

This specificity guides the discussion in the body paragraphs.

In IELTS Writing Task 2, which includes question types like two-part questions and problem-solution prompts, using action words and precise language enhances coherence and cohesion.

By addressing both sides of an issue and proposing a practical solution, writers can steer clear of vagueness and structure their essays effectively.

Teachers and examiners appreciate the clarity of a strong thesis statement, which can result in a higher band score.

The writing section of the IELTS test accounts for  33%  of the overall band score. british council

Tips for Writing a Band 7 Thesis Statement in IELTS Essays

Utilize pronouns for coherence and cohesion.

Pronouns are important for connecting ideas and maintaining a consistent flow in essays. When writing a thesis statement for IELTS essays, pronouns help convey the writer’s opinion and introduce the main points.

Effective use of pronouns ensures clarity and conciseness in the thesis statement, guiding the rest of the essay. For instance, when discussing computer benefits in education, pronouns can connect back to the introduction points smoothly.

Additionally, pronouns assist in addressing different sides of an argument, like the advantages and disadvantages of car use in city centers concerning CO2 emissions and traffic.

Using appropriate pronouns enhances overall essay coherence, potentially leading to higher scores from examiners and teachers.

Organize Ideas and Arguments Effectively

Crafting a strong thesis statement for an IELTS essay requires effective organization of ideas and arguments. Here are some key strategies to keep in mind:

  • Clearly state your opinion in the introduction using action words.
  • Structure the body paragraphs to address both sides of the argument.
  • Example : Discussing advantages and disadvantages of city centers, like traffic congestion and CO2 emissions.
  • Offer realistic solutions, such as addressing traffic jams.
  • In the conclusion, reiterate the thesis statement and address wider implications.
  • For instance, consider the impact of car use on society due to increased CO2 emissions contributing to global warming.

These strategies not only enhance coherence but also boost your band score in the IELTS writing task 2.

Incorporate Strategies to Support Your Thesis

When writing an IELTS essay, it’s important to use strategies that support the thesis statement to get a high band score.

One effective approach is using specific language and action words in the statement. This helps to clearly present the writer’s opinion and main points.

For example, when discussing car use in city centers to reduce CO2 emissions, terms like “investments in public transportation” and “traffic congestion” can strengthen the argument.

Recognizing different essay types, like problem-solution or discussion essays, allows for a more coherent structure. This leads to a cohesive argument supporting the thesis statement.

By analyzing both sides of a topic, such as the impact of heavy traffic due to privately owned vehicles, writers can provide a realistic solution without including false information.

Comparing Advantages and Disadvantages

Crafting a strong thesis statement for IELTS essays is important. It should clearly state the writer’s opinion and main points. This acts as a roadmap for the reader and helps the examiner or teacher understand the argument.

When comparing different viewpoints, it’s best to provide a balanced perspective. For example, discussing the advantages of public transportation in reducing traffic congestion while also mentioning the disadvantages of increased investment in transportation infrastructure can lead to a more cohesive essay structure.

To avoid vague statements, use action words that indicate the type of essay. For instance, stating that the essay will discuss solutions to reduce CO2 emissions from privately owned vehicles offers a more realistic approach than a general statement about traffic congestion. Be specific and concise in the thesis statement to effectively convey the main points and potentially achieve a higher band score in the IELTS writing task 2.

Identifying Different Types of Essays

Types of essays vary in structure and purpose. Some examples include:

  • Narrative essays, which tell a story.
  • Expository essays, which provide information.
  • Persuasive essays, aim to convince the reader of the author’s opinion.
  • Descriptive essays, focus on creating a vivid picture through sensory details.
  • Compare and contrast essays, highlighting similarities and differences between two subjects.
  • Cause and effect essays, explaining the relationship between events.

Having a clear thesis statement in the introduction, outlining the main points for discussion in the body paragraphs, is essential.

For IELTS writing task 2, understanding the question type is crucial for achieving a high band score.

Coherence and cohesion in essay structure are vital, whether it’s discussing traffic congestion or addressing CO2 emissions.

Analyzing key action words in the task question can help develop a strong thesis statement addressing both sides of the argument.

Using specific examples, like the impact of car use on climate change, can strengthen the argument and provide realistic solutions to global issues.

Strategies for Writing Band 8.5 Thesis Statements in IELTS Essays

Learn from christopher pell’s essay writing techniques.

Christopher Pell believes that having a strong thesis statement is crucial in IELTS essays. The statement should clearly show the writer’s opinion and guide the essay’s content. Using action words and specific language helps create a clear and focused thesis statement.

In two-part questions or problem-solution essays, including keywords related to the topic improves the statement’s clarity. Structuring the introduction with the main argument points and the stance taken sets the tone for the essay. Pell also suggests considering both sides of an argument in the thesis to demonstrate a balanced approach.

This not only adds depth but also shows the writer’s ability to analyze the topic critically. Following Pell’s techniques can help writers enhance their thesis statements and achieve higher band scores in IELTS writing tasks.

Enhance Writing Coherence through Brainstorming and Planning

Brainstorming and planning are important for writing tasks like IELTS essays.

By brainstorming ideas first, you can structure them logically to create a clear thesis statement.

This helps set the stage for the main points in the body paragraphs.

For example, when discussing the pros and cons of car use in city centers to reduce CO2 emissions, a solid thesis statement can guide the argument.

Brainstorming also helps identify key action words in the task question, indicating the type of essay.

This strategic planning helps achieve coherence and cohesion in your essay structure, meeting language requirements for a higher band score.

Careful planning and offering realistic solutions to issues like traffic congestion and global warming can showcase your knowledge effectively.

Implementing Techniques to Achieve Band 8 Thesis Statements

Crafting a thesis statement for IELTS essays requires using action words and specific language. This helps express the main points and opinions clearly. Incorporating keywords like “CO2 emissions” or “traffic congestion” makes the thesis statement more focused.

Avoid vague or general statements. Provide clear examples or arguments to strengthen relevance and coherence. For example, when discussing car use in city centers, specify the impact on traffic congestion and pollution levels. This enhances the clarity of the thesis statement.

Structure the statement to address “both sides” of the argument in a problem-solution or discussion essay. This allows for a balanced approach that engages the reader. By following these strategies and including relevant language requirements, IELTS writers can achieve a higher band score. This is done by presenting a well-organized and articulate thesis statement that sets the tone for the entire essay.

Examples of Strong Thesis Statements for Your IELTS Essays

A strong thesis statement for IELTS essays should present the writer’s opinion on the topic. It should also outline the main points that will be discussed in the essay.

For example, in an argument essay about the advantages and disadvantages of computers in education, a strong thesis statement could be: “While computers offer career opportunities and access to information, their overuse by students can lead to distractions and false information.”

By including action words and specific keywords like “career opportunities” and “false information,” the thesis statement becomes more impactful and relevant to the reader.

To ensure clarity and conciseness, the thesis statement should address the specific question type in the IELTS writing task 2. It should be supported by coherent body paragraphs that elaborate on both sides of the argument.

In the conclusion, the thesis statement should be reiterated to provide a cohesive structure to the essay. By using appropriate language and addressing the main points of the topic, a well-crafted thesis statement can lead to a higher band score and effectively communicate the writer’s stance to the examiner.

Over to you

Crafting a strong thesis statement for your IELTS essays is important.

By breaking paragraphs into shorter sentences and including facts and data, you can make your thesis statement more impactful and convincing.

This will help you present your argument and demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

A well-crafted thesis statement sets the tone for your essay and guides the reader on what to expect.

It is a crucial part of your essay that highlights your main idea and the direction of your argument.

Remember to keep it concise and focused to make a strong impression on the reader.

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of an essay. It is important in IELTS essays because it guides the reader and helps the writer maintain focus. Example: “The legalization of marijuana has both positive and negative impacts on society.”

To craft a strong thesis statement for your IELTS essay, clearly state your position and outline your main points. For example, “This essay will argue that government funding for education is crucial for societal development.”

An effective thesis statement in IELTS essays includes a clear topic, a concise argument, and a preview of supporting points. For example, “The government should prioritize renewable energy sources to combat climate change” is a strong thesis statement because it states a clear position and previews supporting arguments.

Here are some examples of effective thesis statements for IELTS essays: “In conclusion, strict regulations on fast food advertising are necessary to combat rising rates of obesity among children.”. “Overall, implementing renewable energy sources is crucial in reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change.”.

To ensure your thesis statement is relevant and clear, make sure it directly addresses the essay question and provides a roadmap for your argument. For example, if the question is about the impact of technology on education, a clear thesis statement could be “Technology has greatly enhanced learning opportunities in the classroom by increasing access to information and promoting interactive methods of instruction.”

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how to write thesis in ielts

Mr. Waqas Sharif is an English Language Teaching (ELT) Professional, Trainer, and Course Instructor at a Public Sector Institute. He has more than ten years of Eng Language Teaching experience at the Graduate and Postgraduate level. His main interest is found in facilitating his students globally He wishes them to develop academic skills like Reading, Writing, and Communication mastery along with Basics of Functional Grammar, English Language, and Linguistics.

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How to Write an Essay Outline [IELTS Writing]

Posted by David S. Wills | Jun 6, 2022 | IELTS Tips , Writing | 0

How to Write an Essay Outline [IELTS Writing]

In IELTS writing task 2, you will need to write a clear and coherent introduction . This should be comprised of several parts, one of which is a sentence that tells the reader what your essay will say or do. This is often called an essay outline , although you may hear it referred to by other names, such as “thesis statement.”

What your essay outline should say will depend upon the exact essay that you have to write, so it is a complicated issue, but this article will tell you everything you need to know.

how to write thesis in ielts

What is an Essay Outline?

First of all, let’s briefly discuss what an essay outline is because it’s not 100% clear to everyone. The word “outline” means:

a general description or plan showing the essential features of something but not the detail

Therefore, in the context of IELTS writing task 2, an essay outline could be defined as a sentence at the end of your introduction that tells the reader what will come next.

This sentence should simply and effectively give information about what the reader will encounter in the coming paragraphs but without any of the detail that will come later. For example:

This essay will look at both sides of the issue but argue that it is best to fix problems and reach for a better situation.

Here, my sentence has made it very clear to the reader that this essay will do three things:

  • Look at one side of an issue
  • Look at the other side of that issue
  • Argue in favour of fixing problems

In just twenty-five words, it has offered an effective outline of my essay. It has prepared my reader for what will come next, guiding them conveniently through the essay.

Do you Need an Essay Outline?

For a task 2 essay, it is generally good to have a sentence that explains the rest of your essay. This helps with both Task Response and Coherence and Cohesion . However, its necessity actually depends on the kind of question you are answering.

For any question that requires an opinion, you must include an essay outline that gives your opinion. If you don’t, you won’t get a good score for Task Response. That is because, in order to get a band 7 or higher, your essay needs to:

present a clear position throughout the response Source: IELTS band descriptors

Thus, you must make your position (ie your opinion) clear in the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion .

If you don’t need to give an opinion, then it is less important but it is still a very good idea to include an essay outline. I would strongly suggest that you write a sentence that tells the reader what you will do next.

Here are some examples…

Essay Outline Templates

The following are examples of sentences you could use for the different IELTS writing question types. Obviously, they depend on the exact question asked and your intended answer.

Agree/Disagree Questions

  • This essay will disagree with the notion that _____.
  • This essay will argue that ____.

Note: People often make a huge mistake in agree/disagree questions because they paraphrase the question and then give their opinion. This means that they present the opinion as their own and then either agree or disagree with themselves! This is a very serious error. You can read more about it here .

Discussion Questions

  • This essay will examine both sides of the issue and conclude that…
  • This essay will look at both perspectives and argue that…
  • This essay will look at both viewpoints and then argue that…

Advantages/Disadvantage Questions

If you are asked to discuss the advantages and disadvantages :

  • This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of…
  • This essay will explain the advantages and disadvantages of…

If you are asked to weigh the advantages and disadvantages:

  • This essay will argue that the advantages of ___ outweigh the disadvantages.
  • This essay will argue that the disadvantages of ___ outweigh the advantages.

Problem/Solution Questions

  • This essay will first look at the causes of ___ and will then suggest several solutions.
  • This essay will explore the causes of ____ and also will present a possible solution.

Note: As always, your essay outline will depend on what you want to say. You may have one solution or many. Make sure that your outline matches the content.

Two-Part Questions

This essay type is harder to approach in terms of essay outline because it would depend 100% on the actual questions. However, your structure for a two-part question will usually be the same and your outline should clearly reflect this.

Here is a sample two-part question:

Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for and allow their children to do whatever they want. Is this a good way to raise children? What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?

And here is how I would write my outline:

This essay will explore why this is not a good way to raise children and why it will have negative impacts upon them in future.

As you can see, it is split into two parts: the first question is addressed and then the second. It is simple and effective.

Should you Write “This essay will” or “I will”?

You may have noticed that in all my examples above, I wrote “This essay will…” That’s because it is a little more formal to drop the personal element . Even though some questions explicitly ask for your personal opinion, you can still answer them without personal pronouns. For example:

  • I believe that countries should protect their seas and I will explain why in this essay.
  • This essay will explain why countries should protect their seas.

Both of these sentences are fine, but using the more neutral and objective perspective is better. It avoids being personal, which is slightly informal. However, if you feel more comfortable saying “I think/believe/feel/etc.,” then go ahead and keep doing that.

Common Mistakes

There are some problems that I see when doing my IELTS writing correction service . Some are big problems and some are small.

The worst problem, which I already mentioned above, is when people agree/disagree with themselves. This is actually a problem with the first sentence rather than the outline sentence, but still it is the outline that appears wrong. For example:

City councils should band the construction of buildings that are in a different architectural style to the traditions of that area. I completely disagree with this notion.

This is a huge problem! The author has disagreed with himself because the first sentence is presented as his own perspective. It is very important that you never do this in IELTS. Instead, you should frame the viewpoint as someone else’s:

Some people argue that city councils should band the construction of buildings that are in a different architectural style to the traditions of that area. This essay will completely disagree with this notion.

I have fixed the first sentence and now changed the second to be a bit more formal.

Another problem concerns discussion questions. People often mix up words like this:

  • This essay will explain both sides of view.
  • This essay will look at both sides of the view.

Basically, they have misunderstood the word “view.” A view and a side are pretty much the same thing here. We can just say “both views” or “both sides of the issue/argument/debate.”

A very common problem is to say the same thing twice, like this:

  • In my opinion, I think that…
  • From my viewpoint, I think that…

Keep in mind that both the first and second parts of those sentences mean the same thing!

Finally, we need to remember that an essay can do some things but it cannot do others.

This essay will…
argue / state / discuss / debate / explore / explain / analyse / look at / look into / agree / disagree / weigh

There are other words that can only apply to people (ie using “I”). For example:

believe / think / want to / feel

In other words, your essay is not conscious and so it cannot do feel anything. It can only present ideas on your behalf.

Do you Always Need an Essay Outline?

Are essay outlines always necessary? The short answer is: no. However, omitting them is a quite advanced technique and so it is generally best to include one.

If you leave out an essay outline, then your introduction must be sophisticated enough to hint at later ideas and your body paragraphs must follow on very intuitively from the intro. The benefit of doing this is that you show a subtle and intelligent grasp of cohesion whilst also avoiding formulaic language.

Here is an example:

The tourism industry has grown enormously over the last fifty years, and there are few places which are unaffected by it. However, tourism rarely benefits the countries which tourists visit. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Tourism has been around for millennia, but in the late twentieth century it exploded in popularity. Nowadays, millions of people take off on holiday during their summer and winter vacations, often to foreign countries. It generally considered a positive phenomenon, bringing the people of the world closer together and boosting the economies of developing countries. However, there are some drawbacks.

Instead of following the usual approach of saying “This essay will…” or “I think that…” I have simply said that “It is generally considered a positive phenomenon,” and then hinted at my perspective by saying “there are some drawbacks.” This shows balance and in the body paragraphs I will present both the positives and negatives , finally coming to a conclusion, which is that I neither wholly agree nor disagree. Remember: you do not always need to give a strong opinion. Balance is fine.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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How to Write a Great Introduction in IELTS Task 2 Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Write a Great Introduction in IELTS Task 2 Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

Greetings, future IELTS conquerors! 🎉 If you're here, it's probably because you're grappling with the IELTS Task 2 Essay and, more specifically, that all-important introduction. Don't worry; we've got your back. Let's delve deep into this critical aspect of IELTS writing so that you can kick off your essay on a high note.

To make this as real as possible, we're using a sample question from a past IELTS exam. The question reads: "Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?"

IELTS Task 2 Essay Introduction: Why is this Important?

If you're eyeing a high band score, it’s crucial to understand the undeniable importance of a compelling introduction in your IELTS Task 2 Essay. Think of the introduction as your initial handshake with the examiner—it's your first impression, and we all know how lasting first impressions can be.

How to Achieve a High Band Score in IELTS Academic Task 1 Report - eBook by IELTS Luminary

Setting the Stage for Success

Let's begin by setting the stage for what the introduction means in the context of the IELTS writing test. You're essentially setting the tone for your whole essay. Fail to engage the reader here, and you risk losing their attention for the remainder of your argument, affecting your overall band score.

Your Elevator Pitch to the Examiner

Picture this: you get into an elevator with a renowned IELTS examiner. You have merely 30 seconds to convince them why your viewpoint on the topic is worth their attention. Your introduction is that 30-second elevator pitch. It's short but powerful, capturing the essence of what's to come.

The Traffic Light Analogy

Let's consider another analogy: a traffic light. Your introduction serves as the green light that signals the reader to proceed into the depths of your essay. A confusing or dull introduction acts like a red or yellow light, making the examiner pause or even reconsider delving into the rest of your essay.

How to Write a High Band Scoring Task 2 Essay - eBook by IELTS Luminary (IELTS Essay eBook)

Mastering Your Introduction with IELTS Luminary

Writing a captivating introduction isn't just about following a set formula; it's an art. Luckily, it's an art you can learn. If you're struggling with constructing strong introductions, you might find incredible value in our IELTS eBooks . These resources offer comprehensive strategies for each section of the IELTS exam, including detailed tips on mastering the art of the introduction.

But, what if you've already drafted an essay and are uncertain about its quality? No worries, our IELTS Essay Correction Service is here to save the day. An experienced examiner will provide you personalized, detailed insights into your writing, including how to enhance your introductions. It's like having a personal IELTS coach who not only points out your mistakes but guides you on how to fix them.

The Ingredients of a Band 9 Introduction

Now, what goes into a stellar IELTS Task 2 Essay introduction? Three critical components:

Hook: A sentence to grab the reader's attention

Background Information: A brief context about the topic

Thesis Statement: Your main argument or opinion on the issue

Why These Three Components?

Firstly, let's demystify why thes e three components are like the Holy Trinity of your introduction. Your "Hook" works like a magnet, pu lling the reader into your essay. The "Background Information" acts as a bridge, leading the reader from your hook to your thesis statement. Finally, your "Thesis Statement" is the crown jewel, summarizing your entire essay in a nutshell. It's like a mini-roadmap of what's to come.

1.1. Crafting the Perfect Hook

Ah, the hook—the golden key that unlocks reader engagement in your IELTS Task 2 essay. It's your debut act, your brief moment to make a memorable first impression. But why does it matter so much? Well, the hook is a pivotal engagement tool that can lure the reader into your argument. It's what compels the evaluator or any reader to shift from passive reading to active engagement. If done correctly, it makes the reader think, "Wow, I need to read more about this!"

Now, when you're writing your hook, you might have a lot of questions. What type of hook is best suited for an IELTS essay? How can it align with my thesis statement? These questions are perfectly addressed in our IELTS preparation eBooks , which provide specific examples and techniques for mastering the art of the hook.

IELTS Reading Tips and Strategies eBooks - IELTS Luminary

1.2. What Makes a Question an Effective Hook?

In your example, you used a particularly interesting hook: "Does unpaid community service turn high school students into responsible citizens, or is it just free labor?" This question is ingenious for several reasons. First, it's provocative; it challenges the reader's pre-existing beliefs about unpaid community service. Second, it's open-ended, encouraging the reader to ponder and question their own stance on the issue. These attributes make the reader eager to explore the perspectives you'll unfold in the subsequent paragraphs.

If you're uncertain about how well your hook aligns with the rest of your essay, our IELTS Essay Correction Service  can be a lifesaver. A seasoned examiner reviews your essay and gives you detailed feedback on how effective your hook is, among other elements.

IELTS Speaking eBook - How to Achieve a High Band Score in IELTS Speaking - IELTS Luminary

1.3. The Role of a Hook in the Bigger Picture

While a hook is your opening act, it should never be disconnected from your main argument. It needs to be a natural prelude to the background information and thesis statement that follow. Think of your hook as the first step in a journey—you capture attention with the hook and then guide your reader down the path of understanding why your argument holds water.

Remember, a hook isn't just about being flashy; it's about being relevant and setting the stage for a compelling argument. When done right, it enhances the overall coherence and effectiveness of your IELTS Task 2 essay. And if you want to see how a complete, high-scoring essay looks like from start to finish, don't hesitate to check out our comprehensive eBooks or get detailed feedback through our Essay Correction Service .

2.1. Providing the Must-Know Background Information

So, you've successfully managed to engage your reader with a gripping hook. The next logical step is to seamlessly transition into the background information. Think of this as the foundation upon which your entire argument will stand. Without context, even the most compelling hook becomes an isolated gimmick. In essence, you're telling your reader, "Great, now that I've piqued your interest, let's dig deeper into why you should care about this topic."

For instance, in your sentence—"The debate surrounding unpaid community service as part of high school curriculums has ignited passionate discussions about educational priorities"—you've managed to encapsulate the essence of the ongoing discourse. You highlight that this isn't just a fringe topic, but one that's at the forefront of educational debates. The term "passionate discussions" indicates that there's no universal agreement, making your forthcoming argument all the more vital.

Here's a subtle tip: When crafting this section, try to present both sides of the argument briefly. This strategy not only enhances your essay's comprehensiveness but also shows you've done your homework. If you're wondering how to integrate conflicting perspectives in your essay without compromising your argument, our IELTS preparation eBooks offer some advanced techniques for this.

2.2. The Role of Background Information in Scoring High

IELTS examiners don't just want to see that you can argue a point. They want to see that you understand the larger context, that you can connect the dots. This makes your essay not just a collection of personal opinions but a well-thought-out piece that aligns with broader educational or societal issues. It's what takes your essay from a Band 6 to a Band 8 or 9. And if you're skeptical about how well you've provided background information, our Essay Correction Service can give you an examiner's perspective, evaluating the strength and relevance of your contextual setup.

3. Writing an Effective Thesis Statement: Your Answer in Brief

The thesis statement is more than just a sentence; it's the backbone of your entire essay. This is the pivotal moment where you give your reader a crystal-clear snapshot of your stance. At this juncture, ambiguity is your enemy. What you aim for is razor-sharp clarity, eliminating any room for misinterpretation. For instance, your example—"I firmly believe that integrating unpaid community service into high school curriculums can foster social responsibility among students"—is a textbook case of an impactful thesis. It does more than simply state an opinion; it conveys conviction through the words "firmly believe."

But why is conviction so important? In the IELTS Task 2 landscape, a wishy-washy thesis statement can drastically undermine the potency of your argument. A strong thesis, however, does the opposite. It solidifies your viewpoint, providing a sturdy framework for the supporting paragraphs that follow. To put it another way, it's the anchor that keeps your essay from drifting into a sea of vagueness.

By using the phrase "foster social responsibility among students," you're also subtly highlighting the essay's central theme. You're not just talking about unpaid community service; you're talking about its capacity to instill social responsibility—a skill vital for the growth of the individual and the community.

Now, you might be wondering, "How do I know if my thesis statement is strong enough?" Well, that's something our Essay Correction Service is perfectly suited for. Our team of examiners can provide in-depth feedback on the effectiveness of your thesis statement, along with suggestions for improvement. And if you're looking to get a deeper understanding of constructing powerful thesis statements, our eBooks are packed with strategies and examples that can guide you.

Example Introduction of a Band 9 IELTS Essay

Based on our discussion of essential components like the hook, background information, and a robust thesis statement, here's how a high-standard introduction might look:

"Does unpaid community service in high schools serve as a stepping stone to responsible adulthood, or is it simply a form of free labor? This contentious issue has sparked numerous debates about the very essence of education and social development. I strongly assert that incorporating unpaid community service into high school curriculums is not merely a social obligation but a fundamental aspect of cultivating socially responsible citizens."

This introduction effectively grabs the examiner's attention with a thought-provoking hook, provides essential background information, and concludes with a compelling thesis statement. It's designed to set the stage for a persuasive essay, guiding the reader seamlessly into the ensuing arguments.

Wrapping Up the Discussion

Now, if you're wondering how to blend all these elements into a compelling narrative, we’ve got something special for you. Our IELTS eBooks cover these topics and much more, providing practical tips and exercises to fine-tune your writing skills.

Feeling a bit shaky about your essay? Why not get it reviewed by an expert? Our IELTS Essay Correction Service provides invaluable personalized feedback, right down to the nitty-gritty details of crafting the perfect introduction.

So there it is: your foolproof guide to constructing a Band 9 introduction for your IELTS Task 2 Essay. With a riveting hook, relevant background information, and a clear thesis statement, you’re setting yourself up for a top-notch essay and, ultimately, a higher band score. Keep tuning in for more actionable IELTS tips and strategies.

Ready to ace that IELTS exam? We bet you are! Keep practicing and see you in our next deep-dive!

Preparation for the IELTS Exam

thesis statement

How to write an ielts thesis statement., ielts essay introductions and thesis statements..

updated: July 27th 2022. When writing the introduction of an IELTS essay there are two steps that need to be taken. Paraphrase the task question and write a Thesis Statement . If the question asks for an opinion then it must be in the thesis statement. It depends on the type of essay you are writing as they are not all the same. It is advisable to write a thesis in the introduction for every type of essay. A good thesis statement can help you get a good band score in task response in the writing section.

IELTS Problem Solution Essay: Writing an effective introduction

Writing a good introduction to a problem solution essay..

One of the main skills for getting a good band score in IELTS writing task 2 is how clear and effective the introduction is. This shows the examiner what your essay is going to be about and helps your task response score.

You will need to spend a couple of minutes analyzing and fully understanding the task question, then decide what type of essay it is and what kind of thesis statement you need to write. The rest of the essay will expand on your thesis statement so you need to get it right. Your position must be clear in the introduction and main body paragraphs as well as the conclusion. There are two steps to writing a good introduction. 

how to write thesis in ielts

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Tips to Write an Effective Introduction

Janice Thompson

Updated On Oct 07, 2022


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IELTS Writing Task 2: Tips to Write an Effective Introduction

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Many IELTS test candidates devote a lot of effort to practising their essay writing. The main goal of the IELTS writing module is to evaluate the test-takers’ writing abilities. Particularly taking into account the elements of vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and the capacity for writing. Success in the IELTS writing test relies heavily on essay writing.

Have you ever felt challenging to write an essay in IELTS Writing task 2?

All IELTS learners (even IELTS teachers) reckon that the most difficult part of writing is how to get started. Getting started, or writing an introductory paragraph, can be easy if you remember that an introduction has four purposes:

  • Introduce the topic of the essay.
  • Arouses the reader’s interest in the topic.
  • Indicates the overall “plan” of the essay.
  • Tells reader what the essay is about

In the IELTS writing exam, the examiners are not looking for the interesting introduction as it is not assessed in your IELTS essay. In other words, there is no difference between the fascinating introductions and boring ones in IELTS exam. In addition, time is another pressure for IELTS Writing. You have to do a lot of things in your essay for the IELTS writing within 40 minutes, for example, analysing the statement, planning your essay, and proofreading it when you have finished, so actually you just have about 35 minutes to write your essay. There is not enough time for you to worry about having “a hook” in an introduction.

Basically, the introduction has two parts:

  • General statements
  • A thesis statement

You should aim for around 50 words for the length of your essays.

How to structure your introduction:

  • Your introduction should be 2- 3 sentences
  • Sentence 1 -2 :  General statement. Introduce the topic of the essay.
  • Sentence 3:  Thesis statement. Keep it clear, and get to the point. “ While I agree that governments and individuals are spending a significant amount of money on those celebrations, I would argue that this activity is necessary and therefore can be considered acceptable.”

Beer in mind that specific examples from your own experience shouldn’t be included in the introduction paragraph (instead the body paragraph).


General statements aim to:.

  • introduce the topic of the essay
  • give background information on the topic

How to write a general statement?

When it comes to writing a general statement, the first sentence in an introductory paragraph should be a very general comment about the subject. Each subsequent sentence should become more specific than the previous one and finally, lead into the thesis statement.

Make sure you do it by paraphrasing the statement of the question, which means you need to write it again with the same meaning but use your own words. This act helps you to increase your score in the IELTS writing test, for instance:

Question : In recent years some countries have experienced very rapid economic development . This has resulted in much higher standards of living in urban areas but not in the countryside. This situation may bring some problems for the country as a whole. What are these problems? How might they be reduced?

General Statement : It seems to be an increasingly widespread concern for the effects of urbanisation with the imbalance in living standards between the city and the outskirt.

Obviously, you can see in this example; the writer used the different vocabularies with the same meaning to introduce also give the background information on the topic.


What is the definition of thesis statement.

A thesis statement is usually a sentence to offer a concise summary of the main point or claim of your IELTS essays and follows the general statement. It is critically important in your IELTS writing task 2 because it is your answer or your opinion/point of view about the given topic in the Writing test. It will guide IELTS examiner what your essay is about and help keep your argument focused.

So don’t get it mixed up with the general statement which tells the reader what topic of your essay is at the beginning of your introduction.

So, how to write a good thesis statement?

There are a range of essay question types in IELTS Writing Task 2, namely:

  • Opinion (Agree or Disagree)
  • Discussion (Discuss both view)
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Problem and Solution
  • Two-part Question

  The first thing we need to do is to identify which type of question it is and look at the action words. For example, in the question below the action words are ‘do you agree or disagree?’

Question: The government and individuals are spending too much money on national celebrations like new year or festivals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

We, therefore, need to tell IELTS examiner clearly whether we agree or disagree, and this will influence our thesis statement. So, the thesis statement should be as follows:

People have different views about whether public expenditure on national occasions such as new year or festivals is too much nowadays. While I agree that governments and individuals are spending a significant amount of money on those celebrations, I would argue that this activity is necessary and therefore can be considered acceptable.

As can be seen, the above sentence makes it crystal clear to IELTS examiner what you think about the question. The rest of your IELTS essay will go on supporting this thesis statement.

How does the thesis statement change with different types of question?

We will now look at how thesis statements can vary with different question types. However, you should not try to learn set phrases or sentences to fit certain essays.

The golden rule is to  always read the question very carefully  and figure out what you have to do.

Your thesis statement will then follow on from this, depending on what you have decided you need to write about in order to answer the question.

Sample thesis statements for 5 essay question types in IELTS Writing Task 2:

  • Opinion (Agree or Disagree) Topic: Too much emphasis is placed on going university for academic study. People should be encouraged to do vocational training, because there is a lack of qualified tradespeople such as electricians or plumbers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Thesis statement: It goes without saying that society always needs a skilled workforce to function. Employees of different professions contribute differently to the thriving of the community, and therefore I disagree with the statement that vocational courses should be given any more weight than before.
  • Discussion (Discuss both view) Topic: Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both views and give your opinion Thesis statement: Many people show preference for repeating their daily routine while others always look for change as they believe change would bring more benefits. In my opinion, I would agree with the latter point of view.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages Topic: Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both views and give your opinion Thesis statement: Many people show preference for repeating their daily routine while others always look for change as they believe change would bring more benefits. In my opinion, I would agree with the latter point of view.
  • Problem and Solution Topic: There is a general increase in anti-social behaviours and lack of respect for others. What are the causes and solutions? Thesis statement: The widespread problem of anti-social behaviours and disrespectful attitudes towards others has long been a major topic of concern in society. Some of the major culprits of this problem will be discussed before the most important solutions are drawn.
  • Two-part Question Topic: Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.  In what ways has technology affected the types of personal relationships?  Has this become a positive or negative development? Thesis statement: Rapid advances in technology have undoubtedly affected the way we interact in various ways. While some of this change can exert a negative impact on the way we communicate with each other, my view is that overall modern technology typically improves communication in personal relationships.

Below are two potential introductions with different thesis statements for IELTS essay question. Choose which one is better.

IELTS Essay Question:

Some people believe increasing business and cultural contacts between countries is a positive development while others argue that it is a threat to the identity of a nation? Discuss both views and give your opinion?


Intro 1: It is sometimes argued that increasing business and cultural contacts between countries are a positive development. I believe that the trend is a threat to identity a nation.

Intro 2: It is sometimes argued that increasing business and cultural contacts between countries  is a positive development. Such positive elements include increased employment prospects, increased commerce, and increased multilateral harmony. However, I believe that this trend is a threat to the identity of a nation.

IELTS examiner’s comment:

Intro 2 is the better one. A better thesis statement (and an increase in coherence) would be to state what the reasons’ are. For example, sentence two could be “Such positive elements include increased employment prospects, increased commerce, and increased multilateral harmony.” Remember that a clear position throughout is a key feature of TR and a strong thesis statement is a great start to alert the examiner that you making your position very clear in the beginning. (notice that the above use of increased’ three times in this context is an effective writing technique)

I hope the tips mentioned above could help you to hike up your IELTS score in the IELTS writing test! Stay tune for the latest update on IELTS Material website.

Don’t forget to keep practicing to write an introduction to get yourself familiarized with the IELTS test and get the high score in IELTS.

You can also write your own introduction in the comment boxes below to receive feedback from us!

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Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Posted on Jan 7, 2017

It seems that countries in the globe are enhancing their business and cultural interaction with each other. Although some people consider it a sinister to a nation identity, I think that it is a positive development. It will bring increased employment prospects, increased commerce, and increased bilateral harmony. In addition, this essay will also discuss how the identity of a nation can be kept safe with these activities by adopting some procedures.

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How to Plan & Write IELTS Opinion Essays

IELTS opinion essays, also known as ‘agree or disagree’ essays, come up frequently in the writing exam. In this lesson, I’m going to show you how to plan and write them step-by-step.

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

  • 3 Common mistakes
  • Essay structure
  • How to plan
  • How to write an introduction
  • How to write main body paragraphs
  • How to write a conclusion

Click the links to see lessons on each of these Task 2 essay writing topics. 

Once you understand the process, practice on past questions. Take your time at first and gradually speed up until you can plan and write an essay of at least 250 words in the 40 minutes allowed in the exam.

The Question

The first part of the question for an IELTS opinion essay will be a statement. You will then be asked to give your own opinion about the statement. Here is some typical wording that might be used:

  • What is your opinion?
  • Do you agree or disagree?
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Want  to watch and listen to this lesson?

Click on this video.

Here's a question from a past test paper.

A big salary is much more important than job satisfaction.  

Do you agree or disagree?  

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

I’ll be using this question to guide you through the process of planning and writing an IELTS opinion essay.

3 Common Mistakes

These three errors are common in IELTS opinion essays.

  • Not stating an opinion.
  • Giving arguments for both views.
  • Not supporting your opinion with clear reasons.

The most common mistake that students make is not giving an opinion. The question will clearly state that you must choose one side of the argument. If you fail to do this, you will get a low score for task achievement.

It doesn’t matter which side of the argument you take or even, that you agree with it. Choose the one you can develop the best argument for.

Make sure that you don’t change your opinion part way through the essay, and don’t give reasons for the opposing view.

Essay Structure

Now let’s look at a simple structure you can use to write opinion essays. It’s not the only possible structure but it’s the one I recommend because it’s easy to learn and will enable you to quickly plan and write a high-level essay.

1)  Introduction

  • Paraphrase the question
  • Give your opinion
  • State two supporting reasons

2)  Main body paragraph 1

  • Topic sentence – outline 1st reason for supporting this view
  • Explanation – explain this idea
  • Example – give an example  or expand the idea

3)  Main body paragraph 2

  • Topic sentence – outline 2nd reason for supporting this view
  • Example – give an example or expand the idea

4)  Conclusion

  • Summarise opinion and key reasons

This structure will give us a well-balanced essay with 4 paragraphs.

We now need some ideas to add into the structure and we’ll have everything we need for our essay.

How To Plan IELTS Opinion Essays

# 1  decide on your opinion.

The question I've chosen to work on is quite straightforward and easy to understand so we don’t need to spend time analysing it. The first task, then, is to decide on our opinion.

Here’s the question again:

A big salary is much more important than job satisfaction.

Do you agree or disagree?  

For this essay, I’m going to disagree with the statement and argue that job satisfaction is more important than a big salary.

# 2  Generate ideas

The second task is to generate some ideas to write about.

Since I‘m going to argue that job satisfaction is more important than a large salary, I need ideas to support this view.

There are several different ways to think up ideas. I cover them fully on the  IELTS Essay Planning  page.

With this particular question, I immediately thought of a couple of examples of situations where job satisfaction did prove to be more important than a high salary, so I’m going to use the ‘example method’ of generating ideas.

Once you’ve thought of an example or two, ideas to include in your essay should come to you easily.

You might want to try this yourself before reading on for my ideas.

Here are my examples and some ideas they generated.

Both the examples are partly true but I've adapted them to better fit the essay. It's fine to do this as the examiner won't check your facts.

  • Uncle Barry – boasted about high salary but hated his job. Nervous breakdown – lost job & can’t work.
  • Me – gave up teaching. Now enjoy my work and am much more relaxed and happy even though I earn much less money.
  • High-salary jobs are generally more stressful
  • Stress leads to ill health, both mental and physical
  • 40 hours a week at work – a third of the day
  • Money doesn’t bring happiness
  • Better quality of life
  • Sense of fulfilment
  • Less stressed – healthier and happier

I’ve got more ideas here than I need so I’m going to pick two to develop in the essay – one for each of the main body paragraphs.

Idea 1 – High-salary jobs are generally more stressful and can lead to ill health.

Idea 2 – Job satisfaction gives a sense of fulfilment.

We’re almost ready to start writing our IELTS opinion essay but first, we have one other small task to do.

# 3  Vocabulary

In an IELTS essay, it’s important to be able to say the same things in different ways, either by paraphrasing and/or using synonyms. During the planning stage, quickly jot down a few synonyms of key words you could use to save you having to stop and think of the right language while you’re writing.

For example:

satisfaction – fulfilment, achievement, sense of accomplishment, content, sense of well-being

salary – income, wages, pay, earnings

important – significant, valued, has more meaning

job – work, employment, position

With that done, we can focus on the first paragraph of the essay – the introduction.

How To Write an Introduction

A good introduction has a simple 3 part structure:

1)  Paraphrased question

2)  Thesis statement

3)  outline statement.

An introduction should:

  • Have 2-3 sentences
  • Be 40-60 words long
  • Take 5 minutes to write

1)  Paraphrase the question

Start your introduction by paraphrasing the question.

     Question:  A big salary is much more important than job satisfaction.

                       Do you agree or disagree?  

Paraphrased question:  

It is argued that earning lots of money has more significance to people than being content in their work.

Note that I’ve used some of the synonyms I listed, although it’s fine to repeat one or two words if you need to. Above all, your language must sound natural.

In IELTS opinion essays, the thesis statement is where you state your opinion. For example,

    Thesis statement:  

    This essay totally disagrees with that statement.

That’s all you need to say.

If you decided to agree with the statement, you would write:

'This essay completely agrees with that statement.'

Finally in the introduction, you must outline the two main points (ideas 1 and 2 above) that you’ll cover in the rest of the essay. Do it in one sentence, or you can add them onto the end of the thesis statement if appropriate.

Outl ine statement:  

I believe that people are increasingly concerned about the risk of stress-related ill-health frequently experienced by people in highly paid positions and they care more about feeling fulfilled at work.

So, let’s bring the three elements of our introduction together.


how to write thesis in ielts

This introduction achieves three important functions:

  • It shows the examiner that you understand the question.
  • It acts as a guide to the examiner as to what your essay is about.
  • It also helps to keep you focused and on track as you write.

The two ideas in your introduction will become your two main body paragraphs.

Main body paragraph 1  – concerns about the risk of stress-related ill-health

Main body paragraph 2  – a sense of fulfilment at work

How To Write Main Body Paragraphs

The structure of a good main body paragraph has 3 parts:

  • Topic sentence
  • Explanation

If you can’t think of an example, you can add further supporting ideas but we already have our two examples so that’s not an issue here.

A common problem when writing main body paragraphs for IELTS opinion essays is having too many ideas. Again, we have already chosen the two ideas we are going to develop, so we are all set to start writing.

You can see how important the planning stage is and how it makes the actual writing of the essay far quicker and easier.

Main Body Paragraph 1

The  topic sentence  summarises the main idea of the paragraph. That’s all it needs to do so it doesn’t have to be complicated.

It plays an important role in ensuring that your ideas flow logically from one to another. It does this by acting as a signpost for what is to come next, that is, what the paragraph will be about.

If you maintain a clear development of ideas throughout your essay, you will get high marks for task achievement and cohesion and coherence.

We’ll now take the idea for our first main body paragraph and create our topic sentence.

Main idea 1  – concerns about the risk of stress-related ill-health

Topic sentence:  

Employees earning a large income are generally under significant mental and emotional pressure to perform well and achieve targets.

Next, we must write an  explanation sentence . This explains to the examiner what we mean. It expands on our first idea.

Explanation sentence: 

This causes many individuals to suffer high levels of stress which can result in both mental and physical health problems.

Finally, we add an  example  to support our main point. I thought of this in the planning stage so I have it ready to use.

If you can’t think of a real example, it’s fine to make one up, as long as it’s believable. The examiner isn’t going to check your facts.

Example sentence:

This happened to my uncle. He used to boast about his huge salary but the boss kept increasing his sales targets and in the end, the stress became too great and he had a nervous breakdown. Now he regrets being driven by the money.

That’s the 3 parts of our first main body paragraph complete. Here’s the finished paragraph.

how to write thesis in ielts

We now follow the same process for our second main body paragraph.

Main Body Paragraph 2

Main idea 2  – Job satisfaction gives a sense of fulfilment.

First, we write the  topic sentence  to summarise the main idea.

Topic sentence:

Having a job that they enjoy doing, and in which they feel valued, is a major concern for most of the modern workforce.

Now for the  explanation sentence  to explain this idea.

Explanation sentence:

A significant number of people are giving up well-paid positions to do jobs which pay less but that they find more enjoyable and less stressful.

Finally, an  example  to support our main point. As before, I thought of this in the planning stage so just need to form it into a couple of sentences.

I am an example of this myself. A year ago I left the teaching profession because the workload had become too great and I am now a gardener. I feel really fulfilled in this work and I am much more relaxed and happy even though I earn far less money.

That’s the 3 parts of our second main body paragraph complete. Here’s the finished paragraph.

how to write thesis in ielts

Now we need a conclusion and our IELTS opinion essay is done.

How To Write a Conclusion

Conclusions to IELTS opinion essays should do two things:

  • Summarise the main points
  • State your opinion

This can generally be done in a single sentence.

If you are below the minimum 250 words after you’ve written your conclusion, you can add an additional prediction or recommendation statement.

Our essay currently has 233 words so we’re on target and don’t need this extra sentence but you can learn more about how to write a prediction or recommendation statement for IELTS opinion essays on the Task 2 Conclusions page.

The conclusion is the easiest sentence in the essay to write but one of the most important.

A good conclusion will:

  • Neatly end the essay
  • Link all your ideas together
  • Sum up your argument or opinion
  • Answer the question

If you achieve this, you’ll improve your score for both task achievement and cohesion and coherence which together make up 50% of the overall marks. Without a conclusion, you’ll score below band 6 for task achievement.

You can start almost any final paragraph of an IELTS opinion essay with the words:

  • In conclusion


  • To conclude

Now all you need to do is briefly summarise the main ideas into one sentence.

Here’s a top tip . Go back and read the introduction to the essay because this is also a summary of the essay. It outlines what you are going to write about.

To create a great conclusion, you simply have to paraphrase the introduction. Let’s give it a go.


how to write thesis in ielts

Here is the same information formed into a conclusion:

how to write thesis in ielts

That’s it. We’ve completed our essay. Here it is with the 4 paragraphs put together.


   A big salary is much more important than job satisfaction.

   Do you agree or disagree?

Finished IELTS opinion essay.

how to write thesis in ielts

Go through this lesson as many times as you need to in order to fully understand it and put in lots of practice writing IELTS opinion essays from past exam questions. Practice is the only way to improve your skills.

5 More Model IELTS Opinion Essays

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This pack contains another step-by-step lesson and  model essay. P lus 4 additional opinion essay questions with model answers.

Carefully created to help you achieve 7+ in your Writing test.

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More help with ielts opinion essays & other task 2 essays.

IELTS Writing Task 2  – T he format, the 5 question types, the 5 step essay writing strategy & sample questions. All the key information you need to know.

The 5 Types of Task 2 Essay   – How to recognise the 5 different types of Task 2 essays. 15 sample questions to study and a simple planning structure for each essay type.

Understanding Task 2 Questions  – How to quickly and easily analyse and understand IELTS Writing Task 2 questions.

How To Plan a Task 2 Essay  – Discover why essay planning is essential & learn a simple 4 step strategy, the 4 part essay structure & 4 methods of generating ideas.

How To Write a Task 2 Introduction  – Find out why a good introduction is essential. Learn how to write one using a simple 3 part strategy & discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

How To Write Task 2 Main Body Paragraphs  – Learn the simple 3 part structure for writing great main body paragraphs and also, 3 common mistakes to avoid. 

How To Write Task 2 Conclusions  – Learn the easy way to write the perfect conclusion for a Task 2 essay. Also discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

Task 2 Marking Criteria  – Find out how to meet the marking criteria in Task 2. See examples of good and poor answers & learn some common mistakes to avoid.

The 5 Task 2 Essay Types:

Step-by-step instructions on how to plan & write high-level essays. Model answers & common mistakes to avoid.

   Opinion Essays

   Discussion Essays

  Problem Solution Essays

  Advantages & Disadvantages Essays

  Double Question Essays

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IELTS Writing Test  – Understand the format & marking criteria, know what skills are assessed & learn the difference between the Academic & General writing tests.

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IELTS Academic

IELTS Writing Tips: How to Write 150 or 250 Words

Without a doubt, academic writing is the most challenging section of ielts..

Faced with a blank page, you have only 60 minutes in which to write 400 words by hand. This includes 150 words describing a diagram or data, plus 250 words giving your opinion on an issue.

It doesn’t help that few people actually write reports or essays by hand nowadays! Therefore, it’s no surprise that writing 150 or 250 words in the time allowed is the biggest concern of many IELTS candidates. And yes, there is a penalty in IELTS if you fail to write enough words. Usually this is a 0.5 reduction in your score.

However, when you examine any piece of academic writing, you’ll find that only a small part consists of original ideas, and most of it is made up of structural language. What does this mean? It means that certain kinds of sentences are found in all academic writing, and you can use them regardless of the topic to ensure that you write at least 150 or 250 words.

The article assumes you are familiar with the IELTS Academic Writing test format. If you aren't, read IELTS Writing: Introduction first.

IELTS Writing Tip 1

IELTS Writing Tip 1: Write a detailed thesis statement

You should already have a clear plan for your Task 2 essay when you begin writing your introduction. Try adding a detailed thesis statement that tells the examiner exactly what you are going to write about in each paragraph. A thesis statement typically begins with “This essay will…” or “In this essay, I will…”. Not only is this a great way to add more words to your introduction, it can increase your score in Coherence and Cohesion, which is based on how well you link your ideas. The technique can also be used in Task 1, though you’ll need to replace ‘essay’ with ‘report’.

IELTS Writing Tip 2

IELTS Writing Tip 2: Repeat the question topic in each new paragraph

One definition of a paragraph is that it should not depend on other paragraphs in order to be understood. When you begin a new paragraph in Task 1 or Task 2, state the topic again. For example: “Another reason for the decline in academic standards is…” rather than “Another reason is…” Although this may seem like repeating yourself unnecessarily, it helps to create a more academic style of writing. It also helps to move you more quickly towards your goal of writing 150 or 250 words. You’ll get bonus points if you can paraphrase the topic each time you mention it.

IELTS Writing Tip 3

IELTS Writing Tip 3: Write transition sentences

A transition sentence connects two stages in your writing. It may refer to what has already been written, or it may explain what will come next. A good transition sentence can do both: “Having look at X, I will now turn to Y.” They are incredibly useful in both Task 1 and Task 2 of IELTS Writing. They help you write more, even when there isn’t a great deal to say. Just like Tip #1, this writing technique also adds to your score in Coherence and Cohesion.

IELTS Writing Tip 4

IELTS Writing Tip 4: Summarise your main points

It’s perfectly normal to reach your conclusion and find that you still need to write at least another 50 words! There’s an easy solution to this, of course. Summarising your main points is a great way to get extra mileage out of them, as well as to show off your paraphrasing skills. You should do this only when you need to write those extra words. If your Task 1 answer seems to be at least 150 words already, don’t waste time summarising. Just get straight on to Task 2.

IELTS Writing Tip 5

IELTS Writing Tip 5: Predict the future

My final IELTS Writing tip is only for use when you’ve summarised your main points but your answer still looks a little too short. It also works for both tasks. In Task 1, look at the data you’ve been given and predict where it’s likely to go in future. Technically, you aren’t supposed to do this, but it’s a perfectly fine technique to add a little extra information. In Task 2, a conditional sentence is a very useful method of predicting the future. If your advice isn’t followed, what could happen?

IELTS Preparation with Liz: Free IELTS Tips and Lessons, 2024

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IELTS Essay Introduction for an Opinion Essay

This lesson looks at how to write an IELTS essay introduction for an opinion essay. The introduction is the easiest part of any IELTS essay as it follows a similar content for all IELTS task 2 types.

This lesson is a follow-on lesson from last week. Learn how to find main points before continuing with this introduction lesson:  Finding Main Points for an Opinion Essay :

Every one of us should become a vegetarian because eating meat can cause serious health problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

How to write an IELTS essay introduction

  • Write one statement paraphrasing the information given. This will be your background statement. Make sure you paraphrase the information exactly and don’t include any irrelevant or extra information in it.
  • When you paraphrase, make sure you are using words that you are confident with. It is good to paraphrase but you will reduce your band score if you have too many errors.
  • Introduce your answer in the thesis statement. The thesis statement follows the background statement. It should contain your answer, your main points.
  • Don’t write more than 50 words for your introduction.
  • cause serious health problems = damage our health
  • become a vegetarian = adopt a vegetarian diet

Next lesson, we will look at how to write the body paragraphs for this essay.

Recommended Lessons

Finding Main Points for an Opinion Essay (Previous Lesson for this topic) IELTS Video Lesson for Writing Task 2: How to write an introduction IELTS Video Lesson for Writing Task 2: Connecting Sentences IELTS Liz YouTube Channel

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Some believe that we all ought to stop eating meat because its consumption could lead to severe health issue. While being a herbivore has its own health benefits, I am of the opinion that, a strictly plant-based diet does not guarantee a good health, in fact it could result in diseases due to deficiency in nutrients only supplied by meat.

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Its commonly believed that being vegetarian is the key to staying healthy as being a carnivore has detrimental effects on human health. In my opinion, having animal protein within daily food consumption have positive effects on health, as well as preventing us from getting certain diseases, However, maintaining adequate vegetable intake is also important.

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Looking good!

Thank you so much for the feedback

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Some are of the opinion that consumption of meat is detrimental to health and as such, the need to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. In my opinion, the importance of meat as an essential source of protein for humans cannot be overlooked; maintaining a balanced intake of both meat and vegetables is very key.

The right technique. But a few grammar issues. Remember that all mistakes will lower your score. Aim to produce flawless sentences.

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It is believed that all of us should shift into a vegetable-only diet, as consuming meat can often lead to critical health issues. In my opinion, although the benefits of vegetables are widely known and highly appreciated, right proportion of meat products should still be included in one’s diet.

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Is it correct to say: It is often considered by some that all of us should switch to a vegetarian diet, as foods composed of meat could be harmful to our health. I believe that eating vegetables is healthy; however, consuming healthy meat in the right proportion is equally important.

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Though meat is a good source of nutrients, it is believed that having non-vegetarian food can lead to serious illness and it is advised to shift to plant-based food habits. I completely agree with this notion as meat can be a communicable means for the transfer of diseases to the human race and even human organs are not developed to be omnivorous or carnivorous.

Animals are affected by different diseases that do not develop in human beings. But these diseases or their sources can be transferred during the consumption of animal flesh. The major severity linked with these diseases is that our body does not generate antibodies to such microorganisms or viruses that cause such harmful diseases. It has been seen in the past that diseases like Rabies and Ebola are spread to the human race from animal life.

Human body parts are naturally made to be vegetarian. The length of our teeth, nails, and intestines clearly differs from that of carnivores. Since we are not supposed to eat non-vegetarian food, it takes longer to digest the animal flesh which could lead to indigestion problems. However, people believe that consuming meat provides more nutrients, but the same amount of nutrition and balanced diets can be taken from plant-based food options.

In conclusion, having looked at the topic in detail, I agree with the fact that a vegetarian diet is a healthier and balanced diet for us whereas non-vegetarian food can cause health concerns and various diseases in the human body.

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I am just wondering, I have been watching your videos from 10days and l want to book a date,but I’m bit confuse in reading task,so what shall I do for that.?hope you will suggest me.🙏and another thing, I love your teaching and appreciate your help for all students.

Don’t book a date until you are confident you can get the score you need. Get the IELTS Cambridge test books and start working through them – they contain past papers and are officially published by IELTS.

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Adopting a vegetarian diet is recommended to prevent chronic health issues resulting from eating meat. In my opinion, I agree that consuming too much meat could lead to serious health challenges. However, a balanced diet is essential for developing and improving health.

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Many health problems occurs because of having lack of non veg food. Recent study shows that an individual having meat daily is hospitalized every week. To overcome such problems, everyone should follow vegetarian diet instead of non veg food. I believe that each and every person should become vegetarian not only it will help to rermain healthy but it also helps in maintaining cholestrol level.

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It is advised that everyone should develop into a vegetarian and avoid the consumption of meat to prevent health challenges. In my opinion, I agree meat can cause some serious damage to the body, but it and some other dairy products provide the protein that the body needs.

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Meat consumption can be detrimental to our health, despite its health benefits, some people think every one should become a vegetarian. In my opinion, animal fat metabolism takes a longer period to undergo assimilation. Nonetheless, eating a diet with nutrients in their proportion in highly encourage.

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It is suggested that people should intake vegetables only because meat consumption is detrimental to our health. From my perspective, although a vegetarian diet is beneficial to our health, a balanced diet that contains considerable meat and vegetables is more important to improve health conditions.

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Becoming vegetarian seems to be a new lifestyle as it tends to decrease many health problems. In my opinion, turning vegetarian not only makes someone healthy as it requires a balanced vegetarian diet.

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All people should stop eating meat as it’s consumption may lead to complicated health related problems. In my opinion, I agree that being a vegetarian is healthy. However, a good number of meat and diary products have a lot of healthy benefits.

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Eating meat is considered to cause serious health problems which is why some recommend becoming a vegetarian. In my opinion, vegetables are the key to being healthy because they contain the richest minerals and proteins, though, meats can be part of a balanced diet.

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Every individual should adapt the vegetarian food and avoid the meat habit as it can deteriorate the health. In my opinion, yes I agree with this statement and government should take some necessary steps to put ban on selling meat.

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Some people believe that everyone should adopt a vegetarian diet because the consumption of meat can lead to serious health complications. In my opinion, having a vegetarian diet is healthy but having meat such as fish and chicken can also contribute to a healthy diet once there is a balance.

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Adopting the vegetarian lifestyle should be the goal for all people because it is believed that meat consumption causes serious health implications. It is no doubt that following a vegetarian diet can lead to improved health choices and keep certain diseases away, I however I do not believe that eating meat is simply a ticket to poor health.

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Eating meat may have critical health, all are trying to shift their diet similar to vegans diet. However, in my opinion eating meat do have some advantages. Only having veggies in our food would not help in building or getting essential nutrients to our body. even few vegetables like potato have many disadvantages

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some scientific reserchers counter that all individual can intake / adopt vegetrian dieat instead of eating fish,meat whereas they can lead /harm to our health .In my iopinion intaking a vegetrian dieat was a good balanced diet,good for health but taking a meat with a proper amount was not harm to our health system .i disagree with the statment i shall discuss all pros nd cons in further paragraph

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All people must adapt vegetarian food habits as consuming meat may impact their health and can lead to various diseases. I partially agree with the proposed idea because our body needs a balanced diet for healthy functioning, which cannot be availed “only” from the vegetarian food sources.

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Nowadays increasing number of health issues, people are changing to vegetarian, being than meat-eaters. But in my opinion, it is impossible that everyone relies only on vegetables for our body nutritional needs.

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Being a vegetarian have risen in popularity among the people, as it is believed that meat provokes numerous health diseases. From my point of view , I agree that a drastic change in our daily eaten habits must be considered not just to stay healthy in the long term but also to preserve our valuable natural resources.

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It is thought that having meat based diet can lead to critical health issues, that is why every individual must go for being a vegetarian. In my opinion, having fish, poultry, and red meat is as important as eating vegetables as long as your consumption of meat is well balanced.

Can someone please comment and let me know where the improvements are needed? Thanks 🙂

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Hlo liz Please check my intro The consumption of meat has had a detrimental effect on health hence all of us should be take vegetarian diet. However, while i believe that adopting a vegetarian diet can help us make ourselves healthy, i agree that meat is a main source of protein that completes our diet so both are needed in a balanced diet. Thanks for lesson.

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A diet rich in meat can have a detrimental effect on health. While it can be beneficial to reduce the amount of meat eaten, i don’t think becoming a vegetarian is necessary.

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Vegetarianism has been increasingly becoming a well-known trend globally. Its proponents are claiming that abstaining from the consumption of meat is the best way to be free from any forms of illnesses, while the opposition believes that eating meat is crucial to maintaining one’s well-being. In my opinion, a balanced portion of both food groups mentioned is the key to being healthy.

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I have watched your advanced lesson on Agree/Disagree essay, but one question is there for which I could not find an appropriate answer

Let us take an example, the one used here,

“Every one of us should become a vegetarian because eating meat can cause serious health problems.” Agree/Disagree?

1) If I completely “Agree” then do I need to mention both parts in the “Thesis Statement”? Is that the correct approach? Thesis statement should include: a) I agree that everyone should become a vegetarian. b) I agree that meat can cause health issues.

2) Then I need two body paragraphs, a) State reason + supporting point exclusively on why everyone should become a vegetarian. b) State reason + supporting point exclusively on why meat could cause health issue.

Do you think above approaches are correct?

3) What if I need to write three paragraphs then what should I mention in third paragraph? Because I covered two parts of the question in the two paragraphs already.

Thanks again for amazing advanced lessons.

Looking for your expert advice

Thanks, Yash

I don’t understand question 3 – “what if I have to write three paragraphs..” – you choose if you write two or three. It’s your choice. If you have two main ideas, you have two body paragraph. The number of paragraphs matches your ideas. Your structure otherwise is fine. I teach the optional third paragraph to offer people flexibility and choice. Glad my Advanced lessons are good.

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All of us must only consumer vegetarian food as non-vegetarian diet can potentially lead to critical health issues. In my opinion, a vegatarian diet is not the key to a healthy life. Having a balanced diet and regular exercise is important for developing a healthy body.

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Some people concede that meat consumption contributes to negative health impacts. Preventing those impacts, therefore, those people decide to become vegetarian. Personally, I believe that adopting a vegetarian diet can help us to have a healthy life. However, I think it is more essential to have a balanced diet with an adequate amount of meat as well as fruit and vegetable.

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According to some, due to the fact that eating meat might result in various illnesses, becoming a vegetarian is a must. in my opinion, this can improve the human health.

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Each one of us should adopt vegetarian diet because eating meat damage our health . I totally admit it, from last few year scientists research on it and find that meat eaters have more health problems like cancer , heartattack issue etc in comparison with vegetarian .

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I understand you do not offer writing correction services. Just want to know if the structuring below is appropriate.

Consuming meat can cause critical health issues, hence all of us should adopt a vegetarian diet. In my opinion, while fruits and vegetables bring vital nutrients & vitamins to the table, meat is a major source of proteins that completes out diet. Moreover, quality sourced meats are free from the risk of contamination and disease.

Is it ok to use idiomatic expressions or phrases in writing, esp in introduction?

Thank you. Shailesh

It’s a good introduction. But make sure you differentiate between other people’s views and your views. You can do this by using “It is thought” in your first sentence – that indicates it is an opinion held by others. Don’t use “&” – use words. Be careful describing a vegetarian diet as fruit and vegetables – vegetarians also eat beans and pulses which contain high quantities of protein. Otherwise – all good 🙂

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Hi Liz… I have a question regarding Opinion Essay. Firstly, the topic is: “Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste? ” Here, I have a confusion that either this asking for agreeing or agree/disagree both?

It is asking you to present your opinion – Do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more? Present your view.

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Some people say every individual should follow a vegetarian diet because consuming meat is considered as injurious to health. In my opinion, I completely agree with that vegetarian people have less health issues while meat eaters likely to have diseases like cancer, heart stroke etc.

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Hi Liz Is that right or no? We should be vegetarian which is eating meat can give us problems in our health. In my opinion, I disagree that eating meat is the key to have problems with heath. However, I also believe that have vegetarian life can destroy our health.

You have a problem with grammar and vocabulary – this means your English language contains too many errors. Your technique is fine.

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Hi liz, i have a simple question. Is the command “give your own opinion” the same with “agree/disagree” question type? I’m a little bit lost here. Thanks liz.

Yes, it is 100% the same. Any instructions that ask directly for your opinion is an opinion essay. The instructions are often paraphrased, but you approach it all in the same way.

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Exactly this is what I thought as well. I thought the thesis would be for u to state whether you agree or disagree with the statement. And the introduction should give what will later be discussed in the passage. Pls address this thanks

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Hi Liz, This is Sharmila ….Thank u so much for addressing all our needs…..Hereby I have written an introduction part for the above statement .So please give me some suggestions……

Some people claim that consuming meat will give adverse effects on health,so they stick to follow a vegan diet.But actually,that is not the key for that problem. In my opinion,I do not completely agree that everyome have to become a vegetarian.Howeover ,sometimes eating vegetables too affect our health.According to me it has it own pros and cons either being a vegetarian or a Non-vegrtarian.

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Being a vegetarian should be the goal for everyone, as eating meat can lead to dangerous health issues. I believe that everyone should balance their diet between meat and vegetables to be able to get all body requirements.

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Majority believe that everybody ought to be vegans since consuming meat products is considered to have harm to human’s health. However, to say that some people can not imagine their menu without meat is a conservative statement.

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Would you please review my answer and provide feedback.

All individual must only consume vegetables, as non-veg edibles may have fatal health concerns. In my opinion, it is crucial to include vegetable as a part of our daily diet but I also believe that our food should be equally balanced by making meat a part of it.

I do not offer marking.

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People all around the world need to be a vegetarian since consuming meat can lead us to serious health diseases. In my opinion that people should consume vegetarian food instead of meat. However, our diet should be supported by supplements such as vitamins and pills.

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Majority of people give thoughts on diseases “they say the non-vegetarian meal may be effect on body problems such as heart attack”.This essay will discuss about how it worst our body and what thing will protect to us

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We all must become veggie because eating meat can lead us to fatal diseases. In my opinion, I believe that eating vegetables can make us more healthy rather eating meat.

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hi, Can i use ‘as far as iam concerned ‘instead of ‘ in my opinion’. Thank you

Do not use informal language in a formal essay.

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Due to serious health issues caused by eating meat,some people think that everyone ought to be a vegetarian.In my opinion,l agree that a small portion of meat and vegetables is healthier.

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Hi Liz. I am new on you blog but i have enjoyed most of the things you have posted here.

Can you please help me with this introduction. I have 14 days more for my IELTS exams

Some people believe that several health risks could be prevented if we avoid consuming meat products and take in vegetables. I agree that eating meat have the potential to cause detriments to health , however I disagree that all person should become vegetarians by avoiding meat to leave healthy.

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Thanks a lot liz, this my introduction . Hope you could revise it Some people believe consuming animal products damage the health and being a vegetarian away from harmful food will keep body away from illness as heart attack. In my opinion, I think consuming both kinds of diet in a balanced level with a healthy cooking style will provide us a required amount of supplements as our body needs to be healthier.

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It is considered by some people that, people need to change their meat diet instead of becoming vegetarian as consuming meat can occur severe disorders in human health.In my opinion, i admit being vegetarian will definitely reduce several health problems. In addition, i also think eating meat is also necessary to keep our health fit.

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You said that it’s okay to keep some word as it is since it already a scientific word or either if you unsure about the perfect substitution of the word. My question is, do you have any maximum of the word that you keep for paraphrasing?

For example like this: Artist need a certain amount of freedom to develop their creativity. Some people think that artist should have total freedom to express any thoughts and ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

I think I can keep the word “artist” and “creativity”. But I doubt about “freedom”, I might use its explanation but somehow freedom seems to be a perfect word to be keep as well. Also, how far I need to find synonym for “people”? Or just let it be..?

Tomorrow I will put up and exercise on this website about your question and the day after I will show you a model and explain.

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All the people in the world should be an omnivores as in taking non vegetarian fodd damages our health. I agree that, eating a vegetarian diet is healthy.However, having a balanced diet including vegetables, fruits and some healthy meat is the best.

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Regarding to the debate on dietary topic, there are more and more people opting for vegetarian diet because of health issues, spiritual belief or environmental awareness. While it is true that a meat-free diet can contribute to the betterment of a certain number of people, I do not think that everyone should follow this trend.

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According to the perception of some people meat is harmful for human health thus vegetables should be the diet solely. However in my opinion I disagree that to have some meat in lunch can be considered dangerous. I also believe vegetables are essential for balanced diet.

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hi liz could you please check my introduction and please tell me is it a good one or not

Imposing a vegetarian diet on people cannot be tolerated, even though it can cause serious health problems.However, one could not say vegans are free from any life style diseases as most illnesses have historic routes. Moreover, there are shreds of examples that vegetarians are more prone to nutritional deficiency diseases, due to the lack of nutrients that they get from non-vegetarian foods. Therefore, I completely disagree to this view and opine that a combined diet is vital for the health of an individual.

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Hi Liz, Could you please review my introduction.

Some people believe that eating meat could affect badly our health. Therefore, people should focus on eating vegetable solely. In my opinion, I disagree that having a reasonable amount of meat in daily food could harm the body. However, I also believe that eating vegetables is key to have a healthy life.

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People must have balance diet,which include vegetable ,fruits ,meat ,dry fruits helps in maintaining health

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Hello,, can you please evaluate my introduction . a detailed comment could help me alot.

Eating meat might be the main reason of a major health issues and disease, therefore, some people think that everyone have to become a vegetarian. In my opinion, i disagree that eating meat could be a reason for health damage.

Thanks in advance

You didn’t give your opinion on whether you think everyone should become vegetarian. You must address the task – this means answer the whole question.

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Diet is essential part of our daily routines. Some people suggest that we all should avoid eating meat and perfer to become vegetarian because veg diet always keep us healthy and keep away from health diseases. I believe that vegetarian food have more nutrients, vitamins and diseases free such as heart attcaks, diabetes instead of non vegetarian.

Check my intro. And give suggestions

Definitely review your vocabulary and spelling.

Thanks, liz

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Hi Liz, kindly help check my introduction. Thanks.

Vegetarians are people which do not eat animal flesh and, or products. Some people believe that meat is related to serious health problems, thus, instigating their decision to become vegetarians. I strongly disagree that everybody should become vegetarians. Although red meat can be detrimental to health, it can be consumed moderately or substituted with white meat like chicken and mutton.

Did you watch my video on this page which explains that you don’t need a hook. Your first sentence is not needed. The examiner knows the meaning of the word “vegetarian”. Cut your first sentence and you have a good intro.

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I only came across your site a couple of days ago, and I wish it was sooner. My exam will be this coming 4th March and I am extremely nervous. In spite of all the preparation I have done, I still do not feel confident enough to ace the test. I tried every way that I can think of to pass this exam, perhaps the effort was not good enough, perhaps my method is insufficient. I just want to make it, I seek online/personal tutor, never ending IELTS reference books was read, and practice test done. I am keeping myself on the positive side, but this exam truly challenge my sanity. So true is sad that it will come to that extent, that I doubt myself on failure to this. There has to be a way, formula to make it easy. Thereby coming across your site was a blessing, and you make every lessons comprehensible and interactive. With that, every credit should all be yours. Learning English has been tough journey for me, indeed and to be honest, together with other examinees who have tried this exam many times, it can be frustrating. Anyway, enough of the ranting and let us get back into real business. I wrote a sample introduction here, and please let me know what you think.

It is believed that most people should adopt a vegetarian diet because meat consumption causes a detrimental effect on our health. In my opinion, not only eating vegetables is beneficial to our body, it also promotes less damage to other living organisms.

* I am not sure if I used the correct conversion for this thesis statement.

Kind regards, Avy

Your background statement is fine. Your opinion presents a clear position but you don’t actually state if you agree that eating meat is damaging to our health. What is your opinion of that? Make sure your opinion covers all aspects of the question and issue. See my main page for writing task 2: . All main pages can be accessed through the red bar at the top of my website. If you need more help with writing task 2, think of purchasing one of my advanced lessons: . You’ve got almost a week before your test – you can learn a lot in that time.

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Hi, Liz. I’ve been following your site mainly because it is the best teaching site for IELTS I’ve came across, so far. I think you know that by now. 🙂

Anyway, just want to ask you this: I understand that it is important for us to give our opinion in the introduction, but we would repeat the same message in the conclusion part. Wouldn’t that be redundant?

If you have to write an opinion essay, you introduce your opinion, explain it in the body paragraphs and conclude / restate it again in the conclusion. This is the structure of an agree / disagree essay. See this page:

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Hey Liz I’ve been following your website for quite a long it’s very helpful. My question is that can we write our opinion on the new line after paraphrasing the question…?

The background statement and thesis statement are in the same paragraph. Watch the video on this page to learn:

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Hey Liz, i’ve been following your website for quite sometime now. Can you check the introduction I made about this topic? thanks

All of us are required to be vegetarians due to the reason that consuming meat products might result to life-threatening health conflicts. in my opinion, I agree that vegetables should have more proportions in our meals but I believe that we also need meat for a balanced diet.

Your background statement should not express a fact in this case, it should express “other people’s views”.

so i missed putting the word “some people believe”?

That’s right. You are not presenting a fact in this case.

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How can I know that this essay is a Balanced Opinion or One-sided Opinion … do i decide something like that or he will tell me to do it with a certain way? please clarify this point as on your 1 hour OPINION essay writing task 2 video I purchased you didn’t mention how can we figure out that? thank you!

This is a balanced view. If it was one sides, we would agree that being vegetarian is the ONLY way. A one sided essays agrees 100% and does not add any other information or specific view point.

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Hi liz, Thanks for your great help, What if i agree to the statement, and consider vegetarian diet the healthiest. Furthermore, If i wont to add another opinion like talking about another unhealthy food that should be avoided

As long as you present a clear opinion and support it, then it’s fine.

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topic :- Prevention is better then cure…..

first of all , Prevantion is that for example, the Prevention means ” Stop The Process or Work the Cure means ” Solving The Problem”.

Prevention when occur then, we create the problem and hoe to stop that problem is called Prevention. i think prevention is necessary at this time, Because we think about prevention that means because the time for process and decrease the money cost behind expenses behind work. Preventioon before the problem occur that means we always aggresive in work, in future any type of work we always have solution behind the process. Cure Means according to my thought “Medicine”. If we have a medicine then we can easily frfee from problem. it happens in future then also. Prevention & Cure both are little bit same but if we think Prevention before any kind of work that means we were always in safe side, but when we dnt think about prevention but not only dependent on cure that means we have no option because of we applied about cure only.

Cure is also good but lots of type of cure like ‘medicine’,’physical’,’financial’,’friendly’. in that condition we always cover for us with cure. One more important used cure at this time is “Life Insurance” Policy. it’s always cure about your futurre as well as your family. if we take an insurance that means we protect the own & family. Insurance is fully protect the family from any human being problems like accident, death causes, etc.

Prevention is i think always beteter then cure.

In my point of view , i conclude that Prevention is always save the time & money in future.

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Liz, would you mind taking a look at this conclusion:

All people must practise being a vegan because detrimental health conditions related to health result to eating meat products. In my opinion, I agree that eating vegetables may significantly improve health. However, I also believe that intake of meat is also essential to our overall nutritional condition.

You don’t need a long conclusion – it won’t help your score at all. Just one sentence is enough (two at most).

Hi Liz – my bad. The paragraph I wrote above is for my introduction and not conclusion. Thoughts please? 🙂 Thank you.

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Liz, How about the following introduction paragraph for above task.

“We should start eating only vegetables due to the fact that taking meat in our food may result into major diseases. In my opinion, I do not agree with the concept of avoiding meat. However, there should be a balanced food consists of meat as well as vegetables.”

Avoid using “we” in IELTS essays.

Noted with thanks

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ht is considered by many that it would be beneficial for all of us if we opted completely for vegetables as meat intake can result in major health issues. In my view, even though eating vegetables is considered healthy, a well balanced diet is more crucial for the well being of anyone. thank u so much for your extremely thorough explanations. I have given a go at the introduction for above mentioned topic. I would be grateful if u could comment on my effort. Looking forward to your reply..!! Take care

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Hlo Liz , will you plz tell me we can mention words like in my opinion or I am agree or disagree in task 2 essays???

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Goodevening Mrs Liz,

Thanks for your wonderful website. I really appreciate what you have done for us.

While studying writing Task2 introduction with the model introduction you wrote page-up I found missing commas -but I am not sure in the first setence of it ” Eating meat is considered by some to damage out health (,)and for that reason(,) they believe …”

Honestly, I am still not sure where commas are used in sentences. However, can you answer my question I asked earlier?

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hmmm…..I find it very difficult in writing essays ……plz Auntie Liz …help me do I write …I have a paper on january

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Hi liz… If I didn’t use this layout in my exam introduction will it affect my score?and if yes for which criterion?

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dear Liz any positive criticism please, apart from typos ? some people believe that every person in the commumity ought to eat vegetables to avoid devastating health issues,which could be caused by eating meat.In my opinion, i don’t agree to this idea, for meat has vital role to play in developing people’s body and helps make a balanced diet.

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can you give your idea for this introduction

Food is fundamental need for every living being.If the people can feed on only vegetables, they may obtain healthy life.It is generally accepted that consuming meat is one of the fact that cause dangerous diseases. In my opinion, I agree that vegetarian diet is the key to health. However, meat is required to develop the body cells in growth of human.

Sorry I don’t comment on writing. All the best Liz

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Hi Liz! I recently found out about your blog and It’s a great help for many students who are preparing for their IELTS exams. I watched your video about writing introduction for task 2 and tried myself writing an Introduction. So, here it is.

Nowadays, many people believe that we should adopt a vegetarian diet and give up theconsumption of meat – as eating too much of meat can lead to some severe health issues. In my opinion, I think, following a vegetarian diet is good for health. However, I also believe that one should focus on having a balanced diet which include moderate amount of meat.

Sorry I don’t comment on writing but I’m glad to see you are practicing. All the best Liz

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Plz help me to improve ielts writing task 2

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Hi Liz, I have written this Intro is it okay. “Some people believe that meat as diet can cause major health issues, so best way to health would be to become vegitarian. In my openion, vegitarian food is definetely a healthy option. However, having balanced diet which includes both vegitables and some healthy meat, is the key. “

Sorry, I don’t comment on writing. Thanks Liz

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I have booked and exam appointment for September 26, 2015 and would like to know what to do from now till the exam date.

Please watch the “How to Prepare for IELTS” video on my home page. Then start working through information and tips pages. The review model answers. After that do practice lessons. All the best Liz

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I’ve purchased all your three video lessons for writing task 2. They are quite useful. Thank you! And I’m just wondering when the video clips for another two types of writing will be online? Thanks.

Unfortunately, not until next Spring. If I have time, I will try and finish speaking part 2 video lesson for next month. All the best Liz

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Hey my also 26 of september.wherevare you from

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How can i get the body paragraph of this essay??

Sorry, I don’t provide full model essays for all lessons. Liz

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Hi Liz! I am posting this comment just to thank you , you’re a very good teacher! I am gonna be examinated tomorrow, I admit I haven’t studied that much during the last days, so your website has been very helpful . I hope you’ll keep on doing this for the students’ sake 🙂 All the best from Italy, Francesco

Good luck tomorrow!!! Keep your mind focused on the questions and remember this is about technique and English language. Let me know how your exam goes 🙂 All the best Liz

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Hi liz, I have 2 questions to ask. the first one is `can I use I deem or it is demeed to be in order to paraphrase I think or it is considered?` The second one is in part 0 of speaking task, when I’ll be asked `how are you?` Can I use a slang to respond, for instance by saying I got a hitch in my giddy up. Looking forward to your answer.

Thanks for all the lessons.

I wouldn’t use the paraphrase “I deem”, it rarely used these days. For your question about speaking, it is unlikely the examiner will ask this question because it is not part of any topic and it is not part of the ID check. But if the examiner does ask it, you must answer naturally “I’m fine” or “I’m feeling ok today, thanks”. Avoid putting unnatural idioms into your answers – it won’t increase your score and the example you gave above is not only inappropriate but also incorrect. All the best Liz

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It’s considered that consuming meat might cause adverse health outcomes and thus everyone should be adopted to a vegetarian diet. Likewise, being a vegetarian outweighs it’s benefits than it’s risks.

One of the key advantages of being a vegetarian is lowering the cancer risk as especially red meats are known to have carcinogenic compounds. Besides, it prevents having non communicable diseases like hypertension, because the meats contain the bad types of cholesterol.

On the other hand, there is a vast majority of nutrients available in meat like high quality proteins and vitamins. Therefore lacking those nutrients might lead to neurological as well as musculoskeletal issues.

To conclude, there are numbers of health benefits of being a vegetarian compared to the counterpart. Nevertheless, it is essential to replace the aforementioned major nutrients by consuming the alternatives like eggs.

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  2. How to write an IELTS thesis statement.

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    An introduction paragraph for an IELTS writing task 2 essay requires only two statements. A Background Statement - This is a paraphrase of the essay question. All essays must have this statement. A Thesis Statement - A direct answer to the essay question and task.

  23. IELTS Essay Introduction for an Opinion Essay

    This lesson looks at how to write an IELTS essay introduction for an opinion essay. The introduction is the easiest part of any IELTS essay as it follows a similar content for all IELTS task 2 types. ... Introduce your answer in the thesis statement. The thesis statement follows the background statement. It should contain your answer, your main ...